JNKI-SOP-011-Holing Procedure
JNKI-SOP-011-Holing Procedure
JNKI-SOP-011-Holing Procedure
Date: 18.11.2022
Revision: 00
This procedure defines the standard operating technique for all the holing procedure that are to be
followed for making any holes during fabrication procedure at JNK India Mundra.
Execution Engineer will be responsible for identifying the requirement of holing i.e. size of hole,
location of hole, requirement as per drawings, etc. and supervision for holing operation.
Supervisor / Foreman will be responsible for identifying the requirement of holes and conveying to
Execution engineer. Also, to execute the holing as per requirement.
Inspection Engineer will be responsible for checking and ensuring that correct method is used for
execution of the process and correctness of the hole i.e. visual of the hole, location as per drawing,
size of hole, etc.
Drilling: Four samples will be taken and holes will be drilled in each one of different sizes. Pre-
drilling and post Drilling, Hardness will be recorded with Integrated hardness tester. This hardness
requirement will be according to table 3 of ISO 15614-1 Para 7.4.5
Gas Cutting: Four samples will be taken and holes will be drilled in each one of different sizes.
Pre-drilling and post Drilling, Hardness will be recorded with Integrated hardness tester. This
hardness requirement will be according to table 3 of ISO 15614-1 Para 7.4.5
1. After the location and size of the hole is identified as per drawing and marked accordingly on
fabrication item, markings will be cross-checked by the Execution engineer.
2. After the satisfactory/acceptable verification of the markings as per drawing. Execution
engineer will release, the component for holing.
3. Holing will be normally will normally be conducted by drilling using magnet type drill
machine. Due to specific requirement thermal cutting may be used for holing, but after
exclusive permission from FCP manager.
4. After drilling the all the burs will be removed and edges will be chamfered in a 2mm radius.
In case of gas cutting proper finish will be achieved.
5. Inspection engineer will be responsible for the visual verification of the proper finish for the
6. All Holes will be under the geometrical tolerance provided in Para 6.6.2 EN ISO 1090-2
7. No punching is allowed for Holing in any structural steel.