English 12
English 12
English 12
(A): Choose the correct option of under-lined words from Book-2 Part-I. (2)
(A) small (B) slow (C) swift (D) huge i An immense tidal wave must
have travelled over the surface of
the sun.
(A) always (B) frequent (C) seldom (D) often ii It iw very, very rare event
(B): Choose the correct option of under-lined words from Book-2 Part-II. (2)
(C): Choose the correct option of under-lined words from Goodbye Mr. Chips. (3)
(A) perfect (B) defective (C) dependable (D) deep iii At the beginning, Chips'
discipline was not reliable:
(A) clumsy (B) narrow (C) mild (D) rough iv The house itself was ugly and
(A) fairly (B) meanly (C) finally (D) lazily v His dream had been to get a
headship eventually:
(D): Choose the correct option of appropriate prepositions. (4)
(A) with (B) from (C) of (D) at vi He is fond ................... sweets.
(A) with (B) from (C) to (D) at vii I don't agree ................... your
(A) on (B) upon (C) to (D) at viii He is very kind ..................
(A) to (B) in (C) with (D) for ix Qaseem has great hope ____
(E): Choose the correct sentence. (4)
(A) The chair leg (B) The chair's (C) The leg of the (D) The leg of a x The chair's leg in broken.
is broken. leg is break. chair is chair is
broken. broken.
(A) The Muslims (B) Muslims recite (C) The Muslims (D) All Muslims xi Muslims recite Holy Quran
recite the Holy the Holy recite Holy recite Holy daily:
Quran daily. Quran daily. Quran daily. Quran daily.
(A) He is the (B) He is ablest (C) He is an (D) He is a ablest xii He is the ablest and most
ablest and the and most ablest and the and a most efficient teacher:
most efficient efficient most efficient efficient
teacher. teacher. teacher. teacher.
(A) He is very (B) He is to weak (C) He is too (D) He is too xiii He is very weak to walk.
weak too too walk. weak too weak to walk.
walk. walk.
2. Answer the given questions from Book-II Part-I. (3x2=6)
(i) Why is the universe so frightening? (ii) Why is life impossible on sun, stars and in the space?
(iii) What is the place of our earth in the universe?
3. Answer the given questions from Book-II Part-II. (3x2=6)
4. Answer the given questions from the Novel Goodbye Mr.Chips. (4x2=8)
(i) What did doctor Merivale advise Mrs. Wickett about Mr. Chip's health? (ii) What kind of fellow was Mr. Wetherby?
(iii) How did Mr. Chips handle his first class at Brookfield school? (iv) What was the social and academic status of Chips?
5. Write an Essay (300-400 words) on any ONE of the following topics. (15)
(i) My Hobby (ii) Pollution (iii) Why I Love Pakistan (iv) Science and Society
6. Use any FIVE of the following idioms/phrases in sentence of your own. (10)
(i) alpha and omega (ii) come by (iii) tooth and nail (iv) come to blows (v) a bad egg (vi) in full swing
(vii) make up one's mind (viii) to make one's mark
7. Translate the following passage into English. (15)
ں ۔ د ر ںا ن اور وں ان ن ا ز د
ب ،ض س، ا ن ۔ روں ا ن ۔ ا ار ء اور ا
ز ر ۔ رو اور ا ل ۔ ى اور ِو
۔ ا د ۔ ں ف
MCQs Ans Key
Q:1 (D) Q:2 (C) Q:3 (C) Q:4 (D) Q:5 (C) Q:6 (C)
Q:7 (C) Q:8 (C) Q:9 (D) Q:10 (C) Q:11 (B) Q:12 (A)
Q:13 (D)
Ameenpur, Faisalabad 03126987979
Name: Roll#: Class: Inter Part-II
Subject: English-12 Date: Time:
Test Type # Type 8 - Short Test - Marks=75
Test Syllabus: Unit-3, Unit-19, Unit-20, Grammar & Composition ,
(A): Choose the correct option of under-lined words from Book-2 Part-I. (2)
(A) hard work (B) real work (C) work (D) study i He has never learned what real
application is:
(A) do well (B) feel better (C) see really (D) correct ii Many boys attempt seriously to
make good.
