The Silent Devushka
The Silent Devushka
The Silent Devushka
Forced to find shelter from a sudden blizzard, you and your companions come upon a cottage surrounded by
a lush garden. Can you discover the secrets behind the silent devushka?
Will you be able to leave before it is too late?
1|P a g e
Introduction Playing Safely
This Adventure may touch on some of the darker aspects
She was once known for having a wonderful voice. She
of the 7th Sea world, and thus might not be for all groups.
used to sing every morning as she did her chores; watering
Imprisonment, violence, and gruesome violence may be
the plans, hanging the laundry, and sweeping the porch
present in the story and that may not be deemed welcome
clear of dead leaves. Fedyunka was her name and she was
in the game for some groups. Before you start running this
said to have lived with her family.
adventure for your group, be sure you discuss what kind of
an Adventure The Silent Devushka offers and decide if it is
The inn they own is a humble place. With curtained
the kind of story the group would enjoy. The adventure can
windows, warm beds, and a room for twenty guests,
still be run with the less desired elements being toned
Fedyunka and her family make a modest living. She sells
down, or perhaps even merely portrayed as events
vegetables and other simple wares to the nearby cities.
happening “off-camera” so to speak.
They welcome guests who pay good coin.
In that note, consider using the X-Card at your table.
But that was before a series of dark events crossed into
Designed by John Stavropolous, the X-Card is a tool that
Fedyunka’s life. Her world was beset with violence and
helps groups manage difficult content without requiring
something in the woods heard their pleas and answered.
discussing the topics in advance. If you choose to use the
X-card, simply do the following:
Things have not been the same since then.
Read this aloud:
2|P a g e
Squads for various group sizes. Wherever you see [H], replace it
with the number of Hero characters in the Scene. In some
Part 2 – Dark Tales of Murder
places [H] will have a multiplier or divider (2[H] or ½[H]) or a Chaos begins to reign as everyone sees the other as the
base value (4+[H]). person behind the deaths.
Scene 1-1
White Out Part 3 – Чем да́льше в лес, тем бо́льше
дров (Chem dal’she v les, tem bol’she
Page 5
The story begins in medias res, with the blizzard Roughly translating to “The further into the woods, the
complicating the Heroes and their journey. The rules offer more firewood,” the Heroes learn of the greater gain one
possible companions with them if your group needs can expect or obstacles one may find the further they
additional impetus to head for the cottage. involve themselves into the situation.
Page 7 Page 27
The Heroes are introduced to the cottage’s residents. They The devushka’s fate must be decided.
are also invited to quite a luxurious meal.
Scene 3-2
Scene 1-3 Closing Doors
Close Your Eyes,
Page 27
Page 14 The adventure ends.
The Heroes are given the chance to rest. But sleep might
be the least of their concerns.
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Part 1
Shelter from Scene 1-1
the Storm White Out
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Heroes try, but as the Wounds pile up and the Blizzard with each passing moment. From the point this
gets worse and worse. realization is made, add an additional 1
Consequence to avoid getting stuck in the deep
The opening sequence can be approached as an Action snow.
Sequence, so players can track the passage of time and the • Mysticism: The Hero senses there is something
rise in intensity of the environmental threat that is hitting unnatural in the area.
them hard. • Trees shatter from the intense winds. Anyone
taking shelter by trees are exposed.
Action Sequence: • Wolves are howling somewhere outside the
The Relentless Blizzard swirling winds. Attempting to find them (in hopes
Get to Shelter! they lead the group out) brings them to wolves
that are also dying in the cold.
• The companion has dropped objects of value and
Opposition: The characters do not know it, but the the Heroes need to spend a Raise to retrieve his
Blizzard is an unnatural manifestation of the corrupted belongings.
domovoi. It will not kill using the blizzard, however. (It • The higher intensity begins to blind the Heroes.
can’t, actually.) At most it will subdue the Heroes and
have the Unsmiling Devushka to bring them to the
cottage. Made it!
As the Heroes stumble into the cottage, they are
Objectives: Find shelter from the raging cold and get to immediately approached by the other residents who close
the cottage. Reaching this shelter should cost a total of the door behind them to block out the cold.
2[H] Raises.
6|P a g e
will not force them out, but she clearly is worried about
them staying at the cottage too long. She often looks out
the window, as if expecting something. Or waiting for the
storm to end.
Ussuran, the Oblivious Grandfather
Strength 3 Influence 2 Rank 5
Advantages Joie De Vivre, Inspire Generosity, Small
Virtue: The Prophet (Illuminating) Activate to know if any
other character lies to you until the end of the Scene.
Hubris: The Moonless Night (Confusion) Receive a Danger
Point when you fail to understand an important plot
element and that misunderstanding leads to danger for
Scene 1-2 yourself or others.
Be Our Guest
The second is Yefim. He is Fedyunka’s grandfather and
manages the financial affairs of The Dancing Fair. He gives
Fedyunka the funds needed to shop at the nearby town for
With the blizzard still raging outside, the Heroes find any supplies the cottage may need. He laments the silence
themselves now in the warmth and quiet of the cottage. and emotionless façade Fedyunka now presents,
Known as The Dancing Fair, the place is cozy and sturdy, remembering how much she used to love music. He is a
clearly built to withstand such weather patterns. There are short hirsute man in a blue vest that has a fur trim.
four residents in the cottage. But upon arriving, they only
see two: Fedyunka and Yefim. He can offer the Heroes advice and insight, having
witnessed the contrast between his granddaughter’s
personality in the last few years. His eyesight is nearly
gone, so when he handles financial affairs, describe how he
Ussuran, the Silent Devushka
fingers the money, or sniffs it, and how he takes time
Strength 8 Influence 1 Rank 9
counting the money and listening to the sound it makes
Advantages Large, Strength of Ten
afterwards. He is hard of hearing, however, and tends to
Virtue: The Wheel (Fortunate) Activate to delay an
compensate by simply laughing and looking away. Be sure
Opportunity or a Consequence by 1 Action.
to display these oddities often before you explain it.
Hubris: The Devil (Trusting) Receive a Danger Point when
you accept some lopsided deal or someone’s lies.
Where are the others?
