Enchanted Worlds Starter Kit

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Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
The New Worlds Game System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
Character Generation Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
Sample Game Session . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
Abilities and Traits . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
Skill List and Rules . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
Items and Equipment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
Combat . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
Spells and Magic . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
Being a Gamemaster . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
Bestiary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
This is the complete text of the rules section of the rulebook. Background information has been removed.

This is the Introduction,and it’s been a long crazy with “Worlds;” there was Enchanted To allow us to tell this great story to as many
time getting here. I don’t just mean this past Worlds, Distant Worlds™, Cryptic Worlds™, gamers as possible, we’ve decided to make
year, in which New Worlds (and especially Fantastic Worlds™, Savage Worlds™ and to the rules free.This may come as a surprise to
the Enchanted Worlds Starter Kit,since it is explain everything, Strange Worlds™. you, especially since you just bought this
our first product) has dominated my life, but Kit.Actually what you paid for was a great
also the many years that the story and the Strange Worlds™ is the joining of all of the presentation of the rules just for Enchanted
rudiments of these rules have been floating realities, originally visualized as outposts of Worlds, all of the story and background
around. I still have, framed above my desk, each of the other realities.To explain this, I information in these books,a full color map
the original copy of the rules for a game that created a theory of distinct realities and and a nifty set of dice and dice bag.If you’re
would become Enchanted Worlds.Written called it “The Cosmic Beachball,” since each going to be a gamemaster for an Enchanted
on the front and back of a sheet of notebook of the different realities would curve around Worlds game then you have everything you
paper, it doesn’t resemble the rules much as and touch each other, like the stripes of a need in this Kit but your players might want
they exist now.A few things have remained, beachball join together at the top and the to pick up this Kit or download the rules
like fumbles, and it has been an inspiration bottom. I then handed all of this over to from the website.You might also want to get
to provide the certain sense of innocent Daniel and we came up with the story of a the adventures as they come out, even if you
magic to the game background.It got all of conflict that would rage across all of the are going to create your own, so that you
this started and made me realize that a game realities and affected each of the Settings in can incorporate events from the adventures
doesn’t have to be complicated to be good. different ways.Without the meta-story, New into your games. You might also want to
Worlds would just be another universal pick up the expansions for the game, like the
A few years later, cyberpunk was a very game, but a unified storyline allows us to upcoming Ethereal Guide. It has many more
popular genre in both literature and gaming have surprises in store for our players that a spells than we could cram into the Starter
and I created a game called NetSpan that generic game simply could not have. Kit and rules for creating your own.
was successful within my group of gamers.
NetSpan, which has since been scrapped as Together we’ve managed to amaze ourselves This free rules thing isn’t a gimmick, but an
a Setting since it makes no sense to emulate with the story.There are details in this rule- essential part of our philosophy.We feel that
a future that is becoming reality, was my first book and the included adventure that won’t a set of quality rules that are fast and easy to
“modern” game, meaning one that had a become significant until several years into learn should be available to anyone who
points–purchase system, skills and balanced our story. Our ability to foreshadow events wants to play a roleplaying game. We think
advancement.When I returned to my old because of our preplanned story makes each (and hope) that our story is strong enough
fantasy ideas, I realized that the system for adventure more important and more special. to stand on it’s own and gamers will want to
NetSpan would work well for Enchanted We also hope that the continuous storylines follow it and so purchase the expansions and
Worlds™. It was just another leap of logic to prove popular with gamers, since continu- adventures as they become available. It’s an
realize that this system would work for any ous storylines have recently become popular exciting prospect and we thank you for
genre. New Worlds was born, and I went in other mediums. joining us on the first steps of the journey.

Copyright Information:
© 1999 by Matthew J. Rodgers. Reproductions may be made for personal use All other rights reserved.
New Worlds Game System, Enchanted Worlds, Distant Worlds, Fantastic Worlds, Cryptic Worlds, Savage Worlds
and Strange Worlds are Trademarks of Matthew J. Rodgers
Game Designers: Matthew “Seekstones!” Rodgers and Daniel “Mangies!” Price
Artists: Martha Widener, Matthew Rodgers and Daniel Price
Proofreaders: Diana “the EtherBunny” Price and Dorothy Price
Playtesters: Mark “don’t let Tarsis heal you”Trosien, Rich “pound for pound, hamburgers are more expensive
than cars” Babin, Jason ”dare to be a pyro” Wheeler, Dave “Quells taste good” Coombs, and Brandon “Can I kill
version 1.01 ‘em now, please?” Lovell
Thank you for choosing to purchase this characters.Each of the other players take on The New Worlds Game System is designed
game, the introduction to the New World the role of a character, a person who lives in to be both fast to learn and fast to use. In the
Game System© and the beginning of an epic the imaginary story and interacts with the game, there is only one type of roll used,no
storyline to be told by both you and us.This other characters of the story. matter the situation. Each and every time a
main rulebook provides all of the rules player (or gamemaster) is asked to roll the
necessary to create new characters for The Enchanted Worlds Starter Kit allows dice, the roll will be two eight sided dice,
Enchanted Worlds,play those characters and players to tell the stories of characters in a added together. Since you are trying to roll
improve them.While space certainly limits fantasy setting.This book allows the players under a certain number (like the character’s
what we able to include, this game is not to create characters that resemble the Strength or a skill total), the lower the roll
limited or crippled in any way and contains powerful warriors, dangerous wizards or the better the character will do.
the core set of rules that will be used in crafty thieves of the swords and sorcery
every publication for Enchanted Worlds and genre of books, movies and television. Throughout both the character creation and
a subset of the universal New Worlds rules. Players are able to make characters who have the advancement phases an easy and simple
Also included are an adventure book, a a range of abilities and skills (“the jack of all points–purchase system is used. New char-
reference card, a full color map, two eight trades,master of none”philosophy) or those acters have a certain amount of points to
sided dice and a dice bag. The adventure that have spent their whole lives learning spend on Attributes and Skills.Any unused
book contains the first adventure, Autumn’s one or two of those skills so that they might points are converted to Improvement Points
Harvest, and four pre-generated characters, eventually master them. (IP), which are used for character advance-
which players can use or they could create ment. A points system is also used for
their own. How New Worlds Games Work monetary conversions, so characters in the
game are able to have a number of different
Enchanted Worlds is the swords and sorcery Once a group of people have decided to coins and the gamemaster is able to calculate
Setting for the New Worlds Game System. play a New Worlds game and have chosen their value when a player purchases items.
Each of these Settings are independent one of their own to be the gamemaster, they
realities that are linked to a whole metaverse must choose a Setting.The Setting for this Players earn IP for their characters by parti-
of other realities by a force known as the Starter Kit is Enchanted Worlds, and so we cipating in adventures (story awards) and by
ether. The ether is the power source of assume that the group is interested in high defeating enemies (victory awards). Story
magicians, the conduit by which powerful fantasy or swords and sorcery. The game- awards are determined by the gamemaster
beings reign as gods in their subject realities master and the players must also agree on a and vary from player to player,depending on
and an inescapable presence that permeates location within the Setting and choose a how well the player roleplayed the character
all of the interlinked realities.Exploration of home base of operations. For this Starter and how involved the character was in the
what the ether is and how it came to be is Kit, the home base is assumed to be the main plots of the story. The victory awards
one of the major elements in the New small town of Greenway, in the Andarian are given for characters defeating monsters
Worlds storyline. It also dominates the Baronies. Your group is free to choose and creatures. Characters can receive the
storylines of Enchanted Worlds. whatever you want for your home base, it maximum reward by bravely facing off with
doesn’t even have to be a city or town, it creatures they have never fought before or
Starter Kits for other Settings will be could be a caravan or a ship, if you want to standing against overwhelming odds. They
released, starting with the Distant Worlds do more roving adventures. receive a moderate amount by defeating
Starter Kit next year. Distant Worlds is an monsters they have fought before, as long as
epic science fiction Setting complete with The players then create their characters, or they still fought for their victory. Characters
immense and powerful starships and a imaginary personae for the game session. receive a minimum amount for the enemy if
motley assortment of strange alien races.The Many players use the same characters over they easily defeat the creature with no
Fantastic Worlds Setting will introduce the and over again, steadily improving those danger to themselves or if they flee from
world of Havenwood, where technology is characters and facing greater and greater overwhelming odds.
magic and the forgotten past holds the most challenges. Other groups prefer to create
dangerous secrets of all. New Worlds will characters for each particular adventure or At the end of a game session the gamemaster
continue to expand its scope adding new campaign,tailoring the new characters they awards an IP total to each player and the
Settings and new twists to the storyline until create for the background of that particular player may improve the character then.Each
the final mysteries are revealed and the true story. Either way is a valid. Attribute or Skill may be improved one step
conflict begins. each game session by paying the difference
The whole first section of this Starter Kit between the point cost for the current level
T h e N ew Wo r l d s G a m e S y s t e m i s a covers all aspects of character creation. and the new level.Unused IP is not lost, but
roleplaying, or storytelling, game. The Integrated with the character creation is instead remains with the character. Higher
players of the game work together to create information on both playing and advancing power characters may need several games to
an ongoing story which they tell in an characters. Of course, the Starter Kit can’t gain enough IP to raise their skills or to
interactive format. One of the players has have all of advanced rules for higher power purchase new ones.Gamemasters must also
the responsibility of being the gamemaster, characters (the whole concept of Master watch the improvement of characters, the
the person who must arbitrate discussions Skills had to be left out), but each Setting- increase in the skill or the learning of the
about the rules of the game and who moves book will have much more information for new skill must be reasonable. It should take
the plot along by describing places and players and gamemasters alike. The later the characters several weeks or months of
taking the roles of villains, neutral people sections in this book have story ideas, study to learn a new skill or to attain a new
and the friends and assistants of the players’ background information, and monsters. skill level in an already existing skill.
Everyone playing Enchanted Worlds needs a Tarsis to have a Perception of 8, then Matt Playing the Character
character (except for the gamemaster who spends 37 points. No starting character may
controls the backgrounds and plays the have an attribute higher than 12.Players will Once you’ve filled out the character sheet
necessary bit parts to move the story along). also choose character Traits now. and have chosen all of the skills,powers and
Just like actors on stage assume parts for the hindrances of the character, you’re ready to
duration of the play, players assume the roles Players must also compute characters’group begin play. Your gamemaster will help you
of characters for the duration of the game. scores now. Group scores are calculated by join the group if you’re joining a group of
The gamemaster serves as director and set adding the two related attributes and divi- players that are in the middle of a story or
designer, using words and props such as ding them by half, rounding down. If a will provide a background and starting point
maps,diagrams and mood music to describe character’s Strength is 6 and Endurance is 9; for a group of players with new characters.
to the players the world their characters in- the Physical Group score is 7 (6+9 = 15 /2
habit. Much like ad lib theater, the players = 7.5, round down). In the course of the game, players will want
make choices and have their characters act their character to accomplish difficult, per-
on them.The gamemaster is responsible for Choose Knowledges haps nearly impossible, things.When a player
providing a plot to the story and keeping the wants the character to accomplish a difficult
characters (and players) on track. A game- Each player spends another 60 points on the task, dice are used to represent the chance
master takes on the roles of villains,monsters character’s skills.The skills determine what a that the character will succeed or fail.The
and friendly people that the characters character knows and is able to accomplish. player (or gamemaster) rolls two eight-sided
encounter in the game. Skills are purchased in a similar way to Attri- dice and adds the results together.The lower
butes and no skill can be higher than 6 for the roll the better, since players are trying to
Players use the following system to create starting characters.Each character has a free roll equal to or lower than a skill total or an
the characters to play and gamemasters can Spoken Language skill equal to their Per- attribute.When a player rolls a 2 (a 1 on each
use it to create villainous,neutral or friendly ception divided by half and rounded down die) it is referred to as a critical success. A
characters. Note: the term “character” is a (this is only used to calculate the initial skill critical succeeds eve n i f t h e t a s k w a s
generic term,when it is necessary to differ- level, this skill must be raised just like any otherwise impossible. When a player rolls a
entiate between the players’ characters and other skill). The tracker would have skills 16, it is a fumble. A fumble means failure,
the gamemaster’s characters,the term NPC, like Wilderness Tracking and Stealth while even if the task was otherwise impossible to
meaning non-player character, is used. the hydromancer would have Ethereal fail.The gamemaster has the right to ignore
Theory and Hydromancy.The dwarf would either of these rules to advance the story.
Visualize the Character have weapon skills and Blacksmithing.
Sometimes players need to know how spec-
The first step in creating a new character for Lifestyle and Equipment tacular a success or failure they completed.
Enchanted Worlds is to visualize the type of Result dice, rolled just like normal dice, are
character you’d like to play. Talk to your A character’s lifestyle is determined by the used to represent the degree of success.
gamemaster or friends to help flesh out the total of the Social attributes (Charisma and Lower is always better.A common example
character. Maybe you’d like to play a decep- Spirit) and comparing it to the lifestyle of result dice is in combat where players roll
tive thief, a righteous knight, or perhaps a chart. The player also calculates monetary the dice to see if their characters hit and
deceptive knight or even a righteous thief! units and the character has that many points then roll result dice to determine damage.
Try to give some background to the char- with which to purchase equipment and Each weapon has a damage value related to
acter and think of some hindrances for the convert into currency (see pg. 13). the 2 to 16 range of result dice.
character also (perfect characters are boring
to play and bothersome to have in the Select Weapons and Armor Improving the Character
group). Examples are given for three char-
acters: a human tracker, a Sun Elf hydro- Conflict is an important part of most stories. In the course of gameplay, characters gain
mancer and an Earth Dwarf warrior. Rules exist for players to purchase and use experience in the game, shown through the
both weapons and armor. Characters have attainment of Improvement Points. When
Determine Abilities Fatigue Points equal to the total of their appropriate, the gamemaster assigns Im-
Strength plus Endurance and Life Points provement Points to each player (about 3-8,
A player that chooses to play a human equal to Endurance. Both Fatigue Points but more for major story points). Players
character has 250 points to spend on the and Life Points are recalculated every time spend Improvement Points to increase char-
eight different attributes and can choose any the Physical attributes change. acter’s attributes and skills. For example,
traits.A Sun Elf character has 244 points to Daniel’s character Dirk Strongblade has a
spend on the attributes and a special ability Choose Spells and Powers Perception of 7. Daniel originally spent 29
to blend into natural surroundings (see pg. points so Dirk could have a Perception of 7.
19).Sun Elves must have an Agility of at least If a character has at least one of the Powers In order to raise Dirk’s Perception to 8,
7.An Earth Dwarf character has 244 points skills and Ethereal Theory then the character Daniel needs to spend 8 more points (the
to spend and has the ability to find water in is able to create magical effects.A mage has difference between 37 for 8 and 29 for 7) to
the local area (see pg. 21). Earth Dwarves spell points equal to the total of all of the raise Dirk’s Perception. Each attribute or
must have at least a 7 in Strength. Use the character’s magic skills (a character with skill can be raised once per game and the
attribute table on the character sheet to look Pyromancy 3 and Aeromancy 4 has 7 spell character must have had time to rest and
up the cost in points for each attribute. For points).A faith user has faith points equal to reflect on accomplishments (usually at the
example if Matt wants his human character their Spirit. end of a game session).
Matt, Daniel, Dorothy, Jason and Mark all the Tree Father, a god of life and learning. use a first person (e.g.“I attack the goblin!”),
decide they want to play an Enchanted His priest character has the Faith: Rituals it’s up to each player’s personal preference.
Worlds campaign, or a series of interlinked skill along with Ethereal Theory. Matt asks Daniel what his character’s Per-
games.The group discusses ideas and Matt ception score is (it’s 9) and then Matt will
volunteers to become the gamemaster. His Now each of the players must actually create roll the dice without Daniel seeing the
responsibility is to provide a plot and a their characters,a process that takes an hour result.This is called an Attribute check and
setting for the game. Everybody decides that or two. Since each player knows what he or the gamemaster should roll the dice, since
they want to start the game in the Baronies, she wants the character to be like, they first the player can’t know what the real result is
so the adventuring group will be close to purchase Attributes that reflect their (if Matt rolls a 16 then Daniel’s character
Darkon Andar, a dangerous no man’s land character personalities and intended skills. might mistake an innocent patron for a spy).
between the forces of good and evil. Matt Each of the player’s characters, except for He rolls a 7,so Daniel’s character is success-
will detail areas the characters might visit Mark,has 250 points to spend on Attributes, ful. Matt explains to Daniel that there are
and create non–player characters (NPCs) for Mark has 244 points and his Earth Dwarf two men at a nearby table that are trying to
the player characters to encounter. Before has the special ability to detect hidden or inconspicuously watch the characters.
the game can begin the players must create underground water. They use the chart on
characters to play in the game. Matt has the character sheet to purchase scores in the Dorothy: “Okay, I approach the table and
already read through the rules and created a Attributes, higher is better. All character introduce myself.”
couple of NPCs, so he’ll help the players values in New Worlds are purchased, not
create their characters. determined randomly, this prevents cheating Matt (speaking as Onter): “Ah my good
and encourages well-rounded and unique friends, thank you for joining me here. I
Matt asks each of the players what type of characters.The players then purchase skills have a proposition for you that you may well
character they’d like to play. Daniel responds and equipment in much the same way. Jason be interested in.”
that he likes the idea of playing a Gray One has an additional responsibility, he must
warrior, a human that is untouched by choose spells for his pyromancer, Mark Mark: “How much does it pay?”
magic. Matt makes sure that Daniel under- doesn’t need to choose spells, his character
stands that a Gray One cannot be healed or simply prays for assistance. Matt: “Onter ignores the interruption.He
hurt by magic, or affected by any magic that continues on – In two days time some
directly affects his character. Daniel’s char- Matt then introduces the players to the friends of mine will set out in attempt to
acter can be affected by magic that does not game and sets the plot in motion by purchase crops from those farmers who have
touch him, such as illusions. describing what has happened in the past not yet come to market.”
and what is happening now. It’s almost
Dorothy wants to play a female thief. Her always a good idea to start the adventure in Mark: “Again, how much does it pay?”
character will be a normal human,since she the middle of story not at the beginning.
wants to be able to have magical devices and Matt (speaking as Onter ): “My friends
especially be able to be healed by magic. Matt: “You’ve been invited to meet a will be happy to give each of you a Lance to
Matt and Dorothy discuss the skills that a prospective client at the Three-Legged Dog. secure this agreement and when you return
thief character would need to have, like Since opportunities for guarding caravans to Greenway you will split ten percent of
Stealth,Lockpicking and Street Knowledge. have been scarce this year, you readily the profit. Do you wish to inspect the
accepted. Now standing in the doorway of wagons now?”
Jason wants to play a mage and chooses a the tavern, smelling the aroma of stale ale
pyromancer, which fits his own outgoing and smoke, you’re not so sure.Your contact, Jason: “Sure we’ll do that.”
personality. Pyromancers are flamboyant a balding heavyset man by the name of
mages who often seek quick and spectacular Onter is waving you to his table. What do Matt: “Onter stands and motions you to
solutions to problems.Their domain is fire you do?” follow him towards the back exit of the
and bravado.Also, Jason decides he wants his tavern. Daniel, you notice that two men
character to have a Dark Past.Matt and Jason Note that Matt began the adventure in the stand also and surreptitiously start to follow
discuss it, and jointly decide that Jason’s middle, the characters have already met you.”
character had been responsible for a magical Onter once and know what he wants.What
accident that forced him to flee from his they don’t know is why he wanted to meet Daniel: “I loosen my sword in its scabbard
homeland of Tirn and that’s why he’s here in them here, in what’s obviously a bad part of and try to warn the others without saying
the Baronies. town.Matt gives the players the opportunity anything.”
to act now.
Mark also wants to play a magic using Matt rolls a Perception check for each of the
character but doesn’t like any of the four Daniel: “This seems a little suspicious. characters.Both Jason and Mark make their
types of elemental magic.Instead he chooses Mikale is going to survey the room,in case checks, but Dorothy’s character will be
to play a priestly character, one who gets his this is a setup.” surprised when Onter and the two ruffians
power from powerful beings beyond the ambush the group in the alleyway. It will be
reach of those in Unlond. He also decides Daniel just told Matt and the other players a tough fight for them, but the characters
that he wants to play a non-human character what his character will do. Some players will will survive. They might even continue in
and chooses an Earth Dwarf to play. Mark always speak in the third person (e.g.“My their quest to gain a job and therefore some
decides that his character worships Hadis character does this”) while others prefer to money.


