1st Grade Decodable Reader Unit 4

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Unit 4

Decodable Readers
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Go, Jones! . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
So Much Fun. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
June’s Pictures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .19
My Mule, Duke. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27

At the Beach . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35
Who Will Teach Us? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43
Plunk, Plunk . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51
The King’s Song . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59
Ray Trains Dex . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67
Sweet Treats . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75
What Will We Do? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 83
Let’s Eat . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 91

It Was Snow Fun . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 99

Boat Rides . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 107
Fun with Gram . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .115
Rex Knows . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 123

Bedtime for Ray . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .131

Pancake Ran . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 139
A Springtime Rain . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 147
Rosebud . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 155

Word Lists . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 163

by Trey Barney
illustrated by Linda Chesak-Liberace

Jones woke up. It was time to

go, go, go! Jones will get Mike.
Mike had a bone.
“This bone is just for Jones,” said
Mike. “It is just for him.”
Jones ran to get his bone. Jones
ran around and around. Then Jones
went to dig in the sand.
Jones dug a big hole. What will
go in this big hole? The bone that
Mike gave Jones will go in it.
But look! A big, big bone is in
the hole! It is such a big bone.
Can Jones dig it up? Can Jones
carry it?
Jones went home to get Mike
because the bone was so, so big.
Mike can help Jones dig it up.
Jones ran and got Mike. Mike
dug and dug. So did Jones. Jones
rode home with the big, big bone.
What can that big, big bone be?
by Rosarita Mencia
illustrated by Diana Schoenbrun

Before the sun rose, Jack got on

his bike. Jack rode and rode.
Jack rode his bike to Dan’s home.
Jack had a note for Dan. Jack put
tape on his note and stuck it up.
Dan woke up. Dan put on his
robe. Dan got Jack’s note. Then
Dan went back in with his note.
Meg woke up. Meg put on her
robe. Meg got Jack’s note. Then
Meg went back in with her note.
Mo woke up. Mo put on his robe.
Mo got Jack’s note. Then Mo went
back in with his note.

Go to Big Pond.
Get to the pond
before 9:00.
Bring snacks.

Dan, Meg, and Mo sat. Jack got
up. Jack spoke.
“I will tell a joke,” said Jack.
“Let’s hope it is funny,” said Mo.
Jack had so much fun telling jokes!
So did Dan. So did Meg. So did Mo.
by Jolene Odegaard

June likes to take pictures.

It is so much fun. Click, click, click.
June likes those little pigs.
She thinks the pigs are so cute!
Click, click, click.

Six cute dogs sit on steps. June
likes dogs. Click, click, click.

Cats are cute when they nap.
Cats doze a lot! June likes cats.
Click, click, click.

That gull stands on a pole.
June likes gulls and sand dunes.
Click, click, click.

That mule is standing in a nice
pose. June likes mules. Click,
click, click.

The ducks have soft white plumes.
June likes ducks. Click, click, click.

Bruce has a nice smile. Click.
June will show Bruce this picture.
June hopes Bruce will like it. Do you
think he will?

My Mule,
by Richard Stemple
illustrated by
Jackie Snider

Duke is a big mule. Duke is a

huge mule. Duke lets June ride on
his back.
June is light. It is fun to sit on
Duke’s back. Duke will carry June
home. They go clip, clop, clip, clop.
No! No! Duke sits down! June
must go home. Get up! Be a good
mule, Duke. Get up! Duke just sits.
What can June do? Duke just
sits. June must go home. Duke sits
still. Duke will not get up. June lets
Duke sit. June picks up the flute.
June can skip home. Skip, skip,
skip. June can hop home. Hop, hop,
hop. June can use the flute. June
makes a tune.
June will play a tune. June skips
to the tune. June hops to the tune.
Skip, hop, hop, skip, hop, hop.
June skips and hops to the tune.
Duke likes June’s tune. Duke gets
up. Duke runs, clip, clop, clop, to
June. Duke runs, clip, clop, clop, to
the tune. Clip, clop, clip, clop.
June will play the flute. Duke
likes June’s tune. Duke will carry
June home. Clip, clop, clop. Clip,
clop, clop.

At the Beach
by Elaine Sciofus
illustrated by David Sheldon

Pete is my best pal. We meet at

the beach each week. We run and
jump and yell. It’s fun!
Pete is six. So am I. Pete has a
green cap. My hat is green. We eat
sweet peaches at the beach. Yum,
yum, yum.
Then we take a walk. Pete and I
hunt for shells. We keep about five
shells each.
Then we sit by the sea. Pete gets
his feet wet. My feet get wet, too.
Splash, splash, splash! We don’t go in
the sea. It’s fun to just get wet feet.
We dig holes. Dig, dig, dig! The
sea runs in them. The holes fill up
fast. We get wet sand.