(B): Choose the correct option of under-lined words from Book-2 Part-II. (2)
(C): Choose the correct option of under-lined words from Goodbye Mr. Chips. (3)
(A) gloomy (B) usual (C) joyful (D) depressed iii Chips' marriage was a triumph
(A) delight (B) insult (C) admonition (D) warning iv Chips felt no relish of being
(A) colour (B) sweet smell (C) ill smell (D) taste v He was stirred by the general
aroma of tea.
(D): Choose the correct option of appropriate prepositions. (4)
(A) with (B) from (C) in (D) into vi He burst ................... tears.
(A) with (B) from (C) by (D) in vii Ali always does his paper
................ blue ink.
(A) from (B) of (C) in (D) at viii I am sick ..................
(A) for (B) to (C) by (D) at ix Life is dear ____ everyone.
(E): Choose the correct sentence. (4)
(A) Aslam's leg (B) Leg of Aslam (C) The Aslam's (D) Aslam's legs x The leg of Aslam was broken:
was broken. was broken. leg was was broken.
(A) She comes in (B) She comes for (C) She comes of (D) She comes to xi She comes from a good family.
a good family. a good family. a good family. a good family.
(A) He is coward (B) He is coward. (C) He is a (D) He is a xii He is a coward man.
man. cowardly coward manly.
(A) He did not (B) He did not (C) He did not (D) He did not xiii He did not leave his work
leave his work leave the work leave his work leave the his uncomplete.
incomplete. uncomplete. the work
incomplete. uncomplete.
2. Answer the given questions from Book-II Part-I. (3x2=6)
(i) What is meant by mistaken ambition? (ii) Write any three causes of students' failure in the college.
(iii) What kind of diseases were brought to light by the college doctor?
3. Answer the given questions from Book-II Part-II. (3x2=6)
4. Answer the given questions from the Novel Goodbye Mr.Chips. (4x2=8)
(i) With whom did Mr. Chips share his all discussions?
(ii) What was the opinion of Mr. Chips about the radical writers like Ibsen and Bernard Shaw?
(iii) What was the name of the girl and how she looked like? (iv) Where did Mr. Chips meet Katherine first time?
5. Write an Essay (300-400 words) on any ONE of the following topics. (15)
(i) Choice of a Profession (ii) Life in a Big City (iii) Why I Love Pakistan (iv) Importance of Muslim Unity
6. Use any FIVE of the following idioms/phrases in sentence of your own. (10)
(i) hue and cry (ii) take after (iii) tooth and nail (iv) in the nick of time (v) apple of discard (vi) a bed of thorns
(vii) hard nut to crack (viii) in keeping with
7. Translate the following passage into English. (15)
۔ ذر ا ں ۔ و ۔ ورى اور ا ن
ا اور ر ۔ دو وں و ت رے ذ ۔ ت ونِ ص ر
رے ا ت ونِ ۔ ت رے رے ۔ اس ح ز ر و رواج
۔ دا ۔
MCQs Ans Key
Q:1 (C) Q:2 (A) Q:3 (C) Q:4 (A) Q:5 (B) Q:6 (D)
Q:7 (A) Q:8 (B) Q:9 (B) Q:10 (A) Q:11 (C) Q:12 (B)
Q:13 (A)
Ameenpur, Faisalabad 03126987979
Name: Roll#: Class: Inter Part-II
Subject: English-12 Date: Time:
Test Type # Type 8 - Short Test - Marks=75
Test Syllabus: Unit-5, Unit-21, Unit-22, Grammar & Composition ,
(A): Choose the correct option of under-lined words from Book-2 Part-I. (2)
(A) store (B) rope (C) gallows (D) place i It is sometimes difficult to find
scaffold for them.
(A) door (B) attic (C) ceiling (D) cellar ii Flashing his lantern on the
catches of the basement
(B): Choose the correct option of under-lined words from Book-2 Part-II. (2)
(C): Choose the correct option of under-lined words from Goodbye Mr. Chips. (3)
(A) great (B) little (C) important (D) strange iii The trivial cause of so many
momentous happenings was one
(A) bad (B) extraordinary (C) average (D) very good iv Chips had a mediocre degree.
(A) teaching skill (B) creative skill (C) learning skill (D) singing art v He gave everything except
(D): Choose the correct option of appropriate prepositions. (4)
(A) on (B) of (C) for (D) in vi Rabia takes pride ............... her
(A) to (B) of (C) with (D) from vii Do not be jealous .............
