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allpy Documentation

Release 0.1.0

Manfred Moitzi

Aug 09, 2017

Allplan Python Parts:

1 Allplan Python Environment 1

1.1 Installing Python 3.5 64-bit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
1.2 Learn Python! . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
1.3 Extending Allplan Python . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
1.4 Extending sys.path the Awkward Way . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
1.5 Extending sys.path the Standard Way . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
1.6 Setup for PyCharm as Development Environment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
1.7 Running the Allplan Unit Tests with PyCharm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
1.8 Install Additional Packages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
1.9 Adding Packages without Installation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
1.10 PyCharm Configuration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
1.11 Project Configuration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5

2 File Structure 7
2.1 PythonPart Files . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
2.2 Library Folders . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
2.3 PythonPartScripts Folders . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
2.4 Just Look, Don’t Touch Policy in ETC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8

3 Development Environment 11
3.1 Location of the Building Framework . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
3.2 Reload Scripts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
3.3 Windows Python Launcher . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12

4 Introduction 13

5 allpy 15

6 allpy.env 17

7 allpy.pyp 19

8 allpy.geo 21

9 23

10 allpy.workbench 25

11 allpy.util 27

12 allpy.colors 29

13 Basic PythonPartsScript 31
13.1 Required Callback Functions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31
13.2 Optional Callback Functions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32

14 Standard TextIds 33

15 Introduction 37

16 NemAll_Python_AllplanSettings 39
16.1 Classes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39

17 NemAll_Python_ArchElements 43
17.1 Classes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43

18 NemAll_Python_BaseElements 45
18.1 Classes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45
18.2 Functions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50
18.3 Global Defined Variables . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50

19 NemAll_Python_BasisElements 51
19.1 Classes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51
19.2 ENums . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 68
19.3 Global Defined Variables . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72

20 NemAll_Python_Geometry 75
20.1 Data Object Classes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75
20.2 List Classes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 94
20.3 Abstract Base Classes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 95
20.4 2D Object Classes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 99
20.5 3D Object Classes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 116
20.6 Service Classes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 148
20.7 ENum Classes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 155
20.8 Functions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 159
20.9 Global Defined Variables . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 180

21 NemAll_Python_IFW_Input 185
21.1 Classes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 185
21.2 ENums . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 196
21.3 Global Defined Variables . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 197

22 NemAll_Python_Palette 199
22.1 Classes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 199
22.2 ENums . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 210

23 NemAll_Python_Reinforcement 213
23.1 Classes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 213
23.2 ENums . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 228
23.3 Global Defined Variables . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 230

24 NemAll_Python_Utility 233
24.1 Classes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 233
24.2 Functions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 235

24.3 Global Defined Variables . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 235

25 List of unsupported API features 237

25.1 Allplan 2017.1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 237

26 News 239

27 Document License 241

28 Indices and tables 243

Python Module Index 245


Allplan Python Environment

If you want to write your own PythonParts (this is the only reason to use allpy), this Information may be of interest
for you. This section shows my personal experience I gathered by writing the allpy package and as time goes by, they
may be not true anymore! (written 25.12.2016 using Allplan 2017.1 and Python 3.5.2)
The Python Environment provided by Allplan is only determined to run PythonParts inside of Allplan, if you launch
the Python interpreter in PRG\Python, you get an error message about the missing python35.dll which is located in
the parent PRG folder. You can run the Allplan Python interpreter if you copy the python35.dll into the folder of
But this is not the only problem, the Allplan Python interpreter started inside of Allplan strips the sys.path (locations
where to search for additional modules and packages), especially the user’s site-packages folder will be removed, if
you want to use “pip” to install packages from Python Package Index (PyPI), you can only install this packages into the
Allplan site-packages directory (PRG\Python\lib\site-packages), which is in the write protected program installation
path. This requires to run the Allplan Python interpreter within a command shell with admin rigthts.
This were the point I choose not to touch the Allplan Python Environment at all and it is nevertheless possible to add
your own packages and also using “pip” to install packages from PyPI.

Installing Python 3.5 64-bit

Install a regular Python 3.5 64-bit Environment from

At the time of writing this document (25.12.2016) Python 3.6 was just released, but you have to use same Python
version as provided by your Allplan release to use the Allplan libs in your development environment to run/test your
PythonParts outside of the Allplan environment:
• Allplan 2016: has an older API, with less features, don’t use it for PythonPart development
• Allplan 2017: Windows x86-64 Python 3.5 installer
• Later versions of Allplan may have other requirements, I will try to keep this list updated.

allpy Documentation, Release 0.1.0

Learn Python!

Python is for much more useful than just PythonParts, so learn Python the proper way, read some (free) books:
• The (official) Python Tutorial by (free, no registration & online to read)
• Dive into Python 3 (free, no registration & online to read)
• Python Cookbook (free, no registration & online to read), this is advanced stuff!
• Python books linked at (english) (some are free)
• Free books linked at (english)

Extending Allplan Python

The strategy is to extend the sys.path at runtime, because I don’t know how to add paths permanently to the Allplan
Python environment (Status 25.12.2016), and Allplan removes some standard search paths from sys.path, I de-
cided to use a special python module, located in one of the Allplan Python standard search paths:
STD\PythonPartsScripts (ETC\PythonPartsScripts would also work), from this location it is available from all Python-
Parts launched by the Allplan application.

Extending sys.path the Awkward Way

The module is simple:

import sys

# replace <username> with your user name, this is the location of
# the user's site packages, so every package installed with
# 'py -m pip install --user <packagename>' is available inside of Allplan
# I would not recommend to add the system wide site-packages directory

# location of my allpy package in development status


for path in PATHS:

if path not in sys.path:
print("Extending sys.path: {}".format(path))

You can use my allpyhelper tool on the command line to create a “” file in STD\PythonPartsScripts:
py -m allpyhelper --extendsyspath

In the main PythonPartsScript you just have to import this module:

import extendsyspath
except ImportError:
print('Module not available.') # just available when called
˓→from Allplan

2 Chapter 1. Allplan Python Environment

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Extending sys.path the Standard Way

By adding the Allplan PRG path to the standard Python environment, it is possible to run/test your PythonPartsScripts
from outside of Allplan. But some API objects need a running Allplan application to work properly. And it helps
PyCharm to generate proper interface files to the binary libs to get doc strings and identifier strings for auto completion.
Again this step is not necessary to write PythonParts but it is very helpful if you use an IDE.
You can add the PRG path in your development environment (VS 2015 or PyCharm), or crate a .pth file in your user
site package folder, this is the universal solution, because it works for every IDE, Editor or just the plain command
The file location should look like this (replace <username>): C:\users\<username>\AppData\Python\Python35\site-pa
if “site-packages” does not exist, create a new folder. Add a file with a unique name and the ending .pth, I would
suggest allplan.pth. Every line in this file represents an additional search path for sys.path, but this way the Python
interpreter adds this location automatically to sys.path. The Python interpreter launched within Allplan prevents this
standard mechanism actively, therefore I needed the awkward solution with as shown above.
Example allplan.pth:

# first add path to the Allplan libs, this allows you to

# import the Allplan libs from every Python environment
C:\Program Files\Allplan\Allplan 2017\Prg
# next is required for importing StdReinfShapeBuilder
# next is required for importing the Allplan Building Framework

You can use my allpyhelper tool on the command line to create a “allplan.pth” file in your site package folder:

py -m allpyhelper --setlibpath

Setup for PyCharm as Development Environment

If you choose Visual Studio as your development environment, please follow the instruction provided by Allplan.
This section shows how to setup PyCharm as developing environment for PythonParts.
Setup a new PyCharm Project.
The Allplan python environment installed in C:\Program Files\Allplan\Allplan 2017\Prg\Python
will not recognised as full functional Python environment by PyCharm, it is not worth to repair the Allplan Python
environment (see introduction). If you haven’t already installed a regular Python 3.5 64-bit environment, do it now.

Warning: It is not recommend to run the 32-bit and the 64-bit environment of the same Python version on the
same machine.

Set the standard project interpreter:

1. Open the settings dialog: File -> Settings -> Project Interpreter
2. Choose the system wide 64-bit version of Python 3.5 - you can also use a virtual environment, but on Windows
I don’t like them, inside of PyCharm you will not recognize many differences, but on the command line VENV
are no fun.

1.5. Extending sys.path the Standard Way 3

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3. If you haven’t created the allplan.pth file in your site packages folder, you can add the lib path to the Python
environment, in the settings menu (wheel beside the env name), choose menu “more”, select your python en-
vironment, click on “Show path for the selected interpreter” (last icon from above), and add (+ symbol) the
Allplan PRG path, the path to PRG should look like this C:\\Program Files\\Allplan\\Allplan
4. PyCharm has to update its project skeleton, this may take a while.

Running the Allplan Unit Tests with PyCharm

Download the unit test from the Allplan site, and unzip the tests into your PyCharm project directory.
Create a new test runner with Edit -> Edit Configurations ....
Add a test suite (green +) -> Python tests -> Unittests
Name the test suite, in Unittests select “All in folder”, select the folder containing the test files, as Pattern set *.py, and
use the standard Python 3.5 interpreter.
Because I use PyCharm, I don’t need PyLint and therefore I haven’t installed it, and the test breaks the
test suite, I just deleted this file.
Now you can run the unit tests provided by Allplan. But in Allplan 2017 some of the available tests from 2016-03-07
and 2016-06-24 fail, because of a change of the API.

Install Additional Packages

This chapter shows how to install new package in C:\users\<username>\AppData\Python\Python35\site-packages.

Installing the packages into the user’s site-packages directory is very important, because the Allplan PythonParts
can only access the packages installed in the user site-packages folder, if you follow my way as shown in Extending
sys.path the Awkward Way.

Installing packages with PyCharm

When installing packages with the PyCharm package dialog, check the option “install packages into user’s site-
packages directory”, if the packages should be available for PythonPartsScripts started by Allplan.

Installing from the command line into the regular Python environment

If you have a system wide (means not a virtual environment) Python environment, just type:

py -m pip install --user <package-name or package-path>

• option –user is important to install the packages in the user’s site-packages directory.
• use <package-name> to install packages from the official Python Package Index (PyPI)
• use a <package-path> to install downloaded packages from .zip or .whl files

4 Chapter 1. Allplan Python Environment

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Adding Packages without Installation

Do not add additional lines to allplan.pth, create your own .pth file as shown in Extending sys.path the Standard Way,
so you can update the Allplan paths with py -m allpyhelper -setlibpath -force, after you upgraded
your Allplan installation to a new release without loosing your paths, and also add this line to as
shown in Extending sys.path the Awkward Way, this is my preferred way to add my packages in development status.

PyCharm Configuration

To get syntax high lightning for PYP files (this are plain XML files), register the file extension *.pyp:
Menu: File -> Settings -> Editor -> File Types
In dialog field “Recognised File Types” select “XML”, and in the field “Registered Pattern” add “*.pyp”.

Project Configuration

For easy access to all PythonPartsScripts, I added my STDPythonParts directory as additional content root: Settings
-> Project -> Project Structure -> Add Content Root
And to quickly look into the Building Framework, I also added ETC\PythonPartsScripts as content root. You find
ETC in C:\\ProgramData\\Nemetschek\\Allplan\\2017 or use the Allmenu application (Service ->
Windows Explorer).

1.9. Adding Packages without Installation 5

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6 Chapter 1. Allplan Python Environment


File Structure

First some definitions:

<name> is a placeholder for your PythonPart name
<xxx.prj> is a placeholder for your current Allplan project folder
parameter file means the PythonPart (*.pyp) file
script means the PythonPartsScript (*.py) python script file
PythonPart means the PythonPart as a whole thing, all to this PythonPart related files: parameter file, script file,
preview image, translation files

PythonPart Files

For running a PythonPart in Allplan, you need at least two files:

• <name>.pyp – the parameter file can be placed anywhere, but for easy access by the Allplan library manager, it
is necessary placing it in one of Allplan library folders, else you have to drag and drop the parameter file into
the Allplan application window. It is a plain text/XML file, you can edit it with any text editor. I recommend
Notepad++ (see hint below).
• <name>.py – has to be placed in one of Allplan PythonPartsScripts folders. This is the python script file, also
a plain text file, you can edit it with any text editor. I recommend the Notepad++ (see hint below) editor or a
Python IDE (Integrated Development Environment) like Visual Studio 2015 (Community Edition) or PyCharm,
but there are many other free IDEs available, just do a Google search.

Hint: Always save your files with UTF-8 encoding, especially if you use none ASCII 7-bit characters (like ÄÖÜß)

Hint: Notepad++ vs. Python

allpy Documentation, Release 0.1.0

The standard setting in Notepad++ for code indention for Python is tabs, change this to (4) spaces. Activate the option
“Replace by Space” (Tabs) in Settings -> Preferences -> Options -> Language -> Python

In addition, there are some optional files:

• <name>.png – preview image (128x128 px) for the Allplan library manager, has to be placed next to the param-
eter <name>.pyp file.
• <name>_deu.xml – localisation xml file for each Allplan language (deu, eng, fr, . . . ). The file contains the
translations for each TextId used in the <name>.pyp file

Library Folders

These folders contain the parameter files (*.pyp).

Use the Allmenu application to find the Allplan ETC and STD folders: Service -> Windows Explorer
• ETC\Library - Allplan standard
• STD\Library - Office standard
• <xxx.prj>\Library - Project

PythonPartScripts Folders

These folders contain the script files (*.py).

• ETC\PythonPartsScripts - Allplan standard
• STD\PythonPartsScripts - Office standard
• <xxx.prj>\PythonPartsScripts - Project
Allplan will not create the PythonPartsScripts folders in STD and <xxx.prj> path, you have to create them.
You can import every script placed in one of this folders into one of your PythonPart scripts. Especially from ETC
and STD, the project related scripts are only available if this project is currently opened in Allplan.
It is possible and useful to structure your PythonParts in subfolders. It is recommend to structure the parameter files
and the script files in the same way:
• \Library\MyFirstPart\<name>.pyp - the parameter file
• \PythonpartsScripts\MyFirstPart\<name>.py - the python script
Where to place your PythonParts? In ETC, STD or <xxx>.prj, there is no recommendation from Nemetschek/Allplan.
I put my PythonParts into the STD path, so they are available to all my projects, ETC is the vendor path, here applies
the vendor policy: “Just look, don’t touch!”. I use the <xxx.prj> path just for project adapted PythonParts.

Just Look, Don’t Touch Policy in ETC

8 Chapter 2. File Structure

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Warning: The “Just look, don’t touch” policy is not a joke:

In ETC\PythonPartsScripts\GeneralScripts resides the PythonParts Building Framework, which is used by ALL
PythonParts, if you damage one of these files, no PythonPart will ever work, until you restore a proper status.

2.4. Just Look, Don’t Touch Policy in ETC 9

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10 Chapter 2. File Structure


Development Environment

Location of the Building Framework

The Allplan building framework resides in the ETC directory. You can open the ETC path with Allmenu -> Sevice
-> Windows Explorer, the location should look like C:\\ProgramData\\Nemetschek\\Allplan\\2017.
The framework is in the ETC\PythonPartsScripts\GeneralScripts folder. In ETC applies the vendor policy: “Just look,
don’t touch!”.
See also:
Just Look, Don’t Touch Policy in ETC
Location of the PythonPart parameter *.pyp file: Library Folders.
Location of the PythonPart script *.py file(s): PythonPartScripts Folders.

Reload Scripts

Allplan does not reload scripts automatically, to change this behavior open the ETC path with Allmenu, the location
should look like C:\\ProgramData\\Nemetschek\\Allplan\\2017. This is the rare case you have to
break the “Just look, don’t touch!” policy. Edit the ETC\PythonPartsScripts\GeneralScripts\
script in line #56 (Allplan 2017):

# original
build_element_script = BuildingElementUtil.import_building_element_script(build_ele_
˓→list[0], False)

# changed
build_element_script = BuildingElementUtil.import_building_element_script(build_ele_
˓→list[0], True)

and do the same in file ETC\PythonPartsScripts\GeneralScripts\ line #256 (Allplan


allpy Documentation, Release 0.1.0

The last parameter tells the import_building_element_script() function to reload the script.
This only updates the preview at the mouse pointer not the preview window in the side panel. And this may reduces
the performance of the preview building process in Allplan.

Windows Python Launcher

Since Python3 is the windows python launcher py.exe in the standard distribution included, the launcher is installed
in the C:\\Windows folder, and is therefore accessible from everywhere, so open a command line (press WIN+R
and type “cmd”) and type “py” to start the Python interpreter or “py <name>.py” to start a python script, for mor
information to py.exe see: Python docs and Python Insider

12 Chapter 3. Development Environment




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14 Chapter 4. Introduction



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16 Chapter 5. allpy


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18 Chapter 6. allpy.env


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20 Chapter 7. allpy.pyp


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22 Chapter 8. allpy.geo

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24 Chapter 9.


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26 Chapter 10. allpy.workbench



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28 Chapter 11. allpy.util



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30 Chapter 12. allpy.colors


Basic PythonPartsScript

The Allplan building framework based on callback function, these function have to follow a strict naming convention.
A PythonPartScript requires at least the implementation of the following two functions
check_allplan_version() and create_element(). These functions are called by building frame-
work if you start a PythonPart, and Allplan will complain if one of this functions is missing.

Required Callback Functions

check_allplan_version(build_ele, version)
• build_ele (BuildingElement) – BuildingElement
• version (str) – Allplan version like '2017.0'
Returns True/False if given version is supported
A request by the building framework ask the PythonPart if it supports the given version. Return True if the given
version is supported.

Note: Allplan 2017.1 also returns '2017.0'

create_element(build_ele, doc)
• build_ele (BuildingElement) – BuildingElement
• doc (NemAll_Python_IFW_Input.DocumentAdapter) – input document
Returns tuple with created elements, handles and (optional) reinforcement.
Return type tuple(list, list[, list])

allpy Documentation, Release 0.1.0

By calling this function the building framework request the geometry elements, the handles and optional the
reinforcement elements created by the PythonPart.

Optional Callback Functions

move_handle(build_ele, handle, handle_prop, input_pnt, doc)

• build_ele (BuildingElement) – BuildingElement
• handle –
• handle_prop –
• input_pnt –
• doc (NemAll_Python_IFW_Input.DocumentAdapter) – input document
Returns tuple with created elements, handles and (optional) reinforcement.
Return type tuple(list, list[, list])
on_control_event(build_ele, event_id)
• build_ele (BuildingElement) – BuildingElement
• event_id (int) – event id of control
Returns True/False if palette refresh is necessary
Called when the user clicks on a control element like a button. The controls and their event ids are defined in
PythonPart parameter file.

32 Chapter 13. Basic PythonPartsScript


Standard TextIds

Standard TextIds defined by the Allplan Building Framework:

TextId English Deutsch

e_ANGLE Angle Winkel
e_BAR_DIAMETER Bar diameter Stabdurchmesser
e_BAR_SPACING Bar spacing Stababstand
e_BENDING_ROLLER Bending pin diameter Biegerollendurchmesser
e_BORDERING_REINFORCEMENT Edge reinforcement Randeinfassung
e_BOTTOM Bottom Unten
e_COLOR Color Farbe
e_COLOR_BY_LAYER Color from layer Farbe von Layer
e_CONCRETE_COVER Concrete cover Betondeckung
e_CONCRETE_COVER_BOTTOM Concrete cover at bottom Betondeckung unten
e_CONCRETE_COVER_LATERAL Concrete cover at top Betondeckung oben
e_CONCRETE_COVER_TOP Concrete cover at top Betondeckung oben
e_CONCRETE_GRADE Concrete grade Betongüte
e_CORBEL_HEIGHT_LEFT Corbel height - left Konsolhöhe links
e_CORBEL_HEIGHT_RIGHT Corbel height - right Konsolhöhe rechts
e_CORBEL_LENGTH_LEFT Corbel length - left Konsollänge links
e_CORBEL_LENGTH_RIGHT Corbel length - right Konsollänge rechts
e_CREATE Create Erzeugen
e_CROSS_SECTION_CATALOG Cross-section catalog Querschnittsreihe
e_DIRECTION Direction Richtung
e_DISTANCE Distance Abstand
e_DISTRIBUTED_BARS Spacer bars Verteilereisen
e_EDGE_REINFORCEMENT Individual edge reinforcement Einzelrandeinfassung
e_ELEMENT_INDEX Element index Elementindex
e_EMPTY Dummy Text for invisible Strings Dummy Text for invisible Strings
e_END End Ende
e_FILLING Fill Füllfläche
Continued on next page

allpy Documentation, Release 0.1.0

Table 14.1 – continued from previous page

TextId English Deutsch
e_FORMAT Format Format
e_FORMAT_2D 2D representation 2D-Darstellung
e_FORMAT_3D 3D representation 3D-Darstellung
e_GEOMETRY Dimensions Abmessungen
e_GLOBAL_DATA Global data Globale Daten
e_GLOBAL_LONGITUDINAL_DATA Global data - longitudinal bars Global Längseisendaten
e_GLOBAL_STIRRUP_DATA Global data - stirrups Globale Bügeldaten
e_GROUNDVIEW Plan view Grundriss
e_HATCH Hatching Schraffur
e_HEIGHT Height Höhe
e_HELPCONSTRUCTION Construction lines Hilfskonstruktion
e_LANDING_LENGTH_LEFT Landing length - left Podestlänge links
e_LANDING_LENGTH_RIGTH Landing length - right Podestlänge rechts
e_LANDING_THICKNESS_LEFT Landing thickness - left Podestdicke links
e_LANDING_THICKNESS_RIGHT Landing thickness - right Podestdicke rechts
e_LAYER Layer Layer
e_LEFT Left Links
e_LENGTH Length Länge
e_LINETYPE Line Strich
e_LINETYPE_BY_LAYER Line from layer Strich von Layer
e_LONGITUDINAL_BARS Longitudinal bars Längseisen
e_MESH_GROUP Mesh group Mattengruppe
e_MESH_TYPE Mesh type Mattentyp
e_MIDDLE Middle Mitte
e_NEW_HANDLE_POSITION Set new position for handle Neue Griff Position
e_NUMBER_OF_STEPS Number of steps Stufenanzahl
e_OFFSET Offset Abstand
e_ORIENTATION Orientation Orientierung
e_OVERLAP Overlap Überstand
e_OVERLAP_BOTTOM Overlap at bottom Überstand unten
e_OVERLAP_END Overlap at end Überstand Ende
e_OVERLAP_START Overlap at start Überstand Anfang
e_OVERLAP_TOP Overlap at top Überstand oben
e_PATTERN Pattern Muster
e_PEN Pen Stift
e_PEN_BY_LAYER Pen from layer Stift von Layer
e_PROPERTIES Settings Einstellungen
e_PYTHONPART Create PythonPart PythonPart erzeugen
e_RADIUS Radius Radius
e_RADIUS_INSIDE Inside radius Radius innen
e_RADIUS_OUTSIDE Outside radius Radius außen
e_REINFORCEMENT Reinforcement Bewehrung
e_RIGHT Right Rechts
e_RISE Rise Steigung
e_ROTATION_ANGLE Angle of rotation Rotationswinkel
e_SECTION_DISPLAY Section display Schnitt-Darstellung
e_SECTION_LINE Section line Schnittlinie
e_SEGMENT_LENGTH Segment length Schenkellänge
e_SEGMENT_LENGTH_END Segment length at end Schenkellänge Ende
Continued on next page

