Aom 2022 Recommendation
Aom 2022 Recommendation
Aom 2022 Recommendation
CY 2022
The statement of Comparison of Budget and Actual 1. The Municipal Accountant immediately submits the required
Amounts (SCBAA), Statement of Appropriations, Notes to Financial Statement and SCBAA for CY 2021 pursuant to
allotments, Obligations and Balances (SAAOB) and Item 3 of COA Circular Municipal Budget Officer immediately
Notes to financial Statement for CY2021 were not submit the SAAOB, copies of registries, supplemental budgets,
submitted within the prescribed period contrary to Item 3 augmentations and other documents affecting changes in the annual
of COA Circular No. 2016-004 dated September 30,2016 budget for the year 2021 pursuant to Item 2 of COA Circular No.
and Item 2 of COA Circular No. 2010-001 dated march 2010-001 and Item 4.2 of COA Circular No. 2016-004.
2, 2010 and item 14 of the International Public Sector
Accounting Standard (IPSAS)24.
2. AOM No. E2022-02 We recommend that:
The Municipality failed to submit to the Audit Team the 1. The Municipal Mayor, as agency head, direct the Department 1. The Municipal Mayor immediately
Agency Action Plan and Status of Implementation Heads concerned to immediately prepare a consolidated report on all forwarded a Memorandum Order to
(AAAPSI) on the observations and recommendations for management actions taken relative to the audit recommendations the Department Heads concerned to
CY2020 as prescribed by COA Memorandum No. 2014 - included in the Annual Audit Report for CY 2020 using the immediately prepare a consolidated
002 dated March 18, 2014 and Section 91 of the prescribed AAPSI form and henceforth, strictly adhere to the report on all management actions
Republic Act No. 11518 or the General Appropriations prescribed period for the submission of the AAPSI as provided under taken relative to the audit
Act for FY 2021, thus the status and actions taken GAA. recommendations included in the
relative to the implementation of prior year’s audit Annual Report for CY2020.
recommendations could be evaluated.
The financial statements, supporting schedules and 1. Municipal Accountant (i) strictly adhere to the provisions of the
financial transaction documents for CY 2021 of the Manual on the Financial Management of Barangays and immediately
eighteen (18) barangays of the Municipality of El Nido submit the required financial statements. supporting schedules and
were not yet submitted for audit contrary of the related transaction documents to the Audit Team; and
provisions of Items 10 and 12.5 of the Manual on the
Financial Management of Barangays. 2. Punong Barangay require the (i) BT to immediately submit
complete liquidation reports, RCDs, RAAFs, and other required
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documents/reports, and (i) Chairman of the Committee on
Appropriations (CCA) to immediately submit the copies of Annual
and Supplemental Budgets, Registries of Appropriations and
Obligations and Status of Appropriations, Obligations and Balances
for CY 2021.
4. AOM No. E2022-04 We recommend that the:
Cash advances totaling P1,990,410.81 remained 1.LCE, through the Municipal Accountant serve written notices to all 1. The LCE served a written notices
unliquidated as of December 31,2021 contrary to concerned accountable officers requiring immediate settlement of to all concerned accountable officers
Sections 4.1 and 5.8 of COA Circular No. 97-002 dated their outstanding cash advances (CAs) and institute legal action to immediately settle their
February 10,1997, thus the related expenses were not against them, if warranted. outstanding cash advances,
recorded in the year these were incurred. Moreover, the
accuracy of cash advance balances at yearend totaling 2.Municipal Accountant:
P1,267,673.41 could not be ascertained due to non- a. Prepare the schedule of all receivables, unliquidated Cas,
submission of subsidiary ledgers (SLs) contrary to Item 6 and fund transfers pursuant to COA Circular No. 2016-005
of COA Circular No. 2016-005 dated December 19,2016. dated December 19, 2016 and COA Memorandum No.2017-
010 dated May 15,2017;
b. Enforce strict monitoring of grant and liquidation of Cas to
ensure that no additional CA is granted unless the previous
one has been duly liquidated and accounted for; and
c. Immediately submit to the Audit Team the requested
documents relevant to the unliquidated CAs for filing of
appropriate case against erring AOs and the SLs for the cash
advances of officers and employees totaling 1,267,673.41 as
of December 31, 2021 and
3. LCE and the Municipal Accountant, in all instances, ensure that The LCE thru a written
each provisions of COA Circular No. 97-002 are strictly observed and communication noted that COA
that all CAs are fully liquidated at the end of the year. Consider circular No. 97-002 will be strictly
adopting the “no liquidation” policy to forestall accumulation of observed and all CAs will be fully
unliquidated balances. liquidated at the end of the year.
