Activated Alumina F2000 Data Sheet
Activated Alumina F2000 Data Sheet
Activated Alumina F2000 Data Sheet
Adsorbents and Catalyst
hydrothermal stability
Product Information
F-2000 is a smooth, spherical adsor-
2. High crush strength. F-2000's high
crush strength allows for the use of
pneumatic loading techniques as
bent, custom formulated to provide
enhanced hydrothermal stability un- well as the design of taller dehydra-
der adverse operating conditions in tion towers which optimize the per-
the dehydration of a wide variety of formance of the desiccant. F-2000 is
gases and liquids. F-2000 desiccant resistant to bases such as amines
ACTIVATED is available as 1/8 inch and 3/16 inch and is appropriate for the use in de-
spheres, packaged in vapor barrier hydrating acid containing gases,
ALUMINAS such as CO 2, due to its superior
drums, multi-wall paper bags and
sling bins. crush strength.
3. Low abrasion. The low abrasion of
Product Benefits F-2000 ensures less dusting during
F-2000 1. High adsorptive capacity. The high
surface area and customized pore
transfer, loading, and service life.
This reduces pressure drop and
distribution of F-2000 provides a high mini-mizes downstream valve and
dynamic H2O adsorption capacity. filter plugging, common to dustier
F-2000 provides excellent dewpoint products.
depression, attaining H2O effluent 4. Uniform ball size. The uniform
specification as low as 100°F ball size and sphericity of F-2000
(73°C). With its resistance to hydro- eliminates the potential for adsor-
thermal aging, F-2000 offers excel- bent segregation during loading or
lent cyclic stability that yields a long while in dehydration service. Adsor-
adsorbent life, even under adverse bent ball uniformity provides pres-
regeneration conditions. sure drop reduction (versus a non-
uniform ball product) and lessens
the chance of fluid channeling
during operation.
Typical Properties of F-2000
Physical 1/8 inch 3/16 inch
Surface area 340 m2/gram 330 m2/gram
Total Pore Volume 0.5 cc/gm 0.5 cc/gm
Packed Bulk Density 48 lbs/ft3 (769 kg/m3) 48 lbs/ft3 (769 kg/m3)
Crush Strength 30 lbs(13.6 kgs) 40 lbs (18 kgs)
Abrasion Loss 0.1 wt% 0.1 wt%
Chemical wt%
Al2O3 + proprietary modifier 93.1
Fe2O3 0.02
Na2O 0.30
LOl (250 - 1100°C) 6.5
P R O D U C T Competitive
1300 1500
USA/3110-R01/0104 Page 1 of 2 Temperature °F
Product Applications 2. With its hydrothermal stability, As noted in the isotherm below,
1. A wide variety of gases and liquids F-2000 is particularly suited for va- F-2000 retains its H2O adsorption
can be dehydrated with F-2000 por phase dehydration applications capacity better than competitive acti-
activated alumina based desiccant. such as "heat of compression" type- vated alumina products under adverse
F-2000 is appropriate for use in both dryers and when wet gas regenera- (hot wet gas) regeneration conditions.
thermally regenerative (350 to 600°F) tion is utilized.
and pressure swing (PSA) modes.
Wt% H2O Adsorbed
20 F-2000
15 Competitive
0 20 40 60 80 100
% Relative Humidity
Note: Artificial aging is an isothermal treatment purposely set to reduce the specific surface area of the fresh alumina
to a value close to 100 m2/gm. This simulates the physical properties of a spent alumina desiccant.
MSDS Number-931
Adsorbents & Catalyst
P R O D U C T 15333 JFK Boulevard, Suite 425, Houston, TX 77032 USA
Phone: 800-221-7392 or 281-372-1800 Fax: 281-590-3294
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