34 Chapter 14. Standard TextIds

allpy Documentation, Release 0.1.0

Table 14.1 – continued from previous page

TextId English Deutsch
e_SEGMENT_LENGTH_START Segment length at start Schenkellänge Anfang
e_SELECT_HANDLE Select handle Griff wählen
e_SELECT_SHAPE Select shape Form auswählen
e_SET_POINT_TO Start point or angle Ausgangspunkt / Winkel
e_SHAPE1 Shape 1 Form 1
e_SHAPE10 Shape 10 Form 10
e_SHAPE11 Shape 11 Form 11
e_SHAPE12 Shape 12 Form 12
e_SHAPE13 Shape 13 Form 13
e_SHAPE14 Shape 14 Form 14
e_SHAPE15 Shape 15 Form 15
e_SHAPE16 Shape 16 Form 16
e_SHAPE17 Shape 17 Form 17
e_SHAPE18 Shape 18 Form 18
e_SHAPE19 Shape 19 Form 19
e_SHAPE2 Shape 2 Form 2
e_SHAPE20 Shape 20 Form 20
e_SHAPE21 Shape 21 Form 21
e_SHAPE22 Shape 22 Form 22
e_SHAPE23 Shape 23 Form 23
e_SHAPE24 Shape 24 Form 24
e_SHAPE25 Shape 25 Form 25
e_SHAPE3 Shape 3 Form 3
e_SHAPE4 Shape 4 Form 4
e_SHAPE5 Shape 5 Form 5
e_SHAPE6 Shape 6 Form 6
e_SHAPE7 Shape 7 Form 7
e_SHAPE8 Shape 8 Form 8
e_SHAPE9 Shape 9 Form 9
e_SHOW_HANDLES Show handles? Griffe anzeigen ?
e_SIDE1 Page 1 Seite 1
e_SIDE2 Page 2 Seite 2
e_SIDE3 Page 3 Seite 3
e_SIDE4 Page 4 Seite 4
e_SLOPE_ANGLE Angle of inclination Neigungswinkel
e_SPACING Spacing Abstand
e_STAIR Stair Treppe
e_STAIR_FLIGHT_THICKNESS Stair flight - thickness Laufdicke
e_STAIR__FLIGHT_WIDTH Stair flight - width Laufbreite
e_START Start Anfang
e_STEEL_GRADE Steel grade Stahlgüte
e_STEP Step Stufe
e_STEP_HEIGHT Step height Stufenhöhe
e_STEP_WIDTH Step width Stufenbreite
e_STIRRUPS Stirrups Bügel
e_STYLE_AREA Style area Stilfläche
e_SURFACE Surface Oberfläche
e_THICKNESS Thickness Dicke
e_THICKNESS_BOTTOM Thickness at bottom Dicke unten
Continued on next page

allpy Documentation, Release 0.1.0

Table 14.1 – continued from previous page

TextId English Deutsch
e_THICKNESS_TOP Thickness at top Dicke oben
e_TOP Top Oben
e_USE_HELPCONSTRUCTION Use construction lines Verwende Hilfskonstruktion
e_WIDTH Width Breite

36 Chapter 14. Standard TextIds



This Allplan Python API documentation should and can not replace the original documentation provided by the Allplan
company. It will always be a striped down version, explaining only the most (by myself) used features.

allpy Documentation, Release 0.1.0

38 Chapter 15. Introduction



Link to the original Allplan 2017 online documentation.



class NemAll_Python_AllplanSettings.AllplanGlobalSettings
Class for getting global Allplan settings
AllplanGlobalSettings Methods
AllplanGlobalSettings.GetCurrentColorId() → int
AllplanGlobalSettings.GetCurrentFaceStyleId() → int
AllplanGlobalSettings.GetCurrentFontId() → int
AllplanGlobalSettings.GetCurrentHatchId() → int
AllplanGlobalSettings.GetCurrentLayerId() → int
AllplanGlobalSettings.GetCurrentPatternId() → int
AllplanGlobalSettings.GetCurrentPenId() → int
AllplanGlobalSettings.GetCurrentStrokeId() → int


class NemAll_Python_AllplanSettings.AllplanLocalisationService
Class for extraction of Allplan localization settings
AllplanLocalisationService Methods
AllplanLocalisationService.AllplanLanguage() → str

allpy Documentation, Release 0.1.0

Returns Allplans currently used language as a three letter description

bul Bulgarian
deu German
eng English
fin Finnish
fra French
grc Greek
hol Dutch
hrv Croatian
ita Italian
pol Polish
rum Romanian
rus Russian
slk Slovak
spa Spanish
svn Slovenian
tch Czech
trk Turkish
ung Hungarian
dan Danish
ser Serbian
mak Macedonian
prt Portuguese
ltu Lithuanian
lva Latvian
est Estonian
ukr Ukrainian
swe Swedish
nor Norwegian
chn Chinese
kor Korean
jpn Japanese
usa USA - English

AllplanLocalisationService.Language() → str
Get the current Allplan language
Returns Allplans currently used language as a two letter description

bg Bulgarian
de German
en English
fi Finnish
fr French
el Greek
nl Dutch
hr Croatian
it Italian
pl Polish
ro Romanian
Continued on next page

40 Chapter 16. NemAll_Python_AllplanSettings

allpy Documentation, Release 0.1.0

Table 16.2 – continued from previous page

ru Russian
sk Slovak
es Spanish
sl Slovenian
cs Czech
tr Turkish
hu Hungarian
da Danish
sr Serbian
mk Macedonian
pt Portuguese
lt Lithuanian
lv Latvian
et Estonian
uk Ukrainian
sv Swedish
no Norwegian
zh Chinese
ko Korean
ja Japanese


class NemAll_Python_AllplanSettings.AllplanPaths
Class for getting Allplan paths
AllplanPaths Methods
AllplanPaths.GetCurPrjDesignPath() → str
AllplanPaths.GetCurPrjPath() → str
AllplanPaths.GetEtcPath() → str
AllplanPaths.GetStdDesignPath() → str
AllplanPaths.GetStdPath() → str
AllplanPaths.GetUsrPath() → str


class NemAll_Python_AllplanSettings.AllplanVersion
Class for extraction of Allplan version information
AllplanVersion Methods
AllplanVersion.MainReleaseName() → str
Returns Allplan main release name ('2016', '2017', ...)
AllplanVersion.SubReleaseName() → str
Returns Allplan sub release name ('2016.0', '2016.1', ...)
AllplanVersion.Version() → str

16.1. Classes 41
allpy Documentation, Release 0.1.0

Returns full Allplan version like '2016.1' or '2016.1.1'

AllplanVersion.WindowsReleaseName() → str
Returns ‘P’ for project version or empty string for the normal version

42 Chapter 16. NemAll_Python_AllplanSettings



Link to the original Allplan 2017 online documentation.

Exposed classes and functions from NemAll_Python_ArchElements



class NemAll_Python_ArchElements.AllplanElement
AllplanElement Methods
AllplanElement.GetAttributes(elem: AllplanElement) → object
Returns Attributes object
AllplanElement.GetCommonProperties(elem: AllplanElement) → CommonProperties
AllplanElement.GetGeometryObject(elem: AllplanElement) → object
Returns Geometry object
AllplanElement.SetAttributes(elem: AllplanElement, attributesObject)
Set the attributes object
AllplanElement.SetCommonProperties(arg1: AllplanElement, commonProp: CommonProper-
AllplanElement.SetGeometryObject(arg1: AllplanElement, geometryObject)


class NemAll_Python_ArchElements.ArchElement(AllplanElement)

allpy Documentation, Release 0.1.0

44 Chapter 17. NemAll_Python_ArchElements



Link to the original Allplan 2017 online documentation.



class NemAll_Python_BaseElements.Attribute


class NemAll_Python_BaseElements.AttributeByteVec(Attribute)
AttributeByteVec Methods
Multiple method signatures:
__init__(id: int, value: VecByteList)
AttributeByteVec.__eq__(other: AttributeByteVec) → bool
Returns True if self equals other.
AttributeByteVec Properties

allpy Documentation, Release 0.1.0


class NemAll_Python_BaseElements.AttributeDate(Attribute)
AttributeDate Methods
Multiple method signatures:
__init__(id: int, day: int, month: int, year: int)
AttributeDate.__eq__(other: AttributeDate) → bool
Returns True if self equals other.
AttributeDate Properties


class NemAll_Python_BaseElements.AttributeDouble(Attribute)
AttributeDouble Methods
Multiple method signatures:
__init__(arg1: object)
__init__(arg1: object, id: int, value: float)
Parameter: id Attribute id value Attribute value
AttributeDouble.__eq__(other: AttributeDouble) → bool
Returns True if self equals other.
AttributeDouble Properties


class NemAll_Python_BaseElements.AttributeDoubleVec(Attribute)
AttributeDoubleVec Methods
Multiple method signatures:
AttributeDoubleVec.__init__id: int, value: VecDoubleList)

46 Chapter 18. NemAll_Python_BaseElements

allpy Documentation, Release 0.1.0

AttributeDoubleVec.__eq__(other: AttributeDoubleVec) → bool

Returns True if self equals other.
AttributeDoubleVec Properties


class NemAll_Python_BaseElements.AttributeEnum(Attribute)
AttributeEnum Methods
Multiple method signatures:
__init__(id: int, value: int)
AttributeEnum.__eq__(other: AttributeEnum) → bool
Returns True if self equals other.
AttributeEnum Properties


class NemAll_Python_BaseElements.AttributeInteger(Attribute)
AttributeInteger Methods
Multiple method signatures:
__init__(id: int, value: int)
AttributeInteger.__eq__(other: AttributeInteger) → bool
Returns True if self equals other.
AttributeInteger Properties


class NemAll_Python_BaseElements.AttributeIntegerVec(Attribute)
AttributeIntegerVec Methods
Multiple method signatures:

18.1. Classes 47
allpy Documentation, Release 0.1.0

__init__(id: int, value: VecIntList)
AttributeIntegerVec.__eq__(other: AttributeIntegerVec) → bool
Returns True if self equals other.
AttributeIntegerVec Properties


class NemAll_Python_BaseElements.AttributeSet(Boost.Python.instance)
Attribute set class
AttributeSet Methods
Multiple method signatures:
__init__(elements: List[Attribute])
AttributeSet.GetAttributes() → List[Attribute]
Returns Vector of Attribute elements
AttributeSet.SetAttributes(elements: List[Attribute])
AttributeSet.__eq__(other: AttributeSet) → bool
AttributeSet Properties


class NemAll_Python_BaseElements.AttributeString(Attribute)
AttributeString Methods
Multiple method signatures:
__init__(id: int, value: str)
AttributeString.__eq__(other: AttributeString) → bool
AttributeString Properties

48 Chapter 18. NemAll_Python_BaseElements

allpy Documentation, Release 0.1.0


class NemAll_Python_BaseElements.AttributeStringVec(Attribute)
AttributeStringVec Methods
Multiple method signatures:
__init__(id: int, value: VecStringList)
AttributeStringVec.__eq__(other: AttributeStringVec) → bool
AttributeStringVec Properties


class NemAll_Python_BaseElements.Attributes(Boost.Python.instance)
Attributes class
Attributes Methods
Multiple method signatures:
__init__(attributeSets: List[AttributeSet])
Attributes.GetAttributeSets() → List[AttributeSet]
Attributes.SetAttributeSets(sets: List[AttributeSet])
Attributes.__eq__(other: Attributes) → bool
Attributes Properties


class NemAll_Python_BaseElements.CommonProperties(Boost.Python.instance)
CommonProperties Methods
Multiple method signatures:
__init__(prop: CommonProperties)
Copy constructor
CommonProperties.__eq__(other: CommonProperties) → bool
CommonProperties Properties

18.1. Classes 49
allpy Documentation, Release 0.1.0



NemAll_Python_BaseElements.CreateElements(doc: DocumentAdapter, insertMatrix: Ma-

trix3D, previewElements: list, uuid: list, as-
soRef: object)
Parameters assoRef – can be None, unknown functionality
NemAll_Python_BaseElements.DrawElementPreview(doc: DocumentAdapter, matrix:
Matrix3D, previewElements: list,
drawScreen: bool, assoRef: object)
• drawScreen – direct draw to the screen True/False
• assoRef – can be None, unknown functionality
NemAll_Python_BaseElements.GetViewMatrices(doc: DocumentAdapter) → Matrix3D

Global Defined Variables


50 Chapter 18. NemAll_Python_BaseElements



Link to the original Allplan 2017 online documentation.



class NemAll_Python_BasisElements.ARGB
ARGB class, RGB color value with alpha (transparency) channel.
ARGB Properties
Property for alpha channel
Property for blue channel
Property for green channel
Property for red channel
ARGB Methods
Multiple method signatures:
__init__(red: int, green: int, blue: int, alpha: int)
Constructor with RGBA components.
__init__(argb: ARGB)
Copy constructor.

allpy Documentation, Release 0.1.0

ARGB.__eq__(other: ARGB) → bool


class NemAll_Python_BasisElements.AllplanElement
AllplanElement Methods
AllplanElement.GetAttributes() → object
AllplanElement.GetCommonProperties() → CommonProperties
AllplanElement.GetGeometryObject() → object
AllplanElement.SetAttributes(attributesObject: object)
AllplanElement.SetCommonProperties(commonProp: CommonProperties)
AllplanElement.SetGeometryObject(geometryObject: object)


class NemAll_Python_BasisElements.AttributeContainer(BasisElement)
AttributeContainer class
AttributeContainer Methods
Multiple method signatures:
__init__(attributesObject: object)


class NemAll_Python_BasisElements.BasisElement(AllplanElement)


class NemAll_Python_BasisElements.BitmapAreaElement(BasisElement)
BitmapAreaElement class
BitmapAreaElement Methods
For inherited methods see: class AllplanElement
Multiple method signatures:
__init__(commonProp: CommonProperties, bitmapAreaProp: BitmapAreaProperties, geometryOb-
ject: object)
BitmapAreaElement.GetBitmapAreaProperties() → BitmapAreaProperties
BitmapAreaElement.SetBitmapAreaProperties(bitmapAreaProp: BitmapAreaProperties)

52 Chapter 19. NemAll_Python_BasisElements

allpy Documentation, Release 0.1.0


class NemAll_Python_BasisElements.BitmapAreaProperties
BitmapAreaProperties class
BitmapAreaProperties Properties
BitmapAreaProperties Methods
BitmapAreaProperties.__eq__(other: BitmapAreaProperties) → bool


class NemAll_Python_BasisElements.ElementGroupElement(BasisElement)
ElementGroupElement class
ElementGroupElement Methods
For inherited methods see: class AllplanElement
Multiple method signatures:
__init__(commonProp: CommonProperties, elementGroupProp: ElementGroupProperties, element-
GroupObjectList: list)
ElementGroupElement.GetElementGroupProperties() → ElementGroupProperties
ElementGroupElement.GetObjectList() → list
Get the list of element group objects.
ElementGroupElement.SetElementGroupProperties(ElementGroupProp: ElementGroupProp-

19.1. Classes 53
allpy Documentation, Release 0.1.0


class NemAll_Python_BasisElements.ElementGroupProperties
ElementGroupProperties class
ElementGroupProperties Properties
ElementGroupProperties Methods
ElementGroupProperties.__eq__(other: ElementGroupProperties) → bool


class NemAll_Python_BasisElements.EndSymbolsProperties
EndSymbolsProperties class
EndSymbolsProperties Properties
EndSymbolsProperties Methods
Multiple method signatures:
__init__(startID: int, startSize: float, endID: int, endSize: float)
EndSymbolsProperties.__eq__(other: EndSymbolsProperties) → bool


class NemAll_Python_BasisElements.FaceStyleElement(BasisElement)
FaceStyleElement class
FaceStyleElement Methods
For inherited methods see: class AllplanElement
Multiple method signatures:
__init__(commonProp: CommonProperties, faceStyleProp: FaceStyleProperties, geometryObject:
FaceStyleElement.GetFaceStyleProperties() → FaceStyleProperties

54 Chapter 19. NemAll_Python_BasisElements

allpy Documentation, Release 0.1.0

FaceStyleElement.SetFaceStyleProperties(faceStyleProp: FaceStyleProperties)


class NemAll_Python_BasisElements.FaceStyleProperties
FaceStyleProperties class
FaceStyleProperties Properties
FaceStyleProperties Methods
FaceStyleProperties.__eq__(other: FaceStyleProperties) → bool


class NemAll_Python_BasisElements.FillingElement(BasisElement)
FillingElement class
FillingElement Methods
For inherited methods see: class AllplanElement
Multiple method signatures:
__init__(commonProp: CommonProperties, gradientFillingProp: FillingProperties, geometryObject:
FillingElement.GetFillingProperties() → FillingProperties
FillingElement.SetFillingProperties(gradientFillingProp: FillingProperties)


class NemAll_Python_BasisElements.FillingProperties
FillingProperties class
FillingProperties Properties

19.1. Classes 55
allpy Documentation, Release 0.1.0

FillingProperties Methods
FillingProperties.__eq__(other: FillingProperties) → bool


class NemAll_Python_BasisElements.HatchingElement(BasisElement)
HatchingElement class
HatchingElement Methods
For inherited methods see: class AllplanElement
Multiple method signatures:
__init__(commonProp: CommonProperties, hatchingProp: HatchingProperties, geometryObject:
HatchingElement.GetHatchingProperties() → HatchingProperties
HatchingElement.SetHatchingProperties(hatchingProp: HatchingProperties)


class NemAll_Python_BasisElements.HatchingProperties
HatchingProperties class
HatchingProperties Properties
HatchingProperties Methods
HatchingProperties.__eq__(other: HatchingProperties) → bool

56 Chapter 19. NemAll_Python_BasisElements

allpy Documentation, Release 0.1.0


class NemAll_Python_BasisElements.MacroElement(BasisElement)
MacroElement class
MacroElement Methods
For inherited methods see: class AllplanElement
Multiple method signatures:
__init__(macroProp: MacroProperties, slideList: list)
• macroProp – Macro properties
• slideList – Slide list of macro definition
MacroElement.GetHash() → str
Get the hash value
MacroElement.GetMacroProperties() → MacroProperties
MacroElement.GetSlideList() → list
Get the slide object list.
MacroElement.SetHash(hash: str)
Set the hash value
MacroElement.SetMacroProperties(MacroProp: MacroProperties)


class NemAll_Python_BasisElements.MacroGroupElement(BasisElement)
MacroGroupElement class
MacroGroupElement Methods
For inherited methods see: class AllplanElement
Multiple method signatures:
__init__(macroGroupProp: MacroGroupProperties, slideList: list)
• macroGroupProp – MacroGroup properties
• placementList – Placement list of macro group
__init__(commonProp: CommonProperties, macroGroupProp: MacroGroupProperties, slideList:

19.1. Classes 57
allpy Documentation, Release 0.1.0

• commonProp – Common properties

• macroGroupProp – MacroGroup properties
• placementList – Placement list of macro group
MacroGroupElement.GetMacroGroupProperties() → MacroGroupProperties
MacroGroupElement.GetPlacementList() → list
MacroGroupElement.SetMacroGroupProperties(macroGroupProp: MacroGroupProperties)


class NemAll_Python_BasisElements.MacroGroupProperties
MacroGroupProperties class
MacroGroupProperties Properties
MacroGroupProperties Methods
MacroGroupProperties.__eq__(prop: MacroGroupProperties) → bool


class NemAll_Python_BasisElements.MacroPlacementElement(BasisElement)
MacroPlacementElement class
MacroPlacementElement Methods
For inherited methods see: class AllplanElement
Multiple method signatures:
__init__(commonProp: CommonProperties, macroPlacementProp: MacroPlacementProperties,
macro: object, reinforcementList: list)
• commonProp – Common properties
• macroPlacementProp – MacroPlacement properties
• macro – Macro definition element
• reinforcementList – Reinforcement elements
GetMacro() → object
Returns Macro definition element
GetMacroPlacementProperties() → MacroPlacementProperties
SetMacroPlacementProperties(macroPlacementProp: MacroPlacementProperties)

58 Chapter 19. NemAll_Python_BasisElements

allpy Documentation, Release 0.1.0


class NemAll_Python_BasisElements.MacroPlacementProperties
MacroPlacementProperties class
MacroPlacementProperties Properties
Property for specific behavior for modification state
Property for state if the macro placement is inside an opening
Property for matrix. Specifies location in world coordinate system
Property for the macro placement mirrored state
Property for position number
Property for state if always 2D representation in ground view is shown.
Property for the draw order setting of the placement or the elements of the macro.
Property for the format setting (pen, stroke, color) of the placement or the elements of the macro.
MacroPlacementProperties Methods
MacroPlacementProperties.__eq__(other: MacroPlacementProperties) → bool

19.1. Classes 59
allpy Documentation, Release 0.1.0


class NemAll_Python_BasisElements.MacroProperties
MacroProperties class
MacroProperties Properties
MacroProperties Methods
MacroProperties.__eq__(other: MacroProperties) → bool


class NemAll_Python_BasisElements.MacroSlideElement(BasisElement)
MacroSlideElement class
MacroSlideElement Methods
For inherited methods see: class AllplanElement
Multiple method signatures:
__init__(macroSlideProp: MacroSlideProperties, objectList: list)
MacroSlideElement.GetMacroSlideProperties() → MacroSlideProperties
MacroSlideElement.GetObjectList() → list
Get the slide object list
MacroSlideElement.SetMacroSlideProperties(macroSlideProp: MacroSlideProperties)


class NemAll_Python_BasisElements.MacroSlideProperties
MacroSlideProperties class
MacroSlideProperties Properties
Property for end reference scale of slide
Property for first offset value to reference point

