OBJETIVOS DEL AREA OG. EFL.1. Encounter socio-cultural aspects of
their own and other countries in a thoughtful
and inquisitive manner, maturely, and openly
experiencing other cultures and languages
from the secure standpoint of their own
national and cultural identity.
OG. EFL.2. Draw on this established propensity
for curiosity and tolerance towards different
cultures to comprehend the role of diversity in
building an intercultural and multinational
OG. EFL.3. Access greater flexibility of mind,
creativity, enhanced linguistic intelligence, and
critical thinking skills through an appreciation
of linguistic differences. Enjoy an enriched
perspective of their own L1 and of language
use for communication and learning.
OG. EFL.4. Deploy a range of learning
strategies, thereby increasing disposition and
ability to independently access further
(language) learning and practice opportunities.
Respect themselves and others within the
communication process, cultivating habits of
honesty and integrity into responsible
academic behavior.
OG. EFL.5. Directly access the main points and
important details of up-to date English
language texts, such as those published on the
web, for professional or general investigation,
through the efficient use of ICT and reference
tools where required.
OG. EFL.6. Through selected media, participate
in reasonably extended spoken or written
dialogue with peers from different L1
backgrounds on work, study, or general topics
of common interest, expressing ideas and
opinions effectively and appropriately
OBJETIVOS DEL AREA POR O.EFL.2.1. Identify some main ideas and
SUBNIVEL details of written texts, in order to develop an
approach of critical inquiry to written and oral
O.EFL.2.2. Assess and appreciate English as an
international language, as well as the five
aspects of English that contribute to
communicative competence.
O.EFL.2.3. Independently read level-
appropriate texts in English for pure
enjoyment/entertainment and to access
O.EFL.2.4. Develop creative and critical
thinking skills to foster problem-solving and
independent learning using both spoken and
written English.
O.EFL.2.5. Use in-class library resources and
explore the use of ICT to enrich competencies
in the four skills.
O.EFL.2.6. Write short descriptive and
informative texts and use them as a means of
communication and written expression of
O.EFL.2.7. Appreciate the use of English
language through spoken and written literary
texts such as poems, rhymes, chants, riddles
and songs, in order to foster imagination,
curiosity and memory, while developing a
taste for literature
CE.EFL.1.1. Identify EFL 1.1.2. Identify key members of the family if there is visual
and understand basic support (mother, father, brother, sister, grandfather, grandmother)
vocabulary, every-day EFL 1.2.1. Recognize familiar words, names, and objects at
words, including school (bagpack, book, chair, eraser, pencil, table, teacher, peer)
instructions. EFL 1.3.1. Recognize basic vocabulary related to animals (bird,
dog, cat, duck, fish, frog, tiger) when listening the sounds or if
there is visual support.
EFL 1.4.1. Identify the numbers 0-9 when counting different
object in class
EFL 1.6.1 Identify the basic colors (black, blue, red, white,
yellow, green) when painting and drawing.
EFL 1.7.1 Recognize basic vocabulary about “THE BODY”
(arm, eye, hand, nose, head, ear, leg, mouth, feet) by pointing the
parts of the body.
CE.EFL.1.2. Follow EFL 1.1.1. Respond to simple questions about personal
short and simple information in class using of following: example (What’s your
instructions that include name? I’m …….. How old are you? I’m….. Where do you live
familiar vocabulary and in……?)
identify key item of EFL 1.1.3. Follow simple instructions related to classroom
information in order to activities (open your book, close your book, stand up, listen, sit
act upon them. down, be quiet, look, point, paint, cut, glue, circle)
OBJETIVOS DEL OG. EFL.1. Encounter socio-cultural aspects of their own and
AREA other countries in a thoughtful and inquisitive manner, maturely,
and openly experiencing other cultures and languages from the
secure standpoint of their own national and cultural identity.
OG. EFL.2. Draw on this established propensity for curiosity and
tolerance towards different cultures to comprehend the role of
diversity in building an intercultural and multinational society.
OG. EFL.3. Access greater flexibility of mind, creativity, enhanced
linguistic intelligence, and critical thinking skills through an
appreciation of linguistic differences. Enjoy an enriched
perspective of their own L1 and of language use for
communication and learning.
