Tci 903S

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903S VHF/UHF/SHF Man-Portable COMINT/EW System

The TCI Model 903S is a compact, man-portable Modern Signal Detection and DF The recorder also enables the unique Lookback
Communications Intelligence (COMINT) Interlinked fast scanning detection/DF displays TDOA function, which allows the user to go “back
and direction finding (DF) system designed combined with powerful signal isolation in time” and perform TDOA geolocation on past
for two-man carry, as well as mobile and capabilities enable real-time and post facto signals of interest*.
transportable applications. detection and DF of modern signals, including *Requires a minimum of three units.
frequency-agile signals.
Detect, DF and record signals of System Operations
interest with a completely transportable Full Mission Replay An easy-to-learn, intuitive operator interface
solution. The Model 903S stores spectral data along with provides complete tasking, scanning, signal-
the complete catalog of signal detections and detection, DF/TDOA/geolocation, reporting
Wideband Scanning Detection with
DF results. This allows operators to go back in and mission-replay functions.
Simultaneous DF
The 903S searches, detects, intercepts, collects, time and review past signal activity overlaid
locates or localizes sources of all intentional and on the list, spectrogram and map displays. The
unintentional RF energy — and simultaneously 903S processor also includes a built-in high
DFs all signals in the bands of interest using performance Wideband Recorder with Lookback
fast-stepping wideband receivers combined Collection capability. This allows the operator
with DSP-based frequency channelization. to “go back in time” and capture past signals of
interest without interrupting the current mission.
903S VHF/UHF/SHF Man-Portable COMINT/EW System

Intercept and locate signals with a fully

integrated man-portable solution.


• Rugged design and low size, weight and power consumption suitable for portable

• Detection and DF of all signals from 20 to 8,000 MHz.

• 3 GHz/sec fast-scanning detection with simultaneous DF of all detected signals at

frequency channelization of 25 kHz (DF First™ technology).

• Analyze and geolocate multiple signals of interest from data collected in a dense
signal environment.

• Capable of networked multi-site geolocation of emitters of interest.

• Extremely easy to use with TCI’s Blackbird NextGen software.

• Display spectral and DF reports collected by the real-time system.

• “Lookback Collection” and analysis of signals of interest post-mission.

• Azimuth-colored spectrogram, map with bearing rays from sensors and detection
metadata displays.

• Selectable wideband 4/40 MHz (in VHF/UHF band) instantaneous bandwidth.

• Built-in solid state drives perform wideband recording with selectable bandwidth
up to 40 MHz.

• Detection and DF of conventional and modern signals.

• Client-server architecture with full networking capability.

• Built-in self-test (BIST) and calibration.

• Modular, compact, industry-standard architecture supports flexible

implementation in man-portable, mobile, fixed, and transportable configurations.

• Optional signal modulation recognition.

• Optional Universal Signal Detection (USD) provides the capability to create

custom signal detectors on the fly, with no programming required.
• Optional signal analysis and decode suite available with over 200 signal types.

• Optional 4U rack mount configuration for fixed station or mobile operations.

Additional DF antennas available.
System Architecture 903S

645 V/UHF 645-8 V/U/SHF 649-8 V/U/SHF

Portable/Mobile Portable/Mobile Portable
20 MHz to 3 GHz 20 MHz to 8 GHz 20 MHz to 8 GHz

Rugged Workstation TCI 6085S Processor Typical Customer-

with Database Supplied Data Radio



12 VDC
Power Supply used for
system charging only.

The TCI Model 903S compact, man-portable COMINT and DF system is ideal for two-man carry, as well as mobile and
transportable applications.

903S VHF/UHF/SHF Man-Portable COMINT/EW System

The Blackbird GUI

View complete system
status at a glance.
View search results on
spectrogram display.
Point at any signal to
pop-up the intercept info
Search Pane window. Zoom in / out
Select desired signal and scroll back in time to
attributes abnd click see past signals.
Execute Search to
launch the search.
View search results on
intuitive map display.

Right click an intercept
View search results in
in the list, map or
list format. Click column
spectrogram to instantly
heading to select
access actions such as
columns and sort.
tagging, analysis and

Point and Shoot Simplicity

The new Blackbird’s spectrogram display combines
a traditional spectrogram view with an interactive
detection database overlay. The unique, semi-
transparent overlay shows detected signals
from the realtime database. Simply point at any
detected signal and a pop-up window shows the
metadata for the intercept including any available
modulation and DF results. It doesn’t get any
Redesigned from easier than that!

the Ground Up Search – Simplified! Redefining Search and Visualization

Unlike traditional spectrogram views, the new Blackbird’s
To narrow the displayed results to only specific
The new TCI Blackbird NextGen GUI has been spectrogram provides a unique, semi-transparent
signals of interest, use Blackbird’s easy to use
completely reinvented from the ground up to overlay showing the detected signal catalog.
Search pane to select the characteristics of the
provide the power of Blackbird with push-button
desired signals of interest. Or simply right click an
simplicity. Since Blackbird is automatically
intercept and use Blackbird’s unique new Search
detecting and cataloging all signal activity, the
Similar function to instantly find similar signals by
operator can browse all detections or search for
frequency, spectral footprint or geolocation. No
specific signals of interest using the integrated
typing required!
list, spectrogram and map displays.

