HUMSS - DIASS - 12-Ia-1 Module 1-3 Week 1 Edited

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Disciplines and Ideas in

the Applied Social Science

Module 1-3 Week 1

Module 1 Week 1

The social sciences encompass diverse concerns of society and include a wide range of
content drawn from the disciplines of history, geography, political science, economics and
sociology. The selection of organization of material into a meaningful social science curriculum,
one that will enable students to develop a critical understanding of society, is therefore a
challenging task. The possibilities of including new dimensions and concerns are immense,
especially in view of the students’ own life experiences.

Social science is, in its broadest sense, the study of society and the manner in which people
behave and influence the world around us. Social science tells us about the world beyond our
immediate experience, and can help explain how our own society works from the causes of
unemployment or what helps economic growth, to how and why people vote, or what makes
people happy. It provides vital information for governments and policymakers, local
authorities, non- governmental organization and others.

Applied social science is the study of the society we live in and the relationships people
have within that society.

This learning material will provide you with information and activities that will help you
understand social sciences and applied social sciences.

After going through this learning material, you are expected to:
• clarify the relationships and differences between social sciences and applied
social sciences (HUMSS_DIASS 12-Ia-1)

For a more thorough understanding of the topic, you have to perform the activities ahead.
Enjoy the exercises.

Activity 1: Jumble Solver!

Direction: Unscramble the letters to form words that are related to social sciences and applied
social sciences using meaning as the clue.


condition of a region or
1. NCEOIMOCS group as regards to
material prosperity
advice and support that is
2. UECSNOLGNIL given to people to help
them deal with problems
3. GRGAOHEYP natural features of a place

4. SPCOYLHOYG study of mind and

study of society, social
5. CSLOYGIOO institutions, and social
6. TISHOYR events of the past

7. YMDEGROHPA statistical study of human

study of human races,
8. NHRAPTOYOOLG origins, societies and
9. MNOUCMIIATCNO ways of sending
information to people
the study of language and
10. SUIILGNICTS of the way languages work

Defining Social Sciences is made of several disciplines and these include history, political
science, sociology, psychology, economics, geography, demography, anthropology and
linguistics. As a body of scientific knowledge, the social sciences provide diverse set of lens that
helps us understand and explain the different facets of human society.

Branches of the Social Sciences

• Economics studies the allocation of scarce resources and the production and exchange
of goods and services in society.
Economics has different subfields:
• Environmental economics- studies the allocation of natural resources.
• Labor economics-focuses on the study of the decision- making and behaviors of
employees and the relationships between employers and their employees.

• Business economics- examines the behavior of companies and firms by studying

the factors that result in profit maximization, price setting, production goals, and
the role of incentives.
• Monetary economics- on the other hand, studies the nation’s production, inflation,
income, interest rates, and monetary policies.

Anthropology is the scientific study of humans and their cultures in the past and present
Anthropologists are trained in the different areas:
• Cultural anthropology studies the development of human culture based on ethnologic,
linguistic, social, and psychological data analysis. It explains how people in other
societies live and affects their environments to their respective lives.

• Physical anthropology studies human biological nature, particularly its beginning

, evolution, and variation in prehistory
• Archeology studies human life in the past through the examination of things left
behind by the people.

History is systematic study of human past events in order to understand the meaning,
dynamics, and relationship of the cause and effects of events in the development of
History has several subfields:
• Political history studies history of political institutions
• Economic history studies the development of economic institutions and other
economic factors.
• Social history studies the history of ordinary lives of people like women, children,
ethnic groups, and the different sectors of society from historical point of view.

• Environmental history looks into the history of the interaction of humans with the

• History of medicine and public health examines the history of public health and
human medicine
• Business history studies the history of the development of businesses,
companies, and industries
• Biographies studies the history of great persons in history
• Political Science primarily studies human behavior in relation to political systems,
governments, laws, and international relations.
Political has several fields of study:
• Domestic politics studies public opinion, elections, national and local
• Comparative politics studies politics within countries and analyzes the
similarities and differences between among countries
• International relations focuses on the study of political relationship and
interaction between and among countries
• Public administration studies national and local governance and
• Public law examines legal systems, civil rights , and criminal justice

Psychology studies how the human mind works in consonance with the body to produce
thoughts that lead to individual actions.
Psychology subfields:
• Experimental psychology studies of humans and animals examines how and why
learning takes place
• Developmental psychology studies the ways people change and behave as they go
through their life
• Personality psychology studies human nature and differences among people

• Environmental psychology studies the effects of surroundings on a person’s attitude

and behavior

Sociology is a systematic study of people’s behavior in groups

Sociology subfields:
• Applied sociology focuses on the use and proper application of sociological theories,
methods and skills to examine data, solve problems and communicate research to the
• Urban sociology studies societal life interactions in urban areas through the
application of sociological methods like statistical analysis and ethnographies
• Cultural sociology analyzes the development of social institutions, norms and
• Rural sociology studies the social life of people in rural areas
• Medical sociology examines the societal aspects of health and medicine of people

• Sociology of education analyzes how social forces and institutions like politics,
economic systems, and culture affects school and educational systems.

