AU Certificate Application
AU Certificate Application
AU Certificate Application
Your Future. Our Mission.
The Controller Of Examination, Arunodaya University, Itanagar, ( Arunachal Pradesh ).
1. Applicants Details
Registration No :
3. Academic details of course completed from Arunodaya University. (Enclose self-attested copies of all Semester mark card):
Course Stream Semester/ Year Month & Year of passing Total Marks Percentage / Grade
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4. Fees Details: ( The Fees Should be Paid by Digital Mode Only.)
Amount Paid ( ): Online Payment Reference No. :
Bank / UPI / Gateway Name :
Bank Branch Name :
Date :
1. I certify that I have read and understood all the provisions indicated in the prospectus and the circulars published in the website from time to time
2. I shall abide by this undertaking and shall not hold anybody responsible for the same in any manner after the completion of the
3. I hereby that all the particulars stated enclosed in this application are true to the best of my Knowledge & belief. In the event of
suppression or distortion of any fact made in my application only I will be held responsible and my admission will be cancelled.
4. I have gone through the rules, regulations and Educational programmes offered by Arunodaya University and on being fully
satisfied, I had applied for admission on my own. Hence I am aware that the programmes offered by the said university are
approved by the UGC. However if I am unable to get advantage out of said programmes after its completion, in securing job,
job promotion and/ or for further advance studies on any account and for any other reason, the said University will not be held
responsible in any manner and I also undertake not to claim any damages for the same.
5. I understand that FEES once paid will NOT be refunded.
Notes :
1) Name in Hindi applicable for Degree Certificate.
2) Hindi Name in certificates will appear as mention by student.
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