Shuck 1933
Shuck 1933
Shuck 1933
Symmetrical Components
lai Eai
current networks, to establish more clearly certain
facts useful in the explanation of power and energy
ίERTAIN NET WORKS designed to metering networks.
meter simultaneously and separately the positive In order to simplify the vector diagrams and nota-
and negative sequence components of power or tion, the secondary voltages and currents of all the
energy are described in this article. Tables are instrument transformers are assumed to have the
included showing the location and number of instru- same value and phase position as the corresponding
ment transformers required for each network, and primary values. Obviously, this notation will not
equations involving the design of the impedances of affect the result since all the vectors will be reversed.
the metering systems are given. It is suggested The following symbols will be used in this article :
that the components of power be utilized in relays
E , E , Eb, EQ phase voltages of an unbalanced system
and control equipment, as well as the components he, a c
Contents of previous publications on metering of EE , zero a2 E , Eb2 negative sequence voltages of the system
to the components of current and voltage in 3-phase Ibci, Icai, Iabi positive sequence line currents of a 3-phase system
3-wire systems. The method of resolving an un- hci, Icaï, Iabi negative sequence line currents of a 3-wire system
I*, h, h, h line currents of a 3-phase 4-wire system
balanced 3-phase system into the 3 symmetrical Z \, Z \ impedances of the positive sequence potential network
a c
components—a balanced 3-phase positive-sequence Zai, Zci impedances of the negative sequence potential network
R internal resistance in series with the moving element of a stand-
system, a balanced 3-phase negative-sequence sys- ard m
wattmeter or voltmeter
tem, and a uniphase or zero-sequence system—has Z impedance equal to that of the current coil of the wattmeter or
τ — (8)
ί al ry
6 a2
Fig. 2. Negative sequence voltage ICI = -ry—
Fig. 3. Positive and negative sequence
voltage Il = Ia2 + Ici (10)
Γλ current flowing through current coil of any negative sequence The equivalent voltage indicated by the voltmeter
Iai, h i , h i , l a , etc., currents flowing through impedances having is:
corresponding subscripts
7i current flowing through the potential coil of any positive sequence hRm (Π)
Λ current flowing through the potential coil of any negative sequence
Consequently the meter indicates the negative se-
meter. quence voltage when the network is applied to an as-
sumed negative sequence system.
METERING OF Although it has been shown that the component
voltmeters indicate correctly when the networks are
POSITIVE AND NEGATIVE SEQUENCE VOLTAGES applied to the respective component systems, it
In using a standard voltmeter combined with a remains yet to be proved that the voltmeters will
potential network to measure the symmetrical com- indicate correctly when the networks are applied
ponents of voltage, the high internal resistance R m
to an unbalanced set of voltages. A proof of this
is removed, leaving only the negligibly small resist- is shown in the following equations:
ance of the moving element of the meter. Conse- Egl Eçl (12)
quently the network impedances which take the Il =
Zi Zi
place of R , together with the line voltages, entirely
a c
control the magnitude and phase position of the po-
+ p = ο (13)
tential current of the meter. Zal
The complex components of the network imped- Egl + Eg-, Ed + E Eg £ç (14)
ances may be any value provided the following gen- Il = c2 +
Zgl Zl Zg\ Z\
eral equations are satisfied :
Zi = f/tZal (1) (15)
h =
Za2 C
the network impedances, assume that a positive It is apparent, in comparing eq 12 with 14, and
sequence network can be applied to a positive se- 15 with 17, that the networks produce the same re-
quence set of voltages as shown in Fig. 1. sult, and hence the correct result, when applied to
Let Z i = \ / 3 j° R .
a An inspection of the net-
any unbalanced set of line voltages as when they
work and the vector diagram shows the validity of were applied to their respective component voltages.
the following equations: In Fig. 3 is shown the positive and negative se-
quence networks of Figs. 1 and 2 combined and ap-
1*1 = (4) plied to an unbalanced set of voltages. If the phase
sequence of the line voltages happen to be reversed
/- = ψ (5)
from that shown in Fig. 3 the network would func-
tion, but the voltmeter V\ would become voltmeter
Il = hl + Ici (6) V , and V would become V\. The larger reading
2 2
The equivalent voltage indicated by the voltmeter voltmeter is the positive sequence meter except
is: in very extreme cases of unbalance.
