Week 7 - Q2 - Math 8

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Teaching Dates and Time JANUARY 4-6, 2023 Quarter SECOND

Session 1 Session 2 Session 3 Session 4

1. Content The learner demonstrates key concepts of linear The learner demonstrates understanding of key concepts
Standards inequalities in two variables, systems of linear of logic and reasoning.
inequalities in two variables and linear functions.
2. Performance The learner is able to formulate and solve accurately The learner is able to communicate mathematical
Standards real-life problems involving linear inequalities in two thinking with coherence and clarity in formulating and
variables, systems of linear inequalities in two variables, analyzing arguments.
and linear functions.
The learner graphs a The learner solves The learner determines The learner determines
linear function using the problems involving linear the relationship between the relationship between
slope and one point. functions. the hypothesis and the the hypothesis and the
(M8AL-IId-e-1) (M8AL-IIe-2) conclusion of an if-then conclusion of an if-then
statement. statement.
1. Determine the slope of 1. Determine the (M8GE-IIf-1) (M8GE-IIf-1)
a linear function given application of linear
its graph. functions in solving 1. Define if-then 1. Define if-then
2. Describe the graph of a word problems. statement. statement.
linear function. 2. Apply linear functions 2. Identify the hypothesis 2. Identify the hypothesis
3. Draw the graph of a in solving word and conclusion of an and conclusion of an
linear function given its problems. “if-then” or conditional “if-then” or conditional
slope. 3. Find pleasure in statement. statement.
working with linear 3. Understand the 3. Understand the
equation in two reasonableness of the reasonableness of the
variables agreement about the agreement about the
conditions under p →q conditions under
which is true. p →q which is true.
A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide
pages 187 – 192

2. Learner’s Materials
185 - 190 197 - 200 321-324 321-324
3. Textbook pages Bernabe, Julieta –
Elementary Algebra I,
pages 154 – 156 Sabangan, Leticia et.al. Sabangan, Leticia
Sabangan, Leticia et.al.
Math Time pages 32 - et.al. Math Time pages
Math Time pages 5-7
Sabangan, Leticia et.al. 33 5-7
Math Time for Grade 8/
Chapter 3, pages 18 - 20
4. Additional Materials http:// http://
from Learning www.mathgoodies.com/ www.mathgoodies.com
Resource (LR) lessons/vol9/ /lessons/vol9/
portal conditional.html conditional.html

https:// https://
www.mathplanet.com/ www.mathplanet.com/
education/geometry/ education/geometry/
proof/if-then-statement proof/if-then-statement
B. Other Learning Laptop, projector, Visual Chalkboard, laptop, Laptop, Projector, visual Laptop, Projector,
Resources aid, graphing paper, projector, visual aids aids visual aids
A. Reviewing previous Mayon Volcano is “Riding a Taxi” “Inbox-Outbox Sheet” Identify the hypothesis
lesson or presenting one of the fascinating and conclusion in each of
the new lesson volcanoes in the Consider the situation Description: This activity the following conditionals.
Philippines because of its below and answer the is intended to elicit your
symmetrical conical questions that follow. prior knowledge regarding A. r→t
shape. The approximate Emman often rides a taxi the lesson. B. If x, then y
steepness of the volcano from one place to
is labelled by the line. another. The standard Direction: Answer the C. If it rains, then
fare in riding a taxi is question and write your classes are suspended.
Php 40 as a flag-down answer in the space
rate plus Php 3.50 for provided IN THE BOX. D. Ann will dance, if
every 200 meters or a she gets a candy.
fraction of it. What conclusions can
you give why some
Complete the table below: students are faced with
problems in life such as
failing grades, difficulties
in meeting deadlines and
even troubles with their
love life?


