Cooling A Pipe Filled With Water

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Cooling a pipe filled with water

This application calculates the cooling down time of water in a carbon steel pipe.
Sheets 1 and 2, present the necessary theory, while sheets 3 and 4 present pipe
applications with and without insulation.
Sheet 5Calculation method of the National Mechanical Insulation Committee (NMIC)
Sheet 6 applies the developed routine to an example of the NMIC
Sheets 7 to 9 present routines for the calculation of convection in air
Sheet 10 presents a graphic of cool down time versus pipe diameter.
Sheet 11 presents references

1.- Cool down of a pipe

1.1.- Cool down equation
1.2.- Global heat transfer coefficient
1.3.- Heat loss per metre of pipe lenght
1.4.- Water temperature as a function of time
2.- Average inside water temperature
3.- Cooling down of water til 0°C, in a pipe with insulation
4. Cooling down of water til 0°C, in a pipe without insulation
5.- NMIC Equations
6.- Checking example against a NMIC example
7.- Exterior tube comnined convecton
8.- Inside tube forced convection
9.- Cooling down time curve
10.- Global heat transfer coefficient
Rev. cjc. 28.11.2013

VBA window

arbon steel pipe.

d 4 present pipe

Committee (NMIC)
Resume of calculations and information

Sheet 1
1.- Coolling down of a pipe
This sheet contains:
- Derivation of the cool down equation
It is shown that the ASHRAE equation is a special case of the derived equation.
- Derivation of the equation for the water temperature as a function of time

Sheet 2
2.- t_average
- Derivation of the equation for the average water temperature

Sheet 3
3.- Cooling down of water til 0°C, in a pipe with insulation
Spreadsheet for the calculation of the cool down time to 0°C, for an insulated pipe
Application of this equation is checked with an application of the National Mechanical
Insulation Commitee (NMIC), Sheet 6.

Sheet 4
4.- Cooling down of water til 0°C, in a pipe without insulation
Spreadsheet for the calculation of the cool down time to 0°C, for an uninsulated pipe
Application cannot be checked with NMIC method, since this equation is not adequate
for this type of case.
Rev. cjc. 30.01.201

Sheet 5
5.- NMIC
NMIC Equations (National Mechanical Insulation Commitee)
Calculation method from the NMIC
ed equation.
Sheet 6
6.- NMIC example
Application of the equation and comparison with results of a NMIC table.

Sheet 7
7.- Outside tube combined natural and forced convection
Calculation routine for natural convection around an horizontal pipe in air

insulated pipe Sheet 8

tional Mechanical 8.- Inside tube forced convection
Calculation routine for forced convection of water inside a pipe

Sheet 9
9.- Cooling down time curve
uninsulated pipe Grphic of cooling down time (h) versus pipe diemeter (in)
on is not adequate for the given conditions

Sheet 10
10.- U-factor
Heat transfer coefficient for a pipe with insulation

Rev. cjc. 30.01.2014
1.- Cooling down of a pipe filled with water

1.1.- Cool down equation



sI, kI
sp, kp

Heat transfered trough the pipe Heat balance

and the insulation
Q leav =Q t
Q t =U 1⋅A1⋅( t −t a ) [ W ]
π dt
− ⋅d21⋅L⋅ρ⋅C P⋅ =U 1⋅π⋅d 1⋅L⋅( t −
Q t =U 1⋅π⋅d 1⋅L⋅( t −t a ) 4 dτ
1 dt
− ⋅d 1⋅ρ⋅C P⋅ =U 1⋅( t −t a )
Heat load leaving the fluid 4 dτ
The differential equation is
dt d 1⋅ρ⋅C P dt
Q leav =−m⋅c P⋅ [W ] dτ =− ⋅
dτ 4⋅U 1 ( t −t a )
π dt
Q leav =− ⋅d 21⋅L⋅ρ⋅c P⋅ The cooling down time will be
4 dτ
τf tf
d 1 ¿ ρ⋅C P dt
∫ dτ =−
4⋅U 1
0 t ( t −t a i

τf d 1 ¿ ρ⋅C P t
τ|0 =− ¿ ln ( t−t a )|t f
4⋅U 1 i
1.2 Global heat transfer coefficient [1]

q= A1⋅U 1⋅Δt
U 1=
( ) ( )
r2 r3
r 1⋅ln
r 1⋅ln
r2 r1
(Eq. 1.4) q=
h3⋅r 3
= A 1⋅U 1
1 2⋅π⋅L⋅k
If the interior convection has a very
RT =

large value RT r3
1 ln
U 1= For the case of Equation 1.7 r2
() ()
r2 r3
r 1⋅ln r 1⋅ln (Eq. 1.5)
r1 r2 r1 U 1=

+ + r3
( )
kp kI h3⋅r 3 r3
r 1⋅ln ln
r2 r2
If in addition the pipe conductivity
k RT =
kp has a very large value 2⋅π⋅k⋅L
1 U 1=

U 1= r3 Valid for hi, kp y ki

r3 r 1⋅ln
r 1⋅ln (Eq. 1.6) with very large values
r2 r r2
+ 1
kI h3⋅r 3 A 1⋅k
=A 1⋅U 1 =

If in addition the exterior convection RT r3
has a very large value r 1⋅ln
U 1=
1 2⋅π⋅r 1⋅L⋅k
r 1⋅ln
(Eq. 1.7)

r2 RT r3
kI r 1⋅ln

1.3 Heat loss per metre of pipe lenght (A3: Exterior surface of insulated pipe, per metre of lenght)

A3  ti  t e  W 
q  m 
r3 1 r3  r2  r3  r3  1
   ln    ln  
r1 hi k1  r1  k 2  r2  hrc
q= A3 * (ti-te) / ( (r3/r1)*(1/hi) + (r3/k1)*Ln(r2/r1) + (r3/k2)*Ln(r3/r2) + (1/hrc) )

q=U 1⋅A 1⋅Δt

U 1=

( ) ( )
r2 r3
r 1⋅ln r 1⋅ln
1 r1 r2 r1
+ + +
h1 kp kI h3⋅r 3

1.4.- Water temperature as a function of time

The differential equiation (1.1) is

dτ =−
d 1⋅ρ⋅C P
4⋅U 1

( t −t a )
[ ]
t −t a
t i −t a
4⋅U 1
d 1⋅ρ⋅C P

4⋅U 1
t −t a −
d 1⋅ρ⋅C P
dt 4⋅U 1 t i −t a
=− ⋅dτ
t−t a d 1⋅ρ⋅C P 4⋅U 1
− ⋅τ
d 1⋅ρ⋅C P
t −t a =( t i −t a ) e
the integral will be

dt 4⋅U 1 τ
∫ t−t =− d ¿ ρ⋅C ¿∫ dτ −
4⋅U 1
t i a 1 P 0 d 1⋅ρ⋅C P
t =t a + ( t i−t a ) e

t 4⋅U 1 t
ln ( t−t a )|t i =− ¿ τ|0
d1 ¿ ρ⋅C P
t 4⋅U 1 t
ln ( t−t a )|t =− ¿ τ|0
i d1 ¿ ρ⋅C P

4⋅U 1
ln ( t −t a ) −ln ( t i−t a ) =− ⋅τ
d 1⋅ρ⋅C P
Rev. cjc. 30.01.2014

Q: Heat power [W] Index:

U: Overall heat transfer a: ambient
coefficient [W / (m²*K] I: Insulation
A: Surface [m²] P: Pipe
d1 d2 d3 t: inside temperature [ºC] t: transfered
t: time [s] leav: leaving
m: mass [kg] 1: inside surf.
cp: specific heat [J/(kg*K] 3: outside surf.
L: Pipe length [m]
Analysis is for L = 1 [m]

d 1⋅ρ⋅C P
4⋅U 1 [
τ f =− ⋅ ln ( t f −t a )−ln ( t i−t a ) ]

dt d 1⋅ρ⋅C P
=U 1⋅π⋅d 1⋅L⋅( t −t a ) τf= ⋅[ ln ( t i −t a )− ln ( t f −t a ) ]
dτ 4⋅U 1