We get a lot of wet sand. We
make a neat sand beast.

The sand beast is like an eel.
Maybe it’s a snake! We run and
jump over it.
Then Pete has to go home. So
do I. We had lots of fun. We will
meet at the beach next week.

Who Will Teach Us?
by Forest Von Gront

Mom is teaching Beth about

planting seeds. Beth makes holes.
She plants seeds. Beth will water the
seeds and see them grow.

Miss Kim is teaching Lin a tune.
Each week Lin meets with Miss Kim.
Lin can read each note. She can play
Dad is teaching Sam how to swim.
Dad is holding Sam while he kicks his
feet. Sam will be so glad when he
can swim.
Bob likes to teach kids how to
play this game. He meets with them
each week. He teaches them to use
their feet and kick.

Mom is teaching Reed and Pete
how to bake. She will teach them to
be safe. She is helping them place
drops on the sheet.

Nell’s mom is teaching Nell how
to clean the car. Nell wipes it with a
mitt. Nell will clean it so it shines.

Gramps is teaching Bill about
fishing. Bill can hold his fishing pole
just like Gramps. Gramps tells Bill to
be still when fish are close.
Could you teach a friend? What
could you teach?

Plunk, Plunk
by Charles Barker
illustrated by Karen Stormer Brooks

Plunk, plunk! Drop, drop! Drops

fall on Frank’s cheek. What made
those drops?
The drops got big. Plunk, plunk.
Did Frank see what made those
drops? No, but Frank did see a hint.

A green hose is in the green
grass. Frank thinks it made the
drops. He is sure it did.

The green hose leads Frank to
this big tree trunk.
“Who is back there? I think it’s
Jean. Is it? Is it Jean?” asks Frank.
“Yes, Frank. It’s me. Did
you get wet?” asks Jean. “I
hope you think it was fun.”
“It was fun,” Frank tells Jean.
“Will you help me rake? We can
sing as we rake. Rake, rake, rake.
Sing, sing, sing.”
“Which song will we sing?”
Jean asks.
“Let’s make up a song!
Ink-a-dink-a-dee!” sings Frank.
“Sing with me!”
“Helping you is fun,” Jean tells
Frank, “and it’s fun to sing!”
“Ink-a-dink-a-thanks!” Frank sings.
The King’s Song
by Clint Moscari
illustrated by Valerie Sokolova

“Singing is my best thing,” said

King Ming. He sang to Queen Ling.
He sang sweet tunes.
At five, Queen Ling sat. King
Ming got set to sing his song, but no
tune came out. King Ming did not
sing his song.
“Don’t be sad, King Ming,” said
Queen Ling. “Maybe a bird can help
you sing.” Queen Ling wrote this
note: Needed: Bird that can teach King
Ming to sing.
Red Bird came, but he had no
songs. Pink Bird came, but he had
no songs.

Then Green Bird came. He had
sweet, sweet songs. His songs made
King Ming and Queen Ling smile.
Then Queen Ling spoke.

“King Ming has lost his song. Can
you teach King Ming to sing?” asked
Queen Ling.
“I think I can teach him as quick
as a wink,” said Green Bird.
“I will bring him sweet notes
each time I come,” said Green Bird.
In just a week, King Ming had his
song back.
“Singing is my best thing,” sang
King Ming.
by Angie Tubbman
illustrated by Shirley Beckes

“Sit,” Ray tells Dex. Dex sits.

“Good dog!”
“Stay,” Ray tells Dex.
At first Dex stays. He stays and
waits when Ray tells him.
But then, Dex will not sit and
wait. He runs.
Dex runs fast. Ray and Dad run
as fast as Dex.
“Stop, Dex,” yells Ray. “Sit! Sit!”
Dex sits and waits.
“I think I hear a dog whine,” Dad
tells Ray. “Maybe it needs help.”
“Go,” Ray tells Dex. Dex runs. So
do Ray and Dad.
Dex sees a dog. The dog’s tail is
going thump, thump. She is glad to
see Dex. Dex sniffs, sniffs, sniffs.