Attributes are the defining characteristics of if the character has a harmful trait that is Trait: Value
a person.They are the eight values that de- relevant to the situation,might be applied to Attractive +1
scribe what the character is capable of and the roll.A character who fails a Fear check Common Sense +2
what they excel at.Attributes are the native must make an effort to escape the situation. Crackpot –1
abilities of a person while skills turn those Dark Past –2
abilities into useful knowledge. Attributes Strength is the measure of a character’s Direction Sense +1
are divided into four groups: Physical: ability to suddenly exert force for a brief Empathy +2
Strength and Endurance; Mental: Percept- time. It is very important in combat skills as Ensorcelled –2
ion and Mechanical; Reaction: Agility and well as skills that rely upon brute force. Family Ties +3
Speed; Social: Charisma and Spirit.A score Fear of Closed Spaces –2
for each group is calculated by adding the Endurance is the character’s ability to Fear of Drowning –2
two attributes together and then rounding withstand long and arduous tasks. It is Fear of Fire –2
down.Group scores are important for skills. important for physical skills that require Fear of Open Spaces –2
duration and also for wielders of Geomancy, Fearless +3
Traits are the facets of a character’s per- whose long and involved weavings of magic Guardian +3
sonality. Unlike attributes (which are the require nearly superhuman endurance. Hypersensitive –1
general abilities of the character), traits are Impatient –1
pieces of the character’s background or Perception is the ability of a character to Insatiable Curiosity –3
personality quirks that help define a role. concentrate upon tasks at hand as well as Insight +2
Traits can be beneficial things that might notice what happens around them. Im- Mental Instability –3
help a character, such as special abilities or portant for anyone who operates in the Night Vision +2
knowledge, or they can be hindrances, like fields of stealth or intelligence;it is especially Phobia –1
fears or secrets that would hurt a character. important for Aeromancers, who rely on Raw Conduit –3
Traits are chosen when the player character their keen understanding of the ether to Second Sight +3
is created,characters don’t normally gain or gain their magical knowledge. Serenity +1
lose them in play. True Love +3
Mechanical represents a character’s ability Wanderlust –1
Attribute Checks to understand and utilize tools and devices.
Each character has a Mechanical knowledge In addition to the Attributes, players also
When the gamemaster asks a player to make relative to their native Setting. choose traits for their characters. As noted
an attribute check, the player rolls the dice on the Character Generation Workflow on
and reports the result and the appropriate Agility is the character’s ability to contort the page 5,a starting player has 250 points to
attribute value (e.g.Daniel is asked to make the body and to perform feats of dexterity. spend on the character’s Attributes. When
a Perception check for his character Dirk Especially important for Hydromancers, choosing Traits, a player has two options:
Strongblade. Daniel rolls the dice, getting a who view the contortions of the body the first is to choose traits that total up to
10. Dirk’s Perception is 8. He tells the (especially quick and nimble finger move- zero (just to flesh out the character) and the
gamemaster “I got 10 on an 8”).There are ments) as the way to gain precise control second would be to choose traits that total
two types of attribute checks that are over the ether they use in their spells. up to a negative number, every negative trait
common in the game, the Perception check point gives the character +1 to their points
and the Fear check. Speed is the measure of the character’s for their attributes.
ability to move quickly. Combined with a
The Perception check is made on the high endurance, it may represent a marathon For example, Daniel decides to play a
Perception attribute and determines whe- runner’s ability to maintain a good pace or knightly character. He picks traits so that he
ther or not the character notices something possibly just the ability to respond quickly in has more points to spend on knightly
important.The player may roll a Perception threatening situations. Characters that have attributes such as Strength and Agility. He
check (sometimes modified by a skill, like higher Speeds react quicker in combat. chooses a Phobia (he selects fear of spiders as
Street Knowledge or maybe even a trait) to his phobia) and the Wanderlust trait to
notice something different. The player Charisma is a character’s ability to repre- explain the knight’s constant wandering.
announces that the character will spend a sent themselves in a strong and convincing Now Daniel has Traits equal to –2 and 252
round examining the area and rolls the dice. manner. Not just good looks, a charismatic points to spend on the knight’s attributes.If
Gamemasters may also roll the dice to character impresses people and may be able Daniel had selected traits that totalled up to
determine if a character has noted some- to influence them.The mages of Pyromancy 0, then he would have had no extra points
thing.In this case, the player will be asked to consider this attribute more important than for his character’s attributes. At the game-
roll the dice by the gamemaster or the all others,since they must burn brightly and master’s discretion a character may have a
gamemaster will roll the dice and keep the be a beacon to others around them. positive total, if the player is willing to pay
results hidden from the player. twice the normal cost for the positive trait
Spirit represents the inner strength of a out of the starting Attribute points.
The Fear check is made on a character’s character and their ability to draw upon
Spirit attribute and determines whether or their reserves of willpower when necessar y. Descriptions for each of the traits are on the
not the character overreacts to a situation. All ether wielders need to be strong in this following page. Each of the traits has notes
Gamemasters will always announce when a ability since they are drawing in extreme on how to roleplay the trait and also has
fear check is required. Modifiers, especially amounts of power and controlling it. bonus and penalty information for the trait.
Attractive: An Attractive character simply Fear of Closed Spaces: a person with this Night Vision: the character has excellent
has good looks,it's up to Charisma and the trait cannot stand being in a closed low light vision.In the equivalent of moon-
player to make an successful personality.This environment or having lots of people very light they see as well as a normal person does
bonus is added to the Seduction skill. close to them. If the character is suddenly at dusk and in starlight see what a normal
caught in a closed space, they must make a person sees in moonlight. Unless they have
Common Sense: the character has a solid Fear check with the trait as a penalty.These visual hypersensitivity they see normally in
understanding of how the world works. characters can’t have the Geomancy skill. bright light also.
Characters are able to recognize things out
of place and figure out solutions to common Fear of Fire: this character is unreasonably Phobia: the character has a minor fear, one
problems. Players add this bonus to their afraid of fire.They avoid open flames when- that doesn't interfere with the magics.The
Perception checks as appropriate (especially ever possible. Characters that have the Fear player is free to declare the specific phobia.
in the case of magical illusions).Also game- of Fire trait can’t have Pyromancy. The gamemaster always has final say.
masters can use this to inform new players
about what makes sense in a fantasy game. Fear of Open Spaces: The character is Raw Conduit: the character is highly
afraid of open spaces. Stress, like combat or sensitive to the ether. If the character has no
Crackpot: a crackpot is a character with a other dangers associated with the open area magical training then the character may or
reputation for eccentricity. Crackpots come will cause a fear check (a roll against the may not gather ether during sleep. Roll the
in many forms,some are boasters that rarely character's Spirit minus the trait penalty). dice,on a roll of 2 the character gains 3 spell
tell the truth,others have fanciful conspiracy These characters can’t have Aeromancy. points, on a 16 the character loses all spell
theories or other paranoias.The player must points and on any other result keeps any
specify what makes the character a crackpot. Guardian: this character has someone to accumulated spell points but gains no new
watch over them. Unlike Family Ties, the points. During periods of high stress the
Dark Past: the character has some part of Guardian is a single person who might be a character may release the pent up power.
their past that needs to be hidden. former teacher, war buddy, lover or anyone The gamemaster determines the result. If
else that would have a personal relationship the character has magical training then on
Direction Sense: the person has a mental with the character.The Guardian might help the roll each night a result of 2-15 means
compass that makes getting lost hard to do. out, showing up in times of need. one spell point is regained. Whenever the
Any time the character would be hopelessly character casts a spell,two special results are
lost,the player can make a Perception check Hypersensitive: the character is hyper- possible. On a 2 the spell works normally,
with the trait as a bonus to determine which sensitive in one of the senses.The character but no spell points are lost.On a 16 the spell
way is out. The gamemaster should roll, could not be able to stand bright light have fizzles and the character loses all spell points.
characters always believe that they are right. a narrow hearing range, extremely sensitive Characters with this trait may not have faith
to variation in temperature, etc. skills, the raw conduit interferes too much.
Empathy: the character has the ability to
sense emotions in others.This trait surpasses Impatient: an impatient character cannot Second Sight: the character has the ability
natural empathy, working even on strangers. wait for things to run their natural course to see into the ethereal plane and perceive
and feels a strong urge to interfere.Impatient things that others cannot.Once per day the
Ensorcelled: the character is bound by a people rush into things without considering character can view a place as it appears in
spell or other magical power. It is important the consequences first.This trait itself can be the near ether. The character is able to see
for the gamemaster and player to determine the start of many adventures. how the ether gathers around objects and
the nature of the ensorcellment, and what might be able to detect magical traps or
the character must do to fulfill it or break it. Insatiable Curiosity: this character must secret doors.Also the character is unlikely to
absolutely know what is on the other side of be affected by illusions. Any time the
Family Ties: the character has the support that door, or what the lever does or what- character encounters illusions the game-
of a close-knit exclusive group, usually their ever.If the character does know what would master secretly rolls a Perception check with
own family, although certain gangs and such happen then they don't have to take action. the trait as a bonus. If the character makes
might qualify. The family will back up the the check then the illusion has no effect.
character and help out in times of trouble. Insight: the character has the ability to
The character would do the same for the look at a subject matter in a different light. Serenity: this character exudes calmness.
family, which can be a hook for adventures. Once per day the character can add the trait Whenever the character makes a skill check
bonus to a skill check, if the character is requiring calmness this trait is used as a
Fearless: the character is totally without trying something new and inventive with bonus.The bonus does not apply to combat.
fear. Fearless, however, does not mean the skill. Ether wielding characters can use
stupid.The character is able to reason and this trait with the Ethereal Theory skill to True Love: this character has found (and
will not knowingly do something harmful create new spells. possibly lost) their one and only true love.
or dangerous.This trait can’t be combined Any time another person tries to seduce or
with any of the phobias or larger fears. Mental Instability: this character has one influence the character this trait is used as a
or more mental problems. This could be bonus to the character's roll.
Fear of Drowning: this character has an neurotic behavior, schizophrenia, multiple
illogical fear of drowning.The character will personality syndrome, autism or any other Wanderlust: the character cannot remain
not swim in deep or violent water.They will mental aberrations. This mental instability in one place for more than a couple of years.
not travel in a boat or ship over any amount affects everything the character does. Char- Eventually the desire to see what's over the
of water. Characters with this trait can’t have acters with the Mental Instability trait may next hill or in the next town overcomes
the Hydromancy skill. not have the Serenity trait. them, and they go wandering away.
Skills are essential to the New Worlds Game Physical Skills Reaction Skills
System™, they define what characters know Archery Acrobatics
and what they are capable of doing.A player Blacksmithing Aimed Weapon, Crossbow
has 60 points to spend on skills for a starting Bludgeon Blade
character. A player chooses skills, creating a Leatherworking Crafting
set of knowledge for the character.There are Melee Dancing
thousands of these combinations enabling Mountaineering Dodge
players to create dangerous warriors, crafty Polearms Lockpicking
thieves, mysterious wizards or anything else. Stoneworking Piloting, Land Vehicle
Swimming Piloting, Water Vessel
Each skill is ranked from 1 to 7,with 6 being Unarmed Combat Riding, Aerial Creature
the maximum for a starting character. For Woodworking Riding, Land Creature
each skill you want for a character you spend Shield Use
points according to the skill point chart on Mental Skills Shipmanship, Water Vessel
the character sheet.Each skill belongs to one Administration Sleight of Hand
of the four attribute groups, except for Agriculture Stealth
power (magic) skills which have a special Armor Repair Swordplay
base used as the group score. The player Armor Use Thrown Weapon
notes the skill, group and possibly a speciali- Astrology
zation area on the character sheet.A player Brewing Social Skills
