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PRUE LAK Y INFUMINA 11UN Far Authorized Company Use Only ERG E (ernie) T EXON | HEAT EXCHANGE EQUIPMENT |_DESIGK PRACTICES SUUSECTION F Seton Page EXXON CALCULATION PROCEDURE. ENGINEERING CONDENSATION CONTENTS| Page SCOPE. 1 REFER ' GENERAL i THEORY AND DESIGN CONSIDERATIONS 1 Zones i The Basic Steps 2 For Vertical Tubes 3 For Horizontal Tubes 5 Spetial Design Considerations for Drumiess Condensers 3 DETAILED DESIGN PROCEDURE 8 VACUUM PIPESTILL OVERHEAD CONDENSER DESIGN PROCEDURE is NOMENCLATURE 8 APPENDIX Table 1 - T-Q Curve Calculation Procedure . zo Table 2 - Condensation Calosiation Form : 3 Table 3 - Wide Cut Condenser Design Sample Calculation al Figure | - Typical Heat Release (“T-Q") Curve 70 Figure 2 - Average Vapor Quantity in Condensers (Or Rebotlers) 1 Figure 3 - Sheil Side Heat Transfer for Partial Condensation of Wide Cuts 2 Fimure 4 Condonsine Coefficients Inside Tubes 3 Figure $ - Frictional Pressure Drop for Fluids Flowing in Tubes 74 Figure 6 - Heat Transfer Coetficient for Fluids in Tubes 7s Figure 7 Sample Flash Curves and Ty, Plot % Figure 8 - Vapor Pressure of Hydrocarbons oT Figure 9A. Flash Curve Corrections 8 Figure 9B- Enthalpy of Water Above 0°C 78 REVISION MEMO Date Pee 0/83 Corrected reference to Figure +- ot EXKON RESEARCH AND ENGINEERING COMPANY . FLORHAM PARK, 4 Pc authoncet Coneon woe Day ER&E GEM) EXON | tisrexcisncr roves DESIGN PRACTICES SUBSICTION 1 EXXON CALCULATION PROCEDURE, ENCINEEAING CONDI NATION Score This subseetion presents desiem considerations and the reeonumended design procedure shell and tube condensers REFERENCES Gloyer, Wor bnduestrtal ard Devore, A: Perraiewm Reiner, Akers, Deans. Crosser ing Heat Transter Within Horizontal Tubes” Presented at the Second, National Heat Transier Conterence, A-LChE-ASME, Chicago, Ilinvis, August 18 19 21, 1958. Diehl, JE: Uhrut, Ci. Petroleum Resiner, 36, 10, 124, (October. 1958). Chenoweth, 1M Martin, M.W.: Perraieun Refiner, 34. 151, (October, 195. Heat Exchange Institute (HEI) Standards for Steam Surface Condensers. Perry's Chemical Engineers’ Handbook, 4th Ed. age Chemisere, $2. 1361, uly, 19 . 205, une, 1959). $0), GENERAL ‘The same basic approach that is used (0 design liquid-liquid exchangers is also used to de- sign condensers. This approacit uses a trialand-etror culuulation to balance an assumed exchanger sige against a calculated sizz, while staying within the prescribed limits of pressure drop. The basic difference lies in the so-called “zoning” of the condenser. Zoning is necessary because of the nonuniform heat release from one end of a condenser to another. That is, the first 20% of the condenser may transfer only § to 10% of the torai con- denser duty. This wonuniformity is caused by large variations in heat transfer coefficient as conden- sation proceeds, and by the fact that when latent heat is ransferred, heat release is not directly proportional to temnperature change. This is especially true when condensing muxtures of steam and hydrocarbon (see Figure 1), [t should be noted here that this discussion is primarily concemed with the more difficult cease of condensing a wide-vut hydrocarbon in the presence of steam. For narrow cuts (8 19 11°C), Zoning is usuaily innecessary and the following method simplifies considerably THEORY AND DESIGN CONSIDERATIONS Zones In setting up the zones, one assumes that zone and that heat release is directly proportional to One can see from this would be the cond that, for h Figure, the uswal 2 tneat transier coe!ficient is constant within the emoerature change within the zone. the Jurger th set design. Unfortunately of condenser 20m) rate ‘on of each zone is $0 time consuming 1 two oF three zones, As shown in Vapor co Vapor cooling ~ !ydrocarbon condensation ands cooling 3. Vapor coal comiensation and subeovii = hylirncarbon condens HEM PARK. Vu [fevwe SeTron = 1 rromeranvoromsanon | ER&E ese pracrices Figure | is somewhat simplitied, in that the coolant is shown for a oaetubespass tit. hs this Iypival sequence. the hydrocarbon dew point is above the steam dew point, If the steam dew point should occur first, Zone 2 is essentially eliminated. When better accuracy 1s desicable, Zone 3 ss sometimes divided into two “ub-zones” of roughly equal heat duty, In the absence of desuperheating, steam condensation or any other sharp break in the next se curve, ane vondenser zone is adequate. ‘The Basie Steps The following steps are basic to the desiga of a unit for condensing wide-cut hydrocarbon in Ue presence of steam. 1. Determine the hydrocarbon dew point, 2, Determine the steam dew point. 3. Determine the heat released in each zone. 4. Determine the simple LMTD for each zone, then Atey (weighted effective log mean temperature difference, °C). 5, Estimate an over-all coefficient (ie., total area) for the condenser: determine mechanical features, 6. Calewlate area required for each zone; sum the areas. 7. Adjust mechanical features of the unit until the assumed total ares is equal to the sum of the areas culculated for each zone. These basic steps will next be discussed generally - oe Dew Points: The Flash Curve - For wide cut condensation, the hydrocarbon dew point is easily tound by trial-and-error reductions in temperature to find the point where hydrocarbon vapor pressure equals its known partial pressure. (For the usual case of a fractionator overhead, the hydrocarbon is already at its dew point.) ‘The steam dew point is more difficult, since the total number of moles of vapor changes be- tween the hydrocarbon dew point and the steam dew point. This change in composition must be deter- mined before the steam dew point can be calculated. It is uual practice to assume that as condensation proceeds, the vapor and liquid maintain an equilibrium composition. Hence, the composition and thermal properties of the system are obtained from equilibrium flash calculations. These calculations predict a “flash curve,” which is a plot of temperature vs, “percent off” (percent nor condensed). The design manual method for estimating the flash curve is a simplification of the Exxon Blue Book method. The entire flash curve is not constructed. Instead, several points along the volumetric Nash curve are calculated. These are plotted and connected with straight lines. The mo/al flash curve lies slightly below the volumetric curve, and the weight flash curve lies above the volumetric curve. For the sake cf simplification, this separation of the curves iS assumed proportional to the width of hoiling ranges in the cut. The three curves are plotted on the same graph and used to und temperature of the vapor and liquid phases as condensation proceeds. An example is shown in Figure 7. Since these curves represent conditions at {01.3 kPa (atmospheric) partial pressure. an alignment chart 1s included to convert to the pressure of the condensing system (Figure 8}, The steam dew point is then found by a trial-and-error reduction in the system temperature to find the temperature wivere water vapor pressure equals its caloulated partial pressure. The method is described in detail in Tabie 7 RAM DARK, Ma. [Ps 3 ER&E PROPRIETARY INFORMATION Section, 9.