Anaesthesia in Fish
Anaesthesia in Fish
Anaesthesia in Fish
Anaesthesia in Fish
Anaesthesia is the loss of sensation and loss of the ability to feel pain. Fish are
anaesthetized for a variety of procedures such as examination, transportation,
diagnostic sampling and surgery. Since many of these procedures are more easily
performed out of the water, a condition objectionable to most fish, effective restraint is
essential. Chemical immobilization is usually less stressful and traumatic than physical
restraint for minor procedures, and for major procedures the use of an anaesthetic
agent is required. When necessary, overdose of anaesthetic agents is an acceptable
means of euthanasia.
Anaesthesia for fish is usually delivered in the water, and is therefore essentially
inhalation anaesthesia (like gas anaesthesia for mammals), as the anaesthetic agent is
absorbed across the gills. Injectable anaesthetics commonly used in mammals are less
effective in most fish species.
For short-duration of less than 5 minutes diagnostic procedures such as skin scrapings
and gill biopsies, inexact addition of anaesthetics "to effect" have traditionally been
used. In this approach, the anaesthetic is sprinkled or poured into the water until the fish
loses balance and becomes non-responsive. The procedure is then performed as
quickly as possible and the fish is returned to anaesthetic-free water to recover.
While this approach can work for minor procedures, it is not advised for longer, more
intricate surgery. Continuous delivery to the gills of known concentrations of anaesthetic
in water is required for longer procedures. A low-cost and portable recirculating system
utilizes a standard power head pump, flexible plastic tubing and clamps, an open cell
foam surgery platform cut to fit the patient, and an acrylic support fitted to an aquarium
of suitable size. The fish is put under anaesthesia by immersion in a separate tank with
a known concentration of anaesthetic, and then removed to the surgery platform. Water
containing anaesthetic is pumped from the tank and over the gills, and percolates
through the foam platform and off the acrylic support back into the tank for recirculation.
Fish can be maintained on anaesthesia for procedures lasting over two hours with such
Anaesthetic Agents
A wide variety of anaesthetic agents have been used in fish. Two of the more commonly
used anaesthetics today are tricaine methanesulfonate (MS-222) and eugenol.
Isoflurane, an anaesthetic used in vaporizers for gas anesthesia of mammals and birds,
may also be mixed into water for fish anaesthesia, although precise dosing and
volatization are problems.
Tricaine is the most commonly used fish anaesthetic. It comes as a fine white powder
which can be weighed for the proper dose, or premixed in a convenient stock solution
for addition to the anaesthesia tank by volume. Tricaine solutions are acidic and they
should be buffered prior to use with sodium bicarbonate (baking soda).
An alternative to tricaine is eugenol, the active ingredient of clove oil. Eugenol has been
used widely in koi for minor procedures, but has a limited history of use for major
surgery. Eugenol is not completely soluble in water and may be diluted in 95 percent
ethanol for a stock solution. Eugenol produces similar effects as tricaine at lower doses.
Minimize stress on the fish, as an excited fish will not experience a smooth anesthesia
event. Dim lights help reduce stimulation of the fish. The fish should be handled
carefully (and minimally) to avoid abrasions and loss of protective mucus. The
anesthesia water needs to be well aerated, because under anesthesia, breathing
(gilling) will be reduced. Fish being induced with anesthesia may go through an
excitement phase as inhibitory neurons are depressed and before anesthesia is
achieved, so a cover on the induction tank is a good idea. Skin and fins must be kept
moist throughout the out-of-water experience for the fish.
Delivery Systems
Anaesthetics can be delivered by immersing the fish in a tank or bucket of water
containing the anaesthetic, or once out of water by a recirculating or non-recirculating
system. In a non-recircultating system, anaesthesia water passes only once over the
gills and then goes to a waste collection. In a recirculating system the anaesthesia
water is collected in a sump and delivered repeatedly to the gills. In both systems
anaesthesia water can be delivered through tubing sized to fit the fish's mouth, by
gravity feed, manually, for example, pushed from a large syringe or turkey baster, or
mechanically as described above with a power-head pump. Non-recirculating systems
work best for small fish and short procedures.
Anaesthesia Recovery
For recovery from anaesthesia the fish is placed in anaesthetic-free water. If it is not
respiring (gilling) well on its own, water is directed over the gills by pulling the fish
forward through the water or by using a syringe or pump. Respirations will gradually
strengthen, normal upright attitude will return, and the fish will resist restraint. Even
once the fish is recovered and appears outwardly normal, it may remain hypoxic (low
blood oxygen levels) for some time, so maintaining adequate aeration of the water is