The first is Fedyunka. She is the owner of The Dancing Fair
and she is the main NPC that the Heroes will interact with. As the Heroes explore the cottage, they soon encounter
She is tall, towering at almost seven feet tall, with piercing the two other residents of the Dancing Fair. The first is
green eyes, vibrant red hair, and a layered blue and white Babuhska Asja and the second is the baby, Doushenka.
dress. She is strong and tireless in her management of the Both seem more excited to see the Heroes compared to
cottage. She never speaks a word. She is not mute, Fedyunka. And they remind them to feel at home and not
however, and her grandfather speaks fondly of her love for worry about things. “Better to be safely out of the storm,
music and her wonderful singing voice. Perhaps that is where death can be the one sharing your bed.”
connected as well to the fact she never smiles. Her Babuhska Asja
expressions might show sadness, anger, disgust, or Ussuran, the Cheery Grandmother
disappointment. But the closest expression related to Strength 2 Influence 3 Rank 5
happiness that she would show would simply be a blank Advantages Cast Iron Stomach, Able Drinker, Large
gaze. Virtue: The Thrones (Comforting) Activate to cancel the
effects of Fear on you and others.
She looks panicked upon seeing the Heroes. She doesn’t
seem to be happy to see them here, but seeing the storm
outside, she seems reluctant in allowing them to stay. She
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Hubris: Reunion (Bitterness) Receive a Danger Point when
you bring up old grudges or bad feelings in a way that So, what is with Fedyunka?
causes trouble. Any attempts to get Fedyunka to talk or explain what is
wrong are met with sighs and a shaking head. Fedyunka
Babuhska (Grandmother) Asja is always present in the seems completely unwilling to speak and perhaps even
cottage, busy cleaning and helping the Heroes when she becomes slightly aggressive to fight her way out of any
can. If the Heroes talk to her, she gleefully answers with attempts to get her to explain.
what she knows. She always asks for them to join her for a
drink by tapping the side of her neck with her index finger. The answer is probably predictable for some of you. Or
perhaps not. Know it will be better explained in Act 3.
She often flirts with Yefim, which can shock some of the
Heroes given they both seem to be in their late sixties. Asja
also tends to act flirty towards any of the more attractive
Heroes but laughs it off afterwards as harmless joking. Superstitions they follow
When anyone complains, however, she switches to a bitter
The four (three really, but I will give bonus points to any
demeanor and complains that those who still have youth
GM who finds a way to have the baby express any of the
should learn to be kinder to those who have one foot in the
following) are quite the superstitious lot and these
grave. She loves playing the, “I am old and dying” card to
traditional Ussuran superstitions are raised when
gain sympathy.
Sharp-eyed people will notice the woman does not have
Knocking on Wood: Done three times to ward away evil or
nails. Her fingers seem to be unhindered by they clearly
something horrible.
lack every single nail. When asked about it, she just tells
them not to worry about it and that it is from a long time
Spitting: Done three times to ward away evil or something
horrible. Always done towards the left side as that is where
the devil would be sitting.
Ussuran, the baby Forgotten Things: If anyone forgets something (leaves a
Advantages Cast Iron Stomach cup in the kitchen, or leaves a pack outside the house), they
Virtue: The Road (Friendly) Activate when you first meet are warned that it is better to leave it behind, but if
someone to be treated as a friend/nicely. returning for it is necessary, then one must look at a mirror
Hubris: The Fool (Curious) Receive a Danger Point when before leaving the house.
you investigate something unusual, especially if it looks
dangerous. Birds on the windowsill: If birds land on the windowsill,
they must be chased away as soon as possible. Birds that
The lovely baby is a cheerful little darling. The others tend fly into a house or tap on the window are even worse
to call her other names such as milka (sweet darling girl), omens! Asja would be sure to share that such instances
lapushka (little paw), solniska (sweetheart), and lastochka mean a warning of, “coming death.”
(little swallow). The current term, doushenka, actually
means “little soul.” She is extremely curious, tends to get Whistling: Never to be done inside the house as it brings
hungry (and thus, cry) a lot, and loves to reach out to other misfortune to the household.
Itchy Nose: If one’s nose itches, that is a sign that one is
Doushenka is the “invulnerable” little baby in the cottage. drinking soon. (Clearly, this is often abused as an excuse to
She can be used for huge comic relief when needed, with give the other more drinks.)
her crawling into the fireplace or reaching for the kitchen
knife (with the Heroes rushing to stop her). She is innocent Alcohol: When given alcohol, it must be drunk until it is
and curious and just loves to see people react to her antics. empty. (See above.)
She finds them all just amusing to watch when they react
with fear or happiness – to her, they are just the same thing
right now.
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The Dancing Fair Guest Rooms: There are a total of twenty guest rooms,
each one being a generous size with enough head room for
The cottage is a lovely little home that serves as an inn for even the tallest guest. The first eight guest rooms are here
travelers in the area. There is nothing particularly in the ground level. A well-maintained bed with crocheted
remarkable about the floor plan of the cottage, save for a blankets dominates the room. A pair of cabinet doors open
few features. The place as the following key features: to spacious space for one’s pack and clothing. A side chair
by the window has enough leg room to sit back and enjoy a
Main floor: The front door leads to the main floor, which is book or see the view.
the largest area in the inn. There are enough tables and
chairs for dozens of people. A massive hearth is at the The Second Floor: Twelve rooms complete the available
center of the floor, providing heat in all directions. areas for guests. This second floor has no carpeting, and no
windows. Only the guest rooms have a window looking
Staircase: There are two staircases to lead to the second out.
floor and they are at opposite sides of the place. One
staircase has leaves and trees carved on the walls. The Basement Storage Room: A roomy basement with the
other has mountains and clouds. storage of dried meat, grain, flour, and wine can be found
here. There is no dried fruit, as there are fresh fruits in
The Kitchen: The kitchen is separate from the rest of the baskets at the ground level area. None of the wine is
main floor, standing as its own floor area. A door from the labelled.
kitchen leads to the backyard. Double doors lead back to
the Main floor. The Private Rooms. The four have their own rooms. Kept
locked, any attempts to sneak in shows they’re relatively
On the side, however, is an entire wall which serves as an normal save for a huge secret which is hidden in the main
indoor garden. Numerous lush herbs and plants are in full cabinet. This is explored further in Part III. One thing is
bloom and heavy with vegetables and fruits. This is even certain, if any Heroes sneaks around and peeks into the
more miraculous given it is deep in the cold of winter. closet, the big secret of the Mystery shall be revealed.
