Voidheart Symphony - Moves
Voidheart Symphony - Moves
Voidheart Symphony - Moves
Each day, the Architect ticks the vassal’s clock. The group picks one: Mundane Action or Castle Delving.
When the wraith would take a wound, they instead lose a rank On a 7-9 the Architect gives your action a cost: a wound, When you leave the shelter, pick one:
of their Crew Covenant. If it hits 0, the wraith is banished. lost gear, or you mark void. • Return to Reality.
• Travel the Labyrinth.
The next time that rebel sleeps, they'll vividly dream of the SeE ClEaR • Spend 1 Trace to return somewhere you’ve been before.
events their avatar experienced, remembering as much or When you try to read a dangerous situation, roll +Coins. On a • Spend 2 Traces to arrive at an area garunteed to hold a
as little as their player desires. hit, you can ask the Architect questions. On a 7–9 ask 1; on Token.
a 10+ ask 3; on a miss, ask 1 but prepare for the worst: • Spend 3 Traces to arrive at the lair of an Enforcer or the
TrAvEl tHe LaByRiNtH • Which exit takes me to my goal? Avatar.
When you navigate the labyrinthine corridors of the castle, the • What here is valuable?
leader rolls +Coins to find out where their wanderings • What can the enemies here do? ReTuRn tO ReAlItY
have brought them. On a 7-9 they pick 1, on a 10+ pick 2: • What should I be on the lookout for? When you leave the castle, check your wound track. If your
• This area contains something valuable. most severe marked box is…
• This area's residents aren't immediately hostile, and Get fleeting advantage when you act on each answer. • …minor: you feel worn out, grouchy or headachey, like
may be able to offer aid and advice. you’ve pulled a late night. You have fleeting disadvantage in
• You learn a secret method you can use to escape this area. DrInK DeEp Blood or Fealty.
• You see a clear sign of the insights this area holds. When you form a bond with a token or minion of the vassal, roll • ...major: you find it hard to focus, and keep seeing
+Cups. On a hit, you’ve formed a bond – the Architect will flashes of the castle in the corners of your eyes. Tick
Something in this area will hold an insight into the Vas‐ give you an impression of what it means to the vassal. Blood or Fealty.
sal's psyche: the way minions fight, details of the environ‐ A bonded token can be taken out of the castle, and a • ...deadly: you’re woozy, numb, or heartbroken. Take a
ment, perhaps even a Token of the Vassal. When you find it, minion will help you so long as they can safely do so. Black Mark in Blood or Fealty.
gain 1 Trace. Spend these Traces to pick where you go On a 7-9, pick a cost:
when you Find Shelter. • Your mind touches the Vassal’s. Mark Heat.
• The shard pushes back. Minions or Enforcers are coming.
• The bond feeds on your reality. Take a minor wound.
When you call on the token or minion for aid, mark void and
describe how the landscape of the shard is altered.
CoNfRoNtAtIoNs WeApOn tAgS
StRiKe StAnD WiTh Me Perks
When you take advantage of an Opening with... When you heal or encourage an ally, roll +Cups. On a 7-9 pick Bane The weapon cuts through an Avatar’s sorceries,
• Stealth and guile, roll +Wands. 1, on a 10+ pick 3: illusions and blights. Only available through moves.
• Precise insight, roll +Coins. • They’re rescued from danger: a precipice, a grapple,
• Direct force, roll +Swords. poison, a curse, etc. Cleave The weapon can impact many foes in a single attack.
• Arguments and emotional appeals, roll +Cups. • You bind their lightest wound. Defensive You can keep up your guard while using it.
• The enemy will target you instead of your ally.
Flexible The weapon wraps around defences and can be
On a hit, you remove the Opening and break one of the • You give their next action Advantage.
redirected mid-swing.
foe’s Qualities. If you break its final quality, it’s defeated
and no longer a threat. Otherwise, the Architect will trig‐ FlEe Hefty The weapon knocks an enemy down or back.
ger that Quality’s Break move, and on a 7-9 also pick 1: When you use up an Opening to escape, all rebels can come with Lingering The weapon causes ongoing, distracting pain.
• They lash out, and you take an appropriate wound. you. If you were fighting the Avatar, tick the Vassal’s clock.
• They single you out, isolating you from allies. Piercing The weapon can punch through armour and hide.
• They reshape the arena, introducing a new threat. Ranged The weapon can attack any foe in eyesight.
LiNe It Up When you take a wound, mark a box of the appropriate It has different modes. Pick two flaws; only one is
When you size up the enemy to locate a weak spot, roll +Coins. On severity and suffer the effects. Shifting active at any one time, and can be switched at will. If
a hit you find an Opening. Say where it’s coming from - the it has other perks, those perks shift alongside its flaw.
environment, a chink in their armour, a flaw in their fight‐ When a wound is bound, that box remains marked but you Stun The weapon makes enemies slow and sluggish.
ing style, something else. On a 7-9, pick 2, on a 10+ pick 1: stop feeling the wound’s effects.