What relationship exists

between the steepness of
the line and the slope by
simply looking at the

B. Establishing a Given the following Using the above Study the following Guide Question:
purpose for the figures, identify the slope example, write the linear statements and identify if
lesson of the following graph function and answer the the four possibilities given What have you noticed
mentally. following questions. below is true or false. about the hypothesis?
Ric promises that if
a. If Emman rides a he has a P500-bill, he will
taxi from his workplace treat his daughter for
to the post office with an dinner.
approximate distance of
600 meters, how much Four possibilities:
will he pay?
a. Ric has a P500-bill
b. If he rides a taxi and treats his
from his residence to an daughter for dinner.
airport with an b. Ric has a P500-bill
approximate distance of and he did not treat
6 kilometers, how much his daughter for
will he pay? dinner.
c. Ric has no P500-bill
but still treats his
daughter for dinner.
d. Ric has no P500-bill
and he did not treat
his daughter for

p →q is true except
when p is true and q is
p →q true when q is
true and p is false.
C. Presenting examples/ Illustrative example: “German Shepherd” A conditional statement, Illustrative Example:
instances of the symbolized by p q, is an
lesson In the equation Description: This activity if-then statement in which p If you get good
y=2 x +1, the slope m is will enable you to solve is a hypothesis and q is grades, then you will get
2 and y-intercept b is 1. Plot problems involving linear a conclusion. The logical into a good college.
first the y-intercept, then use functions by following the connector in a conditional
the slope to find the other steps provided. statement is denoted by the The part after the "if": you
point. symbol  . The conditional get good grades - is
2 You own a newly-born is defined to be true unless called a hypotheses and
Note that 2 means , German Sheperd. a true hypothesis leads to a the part after the "then" -
which means Suppose the dog weighs false conclusion. A truth you will get into a good
1kg. at birth. You’ve table for p q is shown college - is called a
rise = 2 and run = 1. Using known from a friend that below. conclusion.
the y-intercept as the the monthly average
starting point, move 2 units weight gained by the dog p q p q A conditional statement is
upward since rise = 2, and 1 is 5kg. If the rate of T T T
false if hypothesis is true
unit to the right since increase of the dog’s and the conclusion is
run = 1. weight every month is T F F false. The example above
constant, determine the F T T would be false if it said "if
equation that will you get good grades then
describe the dog’s F F T you will not get into a
weight. Predict the dog’s good college".
weight after three In the truth table above, p
months using q is only false when the
mathematical equation. hypothesis (p) is true and
the conclusion (q) is false;
Step 1: Write the given otherwise it is true. Note
information. that a conditional is
Step 2: Identify which a compound statement.
variable is Now that we have defined a
dependent/independent. conditional, we can apply it
Step 3: Complete the to Example 1.
table below. Let x be the
number of months and y
be the dog’s weight. Example 1:
Giv p: I do my
x 0 1 2 3 en: homework.
y q: I get my
Step 4: Write the What does p
mathematical equation. q represent?

In Example 1, the
sentence, "I do my
homework" is the
hypothesis and the
sentence, "I get my
allowance" is the
conclusion. Thus, the
conditional p q
represents the hypothetical
proposition, "If I do my
homework, then I get an
allowance." However, as
you can see from the truth
table above, doing your
homework does not
guarantee that you will get
an allowance! In other
words, there is not always a
relationship between the
hypothesis and conclusion
of a conditional statement.

Example 2:
Giv a: The sun is
en: made of gas.

b: 3 is a prime

Write a b as a
Pro sentence. Then
ble construct a truth
m: table for this

Solution: The
conditional a b
represents "If the sun is
made of gas, then 3 is a
prime number."
a b a b