• Political sociology examines how social structure affects and influences politics.

• Military sociology is a sociological study of the military organization, the different
civilian and military relationships, war experiences, and the use and control of force.

Geography is the study of interaction between people and their environments.

Geography subfields:
• Physical geography studies the natural features of the earth, including land, water,
and atmosphere.
• Human geography studies how people create cultures in their natural
• Demography according to the Max Planck Institute for Demographic Research
(2016) is the scientific study of human populations across time.

• Population studies or social demography analyze demographic data to define,

explain, and foresee social phenomena. It also studies social – status composition and
population distribution.

Defining the Applied Social Sciences branch or study that applies the different concepts,
theoretical models, and theories of the social science disciplines to help understand society and
the different problems and issues. The applied social sciences is utilized to provide alternative
solutions to the diverse problem of the society.

Three main career tracks for applied social scientist:

1. Counseling is one of the fields of applied social sciences as an application of the social
sciences; counseling provides guidance, help, and support to individuals who are distraught by
a diverse set of problems in their lives.
Counseling can be done by the following:
Guidance counselor and life coaching are applications of the social
sciences and these professions, expert help are given to individuals who needed guidance or
advice pertaining to their business successes, general conditions and personal life
transitions, relationships and career.
Life coach analyzes the present condition of the client, discovers different obstacles or
challenges that a client faces, and provides a certain course of action to make the client’s life
Career counseling is needed by people who are in the process of entering the job market,
searching for possible career change, or those wanting career advancements.

Personal growth counseling concentrates on the evaluation of different aspects of a client’s

2. Social work practitioners help individuals, families, and groups, communities to improve
their individual and collective well-being.
3. Communication studies applied social science provide adequate training for careers in
the field of journalism and mass communication because of multidisciplinary knowledge
and skills that graduates learn from social sciences.

Here are some enrichment activities for you to work on to master and strengthen the basic concepts
you have learned from this lesson.

Activity 1: Complete Me!

Direction: Write details that tell how social sciences and applied social sciences are different in
the outer circles. Write details that tell how social sciences and applied social sciences are the
same where the circles overlap.

Relationships and Differences between Social Sciences and Applied Social Sciences

Social Sciences
Applied Social Sciences

Assessment Rubric for a Venn diagram

Category 5 4 3 2 1
Each section Each section Each section Each Each section
of the of the of the diagram section of of the
diagram diagram contains two the diagram diagram
Concept contains contains facts that are contains contains
Arrangement four facts three facts somewhat very few facts that are
easily easily identified. facts that not related
identified identified are not at all.
Reflects Most of the Reflects some Reflects Contains
factual information factual very little non-factual
information is factual information factual information
that and and attempts information that does not
Content corresponds seemingly to put it in and correspond
with corresponds corresponding attempts to to the
appropriate with section of put it in the appropriate
section of appropriate diagram. appropriate section of
diagram. section of section of diagram.
diagram. diagram.

Easy to read, Most text is Some text is Text is not Not legible.
legible. No easy to read. easy to read. easy to Excessive
Text misspellings. Fewer than There are five read. errors.
four misspelled Excessive
misspellings. words. misspellings
more than
five errors.

Clean, neat Fairly neat A little bit Not well Messy and
Presentation and well and clean. clean. Needs organized. A unorganized.
of output organized. Some some more little Not well put
organization. organization. cluttered. together.

Activity 2: My Point of View!

Direction: In two or three sentences expound the following statements basing from your
understanding of the topic discussed.

Statements Explanations

Social science is the study of society and

the manner in which people behave and
affect the world.

Social sciences are only applicable in the

academe and not in the workplace.

Applied social scientist use and borrow

different concepts, theoretical models, and
theories from social science and

Guidance counseling is a profession that

helps address a person’s specific projects,
business successes, general conditions
and transactions in life, relationships, or

Applied social sciences provide good

theoretical and conceptual foundations for
social work practice.

