Grade 6 q2 Mathematics Las

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Second Quarter


Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education

Learning Activity Sheet in English
(Grade 6)

Copyright © 2020
Regional Office No. 02 (Cagayan Valley)
Regional Government Center, Carig Sur, Tuguegarao City, 3500

“No copy of this material shall subsist in any work of the Government of the Philippines. However,
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for exploitation of such work for profit.”

This material has been developed for the implementation of K to 12 Curriculum through the
Curriculum and Learning Management Division (CLMD). It can be reproduced for educational
purposes and the source must be acknowledged. Derivatives of the work including creating an
edited version, an enhancement of supplementary work are permitted provided all original works
are acknowledged and the copyright is attributed. No work may be derived from this material for
commercial purposes and profit.

Regional Director : ESTELA L. CARIÑO, EdD, CESO IV
Assistant Regional Director : RHODA T. RAZON, EdD, CESO V
Schools Division Superintendent : ALFREDO B. GUMARU, JR., EdD, CESO VI
Asst. Schools Division Superintendent(s) : NELIA M. MABUTI, EdD, CESE
Chief Education Supervisor, CLMD : OCTAVIO V. CABASAG, PhD
Chief Education Supervisor, CID : RUBY B. MAUR, EdD

Development Team
Illustrators : MARK ANTHONY T. DAGUIO, Pinoma ES, SDO Cauayan City
PETER BUNGAG SIMBI SARIO, Cauayan South CS, SDO Cauayan City
REYNALDO A. SIMPLE, Pinoma ES, SDO Cauayan City
Layout Artists : MARVIN S. AQUINO, Linglingay Elementary School, SDO Cauayan City
Focal Persons : CRISELDA S. CORPUZ, Division Learning Area Supervisor
CHERRY GRACE D. AMIN, Division LR Supervisor
ISAGANI R. DURUIN, Regional Learning Area Supervisor
RIZALINO G. CARONAN, Regional LR Supervisor

Printed by: DepEd Regional Office No. 02

Regional Center, Carig Sur, Tuguegarao City

Note: Practice Personal Hygiene protocols at all times. i

Table of Contents

LAS Competency Page No.

1. Expresses one value as a fraction of another given their ratio and
vice versa …………… 1

2. Defines and illustrates the meaning of ratio and proportion using

concrete or pictorial models …………… 7

3. Finds a missing term in a proportion (direct, inverse, and

…………… 13
4. Solves problems involving direct proportion, partitive
proportion, and inverse proportion in different contexts such as
…………… 21
distance, rate, and time using appropriate strategies and tools
5. Finds the percentage or rate or percent in a given problem …………… 29
6. Solves routine and non-routine problems involving finding the
percentage, rate and base using appropriate strategies and tools …………… 35
7. Solves percent problems such as percent of increase/decrease
(discounts, original price, rate of discount, sale price, marked-up
price), commission, sales tax, and simple interest …………… 44

9. Describes the exponent and the base in a number expressed in

exponential notation
Gives the value of numbers expressed in exponential notation …………… 60
10 Interprets and explains the Grouping, Exponent, Multiplication,
Division, Addition, Subtraction (GEMDAS) rule
Performs two or more different operations on whole numbers
with or without exponents and grouping symbols …………… 67
11 Describe the set of integers and identify real-life situations that
make use of it
Compares integers with other numbers such as whole numbers,
fractions, and decimals
Compares and arranges integers on the number line
…………… 74
12 Describes and interprets the basic operations on integers using
materials such as algebra tiles, counters, chips, and cards 81
Performs the basic operations on integers …………… 109
13 Solves routine and non-routine problems involving basic
operations of integers using appropriate strategies and tools …………… 135

Note: Practice Personal Hygiene protocols at all times. ii


Name: _____________________ Grade Level: ________

Date: ______________________ Score: ______________


Express One Value as a Fraction of Another
Given their Ratio and Vice Versa

Background Information for Learners

This activity sheet serves as a self-learning guide for the learners. It brings
you lessons that will help you understand, discover and learn the concepts of
Mathematics specifically on how to express one value as a fraction of another giver their
ratio and vice versa.

A fraction (from Latin fractus,"broken") represents a part of a whole or, more

generally, any number of equal parts.

A ratio indicates how many times one number contains another.

For example, if there are eight oranges and six lemons in a bowl of fruit, then
the ratio of oranges to lemons is eight to six (that is, 8∶6, which is equivalent to
the ratio 4∶3)

Example 1:
The picture below shows the numbers of shapes the triangles between the
circles that can be expressed as fraction and ratio.

= 3 tringles
5 figures
= 2 circles

Ratio of triangles to circles = 3:2 and can be read as 3 is to 2

Ratio of circles to triangles = 2:3 and can be read as two is to three

In fraction form it can be expressed as 3/2 or in ratio it can be 3:2 if you were
dealing with the number of triangles to circles. While on the number of circles to triangles
it can be expressed as 2/3 in fractional form or 2:3 in colon form.

Thus, we can express one value as a fraction of another given their ratio and vice

Learning Competency with Code: Expresses one value as a fraction of another

given their ratio and vice versa. (M6NS-IIa-129).

Note: Practice Personal Hygiene protocols at all times. 1

Exercise 1

Directions: Study the following shapes and express their fraction and ratio. Write your
answer on the space provided before each number.

Given Fraction Ratio






Exercise 2

Directions: Complete the following by giving either the missing fraction or ratio.

1. 12/15 = _____________

2. 11:20 = _____________

3. 35:40 = _____________

4. 15/35 = _____________

5. 13/25 = _____________

Note: Practice Personal Hygiene protocols at all times. 2

6. 45/100 = ____________

7. 9:36 = ______________

8. 34/96 = _____________

9. 12:48 = _____________

10. 32:56 = _____________

Exercise 3
Directions: Match column A with column B by finding the exact pair of fractions into

Column A Column B
1. ¾ a. 37:92
2. 5/8 b. 11:35
3. 7/9 c. 23:49
4. 11/35 d. 16:45
5. 23/49 e. 35:72
6. 16/45 f. 25:100
7. 35/72 g. 3:4
8. 25/100 h. 5:8
9. 37/92 i. 64:89
10. 64/89 j. 7:9

Exercise 4
Directions: Express Write the following into both fraction and ratio.
Given Fraction Ratio
1. 16 apples and 25 oranges
2. 23 balloons and 45 caps
3. 15 dogs and 20 cats
4. 8 cows and 11 horses
5. 21 chickens and 34

Note: Practice Personal Hygiene protocols at all times. 3

Exercise 5
Directions: Illustrate the following fraction or ratio.
Fraction/Ratio Illustration
1. 8 flowers, four vases

2. 13 balloons, 15 candles

3. 3 ice cream, 5 lollipops


4. 4 pencils, 10 erasers

5. 5 stars, 8 circles

Rubrics for Scoring

Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4
(0 pt.) (1 pt.) (2 pts.) (3 pts.)
Learner shows Learner only Learner only Learner shows
Amount of no attempt to shows answer. shows answer complete
Work really do any of but showed solution and
the problems, partial work. gives a correct
no answer answer.
Learner shows Learner shows Learner shows Learner shows
no limited partial thorough
Understanding understanding understanding understanding understanding
of describing of describing of describing of describing
the exponent the exponent the exponent the exponent
and the base and the base and the base and the base
and giving the and giving the and giving the and giving the
value of value of value of value of
numbers numbers numbers numbers
expressed in expressed in expressed in expressed in
exponential exponential exponential exponential
notation. notation. notation. notation.

Note: Practice Personal Hygiene protocols at all times. 4

1. What part of the activity do you find difficult? Why?

2. What part of the activity do you find easy? Why?



Mathematics 6 Quarter 2
Curriculum Guide

Note: Practice Personal Hygiene protocols at all times. 5

6 Note: Practice Personal Hygiene protocols at all times.
Prepared by:
Exercise 1
Exercise 2
Given Fraction Ratio 1. 12/15 =
1. 1/2 2. 11:20 = ___11/20___
2. 5/1 3. 35:40 = ____35/40___
3. 4/3 4. 15/35 = ____15:35___
4. 2/3 5. 13/25 = ___13:25___
2:3 6. 45/100 = ___45:100___
5. 8/4
7. 9:36 = ____9/36___
8. 34/96 = ____34:96___
9. 12:48 = ____12/48____Exercise 3
10. 32:56 = ____32:56___
Column A Column
1.B3/4 g.
2. 5/8 h. Exercise 4
3. 7/9 j.
4. 11/35 b. Given Fraction
5. 23/49 c. 1. 16 applesRatio
and 25 oranges 16/25
6. 16/45 d. 16:25
2. 23 balloons and 45 caps 23/45
7. 35/72 e. 23:45
3. 15 dogs and 20 cats 15/20
8. 25/100 f. 15:20
4. 8 cows and 11 horses 8/11
9. 37/92 a. 8:11
5. 21 chickens and 34 ducks 21/34
10. 64/89 i.
Exercise 5
Fraction/Ratio Illustration
1. 8 flowers, four vases
8:4 Depends on the
2. 13 balloons, 15 candles
13/15 Depends on the
3. rubrics
3 ice cream, 5
3:5 Depends on the
4. rubrics
4 pencils, 10 erasers
4/10 Depends on the
5. rubrics
5 stars, 8 circles
5:8 Depends on the
Answer Key

Name: ____________________________________ Grade Level: ________

Date: ____________________ Score: _____________


Defines and Illustrates the Meaning of Ratio and Proportion
Using Concrete or Pictorial Models

Background Information for Learners

This activity sheet serves as a self-learning guide for the learners. It brings you
lessons that will help you understand, discover and learn the concepts of Mathematics
specifically on how to define and illustrates the meaning of ratio and proportion using
concrete or pictorial models.

Ratio is defined as the comparison of sizes of two quantities of the same

unit. Proportion, on the other hand, refers to the equality of two ratios. The ratio is an
expression while proportion is an equation which can be solved. The ratio is represented
by Colon (:) sign between the quantities compared.

Example 1: Ratio
Study the figures below.

2 is to 1 or 2:1

In the first figure you can see two triangles that when combined they form the
whole rectangle. Thus, the first two figures represent equal ratios.

Example 2: Proportion
Study the figure below.

2 squash is to 4 tomatoes is equal to 4 squash is to 8 tomatoes

2: 4 4:8
2 = 4_
4 8

Note: Practice Personal Hygiene protocols at all times. 7

To check if 2 ratios are proportion, multiply the MEANS and the EXTREMES.
2:4= 4:8
S 16
We can say that 2 ratios are proportion, “If the product of Means is EQUAL to the product
of Extremes”

Thus, the example above shows an equal proportion.

Learning Competency with Code: Defines and illustrates the meaning of ratio and
proportion using concrete or pictorial models (M6NS-IIb-131).

Exercise 1

Directions: Study the following shapes and give their proportion. Write your answer on the
space provided.
Given Ratio and



3. .


Note: Practice Personal Hygiene protocols at all times. 8


Exercise 2

Directions: Write True if the number sentence shows ratio and proportion and False if not.

_______ 1. 12/15 = 24/30

_______ 2. 3 is to 4 = 9 is to 12

_______ 3. 20:100 = 60: 300

_______ 4. ½ = 2:3

_______ 5. 2:3 = 7:8

_______ 6. 5/6 = 20/24

_______ 7. 45+32 = 90+64

_______ 8. 14:30 = 28:60

_______ 9. 8/9 = 72/81

_______ 10. 4 is to 5 = 20 is to 25

Exercise 3
Directions: Match column A with column B by finding the exact pair of ratio to make a
proportion. Connect your answers using a line.

Column A Column B
1. 3:4 a. 20:32
2. 5:8 b. 22:70
3. 7:9 c. 24:36
4. 11:35 d. 8:21
5. 8:12 e. 49:72

Note: Practice Personal Hygiene protocols at all times. 9

6. 16:42 f. 70:144
7. 35:72 g. 22:26
8. 25:100 h. 8:9
9. 11:13 i. 100:400
10. 64:81 j. 18:24

Exercise 4
Directions: Give the ratio and proportion to show the figures of the things owned by
Mario and Tirso by using the (:) colon form.
Mario Tirso Ratio
1. 16 apples and 25 oranges 32 apples and 50 oranges
2. 23 balloons and 45 caps 46 balloons and 90 caps
3. 15 dogs and 25 cats 3 dogs and 5 cats
4. 8 cows and 11 horses 16 cows and 22 horses
5. 21 chickens and 33 7 chickens and 11 ducks

Exercise 5
Directions: Illustrate the following ratio and proportion.
Fraction/Ratio Illustration
1. 8 flowers, 4 vases = 16
flowers, 8 vases

2. 10 balloons, 15 candles = 20
balloons, 30 candles

3. 6 ice creams, 8 lollipops = 3

ice cream, 4 lollipops

4. 4 pencils, 10 erasers = 16
pencils, 20 erasers

5. 5 stars, 8 circles = 10 stars, 16


Note: Practice Personal Hygiene protocols at all times. 10

Rubrics for Scoring
Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4
(0 pt.) (1 pt.) (2 pts.) (3 pts.)
Learner shows Learner only Learner only Learner shows
Amount of no attempt to shows answer. shows answer complete
Work really do any of but showed solution and
the problems, partial work. gives a correct
no answer answer.
Learner shows Learner shows Learner shows Learner shows
no limited partial thorough
Understanding understanding understanding understanding understanding
of describing of describing of describing of describing
the exponent the exponent the exponent the exponent
and the base and the base and the base and the base
and giving the and giving the and giving the and giving the
value of value of value of value of
numbers numbers numbers numbers
expressed in expressed in expressed in expressed in
exponential exponential exponential exponential
notation. notation. notation. notation.

1. What part of the activity do you find difficult? Why?

2. What part of the activity do you find easy? Why?



Mathematics 6 Quarter 2
Curriculum Guide

Note: Practice Personal Hygiene protocols at all times. 11

12 Note: Practice Personal Hygiene protocols at all times.
Prepared by:
Exercise 1 Exercise 2 Exercise
3 1. True
Given Ratio and Proportion
2. True Column
1. 1:2 = B
3. True
2. 2:5 = 4. False
4:10 1. 3:4 j.
3. 4:3 = 5. False 18:24
2. 5:8 a.
4. 2:3 = 4:6 6. 20:32
5. True
8:4 = 7. False 3. 7:9 e.
4:2 8. True 49:72
4. 11:35 b.
9. True 22:70
5. 8:12 c.
10.True 24:36
6. 16:42 d.
7. 35:72 f.
Exercise 4 70:144
8. 25:100 i.
9. 11:13 g.
Ratio and Proportion
10. 64:81 h.
1. 8:9
Exercise 5
1. 8 flowers, 4 vases = 16 flowers,
8 vases Depends on the
2. 10 balloons, 15 candles = 20
balloons, 30 candles Depends on the
3. 6 ice creams, 8 lollipops = 3
cream, 4 lollipops
ice Depends on the
4. 4 pencils, 10 erasers = 16
pencils, 20 erasers Depends on the rubrics
5. 5 stars, 8 circles = 10 stars,
circles Depends on the rubrics
Answer Key

Name: ____________________________________ Grade Level: ________

Date: _____________________ Score: _____________


Direct Proportion, Inverse Proportion and Partitive Proportion

Background Information for Learners

This activity sheet serves as a self-learning guide for the learners. It brings
you lessons that will help you understand, discover and learn the concepts of
Mathematics specifically on various kinds of proportion which encompass not only in
every detail of our lives, but also in the real life situation from the simplest to the
most complex problem involving the concept of proportion.

Direct Proportion states that when one value increases, the other value increases

Example 1:
The ratio of the areas of two triangles is 4:6. The area of the smaller triangle is 24
square centimeters. What is the area of the bigger triangle?

4 : 6 = 24 : n Check: 4 x n = 6 x 24
144 = 144

4 x n = 6 x 24
4n = 144
n = 36

Alternative Solution:

= 24
Do the Cross Multiplication
6 𝑛

4n = 6 x 24
4n = 144
n = 36

Inverse proportion states that when one value increases the other value decreases
and vice versa.

Note: Practice Personal Hygiene protocols at all times. 13

Example 2:
If 15 girls can do a piece of work in 8 days, how long will it take 5 girls to do it?
15 : 8 = 5 : n

15 x 8= 5 x n
120 = 5n
24 = n Therefore: It takes 24 days for 5 girls to finish the job.

Partitive proportion involves classifying part of a whole based on a given ratio

being divided or distributed into two or more unequal parts.

Example 3:
The ratio of boys to girls in a class is 6:10. If there are 48 grade six pupils in a
class, how many boys are there?

Form a mathematical sentence by equating the addends in the given total.
Since we don’t know the constant of proportionality, we let n, which means
6n is the number of boys
10n is the number of girls Check: 6n + 10n = 48
6(3) + 10(3) = 48
6n + 10n = 48
16n = 48 18 + 30 = 48
n= 48 = 48
n =3

Therefore, there are 6(3) = 18 boys and there are 10(3) = 30 girls.

Learning Competency: Finds a missing term in a proportion (direct, inverse,

partitive). (M6NS-IIb-133).

Exercise 1

Directions: Determine if the pair of numbers are directly proportional, inversely

proportional or neither. Write your answer on the space provided before each number.

___________________1. 4 : 6 and 8 : 12

___________________2. 8 : 4 and 88 : 44

___________________3. 24 : 10 and 6 : 14.4

Note: Practice Personal Hygiene protocols at all times. 14

___________________4. 16 : 14 and 8 : 28

___________________5. 6 and 2.4 and 30 : 12

___________________6. 204 : 14 and 214 : 4

___________________7. 26 : 18 and 24 : 34.66

___________________8. 4 : 10 and 8 : 5

___________________9. 6.8 : 20 and 9.86 : 29

___________________10. 24 : 50 and 33.6 : 70

Exercise 2

Directions: Find the value of y using the type of proportion indicated.

