Voidheart Symphony - Covenant Reference Sheet
Voidheart Symphony - Covenant Reference Sheet
Voidheart Symphony - Covenant Reference Sheet
FoOl When you hang out with the Fool, the Architect will When you go over the top to fix a problem in your life, When you search for a way out of lethal danger, roll
describe a strange coincidence that strikes nearby. roll a single die. On a 4+, it somehow works – 2d6. No matter what, you’ll be removed from the
If you get to the truth of what happened, you’ll quell a crisis. On a 1-3 things go very wrong – situation; on a 10+ you say what state you’re in
discover something that heals a condition or gives max out the gauge linked to the crisis. when you return, on a 7-9 the Architect will. On a
information on the Vassal or their victims. 6- we’ll next see you in the Avatar’s company.
MaGiCiAn When you help the Magician with a project of theirs, When you quell a crisis, you can mark a condition to When you improvise a ritual to protect from danger,
they teach you a mundane skill you didn’t know pick one: grant a temporary ability, or make a potent weapon
before (lockpicking, painting, mixing music, etc). • It’s enduring: If this crisis is dire, it’s not any (2 perks, 1 flaw), roll +Coins. On a hit, it works, at
The next time you use it, roll with advantage. longer. least for this delve. On a 7-9 the Architect will
• There’s momentum: You can also quell give your magic a weakness, quirk, or
another rebel’s crisis. unintended side effect.
• It’s enticing: Someone who sees your work
wants to meet you.
OrAcLe When you let the Oracle show you a hidden place in Once per day, you can declare that you had a When your make your faith manifest, roll +Cups.
the city, their player will describe what makes it dream about your current situation. Ask the On a hit, radiant light prevents creatures of the
beautiful, and how it’s at risk. When you Architect a question in the form of ‘What will castle from coming within a few metres of you.
magnify its beauty or protect it from danger, happen if I ____?’ They’ll describe an element of On a 7-9 pick 2, on a 10+ pick 1:
heal a condition. your dream that answers your question. • You cannot move without breaking the shield.
You have fleeting Advantage if you go ahead • You cannot attack without breaking the shield.
with your proposed action. • It only shields you.
GaRdEnEr When you visit the Gardener, they give you When you Check In with a Rebel, you may refresh The Gardener haunts you, gauzy and
something impractical but important; a book, one of their gauges. If you do, pick the cost: insubstantial. When you ask the spirit for advice,
an accessory, a pot plant, etc. So long as you keep • Tick Lack, as you dig into your own stocks. the Architect will give an answer that gives
it with you and draw strength from it, once per • Tick Fealty, as you resent them a little for fleeting Advantage, but pick one:
investigation you may turn a missed move into needing this. • They confuse parts of their life for your situation.
a weak hit. • Grow protective, taking lasting Disadvantage
• They cannot perceive some significant detail.
the next time they’re hurt until you can tend • They ask you to promise something before
to them. they answer.
AuTeUr When you spend time with the Auteur, they can When you comprehensively reject a group identity When you use up an Opening to display your power
offer you a risky task you can perform to help society has placed on you in favour of one you have over an opponent, roll +Swords. On a hit, remove
their organisation. They get to decide what it is, found for yourself, remove a tick in Fealty. the Opening; on a 7-9 gain 1 Insight, on a 10+
you decide if you want to take it. If you carry it gain 3. So long as you have Insight, you have
out, you both refresh Infamy or Lack on top of Disadvantage on Push Through Pain. Spend
any other outcomes. Insight to:
• Redirect the opponent’s attack towards you.
• Reveal their weakness and give an ally
fleeting advantage.
SaGe When you go to the Sage asking for their advice with a The Sage has given you access to a exclusive The Sage has shown you how to learn from
problem, they can tell you what to do. So long as group. When you use your membership of this group to others – even the strange inhabitants of the
you are doing exactly what they said, roll with lasting open doors, gain advantage on any Infamy check. If castle. When you Reach Out to a minion and call on
Advantage. you miss the check, the Architect will say how this them for aid, gain fleeting Advantage on Travel
ends up hurting the group. the Labyrinth.
LoVeRs When you spend time with the Lover, ask them: For every five minutes you watch someone socialise, When you mark a condition, you may draw
what do you most love about me? When you act you can ask their player one of these questions; strength from your relationship: heal another
in line with the vision of you they see, roll with their player will answer honestly. condition or get fleeting Advantage. If you do,
fleeting advantage. • Are they in love? promise the Lover something you’ll do for them
• Are they satisfied with their life? when you get out of here. If you don’t do it, fade
• What is most precious to them? this Covenant.
