Panoptic Segmentation
Panoptic Segmentation
Panoptic Segmentation
Figure 1: Sample segmentation results from [23] showing the difference among semantic segmentation, instance segmentation
and panoptic segmentation.
trends in segmentation that mark each specific content in Segmenting things and stuff in an image or video us-
an image [27]. Semantic segmentation is the operation of ing panoptic segmentation is performed using different ap-
labeling the things and the stuff by denoting the things of proaches, including unified models that are based on using
the same class with the same colors. While instance segmen- panoptic segmentation masks and models that are based on
tation process the things in the image by labeling them with combining stuff segmentation results and things segmenta-
different colors and ignoring the background that can include tion results to obtain the final panoptic segmentation output
the stuff [28, 29, 30]. In this line, objects can be further [33]. For example, stuff classifiers may use dilated-CNNs,
classified into “things” and “stuff,” as in Kirillov et al., and on the flip side, object proposals are deployed, where
where stuff would be objects, such as the sky, water, roads, a region-based identification task is often performed for
etc. On the other side, things would be the persons, cars, object detection [34]. Even though each method has its own
animals, etc. Put differently, in terms of segmentation; there advantages, this isolative nature mostly can not reach the
is a high focus on identifying things and stuff separately, desired performance and/or may lack something significant
also separate (using colors) the things of the same class and innovative that could be achieved in a combined way.
[31]. This operation is named panoptic segmentation, the This has led to a need for a bridge between stuff and things,
developed version of segmentation that can include instance where a detailed and coherent segmentation of a scene is
and semantic segmentation. Panoptic segmentation provides generated within a combined framework of things and stuff.
a clearer view of the image content, generates more informa- Accordingly, panoptic segmentation has been proposed as
tion for its analysis, and enables computationally efficient a well-worthy design, which can attain the aforementioned
operations using AI models by separating both things and objectives [35]. This type of segmentation has great per-
stuff even of the same class or type using different colors. In spectives due to its efficiency and also as it can be used in
this regard, Kirillov et al. have proposed the first framework a wide range of applications, including autonomous driv-
of panoptic segmentation [23]. Panoptic segmentation can ing, augmented reality, medical image analysis, and remote
be done using the unified CNN-based method or by merging sensing [36]. Even with the progress reached in panoptic
the instance and semantic segmentation results [32]. Fig. 1 segmentation, many challenges slow down the improvement
portrays sample segmentation results from [23], that shows in this field. These challenges are related to the scale of
the difference between semantic segmentation, instance seg- the objects in the scene, the complexity backgrounds in the
mentation and panoptic segmentation. monitored scenes, the cluttered scenes, the weather changes,
the quality of used datasets, and the computational cost while
using a large-scale dataset.
In this paper, we reviewed the existing panoptic segmen- 2.1. Semantic Segmentation
tation techniques. This work sheds light on the most sig- Semantic segmentation can be defined as the pixel-level
nificant advances achieved on this innovative topic through segmentation of the scenes in which a dense prediction
conducting a comprehensive and critical overview of sate- is carried out. Put differently; semantic segmentation is
of-the-art panoptic segmentation frameworks. Accordingly, the operation of labeling each pixel of an image with the
it presents a set of contributions that can be summarized as corresponding class that represents the category of the pixel.
follows: Moreover, semantic segmentation classifies different regions
in the images belonging to the same category of things or
• After presenting the background of the panoptic seg- stuff. Even though semantic segmentation was proposed for
mentation technology and its salient features, a thor- the first time in 2007 when it became part of the computer
ough taxonomy of existing works is conducted con- vision, the significant breakthrough started once fully CNNs
cerning different aspects, such as the methodology were first utilized by Long et al. [37] in 2014 for performing
deployed to design the panoptic segmentation model, end-to-end segmentation of natural images.
types of image data that the subject technology and For image segmentation, spatial analysis is the primary
application scenarios could process. process that browses the image regions to decide the label
• Public datasets deployed to validate the panoptic seg- of each pixel. CNN-based methods, such as U-Net, SegNet,
mentation models are then discussed and compared fully connected networks (FCN), and DeconvNet, which
with different parameters. are the basic architectures, succeed in segmenting these
regions with acceptable accuracy in terms of the segmen-
• Evaluation metrics are also described, and various tation quality. However, for semantic segmentation, which
comparisons of the most significant works identified is a complex segmentation, especially when the image is
in the state-of-the-art have been conducted to show complex, the performance of these basic networks is not
their performance under different datasets and regard- enough for labeling a large number of objects in the image.
ing various metrics. For example, the SegNet network heavily depends on the
encoder-decoder architecture. In contrast, the other networks
• Current challenges that have been solved and those have similar architectures on the encoder side and only differ
issues that remain unresolved are described before slightly in the decoder part of the architecture. To handle the
providing insights about the future directions attract- problem of information lose, recent semantic segmentation
ing considerable research and development interest in methods that exploit deep convolutional feature extraction
the near and far future. have been proposed using either multi-scale feature aggre-
• Relevant findings and recommendations are finally gation [38, 39, 40, 41] or end-to-end structured prediction
drawn to improve the quality of panoptic segmentation perspectives [42, 43, 44, 45, 46].
2.2. Instance Segmentation
The remainder of the paper is organized as follows. Instance segmentation is the incremental research work
Section 2 presents the background of the panoptic segmen- done based on the object detection task. The object (things)
tation and its characteristics. Then, an extensive overview of detection task not only detects the object but also gives a
existing panoptic segmentation frameworks is conducted in bounding box around the detected object to indicate the
Section 3 based on a well-defined taxonomy. Next, public location [47]. Image segmentation is another step further to
datasets are briefly described in Section 5 before presenting object detection, which segments the objects in the scene
the evaluation metrics and various comparisons of the most on a fine level and gives the label for all the objects in the
significant panoptic segmentation frameworks identified in segmented scene. The evolution order can be delivered as
the state-of-the-art in Section 6. After that, current chal- image classification, object detection, object localization,
lenges and future trends are discussed in Section 7. Finally, semantic segmentation, and instance segmentation. Seg-
the essential findings of this work are derived in Section 8. mentation efficiency refers to the computation time and cost,
while accuracy refers to the ability to segment the objects
correctly with robustness. Consequently, there is always a
2. Background trade-off between accuracy and efficiency.
Image segmentation is an improvement on the object For any computer vision method, the selection of dis-
detection methods, in which image segmentation methods tinguishable features is of paramount importance, as the
can be divided into semantic segmentation and instance seg- features are the crucial factor that decides the method’s per-
mentation. Semantic segmentation is used to classify each formance. Feature extractors, such as SIFT and SURF, were
pixel in the image, whereas instance segmentation classifies initially used before the introduction of the AI. Moving on,
each object in the scene. A detailed description of different feature extraction slowly evolved from hand-picked manual
types of image segmentation methods is given in this section. methods to fully automated DL architectures. Some of the
popular DL networks used for object detection are VGGNet
[48], ResNet [49, 50], DenseNet [51, 52, 53], GoogLeNet
[54], AlexNet [55, 56] , OverFeat [57], ZFNet [58], and and categorization of various scene parts. This leads to a
Inception [59, 60]. In this context, the CNN architecture bright and practical scene understanding.
has been used as the backbone to extract features in some The ability of panoptic segmentation techniques to de-
methods, which can be used for further processing. Besides, scribe the scene’s content of an image and allow its deep
instance segmentation has to overcome several issues, in- understanding helps in significantly simplifying the anal-
cluding the geometric transformation, detection of smaller ysis, improving the performance, and providing solutions
objects, occlusions, noises and image degradation. Accord- to many computer vision tasks. We can find video surveil-
ingly, widely used architectures for instance segmentation lance, autonomous driving, medical image analysis, image
include Mask-RCNN [61], RCNN [62, 63], path aggressive scene parsing, geoscience, and remote sensing, among these
net (PANet) [64], and YOLACT [65, 66]. tasks. Panoptic segmentation permits these applications by
In general, instance segmentation is performed using ei- enabling the analysis of the specific targets without in-
ther region-based two-stage methods [67, 68, 69, 39, 70, 71] specting the entire regions of the image, which reduces the
or unified single-stage methods [72]. As discussed earlier, computational time, minimizes the miss-detection or recog-
there is always a compromise between efficiency and accu- nition of some objects, and determines the edge saliency
racy. Two-stage methods have better accuracy, and single- of different regions in an image or video. To examine the
stage methods have better efficiency. Unlike semantic seg- development of panoptic segmentation regarding the related
mentation, each object is differentiated from others even if tasks performed on things and stuff, a diagram that illustrates
they belong to the same class. the timeline evolution of image segmentation starting from
binary segmentation and object detection and ending by
2.3. Panoptic segmentation panoptic segmentation is described in Fig. 2. Typically, the
Panoptic segmentation is the fusion of the instance and popular networks used for performing each task have been
semantic segmentation, which aims at differentiating be- highlighted as well.
tween the things and stuff in a scene. Indeed, there are two
categories in panoptic segmentation, i.e. stuff and things.
