Week 8 - Q2 - Math 8

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Teaching Dates and Time JANUARY 9-13, 2023 Quarter SECOND

Session 1 Session 2 Session 3 Session 4

1. Content Standards The learner demonstrates key concepts of linear inequalities in two variables, systems of linear inequalities in
two variables and linear functions.
2. Performance The learner is able to formulate and solve accurately real-life problems involving linear inequalities in two
Standards variables, systems of linear inequalities in two variables, and linear functions
3. Learning Transform a statement into Transform a statement into Determines the inverse, Determines the inverse,
Competencies / an equivalent if-then an equivalent if-then converse and contra- converse and contra-
Objectives statement. statement. positive of an if-then positive of an if-then
M8GE-IIf-2 M8GE-IIf-2 statement. statement.
M8GE-IIg-1 M8GE-IIg-1
a. Identify the hypothesis a. Recall the hypothesis and
and conclusions of if- conclusions of if-then and a. Recap all transforming
a.Recall transforming
then and other types other types of statement. statement to if-thenstatement to if-then
of statement. b. Transform a statement statement. statement.
b. Determine the hypothesis into an equivalent if then b. Write the converse of the
b.Write the inverse of the
and conclusion claus statement. given statement. given statement.
in if-then and other c. Improve rational thinking. c. Evaluate each c.Evaluate each
types of statement. basis/reasoning for each
basis/reasoning for each
c. Avoid irrational thinking. argument. argument.


