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Evolution of Letter Writing

B.A., L.L.B. (Hons.) / First Semester - July 2019

Template Final Draft

General English

Topic: Evolution of Letter Writing

Submitted To: Prof. Rakesh Nambiar

Submitted by: Bhargavi G Iyer

Sap Id: 81011019030

Evolution of Letter Writing


1. Introduction

2. Analytical Chapters
3. Comparative Study
4. Conclusion
5. Bibliography

Evolution of Letter Writing

Letter writing is a subtle art that has undergone a metamorphosis of sorts over the many years
of its existence. Yet, it has managed to retain its ethos in its most pristine and pure form. A
letter is an elementary yet fundamental form of written communication, usually transported
over considerable distance by some means, from the sender to the receiver. Writing a letter
involves both precision in delivering the intended message, on the part of the writer; as well
as attentive reading and active interpretation, by the intended reader. Letter writing has
acquired the aesthetic traits of literature, as well as the objective characteristics of grammar.
It has a vivid history, with distinct variety in the modes of transportation, format of writing,
as well as the physical material used for writing. These have evolved over the course of time,
with the changing needs of societies and the advent of various technologies and improvement
of convenience.

1. Statement of the Problem

A single word can have multiple meanings, and can be construed in a plethora of ways. If
such is the plight of a lone word, it can be unimaginably baffling to explore the possible
permutations and combinations of the interpretations of an entire letter. Therefore, it is
important for a letter, irrespective of its purpose or channel, to be as clear and perspicuous as

A letter is often a personal and private article. Confidential matters are preferred to be
addressed through letters, as opposed to other forms of communication. The trust and faith
invested in letters remains unparalleled throughout. Therefore, it is also pertinent to note that
this trust is breached in various manners, with innumerable intentions, be they innocent or
nefarious. It is imperative to maintain confidentiality, which happens to be basic etiquette in
any form of communication.

In the past, transportation was a major obstacle to nearly everything. However, it could not
stop the exchange and expression of ideas through letters. Letters travelled great distances,
and are even known to have traversed from one corner of the world to another. It was not the
modes of transportation that posed hindrances to letter writing in general, but the time it
consumed. A message, if not delivered at the time it was necessitated to be conveyed at,

Evolution of Letter Writing

holds no meaning or value. Technology in the modern world, however, has almost eliminated
the problems faced by writers of letters, associated with time.

2. Objectives

i) To trace the history of letter writing and assess the problems faced.

ii) To explore the various methods and the changes in the formats of writing a letter.

iii) To observe the impact of letter writing on the transformation of language.

iv) To examine whether letter writing has become obsolete, or remains prevalent.

3. Research Questions

i) What is letter writing, and how has the definition changed?

ii) Why was letter writing preferred over oral means of communication in the personal

iii) What were the limitations to writing letters, and how could they be overcome?

iv) Can letter writing ever become obsolete?

4. Hypothesis

Letter writing has evolved in different ways. The modes, manner, and content involved in
letter writing can and has changed over time, to suit the needs of consequent generations and
mutating societies. However, it can never fall into disuse, as it is a vital and indispensable
form of communication.

5. Methodology

Taking into account the nature of the topic and subsequent research questions, the researcher
has opted for the method of secondary research. The help of various articles available on the

Evolution of Letter Writing

internet, as well as e-books, was taken, in order to analyse the topic and come up with critical
conclusions regarding the same.

6. Limitations of Research

The subjectivity of the topic and the vast amount of information available results in
impediments in narrowing down to relevant content for the same. Thus, the research is based
on the analysis of certain facts and the deductions based on them, as well as the informed
opinions of the researcher.

7. Review of Literature

The research was conducted with the help of various articles found on the internet, in
journals, as well as several e-books, such as ‘Letter Writing as a Social Practice’, edited by
David Barton and Nigel Hall, and ‘Letter Writing in Late Modern Europe’.

8. Scope of the Topic

This research project studies the history, present, and future scope of letter writing, as a mode
of communication, as well as a method of propagation of literature, and its impact on the
growth of language. It also intends to explore the forms of letters, the various purposes and
intentions of letter writing and how they affect the letter on the whole. The research also
deals with the relevance of letter writing in the present-day scenario.

Evolution of Letter Writing

Analytical Chapters
According to the Merriam-Webster, a letter is a direct or personal written or printed message
addressed to a person or organization.1 Letter writing is the exchange of written or printed
messages.2 Letters are often classified as personal or informal letters and formal letters, on
the basis of the relationship between the writer and the receiver or entity addressed in the
letter. On the basis of the location of the recipient, there are inland letters and international
letters, which can be sent anywhere within India, and around the world respectively. There
are many different possible ways of categorisation of letters. However, it is more pertinent to
note that irrespective of what a letter is meant to convey or where it is meant to convey it,
over the centuries and millenia, the basic function of a letter has stayed the same – to convey
thoughts to specified receivers.