The correctness of the year-end balances of Cash-Local 1. Municipal Treasurer and the Municipal Accountant immediately 1. The Municipal Treasurer
Treasury and Cash in Bank -Local Currency accounts of complete the reconciliation of their records as of December 31, 2021 commented that due to numerous
P14,565,815.10 and P621,345,255.49, respectively, and submit a reconciliation statement thereon and take-up the task given to LRCO-1 who
could not be ascertained due to (a.) unrecorded necessary adjusting entries in their respective records; conducted reconciliation with the
reconciling items aggregating P958,228.61 reflected in 2. Municipal Accountant (i) record the reconciling items that need Accounting Office, the office is still
the bank Reconciliation Statements (BRS); (b) adjustment of CIB and payables balances due to stale checks; and (ii) in its process of reconciling records
unadjusted stale checks totaling P311,752.61 contrary to immediately submit the original bank statements and paid checks with the said office.(See Municipal
Section 83(b)(4) of the Local Treasury Operations pertaining to the unrecorded check disbursement reported in BRS; Treasurer reply to AOM-E2022-05)
Manual (LTOM); and (c) discrepancies between and
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cashbooks and accounting records totaling P2,570,535.06 3. Municipal Treasurer (i) provide the Audit Team a proof that DVs,
and incomplete cashbooks contrary to Sections 63(D) ObRs and supporting documents of the unrecorded disbursements are
and 63(F) of the LTOM. already submitted to the Accounting Office, otherwise immediately
submit to the Municipal Accountant the original source documents of
the unrecorded check disbursement, after which, the unclaimed
checks which had been outstanding for over six months from date of
issue wherein the original DVs and supporting documents are still in
the custody of the treasury office and cancel these stale checks; (iii)
and strictly observe the provisions of Section 63 of the LTOM on the
maintenance of complete and updated cashbooks for all cash
accounts of all funds and reconciliation of cashbook balances with
subsidiary accounting records.
6. AOM No. E2022-06 We recommend that:
The Municipality failed to fully enforce the settlement of 1. Municipal Mayor (i) require the immediate settlement of audit 1. The Municipal Mayor set meeting
audit disallowances with duly issued COA Orders of allowances; and (ii) enforce COEs by requiring the Municipal with the Department Heads requiring
Execution resulting to the accumulation of unsettled Treasurer to withhold payment of salaries and any amount due to the immediate settlement of audit
balances to Pl,165,862.64 as of December 31" 2021 persons liable; allowances and requiring the
contrary to the provisions of Section 7.1 of COA Circular 2. Municipal Treasurer show proof of his compliance to the Municipal Treasurer to withhold
No. 2009-006 dated September PI5, 2009. Moreover, the enforcement of COEs of the total and provide details of the total payment of salaries and any amount
accuracy of Receivables Disallowances/Charges balance amount already withheld from the liable persons; and due to persons liable.
of P759.824.50 at year-end could not be ascertained due 3. Municipal Accountant (i) reconstruct and immediately submit to 2.The Municipal Treasurer explained
to Iack of subsidiary ledgers while the Notice of the Audit Team the SLs for audit disallowances totaling 759,824.50; that he had paid the amount he is
Settlement for settled audit disallowances totaling and (ii) transmit the proof of settlements of NDs to the Audit Team liable for and promised to furnish
P11,385.00 could not be issued due to non-submission of for issuance of Notices of Settlement /Disallowance/Charge your office the details as soon as it is
proof of settlements such as Official Receipts (ORs) ant! (NSSDCs). complied by the Accounting Office.
the corresponding Journal Entry Vouchers (JEVs]. (See Municipal Treasurer reply to
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AOM E2022-07)
The accuracy of the year-end Real Property Tax (RPT) 1. Municipal Treasurer transfer the remaining SET collections to the 1. All collections accruing to SEF
and Special Education Tax (SET) Receivable balances as SEF depository account and henceforth, automatically deposit the have been transferred and deposited
well as their corresponding deferred income accounts proceeds of the additional 1% RPT accruing to the SEF depository to SEF Depository Account
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amounting to P12,558,312.07 and P15,717,586.94, account, in compliance with Section 82 of the MNGAS for LGUs, according to the Municipal
respectively, was doubtful due to the (a) difference of Volume I Treasurer. (See Municipal Treasurer
P2,935,335.69 between the RPT and SET collections 2. Municipal Accountant (i) immediately submit to the Audit Team rely to AOM E2022-10)
contrary to Section 223 of R.A. No. 7160, hence the to the Audit Team the JEVs and the supporting documents for the
variance of P3, 159,274.87 as of year-end; and b) non- adjustments made totaling 184,863,415.26 and (ii) review the related
submission of JEVs and supporting documents for reports to determine the causes of the variances between the RPT and
adjustments totaling P 184,863,415.26, thus precluded SET collections as well as of their year-end receivables balances and
the evaluation of its correctness. Moreover, the adjust the affected accounts, as appropriate.