Stuff refers to the uncountable regions, such as sky, pave-
3. Overview of panoptic segmentation
ments, and grounds. While things include all the countable techniques
objects, such as cars, people, and threes. Stuff and things Panoptic segmentation has been a breakthrough in com-
are segmented in the panoptic method by giving each one puter vision; it enables the combinatorial view of “things”
of them a different color that distinguishes it from the oth- and “stuff”. Thus, it represents a new direction in image seg-
ers, unlike instance segmentation and semantic approaches, mentation. To inform the state-of-the-art, existing panoptic
where we can find an overlapping between objects of the segmentation studies proposed in the literature are presented
same type. Further, panoptic segmentation allows good visu- and deeply discussed in this section.
alization of different scene components and can be presented Some Panoptic segmentation techniques exploit instance
as a global technique that comprises detection, localization, and semantic segmentation separately before combining or
aggregating the results to result in the panoptic segmen- non-maximum suppression (NMS) procedure is performed
tation. As a consequence, the shared backbone is used by to develop the panoptic quality (PQ) metric. Therefore, the
taking the features generated by the backbone to be used non-overlapping instance segments are produced using the
in other parts of the network, as it is illustrated in Fig. NMS-like procedure, combined with semantic segmentation
3(a). Other frameworks have used the same approaches but of the image. Moving on, slightly different modifications
using an explicit connection between instance and semantic in the instance segmentation compared to [23] have been
networks [73], as is portrayed Fig. 3(b). carried out in the following frameworks. In [43], the authors
Most of the proposed panoptic segmentation frameworks propose a CNN-based model using ResNet-50 backbone for
used RGB images, while others performed their methods on features extraction followed by two branches, for instance
medical images and LIDAR data. In this section, we discuss and semantic segmentation. The two branches are merged
existing frameworks based on the type of data used. using a heuristic method to come up with the final panoptic
segmentation output. Moving on, to perform the panoptic
3.1. RGB images data segmentation and efficiently fuse the instances, an instance
RGB images represent the primary data source in which occlusion to Mask R-CNN is proposed in [79]. Typically,
most of the panoptic segmentation algorithms have been COCO and Cityscapes datasets were used to validate this
applied. This is due to the wide use of RGB images in scheme, which has an instance occlusion and other head
video cameras, image scanners, digital cameras, and com- for the Mask R-CNN that predicts occlusions between two
puter and mobile phone displays. Also, the most proposed masks. A good efficiency has been noted for multiple it-
panoptic segmentation methods are performed on RGB im- erations, even for thousands, with the minimum overhead
ages. For example, in [74], a panoptic segmentation model and addition of occlusion head on top of panoptic feature
called Panoptic-Fusion is proposed, which is an online vol- pyramid network (FPN). In the same context, in [80], another
umetric semantic mapping system combining both stuff and method, namely the pixel consensus voting (PCV), is used as
things. Aiming to predict class labels of background regions a framework for panoptic segmentation. Indeed, PCV aims
(stuff) and individually segment arbitrary foreground objects at elevating pixels to a first-class task, in which every pixel
(things), it relies on first predicting pixel-wise panoptic should provide evidence for the presence and location of
labels for incoming RGB frames by fusing semantic and objects it may belong to. As an alternative to region-based
instance segmentation outputs. Similarly, in [75], Faraz et al. methods, panoptic segmentation based on pixel classifica-
focus on improving the generalization abilities of networks tion losses is simpler than other highly engineered state-of-
to predict per-pixel depth from monocular RGB input im- the-art panoptic segmentation models.
ages. A plethora of other panoptic methods have been de- In [81], the efficient spatial pyramid of dilated con-
signed to segment RGB images, such as [23, 31, 76, 77, 78]. volutions (ESPnet) is proposed, which has several stages
To segment an image with the panoptic strategy, many to perform panoptic segmentation. Accordingly, a shared
frameworks have been proposed by first exploiting instance backbone consisting of FPN and ResNet is used along with
and semantic segmentation before concatenating the results a protohead generating prototypes. Following, both of them
of each part to obtain the final panoptic segmentation results. have been shared to instance segmentation and semantic seg-
For that, Kirillov et al. [23], perform instance segmentation mentation heads. In this line, to enhance the input features, a
and semantic segmentation separately and then combine cross-layer attenuation fusion module (CLA) is introduced,
them both to obtain panoptic segmentation. Following, the which aggregates the multi-layer feature maps in the FPN
layer. This claims to outperform other approaches on the instance segmentation with the hypothesis the semantic label
COCO dataset and has faster inference than most. In the at any pixel has to be compatible with the instance label at
same context, the authors in [82], propose a panoptic seg- that pixel has been introduced.
mentation method, called EfficientPS, using the EfficientNet Using a Lintention-based network, the authors in [31]
backbone as a multi-scale feature extraction scheme shared propose a two-stage-based panoptic segmentation method.
with semantic and instance modules. The results of each Similar to the methods based on two separated networks
module are merged to obtain the final panoptic results. [85], the LintentionNet architecture consists of an instance
Going further, in [83], the authors introduce a selection- segmentation branch and semantic segmentation branch,
oriented scheme using a generator system for guessing an where the fusion operation is introduced to produce the final
ensemble of solutions and an evaluator system for ranking panoptic results. In the same context, by exploring inter-task
and selecting the best solution. In this case, the genera- regularization (ITR) and inter-style regularization (ISR), the
tor/evaluator method consists of two independent CNNs. authors in [32] segment the images with a panoptic segmen-
The first one is used for guessing the segments correspond- tation. Another two-stage panoptic segmentation method is
ing to objects and regions in the image, and the second proposed in [89]. Accordingly, after segmenting the instance
checks and selects the best components. Following, refine- using Mask-RCNN and the semantic using a DeepLab-based
ment and classification have been combined into a single network, this model combines these results as a panoptic.
modular system for panoptic segmentation. This approach The object scale is one of the challenges for semantic,
works on a trial and error basis and has been tested on instance, and panoptic segmentation methods. The same ob-
COCO panoptic dataset. In [84], the limitations of object ject can be represented by a few pixels, taking a large region
reconstruction and pose estimation (RPE) are addressed by in the images. Thus, the segmentation of the objects with
using panoptic mapping and object pose estimation sys- different scales affects the performance of methods. For that
tem (Panoptic–MOPE). Thus, a fast semantic segmentation reason, Porzi et al. [90] propose a scale-based architecture
and registration weight prediction CNN using RGB-D data, for panoptic segmentation. While in [69], a deep panoptic
namely fast-RGBD-SSWP, is deployed. Next, in [85], an segmentation based on a bi-directional learning pipeline
FPN backbone is used in combination with Mask R-CNN is introduced. The authors train and evaluate their method
for aggregating the instance segmentation method with a se- using two backbones, including RestNet-50 and DCN-101.
mantic segmentation branch, in which a shared computation Intrinsic interaction between semantic segmentation and
has been achieved through this framework. instance segmentation is modeled using a bidirectional ag-
On the other hand, in [39], Panoptic-DeepLab is pro- gregation network called BANet to perform a panoptic seg-
posed, which is a simple design requiring only three loss mentation. Two modules have been deployed, instancing
functions during training. The Panoptic-DeepLab is the first the context abundant features from semantic segmentation
bottom-up and single-shot panoptic segmentation that has and instance segmentation for localization and recognition.
attained state-of-the-art performance on public benchmarks, Following, a feature aggregation is conducted through the
and thus it delivers end-to-end inference speed. Specifi- bidirectional paths. Similarly, other cooperative methods of
cally, dual atrous spatial pyramid pooling (ASPP) for se- instance and semantic to perform panoptic segmentation are
mantic segmentation and dual decoder, for instance, seg- proposed in [73] and [91]. Typically, the model in [73] starts
mentation, have been deployed. In addition, the instance by a feature extraction process using shuffleNet, then per-
segmentation branch used is class agnostic, which involves forms the instance and semantic segmentation with explicit
a simple instance center regression, whereas the semantic connections between the two-part. Finally, the obtained re-
segmentation design is a typical model. In [86], the back- sults have been fused to produce the panoptic segmentation
ground stuff and object instances (things) are retrieved from output. While in [91], the authors introduce a two-stage
panoptic segmentation through an end-to-end single-shot panoptic segmentation scheme, which utilizes a shared back-
method, which produces non-overlapping segmentation at bone and FPN to extract multi-scale features. This scheme
a video frame rate. Therefore, merging outputs from sub- is extended with dual-decoders for learning background and
networks with instance-aware panoptic logits is considered foreground-specific masks. Finally, the panoptic head has
and does not rely on instance segmentation. A notable PQ assembled location-sensitive prototype masks based on a
has been achieved through this method. In [87], an end-to- learned weighting approach with reference to the object
end occlusion-aware network (OANet) is introduced to per- proposals.
form a panoptic segmentation, which uses a single network Fig. 4 illustrates four panoptic segmentation networks
to predict instance and semantic segmentation. Occlusion used , While Table 1 and 2 summarizes the backbones, char-
problems that may occur due to the predicted instances have acteristics and datasets used in each panoptic segmentation
been addressed using a spatial ranking module. In a similar framework.
fashion, in [88], an end-to-end trainable deep net using As described previously, some panoptic segmentation
the bipartite conditional random fields (BCRF) combines models generate segmentation masks by holding the infor-
the predictions of a semantic segmentation model and an mation from the backbone to the final density map without
instance segmentation model to obtain a consistent panoptic any explicit connections. In this context, a panoptic edge
segmentation. A cross potential between the semantic and detection (PED) is used to address a new finer-grained
Table 1
Description of panoptic segmentation methods and the datasets used for their validation.
Method Backbone Description
Kirillov et al. [23] Self-design Separate instance and semantic segmentation, merged ✓ ✓ ✗ ✓ ✗ ✓
using NMS and Heuristic method
LintentionNet [31] ResNet-50-FPN Efficient attention module (Lintention) ✓ ✗ ✓ ✗ ✗ ✗
CVRN [32] DeepLab-V2 Exploits inter-style consistency and inter-task regulariza- ✓ ✓ ✗ ✗ ✗ ✗
tion modules
Panoptic-deeplab [39] Xception-71 Fusing predicted semantic, instance segmentation and ✗ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✗ ✗
instance regression
JSISNet [43] ResNet-50 Instance and semantic branches followed by a Heuristics ✓ ✗ ✓ ✓ ✗ ✗
EfficientPS [82] EfficientNet Multi-sclae features extraction, then merging semantic ✓ ✓ ✗ ✓ ✗ ✗
and instance head modules
EPSNet [81] ResNet101- Merging instance and semantic segmentation with a ✗ ✗ ✗ ✗ ✗ ✗
FPN cross-layer attention fusion
Zhang et al. [70] FCN8 Apply a clustering method on the output of merged ✗ ✓ ✓ ✗ ✓ ✗
instance and semantic branches
OCFusion [79] ResNeXt-101 Fusing instance and semantic branches and occlusion ✓ ✓ ✓ ✗ ✗ ✗
matrix outputs
PCV [80] ResNet-50 Instance segmentation by predicting objects centroids ✓ ✓ ✗ ✗ ✗ ✗
(voting map) merged with semantic results
Eppel et al. [83] ResNet-50 Generator-evaluator network for panoptic segmentation ✗ ✓ ✗ ✗ ✗ ✗
and class agnostic parts segmentation
Fast-RGBD-SSWP [84] Self-design RGB and depth images as inputs for 3D segmentation ✓ ✗ ✗ ✗ ✗ ✗
Kirillov et al [85] ResNet-101 Pyramid networks for instance and semantic branches ✗ ✓ ✓ ✗ ✗ ✗
OANet [87] ResNet50 Spatial raking module for merging instance and semantic ✓ ✗ ✓ ✗ ✗ ✗
BANet [69] ResNet-50- Explicit interaction between instance and semantic mod- ✓ ✗ ✓ ✗ ✗ ✗
FPN, DCN- ules
Weber et al. [86] ResNet50,FPN Merging object detection, instance and semantic modules ✗ ✗ ✓ ✗ ✗ ✗
Porzi et al. [90] HRNetV2- Merging instance and semantic branches with a crop- ✓ ✓ ✗ ✓ ✗ ✗
W48+ aware bounding box regression loss (CABB loss)
Auto-Panoptic [73] shuffleNet Merging instance and semantic branches with inter- ✓ ✗ ✓ ✗ ✗ ✓
modular fusion
Petrovai et al [91] VoVNet2-39 Multi-scale feature extraction shared with instance and ✗ ✓ ✗ ✗ ✗ ✗
semantic branches
Li et al. [92] ResNet-101 Weakly- and semi-supervised panoptic Segmentation by ✗ ✓ ✗ ✗ ✓ ✗
merging semantic and detector results
task, in which semantic-level boundaries for stuff classes ResNet and FPN, which has individual network heads for
are predicted along with instance-level boundaries for in- each task. The created FPN provides multiscale information
stance classes [93]. This provides a more comprehensive and for the semantic segmentation, while the panoptic head
unified understanding of the scene. Moving on, a panoptic learns to fuse the semantic segmentation logits with instance
edge network (PEN) brings together the stuff and instances segmentation logit variables. Similarly, in [43], a single
into a single network with multiple branches. While in [70], network with ResNet50 as the feature extractor is designed
the problem of low-fill rate linear objects and the inability to (i) combine instance and semantic segmentation and (ii)
to identify pixels near the bounding box has been taken produce the panoptic segmentation. Mask-RCNN is used
into consideration. Thus, a trainable and branched multitask as the backbone for instance segmentation, and the output
architecture has been used for grouping pixels for panoptic is the classification score, class labels, and instance mask.