(A) for (B) to (C) by (D) from viii We should always pray _____
Allah Almighty.
(A) with (B) in (C) at (D) from ix Do not interfere ______ my
(E): Choose the correct sentence. (4)
(A) Where this (B) Where does (C) Where do this (D) Where does x Where this road leads to?
road lead to? this road road lead to? this road lead
leads to? to?
(A) Either you or I (B) Either you or (C) Either you or I (D) Either you or I xi Either you or I are wrong:
have wrong. me are wrong. is wrong. am wrong.
(A) Trust at God. (B) Trust by God. (C) Trust over (D) Trust in God. xii Trust to God.
(A) How many (B) How many (C) How many (D) How many xiii How many cattles are grazing
cattle are cattle is cattles is cattles are in the field?
grazing in the grazing in the grazing in the grazing in the
field? field? field? field?
2. Answer the given questions from Book-II Part-I. (3x2=6)
(i) Why did J. C. Squire tremble to see the policeman?
(ii) How did the writer muster up courage at last to fling the books into the river?
(iii) Describe the writer's (J. C. Squire) feelings about the books after destroying them.
3. Answer the given questions from Book-II Part-II. (3x2=6)
4. Answer the given questions from the Novel Goodbye Mr.Chips. (4x2=8)
(i) Why was Katherine happy from Chips' profession? (ii) Where did Katherine start her new life of marriage?
(iii) What were the views of Katherine Bridges about the students of Poplar School.
(iv) What was the effect of Chips' marriage on his sense of humour?
5. Write an Essay (300-400 words) on any ONE of the following topics. (15)
(i) Importance of Computer (ii) Technical Education (iii) Importance of Muslim Unity (iv) Drug Addiction
6. Use any FIVE of the following idioms/phrases in sentence of your own. (10)
(i) deal in (ii) null and void (iii) look after (iv) broken reed (v) make out (vi) hit on (vii) keep off
(viii) burn the midnight oil
7. Translate the following passage into English. (15)
i ز دہ ں۔ راك ۔ا لر ى ۔ وہ ى وا ہ
ى ہا ور ں۔ وہ ف ۔ ا ى وں ۔ ز دہ ےد ا ۔ وہ رو
۔ ۔ ا وا ا زت د و ۔ روز ۔
MCQs Ans Key
Q:1 (C) Q:2 (D) Q:3 (B) Q:4 (C) Q:5 (D) Q:6 (D)
Q:7 (B) Q:8 (B) Q:9 (B) Q:10 (D) Q:11 (D) Q:12 (D)
Q:13 (A)
Ameenpur, Faisalabad 03126987979
Name: Roll#: Class: Inter Part-II
Subject: English-12 Date: Time:
Test Type # Type 8 - Short Test - Marks=75
Test Syllabus: Unit-7, Unit-23, Unit-24, Grammar & Composition ,
(A): Choose the correct option of under-lined words from Book-2 Part-I. (2)
(A) happy (B) confident (C) upset (D) sad i The writer says that he got rattled
whenever he went into the bank.
(A) lingered (B) limped (C) lessened (D) detached ii I shambled in and looked imidly.
(B): Choose the correct option of under-lined words from Book-2 Part-II. (2)
(C): Choose the correct option of under-lined words from Goodbye Mr. Chips. (3)
(A) simple (B) haphazard (C) arranged (D) regular iii Chips made desultory notes in
an exercise book:
(A) rendered (B) wait (C) request (D) order iv Katherine did not always plead
for leniency:
(A) shook his (B) talked (C) laughed (D) frowned v Mr. Chips nodded and stumbled
head on:
(D): Choose the correct option of appropriate prepositions. (4)
(A) of (B) to (C) with (D) in vi He died ................... cholera.
(A) by (B) to (C) at (D) on vii Do not sneer _____ the poor.
(A) for (B) to (C) on (D) with viii Aslam is hungry ____ money.
(A) no one should (B) no one should (C) no one should (D) no one should ix No one should speak a lie.
speak lie. tell a lie. have tell a lie. have tell the
(E): Choose the correct sentence. (4)
(A) She lay in bed (B) She lied in (C) She had laid (D) She laid in x She lays in bed yesterday.
yesterday. bed in bed bed
yesterday. yesterday. yesterday.