11. y:8 = 16:4 (direct proportion)

12. 24:y = 12:22 (inverse proportion)
13. 20:14 = y:20 (inverse proportion)
14. 30:16 = 10:y (inverse proportion)
15. 90:24 = y:72 (direct proportion)
16. 42:y = 30:90 (direct proportion)
17. 36:10 = y:60 (inverse proportion)
18. 4y:24 = 30:4 (direct proportion)
19. 6:6y = 50:90 (direct proportion)
20. 24:10y = 54:130 (inverse proportion)

Exercise 3
A. Directions: Find the value of x on the following partitive proportions.

1. 3x + 4x + 5x = 360
2. 4x + 6x + 8x = 90
3. 2x + 3x + 4x + 5x = 7406
4. 2x + 3x + 5x = 50
5. 7x + 3x +2x = 1800

Note: Practice Personal Hygiene protocols at all times. 15

B. Directions: Form a mathematical sentence and solve the problem. Show your solution.

1. In a recent classroom election for president, Love received 5 votes for every 3 votes
that Hope received. How many votes did each receive if 240 votes were cast?

2. 2. Carla and Cherry are to share in paying for the cake they bought for their mother
in the ratio 3:2. If the cake costs Php 350, how much should each of them share?

3. Alyssa, Baron and Phil won in a group dance contest. They shared the cash prize in
the ratio 3:2:4 respectively. If Alyssa received Php 2,700, how much was the total
amount of the cash prize?

Exercise 4
Directions: Solve the following problems. Use the table below for your answer.

1. A flagpole cast a shadow of 30 meters while a 12-meter statue cast a shadow of 10

meters. How tall is the flagpole?
What does the problem?
What facts are given?
How will you solve the
How is the solution done?

Check and Look Back:
What is the answer to the

2. The ratio of two numbers is 8:10. If the smaller number is 120, what is the bigger
What does the problem?
What facts are given?

Note: Practice Personal Hygiene protocols at all times. 16

How will you solve the
How is the solution done?

Check and Look Back:
What is the answer to the

3. The ratio of boys to girls in a math class is 8:6. If there are 36 girls, how many are
boys? How many pupils are there in the class?
What does the problem?
What facts are given?
How will you solve the
How is the solution done?

Check and Look Back:
What is the answer to the

Exercise 5

Directions: Solve the following problems. Write your solution on the space provided.

1. Six girls can do a job in 8 days. How many days needed to finish the same job if
there are 10 girls?

2. Twelve cabin train can transport 648 people. How many cabin train are needed to
transport 1,944 people?

Note: Practice Personal Hygiene protocols at all times. 17

3. If a School Park was painted by 16 men in 12 days during Brigada Eskwela, how
many men can finish the work in 8 days at the same rate? If the number of men
decreased by 4, how many days can the remaining men finish the job?

4. Marcos cut a thread 126 meters long into 3 pieces in the ratio of 2:3:4. How long
was the longest piece?

5. Find the area of a rectangle with a length of 12 centimeters, given the ratio of the
length to the width is 6:4.

1. What part of the activity do you find difficult? Why?

2. What part of the activity do you find easy? Why?



Mathematics 6 Quarter 2
Curriculum Guide

Note: Practice Personal Hygiene protocols at all times. 18

19 Note: Practice Personal Hygiene protocols at all times.
Understand: How tall is the
What does the
What facts are given? flagpole shadow 30 meters, 12 meters statue
shadow 10
Plan: meters
Find the missing value using direct
How will you solve the
Solve: Let x the height of the
How is the solution done?
flagpole x:30 =
12:10 10x =
Check: 10x =
Check and Look Back:
360 10(36) =
What is the answer to the 360 = 360
Exercise 1:Exercise 2
1. 32 2. 11 3. 14 4. 48 5. 1. Direct
270Direct6. 126 7. 6
2. 8. 45 9. 1.8 10. 29.25
3. Neither
4. InverseExercise 3A
5. Neither1. 30 2. 5 3. 529 4. 5 5. 150
6. Neither
7. Neither
Exercise 8. Inverse
3B + 3x =
5x 9. Neither
10.DirectX= 30
Love = 150, Hope = 90
Answer key
20 Note: Practice Personal Hygiene protocols at all times.
Prepared by:
Understand: What is the bigger
What does the
number? ratio 8:10, smaller number is
facts are 120
Plan: Direct
How will you solve the
Solve: Let x the height of the
How is the solution done?
flagpole 8:10 =
120:x 1200=8
x1200/8 =
Check: x8:10=
Check and Look
What is the answer to the
Understand: How many are boys? How many pupils are
What does the in the
What facts are class?
ratio of boys to girls 8:6, girls
Plan: =36
How will you solve the
Solve: Let x the height of the
How is the solution done?
flagpole 8:6 =
x:36 288=6
x288/6 =
xTherefore, there are 48
48 +36 = 84 total
Check: pupils
48:36 and Look
What is the answer to the
1. 4.8 days
2. 36
3. 24 days, 48 days
4. X=14, longest=56m
5. 8

Name: __________________________________ Grade Level: ________

Date: _____________________ Score: _____________


Problems Involving Direct Proportion, Inverse Proportion
and Partitive Proportion

Background Information for Learners

This activity sheet serves as a self-learning guide for the learners. It brings
you lessons that will help you understand, discover and learn the concepts of
Mathematics specifically on solving problems involving direct proportion, partitive
proportion and inverse proportion in different context such as distance, rate and time
using appropriate strategies and tools.

Direct Proportion states that when one value increases, the other value increases

Example 1:
The ratio of the areas of two triangles is 2:3. The area of the smaller triangle is 12
square centimeters. What is the area of the bigger triangle?

2 : 3 = 12 : n Check: 2 x n = 3 x 12
2 x 18 = 3 x 12
36 = 36

2 x n = 3 x 12
2n = 36
n = 18

Alternative Solution:

= 12
(Do the cross-multiplication)
3 𝑛

2n = 3 x 12
2n = 36
n = 18

Note: Practice Personal Hygiene protocols at all times. 21

Inverse proportion states that when one value increases the other value decreases
and vice versa.

Example 2:
If 15 girls can do a piece of work in 8 days, how long will it take 5 girls to do it?
15 : 8 = 5 : n

15 x 8= 5 x n
120 = 5n
24 = n Therefore: It takes 24 days for 5 girls to finish the job.

Partitive proportion involves classifying part of a whole based on a given ratio

being divided or distributed into two or more unequal parts.

Example 3:
The ratio of boys to girls in a class is 4:6. If there are 40 grade six pupils in a class,
how many boys are there?

Form a mathematical sentence by equating the addends in the given total.
Since we don’t know the constant of proportionality, we let n, which means
4n is the number of boys
6n is the number of girls Check: 4n + 6n = 40
4(4) + 6(4) = 40
4n + 6n = 40
10n = 40 16 + 24 = 40
n= 40 = 40

Therefore, there are 4(4) = 16 boys and there are 6(4) = 24 girls.

Learning Competency with Code: solving problems involving direct proportion,

partitive proportion and inverse proportion in different context such as distance, rate and
time using appropriate strategies and tools. (M6NS-IIe-144).

Note: Practice Personal Hygiene protocols at all times. 22

Exercise 1

Directions: Analyze and solve the following proportions.

___________________1. 4 : 6 and 8 : n

___________________2. 8 : 4 and n : 44

___________________3. 24 : n and 6 : 14

___________________4. 16 : 14 and n : 28

___________________5. 2 : 3 and n : 12

B. Directions: Find for the value of y in following proportions.

21. 42:y = 30:90 (direct proportion)

22. 36:10 = y:60 (inverse proportion)

23. 4y:24 = 30:4 (direct proportion)

24. 6:6y = 50:90 (direct proportion)

25. 24:10y = 54:130 (inverse proportion)

Exercise 2

Directions: Analyze and solve the following problems that involves different context.

A. Distance Problem
1. Pamela drove her car 99 kilometers and used 9 liters of fuel. She wants to know how
many kilometers (km) she can drive with 12 liters of fuel. She assumes the relationship
between kilometers and fuel is proportional. How many kilometers can Pamela drive
with 12 liters of fuel?

B. Rate Problem
2. If 12 girls can do a piece of work in 8 days, how long will it take 6 girls to do it?
3. If father can plow the field in 8 days, how many days if he gets two more men to plow
the field?

C. Time Problem
4. A boat can travel 45 miles on 7 gallons of gasoline. How much gasoline will it need to
go 78 miles?

Note: Practice Personal Hygiene protocols at all times. 23

5. A car travels 98 miles in 1.4 hours (with a constant speed). How far can it travel in 7
hours (with the same speed)?

Exercise 3
Directions: Form a mathematical sentence and solve the problem. Show your solution.

4. In a recent classroom election for president, Lorie received 5 votes for every 3
votes that Joe received. How many votes did each receive if 320 votes were cast?

5. 2. Carlo and Cherry are to share in paying for the cake they bought for their
Father’s Day in the ratio 3:2. If the cake costs Php 450, how much should each of them

6. Vhianne, Vhine and Vhiña won in a group dance contest. They shared the cash
prize in the ratio 2:3:4 respectively. If they received Php 3,600, how much was
the total amount of prize each got?

Exercise 4
Directions: Solve the following problems. Use the table below for your answer.

4. A coconut tree cast a shadow of 30 meters while a 12-meter mango tree cast a
shadow of 10 meters. How tall is the coconut tree?
What does the problem?
What facts are given?
How will you solve the
How is the solution done?

Check and Look Back:
What is the answer to the

Note: Practice Personal Hygiene protocols at all times. 24

5. The ratio of two numbers is 4:8. If the smaller number is 120, what is the bigger
What does the problem?
What facts are given?
How will you solve the
How is the solution done?

Check and Look Back:
What is the answer to the

6. The ratio of boys to girls in a math class is 2:4. If there are 32 girls, how many are
boys? How many pupils are there in the class?
What does the problem?
What facts are given?
How will you solve the
How is the solution done?

Check and Look Back:
What is the answer to the

Note: Practice Personal Hygiene protocols at all times. 25

Exercise 5

Directions: Solve the following problems. Write your solution on the space provided.

6. Four men can do a job in 8 days. How many days will be needed to finish the same
job if there are 10 men?

7. Ten buses can transport 950 people back in the province for the Balik Probinsya
Program. How many buses are needed to transport 1,900 people?

8. If a fence was painted by 14 men in 12 days during Brigada Eskwela, how many
men can finish the work in 8 days at the same rate? If the number of men decreased
by 4, how many days can the remaining men finish the job?

9. Marc cut a thread 135 meters long into 3 pieces in the ratio of 2:3:4. How long was
the longest piece?

10. Find the area of a rectangle with a length of 16 centimeters, given the ratio of the
length to the width is 4:2.

1. What part of the activity do you find difficult? Why?

2. What part of the activity do you find easy? Why?



Mathematics 6 Quarter 2
Curriculum Guide

Note: Practice Personal Hygiene protocols at all times. 26

27 Note: Practice Personal Hygiene protocols at all times.
Understand: How tall is the coconut
What does the
What facts are given? Coconut tree shadow 30 meters, 12-meters
mango tree shadow 10
Plan: meters
Find the missing value using direct
How will you solve the
Solve: Let x the height of the
How is the solution done?
flagpole x:30 =
12:10 10x =
Check: 10x =
Check and Look Back:
360 10(36) =
What is the answer to the 360 = 360
Exercise 1:
2 2. 132 km 2. 16 days 3. 3 days 12.88
4. 12.13 gallons 5. 490 13.56
miles 14.8
Exercise 15.8
3. 5x + 3x = 16.126
320X= 17.6
2. 3x
40 + 2x = 450 Carlo = 270, Cherry = 18.45
3. 19.1.8
x=400 Vhianne=800, Vhine=1,200, 20.29.25
Answer key
28 Note: Practice Personal Hygiene protocols at all times.
Prepared by:
Understand: What is the bigger
What does the
number? ratio 4:8, smaller number is
What facts are
problem? 120
Plan: Direct
How will you solve the
Solve: Let x the height of the
is the solution done? 4:8 =
120:x 960=4
x960/4 =
Check: x
and Look
What is the answer to the
Understand: How many are boys? How many pupils are
What does the in the
What facts are class?
ratio of boys to girls 2:4, girls
Plan: =32
How will you solve the
Solve: Let x the number of
How is the solution done?
boys 2:x =
4:32 128=2
x128/2 =
xTherefore, there are 64
64 +32 = 96 total
Check: pupils
64:32 and Look
What is the answer to the
6. 5 days
7. 20 buses
8. 24 days, 48 days
9. X=15, longest=60m
Name: ________________________________ Grade: ________________
Date: ______________________ Score: ________________


Finding the Percentage or Rate or Percent in a Given Problem

Background Information for Learners

Are you familiar with this symbol %? Where do you usually see it? If you are fond
of going to the malls you can see this when they are on sale. It’s sound interesting, isn’t it?

This activity sheet serves as a self-learning guide for the learners.

It facilitates lesson comprehension as it specifically aims for students’ mastery on finding
the percentage or rate or percent in a given problem.

The word Percent means for every hundred or per hundred or hundredths. It comes
from the Latin word per centum. It is a number that expresses a fraction whose
denominator is 100. The percent symbol (%) replaces the denominator 100 in a fraction.

The shaded parts

represent 20 or 20%

Percentage is the number or the amount that represents a part of a whole.

Rate is the number compared to 100. It usually has either a percent sign (%) or the word
percent with it.

Base is the number that represents the whole or the entire amount. It is the number that
comes after the word “of”.

To find the percentage or rate or percent in a given problem, we can use the
Techan’s triangle as a guide.

To get the percentage: rate x base P=bxr

To get the rate: percentage/base R= 𝑝÷𝑏

To get the base: percentage/rate B= 𝑝÷𝑟

Note: Practice Personal Hygiene protocols at all times. 29

Learning Competency: The learner finds the percentage or rate or percent in a given
problem (M6NS-IId-142).

Activity 1

Directions: Identify the percentage, rate and base by completing the table.


1. 6 is 25% of 24
2. 12 is 60% of 20
3. 20% of 50 is 10
4. 125 % of 60 is 48
5. 105 is 50% of 210
6. 5 % of 2500 is 125
7. 36 is 40% of 90
8. 5% of 2000 is 100
9. 5000 is 625% of 800
10. 1 400 is 275% of 3 850

Activity 2
Directions: Match Column A to Column B. Write the letter of your answer in the blank
before the number.

Column A Column B
_____1. 1 is what percent of 10? a. 200
_____2. What % of 45 is 9? b. 26%
_____3. What is 90% of 50-item test? c. 34.2
_____4. 40 is 20% of N d. 750
_____5. 36% of 95 is N e. 20%
_____6. 65 is what percent of 250? f. 25%
_____7. 80% of 290 is what number? g.10%
_____8. 63 is N% of 252 h. 80
_____9. 88% of what number is 660? i. 232
_____10. 220 is 275% of N j. 45

Activity 3

Direction: Identify whether the following problems are looking for percentage, rate and
base by shading the circle that corresponds to your answer and then solve. Put your answer
inside the box. (2 pts each)

Note: Practice Personal Hygiene protocols at all times. 30

1. 7 is 35% of what number?

2. 85% of P78.00 is what amount?

3. 125 is 250% of what number?

4. What percent of 16 is 64?

5. 110% of what number is 660?

Activity 4
Directions: Solve each problem.

1. There are 36 pupils in Grade VI Sampaguita. Seventy-five percent of them are

using the bicycle in going school. How many pupils are using the bicycle?
2. Krishalee’s allowance for the day is P350. She spends 80% of it and saves the rest.
How much does she spend? _______ How much does she save? ________
3. In a School of 680 Grade 6 pupils, 646 graduated. What percent of the enrolment
graduated? _______ How many did not graduate? _______
4. One stormy day, 12 of pupils of Ms. Dela Cruz were absent. If there are 50 pupils
in her class, what percent of her class is absent? _____
present? ______
5. Glen’s family spends 5000 Php in the supermarket for their weekly consumption or
25% of his monthly family budget. How much is their monthly family budget?

Note: Practice Personal Hygiene protocols at all times. 31

Activity 5
Directions: Solve and complete the puzzle.

1- 117 is 65% of n
2- 50% of 36
3- 45% of 1500
4- Percent means per____
5- N is 25% of 80

1- N is 40% of 20
2- 60% of 880 is what number?
3- N is 30% of 60
4- 18 is N% of 24
5- 40% of 675

1. What part of the activity do you find difficult? Why?

Note: Practice Personal Hygiene protocols at all times. 32

2. What part of the activity do you find easy? Why?


21st Century Matheletes 6, pages112-113,120

Lesson Guides In Mathematics 6 pages 419-421,430

Note: Practice Personal Hygiene protocols at all times. 33

34 Note: Practice Personal Hygiene protocols at all times.
Prepared by:
Trigonometry, Mo, Module 2 (L
Activity 5
2. P280, Savings-P
7095% graduated, 34 did not
4. 24% absent, 76%
5. P20,
Activity 4
1. 20 base 6. g 6.
2. P66.3 b
7. e 7.
3. 50 base 8
i. j 8. f
4. 25% 9. a 9. d
5. 600 10. c 10.
base h
Activity 3 Activity 2
Activity 1
Answer Key
Name: ________________________________ Grade: ________________
Date: ______________________ Score: ________________


Solves Routine and Non-Routine Problems Involving Finding the
Percentage, Rate and Base Using Appropriate Strategies and Tools

Background Information for Learners

This activity sheet serves as a self-learning guide for the learners. It facilitates
lesson comprehension as it specifically aims for students’ mastery on solving routine and
non-routine problems involving finding the percentage, rate and base using appropriate
strategies and tools.

The series of steps in solving routine problems will be shown with the given
example below. With non-routine problems, you may use other strategies like using bar
models, grid method, proportions and any other strategies.