Scoring Rubric

Points Description

• Students understanding of concept

is clearly evident
5 • Student uses effective strategies to
get accurate results
• Student uses logical thinking to
arrive at a conclusion

• Students understanding of concept

is evident
4 • Student uses appropriate strategies
to get accurate results
• Student shows thinking skills to
arrive at conclusion

• Student has a limited

understanding of a concept
3 • Student uses strategies that are
• Student attempts to show thinking

• Student has a lack of

understanding of concept
2 • Student attempts to use a strategy
• Student shows little understanding

• Student has a complete lack of

understanding of concept
1 • Student makes no attempt to use a
• Student shows no understanding


I Can Fill It!

Direction: Fill in the blanks with the correct answer.

1. The allocation of scarce resources and the production and exchange of goods and
services in the society is known as ?
• Anthropology
• Economics
• History
• Psychology
2. Persons who study humans and their cultures in the past and present time are
called ?
• Anthropologists
• Environmentalists
• Geologists
• Historians
3. They are the experts in helping individuals who needed guidance or advice pertaining
to their business successes, general conditions and personal life
transitions, relationships and career is being referred to ?
• Advisor and entrepreneur
• Guidance counselor and life coach
• Social worker and administrator
• Teacher and administrative aide
4. Demography according to the is the scientific study of
human populations across time.
• CEA Grenoble center
• Centre de la reserche scientific
• International school for advanced studies
• Max Planck Institute
5. International Relations, Public Administration, and Public Law are under the
umbrella of .
• Geography
• Political Science
• Psychology
• Sociology


Great job! You have understood the lesson. Here is a more depth activity that will help you
understand the works and functions of social scientist and applied social science practitioner.

Direction: Make a poster slogan that will promote awareness to the public about the
important work and functions of a social scientist and applied social science practitioner. The
poster slogan must also explain the main differences of social scientist and an applied social
science practitioner.

Rubric for a Poster Slogan

Criteria 5 4 3 2 1

Content is Content is Content is Content is Content is

accurate and accurate but accurate but either inaccurate.
Content all required some some required questionable Information
information is required information is or is
presented in a information is not presented incomplete. incomplete,
logical order. not presented in a logical Information inaccurate,
in a logical order, making is not or not
order, but is it difficult to presented in presented in
still generally follow. a logical a logical
easy to follow. order, making order,
it difficult to making it
follow. difficult to
Presentation Presentation Presentation Presentation Presentation
is neat, clean, is mostly neat flows well. is has no flow.
Presentation well-organized and clean. Some tools are unorganized. Information
and presented Information used to show Tools are not is
in a creative is organized acceptable used in a insufficient.
way. in a logical understanding relevant
Presentation manner and Information is manner.
is colourful shows some represented Information
and creative. degree of and identified. is not
Information is creativity. identified.
interesting The overall
and accurate. presentation
is interesting.
Artworks are Artworks are Artworks are Artworks No images or
colorful and mostly colorful and show little, if artworks
Artworks appropriate to colorful and appropriate. any, included.
the topic. appropriate. The layout creativity.
Layout flows Lay out may shows little The layout is
well, shows show some creativity messy and
creativity, and degree of and/or is not disorganized.
is pleasing to creativity but organized
the eye. it is not logically.
No spelling, A few errors No more than No more than More than 7
grammar or in spelling, 5 spelling, 7 spelling, spelling,
Mechanics punctuation grammar or grammar or grammar or grammar or
errors in the punctuation. punctuation punctuation punctuation
text. Text is in Most text is in errors. Several errors. Most errors. Text
the student’s student’s own instances of the text is is copied or
own words. words. where the text not in not
is not in student’s own included.
student’s own words.


Take It Essay!

Direction: Answer the following questions briefly and concisely.

1. What is the importance of knowing the difference of pure social science from applied
social science?

2. How can you say that applied science differ from pure social science?

Short Answer Grading Rubric

Grading Factors:
1. Completeness
Does your response directly answer each question?
Excellent Very good Good Poor Needs improvement
5 4 3 2 1

2. Knowledge
Does your response clearly show you have read and understood the lesson content
by correctly defining key terms and summarizing concepts?
Excellent Very good Good Poor Needs improvement
5 4 3 2 1

3. Analysis
Does your response provide analysis to the larger concepts of the lesson?
Excellent Very good Good Poor Needs improvement
5 4 3 2 1

4. Writing Skills
Do you write clearly, in complete sentences, with minimal errors in grammar
and spelling?
Excellent Very good Good Poor Needs improvement
5 4 3 2 1

MODULE 2 Week 1

Counseling is aimed at empowering a client. The general goal is to lead an individual

client or group to self – emancipation in relation to a felt problem.

