Dr. Ashish Kumar Srivastava

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Name - Dr. Ashish Kumar Srivastava

Father’s Name - Dr. Hari Shankar Srivastava

Mother’s Name - Smt. Kiran Srivastava

Date of Birth - 30 Nov.1975

Material status - Married

Languages known - Hindi and English

E-mail - ashish_vpy30@yahoo.com,

Permanent Address- LIG 229 Neam Sarai Colony, Mudera chugi, Pryagraj-211011

Home Address - 559 kha/161 Shrinagar Singar nagar Luckow-226005

Service Address - Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Kaushambi

Area of Specialization- Major- Veterinary Physiology

Minor- Livestock Production and Management

Thesis Title - Evaluation and Amelioration of Summe r Stress in Lactating

Buffaloes under Normal Farm condition.

Registration no. in U.P. veterinary council- UPVC-3595


1- Conducting training (on and off campus) programmes for animal husbandry and
agriculture farmers.
2- Implementing and monitoring on Farm trials (OFTs) and frontline demonstration (FLDs)
related to Animal husbandry and allied farmers .
3- Promotion of Poultry (broiler and layer) and Goatry unit for farmers of Kaushambi as
Income generating activity.
4- Promotion of Dairy, Poultry- Broiler and Layer, Pig, Fish and Goat unit at small and
large scale for rural youths of Kaushambi.
5- To strengthening SHG programmes and activities via bank and KVK mandate at district
6- Academic coordinator of District - Kaushambi, National Children Science Congress
(NCSC- Under DST Programme)
Objective- To develop comprehensive extension and research skill with real experience in a value
based organized by giving best out of me with a vision to excel and achieve.

Educational Qualifications-

Educational Board/University Passing Division Subjects

level Year
M.V.Sc. G.B.P.U.A. &T., 2005 First (7.62) Major- Veterinary Physiology
Pantnagar. Minor- Livestock Production
and Management
B.V.Sc.&A.H. Mathura vet. 2002 First (6.62) All subject of veterinary
College (Kanpur) subjects
B.Sc. Lucknow 1996 Second (6.0) Zoology, Botany, Chemistry
Intermediate U.P. Board 1993 First (6.1) Hindi, English, Physics,
Chemistry, Biology
High school U.P. Board 1991 First (6.4) Hindi, English, S. Science,
Science, Biology, Math

Professional Qualification

Designation Nature of work Organization Place of Posting Duration

Veterinary Field work, Skylark Hatcheries Zind (Haryana), 1 year
Officer advisory and Pvt.Ltd. Ludhiana (Punjab) 7 month
(Poultry) diagnostic (2005-06)
Subject Matter Scientist Krishi Vigyan Kaushambi, U.P. Still working
Specialist And Kendra Kaushambi
(veterinary Extension Work

Technical Skill
1- Support and educate communities of people who work in agriculture and animal farmers
by providing them with information on a wide range of topics.
2- Communication, Problem- solving, Time management, Creativity, Interpersonal skills,
Empathy, Adaptability, Active learning, Persuasion and Scientific knowledge having a
significant part to perform various tasks.
3- Working hand on maintained, holding and treatment of animals.
4- Sample collection- blood, tissue, fluid and histo-pathological
5- Skill to test of histo-pathological parameters, hormonal study, biochemical and milk
sample testing.
6- Computer skill- MS office, excel, power point, page maker and movie maker.
1- NCC-B certificate, 2002.
2- NSS certificate, 2002.
3- NCC- CATC-SD-23, certificate, 1999.
Activities under Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Kaushambi
1- Problem or need based Assessments and refinement techniques apply under normal farm/
district condition.