It is believed the first handwritten letter came from the Persian Queen Atossa around 500
B.C.3 Letter writing can be traced to the earliest vestiges of history. The content of some of
the earliest known letters, such as those found in Egypt and Rome, of the first few centuries
after the Before Christ Era, reflect the mindset of the people at that time. They also depict
various emotions, like joy, love, contempt, awe, anger, and far subtler feelings inexpressible
in lone words. These include elaborate or concise instructions, inquiries on welfare,
conveying of news and information, expression of grievances, grief and condolences, as well
as aggression. A letter is also deeply associated with memories, eager waiting, and
unforgettable experiences.

Letter writing in the ancient world was an expensive process though, involving papyrus as the
writing surface, which was considerably hard to obtain. Consequently, letters were sent
rarely, relative to today’s communication. It was a thoughtful process, and often a community
process, involving travellers carrying the letter, a family or a whole village who would like to
contact the one far away, with something to convey. Ancient letter writing also sometimes

“Letter.” Merriam-Webster Dictionary, Merriam-Webster, Incorporated, 2019, https://www.merriam-
webster.com/dictionary/letter. Accessed 23 September 2019.
Nordquist, Richard. Letter Writing, ThoughtCo., 26 Jun. 2016, www.thoughtco.com. Accessed 2 October
"The First Letter." A Brief History of Letter Writing, Indelible Cards, 27 Jan. 2019,
6 Accessed 2 October 2019.
Evolution of Letter Writing

involved an amanuensis, who may or may not have participated in the choice of words or
phrases for a letter.4

Epistolography is the art or practice of writing epistles: letter writing. 5 An epistle is a

composition in prose or poetry written in the form of a letter to a particular person or group. 6
In plain words, an epistle is a letter. It was observed that letters in ancient history, especially
in Greece, appeared to be the relatively haphazard transcriptions of oral messages. 7 Letters
form an important part of historical evidences, however, may not always be entirely
objectively reliable, due to the interference of human emotion which can significantly distort
facts that history searches for. Ancient letters plays a key role in palaeography, which is the
study of historical and ancient handwriting. It can be seen that the letter was not just an
instrument of communication, but also a device of literature. Letters also represent the
intellectual abilities and ideological stances at particular times in history, and their gradual
yet radical progress.

Letters in the Social Context

Letters are formed by the wider context of society, with the social environment contributing
to the phraseology and the letter writing rhetoric, apart from the act of sending and receiving
letters as a community practice. For instance, religion played a focal role. As a consequence,
not only was religious phraseology and religious discourse present in the letters but important
metalinguistic formulae are also often derived from religious discourse.8

The Evolution of Formats and Language through Letter Writing

The format of letter writing in history has been observed to have variations based on the
economic status of the writers as well. The models for letter-writing are usually seen to filter
down from the formally educated upper classes to the lower classes. German letters by people
of the lower-class were judged to be more stereotypical and outdated, with archaic usage of

“What Was Letter Writing Like in the Ancient World?” Youtube, uploaded by Lifeway Groups Ministry, 6 July
2016, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M4fCe9n8Bvs. Accessed 6 October 2019.
“Epistolography.” Merriam-Webster Dictionary, Merriam-Webster, Incorporated, 2019,
https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/epistolography. Accessed 23 September 2019.
“Epistle.” Encyclopaedia Britannica, Encyclopaedia Britannica. Inc., 2019,
https://www.britannica.com/art/epistle. Accessed 6 October 2019.
Belousov, Alexey V. The Journal of Hellenic Studies, vol. 135, 2015, pp. 201–202.,
Letter Writing in Late Modern Europe, edited by Marina 7 Dossena, and Lungo Camiciotti, Gabriella Del, John
Benjamins Publishing Company, 2012. ProQuest Ebook Central, https://ezproxy.svkm.ac.in:2087/lib/nmims-
Evolution of Letter Writing

words that had already been discarded by upper castes. This also reflects the plagiaristic view
of these lower-class writers, following the formulaic method, while the letters between the
more elite classes grew more informal. 9 Accordingly, it can be inferred that the style of
writing letters defined one’s perception of self and identity, as well as social status.