• The foe sends an attack your way. Tether The weapon lets you hold onto or keep up with the foe.
• The Opening only lasts a few moments. If all boxes of the appropriate severity are marked, you must
• The foe sees you; get fleeting Disadvantage on Strike. mark a worse box. If there aren’t any, the darkness calls to
you: rank up Void, or be forever lost. FlAwS
CoNfRoNt Ammo or It’s liable to breaking or becoming unusable, only
When you clash with a foe, intercepting their attack or Grazing Wounds Fragile rearmed when you take Shelter or start a new delve.
launching your own, roll +Swords. On a hit, you throw When you take a grazing wound, don’t mark anything down,
Bulky You need solid footing and room around you to use it.
them off-balance and create an Opening, but they’ll hit you but you’re knocked back, knocked down or winded.
too. On a 7-9 pick 2, on a 10+ pick 1: Close You need to be in arm’s reach to use it.
• Their attack hits you harder than you expected. Minor wounds Grazing The blows it deals are easily shrugged off.
• They move to escape you and/or attack someone else. Until a minor wound is bound, you’re too hurt, angry or
• Their power infects you: mark void. imperilled to Evoke the Covenant. Talisman It’s formed from an item important to you - if it’s
lost or damaged, you mark a gauge.
DoDgE Major wounds Painful Using it puts you in danger of taking a wound.
When you try to avoid incoming danger, roll +Wands. On a hit Until a major wound is bound, take Disadvantage on all rolls.
Reload or You need to take some action to recover it or make
you successfully dodge; on a 7-9 pick 2, on a 10+ pick 1:
Brace it usable again after attacking.
• You’re separated from your allies. Deadly Wounds
• You stumble, gaining fleeting Disadvantage. Until a deadly wound is bound, you’re out of action. Even once Unstable Using it staggers you, making you vulnerable and slow.
• You leave something valuable behind. it’s bound, you’ll need another rebel’s aid to take action.
RiVeRs iN tHe DeSeRt ReTaLiAtIoN
When you defeat a Vassal’s avatar, the power they’ve gathered is yours to control. As this energy flows The castle is a jealous master, and will not tolerate rebels misusing its power.
into you each rebel picks one, with effects according to the Vassal’s Tier. When you complete a successful investigation, the lead rebel rolls a check set by the state of the
Vassal’s clock – 2 for Passive, 3 for Alert, 4 for Hunting – with results based on your target’s tier:
ReFoRmAtIoN ReDeFiNiTiOn
The Vassal grows a new-found conscience. They’ll pub‐ You feed parts of yourself to the hungry dark, gaining Tier 1 Tier 2 Tier 3
licly confess to their crimes – though the more they’re something new in their place. Markvoid, and pick one: StRoNg Liberty. Hostile Environment. Radio Silence.
embedded in the castle, the more it’ll continue to cause • Tier 1+: Severance. Remove as many ranks of HiT The castle’s influence will seep The castle employs collective The rebels keep their heads
problems with or without their consent. Mark world, World and Void as you wish, along with the in again soon, but for now your punishment, pulling strings to low and wait for all this to
and get advantage on the Retaliation check as the associated Advances. people can breathe easily. send cops, bailiffs, pass them by.
castle’s forces focus on the turncoat in their ranks. • Tier 2+: New Perspective. Change your crew One of the player’s immigration enforcement and Each rebel names a long-
covenant to the arcanum of your choice, and Covenants embarks on an more to your neighbourhood. term issue they’re unable
LiBeRaTiOn describe how you change your role in the group. ambitious project which During the next to deal with in this time,
You push the castle out of a neighbourhood of your city, • Tier 3: Transformation. Change as much of may leave them vulnerable investigation, all attempts and adds a black mark to a
giving - bringing new opportunities, equality, health, your mundane physical form as you wish. when the castle’s influence to complete projects have relevant gauge.
and happiness to its residents. Mark world, and... It’s up to you if others will still recognise returns, but could make a Disadvantage.