You are done with the relationships and differences between social sciences and
applied social sciences. This time let’s discuss the goals andscope in counseling.

In this lesson, the learner will demonstrate a high level of understanding of the basic
concepts of counseling through a group presentation of situation in which
practitioners of counseling work together to assist individuals, groups, or
communities involved in difficult situations.

Module 2: After this lesson, you are expected to:

• Identify the goals and scope of counseling (HUMSS_DIASS12-Ia-

Activity 1 Draw me, Represent me!

Directions: Inside the rectangle, draw the object that best describe you. You can be
creative and imaginative on your own object. Then answer the questions below the box


1. What did you imagine before drawing that object?

2. Why do you think that object best describes you?

Goals and Scope of Counseling

Counseling is aimed of empowering a client. The general goal is to lead an individual

client or group to self – emancipation in relation to a felt problem. At some stage in the
process, the client should attain insight and understanding of oneself, achieve better
self – awareness and look at oneself with increased self – acceptance and appreciation,
and be able to manage oneself positively. Client empowerment means that they develop
skill and abilities that require self - management and improved motivation toward
actions that are good for one’s self and develop a positive outlook toward the past
leading to some sense of closure and attainment of relative inner and outer harmony
resulting to improvement in relationships with family, friends, colleagues, and others.

Goals of Counseling

Different individuals have different perceptions of what can be expected of counseling

individuals preparing to become counselors, and those who seek counseling, as well as
parents, teachers, school administrators and governmental agencies, all differ in their
expectations of the counseling experience.

According to Gibson and Mitchell (2003), the following are the goals of counseling:

1. Development Goals - assist in meeting and advancing the client’s human growth
and development including social, personal, emotional, cognitive and physical

2. Preventive Goals - help the client to avoid some undesired outcomes.

3. Enhancement Goals – develop special skill and abilities.

4. Remedial Goals – assist the client to overcome and treat an undesirable


5. Exploratory Goals – examine the options, test the skills and try new and different

6. Reinforcement Goals – help the client in recognizing that what they are doing,
thinking, and feeling is fine.

7. Cognitive Goals – contain acquiring the basic understanding and habits for good

8. Physiological Goals – facilitate behavioral changes towards the society.

9. Psychological Goals – aid in developing good social interaction skills, learning

emotional control and developing positive self – concept.

Scope of Counseling

Clients are encouraged to meet with a counselor even if they are not sure that they
need counseling. Any client facing problems are encouraged to see a counselor.

The scope of counseling covers various aspects of human life including:

1. Personal – includes motivation, self –esteem, interest, career choice, etc.

2. Social – pertains to relationship conflicts, socialization, peer relationships, etc.

3. Cognitive – relates to the study habits, academic performance, irrational

thoughts, etc.

4. Behavioral – contains absenteeism, bullying, restlessness, misbehavior, etc.

5. Psychological – comprises of personality development, stress, etc.

6. Emotional –embraces to anger management issues, phobias, mild anxiety, etc.

7. Spiritual – covers spiritual beliefs, guidance, confusions, etc.

8. Health - - includes wellness, life and work balance, leisure, etc.

9. Occupational –indicates work and career decisions, etc.

However, counseling does not deal with the clinical cases such as mental illness,
requiring medication and psychotherapy.

There are many approaches to help clients move towards growth and problem-
resolution. Often counselors will provide them with opportunities to learn new skills
and coping mechanisms while also increasing their self-understanding and insight.
Counselors may also examine past patterns to help them assess in a healthier way
their current/ past relationships, decision-making, and family dynamics. With the help
of their counselors, clients will better understand their strengths and abilities to
manage life challenges which can be very important in achieving their therapeutic

Activity 1 Jot it down!

Direction: Analyze each situation below and put a check mark (✔) if it is reasonably
within a counselor’s jurisdiction, and put a cross mark (✘) if it is not. Justify your
answers using what you learned in this lesson.

1. Mocha feels insecure and an outcast in school because she thinks her
classmates talk negatively.

2. Ren - Ren needs to raise funds for her college tuition fee next year.

3. Allen keeps questioning himself if he is in the right job because he seems to be

getting more unmotivated as time goes. His spirit for doing his job well has gone down
these past few months.

4. Greg thinks he is addicted to video games and wants to control it to become

more productive with his schoolwork.

5. Shane was diagnosed with Obsessive – Compulsive Disorder (OCD) when

she was a teenager. As a young adult now, she wants to be helped again in
controlling her OCD symptoms.
6. Benny is overly jealous when it comes to the friends of his girlfriend. He
cannot seem to accept the fact that his girlfriend enjoys very much the company of

7. Lesley is overly scared of men because of a traumatic experience she had as

a little girl. She witnessed how three men robbed and stabbed her father to death.