Municipal Treasurer did not automatically release to the
Local School Board the proceeds of the additional one
percent (1%) real property tax according to The Special
Education Fund (SEF) contrary to Section 82 of the
Manual on the New Government Accounting System
(MNGAS) for LGUs, Volume I.
11. AOM No. E2022-11 We recommend that:
Disparity of P8,072,756.60 and P6,059,171.77 in the 1. The Municipal Accountant exert more efforts to immediately
balances of reciprocal accounts Due from Other Funds as reconcile the Due from Other Funds and Due to Other Funds accounts
of December 31, 2021 rendered these account balances in all funds, determine the cause/s of disparity in the balances and
unreliable. record the necessary adjustments in the books to present the correct
balances in the financial statements.
The validity, legality and propriety including the 1. The Municipal Mayor and other concerned personnel render 1. The Municipal Mayor rendered a
necessity of payment of salaries, allowances, bonuses justification on the noted observations on the appointment of the justification on the noted
and other benefits of the Municipal Government Municipal Government Assistant Department Head I under the office observations on the said
Assistant Department Head (MGADH) I under the Office of the Municipal Administrator. appointment.
of the Municipal Administrator totaling P1rA28,717.95 2. The Municipal Mayor, thru the HRM Officer, immediately submit
are doubtful due to: (a) absence of legal basis on the authenticated copies of the following documents pertaining to the
creation of the position; (b) reappointment of compulsory reappointment of Mr. Manuel P. Rey:
retired employee; (c) duplication of duties and a. Screening and Evaluation report of the HRMPSB, 2. The HRMO had submitted the
responsibilities of the Municipal Administrator; and (d) b. Updated Service Record, and authenticated documents for the
unavailability of funds for the said position due to c. CSC- approved appointment as MGADDH 1 under reappointment of Mr. Rey to the
personal services (PS) limitations contrary to Section the Office of the Municipal Administrator. Office of Municipal Accountant with
325(a) of the Republic Act No. 7160. its supporting documents. (See
HRMO reply to AOM E2022-12)
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> The LCE ensure the timely
The budgeting process of the Municipality for CY 2021 1. LCE, Sangguniang Bayan, MDDRRM and the local development submission and approval of the
was marred by; a) delayed submission and approval of council, ETDF Management Board and the Municipal Budget Officer proposed investment plans and
annual investment and development plans and budgets; (MBO): (i) ensure timely submission and approval of the proposed budgets in accordance with R.A> No.
b) submission of the FY 202l Annual Budget to the investment plans and budgets in accordance with the provisions of 7160.
Sangguniang Panlalawigan after the budget execution R.A. No. 7160 and the guidelines of the Budget Operations Manual >October 12,2022 the Sangguniang
year contrary to Section 56 of the R-A. No. 7160; c) (BOM), 2016 Edition, on budget process as well as the forms Bayan submitted a letter containing
appropriations presented in Iump sum amounts or no prescribed by the Manual; their remarks to the AOM No.
detailed breakdown of PPAs; d) ordinance authorizing 2. MBO and the Sanggunian provide explanation on the noted E2022-13 recommendation.
supplemental budgets not in accordance, with the format deficiency on funding source of 31,693,640.59 for the Supplemental >MDRRMO responded to AOM No.
prescribed in the Budget Operations Manual for LGUs, Budget No. 1s-2021 E2022-13 dated Sept. 29.2022 and
2016 edition and e) deficient funding source for the 3. LCE, Municipal Budget Officer and Municipal Planning and guaranteed the timely submission of
portion of Supplemental Budget No. L, s-2021, Development Coordinator indicate the object of expenditures or their investment plan in the future.
amounting to 31,693,640.59 contrary to Sections 32I and present the PPAs in detail per fund in the Annual Budget for proper 2.
326 of the Republic Act No. 7160 utilization and monitoring of the funds; and > The MBO provided an explanation
4. Municipal Accountant and the Municipal Treasurer ensure that the on the noted deficiency. (See MBO
certification of savings and items of appropriations affected by the reply to AOM E2022-13)
changes. > The Sangguniang Bayan provided
an explanation on the noted
deficiency on funding source for the
Supplemental Budget. They
promised to seek the assistance of the
MBO to rectify the submitted
proposed Supplemental Budget No. 1
Series of 2017. (See SB reply to
AOM E2022-13)
> The MBO cited the reasons on the
noted Audit recommendation. (See
MBO reply to AOM E2022- 13)
> MPDC Replied to AOM No.
