SAS Assignment 1 5 E057

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SAS Assignment

Name: Jayant Singh

Roll Number: E057
Class: B. Tech CS
Div: E

Activity 1.03 *;

* 1) View the code. How many steps are in the program? => 3

* 2) How many statements are in the PROC PRINT step? => 4

* 3) How many global statements are in the program? => 3

* 4) Run the program and view the log.

* 5) How many observations were read by the PROC PRINT step? => 11
Activity 1.04 *;

* 1) Format the program to improve the spacing. What syntax error is detected? Fix the error
and run the program.
data canadashoes;
where region="Canada";

proc print
data=canadashoes; run;

* 2) Read the log and identify any additional syntax *;

* errors or warnings. Correct the program and *;

* format the code again. *;

* 3) Add a comment to describe the changes that you *;

* made to the program. *;

1. Added semicolon after data canadashoes

2. Indented set and added semicolon
3. Indented run statements in both the lines
4. Fixed a typo in proc statement

* 4) Run the program and examine the log and results.

*; LOG:

* How many rows are in the canadashoes data? => 37

* Activity 2.04 *;

* 1) Write a PROC CONTENTS step to generate a report *;

* of the STORM_SUMMARY.SAS7BDAT table properties. *;

* Highlight the step and run only the selected *;

* code. =>
proc sort data=pg1.storm_summary;
by Season Name;

* 2) How many observations are in the table? => 3118

* 3) How is the table sorted? => Sorted by Season Name

* Activity 2.07 *;

* 1) Complete the OPTIONS statement to ensure that the column names follow SAS
naming conventions. *;

* 2) Complete the LIBNAME statement to create a library named NP that reads NP_INFO.XLSX
in the data folder.
LIBNAME NP XLSX "/folders/myfolders/2. Datasets/PG1/data/pg194/np_info.xlsx";
* 3) Highlight the OPTIONS and LIBNAME statements and *;

* run the selection. *;

* 4) Navigate to your list of libraries and open the *;

* NP library. Open each table and view the data. *;



* Activity 2.08 *;

* 1) If necessary, update the path of the course files *;

* in the LIBNAME statement. *;

libname np xlsx "/folders/myfolders/2. Datasets/PG1/data/np_info.xlsx";

* 2) Complete the PROC CONTENTS step to read the parks *;

* table in the NP library. *;

proc contents data= np.parks;

* 3) Complete the LIBNAME statement to clear the NP *;

* library. *;
libname NP CLEAR;

* 4) Run the program and examine the log. Which column *;

* names were modified to follow SAS naming *;

* conventions? *;
* Activity 2.09 *;

* 1) This program imports a tab-delimited file. Run *;

* the program twice and carefully read the log. *;

* What is different about the second submission? *;

* 2) Fix the program and rerun it to confirm that the *;

* import is successful. *;


CHANGED THE OUTPUT TO storm_damage_tab_new

proc import
dbms=tab out=storm_damage_tab;
proc import
dbms=tab out=storm_damage_tab_new;

* Activity 3.02 *;

* 1) Run the program. Examine the results and the log. *;

* Are the two WHERE statements applied? *;

The where statements are not applied as MaxWindMPH has the value 132 which is smaller than 156
* 2) Change the second WHERE statement to WHERE ALSO *;

* and rerun the code. Examine the results and the *;

* log. Are the two WHERE statements applied? *;

Modified Code:
proc print data=pg1.storm_summary;
where MaxWindMPH>156;
where also MinPressure>800 and MinPressure<920;

* Activity 3.03 *;

* 1) Uncomment each WHERE statement one at a time and *;

* run the step to observe the rows that are *;

* included in the results. *;


* 2) Comment all previous WHERE statements. Add a new *;

* WHERE statement to print storms that begin with *;

* Z. How many storms are included in the results? *;

proc print data=pg1.storm_summary(obs=50);

*where MinPressure is missing; /*same as MinPressure = .*/

*where Type is not missing; /*same as Type ne " "*/

*where MaxWindMPH between 150 and 155;

*where Basin like "_I";

where Name like 'Z%';


* Activity 3.04 *;

* 1) Change the value in the %LET statement from NA to *;