2- On and Off campus training.
3- Rural youth, Extension functionaries and Para vet training.
4- To organized/ conduct On Farm Trial and Frontline demo through problem or need based
5- Self Help Group formation and through develop income generating activities.
6- To organized and attended various farmer awareness programmes, animal camp and Kisan
and Animal mela.
7- To organized H.S., F.M.D. and P.P.R. vaccination camp and awreness programmes.
8- Rearing and management of goat unit (established by DRDA, Kaushambi) at farm center,
9- Rearing and management of Small Poultry broiler unit (established by ICAR) at farm
center, Kaushambi.
10- Farm development and fodder production.
11- Radio and T.V. talk
12- Mobile advisory and diagnostic services.
Fellowship/Awards/ Life time membership
1- ICAR, JRF- 2002
2- SAPI, Karnal, India.
3- Prof. Yash Pal Smarak Samman (District Academic Coordinator)- 2017
4- ISEE, IARI New Delhi.
Projects/ FPOs
 Co-PI- ICAR-IGFRI sponsored SCSP- IGFRI, Jhansi, U.P.
 Co-PI- ICAR- ARYA (Animal Sector), Project sponsored ICAR, New Delhi.
 Co-PI- ICAR sponsored SCSP- ICAR, New Delhi.
 Co- PI- NICRA (Animal Sector) – CRIDA, Hyderabad, Telangana.
 FPO active Facilitator in district- Kaushambi for 2 FPOs, Blocks- Muratganj and Kada
1- 19th State level (U.P.), 18-20, Nov.-2011, NCSTC- India/ CST- U.P., State CSC-
Evaluator/ Resource Person, At Prasad group of Institution, Jaunpur, U.P. organized by
RVPSP-DST & VICAS, Allahabad.
2- 21st National Children’s Science Congress (2013), Focal The me- Energy: Explore
Harness and conserve, MPCST-2013 as Dist. Acade mic Coordinator, 27-31 Dec.,
2013 (DST Govt. of India), organized by Govt. of M.P. & D.G., MPCST, Bhopal.
3- NCSTC- India/ CST- U.P., State CSC- Evaluator/ Resource Person, 08 Nov. 2014, D.
D. Inter College, Kane, Kanwar, Kaushambi.
4- Uttar Pradesh Madhyamic Siksha Abhiyan, Kaushamb i, 18 May 2015, as Science
Exhibition Evaluator, K.G. Kanya Inter College, Bharwari, Kaushambi.
5- 24th State level (U.P.), 13-15 Nov.-2016, State CSC- Evaluator, organized by VICAS,
6- 25th State level (U.P.), 11-13 Nov.-2017, NCSTC- India/ CST- U.P., State CSC-
Evaluator/ Resource Person, At SPMIT, Kaushambi organized by VICAS, Allahabad.
7- 24th National Children’s Science Congress (2016), Resource Person NCSTC, DST-
India, 27-31 Dec. 2016, held at Baramati, Maharastra.

8- Innovation Awareness Programme Certificate under Innovation Exbition, 12 May 2018
at Kaushambi.
9- National Science Day- Vigyan Mahautsav, 27-28 Feb-2019, organized by Jila Vigyan
Club, Kaushambi, U.P.
10- Innovation Awareness Programme Certificate under Innovation Exhibition, 20 July
2019 at Kaushambi.
11- Innovation Awareness Programme Certificate under Innovation Exbition, 20 July
2019 at Kaushambi.
12- NSCS Programme on NCSTC (DST, Govt. of India) as Judge in evaluation of
District level child scientist project held on 26 Nov.2022 at MVIT, Koilaha,

Training/ Awareness Lectures

1- Active Participation of Rural Agricultural Work experience Programme (RAWE)
sponsored by Integral University, Lucknow, 17 Sep to 27 Oct. 2018.
2- Active Participation and Nodal of Nai Roshani Yojana- Wome n Leadership
Development programme for Minorities Communities, sponsored by Ministry of
Minorities Communities, Govt. India, organized by DBR welfare society, Allahabad.
3- Active Participation of Agri Junction training for Agri- graduate, sponsored by
Agricultural Department of Kaushambi.
4- One day Face to Face conversation between Govt. officers and farmers, 11 Aug.2021,
organized by DD&WS, Prayagraj
5- National Campaign on Agriculture and Environment: The Citizen Face, 26 Nov. 2021,
organized by Krishi Vigyan Kendra Kaushambi.
6- Five days Awareness Programme on Importance of Fish Farming for IFS module , 21-
25 Dec. 2021, Sponsored by MANAGE, Hyderabad, organized by KVK, Kaushambi.
7- Five days Awareness Programme on Mass Breeding and Culture Techniques of
Catfish, 04-08 Jan. 2022, Sponsored by MANAGE, Hyderabad, organized by KVK,
8- Three days Capacity Building of Farmers Through Training Programme on different
animal sectors (Profitable Dairy, Poultry, Goat, Pig and Fish Farming each) year- 2021-22
Sponsored by ICAR, organized by KVK, Kaushambi.
9- Active Participation of International Women Day, organized by KVK, Kaushambi.

