Healthcare Waste Management
Healthcare Waste Management
Healthcare Waste Management
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Final Date of Lecture: December 5, 2022
Lecture | 1st Semester
public health and upgrade the standard of P.D. 984 “Pollution Control Law”
medical practice. In line with the DOH
mandate, a Manual on Hospital Management The Pollution Control Law is the primary
was published in 1997 and the Implementing legislation that governs discharges of
Rules and Regulations of Chapter XVIII, potentially polluting substances to air and
Refuse Disposal of PD 856 was water. It provides the basis for the DENR
promulgated. regulations on water pollution through its
IRR, DENR Administrative Order Nos. 34
P.D. 1586 “Environmental Impact Statement and 35. The IRR for air emissions was
(EIS) System” initially set by DENR AO 14, but was later
replaced by the Clean Air Act of 1999 (RA
The Environmental Impact Statement (EIS)
System of the Philippines or PD 1586
requires projects like construction of new R.A. 6969 “An Act to Control Toxic Substances
hospital buildings or expansion of existing and Hazardous and Nuclear Wastes”
hospitals to secure an Environmental
Compliance Certificate (ECC) prior to RA 6969 requires the registration of waste
construction and operation of the facility. An generators, waste transporters, and
ECC is required for the installation and operators of toxic and hazardous waste
operation of health care waste treatment treatment facilities with the EMB. The waste
systems like pyrolysis, autoclave, generators (i.e., hospitals) are required to
microwave, landfills, and other similar ensure that its hazardous or biomedical
treatment technology. waste is properly collected, transported,
treated, and disposed. Quarterly monitoring
R.A. 8749 Clean Air Act (CAA) of 1999 reports should be submitted to the EMB.
The Clean Air Act of 1999 prohibits the
incineration of biomedical wastes effective HEALTHCARE WASTE MANAGEMENT SYSTEM
July 17, 2003. It promotes the use of state- Segregation of Healthcare Waste
of-the-art, environmentally sound, and safe Color of Type of waste
nonburn technologies for the handling, container/bag
treatment, thermal destruction, utilization, Black Non-infectious dry waste
and disposal of sorted, unrecycled Green Non-infectious wet waste
biomedical and hazardous wastes. (kitchen, dietary etc.)
Yellow Infectious and Pathological
R.A. 9003 Ecological Solid Waste Management waste
(ESWM) Act of 2000 Yellow with Chemical waste including
Band those w/ heavy metals
The Ecological Solid Waste Management
Orange Radioactive waste
Act of 2000 mandates the segregation of
Red Sharps and pressurized
solid wastes at the source including containers
households and institutions like hospitals by
using a separate container for each type of
waste from all sources (Section 21, Article 2,
RA 9003). However, the term “solid waste”
specifically excludes infectious waste from
hospitals such as equipment, utensils,
laboratory wastes, pathological specimens,
disposable fomites, and similar disposal
materials (Section 3(2), Article 2, RA 9003;
Section 1, Rule III, DENR AO 2001-34).
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Final Date of Lecture: December 5, 2022
Lecture | 1st Semester
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