segmentation. The NMS heuristic is used to merge the results, classify
Moving forward, a panoptic segmentation approach pro- and cluster the pixels to each class, and finally produce
viding faster inference compared to existing methods is pro- the panoptic image as the final result. Moving forward, in
posed in [46]. Explicitly, a unified framework for panoptic [95], another method is proposed for panoptic segmentation
segmentation is utilized, which uses a backbone network and combining a multi-loss adaptation network.
two lightweight heads for one-shot prediction of semantic On the other hand, in [67], a fast panoptic segmentation
and instance segmentation. Likewise, in [94], a mask R- network (FPSNet) is proposed, which is faster than other
CNN framework is used with a shared backbone named panoptic methods as the instance segmentation and the
merging heuristic part have been replaced with a CNN model and semantic segmentation has been efficiently reutilized.
called panoptic head. A feature map used to perform dense Moreover, no feature map re-sampling is required in this
segmentation is used as the backbone for semantic segmen- simple data flow network design, which enables significant
tation. Moreover, the authors in [68] employ a position- hardware acceleration. For the same objective, a single deep
sensitive attention layer which adds less computational cost network is proposed in [40], which allows a more straight-
instead of the panoptic head [68]. It utilizes a stand-alone forward implementation on edge devices for street scene
method based on the use of a deep axial lab as the backbone. mapping in autonomous vehicles. Specifically, it had fewer
Also, a variant of the Mask R-CNN, as well as the KITTI computational costs with a factor of 2 when separate net-
panoptic dataset that has panoptic ground truth annotations, works were used. The most likely and most reliable outputs
are proposed in [82, 75]. When compared with different of instance segmentation and semantic segmentation have
approaches, this method has been found to be computation- then been fused to get a better PQ.
ally efficient. In particular, a new semantic head has been In [99], video panoptic segmentation (VPSnet), which
used that coherently brings together nuanced and contextual is a new video extension of panoptic segmentation, is intro-
features. The developed panoptic fusion model congruously duced, in which two types of video panoptic datasets have
integrates the output logits, in which the adopted pixel-wise been used. The first refers to re-organizing the synthetic
classification has achieved a better picture of “things” and VIPER dataset into the video panoptic format for exploit-
“stuff” (i.e. the countable and uncountable objects) in a given ing its large-scale pixel annotations. At the same time, the
scene. Moreover, a lightweight panoptic segmentation and second has been built using the temporal extension on the
parametrized submodule that is powered by an end-to-end Cityscapes val set via the production of new video panoptic
learned dense instance affinity is developed in [97], which annotations (Cityscapes-VPS). Moving on, the results were
captures the probability of pairs of pixels belonging to the evaluated based on video panoptic metric (VPQ metric).
same instance. The main advantage of this scheme is due to On the other side, a holistic understanding of an image in
the fact that no post-processing is required. Furthermore, this the panoptic segmentation task can be achieved by modeling
method adds to the flexibility of the network design, in which the correlation between object and background. For this pur-
its performance is noted to be efficient even when bounding pose, a bidirectional graph reasoning network for panoptic
boxes are used as localization queues. Similarly, a unified segmentation (BGRNet) is proposed in [100]. It adds a graph
triple neural network is proposed in [71], which achieves structure to the traditional panoptic segmentation network to
more fine-grained segmentation. A shared backbone is de- identify the relation between things and background stuff.
ployed for extracting features of both things and stuff before While in [101], with the spatial context of objects for both
fusing them. Here, stuff and things have been segmented instance and semantic segmentation being a point of focus
separately, where the thing features are shared with stuff for for interweaving features between tasks, a location-aware
performing a precise segmentation. unified framework called spatial flow is put forth. Feature
In [98], a new single-shot panoptic segmentation net- integration has facilitated different studies by making four
work is proposed, which performs real-time segmentation parallel subnetworks.
that leverages dense detection. Typically, a parameter-free
mask construction method is used, which reduces the com-
putation cost. Also, the information from object detection
Aiming at predicting consistent semantic segmentation, pixel and separating objects within the same class, instance
Porzi et al. use an FPN that produces contextual informa- segmentation is required. Typically, a unique ID is assigned
tion from a CNN-based deep-lab module to generate multi- to every single object. On the other hand, biological behav-
scale features [41]. Accordingly, this CNN architecture at- iors are studied and analyzed from the images’ morphology,
tains seamless scene segmentation results. Moving forward, spatial location, and distribution of objects. As the instance
whereas most of the existing works ignore modeling over- segmentation has its limitations, cell R-CNN is proposed,
laps, overlap relations and resolving overlaps have been done which has a panoptic architecture. Typically, the encoder of
with the scene overlap graph network (SOGnet) in [102]. the instance segmentation model is used to learn the global
This consists of joint segmentation, relational embedding semantic-level features accomplished by jointly training a
module, overlap resolving module, and the panoptic head. semantic segmentation model [110].
While in [96], the foreground things and background stuff In [111], the focus was on histopathology images used
have been dealt together in attention guided unified network for nuclei segmentation, where a CyC–PDAM architecture
(AUNet). Typically, a unified framework has been used to is proposed for this purpose. A baseline architecture is first
achieve this combination simultaneously. Moreover, RPN designed, which performs an unsupervised domain adapta-
and foreground masks have been added to the background tion (UDA) segmentation based on appearance, image, and
branch, proving a consistency accuracy gain. instance-level adaption. Then a nuclei inpainting mechanism
Without unifying the instance and semantic segmenta- is designed to remove the auxiliary objects in the synthesized
tion to get the panoptic segmentation, Hwang et al. [103] images, which is found to avoid false-negative predictions.
exploit the blocks and pathways integration that allows uni- Moving on, a semantic branch is introduced to adapt the fea-
fied feature maps to represent the final panoptic outcome. tures in terms of foreground and background, using semantic
In the same context, a unified method (DR1Mask) has been and instance-level adaptations, where the model learns the
proposed in [104] based on a shared feature map of both domain-invariant features at the panoptic level. Following,
instance and semantic segmentation for performing panoptic to reduce the bias, a re-weighting task is introduced. This
segmentation. Panoptic-DeepLab+ [105] has been proposed scheme has been tested on three public datasets; it is found to
using squeeze-and-excitation and switchable atrous convo- outperform the-state-of-art UDA methods by a large margin.
lution (SAC) networks from SwideNet backbone to segment This method can be used in other applications with promis-
the object in a panoptic way. ing performance close to those of fully supervised schemes.
From Semantic segmentation, the authors in [106] seg- Moreover, the reader can refer to many other panoptic
ment the instances of objects to generate the final panoptic segmentation frameworks that have been developed to seg-
segmentation. This method starts by segmenting the seman- ment medical images and achieve different goals, such as
tic using a CNN model then extracting the instance from pathology image analysis [112], prostate cancer detection
the obtained semantic results. The panoptic segmentation [113] and segmentation of teeth in panoramic X-ray images
is created using the concatenation between the results of [114].
each phase. In the same context and using instance-aware
pixel embedding networks, a panoptic segmentation method 3.3. LiDAR data
is proposed in [107]. Also, a unified network named EffPS- LiDAR is a technology similar to RADAR that can
b1bs4-RVC, a lightweight version of the EfficientPS archi- create high-resolution digital elevation models with verti-
tecture is introduced in [24]. While in [108], DetectoRS is cal accuracy of almost 10 cm. LiDAR data is preferred
implemented, which is a panoptic segmentation method that for its accuracy and robustness, in which object detection
consists of two levels: macro level and micro level. At the [115, 116, 117, 118], and odometry [119, 120, 121] on the
macro level, a recursive feature pyramid (RFP) is used to LiDAR space have already been carried out, and the focus
incorporate different feedback connections from FPNs into has shifted towards panoptic segmentation of the LiDAR
the bottom-up backbone layers. While at the micro-level, space. Accordingly, SematicKITTI dataset, an extension of
a SAC is exploited to convolve the features with different KITTI dataset contains annotated LiDAR scans with differ-
atrous rates and gather the results using switch functions. ent environments, and car scenes [122] has extensively been
Finally, in [109], aiming at visualizing the hidden enemies used. For example, in [123], two baseline approaches that
in a scene, a panoptic segmentation method is proposed. combine semantic segmentation and 3D object detectors are
used for panoptic segmentation. Similarly, in [124], Point-
3.2. Medical images Pillars object detector is used to get the bounding boxes and
As medical imaging is being one of the most valued ap- classes for each object and a combination of KPConv [125]
plications of computer vision, different kinds of images are and RangeNet++ [126] is deployed to conduct instance
used for both diagnosis and therapeutic purposes, such as X- segmentation of each class. The two baseline networks are
rays, computed tomography (CT) scan, magnetic resonance trained and tested separately, and the results are merged in
imaging (MRI), ultrasound, nuclear medicine imaging and the final step to producing the panoptic segmentation. A
positron-emission tomography (PET). In this regard, medi- hidden test set is then used to conduct an online evaluation
cal image segmentation plays an essential role in computer- of the LiDAR-based panoptic segmentation.
aided diagnosis systems. By assigning class values to each
Table 2
Description of panoptic segmentation methods and the datasets used for their validation.