9|P a g e
Five More Guests of it. He merely remembered reading of it as a
A knock on the door later in the night announces the arrival • His skin condition is disgusting as it makes his skin
of more guests. The newcomers all seem to have been easily tear open. It has no cure. But it does not
forced to find the cottage as well as a shelter from the particularly hurt.
blizzard. All save one are all dressed in furs and traveling
• He is from Persis, in the Crescent Empire. He has
garb, and three are armed with bows, arrows, and blades. been traveling for over a month.
Most have hoods covering their faces in shadow, and upon
• He has few coins left, having been held up by
stepping inside (Yefim and Asja would be quick to welcome
bandits some nights before.
them inside. Fedyunka, on the other hand, does not say
• He is friendly to any more scholarly characters.
anything but opens the door for them. If the heroes ask,
• He does not trust the other group.
Yefim or Asja explain that the Dancing Fair welcomes
• He has noticed the fourth in the group does not
anyone as hospitality is expected of them by the
speak either.
Attempting to talk to the new guests can reveal more
information. Bear in mind, however, they will require some • Amar has left the Crescent Empire out of shame.
He believes his family will be disgusted by his
good Convince or Empathy Raises to make them open and
talk. condition and throw him away, so he thought it
best to leave before they did.
10 | P a g e
• They’re loyal to Toomas and have served under more than he would admit. He tries to avoid committing
him for over three years. physical acts of violence whenever possible.
• They think Amar is weird. Suspect he’s one of
those sorcery foreigners. Information Toomas would share/can be gained through
• They have clearly been in many fights in the past, Raises.
given the scarification that can be seen on their • He is a wealthy nobleman from the city and
arms, knuckles, and faces. would deserve to be treated with some respect
• They’re very superstitious, knocking on wood, or (lie).
avoiding certain supposed actions that can lead to • His companions are his bodyguards (somewhat
bad luck. Page 8 has some ideas, but you can true) and the silent one is his grandfather (lie).
always embellish with more. Maybe Nikos refuses • He doesn’t like singing and makes a big show of
to step on cracks. Maybe Marat literally freaks out telling anyone singing to shut up.
when he closes a door. • He thinks Marat and Nikos are “girls for each
• Marat is attracted to Nikos but refuses to other” and finds it hilarious.
acknowledge the feeling. He will get violent if that • He thinks Amar is an assassin from the mountains
fact is raised. Nikos does not share the same of Ashur. One sent for him.
interest nor attraction. • He paranoidly blames anything that happens on
the foreigner.
• Both are greedy and self-serving, but far from Secret:
being true evil. They are brave enough to fight • Toomas HAS been here before. Worse, the
their way out of a room, but one cannot expect murder he committed that traumatized him?
heroics acts to come from them. They do, Here as well. He does not remember it that well,
however, think Asja looks familiar in some way. however. More on this in Act 2.
But they get distracted too easily from discussing
it further.
The Prisoner
The Boss Of The Two When he arrives, Toomas insists he keep his hood on. Any
The leader of the two tends to look at others with Hero with a single dot in Notice or Theft immediately can
suspicion. He does not tolerate singing and hates the fact tell he is still handcuffed under his sleeves.
they’ve been forced here by the storm. He thinks the
cottage looks familiar but doesn’t openly admit this to Kamos Farayan
anyone. Ussuran, Old Man, Kidnapped Victim
Strength 3 Influence 6 Rank 9
Toomas Janiev Advantages Linguist, Barterer, Inspire Generosity
Ussuran, Minor Villain Virtue: The Moonless Night (Subtle) Activate when you
Strength 5 Influence 2 Rank 7 act behind the scenes or through a proxy, every die
Advantages Cast Iron Stomach, Got it counts as a Raise.
Virtue: The War (Victorious) Activate the first time you Hubris: The Witch (Manipulative) Receive a Danger Point
Wound a Hero to make them take an extra Dramatic when you get someone else to do your dirty work, and it
Wound in addition to what you normally inflict. backfires.
Hubris: The Hanged Man (Indecisive) Receive a Danger
Point when you pause instead of take an action due to Kamos Farayan is the leader of a terrible business of
hesitation, doubt, or uncertainty. kidnapping young girls and selling them off as brides to
high-paying customers. He has been handling this
Toomas and his two goons were transporting a man they unsavory affair for years and has successfully given his
had kidnapped when the blizzard forced them to seek family a lavish lifestyle for the last few decades. It was this
shelter in the inn. The kidnapped man is the fourth person, lavish lifestyle that attracted Toomas to them and inspired
whose face they keep hidden in a hood with a scarf the poor rake to kidnap the old man and hold him for
covering his gagged mouth. Toomas is a small-time rogue ransom. Little did Toomas know he had kidnapped such a
who tries to earn enough to support his somewhat lavish horrible manipulative person. Somewhere in the blizzard,
lifestyle. He has killed before, but the act traumatized him struggling against the elements, Kamos’ men are searching
11 | P a g e
for him and hoping to bring back their high-paying boss odd, they must still extrude a kind demeanor.
alive. Currently, the old man is gagged under his scarf, and They might wonder if the four are normal or
his hands are bound together under their sleeves. His eyes supernatural, and they might be expecting a
scream bloody murder, but he does not struggle. He knows trap or the like. But the truth of the matter is,
it is merely a matter of time. they aren’t evil, nor do they have any evil
plans for the Heroes. Sorté easily reveals their
Information Kamos would share/can be gained through Arcana and shows that they are good people.
Raises. More interestingly, anyone who is Touched by
• All the stories Toomas has shared about being a Matushka senses they are somehow “related”
wealthy family are actually observations made to the spirits of Ussura. And not in a bad way.
while spying on Kamos’ family.
• The old man mistakenly believes the player’s c) The New Guests are Suspicious
group too is part of the kidnapper’s group. Unless Just before the scene stretches too long,
any of them has a Reputation that would say another rap upon the door is heard. The
otherwise. Heroes see a new group of visitors arrive.
• The old man once fought in a war and is a skilled Careful choice of words can give the hints of
fighter. But old age and past injuries have long “danger” without saying it outright. For
since made him weak and unable to fight for example, saying “The newcomers stand at
himself. the door, their stance betraying their combat
• He has a wife and four children, and ten grand readiness” suggests the strangers are worth
children. All of them are healthy and well-off. being wary towards. Likewise, instead of just
• The men with him are not his companions, nor saying, “the new comers walk into the room,”
friends. you can stay, “the newcomers shuffle inside
the room, their eyes scanning each person
Secret: carefully.”
• Farayan is terrified. But he has trained himself
years ago to remain calm and conceal every Language is key to getting the players to be
emotion he can. He will buy time when he can, suspicious of the guests without outright
knowing his people are on the way to rescue him. telling them to be.