OG. EFL.4. Deploy a range of learning strategies, thereby
increasing disposition and ability to independently access further
(language) learning and practice opportunities. Respect
themselves and others within the communication process,
cultivating habits of honesty and integrity into responsible
academic behavior.
OG. EFL.5. Directly access the main points and important details
of up-to date English language texts, such as those published on
the web, for professional or general investigation, through the
efficient use of ICT and reference tools where required.
OG. EFL.6. Through selected media, participate in reasonably
extended spoken or written dialogue with peers from different L1
backgrounds on work, study, or general topics of common
interest, expressing ideas and opinions effectively and
OG. EFL.7. Interact quite clearly, confidently, and appropriately in
a range of formal and informal social situations with a limited but
effective command of the spoken language (CEFR B1 level).
OBJETIVOS DEL O.EFL.2.1. Identify some main ideas and details of written texts,
AREA POR in order to develop an approach of critical inquiry to written and
SUBNIVEL oral texts.
O.EFL.2.2. Assess and appreciate English as an international
language, as well as the five aspects of English that contribute to
communicative competence.
O.EFL.2.3. Independently read level-appropriate texts in English
for pure enjoyment/entertainment and to access information.
O.EFL.2.4. Develop creative and critical thinking skills to foster
problem-solving and independent learning using both spoken and
written English.
O.EFL.2.5. Use in-class library resources and explore the use of
ICT to enrich competencies in the four skills.
O.EFL.2.6. Write short descriptive and informative texts and use
them as a means of communication and written expression of
O.EFL.2.7. Appreciate the use of English language through spoken
and written literary texts such as poems, rhymes, chants, riddles
and songs, in order to foster imagination, curiosity and memory,
while developing a taste for literature
CE.EFL.2.11. Demonstrate basic Demonstrate basic EFL 2.3.1.
Identify and reading reading Demonstrate basic
understand comprehension skills comprehension skills reading
individual every- by identifying the by identifying the comprehension
day words, meaning of meaning of skills by identifying
phrases, and individual words, individual words, the meaning of
sentences, including simple including simple individual words,
including written instructions. written instructions. phrases, and
instructions. EFL 2.3.1. EFL 2.3.1. sentences, including
simple written
CE.EFL.2.12. Read a simple text Read a simple text EFL 2.3.2. Read a
Understand the (online or print) and (online or print) and short simple text
gist and details in demonstrate demonstrate (online or print) and
short simple understanding basic understanding basic demonstrate
written texts of the content. EFL of the content. EFL understanding of the
(online or print). 2.3.2. 2.3.2. gist and some basic
details of the
CE.EFL.2.16. Understand the ideas Understand the ideas EFL.2.3.7. Read
Understand the in a short simple text in a short simple text and understand the
main ideas in EFL.2.3.7. EFL.2.3.7. main ideas in a short
short simple simple text on a
written texts on cross-curricular
cross-curricular topic. (Example: art,
subjects, both music, history, etc.)
print and digital.
(Example: art,
science, music,
math, history,
CE.EFL.2.17. Know how to spell Know how to spell EFL.2.4.1 Know
Write simple simple English simple English and write how to
words, phrases, words correctly. words correctly. spell simple English
and sentences to (Example: sea, mean, (Example: sea, mean, words correctly,
demonstrate bee, etc.) EFL.2.4.1 bee, etc.) EFL.2.4.1 demonstrating
knowledge of awareness of sound-
spelling, letter relationships.
punctuation, (Example: sea,
capitalization and mean, bee, etc.)
handwriting /
typography, and
identify their
CE.EFL.2.18. Write simple words, Write simple words, EFL 2.4.3. Write
Writing in order with correct use of phrases, with correct
simple words,
to perform the standard writing use of the standard phrases and
controlled mechanics. writing mechanics. sentences with
practice of (Example: spelling, (Example: spelling, correct use of the
vocabulary and punctuation, punctuation, standard writing
grammar items. capitalization, and capitalization, andmechanics.
writing by hand writing by hand (Example: spelling,
and /or on the and /or on the punctuation,
computer. EFL computer) EFL capitalization, and
2.4.3. 2.4.3. writing by hand and
/or on the computer)
Write simple words, Write simple words, EFL.2.4.4. Write
for controlled for controlled simple words,
practice of language practice of language phrases, and
items. EFL.2.4.4. items. EFL.2.4.4. sentences for
controlled practice
of language items.