Method Backbone Description
FPSNet [67] ResNet-50-FPN Multi-scale feature extraction with a dense pixel-wise ✓ ✓ ✗ ✗ ✓ ✗
attention module for classification
Axial-DeepLab [68] DeepLab Unified networks with an axial-attention module ✗ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✗ ✗
Li et al. [97] ResNet50 Object detection for instance segmentation merged with ✗ ✗ ✗ ✗ ✗ ✗
semantic results
Hou et al. [98] ResNet-50-FPN Single-shot network with a dense detection and a global ✗ ✓ ✓ ✗ ✗ ✗
self-attention module
VSPNet [99] ResNet-50-FPN Spatio-temporal attention network for video panoptic ✗ ✓ ✗ ✗ ✗ ✗
BGRNet [100] ResNet50,FPN Explicit interaction between things and stuff modules ✗ ✗ ✓ ✗ ✗ ✓
Geus et al. [40] ResNet50 Explicit interaction between instance and semantic mod- ✗ ✓ ✗ ✓ ✗ ✗
ules then heuristic merging
PENet [93] ResNet50 Panoptic edge detection using object detection and ✓ ✗ ✗ ✗ ✗ ✓
instance and semantic segmentation
SpatialFlow[101] ResNet50 Location-aware and unified panoptic segmentation by ✗ ✓ ✓ ✗ ✗ ✗
bridging all the tasks using spatial information flows
SOGNet[102] ResNet101,FPN Scene graph representation for panoptic segmentation ✗ ✓ ✓ ✗ ✗ ✗
AUNet [96] ResNet50,FPN Merging foreground and background branches with an ✓ ✓ ✓ ✗ ✗ ✗
attention-guided network
UPSNet [46] ResNet-50-FPN Sharing backbone by semantic and instance modules then ✓ ✓ ✓ ✗ ✗ ✗
applying a fusion module
Petrovai et al. [94] ResNet50,FPN FPN for panoptic segmentation ✓ ✓ ✗ ✗ ✗ ✗
Saeedan et al. [75] ResNet50 An encoder-decoder network with a panoptic boost loss ✗ ✓ ✗ ✗ ✗ ✗
and geometry-based loss
SPINet [103] ResNet50 Panoptic-feature generator by integrating the execution ✗ ✓ ✓ ✗ ✗ ✗
DR1Mask [104] ResNet101 Dynamic rank-1 convolution (DR1Conv) to merge high- ✗ ✗ ✓ ✗ ✗ ✗
level context information with low-level detailed features
Chennupati et al. [106] ResNet50,101 Instance contours for panoptic ✗ ✓ ✗ ✗ ✗ ✗
Gao et al. [107] ResNet101-FPN category- and instance-aware pixel embedding (CIAE) to ✗ ✓ ✓ ✗ ✗ ✗
encode instance and semantic information
DetectoRS [108] ResNeXt-101 Backbone with a SAC module ✗ ✗ ✓ ✗ ✗ ✗
Son et al. [109] ResNet-50-FPN Efficient panoptic network and completion network to ✗ ✓ ✗ ✗ ✗ ✗
reconstruct occluded parts
Ada-Segment [95] ResNet-50 Combining multi-loss adaptation networks ✗ ✗ ✓ ✓ ✗ ✓
Panoptic-DeepLab+ [105] SWideRNet incorporating the squeeze-and-excitation and SAC to ✗ ✓ ✓ ✗ ✗ ✗
Moving on, when the CNN architecture is used fre- of the backbone before using two decoders to reconstruct the
quently, a distinct and contrasting approach is adapted by panoptic image and the offsets’ error estimation.
Hahn et al. [127] to cluster the object segments. Since the In [130], the authors propose PanopticTrackNet, which
clustering does not need computation time and energy as is a unified architecture used to perform semantic, instance
that of CNNs, the model adopted in [127] can be deployed segmentation, and object tracking. Accordingly, a common
even with a CPU. Nevertheless, the evaluation has been backbone called EfficientNet-B5 with FPN is used as the
done on the SematicKITTI dataset, and the PQ, SQ, RQ and feature extractor. Thus, three separate modules, named se-
mIoU have been used as evaluation metrics. Going further, mantic head, instance head, and instance tracking head,
in [128], a Q-learning-based clustering method for panoptic are used at the end of the backbone. Results from each
segmentation of LiDAR point clouds is implemented by of the modules are merged using a fusion module to pro-
Gasperini et al., namely Panoster. While in [123], a two- duce the final result. Similar to PanopticTrackNet [130],
stage approach is implemented based on combining LiDAR- the efficient LiDAR panoptic segmentation (EfficientLPS)
based semantic segmentation and another detector that helps [131] architecture has a unified 2D CNN model for the 3D
to enrich the segmentation with instance information. Be- LiDAR cloud data, except that there are some variations
sides, in [129], a unified approach is used by Milioto et al., in the adopted backbone. EfficientLPS consists of a shared
where an end-to-end model is proposed. Specifically, the backbone comprising novel proximity convolution module
data is represented in range points, and features are extracted (PCM), an encoder, the proposed range-aware FPN (RFPN),
with a shared backbone. An image pyramid is used at the end and the range encoder network (REN). A semantic head and
Data Dataset
augmentation annotation
an instance head are deployed at the end of the backbone accurate [23]. Object detection is a vital technology of
to perform semantic and instance segmentation simultane- computer vision and image processing. It refers to detecting
ously. Finally, a panoptic fusion module is used to merge the instances of semantic objects of a particular class (e.g.
results for panoptic segmentation. Moreover, a pseudo-label humans, buildings, or cars) in digital images and videos.
annotation is carried out to annotate the dataset for future Panoptic segmentation has received significant attention for
use. novel and robust object detection schemes [98, 134, 135].
In [132], a dynamic shifting network (DSNet) is de-
ployed, which is a unified network with cylindrical convo- 4.2. Medical image analysis
lutional backbone, semantic and instance head. Instead of The analysis and segmentation of medical images is
the panoptic fusion, a consensus-driven fusion method is a significant application based on segmenting objects of
implemented. Moreover, a dynamic shifting method is em- interest in medical images. Since the advent of panoptic
ployed to find the cluster centres of the LiDAR cloud points. segmentation, a great interest has been paid to using different
To assign a semantic class and a temporally consistent panoptic models in the medical field [136]. For example, in
instance ID to a sequence of 3D points, the authors in [133] [137], the issue of segmenting overlapped nuclei was taken
develop a 4D panoptic LiDAR segmentation method. In this into consideration, and a bending loss regularized network
context, the semantic class for semantic segmentation has was proposed for nuclei segmentation. High penalties were
been determined, while probability distributions in the 4D reserved to contour with large curvatures, while minor cur-
spatio-temporal domain has been computed for the instance vatures were penalized with small penalties and used as a
segmentation part. bending loss. This has helped minimize the bending loss
and avoided the generated contours, which were surrounded
by multiple nuclei. The MoNuSeg dataset was used to val-
4. Applications idate this framework using different metrics, including the
The development of panoptic segmentation systems can aggregated Jaccard index (AJI), Dice, RQ, and PQ. This
be helpful for various tasks and applications. Thus, several method claims to overperform other DL approaches using
case scenarios can be found where panoptic segmentation several public dataset. Moving forward, in [138], a panoptic
plays an essential role in increasing performance. Fig. 5 feature fusion net is proposed, which is an instance segmen-
summarizes some of the main applications where panoptic tation process to analyze biological and biomedical images.
segmentation has been involved. Typically, the TCGA-Kumar dataset has been employed to
validate the panoptic segmentation approach, which incor-
4.1. Object detection porates 30 histopathology images gathered from the cancer
Panoptic segmentation has been mainly introduced for genome atlas (TCGA) [139].
making the object detection process more manageable and
and water consumption, littering, interaction, aggressive be- which are 7 with different object poses. It also contains
havior, etc. Generally, object and Keypoint detectors are many versions, including [153] and [154]. The images are
used to detect animals separately. However, the contours gleaned with various resolutions including 690 × 555 and
of the animals were not traced, which resulted in the loss 1240 × 1110.
of information. Panoptic segmentation has efficiently seg- D5. Cityscapes 7 : It is the most used dataset, for instance se-
mented individual pigs through a neural network (for seman- mantic and panoptic segmentation tasks due to its large-scale
tic segmentation) using different network heads and post- size as well as the number of scenes represented in it, which
processing methods to overcome this issue. The instance have been captured from 50 cities [155]. The Cityscapes
segmentation mask has been used to estimate the size or dataset is composed of more than 20K labeled images with
weight of animals. Even with dirty lenses and occlusion, coarse annotations. The number of object classes is about 30
the authors claim to have achieved 95% accuracy. Moreover, classes.
panoptic segmentation can be employed to visualize hidden D6. COCO panoptic task 8 : It is the most used dataset
enemies on battlefields, as described in [109]. for image segmentation, and recognition [23]. For image
segmentation, Microsoft COCO contains more than 2 mil-
lion images while 328000 images are labeled for instance
5. Public data sources
segmentation. Labeled images include stuff (various objects
Enabled by the growth of ML and DL algorithms, the such as animals, people, etc.) and things (such as reads,
datasets are the most important part of panoptic segmenta- sky, etc.). The novel version of COCO dataset assigned the
tion. With a dataset that contains thousands or billions of instance and semantic labels for each pixel of any image with
images with ground truth frames, there is a huge amount of different colors, which is suitable for validating panoptic
data the models can learn from them. For example, ImageNet segmentation. For that, 123K images are labeled and divided
[150] helps to evaluate visual recognition algorithms, while into 172 classes, in which 91 of them refer to stuff classes and
VGGFace2 [151] helps to validate face recognition methods. 80 for thing classes.