(A) The Muslims (B) Muslims recite (C) The Muslims (D) All Muslims xi Muslims recite Holy Quran
recite the Holy the Holy recite Holy recite Holy daily:
Quran daily. Quran daily. Quran daily. Quran daily.
(A) The Indus is (B) Indus is the (C) The Indus (D) Indus is larger xii Indus was a large river in
the largest large river in was large river in Pakistan.
river in Pakistan. river in Pakistan.
Pakistan. Pakistan.
(A) He is coward (B) He is coward. (C) He is a (D) He is a xiii He is a coward man.
man. cowardly coward manly.
2. Answer the given questions from Book-II Part-I. (3x2=6)
(i) How did the writer feel when he entered the bank? (ii) What was open at the side of the private room of the manager?
(iii) Why did the people in the bank have the impression that Leacock was an invalid millionaire?
3. Answer the given questions from Book-II Part-II. (3x2=6)
4. Answer the given questions from the Novel Goodbye Mr.Chips. (4x2=8)
(i) Why could Mr. Chips not write a book about his life at the Brookfield School?
(ii) What was the reaction of Chips when he heard that his wife and child died? (iii) Who was Faulkner?
(iv) What did Chips remember about Dunster?
5. Write an Essay (300-400 words) on any ONE of the following topics. (15)
(i) A Visit to a Historical Place (ii) Why I Love Pakistan (iii) Science and Society (iv) Education for Women
6. Use any FIVE of the following idioms/phrases in sentence of your own. (10)
(i) a jail bird (ii) come by (iii) fall in (iv) keep up (v) turn down (vi) call in (vii) an axe to grind
(viii) at daggars drawn
7. Translate the following passage into English. (15)
ل ا ا ۔ا ن ر ۔د ر دور
د ۔ اس ل ا اب ا ن ۔ رآ اس د ۔ اس
ر ں۔ س اس ۔ ر ہ اس
MCQs Ans Key
Q:1 (C) Q:2 (B) Q:3 (B) Q:4 (C) Q:5 (A) Q:6 (A)
Q:7 (C) Q:8 (A) Q:9 (B) Q:10 (D) Q:11 (B) Q:12 (A)
Q:13 (B)
Ameenpur, Faisalabad 03126987979
Name: Roll#: Class: Inter Part-II
Subject: English-12 Date: Time:
Test Type # Type 8 - Short Test - Marks=75
Test Syllabus: Unit-9, Unit-25, Unit-26, Grammar & Composition ,
(A): Choose the correct option of under-lined words from Book-2 Part-I. (2)
(A) penalized (B) suffered (C) died (D) died i Nine and a half million people
perished in a single famine:
(A) floods (B) wars (C) scarsity of (D) transportation ii Famine has been a problem
food since the beginning of time.
(B): Choose the correct option of under-lined words from Book-2 Part-II. (2)
(C): Choose the correct option of under-lined words from Goodbye Mr. Chips. (3)
(A) old man (B) a young boy (C) a baby (D) man iii I was myself a mere infant.
(A) new (B) silky (C) precious (D) torn iv Chips wore a tattered gown.
(A) diligent (B) energetic (C) sluggish (D) determined v Ralston was a live-wire:
(D): Choose the correct option of appropriate prepositions. (4)
(A) at (B) in (C) toward (D) for vi He was astonished ..................
the sudden arrival of his friend.
(A) with (B) to (C) from (D) by vii He is used .............. it:
(A) from (B) with (C) to (D) at viii I cannot part ______ my
(A) for (B) in (C) on (D) of ix I am sure ______ my success.
(E): Choose the correct sentence. (4)
(A) Ten deer are (B) Ten deer is (C) Ten deers are (D) Ten deers is x Ten deers are sitting in the
sitting in the sitting in the sitting on the sitting in the forest.
forest. forest. forest. forest.
(A) Look on this (B) Look up this (C) Look at this (D) Look this xi Look this word in the dictionary.
word in the word in the word in the word into the
dictionary. dictionary. dictionary. dictionary.
(A) although he is (B) although he is (C) although he is (D) although he is xii Although he is poor, but he is
poor, yet he is poor, but he is poor, he was poor, even he honest.
honest. honest. honest. is honest.