=U 1⋅( t −t a ) The resulting cool down time is

(Eq. 1.1)
d 1⋅ρ⋅C P
4⋅U 1
⋅ ln
[( t i−t a
( t f −t a ) )] (Eq. 1.2)

and a help equation, for later use, is

⋅C P

( t −t a )
4⋅U 1
d 1⋅ρ⋅c P
⋅τ f =ln
t i−t a
t f −t a ( ) (Eq. 1.3)

ln ( t−t a )|t f
The ASHRAEequation is

1 2⋅π⋅L⋅k

RT r3
ϑ=ρ⋅C P⋅π⋅
D1 2
2 ()
t i−t a
t f −t a [ ] (Eq. 1.9)

RT =
r2 (Eq. 1.8)
RT =
A1⋅U 1
ρ⋅C P⋅π⋅( ) [ ]
D1 2
t −t
⋅L⋅ln i a
t f −t a
alid for hi, kp y ki A1⋅U 1
th very large values

ρ⋅C P⋅π⋅D1 ¿L⋅ln
[ ]
t i−t a
t f −ta
(Eq. 1.10)

4⋅π⋅D1 ¿ L⋅U 1

ρ⋅C P⋅D1⋅ln
[ ]
t i −t a
t f −t a
(Eq. 1.11)
(The factor "12" from Ashrae equation
4⋅U 1 is due to the use of imperial units)

which is the same derived equation (Ec 1.2)

er metre of lenght) Case of interior convection witha very large value

U 3=

() ()
r2 r3
r 3⋅ln r 3⋅ln
r1 r2 1
+ +
kP kI hrc
4⋅U 1
d 1⋅ρ⋅C P
4⋅U 1
⋅ρ⋅C P

4⋅U 1
− ⋅τ
d 1⋅ρ⋅C P
4⋅U 1
− ⋅τ (Eq. 1.12)
d 1⋅ρ⋅C P
Rev. cjc. 30.01.2014
U 1=

( ) ( )
r2 r3
r 1⋅ln r 1⋅ln
1 r1 r2 r1
+ + +
h1 kp kI h3⋅r 3

U 3=

( ) ( )
r2 r3
r 3⋅ln r 3⋅ln
r1 r2 1
+ +
kP kI hrc

q=U 3⋅A3⋅Δt
2.- Average inside water temperature thus, the area below the curve is

[ ]
4⋅U 1
− ⋅τ f
1 d 1⋅ρ⋅C P
The time function of the water temperature A =t a⋅τ f + ( t i−t a )⋅ ⋅ 1−e
4⋅U 1
is given by (Eq. 1.12) d 1⋅ρ⋅C P
4⋅U 1
− ⋅τ
d 1⋅ρ⋅C P The average water temperature tint_ave results from
t =t a + ( t i−t a ) e
A =t int_ ave⋅( τ f −0 )
The area below the temperature curve is A =t int_ ave⋅τ f
A=∫0 t⋅dτ t int_ ave =

[ ] [ ]
4⋅U 1 4⋅U 1
τf − ⋅τ 1 − ⋅τ
d ⋅ρ⋅C f
A =∫0 t a + ( t i−t a ) e
d 1⋅ρ⋅C P t int_ ave =t a + ( t i−t a )⋅ ⋅ 1−e 1 P
⋅dτ 4⋅U 1
d 1⋅ρ⋅C P f

4⋅U 1 and from (Eq. 1.3)

− ⋅τ

[ ( )]
τf τf
A =∫0 t a⋅dτ +∫0 ( ti −t a ) e
d 1⋅ρ⋅C P
⋅dτ 4⋅U 1 t i−t a
⋅τ f = ln
4⋅U 1 d 1⋅ρ⋅C P ( t f −t a )
τf τ f − d ⋅ρ⋅C ⋅τ
A =t a⋅∫0 dτ +( t i −t a)⋅∫ e ⋅dτ
[ ]
1 P 4⋅U 1
0 ( t i−t a ) −
d 1⋅ρ⋅C P
⋅τ f
t int_ ave =t a + ⋅ 1−e

( )
4⋅U 1 (Eq. 2.1)
t i−t a
τ f − d ⋅ρ⋅C ⋅τ ln
A =t a⋅τ|0f + ( t i−ta ) ¿ ∫ e
1 P
¿dτ t f −t a

[ ]
4⋅U 1 tf
− ⋅τ
τ −1 d 1⋅ρ⋅C P
A =t a⋅τ|0f + ( t i−t a ) ¿ e 0
4⋅U 1
d1 ¿ ρ⋅C P

[ ]
− ⋅τ
−1 d 1⋅ρ⋅C P f
A =t a⋅τ f + ( t i−t a )⋅ ⋅e −1
4⋅U 1
d 1⋅ρ⋅C P
A =t a⋅τ f + ( t i−t a )⋅
4⋅U 1
[ − ⋅τ
d ⋅ρ⋅C f
⋅ e 1 P −1 ]
d 1⋅ρ⋅C P

tint_ave = ta + ( (ti-ta) / ln( (ti-ta) / (tf-ta) ) ) * ( 1 - Exp( (-4*U1*tf) / (d1*r*cp)) )

Rev. cjc. 30.01.2014

Water average temperature

tint_ave = ta + ( (ti-ta ) / ln( (ti-ta) / (tf-ta) ) ) * ( 1 - Exp( (-4*U1*tf) / (d1*r*cp)) )
ta = -5 °C
ti = 20 °C
U1 = 1.89 W/(m2*K)
Water mperatureas function ftime
4⋅U 1
d1 = 0.08 m − ⋅τ
d 1⋅ρ⋅C P
r= 1000 kg/m 3
10 t =t a + ( t i−t a )⋅e
c p= 4200 J/(kg*K)

tf = 73962 s 8

tint_ave = 7.43 °C

Water average temperature, lineal case 4

tint_m = (ti + tf) / 2 °C

4⋅U1 ti = 20 ºC 2
− ⋅τ f
d 1⋅ρ⋅C P
tf = 0 ºC
tint_m = 10 °C
0 2 4 Tiemp6o(h) 8 10 12

(Eq. 2.1)
Rev. cjc. 30.01.2014

4⋅U 1
− ⋅τ
d 1⋅ρ⋅C P
−t a )⋅e
3.- Cooling down time "t" of water til 0°C, in a pipe with insulation

Cells in yellow are for input values. A cell in orange indicates a result. A cell in magenta indicates an assumed valu
The average exterior surface temperature (t3_ass) must be initially assumed and later its value replaced by the calc
button to perform this task.
The exterior film coefficient "h combined" is a function of the natural and forced convection contributions. This comb
calculated according reference [5]. A different value for this exterior convection (h e) may be input.
Since there is not a relationship available for natural convección inside a tube, a relation for laminar forced convec
the Reynolds number tends to zero and the Nussel for the case of constant surface temperature becomes constant. N
To check this calculation sheet, use sheet "6. NMIC example". To neglect film resistances, use very heigh value fo
For a more finer calculation, the materials and fluid properties should conform to the resulting temperatures (in gen
Material: Carbon steel Wind velocity U1 =
dn = 4 in v= 5 km/h U 1 : Overal heat transfer co
Sch STD Assumed exterior average surface h1 =
Pipe material thermal conductivity temperature d1 =
kp = 60.5 W/(m*K) t3_ass = -4.8 °C (Note 1) r1 =
Absolute rugosity Combined exterior convection coefficient kp =
Rabs = 0.1 mm For function used, see Note 2 d2 =
Insulation thickness and conductivity hcombined = #VALUE! W/(m²*K) r2 =
sI = 50 mm Average value of inside temp. kI =
kI = 0.043 W/(m*K) ti = 5.6 °C d3 =
Water properties tf = 0 °C r3 =
r= 1000 kg/m 3
tave= 2.8 °C h3 =
Cp = 4200 J/(kg*K) Water conductivity U1 =
Fluid initial temperature kw = #VALUE! W/(m*K) Cool down time
ti = 5.6 ºC Nusselt number [1], page 269 The equation for the cool d
Fluid final temperature Nu = 3.66 - is (from sheet 1)
tf =