A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide

2. Learner’s
Materials p. 321-324 p. 321-324 p.324-325 p.324-325

3. Textbook S.J. Dilao and J.G. S.J. Dilao and J.G. S.J. Dilao and J.G. S.J. Dilao and J.G.
Bernabe, Geometry, p. 58- Bernabe, Geometry, p. 58- Bernabe, Geometry, p. 58- Bernabe, Geometry, p. 58-
61 61 85 85
4. Additional http://lrmds.deped.gov.ph/. http://lrmds.deped.gov.ph/.
Materials from
Resource (LR)
B. Other Learning Grade 8 LCTG by DepEd Grade 8 LCTG by DepEd
Resources Cavite Mathematics Cavite Mathematics
A. Reviewing previous “Mahal kita Game” Groupings. 5 groups. Grouping: (Divide the Grouping: (Divide your
lesson or presenting Mechanics: learners into 5 groups). students into 5 groups).
the new lesson 1. Everyone must have their 1st group will make if then Physical and Mental Physical and Mental
own chair except for statement about school. Exercise Present with round 3
“TAYA”. 2nd group will make if then Mechanics: Mechanics:
2. TAYA asked her chosen statement about church. 1. Each group will make a 4. Each group will make a
classmate to answer the 3rd group will make if then circle and hold each circle and hold each
question “Mahal mo ba statement about mall. members hand. members hand.
ako”. 4th group will make if then
(follow nstruction.) statement about social 2. The facilitator will make a 5. The facilitator will make a
TAYA If Then media. conditional statement and conditional statement and
chosen other 5th group will make if then every group must follow. every group must follow.
classm classm statement about sports. 3. Ten points or perfect 6. Ten points or perfect
ate ate points as their starting points as their starting
answer must. In 6 minutes finished or not points for their performance points for their performance
ed… finish, each group will
and minus one for each and minus one for each
Mahal Oo Everyo passed their work, and 1 incorrect movement or not incorrect movement or not
mo ba ne point for each correct usage keeping their hands holding keeping their hands holding
ako? must of if then statement. A group each other. each other.
find or that gained 5 correct
go to answer will get a perfect
other score. Round 1. Round 1.
chair If the facilitator says; If the facilitator says;
as their 1. Jump to the left then 5. Jump to the left then
new each learner will jump to the each learner will jump to the
sit. left. left.
Mahal Hindi.. Only 2. Jump to the right then 6. Jump to the right then
mo ba kasi those each group will jump to the each group will jump to the
ako? mahal student right. right.
Bakit? ko lang who
ang had 3. Jump in then each group 7. Jump in then each group
_____. that will jump inside the circle. will jump inside the circle.
find 4. Jump out then each 8. Jump out then each
anothe group will jump outside the group will jump outside the
r chair. circle. circle.
e.g. Then
(facilitator will make his own (facilitator will make his own
hindi only
combination of each combination of each
kasi those
instruction). instruction).
mahal student
ko lang who
Round 2. Round 2.
ang wear
If the facilitator says: If the facilitator says:
nakaw white
1. Jump to the left then 5. Jump to the left then
hite na socks
each group will jump to each group will jump to
medya will
right. right.
s.. change
their 2. Jump to the right then 6. Jump to the right then
sits. each group will jump to the each group will jump to the
right. right.
3. TAYA must find his/her
chair while his other 3. Jump in then each group 7. Jump in then each group
will jump outside the circle.
8. Jump out then each
group will jump inside the
(Facilitator will make his
own combination for each
classmate are looking for will jump outside the circle.
other chair.
4. Jump out then each Round 3.
4. 3x who became TAYA group will jump inside the If the facilitator says:
will be (consequence to be circle. 1. Jump to the left then
agreed upon by all before each group will jump inside
the game). (Facilitator will make his the circle.
own combination for each 2. Jump to the right then
instruction.) each group will jump
outside the circle.
3. Jump in then each group
will jump to the left.
4. Jump out then each
group will jump to the right.
(Facilitator will make his
own combination for each
B. Establishing a Take some answer during Like or Angry? (oral). Complete the table below
purpose for the lesson the game like:
1. Mahal ko lang ang
Buy ONE, 1. I rather fight with you
than go find somebody new.
Opposi Negatio
te n
nakawhite na medyas;
take ONE. 2. I rather find somebody
Black Not
2. Mahal ko lang ang may new than fight with you. Pass Fail
suot na relo. No Not no
3. Successful people wake
up early. or yes
Those are just the condition. Do Do not
What do you mean by 4. People who wake up
1. Where did you usually
condition? early became successful.
see that phrases?
Thus TAYA ask us to go to
2. What happen if you buy? Negation and opposite are
other chair? Those
3. Can I take 1 easily, What did you observe from almost the same but
condition will tell us whether
without buying one? the first 2 statement? different in some aspect like
you go to other chair or not.
4. Can we make this How about on 3rd and 4th in example 1 and 2.
That is what we called the
statement into if then statement?
hypothesis and conclusion.
C. Presenting examples/ Conditional Statement There are some statements If then statement are in the If then statement are in the
instances of the Composed of hypothesis not written in if then form formed p->q. formed p→q.
lesson clause and conclusion but you can rewrite them Example. Example.
claus. into conditional statement. a. If a student is good in d. If learners review before
IF -> Hypothesis (p) Illustrative example. math, then he/she is smart. exam, then he/she will pass
Example: Cigarette smoking is the exam.
If you are 15 yrs. old... dangerous to your health. b. If two angles are right
If you go outside at night… Hypothesis: Why will your angles, then they are e. If two numbers are not
If you get a boyfriend at health became danger? congruent. positive, then its product is
early age… (answer is the hypothesis) positive.
c. (let the learner give their
(ask the learner to give their Conclusion: What happen if
own example) f. (let the learner give their
own example) you smoke cigarette?
own example)
THEN -> Conclusion (q) (answer is the conclusion)
… then you are a minor. p - smoking cigarette Converse of the statement
… then someone might q - dangerous to your health are in the form if q then p or Inverse of the statement are