• Tier 1: Name an establishment in this area you, and you may reduce or discard NPC real difference to their lives.
that’s dear to you. Their fortunes will improve, Covenants as much as you feel is appropriate WeAk Contact. Pressured. Accursed.
and your hideout grows an entrance here. - and change your playbook, if you like. Someone with power notices the A Covenant, family member Human Vassals have failed
• Tier 2: This area dreams of life out of the
rebels, and seeks an alliance. or colleague of a rebel is seized the castle, and so it despatches
castle’s shadow. It grows secret pathways OcCuPaTiOn They might be an inhuman by the castle’s forces and one of its inhuman servants to
that your enemies cannot walk, with shops, You take the vassal’s place in the castle’s hierarchy. creature, another enemy pressed to give up details. hurt the rebels.
clubs and hostels that would astound the Mark void and gain a black mark in Fealty, and... of the castle, or even The players pick how the It’s haunting, hunting and
city's everyday inhabitants. • Tier 1: At the start of each investigation, the another vassal from a contact fares: hurting you - treat it as an
• Tier 3: This area is roused to action against the Architect will give you a vision of what the competing branch of the • They spill details and Enforcer that has breached
castle. Once and once only, while you’re in the castle at large is working on in this city. castle - whatever they are, each rebel marks Heat; into the mundane world.
Castle you can forcibly pull everyone around • Tier 2: Once per investigation, you can mark they have power and their • They’re kept in the
you back to this place. Minions and adversaries void to direct your underlings to cause own agenda. castle’s clutches until a
will be stripped of their powers and made very problems for your target and remove a tick recovery project to free
mortal, but so will the rebels. If a Vassal's avatar from their clock. them is completed.
is killed in the city, the Vassal dies with them. • Tier 3: You may mark void to send your
Enforcer on a delve instead of going MiSs Broken Windows. Crackdown. Scorched Earth.
ExPrOpRiAtIoN yourself. They inherit your stats and moves, The castle sends a message The castle tasks a Vassal with The castle knows who you are,
You extract material benefits from the castle’s systems. but you may give them a different castle look that this behaviour will not hunting you, specifically. and has sent a trusted Vassal
Mark void, and get these cumulative benefits: and signature weapon. In addition, you may be tolerated. Whatever tier they are, to make you pay.
• Tier 1+: Strike off a recovery project - it’s no take action in the mundane world while the The Architect picks a your next target is already The players pick one:
longer an issue. group is delving, and you suffer no ill effects Covenant who’s hurt by the actively causing issues for • Offer up a rebel as a
• Tier 2+: Fully clear out a trouble gauge. when the group Returns to Reality. arbitrary punishments. the rebels, and Pressure sacrifice to satisfy the
• Tier 3: You remove a long-running pain from Unless someone completes starts at Alert. castle’s wrath;
yourself or a contact. If it’s you or another These benefits are cumulative. If you lose the a recovery project to help • Face down this Vassal as
Rebel, they erase a black mark. If it’s an NPC, black mark, you lose the position - and vice versa. them, they’ll be your next investigation,
erase any recovery projects relating to them unavailable for this next with Pressure starting
and rank up your covenant with them. investigation. at Hunting.
ThE ArChItEcT MaKiNg a VaSsAl
Agenda Reactions Step 1: Pick their Tier Step 3: Decide Their Plan
What are you here to do? Use when a rebel rolls a miss, or when they all How important are they? What will their actions do?
• Make the city feel real. look to you to see what happens next. • Annex a community fixture.
• Make their revolution feel necessary – • Reveal an unwelcome truth. Tier 1: Knight • Destroy a source of stability.
and possible. • Forecast doom. • Community-scale influence. • Imperil a covenant.
• Play to find out what happens. • Take away their stuff. • One Enforcer. • Discourage revolution.
• Turn their move back on them. • Strangely loyal underlings.
Always Say: • Separate them. How is the castle nurturing their darkness? Step 4: Expose their heart
• What the principles demand. • Put someone in a spot. What lives in their inner world?
• What your prep demands. • Highlight a weakness of their gear. Tier 2: Noble • Decide on a few aesthetic touchstones
• What the rules demand. • Give them an opportunity fitting their • District-scale influence. for the shard’s layout and minions.
• What honesty demands. strengths. • Two Enforcers. • Pick out three Qualities for their Avatar;
• Tell them the consequences and ask. • 1 or 2 castle-empowered underlings. expressions of their Drive through the
Principles • Offer an opportunity, with or without What responsibility has the castle given them? predatory lens of the castle.
How do you pursue your agenda? cost. • Sketch out some ideas for Tokens -
• Build tension in the city. • Strike at their mortal allies. Tier 3: Monarch glimpses of a better life that can shake
• Bring catharsis in the castle. • Use a reaction from a minion or foe. • City-scale influence. their confidence in their Drive.
• Begin and end with the fiction. • Deal a wound as established. • Three Enforcers.
• Be a fan of the characters. • Mark a trouble gauge. • Multiple empowered underlings. Step 5: Summon Enforcers
• Show the cost of using power to cut corners. • Mark the Vassal’s clock. • Can erase a tick of their clock to use one What are their inner demons?