60 Chapter 19. NemAll_Python_BasisElements

allpy Documentation, Release 0.1.0

Property for second offset value to reference point
Property for resize setting for x direction
Property for resize setting for y direction
Property for resize setting for z direction
Property for start reference scale of slide
Property for type of slide
Property for geometry 2D visibility of slide
Property for geometry 3D visibility of slide
Property for layer A visibility of slide
Property for layer B visibility of slide
Property for layer C visibility of slide
MacroSlideProperties Methods
MacroSlideProperties.__eq__(other: MacroSlideProperties) → bool


class NemAll_Python_BasisElements.ModelElement2D(BasisElement)
ModelElement2D class
ModelElement2D Methods
For inherited methods see: class AllplanElement
Multiple method signatures:
__init__(commonProp: CommonProperties, geometryObject: object)
__init__(commonProp: CommonProperties, patternCurveProp: PatternCurveProperties, endSymbol-
Prop: EndSymbolsProperties, geometryObject: object)
ModelElement2D.GetEndSymbolsProperties() → EndSymbolsProperties
ModelElement2D.GetPatternCurveProperties() → PatternCurveProperties
ModelElement2D.GetTransformationList() → list

19.1. Classes 61
allpy Documentation, Release 0.1.0

ModelElement2D.SetEndSymbolsProperties(endSymbolsProp: EndSymbolsProperties)
ModelElement2D.SetPatternCurveProperties(patternCurveProp: PatternCurveProperties)
ModelElement2D.SetTransformationList(transformationList: list)


class NemAll_Python_BasisElements.ModelElement3D(BasisElement)
ModelElement3D class
ModelElement3D Methods
For inherited methods see: class AllplanElement
Multiple method signatures:
__init__(commonProp: CommonProperties, geometryObject: object)
__init__(commonProp: CommonProperties, BrepIsoLinesU: int, BrepIsoLinesV: int, geometryObject:
__init__(commonProp: CommonProperties, textureDefinition: TextureDefinition, geometryObject:
__init__(commonProp: CommonProperties, textureDefinition: TextureDefinition, BrepIsoLinesU: int,
BrepIsoLinesV: int, geometryObject: object)
__init__(commonProp: CommonProperties, textureDefinition: TextureDefinition, textureMapping:
TextureMapping, geometryObject: object)
__init__(commonProp: CommonProperties, textureDefinition: TextureDefinition, textureMapping:
TextureMapping, BrepIsoLinesU: int, BrepIsoLinesV: int, geometryObject: object)
ModelElement3D.GetTextureDefinition() → TextureDefinition
Get the texture definition
Return: Texture definition (surface filename)
ModelElement3D.GetTextureMapping() → TextureMapping
ModelElement3D.GetTransformationList() → list
ModelElement3D.SetTextureDefinition(textureDefinition: TextureDefinition)
ModelElement3D.SetTextureMapping(textureMapping: TextureMapping)
ModelElement3D.SetTransformationList(transformationList: list)


class NemAll_Python_BasisElements.PatternCurveProperties
PatternCurveProperties class
PatternCurveProperties Properties

62 Chapter 19. NemAll_Python_BasisElements

allpy Documentation, Release 0.1.0

PatternCurveProperties Methods
PatternCurveProperties.__eq__(other: PatternCurveProperties) → bool


class NemAll_Python_BasisElements.PatternElement(BasisElement)
PatternElement class
PatternElement Methods
For inherited methods see: class AllplanElement
Multiple method signatures:
__init__(commonProp: CommonProperties, patternProp: PatternProperties, geometryObject: ob-
PatternElement.GetPatternProperties() → PatternProperties
PatternElement.SetPatternProperties(PatternProp: PatternProperties)


class NemAll_Python_BasisElements.PatternProperties
PatternProperties class
PatternProperties Properties

19.1. Classes 63
allpy Documentation, Release 0.1.0

PatternProperties Methods
PatternProperties.__eq__(other: PatternProperties) → bool


class NemAll_Python_BasisElements.Symbol2DElement(BasisElement)
Symbol2DElement class
Symbol2DElement Methods
For inherited methods see: class AllplanElement
Multiple method signatures:
__init__(commonProp: CommonProperties, Symbol2DProp: Symbol2DProperties, geometryObject:
Symbol2DElement.GetSymbol2DProperties() → Symbol2DProperties
Symbol2DElement.SetSymbol2DProperties(symbol2DProp: Symbol2DProperties)


class NemAll_Python_BasisElements.Symbol2DProperties
Symbol2DProperties class
Symbol2DProperties Properties
Symbol2DProperties Methods
Symbol2DProperties.__eq__(other: Symbol2DProperties) → bool


class NemAll_Python_BasisElements.Symbol3DElement(BasisElement)
Symbol3DElement class
Symbol3DElement Methods
For inherited methods see: class AllplanElement

64 Chapter 19. NemAll_Python_BasisElements

allpy Documentation, Release 0.1.0

Multiple method signatures:
__init__(commonProp: CommonProperties, Symbol3DProp: Symbol3DProperties, geometryObject:
Symbol3DElement.GetSymbol3DProperties() → Symbol3DProperties
Symbol3DElement.SetSymbol3DProperties(symbol3DProp: Symbol3DProperties)


class NemAll_Python_BasisElements.Symbol3DProperties
Symbol3DProperties class
Symbol3DProperties Properties
Symbol3DProperties Methods
Symbol3DProperties.__eq__(other: Symbol3DProperties) → bool


class NemAll_Python_BasisElements.TextElement(BasisElement)
TextElement class
TextElement Methods
For inherited methods see: class AllplanElement
Multiple method signatures:
__init__(commonProp: CommonProperties, textProp: TextProperties, text: str, geometryObject: ob-
TextElement.GetText() → str

19.1. Classes 65
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TextElement.GetTextProperties() → TextProperties
TextElement.SetText(text: str)
TextElement.SetTextProperties(TextProp: TextProperties)


class NemAll_Python_BasisElements.TextProperties
TextProperties class
TextProperties Properties
TextProperties Methods
TextProperties.__eq__(other: TextProperties) → bool


class NemAll_Python_BasisElements.TextureDefinition(Boost.Python.instance)
TextureDefinition class
TextureDefinition Properties
TextureDefinition Methods
Multiple method signatures:

66 Chapter 19. NemAll_Python_BasisElements

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__init__(surfacePath: str)
Parameters surfacePath – Surface path of texture definition
TextureDefinition.__eq__(other: TextureDefinition) → bool


class NemAll_Python_BasisElements.TextureMapping(Boost.Python.instance)
TextureMapping class
TextureMapping Properties
TextureMapping Methods
Multiple method signatures:
__init__(mappingType: TextureMappingType, mappingAngle: float, scaleX: float, scaleY: float, off-
setX: float, offsetY: float, phongAngle: float, refFace: int, refEdge: int)
• mappingType – Mapping type
• mappingAngle – Mapping angle
• scaleX – Mapping scale in X-axis
• scaleY – Mapping scale in Y-axis
• offsetX – X offset
• offsetY – Y offset
• phongAngle – Angle for Phong light model
• refFace – Reference face
• refEdge – Reference edge

19.1. Classes 67
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__init__(mappingType: TextureMappingType, mappingAngle: float, scaleX: float, scaleY: float, off-

setX: float, offsetY: float, phongAngle: float, refFace: int, refEdge: int, uvCoords: VecDou-
• mappingType – Mapping type
• mappingAngle – Mapping angle
• scaleX – Mapping scale in X-axis
• scaleY – Mapping scale in Y-axis
• offsetX – X offset
• offsetY – Y offset
• phongAngle – Angle for Phong light model
• refFace – Reference face
• refEdge – Reference edge
• uvCoords – UV coordinates
__init__(uvCoords: VecDoubleList)
Constructor, set the type to eUV
Parameters uvCoords – UV coordinates
TextureMapping.__eq__(other: TextureMapping) → bool



class NemAll_Python_BasisElements.CombinationType
Combination types


class NemAll_Python_BasisElements.ConsiderType(Boost.Python.enum)
consider types

68 Chapter 19. NemAll_Python_BasisElements

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class NemAll_Python_BasisElements.HeightDefinitionType
Height definition types


class NemAll_Python_BasisElements.LinkType
Link types


class NemAll_Python_BasisElements.MacroSlideType(Boost.Python.enum)
Macro slide types


class NemAll_Python_BasisElements.PatternCurveAlignment
Pattern curve alignment types of the pattern curve property

19.2. ENums 69
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class NemAll_Python_BasisElements.PatternCurveIntersectionType
Pattern intersection types of the pattern curve property


class NemAll_Python_BasisElements.PlacementType
Placement types of the pattern property


class NemAll_Python_BasisElements.ShadingType
Shading types of the filling property


class NemAll_Python_BasisElements.SubType
Sub types of the element group property

70 Chapter 19. NemAll_Python_BasisElements

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class NemAll_Python_BasisElements.TextAlignment
Text alignment types


class NemAll_Python_BasisElements.TextType
Text types


class NemAll_Python_BasisElements.TextureMappingType
eCube from each side
eWall mainly from the front view
eRoof mainly from the top view
eGround only from the top view
eCylinder Cylindrical mapping
eSphere Spherical mapping
eUV UV mapping

19.2. ENums 71
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class NemAll_Python_BasisElements.TransitionType
Transition types of the filling property


class NemAll_Python_BasisElements.VariantType
Variant types of the filling property

Global Defined Variables


72 Chapter 19. NemAll_Python_BasisElements

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19.3. Global Defined Variables 73

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74 Chapter 19. NemAll_Python_BasisElements



Link to the original Allplan 2017 online documentation.

Data Object Classes


class NemAll_Python_Geometry.Angle
Represents an angle.
Angle Properties
Get and set angle as float in degree:

angle.Deg = 90

Get and set angle as float in radians:

angle.Rad = math.pi/2

Angle Methods
Angle.__init__(angle=0: float):
Initializer method for constructing new Angle() objects:

angle = Angle() # 0 rad

angle = Angle(math.pi) # pi rad (180 degree)

Parameters angle (float) – angle in radians

allpy Documentation, Release 0.1.0

Angle.__float__() → float
‘Magic’ method for float casting support:

angle_in_rad_as_float = float(angle)

Returns angle in rad

Angle.DegToRad(angle: float) → float

A static method to convert angle from deg to rad. Can be used for initialization of Angle class with deg angle:

Angle(Angle.DegToRad(45)) # angle will be 0.75[rad] (approx.)

Angle.RadToDeg(angle: float) → float

A static method to convert angle from rad to deg.
NemAll_Python_Geometry.RadToGrad(angle: float) → float
A static method to convert angle from rad to grad.
Angle.Get() → float
Get angle as radians value.
Angle.Set(angle: float)
Set angle as radian value.
Angle.GetDeg() → float
Get angle as degree value.
Angle.SetDeg(angleDeg: float)
Set angle as degree value.
Normalize the angle to a range of [0, 2PI].
Normalize the angle to a range of [-PI, PI].
Angle.__eq__(other: Angle) → bool
‘Magic’ method to support angle equality test:

if self == other:

Angle.__ne__(other: Angle) → bool

‘Magic’ method to support angle unequality test:

if self != other:

Angle.__add__(angle: float) → Angle

‘Magic’ method to support angle (in radians) addition:

result = angle + value # same as angle = angle + value

Angle.__iadd__(angle: Angle) → self

‘Magic’ method to support inplace angle addition, returns self :

angle += value

76 Chapter 20. NemAll_Python_Geometry

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Angle.__isub__(angle: Angle) → self

‘Magic’ method to support inplace angle subtraction, angle -= value.


class NemAll_Python_Geometry.Vector2D
Vector2D Properties
Get and set vector x direction value.
Get and set vector y direction value.
Vector2D Methods
Initializer, multiple signatures:
Initialize vector with x=0, y=0.
Vector2D.__init__(angle: Angle, length: float)
Create vector from the angle and from the length.
• angle – base angle in radians
• length – length of vector (must be greater then zero).
Vector2D.__init__(x: float, y: float)
Initialize vector from single coordinates.
Vector2D.__init__(startPoint: Point2D, endPoint: Point2D)
Initialize vector from two Point2D objects.
Vector2D.__init__(endPoint: Point2D)
Initialize vector from one Point2D object. (startPoint = 0, 0)
Vector2D.__init__(vec: Vector3D)
Initialize vector from a Vector3D object, like Vector2D(vec.X, vec.Y)
Set new value, multiple signatures:
Set(vec2: Vector2D)
Set(x: float, y: float)
Set(startPoint: Point2D, endPoint: Point2D)
Vector2D.GetCoords() → tuple
Get coordinates as 2-tuple (x, y).
Vector2D.Values() → list
Get coordinates as Python list [x, y].
Vector2D.GetAngle() → Angle
Get vector angle. Returns Angle in a range [0, 2*PI] (normalized 2pi).
Vector2D.GetAngleSigned() → Angle
Get vector angle. Returns Angle in a range [-PI..0..PI]

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Vector2D.GetLength() → float
Get vector length.
Vector2D.IsZero() → bool
Check the coordinates (0.0, 0.0) (binary comparison)
Vector2D.Reverse() → Vector2D
Returns vector with reversed orientation.
Vector2D.Normalize(length: float=1)
Normalize vector. self = Vn(a1 * length / ||Va||, a2 * length / ||Va||)
Vector2D.Orthogonal(counterClockwise: bool) → Vector2D
Returns orthogonal vector. counterClockwise determines the orientation of orthogonal vector.
Vector2D.CrossProduct(vec: Vector2D) → Vector3D
Returns the Cross(vector) product. self = self x vec
Vector2D.DotProduct(vec: Vector2D) → float
Returns the Dot(scalar) product. Result = self . vec = self.X * self.Y + vec.X * vec.Y
Vector2D.__eq__(other: Vector2D) → bool
Returns True if self equals other, otherwise False.
Vector2D.__add__(vec: Vector2D) → Vector2D
Addition operator. Result = self + vec
Vector2D.__iadd__(vec: Vector2D) → self
Inplace addition operator. self = self + vec
Vector2D.__isub__(vec: Vector2D) → self
Inplace subtraction operator. self = self - vex
Vector multiplication, multiple signature:
__mul__(vec2: Vector2D) → Vector3D
Vector2D x Vector2D: Cross (vector) product
__mul__(matrix: Matrix2D) → Point2D
Vector2D * Matrix2D: Matrix transformation.
__mul__(factor: float) → Vector2D
Vector2D * float: Multiply the vector by a factor (scalar multiplication).
Vector2D.__imul__(argument) → self
Inplace vector multiplication, multiple signatures:
__imul__(matrix: Matrix2D) → self
Vector2D * Matrix2D: Matrix transformation. self = self * matrix
__imul__(factor: float) → self
Vector2D * float: Multiply the vector by a factor (scalar multiplication). self = self * factor
Vector2D.__truediv__(divider: float) → Vector2D
Divide the vector by a factor (scalar multiplication). Result = self / divider
Vector2D.__idiv__(divider: float) → self
Divide the vector by a factor (scalar multiplication) inplace. self = self / divider


class NemAll_Python_Geometry.Vector3D

78 Chapter 20. NemAll_Python_Geometry

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Vector3D Properties
Get and set vector x direction value.
Get and set vector y direction value.
Get and set vector z direction value.
Vector3D Methods
Initializer, multiple signatures:
Initialize vector with x=0, y=0, z=0.
__init__(vec: Vector2D)
Initialize vector from a Vector2D, z coordinate is set to zero.
__init__(vec: Vector3D)
Initialize vector from a Vector3D.
__init__(x: float, y: float, z: float)
Initialize vector from single coordinates.
__init__(startPoint: Point3D, endPoint: Point3D)
Initialize vector from two Point3D objects.
__init__(endPoint: Point3D)
Initialize vector from one Point3D object. (startPoint = 0, 0, 0)
Set new value, multiple signatures:
Set(vec3: Vector3D)
Set(x: float, y: float, z: float)
Set(startPoint: Point3D, endPoint: Point3D)
Vector3D.GetCoords() → tuple
Get coordinates as 3-tuple (x, y, z).
Vector3D.Values() → list
Get coordinates as Python list [x, y, z].
Vector3D.GetLength() → float
Get vector length.
Vector3D.GetLengthSquare() → float
Get vector length without square-root in calculation.
Vector3D.IsZero() → bool
Check the coordinates (0.0, 0.0, 0.0) (binary comparison)
Vector3D.Reverse() → Vector3D
Returns vector with reversed orientation.
Vector3D.Normal(vec: Vector3D) → Vector3D
Does the same as Cross(vector) product but does not change the operands. result = self x vec

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Normalize vector. self = Vn(a1 * length / ||Va||, a2 * length / ||Va||)
Vector3D.Project(vec: Vector3D) → Vector3D
Projection operator. Result = <Vb,Va>/<Va,Va> . Va
Vector3D.CrossProduct(vec: Vector3D)
Cross(vector) product operator. self = self x vec
Vector3D.DotProduct(vec: Vector3D) → float
Dot(scalar) product. Result = self . vec = self.X * self.Y + vec.X * vec.Y
Vector3D.__eq__(other: Vector3D) → bool
Returns True if self equals other, oteherwise False.
Vector3D.__add__(vec: Vector3D) → Vector3D
Addition operator. Result = self + vec
Vector3D.__iadd__(vec: Vector3D) → self
Inplace addition operator. self = self + vec
Vector3D.__sub__(vec: Vector3D) → Vector3D
Subtraction operator. Result = self - vec
Vector3D.__isub__(vec: Vector3D) → self
Inplace subtraction operator. self = self - vec
Multiple method signatures:
__mul__(vec3: Vector3D) → Vector3D
Cross (vector) product
__mul__(matrix: Matrix2D) → Point2D
Matrix2D transformation.
__mul__(matrix: Matrix3D) → Point3D
Matrix3D transformation.
__mul__(factor: float) → Vector3D
Multiply the vector by a factor (scalar multiplication).
Inplace vector multiplication, multiple signatures:
__imul__(vec3: Vector3D) → self
Cross (vector) product. self = self x vec3
__imul__(matrix: Matrix2D) → self
Matrix2D transformation. self = self * matrix
__imul__(matrix: Matrix3D) → self
Matrix3D transformation. self = self * matrix
__imul__(factor: float) → self
Multiply the vector by a factor (scalar multiplication). self = self * factor
Vector3D.__idiv__(divider: float) → Vector3D
Divide the vector by a factor (scalar division)
Vector3D.__truediv__(devider: float) → Vector3D
Divide the vector by a factor (scalar division)

80 Chapter 20. NemAll_Python_Geometry

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class NemAll_Python_Geometry.Point2D
Point2D Properties
Get and set point x coordinate value.
Get and set point y coordinate value.
Point2D Methods
Initializer, multiple method signatures:
Initialize point with x=0, y=0.
Point2D.__init__(point: Point2D)
Initialize point with point.X, point.Y.
Point2D.__init__(point: Point3D)
Initialize point with point.X, point.Y, ignores point.Z.
Point2D.__init__(x: float, y: float)
Initialize point with x, y.
Point2D.__init__(refPoint: Point2D, point: Point2D)
Initialize point from point in local coordinate system. self = refPoint + point.
Multiple method signatures:
Set(point: Point2D)
Initialize from Point2D.
Set(x: float, y: float)
Initialize from x, y coordinates.
Point2D.GetCoords() → tuple
Get x, y coordinates as Python tuple.
Point2D.Values() → list
Get x, y coordinates as Python list.
Point2D.GetDistance(point: Point2D) → float
Get distance to point.
Point2D.IsZero() → bool
Check the coordinates (0, 0).
Point2D.__eq__(other: Point2D) → bool
Returns True if self equals other, otherwise False.
Point2D.__add__(argument) → Point2D
Multiple method signatures:
__add__(vec: Vector2D) → Point2D
Move the point by Vector2D.
__add__(point: Point2D) → Point2D
Move the point by vector (as Point2D).

20.1. Data Object Classes 81

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Point translation by point. Result = self + point

This is not standard math operation and is implemented only as practical use case for point moving in
Allplan. In this case point is treated like a Vector2D.
Point2D.__iadd__(point: Point2D) → self
Inplace point translation by Point2D. self = self + point
This is not standard math operation and is implemented only as practical use case for point moving in Allplan.
In this case point is treated like a Vector2D.
Point2D.__sub__(argument) → Point2D
Multiple method signatures:
__sub__(vec: Vector2D) → Point2D
Move the point by reversed Vector2D.
__sub__(point: Point2D) → Point2D
Point translation by negative point. Result = self - Point
This is not standard math operation and is implemented only as practical use case for point moving in
Allplan. In this case point is treated like a Vector2D.
Point2D.__isub__(point: Point2D) → Point2D
Point translation by negative Point2D. Result = self - point
This is not standard math operation and is implemented only as practical use case for point moving in Allplan.
In this case point is treated like a Vector2D.
Point2D.__mul__(matrix: Matrix:2D) → Point2D
Matrix transformation. Result = self * matrix.
Point2D.__truediv__(divider: float) → Point2D
Divide operator. Result = self.X / divider, self.Y / divider
Point2D.__idiv__(divider: float) → self
Divide operator. self.X = self.X / divider; self.Y = self.Y / divider


class NemAll_Python_Geometry.Point3D
Point3D Properties
Get and set point x coordinate value.
Get and set point y coordinate value.
Get and set point z coordinate value.
Point3D Methods
Initializer, multiple method signatures:
Initialize point with x=0, y=0, z=0.
Point3D.__init__(point: Point3D)
Initialize point with point.X, point.Y, point.Z

82 Chapter 20. NemAll_Python_Geometry

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Point3D.__init__(point: Point2D)
Initialize point with point.X, point.Y, self.Z=0
Point3D.__init__(refPoint: Point3D, point: Point3D)
Initialize point from point in local coordinate system. self = refPoint + point
Point3D.__init__(x: float, y:float, z: float)
Initialize point with x, y, z.
Multiple method signatures:
Set(point: Point3D)
Initialize from Point3D.
Set(x: float, y: float, z: float)
Initialize from x, y, z coordinates.
Point3D.GetCoords() → tuple
Get x, y, z coordinates as Python tuple.
Point3D.Values() → list
Get x, y, z coordinates as Python list.
Point3D.GetDistance(point: Point3D) → float
Get distance to point.
Point3D.IsZero() → bool
Check the coordinates (0, 0, 0).
Point3D.__eq__(other: Point3D) → bool
Returns True if self equals other, otherwise False.
Point3D.__ne__(other: Point3D) → bool
Returns True if self NOT equals other, otherwise False.
Point3D.__add__(argument) → Point3D
Multiple method signatures:
__add__(vec: Vector3D) → Point3D
Move the point by Vector3D.
__add__(point: Point3D) → Point3D
Move the point by vector (as Point3D).
Point translation by point. Result = self + point
This is not standard math operation and is implemented only as practical use case for point moving in
Allplan. In this case point is treated like a Vector3D.
Point3D.__iadd__(point: Point3D) → self
Inplace point translation by Point3D. self = self + point
This is not standard math operation and is implemented only as practical use case for point moving in Allplan.
In this case point is treated like a Vector3D.
Point3D.__sub__(argument) → Point3D
Multiple method signatures:
__sub__(vec: Vector3D) → Point3D
Move the point by reversed Vector3D.
__sub__(point: Point3D) → Point3D
Point translation by negative point. Result = self - Point

20.1. Data Object Classes 83

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This is not standard math operation and is implemented only as practical use case for point moving in
Allplan. In this case point is treated like a Vector3D.
Point3D.__isub__(point: Point3D) → Point3D
Point translation by negative Point3D. Result = self - point
This is not standard math operation and is implemented only as practical use case for point moving in Allplan.
In this case point is treated like a Vector3D.
Point3D.__mul__(argument) → Point3D
Multiple method signatures:
__mul__(matrix: Matrix:3D) → Point3D
Matrix transformation. Result = self * matrix.
__mul__(factor: float) → Point3D
Scale vector by factor. Result = self * factor.
Point3D.__truediv__(divider: float) → Point3D
Divide operator. Result = self.X / divider, self.Y / divider, self.Z / divider
Point3D.__idiv__(divider: float) → self
Divide operator. self.X = self.X / divider; self.Y = self.Y / divider; self.Z = self.Z / divider


class NemAll_Python_Geometry.GeometryEdge
Geometry edge. Identification of any edge via point indices, not via point coordinates.
GeometryEdge Properties
GeometryEdge Methods
Multiple method signatures:
Default initializer.
__init__(startIndex: int, endIndex: int)
__init__(other: GeometryEdge)
Initialize object from other GeometryEdge object.
__init__(edge: Kanten_t)
Initialize object from Kanten_t object.
GeometryEdge.GetEndIndex() → int
GeometryEdge.GetStartIndex() -> int)
GeometryEdge.Set(edge: Kanten_t)
GeometryEdge.SetEndIndex(index: int)
GeometryEdge.SetStartIndex(index: int)
GeometryEdge.__eq__(other: GeometryEdge)
Returns True if self equals other.