Mela Award Allahabad and Banda

1- Best KVK Stall certificate, Virat Kishan Mela 2021 under Kishan Kalyan Mission,
Dept., of Agriculture, Prayagraj.
2- Best KVK Stall certificate, Kishan Kishan Mela 2021 under Kishan Kalyan Mission,
BUAT, Banda, U.P.
3- 3rd Gram Gaurav Utsav, Sponsered by Madai Kalyani Seva Trust, Pattinarvar,
Dewara, Kaushambi.

CRIDA refers as STAR technology/ promising Climate Resilient Technologies for U.P.,
For Animals under NICRA Project

1- Sustainable meat production of Goats for salt affected areas by breed up-gradation.
2- Green fodder availability for dairy throughout the years in salt affected region of UP.

Popular Articles
1- Heat stress- Prevention and management in layer birds- Poultry planner
2- Importance of Meat Inspection- Livestock International
3- Aflatoxins- Pashudhan
4- Parturition and Gestation period in different Animals- Pashudhan
5- Possible causes of Reproduction failure- Pashudhan
6- Aflatoxicosis and Ruminants- Pantnagar vet
7- Blood transfusion in Dogs- Pashudhan
8- Metabolic interrelationship of Tissue in various Nutritional and Physio-Pathological state-
Livestock International
9- Neonatal Management in Cattle- Livestock International
10- Growth promoters in Broiler Production- Poultry Planner
11- nwèk vk; esa o`f)% FkuSyk ifjPNu M‚ vk'kh"k dqekj JhokLro] eukst dqekj Çlg —f"k
'kksèk niZ.k& r`rh; vad& flracj& 2020
12- Çyx oafNr oh;Z ( lsDlM lheu) % i'kq çtuu ds {ks= esa foKku dk peRdkj M‚ vk'kh"k
dqekj JhokLro] M‚ vfer dqekj ds'kjh —f"k 'kksèk niZ.k& iape vad& vçSy& twu 2021

1- Correlation between milk yield and body dimension of cross bred lactating cattle. National
symposium on “Recent advanced in cryopreservation of livestock germplasm” - 28-29
Jan. 2005, SAPI, Anjora, Durg, Chhatisgargh.
2- Electron-cepholographic attributes of conscious Goats. National symposium on “Recent
advanced in cryopreservation of livestock germplasm” - 28-29 Jan. 2005, SAPI, Anjora,
Durg, Chhatisgargh.
3- Feed and water restriction stress and rumination pattern in Goat: An Electron-
cepholographic study. National symposium on “Recent advanced in cryopreservation of
livestock germplasm” - 28-29 Jan. 2005, SAPI, Anjora, Durg, Chhatisgargh.
4- Effect of hot humid climate on buffalo milk yield and its compositions. National
symposium on “Recent advanced in cryopreservation of livestock germplasm” - 28-29
Jan. 2005, SAPI, Anjora, Durg, Chhatisgargh.
5- Amelioration of heat stress in lactating buffaloes: A haemato-biochemical study. National
symposium on “Recent advanced in cryopreservation of livestock germplasm” - 28-29
Jan. 2005, SAPI, Anjora, Durg, Chhatisgargh.
6- Serum profile of thyroid and adrenal medullary hormones during summer stress in
lactating buffaloes. National symposium on “Recent advanced in cryopreservation of
livestock germplasm” - 28-29 Jan. 2005, SAPI, Anjora, Durg, Chhatisgargh.