ta =
Exterior ambient temperature
-5 ºC

h1 =
Inside film coefficient "h1"
h1 = Nu * kw / d
#VALUE! W/(m²*K)
d 1⋅ρ⋅C P
4⋅U 1
⋅ ln
Pipe_Imp_CS_Dint_dn_sch(dn, SCH)
Pipe inside diameter Pipe outside diameter Insulation outside diamete
d1 = Pipe_Imp_CS_Dint_dn_sch d2 = Pipe_Imp_CS_Dext_dn d3 =
d1 = #VALUE! mm d2 = #VALUE! mm d2 =
A1 = #VALUE! m²/m A2= #VALUE! m²/m Note. For the deduction of used e
Note 1. This temperature will have a value near to the exterior ambient temperature.
Note 2. Combined_Convection_Coefficient_horizontal_tube_Material_dn_Vkmh_tsurf_tamb(Mat, dn, Vkm

Average water temperature tint_ave = ta + ( (ti-ta ) / ln( (ti-ta) / (tf-ta) ) ) * ( 1 - Exp( (-4*U1*tf) / (d1*r*cp)) )
ta = -5 °C Heat loss per meter of pipe Heat loss per square mete
ti = 5.6 °C qL = U1 * A1* (tint_m - te) surface
U1 = #VALUE! W/(m2*K) U1 = #VALUE! W/(m2*K) q3 =
d1 = #VALUE! m A1 = #VALUE! m²/m qL =
r= 1000 kg/m3 tint_m = #VALUE! °C A3=
c p= 4200 J/(kg*K) te = -5 °C q3 =
tf = #VALUE! s qL = #VALUE! W/m
tint_ave = #VALUE! °C

Cool down curve

t= ta + (ti - ta) * e^(-(4*U1)/(d1*r*cp)*t)

ta = -5 ºC
ti = 5.6 ºC
U1 = #VALUE! W/(m2*K)
Cool d
d1 = #VALUE! m
r= 1000 kg/m3 s min h
cp = 4200 J/(kg*K) 0 0 0.00
60 1 0.02
10 2 0.03
180 3 0.05
240 4 0.07
300 5 0.08
9 10 0.17
900 15 0.25
1200 20 0.33
1500 25 0.42
t (°C)1800 30 0.50
2300 38 0.64
2800 47 0.78
3300 55 0.92
63 1.06
4300 72 1.19
4800 80 1.33
5300 88 1.47
5800 97 1.61
6300 105 1.75
6448 107 1.79

0 2 4
dn SCH Material
1/2 5 Carbon steel
3/4 10 Stainless steel
1 20 HDPE PE100
1 1/2 30
2 40
3 60
4 80
5 100
6 120
8 140
10 160
12 STD
14 XS
16 XXS
Rev. cjc. 30.01.2014

ndicates an assumed value.

alue replaced by the calculated value. Use the "Iteration" Forced convection inside

contributions. This combined convection coefficient is

or laminar forced convection is used. For a very low flow For laminar flow sufficien
ture becomes constant. Nu = 3.66 [1], page 269 hydrodynamically fully de
use very heigh value for the film coefficients. of Poiseuille, the friction f
ting temperatures (in general, not required).
( 1/h1 + ( r1/kP) *ln(r2/r1) + ( r1/kI) *ln(r3/r2) + (1/h3) *(r1/r3) )^-1 f=
: Overal heat transfer coefficient t = (d1 * r * Cp ) / (4 * U1) * ln((ti - ta) / (tf - ta) )
#VALUE! W/(m2*K) d1 = #VALUE! m
#VALUE! mm r= 1000 kg/m3 Constant wall surface tem
#VALUE! m Cp = 4200 J/(kg*K)
60.5 W/(m*K) U1 = #VALUE! W/(m2*K) Average Nusselt
#VALUE! mm ti = 5.6 °C Average value for a tube o
#VALUE! m ta = -5 °C Laminar convection
0.043 W/(m*K) tf = 0 °C [1], page 272, Eq. (4.50)
#VALUE! mm t= #VALUE! s
0. 065⋅G
#VALUE! m t= #VALUE! h Nu=3 . 66+
#VALUE! W/(m2*K) The assumed temperature t3_ass shall 1+ 0 .04⋅G
#VALUE! W/(m2*K) be iterated until its value is close
ool down time
he equation for the cool down time
enough to the calculated value.
t3_ass = -4.8 °C
Gz=Re⋅Pr⋅ ()
(from sheet 1) t3 = #VALUE! °C

d 1⋅ρ⋅C P
4⋅U 1
⋅ ln
[( t i−t a
( t f −t a ) )]
Dt3 = #VALUE!
Nu =
Gz =

sulation outside diameter sa = 50 mm Nusselt for thermally full

d2 + 2 * s a mm d3 = #VALUE! mm If the wall tremperature i
#VALUE! mm A3= #VALUE! m²/m of the tube wall, then suffi
te. For the deduction of used equations, see sheet "1. Cool down of a pipe" become thermally fully de
and the Nusswelt number
surf_tamb(Mat, dn, Vkmh, ts, te)
Nu=3 . 66

The thermal entrance len

U1*tf) / (d1*r*cp)) ) (see sheet "2 .t_ ave") number to decrease to w
eat loss per square meter of exterior Average exterior surface temperature
q3 = he * (t3 - te)
qL /A3 q/he = t3 - te
#VALUE! W/m t3 = te + q/he
#VALUE! m²/m te = -5 °C
#VALUE! W/m² q3 = #VALUE! W/m²
he = #VALUE! W/(m2*K)
t3 = #VALUE! °C

Cool down curve

ta + (ti - ta) * e^(-(4*U1)/(d1*r*cp)*t)

4⋅U 1
#VALUE! − ⋅τ
d 1⋅ρ⋅C P
#VALUE! t =t a + ( t i−t a ) e

4 6 8 10 12
Time (h)
rced convection inside tubes [1], page 269

Re < 2,300
r laminar flow sufficiently far from the entrance of a tube, where the flow is
drodynamically fully developed and has the caracteristic parabolic velocity profile
Poiseuille, the friction factor is given by

Eq. (4.39)

onstant wall surface temperature

verage Nusselt
verage value for a tube of length "L"
aminar convection Re≤2300
], page 272, Eq. (4.50)

0. 065⋅Gz
Nu=3 . 66+ 2
1+ 0 .04⋅Gz

Gz=Re⋅Pr⋅ () d

3.66+(0.065*Gz ) / (1+0.04*Gz^(2/3) )
Re * Pr * (d/L)

usselt for thermally fully developed flow, with constant surface temperature
the wall tremperature is uniform, for example, if steam is condensing on the outside
the tube wall, then sufficiently far downstream of whre heating starts, the flow
ecome thermally fully developed, the shape of the temperature profile is unchanging,
nd the Nusswelt number has a constat value

Nu=3 . 66 Eq. (4.40)

he thermal entrance length "Leh" is defined as the distance required for the Nusselt
umber to decrease to whithin 5% of its fully developed value "Nu ∞ " [1], page 271.
Heat and mass transfer. Fundamentasl and aplications
Yunus A. Cengel and Afshin J. Ghajar
Equation (9-41), page 488

[1], page 272, Eq. (4.50)

Nusselt at bulk temperature witout
consideration of properties variation
with temperature
Nub = 3.66+(0.065*Gz ) / (1+0.04*Gz^(2/3) )
Gz = 0.00
Nub = 3.66
4.- Cooling down time "t" of water til 0°C, in a pipe without insulation