Language through the arts
CE.EFL.2.21. Recognize key Recognize key EFL 2.5.1. Identify
Distinguish key information such as information such as key information
information in events, and objects in events, characters, in such as events,
stories and other stories and other age- stories and other age- characters, and
age-appropriate appropriate literary appropriate literary objects in stories
literary texts, both texts if there is visual texts if there is visual and other age-
oral and written. support. EFL 2.5.1. support. EFL 2.5.1. appropriate literary
texts if there is
visual support.
CE.EFL.2.22. Express emotions Describe emotions EFL 2.5.2. Express
Describe and using basic using basic emotions and
write about adjectives and adjectives and feelings using basic
emotions and related images related images adjectives and
responses to through written work through written work related images
literary texts on the school or class on the school or class through written
through words bulletin board. EFL bulletin board. EFL work on the school
and images, or 2.5.2. 2.5.2. or class bulletin
other media board.
(video, audio) on
class or school
bulletin boards
and expand on
ideas and
responses to texts
read/seen/heard in
by participating in
TPR activities and
CE.EFL.2.23. Listen to short Listen to short EFL.2.5.4. Listen to
Display an narratives and/or narratives and/or and read short
affinity for a other oral and other oral and narratives and/or
variety of literary written texts in class written texts in class other oral and
texts by (with a preference (with a preference written literary texts
responding within for authentic texts) in for authentic texts) in in class (with a
a range of order to stimulate order to stimulate preference for
physical, imagination, imagination, authentic texts) in
cognitive, and curiosity and a love curiosity and a love order to stimulate
attitudinal for for imagination,
manners, and vary literature.EFL.2.5.4. literature.EFL.2.5.4. curiosity and a love
elements of a for literature.
literary text to
create a new text.
CE.EFL.2.23. Use and/or other Use ICT and/or other EFL.2.5.4. Apply
Communicate resources to resources to ICT and/or other
ideas and communicate simple communicate simple resources to
experiences and thoughts in small thoughts in small communicate simple
create short groups. EFL.2.5.4. groups. EFL.2.5.4. thoughts in small
original texts groups.
through a range of
resources and
other media,
including ICT.
CE.EFL.2.25. EFL.2.5.9. Use EFL.2.5.9. Use EFL.2.5.9. Use
Implement a creative thinking creative thinking creative thinking
range of creative skills to learn how to skills to learn how to skills to learn how to
thinking skills to share and respect all share and respect all share and respect all
show a respect for ideas through ideas through ideas through
sharing and brainstorming brainstorming brainstorming
accepting activities and pair activities and pair activities and pair
different ideas in work in class. work in class. work in class.
brainstorms and
pair work.
OBJETIVOS DEL OG.EFL1. Encounter socio-cultural aspects of their own and other
AREA countries in a thoughtful and inquisitive manner, maturely and
openly experiencing other cultures and languages from the secure
standpoint of their own national and cultural identity.
OG.EFL2. Draw on this established propensity for curiosity and
tolerance towards different cultures to comprehend the role of
diversity in building an intercultural and multinational society.
OG.EFL3. Access greater flexibility of mind, creativity, enhanced
linguistic intelligence and critical thinking skills through an
appreciation of linguistic differences. Enjoy an enriched perspective
of their own L1 and of language use for communication and
OG.EFL4. Deploy a range of learning strategies, thereby increasing
disposition and ability to independently access further (language)
learning and practice opportunities. Respect themselves and others
within the communication process, cultivating habits of honesty
and integrity into responsible academic behavior.
OG.EFL5. Directly access the main points and important details of
up-to-date English language texts, such as those published on the
web, for professional or general investigation, through the efficient
use of ICT and reference tools where required.
OG.EFL6. Through selected media, participate in reasonably
extended spoken or written dialogue with peers from different L1
backgrounds on work, study or general topics of common interest,
expressing ideas and opinions effectively and appropriately.
OG.EFL7. Interact quite clearly, confidently and appropriately in a
range of formal and informal social situations with a limited but
effective command of the spoken language (CEFR B1 level).
OBJETIVOS DEL O.EFL.4.1. Identify the main ideas, some details and inferences of
AREA POR written texts, in order to produce level-appropriate critical analysis
SUBNIVEL of familiar subjects and contexts.
O.EFL.4.2. Appreciate and value English as an international
language and a medium to interact globally
O.EFL.4.3. Independently read A2.1 level text in English as a source
of entertainment and interpersonal and intrapersonal interaction.