then adds the group score and the skill level Cartography Acting
and places it in the total box.This total skill Cooking Animal Affinity
is the number a player needs to roll equal to Creative Talent Bard
or lower than on the dice to be successful at Cryptography Disguise
an action of average difficulty for the skill. Finance Drinking
Fishing Etiquette
In addition each character gets one free Heraldry Forgery
Spoken Language skill equal to half of the History, Local Journalism
character’s Perception, rounded down.The History, National Musical Knowledge
free skill can be the common language of History, Global Oratory
the game area or it could be a language of Indirect Weapon, Gravity Persuasion
the area the character grew up in. Indirect Weapon, Mechanical Seduction
Language, Spoken Street Knowledge
Contested Skills Language, Written Trading
When two characters are trying to accom- Mechanics Power Skills Skill Base
plish the same goal,one skill roll is made per Medical, Emergency Treatment Ethereal Theory Mental Group
character and the lowest wins. When one Medical, General Practice Faith: Introspection Spirit
character is trying to accomplish a goal Medical, Herbalism Faith: Miracles Spirit
while another character tries to prevent it Medical, Surgery Faith: Rituals Spirit
(e.g. a character attacking with a sword and Meditation Magic: Aeromancy (Spt+Per)/2
the target dodging) the target’s skill level is Navigation Magic: Artificer (Spt+Mch)/2
subtracted from the total. (e.g. Melee Total Science Magic: Ethermancy Special
13 – Dodge Skill Level 4 = 9 or lower). Survival, Urban Magic: Geomancy (Spt+End)/2
Survival, Wilderness Magic: Hydromancy (Spt+Agl)/2
Bonuses and Penalties Tracking, Urban Magic: Necromancy Spirit
Tracking, Wilderness Magic: Pyromancy (Spt+Cha)/2
Many times in the skill listings you will see
the word “bonus” and the word “penalty.” gamemaster can allow an unskilled attempt, how high her score was, Seneva could not
These are numbers that are added to (or usually at stiffer penalties than what a char- attempt Surgery unskilled.
subtracted from) the skill total (the skill level acter with the skill would face. Skills that
plus group score). Example: Matt’s char- require specialization (such as Armor Use) Specializations
acter Tarsis is trying to heal a wounded or need special equipment (such as Black-
guard.The gamemaster determines that the smithing or eve n B rewing) cannot be Many of the skills in the following list have
guard is hurt badly and imposes a –2 penalty. attempted unskilled.The player rolls the dice a category listing and several skills listed
Normally Tarsis would need a 9 or lower, for and the check is made based on the group within that category (e.g. Riding: Aerial,
this check Matt needs to roll 7 or lower. score for the skill. For example, Diana would and Land creatures).These skills have similar
like her character, Seneva (not having any concepts but very different executions.
Unskilled Skill Use medical training), to attempt Emergency Characters who have one of these skills
Treatment on Matt’s character Tarsis. Diana cannot attempt to utilize another skill
What if a player wants to attempt an action would roll the dice and compare the result within the set (i.e.a character cannot use the
but the character doesn’t have the skill? The to Seneva’s Mental group score. No matter Riding, Land Creature skill to mount a
griffon). The Language, Spoken skill is a Bludgeon: This skill represents the ability Treat the skill total as the number of rounds
category of skills, however there are too to wield a club, mace, staff or other blunt characters can hold their breath (unskilled
many languages to list each one. Players object designed to do smashing damage to a characters use their physical total) and the
choose appropriate languages for their person.Effective against similar weapons or number of hours they can swim.Each hour
characters and need a new skill for each unarmed people, cudgels are often the only after the first they must make a skill check to
additional language. weapon of peasants or the homeless. keep going. A character loses three fatigue
points per hour of swimming, so adjust for
There are other skills, such as Black- Leatherworking: the skill necessary to the fatigue penalty every two hours.
smithing, where the tools are the same but cure and form leather to create goods such
the goals vary. In these skills,it is possible to as clothing and pouches.If a character has a Unarmed Combat: This is combat with-
specialize in a particular area (some skills, skill level of 1 or 2 then they can create out the use of weapons.By itself it represents
such as Armor Use, require a specialization) inferior leather armor, if they have a skill of a mix of brawling and wrestling moves
and gain benefits.A character that does not 3 or 4 then they are able to create regular without specialized forms.This skill can be
specialize in a field of study in the skill (such leather armor or inferior studded leather. used to represent a formal challenge bet-
as a plain-old Blacksmith) can perform Characters with higher skill levels are able to ween two athletes or a more down and dirty
general tasks related to that field but receives create regular studded leather.This skill also style of physical combat. In all types of
a –2 penalty when trying to perform any of covers the repair of leather armor, one point unarmed combat, the character can pull
the specialized tasks (i.e. a Blacksmith trying for every four hours in an equipped shop or punches by selecting a lesser damage result
to make a sword has a –2 penalty). If a one point for every day in the field, up to than rolled.The option selected must be on
character is specialized in a skill and attempts the maximum for armor, see Armor Repair. the damage chart for the type of strike used
another field of study then the penalty is –4. (i.e. strike, kick or throw).
Melee: The ability to wield an edged
When creating a character, the player can weapon in a medieval combat style. The Woodworking: knowledge of carpentry
choose whether or not the character is Melee skill represents a combat style in and framing necessary to create wooden
specialized in a field and note it to the right which brute force, good armoring and buildings, houses, siege towers or anything
of the skill on the character sheet (e.g. shield use were the primary components. else made from wood.Characters with high
Blacksmith - Weaponsmith or even Creative The skill covers the use of short sword,long levels of skill can create buildings that are
Talent - Oil Painting).The player does not sword,morning star, battle axe or any other very strong, yet have little or no metal
pay for specializing now.If a character in play one or two handed edged weapons designed holding them together. Like stoneworking,
wants to specialize in a field of study for a for this style of close-in fighting. people with a Creative Talent can create
skill and has not already specialized then works of art with this skill.
they need only pay 3 Improvement Points to Mountaineering: the knowledge of the
specialize and have had the opportunity to skills and tools necessary to tackle the task of Mental Skills
study that field. climbing a mountain or other large rock.
Characters with low skill levels know only Administration: the character has the
It is possible, sometimes even required,for a the basics of rock climbing and belaying, skills necessary to operate and control a
character to specialize in a combat skill. A ones with high skill levels are capable of lead business, guild or military unit. It includes
character gains a +1 to that type of weapon climbing, ice climbing and free climbing. the communication skills for the job also.
(e.g. Melee: Hand Axe) and a –2 to any
other weapons in the same category (the Polearms: this skill represents familiarity Agriculture: the character has knowledge
character would use a short sword at –2). with any variety of long pointy things of the agricultural techniques required for
designed to kill (or at least seriously maim) farming. Such knowledges might include
Skill Descriptions people, horses and anything else that get in irrigation, fertilization, and terracing.
their way. This skill covers all spears, awl
The following are descriptions for each of pikes(very long spears), halberds(very long Armor Repair: The character is able to
the skills. They are in alphabetical order handled axes) and lances. repair most of the types of armor found in
according to their group. Unlond. Two points of damage to leather
Stoneworking: the ability to shape and lay armor can be repaired per day (only if the
Physical Skills stones and bricks with or without mortar to character has access materials) or one point
create walls, buildings or even castles.In the of damage repaired to metal armor. Armor
Archery: the ability to handle a long bow, right environments it would be earthworks can be repaired to one point below it’s
short bow or composite bow. It does not and adobe instead of stone. It also covers the starting value (e.g. leather becomes 3 pv).
apply to any type of crossbow. ability to judge the strength of a wall and
repair it if necessary. A single character can Armor Use: The knowledge required to
Blacksmithing: Knowledge of the tools lead unskilled people in either building or put on and remove complex armor. Armor
necessary to forge implements of metal. In repairing a piece of stonework. Combined Use is not necessary for leather, chain mail
order to use this skill effectively, a hot fire (a with a Creative Talent, this skill could or similar types of armor but instead for
forge),anvil,tongs,hammers and cold water represent architectural sculptures or designs. armor that has many parts and connections,
are required.The blacksmith is able to create such as plate mail. The character is only
horseshoes, simple tools and common farm Swimming: the character has the ability specialized with the armor they use on a
implements easily with the right equip- to swim for long periods of time.Any time regular basis and suffers penalties for other
ment.He can forge knives and short swords the character needs to do something special armor.The table on the bottom of the next
of average or inferior quality or repair one (swim in rough water or rescue a drowning page relates skill level to the time needed to
point of damage to metal armor. person) the character makes a skill check. put on or remove the armor.
Astrology: the study of the movements of Language, Written: Knowledge of the Tracking: The ability to follow someone
heavenly bodies in an attempt to divine the common written form of a language. through the chosen environment.
future. Astrologers reach into the ethereal
universe and see across the planes of reality Literature: Knowledge of a particular style Reaction Skills
in order to gain their knowledge. of genre of written works or a specialization
of a particular author. Acrobatics: The knowledge of break falls,
Brewing: the skill of creating intoxicating tumbling, flipping and other acts of physical
beverages. Characters know how to gather Mechanics: Knowledge of tinkering, gear dexterity.A successful skill check can reduce
the materials and ferment and distill alcohol. works, woodworking and clock making. damage from falling to half normal amount.
A character can also specialize in knowledge
of how a beverage is brewed,such as wine- Medical, Emergency Treatment: The Aimed Weapon, Crossbow: Knowledge
tasters would know different vineyards. skill to treat abrasions, bruises, lacerations, of how to reload and fire a crossbow.
and broken bones as well as other emer-
Cartography: The skill of making maps. gency situations. One point of physical Blade: The ability to use knives,dirks and
Character can specialize in overland maps, damage can be immediately treated using daggers. The skill can be used to parry
sea charts or even the layouts of buildings. this skill. Also a patient is in at least Stan- another Blade attack but at a -2 penalty.
dard care even in Harsh conditions.
Cooking: The knowledge necessary to Crafting: The skill of creating small useful
prepare food in a safe and edible manner. Medical, General Practice: The ability objects by weaving or carving.
to treat common diseases and be able to
Creative Talent: The character has the administer or prescribe treatments. Doctors Dancing: Knowledge of common dance
skill to create some type of art work. Possible use herbs, leeches and holistic treatments. styles of a character’s homeland. Characters
specialities would be drawing, oil painting, The skill only covers common diseases.It is can specialize in certain types of dance.
sculpture or music composition.The actual not Emergency Treatment.
playing of musical instruments is covered by Dodge: The skills necessary to avoid being
the Musical Knowledge skill. Medical, Herbalism: Knowledge of the hit by an object. There are two common
natural medical treatments.A character with uses of this skill, unaimed and aimed. The
Cryptography: The character knows how this skill can gather and prepare herbs to unaimed use, meaning that the player just
to encode and decode messages. In En- assist with common ailments such as colds, rolls the dice against the skill total, is used
chanted Worlds, the system may be fairly flus and infections.Alternately, the character when the character is avoiding something
simple, such as a simple letter substitution or can specialize in natural poisons. that is not being directly aimed at anyone
a combination of different languages (such (such as an avalanche).Aimed dodge is often
as writing Dwarvish words with Elvish Medical, Surgery: Knowledge of invasive used to avoid damage in combat, and the
characters).The character could specialize in techniques designed to repair damage done skill level is subtracted from the attack skill.
a single code or in the breaking of any code. to the body. In Enchanted Worlds this only
covers how to amputate limbs without Lockpicking: the skill of opening locks
Finance: Knowledge of accounting and killing the amputee, successful bloodletting, without the use of keys. Since a character
bookkeeping practices for keeping track of and leeching.A character must have a score with this skill requires lockpicks, the skill
money and other valuables. of three or higher in Medical, General cannot be attempted unskilled.
Practice to be a surgeon.
Fishing: The skills and the knowledge Piloting, Land Vehicle: The skill to drive
necessary to catch fish and other seafood. Meditation: The ability to concentrate on a wagon or other land vehicle.
relaxation. Meditating characters restore
Heraldry: Recognition of devices used to two fatigue points per hour, up to eight Piloting,Water Vessel: The skill necessary
represent noble houses or military units. points (four continuous hours). to pilot a ship or boat on open water.