He is counting, however, on the fact that he
knows most people don’t have the guts to kill an d) The New Guests are welcomed
old helpless man in cold blood. The newcomers are just as welcomed as the
• Farayan thinks Fedyunka looks familiar. But he’s Heroes were, even if they visibly look more
too afraid to pay attention to that fact. Fedyunka distressing. This can send confusing signals to
never helps or approaches him either. the Heroes who wonder why the four kind
residents would be so open to having the
strange five newcomers welcome.
Overall General Guide for Act 1
For this part of the story, the GM’s goal is to establish the e) Fedyunka seems more worried
following: Observant Heroes can catch Fedyunka having
a) Safe place an expression of regret or concern when she
The players must feel that this place is a safe thinks no one is looking. She sometimes also
place, at least when it comes to the blizzard looks angry or seething, but this only seems
outside. They might be suspicious of the to be aimed towards the goons and their
place, and that’s fine. But they must not feel leader, Farayan.
like the blizzard will breach the home or bury
the place in snow. No matter what, however, she does not speak
or explain to anyone her thoughts or feelings.
Even more interestingly, the plants within the
cottage are lush and vibrant in the kitchen.
b) Kind People of the Cottage
While the four residents might seemingly be
12 | P a g e
Dinner Is Served spend an extra Raise to note some of the fruits
are summer fruits only found in Castile or Avalon.
Babushka Asja invites everyone to settle in and have a
warm healthy meal. The storm shows no signs of abating • The label-less wine bottles in the basement are
and the Heroes are free to sit as they please. The new complete in number, despite the group already
guests are incomplete, however. The old man is not with having had some wine earlier in the day. Each
them and if anyone inquires, Toomas bluntly reminds the bottle on the rack is still full and uncorked,
inquirer to mind their own business. Asja brushes it off as if despite there being the empty bottles from wine
it was typical conversation and recommends to the earlier enjoyed at the tables upstairs.
gathered to enjoy the heavy soup and to use the home
baked bread to scrape off every little bit of it as much as • At the center of the basement sits what looks like
possible. a hollowed-out trunk of a tree, if the tree did not
have roots. Almost like a smoothly carved barrel
The soup warms their bellies satisfactorily and to those
minus the binding and the separate wooden
who show signs of exhaustion feel a touch of relief. All who pieces, this odd round thing is polished and
partake of dinner heal one non-Dramatic Wound
blackened by smoke. It faintly smells of milk and
instantly as the soup grants the eater a sense of renewed
of something…
strength. Asja tells them she will prepare their dessert and
exits the room.
• Finally, unless the four residents sleep in the
guest rooms, none of the rooms look like they are
Yefim gathers the used plates and bowls and recommends
intended for them. Nor are there any rooms that
everyone get a good night’s rest as the storm looks
resemble an office to keep track of the guests and
everything but far from ending. He tosses the used plates
supplies or any such similar chamber. If the
and bowls onto the sink and waves away any attempts to
residents are asked about this, they mere smile in
clean it, stating that he can probably ask a cleaning lady to
response, not saying anything, until the uneasy
help him tidy up tomorrow morning.
silence prompts the Hero to change the
conversation. If they don’t, the resident just gives
With that, the heroes are then left to their own devices.
a “uh huh”: laugh and walks away.
They can explore the cottage, speak to the new Guests,
speak to the owners of the cottage, and the like. One thing
they cannot do is leave, however. If anything, the Storm
has even gotten worse, and any attempts to brave it now Speaking to the Guests
have to content with the Hazard being twice its last noted
strength. Of the new guests, only Amar seems open to
communication, although like Fedyunka, he refuses to
speak a word. Amar readily shares what he can of his story
Explore the Cottage and clarifies his lack of any relation with the others.
Toomas and the “twins” degenerate any conversation
As mentioned before, the Heroes are free to do so. Page 9
involving them into a matter of insult and rudeness. Nikos
offers the descriptions of each room. Notable here are
and Marat would be willing to advance the argument into a
three things which if you so desire, can be found as a
physical altercation, but Toomas sticks to Intimidation
Dramatic Sequence using Notice against the Pressure to
instead. If asked about Kamos, Toomas warns them (with a
just relax and rest for the night. Raises can be spent for the
lie) that the old man is not just some old man, but a man
following realizations:
whose spirit had been sucked away by the evil spirits. By
• The cottage is extremely clean and neat, despite
the Leshiye. Or perhaps even by the demon spirits that
it not being in the best state of being. While walk the Commonwealth, given its closeness to Ussura. He
there are areas with cracks and damage, overall, claims Kamos now is possessed by the evil thing (and the
the place is maintained: there are no wet
candle lights flicker when he says that) and the old man
splotches where snow had fallen in and melted,
now speaks the lies of the spirits without cease. The claims
nor are there any pests. that Toomas makes are untrue. Clearly, he is lying but it
might be enough to get some Heroes to back off.
• The fresh fruit in the baskets look extremely fresh
(as if picked just within the day) and are of various
fruits from all over. Anyone with Academics can
13 | P a g e
Head to Bed ▪ The window in that room
remains open. The intense cold
Eventually, let the Heroes know that nightfall has come, from the outside is blowing in.
and exhaustion is upon them. If any of them opt to stay • The dead body has literally been hurled through
awake, that’s fine. Just remind them those who rest are the door from inside the room.
likely to recover from Wounds as well as they did partaking o Brawl: The attacker must have had
the soup. immense strength to shove the victim
If any of the Heroes opt to stay awake, then the next ▪ The likely suspect would be
Scene begins as a Dramatic Sequence. Otherwise, the Toomas. Nikos and Marat
Scene opens with a narrated scene. together may have been strong
enough but are less likely to
have done this and left without
being seen. Lastly, as odd as it
may sound, Fedyunka’s build
implies she could have done it, if
Scene 1-3 she were inclined to do violence.
Close Your Eyes, • The body is not one of the five new guests. It is
not one of the Heroes.
o Notice: The dead body is a local and not
a foreigner. And more interestingly, bears
In the silence of night, most find a chance to rest from the a striking resemblance to one person
punishing cold. The bedrooms offer extremely (assuming the Heroes saw his face).
comfortable beds and fluffy pillows. Kamos Farayan.