The example below shows the four-step process in solving routine problems
involving finding the percentage, rate and base. The Techan’s triangle can help you
remember the three formulas.

P = percentage
R = rate
B = base

Routine Problem


Jose has saved Php6,750.00 in the past 4 months. If the bike he wanted to buy is
worth Php15,000.00, what percent of the cost of the bike has he saved?


· The percent of the bike’s amount that Jose has saved.

Know what is asked We are looking for the rate.

Know what are given

facts · He saved Php6,750.00. The bike is worth

Note: Practice Personal Hygiene protocols at all times. 35

Determine the · Division, Multiplication
operation/method to be
used. · We can solve the problem by applying the concept
of proportion or using fraction to find the percent of
the cost of the bike.

Using Fraction Using a proportion

Write the n% of Php15,000 = 6,750 Rate = Percentage
number/mathematical Base
N= Php 6,750.00
100 Php15,000.00

Using Fraction Using a proportion
Perform the operations

N= Php 6,750.00
N X 15,000 = 6,750 100 Php15,000.00

15,000N = 6,750 N:100 = 6,750:15,000

N = 6,750 15,000N = 6,750 x 100

N = 675,000
N = .45 or 45% 15,000
N = 45

The percent of the bike’s amount that Jose has saved is



Multiply the rate of 45% by the base Php15,000.00, you

Work backwards should get Php6,750.00 which is the percentage

Note: Practice Personal Hygiene protocols at all times. 36

Non-routine Problems


15% of the number of people who attended a concert arrived late. If 30

people arrived late, find the number of people who attended the concert.

Solution: Using Bar Model

From the above model, we see that

15% → 30 people
1% → 30 ÷ 15 = 2 people
100% → 100 × 2 = 200 people
200 people attended the concert.


There are 250 chairs in a room. If 150 chairs are full and the remaining
100 chairs are empty, what % are full? and what % are empty?

Solution: Using Grid Method

150 100 E=100

Full Empty F=150


250 250 100

Multiply: 150 x 100 = 15,000

15,000 = 60 % 10,000
250 250 = 40%
(percent of full) (percent of empty)

Note: Practice Personal Hygiene protocols at all times. 37

Learning Competency: The learner solves routine and non-routine
problems involving finding the percentage, rate and base using appropriate strategies
and tools. (M6NS-IId143).

Exercise 1
Directions: Read and solve the problem. Answer the questions using the 4 -step process.

Problem: In an international conference, 400 people who attended were Filipinos.

If 40% of these were Filipino male professionals, how many Filipino male professionals
were there?
Know what is asked

Know what are given


Determine the
operation to be used

Write the
Perform the operations



Work backwards

Exercise 2
Directions: Find out the answer in the question by solving each word problem below.
Refer your answer from the box. Put the letters that corresponds to the answer in its
respective blank.

It is an interjection used to celebrate a discovery or invention. It is a
transliteration of an exclamation attributed to Ancient Greek mathematician and
inventor Archimedes. What is it?

Note: Practice Personal Hygiene protocols at all times. 38

_________ ________ ________ _______ _______ _______
1 2 3 4 5 B 60% 6
E 65%
K 200
1. In the Philippines, 13 out of every 20 cans are U 40
recycled. What percent of cans are recycled? R 4
E 50
A 25%
2. When a grizzly bear hibernates, its heart rate drops to 10
beats per minute, which is 25% of its normal value. What is grizzly bears/ normal
rate when not hibernating?

3. A test has 20 questions. If Peter gets 80% correct, how many questions did Peter

4. A zoo has 15 emperor penguins who make up 30% of the total number of penguins
at the zoo. How many penguins live at the zoo?

5. In a school, 25% of the teachers teach basic Mathematics. If there are 50 basic
Mathematics teachers, how many teachers are there in the school?

6. 24 students in a class took an Algebra test. If 18 students passed the test, what
percent do not pass the test?

Exercise 3

Directions: Solve the following problems involving percentage, rate and base using the
bar model.

1. Cynthia saves 30% of the money she earns each month. She earns Php1,350.00
each month. How much does she save?

2. At the National Library, 40% of the visitors are children. There are 36 children at
the library. How many visitors altogether are at the library?

3. Joselito bought cards to celebrate Valentine’s Day. He sends 60% of his cards to
his friends. How many cards did he buy altogether?

4. Shayna cooked 80% of the pancakes at the Pancake Cafeteria House last weekend.
They made 1,120 pancakes. How many pancakes did Shayna cook?

5. Aling Belen sold 12 out of 40 whole chicken? What percent of the chicken were

Note: Practice Personal Hygiene protocols at all times. 39

Exercise 4

Directions: Read and solve the problems. Select the letter of the correct answer from the
choices given.

1. Brunei has a population of 285 thousand. This is about 50% of the population of Ilocos
Sur. What is the population of Ilocos Sur?
a. 600 b. 570 c. 625 d. 535

2. 30 out of 40 pupils say Mathematics is their favorite subject. What percent of the
pupils like Mathematics?
a. 80% b. 70% c. 75% d. 65%
3. 350 grade 6 pupils were in the list who will take a competitive Admission Test for
incoming Grade 7. On the day of examination, 98% of the pupils took the test. How
many pupils took the test?
a. 343 b. 350 c. 402 d. 416

4. Nena has an allowance of Php2,500.00. If she spends Php1,800.00 for her food, what
percent of her allowance does she spend for her food?
a. 72% b. 75% c. 73% d. 70%

5. 50% of the students in a class of 34 students has glasses or contacts. How many
students in the class have either glasses or contacts?
a. 16 b. 19 c. 17 d. 18

Exercise 5
Directions: Read and solve the following problems. Write only your final answer in the
column provided after the problems.
1. Ryan sold 45 out of 60 packs of hotdogs. 1.
What percent of the hotdogs were sold?

2. Yesterday, 20% of 385 pupils were absent. 2.

About how many were present?

3. There are 300 pupils in an elementary school. Of this 3.

number, 285 watched a school party. What percent of
the pupils watched the party?

4. Mang Benito grows vegetables. Last month, he sold 4.

50% or 18 kgs of his total harvest. How many kgs. of
vegetables did he harvest in all?
5. Of all the books in the library, 87% have plastic covers.
There are 500 books in all. About how many do not have
plastic covers?

Note: Practice Personal Hygiene protocols at all times. 40

Rubrics for Scoring

Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4

(0 pt.) (1 pt.) (2 pts.) (3 pts.)
Learner shows Learner only Learner only Learner shows
no attempt to shows answer. shows answer complete
Amount of
really do any of but showed solution and
the problems, no partial work. gives an a
answer given. correct answer.
Learner shows Learner shows Learner shows Learner shows
no limited partial thorough
understanding understanding understanding understanding
about the topic. about the topic. about the topic. about the topic

1. What part of the activity do you find difficult? Why?

2. What part of the activity do you find easy? Why?


Learning Math Today 6 copyright 1999 pp.
Realistic Math 5 pp. copyright 2001 pp.

Note: Practice Personal Hygiene protocols at all times. 41

42 N
Exercise 3-
(40%) 9 x 10 =
36 90 There are 90 visitors in the
9 9 9museum
9 9 9 9
9 100
1,350 ÷ 10 = %
135 X 3 =
She earns
Exercise Exercise
2 1
1 2 3 4 5 6 Know what is · The number of
asked Filipino
1. E - 65% professional
Know what are given2. U - 40 swho
3. R - 4 facts the international
4. E - 50 conferenc
5. K - 200 · 400
e -total no. of
6. A - 25%
· s40% - percent
of Filipino male
Exercise 3-
Determine Multiplicatio
30 operation to be
the n
135 135 135%135 135 used.
Write the 400 x 40% =
number/ n
135 135 135 135 135 sentenc
100 e
Perform the 400 x 40% =
operation 160
1,350 ÷ 10 =
135 X 3 = There were
She earns
405 Answe Filipino
Php405.00 r professional
Work 160÷40 =
backwards 400
43 Note: Practice Personal Hygiene protocols at all times.
Prepared by:
Exercises 4Exercises 5
1. b 2. C 3. a 4. a 5. c1. 75% 2. 308 3. 95% 4. 36 5. 65
Exercise 3-
60% 42 ÷ 6 = 7 7 x 10 = 70 cards in all
7 7 7 7
7 7 7 7
7 100
Exercise 3-
112 112 112 112 112 112 112 112 112 112
80% 1,120 ÷ 10
112 x 8 = 896 pancakes
Exercise 3-
4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4
40 ÷ 10 = 4
12÷ 40 = .30 or 30%
Name: ____________________________________ Grade Level: _________
Section: __________________ Date: ______________


Solves Percent Problems such as Percent of Increase/Decrease
(discounts, original price, rate of discount, sale price, marked-up price),
commission, sales tax, and simple interest

Background Information for Learners

This activity sheet serves as a self-learning guide for the learners. It facilitates
lesson comprehension as it specifically aims for students’ mastery on solving percent
problems such as percent of increase/decrease (discount, original price, rate of discount,
sale price, and marked-up price).

The series of steps in solving percent problems will be shown with the given
example below. With percent problems, you may use other strategies like using bar
models, grid method, proportions and any other strategies.

The example below shows the four-step process in solving routine problems
involving finding the percentage, rate and base. The Techan’s triangle can help you
remember the three formulas.

P = percentage
R = rate
B = base

Routine Problem


Jose has saved Php 6,750.00 in the past 4 months. If the bike he wanted to buy is
worth Php15,000.00, what percent of the cost of the bike has he saved?

Know what is asked · The percent of the bike’s amount that Jose has saved.
We are looking for the rate.

Know what are given

facts · He saved Php6,750.00. The bike is worth

Note: Practice Personal Hygiene protocols at all times. 44

Determine the · Division, Multiplication
operation/method to be
used. · We can solve the problem by applying the concept
of proportion or using fraction to find the percent of
the cost of the bike.

Write the Using Fraction Using a proportion

sentence n% of Php15,000 = 6,750 Rate = Percentage

N= Php 6,750.00
100 Php15,000.00

Using Fraction Using a proportion
Perform the operations

N= Php 6,750.00
N X 15,000 = 6,750 100 Php15,000.00

15,000N = 6,750 N:100 = 6,750:15,000

N = 6,750 15,000N = 6,750 x 100

N = 675,000
N = .45 or 45% 15,000
N = 45

The percent of the bike’s amount that Jose has saved is



Multiply the rate of 45% by the base Php15,000.00, you

Work backwards should get Php6,750.00 which is the percentage

Note: Practice Personal Hygiene protocols at all times. 45


15% of the number of people who attended a concert arrived late. If 30

people arrived late, find the number of people who attended the concert.

Solution: Using Bar Model

From the above model, we see that

15% → 30 people
1% → 30 ÷ 15 = 2 people
100% → 100 × 2 = 200 people
200 people attended the concert.


There are 250 chairs in a room. If 150 chairs are full and the remaining
100 chairs are empty, what % are full? and what % are empty?

Solution: Using Grid Method

150 100 E=100

Full Empty F=150


250 250 100

Multiply: 150 x 100 = 15,000

15,000 = 60 % 10,000
250 250 = 40%
(percent of full) (percent of empty)

Note: Practice Personal Hygiene protocols at all times. 46

Learning Competency: Solving percent problems such as percent of
increase/decrease (discount, original price, rate of discount, sale price, and marked-up

Exercise 1
Directions: Read and solve the problem. Answer the questions using the 4 -step process.

Problem: Due to the worldwide pandemic, 40,000 Filipinos were already infected.
If 40% of these were local infections, how many Filipino were infected locally?
Know what is asked

Know what are given


Determine the
operation to be used

Write the
Perform the operations



Work backwards

Exercise 2
Directions: Analyze and solve the following problems.

1. In the Philippines, 12 out of every 20 Filipinos recover from Covid19. What

percent of were recovered?

2. A test has 40 questions. If Peter gets 80% correct, how many questions did Peter

Note: Practice Personal Hygiene protocols at all times. 47

3. In a school, 25% of the teachers teach basic Mathematics. If there are 50 basic
Mathematics teachers, how many teachers are there in the school?

4. 24 students in a class took a Science test. If 18 students passed the test, what
percent do not pass the test?

Exercise 3

Directions: Solve the following problems involving percentage, rate and base using the bar

1. Lina saves 30% of the money she earns each month. She earns Php1,350.00 each
month. How much does she save?

2. At the National Library, 40% of the visitors are children. There are 36 children at
the library. How many visitors altogether are at the library?

3. Lito bought cards to celebrate Valentine’s Day. He sends 60% of his cards to his
friends. How many cards did he buy altogether?

4. Shana cooked 80% of the pancakes at the Isabel Cafeteria House last weekend.
They made 1,120 pancakes. How many pancakes did Shayna cook?

5. Aling Bel sold 12 out of 40 whole chicken? What percent of the chicken were sold?

Exercise 4

Directions: Read and solve the problems. Select the letter of the correct answer from the
choices given.

1. Indonesia has a population of 285 thousand. This is about 50% of the population of
Metro Manila. What is the population of Metro Manial?
b. 600 b. 570 c. 625 d. 535

2. 30 out of 40 pupils say Mathematics is their favorite subject. What percent of the pupils
like Mathematics?
a. 80% b. 70% c. 75% d. 65%

3. 350 grade 6 pupils were in the list who will take a competitive Admission Test for
incoming Grade 7. On the day of examination, 98% of the pupils took the test. How
many pupils took the test?
b. 343 b. 350 c. 402 d. 416

Note: Practice Personal Hygiene protocols at all times. 48

4. Maria has an allowance of Php2,500.00. If she spends Php1,800.00 for her food, what
percent of her allowance does she spend for her food?
b. 72% b. 75% c. 73% d. 70%

5. 50% of the students in a class of 34 students has glasses or contacts. How many
students in the class have either glasses or contacts?
c. 16 b. 19 c. 17 d. 18

Exercise 5
Directions: Read and solve the following problems. Write only your final answer in the
column provided after the problems.
1. 1.
Ryan sold 45 out of 70 packs of hotdogs.
What percent of the hotdogs were sold?
2. On the survey, 30% of 385 pupils wants online
learning. About how many were present?
3. There are 200 pupils in a school. Of this number, 285
watched a school party. What percent of the pupils
watched the party? 4.

4. Mang Ben grows vegetables. Last month, he sold 60%

or 12 kgs. of his total harvest. How many kgs. of 5.
vegetables did he harvest in all?

5. Of all the books in the library, 85% have plastic covers.

There are 500 books in all. About how many do not have plastic covers?

Rubrics for Scoring

Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4

(0 pt.) (1 pt.) (2 pts.) (3 pts.)
Learner shows Learner only Learner only Learner shows
no attempt to shows answer. shows answer complete
Amount of
really do any of but showed solution and
the problems, no partial work. gives an answer.
answer given.
Learner shows Learner shows Learner shows Learner shows
no limited partial thorough
understanding understanding understanding understanding
about the topic. about the topic. about the topic. about the topic

Note: Practice Personal Hygiene protocols at all times. 49

1. What part of the activity do you find difficult? Why?

2. What part of the activity do you find easy? Why?


Learning Math Today 6 copyright 1999 pp.
Realistic Math 5 pp. copyright 2001 pp.

Note: Practice Personal Hygiene protocols at all times. 50

51 Note: Practice Personal Hygiene protocols at all times.
Exercise 3-
(40%) 9 x 10 =
36 90 There are 90 visitors in the
9 9 9museum
9 9 9 9
9 100
1,350 ÷ 10 = %
135 X 3 =
She earns
Exercise 1
7. 60% Know what is · The number of
8. 32 asked Filipino
9. 4 Filipinos
10.25% Know what are locally
facts .
· 40,000 -total no.
Exercise infected
3 · s40% - percent
of Filipino are
PLAN30% locally
Multiplication135 135 135 135 135Determine
operation to be
135 135 135 135 135 used.
Write the 40,000 x 40% =
100 n
1,350 ÷ 10 =
135 X 3 = Perform the 40,000 x 40% =
She earns
405 operation 16,00
Php405.00 s 0
Answe There were
r Filipinos who
Work 16,000÷.40
backwards 40,00
52 Note: Practice Personal Hygiene protocols at all times.
Prepared by:
Exercise Exercise
1) 5 1) b4
2) 2) c
3) 3) a
4) 36 4) a
5) 65 5) c
Exercise 3-
60% 42 ÷ 6 = 7 7 x 10 = 70 cards in all
7 7 7 7
7 7 7 7
7 100
Exercise 3-
112 112 112 112 112 112 112 112 112 112
80% 1,120 ÷ 10
112 x 8 = 896 pancakes
Exercise 3-
4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4
40 ÷ 10 = 4
12÷ 40 = .30 or 30%
Name: ______________________________ Grade Level: ____________
Date: ____________________________ Score: _________________


Solving Percent Problems such as Simple Interest

Background Information for the Learners

To solve percent problems such as simple interest, here are the concepts that you
need to remember:
a. Principal is the amount of money borrowed.
b. The interest rate is given as a percent.
c. Time is the length of time in years for which the money was borrowed.
d. Balance is the current amount of money in the savings account.

To find interest, take the product of the principal, the interest rate and the time. Thus, the
formula for finding interest is:
Interest = Principal x Rate x Time
which is also written as
I = P x R x T
Now that we have a procedure and a formula, we can solve problems involving simple

Example 1
What is the interest earned by ₱16,000.00 in 2 years with the rate of 5% a year?
Principal = ₱16,000.00 Rate = 5% or 0.05 Time = 2 years
Interest = Principal x Rate x Time
= ₱16,000.00 x 0.05 x 2
= ₱1,600.00
So, ₱16,000.00 will earn a ₱1,600.00-interest. It will be added to the principal so
the balance of the savings account will be ₱16,000.00 + ₱1,600.00 = ₱17,600.00 at the
end of 2 years.