E2022-13 dated Sept. 22,2022(See
MPDC reply to AOM E2022-13)
> The Municipal Accountant and the
Municipal Treasurer affixed their
signature on the new form 48
prepared by the Municipal Budget
Officer for this noted
> The Municipal Treasurer stated
that Certification of Savings or Fund
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Sources of Realignment is prepared
and signed by the Municipal
Accountant before it was brought to
their office for the signature and he
believed that detailed breakdown of
savings and items of appropriations
affected by changes are stated
(See Municipal Treasurer AOM-
14. AOM No. E2022-14 We recommend that the:
The accuracy of the SCBAA for CY 2021 was doubtful 1. Municipal Budget Officer (i) submit certified copies of registries
due to: (a) unsubmitted registries for Continuing for Continuing Appropriations as of December 31,2021; (ii) strictly
Appropriations from prior years; b) variances of Final comply with the requirements of Section 18 of MNGAS for LGUs,
Budgets per audit and as reported in SCBAA; c) Volume 2, and ensure that the preparation of registries, particularly
unreconciled total obligations under the 5%, DRRMF the names of projects or object of expenditures and amount of
and ZAY" Development Fund (DF) per SCBAA and per appropriation ordinances and augmentations; and
computation in audit; and d) absence of separate 2. Municipal Accountant and the Municipal Budget Officer (i)
registries for the infrastructure projects funded by the review the noted variances and make necessary adjustments to correct
20% DF contrary to Section 18 of the Manual on the the total final budgets and actual amounts of the CY 2021 SCBAA;
New Government Accounting System for LGUs, Volume and (ii) henceforth, strictly comply provisions of Section 10, Chapter
2. 1 of the Manual on the New Government Accounting Systems for
LGUs, Volume 1, on the monthly reconciliation of their records on
allotment available for appropriation.
15. AOM No. E2022-15 We recommend that the:
. The Management failed to submit (a) the quarterly and 1. Municipal Accountant (i) enforce strict monitoring of grant and
semestral Report on the Unliquidated Cash Advances liquidation of cash advances by preparing the schedules of all
(RUCA) and report on the Status of Unliquidated Cash receivables, unliquidated cash advances, and fund transfers pursuant
Advances (SUCA) including the subsidiary Ledgers to COA Circular No. 2016-005 and COA Memorandum No. 2017-
(SLs) for CY 2022 contrary to the provisions of COA 010 (RUCA-quarterly and SUCA-semestral); (ii) immediately submit
Circular No, 2016-005 dated December 19, 2016; and (b) to the Audit Team the RUCA for the 1st and 2nd quarter of CY 2022
the documents pertaining to the unliquidated CAs of and the SUCA including the SLs for the cash advances of officers as
accountable officers, thus hindered proper filing of of June 30, 2022; and (iii) return to the Audit Team the duly received
charges against them. copies of the aforementioned demand letters; and
2. LCE, HRM Officer and the Municipal Accountant (i) submit 2.
immediately to the Audit Team the requested documents in > The HRMO resubmits all the
connection with the unliquidated CAs of AOs mentioned in Table 1.0 documents needed to the concerned
of this Memorandum; and (ii) serve written notices to all concerned offices.
accountable officers requiring immediate settlement of their
outstanding CAs and institute legal action against them, if warranted.
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16. AOM No. E2022-16 We recommend that the LCE:
Several deficiencies were noted in the accounting and 1. thru the Municipal Engineer and the Municipal Planning and A.
utilization of Local Government Support Fund &GSF") Development Coordinator {MPDC), (i} ensure that future projects > The Municipal engineer will assign
and other fund transfers from national governments such funded by the NGAs are implemented within the agreed project staff Engineer intended only for all
as: (a) early termination of the programs/projects due to schedule and strictly comply with the prescribed procedure and NGAs funded projects to strictly
LGU's non-compliance with the schedule of guidelines related to implementation of the project; and (ii) apprise monitor and implement programs
implementation (b) unused balances trot yet the Audit Team of the action taken by the Management to the guidelines.
returned/refunded to the source agencies or Bureau of unfinished contract by the defaulting contractor. > The MPDC thru their letter dated
Treasury; (c) unrecorded excessive transfer of LGU 2. secure copies of MOA entered into and signed in behalf of MGEN Oct.11,2022 guaranteed that the
Counterpart from GF to TF; (d) expenditure funded by and all its annexes and supporting documents including confirmation future projects will be strictly
the project of Tourism Promotion Board erroneously paid letters from source agencies indicating grant and purpose of the funds implemented within the agreed
under the GF; and (e) funds received under the CY 2017 transfer and furnish the department heads or officials in-charge schedule. (See MPDC reply to AOM
LGSF- Financial Assistance to LGUs not supported with implementing the projects and the Municipal Accountant copies of E2022-16)
Disapproved list of proposed priority projects. such documents prior to implementation to ensure that the trust funds
are utilized efficiently in accordance with the trust agreements and
implementing guidelines; and
3. thru the Municipal Accountant and the Municipal Engineer,
collect/recover from the contractor of the Local Access Road the
amount of P98,376.66 which was the portion of the advance payment
not yet recouped from the progress billings.