▪ Kamos: if the body is unmasked
If any Heroes opt to stay awake, they are the first ones within his view, he does react to
who hear the sounds that break the night’s peace. For seeing the face. He looks
anyone in a bedroom, the sounds would be muffled. But terrified.
for those outside their room, they hear a scream followed • In the bedroom’s window is left open, and there is
by the sound of a door crashing against its frame. a rope and a hook clamped on its side. The rope
was clearly used to climb into the room.
Dramatic Sequence: o Theft: The hook was designed to avoid
A Death making noise, and to pry the window
Someone dies. And it isn’t whom the Heroes expect. As the open. The rope was not secured at the
Heroes search for where the sound came from, more of the bottom, suggesting the climber had plans
guests and residents emerge as well. to pull it in with him and keep his entry
Very quickly, they begin to realize that everyone is still present. • The figure is a man and he is meticulously covered
So, who screamed? from head-to-toe in black.
o Hide: The person could have intended to
Investigate the Murder: Notice would be the key Skill in be stealthy in the dark, but clearly did not
play here. Athletics can be used to cover ground and find anticipate the cold either.
where it happened. ▪ He likely is not alone.
• The figure shows signs of frostbite. His nose, ears,
1 Raise: Each Raise can unlock any of the information and toes are blackened from the cold. He
listed below. Use your discretion on what seems best. probably had been staying outside for hours,
waiting for the right moment to go in.
• The sound comes from the section of The o Weaponry: There are no signs of new
Dancing Fair where the new guests are staying. It injuries from weapons. He does have lots
does not matter if it was in the ground floor or the of scarring implying he’s a skilled fighter.
second floor. And yet, he lost.
o Theft: The room was an empty one,
perhaps intended as an entry point.
14 | P a g e
Consequences: Being the first to the scene, the Heroes begins to pick up again once the Heroes have
making the first set of findings risk being seen as the actual noticed the bodies.
suspects. The first [ H] Raises spent have a one Raise • There are markings on the snow which imply
Consequence of being “accused of being the killer.” In as someone, or something moved from the cottage
much as the victim was an intruder, the thought that to each assailant.
someone just responded to the intrusion with murder is • Toomas begins to blame Amar, claiming he has
definitely a cause for alarm. some sort of demonic entity serving him. In this
ensuring scuffle, Toomas rips the chalkboard from
Amar’s hands and breaks it in half.
• Farayan struggles to break free (whether while left
No Time to Talk alone in the room, or if he was dragged along by
If the arguments scale up in intensity, this would be the the goons to see the bodies). Seeing the deaths of
perfect moment to reveal the next set of deaths. his people, he struggles now to break free and
rush to their bodies. As evil as he may be, they are
Any Hero who looks out the window and gazes further still family.
towards the woods sees a gruesome sight: more bodies. • No one has weapons that would match the
manner of deaths the people have suffered.
• And even if they did, their numbers are far too
Dramatic Sequence: many to have been dealt by the suspect.
Farayan’s People
Like a garden of gruesome cruelty, a variety of figures can be
seen hanging from the branches and stapled to the trees.
Each of them is similarly dressed with the first dead body. The
intense storm continues to swirl outside, but there has been
just enough of a calm by the cottage to see the massacre
hanging outside.
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Amar is truly terrified, and he wants to leave. He panickily
begins packing his things.
Part 2
Dark Tales Nikos Tsepov and Marat Kumarin
Both Nikos and Marat are amused. They think the family is
of Murder simply joking about the entire thing. While they’re
concerned about the murders, they think the Heroes are
Everyone is a suspect now. People begin to point fingers the ones behind it. When possible, have them tease the
even more now. With all the deaths outside, the whole strongest (highest Brawn) or most capable (notable
group is on the verge of acting upon their fears. Reputation related to Weaponry/Fighting) among them as
the one who “really did them in.” They grab Kamos again
to try and hold him prisoner.
Toomas Janiev
Scene 2-1 Toomas holds back every instinct in his body to break into
Snack, Gobble, a run. He can feel the sparks of fear exploding inside and
Gulp he recognized the dead bodies as being related to their
prisoner, Kamos. He has no idea who killed their enemies
At the first accusation that any of the residents may be and he is trapped between running to run for his life but
behind this, Yefim and Asja immediately break into loud needing to look in charge to keep Nikos and Marat in check.
and boisterous laughter. Even the baby, Doushenka,
Kamos Farayan
gleefully cheers at this moment – clapping her hands and
Seeing his people dead, Kamos attempts to fight back! He
giggling with joy. Only Fedyunka does not celebrate or
does not want to be imprisoned anymore. And during the
laugh. Instead, she looks terrified at the accusation!
fight, he tries to call on the Heroes to help!
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• Nikos and Marat are Pressured by Toomas to shut cause a Wound to all characters in the scene).
Kamos up. This limits their options, forcing them
to obey unless they have enough Raises to do The Heroes can spend Raises to try to get away. Keep track
something else. of this and warn them they don’t seem to be making any
• Toomas fights back with surprising Skill. Kamos progress. They must spend a total of the same number of
seems barely able to fight. But for some reason Raises to hurry back to the shelter.
the three treat him like he’s a huge dangerous
person. When they get back, Asja can be there cheerfully waiting
o Notice: An opportunity exists for the for them with warm towels. “Best you don’t try anything
Hero to overhear Kamos accusing Nikos like that again,” she grins.
and Marat of killing his people.
o Theft: An opportunity exists for the Hero
to recognize the dead bodies as part of a
criminal organization. They can easily
realize Kamos is the head of this
o Empathy: An opportunity exists to see
how Toomas never comes closer to
Kamos, even to the point of evading the
man when he falls down in a vulnerable
Run Away?
Any attempts to run away reveal the weather has done
precious little to weaken in intensity. As mentioned in page
6, the Heroes find themselves forced back into the shack.
They cannot escape the blizzard.
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Questioning the Family
“Was it the chance to try violence on someone who would not fight
At the moment when any of the Heroes turn to accuse the
residents of knowing more about this than they have At this point, two things can happen. If Toomas is not in
admitted, or when the GM has decided to have an NPC the scene, then the Heroes can ask Yefim for information.
accuse the residents of being the ones behind all this, they Yefim speaks openly about things, warning the Heroes that
hear something unexpected… they might not be ready to hear what he must share.
