Ask Yourself
Ask Yourself
Ask Yourself
Yes/no questions and Students then complete each sentence on the worksheet with the
short answers name of a classmate and an appropriate reflexive pronoun, e.g. 'I
think Jessica always behaves herself in class'.
Aim Tell the students that they can have the same name once (or
twice). This is to encourage the students to speak to as many
To make guesses about different people as possible.
your classmates by
completing sentences Next, students to find out if their guesses are right or wrong.
with reflexive pronouns
and to then check To do this, students change their sentences into yes/no questions,
whether your guesses are e.g. 'Do you always behave yourself in class?'
right or wrong by asking
yes/no questions. When the students have finished, review their questions as a
Intermediate (B1) Students then find out more information by asking follow-up
questions and writing the information in the last column.
Time When everyone has finished, find out who made the most correct
30 minutes guesses. Then, ask students to report back to the class on the
things they found out about their classmates.
If you have a weak class, you can have the students read the
sentences to their classmates rather than ask questions.