Example 2

Faith deposited ₱15,000.00 in a bank and left the money there for a year. Her new
balance became ₱16,200.00 after adding the interest. What is the rate of interest per
Principal (initial deposit) = ₱15,000.00
New balance plus interest = ₱16,200.00
Time = year

Note: Practice Personal Hygiene protocols at all times. 53

To solve, use the formula:
Rate of interest = _____Interest____
Principal x Time
But we need to know the amount of interest so we solve by
Interest = New Balance – Principal
So = ₱16,200.00 - ₱15,000.00
= ₱1,200.00
Now that we know the amount of interest, we will now solve for the rate of interest.
Rate of interest = _____Interest____
Principal x Time
= ___₱1,200.00__
₱15,000.00 x 1
= _₱1,200.00_
= 0.08 or 8%
So the rate of interest per annum is 8%.

Example 3
At 12% rate of interest in one year, how much must I deposit to earn ₱150.00?
Interest = ₱150.00 Rate = 12% or 0.12 Time = 1 year
In finding the principal, we will use:
Principal = ___Interest___
Rate x Time
= ₱150.00
0.12 x 1
= ₱150.00
= ₱1,250.00
So a deposit of ₱1,250.00 is needed to earn ₱150.00 at 12% interest rate in a year.

Another formula related to interest is finding for time.

Time = Interest____
Principal x Rate

Learning Competency with Code: Solves percent problems such as simple

interest. M6NS-IIe-144

Note: Practice Personal Hygiene protocols at all times. 54

Exercise 1

Directions: Read each problem carefully. Choose the letter of the correct answer and write
it in the blank.

___1. Mang Juan paid a ₱600.00 interest on ₱20,000.00 that he borrowed for a period of 3
months. What was the monthly rate of interest?
a. 1% b. 10% c. 0.1% d. 0.01%

___2. How long will it take ₱2,500.00 double to ₱5,000.00 when interest rate is 5% a
month? a. 1 month b. 2 months c. 3 months d. 4 months

___3. Charles put ₱25,000.00 into a savings account where the money earns 6% interests
per year. How much interest will the money earn in one year?
a. ₱150.00 b. ₱1,050.00 c. ₱1,500.00 d. ₱15,000.00

___4. At 10% interest per year, how much will a deposit of ₱20,000.00 earn in 2 years? a.
₱400.00 b. ₱4,000.00 c. ₱40.00 d. ₱44,000.00

___5. Lhea applied a loan of ₱50,000.00 at a yearly interest of 8%. If she paid back the
credit union of ₱58,000.00, what is the time period of her loan?
a. 1 year b. 2 years c. 3 years d. 4 years

___6. My father paid a ₱7,500.00 interest on ₱25,000.00 that he borrowed for a period of 3
months. What was the monthly rate of interest?
a. 1% b. 10% c. 0.1% d. 0.01%

___7. At 15% interest per year, how much will a deposit of ₱22,000.00 earn in 3 years? a.
₱990.00 b. ₱9,090.00 c. ₱9,900.00 d. ₱99,000.00

___8. Lizzy’s mother borrowed ₱45,000.00 from a credit union. At the end of 5 years
she paid back ₱81,000.00. What was the rate of interest?
a. 36% b. 3.6% c. 0.36% d. 0.036%

___9. Benjie has ₱15,000.00 invested in a cooperative that pays a 6% yearly interest. In
how many years will his investment earn ₱6,300.00?
a. 5 years b. 6 years c. 7 years d. 8 years

___10. Mimi loaned Marcos some money at the rate of 6% interests per year. When
Marcos paid back the loan at the end of 4 years, he had to pay a ₱15,000.00 interest.
How much money did he borrow?
a. ₱26,500.00 b. ₱65,200.00 c. ₱6,250.00 d. ₱62,500.00

Note: Practice Personal Hygiene protocols at all times. 55

Exercise 2
Directions: Find for the interest.
No. Principal Rate of Interest Time Interest
1 ₱450.00 25% 2 mos.
2 ₱600.00 12% 3 mos.
3 ₱1,000.00 20% 9 mos.
4 ₱2,500.00 12% 1 year
5 ₱8,000.00 16% 1 ½ years
6 ₱10,000.00 26% 2 years
7 ₱12,000.00 9% 2 ¼ years
8 ₱20,500.00 10% 3 years
35% 3 ½ years
9 ₱35,800.00
18% 3 ¾ years
10 ₱40,000.00

Exercise 3
Directions: Study the data below then answer the following questions that follow.

The Mathematics Club of Duminit Elementary School had three garage sales to raise a
good amount for their Math Kiosk. The club officers planned to deposit the money in a
savings account with simple interest. Michelle, their president, presented this table
during their meeting:

Principal Rate of Interest Interest Time Total Amount

a) ₱25,000.00 9% 6 mos.

b) ₱50,000.00 ₱9,000.00 3 mos.

c) 12% ₱8,400.00 1 year

a) How much is the principal in A? _______ B? ________

b) What is the rate of interest in A? _____ C? ______

c) If you were one of the officers, do you agree to deposit the money in a saving
account? ______ Why? _______________________________________________.

Exercise 4

Directions: Read each given problem. Analyze and solve each problem below.

1. Jeffrey put ₱18,000.00 into a savings account where the money earns 5% interests per
year. How much interest will the money earn in one year?
2. Mrs. Fernandez borrowed ₱25,000.00 for six months with a yearly interest of 16%.
What was the interest of the loan?

Note: Practice Personal Hygiene protocols at all times. 56

3. Michael put ₱15,000.00 into savings account in January. Six months later, he put
₱25,000.00 more into the account. The interest rate is 5% per year. How much interest
will be earned at the end of the year?
4. How long will it take ₱5,000.00 to double to ₱10,000.00 when interest rate is 5% a
5. Melanie borrowed ₱20,000.00 for six months with a yearly interest of 15%. What was
the interest of the loan?
6. Carlos has ₱30,000.00 invested in a cooperative that pays a 6% yearly interest. In how
many years will his investment earn ₱3,600.00?
7. Mona applied a loan of ₱50,000.00 at a yearly interest of 10%. If she paid back the
credit union of ₱65,000.00, what is the time period of her loan?
8. Vicky put ₱15,000.00 into savings account in January. Six months later, she put
₱50,000.00 more into the account. The interest rate is 6% per year. How much interest
will be earned at the end of the year?
9. Roger loaned Ben some money at the rate of 5% interests per year when Ben paid
back the loan at the end of three years, he had to pay a ₱45,000.00 interest. How much
money did he borrow?
10. Shane’s father borrowed ₱40,000.00 from a cooperative. At the end of 3 years he paid
back ₱60,000.00. What was the rate of interest?

Exercise 5
Directions: Solve each problem. Show your solution.
1. Catriona’s father borrows ₱80,000.00 from a lending company. At the end of 2 ¼ years,
he has to pay an interest rate of 20%. How much will he pay back to the lending company?

2. If Gemmalyn has ₱40,000.00 in her savings account and the rate of interest is 4 ½% a
year, how much interest does her money earn? How much money will he have in all?

3. George opens a savings deposit of ₱38,000.00 in a bank that offers interest on savings at
4% per annum. The bank computes interest every 6 months. If George will deposit
₱12,000.00 more, how much will his new balance be at the end of 6 months?

4. Ivana borrowed ₱25,000.00 from a credit union. At the end of 2 years, she has to pay
back 8% interest. How much is the interest?

Note: Practice Personal Hygiene protocols at all times. 57

5. Mrs. Ruiz has a savings account balance of ₱54,800.00. She withdraws ₱18,000.00 to
buy a watch for her husband. How much interest does her new balance earn if the bank’s
rate is now 0.8% per annum?

Rubrics for Scoring

Criteria Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4
(0 pt.) (1 pt.) (2 pts.) (3 pts.)
Learner shows Learner only Learner only Learner shows
no attempt to shows answer. shows answer complete
Amount of really do any of but showed solution and
Work the problems, partial work. gives a correct
no answer answer.
Learner shows Learner shows Learner shows Learner shows
no limited partial thorough
understanding understanding understanding understanding
Understanding of solving of solving of solving of solving
problems such problems such problems such problems such
as simple as simple as simple as simple
interest interest interest interest

1. What part of the activity do you find difficult? Why?

2. What part of the activity do you find easy? Why?



1. Perez, Marjoseph H. et. al, 21st Century MATHletes 6 Textbook 2016, Vibal
Group, Inc. #1253 G. Araneta Avenue, Quezon City, Philippines
2. Villamayor, Adela C. et. al, Math for Life 6 Textbook 2015, Rex Book Store, Inc.,
856 Nicanor Reyes Sr. St., Sampaloc, Metro Manila
3. Lesson Guide in Elementary Mathematics Grade VI 2003, Bureau Elementary
Education, Department of Education
4. ,

Note: Practice Personal Hygiene protocols at all times. 58

59 Note: Practice Personal Hygiene protocols at all times.
Prepared by:
1 No. Principal Rate of Time
Interest Interest
1 ₱450.00 25% 2 mos.
2 ₱600.00 12% 3 mos.
3 ₱1,000.00 20% 9 mos.
4 ₱2,500.00 12% 1 year
5 ₱8,000.00 16% 1 ½ years
6 ₱10,000.00 26% 2 years
7 ₱12,000.00 9% 2 ¼ years
8 ₱20,500.00 10% 3 years
9 ₱35,800.00 35% 3 ½ years
10 ₱40,000.00 18% 3 ¾ years
Exercise 2
1. a 6.
b d 7.
c3. c 8.
4. b 9.
c5. b 10.
Exercise 3
Principal Rate of Interest Interest Time Total
a) ₱25,000.00 9% ₱13,500.00 6 mos.
b) ₱50,000.00 6% ₱9,000.00 3 mos.
c) ₱70,000.00 12% ₱8,400.00 1 year
a. ₱25,000.00
b. 9%
12% Answers may
Exercise 4
1. ₱900.00 6. 2
years ₱2,000.00 7. 3
years ₱1,375.00 8.
4. 20 months
₱2,400.00 9.
₱1,500.00 10.
Exercise 5
2. a. ₱180.00
₱83,600.00 b.
Answer Key
Name: _________________________________ Grade Level: __________
Date: _______________________ Score: _______________


Describing the Exponent and the Base and Giving the Value of Numbers
Expressed in Exponential Notation

Background Information for Learners

This activity sheet serves as a self-learning guide for the learners. It facilitates
lesson comprehension as it specifically aims for students’ mastery on describing the
exponent and the base and giving the value of numbers expressed in exponential notation.

The exponent tells how many times the base is used as factor to form a product and
the base is the factor which is to be multiplied by itself the number of times indicated in the
exponent to obtain the product. And in giving the value of numbers expressed in
exponential notation, we should identify the base and the exponent to be performed.

The example below shows how describe the exponent and the base and give the
value of numbers expressed in exponential notation.


Darren saved Ᵽ 2.00 on Monday, Ᵽ 4.00 on Tuesday, Ᵽ 8.00 on Wednesday, Ᵽ

16.00 on Thursday, and so on. If the pattern continues, how much will he save on
Sunday? How much will his total savings be in that week?

What do you observe in the pattern?

The pattern shows that Darren was able to save twice as much as he saved the
previous day. In this case, he will be able to save Ᵽ 32.00 on Friday, Ᵽ 64.00 on Saturday.
Therefore, Darren will save Ᵽ 128.00 on Sunday. From this pattern, it shows that:
his savings on Tuesday is twice his savings on Monday or 2 X 2 = 4; Wednesday is twice
his savings on Tuesday or 2 X (2 X 2) = 8, and so on. We can write this as follows:

Monday: 2¹ = 2 Friday: 2⁵ = 32
Tuesday: 2² = 4 Saturday: 2⁶ = 64
Wednesday: 2³= 8 Sunday: 2⁷ = 128
Thursday: 2⁴ = 16

Adding all his savings, Darren will save a total of Ᵽ 254.00.

The expression 2 X 2 X 2 X 2 X 2 can also be expressed as 2⁵.


Note: Practice Personal Hygiene protocols at all times. 60

The expression 2⁵ is called an exponential notation or exponential form. The
number 2 is called the base and the number 5 is called the exponent. The exponent tells
how many times the base is used as factor. Thus, in the expression 2⁵, the exponent 5 tells
that base 2 is used as a factor 5 times.
Therefore, we can say that 2⁵ = 2 X 2 X 2 X 2 X 2 = 32.
The table below shows some examples of exponential expression, how to read it and
its value.
Expression Read Meaning and Value
3² three to the second power, or three
squared 3x3=9
5³ five to the third power, or five cubed 5 x 5 x 5 = 125
6⁴ six to the fourth power 6 x 6 x 6 x 6 = 1296

Note: When a number, except 0, is raised to the zero power, the result will always be 1.
So, 15⁰ = 1 and 12⁰ = 1.

Learning Competency with Code:

Ø describes the exponent and the base in a number expressed in exponential notation.
Ø gives the value of numbers expressed in exponential notation. (M6NS-IIf-147)

Exercise 1
Directions: Complete the following sentences:

1) In 4⁵, __________ is the base and __________ is the exponent.

2) 7² is the exponential form of 7 x ______.

3) 144 is the ____________ power of 12.

4) 8² means 8 is multiplied by _______________.

5) 9⁴ means ____________ is multiplied by itself four times.

6) 1,331 is the _____________ power of 11.

7) 6³ means _____________ is multiplied by itself three times.

8) In 10⁵, _____________ is the base and ____________ is the exponent.

9) 1,024 is the ________________ power of 4.

10) 5⁷ means 5 is multiplied by itself _________ times.

Note: Practice Personal Hygiene protocols at all times. 61

Exercise 2
Direction: Rewrite each of the following using exponents. Determine the numerical value.

1) second power of 10

2) fourth power of 5

3) 2 x 2 x 2 x 2 x 2 x 2 x 2 x 2

4) 8 x 8 x 8

5) 15 x 15

6) two to the seventh power

7) six with the exponent 4

8) 7 x 7 x 7

9) 10 x 10 x 10

10) 3 x 3 x 3 x 3

Exercise 3
Directions: Write the >, < or = in the box to make the statement true.

1) 5² 2⁵

2) 7² x 3 2 (70) + 3
3) 2 (3² + 2²) 8²
4) 3² + 3² + 3² 3 (3²)
5) 6 (2 + 3)² 3 + 7²

6) 8³ 3⁸
7) 4² 2⁴
8) 3 (3² + 2²) 6²

9) 5² + 5² + 5² 5 (10²)

10) 7 (4 + 3)² 7 + 7²

Note: Practice Personal Hygiene protocols at all times. 62

Exercise 4
Directions: Write the base, exponent, value, equation, and the meaning of the following
expressions. Number is done for you.

Base Exponent Meaning Value Equation

1) 5³ 5 3 5x5x5 125 5 x 5 x 5 = 125

or 5³ = 125

2) 3⁴

3) 6⁵

4) 9²

5) 8⁴

6) 10⁵

7) 4⁴

8) 16³

9) 7⁵

10) 4⁸

11) 2⁵

Exercise 5
A. Directions: Evaluate the following:
1) 6 • 2² + 7
2) 3 • 7² + 5
3) 9² - 7² + 10

4) 2⁵ • 5² - 3²
5) (10 + 2)² - 10²
B. Directions: Find the value of N to make the statement true.
1) 2ᴺ = 16
2) 4 • 5ᴺ = 4 • 125
3) 7³ = N
4) 2 • 10ᴺ = 2,000
5) 3 • 2ᴺ = 192

Note: Practice Personal Hygiene protocols at all times. 63

Rubrics for Scoring
Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4
(0 pt.) (1 pt.) (2 pts.) (3 pts.)
Learner shows Learner only Learner only Learner shows
Amount of no attempt to shows answer. shows answer complete
Work really do any of but showed solution and
the problems, partial work. gives a correct
no answer answer
Learner shows Learner shows Learner shows Learner shows
no limited partial thorough
Understanding understanding understanding understanding understanding
of describing of describing of describing of describing
the exponent the exponent the exponent the exponent
and the base and the base and the base and the base
and giving the and giving the and giving the and giving the
value of value of value of value of
numbers numbers numbers numbers
expressed in expressed in expressed in expressed in
exponential exponential exponential exponential
notation. notation. notation. notation.