Language evolved too, with the evolution of letters. As distances were negotiated and
mitigated by letters, the mixing of regional dialects and styles of speaking and writing began
to intermix. To some extent, the loaned words from other languages into English, or into any
language, can trace their origins back to appearance in letters. Letters permitted a comforting
simulation of conversation and dialogue, and increased the usage of language manifold.
Lexicography has also benefitted from letters, as many words in the dictionary today find
their first usage in letters by prominent members of society in the past.

Relevance of Letters in the Modern World

Letters in the modern world, may be considered a thing of the past. With the growing
redundancy of post offices in India and the world, and the telegram system being shut as of
July 14, 2013, letters are considered to have grown obsolete. But letters are too adaptable to
fade into the distant past. Most formal communication at workplaces internally as well as
externally, occurs through letters, in the hard copy. Letter writing is taught as a component of
English language writing skills in schools and educational institutions across the world, not
without good reason. Practicing letter writing is also believed to help professionals develop
soft skills in order to be competent enough to compete in the world that is in dire need of
efficient communication. Invitations to traditional Indian functions, birthday parties and
weddings are still printed, with many opting for addressing the invitee specifically,
occasionally even in handwritten form.

Letter Writing in Late Modern Europe, edited by Marina Dossena, and Lungo Camiciotti, Gabriella Del, John
Benjamins Publishing Company, 2012. ProQuest Ebook Central, https://ezproxy.svkm.ac.in:2087/lib/nmims-

Evolution of Letter Writing

Comparative Study
The Formal and Informal Formats of Writing a Letter

Letter writing is classified primarily into formal and informal writing. They are differentiated
mainly on the basis of purpose, format, language, and manner of writing. Formal and
informal letters also differ in the entities they are addressed to. A formal letter, also known as
a business letter, is usually written for official reasons, in a formal language, with a specific
structure and a layout. An informal letter, on the other hand, is a personal and more
personalised letter. It has creative freedom, relaxation in basic format, and has a rather casual

With a formal letter, one is required to be wary of the arrangement, from addresses, to
addressing the reader, the dates, salutations, subject, heading, introduction, body, and
conclusion.10 The layout is required to give the information direction and ensure that it is put
forth in a concise and compact manner. The purpose of a formal letter is to simplify
communication in the formal sphere. However, its decorative nature and elaborate format
make it lurid instead of lucid, as it tends to be superfluous and tiresome, both for the writer as
well as the reader. A formal letter is often criticised for being mundane.

An informal letter maintains a constant and continuous flow of thoughts. It has the liberty to
resemble a conversation rather than a speech. It may be written to a friend, family, or an
acquaintance. It tends to have freer expression of opinion and emotion. It also contributes
notably to the growth and development of language. Informal letters in the past constitute
literature as opposed to formal letters.

Formal letters have the element of formality, and in some cases, are obligatory in nature.
Informal letters depict free will and desire to communicate, and the voluntary expression of
thoughts and ideas. Though there might be a need in the case of formal as well as informal
letter writing, the necessity is more pronouncedly dictated in formal letters, as formal
communication is carried out only when there arises a need to do so. Informal letters are
driven by a different kind of need, one that is less materialistic, and is ingrained in the human
mind as the basic need to socialise and communicate.

“Grammar Clinic: The Real Difference Between Formal and Informal Letter”. Passnownow.com, 2018,
https://passnownow.com/grammar-clinic-the-real-difference-between-formal-and-informal-letters/. Accessed
6 October 2019.

Evolution of Letter Writing

Letter writing is one of the most effective and impactful means of communication. Its
definition has changed over time, with letters traditionally representing a piece of paper with
news of someone; to a letter being an intricate documentation of thoughts and feelings. Letter
writing preferred over oral means of communication in the personal sphere as the written
word allows a free flow of thoughts, and allows time for reflection before the message is
conveyed. Writing letters, in history, was a cumbersome process, involving the procurement
of papyrus, the overcoming of the perils of transportation, and other limitations, that were
gradually overcome with the advent of various technologies at different periods of time. The
question of letter writing becoming obsolete does not arise, as a letter is adaptable, versatile
and resilient, and changes forms with the changing times. It continues to actively be in use in
the professional as well as personal domains of life. Letters can be classified in various ways,
but the object of writing a letter has remained the same-conveying a message.