- rage 3 DESIGN PRACTICES | PCs compay wie Oey Cag Sooner 19 Heat Release in Each Zone - The following individual heat duties are ealeulsted in eaclt zone in which they occur. All duties occur sintltaneousiy in the thid zone only 1, Coot entering liquid. 2. Cool vapor and gas that do not condense. 3. Cool condensing IC vapor. 4. Cool hydrocarbon condensate 5. Cool condensing steam. 6. Cool steam condensate 7. Remove latent heat of vaporization, hydrocarbon. 8, Remove latent heat of vaporization, steam To calculate duties 3, 4, 5, and 6, one assumes that 50% of the material is cooled through 100%: of the temperature change in the zone, Although enthalpy charts cun be used for these calculations, the use of average specific heats and average latent heats is adequate for most cases, Note that when enthalpy charts are used, kems T and § must be calculated at the average temperature (rather than intet to outlet conditions) to avoid duplic ing the sensible-heat portion of the duty. ‘Temperature Driving Force - After the zone heat duties have been calculated, the weighted average LMTD (Atey) can be calculated. This is done by calculating che LMTD for each zone and then “weighting” the LMTD according to the amouat of heat transferred in the zone. The conventional equation is as follows: Q Sh aa | Se Bian * Sta” Bt Eq. (1) For explanation of Symbols, see Nomenclature. . Each zone t is corrected for noncountercurrent flow by multiplying by Fy trom Figure 2 of Subsection D. Fa is calculated from the zone terminal temperatures.* This use of Fy is not theoretically sound but is justified, as a matter of convention, to make sure that enough sheil passes are specified for the design temperature cross. The use of this equation for weighting At’s is strictly a matter of industrial convention. It gives the true value of Atay only wnen the coefficient is constant over the entire condenser; and this condition of course, almost never prevails. But since the equation has been widely adopted, the use of other methods for weighting At's might be misleading to exchanger suppliers Actually, Atey does not enter into the condenser design and its value is of no real importance The design is based on a summation of zone areas which are caiculated {rom the individual zone at's. The overall Atey is estimated only so that an overall average Up can be reported. Heat Transfer Coefficients, Shell Side Condensation - From an analytical viewsoint, 2 condenser is an extremely complex piece of equipment, No theoretical attack has yet been proposed which satisfactor predicts the effects of the many variables involved hydroiiner eifluent-hydrotiner feed exchungers and other similar services where there iss “pinch he T-Q curves of the two streams, each shell of the final arrangement sitould be checked graphically Yor a temperature cross (1... plot shell side and tube side temperature ¥s. duty curves on a sinale gr and compare inlet vs. outlet temperatures for each shell), [f a temperature cross areas or the number of sheils should be adjusted to remove the cross. EXXON RESEARCH AND ENGINEERING COMPANY — FLORHAM >4K. ‘te PROPRIETARY INFORMATION RSE DESIGN PRACTICES proach used in this otanual is sometimes called the “Gloyer"(!)** anuiysis, named after the first person to describe it in the literature, This method is not a theoretical analysis. (out an empirical attempt Wo consider the various phenomena witich oeeur simuitineously in 3 condenser. This approach considers the following mechanisms 1. Vapor cooled by forced convection, 2. Liquid cooled by “dripping” from tube 10 tube, 3. Liquid cooled by forced convection along the bottom of the shell. 4. Condensation, In wach zone of the condenser, a transfer coett meetianisins. The tea individual coefficients ent is calculated for each of the above ster coetficient for the zone is then evaluated by weighting and averaging the tone = E.2) (Subscripts roles to above mechanisms.) The overall zone coeticient i then calelated from the usual resistance equation 1 1g ptt the ER Eq. 3) Tone ” Trane 7 F Te * Bo we Aun = Gee EA.) none Otrone ‘The total area of the condenser is simply the sum of the zone areas. To calculate the coefficients for vapor cooling and “bottom flow” liquid cooling, one uses the average vapor and liquid quantity in the zone. These quantities are determined with the aid of Figure > ‘This chart corrects for the variations in AT (between tube side and shell side) with tube length. The usual relations for single phase heat transfer are then used to calculate coefficients. ‘The coefficient for “rip cooling” is taken as 1.5 times the condensing coefficient. It is arbitrarily assumed that half of the Liquid cooling duty is by “drip cooling” and haif by “bottom flow” (for zones with ail vapor entering). To calculate the condensing coefficient, the following modifications of the Nusselt equation recommended by Devore should be used.