7- Constraints in attaining optimum levels of dairy production of India. Annual conference
and national symposium, GBPUA&T,Pantnagar- 2002
8- Effect of summer stress in lactating buffaloes under normal field condition, ICAR-2010-
9- Milk composition of Lactating buffaloes under summer stress and amelioration of this
condition, ICAR-2010-11
10- Eimeria spp.- Protozoan Parasite in broilers. 17th Indian agriculture sciences & farmers
congress on Agri- innovation for Enhancing Production &Rural employment, 21-22 feb.
2015, organized by Bioved Research Institute of Agriculture & Technology Allahabad.
11- Poultry farming- Improving economic status of rural youth through contract broiler
farming. National seminar on strategy to drive skill based agriculture development
forward for sustainability and rural employability-2015, organized by ISEE, division of
Agri.Extension, IARI, New Delhi.
12- Asessment of drug “oxypond” in fish pond on growth production and physical-chemical
parameters. National seminar on fisheries and aquaculture: livelihood security,
sustainability and conservation, 21-22 January, 2016, organized by North East Society for
Fisheries and Aquaculture (India) Lembucherra, Tripura.
13- Assessment of Fresh Azolla feeding and decreasing the input and increasing output of
Innovative K uroiler farming. National symposium on ‘Recent-Advance in diagnostic
pathology for Emerging and Re-emerging Disease of Livestock, Poultry under farming
conditions and wildlife.
14- Availability of quality green fodder with ASMM: Enhancing farmers Profitability.
National Symposium on Innovation in Forage & Livestock sector for Enhancing
Entrepreneurship and farm Productivity, 1-3 Nov.-2022, organized by Range Management
Society of India, Jhansi, U.P.
15- To use heat stress ameliorative measures in buffaloes and to quantify their effect.
International conference on Reimaging Rainfed Agro-Ecosystem- Challenges &
opportunities, 22-24 Dec. 2022, organized by ISDA (ICAR-CRIDA), Rajendra nagar,
Hyderabad, Telangana.
16- Impact Assessment of Kitchen gardening training under NICRA Programme. International
conference on Reimaging Rainfed Agro-Ecosystem- Challenges & opportunities,
organized by 22-24 Dec. 2022, ISDA (ICAR-CRIDA), Rajendra nagar, Hyderabad,

1- Electroncepholographic Attributes of Goats under conscious state. Indian J.
Physiolopharmacology, 2009, 53(4):353-358.
2- Successful therapeutic management of traumatic Balanoposthitis in Buffalo Bull, Inta
Polyvet, 2004, vol.5 No.II; 265-266.
3- Serum profile of Thyroid and Adrenal medullary hormones during Summer stress in
lactating buffaloes, 2014, 28-29 Jan. 2005, SAPI, Anjora, Durg, Chhatisgargh.
4- Asessment of drug “oxypond” in fish pond on growth production and physical-chemical
parameters. National seminar on isheries and aquaculture: livelihood security,

sustainability and conservation, Souvenir, 21-22 january, 2016, organized by North East
Society for Fisheries and Aquaculture (India) Lembucherra, Tripura.

Paper Presentation
1- Serum profile of Thyroid and Adrenal medullary hormones during Summer stress in
lactating buffaloes, 2014, 28-29 Jan. 2005, SAPI, Anjora, Durg, Chhatisgargh.
2- Asessment of drug “oxypond” in fish pond on growth production and physical-chemical
parameters. National seminar on Fisheries and aquaculture: livelihood security,
sustainability and conservation, 21-22 january, 2016, organized by North East Society for
Fisheries and Aquaculture (India) Lembucherra, Tripura.

Poster Presentation
1- Effect of hot humid climate on buffalo milk yield and its composition, 2014, 28-29 Jan.
2005, SAPI, Anjora, Durg, Chhatisgargh.
2- Amelioration of Heat Stress in lactating buffaloes: A haemato-biochemical study, 2014,
28-29 Jan. 2005, SAPI, Anjora, Durg, Chhatisgargh.
3- Coccidiosis Prevalent Disease in Broiler, ISEE, National Seminar 26-28 Feb. 2015,
Raumata Vijayaraje Scindia Krishi Vishwa Vidyalaya, Gwalior, M.P.
4- Asessment of drug “oxypond” in fish pond on growth production and physical-chemical
parameters. National seminar on isheries and aquaculture: livelihood security,
sustainability and conservation, 21-22 january, 2016, organized by North East Society for
Fisheries and Aquaculture (India) Lembucherra, Tripura.
5- To use heat stress ameliorative measures in buffaloes and to quantify their effect.
International conference on Reimaging Rainfed Agro-Ecosystem- Challenges &
opportunities, 22-24 Dec. 2022, organized by ISDA (ICAR-CRIDA), Rajendra nagar,
Hyderabad, Telangana.
6- Impact Assessment of Kitchen gardening training under NICRA Programme. International
conference on Reimaging Rainfed Agro-Ecosystem- Challenges & opportunities,
organized by 22-24 Dec. 2022, ISDA (ICAR-CRIDA), Rajendra nagar, Hyderabad,