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Marat are his latest henchmen. Hearing the accusation, “Oh, such things might seem strange to you all... especially coming
however, Toomas finds the rage to act once more. He tries to from people like me who are filled with people who are old and
attack Yefim! dying…
Opposition: Toomas is a Rank 7 Villain. If any of the Heroes show anger or shock, Asja waves at
Up to three Heroes can try to physically stop Toomas’ them as if to tell them to calm down.
attack. The rest can only help indirectly using Hero
Points as normal (Core book, page 177) “Oh, all is well all is well dearies. All is well. No need to worry, I’ve
long been dead already.”
Toomas does not know dueling but will use his Virtue: The
War on the Hero who seems to be most in his way. If Nikos If any of the Heroes show concern or try to ask what
and Marat join the fight, the Heroes will have a bit more happened to her, Asja animatedly shares the story and
fighting to do. They won’t place themselves in mortal shows off the injuries she sustained from the assault.
danger, however, since Toomas doesn’t pay them enough
for that. It was another winter, little clucklings, when two young men were
given the chance to prove they were ready. One was handsome,
Striking Yefim despite his occasional disgusting behavior. The other was brutal
If Toomas ever lands a hit on Yefim which the Heroes fail and lascivious and needed a friend to rein him in. Close friends
to block, the blow surprisingly strikes Yefim… and traps his they were to be, despite one of them wishing it could be more.
hand in place as Yefim’s body takes the blow like a human-
shaped shrubbery. Yefim laughs as it does not hurt him in At this point, if Nikos and Marat were present, Marat would
any way. This leads to Toomas dropping to the ground in be yelling at Asja to shut up. Nikos, however, is confused
horror. why Marat is reacting this way. Marat warns Asja to shut up
or he will make her shut up. At this point, the Heroes an
Toomas’ defeat intervene. Marat, however, will not do more than just speak
Once forced to surrender, or knocked down to Helpless, …for now.
Toomas breaks down and weeps. He does feel remorse for
what he has done. And he becomes a blubbering mess as I was at the market, delivering the vegetables that Fedyunka had
he begins to admit being too afraid to take a life since then. prepared for sale the night before, when these two men would find
me as the weakling they could test their mettle upon.
Asja, the Babuhska “Oh, don’t worry about that cluckling. I did die that late afternoon.
When the accusation is made that the Grandmother knows The blows you both threw at my aged body were more than
what is going on, she laughs twirls and does a little dance. enough to shatter my bones.
She wiggles her fingers in the air as she giggles towards the
speaker and repeats the speaker’s very own question. “Fifteen strikes. Eighteen from the other. Can you guess who did
Then replies,
“Oh, come on, just give it a try. That’s the same thing you said that
“Yes. We killed them!” night after you hit me those first three times, wasn’t it, Nikos? Say
it! Say it again?”
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This, unfortunately, spurs Marat to act. In his honest love in place as Asja’s body takes the blow like a human-shaped
for his fellow henchman, Marat escalates this accusation to shrubbery. Asja laughs as it does not hurt her in any way.
violence. Marat freaks out and struggles to pull his hand free. He
eventually does, but not without much effort.
To reiterate the details of Asja’s information:
• Asja visited the city to sell Fedyunka’s vegetables. Marat’s defeat
• Nikos and Marat, then younger men still searching Once forced to surrender, or knocked down to Helpless,
to prove themselves, are given the challenge to Marat breaks down and weeps. He reaches out towards
kill someone within 24 hours. Nikos and pulls him close. He hugs his catatonic
• The two happen upon Asja and decide to target companion and cradles his head in his arms.
• Nikos was the first to strike, hitting Asja on the
face with a punch. Asja’s vegetables scattered on
the ground. Nikos ragged her to the alleyway and
threw a few more punches.
• After the third punch, he asked Marat if he would
just, “Give it a try.”
• The two begin beating the old woman up.
• Nikos throws a total of eighteen blows.
• Marat throws fifteen. Doushenka, the Child
• Asja dies from internal hemorrhaging. While it isn’t likely that the child would be singled out by
the Heroes or the NPCs, it is still possible that someone
Marat panics upon seeing Nikos seemingly enter some kind might (even jokingly) suggest that the child might be in
of fugue state. He rushes Asja. The Heroes can intervene. charge. If that does happen, it is the perfect time to play
up that suspicion.
Action Sequence:
The Love of Marat Kumarin Doushenka giggles at that statement, then stares at the
Marat cannot stand idly by as he and Nikos face something… speaker. Each time the speaker tries to get a reaction, say
beyond the usual. The two have taken scars and bullets he repeats the statement or tries expressing another idea
before. But for Marat to see Nikos slipping into this terrible that Doushenka might be more than just a normal baby,
mental state, he has no choice but to attack in a bid to protect have the same reaction be given. Make them wonder if the
the one he loves! child is… safe.
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While the baby is unable to actually “tell” the story of how Hearing the story, Farayan begins to realize what had
it dies in Farayan’s hands, its ability to answer yes or no happened. He laughs. He laughs at the absurdity of it all.
questions gives the players opportunities to ask other He has no regrets nor remorse over what had happened. If
questions. anything, he’s angry. Despite being a criminal and an
• Yes, the residents are behind the storm. immoral person, he accuses the residents of being things
• Yes, there will be more deaths. of pure evil. He attempts to sway the others, including the
• Yes, the residents were behind the deaths of the Heroes, into seeing the residents as the villains. He plays
people outside. the “We are all human, unlike those things!” card and even
• No, the Heroes were not intended to get caught in questions why he would be punished for killing someone
the storm. who was never even born.
• No, the Heroes were not supposed to get trapped
in the cottage.
• No, they cannot leave.
• No, this is not a safe place for everyone. Then Comes Reason
• Yes, some of you will die before this ends. Now that the Heroes understand what has happened, they
• Yes, the Heroes too will be killed for being here slowly begin to realize something worse. They are trapped
• No, they cannot stop this. in the unfolding act of vengeance that Fedyunka has
• Yes, the baby may be wrong. somehow orchestrated.
Given the unlikelihood of being able to talk to the baby For groups that opted to have an NPC needing assistance,
further, the Heroes might decide to have someone that NPC can exclaim this realization if none of the Heroes
translate for them. The other residents don’t look shocked have realized it yet. Or, if the Heroes confront Farayan
to learn their baby can talk. With them there, you can about his act of cruelty, he can laugh at them and express
transition immediately to use the other scenes as needed. this very conundrum.
The story of the baby, as told by any other resident (except The Heroes are on the verge of suffering the same
for Fedyunka): Kamos Farayan does not recognize the punishment to be dealt to these terrible people. Unless
baby, however. they find some way to avoid it.