(2) For Vertical Tubes Ea. (5) Where 7, (1000) Me Neda Ea. (6) “Numbers in cntheses refer to RE! EXXON RESEARCH ANG ENGINEZAING CouPauY — TLceRaM RAK PROPRIETARY INFORMATION | Section 9-F | Page 3 For authovited Company Ue Onv [Ong September 1975 DESIGN PRACTICES This term is usually called “tube loading.” The equation is restrivted 10. P< aso For Horizontal Tubes ye mo Where Me x Eq. Pr in a (8) ‘The term n, is the number of “condensate streams” in the bundle ny 1.29N9-*9 for square tube layout, 90” a, = 2.08N3-*¥ for rotated triangular layout, 60° nm LO2N##1* for triangular layout, 30° n= LSTNS! for rotated square layout, 45° ‘The term Ly is the length of tube on which condensation occurs. if a condenser consists of one zone, Le equals the tube length L. Otherwise Le i the fraction of the total tube length included in the zone in question. ({f there are two shells in series, note that one zone might include 0.5L, the next zone ISL) The paper by Devore suggests that the value of hy be increased by a multiplier which depends essentially on the number of tubes in the bundle. For a typical bundle, the value of this so-called “turbulence factor” is 1.5 to 2.5. This has not been included in this procedure. Instead, a modification is recommended which will relate the condenser design to vapor mass velocity. (An effect of mass velocity has been recognized for some time.) A great deal of Exxon data on wide-cut condensation show that the overall outside coefficient varies linearly with G*, where x is between 0.7 and 0.9. A similar effect probabiy holds for narrow cuts as well. Based on this, the condensing coefficient for horizontal bundles should be adjusted as follows: Gy \ere In = hh (&) Ea. (9) and hy max. = 2.0 hy Eq. (10) where Gy is the average vapor mass velocity in the zone. Note that this mass velocity correct minended for pure component condensation In zones where both steam and hydrocarbon are condensing, the hydrocarbon wets the tubes preferentially. This forces the steam to condense on the hydrocarbon condensate film and the condensing coefficient for steam equals the condensing coefficient for the lnydrocarbon. EXXON RESEARCH AND ENGINEERING COMPANY — FLORHAM PARK, Nu Section 9-1 [Page 0. PROPRIETARY INFORMATION | ER&E Bae Sepromher, TTS For aumonsed comesny Ue On | fdevare, | DESIGN PRACTICES Empirical Equation far Shell Side Condensation - Not Recommended for Definitive Designs - Exxon has analyzed considerable ammount of dita on wile-eut condensation, These analyses ave resulted it ant aitation which fits the original data with an average ageuraey of 10%. So far, however, the equation has fut been tested on enough additional data to substantiate its use for definitive designs. The equation ean be used for estinnuting coeticients and for checking condeaser performance under various operating Conditions, Because oF its simplicity, it fs hoped that an equation of this type will eventually be backed Up by enough dats to warrant its use in design work, ‘The equation for the shellside condensing coefficient, which includes the shell side Fouling factor, is as follows In bye = 0.82 InG + f (a) - 0.00029 P, + 0.436 Eq. 1) The lunetion f(a) is shown in Figure 3, This curve shows that the sitell side coefficient First decreases sharply with iereasing noncondensables, then slowly increases. ‘s let mass velocity and “P,” is inlet pressure (absolute), “G The data analyzed include condensers in the following services: 1. Fluid coking - scrubber overhead. Cat cracking - fractionator overhead, Fluid hydroforming - scrubber overhead. Pipestill overhead. 5. Prefractionator overhead. ‘The toral cange of the variables is as follows 718 Fa, 113) pas = 0.0265 or R tu EXXON AESEARCH ANO ENG! PAAK, “Ls ER&E HESig PRACTICES PROPRIETARY INFORMATION [Section JF Page 7 Gera] For Aumnoneed Company Use Onv | Oate Septomber, NTS 2 fq. 04) =) ig. 15) my Gi_and Gry are superficial mass wlocities of dhe liquid and vapor based on the total flow eres. The Nusselt, Prandtl and Reynolds numbers are in dimensioniess tonns, Physical properties used are those ol the condonsare Jim at average fim temperature It was found that these equations correlated the data for vertical, inclined, and horizontal tubes, -xon form witich uses dimen: For design use, the equations have been converted to the usual F sional groups. The desi equation (plotted in Figure 4) sas follows Yur ‘cree 1 ae Lg (828 “ re Ea Fa. (19) Thuis equation is for the condensing coefficient only. It would be applicable by itself to narrow- cut condensation. When condensing a wide cut, the designer should follow the principles used on the shell side for wide cuts and calculate coefficients for gas and liquid cooling. For gas cooling, use the average vapor velocity in the zone to calculate a single-phase vapor heat transfer coefficient. The liquid cooling coefficient may be assumed to be equal to the condensing coefficient, There is, of course, ao inp cooling and hence no required breakdown of the liquid cooling duty Pressure Drop - Pressure drop in condensers is a complex variation of two-phase flow that has not been successfully analyzed theoretically. The data are amenable,to correlation, however, and such corre: lations are frequently reported in the literature, ‘The recommended procedure treats the two-phase system as a single phase, using the viscosity of the fiquici and a density corresponding to the average density for both phases. The weighted average density is evaluated for each zone based on the inlet and outlet volume flow rates, or 2x Mass rate (Wel. rate in) + (Vol. rate out) Average density This calculation method is applicable for both tube side and shell side pressure drop using ‘weighted average values of density and velocity. The tube side pressure drop is evaluated by the “no- change of phase” procedure as outlined in Subsection D. Shell side pressure drop is evaluated by the shell side “no-change of phase” procedure from the 1963 edition of the Design Practices as outlined in Table $ of Subsection D. ‘The two-phase pressure drop calculated for each zone is multiplied by the ratio (Zone Area/ Total Area) to estimate the zone pressure drop. The overall pressure drop is obtained by summing the zone pressure drops. This procedure is believed to be conservative: i., actual pressure drops should be equal to or Jess than the valeulated velues. In cases where pressure drop is expensive or where a much lower than pressure drop would cause process difficulties. an independent check can be made by use of art & Maruneili correlation (see Perry's Chemical Engineers’ Handbook, 4th Ed., pa 8 to ). This method s considered to be she best available generzlized correlation for two-phase pressure ‘op in a system ‘vith heat (mass) transier taking place. However, the accuracy of this correlation is O% Tous, the acsual pressure drop could be anywhere between 50% and 150% oF the calculated \GINEERING COMPANY ~ FLORHAM PARK, Nu. Section J-f PROPRIETARY INFORMATION ER& oe eta stop ue DESIGN PRACTICES Sypaval Design Considerations fe Drumtess Condensers When diuntless condensers aie designed. the following design eritena should be followed 1 The condenser surface should be 110% of the surface required for condensing in onker to account 10F surtace normally covered by liquid. The condenser should be equipped with a 50 mm vent located as close to the liquid outlet tony practicable: A pot for liquid vapor separation should be located on the condenser outlet, Pots up to 350 ny dameter should be sized for a liquid velocity of 0.3 meter per second. The velocity in pots 400 a and larger should be limited to U4 meter per secund. The pot should be 0.9 to 1.5 meters long. 4.'The condenser shell should be equipped with a yauge glass covering the entice shell diameter and pot The condenser should be elevated sufficiently to satisfy pump NPSH requirements with the pot empty. In any event, the bottom of the condenser shell stiould be 8 minimum, 15 above grade. 