(A) He is taller of (B) He is tallest of (C) He is the taller (D) He is the xiii He is the tallest of the two.
two two. of the two. tallest of two.
2. Answer the given questions from Book-II Part-I. (3x2=6)
(i) Describe some great famines of the past.
(ii) What is meant by brith-rate and death-rate and how do they affect population of a country?
(iii) Why is birth-rate so high in underdeveloped countries?
3. Answer the given questions from Book-II Part-II. (3x2=6)
4. Answer the given questions from the Novel Goodbye Mr.Chips. (4x2=8)
(i) Why did boys begin to call Chips old? (ii) Who were Boers?
(iii) Who was Naylor and what what did Chips remember about him?
(iv) How did Chips take attendance and what was special about it?
5. Write an Essay (300-400 words) on any ONE of the following topics. (15)
(i) My National Hero (ii) Corona Pandemic in Pakistan (iii) Education for Women (iv) Drug Addiction
6. Use any FIVE of the following idioms/phrases in sentence of your own. (10)
(i) a black sheep (ii) bad blood (iii) full of (iv) to carry the day (v) look forward to (vi) few and far between
(vii) hard nut to crack (viii) keep off
7. Translate the following passage into English. (15)
i ز ۔ ر ر آدھ ا ۔ اس ا دن رے رہ د ں ۔ ن رہ ا
ُ ۔ ع ں ا ۔ا ن آ ار رو رج ۔ د
۔ دى
MCQs Ans Key
Q:1 (C) Q:2 (C) Q:3 (C) Q:4 (D) Q:5 (B) Q:6 (A)
Q:7 (B) Q:8 (A) Q:9 (D) Q:10 (A) Q:11 (B) Q:12 (A)
Q:13 (D)
Ameenpur, Faisalabad 03126987979
Name: Roll#: Class: Inter Part-II
Subject: English-12 Date: Time:
Test Type # Type 8 - Short Test - Marks=75
Test Syllabus: Unit-11, Unit-27, Unit-28, Grammar & Composition ,
(A): Choose the correct option of under-lined words from Book-2 Part-I. (2)
(A) dominated (B) surprised (C) worked (D) stepped i The examiner's will prevailed.
(A) desire (B) lesson (C) maintained (D) rejected ii And their will prevailed.
(B): Choose the correct option of under-lined words from Book-2 Part-II. (2)
(A) drawings (B) marks (C) words (D) ticks iii The writer put a blot and a few
smudges on the paper:
(A) small (B) active (C) large (D) clear iv The headmaster judged his
ability from these slender
(C): Choose the correct option of under-lined words from Goodbye Mr. Chips. (3)
(D): Choose the correct option of appropriate prepositions. (4)
(A) on (B) for (C) of (D) from v He availed himself ..................
this chance.
(A) at (B) on (C) to (D) by vi She was amazed ____ his
(A) of (B) about (C) for (D) to vii The chair is made ____ wood.
(A) this is your's (B) this book is (C) this is of your (D) this is your viii This is yours book.
book. yourself. book. book.
(E): Choose the correct sentence. (4)
(A) Though he is (B) Although he is (C) Although he is (D) Although he is ix Although is is old, but he is
old, but he is older, but he old, yet he is too old, but he strong.
strong. is strong. strong. is strong.
(A) Such friends (B) such friends (C) such friends (D) such friends x Such friends which are false
as are false who are false which are those are should be avoided.
should be should be false may be false should
avoided. avoided avoided. be avoided.
(A) health is (B) health is (C) health is more (D) health is more xi Health is more preferable than
preferable to preferable preferable preferable to wealth.
wealth. than wealth. than wealth. wealth.
(A) His hair are (B) His hairs is (C) His hair is (D) His hairs were xii His hairs are curly.
curly. curly. curly. curly.
2. Answer the given questions from Book-II Part-I. (3x2=6)
3. Answer the given questions from Book-II Part-II. (3x2=6)
(i) Why does Churchill call examination an "inhospitable region"? (ii) Why were some students called dunces at Harrow?
(iii) Why does Churchill say that examiners ask difficult questions?