22 | P a g e
Of Faryan
Scene 2-2 The crime lord is likely far too deep into a life of crime and
Oven and Fire violence to truly have found remorse. But if you want to
utilize him as the one worth saving, then perhaps there
could be a revelation that Farayan’s activities have long
The Heroes now know that the entire scenario is a trap that ceased to support more violent ends. Instead, he only
Fedyunka had laid to punish people whom have made her “rules” in name while an inner council of younger family
life a living hell. Unfortunately, the trap has also snared members have taken control of the group. Time has not
people who shouldn’t have been dragged into this – the been kind to him, and he has seen far too many younger
Heroes – for one, and the poor Amar. Escape would family members die before he did.
probably be the foremost goal they have in mind, or at
least should have been had it not been for violence that While he may be guilty for the sins of his past, perhaps if
was to come. he survives this, he might be instrumental in changing his
family organization from a criminal one into a more heroic
With the secrets revealed, the residents celebrate the one.
coming acts of vengeance. Depending on how the story
has progressed for your group of players, each of the Toomas’ Remorse
accused go through their own moments of violence. Their Among the three, only Toomas has shown actual remorse.
desperate attempts to escape will not go smoothly and the Toomas has no qualms with the act of stealing. But murder
Heroes find themselves caught between ignoring the was something he never truly thought he would ever do.
screams of violence or searching for ways to stop it. This remorse could be the seed of compassion that leads
to heroic beginnings.
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Many GMs might favor the use of graphic description in showing Asja Attacks
the violence. Describing how the blood explodes and how
The old woman attacks like a savage cannibal, biting and
dismembered body parts fly around might be fun for some
groups. For those who prefer less graphic detail, however, screaming as she leaps onto her target of choice. Her
consider using more suggestive visuals. Describe the feelings mouth swivels open, with the edges of her mouth reaching
instead the Heroes endure as they see the terrible sights. all the way to her ears. Rows of jagged teeth mash against
Expand on the physiological impact the witnessed cruelty has meat and bone, ripping chunks out like a hungry Great
on them. The feeling of fainting. The cold sweat. The White Shark. For Marat and Nikos, Asja’s body reacts like
hyperventilation. shrubbery, with their blows striking through her only to get
painfully stuck as barbs and thorns inside of her body catch
Sometimes, less can be more.
their limbs. Imagine a humanoid thorny bush as a target,
and each time they hit her, their own force propels their
limbs inside her. The act of withdrawing then has their
Dramatic Sequence: muscle and skin catch against the barbs and thorns.
Protect the Hopeful One Forcibly breaking free causes 2 Wounds and creates an
The residents demand revenge. But maybe, just maybe, saving explosive display of snapped brambles and leaves.
this one might make a world of difference.
Against the Heroes, however, Asja’s body reacts normally.
Take the Blows: The Heroes can only protect the target by She can be pushed back or even held down in a lock. Given
exposing themselves to the same danger they are in. they are not her actual targets, she is not magically
Athletics, Weaponry, Notice, and the like are important in predisposed to resist their actions.
being able to act before the strike lands.
Yefim Attacks
3H Raises: The group must be able to pay this number of The old man on the other hand is a slow, relentless killer.
raises in total to save the target’s life. The group only has H He walks towards Toomas without needing to rest, slowed
Sequences to attempt to complete this total before the but never halted by debris and furniture. He clambers over
target falls a violent and bitter end. Until then, each Raise all obstacles and when faced with a closed door or barred
successfully blocks an attack, but does not stop the passageway, he then begins hacking his way through using
continuing threats upon the target’s life. an axe seem to emerge from his very skin. Once upon a
target, he strikes over and over, reducing the target to
Listed below are possible consequences other than the helplessness one limb at a time. For Toomas, Yefim’s body
total required which the players must also spend Raises on reacts like shrubbery, with his blows striking through him
to prevent. Or the Heroes can opt to accept the only to get painfully stuck as barbs and thorns inside of his
Consequences listed here and instead focus their raises on body catch skin and bone just like Asja would against the
completing the target number above. two. The act of withdrawing a trapped limb causes 2
Wounds as well and creates an explosive display of
• The resident lands a blow: 2 Wounds snapped brambles and leaves similar to Asja’s.
• The resident strikes from hiding: 2 Wounds
• Furniture nearby explodes: 2 Wounds Against the Heroes, however, Yefim’s body reacts
• The ground collapses, separating the Hero from normally. He can be pushed back or even held down in a
others. 2 Raises to rejoin the group. lock for a temporary amount of time. He never tires,
• The ceiling collapses, damaging all Heroes in the however, and given enough time will always reach his
area for 2 Wounds. target.
• A pair of residents strike in concert, dealing 4
Doushenka Attacks
Worse, by the second Sequence, all Heroes are affected by Frighteningly, the child is the most vicious of them all.
Pressure. They feel the need to protect themselves Once the violence has reached a peak, and it seems the
INSTEAD. Paying for the target will now be harder as it Heroes are facing the most horrible of foes, the baby
costs 2 Raises to contribute a single one. Thankfully, once a reveals how much worse it can get. Like a whirling dervish
Hero resists this Pressure for the first time, that specific of teeth and talons, the baby rips through anyone standing
Hero is no longer affected by it. in its way in a bid to kill the target. Any strikes from the
24 | P a g e
baby that land during this time can be doubled if the GM be spent to try to understand what is going on in her mind.
pays a Danger Point. Use the list below to choose what information a Hero can
gain when they attempt to spend Raises to reach the silent
Doushenka Attacked Devushka.
If any Hero strikes back at the baby, Doushenka wails as an
actual baby would! This high-pitched wail emotionally Additionally, any attempts to attack or injure her actually
strikes all the Heroes, acting as Pressure to stop the DO land. She takes Wounds as a Villain wound but never
attacker! This works EVEN if they are aware the baby is a fights back. Remind Heroes that attacking an opponent
monster and not normal! who isn’t fighting back an action standing on morally shaky
ground. The first few strikes might be fine, but the third
might mean Corruption.
Running Away If need be, use any available NPC to be the voice of reason
that Fedyunka may know the only way to break free.
Any attempts to run away quickly reveal it is impossible.
None of the windows now allow the Heroes to exit.