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LCE immediately submit the list of proposed projects duly
approved by the DILG including the List of Due and
Demandable Accounts Payable-Advice to Debit Accounts
(LDDAP-ADA) and letter / notice of Credit from DILG as
supporting documents to the fund utilization report for the CY
2Ol7 LGSF-FA. >The Municipal Treasurer together
with the Municipal Accountant will
cause the immediate refund of the
said amount from the Trust Fund to
the General Fund.
Inventory account balances totaling P106,921,059.18 as 1. Inventory Committee to conduct the physical count of all supplies 1.The Inventory Committee attached
of December 31 202l are doubtful and unreliable due to and materials and prepare the report thereon, reconcile the results of Inventory count for the remaining
unrecorded consumption, utilization and distribution of the count with available records in the Accounting and General items of the accountable Offices and
supplies and materials, which is not in keeping with Services Offices (GSO) and submit the inventory report to the Audit promised to submit the rest before
Paragraph 44 of IPSAS 12, possibly overstating all Team. October 28,2022. (See Inventory
Inventories accounts and understating the corresponding 2. MDRRMO, MSWDO, GSO, MEEDO. MEO and other concerned Committee AOM attachment)
Supplies and Materials Expense accounts at yearend. offices to (i) immediately submit the required 2.
Proof of receipt and distribution to intended beneficiaries distribution/consumption /Utilization/reports of inventories and proof > The MDRRMO rendered an
of the procured goods/items for COVID-19 operations in of receipts for the relief goods given to various beneficiaries as well explanation on the delayed report ing
CY2020 and 2021, totalingP77,542,543.25 as the inventory of undistributed/unissued goods/items; and (iii) of the result of distribution in
render satisfactory explanation on the delayed reporting of the result connection with the COVID-19
of distribution in connection with the COVID-19 operation of the operation. (See MDRRMO reply to
LGU and of the utilization of other supply and materials under AOM E2022-17)
various offices. > October 10,2022 the MSWDO
3. Municipal GSO (i) ensure that issuances of supplies and materials stated in their letter that they
are supported with duly signed RIS to establish accountability on the promptly submitted their justification
part of the end-users, particularly those department assigned for the on the mismanagement of the
distribution of relief goods; and (ii) submit to the Municipal program and they requested an ample
Accountant the monthly summary of supplies and materials issued time for them to re-tabulate and
duly supported by the RIS as basis for recording expenses and complete the lacking documents to
4. Municipal Accountant upon submission of the required summary be submitted. (See MSWD reply to
report and distribution list and the inventory report by the concerned AOM E2022-17)
offices make the necessary adjustments to reflect the correct balances > The GSO provided an explanation
of the inventory accounts. about the inventory of
undistributed/unissued goods/items
dated Oct. 6,2022 (See GSO reply to
AOM E2022-17)
> The MEEDO explained it thru their
letter dated October 12,2022. (See
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MEEDO reply to AOM E2022-17)
3. The Municipal GSO submitted
their feedback dated October 6,2022
(See GSO Reply AOM E-2022-17)
18 AOM No. E2022-18 We recommend that the:
The Municipality was not fully compliant with the 1. Municipal Accountant and the Municipal Budget Officer
provisions of R.A. No. 10121 or the "The Philippine immediately reconcile their records on IIRRMF in coordination with
DRRM Act of 2010" and COA Circular No.2012-002 the MDRRM Officer;
dated September 12,20L2 as manifested by the (a) non- 2. Municipal Accountant and the Municipal Treasurer (i) cause the 2. The Municipal Treasurer will
transfer and non-recording of the unexpended balance of immediate transfer of the unexpended DRRLF to the LDRRMF STF coordinate with the Municipal
CY 2021 QRF and DRRMF-MOOE amounting to bank account and (ii) return the amount of ?8971830.00 from the STF accountant to avoid misapplication of
P3,680,755.78 to the Trust Liabilities-DRRMF account to GF bank account to avoid misapplication of the amount in the Trust the amount in the Trust Fund. (See
under the Trust Fund books; (b) non-transfer of the Fund; Municipal Treasurer reply to AOM
unexpended DRRMF for CYs 2013 to 2018 and CY 3. MDRRM Officer immediately submit the proof of distribution E2022-18)
2021 totaling ?8,266,652.08 to the LDRRMF Special and/or consumption report of the welfare goods, which is necessary in
Trust Fund (ST$ bank account (c) completed projects not the adjustment of the Inventory and Trust Liability-DRRMF accounts 3. The MDRRMO Explained that
yet transferred to General Fund (GF) and and they have submitted the consumption
consumed/distributed welfare goods not yet adjusted in 4. Municipal Accountant make the necessary adjustments in the TF report which was an attachment to
the TF books overstating the Trust Liability-DRRMF books for the completed infrastructure projects and for the Vouchers to pay the suppliers as to
account (d) variances between the available, utilized and consumed/distributed welfare goods once the report is submitted by what is being stated on AOM E2022-
unexpended balances of DRRMF presented in various the MDRRM Officer. 18. (See MDRRMO reply to AOM
reports; and (e) medical supplies amounting to ? E2022-18)