4. Answer the given questions from the Novel Goodbye Mr.Chips. (4x2=8)
5. Write an Essay (300-400 words) on any ONE of the following topics. (15)
(i) Importance of Computer (ii) Gardening (iii) Science and Society (iv) Corruption
6. Use any FIVE of the following idioms/phrases in sentence of your own. (10)
(i) a hard pill to swallow (ii) a bird's eye view (iii) carry out (iv) take to task (v) break in (vi) a rotten egg
(vii) now and then (viii) child's play
7. Translate the following passage into English. (15)
i ا ۔ا ورت ا د ء ں
ا ں اور ں اور
۔ اس و دى د رى را ۔ ط د ا ر را ورى
ورى ۔ا ض ا م د ر م اداروں ا ۔ا ادارے م ر رے
۔ ہ ر م ان
MCQs Ans Key
Q:1 (A) Q:2 (C) Q:3 (B) Q:4 (A) Q:5 (C) Q:6 (A)
Q:7 (A) Q:8 (D) Q:9 (C) Q:10 (D) Q:11 (A) Q:12 (C)
Ameenpur, Faisalabad 03126987979
Name: Roll#: Class: Inter Part-II
Subject: English-12 Date: Time:
Test Type # Type 8 - Short Test - Marks=75
Test Syllabus: Unit-14, Unit-29, Unit-30, Grammar & Composition ,
(A): Choose the correct option of under-lined words from Book-2 Part-I. (2)
(B): Choose the correct option of under-lined words from Book-2 Part-II. (2)
(A) trembled (B) shivered (C) dragged (D) got rid of i He never shook off the physical
(A) hatred (B) love (C) romance (D) patriotism ii Pasteur was filled with loathing
of Germany.
(C): Choose the correct option of under-lined words from Goodbye Mr. Chips. (3)
(A) hide (B) reveal (C) realte (D) explain iii Chips did not conceal the fact:
(A) criticism (B) despair (C) disappointment (D) hopefulness iv The first shock and the first
(A) baking (B) amusing (C) tiring (D) delighting v Chips felt very fit, the actual work
was not taxing:
(D): Choose the correct option of appropriate prepositions. (4)
(A) from (B) of (C) with (D) against vi He is ill ................... fever.
(A) for (B) to (C) by (D) from vii We should always pray _____
Allah Almighty.
(A) with (B) at (C) on (D) by viii Ali is satisfied ____ his
(A) It is nothing (B) It is nothing (C) It is nothing (D) It is nothing ix It is nothing else than pride.
else then else from else over else but pride.
pride. pride. pride.
(E): Choose the correct sentence. (4)
(A) The chair leg (B) The chair's (C) The leg of the (D) The leg of a x The chair's leg in broken.
is broken. leg is break. chair is chair is
broken. broken.
(A) Is he not at (B) Is he not (C) Is he not on (D) Is he not of xi Is he not in the committee?
the about the the the
committee? committee? committee? committee?
(A) He is ill from (B) He has been (C) He is sick of (D) He is ill with xii He is ill by fever.
fever. ill from fever. fever. fever.
(A) Trust at God. (B) Trust by God. (C) Trust over (D) Trust in God. xiii Trust to God.
2. Answer the given questions from Book-II Part-I. (3x2=6)
3. Answer the given questions from Book-II Part-II. (3x2=6)
(i) What was the object of Lister by using chemicals?
(ii) How did Pasteur prove that spontaneous generation was not a fact?
(iii) How did Pasteur serve his country in the field of science?
4. Answer the given questions from the Novel Goodbye Mr.Chips. (4x2=8)
(i) How did Chatteris die? (ii) Why did Chips resign after the War? (iii) What is rissole? what was the joke about rissole?
(iv) What was Chips' joke about abhorrendum?