1- ICAR- Orientation training for newly recruited KVK Scientist, 15-18 March-2007
organized by ZCU, Zone-IV, Kanpur.
2- MANAGE-Training on “Market Led Extension” -10-14 March-2008 organized by ZCU,
Zone-IV, Kanpur.
3- Training programme on “Aquaculture Technologies and Extension Approaches”,
organized by National Bureau of Fish Genetic Resources, 5-7 March 2013, NBFGR,
4- “One day Interface Meeting on Implementation of Certain Modules of veterinary sciences
and animal husbandry Activities through KVK SMS of U.P. and Uttarakhand”, 20
September 2014 organized by DUVASH, Mathura.
5- One day training on CMS (Content Management System), 16 Dec. 2022 organized by
ATARI, Kanpur, U.P.

Short Course
1- ICAR Sponsored 10 days short course on “Wildlife Conservation vis a vis Human and
Agriculture Interface” organized by SHIATS, Allahabad, U.P.-24 Nov. to 3 Dec.-2014.
2- NRD& TC, NDDB, Jalandhar, Punjab, sponsored 5 days short course on Artificial
Insemination Programme, 08-12 Jan. 2018.
3- ICAR- CIRG, Makhdoom, Mathura, sponsored 7 days short course on Hands on
Training on Semen Freezing and Artificial Insemination in Goats, organized by
CIRG- Mathura, U.P.-23- 29 April 2019.

Symposium/ Workshop/ Conference

1- SIIP sponsored Workshop cum advanced training course on “Cell stress and Apoptosis”-
23 Aug. 2003, GBPUA &T, Pantnagar.
2- SIIP Sponsored Workshop on “Molecular and Immunological Methods”- 15 Feb.2004,
JALMA, Agra, U.P.
3- National symposium on “Cytokines and Single Transduction”- 13-14 Feb.2004,
JALMA, Agra, U.P.
4- National symposium on “Recent advanced in cryopreservation of livestock
Germplasm” - 28-29 Jan. 2005, SAPI, Anjora, Durg, Chhatisgargh.
5- Strategy to drive Skill based Agriculture Development Forward for Sustainab ility and
Rural Employability, 5-7 Nov 2015, ISEE, Institute of agricultural Science, BHU,
Varanasi, U.P.
6- KVK, Animal Scientist Workshop, 21 July 2016, organized by ATARI, Kanpur, U.P.
7- 1st International Conference on Sustainable Development Goals , 15-17 May 2022,
organized by Deendayal Research Institute at Chirakoot, Satana, M.P.
8- Capacity Building Programme of agricultural Extension Professional to Promote
Agro- Processing., 17-19 Jan. 2023 organized by CIPHET, Ludhiana, Punjab.

On line Collaborative Training Programme

1- National webinar on Modern Genetic Approaches for Improvement of Indigenous Cattle.,
29 July 2020organized by Dept. of Animal Genetics & Breeding, U.P. DUVASU,
Mathura, U.P.
2- National E-Quiz on ‘Agriculture Extension’ organized by Krishi Vigyan Kendra-II Sitapur
held on 30 July 2020.
3- Training programme on Advance in Brackishwater Aquaculture., 28-30 July 2020
organized by ICAR- CIBAKRC, West Bengal.
4- Microbiome Immunity and Vaccines. On 30 Aug.,2020 organized by IAVMI, ICAR- New
5- Workshop of All India Fodder Production officers: Rabi, 13-15 Oct. 2020, organized by
ICAR-IGFRI, Jhansi, U.P.
6- Workshop of All India Fodder Production officers: Rabi, 18-20 Oct. 2021, organized by
ICAR-IGFRI, Jhansi, U.P.
7- Workshop of All India Fodder Production officers: Kharif, 28-30 june 2021, organized by
8- Workshop of All India Fodder Production officers: Kharif, 12-14, July, 2021, organized