6. An antivortex baffle should be installed in the condenser pot. 7. The condenser should be located with its liquid outlet end on the pump side of the scructure |All pump suction piping should be continuously sloped downwards towards the pump. Horizontal runs on the pump suction piping should be sloped at least 167 mm per (00 meters, Pump suction lines up to and including 80 mm diameter should not have a liguid velocity in excess of 0.45 meter per second. 100 to 200 mmutines should be limited to 0.68 meter per second. For 250 mm diameter and larger sizes, the liquid velocity sould not exceed 1.06 meters per second, 9, Pumps should be heavy duty retinery type. imps should be equipped with a recirculation line returning upstream of the condenser. The recirculation line should be equipped with a block valve and a restriction onifice sized for 25% of the normal pump capacity DETAILED DESIGN PROCEDURE Table 2 lists the step by step procedure in the form of a calculation sheet. Each step is dis- cussed below. ‘The condensation calculation procedure presented in this subsection is based on hydrocarbon (rh of without small amounts of steam, less than 15% by weight) condensation, The procedure should .. be used for the design of vacuum pipestill overhead condensers or steam surface condensers. A sizing procedure for vacuum pipestill overhead condensers is presented later in this subsection, Steam surface condensers should be sized using the procedures presented in the Heat Exchange Instucute (HEL) Standards for Steam Surface Condensers. 1, Determine the inlet and outlet temperatures, ty, ty and T; 3, Determine the minimum number of shells in series; Fy (Figure 2, Subsection D) based on exchanger inlet and outlet temperatures equal to oF greater than 08. 3. Determine the overall duty Q and the weighted overall LMTD. Atew a. If a T-Q curve (temperature vs, heat release) has already been presar follows: (Ly From the curve, determine Q, Tay, and dan, Tas and qus. and aye EXXON RESEARCH AND ENGINEERING COMPANY — LORWAM PARK, Ms —— ER&E nesion paaonioes | momerap money ewe tlhe (21 Cateutate tan and ty un 7 - 4 Fa toa tS ) us uy (an aad fq. 08) Q (3) Calculate Otgy, tgs, and Ate. These are the LMTD's in eucit of the three zones, Apply individual Fq’s (Figure 2, Subsection D) to each zone. as calculated trom zone terminal conditions. (3) Cal Blew = ce Eq) Samy sy ee oun Glu Oe bt a T-Q curve is not available, the method outlined in Table 1 anuy be used. 4, Estimate the total area required for the condenser. See Table 1 values of Uy for typ A = Q/Updtew Eq. (19) Calculate area per method, number of shells and number of tubes accordin 19 the usual 6, Use the appropriate subsection of the manual to calculate the 1 sure drop for the noncondensing side. 7. Cateuta Una, the overall coeffici ing the resistance on the contensing side. Fer to th + he Rs oF Rig) Eg. (20) 8. For the condensing side, estimate the pressure drop so that the baffle pitch (or number of lube pusses) can be established. a, Calculate average density, 7 based on inlet and outlet flow volumes. b. Assume a value of Pp (or Np) and calculate AP, Use liquid viscosity at average condensing temperature with equations for no change of phase. Adjust Py of Nq to obtain desired approximate pressure drop. Note that this is an tate pressure drop, used only in setting up Py or Np. A detinitive Ap will be Nan required for the desuperheating zone of the condenser. the gas cooling coefficient (hge ) using the usual method of no change of phase, ute Usy and Aan, Aah = quh/Uan Btan SND ENGINEERING COMPANY ~ FLORHAM PARK, [Sewn Tron 0 1 poorer eonvarcn | REGS _oesion paacrices [Dawe October. 19 10, Caleulite Agy. the area required for the hydrocarbon gondensation und steam desuperheating a Estimate the condensate film temperature in the zone, assumimy across the vapor film. no temperature drop For Shell Side Condensation Ux Pet UD et Ba. 23 WE CRD tO La a. (23) For Tube Side Condensation ty = te - (12) (te =) oe ) Eq. (24) |All temperatures refer to the zone only, not the overall condenser. Caleuta} c, Calculate My, average liquid flow rate. iy = M = e. Use Figure 2, iv Eq. (25) |. Determine zp for the vapor; and 2p, ke and sr for the liquid. . Calculate hy, the condensing coefficient. (1) if on the tube side, calculate Gz and Nee, obtain Y,, from Figure 4, and calculate My, the average vapor quantity in the hex Gy = (1.273 x 10°) NEM IN a, (26) Gi = (1.273 x 108) Np, Ned} Eq, (27) Ge = GL + Gy (muimey* Eq. (28) =A?) dGglzq, Yo trom Figuce 4 £4, (29) For hydrocarbon, see Figure 4-3, Subsection 9-D (p. 44) for Ky (Pr)oae (2) If om the shell side, A. Vertical Bundle P= (2900) Me 3Nidy ea" Hs EXXON RESEARCH AND ENGINEERING COMPANY — FLORHAM PARK, NJ. T ERGE | Proraicrary inrorwarion [Section Page IT | SGeE ESIGN Practices | roemucrAn onary Seen [ew B. Horizontal Bundte Calculate ng, the number of condensate streams in the bundle. a = L.29NE#9 for square tube layout, 90° a = 208N$" for rotated triangular layout, 60° 2 = 1,02N$-+** for triangular layout, 30” 1% = 137NE" for rotated square layout, 45° Calculate, the tube loading. For this step Ag, must be assumed. The final calculated value of Ay, should be checked back Tor agreement (10 to 15%) with the assumed value. oM Me Ea. (8 [ Ln, a. (8) Aas ca L, =A2 (10.152). Ny Eq. (30) a Calculate hy, the condensing coefficient uncorrected for vapor velocity. ay Eq. 7) ulate x,, the fraction of shell free-flow area occupied by the vapor Eq. G1) aa “ Calculate average mass velocity of the vapor in the zone x (10%) Se i) Eq. (20) EXKON RESEARCH ANO = Section 94 PROPRIETARY INFORMATION | ER&E Fer Autharsed Company Use Oay DESIGN PRACTICES 1c vapor cooling coefficient F.. the average vapor mass velocity, 0 calculate the uncorrected vapor cooling covtficient ligc. Use correlations for no change of phase. Use the same fila temperature ws calvulated for the condensing coefficient. Correct for the