System Details 903S

Take Action
Once signals of interest are found, a simple right
click opens the action menu. A variety of actions
are available depending on loaded software
options, including tagging, recording, Lookback
Collection, modulation classification, AOA and
TDOA geolocation, and reporting. A “Send-To…”
function instantly transfers the signal IQ data to
signal analysis and decode tools; and a “Copy-
To…” function exports the IQ data to external
storage device or archive. The GUI also supports
user-added custom actions to extend the analysis
capability to instantly provide interoperability with
external systems.

One Click Signal Color controls Spectrogram Detection Overlay Pop up Signal Info
Analysis and Spectrogram data can Full spectrogram data Transparent overlay Point at any detected
Decoding be colored by power, served for live or past highlights detected signal to pop-up the
Process signals of direction or even tag. data. signals. signal info window. Right
interest with simple click to apply actions to
right-click action the selected signal.

classification, realtime or Lookback recording,

Lookback Collection Smart Recording (record based on signal
With Lookback Collection, you can not only view modulation criteria), and AOA or TDOA geolocation.
past signals, but you can collect them as well. Automation tasks can aid online operators with
Simply browse back in time or search for past notification and alarms, or used to set up a
signals of interest, then right-click to extract the completely automated search, collection and
signal’s IQ data from the built-in Lookback Storage reporting mission — for unattended operation.
Array. The Lookback Storage Array allows IQ
data to be extracted from the wideband recorder
without interrupting recording. You’ll never again
Time is on Your Side miss a collect for a critical signal of interest.

Since Blackbird is automatically recording

the spectral data along with the signal activity Make it Automatic
database, the operator can browse or search
Blackbird’s easy to use Automation facility makes
back in time (hours or even days) and view the
the collection task even easier. Simply click
past recorded spectral data with the detection
the Automate button after any search and
database overlay. And since the spectral data
choose your desired auto actions. Blackbird
is resampled and recorded at multiple zoom
automatically evaluates incoming intercepts Search by Geolocation
levels, zooming and panning with live or recorded
against the Automation search criteria. Matching When configured with TCI’s Geolocation option,
spectrograms is fast…lightning fast! operators can define areas of interest to search for
intercepts will trigger automated actions such as
operator alerts, tagging, automated modulation signals by geolocation.

903S VHF/UHF/SHF Man-Portable COMINT/EW System

Location, Location, • Lookback TDOA Geolocation – With

Location. TCI’s Lookback TDOA Geolocation feature,

precision time-stamped IQ data for past signals
When it comes to direction finding and geolocating can be extracted from the recorder and used for
signals of interest, TCI is the proven industry TDOA geolocation. This allows users to perform
leader. And the Blackbird makes full use of precision geolocation for past signals of interest.
TCI’s DF/Geolocation technology, including:
• Hybrid Geolocation – TCI’s unique
• VHF/UHF AOA DF – TCI’s VHF/UHF Angle technology combines AOA and TDOA techniques
of Arrival (AOA) DF provides wideband DF from to achieve precision geolocation with a minimum
20 MHz to 3 GHz, with SHF option up to 8 GHz. of TDOA assets. Hybrid TDOA takes advantage
Since this is a wideband system, direction of both ground-based or airborne TDOA sensors,
is computed for all signals in the scan range including a miniaturized payload for the Boeing/
and pushed to the Blackbird server. Known as Insitu ScanEagle UAV.
TCI DF First®, this provides DF data for all active
signals, enabling Blackbird search by direction
and geolocation. TDOA

• Triangulated Geolocation – Multiple AOA

DF results are combined to calculate the emitter
location. Since the individual AOA sources
are wideband systems, geolocation can be
performed on multiple simultaneous signals of
interest – allowing the new Blackbird to search AOA+TDOA
by geolocation. And since the AOA information is
cached in the DF Server, the new Blackbird can
go back in time and compute a fix for past signals Hybrid Geolocation
of interest.
Polar DF Displays
• On the move Geolocation – Moving DF Frequency agile and moving transmitters are easily
recognizable on Blackbird’s new Polar DF displays.
platforms can geolocate transmitters by
combining multiple AOA measurements gathered
over time. Since the AOA information is pre-
calculated with DF First® and stored in the signal
database, the new Blackbird can go back in
Integrated Mapping
time and display a fix for a signal of interest Making the most out of the TCI DF/Geolocation
options, TCI’s Blackbird tightly integrates mapping
collected from multiple locations over time.
displays and specialized search by direction/
• TDOA Geolocation – Leveraging the RF geolocation functions. Operators can zoom and
Processor’s precision time-stamping, Time pan with intuitive controls (just like Google Earth)
Difference of Arrival (TDOA) techniques can be and can choose from satellite, street or terrain
used for precision geolocation of target emitters. views. This capability makes use of an open industry
In addition, TCI offers a set of outdoor RF Sensors standard interface and provides compatibility with
five of the most popular map providers. Custom or
which can be deployed into a wide area to support
user-provided maps can also be supported, either
distributed monitoring and TDOA geolocation.
online or from a local map server.