In Example 2, "The sun is

made of gas" is the
hypothesis and "3 is a
prime number" is the
conclusion. Note that the
logical meaning of this
conditional statement is not
the same as its intuitive
meaning. In logic, the
conditional is defined to be
true unless a true
hypothesis leads to a false
conclusion. The implication
of a b is that: since the
sun is made of gas, this
makes 3 a prime number.
However, intuitively, we
know that this is false
because the sun and the
number three have nothing
to do with one another!
Therefore, the logical
conditional allows
implications to be true even
when the hypothesis and
the conclusion have no
logical connection.
D. Discussing new Think-Pair-Share How do you distinguish the How do you distinguish
concepts and practicing hypothesis from the the hypothesis from the
new skills #1 Solve the following conclusion when conclusion when
problem. statement is not in the if- statement is not in the
then form? Consider the if-then form? Consider
A pay phone service three statements below. the three statements
charges Php 5 for the below.
first three minutes and 1. All right angles are
Php 1 for every minute congruent 1. If angles are
additional or a fraction 2. Three non-collinear congruent, then
thereof. How much will points determine a they have the
a caller have to pay if plane. same measure.
Determine and describe his call lasts for 8 3. Perpendicular lines are 2. If 2 angles are
the slope of the following minutes? Write a rule intersecting lines. congruent, then they
graph of linear function. that best describes the have equal measure.
problem. Discuss with a partner the
underlined part of the 3. If 2 angles are
sentence. What part of adjacent, then they
the sentence are the have common side.
underlined words.
Discuss with a partner the
underlined part of the
sentence. What part of
the sentence are the
underlined words.

E. Discussing new Describe the graph of the Guide Question: Guide Questions: Guide Questions:
concepts and practicing linear function when the 1. What have you noticed 1. What have you
new skills #2 slope is positive? a. What do you think about the statements noticed about the
Negative? is the importance of above? statements above?
linear function in 2. Take one of the 2. Take one of the
solving rea-life word statements and tell statements and tell
problems? something about it. something about it.
3. What is common to all of 3. What is common to
the statements? all of the
F. Developing mastery Graph the following Solve the following Identify the hypothesis and Identify the hypothesis
(Leads to Formative linear equations given problem. conclusion of the and conclusion in the
Assessment 3) slope m and a point. following conditional following conditional
A motorist drives at a statements. statements.
1. m = 3 and (0,6) constant rate of 60 kph.
If his destination is 240 1. If we turn of the water in 1. If the angles have
2. m = -2 and (2,4) kilometers away from the shower, then the same measures, then
his starting point, how water will stop pouring. they are congruent.
many hours will it take Hypothesis
him to reach the __________________ 2. If two lines
destination? Write a Conclusion intersect, then the
rule that best describes ___________________ intersection is a point.
the problem.
2. If a population consists of 3. If 3 points are
50% men then 50% of the collinear, then they lie
population must be on a straight line.

3. If the quadrilateral is
equilateral, then their
diagonals are


G. Finding practical Graph the following linear “My allowance” Identify the hypothesis and Identify the hypothesis
applications of equations given slope m conclusion of the following and conclusion of the
concepts and skills in and a point. Solve the following conditional statements. following conditional
daily living m = 1/2 and (0,4) problem. 1. If (x + 2)(x – 11) = 0, statements.
then x = -2 or x = 11.
1. m = 3/2 and (2,-3) Sarah earns Php Hypothesis 1. If Lola wants, then
42 an hour in a dress __________________ Lola gets.
factory with an Conclusion
additional of Php 50 for ___________________ Hypothesis
her daily meal __________________
allowance. 2. If you give me 20 Conclusion
dollars, then I will be your ___________________
a.Write an equation for her best friend.
earning for one day. Hypothesis 2. If the measure of an
Use y for her total __________________ angle is 58°, then the
earning and x for the Conclusion angle is acute.
number of hours. ___________________
b.Suppose she earned a Hypothesis
total of Php 260 on a __________________
Monday, how long did Conclusion
she work for that day? ___________________