9- Role and Challenges of Women power in Preserving Indian Culture on 6 June 2021,
organized by Rajkiya Shikshak Sangh, U.P.
10- National Campaign on Participatory Management for Sustainable F isheries and
Biodiversity Conservation- 04 Aug., 2022, ICAR-CIFT-TED.
11- Training Program on Interface with Farmer Producer Organization and Agri-preneures for
Development of Agriculture, 20-22 Dec. 2022, MANAGE, Rajendra nagar, Hyderabad,
Other and COVID-2019 Extension Literatures (Folder, Pamphlets & Leaflet)-
(M‚ vk'kh"k dqekj JhokLro, fo"k; oLrq fo'ks"kK ¼i'kqikyu½ —f"k foKku dsaæ
 HksM+&cdfj;ksa esa çeq[k jksx & y{k.k & cpko

 -
 —f=e xHkkZèkku ls gksxk cdfj;ksa esa gksxk uLy lqèkkj
 eqxhZikyu C;olk; & vk; dk vfrfjä lk/ku
 bukQ vfHk;ku &i'kqvksa dks vkèkkj dkMZ dh rjg gh ;wfud VSx uacj
 rkieku esa o`f) dk i'kqvksa dh 'kjhj fØ;kvksa ij dqçHkko ,oa cpus ds mik;
 आय
 eNyh ikyu dh rS;kjh fdl rjg djsa
 lnhZ ds ekSle es iksYVªh dk çca/k
 eNyh ikyu : mRiknu] vk; ,oa jkstxkj
 ‘;= uk;ZLrq iwT;Urs jeUrs r= nsork ’- efgyk l'kfädj.k
 lhekar ,oa y?kq —"kdksa dh vkfFkZd le`f) gsrq lefUor —f"k ç.kkyh
 eNyh ds jksx dkj.k] y{k.k] dk;Zokgh vkSj bykt
 cMZ ¶yw &y{k.k dkj.k vkSj bykt
 -

Training book let
S.No. Training Book By and Year
1 M‚ vk'kh"k dqekj JhokLro, fo"k; oLrq
fo'ks"kK ¼i'kqikyu½ —f"k foKku dsaæ
dkS'kkEch 2019
2 xzkeh.k ;qok dh vkthfodk dk lqjf{kr lzksr cdjh ikyu M‚ vk'kh"k dqekj JhokLro, fo"k; oLrq
(vk;kZ ;kstuk vUrxZZr) fo'ks"kK ¼i'kqikyu½ —f"k foKku dsaæ
dkS'kkEch 2019
3 i'kqvks ds fy, ikSf"Vd gjs pkjs dh [ksrh usfi;j Mk. vt; dqekj, Mk. vk”kh’k dqekj
?kkl JhokLro, i'kqikyu oSKkfud —f"k foKku
(IGFRI-SCSP vUrxZZr) dsaæ dkS'kkEch 2020
4 Ik'kq iztuu esa d`f=e xHkkZ/ku dk egRo i'kq Mk . vt; dqekj, Mk . vk”kh’k dqekj JhokLro,
lgk;d/i'kq fe= gsrq çf'k{k.k fnXnÆ'kdk i'kqikyu oSKkfud —f"k foKku dsaæ
dkS'kkEch 2021
5 i'kqvks ds ikSf"Vd pkjs (IGFRI-SCSP Mk . vk”kh’k dqekj JhokLro,
vUrxZZr) i'kqikyu oSKkfud —f"k foKku dsaæ
dkS'kkEch 2021

6 izkdfrd [ksrh dk vk/kkj&nslh xk; fo'ks"krk ,oa Mk vt; dqekj, Mk vk”kh’k dqekj JhokLro, Mk
mi;ksfxrk vfer dqekj dsljh —f"k foKku dsaæ
dkS'kkEch 2021
7 i'kq&ikyu dk oxÊdj.k] egRo ,oa ykHk&gkfu Mk vt; dqekj, Mk vk”kh’k dqekj JhokLro, Mk
(IGFRI-SCSP vUrxZZr) vfer dqekj dsljh —f"k foKku dsaæ
dkS'kkEch 2022
8 eRL; ikydksa gsrq fn'kkfunsZ'k Mk . vk”kh’k dqekj JhokLro,
i'kqikyu oSKkfud —f"k foKku dsaæ
dkS'kkEch 2022
9 iaxsfl;l ,DokdYpj m|ksx : ,d LFkk;h Hkfo"; Mk . vk”kh’k dqekj JhokLro,
i'kqikyu oSKkfud —f"k foKku dsaæ
dkS'kkEch 2022
10 cr[k ikyu O;olk; Mk . vk”kh’k dqekj JhokLro,
i'kqikyu oSKkfud —f"k foKku dsaæ
dkS'kkEch 2022

Linkages with District/ State level/ Allied Department Training and Activities

Name of Nature of linkage Impact


Department of Training, Demonstration, Farme rs are skilled regarding adoption of new

Agriculture Technical consultancy to technology helpful to increase the crop
the farme rs through productivity. The major impact grown in form of
different mode. FIG i.e. seed production group. The related
farmers are fulfilling the require ment of seed in
district and across the district.