“This dog has a cut,” Dad tells
Ray. “It is not a bad cut.”
Ray sees a rock on the ground.
“I think she got cut on this rock.
Do you think so, Dad?” asks Ray.
Dad nods as he checks the cut.
Call Kay if you
find this dog.

“She is not a stray dog,” Dad tells

Ray. “She has a tag. We will get
her food. Then we will call and tell
Kay to get her dog.”
Sweet Treats
by Cy rus Rutherman

Grapes are a sweet treat.

These kids like to snack on grapes
every day. Would you like a bunch
right now ?

75 A
Grapes grow on big vines.
Grapes can be green. Grapes can
be red, deep blue, and black.

Lines and lines of grape plants
grow in the ground. Grape plants
need sun. Grape plants need rain.

77 A
Grapes stay on vines a long time.
After a wait, grapes will be ripe.
Grapes take time to get big and
plump and sweet.

Ripe grapes cannot stay on vines.
Ripe grapes need to be picked when
it is time. Ripe grapes must be picked
by hand.

79 A
Trucks bring grapes to shops and
stands. Fresh grapes cannot stay on
trucks. Grapes may rot if they stay
too long.

See the sweet fresh grapes at this
stand. Which fresh grapes would you
snack on ?

81 A
Kay has a huge tray filled with
fresh green grapes. She can’t wait,
so she takes a big bunch!
“Yum! Yum! Yum!”

What Will We Do?
by Mandy Jackson
illustrated by Nicole Wong

It’s a hot, hot day. It is too hot

to run and play. What can we do?


We’d like to swim, but we

can’t. Bay Lake isn’t open.
What’ll we do if we can’t swim?

We can’t play on the deck.

It has wet paint. What’ll we do
if we can’t play on the deck?

We’ll read! It’ll be fun! Let’s
sit and read!
This tale is the best. A big, bad
beast chases three nice pigs. It wails
and wails. It trails those pigs home.
It keeps on wailing and wailing!
Wait! That’s not right! It
doesn’t wail! It huffs and puffs!
Huff, huff, huff! Puff, puff, puff!
No, no, no! You must be
mixed up. Beasts don’t huff
and puff. Beasts wail!
Well, sometimes beasts huff
and puff. This beast huffs and
puffs. This beast huffs and
puffs and chases YOU!
by Robert Stewart
illustrated by John Segal

The day had ended. It was time to

eat. Nell had a plate filled with meat.
“It’s time to get Ben,” said Nell.
“He’d hate to be late.”
While Nell was out, Fay came in.
Fay had a pot filled with rice. She
put rice on a plate.
“Nell likes rice and peas. She’ll
like this,” said Fay.

While Nell was out, Blaine came
in. Blaine had a pot filled with
beans. Blain put beans in a big dish.
“Ben likes beans. He’ll like this,”
said Blaine.

Then Jess came in. Jess filled
each cup with grape drink.
“Nell likes grapes. She’ll like this.
She will,” said Jess

Nell and Ben came home.
“Isn’t this a treat?” asked Ben.
“Yes, it is,” said Nell. “I didn’t
make this, but I know who did.”

Nell gave Ben a note.
Please come quick.
Let’s have fun.
Your pals,
Nell and Ben
Nell set five gray plates and five
red cups. Ben went and got Fay,
Blaine, and Jess.

Nell, Ben, Fay, Blaine, and Jess
had a fine meal.
“Let’s clean up,” said Jess.
Under each plate was a thank
you note!

by Shira Alami
illustrated by Jamie Smith

Snow fell on the grass. Snow fell

on oak trees. Snow fell and fell.
Bill was sleeping when it snowed.
When he woke up the snow was
there. Bill got up fast. Bill likes
snow. He likes snow a lot.
Bill ran and woke up Joan. He
will show Joan the snow.
“Get up, Joan. Get up, get up!
It snowed, Joan!” said Bill.
Joan got up.
“We can get dressed and put on
hats and coats. Then we can go and
play in the snow,” said Joan.
Bill fell in the snow on his back.
Joan fell in the snow, too. Bill made
snow wings. Bill and Joan had snow
all over them.
Bill made a little white snow cat.
Joan put a bow on it. It was cute.
“Can we make a snow dog,
Joan?” asked Bill when he was done.
“Not in this wind. It is blowing
the snow. We must go in. Quick.
Let’s go!” said Joan.
“Yes,” said Bill. “Let’s go!”
“Did you have fun?” asked Mom.
“It was great when the wind didn’t
blow. Then it was snow fun!” said Bill.
Joan just laughed.
Boat Rides
by Redmond Turner

Is it time for a ride? A boat ride

can be so much fun.
This boat has sails as white as
snow. The big white sails make the
boat go. Wind blows and fills the

Strong winds can make the boat
go fast! It is fun to sail, but you
must stay safe. You need a life vest.

