SELLER: Moore & Moore Investments LLC 20/21/2022
7615 Augusta Ln
Rosharon, TX 77583-7188
BUYER: Root Down Land and/or Assignees
3531 South Logan Street, Suite D-250
Englewood, CO 80113
‘The Seller and Buyer, above agree to sell and buy on the terms and conditions specified below, the property situated in
the County of Burnet, State of TX described as:
Assessor's Parcel Number: 36659
Legal Description: (As per the County records)
11. PURCHASE PRICE: $40,900 (Net to Seller), payable by Buyer in US. funds. All funds pad at closing must be pald
by cashier's check.
2. CASH: Buyer will py cash for the Property with no financing contingency.
3. CLOSING DATE; OCCUPANCY: This contract will be closed and the deed and possession delivered on or before
4/30/2023 unless extended by other provisions ofthis contract. Failure to close by the said date will render
the contract null and void and unenforceable. Buyer retains the right to cancel sale agreement any time for any
a) Buyer will pay all eosts of escrow, taxes, recording fees, and ttle insurance policy to said property
'b) This sale will be closed by: a reputable Title Company, or a Notary Public.
)_ Buyer has the right to market property in any way,
5. TITLE: Seer will convey marketable tite to the property by statutory Warranty/Grant Deed or Trustee,
Personal Representative, or Guardian Deed as appropriate tothe Sellers status, being free ofall liens and
encumbrances of record, except for unpaid taxes.
6. OFFER AND ACCEPTANCE: This offer shall automatically expire on 11/20/2022 at 5:00 pm (Eastern Standard
Time), if not accepted within that time. This offer may only be accepted by the Selle in writing if postmarked
by the above date, This agreement fs binding on the heirs, administrators, executors, personal representatives,
successors, and assigns of Buyer and Seller. By signing below, each party accepts this offer.
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Seller's Signature: Date:
twyerssinature: Jonna Cohen
Jonna Cohen, Manager of Root Down Land