For image segmentation, cityscape, Synthia, and Mapillary D7. PSCAL VOC 2012 9 : It has more than 11K images split
are the most famous. For panoptic segmentation, which is a into 20 classes. Also, this dataset contains stuff and things
new area of image segmentation with more details, only a annotated, in which the stuff is labeled with the same colors
few datasets have panoptic subjects. Fig. 6 portrays samples [156].
from the most famous datasets used to validate instance, D8. ADE20K 10 : It is another image segmentation dataset
semantic and panoptic segmentation techniques. In what that includes about 25K images containing different types of
follows, we briefly discuss the properties of these datasets. objects where some of them are partially shown. This dataset
D1. Mapillary Vistas 3 : It is an instance/semantic/panoptic is divided into the training set (20K), validation set (2K), and
segementation dataset, which is represented as traffic-related test set (3K). This repository also contains 50 stuff (sky and
dataset with a large-scale collection of segmented images grass, etc.) and 100 things (cars, beds, person, etc.).
[152]. This dataset is split into training, validation, and test- D9. SYNTHIA 11 : It is a synthetic dataset for scene segmen-
ing sets, while the size of each set is 18000, 2000, and 5000 tation scenarios in the context of driving scenarios [157].
images, respectively. The number of classes is 65 in total, The dataset is composed of 13 classes of things and stuff.
where 28 refers to "stuff" classes and 37 is for "thing" classes. While the number of things and stuff is not declared. SYN-
Moreover, it incorporates different image sizes ranged from THIA has more than 220K images with different resolutions
1024 × 768 to 4000 × 6000. also contains RGB and depth images.
D2. KITTI 4 : The images pertaining to this dataset are D10. TCGA-KUMAR: It is a dataset of histopathology
captured from various places of the metropolis of Karlsruhe images for medical imagery purposes [139]. The dataset has
(Germany), including highways and rural regions. In each 30 images of 1000 × 1000 pixels captured by medical sen-
image, we can find around 30 pedestrians and 15 vehicles. sors, e.g. TCGA at 40× magnification. The images represent
Also, more than 12K images composed the KITTI dataset many organs, such as the kidney, bladder, liver, prostate, and
representing various objects. Thus, this dataset contains 5 breast.
different classes, where the number of "things" and "stuff" D11. TNBC: It is another histopathology dataset focusing
are not specified. on the triple-negative breast cancer (TNBC) dataset [158].
D3. SemanticKITTI 5 : It is another version of KITTI The TNBC dataset has 30 images with a resolution of
dataset that provides a 3D point-cloud version of the objects 512×512 taken by the same sensors as TCGA-KUMAR
in KITTI dataset semanticKITTI. The data is captured with dataset, and referred to 12 different patients. [158].
LiDAR from a field-of-view of 360 degrees. SemanticKITTI D12. BBB 12 : It is another medical imagery dataset of fluo-
consists of 43 000 scans with 28 classes. rescence microscopy images. It is composed of 200 images
D4. Middlebury Stereo 6 : It is a dataset of depth images
and RGB-D images captured from different field-of-view, 8
3 9
4 10
5 11
6 12
of a size of 520 × 696. The dataset has many versions, while 6.1. Evaluation metrics (M)
the most used for panoptic segmentation is the BBBC039V1 Evaluation metrics are essential for informing the state-
dataset obtained from fluorescence microscopy. The dataset of-the-art and comparing the achieved results of any method
is divided into train set with 100 images, 50 images for against existing works. Panoptic segmentation, as discussed
validation, and 50 in the test set. earlier, is a fusion of semantic and instance segmentation.
All in all, Table 3 summarizes the aforementioned Though the existing metrics for semantic and instance seg-
datasets used for panoptic segmentation and their main mentation can suit panoptic segmentation to a certain ex-
properties, e.g. the number of images, resolution, attributes, tent, they can not be used exclusively. Thus, researchers
geography/environment, format, and classes. have come up with different evaluation metrics to serve
the purpose of panoptic segmentation. Generally, existing
frameworks use panoptic quality (PQ), segmentation quality
6. Result Analysis and discussion (SQ), and recognition quality (RQ) metrics for measuring
In this section, we present the experimental results of the robustness of their results. In addition, other metrics
the state-of-the-art works evaluated on standard panoptic are considered to compare the performance of such frame-
segmentation benchmarks, including Cityscapes, COCO, works on the instance and semantic segmentation, such
Mapillary Vistas, Pascal VOC 2012, ADE20K, KITTI, and as the average over thing categories th and average over
SemanticKITTI. The accuracy and the efficiency of each stuff categories st. Moreover, some methods also used the
method are compared between all these methods. For each average precision (AP) and intersection-over-union (IoU)
dataset, the methods are evaluated on val set and test set for for comparison, which has been employed in this paper to
each dataset, also this division is taken into consideration in compare existing methods. Overall, the evaluation metrics
this comparison. used for panoptic segmentation are given below.
M1. Average Precision (AP): To evaluate certain algo-
rithms on the semantic, instance, and panoptic segmentation,
Table 3
Summary of the publicly available datasets for panoptic segmentation.
Dataset Images Resolution Attributes Geography/Environment Format Classes
D1. Mapillary Vistas 25000 4032 × 3024 Real-World Streets/ sun, rain, snow, fog .. Images 124(s), 100(T)
D2. KITTI Dataset 12919 1392 × 512 Real-World Streets, Various objects Videos 5
D3. SemanticKITTI 43 000 - Real-World Streets, Various objects Point-wise 28
D4. Middlebury Stereo 33 dataset various Real-World Various objects RGB-D Images 33
D5. Cityscapes 5000 2040 × 1016 Real-world Streets/ climate(summer...) Videos 11 (S), 8 (T)
D6. COCO 123,287 Arbitrary Real-world Various objects Images 91(S),80(T)
D7. Pascal VOC 2012 11 530 2040 × 1016 Real-world Object & People in action Videos 20
D8. ADE20K 27 574 2040 × 1016 Real-world Various objects Images 100(T), 50(S)
+200,000 1280 × 760 Synthetic Videos 13
D9. SYNTHIA +20,000 1280 × 760 Synthetic misc, sky, building, road... Images 13
D10. TCGA-KUMAR 30 1000 × 1000 medical U2OS cells Images -
D11. TNBC 30 512 × 512 medical U2OS cells Images -
D12. BBBC039V1 200 520 × 696 medical U2OS cells Images -
some metrics are used to report the quality of the segmented The computation of PQ as defined in [23] and all panop-
pixels simply. For example, we can find the PA that presents tic segmentation methods is expressed as:
the percent of pixels in the image, correctly classified. More- ∑
(푝,푞)∈푇 푃 퐼 표푈( 푝, 푞)
over, some works have also used mean average precision 푃푄 = (4)
(mAP). 푇 푃 + 12 |퐹 푃 | + 12 퐹 푁
M2. Intersection-over-union (IoU): It also refers to the Jac- where 퐼 표푈(푝, 푔) is the IoU between a predicted segment
card index. It is essentially a method to quantify the percent 푝 and the ground truth 푔. 푇 푃 refers to the matched pairs of
overlap between the target mask and prediction output. This segments, 퐹 푃 denotes the unmatched predictions and 퐹 푁
metric is closely related to the Dice coefficient, often used as represents the unmatched ground truth segments. Addition-
a loss function during training. Quite simply, the IoU metric ally, 푃 푄푇 ℎ , 푆푄푇 ℎ , 푅푄푇 ℎ (average over thing categories),
measures the number of pixels common between the target 푃 푄푆푓 , 푆푄푆푓 , and 푅푄푆푓 (average over stuff categories) are
and prediction masks divided by the total number of pixels reported to reflect the improvement on instance and semantic
present across both masks. segmentation segmentation.
Finally, it is worthy to mention that the metrics described
푡푎푟푔푒푡 ∩ 푝푟푒푑푖푐푡푖표푛 above have been introduced first by Kirillov et al. [23]
퐼 표푈 = (1) and been adopted by other works as a common ground for
푡푎푟푔푒푡 ∪ 푝푟푒푑푖푐푡푖표푛
comparison ever since, such as [82, 69, 147, 83]. Indeed,
to evaluate the panoptic segmentation performance of such
M3. Panoptic quality (PQ): It measures the quality in terms frameworks on medical histopathology and fluorescence
of the predicted panoptic segmentation compared to the microscopy images, AJI, object-level F1 score (F1), and PQ
ground truth involving segment matching and PQ compu- have been exploited.
tation from the matches. To make PQ insensitive to classes,
PQ is calculated for individual classes, and then the average M4. Aggregated Jaccard index (AJI): It is used for object-
over all the classes is calculated. Three sets - true positive level segmentation measurement, also it is an extended
(TP), false positive (FP), and false-negative (FN) - and IoU version of Jaccard index and defined using the following
between the ground truth and the prediction are required to expression:
calculate PQ. The expressions of SQ and RQ are given in ∑
( 푝, 푞)|퐺푖 ∩ 푃푀 |
Eqs. 2 and 3, respectively, while the formula for calculating 퐴퐽 퐼 = ∑ ∑ (5)
PQ is given in Eq. 4. ( 푝, 푞)|퐺푖 ∪ 푃푀 | +
푖 |푃퐹 |
where 퐺푖 is the 푖푡ℎ nucleus in a ground truth with a total of
퐼 표푈( 푝, 푞) 푁 nuclei. 푈 is the set of false positive predictions without
푆푄 =
(푝,푞)∈푇 푃
(2) the corresponding ground truth.
|푇 푃 |
M5. Object-level F1 score: refers to the metric used for
where 푝 refers the prediction and 푔 refers the ground truth. evaluating object detection performance, defined based on
The IoU between the prediction and the ground truth should the number of true detection and false detection:
be greater than 0.5 to give unique matching for the panoptic 2푇 푃
segmentation. 퐹1 = (6)
퐹 푁 + 2푇 푃 + 퐹 푃
where TP, FN, and FP represent the number of true
|푇 푃 | positive detection (corrected detected objects), false nega-
푅푄 = (3)
푇푃 + 1
|퐹 푃 | + 12 퐹 푁 tive detection (ignored objects), and false positive detection
2 (detected objects without corresponding ground truth), re-
Table 4
Performance comparison of existing schemes on the val and test-dev sets under Cityscapes datasets, where red, blue, cyan colors
indicates the three best results for each set.
