Oncology Journal Reading
Oncology Journal Reading
Oncology Journal Reading
- Benjamin A.Y. Cher,. Department of Radiation Oncology, University of Michigan
The College of Nursing pursues
Medical School, Ann Arbor, Michigan 2022.
the Mission of the University
which states: “The Tarlac State
University is committed to
develop, promote and sustain Introduction
the efficiency of quality and
relevant programs in higher
- According to clinical studies and my understanding, hypofractionated treatment plans
education for people
are suitable for the treatment of several malignancies. Due to the potential effects on
empowerment, professional,
development and global the patient volumes at treatment centers, it is crucial to comprehend and record the
use of hypofractionation.
The goal of the college is on the
development of the whole - Study demonstrates an increase in the use of hypofractionated regimens for a number
person in the service of man for
the greater glory of God, through of malignancies during the course of the study period, most of which took place at
creating a quality educational
this hospital prior to the start of the COVID-19 epidemic.
experience and environment that
promotes values, professional
competence, leadership and
social responsibility. Findings & Conclusions
- According to the journal before the COVID-19 pandemic, a number of studies
detailed the trends of hypofractionated treatment regimen adoption for certain disease
To prepare graduates for the locations, including breast, prostate, and bone metastases. A lesser number of studies,
practice of nursing in various
settings by providing a broad including one from a single hospital and another that looked at the National Cancer
basic education necessary for
the proper understanding of
principles and methods of
modern scientific nursing.
Personal comments
- In the study I found that there is a growing adoption of hypofractionation at the
institution during the research period for all malignancies and in particular for both
breast and prostate cancer in this study, which I feel is a model for how other
institutions may analyze their own practice patterns. In conclusion this study reveals
an increase in the usage of hypofractionated regimens for various malignancies
during the course of the study period, most of which happened before the COVID-19
outbreak at our institution. And it will help me for my future reference in every
clinical practice in order for me ro have the knowledge basis I need to make decisions
regarding capital expenditures in technology that will best promote the public's
health, further research will be required to analyze trends in different contexts.