Cells in yellow are for input values. A cell in orange indicates a result. A cell in magenta indicates an assumed value.
The average exterior surface temperature (t3_ass) must be initially assumed and later its value replaced by the calculat
button to perform this task.
The exterior film coefficient "h combined" is a function of the natural and forced convection contributions. This combine
calculated according reference [5]. A different value for this exterior convection (h e) may be input.
Since there is not a relationship available for natural convección inside a tube, a relation for laminar forced convection
the Reynolds number tends to zero and the Nussel for the case of constant surface temperature becomes constant. Nu =

Material: Carbon steel Wind velocity U1 =

dn = 4 in v= 5 km/h U1 : Overal heat transfer coeffi
Sch STD Assumed exterior average surface h1 =
Thermal conductivity temperature d1 =
kp = 60.5 W/(m*K) t3_ass = -1.0 °C (Note 1) r1 =
Absolute rugosity Combined exterior convection coefficient kp =
Rabs = 0.1 mm For function used, see Note 2 d2 =
Insulation thickness and conductivity hcombined = #VALUE! W/(m²*K) r2 =
sI = 0 mm Average value -335544.32 kI =
kI = 0.043 W/(m*K) ti = 5.6 °C d3 =
Water properties tf = 0 °C r3 =
r= 1000 kg/m 3
tave= 2.8 °C h3 =
Cp = 4200 J/(kg*K) Water conductivity U1 =
Fluid initial temperature kw = #VALUE! W/(m*K) Cool down time
ti = 5.6 ºC Nusselt number [1], page 269 The equation for the cool down
Fluid final temperature Nu = 3.66 is (from sheet 1)
tf = 0
Exterior ambient temperature
ºC Inside film coefficient "h1"
h1 = Nu * kw / d
d 1⋅ρ⋅C P
4⋅U 1 [(
⋅ ln
t i−t a
( t f −t a ) )
ta = -5 ºC h1 = #VALUE! W/(m²*K)

Pipe inside diameter Pipe outside diameter Insulation outside diameter

d1 = Pipe_Imp_CS_Dint_dn_sch d2 = Pipe_Imp_CS_Dext_dn d3 =
d1 = #VALUE! mm d2 = #VALUE! mm d2 =
A1 = #VALUE! m²/m A2= #VALUE! m²/m Note. For the deduction of used equati
Note 1. This temperature will have a value near to the exterior ambient temperature.
Note 2. Combined_Convection_Coefficient_horizontal_tube_Material_dn_Vkmh_tsurf_tamb(Mat, dn, Vkmh, ts
Average water temperature tint_ave = ta + ( (ti-ta ) / ln( (ti-ta) / (tf-ta) ) ) * ( 1 - Exp( (-4*U1*tf) / (d1*r*cp)) )
ta = -5 °C Heat loss per meter of pipe Heat loss per square meter of e
ti = 5.6 °C qL = U1 * A1* (tint_m - te) surface
U1 = #VALUE! W/(m *K)2
U1 = #VALUE! W/(m *K)
q3 =
d1 = #VALUE! m A1 = #VALUE! m²/m qL =
r= 1000 kg/m3 tint_m = #VALUE! °C A3=
c p= 4200 J/(kg*K) te = -5 °C q3 =
tf = #VALUE! s qL = #VALUE! W/m
tint_ave = #VALUE! °C

Cool down curve

t= ta + (ti - ta) * e^(-(4*U1)/(d1*r*cp)*t)

ta = -5 ºC
ti = 5.6 ºC
U1 = #VALUE! W/(m2*K)
Cool dow
d1 = #VALUE! m
r= 1000 kg/m3 s min h
cp = 4200 J/(kg*K) 0 0 0.00
60 1 0.02
10 2 0.03
180 3 0.05
240 4 0.07
300 5 0.08
9 10 0.17
900 15 0.25
1200 20 0.33
1500 25 0.42
t (°C)1800
8 30 0.50
2300 38 0.64
2800 47 0.78
3300 55 0.92
63 1.06
4300 72 1.19
4800 80 1.33
5300 88 1.47
5800 97 1.61
6300 105 1.75
6448 107 1.79

0 2 4

0 2 4

dn SCH Material
1/2 5 Carbon steel
3/4 10 Stainless steel
1 20 HDPE PE100
1 1/2 30
2 40
3 60
4 80
5 100
6 120
8 140
10 160
12 STD
14 XS
16 XXS
Rev. cjc. 30.01.2014

ndicates an assumed value.

alue replaced by the calculated value. Use the "Iteration" Forced convection inside tub

contributions. This combined convection coefficient is

or laminar forced convection is used. For a very low flow For laminar flow sufficiently f
ature becomes constant. Nu = 3.66 [1], page 269 hydrodynamically fully develo
of Poiseuille, the friction facto

( 1/h1 + ( r1/kP) *ln(r2/r1) + ( r1/kI) *ln(r3/r2) + (1/h3) *(r1/r3) )^-1 f=
: Overal heat transfer coefficient t = (d1 * r * Cp ) / (4 * U1) * ln((ti - ta) / (tf - ta) )
#VALUE! W/(m2*K) d1 = #VALUE! m
#VALUE! mm r= 1000 kg/m3 Constant wall surface tempe
#VALUE! m Cp = 4200 J/(kg*K)
60.5 W/(m*K) U1 = #VALUE! W/(m2*K) Average Nusselt
#VALUE! mm ti = 5.6 °C Average value for a tube of le
#VALUE! m ta = -5 °C Laminar convection
0.043 W/(m*K) tf = 0 °C [1], page 272, Eq. (4.50)
#VALUE! mm t= #VALUE! s
0. 065⋅Gz
#VALUE! m t= #VALUE! h Nu=3 . 66+ 2
#VALUE! W/(m2*K) The assumed temperature t3_ass shall 1+ 0 .04⋅Gz
#VALUE! W/(m2*K) be iterated until its value is close
ool down time
he equation for the cool down time
enough to the calculated value.
t3_ass = -1.0 °C
Gz=Re⋅Pr⋅ ()d
(from sheet 1) t3 = #VALUE! °C

d 1⋅ρ⋅C P
4⋅U 1 [(
⋅ ln
t i−t a
( t f −t a ) )] Dt3 = #VALUE!
Nu =
Gz =

sulation outside diameter sa = 0.000001 mm Nusselt for thermally fully de

d2 + 2 * s a mm d3 = #VALUE! mm If the wall tremperature is un
#VALUE! mm A3= #VALUE! m²/m of the tube wall, then sufficie
te. For the deduction of used equations, see sheet "1. Cool down of a pipe" become thermally fully devel
and the Nusswelt number ha
surf_tamb(Mat, dn, Vkmh, ts, te)
Nu=3 . 66

The thermal entrance length

U1*tf) / (d1*r*cp)) ) (see sheet "2 .t_ ave") number to decrease to whith
eat loss per square meter of exterior Average exterior surface temperature
q3 = he * (t3 - te)
qL /A3 q/he = t3 - te
#VALUE! W/m t3 = te + q/he
#VALUE! m²/m te = -5 °C
#VALUE! W/m² q3 = #VALUE! W/m²
he = #VALUE! W/(m2*K)
t3 = #VALUE! °C

Cool down curve

ta + (ti - ta) * e^(-(4*U1)/(d1*r*cp)*t)

4⋅U 1
#VALUE! − ⋅τ
d 1⋅ρ⋅C P
#VALUE! t =t a + ( t i−t a ) e

4 6 8 10 12
Time (h)
4 6 8 10 12
Time (h)
rced convection inside tubes [1], page 269 Heat and mass transfer. Fu
Yunus A. Cengel and Afshin
Equation (9-41), page 488
Re < 2,300
r laminar flow sufficiently far from the entrance of a tube, where the flow is
drodynamically fully developed and has the caracteristic parabolic velocity profile
Poiseuille, the friction factor is given by [1], page 272, Eq. (4.50)
Nusselt at bulk temperature
Eq. (4.39) consideration of properties v
with temperature
Nub = 3.66+(0.065*Gz ) / (1+0.0
onstant wall surface temperature Gz =
Nub =
verage Nusselt
verage value for a tube of length "L"
aminar convection Re≤2300
], page 272, Eq. (4.50)