* SP. *;

* 2) Run the program and carefully read the log. *;

* Which procedure did not produce a report? *;

* What is different about the WHERE statement in *;

* that step? *;

* Activity 3.06 *;

* 1) Highlight the PROC PRINT step and run the *;

* selected code. Notice how the values of Lat, Lon, *;

* StartDate, and EndDate are displayed in the *;

* report. *;


proc print data=pg1.storm_summary(obs=20);

format Lat Lon 4. StartDate EndDate


* 2) Change the width of the DATE format to 7 and run *;

* the PROC PRINT step. How does the display of *;

* StartDate and EndDate change? *;


DATE WIDTH = 7 (Note 1980 changes to 80)

* 3) Change the width of the DATE format to 11 and run *;

* the PROC PRINT step. How does the display of *;

* StartDate and EndDate change? *;

DATE WIDTH = 11 (Hyphens are added)

* 4) Highlight the PROC FREQ step and run the selected *;

* code. Notice that the report includes the number *;

* of storms for each StartDate. *;


proc freq data=pg1.storm_summary

order=freq; tables StartDate;

*Add a FORMAT statement;


* 5) Add a FORMAT statement to apply the MONNAME. *;

* format to StartDate and run the PROC FREQ step. *;

* How many rows are in the report? *;


proc freq data=pg1.storm_summary order=freq;

tables StartDate;
format put StartDate MONNAME3.;
* Activity 3.07 *;

* 1) Modify the OUT= option in the PROC SORT statement *;

* to create a temporary table named STORM_SORT. *;

* 2) Complete the WHERE and BY statements to answer *;

* the following question: Which storm in the North *;

* Atlantic basin (NA or na) had the strongest *;

* MaxWindMPH? *;

proc sort data=pg1.storm_summary out=STORM_SORT;

where Basin = 'na' or Basin = 'NA';
by descending MaxWindMPH;

* Activity 4.01 *;

* 1) Complete the DATA step to create a temporary *;

* table named STORM_NEW and read PG1.STORM_SUMMARY. *;

* Run the program and read the log. *;

set PG1.storm_summary;
* 2) Define a library named out pointing to the output *;

* folder in the main course files folder. *;

libname out "/folders/myfolders/2. Datasets/Libraries";

* 3) Change the program to save a permanent version of *;

* STORM_NEW in the out library. Run the modified *;

* program. *;

data out.STORM_NEW;
set PG1.storm_summary;
* Activity 4.03 *;

* 1) Change the name of the output table to *;

* STORM_CAT5. *;

* 2) Include only Category 5 storms (MaxWindMPH *;

* greater than or equal to 156) with StartDate on *;

* or after 01JAN2000. *;

* 3) Add a statement to include the following columns *;

* in the output data: Season, Basin, Name, Type, *;

* and MaxWindMPH. How many Category 5 storms *;

* occurred since January 1, 2000? *;

libname out "/folders/myfolders/2. Datasets/Libraries";

data out.storm_cat5;

set pg1.storm_summary;

where MaxWindMPH >= 156 and StartDate >=

MDY(1,1,2000); keep Season Basin Name Type MaxWindMPH

* Activity 4.04 *;

* 1) Add an assignment statement to create StormLength *;

* that represents the number of days between *;

* StartDate and EndDate. *;

data storm_length;
set pg1.storm_summary;
drop Hem_EW Hem_NS Lat Lon;
StormLength = EndDate -

* 2) Run the program. In 1980, how long did the storm *;

* named Agatha last? => 6 Days

* Activity 4.05 *;

* 1) Open the PG1.STORM_RANGE table and examine the *;

* columns. Notice that each storm has four wind *;

* speed measurements. *;

* 2) Create a new column named WindAvg that is the *;

* mean of Wind1, Wind2, Wind3, and Wind4. *;

* 3) Create a new column WindRange that is the range *;

* of Wind1, Wind2, Wind3, and Wind4. *;

data storm_wingavg;
set pg1.storm_range;
WindAvg = mean(Wind1, Wind2, Wind3, Wind4);
WindRange = Range(Wind1, Wind2, Wind3,

* Activity 4.06 *;