1. What part of the activity do you find difficult? Why?
2. What part of the activity do you find easy? Why?


21st Century MATHletes 6 pp 174-179

Note: Practice Personal Hygiene protocols at all times. 64

65 Note: Practice Personal Hygiene protocols at all times.
Base Exponent Meaning Value
1) 5³ 5 3 5x5x5 125 5x5x5=
125 or 5³ = 125
2) 3⁴ 3 4 3x3x3x3 81 3x3x3x3=
81 or 3⁴ =
3) 6⁵ 6 5 6x6x6x6x6 7 776 816 x 6 x 6 x 6 x 6 =
7 776 or 6⁵ = 7
4) 9² 9 2 9x9 81 776
9 x 9 = 81
or 9² =
5) 8⁴ 8 4 8x8x8x8 4 096 818 x 8 x 8 x 8 =
4 096
or 8⁴ = 4
6) 10⁵ 10 5 10 x 10 x 10 x 10 x 100 000 096
10 x 10 x 10 x 10 x
10 10 = 100
000 or 10⁵ = 100
7) 4⁴ 4 4 4x4x4x4 256 0004x4x4x4=
256 or 4⁴ =
8) 16³ 16 3 16 x 16 x 16 4 096 25616 x 16 x 16 =
4 096
or 16³ = 4 096
9) 7⁵ 7 5 7x7x7x7x7 16 807 7x7x7x7x7=
16 807
or 7⁵ = 16 807
10) 4⁸ 4 8 4x4x4x4x4x4 65 536 4x4x4x4x4x4
x x4x4 4 x 4 = 65
536 or 4⁸ = 65 536
11) 2⁵ 2 5 2x2x2x2x2 32 2x2x2x2x2
=32 or 2⁵ =
Exercise 1 Exercise 2 Exercise
1) 4, 5
3 1) 10² = 100 1)
2) 7
< 2) 5⁴ = 625 2)
3) second
> 3) 2⁸ = 256 3)
4) 8
< 4) 8³ = 512 4)
5) 9
= 5) 15² = 225 5)
6) third
> 6) 2⁷ = 128 6)
7) 6
< 7) 6⁴ = 1,296 7)
8) 10, 5
= 8) 7³ = 343 8)
9) fifth
> 9) 10ᶟ = 1,000 9)
10) 7
< 10) 3⁴ = 81 10)
Answer Key

5) ᶟ5) 44
4) 343
4) 791
3) ²3) 42
2) ⁴2) 152
1) B1) 31
5 A

Prepared by:



Note: Practice Personal Hygiene protocols at all times. 66

Name: __________________________________ Grade Level: _______
Date: ______________________ Score: ____________


Interprets and explains the Grouping, Exponent, Multiplication, Division,
Addition, Subtraction (GEMDAS) Rule

Background Information for Learners

This activity sheet serves as a self-learning guide for the learners. It brings
you lessons that will help you understand, discover and learn the concepts of
Mathematics specifically on using the PEMDAS and GEMDAS Rule which
encompass not only in mechanical solving of problems, but also in the real-life situation
from the simplest to the most complex problem involving numbers

In an equation involving more than two operations enclosed in groups, do first

what is in the parenthesis, brackets and braces, and then followed by the Exponents and
MDAS rule. You may multiply or divide first whichever of the two operations comes first
from left to right. The same applies with addition and subtraction.
G- Grouping symbols (such as parenthesis, brackets and braces)
E- Exponent
M- Multiplication
D- Division
A- Addition
S- Subtraction

Example 1: Evaluate the expression [12– (2 + 2 ) ] x 42 ÷ 2 + 10 – 3 = n

· Evaluate the expression inside the groups
[12 – ( 2 + 2 ) ] x 42 ÷ 2 + 10 – 3 = n
(parenthesis, brackets and braces) and copy the
[12– ( 4 ) ] x 42 ÷ 2 + 10 – 3 = n remaining digits.
· Evaluate the exponents and copy the
8 x 42 ÷ 2 + 10 – 3 = n remaining digits.
· Perform the multiplication and division from
8 x 16 ÷ 2 + 10 – 3 = n left to right.
64 + 10 – 3 = n · Add and then subtract from left to right.
· Final answer
71 = n

Note: Practice Personal Hygiene protocols at all times. 67

We also need to remember the order of performing the operation is from left to right.

Example 2: Evaluate 33 + [ 6 + ( 6 ÷ 2) – 2 ] – 3 = n
33 +[ 6 + ( 6 ÷ 2) – 2 ] – 3 = n 33 + [ 7 ] – 3 = n
33 +[ 6 + ( 3) – 2 ] – 3 = n 31 = n
27 + 7 – 3 = n
Learning Competency with Code
1. Interprets and explains the Grouping Symbol, Exponent, Multiplication, Division,
Addition, Subtraction (GEMDAS) Rule. (M6NS-IIf-148).

2. Performs two or more different operations on whole numbers with or without

exponents and grouping symbols. (M6NS-IIf-149)

Activity 1

Directions: Match Column A to Column B. Write the letter of your answer to the space
Column A Column B

______1. 2 + 16 + 4 + 4 a. 6
______2. (6 - 3) + (6 - 3) b. 14
______3. (4 + 3) • 2 c. 26
______4. [12 – 2 x 4] x [(16 ÷ 2) x 1] d. 32
______5. 99 - 3 X 5 – (12 x 2 ÷ 2 - 2) e. 60
______6. [5 • 10 / 5 + 2 • 5 + (80 – 20)] f. 68
______7. 20 – 5 (5 - 1) g. 74
______8. 3 [52 - 4(3 + 2)] / 3 - 3 + 2 • 3 + 60 h. 80
______9. 206 - (1 + 4)2 x 4 i. 106
______10. 6² - 2² + 5 + 100 j. 137

Activity 2
Directions: Solve the following using GEMDAS. Write your answer in the box after each

1. 8 x 5 ÷ 10

2. 100 ÷ 5 x 2 + 3

3. 5 x 2 + 3 – 6 – 7

4. 5 x 3 + 20 – 2 + 76

Note: Practice Personal Hygiene protocols at all times. 68

5. 39 + 180 – 126 x 2 ÷ 3

6. 14 – 6 x 2

7. 12 x 5 – 10 ÷ 2

8. 24 x 3 ÷ 8 + 66

9. 36 ÷ 3 x 5 + 11

10. 7 x 3 – 12 ÷ 4 + 7

Activity 3
Directions: Solve the series of operations to get the secret message in the box. Write the
letter of the correct answer on the blanks inside the box and answer the questions on the
next page.

51 13 9 21

34 72 31 50

Y. 7x6÷2=n T. 21 – 3 x 4 + 4 = n
S. (32 + 21) – 14 ÷ 7 = n F. 4 – 2 + 3 + (44 ÷ 4) + 15 = n
A. (132-111) – 2 x 6 = n E. 8÷4+6x8=n
A. 12 ÷ 2 x 3 ÷ 3 x 12 =n S. [2 x 3 + (12-6)] + 22 = n

What does the message mean to you at this time?


Note: Practice Personal Hygiene protocols at all times. 69

Rubrics for scoring:
Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4
(0 pt.) (1 pt.) (2 pts.) (3 pts.)
Learner shows no Learner only Learner only Learner shows
attempt to really shows answer. shows answer but complete solution
Amount of Work do any of the showed partial and gives a
problems, no work. correct answer.
answer given.
Learner shows no Learner shows Learner shows Learner shows
understanding of limited partial thorough
Understanding the GEMDAS understanding of understanding of understanding
Rule the GEMDAS the GEMDAS of the GEMDAS
Rule Rule Rule

Activity 4
Directions: Look at the two solutions given. Compare and contrast.

12 + 8 x 10 ÷ 5 – 2 = n 12 + 8 x 10 ÷ 5 – 2 = n

20 80

200 16


n= 38 n = 26

1. Which of the two solutions is correct? Explain.


Note: Practice Personal Hygiene protocols at all times. 70

2. How can you determine if you actually followed the hierarchy of operations when
evaluating a certain mathematical expression? Explain.

Activity 5
Directions: Solve the following expressions using the GEMDAS rule. Show your solution
on your notebook.
1. (6 + 4) ÷ 2

2. 12 – (2 x 2) + 10

3. (2 + 3 – 2) x 8 ÷ 3

4. (720 ÷ 90) x ( 180 ÷ 90)

5. (62 – 2) ÷ 2 + 54

6. [ 36 – ( 12 + 2 ) ] – 3 x 2

7. [ 66 ÷ 6 – ( 2 + 25 ) + 99]

8. [ 11 + 35 + ( 8 + 2 ) x 44 ]

9. (12 ÷ 2)3 x (3 + 9) + (6 + 4) – 32

10. {[(32 + 65 – 29) x 3] − 10}2

Note: Practice Personal Hygiene protocols at all times. 71


1. What part of the activity do you find difficult? Why?


2. What part of the activity do you find easy? Why?



Mathematics 6 Quarter 2
Curriculum Guide

Note: Practice Personal Hygiene protocols at all times. 72

73 Note: Practice Personal Hygiene protocols at all times.
Prepared by:
1. 5 2. 18 3. 8 4. 16 5.
71 16
6. 7. 76 8. 2 606 9. 2 593 10. 37,
Exercise 1:
2 3. 4 2. 43 3. 0 4. 109 5. 22.A
7. 2 7. 55 8. 75 9. 71 10. 23.B
25 24.D
Exercise 25.G
28.FExercise 4
N=2 29.I
6 30.J
Answer Key
Name: ___________________________________Grade Level: __________
Date: ______________________ Score: _______________


Describe the set of integers and identify real-life situations that make use of it

Background Information for Learners

This activity sheet serves as a self-learning guide for the learners. It facilitates
lesson comprehension as it specifically aims for learners’ mastery on the

Integers are composed of positive and negative counting numbers. Integers greater
than zero are called positive integers. These integers are found on the right side of zero on
the number line. Integers less than zero are called negative integers. These
integers are found on the left side of zero on the number line. The integer zero is neutral. It
is neither positive nor negative.

The sign of an integer is either positive (+) or negative (-), except zero, which has
no sign. Two integers are opposites if they are each of the same distance from zero. They
are on opposite sides of the number line. One has a positive sign, the other a negative sign.

To order a set of integers, compare them two at a time. Consider that the greater
integer is farther to the right on the number line

Real life situations can be represented by integers.

Example 1: Write an integer to represent each situation:

a. gain of 7 points +7
b. 9 steps backward -9
c. a loss of 100 pesos -100

One way to represent integers is through a number line.

Observe the number line below.

To the right of 0 are the positive integers, while to its left are the negative integers.
Imagine folding the line at point 0, you will notice that 1 will fall at -1, 2 at -2, and 3 at -
3. They are called the mirror images or opposites.

Note: Practice Personal Hygiene protocols at all times. 74

Any integer has its opposite. The opposite of +7 is -7. The opposite of +8 is -8.
Two integers are opposites if they are of the same distance from 0.


We can use the number line to compare and arrange integers.

Integers can be positioned and ordered on a number line. As we move to the right on the
number line, the number get larger in value. As we Move to the left, the values get
smaller. From the number line above, we can see that positive integer is greater than zero.
Similarly, negative integers are less than zero.

Study the examples on how we compare both positive and negative numbers.

Example 2. Compare the following pair of integers by observing the number line.

a. +9, +7 +9 is the right of +8, Therefore, +9 > +8

b. -6, -7 -6 is to the right of -7, Therefore, -6 > -7
c. +11, +13 +11 is to the left of +13, Therefore, +11< +13
d. -12, -11 -12 is to the left of -11, Therefore, -12< -11

Example 3. Write the integer represented by each situation.

a. The temperature is 18˚C below 0.

b. The altitude is 75 m above sea level
c. The corals are 15m below sea level
d. He has a weight loss of 5kg
e. She spent PhP375.00 for a dress.

Note: Practice Personal Hygiene protocols at all times. 75

The word “above” implies an increasing value of a number and is referring to a
positive integer, while the word “below “implies a decreasing value and is referring to a
negative integer.
a. -18
b. +75
c. -15
d. -5
e. -375

Example 4. Order +4, -5, +5, -6, and 0 from greatest to least.

Solution: Use a number line to order integers.

Thus, the order from greatest to least is +5, +4, 0, -5, -6

Learning Competency with Code:

Describe the set of Integers (M6NS-IIg-151)
Identify real-life situations that make use of integers (MGNS-IIg-150)
Compare integers with other numbers such as whole numbers, fractions, and decimals
Compare and Arrange integers from least to greatest and vice versa (MGNS-IIh-154)

Exercise 1

A. Directions: Write positive or negative for each situation on the space provided.

1. a loss of PhP7 500 ________

2. withdrawal of PhP3 000 ________
3. expenditure of PhP35 000 ________
4. 45 degrees above zero ________
5. 17 steps backward ________
6. gain of 5 pounds ________
7. 3 years from now ________
8. driving 6 km west ________
9. rose by 18˚C ________
10. 2 hours after closing ________

Note: Practice Personal Hygiene protocols at all times. 76

B. Directions: Write an integer to represent the following situation.

11. Loss of 5 kilograms ________

12. 10 degrees below zero ________

13. Overtime pay of 85.00 ________

14. 8 hours ago ________

15. 5 km north ________

Exercise 2
A. Directions: Write true or false for each statement on the space provided.

________ 1. The integers on a number line become greater as you move to the left.
________ 2. 0 is neither positive nor negative.
________ 3. Numbers such that -23, 3.4, +71/2, 0.009, and +5 are called integers.
________ 4. The opposite of +89 is -89, and the opposite of 98 is +98.
________ 5. -19 is nineteen units to left of zero on a number line.
________ 6. 16˚ above zero may be expressed as +16˚ or 16˚.
________ 7. The integers become greater as you move to the right of zero.

B. Directions: Write the described integers.

8. The opposite of -68 __________

9. The opposite of opposite of +42 __________
10. The opposite of +56 __________
11. The opposite of 0 __________
12. The opposite of opposite of -67 __________
13. The opposite of +100 __________
14. The opposite of opposite of 25 __________
15. The opposite of -1 __________

Exercise 3

A. Directions: Arrange the following integers from the least to greatest.

1. -3, -8, 0, -5, 9, 6 _______________________

2. -2, 5, 7, -8, -1, -5 _______________________
3. -11, -5, 8, 14, 6, -3 _______________________
4. 15, -9, 12, -17, 6, 19 _______________________
5. 13, 0, -13, 17, -8, 3 _______________________

Note: Practice Personal Hygiene protocols at all times. 77

B. Directions: Arrange the following integers from the greatest to least.

6. 7, -7, 14, -14, 0, -2 _______________________

7. 30, -20, -50, 10, -60, 40 _______________________
8. 37, -73, 83, -217, 91, 18 _______________________
9. -13, -31, 13, -25, -17, -40 _______________________
10. -145, 451, -451,501, -514,505 _______________________

Exercise 4

Directions: Compare the integers by using >, <, or =.

1. -4 _______-67

2. -4 _______ +4

3. 0 _______ -6

4. +89_______89

5. -91 _______-112

6. -36 _______+36

7. -57_______-0

8. +49_______+56

9. -876_______+ 677

10. +46_______-56

Exercise 5

A. Directions: Write right or left on the space provided for.

1. +3 is to the_____________ of +7
2. +5 is to the_____________ of -7
3. -4 is to the_____________ of +4
4. -8 is to the _____________ of +13
5. +2 is to the _____________ of +14
6. +6 is to the _____________ of 0

Note: Practice Personal Hygiene protocols at all times. 78

B. Directions: Find the next three integers in each sequence using the number line.

7. +18, +11,+5 ________, ________, _________

8. -3, -1, +1 ________, ________, _________

9. -2, +1, +4 ________, ________, _________

10. -72, -62, -52 ________, ________, _________

1. What part of the topic do you find easy? Difficult? Why?

2. How do you think this topic will help you in your daily activities?


l21st Century Mathletes 6, page 144-151

r, Module 13 (TG), EASE Module F

Note: Practice Personal Hygiene protocols at all times. 79

80 Note: Practice Personal Hygiene protocols at all times.
Prepared by:
Exercise Exercise
1 2
A. A.
1. negative 11. - B.
5 1. False 8. +68
2. negative 12. -
10 2. True 9.
3. negative 13.
3. False 10. -
4. positive 14. -
4. True 11.
8. negative
5 15.
+5 0
5. True 13. -
6. positive 16.
+253 100
6. True 14.
7. positive 17. -
230 +25
7. True 15.
8. negative 18. -
9. positive 19. +1
10.positive 20. -
1. -8, -5, -3, 0, +6, +9 6. +14, +7, 0, -2, -7, -14
2. -8, -5, -2, -1, +5, +7 7. +40, +30, +10, -20, -50, -60
3. -11, -5, -3, +6, +8, +14 8. +91, +83, +37, +18, -73, -217
4. -17, -9, +6, +12, +15, +19 9. 13, -13, -17, -25, -31, -
5. -13, -8, 0, +3, +13, +17 10. +505, +501, +451, -145, -451, -
Exercise Exercise
4 5
1) > 6) A.
< B.
2) = 7)
1. left 7. 0, -4, -7
3) > 8) < 2. right 8. +3, +5,
+7 3. left 9. +7, +10, +13
4) = 9)
4. left 10. -42, -32, -22
5) > 10) 5. left
> 6. right
Answer Key
Name: ___________________________________ Grade Level: _________
Date: ____________________ Score: _______________


Describes and Interprets the Basic Operations on Integers Using Materials
Such as Algebra Tiles, Counters, Chips, and Cards
(Addition of Integers using Algebra Tiles and Counters)

Background Information for Learners

This activity sheet serves as a self-learning guide for the learners. It facilitates
lesson comprehension as it specifically aims for students’ mastery on adding of
integers using algebra tiles and counters.

Adding integers using algebra tiles and counters helps learners visualize the
process of adding integers using pictorial representations. Black tiles and positive
counters represent positive integers while white tiles and negative counters represent
negative integers.

It is important to remember that a positive tile or counter cancels out a negative tile
or counter or what we call zero pair because their sum is zero.

+ =0 + =0

The following example show the steps in adding integers using algebra tiles and

Positive + Positive

Example 1:
+ = There is no white tile to cancel out
2 +1 = 3 the black tiles so just combine all
the black tiles.
Example 2:
There is no negative counter to
+ = cancel out the positive counters so
just combine all the positive
4 + 2 = 6 counters.

Note: Practice Personal Hygiene protocols at all times. 81

Negative + Negative

Example 3: There is no black tile to cancel out

+ = the white tiles so just combine all
-3 + -2 = -5 the white tiles.

Example 4: There is no positive counter to

+ = cancel out the negative counters so
just combine all the negative
-5 + -3 = -8 counters.
Positive + Negative

Example 5:
+ =
3 + -2 =

Step 1

+ = The two black tiles cancel out the

3 + -2 two white tiles

Step 2

+ = Only 1 black tile is left which

3 + -2 = 1 represents 1

Example 6:
+ =
2 + -5 =

Step 1

The two positive counters cancel

out the two negative counters
+ =
2 + -5 =

Step 2

+ = Only three negative counters are

2 + -5 = -3 left which represent -3

Learning Competency with Code: The learner

describes and interprets the basic operations on integers using materials such as algebra
tiles, counters, chips, and cards (M6NS-IIh-115).

Note: Practice Personal Hygiene protocols at all times. 82

Exercise 1
Directions: Give the equation represented by the algebra tiles and counters.