History: Each of the category skills covers Navigation: Skills necessary to locate a Riding: The skill of riding a particular
the history of an area,the larger the area,the character position by use of landmarks and type of mount. Characters with one skill
more general the history knowledge is. star positions. may attempt the other category unskilled.
Riders may spend a number of hours equal
Indirect Weapon, Gravity: The concept Science: Knowledge of a particular area of to their skill level on their mount before
of gravity weapons is simple;make sure your inquiry such as biology, geology or physics. paying a point of fatigue per hour after that.
victims stand beneath your pot of boiling oil In Enchanted Worlds, the fields of science
or large rock, and then drop it on them. are vastly different from what we know. A Shield Use: The skill of using a shield to
biology treatise might well cover unicorns block attacks. If using a Buckler use the
I n d i r e c t Weapon, Mechanical: The and sea serpents as well as housecats. Shield Use skill level –1 for blocking. If
knowledge necessary to operate an indirect using a Round shield then use your normal
mechanical weapon, such as a catapult, tre- Survival: The knowledge to find food and Shield Use skill. A Half shield gains a +1
buchet, or ballista. shelter in the appropriate environment. bonus while a Full Body shield gives a +3.

Language, Spoken: Knowledge of the

Armor Use Skill: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
spoken form of one particular language.
Time On (in min.): 60 45 30 20 15 10 5
Indicate the particular language in the
Time Off (in min.): 30 20 15 10 8 5 2
specialization field on the character sheet.
Shipmanship, Water Vessel: The skill to Journalism: The skill of town criers and with the process,the god may refuse to grant
rig a seagoing vessel for travel, storms or annalists.The purpose of a journalist is to miracles at all,until the character has atoned.
dock. It does not cover how to steer the record (and perhaps report on) history as it
vessel, that would be Water Vessel Piloting. happens. Many mercenary groups have an- Faith: Rituals: These characters have
nalists to record (promote) their great deeds. developed a series of complex rites and
Sleight of Hand: The ability to perform rituals in order to access their ethereal
unnoticed acts of dexterity.This skill can be Musical Knowledge: Knowledge of a bridge to the home of the gods. Characters
used for perfectly honest reasons (such as particular style of music or a type of musical must have the room and materials to
performing an illusion of magic), but is instrument. perform these rites before any magical
often used to relieve people of unnecessary effects can happen. Characters without the
monetary baggage (i.e. pickpocketing). Oratory: The skill of speaking in public. proper materials suffer penalties (at least -2
Characters also know how to inspire and or worse) when making their skill roll.
Stealth: The skills to move quietly and excite crowds.
avoid being seen. The character can con- Magic: Aeromancy: The airy Magician
centrate on either action (moving quietly or Persuasion: The skill to influence people. uses the power of the Ether to weave artful
hiding) with a +2 bonus. This can be subtle encouragement or full spells of deception and illusion.The char-
scale interrogation. acter is trained to read the shadow ether, so
Swordplay: The art of wielding a bladed they might better "know which way the
weapon designed for both effective attack Seduction: The character has the skill to wind is blowing."
and parry. A character can parry any other influence members of the opposite sex.The
weapon in the swordplay category or the gamemaster must adjudicate how successful Magic: Artificer: The magic of creating
melee category. the seduction is. items.See the Ethereal Guide when released.

Thrown Weapon: The skill of using darts, Street Knowledge: Knowledge of how Magic: Ethermancy: The Ethermancer
daggers, knives, slings or any other small the black (or even gray) market of an urban is a worker of ether itself. A character must
weapons designed to be thrown at a target. environment works. A character with the have the four elemental magics (Aeromancy,
Street Knowledge skill knows who to go to Aquamancy, Geomancy and Pyromancy)
Social Skills for help finding unusual items or assistance. before the character can purchase
Ethermancy. Rules for Ethermancy may be
Acting: The character knows skills used in Trading: The art of haggling for items. found in the Ethereal Guide when released.
the art of theater. Used with Disguise to The character may make a check to
impersonate someone’s voice and manners. determine the lowest value the seller will Magic: Geomancy: T h e Wizard pos-
accept.This can easily be a set of contested sesses the deep roots of the earth and a
Animal Affinity: Knowledge and love for skill rolls as the two characters haggle. maddening patience. Wizardly wards are
a particular animal or type of animals.Cha- powerful and resistant to not only assault but
racters with Animal Affinity can make a skill Power Skills also the ravages of time. These wards and
check to befriend the same type of animal. bindings require much time to weave, so the
Ethereal Theory: The general theory and wizard rarely operates in places of danger.
Bard: More than just musical ability, understanding of how the ethereal universe
singing or history;this skill covers the arts of works.The character must specialize in this Magic: Hydromancy: The Sorcerer is
storytelling,juggling and entertaining.Bards skill based on the type of ethereal power the most flexible of the magic wielders.
often combine music with this skill. used: magic or faith.Every user of any type Sorcery flows like water,probing magics and
o f Powe r m u s t h ave Ethereal Theory. the ether. But Sorcery can either be careful
Disguise: The ability to use dyes, makeup Characters note their type of power (Faith espionage or powerful waves of force.
and even facial contortions to hide a char- or Magic) as their speciality.
acter’s features.At high skill levels,characters Magic: Necromancy: This magic skill is
can attempt to duplicate a particular person. Faith: Introspection: In order to use this included just for reference, it is not allowed
power of Faith, characters tap into their for play.A Necromancer studies the ethereal
Drinking: Knowledge of alcoholic drinks ethereal shadow, using it to reach across the shadows of living things, especially areas
and how they are consumed or mixed. planes of reality to find the home of the where the ethereal shadows remain after the
Characters can use this skill to judge their gods. Using the same technique the char- physical body has died.Necromancers draw
own intoxication, other people’s or to acter can use their god's powers to alter their energy from these shadows and often
recognize a drink. reality around them. Obviously the char- are found near old battlefields, graveyards,
acter must spend a long time concentrating dark alleys, and plague ridden cities, giving
Etiquette: Knowledge of acceptable social and relaxing, this skill is difficult to use in them an evil reputation.
behavior and rites.Characters often special- combat situations.
ize in an area of interest, such as Dawn Elf Magic: Pyromancy: T h e m a g i c w i t h
courts. Characters without a speciality can Faith: Miracles: The character makes an which the Warlock burns is a consuming
attempt to fit in such a setting at a -2. intense effort to believe something will need,easily spent but nonetheless impressive
occur and reaches out across the ether to the in its display. A Pyromancer works by inti-
Forgery: The knowledge necessary to land of the gods. If the character is lucky midation and bravado as much as by battle
make imitation documents or to make a (gets good results on the dice) a miracle is magics and direct attacks. Fire magic is also
convincing stand with the wrong ones. granted.If the character gets too complacent subtle and insidious as well as destructive.