fact that heat flowing through the gas film must also overcome resistance of the condensate film, a 34 Nec Eq. G4) [ Ty M, sO “ \ Lge ices oT 2. G5) "7 helps account for the additional g2s cooling surface available trom Uroplets, ripples, etc. The temperatures T, and T, refer to the zone inlet and peratures, The value of Cy should fall in the ranke of 04 to 1.0. If the calculated value of C, 55 than 0.5, set C, equal (0 0.5; if the calculated value of Cy, is greater than LO, set C, equal to 1.0. (2) [fon the tube side: Cale 1. Cale: late xy (see equation above) 2G, = Gils Ea. (36) Use G, with the procedure for no change of phiase and calculate higc Caleutate hee Whee ‘he liquid cooling coefficient. For vertical bundles, assume For horizontal bundles (1) If on the shell side Calculate Ey (10%) Sip Be * SK 38) ‘sang Gy, with the procedure for no ct ling Sbtained by “bottom flow.” snange of phase, calculate hie. the liauid Culewlate che liquid cooling obtained by “drip cooling” hiye = 15 my ey EXXON RESEARCH ANO ENGINEERING COMPANY ~ FLORHAM PARK, x aD & m DESIGN PRACTICES PROPRIETARY INFORMATION | Section 9-I Page 13 For autmoniee Comsony Use Ooty [Gare Supacmber, 19TS Caleulate hye bee For all vapor entering: ye a, (40) fe hte (MEME) Aye tbe for liquid * wipor to the zone; ye &q. 1) (2) on the tube site hue = hy Eg. (42) +h. Calculate hg,, the weighted zone coefficient on the condensing side. ais 3 hg = ——S Ba (43) D4 soe, HE hy hee fue i, Calculate Ugs, the zone coefficient. has Vox, n= Bq hastUox, Compare A, calculated here with Ags assumed to calculate [7 If necessary, repeat calculations io obtain sgeament " Calculate Aye, the area required for the steam condensing zone. Calculations for this zone are performed in the same way as for the previous zone. Note the fotlowine: 8, The condensing coerficient for steam equals the hydrocarbon condensing coetficient. b. The cooling coefficient for condensed steam equals the hydrocarbon liquid cooling coerficient. . Calculate the total condenser area. A= Aan + Ags + Aue «45) If the area calculated in the previous step equals the area estimated in step (4), proceed to the next step, If the caivuiated area is not equal to the estimated area, repeat the calculation with a berter imated area nti Cal slate the overall duty coefficient, Uy gy= Eq. 46) Caleutate the e! covtficient, Up » +9,00018 bg. 47) MY = FLOAMAM PARK. Na. [Section 7 [Page 14 proprietary informaTion |ER&E pe cig PRACTICES (Dae September, 178 Far Avnoveed Campary Use Only to, Calculate pressure drop on the condensing side, 4. Reler to step 8 and caleulute two-phase pressure drops for the overall condenser at the average eontitions of each zone, b. Catoulate zone pressure drops Pane = SP ac zone Eg. (48) onditons ©. Cateutate ae BP = OPgy * APs + OP Eq. (89) VACUUM PIPESTILL OVERHEAD CONDENSER DESIGN PROCEDURE Since a vacuum pipestill overhend condenser heat duty primarily results from condensing steam, the detailed condenser calculation procedure presented in this subsection is not applicable for design of these units. Also, Program 3175 is not applicable for the design of vacuum pipestill condensers since it is by on the detailed condensution procedure presented in this subsection. Therefore, when sizing a vacuum pipestill overtead condenser the following calculation procedure is recommended. |. Use an overall heat transfer coefficient of 738 W/m?-*C. (Values between 625 to 738 W/m?°C have been used for past designs.) Use the steam dew point temperature, rather than the hydrocarbon dew point temperature, as the condensing zone inlet temperature for calculating the effective temperature difference. Design for 0.4 to 1.6 KPa pressure drop, The pressure drop should be estimated based on 1/° the calculated pressure drop using inlet vapor conditions. (Past designs frequently employed divided flow, TEMA Type J, shelis with double segmental, modified disk and donut, batfles at or near maximum baifle spacing to obtain low pressure drop values.) Estimate nozzle pressure drop based on three velocity heads loss for inlet and outlet norzies. EXXON RESEARCH AND ENGINEERING COMPANY ~ FLORHAM 228% [ ection Jel” Pas [GREE esion eracrices | merncan'qromssnon [Ewe [es NOMENCLATURE Aas = Area of hydrocarbon condensation and steam desuperheating zone, m? Ag = Ares of steam condensation gone, m? AS = Area/shell m* B, = Bundle factor for shell side heat transfer, dimensionless Bm for frat oe pte top timer © = Specific heat at caloric temperature, kJ/kg-°C = Specific heat of the shell side fluid at average film temperature, kl/kg?C Ds Skt. mm bt Tue tbe DF Diaety tae but ater abe i,m OD NSS 2 Tate ODsam Far = Correction factor to account for baffle type, dimensionless Fy = Correction factor for log mean temperature difference (due to partially concurrent flow), Fr =F shell correction factor, dimensionless . B= danlsomewoe icon damenmnen fase pee so omen tn dimensiones tunes pure do coma ey diner + Conlon lor nd to ucemne esgeper fon meson G = — Mass velocity, kg/s:m? Ge Equivalent mass velocity of liquid and vapor in 2-phase flow (See Figure 4), kg/s-m* Gu Average mass velocity of liquid, kg/s-m* Gy = Superticial mass velocity of liquid, kg/s-m? G, = Average mass velocity of vapor, kam: Gy Superticial mass velocity of vapor, ka/sm? hye Liquid cooling coefficient resulting from “dripping” in the condenser, W/m? °C beh = Film coefficient for condensing side of desuperheating zone. W/m? “C as. = Flim coefficient for condensing side of hydrocarbon condensing zone, W/m’ te Flmcers or snteing ie of seam conning sve Wine oe Nig Gas cooling coefficient uncorrected for condensate fin resistance, Wim? lige = Gas cooling coesficient, Wim? °C hug = Weisited liquid cooling coefticient, W/m?