This flat boat has no sails. It
is slow. You use a pole to make it
float. It can carry loads down this
This boat is a raft. It is fun to
ride fast on white waves. Hats and
life vests help keep this ride safe.

This boat has no sail. It is not a
raft. To make this boat go you must
row. If you stop rowing, the boat will
just float and drift off.
This man rows with his left hand.
Then he rows with his right hand. He
will just keep rowing. Soon his boat
will pick up speed.
This boat is a huge ship. It can
take long trips at sea. If you were
on this ship, you could eat, sleep, and
play games on it. Would that be
Fun with Gram
by Frances Berry
illustrated by Judith Lanfredi

Joan can’t wait to go to

Gram’s. She knows it will be fun.
So far, they’ve cut rows of paper
dolls. What’s next?
Gram and Joan have a nice
snack. Then Gram has a plan.
“Let’s go,” she tells Joan. “I
know where we can have fun!”
Gram shows Joan a huge, oak
trunk. It’s loaded with things. Joan
sees coats and hats and a dress.
“Gram,” she asks, “where did
you get this green silk dress?”
“It’s from Pops. Put it on.”
Gram and Joan laugh.
Gram’s green dress is so soft.
The silk floats around Joan. Gram’s
face glows. Joan looks nice.
Joan takes off the dress.
Then she sees a green silk hat.
She puts it on. It fits!
Mom and Rob come in.
Gram tells Rob to see what
Pops left in the trunk. Rob sees
a big tan hat and a gray vest.
“We’re playing dress up!” Joan
and Rob laugh. “When we’re at
Gram’s, we know we’ll have fun!”
Rex Knows by Paul Russell
illustrated by Susan Lexa

“Wake up,” Joan tells Rex. “It’s

time for work.”
Rex likes his job, so he gets up.
Joan fills each bowl.
“Eat up so you can do a great
job,” Joan hints as Rex eats.
“Stay still,” laughs Joan. “Slow
down. We’ve no time to play. I must
brush your coat so it feels soft.”
Then Joan gets her coat and the
leash. Rex and Joan go to work.
Joan knows that Rex likes his job so
much! Joan likes it, too.
On the way, Rex sees Nat and his
dog Duke. Nat knows that Rex can’t
stop to play. Nat knows Rex must
get to his job on time.
Joan stops and talks with Kate.
“So, is it time for work, Rex?”
asks Kate. “Must Rex go?”
“Yes, we’re on our way,” Joan
tells Kate. “We’ll have fun.”

Joan and Rex get to work. Rex

sits still while Joan rings the bell.
Ring, ring, ring. Soon Rick lets
Joan and Rex in.
Rex is good at playing. He can
do tricks and make each friend smile.
Rex knows they’re glad to see him.
by Tami Lo Verso
illustrated by Yvette Banek


It was bedtime. Ray didn’t want

to go to bed yet. He wanted to play
his game. He wanted to win.

Ray is six. He can tell time. Ray’s

dad has a rule about bedtime. On a
weekday, Ray’s bedtime is at 8:00. It
was that time.
So Ray went up the steps.
Shep went with him. Shep likes to
be with Ray, and Ray likes to be
with Shep.
Shep likes to watch Ray. Shep
gets in the bathtub to see Ray brush
his teeth. Ray can’t let Shep do that.
Shep can’t be in the tub!
Ray must try to get Shep out. So
Ray gets in the bathtub. Ray can’t
lift Shep up, but he gets Shep out.
Shep grins as if it is a game.
At last, Ray gets in his bed. His
mother reads him a nice bedtime
tale. Shep is so big that he can’t
sleep on Ray’s bed.
Shep can’t get on Ray’s bed, but
Shep has a rug. Shep sleeps on the
rug at Ray’s bedside.
Ray’s dream is about his game.
In his dream, Ray wins the game.
What do you think Shep’s
dream is?
Pancake Ran
retold by George O’Neal
illustrated by Carol Koeller

At sunrise, Midge and Madge got

up. Midge and Madge made a big,
big pancake.
“This is just for me,” said Midge.
“No, it is not,” hissed Madge.
While Midge and Madge yelled,
Pancake jumped up.

Then Pancake ran out the door.
Midge and Madge ran after
Pancake. Midge and Madge did not
catch him.