Typical Specifications 903S

Model 903S Specifications

System Specifications
❯ Environmental (Electronics Only)
20 to 3,000 MHz with Models 641 or 645 antennas - 20 to 60° C
Frequency Range, DF Temperature Operating
20 to 8,000 MHz with Models 645-8, 647 or 649-8 antennas ambient

Modulation Modes (DF) All DF not modulation dependent Temperature - 40 to 70° C Storage

Instrument DF Accuracy 0.1° Operating

Altitude 3,000 m
(10,000 ft.)
System DF Accuracy 2 to 5° RMS* *Antenna dependant
DF System Sensitivity 10 dB SNR, 25 kHz BW Altitude 15,000 m
(50,000 ft.)
Polarization Vertical Operating
0 to 95% Non-Condensing
DF Scan Rate 3 GHz/sec 25 kHz Channels Humidity
0.4 mm
❯ RF-DF Processor Vibration 10 to 55 Hz
ADC 16-bits per channel
90 dB SFDR
Digital Down-Converter (DDC) 16 Channels
The TCI 903S station is supplied with integral 15
GPS Internal Receiver
VDC BB-2590 military batteries that provide a
Frequency Reference OCXO GPS disciplined run time of up to four hours. The system reports
Connectivity 1 GbE battery power level and issues a visual and
4 hour recording @ ≤4 MHz scan BW audible warning when battery power is low.
1 hour recording @ > 4 MHz scan BW
Wideband Recording 1 TB, Internal
Supports: Wideband recording, Lookback • The TCI 903S station can be operated from
Collection, and Lookback TDOA standard 12 VDC vehicle power.

Mechanical Portable • The TCI 903S station is supplied with a

• 10 to 19 VDC power supply for connection to standard
Power • 120/230 VAC commercial power.
• Internal Battery

Power Consumption
• 120W, max Max when running • The TCI 903S station can be powered from
• 200W, max Max when running while recharging batteries an optional external battery pack containing
Battery Up to 4 hours, Internal External battery available two 15 VDC BB-2590 batteries.
❯ VHF/UHF Receiver
• The TCI 903S can be switched between
Tuning Speed 3 ms <100 MHz steps different power sources without rebooting or
Tuning Increments 1 Hz disrupting active missions.
Gain Control 120 dB Digital range
IF Bandwidths 40/4 MHz 3 dB Color and Finish
Image Rejection 90 dB
The TCI 903S system components are colored
IF Rejection 80 dB 90 dB Typical OD green, black or grey and have a non-reflective
In-Band Dynamic Range 90 dB finish.
3rd-Order Intercept point +18 dBm Urban mode
2nd-Order Intercept point +50 dBm Export of TCI International, Inc. systems and
Noise Figure Antenna dependent See antenna data sheets products may be subject to U.S. export controls.
U.S. Export License may be required.
LO Phase Noise -110 dBc/Hz 10 kHz offset Specifications subject to change without notification

903S System Options

T C I I N T E R N AT I O N A L , I N C .
3541 Gateway Blvd.

Model 903S Fremont, CA 94538-6585 USA

Options TEL: 1-510-687-6100

USA: 1-800-824-8074
FAX: 1-510-687-6101
❯ RF Processor
Rackmount 4U rack mount configuration available

Wideband Recording 12 TB external storage array. Available for rackmount configurations only.

❯ Antenna Options
Model 641 V/UHF DF and Monitoring Antenna, 20 to 3,000 MHz

V/UHF Compact DF and Monitoring Antenna, 20 to 3,000 MHz

Model 645
Available in standard radome or covert rooftop carrier

V/UHF Compact DF and Monitoring Antenna, 20 to 8,000 MHz

Model 645-8
Available in standard radome or covert rooftop carrier

Model 647 V/U/SHF DF and Monitoring Antenna, 20 to 8,000 MHz

Model 649-8 Portable V/U/SHF DF and Monitoring Antenna, 20 to 8,000 MHz

❯ Blackbird Software Options

TCI Model 645-8 antenna option in covert
MR1 Modulation Recognition for Server rooftop carrier

USD Universal Signal Detection

UVAD Voice Detection for V/UHF (FM)

BCSW-1 Additional Blackbird Client License

SSR Snapshot Radio Audio File Player

❯ Demodulation and Decoding Options

Wavecom Compatible with Wavecom Signal Decoding and Analysis

go2DECODE Compatible with go2DECODE Signal Decoding and Analysis

Other Consult factor for additional signal decoding and analysis packages

TCI Model 645 antenna option in

standard radome

Company proprietary
Data and specifications subject to change without notification
Not for distribution without prior permission from TCI.
© 2014-2019 – All Rights Reserved

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