O.EFL.4.4. Develop creative and critical thinking skills when
encountering challenges in order to promote autonomous learning
and decision making.
O.EFL.4.5. Introduce the need for independent research as a daily
activity by using electronic resources (ICT) in class while practicing
appropriate competences in the four skills.
O.EFL.4.6. Write short descriptive and informative texts related to
personal information or familiar topics and use them as a means of
communication and written expression of thought.
O.EFL.4.7. Use spoken and written literary text in English such as
poems, short stories, comic strips, short magazine articles and oral
interviews on familiar subjects in order to inspire oral and written
production at an A2.1 level.
O.EFL.4.8. Integrate written and spoken text in order to identify
cultural differences and similarities within a range of local, national
and global contexts familiar to the learner.
O.EFL.4.9. Create a sense of awareness in terms of accuracy when
learners interact in English using high-frequency and level-
appropriate expressions in order to reach an effective command of
spoken language.
CE.EFL.4.4 Seek and provide Seek and provide EFL 4.1.6. Seek and
Demonstrate the information, orally information, orally or provide information
ability to ask for or in writing and in in writing and in and assistance, orally
and give online or face-to- online or face-to-face or in writing and in
information and face interactions, for interactions, for online or face-to-
assistance using personal, social and personal, social and face interactions, for
appropriate academic purposes. academic purposes. personal, social and
language and EFL 4.1.6. EFL 4.1.6. academic purposes.
interaction styles Use suitable Use suitable EFL 4.1.8. Use
in a variety of vocabulary for vocabulary, suitable vocabulary,
social formal and informal expressions, and expressions,
interactions. social, academic interaction styles for language and
situations in order to formal and informal interaction styles for
communicate social or academic formal and informal
specific intentions in situations in order to social or academic
online and face-to- communicate specific situations in order to
face interactions. intentions in online communicate
(Example: thanking, and face-to-face specific intentions in
making promises, interactions. online and face-to-
apologizing, asking (Example: thanking, face interactions.
permission, chatting making promises, (Example: thanking,
with friends, apologizing, asking making promises,
answering in class, permission, chatting apologizing, asking
greeting an authority with friends, permission, chatting
figure, etc.) EFL answering in class, with friends,
4.1.8. greeting an authority answering in class,
figure, etc.) EFL greeting an authority
4.1.8. figure, etc.)
CE. EFL. 4.7 Understand short, Understand short, EFL 4.2.3. Follow
Listening for straightforward straightforward audio and understand
information: audio messages messages and/or the short,
Follow and and/or the main main idea/dialogue of straightforward
identify some idea/dialogue of a a movie or cartoon (or audio messages
main ideas and movie or cartoon (or other age-appropriate and/or the main
details in short other age- audio-visual idea/dialogue of a
and appropriate audio- presentations) if movie or cartoon (or
straightforward visual presentations) delivered slowly and other age-
spoken or audio if delivered slowly visuals provide appropriate audio-
texts set in and visuals provide contextual support. visual presentations)
familiar contexts, contextual support. (Example: an if delivered slowly
when delivered (Example: an announcement of a bus and visuals provide
slowly and with announcement of a delay, an intercom contextual support.
visuals to provide bus delay, an announcement at (Example: an
contextual intercom school, a dialogue announcement of a
support. Use announcement at supported by facial bus delay, an
spoken school, a dialogue expressions/gestures intercom
contributions in supported by facial and appropriate announcement at
class as models expressions/gestures intonation, etc.) EFL school, a dialogue
for one’s own and appropriate 4.2.3 supported by facial
speech. intonation, etc.) EFL expressions/gestures
4.2.3 and appropriate
intonation, etc.)
EFL 4.2.6. Use EFL 4.2.6. Use other EFL 4.2.6. Use
other students’ students’ contributions other students’
contributions in class in class as models for contributions in class
as models for their their own. as models for their
own. own.
OBJETIVOS Listening, speaking, reading, and writing to build up learners’
INTEGRADORES communicative language competence in its linguistic,
DEL SUBNIVEL sociolinguistic, and pragmatic components.
Responsibility, Honesty, Respect, Love, Peace, Justice, etc.