Dataset test/val Method
PQ PQ푠푡 PQ푡ℎ SQ SQ푠푡 SQ푡ℎ RQ RQ푠푡 RQ푡ℎ
Kirillov et al. [23] 61.2 66.4 54.0 80.9 - - 74.4 - -
Axial-DeepLab [68] 65.6 - - - - - - - -
SOGNet [102] 60.0 62.5 56.7 - - - - - -
test Zhang et al. [70] 60.2 67.0 51.3 - - - - - -
Kirillov et al. [85] 58.1 62.5 52 - - - - - -
AUNet [96] 59.0 62.1 54.8 - - - - - -
EfficientPS [82] 67.1 71.6 60.9 83.4 79.6
Li et al. [97] 63.3 68.5 56.0 82.4 83.4 81.0 75.9 80.9 69.1
Panoptic-deeplab [39] 65.5 - - - - - - - -
PanopticDeeplab+ [105] 67.8 - - - - - - - -
FPSNet [67] 55.1 60.1 48.3 - - - - - -
Axial-DeepLab [68] 67.7 - - - - - - - -
EfficientPS Single-scale[82] 63.9 66.2 60.7 81.5 81.8 81.2 77.1 79.2 74.1
EfficientPS Multi-scale [82] 65.1 67.7 61.5 82.2 82.8 81.4 79.0 81.7 75.4
Li et al. [97] 61.4 66.3 54.7 81.1 81.8 80.0 74.7 79.4 68.2
Panoptic-deeplab [39] 67.0 - - - - - - - -
Hou et al. [98] 58.8 63.7 52.1 - - - - - -
val OCFusion [79] 60.2 64.7 54.0 - - - - - -
Geus et al. [40] 45.9 50.8 39.2 74.8 - - 58.4 - -
PCV [80] 54.2 58.9 47.8 - - - - - -
VPSNet [99] 62.2 65.3 58.0 - - - - - -
SpatialFlow [101] 58.6 61.4 54.9 - - - - - -
WeaklySupervised [92] 47.3 52:9 39.6 - - - - - -
Porzi et al. [41] 60.2 63.6 55.6 - - - - - -
UPSNet [46] 61.8 64.8 57.6 81.3 - - 74.8 - -
PanoNet [159] 55.1 - - - - - - - -
CASNet [160] 66.1 75.2 53.6 83.3 - - 78.4 - -
PanopticDeepLab+ [105] 69.6 - - - - - - - -
SPINet [103] 63.0 67.3 57.0 - - - - - -
Chennupati et al. [106] 48.4 59.3 33.2 - - - - - -
Son et al. [109] 58.0 - - 79.4 - - 71.4 - -
Petrovai et al [91] 57.3 62.4 50.4 - - - - - -
that the used backbones have a crucial impact on the results, 푅푄푠푡 Geo et al. [161] has achieved the highest performance
especially the deeper backbones, such as Xception-71 and results with a rate of 51.8%, 81.4%, and 63%, respectively.
RestNet-101. Accordingly, ResNeXt-101 has been used in On the COCO val set, the evaluation results are slightly
Panoptic-deeplab [105], SOGNet [102], Ada-Segment[95] different from the obtained results on test-dev set, although
and DetectoRS [108]. For example, the Xception-71 back- some frameworks have reached the highest performance,
bone used as encoder for panoptic segmentation models, has such as Li et al. [97], OCFusion [111], Panoptic-DeepLab+
42.1 M parameters while RestNet-101 includes 44.5 M and [105], OANet [87], and DR1Mask [104]. For example, using
ResNet-50 used in Ada-Segment[95] encompasses 25.6 M OCFusion, the performance rate for using PQ and PQ푡ℎ
parameters. The use of deeper backbones demonstrates the metrics has reached 46.6% and 53.5%, respectively. The
effectiveness of SOGNet on test-dev set, which has utilized difference between the method that reaches the highest re-
ResNet-101 and ResNeXt-101 backbones. It has also been sults and those in the second and third places is around 1-
observed that the results of various works in terms of PQ, 2%, which demonstrates the effectiveness of these panoptic
RQ and SQ have a slight variation, such as BANet, AUNet, segmentation schemes.
Dao et al. [161], UPSNet [46], Panoptic-DeepLab+ [105],
Ada-Segment[95], and DetectoRS [108]. Moving on, the 6.2.3. Evaluation on Mapillary Vistas
obtained results evaluated on things and stuff using the meth- Mapillary Vistas has been used only by a few methods,
ods described in these references are the best. For example, where the average PQ value has attained 38.65%. The high-
BANet [69] has reached 82.1% and 66.3% regarding 푅푄푡ℎ est value of 44.3% has been reported by Panoptic-DeepLab+
and 푆푄푡ℎ , respectively. While in terms of 푃 푄푠푡 , 푆푄푠푡 and
Table 5
Performance comparison of existing schemes on the val and test-dev sets under COCO datasets, where red, blue, cyan colors
indicates the three best results for each set.
Dataset test/val Method
PQ PQ푠푡 PQ푡ℎ SQ SQ푠푡 SQ푡ℎ RQ RQ푠푡 RQ푡ℎ
JSISNet [43] 27.2 23.4 29.6 71.9 72.3 71.6 35.9 30.6 39.4
Axial-DeepLab [68] 44.2 36.8 49.2 - - - - - -
EPSNet [81] 38.9 31.0 44.1 - - - - - -
BANet [69] 47.3 35.9 54.9 80.8 78.9 82.1 57.5 44.3 66.3
OCFusion [79] 46.7 35.7 54.0 - - - - - -
PCV [80] 37.7 33.1 40.7 77.8 76.3 78.7 47.3 42.0 50.7
Eppel et al. [83] 33.7 31.5 35.1 79.6 78.4 80.4 41.4 39.3 42.9
SpatialFlow [101] 42.8 33.1 49.1 78.9 - - 52.1 - -
SOGNet [102] 47.8 - - 80.7 - - 57.6 - -
Kirillov et al. [85] 40.9 29.7 48.3 - - - - - -
AUNet [96] 46.5 32.5 55.8 81.0 77.0 83.7 56.1 40.7 66.3
OANet [87] 41.3 27.7 50.4 - - - - - -
UPSNet [46] 46.6 36.7 53.2 80.5 78.9 81.5 56.9 45.3 64.6
Panoptic-DeepLab+ [105] 46.5 38.2 52.0 - - - - - -
Ada-Segment[95] 48.5 37.6 55.7 81.8 - - 58.2 - -
COCO Gao et al. [107] 46.3 37.9 51.8 80.4 78.8 81.4 56.6 46.9 63.0
DetectoRS [108] 50.0 37.2 58.5 - - - - - -
JSISNet [43] 26.9 23.3 29.3 72.4 73 72.1 35.7 30.4 39.2
Axial-DeepLab [68] 43.9 36.8 48.6 - - - - - -
EPSNet [81] 38.6 31.3 43.5 - - - - - -
Li et al. [97] 43.4 35.5 48.6 79.6 - - 53.0 - -
BANet [69] 43.0 31.8 50.5 79.0 75.9 81.1 52.8 39.4 61.5
Hou et al. [98] 37.1 31.3 41.0 - - - - - -
val OCFusion [79] 46.3 35.4 53.5 - - - - - -
PCV [80] 37.5 33.7 40.0 77.7 76.5 78.4 47.2 42.9 50.0
BGRNet [100] 43.2 33.4 49.8 - - - - - -
SpatialFlow [101] 40.9 31.9 46.8 - - - - - -
Weber et al. [86] 32.4 28.6 34.8 - - - - - -
SOGNet [102] 43.7 33.2 50.6 - - - - - -
OANet [87] 40.7 26.6 50 78.2 72.5 82.0 49.6 34.5 59.7
UPSNet [46] 43.2 34.1 49.1 79.2 - - 52.9 - -
Panoptic-DeepLab+ [105] 45.8 38.0 51.0 - - - - - -
LintentionNet [31] 41.4 30.8 48.3 78.5 72.9 82.2 50.5 39.1 58.0
Ada-Segment[95] 43.7 32.5 51.2 - - - - - -
Auto-Panoptic [73] 44.8 35.0 51.4 78.9 - - 54.5 - -
SPINet [103] 42.2 31.4 49.3 - - - - - -
DR1Mask [104] 46.1 35.5 53.1 81.5 - - 55.3 - -
Gao et al. [107] 45.7 37.5 51.2 - - - - - -
[105], followed by 40.5% that has been obtained by Effi- and Cityscapes. This is because of the variation of the
cientPS [82] on val set. The PQ value of this dataset was scenes, the number of objects (65 classes), as well as images
almost similar to COCO. However, the SQ and RQ values in this repository. Explicitly, they have been captured during
of this dataset were lower than COCO. This is mainly due different seasons and weather conditions and during the
to the fact that COCO has more different, non-overlapping day/night vision, which makes finding the pattern difficult
things compared to Mapillary Vistas. Table 6 summarizes for all the techniques. Even that, the PanopticDeepLab+
the results obtained in other frameworks under Mapillary and EfficientPS methods have succeeded in the segmentation
Vistas and Pascal VOC 2012 datasets. task with a high-performance rate versus the other methods.
On Mapillary Vistas val set and test-dev set, the obtained In terms of 푃 푄, 푃 푄푠푡 and 푃 푄푡ℎ , PanopticDeepLab+ is more
results are reported in Table 6. Generally from these results, efficient with respect to the other methods. However, for the
the performance of the methods validated on this dataset other metrics, EfficientPS has reached 74.9% in terms of 푆푄,
describes a more challenging dataset compared to COCO while the fourth-best value of 푆푄 is 55.9%, which is attained
Table 6
Performance comparison of existing schemes on the val and test-dev sets under Mapillary Vitas, Pascal VOC 2012 and ADE20K
datsets, where red, blue, cyan colors indicates the three best results for each set, respectively.