3. If the segment are

diagonals of a
rectangle, then the
segments are


H. Making A linear function is A linear function is a An if-then statement is An if-then statement is

generalizations and defined by y=mx+b , function defined by any composed of two clauses: composed of two
abstractions about where 𝑚 is the slope and equation that can be the if-clause and the then- clauses: the if-clause
the lesson 𝑏 is the y-intercept of the written in the form clause. We can denote a and the then-clause. We
line. These 𝑚 and 𝑏 are y=mx+b or f ( x)=mx+b , letter for each clause, p can denote a letter for
real numbers. In a where m and b are for the if-clause and q for each clause, p for the if-
given function, we have constants. the then-clause. The clause and q for the
to take note that as x statement is in the form, then-clause. The
increases, the value of Linear function can be “If p then q”. Conditional statement is in the form,
the function may either applied in solving real-life statements are formed by “If p then q”.
increase or decrease. word problems. joining two statements p
The value of 𝑚 affects and q using the words if Conditional statements
the trend of the function. are formed by joining two
If the value of 𝑚 is p q p→ statements p and q using
positive, it is an the words if and then.
increasing function q The p statement is called
because as x increases T T T the hypothesis and the q
y also increase. If the statement is called the
value of 𝑚 is negative, it conclusion.
is a decreasing function T F F
because as x increases,
y decreases. The F T T
function is linear if its
differences on 𝑥-
coordinates are equal
and the first differences
on 𝑦-coordinates are and then. The p statement
equal. However, the is called the hypothesis
function is not linear if and the q statement is
the first differences on 𝑥- called the conclusion.
coordinates are equal
and the first differences The conditions in
on 𝑦-coordinates are not which a conditional is true
equal. The graph of a are illustrated in the truth
linear function is a table below.
straight line. The
following are the
illustrations of the graph
of a function depending
on the value of their

I. Evaluating learning Sketch the graph of the Solve the following Identify the hypothesis and Identify the hypothesis
following linear function problem. conclusion of the following and conclusion of the
given its slope and one conditional statements. following statements
point. 1. The perimeter of
the square depends 1. If two even integers 1. If you are a
1. m = 2 and passing upon the length of its are multiplied, then the Filipino, then you are
through (4,3) sides. Show how the product is also even. God-fearing person.
perimeter changes as
the length of a side of
−3 the square changes. Hypothesis Hypothesis
2. m = and
4 2. Mr. Castro placed __________________ __________________
part of his separation Conclusion Conclusion
passing through pay amounting to Php ___________________ ___________________
(1,2) 40,000 in some
business venture. If it 2. If the quadrilaterals 2. If you are a good
earns Php 5,000 a are rectangle, then the citizen, then you will
month, in how many quadrilaterals are obey rules and
months will his money equiangular. regulations.
be twice the original Hypothesis
amount? Hypothesis __________________
__________________ Conclusion
Conclusion ___________________
3. If a polygon has
3. If the triangles are three sides, then it is a
equilateral, then the triangle.
triangles are isosceles. Hypothesis
Hypothesis Conclusion
__________________ ___________________
J. Additional activities 1. Follow up Follow up: Follow up: Follow up:
for application or
remediation “My Story” 1. Solve the following 1. Identify the 1. Write the following
Create a story out of the problem. hypothesis and conclusion statements in the “if-
given graph of the linear of the following conditional then” form. Then
equation. A chapel is to be statements. identify the hypothesis
built in an open lot in and conclusion.
Summerhills a. If polygons are
Subdivision. In the plan regular, then the polygons a. The square of any
the corners of a lot are equilateral. real number is
when plotted in a b. If I get my bonus, positive.
coordinate plane are then I will buy a new bag. b. A rectangle is
(0,8), (5,4) and (1,-1). equiangular.
Show that the lot is in a 2. Study:
form of a right triangle. a. Inverse, Converse 2. Study:
and Contrapositive of an if- a. Inverse, Converse
2. Define the following then statement. and Contrapositive
terms. of an if-then
a. Hypothesis statement.
b. Conclusion

2. Think of real life

situations or
problems where you
can apply linear
1. No.of learners who
earned 80% on the
formative assessment
2. No.of learners who
require additional
activities for
3. Did the remedial
lessons work? No.of
learners who have
caught up with the
4. No.of learners who
continue to require
5. Which of my teaching
strategies worked
well? Why did these
6. What difficulties did I
encounter which my
principal or supervisor
can help me solve?
7. What innovation or
localized materials did
I use/discover which I
wish to share with
other teachers?


Teacher III


Head Teacher II

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