Fabm Week 1 Asnd 2
Fabm Week 1 Asnd 2
Fabm Week 1 Asnd 2
1. False
2. True
3. False
4. False
5. False
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Juan Dela Cruz, a married man with two qualified dependents, generated income from the following
source; Compensation income: a. Annual compensation income generated was P 555,000. b. Statutory
payments are as follows: SSS – P 6,975.60; Philhealth - P 5,250; Pag-ibig Contribution – P 1,200. Total: P
13,425.60 b. Tax exempt 13th month pay and other bonuses – P60,000. c. Compute for the tax due
Less: Statutory contributions (SSS or GSIS, Philhealth and Pag-ibig Fund) P 13,425.60
From tax table, tax due for P381,574.40 is computed as follows: P 50,000 + 30% of the excess over P
250,000. P 50,000 + 30% (P381,574.40 - P 250,000) = P131, 574.40
1. What is taxation?
- Taxation is the process by which the government collects revenue in order to pay for its expenses.
- Income tax is defined as the tax on the net income or the entire income realized in one taxable year.
A citizen of the Philippines, living in the Philippines, is taxable on all income earned inside and outside
the Philippines;
A foreigner living in the Philippines is taxable only on income earned in the Philippines.
A domestic corporation is taxable on all income derived from sources inside and outside the
Philippines; and
A foreign corporation is taxable only on the income derived inside the Philippines.
4. The Philippines individual income tax is progressive. In this context, what does progressive means?
- In this context, it is stated that the income tax is gradually getting larger and larger and that there are
many deductions given to each Filipino.
5. How much personal and additional exemptions are allowed by the Philippine Tax Law?
- All individual taxpayers are granted a personal exemption of P 50,000. Additional exemptions of ₱
25,000 are given for each qualified dependent but only up to four dependents.
1. Jacqueline Cruz generated annual compensation income of ₱ 455,000, net of statutory payments. Tax
exempt 13th month pay and other bonuses – ₱ 30,000. Determine the tax due of Jacqueline Cruz based
on the following possible tax status of Jacqueline:
Less: Tax exempt 13th month and other bonuses P30, 000
2. Bob Ong is a project consultant. Total project fees earned during the year amounted to P853,000. Mr.
Ong opted to use the optional standard deduction of 40%. Determine the tax due based on the following
possible tax status of Ong: 8
From tax table, tax due for P461,800 is computed as follows: P50,000 + 30% of the excess over P
250,000. P 50,000 + 30% (P461, 200 - P 250,000) = P113, 360
62,000.00 + 52,000.00 + 26,000.00 + 20,000.00 + 15,000.00 + 12,500.00 + 5,500.00= 193 total expenses.
From tax table, tax due for P838,000 is computed as follows: P125,000 + 32% of the excess over P
250,000. P 125,000 + 32% (P838,000- P500,000) = P233,160