84 Chapter 20. NemAll_Python_Geometry

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class NemAll_Python_Geometry.Kanten_t
old Allplan structur, anf/end begins with 1.
Kanten_t Methods
Default initializer.
Kanten_t Properties


class NemAll_Python_Geometry.OrientedEdge
Identification of any edge via edge handle and orientation (positive, negative).
OrientedEdge Properties
OrientedEdge Methods
Multiple method signatures:
__init__(edgeHandle: int, positiveOrientation: bool)
• edgeHandle – edge handle
• positiveOrientation – True for positive, False for negative
__init__(orientedEdge: OrientedEdge)
Copy constructor
OrientedEdge.GetEdgeHandle() → int
OrientedEdge.HasPositiveOrientation() → bool
Returns True for positive orientation, False for negative orientation.
Multiple method signatures:
Set(orientedEdge: OrientedEdge)
Initialize edge from old Allplan structure.
Set(edgeHandle: int, positiveOrientation: bool)
OrientedEdge.SetEdgeHandle(edgeHandle: int)
OrientedEdge.SetOrientation(positiveOrientation: bool)
OrientedEdge.__eq__(other: OrientedEdge) → bool
Returns True if self equals other.

20.1. Data Object Classes 85

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class NemAll_Python_Geometry.Matrix2D
2D transformation matrix.
Matrix data organization in memory:[0 ... 8] indexes of array values, index [0, 1] and [3, 4] for rotation and
scaling and index [6, 7] for translation.
Index Col0 Col1 Col2
Row0 0 1 2
Row1 3 4 5
Row2 6 7 8
All operations are correct only in geometry calculation context and can not be used for calculating with regular
4x4 matrix.
Multiple method signatures:
Initialize matrix with identity matrix.
Initialize with matrix.
Matrix2D.__getitem__(index:int) → float
Get matrix element at specified index. This method throws an Exception when index is out of range.
Matrix2D.SetValue(index: int, value: float) → bool
Set the matrix element at a specified position. Use this method when you don’t want to catch exception by
[] - operator (__getitem__). Index is the position index in range [0 ... 8]. Returns True when operation was
successful (index is not out of range), otherwise False.
Matrix2D.AddDimension() → Matrix3D
From this Matrix2D object create a Matrix3D object.
Matrix2D.Determinant() → float
Calculate determinant.
Matrix2D.IsIdentity() → bool
Returns True when matrix is an identity matrix, otherwise False.
Set identity matrix.
Matrix2D.Multiply(matrix: Matrix2D) → self
Inplace matrix multiplication.
Matrix2D.Reverse() → bool
Reverse matrix. This method provide geometrical inverse matrix and can not be used with regular inverse 4x4
matrix calculations. Returns True when operation was successful, otherwise False.
Matrix2D.SetReflection(axis: Axis2D)
Set matrix values only with reflection about axis.
Matrix2D.Reflection(axis: Axis2D)
Reflection across a axis of given angle.
Matrix2D.SetRotation(point:Point2D, angle:Angle)
Set matrix only with values for rotation about point and angle.
Matrix2D.Rotation(point: Point2D, angle:Angle)
Set matrix values to provide a rotation transformation about a given point and angle.

86 Chapter 20. NemAll_Python_Geometry

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Matrix2D.SetScaling(scaleX:float, scaleY:float)
Initialize matrix only with values for scaling by scaleX and scaleY.
Matrix2D.Scaling(scaleX:float, scaleY:float)
Set matrix values to provide a scaling transformation about scaleX and scaleY.
Matrix2D.SetTranslation(vec: Vector2D)
Set matrix only with values for translation by vec.
Set matrix values to provide a translation by vec.
Matrix2D.__add__(matrix: Matrix2D) → Matrix2D
Matrix addition,
Matrix2D.__iadd__(matrix: Matrix2D) → self
Inplace matrix addition.
Matrix2D.__sub__(matrix: Matrix2D) → Matrix2D
Matrix subtraction.
Matrix2D.__isub__(matrix: Matrix2D) → self
Inplace matrix subtraction.
Matrix2D.__mul__(matrix: Matrix2D) → Matrix2D
Matrix multiplication.
Matrix2D.__imul__(matrix: Matrix2D) → self
Inplace matrix multiplication.


class NemAll_Python_Geometry.Matrix3D
Matrix data organization in memory: [0 ... 15] indexes of array values, index [0, 1, 2], [4, 5, 6] and [8, 9, 10] for
rotation, scaling and shrinking, [12, 13, 14] for translation.
Index Col0 Col1 Col2 Col3
Row0 0 1 2 3
Row1 4 5 6 7
Row2 8 9 10 11
Row3 12 13 14 15
All operations are correct only in geometry calculation context and can not be used for calculating with regular
4x4 matrix.
Multiple method signatures:
Initialize matrix with identity matrix.
__init__(proj: eProjectionMatrixType)
Initialize matrix for given projection type.
__init__(matrix: Matrix3D)
Initialize with a Matrix3D object.
__init__(v0, v1, ..., v14, v15)
Initialize matrix with explicit values, requires 16 float values in index order.

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__init__(values: list)
Initialize matrix with explicit values, requires 16 float values in index order in a Python list.
Matrix3D.SetValues(v0, v1, ..., v14, v15)
Sets explicit each matrix-element, requires 16 float values in index order.
Matrix3D.SetValue(index:int, value:float) → bool
Set matrix element at specified index. Returns True when operation successful (index is not out of range),
otherwise False.
Set identity matrix.
Matrix3D.IsIdentity() → bool
Returns True when matrix is an identity matrix, otherwise False.
Matrix3D.GetVectorX() → Vector3D
Get vector X, values at index positions [0, 1, 2].
Matrix3D.GetVectorY() → Vector3D
Get vector Y, values at index positions [4, 5, 6].
Matrix3D.GetVectorZ() → Vector3D
Get vector Z, values at index positions [8, 9, 10].
Matrix3D.ReduceZDimension() → Matrix2D
Create a 2D matrix from this 3D matrix, returns a Matrix2D initialized with values from following index
positions: [0, 1, 3], [4, 5, 7], [12, 13, 15].
Matrix3D.GetScaleX() → float
Matrix3D.GetScaleY() → float
Matrix3D.GetScaleZ() → float
Matrix3D.GetScaling() → tuple
Get scaling factors from matrix. Returns a 3-tuple (scaleX, scaleY, scaleZ).
Matrix3D.GetTranslationVector() → Vector3D
Get translation vector of matrix. Returns Vector3D initialized with values from index positions [12, 13, 14].
Matrix3D.Determinant() → float
Calculate determinant.
Matrix3D.GaussInvert() → bool
Calculate inverse matrix by Gauss inplace. Returns True when operation was successful, otherwise False.
Calculate transformation matrix by Laplace inplace.
Matrix3D.Reverse() → bool
Reverse matrix. This method provide geometrical inverse matrix and can not be used with regular inverse 4x4
matrix calculations. Returns True when operation was successful, otherwise False.
Transpose matrix. All transform-services multiply transformation-matrix from the right side: If you need the
result as it would be multiplication from the left side you need the transposed Matrix.
Matrix3D.Multiply(matrix: Matrix3D) → self
Inplace matrix multiplication.
Matrix3D.Reflection(plane: Plane3D)
Reflection across a plane.

88 Chapter 20. NemAll_Python_Geometry

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Matrix3D.SetReflection(plane: Plane3D)
Set values of matrix only with reflection.
Matrix3D.SetProjection(proj: eProjectionMatrixType)
Set values of matrix only for the required projection.
Matrix3D.Rotation(line: Line3D, angle:Angle) → bool
Set values of matrix for given rotation operation, line is the axis of rotation. Returns True when successful,
otherwise False.
Matrix3D.SetRotation(line: Line3D, angle:Angle) → bool
Set values of matrix only for given rotation operation, line is the axis of rotation. Returns True when successful,
otherwise False.
Matrix3D.Scaling(scaleX: float, scaleY: float, scaleZ: float)
Set values of matrix for given scaling operation.
Matrix3D.SetScaling(scaleX: float, scaleY: float, scaleZ: float)
Set values of matrix only for given scaling operation.
Matrix3D.Translate(vec: Vector3D)
Set values of matrix for given translation operation.
Matrix3D.SetTranslate(vec: Vector3D)
Set values of matrix only for given translation operation.
Matrix3D.__getitem__(index: int) → float
Get the matrix element at a specified index position.
Matrix3D.__add__(matrix: Matrix3D) → Matrix3D
Matrix addition.
Matrix3D.__iadd__(matrix: Matrix3D) → self
Inplace matrix addition.
Matrix3D.__sub__(matrix: Matrix3D) → Matrix3D
Matrix subtraction.
Matrix3D.__isub__(matrix: Matrix3D) → self
Inplace matrix subtraction.
Matrix3D.__mul__(matrix: Matrix3D) → Matrix3D
Matrix multiplication.
Matrix3D.__imul__(matrix: Matrix3D) → self
Inplace matrix multiplication.


class NemAll_Python_Geometry.ApproximationSettings
Class holding approximation options.
Multiple method signatures:
__init__(oType: eApproximationSettingsType, value: float)
Other members will be set to 0. Types can be found in GeometryEnums.h
__init__(options: ApproximationSettings)
Copy constructor.
ApproximationSettings.GetDensity() → float

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ApproximationSettings.GetMaxAngle() → Angle
ApproximationSettings.GetMaxDistance() → float
ApproximationSettings.GetMaxLength() → float
ApproximationSettings.GetMinLength() → float
ApproximationSettings.GetSegmentation() → int
ApproximationSettings.GetType() → eApproximationSettingsType
ApproximationSettings.IsBRepTesselation() → bool
ApproximationSettings.IsMaxDistance() → bool
ApproximationSettings.IsMaxLength(...) → bool
ApproximationSettings.IsSegmentation(...) → bool
ApproximationSettings.SetBRepTesselation(density: float, maxAngle:Angle, minLength:float,
Set all settings for BRep3D tesselation.
ApproximationSettings.SetMaxDistance(maxDistance: float)
ApproximationSettings.SetMaxLength(maxLength: float)
ApproximationSettings.SetSegmentation(segmentation: int)
ApproximationSettings.__eq__(other: ApproximationSettings) → bool
Returns True if self equals other, otherwise False.
ApproximationSettings.__ne__(comp: ApproximationSettings)
Returns True if self NOT equals other, otherwise False.


class NemAll_Python_Geometry.Axis2D
** Axis2D Properties**
Axis3D Methods
Multiple method signatures:
Default initializer.
__init__(axis: Axis2D)
Initialize from Axis2D object.
__init__(axisPoint: Point2D, vector: Vector2D)
Reference point is initialized to (0, 0), axisPoint in WCS.
__init__(refPoint: Point2D, axisPoint: Point2D, vector: Vector2D)
axisPoint in local coordinate system.

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__init__(line: Line2D) → None :

Initialize from Line2D object.
Axis2D.GetAxisPoint() → Point2D
Get first axis point in world coordinate system.
Axis2D.GetAxisPoint2() → Point2D
Get second axis point in world coordinate system.
Axis2D.GetAxisRelPoint() → Point2D
Get first axis point in local coordinate system.
Axis2D.GetAxisRelPoint2() → Point2D
Get second axis point in local coordinate system.
Axis2D.GetRefPoint() → Point2D
Axis2D.GetVector() → Vector2D
Multiple method signatures:
Set(axis: Axis2D)
Set values from Axis2D object.
Set(refPoint: Point2D, axisPoint: Point2D, vector: Vector2D)
Used local coordinate system for axisPoint.
Axis2D.SetAxisPoint(point: Point2D)
Axis2D.SetAxisRelPoint(point: Point2D)
Axis2D.SetRefPoint(point: Point2D)
Axis2D.SetVector(vec: Vector2D)
Axis2D.__eq__(other: Axis2D) → bool
Returns True if self equals other, otherwise False.


class NemAll_Python_Geometry.AxisPlacement2D
Placement is given by reference point and direction vector of local x-axis.
AxisPlacement2D Properties
AxisPlacement2D Methods

Default initializer.
__init__(placement: AxisPlacement2D)
Initialize from AxisPlacement2D object.
__init__(refPoint: Point2D, dirVector: Vector2D)
Initializer which fully constructs the element.
AxisPlacement2D.GetDirection() → Vector2D

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AxisPlacement2D.GetRefPoint() → Point2D
AxisPlacement2D.GetYDirection() → Vector2D
Get direction of local y-axis.
AxisPlacement2D.IsValid() → bool
Returns True if the placement is valid, otherwise False.
AxisPlacement2D.SetDirection(vec: Vector2D)
AxisPlacement2D.SetRefPoint(point: Point2D)
AxisPlacement2D.__eq__(other: AxisPlacement2D) → bool
Returns True if self equals other, otherwise False.


class NemAll_Python_Geometry.Axis3D
Axis3D Properties
Axis3D Methods
Multiple method signatures:
Default initializer.
__init__(axis: Axis3D)
Initialize from Axis3D object.
__init__(axisPoint: Point3D, vector: Vector3D)
Reference point is initialized to (0, 0, 0), axisPoint in WCS.
__init__(refPoint: Point3D, axisPoint: Point3D, vector: Vector3D)
axisPoint in local coordinate system.
__init__(line: Line3D)
Initialize from Line3D object.
Axis3D.GetAxisPoint() → Point3D
Get first axis point in world coordinate system.
Axis3D.GetAxisPoint2() → Point3D
Get second axis point in world coordinate system.
Axis3D.GetAxisRelPoint() → Point3D
Get first axis point in local coordinate system.
Axis3D.GetAxisRelPoint2() → Point3D
Get second axis point in local coordinate system
Axis3D.GetRefPoint() → Point3D
Axis3D.GetVector() → Vector3D

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Multiple method signatures:
Set(axis: Axis3D)
Set values from Axis3D object.
Set(refPoint: Point3D, axisPoint: Point3D, vector: Vector3D)
axisPoint in local coordinate system.
Axis3D.SetAxisPoint(point: Point3D)
Axis3D.SetAxisRelPoint(point: Point3D)
Axis3D.SetRefPoint(point: Point3D)
Axis3D.SetVector(vec: Vector3D)
Axis3D.__eq__(other: Axis3D) → bool
Returns True if self equals other, otherwise False.


class NemAll_Python_Geometry.AxisPlacement3D
Placement is given by Origin and 2 direction vectors - local x-axis and local z-axis, y-axis is computed on
AxisPlacement3D Properties
Data descriptors defined here:
AxisPlacement3D Methods
Multiple method signatures:
Default Initializer
__init__(placement: AxisPlacement3D)
Initialize from AxisPlacement3D object.
__init__(refPoint: Point3D)
Initialize with only reference point.
__init__(refPoint: Point3D, xVec: Vector3D, zVec: Vector3D)
initialize which fully constructs the element.
__init__(matrix: Matrix3D)
initialize from Matrix3D.
AxisPlacement3D.CalcGlobalPoint(point: Point3D) → Point3D
Calculate global point from local coordinate system.
AxisPlacement3D.CalcLocalPoint(point: Point3D) → Point3D
Calculate local point from global point.
AxisPlacement3D.GetOrigin() → Point3D
AxisPlacement3D.GetRotationMatrix() → Matrix3D

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AxisPlacement3D.GetTransformationMatrix() → Matrix3D
AxisPlacement3D.GetXDirection() → Vector3D
AxisPlacement3D.GetYDirection() → Vector3D
AxisPlacement3D.GetZDirection() → Vector3D
AxisPlacement3D.IsValid() → bool
Returns True if this is a valid placement, otherwise False.
Rotate self around local Z-axis.
AxisPlacement3D.Set(origin: Point3D, xVec: Vector3D, zVec: Vector3D)
AxisPlacement3D.SetOrigin(point: Point3D)
AxisPlacement3D.SetXDirection(vec: Vector3D)
AxisPlacement3D.SetZDirection(vec: Vector3D)
AxisPlacement3D.__eq__(other: AxisPlacement3D) → bool
Returns true if self equals other, otherwise False.

List Classes

class NemAll_Python_Geometry.AbstractList
All <Type>List objects implementing the methods of AbstractList, but AbstractList is not a real de-
fined class, it is just a helping construct in this documentation introduced by me. Negative indexing is supported,
index -1 references the last element, -2 the second last and so on. List slicing is also supported.
Default initializer, creates an empty list.
AbstractList.__contains__(item) → bool
Returns True if list contains item, otherwise False
Delete item at index from list.
AbstractList.__getitem__(index) → object
Get item at index. Raises IndexError if index is out of range.
AbstractList.__iter__() → iterator
Returns an iterator over all items in list, usage:

for item in item_list:


AbstractList.__len__() → int
Returns count of items in list.
AbstractList.__setitem__(index, item)
Set item at index. Raises IndexError if index is out of range.
Append one item to this list.
AbstractList.extend(items: list)
Append all items to this list.

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For the most types is a list type defined like Line2DList, here are only some useful types, because they are used as
argument and return types.
class NemAll_Python_Geometry.Vector2DList(AbstractList)
class NemAll_Python_Geometry.Vector3DList(AbstractList)
class NemAll_Python_Geometry.Point2DList(AbstractList)
class NemAll_Python_Geometry.Point3DList(AbstractList)

Abstract Base Classes


class NemAll_Python_Geometry.Path
Path Methods
Clear all geometries from path
Path.Count() → int
Count of geometries stored in path.
Path.IsEmpty() → bool
Path.Remove(index: int) → int
Remove geometry at the specified index, returns an error code.
Reverse orientation of the PathElement.


class NemAll_Python_Geometry.PolyPoints2D
PolyPoints2D Properties
PolyPoints2D Methods
PolyPoints2D.Count() → int
PolyPoints2D.Empty() → bool
PolyPoints2D.EqualRef(other: PolyPoints2D)) → bool
Returns True if self equals other.
PolyPoints2D.GetEndPoint() → Point2D
PolyPoints2D.GetEndRelPoint() → Point2D

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PolyPoints2D.GetLastPoint() → Point2D
PolyPoints2D.GetPoint(index: int) → Point2D
PolyPoints2D.GetPointIndex(point: Point2D) → tuple
Returns (True if a point was found, Found index)
PolyPoints2D.GetPointIndexes(point: Point2D) → tuple
Get indexes of the given point, in case that several points in the spline will have the same coordinates.
Returns (True if at least one point was found, Found indexes)
PolyPoints2D.GetRefPoint() → Point2D
PolyPoints2D.GetRelPoint(index: int) → Point2D
Get point at index in local coordinate system.
PolyPoints2D.GetStartPoint() → Point2D
PolyPoints2D.GetStartRelPoint() → Point2D
PolyPoints2D.Insert(*args) → bool
Multiple method signatures:
Insert(polyPoints: PolyPoints2D, index: int) → bool
Insert vector of points at specific index, returns True when operation was successful.
Insert(point: Point2D, index: int) → bool
Insert point at specific index, returns True when operation was successful.
PolyPoints2D.Remove(index: int) → bool
Remove point at specific index, returns True when operation was successful.
PolyPoints2D.RemoveLastPoint() → bool
Remove the last point, returns True when operation was successful.
PolyPoints2D.Reserve(newCount: int)
Reallocate container capacity for newCount points.
PolyPoints2D.Resize(newSize: int)
Specifies a new size for the points vector.
Reverse the point order inplace.
PolyPoints2D.SetEndPoint(point: Point2D)
PolyPoints2D.SetPoint(point: Point2D, index: int)
Set point at given index.
PolyPoints2D.SetRefPoint(refPoint: Point2D)
PolyPoints2D.SetRelPoint(point: Point2D, index: int)
Set point at given index in relative coordinate system.
PolyPoints2D.SetStartPoint(point: Point2D)
PolyPoints2D.ToLineChain() → Point2DList
Get polyline as list of Line2D objects.
PolyPoints2D.__getitem__(index: index) → Point2D
Get point at position from index. Used world coordinates.
PolyPoints2D.__iadd__(point: Point2D) → self
Add point in world coordinates inplace.