+ =
Answer: -4 + 1 = -3

1. + =
___ + ___ = ___

2. + =
___ + ___ = ___

3. + =
___ + ___ = ___

4. + =
___ + ___ = ___

5. + =
___ + ___ = ___

6. + =
___ + ___ = ___

7. + =
___ + ___ = ___

8. + =
___ + ___ = ___

9. + =
___ + ___ = ___

10. + =
___ + ___ = ___

Note: Practice Personal Hygiene protocols at all times. 83

Exercise 2
Directions: Draw the sum using algebra tiles or counters to make the number sentence
correct. Show cancellation if possible.

+ = + =

1. + = ______________________

2. + = ______________________

3. + = ______________________

4. + = ______________________

5. + = ______________________

6. + = ______________________

7. + = ______________________

8. + = ______________________

9. + = ______________________

10. + = ______________________

Note: Practice Personal Hygiene protocols at all times. 84

Exercise 3
Directions: Match the illustration to its correct sum. Write the letter of the correct answer
on the blank before the number.


____1. + a. – 1

____2. + b. 4

____3. + c. 3

____4. + d. – 10

____5. + e. 0

____6. + f. 8

____7. + g. – 9

____8. + h. 14

____9. + i. – 8

____10. + j. 1

Note: Practice Personal Hygiene protocols at all times. 85

Exercise 4
Directions: Draw the missing addends to make the number sentence correct.

+ = + =

1. + _______________ =

2. + _______________ =

3. _______________ + =

4. + _______________ =

5. _______________ + =

6. _______________ + =

7. _______________ + =

8. + _______________ =

9. _______________ + =

10. + _______________ =

Note: Practice Personal Hygiene protocols at all times. 86

Exercise 5
Directions: Solve the following problems using algebra tiles or counters. Show your
solution and label your answers properly.

1. In Norway, the temperature drops at an average of – 5˚C in December and increases

by 11˚C as the month of May approaches. What is its average temperature in May?



2. A car traveled 10 km south from its starting point. If it traveled 5 km more to the
south, how far from its starting point was the car at the end of its travel?



Rubrics for Scoring

Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4
(0 pt.) (1 pt.) (2 pts.) (3 pts.)
Learner shows no Learner only Learner only Learner shows
attempt to really shows answer. shows answer but complete solution
Amount of Work do any of the showed partial and gives a
problems, no work. complete answer.
answer given.
Learner shows no Learner shows Learner shows Learner shows
understanding of limited partial thorough
adding integers understanding of understanding of understanding
Understanding using algebra tiles adding integers adding integers of adding
or counters using algebra using algebra integers using
tiles or counters tiles or counters algebra tiles or

Note: Practice Personal Hygiene protocols at all times. 87

1. What part of the activity do you find difficult? Why?

2. What part of the activity do you find easy? Why?



21st Century Mathletes 6, pages 152-157


Note: Practice Personal Hygiene protocols at all times. 88

89 Note: Practice Personal Hygiene protocols at all times.
Exercise Exercise
1 2
1) –2 + 4 = 2
2) 3 + –8 = –5
3) –4 + –3 = –7
4) 1 + 5 = 6
5) 4 + –5 = –1
6) 4 + –3 = 1
7) –5 + –2 = –7
8) 6 + –6 = 0
9) 7 + –10 = –3
10) 4 + 5 = 9
Exercise Exercise
3 4
1) f
2) e
3) g
4) j
5) i
6) h
7) c
8) b
9) d
10) a
Answer Key
Answer: 15 km




Prepared by:


Note: Practice Personal Hygiene protocols at all times. 90

Name: ___________________________________ Grade Level: _________
Date: ______________________ Score: ______________


Describes and Interprets the Basic Operations on Integers Using Materials
Such as Algebra Tiles, Counters, Chips, and Cards
(Subtraction of Integers using Algebra Tiles and Counters)

Background Information for Learners

This activity sheet serves as a self-learning guide for the learners. It facilitates
lesson comprehension as it specifically aims for students’ mastery on subtracting of
integers using algebra tiles and counters.

In the previous activity sheet, it was introduced that black tiles and positive
counters represent positive integers while white tiles and negative counters represent
negative integers.

It is also important to remember that a positive tile or counter cancels out a

negative tile or counter or what we call zero pair because their sum is zero.

+ =0 + =0

In this topic, the use of zero pairs is very important. Bringing in zero pairs does
not change the value of the set but is a great help to be able to subtract when
borrowing is needed.

The following examples show the steps in subtracting integers using algebra tiles
and counters:

Positive – Positive

Note: Practice Personal Hygiene protocols at all times. 91

Example 1:
5 – 2 = _____
Represent the subtrahend using
Step 1 tiles or counters.

The minuend is the number of

Step 2 tiles or cancels to be cancelled
= out.

5 – 2 =3 Five black tiles cancel out two to

subtract, will leave three black tiles

Negative – Negative

Represent the subtrahend using

tiles or counters.

Four negative counters cancel

out three to subtract, will leave
one negative counter.
Example 2:
-4 – -3 = _____
Step 1

Step 2

-4 – -3 = -1

Positive – Negative

Example 3:
3 – -5 = _____
Step 1 Represent the subtrahend using
tiles or counters.

Step 2 Since we cannot cancel out five

white tiles from three black tiles,
we have to bring in five zero
pairs consisting of 1 black tile and
Step 3 1 white tile each. Zero pairs do not
= change the value of the set.

Now, cancel out five white tiles

3 – -5 = 8 and eight black tiles will be left.

Note: Practice Personal Hygiene protocols at all times. 92

Negative – Positive

Example 4:
-4 – 1 = _____ Represent the subtrahend using
Step 1 tiles or counters.

Since we cannot cancel out one

Step 2 positive counter from four negative
counters, we have to bring in one
zero pair consisting of 1 positive
and 1 negative counters. Zero
Step 3 pairs do not change the value of
= the set.

Now, cancel out one positive

-4 – 1 = -5 counter and five negative counters
will be left.

Learning Competency: The learner describes and interprets the basic operations on
integers using materials such as algebra tiles, counters, chips, and cards (M6NS-IIh-115).

Exercise 1
Directions: Give the equation represented by the algebra tiles and counters.

Answer: -4 – -2 = -2

1. =
___ – ___ = ___

2. =
___ – ___ = ___

3. =
___ – ___ = ___

4. =

___ – ___ = ___

5. =

___ – ___ = ___

Note: Practice Personal Hygiene protocols at all times. 93

6. =
___ – ___ = ___

7. =

___ – ___ = ___

8. =

___ – ___ = ___

9. =

___ – ___ = ___

10. =
___ – ___ = ___

Exercise 2

Directions: Match the illustration to its correct numerical expression. Write the letter of
the correct answer on the blank before the number.


____1. a. 4 – -2

____2. b. -4 – -2

____3. c. 4 – 2

____4. d. -4 – -2

____5. e. 5 – -3

Note: Practice Personal Hygiene protocols at all times. 94

____6. f. -5 – 3

____7. g. -5 – -3

____8. h. 3 – 1

____9. i. -3 – -1

____10. j. 3 – -1

Exercise 3
Directions: Draw the difference using algebra tiles or counters to make the number
sentence correct.

= =

1. = ______________________

2. = ______________________

3. = ______________________

4. = ______________________

5. = ______________________

Note: Practice Personal Hygiene protocols at all times. 95

6. = ______________________

7. = ______________________

8. = ______________________

9. = ______________________

10. = ______________________

Exercise 4
Directions: Solve the following items using algebra tiles or counters. Show your solution
on the space provided and write your answer on the blank.

1. 2 – 5 = ____ 6. -5 – -4 = ____

2. -4 – 4 = ____ 7. -6 – -6 = ____

3. 8 – -5 = ____ 8. 1 – 7 = ____

4. 9 – 6 = ____ 9. 3 – -3 = ____

5. -3 – -4 = ____ 10. -5 – 3 = ____

Note: Practice Personal Hygiene protocols at all times. 96

Exercise 5
Directions: Solve the following problems using algebra tiles or counters. Show your
solution and label your answers properly.

1. Martha ascended 8 floors from the lobby to deliver her first package and descended 3
floors to deliver the second package. How many floors from the lobby was she when
she delivered the second package?



2. Karla has Php 6.00 left from her daily allowance. As she passed by the canteen, she
saw an ice cream cone being sold at Php 10.00 each. If she is going to buy an ice
cream cone, will she get a change, or will she have a credit in the canteen? How



Rubrics for Scoring Exercises 4 and 5:

Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4
(0 pt.) (1 pt.) (2 pts.) (3 pts.)
Learner shows no Learner only Learner only Learner shows
attempt to really shows answer. shows answer but complete solution
Amount of Work do any of the showed partial and gives an
problems, no work. answer.
answer given.
Learner shows no Learner shows Learner shows Learner shows
understanding of limited partial thorough
adding integers understanding of understanding of understanding
Understanding using algebra tiles adding integers adding integers of adding
or counters using algebra using algebra integers using
tiles or counters tiles or counters algebra tiles or

Note: Practice Personal Hygiene protocols at all times. 97


1. What part of the activity do you find difficult? Why?


2. What part of the activity do you find easy? Why?



21st Century Mathletes 6, pages 152-157

Note: Practice Personal Hygiene protocols at all times. 98

99 Note: Practice Personal Hygiene protocols at all times.
Exercise Exercise
1 2
11)-5 – -4 = -1 1)
12)7 – 4 = 3 2)
13)4 – 3 = 1 3) i
14)-1 – -2 = 1 4) f
15)3 – -2 = 5 5)
16) -2 – -1 = -1 6)
17)-2 – 5 = -7 7)
18)4 – -2 = 6 8)
19)1 – 4 = -3 9)
20) 6 – 3 = 3 10)
Exercise Exercise
3 4
1. -3
2. -8
3. 13
4. 3
5. 1
6. -1
7. 0
8. -6
9. 6
Answer Key
Answer: She will have a credit of Php


Answer: 5 floors from the


Prepared by:


Note: Practice Personal Hygiene protocols at all times. 100

Name: __________________________________ Grade Level: ___________
Date: ______________________ Score: ________________


Describes and Interprets the Basic Operations on Integers Using Materials
Such as Algebra Tiles, Counters, Chips, and Cards
(Multiplication of Integers using Algebra Tiles and Counters)

Background Information for Learners

A. Multiplying Integers
This activity sheet serves as a self-learning guide for the learners. It facilitates
lesson comprehension as it specifically aims for students’ mastery on multiplying integers
using algebra tiles and counters.

When multiplying integers, the product of a positive integer and a negative integer
is a negative integer, while the product of two positive integers or two negative integers is
a positive integer.

x = x = x =

The following examples show multiplication of integers using algebra tiles.

Remember that a black tile or counter represents a positive integer and a white tile or
counter represents a negative integer. The counter represents how many rows to make. If
the counter is negative it means “the other side” or “flip the tiles.”

Example 1:

You have 10 tiles; each can be flipped either on the black side or white side.

Find the product: `(-2) x (+4).

This means you need to place 2 white tiles in 4 rows, since the counter is a positive integer
which is (+4), you wouldn’t need to flip them over.

Note: Practice Personal Hygiene protocols at all times. 101

The answer is -8. Since there are 8 white tiles. Remember that the white side represents

Example 2: Multiply (-5) by (-4).

Place 5 white tiles in 4 rows.

Since the counter is a negative integer, which is (-4). You need to flip them over on the
other side. Which gives you this:

Now, you will come up with the answer which is (+20). (-5) x (-4) = 20.

Example 3: Multiply (-7) by (+2).

Get 7 white tiles and form 2 rows.

You will notice that the counter is a positive integer, (+2). Thus, you don’t need to flip the
tiles over.

The answer is 14 white tiles which means -14.

Example 4: Find the product of (+8) and (-3).

Place 8 black tiles and form 3 rows.

Now, the counter is a negative integer, (-3). Thus, you need to flip the tiles on the other
side. Which gives you:

The product of (+8) and (-3) is 24 white tiles, which means, -24.

Note: Practice Personal Hygiene protocols at all times. 102

Example 5: Multiply (-2) by 0.

You won’t need any tiles here because any integer, either positive or negative, if
multiplied by 0, the answer will always be 0.

Background Information for Learners

B. Dividing Integers
When dividing integers, the quotient of a positive integer and a negative integer is a
negative integer, while the quotient of two positive integers or two negative integers is
a positive integer.

Let us illustrate division of integers through the following examples.

Example 6: Divide (+4) by (+2).

First, place 4 black tiles.

Then, make 2 groups out of them.

There are 2 black tiles in each group, therefore, (+4) divided by (+2) is +2, or simply 2.

Example 7: Divide (-15) by (-3).

First, place 15 white tiles.

Then, make 3 groups with equal number of tiles out of them.

There are 5 white tiles each group, thus, (-15) divided by (-3) is +5 or 5.

Example 8: Divide (-9) by (+3).

9 white tiles divided by 3 groups.

Remember that the quotient of a negative and a positive integer is negative. There are 3
tiles inside each group, thus, (-9) divided by (+3) is -3.

Example 9: Divide (-5) by 0.

In this case, always remember that any integer, either positive or negative, if divided by 0,
the answer is undefined.

Example 10: Divide 0 by (-5).

Note: Practice Personal Hygiene protocols at all times. 103

This case is the opposite operation of Example 9. In this case 0 is the dividend and -5 is
the divisor. Always remember that 0 divided by any integer, either positive or negative,
the answer will always be 0.

Learning Competency with Code: The learner describes and interprets the basic
operations on integers using materials such as algebra tiles, counters, chips, and cards

Exercise 1
Directions: Multiply the given tiles which represent the integers.


1. x = _________
2. x = ________
3. x = _________
4. x = __________
5. x = __________
6. x = __________
7. x = __________
8. x x = _________
9. x x = ________
10. 0 x = ___________

Exercise 2
Directions: Match the letters and put them beside their correct corresponding number.
a. 8 b. -2 c. -50 d. -12 e. -32 f. -81 g. 35 h. 20 i. 54 j. -1

_____1. x

_____2. x

_____3. x x

_____4. x

_____5. x

_____6. x

Note: Practice Personal Hygiene protocols at all times. 104

_____7. x

_____8. x

_____9. x

_____10. x

Exercise 3
Directions: Divide the given tiles and counters.

1. 0 ÷ = _________

2. ÷ = _________

3. ÷ = ________

4. ÷ = _______

5. ÷ 0 = _________

6. ÷ = ______

7. ÷ = _________

8. ÷ = ________

9. 0 ÷ = __________

10. ÷ = _______

Exercise 4
Directions: Divide and multiply the given integers.


1. -9 divided by 3 =

2. -10 divided by 5 =

3. -8 divided by -2 =

4. 6 divided by -1 =

5. -7 divided by 7 =


1. 3 multiplied by -2 =

Note: Practice Personal Hygiene protocols at all times. 105

2. 9 multiplied by 0 =

3. 10 multiplied by -1 =

4. -4 multiplied by -2 =

5. -20 multiplied by -5 =

Exercise 5
Directions: Analyze each word problem and try to answer them correctly by applying the
multiplication and division of integers. If needed, you can use algebra tiles and counters.
1. Mr. Lee bought 4 tires for his car, and he paid P10,000 pesos. How much would
cost if he only bought 2?



2. There are 10 hens with their freshly laid eggs in your backyard. 5 of which laid 5
eggs each and the remaining 5 laid 8 broken eggs each. How many eggs are broken?



3. The exchange of one peso fell 3 dollars each day for 11 days. How much value did
one peso lose after 11 days?



4. John lost a total of -25 points in quiz bee A which takes away -5 points if you
answered a question incorrectly and lost -22 points in quiz bee B which takes away
-2 points. In which quiz bee did he lose more points?



Note: Practice Personal Hygiene protocols at all times. 106

5. A test has 20 questions. The test takes away 1 point if the answer is incorrect. A
student answered 8 questions incorrectly. How many points did the student lose?



Rubrics for Scoring

Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4
(0 pt.) (1 pt.) (2 pts.) (3 pts.)
Learner shows no Learner only Learner only Learner shows
attempt to really shows answer. shows answer but complete solution
Amount of Work do any of the showed partial and gives an
problems, no work. answer.
answer given.
Learner shows no Learner shows Learner shows Learner shows
understanding of limited partial thorough
multiplying and understanding of understanding of understanding
dividing integers multiplying and multiplying and of multiplying
Understanding using algebra tiles dividing integers dividing integers and dividing
or counters using algebra using algebra integers using
tiles or counters tiles or counters algebra tiles or

1. What part of the activity do you find difficult and/or easy? Why?

2. What part of the activity do you find more interesting? Why?


Note: Practice Personal Hygiene protocols at all times. 107

108 Note: Practice Personal Hygiene protocols at all times.
Prepared by:
Exercise 5:
1. P5000
2. -40, so there are 40 broken eggs.
3. -3 dollars times 11 days, -33. Thus, one peso is now worth 33 dollars less.
4. For quiz bee A, -25 divided -5 = 5. For quiz bee B, -22 divided by -2 = 11.
So, he lost more points in quiz bee B, since 11 > 5.
5. -8, so the student lost 8 points.
Exercise 4: Exercise 2:Exercise 3: Exercise 1:
1. -3 1. I1. 0 1. 16
2. -2 2. A2. 1 2. -4
3. B3. 33. 4 3. -12
4. -6 4. C4. -1 4. 9
5. -1 5. E5. undefine 5. 4
6. -6 6. Jd 6. -36
7. 0 7. H6. -2 7. -25
8. G7. -38. -10 8. -36
9. 8 9. D8. -6 9. 8
10. 100 10. F9. 0 10. 0
10. 2
21st Century Mathletes 6, pages 166-230
Name: ___________________________________ Grade Level: __________
Date: ______________________ Score: _______________


Performs the Basic Operations on Integers
(Addition of Integers)

Background Information for Learners

This activity sheet serves as a self-learning guide for the learners. It facilitates
lesson comprehension as it specifically aims for pupils’ mastery on performing addition of
integers. Addition is the same as “combining”. How do we combine integers?

