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Circular Microstrip Patch Antenna For UHF RFID Reader

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Circular Microstrip Patch Antenna for UHF RFID

M. H. Ariff 1, M. Y. Hisyam1, M. Z. Ibrahim1, S. Khatun1, I. Ismarani2 and N. Shamsuddin3
Faculty of Electrical & Electronics Engineering, Universiti Malaysia Pahang, Pekan, Malaysia.
Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Shah Alam, Malaysia.
Standards and Industrial Research Institute of Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

Abstract—This paper presents an analysis of Circular shape [7].

patch antenna for Ultra High-Frequency Identification (UHF) Nowadays, there are many categories of the designed
Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) Reader Applications. antenna built for RFID readers such as monopole antenna [8],
The fabricated antenna has lightweight, simple structure, low PIFA antenna [9], loop antenna [10], helical [11] and three
profile and easy for fabrication due to the used of FR-4 materials
with loss tangent 0.019, the dielectric constant of 4.7 and
elements printed Yagi antenna [12]. By implementing the
thickness of 1.6 mm. It can be operated for UHF RFID system same printed antenna approaches as mentioned above, this
in Malaysia with the frequency assigned from 919 MHz to 923 aimed antenna design takes benefits of the FR-4 substrate
MHz. The antenna simulation was analysed by using CST material.
Studio Suite 2016. From the results, the antenna has the Microstrip patch antennas (MPA) comprises of grounded
reflection coefficient (S11) less than -10dB together with the patch and substrate of metallization. These are lightweight,
bandwidth of 90 MHz. Other results of antenna parameter such low profile and most suitable for mobile applications and
as voltage standing wave ratio (VSWR), circular polarized electronic integrated applications. Furthermore, microstrip
radiation pattern, return loss and gain were also discussed. The patch antenna is usually designed at UHF and microwave
complete size of the proposed antenna is 120 mm x 120 mm x 1.6
mm. Thus, it is suitable for RFID portable reader applications.
frequencies because the dimension of the antenna is right
away tied to the wavelength at the resonant frequency. There
Index Terms—Microstrip Antenna; Radio Frequency is a unique property for the microstrip patch antenna which is
Identification; Ultra High Frequency; Return Loss. the capability to have a variant of polarization.
Circularly polarized (CP) antenna is a type of antenna with
I. INTRODUCTION circular polarization. CP antenna is far better than linear
polarization antenna since it is very effective in reducing
In recent years, radio frequency identification technology fading or multipath interference [13]. Many designs have
(RFID) has moved from unpopular technology into been built by the researchers to find this horizontal, vertical,
mainstream applications such as in agriculture product, right-hand circular polarization (RHCP) or left-hand circular
electronics equipment, manufacturing products that produced polarization (LHCP) using a single feed point
in large quantity in order to track the location, delivery record arrangement[14]. These advantages allow patch antennas to
and facilitate location [1]. be adopted in different types of frequency bands that may
RFID utilizes an electromagnetic field to electronically have varied specifications.
track and identify tags enclosed to objects and these tags The main disadvantages of microstrip patch antennas are
contain electronically stored information [2]. RFID has many narrow bandwidth, lesser gain and poor efficiency, which
advantages over barcodes, for instance, in the operation of disturbed the efficiency of this antenna. Various researchers
barcode reading, the scanner must be placed directly in front currently studied different shapes of antenna design for RFID
of each label and both need to be oriented to a very specific readers by applying a varied approach of patch and ground
position to function properly [3-4]. On the other hand, RFID geometry such as E shaped patch [15], U shaped patch [16],
tags do not need strictly oriented to RFID readers right away C shaped patch [17], L shaped patch [18]. Other modes to
because RFID uses radio waves to communicate and the decrease these deficiencies are including the make use of
RFID tag only needs to be in the reader reading range, which notches [19], cutting various slots [20], antenna array [21],
will vary depending on the types of handheld RFID reader material thickness [22] and different substrate material [23]
used in the application [5]. With an improvement of the anti- in the patch geometry.
collision element in RFID technology, readers can read multi- This work discovers the potentiality of advancing the UHF
tag and identify multiple objects at the same time [6]. This RFID performance to any UHF reader module by focusing on
will ensure the safeness and security of the object and also increasing the read range and antenna gain in comparison
reduce the need for the time taken and manual personnel to with the state of the art. The aim of this study is to design a
identify the objects. low profile circular patch antenna for an ultra-high frequency
The RFID reader antenna designed in the (UHF) ultra-high RFID based on Malaysia Frequency Allocation (921 MHz-
frequency, (300MHz-3GHz) frequency band has been 923MHz). The communication between the fabricated
extensively used to detect objects rather than other frequency antennas, RFID module and computers can enhance the
such as (LF), low frequency (30-300 kHz) and HF, high potential of this study.
frequency (3 MHz-300 MHz) because it has advantages in
term of better read range and can read many tags per second