Department of Training, Technical Increase adoption of off season vegetable

Horticulture consultancy to the cultivation. Take additional income through
farmers through intercropping in orchard. Skilled developed to
different mode. produce quality planting material of foods and
vegetables. Increase adoption of banana
cultivation as a high income remunerative crop.

Department of Training, Animal Camp, Improve ani mal health and increase milk
Animal Vaccination Camp, production/ pe r day. Established income
Husbandry Awareness programme generating units for rural youth- goat, poultry,
and consultancy of dairy unit etc and to established/ develop IFS
technology. model.

District Rural Training Self Help Groups members turn to unskilled to

Development skilled personal and established their own
Agency (DRDA) enterprises. Goat breeding center help to select
the area specific breed of goat for goat, poultry.

CIRG, Makdoom Training, Consultancy of Availability of regional level descript breed for
farah, Mathura technology promotion of goat farme rs. To trained the
Paravets for AI in goats for Breed improvement.

IRRI, New Delhi Demonstraition, Training The prog ramme was helpful to established
& Seed production specific technology for salt stress condition to the
district Kaushambi (14000 ha. sodic lands) and
across the district. The average yield of paddy in
salt affected area which was 28.3 Q/ha increased
up to 48.20 Q/ha. This progra mme is also helpful
to create aware ness about specific variety of
paddy i.e CSR-36 for salt stress area.

IIPR, Kanpur Varietal trail, New varieties develope d by ICAR and quality
Consultancy and Seed seeds are more profitable to the farmers. With
material SHGs to provided ‘Mini Dal Mill’ for wome n

IWMP, Training , consultancy for Create awareness about land and water
Kaushambi prepration of DPRs management for crop cultivation and ulti metly
sustainable agriculture.

NABARD Training & Income Farme rs established goat and poultry unit with
generating Activities the help of NABARD funding and generate
additional income.

MANAGE, AC&ABC training & Trained & skilled agriculture personal established
Hyderabad Establishment of agri- their own enterprises related to agriculture and
venture established as self employment.

SHIATS, Training & Technology Area specific suitable technology disseminate

Allahabd easily in shorter period of time.

CSAUA&T, Training & Technology Area specific suitable technology disseminate

Kanpur easily in shorter period of time.

District level Coordination and active committee member:

 Zila vigyan club, Kaushambi.

 District Academic coordinator- NCSC, Kaushambi.
 Lead bank- BSVS- Kaushambi.
 Animal husbandry department, Kaushambi.
 Fishery department, Kaushambi.

Activities under Krishi Vigyan Kendra Kaushambi (last 10 years- 2010-11 to2020-21)
Various technological activities under KVK mandate:
Conducted Activity 2010-11 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 2019-20 2020-21 Total
KVK On Farm 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 23
Front Line 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 22
Rural Youth Poultry unit 10 10 10 10 10 50
unit Goat unit 10 10 15 15 10 60
Fish Unit 1 1 2 2 2 7 17 19 51
Other IFS unit 2 2 4
Group Mini Dal 1 2 3
(SHGs) mill- IIPR
CHC 1 2 3
FPOs 2 2
Educational/ IGFRI and 2 2 2 6
farmers NICRA
Total 5 4 4 5 5 6 26 26 39 53 51 234

Various Training Programme activities conducted for practicing farmers under KVK mandate:
Year 2010-11 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 2019-20 2020-21 Total
Activities C P C P C P C P C P C P C P C P C P C P C P C P
KVK- 19 428 20 395 19 444 19 390 18 440 14 330 13 301 14 380 14 367 12 271 16 396 178 414
On/Off 2
Extension 2 16 2 38 2 28 2 30 2 34 2 32 2 30 2 24 2 35 2 32 2 50 22 349
Animal 2 40 8 299 9 1186 7 768 3 146 3 102 3 1120 3 204 6 177 3 75 3 107 50 422
Camp 4
Total 23 484 30 732 30 1658 28 1188 23 620 19 464 18 1451 19 608 22 579 17 378 21 553 250 871