-*C. assuming half of liquid vooting is EXXON RESEARCH ANO ENGINEEAING coMes Section 9) fae ib | propmierary infoRMarion | ER&E Fa Se] FOOAetaay, monary DESIGN PRACTICES ye Sheltside gondensing coctficieat including fouling factor, W/m? °C ny = Shiellyice condensing film coefficient uncorrected for effect of vapor muss velocity Wine eC hy Stietlside condensing fim coetticient, W/m? °C by Tube-side condensing film covtficieat, Wim? °C k Thecmal conductivity at calorie temperature, Wim"C ke Thermal conductivity of Muid at average film temperature, W/m:°C be Theemal conductivity of the tube metal at average tube temperature, W/m" e Tube wail thickness, 2 Tube le be = Length of tube exposed to condensation, m M Mass rate, kes Me Quantity condensed in a zone (or overall), ka/s ” Quantity of liquid entering a zone, kals : Inlet tiquid rate, ka/s Me Outlet tiquid rare, ke/s M, = Average liquid flow rate, ke/s My Quantity of vapor entering a zone, ka/s My Average vapor flow rate, kajs : My, Inlet vapor flow rate, kas : My Outlet vapor flow rate, kg/s MW, = Moiecuiar weight, ks/kmole nm Fiuid density, ke/m? (No change of phase) . my, Average liquid density, ke/m? m, Inlet density of liquid to a zone, ke/m? m= Inlet density of liquid, kg/m? m,, = Outlet density of liquid, ke/m? my, = Average vapor density, ke/m? Inet density of vapor to a zone, kg/mm? m, = Inlet density of vapor, kg/m? my, = Outlet density of vapor, ke/m? Ny = Number of sheil baffles Na Number of tbe passes per shell Nee Reynolds number, dimensionless Ns Number of sills in series N = Number of tubes in the bundle x = Number of tubes across the center line of the bundle Nu Nussel umber, hd/k. dimensionless an Number of condensate eams in the shell EGON RESEARCH AND ENGINEERING COMPANY — FLORHAM PARK, Nu. | ER&E (aera) PROPRIETARY INFORMATION [Section 9-F [Page {7 DESIGN PRACTICES For Authorized Company Use Only One September, 1978 Tan = Total resistance = Tube side fouling factor referred to tube inside surface area, m’ = Outer s Basie pitel mm Inlet pressure, KPa abs Prandtl number, ca/k, dimensionless = Tube pitch, mm Pressure drop in desuperheating zone, kPa Pressure drop in hydrocarbon condensing zone, kPa Pressure drop in steam condensing zone, kPa ‘Tube pressure drop due to friction, kPa/tube pass ‘Tube pressure drop due to (urns, kPa/tube pass Total tube side pressure drop. kPa Shell side pressure drop due to friction, kPa/shtelt Shell side pressure drop due to turns, kPajshell Total shell side pressure drop, kPa Total heat transfer duty, W Heat transter duty in desuperheating zone, W = Hear transfer duty in hydrocarbon condensing zone, W = Heat transfer duty in steam condensing zone, W = Heat transfer duty from gas cooling in a zone, W Heat transfer duty from liquid cooling in f zone, W Heat transfer duty from condensation in a zone, W (clean) to heat transfer, m*.°C/W inside film resistance to heat transfer corrected to outside area, m? °C/W ‘Ouitside film resistance to heat transfer, m?4C/W Total resistance (duty) to heat transfer, m?."C/W ecw Tube side fouling factor referred to tube outside surface area, m?."C/W Outside fouling factor, m? °C/W Resistance of tude wall metal at average wall temperature, m? °C/W Free flow area between shell baffles, mm? Specific gravity of the condensate film = Hydrocarbon dewpoint, °C Steam dewpoint, °C Temperature of the Muid being heated. after it gains enough heat to have cooled the condensing stream from Tg to T3, °C ‘Ternperature of the fluid being heated. after it gains enough heat to itave cooled the condensing stream from Ty, to T;, °C Tube sheet design temperature, °C iniet temperoture of fluid being cooled, °C perature of Nuid being cooled, °C KON RESEARCH AND ENGINEERING COMPANY — FLORHAM PARK, Nu. Secon 9° | Page 18. PROPRIETARY INFORMATION | ER&E Dave Septcrahwe, 197 |_ Fat Auhotrd Company Use On DESIGN PRACTICES 4 = falet temperature of Nut being heated, °C hb = Ouilet temperature of uid being hyated, "C 4 = Average shell side tim temperature, °C a c = Calorie temperature of the tube uid, °C te Average tube wall temperature, °C Q Caloric temperature of the shell ui = Log mean temperature difference in desuperheating zone, °C Log mean temperature difference in htydrocarbon condensing zone, Lo: °C = Log meun temperature difference corrected for nonideal countercurrent low (“Effective Temperature difference"), *C im temperature difference in steam condensing zon By = Weighted effective fog mean ultferenee, = Loy mean temperature difference for true countercurrent flow, Ue Overall clean voetticient of heat transfer, Wie? °C Uyy = Overall heat transfer coefficient in desupecheating zone, Wim? °C Uy, = Overall heat transter coefficient in hydrocarbon condensing zone, W/m?."C Ue = Overall heat transfer coefficient in steam condensing zone, W/m? °C uy = Overall duty coefficient of heat transfer, Wim?.*C Uy, = Overall condenser heat transfer coe/ficient, neglecting the resistance of condensing tilm wim ?C : v Velocity, mis ve = Volume liguid entering a 20ne, m/s Ve, Inlet liquid volume, m?/s . Viz = Outlet liguid volume, m/s YW Voluine vapor entering a zone, m? /s VW Inlet vapor volume, m?/s Vy, = Outlet vapor volume, m/s Ww = Free width between baffles, mm xy Fraction of cross-sectional flow area occupied by vapor x, Fraction of cross-sectional flow area occupied by liquid Yo. = Shell side heat transfer correlation factor Yoo = Shtll side pressure drop correlation factor Vy = Tube side heat transfer correlation factor Vy = Tube side pressure drop correlation factor = Correlation suctor used in determining tubeside condensing coe = Viscosity at calorie temperature, Pas : = Viscosity of Muid at average film temperature, Pas . = Vicusiey of the tube side uid at tube wall temperature, Pass MON AESESACH AND ENGINEERING COMPANY — FLORHAM PARK, Nu. ER&E PROPRIETARY INFORMATION Section 9-F Page 19 DESIGN PRACTICES For Autheriend Company Use Only One September, 1978 Ratio outlet vapor rate co inlet vapor cate, shell side condensation In a condenser Weight fraction condensed Tube toading, ke/s-i Correlation factors used in calculating equilibrium flush curve Average latent heat of vaporization, Ki/ka NOINEERING COMPANY ~ FLORHAM PARK, Wd [Section 0c | Page 30 PROPRIETARY INFORMATION a ae] _ momma awronuarion DESIGN PRACTICES Table 1.0 CURVE CALCULATION PROCEDURE |. CALCULATION PROCEDURE From the predictey ASTM disullanon of the condensing hydrocarbon, determine ty, C39, ts tyes 8A tyo. The caleulate &1 trom 2 BY =F tte th a 2, From Figure @, determine A2 and 83 43. Caleulate enw 10, 20, 50, 7D, and 90 Val, 7% points on the atmospheric flash curve ater = tay * (Tam 82 > 2 . ‘Al, 62 Bitar tin + Zien) + (21-89) 8 2) ta = thw © OMB (gy y+ AT 83) 3 tint = tar + 5 82 tor = the + 0.28 ktgo = tho = 21) + (Ot A) +82 4, Estimate the temperatures at 10, 30, 50, 70, and 90 weight % fleshed and at the same mol % Hashes. ow = ot + 0.10 Ktsor = tot thot + 0.08 (thor = fot teow = Sof + O10 {toot = ttl aot + 0.05 (tyot « tyet! row * trot #210 Utgor- tsorh trom * Gor ~ 9.04 (tyot = tl tom * that 0.02 (teat - tos) them > Gat + 0104 [tyat + thas) trom = teat * 0.02 Uteae + totl tram + trot + 0.04 Itaot + tgtl 5 Prepare a graah (see Figure 7] with percent off on the X-axis and temperdture on the Y-axis. 