OBJETIVOS DEL OG.EFL1. Encounter socio-cultural aspects of their own and
AREA other countries in a thoughtful and inquisitive manner,
maturely and openly experiencing other cultures and
languages from the secure standpoint of their own national
and cultural identity.
OG.EFL2. Draw on this established propensity for curiosity and
tolerance towards different cultures to comprehend the role
of diversity in building an intercultural and multinational
OG.EFL3. Access greater flexibility of mind, creativity,
enhanced linguistic intelligence and critical thinking skills
through an appreciation of linguistic differences. Enjoy an
enriched perspective of their own L1 and of language use for
communication and learning.
OG.EFL4. Deploy a range of learning strategies, thereby
increasing disposition and ability to independently access
further (language) learning and practice opportunities.
Respect themselves and others within the communication pro-
cess, cultivating habits of honesty and integrity into
responsible academic behavior.
OG.EFL5. Directly access the main points and important details
of up-to-date English language texts, such as those published
on the web, for professional or general investigation, through
the efficient use of ICT and reference tools where required.
OG.EFL6. Through selected media, participate in reasonably
extended spoken or written dialogue with peers from different
L1 backgrounds on work, study or general topics of common
interest, expressing ideas and opinions effectively and
OG.EFL7. Interact quite clearly, confidently and appropriately
in a range of formal and informal social situations with a
limited but effective command of the spoken language (CEFR
B1 level).
OBJETIVOS DEL O.EFL 5.1 Encounter socio-cultural aspects of their own and other
AREA POR countries in a thoughtful and inquisitive manner, maturely, and
SUBNIVEL openly experiencing other cultures and languages from the secure
standpoint of their own national and cultural identity.
O.EFL 5.2 Draw on this established propensity for curiosity and
tolerance towards different cultures to comprehend the role of
diversity in building an intercultural and multinational society.
O.EFL 5.3 Access greater flexibility of mind, creativity, enhanced
linguistic intelligence, and critical thinking skills through an
appreciation of linguistic differences. Enjoy an enriched perspective
of their own L1 and of language use for communication and
O.EFL 5.4 Deploy a range of learning strategies, thereby increasing
disposition and ability to independently access further (language)
learning and practice opportunities. Respect themselves and others
within the communication process, cultivating habits of honesty and
integrity into responsible academic behavior.
O.EFL 5.5 Directly access the main points and important details of
up-todate English language texts, such as those published on the
web, for professional or general investigation, through the efficient
use of ICT and reference tools where required.
O.EFL 5.6 Through selected media, participate in reasonably
extended spoken or written dialogue with peers from different L1
backgrounds on work, study, or general topics of common interest,
expressing ideas and opinions effectively and appropriately.
O.EFL 5.7 Interact quite clearly, confidently, and appropriately in a
range of formal and informal social situations with a limited but
effective command of the spoken language (CEFR B1 level)
Communication and cultural awareness
CE.EFL.5.1. Display Display an Display an EFL 5.1.1. Display
an understanding of the understanding of the understanding of the an understanding of
integrity of different relationship between relationship between the relationship
cultures by sharing the practices different the practices and between the
experiences and by cultures. EFL 5.1.1. perspectives of practices and
participating in class different cultures. perspectives of
activities and EFL 5.1.1. different cultures by
discussions in a way recognizing and
that shows empathy sharing cross-
and respect for others. cultural experiences
MOSTRAR and ideas.
Demonstrate Demonstrate EFL 5.1.2.
mindfulness, empathy mindfulness, empathy, Demonstrate
for the integrity of tolerance and respect mindfulness,
cultures in daily for the integrity of empathy, tolerance
classroom activities. cultures in daily and an overall
EFL.5.1.2. classroom activities. respect for the
EFL.5.1.2. integrity of cultures
in daily classroom
CE.EFL.5.2. Find parallels Find parallels between EFL 5.1.3. Find
Demonstrate an ability between Ecuadorian Ecuadorian cultural parallels between
to discuss culture by cultural by talking and political referents Ecuadorian cultural
analyzing cultural about holidays, by talking about and political
products and referents symbols, customs and holidays, symbols, referents and those
from Ecuador and schooling. EFL 5.1.3. customs and schooling. of other countries
other countries while EFL 5.1.3 by talking about
making informed holidays, symbols,
choices about and customs and
taking action on issues schooling.
of prejudice and Demonstrate an Demonstrate an ability EFL 5.1.6.
discrimination. ability to make to make informed Demonstrate an
informed choices of choices and take action ability to make
prejudice and of prejudice informed choices
discrimination. EFL discrimination. about and take
5.1.6 EFL 5.1.6 action on issues of
prejudice and
CE.EFL.5.3. Interpret EFL 5.1.7. Interpret
cultural and language and demonstrate
patterns in English, knowledge of
including nonverbal nonverbal and oral
communication, and communication
apply them in features by applying
appropriate contexts. them in appropriate
contexts. (Example:
use of stress,
intonation, pace, etc.)