• Fedyunka wants these acts of vengeance to
Destroying windows or doors (with the use of Advantages,
happen. She isn’t acting however, for some
for example) might give the Heroes a chance to leave the
cottage, but this only returns them to the relentless cold of
• Her silence is not a matter of biological
the storm outside. Attempting to flee into the woods
should clearly be presented as a bad idea. Death by impairment or injury. It seems to be an action she
has chosen to maintain.
environment or death from the hands of the residents
seems to be the two sole options that exist. • Their own survival might be something she can
If they attempted escape with the targets accompanying • Given her lack of apparent Sorcery, something
them, not only do they content with the storm, but also else must be allowing the blizzard and the violent
with the residents who attack them whenever they can. events to transpire.
Even the very wood of the cottage whips out to strike at
them when it can! Once H Raises have been spent on Fedyunka, she begins
to reconsider her position. Sensing this, the thing that
If the Heroes persist, then the GM can allow them to heard her pleas for revenge emerges as well.
escape if they can accumulate 3H Raises while in the
intense environment (see page 6), then they reach its outer
perimeter and break though. Escape is viable, just
tremendously hard. But if the GM allows this escape, then
the adventure ends there.
And Fedyunka
The Hero with the highest Wits notices that of the
residents, Fedyunka has not taken part in any of the
violence. She remains silent the entire time, watching with
anger in her eyes. Any Heroes who attempt to reach out to
her and talk to her are still met with silence.
Dramatic Sequence:
Reaching Fedyunka
Attempting to talk to her can reveal things despite her silence.
25 | P a g e
Чем да́
льше в лес тем бо́
льше дров
26 | P a g e
Part 3
Dark Tales Scene 3-1
Debating on the
of Murder Dead
With the deaths of the condemned, the Heroes find
Vengeance has been accomplished. But now, innocents themselves face to face with Fedyunka hoping she can
are caught in the fray. The Heroes must act fast and plead help them in the situation. Seeing the violence, Fedyunka
their case or they too shall face the same end as the others realizes she has made a horrible mistake. But in her heart,
have. she is still unable to imagine living a life away from her
“family.” Despite logically knowing they aren’t the real
Ussurans have a saying, “Чем да́льше в лес, тем бо́льше people, she still fears more experiencing them “dying”
дров (Chem dal’she v les, tem bol’she drov).” This roughly again.
translates to, “The further into the woods, the more
firewood.” This implies that greater gain can be expected However, Mishko is not allowing them to have an easy
as well as greater obstacles the further one is involved in a time. The demon first begins attacking the Heroes as the
situation. cottage. When that does not work, it escalates by
manifesting to attack the Heroes directly.
Fedyunka has lived a terrible and pain-filled life. When she
found herself one night at the deepest depths of her grief,
her cries for justice and her desire for vengeance attracted
one of the Leshiye. But not just any Leshiye. It attracted
The Solution
Only Fedyunka can stop the terror.
one known as Mishko Velnias. Seen more as a forest
demon rather than a protector, Mishko represents the Fedyunka’s Compassion
cruelty of nature and the viciousness of the wild. The Heroes can attempt to appeal to Fedyunka’s
Fedyunka’s anger excited it and it offered her the chance at compassion. Heroes who have gone through similar
revenge on three conditions: tragedies can share their own stories with Fedyunka.
Other Heroes can offer stories of how demons’ trick and
a) That she allows it to play with its prey as it
malign those who end up needing their help. Lastly, the
Heroes can also ask Fedyunka to think back and share her
b) That she speaks to no one of its name.
c) That she then keeps it company for the rest of her memories of how the family was. How they really were
life, to live in this cottage. back then. These stories allow the Hero to use Raises to
convince Fedyunka to break the pact.
To make the deal even more enticing, Mishko brought back
Fedyunka’s dead family, including the daughter she never Enterprising players who try using Superstitions (such as
had. They were not the real people, however. They were those listed in page 8) can get a Bonus die in their rolls. A
Kupalo and Marena, puppets made of plant and straw. As total of 3H in Raises would be needed to do so.
was Mishko’s plan, Fedyunka found herself unable to
banish her family members. The moment the Heroes reach the first H Raises,
Fedyunka begins to speak again. She admits her fears and
So, she agreed with the pact. Years passed, and she stayed
her anger. She confesses her need to have her family. She
in the cottage with her new family. Travelers would come
tells them of her suffering.
upon the cottage and find warm and peace in its walls.
Fedyunka would keep her promise, never speaking to
anyone out of fear of accidentally slipping and saying the When they reach the second H worth of Raise, the
demon’s name. The years allowed her a life back with her Fedyunka begins to admit this is wrong. This is terrible.
family… until today. But she still is swayed by the family members, even if
they’re clearly Kupalo and Marena.
She never thought she would see the violence it entailed.
27 | P a g e
Once all 3H Raises are completed, Fedyunka breaks the needing to pay a Hero Point. They can do this up to H
Pact. times during the battle against Mishko.
An Alternative Solution
The Heroes fight the demon head on.
28 | P a g e
In Closing
In the clearing where the shattered cottage once stood,
moon light shines down from the sky. A silhouetted figure
walks up to the ruin and knocks on the wood three times.
The shadow figure draws out two glass shot glasses, places
them on a piece of wood, and pours a drink into each one.
With a slender finger, the shadow reaches up and scratches
her nose.
The players have completed a 3-point Game Master Story,
which means they have earned a 3-point Advancement.
They can spend it for the following possible rewards:
29 | P a g e
A note from the Author…
The Silent Devushka is a stand-alone Adventure which
offers a quick story that a Game Master can run for their THE DARK JOURNAL
gaming group. This adventure was written as a The Dark Journal talks about Viscera Suckers.
Halloween present, but sadly real life delayed its The Dark Journal – Part 2 talks about Breeders.
The Dark Journal – Part 3 talks about Predators.
completion and release.
Still, I do hope that those who purchased the book will A night with the Imperatrice becomes one night not even the
find the story within much to their liking. May it offer dead will ever forget. Standalone adventure.
your group exciting thrills and heart-stopping moments
An artificial island rises from the Widow’s Sea
and reveals its hidden Syrneth ruins. Standalone adventure.
Seven tasks are asked of the Heroes to save the life of Losejas
who lies in her deathbed. But what if this is just another lie,
created by the Dievai themselves to lure more to their doom?
Rules on how to play young Heroes, with 30 New
Advantages, 3 New Arcana, and 6 New Stories.
Special Thanks
30 | P a g e
Forced to find shelter from a sudden
A 7 Sea Ussuran Horror Mystery
keywords: Curses, Fairytales, Imprisonment,
Tragedy, Revenge
31 | P a g e