0. 065⋅Gz
Nu=3 . 66+ 2
1+ 0 .04⋅Gz

Gz=Re⋅Pr⋅ () d

3.66+(0.065*Gz ) / (1+0.04*Gz^(2/3) )
Re * Pr * (d/L)

usselt for thermally fully developed flow, with constant surface temperature
the wall tremperature is uniform, for example, if steam is condensing on the outside
the tube wall, then sufficiently far downstream of whre heating starts, the flow
ecome thermally fully developed, the shape of the temperature profile is unchanging,
nd the Nusswelt number has a constat value

Nu=3 . 66 Eq. (4.40)

he thermal entrance length "Leh" is defined as the distance required for the Nusselt
umber to decrease to whithin 5% of its fully developed value "Nu ∞ " [1], page 271.
eat and mass transfer. Fundamentasl and aplications
unus A. Cengel and Afshin J. Ghajar
quation (9-41), page 488

], page 272, Eq. (4.50)

usselt at bulk temperature witout
nsideration of properties variation
th temperature
ub = 3.66+(0.065*Gz ) / (1+0.04*Gz^(2/3) )
5.- NMIC Equations (National Mechanical Insulation Commitee) [3]
Heta transfer in a tube with two material layers.

q= A1⋅U 1⋅Δt
Δt Δt=ti −t a
=A ⋅U
RT 1 1
Global heat transfer coefficient (Note 1)
U 1= L
() ()
r2 r3
r 1⋅ln r 1⋅ln (Ec. 2.1)
1 r1 r2 r1
+ + +
h1 kp kI h3⋅r 3
And if in addition, the exterior film c
If the interior convection has a very large very large valu (h3 → ∞)
value (h1 → ∞) 1
U 1=
( )
U 1= r 1⋅ln

() ()
r2 r3 (Ec. 2.2)
r 1⋅ln r 1⋅ln kI
r1 r2 r
+ + 1
kp kI h3⋅r 3
Global heat transfer coefficient refered to surfa
And if in addition the pipe thermal conductivity
has a large value ( 1/ kp → 0) This case is the one handled by the publication
(Ec. 2.3) Mechanical Insulation Design Guide - Desgin O
1 (Note 2) by the National Mechanical Insulation Commite
U 1= Last updated 07-26-2011

r 1⋅ln
r2 r1
kI h3⋅r 3 This factor considers the case of a a pipe expo
"ta" and surrounded by surfaces at the same te
interchange is considered.
dn = in 6
kp = W/(m*K) 60.5
Insulation thickness and conductivity
sI = mm 50
kI = Btu*in / (h * ft²*°F) 0.30
kI = W/(m*K) 0.043
Water properties
r= kg/m3 1000
Cp = J/(kg*K) 4200
Fluid initial temperature
ti = °F 42
ti = °C 5.6
Fluid final temperature
tf = °C 0
Exterior ambient temperature
ta = °F -18
ta = °C -27.8
Inside film coefficient
h1 = W/(m2*K) 10,000
Outside film coefficient
h3 = W/(m2*K) 10,000
Solution (from Sheet 6)
t= 6.9 h


ti d1 d2

sI, kI
sI, kI

sp, kp

ddition, the exterior film coefficient has a

valu (h3 → ∞)
(Ec. 2.4)
( )
r 1⋅ln

oefficient refered to surface 1, used by the NMIC.

andled by the publication

Design Guide - Desgin Objectives
anical Insulation Commitee (NMIC)


he case of a a pipe exposed to an ambient at temperature

y surfaces at the same temperature. Thus no radiation
6.- Checking calculation sheet against a NMIC example (NPS = 6 in, insulation thickness s = 2 in)
Pipe Inside film coefficient U1 =
dn = 6 in h1 = 100000 W/(m2*K) h1 =
Sch STD Outside film coefficient d1 =
kp = 60.5 W/(m*K) h3 = 100000 W/(m *K)
r1 =
Insulation thickness and conductivity Pipe inside diameter kp =
sI = 50 mm d1 = Pipe_Imp_CS_Dint_dn_sch d2 =
kI = 0.043 W/(m*K) d1 = 154.08 mm r2 =
Water properties Pipe outside diameter kI =
r= 1000 kg/m3 d2 = Pipe_Imp_CS_Dext_dn d3 =
Cp = 4200 J/(kg*K) d2 = 168.3 mm r3 =
Fluid initial temperature Insulation outside diameter h3 =
ti = 5.6 ºC d3 = d2 + 2 * s I mm U1 =
Fluid final temperature d2 = 168.3 mm
tf = 0 ºC sI = 50 mm
Exterior ambient temperature d3 = 268.3 mm
ta = -27.8 ºC
NMIC example. As a conservative assumption for insulated pipes, thermal resistances of pipe walls, interior water film and exterior air fi
To account for this situation, both film coefficients are set to very large values. The pipe thermal conductivity is let with its real value, as
The NMIC on line program does not have the possibility of a calculation without insulation. Thus, no checking without insulation has bee

Datos tomados de Tabla 4 NMIC solution

Pipe t= 6.9 h
dn = in 6
Sch STD Calculated value
kp = W/(m*K) 60.5 t= 6.8 h
Insulation thickness and conductivity
sI = mm 50
kI = Btu*in / (h * ft²*°F) 0.30
kI = W/(m*K) 0.043
Water properties
r= kg/m3 1000
Cp = J/(kg*K) 4200
Fluid initial temperature
ti = °F 42
ti = °C 5.6
Fluid final temperature
tf = °C 0
Exterior ambient temperature
ta = °F -18
ta = °C -27.8
Inside film coefficient
h1 = W/(m2*K) 10,000
Outside film coefficient
h3 = W/(m2*K) 10,000
Pipe inside diameter
d1 = Pipe_Imp_CS_Dint_dn_sch
d1 = mm 154.08
Pipe outside diameter
d2 = Pipe_Imp_CS_Dext_dn
d2 = mm 168.3
Insulation outside diameter
d3 = mm d2 + 2 * s a
d2 = mm 168.3
sa = mm 50
d3 = mm 268.3
Global heat transfer coefficient
h1 = W/(m2*K) 10000
d1 = mm 154.08
r1 = m 0.077
kp = W/(m*K) 60.5
d2 = mm 168.3
r2 = m 0.084
kI = W/(m*K) 0.043
d33 = mm 268.3
r3 = m 0.134
h3 = W/(m2*K) 10000
U1 = W/(m2*K) 1.20
Cooling down time
t = (d1 *r *Cp (4 *U1) *ln((ti - ta) / (tf - ta) )
d1 = m 0.15408
r= kg/m 3
Cp = J/(kg*K) 4200
U1 = W/(m *K)2
ti = ºC 5.56
ta = ºC -27.8
tf = ºC 0
t= s 24500
t= h 6.8
Rev. cjc. 30.01.2014
ness s = 2 in)
( 1/h1 + ( r1/kP) *ln(r2/r1) + ( r1/kI) *ln(r3/r2) + (1/h3) *(r1/r3) )^-1
100000 W/(m2*K)
0.077 m
mm τ=
d 1⋅ρ⋅C P
4⋅U 1
⋅ ln
[( t i−t a
( t f −t a ) )]
60.5 W/(m*K)
168.3 mm t= (d1 * r * Cp ) / (4 * U1) * ln((ti - ta) / (tf - ta) )

0.084 m d1 = 0.15408 m
0.043 W/(m*K) r= 1000 kg/m3
268.3 mm Cp = 4200 J/(kg*K)
0.134 m U1 = 1.20 W/(m2*K)
100000 W/(m2*K) ti = 5.6 ºC
1.20 W/(m2*K) ta = -27.8 ºC
tf = 0 ºC
t= 24811 s
t= 6.9 h

lls, interior water film and exterior air films resistances are usually neglected.
onductivity is let with its real value, as it has a very low influence.
no checking without insulation has been done.