8. Pete, 18 years old, is suffering from a split personality wherein he exhibits 8

personalities. At night he thinks that he is a mother, at day he portrays his
grandmother and during his lucid intervals he became Pete itself.

9. Keanu is confused on his religion wherein they do not eat blood –cooked
foods like his other classmates. His religion forbids to eat blood or any uncooked
foods with blood.

10. Martha, 16 years old has twin brothers, Leone and Loonie. Growing up with
two brothers, Martha questioned herself if she is really a girl or a boy since she likes
boys’ toys, clothes for the boys and other things that his twin brothers have.


Provides an insightful and detailed explanation/opinionthat includes
or extends ideas from the text.
Provides some explanation/opinion that includes ideasfrom the
text for support.
Uses text incorrectly or with limited success and includesan
inconsistent or confusing explanation.
Demonstrates minimal understanding of the task and provides
2 an unclear reference or no use of the text forsupport
Response is completely irrelevant or off – topic.
Activity 1 Let’s Do it!

Direction : Answer the following questions. Write your answer on the spaceprovided

1. Why do we need to seek counseling even if we do not think that we need

it? Explain your answer below.

2. Name one goal and one scope of counseling then give examples that explain the
goals and scope of counseling.
3. Create a 3-stanza poem to promote the advantages of counseling among the


Provides an insightful and detailed explanation/opinionthat includes or
extends ideas from the text.
Provides some explanation/opinion that includes ideasfrom the text for
Uses text incorrectly or with limited success and includesan inconsistent or
confusing explanation.
Demonstrates minimal understanding of the task and provides an
2 unclear reference or no use of the text forsupport
Response is completely irrelevant or off – topic.

Activity 1

Direction: Write T on the blank before the number if the statement is trueand F if it is

1. Counselors must respect the confidences with which they entrusted.

2. Counselors will provide them with opportunities to learn new skills and
coping mechanisms while also increasing their self-understanding and insight.

3. Clients are encouraged to meet with a counselor even if they are not sure
that they need counseling.

4. Counseling is aimed of empowering a client.

5. At some stage in the process, the client should attain insight and
understanding of oneself, achieve better self – awareness and look at oneself with
increased self – acceptance and appreciation, and be able to manage oneselfpositively.

6. Cognitive relates to the anger management, behaviors, and mood swings


7. Psychological goals aid in developing good social interaction skills, learning
emotional control and developing positive self – concept.

8. Remedial goals helps the client to avoid some undesired outcomes.

9. Psychosocial comprises of personality development, stress, etc.

10.Counseling does not deal with the clinical cases such as mental illness,
requiring medication and psychotherapy.

Activity 2

Direction: Identify what goal and scope of counseling is being presented onthe
situations given then explain your answer.

1. Carla is one of the honor student in the Grade 12 - A HUMSS. She met Bryan
from section Grade 12 – C HUMSS from one of its friends. They dated for some time
now and Carla ask Brian about their status, Brian answered “just friends”. Carla,
with sadness of Brian’s answer began to fail and started to become a problem




2. Mark is an only child whose parents are both entrepreneurs with many foreign
clients. Mark, being left alone with his maids, he felt like his parents does not want
him. Mark became depressed and creates anxiety.




3. Alex with his parents are on a road trip then suddenly their car loose its tires
and started squeaking, then the car roll over. Upon waking up on a three days
coma, Alex find out that his both parents were gone and he is the only one that
survives. Alex suffers from loneliness and depression. Due to that he is unable to
eat and sleep.



Provides an insightful and detailed explanation/opinionthat includes or
extends ideas from the text.
Provides some explanation/opinion that includes ideasfrom the text for
Uses text incorrectly or with limited success and includesan inconsistent or
confusing explanation.
Demonstrates minimal understanding of the task and provides an
2 unclear reference or no use of the text forsupport
Response is completely irrelevant or off – topic.

Great job! You are almost done with this module.

Module 3 Week 1

The principles of counseling can be found in the basic processof counseling since they
govern each and every step: developing trust; exploring problem areas; helping to set
goals; empowering into action; helping to maintain change; and agreeing when to end.
(Velleman, 2001)

In your previous lesson, you are done with the relationships and differences between
social sciences and applied social sciences, and you have identify the goals and scope
of counseling

This lesson will provide you with information and activities that willhelp you understand
counseling frame-work that emphasizes a professional commitment to providing client-
centered counseling servicesthat are un-biased, culturally aware, and reflect genuine
interest in learning about and addressing the client’s unique experience and needs.