In solving or performing addition of Integers, we can use two strategies. First, is using
number line and second, is using algebra tiles.

The following example shows how to perform addition of integers using the number line:

Mrs. Dela Cruz bought vegetables from a wholesaler which costs Php 700.00 and
sold them in her Sari-sari store. On Monday, her sales was Php 800.00; and on
Tuesday, Php 500.00. But on Wednesday she lost Php 400.00 because some of
the vegetables were already rotten. Considering the sales from Monday to
Wednesday, did Mrs Domingo, gain or lose?

The problem above can be solved using addition of integers. Gaining Php 800 and
Php 500 can be represented by +8 and +5 while losing Php 400 can be represented by -4
.The problem becomes:

(+8) +(+5) + (-4) = N or

(+13) + (-4) = 13- 4= 9 or
= 1300 – 400 = Php 900

Look at the number line below. If we start at 0, and move 8 to the right, then move another
5 to the right, we end up at +13.Then we move 4 to the left, we land at +9.

Note: Practice Personal Hygiene protocols at all times. 109

Strategy #1 Using number line

In using the number line for adding integers:

Ø Always start at zero.
Ø Add a positive integer by moving to the right on the number line.
Ø Add a negative integer by moving to the left on the number line.
Rule 1: The sum of two positive integers is a positive integer.

Do not confuse the sign of the integer with the operation being performed. Remember that:

4 + +3 = +7 is read as Positive 4 plus positive 3 equals positive 7.

Example 1:

Rule 2: The sum of two negative integers is a negative integer.

Example 2:

Do not confuse the sign of the integer with the operation being performed. Remember that:
- 4 + - 3 = - 7 and is read as Negative 4 plus negative 3 equals negative 7.

Rule 3: To add a positive and a negative integer (or a negative and a positive integer),
follow these steps:

1. Find the absolute value of each integer.

2. Subtract the smaller number from the larger number you get in Step 1.
3. The result from Step 2 takes the sign of the integer with the greater absolute value.
We will use the above procedure to add integers with unlike signs in Examples 3 through
7. Refer to the number line to help you visualize the process in each example. We will
use money as an alternative method for adding integers.

Note: Practice Personal Hygiene protocols at all times. 110

Example 3: Find the sum of -7 and +4.

Step 1: |-7| = -7 and |+4| = 4

Step 2: 7 - 4 = -3
Step 3: The number 3 will take a negative sign since -7 is farther from zero than +4.
Solution 1: - 7+ +4 = -3

Solution 2: If you start with Php 7 and you owe Php 4, then you end up with Php 3.

Example 4: Find the sum of -9 and +5.

Step 1: |-9| = 9 and |+5| = 5

Step 2: 9 - 5 = 4
Step 3: The number 4 will take a negative sign since -9 is farther from 0 than +5.
Solution 1: -9 + +5 = -4
Solution 2: If you owe Php 9 and you are paid Php 5, then you are still short Php 4.

Example 5: Find the sum of +6 and -7.

Step 1: |+6| = 6 and |-7| = 7

Step 2: 7 - 6 = 1
Step 3: The number 1 will take a negative sign since -7 is farther from 0 than +6.
Solution 1: +6 + -7 = -1
Solution 2: If you start with Php 6 and you owe Php 7, then you are still short Php 1.

Note: Practice Personal Hygiene protocols at all times. 111

Example 6: Find the sum of -6 and +7.

Step 1: |-6| = 6 and |+7| = 7

Step 2: 7 - 6 = 1
Step 3: The number 1 will take a positive sign since +7 is farther from 0 than -6.
Solution 1: -6 + +7 = +1
Solution 2: If you owe Php 6 and you are paid Php 7, then you end up with Php 1.

Example 7: Find the sum of +9 and -9.

Step 1: |+9| = 9 and |-9| = 9

Step 2: 9 - 9 = 0
Step 3: The integer 0 has no sign.
Solution 1: +9 + -9 = 0
Solution 2: If you start with Php 9 and you owe Php 9, then you end up with Php 0.
In Example 7 you will notice that the integers +9 and -9 are opposites. Look at the
problems below. Do you see a pattern?
100 + +100 = 0
349 + -349 = 0
798 + +798 = 0

Rule 4: The sum of any integer and its opposite is equal to zero.

Summary: Adding two positive integers always yields a positive sum; adding two
negative integers always yields a negative sum. To find the sum of a positive and a
negative integer, take the absolute value of each integer and then subtract these values.
The result takes the sign of the integer with the larger absolute value. The sum of
any integer and its opposite is equal to zero.

Note: Practice Personal Hygiene protocols at all times. 112

Strategy #2 Using algebra tiles colored black and white.

Let the black tiles represent positive integers, while the white tiles represent negative
Rule #1 What happens when we put together 1 black tile and another black tile?

This will produce 2 black tiles.

Rule #2 Now, how about if we put together 1 white tile and another white tile?

This will produce two white tiles.

Rule #3 What will happen if we put together 1 black and 1 white tile?

Observe that the two tiles represent opposite signed numbers which are positive and
Any number paired to its opposite will produce a “zero pair”. They cancel each other out.
A zero pair is a pair of numbers whose sum is zero.

Example 1:

Show the sum of +2 and +4 using tiles.

Let us show first +2 using the tiles.

Then do the same for +4.

Note: Practice Personal Hygiene protocols at all times. 113

Now, we get the sum of =2 and +4. To get the sum of two positive integers, we simply
put them together. Now, the result will be

+ =

As we combine the tiles, we can see that the result will be 6 tiles.
Therefore, the sum of +2 and +4 is +6.

Example 2: Show the sum of +5 and -2 using tiles.

Let us show first +5 using the tiles.

Then do the same for -2. But note that we will use white tile since it is a negative integer.

Now, we get the sum of +5 and -2. To get the sum, we will use the zero pair. We do this
by eliminating the tiles with pair. Then, the result will be:

Example 3: Application and Problem-Solving Using Strategy 2

Directions: Complete the Four-step Plan table below.

In a certain place, the temperature was -14ºC in the morning. The temperature in
the afternoon dropped further by -7 ºC. What was the temperature in the

Note: Practice Personal Hygiene protocols at all times. 114

What is asked? 1. The temperature in the afternoon

What are the given facts? 2. The temperature was -14 ºC in the morning.
The temperature dropped further by -7 ºC in the

What strategy can you use to solve 3. We can use the tiles to solve the problem.
the problem?
4. (-14)+ (-7)=N
Give the number/mathematical
Perform the operation 5. To solve the problem, we will use the tiles.


Now, we will put the tiles together

Combining all the white tiles will give us -21.

We put together the given. We now have:
(-14)+ (-7)=?
(-14)+ (-7)=21
6. The temperature in the afternoon was -21 ºC .
How will you check if your answer 7.To check if our answer is correct, we may use a
is correct? numberline.

Moving 7 units (temperature in the afternoon) away from -14 (temperature in the morning)

-22 -21 -20 -19 -18 -17 -16 -15 -14 -13 -12 -11 -10

Thus, our answer is correct.

Learning Competency with Code: Perform addition on integers (M6NS-IIi-156)

Note: Practice Personal Hygiene protocols at all times. 115

Exercise 1
Directions: Match the addition of integers’ problem in Column A with the answers in
Column B. Write the letter of the correct answer.


___1. (-10) + ( -15)= a. +27 or 27

___2. (+12) + ( +15)= b. 0

___3. (-10) + ( +15)= c. -25

___4. (-23) + ( +25)= d. +2 or 2

___5. (+105) + ( -105)= e. +5 or 5

___6. (+13) + ( +21)+ (-17)= f. 210

___7. (+35) + ( +26)+ (-28)= g.+3

___8. (+42) +0+ ( -23)+ (-16)= h.-1

___9. (+9) + ( -8)+ (-7)+(+5)= i.+17

___10. (-13) + ( -21)+ (+17)= j.-17


Exercise 2
Directions: Answer the following addition of integers using number line by completing
the Four-step Plan table below.

In a certain private school, the enrolees dropped by -14% during the first week of
remote enrolment this school year because of COVID-19 Pandemic. The
percentage of enrolment dropped further by -8 % during the second week. What
was the percentage of enrolment during the second week?

What is asked?

What are the given facts?

Note: Practice Personal Hygiene protocols at all times. 116

What strategy can you use to solve the
Give the number/mathematical sentence.

Perform the operation


How will you check if your answer is 7.To check if our answer is correct, we may
correct? use tiles.


Exercise 3
Directions: Answer the following addition of integers using black and white tiles by
completing the Four-step Plan table below.

Maria’s hobby is collecting succulent and cacti plants. She bought 12 pieces the
first time she bought. But unfortunately, 8 of them died. And so, she bought
another 8 new succulent and cacti as additional collections and to replace her lost.
How many succulents and cacti does Maria have in all?

What is asked?

What are the given facts?

What strategy can you use to solve the
Give the number/mathematical sentence

Note: Practice Personal Hygiene protocols at all times. 117

Perform the operation

How will you check if your answer is 7.To check if our answer is correct, we may
correct? use a numberline.

Exercise 4
Directions: Solve the following problems. Write the letter of the correct answer before the
1. Princess get on the elevator on the thirtieth floor. The elevator goes down five floors
and stops. If then continues to go down four more floors where Princess got off. In what
floor did he get off the elevator?
a. 21 c.39
b. 35 d.31

2. Precious lost 5 kg when she was busy taping. Due to COVID_19 Pandemic, her taping
stopped and so she gained 7 kg. She went to a fitness center and lost 3 kg. How much did
she finally loss or gain?
a. gained 1kg c. lost 1 kg
b. lost 3 kg d. gained 3 kg

Note: Practice Personal Hygiene protocols at all times. 118

3. Divina saved Php 4,000.00 from her transportation allowance monthly because of
working at home. She paid Php 1,750.00 for electricity bill, Php 1,200 for internet bill and
Php 700 for her water bill.. How much of her money was left?
a. Php 309.85 c. Php 6,950.00
b. Php 350.00 d. Php 2,250.00

4. In the new normal, the principal conducted staff meeting virtually. Teacher Lai
loaded her mobile phone an amount of Php 50.00 twice a week for her to attend virtual
meetings and other online webinars. She received a Php300 cash load allowance from
the school. How much did she spend from her personal money the whole month?
a. Php 350.00 c. Php 100.00
b. Php 500.00 d. Php 500.00

5. A farmer used 6 sacks of fertilizer during his planting. A month after, he bought
another 14 sacks of fertilizer for his 2-hectare riceplant. How many sacks of fertilizer did
he use in all?
a. 20 c. 26
b. 8 d. 146

Exercise 5
Directions: Read and solve the following problems.

1. Luna saved Php 5,000.00 on her wallet in online selling last month. For the last four
weeks, she earned Php 3,000, Php 3, 500.00, Php 2, 500 and Php 3750.00 but lost
Php 1,500 because of factory defects. How much did she earned in all?


2. Cardo planted different vegetables on his backyard during the Enhanced

Community Quarantine. After two months he began harvesting them and sold the
excess to his neighbors. At first, he sold Php 150.00. Second, Php 225.00. Third, he
sold Php325.00 and just sold Php 500.00 yesterday. How much did he earned in all?


Note: Practice Personal Hygiene protocols at all times. 119

Rubrics for Scoring

Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4

(0 pt.) (1 pt.) (2 pts.) (3 pts.)
Learner shows Learner only Learner only Learner shows
no attempt to shows answer. shows answer complete
Amount of
really do any of but showed solution and
the problems, no partial work. gives an
answer given. answer.
Learner shows Learner shows Learner shows Learner shows
no limited partial thorough
understanding understanding understanding understanding
Understanding on performing on performing on performing on performing
addition on addition on addition on addition on
integers. integers. integers.


1. What part of the activity do you find difficult? Why?


2. What part of the activity do you find easy? Why?


21st Century Mathletes 6, Teacher’s Manual pages 50-
53 21st Century Mathletes 6, Textbook pages 152-157

Note: Practice Personal Hygiene protocols at all times. 120

121 Note: Practice Personal Hygiene protocols at all times.
Exercise Exercise
4 5
1) a 1) Php 12,750.00
2) c 2) Php 1, 200.00
3) b
4) c
5) a
Answer key

10)j 5) b 5) d
9.)h 4) D 4) c
8.)g 3) E 3) a
7.)k 2) A 2) b
6.) i 1) C 1) e
Exercise Exercise 1

rigonometry, Mo, Module 2 (L

Prepared by:


Note: Practice Personal Hygiene protocols at all times. 122


Name: __________________________________ Grade Level: _________

Date: ______________________ Score: ______________


Performs the Basic Operations on Integers
(Subtraction of Integers)

Background Information for Learners

This activity sheet serves as a self-learning guide for the learners. It facilitates
lesson comprehension as it specifically aims for learners’ mastery on subtracting of

When you subtract integers, your goal is to translate the subtraction into an
addition problem so we could apply the same rules with addition of integers. To do that,
follow these steps:
1. Copy the first integer.
2. Change the operation subtraction into addition.
3. Change the subtrahend to its additive inverse.
4. Then, follow the same rules with addition of integers.

The example below shows the rules in subtracting integers.

Example 1: Copy the first integer.

6 - 3 = 6 + -3 Change the operation subtraction into

= 3
Change the subtrahend to its additive inverse.

Then, follow the same rules with addition of

3 - 6 = 3 + -6 integers.

= -3

Note: Practice Personal Hygiene protocols at all times. 123

Example 2:
Copy the first integer.
-15 - -9 = -15 + 9
Change the operation subtraction into
= -6 addition.

Change the subtrahend to its additive

-9 - -15 = - 9 + 15
Then, follow the same rules with addition of
= 6
Example 3:
Copy the first integer.
6 - -3 = 6 + 3
hange the operation subtraction into
Change the subtrahend to its additive
-6 - 3 = -6 + -3
Then, follow the same rules with addition of
= -9

Learning Competency with Code: Perform subtraction of integers (M6NS-IIh-155)

Exercise 1
Directions: Find the difference of the following expression. Write your answer on the
blank provided.
1) 10-7 = _______ 6) (-74) - (-20) = _______

2) 15 - (-9) = _______ 7) (45) - (-30) = _______

3) (-8) -(-14 ) = _______ 8) 96 - 45 = _______

4) (-17) - (-4) = _______ 9) 84 - (-32) = _______

5) 35-12 = _______ 10) (-68)-(-53) = _______

Note: Practice Personal Hygiene protocols at all times. 124

Exercise 2
Directions: Find the missing numbers.
1) 15 - _______ = 13 6) _______ - (-30) = - 7

2) _______ - (- 40) = -2 7) - 44 - (20) = _______

3) _______- (- 64) = 136 8) 59 - _______ = 50

4) (-94) - (- 49) = _______ 9) (-77) -_______ = - 47

5) 75 - _______ = 40 10) (36) - (-15) = _______

Exercise 3
Directions: Choose among -5, 6, -7 and 8 to make each mathematical sentence true.

1) _____ - _____ - _____ = 18

2) _____ - _____ - _____ = 9

3) _____ - _____ - _____ = - 4

4) _____ - _____ - _____ = - 21

5) _____ - _____ - _____ = 7

Exercise 4
Directions: Solve each problem.
1) 206 diminished by -150 is m, find the value of m.

2) -142 minus -120 equals n, find the value of n.

3) Find the difference between 95 and 50.

Note: Practice Personal Hygiene protocols at all times. 125

4) Subtract the sum of 75 and 75 from - 75.

5) The difference of two integers is 108. If one of the integers is 63, find the other

Exercise 5
Directions: Solve the following problems.
1. The temperature at 7:00pm was 30ºC. At 3:00 am the temperature decreased 5ºC. What
was the temperature at 3:00 am?

Ø Solution:

Ø Answer:

2. A submarine was located 150 feet below sea level and descends 50 feet. What is the
new position of the submarine?

Ø Solution:

Ø Answer:

3. The record high temperature of Cauayan City is 45ºC and the record low temperature is
25ºC. What is the difference between high and low?

Ø Solution:

Ø Answer:

Note: Practice Personal Hygiene protocols at all times. 126

4. Marianne take 9 steps forward and 15 steps backward. How many steps have she taken?

Ø Solution:

Ø Answer:


1. What did you learn in this activity, do you think you could use/need it in the future?

2. How did you feel about this activity? Which part of the activity is difficult or easy for
you? Why?


21st Century Matheletes 6, pp 158-16513 (TG), EASE Module F

Note: Practice Personal Hygiene protocols at all times. 127

128 Note: Practice Personal Hygiene protocols at all times.
Prepared by:
1. Answer: 25ºC was the temperature at 3:00
2. Answer: 200 feet below sea level (-200) is the new position of
3. Answer: 20ºC is the difference between high and
4. Answer: 6 steps backward (-6) she have
Exercise 4 Exercise
1. 1. +6 - -5 - -
+356 7
2. - 2. +8 - -7 -
122 +7
3. 3. +5 - -7 -
4. - +6
4. -7 - +6 -
5. - +8
45 5. +8 - +6 - -
Exercise Exercise
2 1
1. +2 6. - 3) +3 6. -
37 54
2. -42 7. - 4) +24 7.
64 +75
3. +72 8. 5) +6 8.
+9 +49
4. -45 9. - 6) -13 9.
30 +116
5. +35 10. 7) +23 10. -
+51 15
Answer Key

Name: ___________________________________ Grade Level: ______

Date: ______________________ Score: ___________


Performs the Basic Operations on Integers
(Multiplication of Integers)

Background Information for Learners

This activity sheet serves as a self-learning guide for the learners. It facilitates
lesson comprehension as it specifically aims for learners’ mastery on multiplying integers.

Multiplying integers is the same as multiplying whole numbers. Just be careful of

the sign we use in the product. The product of two integers with different signs is negative.
The product of integers with the same sign is equal to positive.

Study the given examples below.

● Multiplying two integers with the same signs

Example 1: Find the product of (+3) and (+4).