Dataset test/val Method
PQ PQ푠푡 PQ푡ℎ SQ SQ푠푡 SQ푡ℎ RQ RQ푠푡 RQ푡ℎ
JSISNet [43] 17.6 27.5 10 55.9 66.9 47.6 23.5 35.8 14.1
EfficientPS Single-scale[82] 38.3 44.2 33.9 74.2 75.4 73.3 48.0 54.7 43.0
EfficientPS Multi-scale [82] 40.5 47.7 35.0 74.9 76.2 73.8 49.5 56.4 44.4
val Panoptic-deeplab [39] 40.3 49.3 33.5 - - - - - -
Geus et al. [40] 23.9 35 15.5 66.5 - - 31.2 - -
Mao et al. [77] 38.3 44.4 33.6 - - - - - -
Porzi et al. [41] 35.8 39.8 33.0 - - - - - -
PanopticDeepLab+ [105] 44.3 51.9 38.5 - - - - - -
Panoptic-deeplab [39] 42.7 51.6 35.9 78.1 81.9 75.3 52.5 61.2 46.0
Kirillov et al. [23] 38.3 41.8 35.7 73.6 - - 47.7 - -
FPSNet [67] 57.8 - - - - - - - -
val Zhang et al. [70] 65.8 - - - - - - - -
Li et al. [92] 63.1 - - - - - - - -
BCRF [88] 71.76 - - 89.63 - - 79.33 - -
BGRNet [100] 31.8 27.3 34.1 - - - - - -
val PanopticDeepLab+ [105] 37.4 - - - - - - - -
Ada-Segment[95] 32.9 27.9 35.6 - - - - - -
Auto-Panoptic [73] 32.4 30.2 33.5 74.4 - - 40.3 - -
using JSISNet [43]. This represents an improvement of 20%, using PanopticDeepLab+ has reached a performance rate of
which is a considerable difference. 37.4%, which outperforms Ada-Segement, Auto-Panoptic,
Also, for all the other metrics, EfficientPS has achieved and BSRNet in terms of PQ by more than 4%, 5% and 6%,
the highest performance rate due to the use of the multi-scale respectively. Moreover, it has clearly been seen that this
method of segmentation. On test-dev set, Panoptic-deeplab framework (PanopticDeepLab+) reports only PQ metrics,
has reached the best value with 42.7% in terms of PQ , which while the other evaluations on thing and stuff classes have
demonstrate the efficiency of these type of methods using the not been considered (as illustrated in Table 6).
Xception-71 backbone [39].
6.3. Evaluation using AP and mIoU metrics
6.2.4. Evaluation on Pascal VOC 2012 As discussed previously, in addition to evaluating the
Pascal VOC 2012 is not the favorite dataset for test- quality of panoptic segmentation using PQ, RQ, and SQ,
ing panoptic segmentation strategies. By contrast to other other solutions have only used AP and IoU metrics. To that
datasets, e.g. Cityscapes and COCO that consist of stuff end, we discuss in this section only the frameworks evaluated
and thing classes, PASCAL VOC 2012 encompasses thing using AP and IoU metrics. Table 7 presents the obtained
classes as shown in Fig. 6, and hence the balance between results of several existing panoptic segmentation works in
stuff and thing classes is different than Cityscapes. How- terms of AP and IoU metrics with reference to different
ever, it may be possible that changing hyperparameters can datasets, including Cityscapes, COCO, ADE20K, Mapillary
substantially improve performance. This demonstrates the Vitas, KITTI, and Semantic KITTI. From Table 7, it can
performance of the frameworks presented in Table 6. For be observed that PanopticDeepLab+, Panoptic-deeplab, and
example, it has been shown that the performance of BCRF UPSNet are the best methods in terms of AP and IoU metrics
[71] has achieved 71.7%, which is the highest PQ result under Cityscapes, COCO , Mapillary Vitas and ADE20K
compared to other schemes evaluated on the same dataset datasets. In this regard, for the case of Cityscapes and under
as well as in comparison with other PQ results on other the val set, the PanopticDeepLab+ method has reached
datasets, e.g. COCO and Cityscapes. Furthermore, the per- the best AP value with a percentage of 46.8%, which is
formance of BCRF has been more accurate than FPSNet by more accurate than the second best value by up to 34%
up to 14%. By and large, due to its specificity in comparison that has been achieved using PanopticDeepLab+. On the
with the existing datasets, most of the panoptic segmentation other hand, under the COCO dataset, UPSNet has attained
frameworks have not trained their models on Pascal VOC the highest mIoU value compared to SDC-Depth with an
2020. accuracy of 55.8%. For the remaining datasets, including
Mapillary Vitas and ADE20K, PanopticDeepLab+ is the
6.2.5. Evaluation on ADE20K best technique in terms of the AP metric on the val set. On
The obtained results for each framework on ADE20K the cityscapes test set, PanopticDeepLab+ has also achieved
are reported in Table 6. On val set, the approach described
Table 7
Performance comparison using AP and IoU metrics
Dataset test/val Method AP mIoU
EfficientPS Single-scale [82] 38.3 79.3
EfficientPS Multi-scale [82] 43.8 82.1
PanoNet [159] 23.1 –
CASNet[160] 35.8 -
Panoptic-deeplab [39] 42.5 83.1
PCV [80] - 74.1
Hou et al. [98] 29.8 77.0
Cityscpaes WeaklySupervised [92] 24.3 71.6
Porzi et al. [41] 33.3 74.9
UPSNet [46] 39.0 79.2
SDC-Depth [162] - 64.8
PanopticDeepLab+ [105] 46.8 85.3
SPINet [103] 35.3 80.0
Chennupati et al. [106] 24.9 68.7
Petrovai et al [91] - 76.9
Panoptic-deeplab [39] 39.0 84.2
PanopticDeepLab+ [105] 42.2 84.1
SDC-Depth [162] 31.0 38.6
COCO val
UPSNet [46] 34.3 55.8
SPINet [103] 33.2 43.2
Panoptic-deeplab [39] 17.2 56.8
EfficientPS Single-scale [82] 18.7 52.6
EfficientPS Multi-scale [82] 20.8 54.1
Mapillary Vitas
Mao et al. [77] 17.6 52.0
Porzi et al. [41] 16.2 45.6
PanopticDeepLab+ [105] 21.8 60.3
test Panoptic-deeplab [39] 16.9 57.6
val PanopticDeepLab+ [105] - 50.35
test PanopticDeepLab+ [105] - 40.47
EfficientPS Single-scale[82] 27.1 55.3
EfficientPS Multi-scale[82] 27.9 56.4
EfficientLPS [131] - 64.9
SemanticKITTI val
Panoster [128] - 61.1
EfficientLPS [131] - 61.4
Panoster [128] - 59.9
the best results in comparison with Panoptic-deeplab as well the panoptic segmentation for LiDAR applications. For in-
as under Mapillary Vistas. Moving on, with regard to mIoU, stance, SemanticKITTI, which is an extension of the KITTI
PanopticDeepLab+ has reached the highest performance dataset, a large-scale dataset providing dense point-wise
results under Cityscapes (val set), Mapillary Vistas (val set), semantic labels for all sequences of the KITTI Odometry
and ADE20K (for both val and test sets). While under the Benchmark, has been employed for training and evaluating
COCO dataset, it has been clearly seen that the SDC-Depth laser-based panoptic segmentation. Thus, SemanticKITTI
approach has achieved the best performance. In addition, is the benchmark dataset that is currently available for the
under both KITTI and SemanticKITTI datasets, EfficientPS evaluation of panoptic segmentation on LiDAR data.
has attained the best result under both val and test set. Another aspect noticed in the literature is that both two-
stage and unified based approach are carried out for panoptic
6.4. Evaluation on LiDAR data segmentation on LiDAR data. A deep explanation of two-
LiDAR refers to sensors used to calculate the distance stage approaches can be found in [123], while for unified
between the source and the object using laser light and by architectures, different sources can be consulted, including
calculating the time taken to reflect the light back. LiDAR PanopticTrackNet+ [163], EfficientLPS [131], DSNet [132]
sensor data is the mostly sought-after data when it comes and Panoster [128]. Moreover, a clustering based method
to self-driving autonomous cars. On the other hand, panop- can be seen in [127]. It is worth noting that for panoptic
tic segmentation is seen as a new paradigm that can help segmentation, some existing works have also performed
the self-driving cars by providing a finer grain and full ablation study. Furthermore, the authors of [163] have also
understanding of the image scenes. To that end, different made a pseudo-label annotation on a dataset after training
datasets have been launched to test the performance of and testing their model on the semanticKITTI dataset.
Table 8
Performance of various panoptic techniques under KITTI and SemanticKITTI.
Dataset test/val Method PQ SQ RQ PQ푡ℎ SQ푡ℎ RQ푡ℎ PQ푠푡 SQ푠푡 RQ푡ℎ
EfficientPS Single-scale[82] 42.9 72.7 53.6 30.4 69.8 43.7 52.0 74.9 60.9
EfficientPS Multi-scale [82] 43.7 73.2 54.1 30.9 70.2 44.0 53.1 75.4 61.5
RangeNet++[126]+PointPillars 37.1 47.0 75.9 20.2 25.2 75.27 49.3 62.8 76.5
KPConv [125]+ PointPillars 44.5 54.4 80.0 32.7 38.7 81.5 53.1 65.9 79.0
PanopticTrackNet+ [130] 40.0 73.0 48.3 29.9 33.6 76.8 47.4 70.3 59.1
Milioto et al. [129]+ 38.0 48.2 76.5 25.6 31.8 76.8 47.1 60.1 76.2
SemanticKITTI val
EfficientLPS [131] 65.1 75.0 69.8 58.0 78.0 68.2 60.9 72.8 71.0
[122] DSNet [132] 63.4 68.0 77.6 61.8 68.8 78.2 54.8 67.3 77.1
Panoster [128] 55.6 79.9 66.8 56.6 - 65.8 - - -
EfficientLPS [131] 63.2 83.0 68.7 53.1 87.8 60.5 60.5 79.5 74.6
DSNet [132] 62.5 66.7 82.3 55.1 62.8 87.2 56.5 69.5 78.7
Panoster [128] 59.9 80.7 64.1 49.4 83.3 58.5 55.1 78.8 68.2
Moreover, the val set and the testing set of SemanticKITTI Table 9 represents the performance of each method
dataset have been used to evaluate and study the performance using the two scenarios. Panoptic SQ has been used here
of the existing methods, as portrayed in Table 8. 푃 푄, 푆푄 to demonstrate the effectiveness of different methods as
and 푅푄 for both "stuff" and "things" are reported for better well as two other metrics, including AJI and F1 metrics.
clarification. In this context, EfficientLPS [131] achieves By considering the false-positive predictions, AJI extends
a 푃 푄 score of 65.1%, which has an improvement of 4.7% the Jaccard Index for each object, which multiplies the F1
over the previous state-of-the-art Panoster. EfficientLPS has score for object detection and the IoU score for instance
achieved the highest 푃 푄 value in both the test and the val segmentation. The methods that have trained their model
set of semanticKITTI. Not only in terms of 푃 푄, but also using the same scenarios include CYCADA [164], Chen
the values of 푆푄 and 푅푄 for both "stuff" and "things" are el al. [165], SIFA [166], DDMRL [167], Hou et al. [168],
the highest for EfficientLPS. Therefore, EfficientLPS has an PDAM [36] and Cyc-PDAM [111].