Pancake ran down a hillside and
met Sheep.
“I will catch you,” boasted Sheep.
“Midge and Madge did not catch
me,” yelled Pancake as he ran. “You
cannot catch me, Sheep.”

Pancake ran past an old windmill
and met Goat.
“I will catch you,” grunted Goat.
“Midge, Madge, and Sheep did
not catch me,” yelled Pancake. “You
can try, but you cannot catch me.”
Pancake sat on the roadside
and rested.
“Where are you going ?”
asked Fox.

“I am going on a trip,” said
“I cannot hear you,” said Fox.
“Get close.”
But, Pancake just ran.

Then Pancake jumped on a
sailboat with big white sails. He
sailed and sailed and sailed.

A Springtime Rain
by Hilda Ramirez

We like rain. We are glad

when it rains. It’s fun to be
out in a springtime rain.
Kay likes to walk her dog in
the rain. Rain can wash pathways
and make them clean.
Kay sees raindrops shine on
plants. Rain helps plants grow
and spread.

Dad takes Quinn to class.
Quinn is dressed for rain. He has
his raincoat. He has a matching
rain hat on his head.

Beth and Gwen are dressed
for rain, too. Their mom watches
as they head to school. Gwen
holds Beth’s hand.

When it rains a lot, we stay in.
Swings and slides get wet, so we
can’t use them. We get a long
playtime in class.

Jane peeks out. She sees
raindrops on the glass. Jane
looks up.
“Quick!” Jane yells. “You
must see this!”

We see a huge rainbow!
The rainbow glows. Sunshine
is on its way.
by Mary Martinez
illustrated by Benrei Huang

My mother had a big white boat.

Mom’s big white boat was an old
sailboat. Mom let me name it.
I chose “Rosebud.” Mom got red
paint and paintbrushes. We painted
that name on the boat. I painted a
red rosebud.
Mom and I went sailing. We
sailed in the daytime. On nice days,
we set sail at sunrise. Sometimes we
sailed all day long.
If it rained, we stayed inside the
boat. We played games. We read.
But sailing was more fun than being
When the sun peeked out, we’d
go up and sit topside. The sailboat
rocked and we sang songs. We sang,
“Row, row, row your boat.”
One time we went on a long trip.
We sailed and sailed. It was sunset,
but it was not bedtime yet.
The sun’s rays spread. The sea
glowed yellow and red. Then no
more rays. The sun had set.
It was time to head to bed. It
was bedtime on Rosebud.
Word Lists
LESSON 16 “Let’s Go to the Moon”

Go, Jones! page 3

Decodable Words High-Frequency Words

Target Skill: Long o (CV, CVCe) New
bone, go, hole, home, Jones, rode, so, around, because, carry
Previously Taught
Previously Taught Skills a, be, for, look, said, the,
and, big, but, can, did, dig, dug, gave, to, was, what
get, got, had, help, him, his, in, is, it, just,
Mike, ran, sand, such, that, then, this,
time, up, went, will, with

So Much Fun page 11

Decodable Words High-Frequency Words
Target Skill: Long o (CV, CVCe) New
go, home, hope, joke, jokes, Mo, note, before, bring
robe, rode, rose, so, spoke, woke
Previously Taught
Previously Taught Skills a, for, funny, her, I, put,
9:00, and, back, big, bike, Dan, Dan’s, said, the, to
did, fun, get, got, had, his, in, is, it, Jack,
Jack’s, let’s, Meg, much, on, pond, sat,
snack, stuck, sun, tape, tell, telling, then,
up, went, will, with

LESSON 16 “Let’s Go to the Moon”

June’ s Pictures page 19

Decodable Words High-Frequency Words

Target Skill: Long u (CVCe) New
Bruce, cute, dunes, June, mule, mules, show, think, thinks
Previously Taught
Target Skill: Long o (CV, CVCe) a, are, do, have, he, little,
doze, hopes, pole, pose, so, those picture, pictures, she, the,
Previously Taught Skills they, to, you
and, cats, click, dogs, ducks, fun, gull,
gulls, has, in, is, it, like, likes, lot, much,
nap, nice, on, pigs, sand, sit, six, smile,
soft, standing, stands, steps, take, that,
this, when, white, will