2, Plot the five points caleulated for the volume flash curve, Connect the points as follows: [11 A straight fine from tyor through "yop, intersecting the 08% axis. (2) straigne line from troy Unrough tyor, interacting the 100% axis. (2) A straight line berween tyop and thot. 4) A strain tine between thor and S01 | Plot tne five weight porcent flashed paints and connect each adjacent point with a straight Fine, Conmect thay, th the O vol, % intercept, and gow with the 100 vol. % intercept. Hepeat this process with the five mol percent flashed points 6, Estimate Typ, the dew point of the hydrocaebon, (For the overhead of s fractionation tower, Ty = Ton) che stmosoherie presure dew point is the point xt 100% NOT eondense. , Calculate the sartal pressure af the condeasable hydroesrbon and adjust the stmospnerie-pressure deve voint partis) uresaire, using the alignment chart, Figure & 3. On the Hash curve prepared abow kkmol of Consensaple HC He Partial Press. « x Total keel af vapor EXXON RESEARCH AND ENGINEERING COMPANY ~ SLORNAM ER&E PROPRIETARY INFORMATION | Section -F° | Page 21 DESIGN PRACTICES For Authored Comoany Use Onty Dae September, 1978 Table 1 (Cont) 7. Estimate Tuy, the dew paint of steam in the system, This i the temperature at whieh the vagor pressure of water is ‘equal t0 the partial pressure of the water in the system. 4. This eatculstion is done in tabular form, as shown below: , The calculations for tne table should be carried ous at inereasing values of weight percent condensed until the Hirst point is found where the vapor pressure of water @ system temperature is lest than che calculated partial pressure of water in the system ‘& Prepare 3 grapn with cemperature an Y-axis and pressure of the X-axis, From the table just completed, plot the last or 4 steomoartiaioressute vs. system temperature points. On the same graoh, plot the lat 3 or 4 water-vanor Dressure va. system temperature points. The intersection of the {wo curves gives the aoatoximate steam dew point of the system (soe Figute 7) Wt. % Hydrocarbon Condensed (1) ‘Vapor Temp. @ Atm, Press, (2) Mol % HC not Condensea (2) Mol of HC not Condensed Mol af tlon-Condensables ("NC") Mol of Steam Total Mol of Vapor Toral Prossure, KPa abe, (2) Partial Pressure of Steam Porcial Press, af Conconsables System Temperature (5) ‘Vapor Press. of HO at System Temp, (5) HT TITHTT Notes: {TTT (1) Arbaeary values, (2) Ress from flaeh curves (2) Assume percent aressure dron = mal pereent condensed. (4) Vapor temp, at 101.3 KPa adjusted to the partial pressu Figure 8 of condensables by means of the alignment chart, (5) From steam tables oF from alignment chart, Figure 8. (Use the point marked H,0 as the “narmal boiling poine™. 8, Detarmine the amount and type of heat duty in each zone, Evaluate specific heat {e) and latent heat of vaporization (0) ac the srithmeric average 2one temperature, 1, Sensible heer transfered from material which passes through the zone without changing phase q=M-c+ (Temp Chenge) », Sensible heat sransierred from vapor or steam which condenses in the zone. Me a= +e: Temp Change! [eof va00r &, Sensible hea nsieered from hydrocarbon or water which has cardensed in the zone. > {Temp Charge) (eof Kew) red from condensing hydrocarbon oF steam. Me E(XON RESEARCH AND ENGINEERING COMPANY - FLORHAM PARK, NJ [Section 9-1 | Paye 22 [Ose September, 1775, fo amore! Canssor Un aly DESIGN PRACTICES Table 1 (Cont) ote rat stem (4) may include as many a5 4 caleulations: steam: non-comtensabies; vapor which Hoos not gondente: sith any entering ii Hiom (Zb] may nelude two ealeulations: vapar and steam. ‘tem (Be} and 18d) may each include two calculations: hydroca¢bon and water ‘The above caleulations, performed for each zone, will give Gan, Ase. 290 Ques These values pent the csleulstin ul the LMVTO"s and the overall LTD. ING COMPANY — FLORHAM PARK, Nu Cc ~ — DESIGN PRACTICES PROPRIETARY INFORMATION Section 9.12 Poet 23 For Aumouted Conoimy Ue Ooty Oaee Saniumibur STa Table 2 CONDENSATION CALCULATION FORM Process ee cate. By — Refinery and Location Dare Exchanger Number & - Service |. ZONE DUTIES AND TEMPERATURES** A, Vapor Oesuperhesting Zone (If Presenth; 1st Zone an = Flue (Shel) Teton Seng (Tum) THF Tn = TT = Re : _ Condensed then Fluid (Shain) Being (Tube) te btm + ta Heat Ta Tartan Tite * ars (Teta) = atom ( for this zone" 8. Hydrocarbon Condensing Steam Desuperheating Zone (2nd Zane) os w Fluid (Shem + tet aw totes Being (Tue) Teh oe anTas = = Condensed an Being iTupe) t wes fanten 7 . Heated Tor Tortce ‘ —_ Fortes) Je LMATO cotreesion factor for each zone, based on zone temperatures, “Use LUITD correction fuctar, based on terminal temperatuees be equal t© or yreater tnan 08, evaluate minimum number ot shells caries Ey must EXXON RESEARCH AND ENGINEERING COMPANY - FLORHAM PARK, NJ | Fovaunonse cansnor ulm | Gate) DESIGN PRACTICES Table 2 (Cont) E42 —— tor. ——— sets for this zane 04 Tan Tusd + fats © D4 Maptasd * te 8 OF (OT c ©. Steam Condensing Zone (3rd Zone) or —_—_w uid (She eq Tube) To = hoe Tats Re ~ Fluid (Shell) . Being (Tube) Se ad fete y= et este Tan — Tae tan - Tat a eu) an) * Big = Fo. (Tact To In no Fa for this zone °C where O = Qa 7 Sue * Se EXXON RESEARCH ANO ENGINEERING COMPANY — FLORHAM PARK, Nd f Seon SF [hme 25] ER&E PROPRIETARY INFORMATION ‘age DESIGH PRACTICES | forSimonn concer vn Oo [Ou Sepitnter ET] Table 2 (Contl SHELL SIDE CONDENSATION ‘A. Overall Tule Side Calevlation First Trial Second Teal Third Trist (a Change of Phase} 1, Atsumad vatue of U,, Wim?" 2 R= Oilotge. in . 3. Tube meral= Twat kee sie = [ag] me | want ‘Thick | & |L to {PE Pr ttt {1 Tube Pitch (Pq) and layout (Note 11° : Ay |AIN, (Note 2)" . > 218 A,/IL0. 182d, : Assumed Np 04 Ty) +7, Tube side flow rate M, kat - ty overall =O (ty +) Tube side properties at ty a, Density, m, kg/m? . 1B. Viscosity, 2, ep, Pass ©. Spveifie Heat, C, kulka"C 4. Thermal Condyerivity, k, Wie" (1.273 « 10° Net Ny d move ais vw - 27 10) , [tts 2) 238 12, Maude fluid ng = vg yet (ER ‘3 water a wet BP = LAB FANN [v +229 we — a" 14, For fluids other than water, evaluate the oversil tube fide heat transter cosifiient and pressure drop by ‘the araceaure outlined in Subsection O, Tube Side Iteration a -_— —— 16, Tuoe sige fouling fac ott 1b be — 18. Shell ude touting factor ¢5 . —_ 18g = Wall TREK ty : a —— 2 Uae . — *Senerat notes cuntsined an fast page af caleuiation form, Aci: NC ENGINEERING COMPANY ~ FLORMAM PARK, Nu. {Section 9-1 [Page 26 PROPRIETARY INFORMATION ER&E Fone Sepeunber, 1978 ] Fe" Autoitea Comosny Use Oniy DESIGN PRACTICES Table 2 (Cont) 8. Oweat Sol Site Cateuation First Tria Second Tea Thiet rat hones : ~ 2. For tui other than hydrocarbon, determine fle | ae ] a [ee] agar tim progurties. Por hyoearbons determine oat 2, I 1 | ri 1.39 for sana layout 3. re = 11.18 of 1.10) 1.10 for triangular layout —— A Dy + (ret Pedy -— —__—_ 5D =DV09 (Mure 9 - —— Ostdstye) aw NBT tote . — Fe 2. Assumed -_—__ Ny = Fy (832 UP) (Nore 6) - —__ 9. S=W(P,. 