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PolyPoints2D.__setitem__(index: int, point: Point2D)

Set point at position from index. Used world coordinates.


class NemAll_Python_Geometry.PolyPoints3D
PolyPoints3D Properties
PolyPoints3D Methods
Remove all points from vector.
PolyPoints3D.Count() → int
PolyPoints3D.Empty() → bool
PolyPoints3D.EqualRef(other: PolyPoints3D) → bool
Returns True if self equals other.
PolyPoints3D.GetEndPoint() → Point3D
PolyPoints3D.GetEndRelPoint() → Point3D
PolyPoints3D.GetLastPoint() → Point3D
PolyPoints3D.GetPoint(index: int) → Point3D
Get point at index in world coordinate system.
PolyPoints3D.GetPointIndex(point: Point3D) → tuple
Get index of the given point.
Returns tuple (True if a point was found, Found index)
PolyPoints3D.GetPointIndexes(point: Point3D) → tuple
Get indexes of the given point, in case that several points in the spline will have the same coordinates.
Returns tuple (True if at least one point was found, Found indexes)
PolyPoints3D.GetRefPoint() → Point3D
PolyPoints3D.GetRelPoint(index: int) → Point3D
Get point at index in local coordinate system.
PolyPoints3D.GetStartPoint() → Point3D
PolyPoints3D.GetStartRelPoint() → Point3D
Multiple method signatures:
Insert(polyPoints: PolyPoints3D, index: int) → bool
Insert vector of points at specific index, returns True when operation was successful.

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Insert(point: Point3D, index: int) → bool

Insert point at specific index, returns True when operation was successful.
PolyPoints3D.Remove(index: int) → bool
Remove point at specific index, returns True when operation was successful.
PolyPoints3D.RemoveLastPoint() → bool
Remove the last point, returns True when operation was successful.
PolyPoints3D.Reserve(newCount: int)
Reallocate container capacity for newCount Points.
PolyPoints3D.Resize(newSize: int)
Specifies a new size for the points vector.
Reverse the point order inplace.
PolyPoints3D.SetEndPoint(point: Point3D)
PolyPoints3D.SetPoint(point: Point3D, index: int)
Set point at given index in world coordinate system.
PolyPoints3D.SetRefPoint(refPoint: Point3D)
PolyPoints3D.SetRelPoint(point: Point3D, index: int)
Set point at given index in relative coordinate system.
PolyPoints3D.SetStartPoint(point: Point3D)
PolyPoints3D.ToLineChain() → Point3DList
Get polyline as list of Line3D objects.
PolyPoints3D.__getitem__(index: int) → Point3D
Get point at position from index. Used world coordinates.
PolyPoints3D.__iadd__(point: Point3D) → self
Add point in world coordinates inplace.
PolyPoints3D.__setitem__(index: int, point: Point3D)
Set point at index in world coordinate system.


class NemAll_Python_Geometry.PolygonalArea
PolygonalArea Methods
PolygonalArea.AppendEdge(edge: GeometryEdge) → object
Append edge (appendPolygonEdge).
Returns Error code
PolygonalArea.GetComponentsCount() → int
PolygonalArea.GetEdge(index: int) → tuple
Get edge at index.
Returns tuple (Error code, edge of polygon)
PolygonalArea.GetEdges() → tuple
Returns (Error code, vector of all edges)
PolygonalArea.GetEdgesCount() → int

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PolygonalArea.GetLoopEndEdgeIndex(loopIndex: int) → int

Get the index of last edge of specified loop at loopIndex.
PolygonalArea.GetLoopsCount() → int
PolygonalArea.GetNeighborEdges(edgeIndex: int) → tuple
Get neighbor edges of specified edge at edgeIndex.
Returns tuple (error code, previous edge, next edge)
PolygonalArea.GetNextEdge(edgeIndex: int) → tuple
Get next edge after edge at edgeIndex.
Returns tuple (error code, next edge)
PolygonalArea.GetPlane() → tuple
Get plane if polygon is plane.
Returns tuple(error code, polygon plane)
PolygonalArea.GetPrevEdge(edgeIndex: int) → tuple
Get previous edge to edge at edgeIndex.
Returns tuple (error code, previous edge)
PolygonalArea.GetVector() → tuple
Get Normal vector if polygon is plane.
Returns tuple (error code, normal vector to the polygon plane)
PolygonalArea.GetVerticesCount() → int
PolygonalArea.SetPlane(plane: Plane3D)
PolygonalArea.SetVector(vec: Vector3D) → object
Set normal vector.
Returns Error code

2D Object Classes


class NemAll_Python_Geometry.Arc2D
Arc2D could be a circular or elliptical arc. All angles are given as central angles. In case of an elliptical arc the
ellipse angle and the central angle do not correspond. All angles are normalized to the range [-PI ... 2PI]. The winding
direction of the arc could either be in clockwise or in counterclockwise direction.
Arc2D Properties
Get and set the axis angle as property
Get and set the center point as property
Get and set the center point in the relative coordinate system as property
Get and set the counter clockwise flag as property

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Get the delta angle as property
Get and set the end angle as property
Get and set the end point as property
Get the end point in the relative coordinate system as property
Get and set the major radius as property
Get and set the minor radius as property
Get and set the reference point as property
Get and set the start angle as property
Get and set the start point as property
Get the start point in the relative coordinate system as property
Arc2D Methods
Initializer variants for constructing new Arc2D objects:

Arc2D(center, minor) # full circle

Arc2D(center, minor, major) # full ellipse
Arc2D(center, minor, major, axisangle) # full ellipse
Arc2D(center, minor, major, axisangle, startangle, endangle) # circular or
˓→elliptical arc

Multiple method signatures:

Arc2D.__init__(center: Point2D, minor: float, major: float, axisangle: float, startangle: float,
endangle:float, counterClockwise:bool=True)
All angles in radians as type float.
Arc2D.__init__(center: Point2D, radius: float, counterClockwise:bool=True)
Close arc, end angle will be adjusted to close arc.
Arc2D.GetAxisAngle() → Angle
Get axis angle of the major axis.
Arc2D.GetCenter() → Point2D
Arc2D.GetCenterRel() → Point2D
Get center point in relative coordinate system.
Arc2D.GetDeltaAngle() → Angle
Get difference between EndAngle and StartAngle
Arc2D.GetEndAngle() → Angle

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Arc2D.GetEndPoint() → Point2D
Get end point in world coordinate system.
Arc2D.GetEndRelPoint() → Point2D
Get end point in relative coordinate system
Arc2D.GetEndTangent() → Vector2D
Get tangent vector (unit vector) at the end point.
Arc2D.GetMajorRadius() → float
Arc2D.GetMinorRadius() → float
Arc2D.GetPoint(angle: Angle) → Point2D
Get point on arc in world coordinate system. Angle is the central angle of the point.
Arc2D.GetRefPoint() → Point2D
Get reference point in world coordinate system. The reference point is center of the local coordinate system.
Arc2D.GetStartAngle() → Angle
Arc2D.GetStartPoint() → Point2D
Get start point in world coordinate system.
Arc2D.GetStartRelPoint() → Point2D
Get start point in relative coordinate system.
Arc2D.GetStartTangent() → Vector2D
Get tangent vector (unit vector) at the start point of arc.
Arc2D.IsAngleOnArc(angle: Angle) → bool
Returns true if the given angle lies on the arc, otherwise False.
Arc2D.IsCircle() → bool
Returns true if ellipse is circle (major radius equals minor radius), otherwise False
Arc2D.IsClosed() → bool
Returns True if arc is closed, otherwise False.
Arc2D.IsCounterClockwise() → bool
Returns True if winding direction is counterclockwise, otherwise False.
Reverse of current arc. Swap start angle and end angle and flips orientation.
Arc2D.SetAxisAngle(angle: Angle)
Set the angle of the major axis.
Arc2D.SetCenter(center. Point2D)
Arc2D.SetCenterRel(center: Point2D)
Set center point in local coordinate system.
Arc2D.SetCounterClockwise(counterclockwise: bool)
Set the winding direction of the arc. True for counter clockwise, else False.
Arc2D.SetEndAngle(angle: Angle)
Arc2D.SetEndPoint(endpoint: Point2D)
Set the end point in world coordinate system
Arc2D.SetMajorRadius(radius: float)
Arc2D.SetMinorRadius(radius: float)

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Arc2D.SetRefPoint(refPoint: Point2D)
Set reference point, center of the local coordinate system.
Arc2D.SetStartAngle(angle: Angle)
Arc2D.SetStartPoint(startPoint: Point2D)
Set the start point in world coordinate system.
Convert to supplementary arc. Orientation of arc will not be changed.
Arc2D.__eq__(other: Arc2D) → bool
Returns True if self equals other, otherwise False.
Arc2D.__mul__(matrix: Matrix2D) → Arc2D
Matrix transformation.


class NemAll_Python_Geometry.BSpline2D(PolyPoints2D)
Class for 2D (non uniform, rational) B-spline geometry. Needs type NemAll_Python_Utility.
BSpline2D Properties
For inherited properties see: PolyPoints2D
BSpline2D Methods
For inherited methods see: PolyPoints2D
Multiple method signatures:
Default initializer.
__init__(points: Point2DList, weights: VecDoubleList, knots: VecDoubleList, degree: int)
Full specified initialisation.
__init__(other: BSpline2D)
Initialize from other BSpline2D object.
Clear data, getting invalid state.
BSpline2D.CreateLine2D(line: Line2D) → BSpline2D
Create BSpline2D object from Line2D.
BSpline2D.Get() → tuple
Returns (list of points, list of weights, list of knots, degree)
BSpline2D.GetDegree() → int
BSpline2D.GetKnots() → VecDoubleList
BSpline2D.GetWeights() → VecDoubleList
Get control points weights

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BSpline2D.IsClosed() → bool
BSpline2D.IsRational() → bool
BSpline2D.IsValid() → bool
Reverse current BSpline by PolyPoints2D.Reverse() and swapping tangents.
BSpline2D.Set(points: Point2DList, weights: VecDoubleList, knots: VecDoubleList, degree: int)
BSpline2D.SetDegree(degree: int)
BSpline2D.SetKnots(knots: VecDoubleList)
BSpline2D.SetWeights(weights: VecDoubleList)
BSpline2D.__eq__(other: BSpline2D) → bool
Returns True if self equals other, otherwise False.


class NemAll_Python_Geometry.BoundingBox2D
Representation of a 2D bounding box.
BoundingBox2D Properties
BoundingBox2D Methods
Multiple method signatures:
Default initializer. Set min point to (DBL_MAX, DBL_MAX) and max point to (-DBL_MAX, -
DBL_MAX), angle is 0.
__init__(angle: Angle)
Set angle and set min point to (DBL_MAX, DBL_MAX) and max point to (-DBL_MAX, -DBL_MAX).
__init__(min: Point2D, max: Point2D, angle: Angle)
Full specified initialisation.
__init__(bbox: BoundingBox2D)
Initialize from other BoundingBox2D object.
__init__(minMax: MinMax2D)
Initialize from other MinMax2D object.
Multiple method signatures:
Deflate(x: float, y: float)
Deflate in x and y axis.
Deflate(size. float)
Deflate in x, y axis concurrently.
BoundingBox2D.Get() → tuple
Get minimum point, maximum point and angle

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Returns (minimum point in local coordinate system, maximum point in local coordinate system,
direction of X axis of new coordinate system)
BoundingBox2D.GetAngle() → Angle
Get direction of X axis of new coordinate system.
BoundingBox2D.GetBoxPoint(t: eBoxPoint) → Point2D
Get world point of a dedicated location of the box.
BoundingBox2D.GetCenter() → Point2D
Get box center point in local coordinate system.
BoundingBox2D.GetCenterPoint() → Point2D
Get world point at center of box.
BoundingBox2D.GetHeight() → float
Get height of box in local system.
BoundingBox2D.GetMax() → Point2D
Get maximum point in local coordinate system.
BoundingBox2D.GetMaxPoint() → Point2D
Get world point at maximum of box.
BoundingBox2D.GetMin() → Point2D
Get minimum point in local coordinate system.
BoundingBox2D.GetMinPoint() → Point2D
Get world point at maximum of box
BoundingBox2D.GetWidth() → float
Get width of box in local system
Multiple method signatures:
Inflate(x: float, y: float)
Inflate in x and y axis.
Inflate(size: float)
Inflate in x, y axis concurrently.
BoundingBox2D.IsContaining(*args) → bool
Multiple method signatures:
IsContaining(point: Point2D) → bool
Returns True if point inside this bounding box, otherwise False.
IsContaining(bbox: BoundingBox2D) → bool
Returns True if bbox is inside this bounding box, otherwise False.
IsContaining(minmax: MinMax2D) → bool
Returns True if minmax box is inside this bounding box, otherwise False.
BoundingBox2D.IsValid() → bool
BoundingBox2D.Overlaps(*args) → bool
Multiple method signatures:
Overlaps(bbox: BoundingBox2D) → bool
Returns True if bbox does overlap this bounding box, otherwise False.
Overlaps(minmax: MinMax2D) → bool
Returns True if minmax box does overlap this bounding box, otherwise False.

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BoundingBox2D.Reset(angle: Angle)
Reset bounding box and set initial angle. Set min point to (DBL_MAX, DBL_MAX) and max point to (-
BoundingBox2D.Set(min: Point2D, max: Point2D, angle: Angle)
BoundingBox2D.SetAngle(angle: Angle)
Set direction of X axis of new coordinate system.
BoundingBox2D.SetHeight(height: float)
Set height of box in local system. Computed from Min point.
BoundingBox2D.SetMax(max: Point2D)
Set maximum point in local coordinate system.
BoundingBox2D.SetMin(min: Point2D)
Set minimum point in local coordinate system.
BoundingBox2D.SetWidth(width: float)
Set width of box in local system. Computed from Min point.
BoundingBox2D.__add__(*args) → BoundingBox2D
Multiple method signatures:
__add__(bbox: BoundingBox2D) → BoundingBox2D
Expands this bounding box by the box given in parameter bbox.
__add__(minmax: MinMax2D) → BoundingBox2D
Expands the bounding box by the MinMax2D box given in parameter minmax.
BoundingBox2D.__eq__(other: BoundingBox2D) → bool
Returns true if self equals other, otherwise False.
BoundingBox2D.__getitem__(index: int) → Point2D
Get the corners of bounding box.
Parameters index – corner index: 0 = left bottom, 1 = right bottom, 2 = right top, 3 = left top
BoundingBox2D.__iadd__(*args) → self
Multiple method signatures:
__iadd__(bbox: BoundingBox2D) → self
Expands self by the box given in parameter bbox inplace.
__iadd__(minmax: MinMax2D) → self
Expands self by the box given in parameter minmax inplace.
__iadd__(point: Point2D) → self
Expands self by point inplace.


This is (maybe?) just a helper construction and do not really show up in the 2D model space.
class NemAll_Python_Geometry.ClosedArea2D
Representation class for 2D geometry closed (path bounded) area.
ClosedArea2D Properties
Get the inner path list as property

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Get and set the outer path as property
ClosedArea2D Methods
Multiple method signature:
Default initializer.
__init__(other: ClosedArea2D)
Initialize from other ClosedArea2D object.
ClosedArea2D.AddInnerCurve(path: Path2D) → bool
Add new inner curve, returns True if operation was successful, otherwise False.
Clear all the components of this Area.
ClosedArea2D.GetInnerCurve(index: int) → Path2D
Get the inner path at given index.
ClosedArea2D.GetInnerList() → Path2DList
ClosedArea2D.GetOuterCurve() → Path2D
ClosedArea2D.InnerCount() → int
ClosedArea2D.IsValid() → bool
ClosedArea2D.SetOuterCurve(path: Path2D)
ClosedArea2D.__eq__(other: ClosedArea2D) → bool
Returns true if self equals other, otherwise False.


This is (maybe?) just a helper construction and do not really show up in the 2D model space.
class NemAll_Python_Geometry.ClosedAreaComposite2D
Representation class for 2D geometry closed (path bounded) area composite.
ClosedAreaComposite2D Properties
ClosedAreaComposite2D Methods
Multiple method signatures:
Default initializer.
__init__(other: ClosedAreaComposite2D)
Initialize object from other ClosedAreaComposite2D object.
ClosedAreaComposite2D.Add(area: ClosedArea2D) → bool
Add new area, returns true if operation was successful, otherwise False.

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ClosedAreaComposite2D.GetProfile(index: int) → ClosedArea2D

Get profile at given index from profiles list.
ClosedAreaComposite2D.GetProfileCount() → int
ClosedAreaComposite2D.GetProfileList() ClosedArea2DList
ClosedAreaComposite2D.IsEmpty() → bool
ClosedAreaComposite2D.__eq__(other: ClosedAreaComposite2D)
Returns true if self equals other, otherwise False.


class NemAll_Python_Geometry.Clothoid2D
Representation class for 2D clothoid.
Clothoid2D Properties
Clothoid2D Methods
Multiple method signature:
__init__() → None
Default initializer.
__init__(other: Clothoid2D)
Initialize object from other Clothoid2D object.
Clothoid2D.GetEndCurvature() → float
Clothoid2D.GetEndPoint() → Point2D
Get end point in world coordinate system.
Clothoid2D.GetEndRelPoint() → Point2D
Get the end point in relative coordinate system
Clothoid2D.GetIsReversed() → bool
Clothoid2D.GetLength() → float
Clothoid2D.GetParallel() → float
Get parallel of clothoid.
Clothoid2D.GetRefPoint() → Point2D

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Clothoid2D.GetStartCurvature() → float
Clothoid2D.GetStartPoint() → Point2D
Get start point in world coordinate system.
Clothoid2D.GetStartRelPoint() → Point2D
Get the start point in relative coordinate system.
Clothoid2D.GetStartVector() → Vector2D
Clothoid2D.GetType() → eClothoidType
Reverse orientation of the Clothoid inplace.
Clothoid2D.Set(other: Clothoid2D)
Initialize clothoid from other Clothoid2D object.
Clothoid2D.SetEndCurvature(curvature: float)
Clothoid2D.SetEndPoint(point: Point2D)
Set end point in world coordinate system.
Clothoid2D.SetEndRelPoint(point: Point2D)
Set end point in local coordinate system.
Clothoid2D.SetLength(length: float)
Clothoid2D.SetParallel(parallel: float)
Set parallel of clothoid.
Clothoid2D.SetRefPoint(point: point2D)
Clothoid2D.SetReversed(flag: bool)
Set orientation, set flag True for reversed or False for normal orientation.
Clothoid2D.SetStartCurvature(curvature: float)
Clothoid2D.SetStartPoint(point: Point2D)
Clothoid2D.SetStartRelPoint(point: Point2D)
Clothoid2D.SetStartVector(vec: Vector2D)
Clothoid2D.SetType(type: eClothoidType)
Clothoid2D.__eq__(other: Clothoid2D)
Returns true if self equals other, otherwise False.
Clothoid2D.__mul__(matrix: Matrix2D) → Clothoid2D
Matrix transformation.


class NemAll_Python_Geometry.Line2D
Line2D Properties

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Line2D Methods
Multiple method signatures:
__init__(line: Line2D)
__init__(line: Line3D)
__init__(start: Point2D, end: Point2D)
__init__(start: Point2D, vec: Vector2D)
__init__(startX: float, startY: float, endX: float, endY: float)
__init__(refPoint: Point2D, start: Point2D, end: Point2D)
Line2D.EqualRef(line: Line2D) → bool
Test for equal reference points
Line2D.Extend(delta: float)
Line2D.GetAngle() → Angle
Line2D.GetCenterPoint() → Point2D
Get the center point in world coordinate system
Line2D.GetCoords() → tuple
Get coordinates in world coordinate.
Returns (startX, startY, endX, endY)
Line2D.GetEndPoint() → Point2D
Line2D.GetEndRelPoint() → Point2D
Line2D.GetRefPoint() → Point2D
Line2D.GetStartPoint() → Point2D
Line2D.GetStartRelPoint() → Point2D
Line2D.GetVector() → Vector2D
Line2D.IsPoint() → bool
Check, whether the line is a point (start point equal end point).
Reverse orientation of the line inplace.
Line2D.Set(line: Line2D)
Multiple method signatures:
Set(line: Line2D)
Set properties from line.
Set(startX: float, startY: float, endX: float, endY: float)
Set line points in world coordinate system.
Set(start: Point2D, end: Point2D)
Set line points in world coordinate system.
Set(refPoint: Point2D, start: Point2D, end: Point2D)
Used local coordinate system for start- and end point.

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Line2D.SetEndPoint(point: Point2D)
Line2D.SetEndRelPoint(point: Point2D)
Line2D.SetRefPoint(refPoint: Point2D)
Set reference point in world coordinate system. Coordinates of points will be recalculated to the new reference
Line2D.SetStartPoint(point: Point2D)
Line2D.SetStartRelPoint(point: Point2D)
Line2D.TrimEnd(delta: float)
Trim line at the end, delta > 0 shortens the line, delta < 0 extend the line.
Line2D.TrimStart(delta: float)
Trim line at the start, delta > 0 shortens the line, delta < 0 extend the line.
Line2D.__eq__(other: Line2d) → bool
Returns True if self equals other.
Line2D.__mul__(matrix: Matrix2D) → Line2D
Matrix transformation.


class NemAll_Python_Geometry.MinMax2D
MinMax2D Properties
MinMax2D Methods
Multiple method signatures:
__init__(min: Point2D, max: Point2D)
__init__(point: Point2D)
__init__(minmax: MinMax2D)
Copy constructor.
Multiple method signatures:
Deflate(size: float)
Deflate in x, y, z axis concurrently.
Deflate(xFactor: float, yFactor: float)
Deflate in x and y axis.
MinMax2D.Get() → tuple
Returns a tuple (minimum point, maximum point)

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MinMax2D.GetCenter() → Point2D
Get box center point
MinMax2D.GetMax() → Point2D
MinMax2D.GetMin() → Point2D
MinMax2D.GetSizeX() → float
MinMax2D.GetSizeY() → float
Multiple method signatures:
Inflate(xFactor: float, yFactor: float)
Inflate and deflate minmax box.
Inflate(size: float)
Inflate in x, y, z axis concurrently.
MinMax2D.IsContaining(box: MinMax2D) → bool
Is box inside this box.
MinMax2D.IsValid() → bool
MinMax2D.Overlaps(box: MinMax2D) → bool
Does box overlap this box.
MinMax2D.Set(min: Point2D, max: Point2D)
MinMax2D.SetMax(point: Point2D)
MinMax2D.SetMin(point: Point2D)
MinMax2D.__add__(other: MinMax2D) → MinMax2D
Expand MinMax2D box.
MinMax2D.__eq__(other: MinMax2D) → bool
Return True if self equals other.
Multiple method signatures:
__iadd__(other: MinMax2D) → MinMax2D
Expand MinMax2D box inplace.
__iadd__(point: Point2D) → MinMax2D
Expand MinMax2D box inplace.


class NemAll_Python_Geometry.Path2D(Path)
Class for 2D path geometry
Path2D Methods
Inherited methods see: Path
Multiple method signatures:
__init__(path: Path2D)
Copy constructor

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Multiple method signatures:
Add(object) → eGeometryErrorCode
Add object to this path, start or end point of appended element has to be equal to start or end point of path.
Add(path: Path2D) → eGeometryErrorCode
Add path to this path, start or end point of appended path has to be equal to start or end point of path.
Path2D.GetEndPoint() → Point2D
Path2D.GetEndRelPoint() → Point2D
Path2D.GetStartPoint() → Point2D
Path2D.GetStartRelPoint() → Point2D
Path2D.IsClosed() → bool
Path2D.IsItPossibleToAddElement(object) → bool
Check if object can be added to this path.
Path2D.IsValid() → bool
Path2D.IsValidCurveType(object) → bool
Check if object is supported by Path2D.
Path2D.SetEndPoint(point: Point2D)
Path2D.SetStartPoint(point: Point2D)
Path2D.__eq__(other: Path2D) → bool
Returns True if self equals other.
Append operator, start or end point of appended element has to be equal to start or end point of path.
Multiple method signatures:
__iadd__(other: Path2D) → Path2D
__iadd__(line: Line2D) → Path2D
__iadd__(polyline: Polyline2D) → Path2D
__iadd__(spline: Spline2D) → Path2D
__iadd__(clothoid: Clothoid2D) → Path2D
__iadd__(arc: Arc2D) → Path2D
__iadd__(object) → Path2D


class NemAll_Python_Geometry.Polygon2D(PolyPoints2D)
For constructing a polygon from a bunch of points, the following rules must be fulfilled: This class does not
‘auto-close’ polygons. A quadratic shape with ‘4’ edges has to be defined by passing 5 points to a construc-
tor. For such an object, the Count() method will return ‘5’ accordingly. The orientation of points must be
monotonous. It can be either clockwise or counter-clockwise. The polygon must not self-intersect itself. You
can create instances of polygons that self-intersects or have alternating orientation, but in those cases some
methods will report errors, throw or return wrong calculation results.
Each polygon is compound from one or more components. Component is a loop. Component represent solid
element or hole element, it depend on orientation of loop (counter-clockwise is solid element, clockwise is hole).