* 1) Add a WHERE statement that uses the SUBSTR *;

* function to include rows where the second letter *;

* of Basin is P (Pacific ocean storms). *;

* 2) Run the program and view the log and data. How *;

* many storms were in the Pacific basin? *;


data pacific;

set pg1.storm_summary;

drop Type Hem_EW Hem_NS MinPressure Lat

Lon; where substr(Basin, 2, 1)='P';


* Activity 4.07 *;

* 1) Add the ELSE keyword to test conditions *;

* sequentially until a true condition is met. *;

* 2) Change the final IF-THEN statement to an ELSE *;

* statement. *;

data storm_cat;
set pg1.storm_summary;
keep Name Basin MinPressure StartDate PressureGroup;
*add ELSE keyword and remove final condition;
*if MinPressure=. then PressureGroup=.;
if MinPressure<=920 then PressureGroup=1;
else PressureGroup=0;


proc freq data=storm_cat;

where PressureGroup =
1; tables PressureGroup;

* 3) How many storms are in PressureGroup 1? => 1 Storm

* Activity 4.08 *;

* 1) Run the program and examine the results. Why is *;

* Ocean truncated? What value is assigned when *;

* Basin='na'?

=> Since length is less than name of the ocean.

=> if Basin is ‘na’ Value assigned is Atlantic.

* 2) Modify the program to add a LENGTH statement to *;

* declare the name, type, and length of Ocean *;

* before the column is created. *;

* 3) Add an assignment statement after the KEEP *;

* statement to convert Basin to uppercase. Run the *;

* program. *;

* 4) Move the LENGTH statement to the end of the DATA *;

* step. Run the program. Does it matter where the *;

* LENGTH statement is in the DATA step? *;

Ocean Length = 10

Basin = Uppercase

data storm_summary2;
set pg1.storm_summary;
where Basin = 'na';
length Ocean $10;
keep Basin Season Name MaxWindMPH Ocean;
Basin = upcase(Basin);
if OceanCode="I" then Ocean="Indian";
else if OceanCode="A" then Ocean="Atlantic";
else Ocean="Pacific";
* Activity 4.09 *;

* Run the program. Why does the program fail? *;

Reason for Fail: The program fails due to no matching If-then clause and as there were 2 unclosed Do

* Activity 5.01 *;
* 1) In the program, notice that there is a TITLE *;
* statement followed by two procedures. Run the *;
* program. Where does the title appear in the *;
* output? *;
* 2) Add a TITLE2 statement above PROC MEANS to print *;
* a second line: *;
* Summary Statistics for MaxWind and MinPressure *;
title "Storm Analysis";
title "Summary Statistics for MaxWind and MinPressure";

proc means data=pg1.storm_final;

var MaxWindMPH

proc freq data=pg1.storm_final;

tables BasinName;
* 3) Add another TITLE2 statement above PROC FREQ with *;
* this title: Frequency Report for Basin *;

title "Storm Analysis";

title "Summary Statistics for MaxWind and MinPressure";

proc means data=pg1.storm_final;

var MaxWindMPH

title "Frequency Report for Basin";

proc freq data=pg1.storm_final;
tables BasinName;

* 4) Run the program. Which titles appear above each *;

* report? *;
* Activity 5.02 *;
* Notice that there are no TITLE statements in the *;
* code. Run the program. Does the report have *;
* titles? *;

No Title
* Activity 5.03 *;
* 1) This code creates a macro variable named oc that *;
* stores the text string Pacific. The oc macro *;
* variable is then used in the WHERE statement to *;
* subset the data. *;
* 2) Update the TITLE2 statement to use the macro *;
* variable. Run the program. *;
%let oc=Pacific;
ods noproctitle;
title 'Storm Analysis';
title2 &oc;

proc means data=pg1.storm_final;

where Ocean="&oc";
var MaxWindMPH MinPressure;


ods proctitle;

* 3) Change the value of the macro variable to *;