My Mule, Duke page 27

Decodable Words High-Frequency Words
Target Skill: Long u (CVCe) New
Duke, Duke’s, flute, huge, June, June’s, carry, light
mule, tune, use
Previously Taught
Target Skill: Long o (CV, CVCe) a, be, do, down, good,
go, home, no play, the, they, to, what
Previously Taught Skills
and, back, big, can, clip, clop, fun, get,
gets, his, hop, hops, is, it, just, lets, likes,
makes, must, not, on, picks, ride, runs,
sit, sits, skip, skips, still, up, will

LESSON 17 Accompanies “The Big Trip”

At the Beach page 35

Decodable Words High-Frequency Words

Target Skill: Long e (CV, CVCe) Vowel New
Pairs ee, ea about, by, don’t, maybe
beach, beast, each, eat, eel, feet, green,
Previously Taught
keep, meet, neat, peaches, Pete, sea,
a, do, for, I, my, of, over,
sweet, we, week
the, to, too, walk
Previously Taught Skills
am, an, and, at, best, cap, dig, fast, fill,
five, fun, get, gets, go, had, has, hat, his,
holes, home, hunt, in, is, it’s, jump, just,
like, lot, lots, make, next, pal, run, runs,
sand, shells, sit, six, snake, so, splash,
take, them, then, up, wet, will, yell, yum

Who Will Teach Us? page 43

Decodable Words High-Frequency Words

Target Skill: Long e (CV, CVCe) Vowel New
Pairs ee, ea about, car, could
be, clean, each, feet, he, meets, Pete,
Previously Taught
read, Reed, see, seeds, she, sheet, teach,
a, are, friend, grow, hold,
teaches, teaching, week
holding, how, play, the,
Previously Taught Skills their, to, water, who,
and, bake, Beth, Bill, Bob, can, close, Dad, what, you
drops, fish, fishing, game, glad, Gramps,
he, helping, his, holes, is, it, just, kick,
kicks, kids, Kim, like, likes, Lin, makes,
Miss, mitt, Mom, mom, Nell, Nell’s, note,
on, place, planting, plants, pole, safe,
Sam, shines, so, still, swim, tells, them,
this, tune, use, well, while, will, wipes,

LESSON 17 Accompanies “The Big Trip”

Plunk, Plunk page 51

Decodable Words High-Frequency Words

Target Skill: Final ng, nk New
dink, Frank, Frank’s, ink, plunk, sing, sure, there
sings, song, thanks, think, thinks, trunk
Previously Taught
Target Skill: Long e (CV, CVCe) Vowel a, fall, I, the, to, was,
Pairs ee, ea what, who, you
cheek, dee, green, he, Jean, leads, me,
see, tree, we
Previously Taught Skills
and, as, asks, back, big, but, can, did,
drop, drops, fun, get, grass, help, helping,
hint, hope, hose, in, is, it, it’s, let’s, made,
make, no, on, rake, tells, this, those, up,
wet, which, will, with, yes

The King’ s Song page 59

Decodable Words High-Frequency Words

Target Skill: Final ng, nk New
bring, King, Ling, Ming, Pink, sang, sing, don’t, maybe
singing, song, songs, thing, think, wink
Previously Taught
Target Skill: Long e (CV, CVCe) Vowel a, bird, Bird, come I, my,
Pairs ee, ea out, said, to, you
be, each, Green, he, needed, Queen,
sweet, teach, week
Previously Taught Skills
and, as, asked, at, back, best, but, came,
can, did, five, got, had, has, help, him,
his, in, is, just, lost, made, no, not, note,
notes, quick, Red, sad, sat, set, smile,
spoke, that, then, this, time, tune, tunes,
will, wrote

LESSON 18 “Where Does Food Come From?”

Ray Trains Dex page 67

Decodable Words High-Frequency Words

Target Skill: Vowel Pairs ai, ay New
Kay, Ray, stay, stays, stray, tail, trains, first, food, ground
wait, waits
Previously Taught
Previously Taught Skills a, call, do, find, good,
555-1234, and, as, asks, at, bad, but, hear, her, I, maybe, the,
checks, cut, Dad, Dex, dog, dog’s, fast, to, you
get, glad, go, going, got, has, he, help,
him, if, is, it, needs, nods, not, on, rock,
run, runs, see, sees, she, sit, sits, sniffs,
so, stop, tag, tell, tells, then, think, this,
thump, we, when, whine, will, yells

Sweet Treats page 75

Decodable Words High-Frequency Words

Target Skill: Vowel Pairs ai, ay New
day, Kay, may, rain, stay, tray, wait ground, right, these
Previously Taught Skills Previously Taught
and, at, be, big, black, bring, bunch, can, a, after, are, blue, by,
cannot, can’t, deep, filled, fresh, get, every, grow, now, of, the,
grape, grapes, green, hand, has, huge, if, they, to, too, you, would
in, is, it, kids, like, lines, long, must, need,
on, picked, plants, plump, red, ripe, rot,
see, she, shops, snack, so, stand, stands,
sun, sweet, take, takes, these, time, treat,
trucks, vines, when, which, will, with,

LESSON 18 “Where Does Food Come From?”