New Worlds uses the word lifestyle to Social Total + Bonus: 0–8 9–15 16–21 22–24 25+
indicate both the financial resources and res- Multiplier: 3 4 6 8 9
ponsibilities of a character. The character’s
starting lifestyle is based on the total of the Coin/Country: Pt. Cost for One Coin Coins for One Pt.
Social scores (Charisma + Spirit) and ranges Dichi
from Destitute to Well Off. Players may Feathers 12
chose a lower lifestyle with the gamemaster’s Talons 2
approval. Each lifestyle has advantages and Claws 6
disadvantages discussed below. Falcons 12
Destitute (0 - 8): a character who is Leaves 8
destitute is without stable financial income. Branches 1 1
Destitute people are unable to pay for their Roots 8
own support and they must rely on other’s Arches 64
charity. Certain destitute people may have Thengold Empire
enough skills to hunt their own food, but Single Copperweight 9
begging (or stealing) is more common (and Three Copperweight 3
easier) in urban areas. Children also fall Single Silverweight 1 1
under this category, but are usually sup- Three Silverweight 3
ported by their parents.Although Destitute Single Goldweight 8
people receive no monthly income (any Three Goldweight 22
money coming in must be role-played in the Swampmuck / Trade Cities
game) they have no other obligations and Coppers 10
they are free to come and go as they please Silver Pennies 1 1
(except children of course). Crowns 10
Examples: children, homeless, certain Thrones 20
religious orders, bad off adventurers Andarian Baronies
Buttons 5
Struggling (9-15): struggling characters Buckles 1 1
have barely enough money coming in to Helms 5
meet their basic needs and have no extra Lances 25
money. People who are struggling find
themselves constantly at the mercy of their Rich: rich people have it made and don’t level four, then the character’s total is 14 and
creditors, landlords, etc. Young (recently have long term debt, unless they’re living the multiplier is 4, meaning the character
independent) people, older people and beyond their means. A rich character may has 56 points to spend. For most characters
manual laborers are often in this category. have considerable time (and money) to the amount of points left over after they
Their monthly income is equal to or slightly throw at a particular pursuit but also unusual choose their equipment is converted into
above or below their bills for each month, obligations.Byhard workorgoodluck these currency and kept by the character. Certain
and they are often looking for extra work. people have a fortune and must protect it priest characters keep only a fraction of that
Examples: peasants, starting merchants, from those who would steal it. money and return the rest to the church.
adventurers, apprentice magic users, bandits Examples: court magicians, major nobles.
Each starting character, regardless of life-
Comfortable (16-21): comfortable char- Royal: by accident of birth or election (or style, has a few items to begin with,equating
acters have enough money to meet their overthrow of existing government) these to their clothes on their back and a few
current needs and be able to pay off long people have dominion over people and the belongings.They have two sets of clothing
term debts eventually. Comfortable people land. Their very title gives them privilege (either fine dresses or average sets of tunics
are able to occasionally enjoy the finer and also terrible responsibility. Even when a and breeches),a cloth cloak,leather shoes, a
things of life, within budget. People that ruler is only a figurehead, popular support bedroll,and the character’s choice of one of
have special talents earn this sort of income. rests on that ruler’s shoulders.This lifestyle the following weapons: a dagger, a spear, or
Examples: freemen, well–off merchants, classification also belongs to the leaders of a sling. Characters then spend their re-
hedge knights or mages, really good thieves major guilds,since their every move has the maining points on equipment (listed on the
same impact. following page) and on weapons and armor
Well Off (22-24): a well off character can Examples: kings,queens and other royalty (listed in the Combat section, page 16).
not only meet needs but actually has money
to spend.People who are well off don’t need Starting Funds After purchasing equipment,players convert
to worry about day to day finances and any remaining points into currency for their
might have free time. Well off people have Starting characters have starting equipment characters to use. The currency exchange
special training, experience or dangerous points equal to their Social Total plus the table gives point values for each type of cur-
jobs. These people often have u n u s u a l number of skills that are level four or above, rency and number of coins for one point.
obligations to their employers. times the multiplier given in the above table. Gamemasters can use this table to equate
Examples: landed knights, minor nobles, For example, if the character has a 5 in currency with the value of goods or services
successful merchants, well known wizards Charisma,a 7 in Spirit and two skills above or to convert from one currency to another.
Clothing Items: Cost Encumbrance Encumbrance Provisions: Consumable items.Brandy (or
Boots 15 1 ale) is a cheap substitute for wine and is
Breeches, Standard 8 0 Each item on the equipment tables has an purified by the distilling process,while most
Breeches, Fine 12 0 encumbrance value listed, representing the water has not been.Dried rations consist of
Cloak, Standard 4 0 weight or fragility of the item.If the encum- hard biscuits, dried meat and hard cheese.
Dress, Standard 4 0 brance value of the item is given as zero, These are enough to keep a single person
Dress, Fine 12 0 then the first and second of the same item alive for a week,but are not appetizing.Meat
Shoes 10 0 does not affect the character’s encumbrance. jerky is a salted and dried form of beef or
Surcoat, Fine 20 1 For each of the items after the first two, one pork and is often carried by adventurers.
Tunic, Standard 4 0 is added to the encumbrance. If Seneva Smoked meat will keep nearly as long as
Tunic, Fine 10 0 (Diana’s character) is carrying three dresses jerked meat but is more difficult to transport
and wearing one, then her encumbrance is 2 as it is much bulkier (it’s also better tasting).
Travel Gear: Cost Encumbrance (the dress she wears and the first one she car-
Bag 3 –1 ries do not count for the total).If an item has Armor: All of the normal armor is listed
Bedroll 4 1 two encumbrance values, the first one is if in the Combat section, since there are
Climbing Gear, Std. 30 1 the character carries the item, the second is special rules for the armor taking damage.
Climbing Gear, Fine 70 2 if it is worn. For example, the encumbrance Shields work in the manner described in the
Lantern 25 1 of riding gear is 4 if a character carries it,but Shield Use skill.A buckler (or target shield)
Lantern Oil (8 hours) 3 0 only 1 for a horse that wears it. is worn strapped to the shield arm and is
Lockpicks, Standard 6 0 only about a foot across. Round shields are
Pack 20 –2 If the total encumbrance of the character worn in a similar manner, but are larger. Half
Riding Gear 30 4(1) ever exceeds the character’s current Fatigue shields are about half the size of a normal
Rope (15m or 50 ft.) 8 2 Points then the character loses one more man and are gripped by the shield hand,
Tent (3 Person) 15 2 Fatigue Point per hour (added to any preventing the character from holding
Tinderbox 4 0 combat damage or other fatigue) as long as anything else in that hand.Full body shields
Torch 1 0 the character continues to carry items.The are even larger and bulkier.
character can rest to regain Fatigue Points.
Provisions: Cost Encumbrance Services: These are available services char-
Brandy, Bottle 1 1 Item Descriptions acters can pay for in a civilized setting.Most
Brandy, Cask 10 3 inns will allow travelers to sleep in the
Bread Loaf 2 1 Item descriptions are grouped by categories common room (the large room that serves
Cheese Block 5 1 and not a lot of attention is paid to indivi- as bar and restaurant) for the night. Of
Dried Rations 2 0 dual items in those g roups.The best way to course these characters must put up with the
Eggs (Dozen) 2 1 figure things out is the use of plain old other travelers in the common room,as well
Meat Jerky 1 0 common sense. Remember the gamemaster as the occasional drunkard or rabblerouser
Milk, Bottle 3 1 has final say on what items are available or that keeps everyone up the entire night.Inns
Smoked Meat (2 lb.) 2 1 what particular items are capable of. also provide separate rooms on a nightly or
Wine, Bottle 3 1 even weekly basis.Inns also serve meals and
Wine, Cask 25 3 Clothing Items: Items for normal wear characters may negotiate to have their meals
and use.This list is not complete and certain paid along with their rooms.Otherwise, use
Armor: Cost Encumbrance things (such as belts and hats) have been left the meal values for a single meal for each
Buckler 10 1 off.The gamemaster is free to raise or lower person eating.Characters do not order from
Round Shield 15 2 these prices depending on the quality and a menu, poor quality meals are served by
Half Shield 20 3 availability of the items. Standard quality cheaper establishments or have less portions
Body Shield 30 5 items are designed for normal usage. Items than their more expensive equivalents.
All other armor is listed on page 16. designated fine are either of superior make
or contain more expensive materials or Animals: This list covers several animals
Services: Cost Quantity intricate designs. that may be of value to the characters (or at
Inn, Common Room 1 per night least to those they meet in their travels). In
Inn, Standard Room 3 per night Travel Gear: Items for use while traveling general animals require one tenth of their
Inn, Standard Room 15 per week in non-civilized regions,this is the common initial cost in upkeep each month (paying
Meal, Poor 1 per person equipment for starting adventurers.A bed- for food,gear, stabling,etc.) Chickens, cows
Meal, Standard 2 per person roll is a set of padded blankets designed to and sheep are all livestock and are usually
provide a semi-comfortable night’s rest in the same value either being bought or sold.
Animals: Cost Life Points the wilderness. Climbing gear assists in the These animals are often used for barter, since
Cat 4 3 conquering of mountains, cliffs and other they always have value. Cats,dogs and horses
Chicken 1 1 scalable objects (Fine quality gear gives a +1 have a scalable value depending on their
Cow, Beef 20 5 bonus to the attempt).A lantern is a good worth to their owner and their training.
Dog, Guard 30 6 substitute for torches,since the oil lasts four Each of the values listed is for a trained
Dog, Hunting 20 4 times as long as a torch does (eight hours animal, i.e. the cat is a trained mouser, the
Horse, Draft 80 7 instead of two). Packs give the adventurer dog is trained for guard duty or hunting and
Horse, Riding 100 6 two free encumbrance points and bags give the horse is either trained to pull a plow,
Horse, War 120 9 a character one point (they subtract encum- carry a rider or fight in battle (depending on
Sheep 10 4 brance points from a character’s total). the type of horse).
More than just telling a fantasy story, the Step 3 - Missile Action Phase For each weapon, there is a damage table
gamemaster and the players are telling an giving three values. Result dice are rolled
adventure story. In fact, many of the same Combat begins with the character with the after the character hits and matched to the
ideas can be used in any story, in any genre. highest Speed score and continues to the damage table (heavy damage is 3-6,
There can always be the fight against lowest.Ties are resolved by rolling the dice moderate 7-11, light 12-15). If the player
overwhelming odds, the secret plan, the with the character with the lowest roll going rolls a 16 then a fumble occurs and no
unexpected help and the disturbing fact that first. Characters roll to hit their target by damage is done. The gamemaster may
the villain’s body was never found... But making a normal contested skill roll (trying declare this a failure of the weapon or the
keep in mind that conflict comes in many to roll equal to or lower than their skill total character and describe what happens next (
forms and needn’t culminate in bloodshed. minus an opposing skill level e.g.a character the weapon is broken, wrenched from the
The political game that climaxes with an has a total of 12,the monster has a dodge of character’s hand,etc.).If a 2 is rolled then the
ardent speech or the mystery game with it’s 4, so the player must roll under 8). Include heavy damage value is doubled and if that
final revelation can be just as satisfying. any special modifiers the gamemaster may damage results in the target being lowered
apply (such as –2 for extreme distance). If a to zero Life Points then the target is killed
The combat system presented here is 16 is rolled, then the attempt was a fumble instantly, not knocked unconscious as usual.
designed for the resolution of individual and the character does not hit, even if the
combat, meaning that it is designed to number needed was 16 or higher. If the roll There are three types of damage results:
represent a small number of combatants is a 2 then the character does hit, even if the physical damage, fatigue damage and both
facing off to do battle. Combat in New number needed was less than 2.The game- fatigue and physical. Physical damage is
Worlds is a more or less orderly set of master may ignore these results for the sake represented by a number only. Physical
contested skill rolls, and then a roll for of the story, but must be consistent and fair damage is absorbed by armor, if the target is
damage, if necessar y. The system works the in doing so. If the hit was successful then wearing any. If the armor’s protection value
same way regardless of the weapon,environ- damage is applied (see the section below). (pv) is larger than the damage rolled, then
ment or even Setting. the damage is absorbed by the armor (no
Step 4 - Melee Action Phase squares are marked on the Life Points) and
The gamemaster declares that combat has the armor’s protection value is reduced by
begun and time is broken into rounds, or Once again the character with the highest one point (one square on the armor’s chart
turns of combat. A round, which lasts Speed acts first and ties are resolved with the is filled in),representing the damage done to
somewhere between ten and thirty seconds, dice. Most characters cannot act in both the the armor by the blow. If the damage result
is enough time for each of the combatants missile and melee phases. Characters attack is equal to or larger than the armor’s
to make one action (certain characters and with the appropriate weapon skill opposed protection value then any damage amount
enemies are able to act more than once in a by the opponent’s parry, block or dodge skill above the pv is applied to the target’s Life
round, giving them an advantage). Rounds level.If the enemy chooses to parry then the Points. Two points are subtracted from the
are completely arbitrary devices for enemy’s Swordplay or Blade skill is used as armor’s protection value, the damage done
representing combat, they are not used in the parry score.As always,2 is a hit and 16 is to the armor in penetrating it.
regular roleplaying. Each round consists of a miss, unless the gamemaster indicates
the following five steps: otherwise. Damage is applied for successful A damage result with a number and the
hits according to the rules below. letter “f ” is fatigue damage. Since fatigue
Step 1 - Declare Actions damage represents strain on the character,
Step 5 - Magic Action Phase armor cannot absorb it.Blunt weapons tend
The gamemaster asks the players their to do more fatigue damage, since they batter
intentions for the coming round and decides Most characters cannot act in all three their opponents. Fatigue damage is applied
what the enemies will do.This is a great time combat phases, though if any character to the character’s Fatigue Points.A number
for creative roleplaying as the characters face possesses a missile weapon that can be fired and the letter “b”indicates the same amount
off with their enemies or pause in combat to more than once a round, then the second of damage is applied both to the character’s
consider their next action. Players (and the missile is resolved in this phase. In order for Life Points and Fatigue Points (using the
gamemaster) have until the appropriate the magic or faith character to utilize their armor rules above for the physical amount).
action phase to change their minds, but powers,they must not have been hit during
gamemasters should not allow this to be the preceding phases of the current round. Armor continues to function until its
abused (players can’t use this to cheat or Characters (including those firing twice or protection value reaches zero (all the avail-
mislead the gamemaster, but they should be acting in all three phases of combat) act once able boxes are filled in). After this the armor
able to possibly mislead their opponent; but again according to their Speed attribute. doesn’t provide protection and any physical
they must tell the gamemaster that they are Ether wielders roll their Magic or Faith damage rolled is applied directly to the
trying to do this). skill,possibly opposed by the enemy’s block target’s Life Points. Each time a character
or dodge rating. Damage, if necessary, is receives damage the appropriate number of
Step 2 - Resolve Magic Effects rolled according to the rules below. Life Points or Fatigue Points are reduced.
For each three points of physical damage or
Any lasting magic effects from the previous Combat continues until the characters win, six points of fatigue, the character makes
round are resolved.Any spell that’s duration flee or force their opponents to either flee or every check at –1. When Life Points or
has run out is ended, with the appropriate surrender. For each round past the third, Fatigue Points are reduced to zero, the char-
results: e.g. the spell that held up the each character must spend a Fatigue Point to acter is unconscious and the next strike will
boulder ends and the boulder crashes down. remain in combat. automatically kill the character.
Instead of removing points from the armor’s
Distance Fallen (m): 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 per 2 meters more protection value, a shield-using character
Fatigue Damage: 1 2 4 8 12 18 30 +8 can have the shield absorb damage. A
Physical Damage: 0 1 3 4 7 10 14 +5 buckler can absorb one point of damage and
then be destroyed.Larger shields can absorb
Weapon Name Cost Skill(s) Enc. Attacks Range3 Damage two points before being discarded.Once the
Melee: Heavy Moderate Light shield is gone, blocks are no longer possible.
Axe, Battle 30 Melee 3 1 M 7 5 3
Axe, Hand 12 Melee 1 1 M 5 4 2 Falling Damage
Club / Cudgel 1 Bludgeon 1 1 M 3b 3f 2f
Dagger 8 Blade/Thrown 0 1 M/6 4 2 1 Any time a character falls more than a
Dirk 12 Blade 0 1 M 4 3 1 minimum distance (2 meters or 61/2 feet),the
Knife 6 Blade/Thrown 0 1 M/10 3 2 1 character receives fatigue and quite possibly
Lance, Jousting 4 Polearms 4 1 Special 5b 4b 3b physical damage. See the table at the left.
Mace 12 Bludgeon 2 1 M 5 3b 3f
Mace, Spiked 18 Bludgeon 3 1 M 6 4 2f Healing
Morning Star 20 Melee 3 1 M 6 3b 2b
Scimitar1 30 Melee 1 1 M 6 4 3 Injured characters will, under proper care,
Spear 8 Polearms 2 1 10 5 4 2 regain their health although they may never
Staff 2 Bludgeon 2 1 M 3b 2b 2f be whole again. For each time healing is
Sword, Broad 45 Melee 2 1 M 7 6 5 applied (once every eight hours for natural
Sword, Long1 35 Melee 2 1 M 8 6 3 healing) the gamemaster should roll result
Sword, Short1 20 Melee 1 1 M 5 4 3 dice. If a 2 is rolled then the normal amount
Missile: Heavy Moderate Light of healing is doubled and the character
Bow, Long2 16 Archery 2 1 180 6 5 2 shows good response to the treatment. If a
Bow, Short 12 Archery 1 2 90 5 4 2 16 is rolled then not only has no healing
Arrows (6) 1 - 0 - - - - - taken place, but a bad result has occurred,
Crossbow, Light 60 AW, X-bow 4 1 40 5b 4b 4b like scarring,infection or worse.The game-
Bolts (4) 2 - 0 - - - - - master can use the intermediate results to
Sling (6 Stones) 4 Thrown 1 2 18 3 2b 2f enhance the story of the healing character.
Throwing Dart 1 Thrown 0 2 6 2 2 1
Unarmed: Heavy Moderate Light The first and most likely type of healing is
Kick - Unarmed - 1 M 3b 3f 2f natural healing,allowing the body to heal it-
Strike - Unarmed - 1 M 3f 2f 2f self.The damage healed per eight hours is:
Throw - Unarmed - 1 M 5f 4f 2f
1 These weapons can be used with the Swordplay skill also. 1 point in harsh conditions: bandaged
2 Longbows require a Strength of 7 or higher. They also have a minimum range of 10 meters (i.e. the target must be between 10 and 180 meters).
3 Ranges are given in meters and the target must be within this range for the weapon to be effective. Ranges that are given as “M” indicate that the and riding a horse, alone in a wilderness
weapon is melee range only (within arm’s reach). Lances have a longer range but are still considered melee weapons. camp, in humid conditions, etc.