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When polygon is created from more compounds, then each compound must be closed (first and last point are
equal) and first and last point of hole polygon are equal too.
For better polygon creation you can use Polygon2DBuilder class.
Polygon2D Methods
Inherited methods see: PolyPoints2D
Multiple method signatures:
__init__(polygon: Polygon2D)
Copy constructor.
Polygon2D.GetSegments() → tuple
Returns tuple (error code, vector of polygon segments)
Polygon2D.IsValid() → bool
Check if the polygon is valid. (has at least 3 points)
Polygon2D.Normalize(normalizeType: ePolygonNormalizeType, extra_smooth: bool)
Normalize Polygon2D using huge old algorithm, adding points at line crossings, reorganizing the lines, correct-
ing gaps, ...
• normalizeType – type of Polygon2D normalization
• extra_smooth – Including extra smooth
Polygon2D.NormalizeNoThrow(normalizeType: ePolygonNormalizeType, extra_smooth: bool) → ob-
Normalize Polygon2D, same as Normalize, but method doesn’t throw exception, just return error code.
Returns Error code (eOK, eAllocError, eStructuralError)
Reverse the point order inplace, separately for every subpolygon.
Polygon2D.__eq__(other: Polygon2D) → bool
Returns true if self equals other.
Polygon2D.__iadd__(point: Point2D) → self
Append point inplace.
Polygon2D.__setitem__(index: int, point: Point2D)
Set point at given index.


class NemAll_Python_Geometry.PolygonalArea2D(PolygonalArea)
Class for 2D polygonal area geometry.
PolygonalArea2D Properties
PolygonalArea2D Methods
Multiple method signtures:

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__init__(verticesCount: int, edgesCount: int)
Create initialized 2D polygonal area with expected vertices and edges count.
__init__(refPoint: Point2D, verticesCount: int, edgesCount: int)
Create initialized 2D polygonal area with expected vertices and edges count.
__init__(polygon: PolygonalArea2D)
Copy constructor.
PolygonalArea2D.AppendRelVertex(vertex: Point2D) → tuple
Append vertex in local coordinate system.
Returns tuple(Error code, index of vertex)
PolygonalArea2D.AppendVertex(vertex: Point2D) → tuple
Append vertex in world coordinate system.
Returns tuple(Error code, index of vertex)
PolygonalArea2D.EqualRef(polygon: PolygonalArea2D) → bool
Test for equal reference points.
PolygonalArea2D.GetEdgeVertices(edgeIndex: int) → tuple
Returns tuple(Error code, start point of the edge in WCS, end point of the edge in WCS)
PolygonalArea2D.GetPolygon() → tuple
Eturn tuple(Error code, polygon)
PolygonalArea2D.GetRefPoint(*args) → Point2D
PolygonalArea2D.GetRelVertex(vertexIndex: int) → tuple
Get vertex in local coordinate system.
Returns tuple(Error code, vertex in local coordinate system)
PolygonalArea2D.GetVertex(vertexIndex: int) → tuple
Get vertex in world coordinate system.
Returns tuple(Error code, vertex in world coordinate system)
PolygonalArea2D.SetRefPoint(refPoint: Point2D) → object
Set reference point in world coordinate system.
Eeturn Error code
PolygonalArea2D.__eq__(other: PolygonalArea2D) → bool
Returns True if self equals other.
PolygonalArea2D.__getitem__(vertexIndex: int) → Point2D
Get point in WCS at specified index.
Multiple method signature:
__iadd__(polygonalarea: PolygonalArea2D) → self
Append polygonalare inplace.
__iadd__(polygon: Polygon2D) → self
Append loop.
PolygonalArea2D.__mul__(matrix: Matrix2D) → PolygonalArea2D
Matrix transformation.

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class NemAll_Python_Geometry.Polyline2D(PolyPoints2D)
Polyline2D Methods
Inherited methods see: PolyPoints2D
Multiple method signatures:
__init__(polyline: Polyline2D)
Copy constructor.
__init__(polyline: Polyline2D, skip: int, count: int)
Copy constructor with limited scope.
• polyline – Polyline which will be copied
• skip – count of points ignored at start.
• count – count of points copied.
__init__(polygon: Polygon2D)
If polygon have two or more components, then constructor throw Geometry exception.
Polyline2D.GetLine(index: int) → Line2D
Polyline2D.GetLines() → Line2DList
Polyline2D.IsValid() → bool
Polyline2D.LineCount() → int
Reverse orientation of the Polyline
Polyline2D.__eq__(other: Polyline2D) → bool
Return True if self equals other.
Multiple methods signatures:
__iadd__(polyline: Polyline2D) → self
Append all points of polyline inplace.
__iadd__(point: Point2D) → self
Append point inplace.


class NemAll_Python_Geometry.Spline2D(PolyPoints2D)
Spline2D Properties
Spline2D Methods
Inherited methods see: PolyPoints2D

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Multiple method signature:
__init__(spline: Spline2D)
Copy constructor.
Spline2D.GetEndVector() → Vector2D
Spline2D.GetStartVector() → Vector2D
Spline2D.IsClosed() → bool
Reverse of current spline. Reverse spline using PolyPoints.reverse and swapping tangents.
Spline2D.SetEndVector(vec: Vector2D)
Spline2D.SetStartVector(vec: Vector2D)
Spline2D.__eq__(other: Spline2D)
Returns True if self equals other.
Spline2D.__iadd__(point: Point2D) → self
Append point inplace.
Spline2D.__mul__(matrix: Matrix2D) → Spline2D
Matrix transformation.

3D Object Classes


class NemAll_Python_Geometry.Arc3D
Arc3D could be a circular or elliptical arc. All angles are given as central angles. In case of an elliptical arc the
ellipse angle and the central angle do not correspond. All start angle is normalized to the range [-PI ... 2PI]. The
winding direction of the arc could either be in clockwise or in counterclockwise direction.
Arc3D Properties

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Arc3D Methods
Multiple method signatures:
__init__(arc: Arc3D)
Initialize with data from Arc3D object.
__init__(center: Point3D, xDir: Vector3D, normVector: Vector3D, minor: float, major: float, star-
tAngle: float, deltaAngle: float, counterClockwise:bool=True)
All angles in radians as type float.
__init__(center: Point3D, minor: float, major: float, startAngle: float, deltaAngle: float, counter-
Clockwise: bool=True)
All angles in radians as type float.
__init__(placement: AxisPlacement3D, minor: float, major: float, startAngle: float, deltaAngle: float,
All angles in radians as type float.
__init__(arc: Arc2D)
Initialize with data from Arc2D object.
Close the arc. Set the delta angle to 2Pi, to close the arc.
Arc3D.GetCenter() → Point3D
Arc3D.GetCenterRel() → Point3D
Arc3D.GetDeltaAngle() → Angle
Arc3D.GetEndAngle() → Angle
Arc3D.GetEndPoint() → Point3D
Arc3D.GetEndRelPoint() → Point3D
Arc3D.GetLocalPoint(point: Point3D) → Point3D
Get the local coordinates of a WCS point.
Arc3D.GetMajorAxis() → Vector3D
The major axis is calculated according to the plane normal and the axis angle.
Arc3D.GetMajorRadius() → float
Arc3D.GetMinorAxis() → Vector3D
The minor axis is calculated via the cross product of major axis and plane normal
Arc3D.GetMinorRadius() → float
Arc3D.GetNormVector() → Vector3D
Arc3D.GetOrigin() → Point3D
Arc3D.GetPoint(angle: Angle) → Point3D
Get point on arc with given angle in world coordinates.
Arc3D.GetPointAngle(point: Point3D) → Angle
Get the angle of a WCS point.
Arc3D.GetPointRel(angle: Angle) → Point3D
Get point on arc with given angle in relative coordinates.
Arc3D.GetRefPlacement() → AxisPlacement3D

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Arc3D.GetRefPlacementRel() → AxisPlacement3D
Arc3D.GetRefPoint() → Point3D
Arc3D.GetStartAngle() → Angle
Arc3D.GetStartPoint() → Point3D
Arc3D.GetStartRelPoint() → Point3D
Arc3D.GetXAxis() → Vector3D
Get Major axis (X-Axis of the placement).
Arc3D.GetZAxis() → Vector3D
Get Normal vector of the placement.
Arc3D.IsAngleOnArc() → bool
Returns True if the given angle lies on the arc, otherwise False.
Arc3D.IsCircle() → bool
Returns True if minor radius equals major radius, otherwise False.
Arc3D.IsClockwise() → bool
Returns True if winding direction is clockwise, otherwise False.
Arc3D.IsClosed() → bool
Returns True if delta angle is 2pi, otherwise False.
Arc3D.IsCounterClockwise() → bool
Returns True if winding direction is counter clockwise, otherwise False.
Arc3D.IsEpsilonClosed() → bool
Returns True if delta angle is 2pi, otherwise False.
Arc3D.IsValid() → bool
Returns True if the arc is valid, otherwise False.
Reverse of current arc.
Arc3D.RotateAroundLocalZAxis(angle: Angle)
Rotate current arc around the Z-axis (normal vector).
Arc3D.SetCenter(center: Point3D)
Arc3D.SetClockwise(clockwise: bool=True)
Arc3D.SetCounterClockwise(counterClockwise: bool=True)
Arc3D.SetDeltaAngle(angle: Angle)
Arc3D.SetEndAngle(angle: Angle, counterClockwise=True)
Set the end angle and normalize it to [0,2PI[
Arc3D.SetEndPoint(point: Point3D)
Set the end point of arc in world coordinates.
Arc3D.SetMajorRadius(radius: float)
Arc3D.SetMinorRadius(radius: float)
Arc3D.SetNormVector(vec: Vector3D)
Arc3D.SetOrigin(center: Point3D)

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Multiple method signature:
SetRefPlacement(refPlacement: AxisPlacement3D)
SetRefPlacement(center: Point3D, xAxis: Vector3D, normalVec: Vector3D)
Arc3D.SetRefPlacementRel(refPlacement: AxisPlacement3D)
Set the reference placement relative to the refPoint
Arc3D.SetRefPoint(point: Point3D)
Arc3D.SetStartAngle(angle: Angle, counterClockwise: bool=True)
Set the start angle and normalize it to [0,2PI[
Arc3D.SetStartPoint(point: Point3D)
Arc3D.__eq__(other: Arc3D) → bool
Returns True if self equals other, otherwise False.


class NemAll_Python_Geometry.BRep3D
Boundary Representation 3D explained on Wikipedia:
BRep3D Properties
BRep3D Methods
Multiple method signatures:
Default initializer.
__init__(other: BRep3D)
Initialize object from other BRep3D object.
BRep3D.AreFacesNaturallyTrimmed() → bool
Returns True if all faces are naturally trimmed by their surfaces, otherwise False.
BRep3D.CreateCone(cone: Cone3D) → BRep3D
Create BRep3D as cone.
BRep3D.CreateCuboid(placement: AxisPlacement3D, length: float, width: float, height: float) →
Create BRep3D as cuboid.
BRep3D.CreateCylinder(placement: AxisPlacement3D, radius: float, height: float) → BRep3D
Create BRep3D as cylinder.
BRep3D.CreateSphere(placement: AxisPlacement3D, radius: float) → BRep3D
Create BRep3D as sphere
BRep3D.CreateWireBody(icurve: ???) → BRep3D
Create wire body from the curve as one edge.
BRep3D.DeleteFace(index: int) → int
Delete face specified by index from brep.
BRep3D.DeleteFaces(indices: VecULongList) → int
Delete faces specified by indices from brep.

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BRep3D.GetEdgeCount() → int
BRep3D.GetEdgeCurves() → tuple
Get all edge curves as BSpline3D objects.
Return error code, result edge curves handle vector
BRep3D.GetEdgeFaceIndices(edge: int) → tuple
Get faces containing this edge (if any).
Return error code, face indices
BRep3D.GetEdgeGeometry(edge: int) → object
Get (trimmed) edge geometry.
Returns handle to geometry curve
BRep3D.GetEdgeParametricCurves() → tuple
Get parametric curves of all edges.
Returns error code, result edge curves handle vector
BRep3D.GetEdgeVertexIndices(edge: int) → tuple
Get vertex indices of the edge.
Returns error code, start vertex index, end vertex index
BRep3D.GetEdgeVertices(edge: int) → tuple
Get edge vertices.
Returns error code, start vertex, end vertex
BRep3D.GetFaceBoundaryCurves(face: int) → tuple
Get face boundary curves, curves are trimmed.
Returns error code, result geometries
BRep3D.GetFaceCount() → int
BRep3D.GetFaceEdgeNaturalTrimming(face: int, oedge:OrientedEdge) → tuple
Get edge trimming on this face.
Returns error code, result trimming
BRep3D.GetFaceEdgeOrientation(face: int, edge: int) → tuple
Get orientation of the edge in the given face.
Returns error code, result orientation (same = True or opposite = False)
BRep3D.GetFaceEdges(face: int) → tuple
Get face edges together with their orientations.
Returns error code, result edges
BRep3D.GetFaceFlags(face: int) → int
BRep3D.GetFaceGeometry(face: int) → object
Get surface geometry of the face
Returns surface geometry handle
BRep3D.GetFaceGeometryOrientation(face: int) → bool
Get surface geometry orientation of the face.
BRep3D.GetFaceLoopsCount(face: int) → int

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BRep3D.GetIsoCurves(uCount: int, vCount: int, planarFace: bool) → tuple

Get iso curves from all faces.
• uCount (int) – number of u-curves
• vCount (int) – number of v-curves
• planarFaces (bool) – include planar faces
Returns error code, result iso curves handle vector
BRep3D.GetParts() → tuple
Get separated parts (continuous shells).
Return error code, separated bodies
BRep3D.GetPartsCount() → int
BRep3D.GetRefPoint() → Point3D
BRep3D.GetSilhouetteCurves(viewMatrix: Matrix3D, bPerspective: bool) → tuple
Get silhouette curves of Brep.
• viewMatrix (Matrix3D) – View matrix
• bPerspective (bool) – True if central projection, otherwise False
Returns error code, silhouette curves
BRep3D.GetSilhouetteVertices(viewMatrix: Matrix3D, bPerspective: bool) → tuple
Get vertices (end points) of silhouette curves
• viewMatrix (Matrix3D) – View matrix
• bPerspective (bool) – True if central projection, otherwise False
Returns error code, output vector of found points
BRep3D.GetVertex(index: int) → tuple
Returns error code, vertex point
BRep3D.GetVertexCount() → int
BRep3D.GetVertexEdges(index: int) → tuple
Get the edges containing given vertex.
Returns error code, indices of edges that contains vertex
BRep3D.GetVertices() → tuple
Returns error code, vertices of brep
BRep3D.HasPlanarFaces() → bool
Returns True if this brep contains planar faces, otherwise False.
BRep3D.IsClosed() → bool
Returns true if the brep is closed (closed shells), otherwise False.
BRep3D.IsCone() → tuple
Check if the brep is a cone

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Returns isCone: bool, result axis placement (cone bottom center, axis orientation), cone bottom
radius, cone top radius, cone height
BRep3D.IsFaceNaturallyTrimmed(face: int) → bool
Returns true if the face is naturally trimmed by its surface, otherwise False
BRep3D.IsPolyhedron() → bool
BRep3D.IsSphere() → tuple
Check if the b-rep is a sphere
Returns isSphere: bool, result axis placement (sphere center, axis orientation), sphere radius
BRep3D.IsValid() → bool
BRep3D.IsWire() → bool
Returns True if brep is wire body (has only edges), otherwise False.
BRep3D.PickEdge(rayPoint: Point3D, rayVector: Vector3D, searchRadius: float) → tuple
Pick the edge under cursor.
Returns True if any edge under cursor found, index of found edge, minimal distance between edge
and ray, nearest point on ray from edge
BRep3D.PickFace(rayPoint: Point3D, rayVector: Vector3D) → tuple
Pick the face under cursor.
Returns True if any face under cursor found, index of found face, nearest point on ray from face
(intersection point)
BRep3D.PickVertex(rayPoint: Point3D, rayVector: Vector3D, searchRadius: float) → tuple
Pick the vertex under cursor.
Returns True if any vertex under cursor found, index of found vertex, minimal distance between
vertex and ray, nearest point on ray from vertex
BRep3D.Reverse() → object
Reverse the orientation of BRep.
Returns error code
BRep3D.SetAllFacesFlags(flags: int)
Set flags to the all faces.
BRep3D.SetFaceFlags(index: int, flags: int)
Set flags to the face specified by index.
BRep3D.SetRefPoint(point: Point3D)
BRep3D.__eq__(other: BRep3D) → bool
Returns True if self equals other, otherwise False.


class NemAll_Python_Geometry.BSpline3D(PolyPoints3D)
Class for 3D (non uniform, rational) B-spline geometry. Needs type NemAll_Python_Utility.
BSpline3D Properties
For inherited properties see: PolyPoints3D

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BSpline3D Methods
For inherited methods see: PolyPoints3D
Multiple method signatures:
__init__(points: Point3DList, weights: VecDoubleList, knots: VecDoubleList, degree: int, isPeriodic:
Full specified initialisation.
__init__(other: BSpline3D)
Initialize from other BSpline3D object.
Clear data, getting invalid state
BSpline3D.Create(curve: ICurve3D) → BSpline3D
Create BSpline3D object from ICurve3D object.
ICurve3D is an undocumented (Allplan 2017) interface class.
BSpline3D.CreateArc3D(arc: Arc3D) → BSpline3D
Create BSpline3D object from Arc3D object.
BSpline3D.CreateLine3D(line: Line3D) → BSpline3D
Create BSpline3D object from Line3D object.
BSpline3D.CreateSpline(spline: Spline3D) → BSpline3D
Create BSpline3D object from Spline3D object.
BSpline3D.Get() → tuple
Get values of BSpline.
Returns (list of points, List of weights, list of knots, degree, True if BSpline is periodic)
BSpline3D.GetDegree() → int
BSpline3D.GetIsPeriodic() → bool
BSpline3D.GetKnots() → VecDoubleList
BSpline3D.GetWeights() → VecDoubleList
BSpline3D.IsClosed() → bool
BSpline3D.IsLine() → bool
BSpline3D.IsRational() → bool
BSpline3D.IsValid() → bool
Reverse current BSpline by PolyPoints3D.reverse() and swapping tangents.
BSpline3D.Set(points: Point3DList, weights: VecDoubleList, knots: VecDoubleList, degree: int, isPeri-
odic: bool=False)
BSpline3D.SetDegree(degree: int)

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BSpline3D.SetKnots(knots: VecDoubleList)
BSpline3D.SetPeriodic(periodic: bool)
BSpline3D.SetWeights(weights: VecDoubleList)
BSpline3D.__eq__(other: BSpline3D) → bool
Returns True if self equals other, otherwise False.


class NemAll_Python_Geometry.BSplineSurface3D
Class for 3D (non uniform, rational) B-spline surface geometry. Needs type NemAll_Python_Utility.
BSplineSurface3D Properties
BSplineSurface3D Methods
Multiple method signatures:
Default initializer.
__init__(points: Point3DList, weights: VecDoubleList, uknots: VecDoubleList, vknots: VecDou-
bleList, udegree: int, vdegree: int, isUPeriodic: bool, isVPeriodic: bool, isUClosed: bool,
isVClosed: bool)
Full specified initialisation.
__init__(other: BSplineSurface3D)
Initialize from other BSplineSurface3D object.
Clear data, getting invalid state.
BSplineSurface3D.Get() → tuple
Returns (control points, control points weights, knots in u direction, knots in v direction, degree
in u direction, degree in v direction, periodic in u direction, periodic in v direction, closed in u
direction, closed in v direction)
BSplineSurface3D.GetCenterPoint() → Point3D
BSplineSurface3D.GetNormalVector(uv: Point2D) → tuple
Evaluate normal vector for given parameters.
Returns (error code, result vector)
BSplineSurface3D.GetPoints() → Point3DList
Get all control points.