* Atlantic and run the program again. *;
%let oc=Atlantic;
ods noproctitle;
title 'Storm Analysis';
title2 &oc;

proc means data=pg1.storm_final;

where Ocean="&oc";
var MaxWindMPH MinPressure;

ods proctitle;
* Activity 5.04 *;
* 1) Modify the LABEL statement in the DATA step to *;
* label the Invoice column as Invoice Price. *;
data cars_update;
keep Make Model MSRP Invoice AvgMPG;
AvgMPG=mean(MPG_Highway, MPG_City);
label MSRP="Manufacturer Suggested Retail
Price" AvgMPG="Average Miles per Gallon"
Invoice = "Invoice Price";

proc means data=cars_update min mean

max; var MSRP Invoice;

proc print data=cars_update;

var Make Model MSRP Invoice
AvgMPG; run;

* 2) Run the program. Why do the labels appear in the *;

* PROC MEANS report but not in the PROC PRINT *;
* report? Fix the program and run it again. *;
data cars_update;
keep Make Model MSRP Invoice AvgMPG;
AvgMPG=mean(MPG_Highway, MPG_City);
label MSRP="Manufacturer Suggested Retail
Price" AvgMPG="Average Miles per Gallon"
Invoice = "Invoice Price";

proc means data=cars_update min mean

max; var MSRP Invoice;

proc print data=cars_update label;

var Make Model MSRP Invoice
AvgMPG; run;

* Activity 5.05 *;
* 1) Create an output table named STORM_COUNT by *;
* completing the OUT= option in the TABLES *;
* statement. *;

* 2) Run the program. Which data values are included *;
* in the output table? Which statistics are *;
* included? *;
* 3) Put StartDate and BasinName in separate TABLES *;
* statements. Add the OUT= option in each *;
* statement, and name the tables MONTH_COUNT and *;

title "Frequency Report for Basin and Storm Month";
proc freq data=pg1.storm_final order=freq noprint;
tables BasinName / out=BASIN_COUNT;
tables StartDate / out=MONTH_COUNT;
format StartDate monname. ;

* 4) Run the program and examine the two tables. Which *;

* month has the highest number of storms? *;
Ans: September with 486 Storms
* Activity 5.06 *;
* 1) Add options to include N (count), MEAN, and MIN *;
* statistics. Round each statistic to the nearest *;
* integer. *;
proc means data=pg1.storm_final n mean min maxdec= 0;
var MinPressure;
where Season >=2010;

* 2) Add a CLASS statement to group the data by Season *;

* and Ocean. Run the program. *;
proc means data=pg1.storm_final n mean min maxdec= 0 ;
var MinPressure;
class Season Ocean;
where Season >=2010;
* 3) Modify the program to add the WAYS statement so *;
* that separate reports are created for Season and *;
* Ocean statistics. Run the program. *;
* Which ocean had the lowest mean for minimum *;
* pressure? *;
ANS: Pacific
* Which season had the lowest mean for minimum *;
* pressure? *;
ANS: 2015
proc means data=pg1.storm_final n mean min maxdec=0;
var MinPressure;
class Season Ocean;
Ways 1;
where Season >=2010;

* Activity 5.07 *;
* 1) Run the PROC MEANS step and compare the report *;
* and the wind_stats table. Are the same statistics *;
* in the report and table? What do the first five *;
* rows in the table represent? *;
ANS: The first five rows represent where type =
proc means data=pg1.storm_final mean median max;
var MaxWindMPH;
class BasinName;
*ways 1;
output out=wind_stats;
* 2) Uncomment the WAYS statement. Delete the *;
* statistics listed in the PROC MEANS statement and *;
* add the NOPRINT option. Run the program. Notice *;
* that a report is not generated and the first five *;
* rows from the previous table are excluded. *;
proc means data=pg1.storm_final noprint;
var MaxWindMPH;
class BasinName;
ways 1;
output out=wind_stats;
* 3) Add the following options in the OUTPUT statement *;
* and run the program again. How many rows are in *;
* the output table? *;
* output out=wind_stats mean=AvgWind max=MaxWind; *;
proc means data=pg1.storm_final noprint;
var MaxWindMPH;
class BasinName;
ways 1;
output out=wind_stats mean=AvgWind max=MaxWind;
* Activity 5.08 *;
* Run the program and examine the results to *;
* see examples of other procedures that *;
* analyze and report on the data. *;

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