897,830.00 funded by the CY 2A13-2014 STF was paid
under the GF instead of STF bank account
19 AOM No. E2022-19 We recommend that the: 1.
>The MDRRMO stated in their letter
Various deficiencies were noted in the utilization of the 1. Municipal Mayor, thru the MDRRMO and MHO, (i) submit dated Oct. 3,2022, the reasons why
GF Proper, DRRMF and 20o/o Development Fund for written justification on why the LGU had restorted to contacting with the LGU had to use private hotels/inn
COVID-l9 related PPAs in CY 2021 such as: (a) renting private hotels/inn instead of using government facilities; and (ii) in accommodating COVID patients
isolation facilities from private establishments instead of exercise prudence in the utilization of the available funds for COVID- instead of using government
utilizing the existing government facilities, thus incurring 19 response operation and consider utilizing the municipal evacuation facilities.
accommodation/rental expenses totaling P5,I46,957.00; centers and other government-owned buildings as quarantine and (See MDRRMO reply to AOM
(b) payment of room accommodations amounting to isolation facility for COVID-19 patients to avoid E2022-19)
P753,000.00 without valid appropriations and contracts; Incurrence of unnecessary rental fees; >The MHO submitted a written
(c) procurement of COWD-li antigen testing kits more 2. Bids and Awards Committee (BAC) (i) render justification, duly justification dated October 6,2022 for
than the price cap set by DOH Department Circular No. supported with documentation, on the noted deficiences and the noted AOM Observations. (See
2021-0323 and absence of technical specifications in the inconsistencies in the procurement of rental or room accommodations MHO reply to AOM E2022-19)
Purchase Orders; (d) incomplete documentation of and COVID-19 testing kits; (ii) ensure that the bid offer or price
purchases paid out of cash advances contrary to Section quotation of the supplier and Purchase Order contain detailed 2. The BAC submitted their
4(6) of P.D. No. 1445; and (e) wages of Job Order specification of items procured; (iii) observe due diligence in the explanations on the noted
personnel amounting to P417J00.00 charged against the determination of price estimates of goods and services prior to deficiencies and inconsistencies
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20% Development Fund contrary to DBM-DOF-DILG commencing procurement; and (iv) exert all efforts to secure the most observed thru their letter dated
Joint Memorandum Circular No. I dated November advantageous price for the LGU; Oct.12,2022.
4,2020. 3. Municipal Budget Officer (i) submit written explanation on the (See BAC reply to AOM E2022-19)
transactions paid even without valid appropriations before affixing
signature in the Obligation Request;
4. Municipal Accountant (i) thoroughly check the completeness and 3. A written explanation on the
propriety of the supporting documents of the disbursement as well as transactions paid was submitted by
the liquidations for cash advances granted; and (ii) immediately the MBO on Oct. 12,2022. (See
record in the books and submit the disbursement voucher and the MBO reply to AOM E2022-19)
supporting documents of the isolation facility rental paid amounting
to 399,400.00; and
5. Municipal Mayor, thru the Municipal Budget Officer and Local
development Council, strictly comply with the guidelines laid down
by the DBM-DOF-DILG JMC No. 1 dated November 4, 2020 on the
utilization of the 20% Development Fund. 5.