National Mechanical Insulation Committee (NMIC)

c.- Combined convection on a horizontal
pipe exposed to ambient conditions
[5], Eq. (9.41), Chapter 9, page 487 Auxiliary variables
Exterior diameter
- Array (Nu, he, Ra) de = #VALUE!
- Nusselt de = #VALUE!
- Convection coefficient Film temperature
tfilm = (tamb + ts) / 2
Select diameter and shedule or nominal tamb = 26.85
pressure, according selected material t s= 226.85
Pipe data tfilm = 126.85
Pipe Material Stainless steel
Stainless steel Thermal conductivity
dn = 12 in k= #VALUE!
Wind velocity
v= 30 km/h Natural convection
Pipe surface temperature Nusselt, convection coefficient and Re.
ts = 226.85 °C For function used, see Note 1
Ambient temperature Nu= #VALUE!
tamb = 26.85 °C hi = #VALUE!
Ra = #VALUE!
Combined convection
Array function
Nucombined = #VALUE! - Forced convection
he_Combined = #VALUE! W/(m²*K) Nusselt , convection coefficient and Re.
For function used, see Note 2
Single functions Nu= #VALUE!
Nucombined = #VALUE! - he = #VALUE!
he_Combined = #VALUE! W/(m²*K) Re = #VALUE!

Functions used: Module: c_Outside_Combined_Conv

1 Combined_Convection_array_horizontal_tube_Material_dn_Vkmh_tsurf_tamb(Mat, dn, Vkmh, ts, te)
2 Combined_Convection_Nusselt_horizontal_tube_Material_dn_Vkmh_tsurf_tamb(Mat, dn, Vkmh, ts, te)
3 Combined_Convection_Coefficient_horizontal_tube_Material_dn_Vkmh_tsurf_tamb(Mat, dn, Vkmh, ts, te)

Rows with pipe data. Do not delete

Carbon steel Stainless steel
Size SCH/PN Size SCH dn
1/8 5S 1/2 5 1/8
1/4 10S 3/4 10 1/4
3/8 40S 1 20 3/8
1/2 80S 1 1/2 30 1/2
3/4 0 2 40 3/4
1 0 3 60 1
1 1/4 0 4 80 1 1/4
1 1/2 0 5 100 1 1/2
2 0 6 120 2
2 1/2 0 8 140 2 1/2
3 0 10 160 3
3 1/2 0 12 STD 3 1/2
4 0 14 XS 4
5 0 16 XXS 5
6 0 18 6
8 0 20 8
10 0 22 10
12 0 24 12
14 0 26 14
16 0 28 16
18 0 30 18
20 0 32 20
22 0 34 22
24 0 36 24
30 0 38 30
0 0 40
0 0 42
0 0 44
0 0 46
0 0 48
0 0
0 0
Rev. cjc. 30.01.2014

Stepwise solution
Combined natural and forced convection
3.- Combined natural and forced convection
mm NuCombined = Abs( (NuNat)^n ± (NuForc)^n )^(1/n)
mm with n ≈ 3÷ 4
(The Nusselt-value is not very sensible to the n-vale

°C Combined natural and forced convection

°C Nusselt number
From [5]
W/(m*K) NuCombined = Abs(( NuNat)^n ± (NuForc)^n )^(1/n)
NuNat = #VALUE! W/(m2*K)
NuForc = #VALUE! W/(m2*K)
on coefficient and Re. Let
d, see Note 1 n= 4
- and consider the case where both effects shall
W/(m²*k) be added: (+) signus
- NuCombined = #VALUE! W/(m2*K)

Convection coefficient
he_Conv = NuCombined * k / d
ion coefficient and Re. NuCombined = #VALUE! W/(m2*K)
d, see Note 2 k= #VALUE! W / (m*K)
- d= #VALUE! m
W/(m²*k) he_Conv = #VALUE! W/(m2*K)
- Combined convection
Eq. (9-41), [5], page 487
n, Vkmh, ts, te) Nu combined =( Nuforced + Nunatural n
n n
dn, Vkmh, ts, te)
Mat, dn, Vkmh, ts, te) With the exponent "n" with a value in the
range of 3 and 4. Used value, n = 4

HDPE 100 Material

Sch Dn [mm] PN [bar] 2 Rabs [mm] Ref
5S 16 4 Carbon steel 0.1
10S 20 6 Stainless steel 0.01
40S 25 8 HDPE PE100 0.007 [7], #7.5
80S 32 10
40 12.5
50 16 Heating or cooling of flow
63 20 1 HorC
75 H 0.4
90 C 0.3
140 Annex B
160 'Nusselt number
200 'Inside convection for fully developed turbulent flow in smooth pipes.
225 'Following relation is recommended by Dittus and Boelter.[2] Eq. 6-4, on page 274
250 'This relation may gives errors as large a 25%
315 NuD = 0.023 * Re ^ 0.8 * Pr ^ n
400 'Petukov equation. This relation may gives errors less than a 10%
450 NuP = ((f / 8) * (Re) * Pr) / (1.07 + 12.7 * (f / 8) ^ 0.5 * (Pr ^ (2 / 3)-1))
560 'Gnielinski (1976)- A modification of Petukov equation.
630 'The accuracy of this equation at lower Reynolds numbers
710 is improved, in relation to Petukov equation [5], page 441, Eq. (8-70)
900 NuG = ((f / 8) * (Re - 1000) * Pr) / (1 + 12.7 * (f / 8) ^ 0.5 * (Pr ^ (2 / 3)-1))
1000 Thefriction factor will be calculated using Colebrook equation
1200 instead of Petukov formula [5] Eq. (8-65) for smooth tubes.
Rev. cjc. 30.01.2014

Microsoft Editor de
[5] ecuaciones 3.0

Heat and mass transfer. Fundamentasl and aplications

Yunus A. Cengel and Afshin J. Ghajar
Equation (9-41), page 488

273.15 K
g= 9.80665 m/s²
flow in smooth pipes.
and Boelter.[2] Eq. 6-4, on page 274

ors less than a 10%

^ 0.5 * (Pr ^ (2 / 3)-1)) Petukov equation for smooth tubes
[1], Eq. (4.42), page 270, or [5] Eq. (8-65), page 441
Re =
, page 441, Eq. (8-70) f=

/ 8) ^ 0.5 * (Pr ^ (2 / 3)-1))

brook equation
e1.- Average laminar convection of Using single functions
water inside a pipe Nu = #VALUE! -
hi = #VALUE! W/(m²*K)
Valid forFully developed laminar flow,
- Laminar flow Re < 2300
- Fully developed laminar flow implies
both, hydrodynamically and thermally Stepwise solution
fully developed flows (Annex C) Pipe properties, according material,
Water flow is cooled as it flows through a tube diameter "dn"and schedule "sch"
with constant surface temperature. or nominal pressure "PN".
di = #VALUE! mm
Select diameter and shedule or nominal di = #VALUE! m
pressure, according selected material A= #VALUE! m²
Pipe data Asumed outlet temperature
Stainless steel
Pipe Material Stainless steel tout_Ass = 60.30 °C
dn = 3 in Average bulk
Sch = 80S - tave = (tin + tout_Ass ) / 2
Pipe lenght tin = 15.0 °C
L= 20 m tout = 60.30 °C
Pipe wall temperature constant tave = 37.7 °C
twall = 100 °C Tave = 310.80 K
Fluid nlet temperature and pressure Water properties (Function array)
tin = 15 °C t= 37.7 °C
Volume flow rate k= #VALUE! W/(m*K)
Q 0.25 m³/h Cp = #VALUE! kJ/(kg*K)
Pr = #VALUE! -
Using the functions r= #VALUE! kg/m3
Array function m= #VALUE! Pa*s
Nu = #VALUE! - n= #VALUE! m2/s
Re = #VALUE! #VALUE! a= #VALUE! m2/s
hi = #VALUE! W/(m²*K) Psat = #VALUE! bar
tout = #VALUE! °C