(+3) x (+4) = 12

Example 2: Find the product of (−3) and (−4).

(−3) x (−4) = 12

● Multiplying two integers with different signs

Example 3: Find the product of (+3) and (−4).

(+4) x (−3) = −12

Example 4: Find the product of (−3) and (+4).

(−3) x (+4) = −12

Learning Competency with Code: Performs multiplication and division of integers.


Note: Practice Personal Hygiene protocols at all times. 129

Exercise 1
Directions: Write True if the number sentence is correct and False if it is not.

________1) 4 x 5 = 20 ________6) 7 x (−4) = −28

________2) 4 x (−3) = −7 ________7) −3 x (−5) = −15

________3) −3 x (−3) = 9 ________8) 4 x (−18) = −72

________4) −5 x 6 = 30 ________9) 5 x 12 = 60

________5) 2 x (-3) x (-5) = −30 ________10) −4 x (−3) x (−2) = 24

Exercise 2
Directions: Solve for N on the following given number sentences.
1. 6 x 7 = N 6. (−5) x (−18) = N

2. (−9) x 24 = N 7. 17 x (−13) = N

3. 56 x 8 = N 8. (−29) x 2 = N

4. (−12) x 15 = N 9. (−4) x (−13) = N

5. 14 x (−11) = N 10. (−17) x (−25) = N

Exercise 3
Directions: Find the missing number for the following number sentences.
1. 5 x ___ = −40 6. ___ x (−13) = 78

2. (−15) x 17 = ___ 7. 7 x ___ = −84

3. ___ x (−19) = 228 8. (−33) x = (−4) = ___

4. (−9) x ___ = −99 9. ___ x 44 = −308

5. ___ x 15 = 165 10. −25 x ___ = 250

Note: Practice Personal Hygiene protocols at all times. 130

Exercise 4
Directions: Perform the indicated operation for the following.
1. (−36 x 3) x −2 =

2. 7 x (−5 x 8) =

3. 8 x 9 x (−12) =

4. (−9 x 1) x (3 + −7) =

5. −3 x (5 x −2) =

6. (−5 x −1) x (−3 x −2) =

7. (9 − −1) x (3 + −2) =

8. −5 x (10 x 2) =

9. 3 x 15 x 4 =

10. −7 x −5 x 6 =

Exercise 5
Directions: Find each product. Multiply the integers in the second outer circles by the
integer at the center circle. The first one is done for you.

1. −8

+4 −3 +1

+2 −2 −3

−1 +3 −4

Note: Practice Personal Hygiene protocols at all times. 131


+13 −4 +3

−12 +3 −5

−9 +7 −6


−4 +5 +7

+8 +4 −6

+16 +13 +11


1. What part of the activity do you find difficult? Why?


Note: Practice Personal Hygiene protocols at all times. 132

2. What part of the activity do you find easy? Why?


K to 12 Curriculum Guide and Teacher’s Manual

Adela C. Villamayor, et. al (2015). K to 12 Math for Life 6 Textbook. Rex Book Store,
Inc. (RBSI)
Marjoseph H. Perez, et. al (2016). 21st Century MATHletes Garde 6 Manual and
Texkbook. Vibal group, Inc.
Elmer M. Apistar, et. al (2016). K to 12 Soaring 21st Century Mathematics 6
Textbook. Phoenix Publishing House, Inc.

Note: Practice Personal Hygiene protocols at all times. 133

134 Note: Practice Personal Hygiene protocols at all times.
LPrepared by:
1. −8, 6, −2
−2, −6,
2. 39, −12, 9
−27, 21,
3. −16, 20,
64, 52,
Exercise Exercise
4 3
1. 216 6. 1. 8 6.
30 −6
2. −280 7. 2. −255 7.
10 −12
3. −864 8. 3. −12 8.
−100 132
4. 36 9. 4. 11 9.
180 7
5. 30 10. 210 5. 11 10.
Exercise 1Exercise 2
1. True 6. True1. 42 6. 90
2. False 7. False2. −216 7. −221
3. True 8. True3. 448 8. −58
4. False 9. True4. −180 9. 52
5. False 10. False5. −154 10. 425
Answer Key
Name: ___________________________________ Grade Level: __________
Date: _________________________ Score: _______________


Solve Routine and Non-Routine Problems Involving Basic Operations of
Integers using Appropriate Strategies and Tools

Background Information for Learners

This activity sheet serves as a self-learning guide for the learners. It facilitates
lesson comprehension as it specifically aims for learners’ mastery on solving routine
and non-routine problems involving basic operations of integers using appropriate
strategies and tools.

The four basic mathematical operations of integers are addition, subtraction,

multiplication, and division.

The best strategy for solving almost all word problems is contained in the following
1. Read the problem carefully to determine what the problem is asking. It is
imperative that there be a clear understanding of the meaning of all words and numbers.
2. Develop a plan for solving the problem using the key words and phrases of the
problem. If the problem requires several steps, make a rough outline of the steps, noting
the operations and numbers which are to be used in each step.
3. Carry out the plan accurately, making sure all numbers have been correctly copied
and all operations performed accurately.
4. Check the answer to make sure that it makes sense in the problem. The answer
should seem reasonable, it does not, then go back through the first three steps again
looking for errors.

The examples show the steps in solving word problems involving basic operation
of integers using appropriate strategies and tools

Example 1:

In a certain place, the temperature was -14˚C in the morning. The temperature in
the afternoon dropped further by -7˚C. What was the temperature in the afternoon?


a. What is asked?
The temperature in the afternoon

b. What are the given facts?

Note: Practice Personal Hygiene protocols at all times. 135

· The temperature was -14˚C in the morning.
· The temperature dropped further by -7˚C in the afternoon.

Plan. What strategies can you use to solve the problem?

We can use the tiles to solve the problem

To solve the problem, we will use the tiles.

Now, we will put together the tiles

Combining all the white tiles will give us -21

We put together the given. We now have:

(-14) + (-7) =?

(-14) + (-7) = -21

Answer: The temperature in the afternoon was -21˚C


To check if our answer is correct, we may use a number line.

Moving 7 units (temperature in the afternoon) away from -14 (temperature in the morning)

-22 -21 -20 -19 -18 -17 -16 -15 -14 -13 -12 -11 -10
Thus, our answer is correct

Example 2:

John and Carl participated in a race; John ran a distance of 6km. Carl ran a distance
of 5km. What was the difference in the distance they ran in the race?

Note: Practice Personal Hygiene protocols at all times. 136


a. What is asked?
The difference in the distance they ran in the race

b. What are the given facts?

John ran a distance of 6km.
Carl ran a distance of 5km.

Plan. What strategy can you use to solve the problem?

In solving the problem, we will use tiles.


We will take away 5 black tiles from 6 black tiles.

One tile remained after taking away 5 tiles.

+6 – ( +5) = ?
+6 – ( +5) = 1
Answer: The difference in distance is 1 km.
To check if our answer is correct, we may use a number line.
in distance
Carl’s distance
John’s distance

-6 -5 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

Thus, our answer is correct.

Example 3:

What change in temperature does a worker experience in a grocery when he

goes from the vegetable section at 4˚C to the meat section with a temperature of -18˚C?

Note: Practice Personal Hygiene protocols at all times. 137


a. What is asked?
The change of temperature in two different sections in a grocery

b. What are the given facts?

The vegetable section has a temperature of 4˚C.
The meat section has a temperature of -18˚C.

Plan. What strategy can you use to solve the problem?

In solving the problem, we will use tiles.




Obviously, we cannot take away 18 while tiles from 4 black tiles. We have to bring
in 18 zero pairs, consisting of 1 black and 1 white tile each. Since adding zero pairs does
not change the value of the set, we now have:

Now, remove 18 white tiles, Since 22 black tiles remain, the difference would be the
number of remaining black tiles.
4 - (-18) = ?
4 – (-18)= 22
Answer: The change in temperature is 22˚C

To check if our answer is correct, we may use a number line.

temperature at temperature at
meat section vegetable section

change in temperature

Thus, our answer is correct.

Note: Practice Personal Hygiene protocols at all times. 138

Example 4:

Maine’s hourly wage is PhP57.00. If she worked for a total 48 hours a week, how
much pay will she receive?


a. What is asked?
The pay she will receive for working for 48 hours

b. What are the given facts?

Maine’s hourly wage is PhP57.00

Plan. What strategy can you use to solve the problem?

Write a mathematical sentence.


It is given that Maine got PhP 57.00 per hour and worked for 48 hours. So,
we have:

57 x 48 = n

57 x 48 = 2736

Answer: Maine will receive PhP2, 736.00 for working for 48 hours.


We can check if our answer is correct by division. We will divide PhP2,

736.00 by 48 hours to get hourly wage of Maine which should be PhP57.00.
We have
48 2736

Since we got 57, therefore, our answer is correct.

Example 5:

Jojo owes the sari-sari store PhP135.00. Each of his 5 friends will help him pay off
his debt. How much will each friend equally share to pay his debt?

Note: Practice Personal Hygiene protocols at all times. 139


a. What is asked?
The amount each friend will equally share to pay Jojo’s debt.

b. What are the given facts?

· Jojo’s debt is PhP135.00
· He has 5 friends who will equally share to pay his debt.

Plan. What strategy can you use to solve the problem?

Write a mathematical sentence.


Since there are 5 of Jojo’s friend who will help him pay off his debt, we will divide
his PhP135.00 debt by 5. So, we have:

135 ÷ 5= n

135 ÷ 5 = 27

Answer. Therefore, each of Jojo’s friend will pay PhP27.00


We can check if our answer is correct by multiplication. We will multiply

PhP27.00 by 5 which is the number of Jojo’s friends. We should get PhP 135.00 as the
product. We have

x 5
+ 10_

Since we got 135, therefore, our answer is correct.

Learning Competency with Code: Solves Routine and Non-routine Problems

Involving Basic Operations of Integers using Appropriate Strategies and Tools. (M6NS-

Note: Practice Personal Hygiene protocols at all times. 140

Exercise 1

A. Directions: Analyze each problem and solve each problem.

1. One cold morning, the temperature was -4 degrees. The afternoon high
temperature was 25 degrees warmer. What was the high temperature that day?

2. Ainno saved PhP2550.00 from his daily allowance. He spent PhP850.00 to buy a
pair of jeans and PhP450.00 to buy a shirt. How much of his money was left?

3. Vivian’s allowance was PhP50.00. She paid PhP20.00 for a GSP ticket. How
much money did she left?

4. The temperature in a meat freezer was -10 degrees, but the power went off and
temperature rose 6 degrees. How cold was the freezer then?

5. A car is located 40 km north of Antipolo. If it travelled 35 km north then 45 km

south, how far from Antipolo was the car at the end of its travel?

B. Directions: Read and analyze the following problems.

6. One number is 13 more than another. The sum of twice the smaller number and
thrice the larger is 99. What are the two numbers?

7. There are 13 blue marbles. The blue marbles are three more than twice the
number of red marbles. How many red marbles are there?

8. The sum of the ages of Sam and Matt is 29. The sum of the ages of Sam and Ben
is 26. The sum of the ages of Math and Ben is 31. How old is the youngest among
the three boys?

9. Michael saved PhP600.00 in his wallet. For the last four weeks, he saved
PhP100.00, PhP235.00, PhP460.00, and PhP340.00. How much did he save in all?

10. Luisa took PhP80.00 from her coin bank on Thursday. Then on the following, she
took another PhP50.00. What was the total amount she took from her coin bank?

Note: Practice Personal Hygiene protocols at all times. 141

Exercise 2

A. Directions: Solve each problem.

1. The high temperature in the Arctic Circle one day was -41 degrees. The low
was -65 degrees. What was the difference between the two?

2. At Nicole’s house one morning the thermometer showed it was +13

degrees. The radio announcer said it was +10 degrees. What is the
difference between the two temperatures?


3. Here are the average temperatures in a meat freezer for four days:
-12, -10, -14, and -8 degrees. What is the difference between the highest and
lowest temperature?


4. RJ was able to save PhP895.00 from his weekly allowance. If he wants to

buy a second-hand mobile phone for PhP1, 050.00, how much more money
does he still need?


5. During summer, Jake weighed 65kg. When he came back to school, he

realized that he lost 3 kg. He lost another 2 kg in December. What was his
weight in December?


6. The temperature at noon was 39˚C. At 9p.m., it was 28˚C. How many
degrees did the temperature fall?


Note: Practice Personal Hygiene protocols at all times. 142

B. Directions: Analyze and solve each problem.

7. The sum of two integers is -457, If one of the integers is 192, what is the

Answer: ____________

8. One integer is 2 more than 5 times another integer. If the difference of the
two integers is 26, what is the smaller integer?

Answer: ____________

9. Hannah was born in the year 1995. If she subtracted her birth year from the
birth year of her father, the difference is -30. In what year was her father

Answer: ____________

10. From the ground floor, an elevator goes up 8 floors and then goes down 6
floors. At what floor did the elevator stop?

Answer: ____________

Note: Practice Personal Hygiene protocols at all times. 143

Exercise 3

A. Directions: Solve each problem.

1. Aling Lourdes delivers 550 sampaguita garlands daily to each of her 25

customers in Quiapo. How many garlands does she deliver in 15 days?

Answer: ______________

2. To start a poultry project, Mr. Reyes bought 300 chicks at PhP12.00 each
and 9 bags of feeds at PhP1500.00 a bag. How much did he spend to his

Answer: ______________

3. A belt cost three times more than a tie. If a tie cost PhP270.00, how much
does the belt cost?

Answer: ______________

4. Melchor has 5 fifty-peso bills, 7 two hundred-peso bills and 3 five-

hundred-peso bills. How much money does he has altogether?

Answer: ______________

5. Allan has 42 breeding dogs. Each dog can produce 5 puppies in 6 months.
How many puppies did he have in 1 year?

Answer: _____________

B. Directions: Analyze and solve each problem.

1. Riza is 14 years old now. Her mother will be 3 times as old as her in 2
years’ time. What was their total age 2 years ago?

Note: Practice Personal Hygiene protocols at all times. 144

2. Denise brought 10 packets of sweets each consisting 52 sweets. If she gave
25 sweets to each of her 15 teachers, how many pieces of Sweets are left?

3. A box can contain 26 oranges or 12 papayas; Mrs. Basco has 15 b0xes full
of papaya and 12 boxes full of oranges. She sells each papaya a PhP25.00
and each orange at PhP6.00. How much will she earn if she sells all her

4. An audio-visual room has a sitting capacity of 515 people. If 51 teachers

and 8 times as many students will attend a seminar, how many seats
will be occupied?

5. The sum of two numbers is 96 and one of them is five times the other. hat
are the two numbers?

Exercise 4
Directions: Solve the following problems below.
1. A total of 364 bookmarks and books were shared equally among a number of
students. Each child receives 5 bookmarks and 2 books. How many books were

2. There are 15 groups of 42 students each. If they are regrouped into 14 groups,
how many students are there in each group?

3. Eight classes each with 24 girls and 21 boys are planning to have an
educational trip. If a school bus can carry a maximum of 55 students, how
many buses are needed?

4. Four roommates share an apartment. The balance for their bills for the month of
July is -Php1800. How much do they each owe?

5. Miracle has 122 cookies for 8 students to share. If 7 cookies were burnt and her
sisters ate 11 cookies, how many cookies did each student get?

Note: Practice Personal Hygiene protocols at all times. 145

Exercise 5
Directions: Solve each problem.

1. Kris gets on the elevator on the eleventh floor. The elevator goes down two floors
and stops. It then continues to go down four more floors where Kris got off. In
what floor did he get off the elevator?

2. Carlo saved PhP2,550.00 from his daily allowance. He spent PhP850.00 to buy a
pair of jeans and PhP450.00 to buy a shirt. How much his money left?

3. In a game, each team receives 3 points for each correct answer and loses 1 point
for each incorrect answer. Rio’s team answered 7 questions correctly and 3
questions incorrectly. What was the team’s final score?

4. What is the distance between an airplane that is 890 m above the sea level and a
submarine that is 102 m below sea level?

5. Arnold and jay try the roller coaster of the newly opened amusement park.
This roller coaster begins at 90 feet above ground level. Then it descends 105
feet. What would be the height of the roller coaster after the first descent?

6. A submarine was seen at 80 feet below sea level. It ascends 250 feet. What is its
new position?

7. There were 15 rows of 50 chairs arranged in an auditorium. Each chair was

rented for PhP40.00. How much was paid for the rental?

8. If 7 pens cost Php 49.00, what is the cost of 15 pens?

9. There are 3 150 cans of condensed milk. If can are placed equally in 45 boxes,
how many cans of milk are placed in each box?

10. The annual salary of Mrs. Nicolas as an employee in a private company is

PhP162, 600. What is her monthly salary?

Note: Practice Personal Hygiene protocols at all times. 146


1. What part of the topic do you find easy? What part is difficult? Why?

2. How do you think this topic will help you in your daily activities?


l21st Century Mathletes 6, page 152-173

r, Module 13 (TG), EASE Module F

Note: Practice Personal Hygiene protocols at all times. 147

148 Note: Practice Personal Hygiene protocols at all times.
Prepared by:
Exercise Exercise
1 2
6) +21 6. 1. +25 6.
and 11⁰C
25 2. +3 7. -
7) ₽1,250 7. 649
5 3. -4 8.
8) ₽30.00 8. 6
12 4. -155 9.
9) – 4 degrees 9. ₽1,735 1965
5. 60kg 10.
10) 30km 10. 2
Exercise 3
1. 206, 250 6.
2. PhP17,100 7. 145
3. PhP810.00 8. PhP6,372.00
4. 3,150 9.
5. 420 10. 16 and
Exercise 4 Exercise
6) 104 1) fifth floor 6)170
7) 45 2) Php1,250.00 7)
8) 7 3) 18 8)
9) PhP450.00 4) 992m 9)
10)13 5) -15 10) PhP13,
Answer Key

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