What Will We Do? page 83

Decodable Words High-Frequency Words

Target Skill: Contractions ’ll, ’d New
it’ll, we’d, we’ll right, sometimes
Target Skill: Vowel Pairs ai, ay Previously Taught
Bay, day, paint, play, trails, wail, wailing, a, do, doesn’t, don’t,
wails, wait open, the, to, too, what,
what’ll, you
Previously Taught Skills
and, bad, be, beast, beasts, best, big, but,
can, can’t, chases, deck, fun, has, home,
hot, huff, huffs, if, is, isn’t, it, it’s, keeps, Lake,
let’s, like, mixed, must, nice, no, not, on,
pigs, puff, puffs, read, run, sit, swim, tale,
that’s, this, those, three, up, we, well, wet

Let’ s Eat page 91

Decodable Words High-Frequency Words

Target Skill: Contractions ’ll, ’d New
he’d, he’ll, she’ll under, your
Target Skill: Vowel Pairs ai, ay Previously Taught
Blaine, day, Fay, gray a, come, have, I, know,
out, put, said, the, to,
Previously Taught Skills
was, who, you
and, asked, be, beans, Ben, big, but,
came, clean, cup, cups, did, didn’t, dish,
drink, each, eat, ended, filled, fine, five,
fun, gave, get, got, grape, grapes, had,
hate, home, in, is, isn’t, it, it’s, Jess, late,
let’s, like, likes, make, meal, meat, Nell,
note, on, pals, peas, plate, plates, please,
pot, quick, red, rice, set, she, thank, then,
this, time, treat, up, went, while, will,
with, yes

LESSON 19 Accompanies “Tomás Rivera”

It Was Snow Fun page 99

Decodable Words High-Frequency Words

Target Skill: Vowel Pairs oa, ow New
blow, blowing, bow, coats, Joan, oak, done, great, laugh
show, snow, snowed
Previously Taught
Previously Taught Skills a, all, have, little, over,
and, asked, back, Bill, can, cat, cute, did, put, said, the, there, too,
didn’t, dog, dressed, fast, fell, fun, get, go, was, you
got, grass, had, hats, he, his, in, it, just,
let’s, likes, lot, made, make, Mom, must,
not, on, play, quick, ran, sleeping, them,
then, this, trees, up, we, when, white,
will, wind, wings, woke, yes

Boat Rides page 107

Decodable Words High-Frequency Words

Target Skill: Vowel Pairs oa, ow New
blows, boat, float, loads, row, rowing, great, soon, were
rows, slow, snow
Previously Taught
Previously Taught Skills a, carry, could, down, for,
and, as, at, be, big, but, can, drift, eat, fast, right, the, to, would, you
fills, flat, fun, games, go, hand, has, hats,
he, help, his, huge, if, is, it, just, keep,
left, life, make, man, much, must, need,
no, not, off, on, pick, play, pole, raft, ride,
safe, sail, sails, sea, ship, sleep, so, speed,
stay, stop, stream, strong, take, then, this,
time, trips, up, use, vest, vests, waves,
white, will, wind, winds, with

LESSON 19 Accompanies “Tomás Rivera”

Fun with Gram page 115

Decodable Words High-Frequency Words

Target Skill: Contractions ‘ve, ‘re New
we’re laugh, paper
Target Skill: Vowel Pairs oa, ow Previously Taught
coats, floats, glows, Joan, know, knows, a, around, come, far,
loaded, oak, rows, shows have, I, looks, of, put,
puts, the, they’ve, to,
Previously Taught Skills
what, what’s, where, you
and, asks, at, be, big, can, can’t, cut, did,
dolls, dress, face, fits, from, fun, get, go,
Gram, Gram’s, gray, green, has, hat, hats,
huge, in, is, it, it’s, left, let’s, Mom, next,
nice, off, on, plan, playing, Pops, Rob, see,
sees, she, silk, snack, so, soft, takes, tan,
tells, then, things, this, trunk, up, vest,
wait, we, we’ll, we’re, when, will, with