Evolution of Letter Writing

Dictionaries and Encyclopaedias

1. Merriam-Webster Dictionary, Merriam-Webster, Incorporated, 2019,


2. Encyclopaedia Britannica, Encyclopaedia Britannica. Inc., 2019,



3. Nordquist, Richard. Letter Writing, ThoughtCo., 26 Jun. 2016, www.thoughtco.com.

4. "The First Letter." A Brief History of Letter Writing, Indelible Cards, 27 Jan. 2019,

5. Belousov, Alexey V. The Journal of Hellenic Studies, vol. 135, 2015, pp. 201–202.,

6. “Grammar Clinic: The Real Difference Between Formal and Informal Letter”.
Passnownow.com, 2018, https://passnownow.com/grammar-clinic-the-real-difference-


7. “What Was Letter Writing Like in the Ancient World?” Youtube, uploaded by Lifeway
Groups Ministry, 6 July 2016, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M4fCe9n8Bvs.


8. Letter Writing in Late Modern Europe, edited by Marina Dossena, and Lungo Camiciotti,
Gabriella Del, John Benjamins Publishing Company, 2012. ProQuest Ebook Central,

9. Letter Writing as a Social Practice, edited by David Barton, and Nigel Hall, John
Benjamins Publishing Company, 2000. ProQuest Ebook Central,

Evolution of Letter Writing

Book Review
Title: Letters to Doubting Thomas: A Case for the Existence of God
Author: Charles Stephen Layman
At the very beginning of the book, the author puts forth two options to the reader, one of
complete and deliberate ignorance to rationality, and the other being to accept the guidance of
reason with its accompanying imperfections. After clarifying and concretising the basics of
philosophy, the author explains how scientific explanations alone are grossly insufficient in
many respects. The author’s style of writing is conversational and thus, engaging. The book
frequently draws parallels between theism and naturalism, two large scale meta-physical
hypotheses. The two main correspondents in this book, Thomas and Zachary, were
roommates in their university days, who would discuss various issues, now, upon reunion
after years of separation due to preoccupation, they initiate contact in order to debate the
existence of God. Their letters constitute the book, which hopes to shed light on philosophy
and thought relating to the existence of God. The book does not conclude with an affirmation
of God’s existence, nor does it end with the confirmation of the inexistence of God. The book
merely aims to provide the reader with a philosophical perspective on the arguments on the
existence of God, and perhaps guide the reader in forming his or her own opinion regarding
the same. Thomas, starting off as an atheist, writes the first letter hoping to gain insights from
his friend on the reasons to believe in such an existence. Zachary replies to his queries
patiently and responsibly, hoping to let Thomas doubt, while elucidating to him the basic
ideologies and principles of naturalism and theism. Zach is a believer, as revealed by his
letters. Zach provides Thomas with sufficient material in order to substantiate his stance, also
delving into Theistic mystical experiences and religious experiences, their differences, and
logical similarities. He also gives him many examples that are relatable to real life situations,
so as to maintain congruence with the relativity of these concepts. They also discuss the
brain, its relation to mental states, incompatibilism and the Moral Order. A lot can be learnt
from this book, from the philosophical perspective. Through Thomas, the book raises some
very pertinent questions regarding common beliefs in various religions, as well as on religion
in general. The book also questions Naturalism, which is established to be imperfect in its
explanations. The disagreement between Zach and Tom highlight the lacunae, where there is
scope for argument This book not only helps the reader learn to form informed opinions, but
also helps them gain a logical backing to the same. The art of arguing can certainly be
imbibed, if not mastered, upon reading this book. The book kindles the thought process.
Many debates have arisen regarding the existence of an entity named and perceived by the
world at large, as God. The book narrows down the scope of such debate, while keeping a
wider perspective towards it at the same time. This book provides a mental workout and
develops one’s critical thinking, imagination, as well as capability of reasoning. As human
beings, clarity is always a dicey matter, and though this book attempts to give the reader
direction, it does not try to point them in the right direction. The book also reinforces moral
values that are inherently present, while encouraging the reader to examine their validity at a
deeper level. The book emphasises on the fact that there are always two sides to a story, and
neither of them may turn out to prevail in the end. Pondering over the existence of God can
be confusing and arduous, if not intimidating, as it shakes the basic belief and value system
that most humans grow up with. However, inquisitiveness is what has led humanity forward,

Evolution of Letter Writing

and it is of vital importance to question every nuance of doctrine in order to gauge its
relevance in our daily lives, which goes beyond materialistic needs. This book promotes
inquisitiveness, and satiates curiosity in an incomplete yet subtle manner. Irrespective of
whether one is a true believer, a staunch sceptic, or an unsure agnostic, those willing to open
their mind to new processes of thought and those seeking for help in finding answers related
to theism, will find this book an engaging read. As proposed at the beginning of the book, it
can be said that the book would be a perfect read for those who are willing to accept the
guidance of reason with its imperfections. It is suitable for a wide audience, encompassing
persons holding a variety of notions. Thus, this book is a highly recommended read as non-
fiction, in the philosophical genre.


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