abuse your weakness. p -> q - if a person smoke q→p in the form if not p then not
… then you cant focus on cigarette, then he/she will Illustrative example. q or p’→q’
your study be having dangerous (converse of the previous Illustrative example.
(ask the learner to give their health. example) (inverse of the previous
own example) If the student is smart then example)
he/she is good in math. If the student did not review
(pronoun must always in the before exam then he/she
2nd clause). will not pass.
Noun -> student: Pronoun - Another example;
> he/she If two numbers are positive,
Another example; then its product is not
If two angles are congruent, positive.
then they are right angles.
(converse of the statement
is not always true).
Noun -> angles : Pronoun -
> they
D. Discussing new Write the possible
concepts and conclusion (q) on second By Group ->> Try this!
practicing new skills statement based on the first Determine the hypothesis
#1 statement. and conclusion of the given
1.a Students who are good statement.
in Mathematics are smart.
1. The product of two Write the following in if then Prepare the if then
1.b If Jeremy is good in statement we had
mathematics, then negative integers is always statement.
1. Young actresses, are yesterday.
_________. positive.
health conscious. 6. Young actresses are
health conscious.
2.a Young actresses are, q: 2. Parallel lines do not
health conscious. 2. A segment has exactly intersect. 7. Parallel lines do not
one midpoint. intersect.
2.b If Yeng is a young p: 3. A line that intersects two
actress, then ______. q; or more lines at different 8. A line that intersects two
3. Two vertical angles are point is called transversal or more lines at different
always congruent. lines. point is called transversal
3.a Two points determine a p: lines.
line. q: 4. Two adjacent right angles
are supplementary. 9. Two adjacent right angles
3.b if there are two then it if p→then q are supplementary.
will ______. 4. x+3=4, x=1
p: 5. An angle measure 55
q: degree is an acute angle. An angle measure 55
degree is an acute angle.
4.a Parallel lines do not 5. The sum of
intersect. complementary angles is 90
4.b If line m and line n are p:
parallel lines then they q:
E. Discussing new There are some statement After determining the From the previous activity, From the previous
concepts and that are not written in if-then
practicing new skills form but still we can change
#2 this into if then form by
determining the hypothesis
and conclusion of the given
statement. Try this… hypothesis and conclusion
Example. in previous activity, we are statement, convert each
convert each statement into
1. A student must study. now going to combine them statement into its inverse.
its converse. If q →p
Hypothesis: If a person is a by putting if and then. p’ →q’.
1. If an actress is young,
student.. e.g. 6. If an actress is young,
then she is health conscious
Conclusion: Then he/she 1. p: two numbers are then she is health conscious
2. If the lines are parallel,
must study negative integers 7. If the lines are parallel,
then they do not intersect.
2. Clean ocean is blue. q: the product of two then they do not intersect.
3. If a line intersects two or
Hypothesis: If it is a______ negative integers is always 8. If a line intersects two or
more lines at different
Conclusion: then its color is positive. more lines at different
points, then it is called
_______. if p→then q: If two numbers points, then it is called
transversal line.
3. All angle measures 90 are negative then their transversal line.
4. If two right angles are
degree is a right angle. product is always positive. 9. If two right angles are
adjacent, then they are
Hyphothesis: If an (take note about noun and adjacent, then they are
__________. pronoun). supplementary.
5. If an angle measure 55
Conclusion: then it 2. if p→then q If an angle measure 55
degree, then it is an acute
___________. 3. if p→then q degree, then it is an acute
4. If x=5, then x2=25 4. if p→then q angle.
Hypothesis: 5. if p→then q
5. All right angles are
F. Developing mastery Write p if the underlined Write the converse of the Write the inverse of the
(Leads to Formative word is a hypothesis and q By Pair: Try this! following statements. following statements.
Assessment 3) if it is conclusion. Transform the given Transform the statement
1. Red cross volunteers are Vertical angles are statement into if then into if-then statement if
busy during calamities congruent. statement (if necessary) necessary.
p: line m and n do not 1. If you are a Filipino then 6. If you are a Filipino then
q; line m and n are parallel
if p→then q you are a God fearing you are a God fearing
2. An 18 year-old Filipino
p: if a Filipino is 18 year old people. people.
can cast his/her vote during
q: a Filipino has right to
election. 2. If x+6=5, then x=-1. 7. If x+6=5, then x=-1.
3. All right angles are if p→then q
3. p: angle m and angle n 3. If two angles formed a 8. If two angles formed a
congruent. linear pair, then they are linear pair, then they are
are adjacent and
4. Three non-collinear supplementary. supplementary. supplementary.
points determine a plane. q: angle m and n are linear 4. Buy one, take one. 9. Buy one, take one.
5. Perpendicular lines are if p→then q 5. Opposite sides of a 10. Opposite sides of a
intersecting lines. p: angle p and angle q are rectangle are parallel rectangle are parallel
linear pair
q: angle p and angle q are
if p→then q
G. Finding practical Supply the missing Oral: Change the following Transform the given By Pair: Transform the
applications of statements. (oral). in if then statement: statement into if then given statement into if then
concepts and skills in 1. If you listen 1. Smile, can start a statement (if necessary) statements (if necessary)
daily living ___________. friendship. then write its converse. then write its converse.
1. If a student don’t have 1. If you are a Filipino
2. _____________, then 2. Everything on the internet absences in math class then you are a God
you will get good score. is not always true. then he/she will not failed fearing people.
the subject.
3. If you finished study, then 3. Smart teen ager obey his 2. If x+6=5, then x=-1.
___________. teacher. 2. Two points determine a
line. 3. If two angles formed
4. _____________ then you 4. x+34=4, x=-30 a linear pair, then
will be happy. (Ask the learner to give their they are
5. Vertical angles are
own example.) supplementary.
5. If you help your parents, congruent.
___________. 4. Buy one, take one.
5. Opposite sides of a
rectangle are parallel