After going through this module, you are expected to:

• Explain the principles of counseling HUMSS_DIASS 12-Ib-5

For you to understand the lesson well, do thefollowing

activities. Have fun and good luck!

Activity 1: “Prinsipyo Mo, Isulat Mo”

Direction: Write your answer principle in life in a separate sheetof paper.

Guide question:
1. What transpires you to have these principles?

2. How do these principles affect your life as a student?

Principles of Counseling

The principles of counseling can be found in the basic process of counseling since they
govern each and every step: developing trust; exploring problem areas; helping to set
goals; empowering into action; helping to maintain change; and agreeing when to end.
(Velleman, 2001)
1. Advice
Counseling may involve advice-giving as one of the several functions that counselors perform.
When this is done, the requirement is that a counselor makes judgments about a counselee’s
problems and lays out options for a course of action.
2. Reassurance
Counseling involves providing clients with reassurance, which is a way of giving them
courage to face a problem or confidence that they are pursuing a suitable course of action.
Reassurance is a valuable principle because it can bring about a sense of relief that may
empower a client to function normally again.

3. Release of emotional tension

Counseling provides clients the opportunity to get emotional release from their pent-up
frustrations and other personal issues. Counseling experience shows that as persons begin
to explain their concerns to a sympathetic listener, their tensions begin to subside. They
become more relaxed and the release of tensions helps remove mental blocks by providing
a solution to the problem.
4. Clarified thinking
It tends to take place while the counselor and counselee are talking and therefore becomes
a logical emotional release. As this relationship goes on, other self-empowering results may
take place later as a result of developments during the counseling relationship. Clarified
thinking encourages a client to accept responsibility for problems and to be more realistic in
solving them.

5. Reorientation
It involves a change in the client’s emotional self through a change in basic goals and
aspirations. This requires a revision of the client’s level of aspiration to bring it more in line
with actual and realistic attainment. It enables clients to recognize and accept their own
limitations. The counselor’s job is to recognize those in need of reorientation and facilitate
appropriate interventions.
6. Listening skills
Listening attentively to clients is the counselor’s attempt to understand both the content of
the clients’ problem as they see it, and the emotions they are experiencing related to the
problem. Good listening helps counselors to understand the concerns being presented.
7. Respect
In all circumstances, clients must be treated with respect, no matter how peculiar, strange,
disturbed, weird, or utterly different from the counselor. Without this basic element,
successful counseling is impossible. Counselors do not have to like the client, or their
values, or their behavior, but they have to put their personal feelings aside and treat the
client with respect.
8. Empathy and positive regard
Carl Rogers combined empathy and positive regard as two principles that should go along
with respect and effective listening skills. Empathy requires the counselor to listen and
understand the feelings and perspective of the client and positive regard is an aspect of
respect. For Rogers, clients have to be given both “unconditional positive regard” and be
treated with respect.
9. Clarification, confrontation, and interpretation
Clarification is an attempt by the counselor to restate what the client is either saying or
feeling, so the client may learn something or understand the issue better. Confrontation
and interpretation are other more advanced principles used by counselors in their
10. Transference and countertransference
When clients are helped to understand transference reactions, they are empowered to gain
understanding of important aspects of their emotional life. Countertransference helps both
clients and counselors to understand the emotional and perceptional reactions and how to
effectively manage them.
Activity 1. Test your Knowledge
Direction: Analyze carefully the questions and answer it correctly. Choose your
answer from the given choices. Write the correct answerthat corresponds to the letter
of your choice. (Write your answer in a separate sheet of paper.)
1. Which program should be based upon understanding the needs
and problems of the students, competence and interest of the
guidance personnel?
A. Guidance tools C. Guidance principles
B. Guidance services D. Guidance techniques
2. When should a teacher and a pupil hold a case conference?
A. Before the start of the school year B. At the end of the semester
B. At the close of the day’s work A. As need arises
3. Kristina is already in the senior year of high school. After attending to
their symposium or career choices, still Kristina is confused with her careerplan, whether
to take Teaching or Physical Therapy. How would you assist
A. Tell her to take an aptitude test to know about her strengths.
B. Tell her to choose a course that is closer to her heart.
C. Tell her that you are a model in Teaching.
D. Let her see a career guidance counselor.
4. In a class, there are children who usually get out of the social circle. How
do you describe these children?
A. Aggressive type C. Friendly type
B. Quarrelsome type D. Shy type
5. Dianne has above average mental ability but she is poorly
motivated in class that is why she has low grades in her
academic performance. Is she?
A. Slow learner C. Superior
B. Under-achiever D. Over-achiever

Activity 2. Recalling my experience

Direction: Recall your best guidance experience. Identify thoughts and

emotions that were triggered by this experience. On a piece of paper, draw a
symbol that will represent that experience.