• Who here do they most rely on?
ChArIoT When you hang out with the Chariot, they can dare When things get tough, the tough get going. When you charge an enemy, roll +Swords. On a
you to do something dangerous. If you go When you start running, gain 1 hold per hit, you crash into them and push them far
through with the dare, heal a condition; if you Condition currently marked. Spend 1 hold to: away from where they were. If you had an
stand your ground and refuse, they’ll respect it Opening, exhaust it to pick one:
• Dodge around an obstacle in your path.
but the next dare will be riskier. • Evade a pursuer. • Hurl them far away, giving your group
• Gain definite hold of a means of breathing room.
transportation. • Smash them into something, dealing
damage as per Strike.
StReNgTh When you hang out with Strength, you can talk So long as you are standing side by side with other Your emotions don’t control you – you control
through a condition you’re struggling with. rebels, you can mark a condition instead of them them. When you make a fight intensely personal,
When you next miss a roll affected by that condition, (and vice versa). mark a condition to get ongoing Advantage
heal it or upgrade the result to a weak hit/7-9. fighting this enemy.
HeRmIt When you hang out with the Hermit, in-person or The Hermit shows you a way out. When you use When you use a distraction to escape an opponent’s
online, they’ll tell you something interesting Rebel Eyes to scrutinise a location, you always also attention, roll +Wands. On a hit you can put a safe
they spotted recently – about a location, a local find a hidden entryway, exit, or hiding place. distance between you and them. On a 10+ pick one:
celebrity, or a new social trend. Get fleeting
• You’re hidden from all foes until you next
Advantage when you make use of the lead. take action.
• Your disappearance confuses the foe and
gives your allies breathing room.
WhEeL oF When you hang out with the Wheel of Fortune, flip a When you help someone in need, gain 1 Balance. When you would roll without Advantage or
coin. On heads, they show you an opportunity Spend 1 Balance to receive unexpected charity Disadvantage, you may gain 1 Balance by giving
FoRtUnE you hadn’t considered. On tails, they show you or camaraderie, granting fleeting Advantage on yourself fleeting Disadvantage, or spend 1
how the course you’re on might lead to disaster. Connect or Let Your Hair Down. Balance to give yourself fleeting Advantage.
Gain fleeting advantage acting on their insights.
ArCaNuM HaNgOuT MoVe CiTy MoVe CaStLe MoVe
JuStIcE When you spend time with Justice, you can help The systems of this city are unjust and When you remove an Opening from an ally with
them talk through the details of their current perpetuate inequality, but with Justice you can – Stand With Me, fade this Covenant to force your
case or sit in on a meeting with community for a moment – force them to work towards their adversary into the same danger and place an
members. Pick one to learn about: the Vassal's putative lofty goals. When you’re trying to convince Opening on them.
current activities, a new contact who needs a public servant to do their job, you can Make a
help, a threat to another rebel's Role. Stand checking against Fealty instead of Blood.
VaGaBoNd When you hang out with the Vagabond, you can tell The Vagabond gives you the patience to watch The Vagabond teaches you serenity in pain. When
them about a dilemma you’re facing. Whether and wait. When you stake out a target, any hit on you mark a condition in a fight, hold 1. Spend 1 to
through the Vagabond’s advice or otherwise, the Pass Beneath Notice gives you fleeting reveal a weakness in the adversary’s fighting
Architect will tell you what the immediate advantage on Rebel Eyes. style and give another rebel fleeting Advantage
consequences of each choice would be. against them. Spend 3 to create an Opening.
DeAtH When you spend time with Death, they can ask you When you confront someone with evidence that their When you surgically amputate part of another Rebel,
one of these: way of life is hurting them, pick two: inflict a condition to let them pick one:
• What’s your biggest regret? • They’re driven to change things. • They resolve a Blood-related crisis.
• Who do you wish wasn’t in your life? • They don’t resent you. • Their Void Rank drops by 1.
• What’s your biggest worry? • There’s a clear route to a better life. • They’re freed of a lingering curse, poison, or
• They have the support they need to make the wound, here or in the city.
You don’t have to answer honestly, but both of
you will know if you lie. The amputated part returns in the city – but the
scar lingers.