Rex Knows page 123

Decodable Words High-Frequency Words

Target Skill: Contractions ‘ve, ‘re New
we’re, we’ve great, laugh, soon, talk,
they’re, work
Target Skill: Vowel Pairs oa, ow
bowl, coat, Joan, knows, slow Previously Taught
a, do, down, for, friend,
Previously Taught Skills
good, have, her, I, our,
and, as, asks, at, bell, brush, can, can’t,
the, they’re, to, too, you,
dog, Duke, each, eat, eats, feels, fills, fun,
get, gets, glad, go, he, him, hints, his,
in, is, it, it’s, job, Kate, leash, lets, likes,
make, much, must, Nat, no, on, play,
playing, Rex, Rick, ring, rings, see, sees,
sits, smile, so, soft, stay, still, stop, stops,
tells, that, then, time, tricks, up, wake,
way, we, we’ll, while, with, yes

LESSON 20 “Little Rabbit’s Tale”

Bedtime for Ray page 131

Decodable Words High-Frequency Words

Target Skill: Compound Words New
bathtub, bedside, bedtime, weekday mother, try, want,
Previously Taught Skills
8:00, and, as, at, be, bed, big, brush, but, Previously Taught
can, can’t, dad, didn’t, dream, game, get, a, about, do, out, the, to,
gets, go, grins, has, he, him, his, if, in, is, was, watch, what, you
it, last, let, lift, likes, must, nice, on, play,
Ray, Ray’s, reads, rug, rule, see, Shep,
Shep’s, six, sleep, sleeps, so, steps, tale,
teeth, tell, that, think, time, tub, up, went,
win, wins, with, yet

Pancake Ran page 139

Decodable Words High-Frequency Words

Target Skill: Compound Words New
cannot, hillside, pancake, roadside, door, old, try
sailboat, sunrise, windmill
Previously Taught
Previously Taught Skills a, after, are, down, for,
am, an, and, as, asked, at, big, boasted, hear, I, out, said, the,
but, can, catch, close, did, Fox, get, Goat, where, you
going, got, grunted, he, him, hissed, is,
it, jumped, just, made, Madge, me, met,
Midge, no, not, on, past, ran, rested,
sailed, sails, sat, Sheep, then, this, trip,
up, while, white, will, with, yelled

LESSON 20 “Little Rabbit’s Tale”

A Springtime Rain page 147

Decodable Words High-Frequency

Target Skill: Short Vowel /e/ea
˘ Words
head, spread New
Target Skill: Compound Words use, wash
pathways, playtime, rainbow, raincoat, Previously Taught
raindrops, springtime, sunshine a, are, for, her, holds,
Previously Taught Skills looks, out, the, their,
and, as, be, Beth, Beth’s, can, can’t, class, they, to, too, walk,
clean, Dad, dog, dressed, fun, get, glad, watches, you
glass, glows, grow, Gwen, hand, has, hat,
he, helps, his, huge, in, is, it, its, it’s, Jane,
Kay, like, likes, long, lot, make, matching,
mom, must, on, peeks, plants, quick,
Quinn, rain, rains, see, sees, she, shine,
slides, so, stay, swings, takes, them, this,
up, use, way, we, wet, when, yells

Rosebud page 155

Decodable Words High-Frequency

Target Skill: Short Vowel /e/ea
˘ Words
head, read, spread New
Target Skill: Compound Words more, mother, old
bedtime, daytime, inside, paintbrushes, Previously Taught
Rosebud, rosebud, sailboat, sunrise, a, all, I, my, one, out,
sunset, topside sometimes, the, to, was,
Previously Taught Skills yellow, your
an, and, at, bed, being, big, boat, but, chose,
day, days, fun, games, glowed, go, got, had,
if, in, it, let, long, me, Mom, Mom’s, name,
nice, no, not, on, paint, painted, peeked,
played, rained, rays, red, rocked, row, sail,
sailed, sailing, sang, sea, set, sit, songs,
stayed, sun, sun’s, than, that, then, time,
trip, up, we, we’d, went, when, white, yet
Unit 4
• Go, Jones! • What Will We Do?
• So Much Fun • Let’s Eat
• June’s Pictures • It Was Snow Fun
• My Mule, Duke • Boat Rides
• At the Beach • Fun with Gram
• Who Will Teach Us? • Rex Knows
• Plunk, Plunk • Bedtime for Ray
• The King’s Song • Pancake Ran
• Ray Trains Dex • A Springtime Rain
• Sweet Treats • Rosebud

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