>The Municipal Budget Officer
pointed out the reasons for this
recommendation as stated in his
(See Municipal Budget officer reply
to AOM No. 19)
20 AOM No. E2022-20 We recommend that the:
Lapses were noted in the implementation of various 1. Local Chief Executive (LCE), through the Municipal Engineer, (i) The Municipal Engineer shall assign
infrastructure projects such as: (a) non-submission of list issue termination of contract to erring contractors who, after contract project Engineer to consolidate all
of all completed and on-going government projects and time has expired, have negative slippage of ten percent (10%) or more necessary documents and
those that are to be implemented during the year as in the completion of the work pursuant to Section III-A(2) of the recommend the same for termination
required under COA Circular No. 2013-004 dated Guidelines on Termination of Contracts; (ii) cause the forfeiture of of contract for all contractors that
January3O 2013; (b) implementation of 40 projects their performance security pursuant to Section 8.5, Annex E of the have 10 % of slippage or more.
costing P5714281529.36 were still ongoing while 88 Revised IRR of RA. No. 9184; (iii) thru the BAC, consider issuing a 2. The Municipal Engineer will
projects aggregating P59,658,929.19 remained Blacklisting Order in accordance with the Uniform Guidelines For submit an updated report of all
unimplemented as of December 31,2021; (c) failure of Blacklisting Of Manufacturers, Suppliers, Distributors, Contractors infrastructure project.
the Municipal Engineer to take appropriate actions and and Consultants provided in Appendix 17 of the said I.RR; and {iv)
remedies against defaulting contractors contrary to provide the Audit Team s copy of the notice of termination, forfeiture 3.
Annexes E and I of the Revised I.R.R of R.A. No. 9184; of the performance security and blacklisting order duly received by
and (d) deficient liquidated damages imposed to the the defaulting contractor; >The MPDC thru a letter dated
contractors. 2. Municipal Accountant and the Municipal Engineer submit the (i) October 10,2022 cited that a struggle
status report of all infrastructure projects of the municipality for the management and operations
supported with SWA to facilitate verification of the reported project of projects concerning infrastructure
accomplishments; and (ii) recompute the correct liquidated damages occurred due to their limited number
(LDs) and recover the uncollected LDs from concerned contractors; of personnel.( See MPDC reply to
3. Municipal Engineer and the Municipal Planning and Development AOM E2022- 20)
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Coordinator (MPDC) (i) fast track the implementation of the
infrastructure projects and make sure that all projects are strictly
monitored and implemented in accordance with plans and schedules;
and (ii) for projects not implemented within the schedule, validate the
status sf the project and prepare inspection report and SWA as of the
target date of completion or contract expiry date; and
4. LCE, ME and MPDC strictly comply with the guidelines of COA
Circular No. 2013-004 regarding information and publicity of PPAs.
21 AOM No. E2022-21 We recommend that the:
Deficiencies were noted in the procurement of the 1. Municipal Mayor, thru the Municipal Engineer, stop the practice The Municipal Mayor thru
infrastructure projects and the recording of the related of allowing pakyaw Iabor for hauling of aggregates needed in the Memorandum Order instructed
expenditures such as: (a) payment of pakyaw labor project implementation; particularly the Engineering
totaling P5,046,350.$0 were paid without permit to 2. Municipal Engineer {i} estimate a reasonable price for aggregates department to stop pakyaw labor in
extract gravel and sand contrary to Section 43 of R.A. based on the prevailing market rate; (ii) prepare the POW with the project implementation.
No. 7942; (h) inclusion of construction tools and complete costing such that the quantity and cost of aggregates and
equipment ir the material component of the project per fuel requirement are included in the approved budget; (iii) The ME shall recommend to the local
Program of Works {POW}; (c} procurement of fuel not immediately submit the fuel consumption and equipment utilization Finance Committee that all propose
supported with POW, IAR and Fuel Consumption and reports and other lacking technical documents; {w} exclude the projects funded w/ different sources
Equipment Utilization Reports; {d) projects lacked construction tools and equipment in the project cost estimate in the should be consolidated as one to
technical documents; (e) unreconciled accounting records POW and instead, request separate purchase for the tools and avoid phasing staggard
and budget reports; and (ff completed projects totaling equipment needed in the implementation of projects, procurement of implementation.
F12,443,454.20 were not yet transferred/closed to which should be based on the current available tools of the MEO;
appropriate PPE accounts. 3. Municipal Accountant (i) ensure that the payment for the
procurement of fuel, oil and lubricants are supported with proof of
delivery; and (ii) immediately reclassify the completed projects to the
appropriate PPE accounts;
4. Municipal Accountant and the Municipal Budget Officer reconcile
their records to determine the correct total obligations and actual cost
incurred for each project; and
5.. Municipal Budget Officer explain the unreported obligation of
P999,343.80 in the CY 2020 SCBAA for the Construction of Fish
Port, Bgy. Corong-corong (funded by CY 2017 Continuing
Appropriations) and submit the authenticated copy of its registry.
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corong Fish Port. (See Municipal
Budget reply to AOM E2022-21 )
22 AOM No. E2022-22 We recommend that the:
". The existence, completeness and accuracy of Property, 1. Municipal Mayor (i) require the Inventory Committee to 1.