Rows with pipe data. Do not delete

Carbon steel Stainless steel
Size SCH/PN Size SCH dn Sch
1/8 5S 1/2 5 1/8 5S
1/4 10S 3/4 10 1/4 10S
3/8 40S 1 20 3/8 40S
1/2 80S 1 1/2 30 1/2 80S
3/4 0 2 40 3/4
1 0 3 60 1
1 1/4 0 4 80 1 1/4
1 1/2 0 5 100 1 1/2
2 0 6 120 2
2 1/2 0 8 140 2 1/2
3 0 10 160 3
3 1/2 0 12 STD 3 1/2
4 0 14 XS 4
5 0 16 XXS 5
6 0 18 6
8 0 20 8
10 0 22 10
12 0 24 12
14 0 26 14
16 0 28 16
18 0 30 18
20 0 32 20
22 0 34 22
24 0 36 24
30 0 38 30
0 0 40
0 0 42
0 0 44
0 0 46
0 0 48
0 0
0 0
Velocity Correction for properties variation
v= Q/A with the temperature. [1], Eq. (4.38)
Q= 0.00007 m3/s
A= #VALUE! m² Exponent for viscosity correction
v= #VALUE! m/s Laminar flow of liquid
Mass flow rate twalls = 100 °C
m= Q * Rho tave = 37.7 °C
Q= 6.9444E-05 m3/s From water functions
Rho = #VALUE! kg/m3 mwalls = #VALUE! Pa s
m= #VALUE! kg/s mave = #VALUE! Pa s
Reynolds From Table 4.6, page 277, laminar flow, liquids

Re = v*d/n Re≤2300 and a wall condition: heating and cooling

v= #VALUE! m/s n= -0.11

d= #VALUE! m Viscosity correction factor
n= #VALUE! m²/s VCF = (mwalls / mb)^n
Re = #VALUE! - mwalls = #VALUE! Pa s
#VALUE! mb = #VALUE! Pa s
n= -0.11
Nusselt. Average for a tube length "L" VCF = #VALUE!
Graez number Corrected Nusselt
Gz = Re * Pr * (d/L) Nu = VCF * Nub
Re = #VALUE! - VCF = #VALUE!
Pr = #VALUE! - Nu0 = #VALUE!
d= #VALUE! m Nu= #VALUE!
L= 20 m
Gz = #VALUE! Convection coefficient
[1], page 272, Eq. (4.50) h= Nu * k / d
Nusselt at bulk temperature witout Nu = #VALUE! -
consideration of properties variation k= #VALUE! W/(m*K)
with temperature d= #VALUE! m
Nub = 3.66+(0.065*Gz ) / (1+0.04*Gz^(2/3) ) h= #VALUE! W/(m²*k)
Gz = #VALUE!
Nub = #VALUE!

Module: e1_For_Int_Laminar_Water

HDPE 100 Material

Dn [mm]
PN [bar] 2 Rab Ref
16 4 Carbon steel 0.1
20 6 Stainless steel 0
25 8 HDPE PE100 0 [7], #7.5
32 10
40 12.5
50 16 Heating or cooling of flow
63 20 1 HorC
75 H 0.4
90 C 0.3
### Annex B
### 'Nusselt number
### 'Inside convection for fully developed turbulent flow in smooth pipes.
### 'Following relation is recommended by Dittus and Boelter.[2] Eq. 6-4, on page 274
### 'This relation may gives errors as large a 25%
### NuD = 0.023 * Re ^ 0.8 * Pr ^ n
### 'Petukov equation. This relation may gives errors less than a 10%
### NuP = ((f / 8) * (Re) * Pr) / (1.07 + 12.7 * (f / 8) ^ 0.5 * (Pr ^ (2 / 3)-1))
### 'Gnielinski (1976)- A modification of Petukov equation.
### 'The accuracy of this equation at lower Reynolds numbers
### is improved, in relation to Petukov equation [5], page 441, Eq. (8-70)
### NuG = ((f / 8) * (Re - 1000) * Pr) / (1 + 12.7 * (f / 8) ^ 0.5 * (Pr ^ (2 / 3)-1))
### Thefriction factor will be calculated using Colebrook equation
### instead of Petukov formula [5] Eq. (8-65) for smooth tubes.
Rev. cjc. 30.01.2014
Annex C. Cengel and Ghajar, [5]
Anne C. Outlet temperature Fully developed laminar flow
For a heat exchanger with constant wall For this type of flow, the Nusselt
temperature, the outlet temperature number is constant.
can be calculated with the equation
[1], Eq.(4.11), page -Hydrodynamically fully developed

t out =t wall −( t wall −t in )

( −h⋅π⋅d⋅L
⋅e m⋅Cp
) Lh_Lam =
0.05 * d * Re
Eq. (8-11)

Re = #VALUE! -
−h⋅π⋅d⋅L Lh_Lam = #VALUE! m
t out =t wall −( t wall −t in )⋅Exp( A ) - Thermally fully developed Eq. (8-12)
Lt_Lam = Lh_Lam * Pr
Temperature of fluid leving the tube Lh_Lam = #VALUE! m
tout = twall -(twall - tin ) * Exp(A) Pr = 3.0 -
A= -(h*p*d*L ) / ( m*Cp ) Lt_Lam = #VALUE! m
h= #VALUE! W/(m²*k)
d= #VALUE! m Tube length
L= 20 m L= 20.0 m
m= #VALUE! kg/s
Cp = #VALUE! J/(kg*K) Since #VALUE!
A= #VALUE! The laminar flow is
tout = twall -(twall - tin ) * Exp(A) #VALUE!
twall = 100 °C
tin = 15 °C Since #VALUE!
A= #VALUE! The laminar flow is
tout = #VALUE! °C #VALUE!

Iteration check Macro_e1 Since the laminar flow is

Dt= (tout_Ass -tout) #VALUE!
tout_Ass = 60.30 W/(m²*k) and #VALUE!
tout = #VALUE! W/(m²*k) #VALUE!
Dt= #VALUE! W/(m²*k) then, the laminar flow is #VALUE!
Petukov equation for smooth tubes
[1], Eq. (4.42), page 270, or [5] Eq. (8-65), page 441
f= ( 0.790 * Ln(Re) - 1.64 )^-2
Re = #VALUE!
f= #VALUE!
Cengel and Ghajar, [5]
Entry lengths for laminar flow
Lh_Lam = 0.05 * Re * d Eq. (8-11)
Lt_Lam = 0.05 * Re * d * Pr Eq. (8-12)
Lt_Lam = Lh_Lam * Pr

Entry lengths for turbulent flow

Lh_Turb = 1.359 * Re^(1/4) Eq. (8-13)
It is generally agreed that entrance effects for
turbulent flow, are confined within a tube length
of 10 diameters and the hydrodynamic and thermal
entry lengths are approximately taken to be
Lh_Turb = Lt_Turb = 10 * d Eq. (8-14)

Nusselt numbers and thus convection heat transfer
coefficients are much higher in the entrance region.