e-ISSN: 2289-8131 Vol. 10 No. 1-2 61

Journal of Telecommunication, Electronic and Computer Engineering


Dimension of the Antenna
The antenna consists of a modified circular patch shaped Parameter Symbol Segment Dimension (mm)
microstrip element printed into the FR-4 substrate with a Patch a Radius 40
dielectric constant (εr) of 4.7, loss tangent of 0.019 and Notch Wn Width 3
thickness of 1.6 mm. The patch and ground were used PEC Ln Length 7
Arm 1 W1 Width 3
material with the thickness of 0.0035 mm. Figure 1 shows the L1 Length 11
dimension and geometry of the antenna. Arm 2 W2 Width 11
L2 Length 3
Arm 3 W3 Width 3
L3 Length 11
Arm 4 W4 Width 11
L4 Length 3
Ground Wg Width 120
Lg Length 120
Substrate Ws Width 120
Ls Length 120
h Thickness 1.6
εr Dielectric Constant 4.7
SMA Ω Impedance 50

Figure 1: The geometry design of the proposed antenna.

The complying mathematical model has been analysed in

designing the Circular Patched Microstrip antenna [24].
The relationship between the radius of circular patch radius
(a), resonant frequency (fr), dielectric constant (ɛr) and
thickness of the substrate (h);

a 1/ 2

 2h   F   (1)
1  ln   1.7726 

  r 
F  2 h   Figure 2: Fabricated Microstrip Antenna


8.791 10 9
F (2) A. Result of simulation of the proposed antenna
fr  r
The simulation of important parameters prototype of the
proposed antenna is done by using CST Microwave Design
The condition above does not take into consideration over Studio 2016 software. It is worth mentioning that the used
the fringing impact. Since fringing makes the patch time domain simulation is useful to study the field
electrically bigger, the effective radius (ae) of the patch is propagation along the traces of FR4 such as reflection
utilized and can be defined as: coefficient S11, Voltage Standing Wave Ratio (VSWR) and
1/ 2

 2h   a   The comparison of simulated and measured S- Parameter
a e  a 1  ln   1.7726  (3) is shown in Figure 3. The measured bandwidth and

 a r   2h  
simulation bandwidth of this antenna is 90 MHz (915 MHz –
1005 MHz) and 30 MHz (908 MHz – 938 MHz) respectively.
The relationship between the resonant frequency (fr) and Moreover, the desired of operating frequencies slightly
velocity of light (vo) is given as; change from 921 MHz (simulation) to 925 MHz (measured)
and |S11| values shifted from -27.43 dB (simulation) to -13.78
1.8412v 0 dB (measured).
( f r )110  (4)
2a e  r The Voltage Standing Wave ratio is important in order to
find the good efficiency of the antenna design. In addition,
VSWR always be used as an indicator of power reflected
The circular shaped microstrip antenna consists of four from the antenna. For practical application, the value of
arms etched onto the metallised dielectric substrate. The VSWR should be a real and positive number with values less
ground plane covers one section of the dielectric, which does than 2. Thus, in Figure 4, the VSWR is equal to 1.09 and this
not fall directly beneath the monopoles. The antenna is probe value satisfies the practical antenna design.
fed via microstrip ground connected to the base circular
patch. The default value of this antenna design is shown in
Table 1.