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BSplineSurface3D.GetUDegree() → int
Get surface u-degree.
BSplineSurface3D.GetUKnots() → VecDoubleList
Get u-knot vector.
BSplineSurface3D.GetUPointsCount() → int
Get control points count in u-direction.
BSplineSurface3D.GetVDegree() → int
Get surface v-degree.
BSplineSurface3D.GetVKnots() → VecDoubleList
Get v-knot vector.
BSplineSurface3D.GetVPointsCount() → int
Get control points count in v-direction.
BSplineSurface3D.GetWeights() → VecDoubleList
Get control points weights.
BSplineSurface3D.IsPlanar() → bool
BSplineSurface3D.IsRational() → bool
BSplineSurface3D.IsValid() → bool
BSplineSurface3D.Set(points: Point3DList, weights: VecDoubleList, uknots: VecDoubleList, vknots:
VecDoubleList, udegree: int, vdegree: int, isUPeriodic: bool, isVPeriodic: bool,
isUClosed: bool, isVClosed: bool)
BSplineSurface3D.SetUDegree(degree: int)
BSplineSurface3D.SetUKnots(knots: VecDoubleList)
BSplineSurface3D.SetVDegree(degree: int)
BSplineSurface3D.SetVKnots(knots: VecDoubleList)
BSplineSurface3D.SetWeights(weights: VecDoubleList)
BSplineSurface3D.__eq__(other: BSplineSurface3D) → bool
Returns True if self equals other, otherwise False.


class NemAll_Python_Geometry.ClippedSweptSolid3D
Representation class for solid created by extrusion of area with borders of a plane at the bottom and a plane at
the top in world z - axis direction.
ClippedSweptSolid3D Properties
ClippedSweptSolid3D Methods
Multiple method signatures:

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Default initializer.
__init__(area: PolygonalArea2D, bottom: Plane3D, top: Plane3D)
Full specified initialisation.
__init__(other: ClippedSweptSolid3D)
Initialize from other ClippedSweptSolid3D object.
__init__(refPoint. Point3D, other: ClippedSweptSolid3D)
Initialize from other ClippedSweptSolid3D object.
ClippedSweptSolid3D.GetBottomPlane() → Plane3D
ClippedSweptSolid3D.GetRefPoint() → Point3D
ClippedSweptSolid3D.GetSweptArea() → PolygonalArea2D
ClippedSweptSolid3D.GetTopPlane() → Plane3D
ClippedSweptSolid3D.IsValid() → bool
ClippedSweptSolid3D.SetBottomPlane(plan: Plan3D)
ClippedSweptSolid3D.SetRefPoint(point: Point3D)
ClippedSweptSolid3D.SetSweptArea(area: PolygonalArea2D)
ClippedSweptSolid3D.SetTopPlane(plane: Plane3D)
ClippedSweptSolid3D.__eq__(other: ClippedSweptSolid3D) → bool
Returns True if self equals other, otherwise False.
ClippedSweptSolid3D.__mul__(matrix: Matrix3D) → ClippedSweptSolid3D
Matrix transformation.


This is (maybe?) just a helper construction and do not really show up in the 3D model space.
class NemAll_Python_Geometry.ClosedArea3D
Representation class for 3D geometry area.
ClosedArea3D Properties
Get and set the reference placement 3d as property
ClosedArea3D Methods


This is (maybe?) just a helper construction and do not really show up in the 3D model space.
class NemAll_Python_Geometry.ClosedAreaComposite3D
Representation class for 3D geometry profile composite
ClosedAreaComposite3D Properties
Get the 2d closed area composite as property

126 Chapter 20. NemAll_Python_Geometry

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Get and set the reference placement 3d as property
ClosedAreaComposite3D Methods
Multiple method signatures:
Default initializer.
__init__(other: ClosedAreaComposite3D)
Initialize object from other ClosedAreaComposite3D object.
ClosedAreaComposite3D.Add(profile: ClosedArea2D) → bool
Add new 2D profile, returns True if operation was successful, otherwise False.
ClosedAreaComposite3D.GetClosedAreaComposite() → ClosedAreaComposite2D
ClosedAreaComposite3D.GetRefPlacement() → AxisPlacement3D
ClosedAreaComposite3D.IsEmpty() → bool
ClosedAreaComposite3D.SetRefPlacement(placement: AxisPlacement3D)
ClosedAreaComposite3D.__eq__(other: ClosedAreaComposite3D) → bool
Returns True if self equals other.


class NemAll_Python_Geometry.Cone3D
Cone3D Properties
Cone3D Methods
Multiple method signatures:
Default initializer.
__init__(other: Cone3D)
Initialize object from other Cone3D object.
__init__(axis: AxisPlacement3D, radiusMajor:float, radiusMinor: float, apex: Point3D)
Initialize cone with reference placement axis. Height of the Cone is z-coordinate of the Apex.
__init__(radiusMajor: float, radiusMinor: float, apex: Point3D)
Height of the Cone is z-coordinate of the Apex.
Cone3D.GetApex() → Point3D
Get Apex of the Cone in the local coordinate system

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Cone3D.GetApexParent() → Point3D
Get Apex of the Cone in the parent coordinate system
Cone3D.GetCenter() → Point3D
Cone3D.GetHeight() → float
Cone3D.GetLocalPlacement() → AxisPlacement3D
Cone3D.GetMajorRadius() → float
Cone3D.GetMinMax() → MinMax3D
Cone3D.GetMinorRadius() → float
Cone3D.GetXAxis() → Vector3D
Get X-Axis of the placement of the Cone
Cone3D.GetZAxis() → Vector3D
Get Z - axis of the placement of the Cone
Cone3D.IsCircular() → bool
Cone3D.IsOblique() → bool
Perpendicularity check for the Cone.
Cone3D.IsValid() → bool
Cone3D.SetApex(apex: Point3D)
Set Apex in the local coordinate system.
Cone3D.SetApexParent(apex: Point3D)
Set Apex in the parent coordinate system
Cone3D.SetCenter(center: Point3D)
Cone3D.SetHeight(height: float)
Cone3D.SetLocalPlacement(axis: AxisPlacement3D)
Set Local Placement.
Cone3D.SetMajorRadius(radius: float)
Cone3D.SetMinorRadius(radius: float)
Cone3D.__eq__(other: Conde3D) → bool
Returns True if self is equal to other.


class NemAll_Python_Geometry.ConicalSurface3D
3D conical surface
ConicalSurface3D Properties
ConicalSurface3D Methods
Multiple method signatures:

128 Chapter 20. NemAll_Python_Geometry

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Default initializer.
__init__(axis: AxisPlacement3D, radius: float, angle: Angle)
Full specified initializer.
__init__(other: ConicalSurface3D)
Initialize object from other ConicalSurface3D object.
ConicalSurface3D.Get() → tuple
Returns (placement of conical surface, radius of conical surface in placement, semi angle of conical
ConicalSurface3D.GetPlacement(...) → AxisPlacement3D
Returns placement - point + axis vector + reference direction vector
ConicalSurface3D.GetRadius() → float
ConicalSurface3D.GetSemiAngle() → Angle
ConicalSurface3D.IsValid() → bool
ConicalSurface3D.Set(axis: AxisPlacement3D, radius: float, angle: Angle)
Set all surface members.
ConicalSurface3D.SetPlacement(axis: AxisPlacement3D)
Sets the position of conical surface.
Parameters axis – placement - point + axis vector + reference direction vector
ConicalSurface3D.SetRadius(radius: float)
ConicalSurface3D.SetSemiAngle(angle: Angle)
ConicalSurface3D.__eq__(other: ConicalSurface3D)
Returns True if self equals other.


class NemAll_Python_Geometry.Cuboid3D
Cuboid3D Properties
Cuboid3D Methods
Multiple method signatures:
Default initializer.
__init__(other: Cuboid3D)
Initialize object from other Cuboid3D object.

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__init__(refPoint: Point3D, start: Point3D, vecX: Vector3D, vecY: Vector3D, vecZ: Vector3D)
Full specified initializer.
Cuboid3D.GetBottomFacePolygon() → Polygon3D
Get the boundary polygon of bottom face of the cuboid.
Cuboid3D.GetGroundPlane() → Plane3D
Get ground plane ( ref point + Z-vector ).
Cuboid3D.GetHeight() → float
Returns size of Z-vector.
Cuboid3D.GetLength() → float
Return size of X-vector.
Cuboid3D.GetRefPoint() → Point3D
Cuboid3D.GetRelStartPoint() → Point3D
Get start point in relative coordinates.
Cuboid3D.GetStartPoint() → Point3D
Get start point in world coordinates.
Cuboid3D.GetTopFacePolygon() → Polygon3D
Get the boundary polygon of top face of the cuboid.
Cuboid3D.GetVector(index: int) → Vector3D
Get vector at given index.
Cuboid3D.GetWidth() → float
Return size of Y-vector.
Multiple method signatures:
Set(refPoint: Point3D, start: Point3D, vecX: Vector3D, vecY: Vector3D, vecZ: Vector3D)
Set all attributes.
Set(other: Ciuboid3D)
Set values from other Cuboid3D object.
Cuboid3D.SetHeight(height: float)
height is the new size of Z-vector.
Cuboid3D.SetLength(length: float)
length is the new size of X-vector.
Cuboid3D.SetRefPoint(point: Point3D)
Cuboid3D.SetStartPoint(start: Point3D)
Cuboid3D.SetVector(vec: Vector3D, index: int)
Cuboid3D.SetWidth(width: float)
width is the new size of Y-vector.
Cuboid3D.__eq__(other: Cuboid3D) → bool
Returns True if self equals other.


class NemAll_Python_Geometry.Cylinder3D
Cylinder3D Properties

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Cylinder3D Methods
Multiple method signatures:
Default initializer.
__init__(other: Cylinder3D)
Initialize object from other Cylinder3D object.
__init__(refPlacement: AxisPlacement3D, radiusMajor: float, radiusMinor: float, apex: Point3D)
Full specified initializer in reference placement. Height of the cylinder is z-coordinate of the Apex.
__init__(radiusMajor: float, radiusMinor: float, apex: Point3D)
Full specified initializer in WCS. Height of the cylinder is z-coordinate of the Apex.
Cylinder3D.GetApex() → Point3D
Get Apex of the Cylinder in the local coordinate system
Cylinder3D.GetApexParent() → Point3D
Get Apex of the Cylinder in the parent coordinate system
Cylinder3D.GetBottomCenter() → Point3D
Cylinder3D.GetCenter() → Point3D
Cylinder3D.GetHeight() → float
Cylinder3D.GetLocalPlacement() → AxisPlacement3D
Cylinder3D.GetMajorRadius() → float
Cylinder3D.GetMinMax() → MinMax3D
Cylinder3D.GetMinorRadius() → float
Cylinder3D.GetSilhouetteLines(viewMatrix: Matrix3D, bPerspective: bool) → Line3DList
Get silhouette lines of cylinder, bPerspective flag determines the use of central projection.
Cylinder3D.GetTopCenter() → Point3D
Cylinder3D.GetXAxis() → Vector3D
Get X-Axis of the placement of the Cylinder
Cylinder3D.GetYAxis() → Vector3D
Get Y-Axis of the placement of the Cylinder
Cylinder3D.GetZAxis() → Vector3D
Get Z - axis of the placement of the Cylinder
Cylinder3D.IsCircular() → bool
Cylinder3D.IsOblique() → bool
Perpendicularity check of the Cylinder

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Cylinder3D.SetApex(apex: Point3D)
Set Apex in the local coordinate system
Cylinder3D.SetApexParent(apex: Point3D)
Set Apex in the parent coordinate system
Cylinder3D.SetCenter(center: Point3D)
Cylinder3D.SetHeight(height: float)
Multiple method signatures:
SetLocalPlacement(axis: AxisPlacement3D)
SetLocalPlacement(center: Point3D, xAxis: Vector3D, zAxis: Vector3D)
Cylinder3D.SetMajorRadius(radius: float)
Cylinder3D.SetMinorRadius(radius: float)
Cylinder3D.__eq__(other: Cylinder3D) → bool
Returns true if self equals other.


class NemAll_Python_Geometry.Ellipsoid3D
Ellipsoid3D Properties
Ellipsoid3D Methods

Default initializer.
__init__(other: Ellipsoid3D)
initialize object from other Ellipsoid3D object.
__init__(refPlacement: AxisPlacement3D, radiusX: float, radiusY: float, radiusZ: float)
Full specified initialisation in reference placement.
__init__(radiusX: float, radiusY: float, radiusZ: float)
Full specified initialisation in WCS, center = (0, 0, 0)
Ellipsoid3D.GetCenter() → Point3D
Ellipsoid3D.GetIsoLines(uSegmentsCount: int, vSegmentsCount: int) → Arc3DList

GetLocalPlacement() → AxisPlacement3D
Ellipsoid3D.GetSilhouetteContour(viewMatrix: Matrix3D, bPerspective: bool) → Arc3D
Flage bPerspective determines the use of central perspective.

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Ellipsoid3D.GetXAxis() → Vector3D
Get X-Axis of the placement of the Ellipsoid
Ellipsoid3D.GetXRadius() → float
Ellipsoid3D.GetYAxis() → Vector3D
Get Y-Axis of the placement of the Ellipsoid
Ellipsoid3D.GetYRadius() → float
Ellipsoid3D.GetZAxis() → Vector3D
Get Z - axis of the placement of the Ellipsoid
Ellipsoid3D.GetZRadius() → float
Ellipsoid3D.IsSphere() → bool
Ellipsoid3D.IsValid() → bool
Ellipsoid3D.SetCenter(center: Point3D)
Multiple method signatures:
SetLocalPlacement(axis: AxisPlacement3D)
SetLocalPlacement(center: Point3D, xAxis: Vector3D, zAxis: Vector3D)
Ellipsoid3D.SetXRadius(radius: float)
Ellipsoid3D.SetYRadius(radius: float)
Ellipsoid3D.SetZRadius(radius: float)
Ellipsoid3D.__eq__(other: Ellipsoid3D) → bool
Returns True if self equals other.


class NemAll_Python_Geometry.ExtrudedAreaSolid3D(Boost.Python.instance)
Create solid by extruding an area along a given direction vector. The extrude area is defined by an
PolygonalArea3D object.
ExtrudedAreaSolid3D Properties
ExtrudedAreaSolid3D Methods
Multiple method signatures:
Default initializer.
__init__(other: ExtrudedAreaSolid3D)
Initialize object from other ExtrudedAreaSolid3D object.
__init__(other: ExtrudedAreaSolid3D, refPoint. Point3D)
Initialize object from other ExtrudedAreaSolid3D object.
ExtrudedAreaSolid3D.GetDirection() → Vector3D

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ExtrudedAreaSolid3D.GetExtrudedArea() → PolygonalArea3D
ExtrudedAreaSolid3D.GetRefPoint() → Point3D
ExtrudedAreaSolid3D.IsValid() → bool
ExtrudedAreaSolid3D.SetDirection(vec: Vector3D)
Set direction for extrusion.
ExtrudedAreaSolid3D.SetExtrudedArea(area: PolygonalArea3D)
Set extruded area.
ExtrudedAreaSolid3D.SetRefPoint(refPoint: Point3D)
ExtrudedAreaSolid3D.__eq__(other: ExtrudedAreaSolid3D) → bool
Returns True if self equals other.
ExtrudedAreaSolid3D.__mul__(matrix: Matrix3D) → ExtrudedAreaSolid3D
Matrix transformation.


class NemAll_Python_Geometry.Line3D
Line3D Properties
Line3D Methods
.. method:: Line3D.__init__(arg1: object)

__init__(line: Line2D)
Copy Line2D object to Line3D object set z = 0.0
__init__(line: Line3D)
Copy Line3D object.
__init__(start: Point3D, end: Point3D)
Constructs a 3D line from start to end in world coordinates.
__init__(start: Point3D, vec: Vector3D)
Constructs a 3D line from start to start+vec in world coordinates.
__init__(startX: float, startY: float, startZ: float, endX: float, endY: float, endZ: float)
Constructs a 3D line from 6 floats in world coordinates.
__init__(refPoint: Point3D, start: Point3D, end: Point3D)
Constructs a 3D line in local coordinate system.
Line3D.EqualRef(line: Line3D) → bool
Test if reference points are equal.
Line3D.GetCenterPoint() → Point3D
Get the center point in world coordinate system

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Line3D.GetCoords() → tuple
Get the coordinates in world coordinate system as tuple (startX, startY, startZ, endX, endY, endZ).
Line3D.GetEndPoint() → Point3D
Line3D.GetEndRelPoint() → Point3D
Line3D.GetRefPoint() → Point3D
Line3D.GetStartPoint() → Point3D
Line3D.GetStartRelPoint() → Point3D
Line3D.GetVector() → Vector3D
Get the vector from start to end point.
Line3D.Is2DLine() → bool
Check, whether the line is a 2D line (both z coordinates are 0.)
Line3D.IsPoint() → bool
Check, whether the line is a point (start point equal end point).
Reverse orientation of the line inplace.
Multiple method signatures:
Set(startX: float, startY: float, startZ: float, endX: float, endY: float, endZ: float)
Set line points in world coordinate system from 6 floats.
Set(line: Line3D)
Set line from other 3D line.
Set(start: Point3D, end: Point3D)
Initialize from two points.
Set start- and end points in world coordinate system.
Set(refPoint: Point3D, start: Point3D, end: Point3D)
Set start- and end points in local coordinate system.
Line3D.SetEndPoint(point: Point3D)
Line3D.SetEndRelPoint(point: Point3D)
Line3D.SetRefPoint(refPoint: Point3D)
Line3D.SetStartPoint(point: Point3D)
Line3D.SetStartRelPoint(point: Point3D)
Line3D.TrimEnd(delta: float)
Trim line at the end, delta > 0 shortens the line, delta < 0 extend the line.
Line3D.TrimStart(delta: float)
Trim line at the beginning, delta > 0 shortens the line, delta < 0 extend the line.
Line3D.__eq__(other: Line3D) → bool
Returns True if self equlas other.
Line3D.__mul__(*args) → Line3D
Multiple method signatures:
__mul__(matrix: Matrix2D) → Line3D
2D matrix transformation.

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__mul__(matrix: Matrix3D) → Line3D

3D matrix transformation.


class NemAll_Python_Geometry.MinMax3D
MinMax3D Properties
MinMax3D Methods
Multiple method signatures:
Default initializer.
__init__(min: Point3D, max: Point3D)
Initialize MinMax box with given MIN and MAX points.
__init__(point: Point3D)
Initialize MinMax box with given point.
__init__(minmax: MinMax3D)
Copy constructor.
Multiple method signatures:
Deflate(size: float)
Deflate in x, y, z axis concurrently.
Deflate(xFactor: float, yFactor: float, xFactor: float)
Deflate in x, y and z axis.
MinMax3D.Get() → tuple
Get minimum and maximum point as tuple (minimum point, maximum point).
MinMax3D.GetCenter() → Point3D
Get box center point
MinMax3D.GetMax() → Point3D
MinMax3D.GetMin() → Point3D
MinMax3D.GetSizeX() → float
MinMax3D.GetSizeY() → float
MinMax3D.GetSizeZ() → float
Multiple method signatures:

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Inflate(xFactor: float, yFactor: float, xFactor: float)

Inflate and deflate minmax box.
Inflate(size: float)
Inflate in x, y, z axis concurrently.
MinMax3D.IsContaining(box: MinMax3D) → bool
Is box inside this box.
MinMax3D.IsValid() → bool
MinMax3D.Overlaps(box: MinMax3D) → bool
Does box overlap this box.
MinMax3D.Set(min: Point3D, max: Point3D)
MinMax3D.SetMax(point: Point3D)
MinMax3D.SetMin(point: Point3D)
MinMax3D.__add__(other: MinMax3D) → MinMax3D
Expand MinMax3D box.
MinMax3D.__eq__(other: MinMax3D) → bool
Returns True if self equals other.
MinMax3D.__iadd__(*args) → self
Expand MinMax3D box inplace.
Multiple method signatures:
__iadd__(minmax: MinMax3D) → self
__iadd__(point: Point3D) → self


class NemAll_Python_Geometry.Path3D(Path)
Class for 3D path geometry
Path3D Methods
Inherited methods see: Path
Multiple method signatures:
__init__(path: Path3D)
Copy constructor
__init__(p1: Point3D, p2: Point3D)
Constructor defines a polyline of 2 points as path.
__init__(p1: Point3D, p2: Point3D, p3: Point3D)
Constructor defines a polyline of 3 points as path.
__init__(p1: Point3D, p2: Point3D, p3: Point3D, p4: Point3D)
Constructor defines a polyline of 4 points as path.
__init__(p1: Point3D, p2: Point3D, p3: Point3D, p4: Point3D, p5: Point3D)
Constructor defines a polyline of 5 points as path.

20.5. 3D Object Classes 137

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Add object to this path, start or end point of appended element has to be equal to start or end point of path
Multiple method signatures:
Add(object) → eGeometryErrorCode
Add(path: Path3D) → eGeometryErrorCode
Path3D.DefinitionPoints() → Polyline3D
Extracts all definition points of the path. (join points of sub curves in this path)
Path3D.FirstDefinitionPoint() → Point3D
Extracts the first definition point of the path.
Path3D.GetEndPoint() → Point3D
Path3D.GetEndRelPoint() → Point3D
Path3D.GetStartPoint() → Point3D
Path3D.GetStartRelPoint() → Point3D
Path3D.IsClosed() → bool
Multiple method signatures:
IsItPossibleToAddElement(object) → bool
Check if the geometry can be added into path Path3D.
IsItPossibleToAddElement(object, tolerance: float) → bool
Check if the geometry can be added into path Path3D (with possible noncontinuous).
Path3D.IsValid() → bool
Path3D.IsValidCurveType(object) → bool
Check if the geometry is supported by Path3D.
Path3D.SetEndPoint(point: Point3D)
Path3D.SetStartPoint(point: Point3D)
Path3D.__eq__(other: Path3D) → bool
Returns true if self equals other.
Path3D.__iadd__(*args) → self
Append operator, start or end point of appended element has to be equal to start or end point of path.
Multiple method signatures:
__iadd__(path: Path3D) → self
__iadd__(line: Line3D) → self
__iadd__(polyline: Polyline3D) → self
__iadd__(arc: Arc3D) → self
__iadd__(spline: Spline3D) → self
__iadd__(bspline: BSpline3D) → self

138 Chapter 20. NemAll_Python_Geometry

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class NemAll_Python_Geometry.Plane3D
Plane3D Properties
Plane3D Methods
Multiple method signatures:
__init__(plane: Plane3D)
Copy constructor
__init__(point: Point3D, normalVector: Vector3D)
Create 3D Plane with given point and vector.
__init__(p1: Point3D, p2: Point3D, p3: Point3D)
Create 3D Plane from three points. If plane can not be computed, then constructor throw geometry excep-
tion ‘Plane3D Incorrect parameters’.
__init__(axis: Axis3D)
Create a plane from a 3D axis
Plane3D.CalcPlaneVectors( -> tuple
Calc X and Y axis vectors for plane, returns tuple (x-vector, y-vector)
Plane3D.GetPoint() → Point3D
Get 3D Plane reference point
Plane3D.GetTransformationMatrix() → Matrix3D
Get transformation matrix for given plane 3D.
Plane3D.GetVector() → Vector3D
Get the Normal Vector.
Plane3D.Set(point: Point3D, normalVector: Vector3D)
Set plane properties from point and vector.
Plane3D.SetPoint(point: Point3D)
Set reference point.
Plane3D.SetVector(vec: Vector3D)
Set the Normal Vector.
Plane3D.__eq__(other: Plane3D) → Plane3D
Returns True if self equals other.
Multiple method signatures:
__mul__(matrix: Matrix2D) → Plane3D
2D matrix transformation.
__mul__(matrix: Matrix3D) → Plane3D
3D matrix transformation.