CE.EFL.5.4. Discover alternatives Discover and employ EFL 5.1.8. Discover
Communicate in social and alternatives of saying and employ
effectively using a classroom things in social and alternative ways of
variety of media and interactions. EFL classroom interactions. saying things in
formats, including ICT, 5.1.8. EFL 5.1.8. social and
by saying things in classroom
alternative ways and interactions.
applying self- Communicate Communicate EFL 5.1.9.
correcting and self- information to information and ideas Communicate
monitoring strategies diverse audiences to diverse audiences information and
when needed. using a variety of using a variety of ideas effectively to
media and formats. media and formats. diverse audiences
EFL 5.1.9. EFL 5.1.9. using a variety of
media and formats.
Apply self-correcting Apply self-correcting EFL 5.1.11. Apply
and strategies in and self-monitoring self-correcting and
social and classroom strategies and self-monitoring
interactions by classroom interactions strategies in social
adjusting presentation by adjusting and classroom
and language presentation and interactions by
production to language production to adjusting
effectively express effectively express presentation and
opinions and make opinions and make language production
evaluations. evaluations. (Example: to effectively
(Example: asking asking questions, express opinions
questions, starting starting over, and make
over, rephrasing, rephrasing, exploring evaluations.
exploring alternative alternative (Example: asking
pronunciations, etc.) pronunciations, etc.) questions, starting
EFL 5.1.11 EFL 5.1.11. over, rephrasing,
pronunciations, etc.)
Oral Communication
CE.EFL.5.5. Listening Deduce the meanings Deduce the meanings EFL 5.2.1. Deduce
for Meaning: Identify of unfamiliar phrases of unfamiliar phrases the meanings of
the main idea in a and words from a and words from a unfamiliar phrases
variety of audio context containing context containing and words from a
recordings (e.g., familiar elements. familiar elements. context containing
interviews, radio ads, (Example: colloquial (Example: colloquial familiar elements.
news reports, etc.) and greetings, etc.) EFL greetings, (Example:
deduce the meanings of 5.2.1. exclamations, etc.) colloquial greetings,
unfamiliar phrases and EFL 5.2.1 exclamations,
words in familiar interjections, etc.)
contexts, provided Identify the main idea Identify the main idea EFL 5.2.2. Identify
speech is clear and and some details of and some details of, the main idea and
visuals help support recorded interviews documentaries and some details of
meaning. reporting on seasonal interviews reporting on recorded news
festivities, seasonal festivities, reports,
environmental issues, environmental issues, documentaries and
food and international food and international interviews reporting
customs, climate, customs, climate, on seasonal
weather, etc., where weather, etc., where the festivities,
the visuals support visuals support the environmental
the commentary. EFL commentary. EFL issues, food and
5.2.2. 5.2.2. international
customs, climate,
weather, etc., where
the visuals support
the commentary
Understand the main Understand the main EFL 5.2.5.
idea of radio idea of radio Understand the
recordings on recordings on subjects main idea of radio
subjects of personal of personal interest, and audio
interest. EFL 5.2.5. provided speech is recordings on
clear. EFL 5.2.5. subjects of personal
interest, provided
speech is clear.