62 e-ISSN: 2289-8131 Vol. 10 No. 1-2

Circular Microstrip Patch Antenna for UHF RFID Reader

Figure 6: Simulated radiation patterns in polar plot for proposed antenna

Figure 3: Simulated and measured of Return Loss S11. with Phi=00

Figure 7: Simulated Gain in Cartesian Plot

It is also noticed that the simulated Gain in the Cartesian

Figure 4: Simulated Voltage Standing Wave Ratio
plot as in Figure 7 is also important to measure efficiency and
directional capabilities of an antenna. The simulation gain
Figure 5 shows the simulated radiation pattern in the 3D
value of this antenna is 6.015 dB for 921 MHz.
plot. The standard majority radiation is focused in one
direction and can be achieved throughout the operating
B. Parametric Studies of the Effect on Return Loss S 11
frequency of the antenna. The value of directivity for the
In order to view the effect of the return loss, characteristic
antenna is at 5.970 dBi for 921 MHz.
value of the bandwidth and movement of the resonant
Figure 6 shows the beamwidth was at 95.4 degrees when
frequency, a parametric study has been used by changing the
the main direction at 0 degree. Beamwidth is important to be
dimension variation of the antenna.
considered because it shows the measurement of the area over
There are three factors to be analyzed which are the change
which the antenna receives signal.
in diameter of patch, width and length of Arm 1 and Arm 3.
Only one parameter is permitted to be changed at a time
whereas other values are fixed. All of the dimension variation
in the mentioned simulated graph are in millimeters (mm).

C. Diameter of Patch Effect

The diameter of the patch was simulated in four dimensions
which are 80 mm (purple), 80.5 mm (orange), 81 mm (blue)
and 81.5 mm (green). From Figure 8 (a), it has been found
that by increasing the value of a, the resonance frequency of
designed antenna slightly increased from 920 MHz to 923
MHz. Furthermore, the diameter of a patch with the value of
80 mm give higher return loss of -27.48 dB. Likewise in
Figure 8 (b), it is observed from the axial plot that the
minimum AR (axial ratio) point shift corresponding to the
patch diameter. From figure 8 (b), the axial ratio is 2.87 dB at
921 MHz operating frequency. An antenna can be claimed as
a circular polarized antenna when the axial ratio is less than 3
Figure 5: Simulated radiation pattern in the 3D plot for the proposed dB.

e-ISSN: 2289-8131 Vol. 10 No. 1-2 63

Journal of Telecommunication, Electronic and Computer Engineering

E. Arm 1 and Arm 3 slot length effect

Figure 10 shows the result of the variation in return loss
with the respect to the Arm 1 and Arm 3 length size. Four
lengths are simulated which are 11 mm (orange), 12 mm
(green), 13 mm (blue) and 14 mm (purple).


Figure 10: Arm 1 and arm 3 length effect vs Return Loss S11

The arm length design is significantly important in antenna

design because the S11 is sensitive to this variation effect.
Based on the simulation, it shows that best result of S11 is at -
27.43 dB with 11 mm length.


(b) An efficient and lightweight circular shaped antenna with

arms has been designed and fabricated on FR4 substrate with
Figure 8: The effect of varying patch diameter (a) reflection coefficient (b) a loss tangent of 0.019, the substrate thickness of 1.6 mm and
axial ratio. dielectric constant of 4.7. The overall size of the antenna is
designed with dimensions of 120 mm x 120 mm x 1.6 mm.
D. Arm 1 and Arm 3 Slot Width Effect This design is pin fed by 50 Ω SMA connector. In order to
The slot width of the arm 1 and arm 3 were simulated in investigate the antenna reflection coefficient of S11, the
four widths which are 0.5 mm (purple), 1 mm (blue), 2 mm different modification of geometric dimensions on the
(green) and 3 mm (orange) as in Figure 9. By using a value circular patch, arm’s length and width of the presented
of 3 mm, an increment of the bandwidth is shown at 17 MHz antenna have been studied. After analyzing all the simulations
(911 MHz - 928 MHz) compared to 0.5 mm that showing result, we can conclude that the designed antenna structure is
bandwidth at 7 MHz (910 MHz – 917 MHz). This bandwidth in circular polarization and it can work in UHF RFID system
enhancement is probably because of the two possible paths of in Malaysia which allocated frequency bands from 919 MHz
length L2 and L4, which contribute to the excitation of the two to 923 MHz with return loss below than -10 dB.
resonances at much closed frequencies and perform wide
operating bandwidth. ACKNOWLEDGMENT

This research is supported by Universiti Malaysia Pahang

Internal Grant of RDU170381. The authors would like to
thank the Faculty of Electrical & Electronics Engineering
Universiti Malaysia Pahang, Standards and Industrial
Research Institute of Malaysia (SIRIM) and Faculty of
Electrical Engineering Universiti Teknologi MARA for
providing the facilities to perform this research and technical
support throughout the process.


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