Agenda Item 5 - PWC Issue Paper On Loans and Borrowings
Agenda Item 5 - PWC Issue Paper On Loans and Borrowings
Agenda Item 5 - PWC Issue Paper On Loans and Borrowings
Accounting treatment of
loans and borrowings
Issue paper presented at the EPSAS
Working Group meeting
Luxembourg, 7-8 May 2018
Status report
matters for
Introduction 3
Accounting and reporting guidance 5
Government practices in the EU 19
Matters for discussion 21
At inception
Dr Loan (at fair value - NPV using the prevailing market interest rate)
Dr Financial expense (day one loss)
To Cr Cash
• Amortised cost.
Amortised Principal premiums or
= Cash paid - +/- - Impairment
cost repayments discounts
- The effective interest rate is the rate that exactly discounts estimated
future cash payments or receipts through the expected life of the financial
instrument (excluding credit losses) to the net carrying amount of the
financial asset or financial liability.
- The calculation includes all fees and points paid or received that are an
integral part of the effective interest rate, transaction costs, and all other
premiums or discounts.
- The effective interest rate is the interest prevailing at the inception of the
loan and does not change subsequently.
• Fair value
• Fair value hierarchy:
- First, quoted prices in an active market (level 1).
- Then valuation techniques (market comparables, discounted cash flows)
making maximum use of market inputs (level 2 if inputs are based on
market data, level 3 if not).
• The best evidence of fair value is the transaction price unless fair
value is based on market comparables or on a valuation technique
whose variables only include data from observable markets.
Debt instruments
Performing Non-performing
Assets with significant increase in
(Initial recognition) (Credit impaired assets)
credit risk since initial recognition
Recognition of ECL
Interest revenue
Effective interest on
Effective interest on gross Effective interest on gross amortised cost carrying
carrying amount carrying amount amount (i.e. net of credit
The PwC 2014 study shows diversity in accounting for loans and
Borrowings 15 11
Amortised cost
Loans 14 13 Other method
0 10 20 30
Number of EU countries
Main categories Loans: loans to foreign Loans: domestic loans to Loans: loans to the Swedish
of loans and governments (e.g. Greek social security funds. National Bank and student
borrowings loan). Borrowings: bonds issued, loans.
Borrowings: bonds issued. loans from international Borrowings: bonds issued.
Measurement Loans: initially at nominal Loans: amortised cost. Loans: amortised cost.
value and subsequently at Available-for-sale financial Students loans at their
their present value. assets at fair value. present value.
Borrowings: amortised cost. Borrowings: amortised cost. Borrowings: amortised cost.