Armor Type Cost Protection Dodge Penalty1 Encumbrance 2 points in standard conditions: im-
Chain Mail, Inferior 40 5 –1 6 mobile and assisted by non-medical people,
Chain Mail, Standard 60 6 –1 5 at home in bed, etc.
Hide 15 4 –1 5
Field Plate, Inferior 80 7 –2 8 4 points in monitored conditions: in a
Field Plate, Standard 120 9 –2 8 controlled environment attended by skilled
Full Plate 180 11 –3 9 people, using reactive care.
Leather, Inferior 20 3 0 3
Leather, Standard 30 4 0 2 8 points in intensive conditions: in a
Studded Leather, Inferior 40 4 0 3 controlled environment under constant
Studded Leather, Standard 60 5 0 3 supervision, proactive care, surgery, etc.
1 The dodge penalty is applied to any dodge attempt (aimed or unaimed) while the character is wearing the armor.

The second type of healing occurs through

the use of items or magic that allow healing
to occur instantly. Apothecaries make a
potion capable of healing three points of
physical damage and sell it for 20 points.
Encumbrance, like all other potions, is 0,
meaning a character could carry three and
only have one point of Encumbrance.

Fatigue Points can also be restored. For each

hour spent resting and relaxing a point of
Fatigue returns to the character. Deep sleep
returns two points per hour.
Point Cost Miracle Ritual Introspection
Smite/Heal 3 for 1 2 for 1 1 for 1
Bless/Curse 4 for 1 3 for 1 2 for 1
Inspire/Condemn 6 5 3
Augury 6 4 3

