Assessment Exam 04
Assessment Exam 04
Assessment Exam 04
reach 50% consolidation. It is proposed to will happen to the effective stress at A if the
construct a building at the above site. ground water level will rise up to the
9. It is the total effective stress at a given sand was tested under drained conditions in
depth due to the weight of overlying soil or a triaxial compression test apparatus and
table. If the deviator stress used in the test 17. Soils having size larger than 75 mm. *
is 150kPa used in the same sample, what Gravel
would be the chamber pressure. * Rock
Boulders and Cobbles
of safety of 2.0 against piping assuming that 20 cm3 at its Liquid Limit. Given LL = 42% ,
the coarse sand has the same porosity and PL = 30% , SL = 17% , GS = 2.74. Find the
specific gravity as the soil and that there is minimum volume the soil can attain. *
20.6 %
61.5 % 25.2 %
75.1 % 16.3 %
52.3 % 8.5 %
11.5 %
40. The particle size characteristics of a soil
42. A circular pile having a diameter of 0.35
is given in the table. Determine the
m is embedded through a layer of 4.5 m
thick of clay layer into a dense sand having
a bearing capacity factor of 78. Unit weight
of clay is 16 kN/m3 and saturated unit
weight of sand is 18 kN/m3. Water table is
located at the top of the sand layer. Lateral
pressure factor of compression K = 1.20 and
coefficient of friction of concrete pile is
percentage of sand using USDA. * 0.42. The allowable capacity 600 kN. Using a
factor of safety of 3. *
16.9 % 16.37 m
15.2 % 15.25 m
26.3 % 17.88 m
12.0 % 14.23 m
multistory building. The sides of the trench 46. SITUATION. A smooth, vertical wall
are supported with sheet pile walls fixed in retains a 7-m high granular backfill with the
ground level being horizontal. The water
table lies at a depth of 3 m from the top.
The friction angle of the backfill is 32°. The
bulk and saturated unit weight of the soil
are 16.5 kN/m3 and 18.0 kN/m3
respectively. Assuming the soil is in active
state, What is the magnitude of the
horizontal thrust on the wall, kN? *
place by struts and wales as shown in
figure. The wales are braced at every 4 m 182.3
47. SITUATION. A smooth, vertical wall 49. SITUATION. A footing of a structure is
retains a 7-m high granular backfill with the shown below. Find average increase of
ground level being horizontal. The water effective pressure in clay layer using 2:1
table lies at a depth of 3 m from the top. method. *
The friction angle of the backfill is 32°. The
bulk and saturated unit weight of the soil
are 16.5 kN/m3 and 18.0 kN/m3
respectively. Assuming the soil is in active
state, Find location of the horizontal thrust
measured from the bottom? *
2.70 m
2.01 m
2.30 m
2.51 m
71.97 kPa
101.40 kPa
124.95 kPa
95.52 kPa
50. SITUATION. A footing of a structure is
shown below. Determine the settlement of
the clay layer. *
22 mm
36 mm
26.5 mm
28 mm