JlRm = j V . £ (7)
e l
Consequently the meter indicates the positive se-
quence voltage when the network is applied to an In using a standard ammeter to measure the posi-
assumed positive sequence system. tive and negative sequence current of a 3-phase 3-
Again, assume that a negative sequence network wire system a current network is utilized, which con-
can be applied to a negative sequence set of voltages sists of a low resistance r, a low impedance s, and an
as shown in Fig. 2. impedance Z,„, equivalent to the impedance of the
j"/<Ibcl + lb*) , 4
This is the fundamental equation for all the current +
m i c a X ICA2)
+ = 0 (23)
current 30 deg. The vector diagram of Fig. 4 shows
the components of the line currents. Two com- Therefore,
ponents pass through the ammeter; J a com- caU
X/6c2 4 IbcQ 3
(^ca2 4 I cal)
impedance z. Consequently the ammeter indicates It is apparent in comparing eq 19 with 21, and 22
the sum of these 2 currents which is equal to I . s] with 24, that the component networks produce the
It is seen from the diagram that the current I i is s same result when applied to the unbalanced line
equal and opposite to the current I \. Conse- ba currents as if they were applied to their respective
quently it is apparent that this ammeter indicates component systems.
directly the positive sequence current when the net- In Fig. 6 is shown the positive and negative se-
work is applied to a positive sequence system. quence networks of Figs. 4 and 5 combined to meter
Again, assuming a negative sequence system of simultaneously and separately the 2 components of
line currents and a negative sequence network as current.
shown in Fig. 5, it is seen that the 2 components
which pass through the ammeter are zlca2> & com- METERING OF SYMMETRICAL COMPONENTS OF POWER
ponent of I i passing through the impedance z, and
V 3 Εχ X Ii positive sequence power. Method (b) meters read direct and Κ is the multiplying factor of
involves the component network system consisting the wattmeter assuming a 1 to 1 ratio of instrument
of a standard wattmeter with its potential internal transformers.
resistance R removed, a positive sequence current
m In order to determine definitely the location and
network equivalent to that shown in Fig. 4, a posi- number of instrument transformers to be used in con-
tive sequence voltage network equivalent to that junction with the various networks which are shown
shown in Fig. 1 with the exception that the value in this article, numerical values of an unbalanced
Κ = 1. A comparison of the 2 vector diagrams of 3-phase 3-wire system will be assumed, and the com-
Fig. 7 reveals that the 2 wattmeters will indicate ponent values calculated.
the same values and consequently the correct posi-
tive sequence watts. E 100 + j c a Iah 32 - j 13.5
E -25 + j 5Ce lea - 2 2 . 3 5 + j 15.165
An assumed balanced negative sequence system, E - 7 5 - j 50b I - 9.65 - j 1.665 bc
1.93 - j 25.525
m c2 I a2 -14.53 - j 4.34 C
(b) may be combined as shown in Fig. 9, with the equivalent voltage of wattmeter Wi when the poten-
assurance that each wattmeter will indicate its re- tial transformers are located across voltages E and c
spective component of power. The relative com- E ; and I (ab) (ca) is the current passing through the
b 2
plex values of the impedances for this network are current coil of wattmeter W when the current trans- 2
given in the following equations : formers are located in lines ab and ca. Only those
combinations may be used which give approximately
Z = Z = Kj*/*R (25)
el a2 m
2,596 watts in the positive sequence wattmeter and
Zl = Z = Kj R (26) 452 watts in the negative sequence wattmeter. It is
a e2 m
Z = Kj°R (28)
The relations of impedances in this energy net work
c l m
are shown in eqs 29 and 30 :
The vector diagram of Fig. 10 and eqs 27 and 28 (29)
show the phase relations of the positive sequence sys-
Zd = Z Kj^X (30)
tem. Comparing this diagram with that of Fig. 8 a2 L
sible combinations of transformers for this network. the potential coil is assumed to be negligible. The
vector diagrams of Fig. 11 show that when the poten-
POSITIVE AND NEGATIVE SEQUENCE ENERGY tial transformers are located across voltages E and a
It is apparent that a network which will be opera- be and ab the watthour meters will register the true
tive with electrodynamometer type wattmeters, components of energy. Table III shows the possible
Fig. 9 . Positive and negative sequence Fig. 1 0 . Positive and negative se- Fig. 1 2 . Vector diagram of modified
power quence power energy network
E W / " ™ / E C 2
Fig. 1 1 . Positive and negative sequence energy Fig. 13. Three-phase 4-wire network
presence of zero sequence currents is shown in Fig. 13.
The potential network is similar in all respects to
those used in the other circuits previously described.