KVK-Innovators Farmers for innovation in District- Kaushambi

S. No. Name Village Block Innovation in field Awarded By

1. Santosh Kumar Kaseda Chail Agri + Animal (Fish- IMC culture)
2. Ajay Prakash Ichana Newada Agri + Animal (Fish) + Hoti
3. Kallu Charwa Chail Agri + Animal (Fish)
4. Anoop Kumar Charwa Chail Agri + Animal (Fish) + Horti Disrtict Level-2022 (Ch. Charan Singh Kisan
5. Kamlesh Kumar Mouli Muratganj Agri + Animal (Fish- Pangas Culture) Diwas)
6. Brij lal Nijampur Manjhanpur Agri + Animal (Fish- Bio flock)
7. Lalava Purab Sarira Sarsawa Agri + Animal (Fish)
8. Samon Usmani Basedi Muratganj Agri + Animal (Fish) + Desi poultry farming
9. Kishan Lal Sindhiya Sirathu Medicinal plant cultivation
10. Vinod Singh Pachama Sarsawa Banana tissue culture
Innovator farmer of District- CST-UP,DST-
11. Maan Singh Sudhwar Chail Portable bio fuel and Biogas production at village
UP, Govt of UP 2017
12. Samsad Husain Alipur Jeeta Kada Dairy Group Facilitator
13. R.P. Singh Tewa Sarsawa Medicinal plant cultivation
14. Kamlesh Kumar Koilaha Chail Traditional saving techniques for snake bit.
15. Udav Singh Govindpur Newada Jaivik Kheti
16. Amar Singh Beruva Muratganj Fish Hatchery with IFS Innovator farmer of District- CST-UP,DST-
17. Ram Prakash Saria akil Bara Fish Hatchery UP, Govt of UP 2018
18. Vinod Kumar Deviganj Kada Steam plant for Khoya making
19. Sanjay Singh Newada Newada IFS module
20. Asendra Singh Deviganj Kada Digital Facilitator for Dairy field
21. Abdul Rahmaan Alipur Sirathu Seed Production of Paddy (PB-1)
22. Raina Devi Bairampur Sarsawa Lalit Kala- Painting Innovator farmer of District- CST-UP,DST-
23. W. Z. Naqvi Chail Chail Product of Banana Fiber UP, Govt of UP 2019
24. Intakhab Zaidi Chail Chail Product of Banana Fiber
25. Mukesh Jaiswal Baratfariq Sirathu Water conservation

1. On campus and Off campus Training

Thematic Area
 Dairy Management
 Disease Management
 Poultry Management
 Piggery Management
 Feed and Fodder Management
 Quality product production
 Entrepreneurs development
 Concentrate feed preparation and its production
2. On farm trial and Frontline Demo
Problem Based Trial
 Eradication of ecto-parasites from lactating animals
 Improved the productivity and health by balanced feed ration and mineral mixture.
 Vaccination Demo- FMD and HS
 Balanced ration and M.M. for male goat under field condition
 Broiler Farming
 Urea treated Straw Formulation for lactating animals.
 Milk production increased by use of M.M, salt, chalk powder and dewormer drug.
 Back yard poultry farming
 Back yard layer farming
 Anoestrous condition in lactating animals under normal field condition.
 Intervention of feed fodder crop cycle for lactating animals through out of year for
3. Extension Personal training
Technical based training
 Animal health and hygiene for extension workers.
 Paravets training for Artificial Insemination Technology
 Refresher course for Paravets workers.
4. Rural youth training for income generating activities
 Five and seven days training programmes for rural youth for additional income
generation activities (Poultry, Goat and Pig farming)
 Training programme for fishery farmers.
 Concentrate feed preparation and its production
5. Awareness Animal camp for Vaccination, Animal Health, Hygiene and Infertility
6. Attained programmes in different agriculture allied sector field (Agric ulture, Horticulture,
Soil Dept., Fishery Dept. and Lead Bank) in District Kaushambi.

Dr. Ashish Kumar Srivastava

Scientist (Veterinary Science)
Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Kaushambi

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