Plant and Equipment (PPE) accounts with carrying complete the undertaking of one-time cleansing of the PPE accounts The Municipal Mayor required the
amount of P401,547,228.25 as of December3l, 202l of the LGU; and (ii) submit the Audit Team's requested documents in Inventory committee about the said
could not be ascertained due to (a) absence of physical relation to the implementation of the one-time cleansing. recommendation,
inventory reports duly reconciled with the property cards, The Inventory Committee explained
property ledger cards and Road Network Ledger Cards why the completion of the report did
contrary to Sections 114 and L24 of the Manual on the not materialize and gave their
New Government Accounting System (MNGAS) for assurance that they will be working
LGUs, Volume I and COA Circular No. 2015-008; (b) together with the Municipal Assessor
discrepancies totaling ?13,1851199.23 between the total and the Municipal Legal Officer to
additions of PPE in CY 2021 per PIE schedule and solve the problem.
increase of PPE account balances in the FS of CYs 2021
and 2020; (c) non-recognition of depreciation expense
totaling P4,120,891.30; and (d) unidentified PPE totaling
The operation of the economic enterprises was not 1. Municipal Mayor, thru the MEEDO, cause the preparation of the The Mayor instructed the MEEDO
anchored 0n a s-year Business plan for each of the 5- year Business Plan for each LEE/PU in accordance with the about the said observation and
existing LEEs of the Municipality; its revenue was Manual on the Operations of LEEs; (ii) thru the Local Finance recommendation.
overestimated while obligations were incurred in excess Committee And MEED Officer, project reasonable target revenue in
of the realized revenue; assets and expenses not recorded each LEE and implement corrective measures in case actual revenues
in the LEE books amounting to P8,629,070.00 and have negative deviations from the target/budget; and when the
P10,000.00, respectively; and Job order Personnel were LEEs/Pus income cannot fully fund their operating expenses, consider
assigned to collect fees. the options provided in Item 3.4 on the DBM LBC No. 100 dated
October 1,2012;
2. Municipal Budget Officer and the Municipal Treasurer (i) ensure
that obligations are backed up by realized revenues and that cash is 2.
actually available for payment of expenditures; >The Municipal Budget Officer said
3. Municipal Accountant make necessary adjustments in the GF that Offices who has the record of the
proper and LEE books to reflect the correct financial position of each actual income should check on the
LEE/Pus; and availability of funds before payment
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4. Municipal Treasurer ensure that only properly bonded of any transaction of the Economic
regular/permanent employees are designated as collecting officers to Enterprise be made. (See reply to
safeguard the municipal government’s funds. AOM -E2022-23 of the Municipal
>The Municipal Treasurer will be
aware of the Obligations issued are
backed up by cash that is actually
available for payment of
expenditures. (See Municipal
Treasurer reply to AOM E2022-23)
Contracts for the procurement of motor vehicles and 1. The Municipal Mayor, thru the BAC, (i) render justification on 1.
equipment totaling P17,079,460,00 were awarded to the noted deficiencies, (ii) strictly comply with the requirements of The Mayor thru a written notice
suppliers with doubtful qualifications and eligibility, R.A No. 9184 and other relevant laws, rules, and regulations on reminded the BAC to render
hence there is no assurance that the Municipality has procurement; and regulations on procurement; and (iii) for all justification on the noted deficiencies
availed the most advantageous price for the contract. procurements, ensure that the LGU negotiate only with legally and The BAC rendered justification on
financially capable suppliers and exert all efforts to secure the most the noted deficiencies being
advantageous price for the LGU. enumerated. (See BAC reply to
AOM E2022-24)
The COA Technical Audit Specialist (TAS) noted 1. Municipal Mayor, thru the Municipal Engineer, require all the 1. The Municipal Mayor informed
several deficiencies in the implementation of six concerned contractors of the abovementioned projects to (i) repair the the Municipal Engineer to require all
infrastructure projects resulting in total cost deficiencies defects and finish the unperformed works noted by the COA the concerned contractors of the
of P847,820.35. Technical Audit Specialists or deduct the amount of the cost projects mentioned.
deficiencies from any money claim or retention fee due to them or The Municipal Engineer already
other securities posted by them; and imposed liquidated damages and
2. Municipal Engineer (i) render a satisfactory written explanation some delayed projects and made
for the differences noted in the contract amount, ABC and COA cost some contractors to repair defects
estimated and (ii) submit the revised bar chart and S-curve reflecting projects that are covered by the
updated planned and actual physical accomplishment on a monthly retention.
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basis (except for Road concreting of Bgy. Pasadena). Approved
Quality Control Program (QCP) including all Material Test Reports
of these projects for further review and evaluation of the COA TAS.
Submitted by:
Municipal Mayor
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