Selexsorb CDX Data Sheet
Selexsorb CDX Data Sheet
Selexsorb CDX Data Sheet
Adsorbents and Catalyst
organic compounds
Product In formation
Selexsorb ® CDX is a smooth, spherical
adsorbent, custom formulated to provide
is an excellent selective adsorbent for
the removal of the following contami-
nants from isobutylene and isoamylene
optimum adsorption capacity for a wide feedstreams to these etherification
range of polar organic compounds in- processes: ammonia; acetonitrile;
cluding: sulfur based molecules (mer- propionitrile; dimethyl formamide; var-
captans, sulfides, disulfides, thiophenes); ious amines; dimethyl sulfide; methyl,
nitrogen based molecules (nitriles, ethyl and propyl mercaptans; dimethyl
ACTI VATED amines, amides, pyridines); and oxy- disulfide; thiophenes as well as H 2O.
genated hydrocarbon molecules (alco-
ALUMINAS hols, glycols, aldehydes, ketones, 2. The C4 raffinate stream from MTBE
ethers, peroxides). Selexsorb CDX is production processes and the C5 raf-
available as 7 x 14 Tyler mesh, and 1/8" finate stream from TAME production
spheres, packaged in vapor barrier processes contain oxygenates which
often require removal to assure a con-
drums, and sling bins.
Selexsorb CDX
taminant-free feed stream to petroleum
refining and petrochemical processes.
Product Applications Removal of oxygenates such as
1. The isobutylene feedstream to MTBE methanol, dimethyl ether, tertiary
r butyl
(methyl tertiary butyl ether) processes alcohol, MTBE and TAME from these
often contain nitrogen and sulfur based raffinate streams can be accomplished
organic contaminants which can de- by use of Selexsorb CDX.
activate the ion exchange resin type
etherification catalyst. Likewise, iso- 3. Selexsorb CDX is custom formulated
amylene feedstreams to TAME (tertiary to remove a wide variety of nitrogen, sulfur
amyl methyl ether) production processes and oxygen based organic contaminants
contain impurities which adversely effect from liquid hydrocarbon feedstreams to
the macroreticular ion exchange resin catalytic processes such as isomeriza-
catalyst as well as the palladium impreg- tion, dehydrogenation and hydrogena-
nated hydrogenation catalyst installed in tion. Catalyst protection is assured with
TAME process reactors. Selexsorb CDX the use of Almatis selective adsorbents.
Chemical wt%
Al2O3 + Proprietary Modifier 95.1
Trace impurities 0.4
LOl (250 - 1200°C) 4.5
Adsorbents & Catalysts
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