The hydrodynamic entry length is taken as the

distance from the tube entrance, where the friction
coefficient reaches within about 2% of the fully
developed value.
Gz=Re⋅Pr⋅ ( dL )
0. 065⋅Gz
Nu=3 . 66+ 2
1+ 0 .04⋅Gz

Microsoft Editor de
ecuaciones 3.0
Cañería dn Tiempo
t = de enfriamiento ha
dn = Variable in in diámetro
h de la cañería, para
Sch STD 2 0.5
Rabs = 0.1 mm 3 12 1.1
kp = 60.5 W/(m*K) 4 1.8Cañería sin aislamiento
Espesor y conductividad de la aislación 6 4 (Pipe without insulation)
sI = 0.00001 mm (1) 8 6.8
kI = 0.035 W/(m*K) 10 10.5
Propiedades del agua 8
r= 1000 kg/m 3

Tiempo enfriamiento
Cp = 4200 J/(kg*K)
6 (h)
Temperatura inicial del agua
ti = 10 ºC
Temperatura final del agua 4
tf = 0 ºC
Temperatura del ambiente exterior
ta = -5 ºC
Velocidad del viento
v= 162 km/h 0
Flujo másico de agua 0 2 4 6
Diametro nominal
m= 1 kg/min (2)

Nota 1. Espesor mínimo para simular caso de cañería sin aislación

Nota 2. Flujo muy bajo para simular cañería con agua, sin velocidad

Los puntos de la curva se calcularon con la hoja de cálculo "4.- Pipe without insulation"
Las ecuaciones utilizadas se muestran en la hoja de cálculo "1.- Cool down of a pipe"
Rev. cjc. 30.01.2014

enfriamiento hasta 0°C versus

a cañería, para los datos dados

sin aislamiento
ut insulation)

4 6 8 10 12
Diametro nominal cañería (in)

[1] Heat and mass transfer

Anthony F. Mills
Irwin, 1995

[2] Heat transfer

J. P. Holman
McGraw-Hill, 1989

[3] Mechanical Insulation Design Guide
National Mechanical Insulation Committee (NMIC)

Proteccion de tuberias ante la congelacion. Armaflex. Inf. Tec. N° 9

Mechanical Insulation Design Guide

Mechanical Insulation Design Guide

Introducing the Mechanical Insulation Design Guide From the National Insulation Association and the National Ins


[5] Heat and mass transfer. Fundamentasl and aplications

Yunus A. Cengel and Afshin J. Ghajar


[7] Productos PECC, Tehmco S.A.

# 7.5, page 7.14
[8] Principles of heat transfer
Frank Kreith, Raj M. Manglik, Mark S. Bohn
Seventh edition

[9] MPE 635: Electronic cooling


[10] Fundamentals of heat ans mass transfer

Frank P. Incropera
Davis P. De Witt
John Wiley and Sons. 1981

[11] Heat transfer

Adrian Bejan
John Wiley & Sons, Inc. 1993


[13] Steam velocities

Engineering toolbox

[14] Convection coefficient values

[15] Example problem

Slide 1 - Chemical Engineering esta página
[16] Outlet temperature of an heat exchanger with constant surface temperature
Derivation of equation

[17] Advanced Heat and Mass Transfer by Amir Faghri, Yuwen Zhang, and John R. Howell
5.3 Hydrodynamically and Thermally Fully Developed Laminar Flow
5.4 Hydrodynamically fully developed and Thermally Fully Developing Lamina
Microsoft Equation

Microsoft Equation

U3 Microsoft Equation



ociation and the National Institute of Building Sciences

minar Flow

y Developing Laminar Flow

Q = A1 * Microsoft Equation

Microsoft Equation



Heat transfered trough a pipe and the insulation

Heat transfer by convection from the interior fluid

to the pipe wall
Q= A 1⋅hi⋅(t i −t 1 ) (a)

Heat transfer by conduction trough the pipe material d2

( t 1 −t 2 )
Q= A 1⋅2⋅k P⋅ d3
ln 2
r1 [ ] (b)
Heat transfer by conduction trough the pipe material

( t 2 −t 3 )
Q= A 2⋅2⋅k I⋅
r2 [ ] (c)
Adding the four equations (e.) to (h)

[ ]
Heat transfer by convection and radiation from the r2
exterior surface to the ambient ln ln
1 r1
t i−t e=Q⋅ + Q⋅ +Q⋅
Q= A 3⋅he⋅(t 3 −t e ) (d) A 1⋅hi A 1⋅2⋅k P A

[ [] [
The temperature differential in each case are
r2 r3
1 ln ln
(ti −t 1 )=Q⋅
1 r1 r2
t i−t e=Q⋅ + +
A 1⋅hi A 1⋅2⋅k P A 2⋅2⋅
( t 1 −t 2 )=Q⋅
[ ]
r1 (f)
A 1⋅2⋅k P t i −t e

( t2 −t 3 )=Q⋅
A 2⋅2⋅k I
[ ] [ ]
A 1⋅hi A 1⋅2⋅k P A 2⋅2⋅k I A 3⋅h
(t 3 −t e )=Q⋅ (h)
A 3⋅he
Rev. cjc. 30.01.2014

Multiplying numerator and denominator by "A3"

t i −t e
Q= A 3⋅

ti A3
+ A 3⋅
r1 [ ]

+ A 3⋅
+ 3

t1 A 1⋅hi A 1⋅2⋅k P A2⋅2⋅k I A3⋅h e

t2 t i −t e
Q= A 3⋅
[] r3
[ ]
te ln ln
A3 1 A3 r1 A3 r2 A3 1
⋅ + ⋅ + ⋅ +
A 1 hi A 1 2⋅k P A 2 2⋅k I A 3 ¿ he
t i −t e
Q= A 3⋅
four equations (e.) to (h)
d3 1 d3
d1 [ ]
d2 1 [ ]
[ ] [ ]
r2 r3 ⋅ + ⋅ + ⋅ +
ln ln d 1 hi d 1 2⋅k P d 2 2⋅k I he
1 r1 1 r2
Q⋅ + Q⋅ +Q⋅ +Q⋅
A 1⋅hi A 1⋅2⋅k P A 2⋅2⋅k I A 3⋅he
Q= A 3⋅U 3⋅( t i−t e )

[ [] [] ]
r2 r3 1
ln ln U 3=

+ + +
A 1⋅hi A 1⋅2⋅k P A 2⋅2⋅k I A 3⋅he
d3 1 d 3
⋅ + ⋅
d1 [ ]
+ ⋅
[ ]

d1 hi d 1 2⋅k P d 2 2⋅k I he
t i −t e

[ ] [ ]
Q=π⋅d 3⋅L⋅U 3⋅( t i−t e )
q= =π⋅d 3⋅U 3⋅( t i−t e ) [ W / m ]
hi A 1⋅2⋅k P A 2⋅2⋅k I A 3⋅he L
Multiplying numerator and denominator by "A1"

t −t
Q= A 1⋅ i e


+ 3
A1 1 A1
⋅ + ⋅
+ 1⋅
[ ]
A 1
+ 1⋅
[ ]

A2⋅2⋅k I A3⋅h e A 1 hi A 1 2⋅k P A2 2⋅k I A3 he

t i −t e
Q= A 1⋅

[ ]
A3 1 d1 1 d1
⋅ + ⋅
d1 d1
+ ⋅
[ ]
d2 d1 1
+ ⋅
[ ]
2⋅k I A 3 ¿ he d 1 hi d 1 2⋅k P d 2 2⋅k I d3 he
t −t
Q= A 1⋅ i e
[ ]
1 1
d1 [ ]
+ ⋅
d2 d1 1
+ ⋅
[ ]
2⋅k I he hi 2⋅k P d 2 2⋅k I d3 he

Q= A 1⋅U 1⋅( t i −t e )

U 1=

[ ]
d1 d1
+ ⋅
d2 [ ]
d1 1
+ ⋅
hi 2⋅k P d 2 2⋅k I d 3 he

Q=π⋅d 1⋅L⋅U 1⋅( t i −t e )

q= =π⋅d 1⋅U 1⋅( t i −t e ) [W / m ]

Microsoft Editor de
ecuaciones 3.0

Microsoft Equation
Microsoft Equation

Microsoft Equation

Microsoft Editor de
ecuaciones 3.0

Microsoft Editor de
ecuaciones 3.0

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