959) (Refer to Toble 5, Subsection 9} 10. Total shel side flow cate M, kas - 11. tale vapor density and volume _ —_ —- iat (wha (:) me 8.29 7, 273) No Inlet vapor rate myn, Kas - _ Van = Myclty . 12, Outlet vapor density and volume : ‘Outlier MW ( abs, ) () ow 8.23 7, +273/ Au Outlet vapor rate Hy. kee Var = Maslin ° 13. Inlet igi density and lume niet Hqusd rate My, kale vue = Mui, Outlet tauid densiey and volume Outer owt rare “ys, kas a EXACN S2S5ARCM AND ENGINEERING COMPANY = FLORHAM PARK, Nu: [ER&E pesign PRACTICES | PROPRIETARY Inronmarion [Seton 9-F [ror 27 | For Authontnd Gomosny Uw Ony [Date — September, 1978 Table 2 (Cont) First Trt Second Tri Third Tea fs BG (&) (ote 61 wwe 18, Ne (109) d(G/zp, (for tiauiad - ea 19, 2° From Table 4, Figute dt, Subsction © Fede Getcrmine Yop - 20. v¥/2000 —— — —— 2. OPiy = Yap Nee Ne . [Motes 4 & 6) 2) [av 22. O,, > gr) ast} (RO) e, 3) \ 2000, (Note 6 2 F,ni0P 4 + AP (Note 51 : HAP, is unreasonable, change Py, baffle type, or shel tyae and rererate sell side calculation ‘The sbove assumed geometry will now be checked using the following detailed procedure ©. Vapor Desuperbwating Zone {Shall Sie Condensation . st) Us toe (SEE) eS tarratetoh etd + z z ine (se oi) (4) “ 8.31 +273 u, 2. For tus ether shan hydrocarbons, davarmine (alate alate] sem oroperies For hydrocarbons, atemine coro Por nom fy ag = CON (E (0M = Total inter ka/s) = ——_ Fer (Note 6) 5 ov © Gim -— —— 8. Hae © 01 &y 16/20 : 1. rom Figure 4-2, Subsection 9, determine Vax a. ky feeeey)"® (For hyorocarbone -—__ _— —— Figure $4, Subsection O.) b, (4,019 : "1 ang 1, for this zone were calculated in step 1A, EXXON RESEARCH AND ENGINEERING COMPANY ~ FLORHAM PAAX, We — - (Section 9-8 [Pace 28 PROPRIETARY INFORMATION | ERBE [ome Spanier OTE For Auteted Compeny Ut Only DESIGN PRACTICES Table 2 (Cont) First Trial Second Teal Third Triat re ~ e" 8 gy = EE . Ree Vax (Ue Wis evalvated i step 11A.20) 1D. Hydrocarbon Condensing - Steam Desuperheating Zone (Shell Side Condensation! Asuume 2 zone atea, Ags Gas 2. Ugg asumed = — —— — Aaadte (age and Bt, for this zone were evaluated in step 1.8.) Bourne tte (- S) ee —— _—— Uo (and 4; for this cone were evaluated in stap 1.) 4. at Zone Inet Zone Ourlet — —_— —_—— , (Figure 2 - : 8, Awaz zone vapor cate, My isis mais #4) (Vavor condense in Zone, Me) + Vapor not condensed in Zone, My - _ Wi, - —__ ——_ als fa Mol. waht of vapor = Ae - ee _ 1). Average vaoor process atm temperature a. Density y= (25) ( —_— —— e278 ACH ANO ENGINEERING COMPANY ~ FLORHAM PARK. NJ Page 29) [Dae _Sepember, 1978 ER&E PROPRIETARY INFORMATION | Section 9-F DESIGN PRACTICES For Authoriens Comoany Use Only i Table 2 (Cont) First Triak Second Trial 3. Averaye condensare properties at file yemparature 2. Specilic graviry, 5, : . Thermal conduetivty, ky - &. Viscosity. % . 10. Condensing Coefficient (Horizontal Bundle) 2. my = 1.29 84,2-4" (80° Sq Tube Layout) . ng = 1.02. N,°°*"490" Triangular Layout) - (For other layouts, see text} Aas pure 28 (0.182) 6 : a Yo yey Hea DOhj, use 2.0 hx (For pure components hy, = hi) 31. Condensing Coetticiont (Versa? Bundle) Vapor cocting coefficient a Neg = (10) deter : om Figquee 4.2, Subsection D, Determine Yon ©. Hlewtikel gg, (For hydrocarbons: Figure 4, = ——— Suvseetion 0.1 4, 14°,/01° *Mote that f sone ill be a multiple of the tube length. ND ENGINEERING COMPANY — FLORHAM PARK. 1. Third Teiat | [Sete 9 [he 30] pwommevany wromwaron” [ER&E <= = Ss aan FR&E DESIGN PRACTICES [Daw Soprampen, 1978 |_Tar Nome Comaey vw mr | (BET) Table 2 (Cont) Fest Teal Second Tria hid Tria = where: Cy #1 = hee —__ 13. Liauid cooling coetticient Horizontal Bundles) 4, Bottom cooling coefficient hore fe an a = MO @) Noe 6 Se Far, on (2) Ng, = (10) dy E/ey condensate = = —_ — [21 From Figure 42, Subsection 0, determine Yan. = Lal kp leeks) yg, (Por hydrocarbons: Figure 4-3, Subseetino D.) » ——_ —— (4p,,010* > — —_——_ a Yn ex fae) we ew G2) — INote 4) », Drip cooling caetticient bog = 1S hy - otal liquid cooling coeificient (Horizontal Bundtes) guid entering zone, My — —— (Total vaso sntering zane} EXKON RESEARCH AN ENGINEERING COMPANY — FLORHAM PARK. Nt ER&E Design PRACTICES PROPRIETARY INFORMATION For Authontes Company Us Only Table 2 (Cont 14. Liquid cooling coefficient (Vertieat Bundles) Mee = Ma 15, Wrighted hydrocarbon condensing zone coe!ficient. 3, Zone condensing duty, ay, . Zone veper cooling duty, age . Zone liquid coating duty, ay ¢ Oe hae Fleet Trad Section 9-F Page 31 Second Teal Date September, 1978 Third Teiat by Acc Me aoe Us - get Use [gy was ovatuated in ep I A.20) 16, Zone area Ag = UsBtean {easy and Sty for this zone were evaluated in seep LB.) LY cateulated area is not reasonably close to that assumed, reiterate the H.C, condensing zone E. Steam Condensing Zone (Sheu! Side Concensation} 1 Ue Bote t eS tteteh 1 Ep oe 2 ox (ty an ty for this zone were evaluated in step 1.6.) 2. AT Zone InletiAT Zone Outtet 3. Fy, Figure 2 4, Average zone vapor rate (F,) (Vapor condensed in zone, Me} + Non Condensabies a, Average Mol Wt of Vapor # kmave “Where Use = assumed zane eoetticient. EXXON AESEARCH ANC ZnGi biti Moteur | PARK, Me. “Section 9 Pane [Dae September, 1978 PROPRIETARY INFORMATION [Far Aumonted Comeany Um Only DESIGN PRACTICES Table 2 (Cont 5. Average vapor properties at film temperature a, Density, Wy ca b, Viteosty (Used tor hgg este) 5. Average zone (avid rate, Mi, fem th, 7, Aueroge Condensate Properties at Fim Temperature 2. Specific gramty, a bs, Thermal conductivity ky 2 Viscosity 24 (Notn that hydrocarbon tlm gropertis should be seo) 4. Condensing Goeiticient (Hria, Bundle) 2. 9" 1.29 N,9 [90° Sq Tube Layout) 9, = 1.02 N,*"" (30° Triangular Layout) (or other layouts, ee text) BAe = As Ban Aa Ase bet = ME iw 0.182) Ny a oa «(Qn A Peavey. \ 8 wre (@s) (% (Zico. * 008 ( ) we 5 3x, (Fa, ay Laie MoteuHe ‘ls | I | First Trial Second Trial Third Tei “Hzone occunies more than one shell, Lz in this equation will S¢ zome muitiole ‘use length EXXON RESEARCH AND ENG

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