Duration Cost Miracle Ritual Introspection

Bless/Curse 3 for 1 round 2 for 3 rounds 2 for 1 hour

Magic is the harnessing and the shaping of healers and the meditative priests.They rely Spellcasting
arcane power from a metadimension known upon complex rituals to make the proper
as the ether. All aspects of reality (Settings) supplication to their deity. All the ritualistic There are six schools of magic (or spell-
touch and are touched by the ether. If you prayers require one full round to complete casting) in Unlond. These schools of magic
imagine a multicolored striped beach ball, and the results occur in the next Resolve do not contradict, the Ethermancy school
then each stripe is a different reality and the Magic Effects phase. If the ritual fails, the relies on the mage knowing each of the four
ether is the air that inflates the ball. The faith points for the ritual are still lost, but elementary schools.A Mage character must
ether is a source of power for magic, a place there are no other adverse effects.Ritualistic have Ethereal Theory and can have as many
inhabited by its own strange denizens, and priests always regain three Faith points (up schools as they can afford. Two schools,
the source material that forms the elements to their maximum total) every night. Necromancy and Ethermancy, are not
of the universe. covered in the starter kit and are included
Introspective priests use meditation to open for reference only.Mage characters that have
There are two forms of magic in Enchanted an inner channel to the power of their deity. only one school of magic are known as
Worlds: spellcasting and faith powers.Spell- This process requires a long time, one round specialists and have twice their skill level as
casters (mages) rely upon arcane formulas to for every point spent by the priest.A three their spell points (a character with only
invoke and control the power of the ether. point prayer would require three rounds and Hydromancy at skill level four has eight
Faith users (priests and monks) use the ether then occur in the fourth round’s Resolve spell points). Characters with multiple
to reach across the expanse of reality to the Magic Effects phase.The priest must remain schools total all of their skill levels together
land of the gods.The gods then respond to undisturbed during this time. If the prayer and don’t multiply the results. Mages check
the priest’s prayers. fails,the time and faith points are still spent. their skill total when casting a spell.
Introspective priests meditate to regain faith
Faith points,one point per hour of meditation,up Whenever a mage undertakes to learn a new
to a maximum of four per day. spell, the player must check to see if the
There are three types of faith: miracles, mage learns the spell properly. A mage
rituals and introspection. The priests of a The above table provides the effects each spends at least one week in contemplation
deity may teach more than one philosophy. priest can pray for, and the cost in faith of the new technique (or spends at least a
A character may learn only one philosophy, points. The costs are given for the initial month researching a new one) and then the
though. A priest character must have the prayer for each philosophy and the cost to player rolls the dice against the mage’s
Ethereal Theory skill and one philosophy. increase duration of Bless or Curse prayers. Ethereal Theory skill. If the character is a
All priests, regardless of philosophy, have specialist (with only one type of Magic skill)
faith points equal to their Spirit attribute. The Smite effect causes physical damage to the player may use the Ethereal Theory
When a faith user makes a prayer, the player the priest’s opponent while it’s reverse heals score or the Magic skill.whichever is higher.
rolls the dice and if the results are lower than the priest’s friends (or the priest) of wounds. Characters begin automatically knowing as
the faith skill total, the prayer is successful. The amount of damage healed is based on many spells as they have levels of Ethereal
the amount of points spent.The Bless effect Theory (e.g.a character with a 3 in Ethereal
A priest that relies on Miracles expects im- gives a bonus to the recipient (like making Theory knows three spells).Creating a new
mediate results each and every time from the warrior’s sword at +1 to hit for the spell is beyond the scope of this starter kit,
the god. This requires the expenditure of combat).The Curse effect is a penalty to the see the official rules on the website.
massive amounts of faith points and so target instead of a bonus. Inspire raises the
cannot be done very often. All miracles, morale of friendly warriors, making them Each of the different schools has a different
regardless of cost,happen in the same round +2 to the next fear check.The Condemn way of casting spells, a mage chooses the
as cast.Also there is the danger that the god effect saps the enemy of spirit (–2 to the technique to suit the magic. The spells of
will not respond (in other words,failing the next fear check). Finally, the Augury effect each school are designed to be cast with the
skill test). If that occurs the miracle worker allows a priest a glimpse of the possible technique of the school and the gamemaster
loses all faith points, and must reflect upon future, the priest needs to have a specific is free to impose penalties on the mage’s skill
the failure and rest before regaining any faith question for the future to get a clear result. check for using another technique. The
points.When figuring the number of faith listed spells already have a higher cost for
points the priest regains while sleeping,give Both Bless and Curse last for one unit of mages not of the school to use. A specialist
three points for each successful miracle or time (miracle workers have a free round, a knows only their school’s way of casting and
one point if no miracles were done that day. ritualistic priest three free rounds and intro- uses that technique for every spell they cast,
spective priests have one free hour) without regardless of origin (i.e. an Aeromancer
Priests that utilize Rituals walk a middle additional cost.The priest can increase the always uses the sound technique for every
road between the miracle working faith duration by adding the necessary points. spell, etc.).
Aeromancers rely upon sound and music to Aeromancy
focus the ethereal energy, a magician either
sings a spell or chants it. Geomancers use Aeromancy spells are those of divination and illusion, aeromancers
intricate runes scratched in the dirt for rarely attack directly. Magicians tend to quiet, nondescript people,
temporary magics or etched into stone for often with musical talents.Many a tale has been told of aeromancers
more permanent works.Hydromancers use traveling the land, disguised as minstrels and bards.
slow and graceful movements of the body to
focus their energy. Pyromancers require a Deceptive Visions
flashy (and often loud) display of power as Casting Cost: 3 (4) Range: Sight
the energy (seen as streak of light) condenses Area of Effect: Room Duration: Three rounds
in the warlock and then explodes outward.
Necromancers, most disturbingly, speak the The mage uses this spell to create a false vision.The illusion has no
very language of the dead and every chant sound or smell to it and clever characters may detect the illusion
seems to echo in a multitude of languages. because of this.The illusion lasts for three rounds (a minute and a
half).With a Critical Success the caster has the option of doubling
Magic in New Worlds works in a modular the duration of the spell or adding an audio or scent component to
fashion, like the faith powers but with a the illusion. In any case, the caster must concentrate upon main-
much greater complexity. It is this great taining the illusion for the duration of the spell.A detected illusion
complexity that prevents us from listing all is not destroyed, but characters may point the flaw out to others.
the possible magic functions here in the
starter kit.Instead,there are several example Ethereal View
spells for each of the elemental schools.Each Casting Cost: 2 (3) Range: Sight
spell has a cost in spell points for a mage of Area of Effect: One object Duration: Immediate
that school to cast it,if the spell has two costs
then the spell may be cast by any mage by This spell allows the caster to gain a clear view of the ethereal link
spending the greater amount of points. that the targeted object possesses. If the object has never been
Spells also give a range, duration and area of subjected to magic then the caster will see nothing at all and if it has
effect, expressed in relative terms. been some time then only faint, ghostly whispers of the magic.
However, if the object is currently endowed with magical attributes
Range uses the relative terms: touch, close then the caster will be able to discern the general power of the
and sight.Touch range means that the caster enchantment and the school that created it.With a critical success
must touch the target for the spell to be the caster may also be able to tell some of the workings of the magic.
effective. Close means that the caster must Possible fumbles might result in the caster having his vision stuck in
be near to the object (within 20 meters). the ether and losing normal sight for a certain amount of time (no
Sight range means that the caster must be more than a day) or misreading the ethereal cur rents and gaining a
able to see the target,no matter the distance. false sense of the object.

For duration,one full round means from the Shield of Winds

phase that the spell was cast (the Magic Casting Cost: 3 Range: Caster
Action phase for all the spells in the Starter Area of Effect: The caster Duration: Three rounds
Kit) the spell is in effect until the same phase
in the next round.Spells that last one round For the duration of the spell the character’s Aeromancy skill is used
are completed in the Resolve Magic Effects as a Shield Use skill.If the character already has the Shield Use skill
phase. Spells that last more than one round then character receives a +1 bonus to the magical skill. Since the
are completed in the Resolve Magic Effects Shield is magical, it cannot absorb damage and be discarded like a
phase of the following round (e.g. a three normal shield. Spending two more points will double the duration of
round spell ends at the beginning of the the Shield of Winds.
fourth round). Immediate spells occur only
in the Magic Action phase and the magic Whispers of the Hills
lasts during that phase only (the effects of Casting Cost: 3 (5) Range: Sight
that spell can be permanent though). Area of Effect: Special Duration: One round

Area of effect uses the terms object, target, The magic user focuses on an event that is known to have happened
character or room.An object is an inanimate in the local area (like a battle) and receives a vision related to that
thing, a character is a creature or animal. If past event. It is up to the gamemaster to determine the nature and
the spell indicates the caster, then only the accuracy of the vision.In order to focus on a single person the mage
casting mage can be the subject of the spell. spends two more points.
A target may be an object or a character. A
room is an area of about 40 square meters. Geomancy
Mages have three spell points restored,up to The Wizard possesses the deep roots of the earth and a maddening
their maximum, for each four hours that patience. Geomancers often dress in robes or other clothing of earth
they rest or sleep. tones and feel the need to live close to earth.They are often the least
The Tower of Argos understood and most feared mages (other than Ethermancers).
Flying Shards The Visible Shadows
Casting Cost: 3 (4) Range: Close Casting Cost: 2 (3) Range: Sight
Area of Effect: One target Duration: Immediate Area of Effect: One object Duration: Immediate

The caster uses three shards of rock and attacks a single target. For The mage uses this spell to perceive the level of power and type of
each shard the player rolls the character’s magic skill against the enchantment the targeted object possesses.The type of magic effect
opponent’s Dodge or Shield Use. Each shard that hits does two (offensive, defensive, alteration, etc.) and the level of power are
points of physical damage. described in relative terms (e.g. the character knows that it is a
mighty enchantment, not a 6 point spell). If the caster rolls a 16
The Invisible Summons while casting this spell the perception of the shadows will be flawed.
Casting Cost: 2 (3) Range: Close
Area of Effect: One object Duration: One round The Water of Life
Casting Cost: 5 (6) Range: Touch
The caster uses this spell to retrieve an unseen object that weighs less Area of Effect: One character Duration: One day
than 10 kilograms (22 lbs.).The object must be known to the caster,
since the mage visualizes the object in order to retrieve it.If anyone This spell revives a character or animal, restoring all lost Fatigue
else gains a firm grip on the object, the spell is broken. Points.It has no effect on wounds, but the character or animal will
feel no thirst for the rest of the day.
The Locked Portal
Casting Cost: 3 (4) Range: Touch Pyromancy
Area of Effect: One door Duration: Three rounds
Pyromancers,unlike many other mages,love the fame and notoriety
The caster weaves a magical shield that binds the targeted door into their skills provide. They often dress flamboyantly, creating new
place.No amount of physical force or lockpicking skill will open the legends wherever they go. Most warlocks find themselves constantly
door while the magic is in place. For the same cost the geomancer in trouble, since they are highly visible and prone to get involved in
can reverse this spell to negate a magical lock of the same power. situations others would avoid.

A Stone’s Throw Away Extinguish the Visible Flame

Casting Cost: 3 (5) Range: Sight Casting Cost: 3 (5) Range: Sight
Area of Effect: One target Duration: Immediate Area of Effect: One small fire Duration: Immediate

The caster uses this spell to teleport a willing person or inanimate The caster targets a small fire within sight and extinguishes it
object to a location in the caster’s sight.The geomancer must touch instantaneously, reducing the flame to a pile of smoldering ashes.For
the person to be teleported. The accuracy of the teleport is the same cost the mage can reverse the spell and cause the fire to
dependent on how well the mage can see the target location, the flare up for one minute.
gamemaster should assign penalties for distance or hazy conditions.
Finger of Flame
Hydromancy Casting Cost: 1 (2) Range: Close
Area of Effect: One target Duration: Immediate
Sorcerers (Hydromancer specialists) are the most flexible of the
magic wielders, both physically (since their art demands it) but also The mage points a finger at the target and from that finger erupts a
in the diplomatic sense. Hydromancers often wear loose, flowing magical flame. The player rolls the character’s Pyromancy skill
robes that accommodate their contortions. against the opponent’s Dodge or Shield Use. If the flame hits it
causes two points of physical damage.
Liquid Steel
Casting Cost: 4 (6) Range: Touch Firebind
Area of Effect: One iron object Duration: Three rounds Casting Cost: 5 Range: Close
Area of Effect: One character Duration: Three rounds
When the mage casts this spell,a glowing blue nimbus surrounds the
character’s hand.The next iron or steel object the mage touches will A spiral of flames surrounds the target character. The character
turn soft and weak, incapable of supporting weight or functioning cannot move or attack without passing through the flame, causing
properly (weapons do no damage and metal armor loses half it’s six points of physical damage. For each round the character is
protection value).The spell lasts three rounds (or one minute thirty trapped within the flames the gamemaster should roll result dice.
seconds) and at the end of the spell the object reverts to it’s original High results should indicate that the character’s belongings (and
form. On a 2 the weakening is permanent. possibly clothing) have begun to catch on fire.

Muck Air The Lasting Torch

Casting Cost: 3 (5) Range: Close Casting Cost: 3 (4) Range: Touch
Area of Effect: One character Duration: One full round Area of Effect: One torch Duration: Special