Table II—Location of Potential and Series Transformers to The current network is also similar to the others with
Meter Simultaneously, Positive and Negative Sequence the exception that a double secondary current trans-
Power When Using Network Shown in Fig. 1 0 . Κ = 1 former is placed in the fourth conductor. The ratio
of transformation of this transformer is 3 times that
Potential Transformers Series Transformers Watts
of the other 2 current transformers. The second-
aries are connected in the circuit differentially with
1. Eacl /i(ea)(ob) 2,591
respect to the secondaries of the others. This con-
El ac h(ea)(ab) 451.6 nection causes only the positive and negative se-
3,042.6 quence components to flow into the network imped-
Eabl .h(bc)(ab) 2,599 ances, and the latter functions as in all the other
Eab2 • h(bc)(ab) 452.5 networks.
3,051.5 Attention is called to the fact that zero sequence
Eebl. • Ii(ca)(bc) 2,597 currents may be eliminated by another method of
E b2. C .h(ca)(bc) 454
connecting 2 differentially connected pairs of series
3,051 transformers together so that currents equal to the
difference of the line currents flow through the net-
work. This method, however, causes currents to
flow through the meters equal to V 3 times their true
31 and 32 will tend to decrease errors due to the pres- value and 30 deg displaced from the true values, and
ence of resistance of the potential coil. therefore would not be suitable for the networks
shown in this article.
The vector diagram of Fig. 13 shows an assumed
_ + - — + - (3D
7 l I a l 7 c l Έ
unbalanced current system containing positive, nega-
k { r + J X l )
former connected as shown in Fig. 14. zero, and although I is present, the total power of
meter the total power of the unbalanced system. 9.O. CI.NSchoenfeld. Elec. JL, Jan. 1925, p. 30-3.
D U C T I O N M O T O R S O N U N B A L A N C E D C I R C U I T S , A. M . Dudley. Elec. JL,
This is the case when both E and I are present. In July 1924, p. 339-43.
0 0
Lighting for cannot make even a normal man see without light.
Providing the proper lighting is the job of the engi-
neer, and Fig. 1 indicates some of the characteristics
Effective Seeing
which must be considered.
Among these characteristics of lighting we find
certain positive factors such as level of illumination
or foot-candles, and distribution and diffusion of the
light; certain negative factors such as glare, direct
A non-technical explanation of the funda- and reflected ; and other characteristics, which may
mental conceptions and relations under- be helpful or otherwise, such as direction of light,
source brightness, type of object to be seen, and
lying the application of lighting for effec- background about that object.
tive seeing is given in this article. The The seriousness of one of the least appreciated of
tables and diagrams included should be these characteristics, glare, is illustrated by the
useful in any study of illumination and in- following example. An operator is working before
a machine illuminated by a bare lamp bulb and sus-
tensity. pended on a drop cord above the machine. As-
suming that seeing conditions other than glare are
satisfactory, the seeing ability of the operator
By will be reduced to 5 8 per cent if this lamp bulb,
L. V . J A M E S General Elec. Co., the source of glare, is at an angle 4 0 deg above the
Chiosso, III. line of vision; this simply means that 4 2 per cent
of the light originally furnished is neutralized or
rendered ineffective and wasted. As the glare source
is lowered further toward the line of vision, its im-
portance as a waster of energy and an interference
I HE INFLUENCE of good lighting
with seeing greatly increases. At any angle of 2 0
on seeing has been demonstrated by various labora-
deg above the line of vision, 5 3 per cent of the
tory studies ; the successful application of the results
light is wasted, at 10 deg 69 per cent is wasted, and
brought forth in these studies, however, depends
at 5 deg 8 4 per cent of the light furnished is wasted.
upon an understanding of the fundamental principles
of lighting and seeing. So far, the maximum eco-
nomic and human benefits from the manufacturing WHAT CONSTITUTES BETTER SEEING?
and technical developments in artificial lighting have
not been secured, due to the fact that the funda- Let us examine more in detail the results in better
mental principles are not sufficiently well known. seeing through the elimination of glare. Without
Certain of these principles are outlined in the
following paragraphs.
An individual retains a mental picture of each
visual observation. Whether that picture is clear
and distinct, or is hazy and easily forgotten or
easily replaced, depends largely upon whether the
light was proper, the lens (or eye) was accurate,
and the film (retina and receptiveness) fresh and
sensitive, with proper time allowance for good im-
pression. Of these 3 elements in seeing, 2 are
suggested in Fig. 1; namely, first, the external
physical realm including light and lighting, and
second, the eye or visual sense. The third element,
the internal realm consisting of the mental proc-
Essentially full text of an address presented before a conference on economics
of applied lighting, Case School of Applied Science, Cleveland, Ohio, Feb. 8-9,
1933, and based upon a pamphlet "Lighting for Seeing," by M. Luckiesh
Fig. 1. Lighting and vision are both necessary
(ΜΊ5) and F. K. Moss. Not published in pamphlet form. for seeing