Guide Questions. Write your answers on separate sheet of paper.

a. What is the symbol all about?

b. In what way(s) had your guidance counsellor helped

you in dealingwith your problem?

C. What do you like most about guidance counsellor?

Areas of 5 points 4 points 3 points 2 points 1 point

Ideas Presents ideas Presents ideas Ideas are too Ideas are Response is
in an original in a consistent general vague or entirely
manner manner unclear irrelevant
Organization Strong and Organized Some No Unorganize
organized beg/mid/end organization; organization; d ideas
beg/mid/end attempt at a lack
beg/mid/end beg/mid/end
Understanding shows strong Writing shows Writing shows Writing shows The article
understanding a clear adequate little cannot be
understanding understanding understanding understood
by the
Word Choice very Informative/ Less Vague and No meaning
informative/ meaningful informative/ unclear at all
meaningful meaningful

Here are some enrichment activities for you to work on to master and strengthen the
basic concepts you have learned from this lesson.

Activity 1. A matter of Reasoning
1. Ask the students to answer the following:
A. Which among the counseling principles do you agree most? Why?

B. Do you think all these principles are necessary in
counseling? Why orwhy not?

Rubrics for all activities

Activity No. 1 Test your Knowledge and Reasoning Power
Directions: Answer the following questions. Write your answer on a separatesheet of
paper. (2-3 sentences)
1. From the 10 principles of counseling choose one as your theme in
composing a poem or making a poster to promote counseling among the youth.

2. Give one principles of counseling then give examples that explains that
principles. Explain your answer.
3. Is a counselor doesn’t have the right to disclose the records of his/ her
counselee? Explain your answer.
Poster Rubric

CATEGORY 5 points 4 points 3 points 2 points 1 point

Required The poster All required All but 1 of the Several No elements
Elements includes all elements are required required are found in
elements & included on the elements are elements the poster
additional poster. included on were missing.
information. the poster.
Labels All items of Almost all items Many items of Labels are No
importance on of importance on importance on too small to important
the poster are the poster are the poster are view items are
clearly labeled clearly labeled clearly labeled labeled
with labels that with labels that that can be
can be read can be read from read from at
from at least 3 at least 3 feet least 3 feet
feet away. away. away.
Graphics - All graphics are All graphics are All graphics Graphics do Graphics is
Relevance related to the related to the relate to the not relate to not related
topic and make topic and it is topic. One or the topic or to the topic
it easier to easier to two borrowed borrowed
understand. All understand. graphics have graphics do
borrowed Some borrowed a source not have a
graphics have a graphics have a citation. source
source citation. source citation. citation.
The poster is The poster is The poster is The poster is It is not
exceptionally attractive in acceptably distractingly attractive.
Attractive- attractive in terms of design, attractive messy or very
ness terms of design, layout, and though it may poorly
layout, and neatness. be a bit messy. designed.
Poem Rubric
CATEGORY 5 points 4points 3 points 2 points 1 point
THE Student devoted Student devoted Student It appears The poem
WRITING his/her time and adequate time and devoted some that the has many
PROCESS / effort to the effort to the time and effort student does errors.
writing process writing process. to the writing not care about
EFFORT The poem has no The poem may process. There the
errors. have one or two are several assignment.
errors. errors.
TITLE The poem has a The poem has a The poem has a The poem has The poem
title that clearly title that relates to title title but its off has no title
relates to the the poem the topic
poem and adds
message of the
NEATNESS The final draft of The final draft of The final draft The final draft The final
the poem is the poem is of the poem is is not neat or draft is
readable, clean, readable, neat readable and attractive. It messy, and
neat and and attractive. It some of the looks like the didn’t care
attractive. It is may have one or pages are student just what it
free of erasures two erasures, but attractive. It wanted to get looked like.
and crossed-out they are not looks like parts it done.
words. distracting. of it might have
been done in a
STYLE The poem is The poem is The poem is The poem has the thoughts
written with a written with a written a little style did not come
great sense of defined with style. somewhat with out clearly
style. The poem Thoughts are style. on paper.
has been well clear to read and Thoughts are
thought and understandable. clear to a
makes sense to degree.
the reader.
VOCA- The poem is filled The poem The poem The poem has The poem
BULARY with descriptive includes many includes some a little does not

vocabulary that descriptive descriptive description allow the

appeals to the elements and is words and reader to
reader. appealing. phrases. visualize the
Activity 1. Summative Assessment
Directions: Read each item carefully then write the correct answer. Use a separate
sheet for your answrs.