The caster turns the air around the target thick and oppressive, This spell doubles the duration of a torch, making it last for four
reducing the target’s Speed by two points for the duration of the hours instead of two.The torch consumes no extra fuel and main-
spell.The target makes every skill and attribute roll at a –1 penalty. tains both heat and light until the end of the four hours.The torch
This lasts one full round (from one Magic Action Phase to the next). can be doused naturally.
As mentioned earlier in these rules, one Also, the New Worlds Game System™ is points in the adventure) increases the
person takes on the responsibility of being predisposed towards roleplaying and creative enjoyment of the game for the players.
the gamemaster for the group. This person, solutions and players should be rewarded for Music, either as a clue in the game or as
instead of playing a character, provides the not thinking with their swords. In fact, the background ambiance, can also help. Con-
descriptive background and bit players of combat system makes sure that characters sider composers like Carl Orff (O Fortuna),
the story. Gamemasters have more pre- face the possibility of ruined armor and Gustav Mahler (Symphony #1 Titan), Holst
paration work to do than the players before damaged weapons, even if they successfully (Mars: The Bringer of War), Basil Poledouris
the game, but also get to be the primary defeat their enemies. Make sure players (Conan: The Barbarian) and anything by
author of the story. Gamemasters also need understand that there are consequences for John Williams for your games.
to be fair and impartial,in fact,if no one has their actions and you’ll find that your players
volunteered for the task the best person to become roleplayers and problem-solvers. Running Campaigns
choose would be the diplomat of your social
circle, the person who settles disputes and Awarding Improvement Points At first glance, running a campaign is not
keeps everyone together. any more complicated than running several
Characters earn Improvement Points (IP) adventures with the same characters. This
If you decide to be a player, then you also for defeating enemies, heroic actions and can be true, if the gamemaster and players
have responsibilities.Go ahead and read the cunning ideas. Gamemasters should also want to simply have an exploration cam-
rest of this section and the following reward players for outstanding roleplaying paign where they spend each game sessions
sections on the land, and skim over the by giving their characters IP. Note that travelling to a new area,meeting strange and
bestiary and adventuring. Knowing too defeating enemies does not necessarily unusual people and defeating a slew of one
much about what your character might face mean killing them. Characters that unveil time only villains. This is analogous to a
will ruin the surprises in store for you. It’s and stop a treacherous plot have defeated the typical television show where the characters
your responsibility to play a character in this enemy behind it without any direct con- face different problems each episode and the
Setting,and you can’t do that if you already frontation at all.Of course, many players will consequences of that episode are usually
know what’s around every bend and how expect and demand direct conflict,especial- ignored (or the show ties up all the loose
many Life Points each creature has. ly at the end of an adventure or campaign. ends before each episode ends). Viewers
(players) can watch (play) or skip episodes
Gamemasters should be fair and impartial When all of the players defeat an enemy by (games) without losing out on the main
when running the game. It is up to the helping each other,divide the enemy’s IP by plotline (since there rarely is one).
gamemaster to interpret the rules and makes the number of players and round up to
decisions based on those rules. More award each of the players for their part in the However, there are television shows (and
importantly, the gamemaster is helping the victory. A single player receives all of the IP campaigns) that rely on having a continuous
players tell a story. Therefore, the game- for a defeated enemy, but that amount audience so that they can tell a story that
master provides a background for the should be adjusted if NPCs assisted. evolves with each episode, growing more
players, but does not attempt to force the Calculate IP rewards for roleplaying on an complex and heading towards an eventual
players to follow the provided storyline, nor individual basis, a player that helps out climax and resolution. These types of
kill the characters if the players do not want another player with a plot may receive one campaigns require the commitment of the
to cooperate. A gamemaster should describe or two IP but the originator of the idea players to stick with the games and the com-
places in detail and have the NPCs react in should receive four or five. mitment of the gamemaster to tell an ever
vivid and realistic fashions so that the players increasingly complex story. The rewards of
catch on and do the same. Running Adventures having goals and the sense of climax and
resolution outweigh the work necessary and
Reward the players well for accomplish- The first and foremost thing you’ll need to the players and gamemaster receive the
ments, but don’t give everything away. play a game is players.Once you have those maximum enjoyment from their campaign.
Games where defeating a single goblin wins assembled and have some eight-sided dice,
the character a magic sword are ridiculous. you’re pretty much set.Players should make The free adventure in the Starter Kit is the
Neither should the gamemaster be stingy up characters to play or choose a character beginning of one of these campaigns,which
with Improvement Points or monetary from the included adventure. Included in in itself is part of the whole series of
rewards.The balance between the two may the Starter Kit is a character sheet, which campaigns set in Enchanted Worlds.These
be hard to find but talk to your players after you can take out and photocopy.Alternately, campaigns will tell an epic story of magic,
a game session.If they are frustrated because the players can write their characters down rebellion and conflict that eventually con-
their characters haven’t improved, then you on notebook paper. sumes the continent of Unlond and leaves it
need to reward them more. If after the game changed forever.This story is but part of the
session you realize you gave the characters Next you need to find an area to play in.The whole story, since each of the Settings is
too much power, you need to plan a way to ideal area has enough room for all of the linked by the ether and by other more
compensate for that or a way to take the players, with the gamemaster having a mysterious forces. Of course, you and your
item from the character (hidden curses can remote area away from the players for the players don’t have to follow these official
work wonders for making one’s treasured adventure materials. Choose a location that storylines but we do recommend that you at
magical item a hated burden). Also you won’t disturb others and won’t be disturbed least be aware of them (via the website) so
must remember that the richer and more itself. Many gamemasters find that having that your adventures can tie in with the
famous the characters become, the more of some prepared game materials (maps, hand official ones, especially when the multi-
a target they are for thieves and assassins. written or printed out handouts for story Setting adventures become available.
This section provides a sample of the creatures and monsters that Bat, Giant IP 1/1/0
adventurers in Unlond might face. As with the other sections, it is
orientated towards the Eastern Marches,since this is the background Strength 2 Endurance 3
for the first series of adventures.Each of the monsters listed can be Perception 5 Mechanical 1
found throughout the Eastern Marches, most especially in Darkon Agility 5 Speed 4
Andar. All of these monsters are designed for beginning characters, Charisma 4 Spirit 1
the more IP the monster is worth, the harder it will be to defeat.
New adventures will introduce other monsters and creatures like Instinct: Attribute Score Instinct Level Instinct Total
ogres and Twilight Elves that are more appropriate for experienced Attack 5 Agl 2 7
players and characters. Communicate 4 Cha 2 6
Dodge 4 Spd 1 5
Each monster has three IP values.The maximum value is given for Stalk 5 Per 1 6
characters who defeat an enemy for the first time (their first
encounter with the monster) or defeat an enemy in an epic manner Attack: Enc. Atks. Rng. Level Total 2 3–6 7–11 12–15 16
(using clever tactics or if some characters were wounded or killed in Bite – 1 M 2 7 C 2 1 1f F
the battle).The moderate value is given if the players have a hard Shriek* – 1 M 2 6 C 2f 2f 1f F
fight on their hands, but don’t do anything special to deserve a * The giant bat’s shriek is a concentrated blast of sound designed to
bonus.The minimum value is given to characters who simply wade immobilize their prey.
through the enemy, destroying them without effort or if the
characters fight a heroic battle but are forced to withdraw. Life Points: 3 Fatigue Points: 5

Monsters are just like characters,they have traits,skills, weapons and Money: None Total Encumbrance: 0
possibly even magic. Creatures are animals and don’t have any traits.
They still use the same eight attributes but their skills are replaced Description: Giant Bats are nocturnal hunters that spend the day
by instincts.There are eight instincts,explained below, and each one in caves and the hollows of trees.They are black or dark brown in
is linked to one of the attributes. color and their wingspan is about one meter.They use shriek attacks
to stun their prey, which consists of rats and other rodents.Bats keep
Attack: This is the most common instinct used for aggressive no treasure, but a live bat might be of interest to an aeromancer
animals, it represents the animal’s ability to suddenly pounce onto
prey. Each animal (and all monsters and characters) can use only one Bear IP 5/3/1
attack form or weapon each round.
Strength 9 Endurance 7
Communicate: The animals ability to communicate with others Perception 5 Mechanical 2
of its kind and possibly even with people. Agility 5 Speed 7
Charisma 3 Spirit 4
Dodge: This instinct works just like the skill and allows a chance
for the animal to avoid an attack. Instinct: Attribute Score Instinct Level Instinct Total
Attack 5 Agl 3 8
Hide: This instinct is used when the animal is fleeing, trying to Communicate 3 Cha 2 5
avoid capture by remaining hidden. Intimidate 4 Spt 3 7
Overbear 9 Str 2 11
Intimidate: The animal’s ability to intimidate other creatures.
Many larger mammals, such as bears, deer and elk use this instinct. Attack: Enc. Atks. Rng. Level Total 2 3–6 7–11 12–15 16
Claw – 2 M 3 8 C 3b 2b 2f F
Overbear: An attack based on the animal’s sheer bulk and weight. Maul – 1 M 2 11 C 5b 4b 3b F
A Bear uses this type of attack when they maul an animal or human.
Life Points: 7 Fatigue Points: 16
Stalk: Sneaking up on prey,or lying in wait for it.This is not passive
hiding but actually part of the animal’s attack. Money: None Total Encumbrance: 0

Survive: The animal’s ability to survive in the wilderness and to Description: The above listing is typical of the brown bears native
keep alive. Use this instinct if the creature must heal itself. to the Eastern Marches.They are mostly found in the mountains and
foothills near Tanrakkar, but in spring as they seek new mates may
Instinct Attribute roam the northern reaches of Darkon Andar. Bears have two ways
Attack Agility of attacking.They may stand up on their hind legs and attack with
Communicate Charisma both claws, rolling two attacks against a single target.They could
Dodge Speed instead make a mauling attack against one target.
Hide Mechanical
Intimidate Spirit Bears do not willingly attack humanoids, they must usually be
Overbear Strength provoked.In the mating season,competition among males becomes
Stalk Perception fierce and they attack anything they perceive as a threat.Bears also
Survive Endurance fight to defend their dens if there are newborn cubs within.
Dog, Wild IP 1/1/0 Spider, Giant IP 2/1/1
Strength 4 Endurance 4 Strength 2 Endurance 3
Perception 4 Mechanical 1 Perception 6 Mechanical 1
Agility 5 Speed 4 Agility 4 Speed 6
Charisma 2 Spirit 2 Charisma 0 Spirit 1

Instinct: Attribute Score Instinct Level Instinct Total Instinct: Attribute Score Instinct Level Instinct Total
Attack 5 Agl 2 7 Attack 4 Agl 2 6
Communicate 2 Cha 1 3 Dodge 6 Spd 1 7
Dodge 4 Spd 2 6 Stalk 6 Per 2 8
Survive 4 End 1 5 Survive 3 End 1 4

Attack: Enc. Atks. Rng. Level Total 2 3–6 7–11 12–15 16 Attack: Enc. Atks. Rng. Level Total 2 3–6 7–11 12–15 16
Bite – 1 M 2 7 C 3 2 1 F Bite – 1 M 2 6 C 2* 2* 1 F
Strike – 1 M 2 6 C 2b 1 1f F
Life Points: 4 Fatigue Points: 8 * Bite is poisoned, 1 point of fatigue damage occurs per round until
the character is healed or falls unconscious (no further effect).
Money: None Total Encumbrance: 0
Life Points: 3 Fatigue Points: 5
Description: Wild dogs roam the countryside of the Eastern
Marches in packs, living off of rabbits and other game. They are Money: See below Total Encumbrance: 0
found in packs of three to five and may attack the characters if
agitated or if they are hungry enough. Characters may be un- Description: Giant Spiders are found in the deep parts of all of the
fortunate enough to encounter a pack of wild dogs affected by large forests of Unlond, especially Leechwood, Simdar Forest,
mangies,in which case the dogs are rabid enough to attack anything Shadowood and Forest of Thorns.The spiders are solitary hunters,
that moves. If a character is bit by one of these dogs, roll on the living off rabbits,foxes and small deer.They usually avoid people but
mangie infection table to determine the effect. will fight to defend their underground layers.They spin no webs,
instead they build trapdoors beneath the forest floor and wait for
Rat, Giant IP 1/1/0 their victims. For people, the spider’s poison is strong enough to
cause unconciousness, but has no further effect. Each Giant Spider
Strength 2 Endurance 4 has a lair containing the remains of victims and assorted bits of
Perception 4 Mechanical 2 treasure(10 pts).
Agility 4 Speed 5
Charisma 1 Spirit 4 Wolf IP 4/2/1
Instinct: Attribute Score Instinct Level Instinct Total Strength 5 Endurance 5
Attack 4 Agl 3 7 Perception 7 Mechanical 3
Dodge 5 Spd 2 8 Agility 6 Speed 6
Charisma 4 Spirit 3
Attack: Enc. Atks. Rng. Level Total 2 3–6 7–11 12–15 16
Bite – 1 M 3 7 C 3 2 1 F Instinct: Attribute Score Instinct Level Instinct Total
Attack 6 Agl 3 9
Life Points: 4 Fatigue Points: 6 Communicate 4 Cha 2 6
Dodge 6 Spd 3 9
Money: See below Total Encumbrance: 0 Stalk 7 Per 2 9

Description: Giant rats are found in the sewers and garbage heaps Attack: Enc. Atks. Rng. Level Total 2 3–6 7–11 12–15 16
of all towns in the Eastern Marches, though Hornsburg is famous Bite – 1 M 3 7 C 3 3 2 F
for it’s rodent problems.More than once it has been suggested that
the rodents be given a seat upon the councils,since they have such Life Points: 5 Fatigue Points: 10
a sizable presence in the city. Giant rats are about a meter from snout
to tail and are fierce when cornered.They have an attraction to Money: None Total Encumbrance: 0
bright shiny objects. If characters manage to track a giant rat to its
den,they might find something useful among the worthless trinkets. Description: Wolves range throughout the Eastern Marches in
both large and small packs.They usually avoid humanoids, but the
prospect of tormenting lone people for fun is very tempting to them
and travelers must be wary.

The creatures in this beastiary do not comprise the entire bestiary.
Creatures and monsters unique to Unlond have been removed from the Bestiary.

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