TV Security Statement
TV Security Statement
TV Security Statement
md 11/20/2020
Target Group
This document is aimed at professional network administrators. The information in this document is of a
rather technical nature. Based on this information, IT professionals will receive picture of the security
standards at TeamViewer, and will have any concerns resolved before deploying our software. Please feel free
to distribute this document to your customers in order to alleviate any possible security concerns.
If you do not consider yourself to be part of the target group,the soft facts in the section "The Company / the
Software" will still help you get a clear picture of how we take security seriously.
Quality Management
From our understanding, security management is unthinkable without an established quality management
system. TeamViewer GmbH is one of the few providers on the market that practices certified quality
management in accordance with ISO 9001. Our quality management follows internationally recognized
standards. We have our QM system reviewed by external audits on an annual basis.
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Currently,TeamViewer is used by more than 200million users. International top corporations from all kinds of
industries (including such highly sensitive sectors as banking, finance,healthcare and government)are
successfully using TeamViewer.
We invite you to have a look at our references all over the internet, in order to gain a first impression of the
acceptance of our solution. You’ll find that presumably most other companies had similar security and
availability requirements before they -after an intensive examination - finally decided on TeamViewer. To form
your own impression though, please find some technical details in the rest of this document.
Creating a Session and Types of Connections
When establishing a session, TeamViewer determines the optimal type of connection. After the handshake
through our master servers,a direct connection via UDPor TCP is established in 70% of all cases(even behind
standard gateways, NATs and firewalls). The rest of the connections are routed through our highly redundant
router network via TCP or http-tunnelling. You do not have to open any ports in order to work with
TeamViewer! As later described in the paragraph "Secure Connections", not even we, as the operators of the
routing servers, can read the encrypted data traffic.
Secure Connections
TeamViewer Traffic is secured using RSA public/private key exchange and AES (256 bit) session encryption.
This technology is used in a comparable form for https/TLS and is considered completely safe by today's
standards. As the private key never leaves the client computer, this procedure ensures that interconnected
computers, including the TeamViewer routing servers, cannot decipher the data stream.
Each TeamViewer client has Certificate of the master cluster and can thus verify certificates of the TeamViewer
system. These certificates are used to in a handshake between Participants of the TeamViewer network.
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Client Server
Client Server
The session key derived from this handshake is afterwards used to encrypt the communication between
parties using AES.
Password authentication
During TeamViewer's password authentication, no password equivalent data is shared because the Secure
Remote Password (SRP) protocol version 6 is used. Only a password verifier is stored on the local computer.
For more details check the section "TeamViewer Account"
Brute-Force Protection
Prospective customers who inquire about the security of TeamViewer regularly ask about encryption.
Understandably,the risk that a third party could monitor the connection or that the TeamViewer access data is
being tapped is feared most. However, the reality is that rather primitive attacks are often the most dangerous
In the context of computer security, a brute-force attack is a trial-and-error-method to guess a password that
is protecting a resource. With the growing computing power of standard computers,the time needed for
guessing long passwords has been increasingly reduced.
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As a defense against brute-force attacks, TeamViewer exponentially increases the latency between connection
attempts. It thus takes as many as 17 hours for 24 attempts. The latency is only reset after successfully
entering the correct password.
TeamViewer not only has a mechanism in place to protect its customers from attacks from one specific
computer but also from attackers controlling a large number of computers trying to access a specific target
computer, e.g. using a botnet.
Code Signing
As an additional security feature,all of our software is signed via VeriSign Code Signing. In this manner,the
publisher of the software is always readily identifiable. If the software has been changed afterwards, the digital
signature automatically becomes invalid.
Being ISO27001-certified mean that personal access control, video camera surveillance, motion detectors,
24x7 monitoring and on-site security personnel ensure access to the data center is only granted to authorized
persons and guarantee the best possible security for hardware and data.There is also a detailed identification
check at the single point-of-entry to the data center.
TeamViewer Account
TeamViewer accounts are hosted on dedicated TeamViewer servers. For information on access control, please
refer to Datacenter & Backbone above. For authorization and the Secure Remote Password protocol (SRP)
version 6 is used. This protocol combines the advantages of conventional ways of password storage. We do
not store any information on our servers that could be used by an attacker to authenticate as the given
account. In addition password is never sent to our servers during the authentication. Instead a proof is used
that is only valid for the single authentication run and can't be reused afterwards.
Data stored in the account, e.g. passwords, keys, chat logs, etc. are encrypted using a combination of RSA and
AES, where the root key for the encryption is derived from the users password. This ensures that an attacker
without the password can not access the data stored in the account.
Management Console
The TeamViewer Management Console is a web-based platform for user management, connection reporting
and managing Computers & Contacts. It is hosted in ISO-27001 certified, HIPAA compliant data centers. All
data transfer is through a secure channel using TSL(Transport SecurityLayer) encryption, the standard for
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secureInternet network connections. Sensitive data is furthermore stored AES/RSA 2048bit encrypted. It uses
the same encryption and authentication mechanisms described for the TeamViewer Account.
Policy-Based Settings
From within the TeamViewer Management Console, users are able to define, distribute, and enforce setting
policies for the TeamViewer software installations on devices that belong specifically to them. Setting policies
are digitally signed by the account that generates them. This ensures that the only account permitted to
assign a policy to a device is the account to which the device belongs.
Chat messages and their history are end-to-end encrypted and stored in the TeamViewer account using
RSA/AES as described in the chapter "TeamViewer Account". Only participants in a chatroom or 1:1 chat can
access the messages and history.
No Stealth Mode
There is no function that enables you to have TeamViewer running completely in the background. Even if the
application is running as a Windows service in the background, TeamViewer is always visible by means of an
icon in the system tray. After establishing a connection there is always a small control panel visible above the
system tray. Therefore, TeamViewer is intentionally unsuitable for covertly monitoring computers or
employees. This allows users to make sure that no sensitive data is shown on their screen during a
TeamViewer session.
Password Protection
For spontaneous customer support, TeamViewer (TeamViewer QuickSupport) generates a random password
that can be changed at any time. If your customer tells you their password, you can connect to their computer
by entering their ID and password. Depending on the settings, a new Password will be generated on the
customers computer either after a restart of TeamViewer, after the session, or when manually requested.
When deploying TeamViewer for unattended remote support (e.g. of servers), you can set an individual, fixed
password and disable the random password.
All passwords are verified using the same SRP protocol described in the "TeamViewer Account" section
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Limiting functionality to those features actually needed always means limiting possible weak points for
potential attacks.
In addition to both username and password, the user must enter a code in order to authenticate. This code is
generated via the time-based one-time password (TOTP) algorithm. Therefore,the code is only valid for a short
period of time.
Through two-factor authentication and limiting access by means of whitelisting, TeamViewer assists in
meeting all necessary criteria for HIPAA and PCI certification.
Security Testing
Both TeamViewer infrastructure and the TeamViewer Software is subject to penetration tests on a regular
basis. The tests are performed by independent companies, specialized in security testing.
Further Questions?
For further questions or information, feel free to contact us at (US) +1 (800) 951 4573 and (UK) +44 (0) 2080
997 265 or send an email to
TeamViewer Germany GmbH
Bahnhofsplatz 2
D-73033 Göppingen