• All cops are bastards. • Force them to take on a recovery project. of their Avatar’s powers. • Draw or pick an arcana.
• Show the castle and the city in every Vassal. • After every reaction: "what do you do?" What end are they steering the castle towards? • Link it to a complex, delusion or fixation
• Give the castle’s victims passions and drives. in their life, and decide on its appearance.
• Covenants must be cultivated with care. Step 2: Pick Their Drive • Give them three Qualities and pick one
• Be flexible with your responsibilities. What did the castle promise them? to grant the Avatar.
• Make your reactions look natural. Dominion: Power, authority, acclaim. • Plan what happens when they Breach.
• Ask questions and use the answers. Impulse: Offer rewards for service.
• Think off-screen too. Excellence: Become the best in their field. Step 6: Reveal
Impulse: Demonstrate their mastery. How does the Vassal come to the rebel’s attention?
Decision-Making Insight: Answers to a burning question. Where’s the entrance to their shard?
When the story pivots on a decision, it can be better not to just decide by fiat which way it’ll go. Impulse: Relentlessly pursue any clues.
In those cases, there are a few other ways you can do things: Avarice: The finest things in life.
Impulse: Claim other’s most precious things.
PutitinyourNPC’shands:consider, given the situation and who they are, what they would do.
Good Qualities might: Wound scale: Break actions:
Put it in the player’s hands: work out a particular action they might do that’ll decide how Place rebels in a spot. Grazing An attack made milder by the Retreat to a vantage point.
things go. If they do it, great! If they don’t, too bad. Make hazards in the arena. target’s positioning. Call in a mob of minions.
Give movement abilities. Minor A regular attack. Lash out at the closest threat.
Put it in the story’s hands: write it down and keep it in the back of your mind as you steer play Command minions. Major An attack that needs setup. Create a lingering hazard.
towards resolving the question. Once this bit of the story’s done, settle the question Set up for a big attack. Deadly An attack that needs a lot of Split up the rebels.
according to the path that’s taken you here. Blunt a form of attack. setup and destroys this Quality. Set great danger in motion.
HoW dO I fOrM a cOvEnAnT wItH tHiS NpC?
Swords Cups Wands Coins
Commit time to hearing out their new Help them sort out the red tape that
Ace Give them clarity about what to do next. Give an outlet for stifled creativity.
idea and giving honest feedback. came with an unexpected windfall.
Stop them from making rash decisions Show them you’re in this for the long Work with them on a plan for their Help them balance their main job and
and taking on too much responsibility. haul. future. their side hustle.
Show them that their ambitions can take Find them skilled people to collaborate
3 Help them get over a messy breakup. Give them a community to be a part of.
them far further than they imagine. with.
Give them a chance to recover from Give them peace and space to reflect on Help them celebrate a major event Help them find a sense of financial
burnout. their desires. (graduation, family wedding, birthday, etc). security.
Back them up as they confront their Help them stop arguing with their Spend time volunteering with the charity
5 Help them process their past trauma.
antagonists. colleagues and find a way to listen. they work for.
Help them move house (and deal with Win them public recognition for their Get them out from under an onerous
6 Revel in nostalgia with them.
any ensuing drama). good deeds. debt.
Show them they can trust you with their Show them which of their dreams is the Protect them from people seeking to tear Spend time cultivating a garden or park
secrets. real deal. down their achievements. with them.
Help them see why they’re feeling Take care of their mundane needs as they Offer them your labour and let them
8 Break them out of their tunnel vision.
unfulfilled. throw themelves into an opportunity. teach you a new skill.
Act as a sounding board for their Bring about a dream they’d suppressed Help them take a break from their Get them to take time out of the city and
anxieties. as unrealistic or childish. struggles and recover from burnout. enjoy nature.
Care for them as they recover from a Show them the value of their existing Show them they can give you some of Plan out with them how they can provide
disastrous betrayal. relationships. their burdens. for their family.
Indulge the passionate desire for truth Push them out of fleeting comforts so Relight the spark of inspiration they had
Scholar Help them prepare for a job interview.
that burns within them. that they pursue their deeper passions. for an old project.
Show you can be the partner they need to Resolve a quarrel between them and their Find them a patron who’ll let them Build a daily routine together that gives
put their dreams into action. partner before feelings spiral out of control. spread their wings. each of you a sense of stability.
Be honest with them about your true Stop them living in other people’s heads Back them up as they attend a high- Help them move from nurturing others
goals and what you want their help for. and give them emotional autonomy. stakes social event. to seeking their own flourishing.
Give them a well-researched plan of action Get them out from under a toxic, Find them a crew of people who will be Show them the harm done by inequality,
that’ll get them out of their current crisis. controlling partner. able to put their vision in action. and push them to rethink their own wealth.