increase of 4.5% in terms of the 푆푄푡ℎ score compared to From the obtained results, we can find that the PDAM
Panoster. This is most probably because of the use of the method has reached the highest values in terms of AJI and
peripheral loss function, which improves the SQ of "things". F1 metrics better than CYC-PDAM, therefore up to 0.4% and
Similarly, distance-dependent semantic head has been used 1% improvements in terms of AJI and F1 have been obtained,
to improve the 푅푄푠푡 by 2% and an overall 푅푄 score of respectively, under BBC039(Kumar) dataset. In addition,
69.8%. under BBC039(TNBC), PDAM has been more accurate than
Moving on, DSNet [132] has achieved better 푃 푄 and CYC-PDAM by 1% for the AJI metric and 2% in terms of
푅푄 performance than Panoster, however, panoster has better the F1 metric. Moreover, it has outperformed the results
푆푄 results than DSNet. Apart form the 푃 푄, 푆푄 and 푅푄 of other methods by more than 10% for AJI, such as SIFA
metrics, mIoU has also been used in the evaluation, as and DDMR, while up to 7% improvement has been attained
presented in Table 8. The highest value of 64.9% has been comapred to Hou el a., DDMRL, and SFIA using F1 score.
achieved by EfficientLPS on the val set of semanticKITTI Regarding the panoptic SQ and PQ, Cyc-PDAM has been the
while Panoster got 61.1%. Similarly, on the test set also best accurate method compared to PDAM or other methods.
EfficientLPS has better performance than Panoster. It can be Accordingly, Cyc-PDAM has been better than PDAM by
concluded that out of the available panoptic segmentation up to 22% on BBC039(Kumar) scenario, while up to 20%
methods for LiDAR, the EfficientLPS scheme has the best improvement has been reached under the BBC039(TNBC)
performance and can be considered as the current state-of- scenario.
the-art method.
7. Challenges and Future Trends
6.5. Evaluation on medical dataset
To compare the effectiveness of proposed methods for 7.1. Current Challenges
medical microscopy images, fluorescence and histopathol- As explained previously, panoptic segmentation is a
ogy microscopy datasets have been used, such as BBBC039V1, combination of semantic and instance segmentation while
Kumar, and TNBC. BBBC039V1 is a fluorescence mi- semantic segmentation is the contextual pixel-level labeling
croscopy image dataset of U2OS cells. Kumar and TNBC of a scene and instance segmentation is the labeling of the
are histopathology microscopy datasets. Some frameworks objects contained in this scene. For semantic-based, the cate-
have used the BBBC039V1 dataset as the training dataset gorization of a pixel made by deciding which class this pixel
and either Kumar or TNBC as as the target dataset. belongs to, where the instance classification exploits the
results of object detection followed by a fine-level segmenta-
tion to labeling the object pixels in one homogeneous label.
Table 9
Comparison of the performance on both two histopathology and fluorescence microscopy datasets.
Method BBBC039 → 퐾푢푚푎푟 BBBC039 → 푇 푁퐵퐶
CyCADA [164] 0.4447±0.1069 0.7220±0.0802 0.6567±0.0837 0.4721±0.0906 0.7048±0.0946 0.6866±0.0637
Chen et al. [165] 0.3756±0.0977 0.6337±0.0897 0.5737±0.0983 0.4407±0.0623 0.6405±0.0660 0.6289±0.0609
SIFA [166] 0.3924±0.1062 0.6880±0.0882 0.6008±0.1006 0.4662±0.0902 0.6994±0.0942 0.6698±0.0771
DDMRL [167] 0.4860±0.0846 0.7109±0.0744 0.6833±0.0724 0.4642±0.0503 0.7000±0.0431 0.6872±0.0347
Hou et al. [168] 0.4980±0.1236 0.7500±0.0849 0.6890±0.0990 0.4775±0.1219 0.7029±0.1262 0.6779±0.0821
CyC-PDAM [111] 0.5610±0.0718 0.7882±0.0533 0.7483±0.0525 0.5672±0.0646 0.7593±0.0566 0.7478±0.0417
PDAM [36] 0.5653±0.0751 0.7904±0.0474 0.5249±0.0884 0.5726±0.0414 0.7742±0.0302 0.5409±0.0331
The semantic segmentation can include the segmentation of environmental changes such as rain, could, and fog.
the stuff and things together while the things are labeled with Accordingly, this could reduce the accuracy of panop-
the same color class correspond to the object type. While the tic segmentation algorithms once they are applied in
instance segmentation gives the separation of these objects real-world scenarios [172].
using different color classes. Similar to all computer vision
tasks, many challenges can obstruct any method to reach the • Quality of datasets: It is highly important for im-
best outcomes. In this perspective, different limitations have proving the performance of panoptic segmentation
been identified, such as the occlusion between the objects, models. Although there are several available datasets,
scale variation of the objects, illumination changes and last there is still a struggle in annotating them [173, 174,
but not least the similar intensities of the objects. To that end, 175]. While panoptic segmentation and segmentation
in this paper we attempt to summarize some of the challenges in general require data to be annotated or validated by
that are currently faced as follows: human experts.
• An efficient merging heuristic is required to merge
• Objects scale variations: It is one of the limitations
the instance and semantic segmentation results and
for all computer vision tasks, including objects detec-
produce the final panoptic segmentation visual results.
tion, semantic, instance and panoptic segmentation.
The accuracy of the merging heuristic determine the
Most of the proposed models attempt to address this
performance of the model in general. However, a
problem as a first step. Generally, existing methods
critical problem in this case is due to the increase
do not work well on small targets, while available
in computation time because of the merging heuristic
annotated datasets for training are not sufficient in
terms of scenes that include many scaled objects [169,
170]. Detection of small objects within images is quite • Computational time: The training time using DL
difficult, and furthermore distinguishing them into models for panoptic segmentation is generally very
things and stuff is even more harder when the object costly due to the complexity of these models, and
is small, especially when images are skewered and also because of the nature of the model, i.e. single
occluded. or separated. Generally speaking, separated model
(instance semantic for panoptic) takes more training
• Complex background: For image segmentation, many
time than unified models, however, the panoptic SQ is
(stuff, things) can be considered as other annotated
(stuff, things) when scenes are complex. The captured
images can include many (stuff, things) that are not 7.2. Future Trends
annotated in the datasets, which makes the appearance In the near future, more research works can be concen-
of people and other objects similar [171]. trated on developing end-to-end models to perform both
• Cluttered scenes: The total or partial occlusion be- instance and semantic segmentation simultaneously. This
tween dynamic objects in the scene is also one of will reduce the demand for merging heuristics, as merging
the limitations of most of the panoptic segmentation also weighs in as a factor for measuring the performance
methods. This is especially for the case of instance of the model. Replacing the merging heuristic methods can
(things) segmentation which is an essential part in improve further the computational time for the model [67].
panoptic segmentation that can be affected by the More concentration on detecting smaller objects, re-
occlusion . Thus, this results in much lower quality moval of unnecessary small objects and other miscellaneous
and quantity of the ’things’ segmented. objects can be given. Also the separation between things for
a good instance segmentation can be helpful using accurate
• Weather changes: The surveillance using drones can edge detection methods. This will also help to provide some
be affected by various types of weather conditions and real-time panoptic segmentation techniques. At the moment,
category from natural language, the authors in [182] have the best of the authors’ knowledge, which has been de-
proposed panoptic based model, namely InstanceRefer, to signed following a well-defined methodology. Accordingly,
firstly filter instances from panoptic segmentation on point the background of the panoptic segmentation technology
clouds for obtaining a small number of candidates. Follow- was first presented. Next, a taxonomy of existing panoptic
ing, they conducted the cooperative holistic scene-language segmentation schemes was performed based on the nature
understanding for every candidate before localizing the most of the adopted approach, type of image data analyzed, and
pertinent candidate using an adaptive confidence fusion. application scenario. Also, datasets and evaluation metrics
This has helped InstanceRefer in effectively outperforming used to validate panoptic segmentation frameworks were
existing techniques. Moving on, since temporal semantic discussed, and the most pertinent works were tabulated for a
scene analysis is essential to develop powerful models for clear comparison of the performance of each model.
self-driving vehicles and even autonomous robots that oper- In this context, it was clear that some methods per-
ate in dynamic environments, Aygun et al. [133] introduce formed instance segmentation and semantic segmentation
a 4D panoptic segmentation for assigning a semantic class separately and fused the results to achieve panoptic seg-
and a temporally consistent instance ID to a sequence of 3D mentation, while most of the existing techniques completed
points. Typically, this method has relied on determining a the process as a unified model. Although, the significant
semantic class for each point and modeling object instances importance given to the panoptic segmentation by the re-
as probability distributions in the 4D spatio-temporal do- search community has led to the publication of various
main. Therefore, multiple point clouds have been processed research articles. The PQ of 69% on the Cityscapes dataset
simultaneously and point-to-instance associations have been and 50% on the COCO dataset were the best results from all
resolved. This allows to efficiently alleviate the need for the models. This demonstrates that significant work is still
explicit temporal data association. required to improve their performance and facilitate their
In terms of the applications of panoptic segmentation,
8. Conclusion there was a strong inclination towards autonomous driving,
Panoptic segmentation is a breakthrough in computer vi- pedestrian detection, and medical image analysis (especially
sion that segments “things” and “stuff” by separating objects using histopathological images). However, new application
into different classes. Panoptic segmentation has opened opportunities are emerging, such as for the military sector,
several opportunities in various research and development where panoptic segmentation can be utilized to visualize
fields. A separation of things and stuff with the distinction hidden enemies on battlefields. On another side, although
of objects is required, such as autonomous driving, medical there are very few real-time applications of panoptic seg-
image analysis, remote sensing images mapping, etc. To mentation yet, an increasing interest is devoted towards
inform the state-of-the-art, we proposed the first extensive this direction. One of the most striking features of panop-
critical review of the panoptic segmentation technology to tic segmentation is its ability to annotate datasets, which
significantly reduces the computation time required for the [18] I. Cabria, I. Gondra, Mri segmentation fusion for brain tumor detec-
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of Information and Telecommunication 2 (2) (2018) 126–146.
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