CE.EFL.5.6. Listening Follow main ideas in Follow main ideas in EFL 5.2.3. Follow
for Information: Deal topics covered in topics covered in other main ideas in topics
with practical, other curricular curricular subjects with covered in other
everyday subjects with the help the help of visual curricular subjects
communication of visual support, support, using with the help of
demands in familiar using words that have vocabulary that have visual support,
social and academic been studied in been studied in using concepts and
contexts, including advance. EFL 5.2.3. advance. EFL 5.2.3 vocabulary that
following directions in have been studied in
class activities and advance.
identifying main ideas Follow oral Follow oral directions EFL 5.2.4. Follow
in other curricular directions in in classroom activities oral directions in
subjects when given classroom activities and provide directions classroom activities
sufficient support. and provide to peers in selected and projects and
directions to peers . interactions. EFL 5.2.4 provide directions
EFL 5.2.4. to peers in selected
Deal with, everyday Deal with practical, EFL 5.2.13. Deal
communication communication with practical,
demands within demands within everyday
familiar contexts. familiar contexts, communication
(Example: meeting effectively and without demands within
people, extending and undue effort. familiar contexts,
accepting invitations, (Example: meeting effectively and
exchanging people, extending and without undue
information, giving accepting invitations, effort. (Example:
reasons, asking and exchanging meeting people,
answering questions information, giving extending and
about routines and reasons, asking and accepting
preferences, etc.) answering questions invitations,
EFL 5.2.13 about routines and exchanging
preferences, etc.) EFL information, giving
5.2.13 reasons, asking and
answering questions
about routines and
preferences, etc.)
CE.EFL.5.7. Use new words and Use new words and EFL 5.2.6. Use new
Production – Accuracy expressions which expressions which words and
and Intelligibility: Use occur in occur in conversations expressions which
appropriate vocabulary conversations in the in the personal occur in
and language in a personal and make domains, and make use conversations in the
variety of oral use of such terms and of such terms and personal and
interactions for a range expressions wherever expressions wherever educational
of audiences and level- appropriate and appropriate and domains, and make
appropriate purposes. necessary. EFL 5.2.6. necessary. EFL 5.2.6. use of such terms
and expressions
appropriate and
CE.EFL.5.10. Find Find specific Find specific EFL 5.3.1. Find
specific information predictable information in short, specific predictable
and identify the main information in short, simple texts in a range information in short,
points in simple, simple texts in a of age- and level- simple texts in a
straightforward texts range of age- and appropriate topics. range of age- and
on subjects of personal level-appropriate (Example: biographies, level-appropriate
interest or familiar topics. (Example: news articles, topics. (Example:
academic topics while biographies, news narratives, memoirs biographies, news
making informed articles, narratives, and personal accounts, articles, narratives,
decisions about one’s memoirs and personal formal letters and memoirs and
own reaction to the accounts, formal emails, etc.) personal accounts,
text. letters and emails, EFL 5.3.1. formal letters and
etc.) EFL 5.3.1. emails, etc.)
CE.EFL.5.15. Plan and Justify and explain Justify and explain the EFL 5.4.5. Justify
produce well- the rationale for a rationale for a position and explain the
constructed position on an on an argument, using rationale for a
informational texts by argument, using persuasive language, position on an
applying the writing persuasive language, tone, evidence and argument, using
process and while tone, evidence and well-developed persuasive
demonstrating an well-developed arguments through language, tone,
ability to justify one’s arguments through essays, movie and book evidence and well-
position on an movie and book reviews, position developed
argument through reviews, position papers and brochures. arguments through
carefully selected papers and brochures. EFL 5.4.5 essays, editorials,
information and EFL 5.4.5. movie and book
appropriate language, reviews, position
tone and evidence. papers and
Use the process of Use the process of EFL 5.4.7. Use the
prewriting, drafting, prewriting, drafting, process of
revising and peer revising and peer prewriting, drafting,
editing (i.e., “the editing (i.e., “the revising, peer
writing process”) to writing process”) to editing and
produce well- produce well- proofreading (i.e.,
constructed constructed “the writing
informational texts. informational texts. process”) to
EFL 5.4.7. EFL 5.4.7. produce well-
informational texts.
Language through the arts
CE.EFL.5.16. Respond Compare and present Compare and present EFL 5.5.1. Compare
to and interpret literary personal and formal personal and formal and present personal
texts, including responses to and and responses to of and formal
original stories written interpretations of published literary texts responses to and
by peers, referring to published literary and the works of peers, interpretations of
details and literary texts and the works of referring to details and published literary
elements of the text. peers, referring to features of the text. texts and the works
details and features of (Example: text of peers, referring to
the text. (Example: structure, plot, ideas, details and features
text structure, plot, events, vocabulary, of the text.
ideas, events, etc.) EFL 5.5.1. (Example: text
vocabulary, etc.) EFL structure, plot,
5.5.1 ideas, events,
vocabulary, etc.)