TeMpErAnCe When you hang out with Temperance, they help you Temperance teaches you… well, temperance. When you act as a mediating force between your
balance out the worries in your life. Move a tick If you only take one action during a day, gain one friends, you can work a strange alchemy. Pick
from the stress gauge with most ticks to the one extra action, Everyday or Rebel, the next day. one or more other Rebels, and average out the
with least; work out with the Architect what advice Void or World marks you each have recorded.
Temperance gave you to effect this change. You say where any remainder goes.
DeViL When you hang out with the Devil, they test your When you tend to the Wolf at the Door, you can fake When you Evoke the Covenant and put another
boundaries. Their player secretly picks if they’re a solution to one of your crises instead of paying Rebel in trouble, they get fleeting Advantage
helpful or hurtful; you secretly decide if you’re a cost. If you do, check against Infamy. On a hit, escaping the danger you put them in.
receptive or dismissive. it works. On a weak hit, your deception has its
If you’re receptive and they’re helpful, it’s better than flaws – get fleeting Disadvantage in the city. On
expected – heal a condition and mark Void. If a miss, the consequences are dire.
you’re receptive and they’re hurtful, it’s worse than
expected – mark Fealty and fade this Covenant.
Otherwise, it’s a pretty normal hang.
ToWeR When you hang out with the Tower, they decide what When you’re at your lowest point, the Tower is There’s power in destruction, even when it’s
they’re looking for: escapism or assistance. They there to let you know you’re not alone. Once per indiscriminate. When you accept pain in order to
can’t tell you directly, but can gesture at it with investigation when you max out a trouble gauge, the achieve your goals, succeed at a move as if you’d
their roleplaying. If you provide what they’re looking Tower will appear and help with your problems rolled a 10+ but also pick one of the 10+ results
for, you gain fleeting Advantage on Fealty or heal – fully refresh the gauge. from Push Through Pain.
one of their conditions. If you let them down, and
especially if you do the other one, they’ll lose some
trust in you and in society, and if they’re a Rebel
they get fleeting Disadvantage on Fealty checks.
StAr When you hang out with the Star, they’ll say what The Star lets you find unexpected paths when Once per delve when you spend some moments
they’re in the process of creating. At some point in you think you’re lost. If you find yourself unsure meditating on who you want to be, pick a Shadow
the scene they’ll ask you what you think; describe where to go or can’t see a way out, call on the Star. Move from a playbook no-one else is using. You
your honest feelings about it and your place in the The Architect will give you a definite way can use that move for the rest of this delve, and
world to mark world or void as appropriate. forward or way out, and you get fleeting then you lose it and can’t gain it this way again.
Advantage acting on it.
MoOn When you hang out with the Moon, anything can When you consult your dreams for guidance, toss a When you reject your humanity as you throw yourself
happen. It might be a hallucination, a vision, or coin. On heads, the Moon is present in your into a battle, say how your body twists and
the world’s wonders becoming visible. If you dreams, and will show you something important. changes. For the rest of this fight, you can mark
throw yourself into this unreality, you can swap one Gain fleeting advantage acting on their message. a condition to:
condition you’re suffering for another. On tails, the dreams are nightmares. Pick one: • Get an automatic miss on Push Through Pain.
gain lasting Disadvantage for the next day, or • Go somewhere it’d be impossible for you to
realise something uncomfortable about yourself. go normally.
• Turn your limbs into weapons (tether, flexible,
SuN When you spend time with the Sun, at any point in When you speak truly and honestly to someone when When you bring out the light within, roll +Cups. On
the conversation you can ask them one of these you Make A Stand, all present know that you a hit, you illuminate the area with warm yellow
questions. The Sun will do their best to answer, speak the truth. light. On a 7-9 pick one, on a 10+ pick two:
and their answer will be more right than wrong. • You burn away illusions and shadow;
• Who’s really behind ____ ? • The light illuminates something useful to you;
• What’s the connection between ____ and ____ ? • Hostile creatures may only see you;
• Who’s keeping ____ a mystery? • You can wield the light as a weapon (long-
range, stun, grazing).
JuDgEmEnT When you meet with Judgement, it’ll be in a liminal Judgement lets you peer into the disposition of When you spot an Opening with Line It Up, the
space only lightly touching the mundane world. souls. When you suspect that someone in this scene is Architect will also tell you a pain, inadequacy or
If you ask them to, they can perform a ritual to empowered by the castle, you can ask the Architect regret deeply held by the Vassal. Get fleeting
swap out any one of your Advances for another. and they’ll answer truthfully. With a touch, you Advantage making use of it in the city.
may sever your target from the castle’s influence
and power for a day – and lose access to all your
Covenant-granted abilities for the duration.