5. Write an Essay (300-400 words) on any ONE of the following topics. (15)
(i) City Life (ii) Stamp Collection (iii) Value of Technical Education (iv) Drug Addiction
6. Use any FIVE of the following idioms/phrases in sentence of your own. (10)
(i) above board (ii) call for (iii) deal in (iv) hue and cry (v) to make both ends meet (vi) beat about the bush
(vii) poison one's ears (viii) take in
7. Translate the following passage into English. (15)
i ل ا ا ۔ا ن ر ۔د ر دور
د ۔ اس ل ا اب ا ن ۔ رآ اس د ۔ اس
ر ں۔ س اس ۔ ر ہ اس
MCQs Ans Key
Q:1 (D) Q:2 (A) Q:3 (A) Q:4 (D) Q:5 (B) Q:6 (B)
Q:7 (B) Q:8 (A) Q:9 (D) Q:10 (C) Q:11 (A) Q:12 (D)
Q:13 (D)
Ameenpur, Faisalabad 03126987979
Name: Roll#: Class: Inter Part-II
Subject: English-12 Date: Time:
Test Type # Type 8 - Short Test - Marks=75
Test Syllabus: Unit-15, Unit-31, Unit-32, Grammar & Composition ,
(A): Choose the correct option of under-lined words from Book-2 Part-I. (2)
(B): Choose the correct option of under-lined words from Book-2 Part-II. (2)
(A) praise (B) honour (C) bravery (D) resentment i It was flame of indignation:
(A) frivolously (B) unusually (C) notoriously (D) promptly ii Mustafa Kamal was making
exceptionally good use of the
(C): Choose the correct option of under-lined words from Goodbye Mr. Chips. (3)
(A) harmful (B) defective (C) broken (D) undamaged iii In old age, Chips faculties
remained unimpaired:
(A) pre-war (B) war-like (C) after-war (D) above-war iv The post-war decade swept
(A) brave (B) idle (C) coward (D) handsome v Maynard was a dauntless boy.
(A): Choose the correct option of under-lined words from Book-2 Part-I. (2)
(B): Choose the correct option of under-lined words from Book-2 Part-II. (2)
(C): Choose the correct option of under-lined words from Goodbye Mr. Chips. (3)
(A) meeting (B) show (C) talk (D) negotiation i The whole pageant of the past
swang before him.
(A) loud (B) dim (C) hoisy (D) trembling ii Chips began a faint and
palpitating chuckle:
(A) singers (B) boys (C) girls (D) women iii Chorus sang in his ears final
(D): Choose the correct option of appropriate prepositions. (4)
(A) in (B) on (C) into (D) for iv The thief broke ................... his
house yesterday.
(A) to (B) toward (C) for (D) on v Who is responsible ..................
this accident?
(A) with (B) at (C) on (D) by vi Ali is satisfied ____ his
(A) it is not very (B) it is not too (C) it is not very (D) it is not much vii It is not much hot today.
hot today. hot today. hotter today. more hot
(E): Choose the correct sentence. (4)
(A) One should (B) One should (C) One should (D) One should viii One should do his duty.
do her duty. do their duty. do one's duty. do our duty.
(A) Height you go, (B) The higher (C) Highest you (D) You go the ix Higher you go, cooler it is.
cool it is. you go, the go, coolest it higher, it is
cooler it is. is. the cooler.
(A) Neither of (B) Neither of the (C) Neither of two (D) Neither of the x None of these two men is blind.
these two two men are men is blind. two men is
men is blind. blind. blind.
(A) The Jury were (B) The Jury was (C) The Jury is (D) The Jury were xi The Jury was divided in its
divided in its divided in their divided in divided in opinion.
opinion. opinion. their opinion. their opinion.
2. Answer the given questions from Book-II Part-I. (3x2=6)
3. Answer the given questions from Book-II Part-II. (3x2=6)
4. Answer the given questions from the Novel Goodbye Mr.Chips. (4x2=8)
(i) What sort of discussion did Chips have with Linford? (ii) How did Mr. Chips make others laugh?
(iii) Write an account on Mr. Chips' married life. (iv) Write brief note on Mr. Wetherby.
5. Write an Essay (300-400 words) on any ONE of the following topics. (15)
(i) My Favourite Personality (ii) City Life (iii) Women's Place in Society (iv) Drug Addiction
6. Use any FIVE of the following idioms/phrases in sentence of your own. (10)
(i) a dark horse (ii) null and void (iii) kith and kin (iv) smell a rat (v) spick and span (vi) hit on
(vii) show the white feather (viii) talk shop
7. Translate the following passage into English. (15)
i ذ اس وا اور و ے ا د ر ح اور رخ ۔ اس ى ى د ا
۔ ل آ ز ا ل ۔ا ب رى د ۔ ب ا
۔ ن و ن و ن آ ۔ اس و اا
MCQs Ans Key
Q:1 (B) Q:2 (D) Q:3 (A) Q:4 (C) Q:5 (C) Q:6 (A)
Q:7 (D) Q:8 (C) Q:9 (B) Q:10 (D) Q:11 (D)