I. Multiple Choice
1. It is a way of giving the client courage to face a problem or confidence that
they are pursuing in a suitable course of action
A. Reassurance C. Clarified thinking B. Release of
emotional tension D. Reorientation
2. It can be found in the basic process of counseling since they govern each
and every step
A. Principles of counseling C. Release of emotional tension D.
B. Principles Reassurance Principles of clarified thinking
3. Counseling may involve an indepth invistigation so that as a counselor he
can perform
A. Empathy and positive regard C. Reorientation
B. Advice D. Listening skills
4. It establishes trust, helps the client open up and disclose their
thoughts, and encourages them to share their emotions, thereby facilitating the
gathering of valuable information about the client that would in turn aid the counseling
A. Empathy and positive regard C. Reorientation
B. Reassurance D. Listening skills
5. This means that the counsellor is able to understand the emotions and
experiences of the client and the latter is able to convey this understanding
to the client.
A. Clarification, confrontation, and interpretation
B. Empathy and positive regard
C. Reorientation
D. Reassurance
II. Matching type
1. Countertransference a. helps both clients and counselors to
understand emotional and perceptional
reactions and how to effectively manage
2. Clarification b. tends to take place while the
counselor and counselee are
talking and therefore becomes a
logical emotional release
3. Reorientation c. attempts of counselor to restate what
the client is saying or feelings so the
client may learn something orunderstand the issue bett

4. Clarified thinking d. involves a change in the client's

emotional self through a change in basic

goals and aspirations
5. Release of Emotinal tension e. is an important function of counseling.
People can feel this from their frustrations
after counseling. This may not solve the
entire problem, but run over mental blocksto the
III. True or False
1. Transference and countertransference is the release of emotional tension
True False
2. Empathy and positive regard are more advanced principles used by counselors
in their interventions
True False
3. Principles of counseling can be found in the basic process of counseling since
they govern each and every step
True False
4. Human dignity, Social Justice, Partnership, Autonomy & Integrity is also
associated to the Principles of Counseling
True False

5. Listening attentively to clients a counselor’s attempt to understand both the

content of the clients’ problem as they see it, and the emotions they are
experiencing related to the problem.
True False
Activity 2. Essay
Direction: Identify what principles of counseling being presented on the situations given
then explain your answer. Write your answer on a separate sheet of paper.
1. Your friend in your class has just failed a major test or exam. Your friend is
distraught because she studied really hard and still failed. Even though you got a
good grade on this test, you remember what it is like to fail. You don't try to fix
things for your friend. Instead, you make statement like, "I'm so, so sorry about
your grade. I know how hard you studied and how disappointed you must feel."

2. After a meeting with the school counselor, Angelica reveals that she often feels faint
and has been losing a significant amount of hair. During the session, the counselor
observes that Angelica makes several negative comments about herself and her
appearance and that she is wearing clothes that are noticeably too large. The student's
disclosures and behaviors are most likely indicative of what principle

Great job! You are almost done with this module.


Printed Materials:
1. Sampa, E.M., (2017) Disciplines and Ideas in the Social Sciences. Rex
BookStore, Inc. pp. 14, 21, & 23.

2. Syed Muhammad Sajjad Kabir, (2017) Introduction to Counseling,

CurtinUniversity, pp. 32 – 33.

Online Resources:



Printed Materials:
1. Discipline and Ideas in the Applied Social Sciences by Elias Sampa pp
2. Dela Cruz, A. R. D.,, (2016). Disciplines and Ideas
in the Applied SocialSciences. Phoenix Publishing
House, Inc., pp. 19-34
3. Sampa, E.M., (2017) Disciplines and Ideas in the Social
Sciences. Rex BookStore, Inc. pp. 14-16

Online Resources


web&cd=&ved=2ah UKEwi32qWW0OnqAhWhF6YKHbk-
Printed Materials:

Sampa, Elias M. (2017). Disciplines and Ideas in Applied Social Sciences. Manila, Philippines:
Rex Bookstore Inc.

Repko, Allen F. (2008). Interdiciplinary Research: Process and Theory.

London, Los Angeles , New Delhi , Singapore: Sage

Gouldner, Alvin W. ( 1989 ) “ Explorations in Applied Social Science”,

Sociological Practice: Vol. 7



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