H. Making 1.An if then or conditional

generalizations and statement is composed of
abstractions about the two clasues; the if clause
lesson and the then clause.

2.We can denote a letter for The implication p->q is

each clause, p for the if always true except in the
clause and q for the then case that p is true and q is
false. See the truth table for If then statement are written If then statement are written
clause. The statement is in in fhe form if p then q or in the form if p then q or p-
the form “if p then q” p->q. the implications below.
p Q p->q p→q, its CONVERSE is →q, its INVERSE is written
written in the form if q then in the form if not p then not
3. Conditional statements T T T
p or q→p q or p’→q’.
are formed by joining two T F F
clauses p and q using the F T T
words if and then. F F T

4. The p clause is called the

hypothesis and the q clause
is called the conclusion.
I. Evaluating learning Direction: Underline the Transform the given Transform the given
hypothesis and encircle the statement into if then statement into if then
conclusion clause. Transform the following statement (if necessary) statement (if necessary)
1. If you are a good citizens, statements into if then then write its converse. then write its inverse.
then you obey rules and statement: 1. If a learner listen to 6. If a learner listen to
regulations. 6. NDRRC volunteers are his/her teacher, then he/she his/her teacher, then he/she
busy during calamities will learn. will learn.
2. If you are Filipino, then
you are God fearing people. 7. An 18 year-old Filipino 2. If a person ask help to 7. If a person ask help to
can cast his/her vote during God, then he/she will God, then he/she will
3. If the sum of two angles election. receive blessings. receive blessings.
is 90 degree, then they are
complementary angles. 8. All right angles are 3. If two or more lines do 8. If two or more lines do
congruent. not intersect, then they are not intersect, then they are
4. A triangle is a polygon parallel lines. parallel lines.
with 3 sides. 9. Three non-collinear
points determine a plane. 4. Triangle is a polygon. 9. Triangle is a polygon.
5. A quadrilateral has 4
sides. 5. Perpendicular lines are 5. A quadrilateral have 4 5. A quadrilateral have 4
intersecting lines. sides. sides.
J. Additional activities
What is the converse of the
for application or
statement and say some
remediation Complete the statement. Complete the statement. Write the inverse of the
(Oral). (Oral). statement and make some
If a person had a good
Today, I learned that ……. Today, I learned that ……. comment.
manners then he/she had a
Do not be afraid to say I
good parents.
don’t know.

1. No.of learners who
earned 80% on the
formative assessment
2. No.of learners who
require additional
activities for
3. Did the remedial
lessons work? No.of
learners who have
caught up with the
4. No.of learners who
continue to require
5. Which of my teaching
strategies worked
well? Why did these
6. What difficulties did I
encounter which my
principal or supervisor
can help me solve?
7. What innovation or
localized materials did
I use/discover which I
wish to share with
other teachers?

Prepared by:

Teacher III


Head Teacher II

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