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class NemAll_Python_Geometry.Polygon3D(PolyPoints3D)
Polygon3D Methods
Inherited methods see: PolyPoints3D
Multiple method signatures:
__init__(polygon: Polygon3D)
Copy constructor.
Polygon3D.GetPlane() → Plane3D
Polygon3D.IsValid() → bool
Polygon3D.IsValidStatus() → tuple
Returns tuple (valid True/False, reason if polygon is invalid)
Polygon3D.Normalize(normalizeType: ePolygonNormalizeType, extra_smooth: bool)
Normalization of 3D polygon.
• normalizeType – Normalization type
• extra_smooth – Increase level of details
Polygon3D.NormalizeNoThrow(normalizeType: ePolygonNormalizeType, extra_smooth: bool) → ob-
Normalize 3D polygon, same as Normalize, but method doesn’t throw exception, just return error code.
• normalizeType – Normalization type
• extra_smooth – Increase level of details
Returns Error code (eOK, eAllocError, eStructuralError, eWrongShape)
Reverse the point order inplace, separately for every subpolygon.
Polygon3D.__eq__(other: Polygon3D) → bool
Returns True if self equals other.
Inplace append operator.
Multiple method signatures:
__iadd__(polygon: Polygon3D) → self
__iadd__(point: Point3D) → self
Polygon3D.__mul__(matrix: matrix3D) → Polygon3D
Matrix transformation

140 Chapter 20. NemAll_Python_Geometry

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class NemAll_Python_Geometry.PolygonalArea3D(PolygonalArea)
Class for 3D polygonal area geometry
PolygonalArea3D Properties
PolygonalArea3D Methods
Multiple method signatures:
__init__(verticesCount: int, edgesCount: int)
Create initialized 3D polygonal area with expected vertices and edges count.
__init__(refPoint: Point3D, verticesCount: int, edgesCount: int)
Create initialized 3D polygonal area with expected vertices and edges count.
__init__(apolygon: PolygonalArea3D)
Parameter: polygon 3D polygonal area which will be copied.
PolygonalArea3D.AppendRelVertex(vertex: Point3D) → tuple
Append vertex in local coordinate system.
Returns tuple(Error code, index of vertex)
PolygonalArea3D.AppendVertex(vertex: Point3D) → tuple
Append vertex in world coordinate system.
Returns tuple(Error code, index of vertex)
PolygonalArea3D.EqualRef(polygon: PolygonalArea3D) → bool
Test for equal reference points.
PolygonalArea3D.GetEdgeVertices(edgeIndex: int) → tuple
Get edge vertices.
Returns tuple(Error code, start point of the edge in WCS, end point of the edge in WCS)
PolygonalArea3D.GetPolygon() → tuple
Returns tuple(Error code, polygon)
PolygonalArea3D.GetRefPoint() → Point3D
PolygonalArea3D.GetRelVertex(vertexIndex: int) → tuple
Get vertex in local coordinate system.
Returns tuple(Error code, vertex in local coordinate system)
PolygonalArea3D.GetVertex(vertexIndex: int) → tuple
Get vertex in world coordinate system.
Returns (Error code, vertex in WCS)
PolygonalArea3D.Reverse() → object
Reverse the point order of boundary polygons of the area.
Returns Error code
PolygonalArea3D.SetRefPoint(refPoint: Point3D) → object
Returns Error code.

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PolygonalArea3D.__eq__(other: PolygonalArea3D) → bool

Returns true if self equals other.
PolygonalArea3D.__getitem__(vertexIndex: int) → Point3D
Get point at specified index in WCS.
Multiple method signatures:
__iadd__(polygonalarea: PolygonalArea3D) → self
Append polygonalarea inplace.
__iadd__(polygon: Polygon3D) → self
Append loop inplace.
Multiple method signatures:
__mul__(matrix: Matrix2D) → PolygonalArea3D
2D matrix transformation.
__mul__(matrix: Matrix3D) → PolygonalArea3D
3D matrix transformation.


class NemAll_Python_Geometry.Polyhedron3D
Polyhedron3D represents a 3D solid defined by vertices, edges and faces. Polyhedron includes table of vertices, table
of edges and table of faces. Each table is zero based indexed.
Edge is defined via GeometryEdge as two indices into vertices table. Geometry edge is default oriented from start to
end index.
Face is defined via PolyhedronFace as a vector of oriented edges. Oriented edge (OrientedEdge) has EdgeHandle and
orientation flag. EdgeHandle is index into polyhedron table of all edges, it mean that values of EdgeHandle can be
from range [0..EdgesCount-1]. This handle can be increased and decreased in standard way. When orientation flag is
true, then orientation is same as GeometryEdge (from Start to End index), if flag is false then orientation is backward
(from End to Start index).
Polyhedron3D Methods
Multiple method signatures:
__init__(polyhedronType: PolyhedronType, verticesCount: int, edgesCount: int, facesCount: int, neg-
ativeOrientation: bool)
The Count parameters have sense only for appropriate polyhedron type and specified a memory allocation
size - performance optimization. In case of any error, constructor throw an exception.
see also PolyhedronType
__init__(polyhedron: Polyhedron3D)
Copy constructor
Polyhedron3D.AppendEdge(edge: GeometryEdge) → object
Append edge, in Allplan 2017 not accessible from Python.
Returns Error code

142 Chapter 20. NemAll_Python_Geometry

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Mulitple method signatures:
Clear all vertices, edges and faces. Type and vertices, edges, faces preallocation size of polyhedron will be
Clear(verticesCount: int, edgesCount: int, facesCount: int, negativeOrientation: bool)
Clear all vertices, edges and faces.
The Count parameters have sense only for appropriate polyhedron type and specified a memory allocation
size - performance optimization. In case of any error, constructor throw an exception.
Mulitple method signature:
CreateCuboid(p1: Point3D, p2: Point3D) → Polyhedron3D
Static constructor for cuboid
• p1 – lower point of min/max box that states the cuboid’s size
• p2 – lower point of min/max box that states the cuboid’s size
CreateCuboid(box: MinMax3D) → Polyhedron3D
Static constructor for cuboid
Parameters box – min/max box that states the cuboid’s size
CreateCuboid(dx: float, dy: float, dz: float) → Polyhedron3D
Create the cuboid from the three size values
• dx – cuboid’s size in x direction
• dy – cuboid’s size in y direction
• dz – cuboid’s size in z direction
Polyhedron3D.CreateFace(expectedEdges: int) → PolyhedronFace
Create face and append it to polyhedron, returns created face.
Polyhedron3D.DeleteEdge(edgeIndex: int) → object
Delete edge at specified index.
Returns Error code
Polyhedron3D.DeleteFace(faceIndex: int) → object
Delete face at specified index.
Returns Error code
Polyhedron3D.EqualRef(polyhedron: Polyhedron3D) → bool
Test for equal reference point.
Multiple method signatures:
GetEdge(edgeIndex: int) → tuple
Get edge at the specified index.
Returns tuple(Error code, Filled edge)

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GetEdge(orientedEdge: OrientedEdge) → tuple

Get edge at the specified position with orientation
Returns tuple(Error code, filled edge)
Polyhedron3D.GetEdgeVertices(orientedEdge: OrientedEdge) → tuple
Get points on specified edge from specified face.
Returns tuple(Error code, StartVertex, EndVertex)
Polyhedron3D.GetEdges() → tuple
Returns tuple(Error code, List of edges)
Polyhedron3D.GetEdgesCount() → int
Polyhedron3D.GetFace(faceIndex: int) → PolyhedronFace
Polyhedron3D.GetFacesCount() → int
Polyhedron3D.GetNormalVectorOfFace(faceIndex: int) → tuple
Get normal vector of the face.
Returns tuple(error code, result normal vector)
Polyhedron3D.GetParts() → tuple
Get separated parts (continuous shells).
Returns tuple(error code, list of separated bodies)
Polyhedron3D.GetPartsCount() → int
Polyhedron3D.GetRefPoint() → Point3D
Polyhedron3D.GetRelVertex(index: int) → tuple
Get relative vertex at specified index.
Returns tuple(error code, vertex in local coordinate system)
Polyhedron3D.GetType() → PolyhedronType
Polyhedron3D.GetVertex(vertexIndex: int) → tuple
Get vertex at specified index.
Returns tuple(error code, vertex in WCS)
Polyhedron3D.GetVertices() → Point3DList
Polyhedron3D.GetVerticesCount() → int
Polyhedron3D.Heal() → object
Heal polyhedron by splitting non-planar faces to triangles.
Returns error code
Polyhedron3D.IsNegative() → bool
Checking the negative orientation.
Polyhedron3D.IsValid() → bool
Multiple method signatures:
Normalize(normType: int) → object
Normalize polyhedron
Parameters normType – 0, 1, 2, 3

144 Chapter 20. NemAll_Python_Geometry

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• 0: keine Kanten oder Flaechen vorhanden

• 1: nur Kanten vorhanden
• 2: Flaechen vorhanden, die aber keine geschlossene Volumenoberflaeche bilden
• 3: Flaechen bilden geschlossene Volumen
Returns Error code.
Polyhedron3D.Set(refPoint: Point3D, polyhedron: Polyhedron3D)
Set polyhedron on reference point in world coordinate system.
Polyhedron3D.SetRefPoint(refPoint: Point3D)
Polyhedron3D.SetType(polyhedronType: PolyhedronType)
Polyhedron3D.__eq__(other: Polyhedron3D)
Returns True if self equals other.
Polyhedron3D.__getitem__(index: int) → Point3D
Get vertex at specified index in WCS.
Polyhedron3D.__mul__(matrix: Matrix3D) → Polyhedron3D
Matrix transformation of vertices.


class NemAll_Python_Geometry.PolyhedronFace(Boost.Python.instance)
All constructors are prohibited, only Polyhedron3D can instantiate this class. This behavior is dependant on old
Allplan architecture and can be changed.
PolyhedronFace Methods
PolyhedronFace.__init__(face: PolyhedronFace)
Copy constructor
Multiple method signatures:
AppendEdge(edgeHandle: int, positiveOrientation: bool)
Append edge to face.
AppendEdge(edge: OrientedEdge)
Append edge to face.
PolyhedronFace.AppendEdges(edges: OrientedEdgeList)
Append edges to face.
PolyhedronFace.GetEdge(edgeIndex: int) → tuple
Get the edge index on specified position
Returns tuple(error: bool, edge index)
PolyhedronFace.GetEdges() → OrientedEdgeList
PolyhedronFace.GetEdgesCount() → int
PolyhedronFace.GetFlags() → int
PolyhedronFace.SetFlags(flags: int)

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PolyhedronFace.__getitem__(edgeIndex: int) → OrientedEdge

Get the edge index on specified position.
Method can throw exception when index is out of range. Use GetEdgeIndex() with return flag when you
do not used exception handler.


class NemAll_Python_Geometry.Polyline3D(PolyPoints3D)
Polyline3D Methods
Inherited methods see: PolyPoints3D
Multiple method signatures:
__init__(polyline: Polyline3D)
Copy constructor.
__init__(polyline: Polyline3D, skip: int, count: int)
Copy constructor with limited scope.
• polyline – Polyline which will be copied
• skip – count of points ignored at start.
• count – count of points copied.
Polyline3D.GetLine(index: int) → Line3D
Polyline3D.GetLines() → Line3DList
Polyline3D.IsPlanar() → tuple
Check if polyline is on one plane.
Return tuple(True/False if polyline is on one plane, calculated plane if True)
Polyline3D.IsValid() → bool
Polyline3D.LineCount() → int
Reverse Polyline orientation.
Polyline3D.__eq__(other: Polyline3D) → bool
Returns True if self equals other.
Multiple method signatures:
__iadd__(polyline: Polyline3D) → self
Append all points of polyline inplace.
__iadd__(point: Point3D) → self
Append point inplace.
__iadd__(line: Line3D) → self
Append all points of line inplace.
Parameter: line Line3D which will be added to the polyline

146 Chapter 20. NemAll_Python_Geometry

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Polyline3D.__mul__(matrix: Matrix3D) → Polyline3D

Matrix transformation.


class NemAll_Python_Geometry.Spline3D(PolyPoints3D)
Spline3D Properties
Spline3D Methods
Inherited methods see: PolyPoints3D
Multiple method signatures:
__init__(spline: Spline3D)
Copy constructor.
__init__(spline: Spline2D, z: float=0)
Copy constructor.
Spline3D.CalculateEndVector() → Vector3D
Spline3D.CalculatePoint(param: float) → Point3D
Calculates point on spline at position param.
Spline3D.CalculateStartVector() → Vector3D
Spline3D.GetControlPoints() → tuple
Compute bezier control points.
Returns tuple(error code, vector of control points)
Spline3D.GetEndVector() → Vector3D
Spline3D.GetStartVector() → Vector3D
Spline3D.IsClosed() → bool
Spline3D.IsCollinear() → bool
Return True if spline is collinear - all control points are on same line.
Spline3D.IsPlanar() → tuple
Returns tuple(True if planar, if True the plane)
Reverse of current spline, reverse spline using PolyPoints.reverse() and swapping tangents.
Spline3D.SetEndVector(vec: Vector3D)
Spline3D.SetStartVector(vec: Vector3D)
Spline3D.__eq__(other: Spline3D) → bool
Returns True if self equals other.
Spline3D.__iadd__(point: Point3D) → self
Append point inplace.

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Service Classes

Service classes do not represent an object, instead they provide static class methods to modify other objects. Most
service classes have no properties and can not (and need not) instantiated from Python.


class NemAll_Python_Geometry.ChamferCalculus
Class for chamfer calculation between two objects.
Multiple method signatures:
Calculate(polyhedron: Polyhedron3D, chamferWidth: float) → tuple
Calculate chamfer on all edges of given Polyhedron3D.
Returns error code, resulting polyhedron
Calculate(polyhedron: Plyhedron3D, edges: VecSizeTList, chamferWidth: float, propagation: bool)
→ tuple
Calculate chamfer on selected edges of given Polyhedron3D, set propagation=True for propagation of
neighboring edges.
Returns error code, resulting polyhedron
Calculate(brep: BRep3D, chamferWidth: width) → tuple
Calculate chamfer on all edges of given BRep3D.
Returns error code, resulting BRep
Calculate(brep: BRep3D, edges: VecSizeTList, chamferWidth: float, propagation. bool) → tuple
Calculate chamfer on selected edges of given BRep3D, set propagation=True for propagation of neighbor-
ing edges.
Returns error code, resulting BRep
Calculates applicable chamfer lines between two objects.
Multiple method signatures:
CalculateApplicableChamfers(line1: Line2D, line2: Line2D, intersectionPoint: Point2D,
chamferWidth: width) → Line2DList
Calculates four applicable chamfer lines.
Returns calculated 4 applicable chamfer lines
CalculateApplicableChamfers(igeo1, igeo2, plane3D: Plane3D, intersectionPoint. Point3D,
chamferWidth: float) → Line3DList
Calculates four applicable chamfer lines as Line2DList object.
• igeo1 – Geometry of first object
• igeo2 – Geometry of second object
• plane3D – 3D plane in which objects lie
• intersectionPoint – Intersection point of 2 chamfered objects
• chamferWidth – Chamfer width

148 Chapter 20. NemAll_Python_Geometry

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Teturn calculated 4 applicable chamfer lines as Line3DList object.

CalculateApplicableChamfers(line1: Line3D, line2: Line3D, plane3D: Plane3D, intersection-
Point: Point3D, chamferWidth: float) → Line3DList
Calculates applicable chamfer lines between two Line3D objects.
• line1 – Geometry of the first 3D line
• line2 – Geometry of the second 3D line
• plane3D – 3D plane in which lines lies
• intersectionPoint – Intersection point of 2 chamfered lines
• chamferWidth – Chamfer width
Returns calculated 4 applicable chamfer lines as Line3DList object
CalculateApplicableChamfers(line: Line3D, arc: Arc3D, chamferArc. Arc3D, bFirstElemen-
tIsLine: bool) → Line3DList
Calculates applicable chamfer lines between Line3D and Arc3D objects. Set bFirstElementIsLine flag
for order of element’s intersection calculation (True for first element is 3D line).
Returns calculated 4 applicable chamfer lines as Line3DList object
CalculateApplicableChamfers(arc1: Arc3D, arc2:Arc3D, chamferArc:Arc3D) → Line3DList
Calculates applicable chamfer lines between two Arc3D objects.
Returns calculated 4 applicable chamfer lines as Line3DList object
ChamferCalculus.CalculateChamferInsideOnePolyline(chamferLine: Line3D, polyline:
Polyline3D, polySegment1: int, pol-
ySegment2: int) → Polyline3D
Calculate chamfer inside one polyline - 2 different segments of a polyline are to be chamfered. Returns a new
Polyline3D object.
Calculate chamfer line, inputPoint is the point of click (through which the chamfer should run).
Multiple method signatures:
CalculateChamferLine(line1: Line2D, line2: Line2D, inputPoint: Point2D) → Line2D
Not supported in Allplan 2017.1
CalculateChamferLine(igeo1, igeo2, plane3D: Plane3D, intersectionPoint: Point3D, inputPoint:
Point3D) → Line3D :
Not supported in Allplan 2017.1
CalculateChamferLine(line1: Line3D, line2: Line3D, plane3D: Plan3D, intersectionPoint:
Point3D, (Point3D)inputPoint) → Line3D
Not supported in Allplan 2017.1
CalculateChamferLine(line: Line3D, arc: Arc3D, plane3D: Plane3D, intersectionPoint: Point3D,
inputPoint: Point3D, bFirstElementIsLine: bool) → Line3D
Not supported in Allplan 2017.1
CalculateChamferLine(arc1: Arc3D, arc2: Arc3D, plane: Plane3D, intersectionPoint: Point3D,
inputPoint: Point3D) → Line3D
Not supported in Allplan 2017.1
CalculateChamferedLine(originalLine: Line2D, intersectionPoint: Point2D, chamferPoint:
Point2D) → Line2D

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• originalLine – Line which is being chamfered

• intersectionPoint – Intersection point of 2 chamfered lines
• chamferPoint – Intersection point of chamfer line and (original) chamfered line
CalculateChamferedLine(originalLine: Line3D, plane: Plane3D, intersectionPoint: Point3D,
chamferPoint: Point3D) → Line3D
• originalLine – Line which is being chamfered
• plane – 3D plane in which line lies
• intersectionPoint – Intersection point of 2 chamfered lines
• chamferPoint – Intersection point of chamfer line and (original) chamfered line
ChamferCalculus.CalculateHalvingAngle(line1: Line2D, line2: Line2D, intersectionPoint:
Poit2D) → Angle
Calculates halving angle of 2 given lines in the global coordinate system.
ChamferCalculus.SwapLinePoints(*args) → tuple
Changes line orientation if given point lies on line’s left side.
Returns (True/False if line orientation was changed or not, resulting line)
Multiple method signatures:
SwapLinePoints(line: Line2D, point: Point2D) → tuple
SwapLinePoints(line: Line3D, point: Point3D) → tuple


class NemAll_Python_Geometry.Comparison
Class for comparison between two objects.
Comparison.Equal(first, second, tol: float) → bool
Returns True if first equals second with given tolerance.
Multiple method signatures:
Equal(first: float, second: float, tol: float) → bool
Equal(first: Point2D, second: Point2D, tol: float) → bool
Equal(first: Point3D, second: Point3D, tol: float) → bool
Equal(first: Vector2D, second: Vector2D, tol: float) → bool
Equal(first: Vector3D, second: Vector3D, tol: float) → bool
Equal(first: Line2D, second: Line2D, tol: float) → bool
Equal(first: Line3D, second: Line3D, tol: float) → bool
Equal(first: Spline2D, second: Spline2D, tol: float) → bool
Equal(first: Clothoid2D, second: Clothoid2D, tol: float) → bool
Equal(first: Arc2D, second: Arc2D, tol: float) → bool
Equal(first: Arc3D, second: Arc3D, tol: float) → bool
Equal(first: BSpline2D, second: BSpline2D, tol: float) → bool

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Equal(first: BSpline3D, second: BSpline3D, tol: float) → bool


Divide Path2D objects.

class NemAll_Python_Geometry.DivisionPoints
Multiple method signatures:
__init__(path: Path2D, sectionLength: float, tolerance: float)
sectionLength determines the length of one division section.
__init__(path: Path2D, number: int, tolerance: float)
DivisionPoints.Count() → int
DivisionPoints.GetEndPoint() → Point3D
DivisionPoints.Point3DGetEndPointAngle() → Angle
DivisionPoints.GetPoint(index: int) → Point3D
Get division point att given index.
DivisionPoints.GetPointAngle(index: int) → Angle
Get the angle of a division point at given index.
DivisionPoints.GetPointAngles() → AngleList
Get the angles of all division points.
DivisionPoints.GetPoints() → Point3DList
Get all calculated division points.
DivisionPoints.GetStartPoint() → Point3D
DivisionPoints.GetStartPointAngle() → Angle
DivisionPoints.IsSuccessful() → bool


class NemAll_Python_Geometry.FilletCalculus2D
Class for fillet3d calculation between two 2D objects
FilletCalculus2D Methods
Multiple method signatures:
__init__(geoObj1: IGeometry, geoObj2: IGeometry, radius: float)
__init__(line1: Line2D, line2: Line2D, radius: float)
__init__(line: Line2D, arc: Arc2D, radius: float)
__init__(arc1: Arc2D, arc2: Arc2D, radius: float)
__init__(arc: Arc2D, point: Point2D)
__init__(line: Line2D, point: Point2D)
Multiple method signatures:

20.6. Service Classes 151

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ClickedOnObject(line: Line2D, clickedPoint: Point2D, searchRadius: float) → bool

Check if click point is a point located on given line.
ClickedOnObject(arc: Arc2D, clickedPoint: Point2D, searchRadius: float) → bool
Check if click point is a point located on given arc.
FilletCalculus2D.GetArcHelpConstructions() → Arc2DList
Get all arc help constructions.
Multiple method signatures:
GetFilletType(line1: Line2D, line2: Line2D) → eFilletType
Get fillet3d type for two lines.
GetFilletType(line: Line2D, arc: Arc2D) → eFilletType
Get fillet3d type for line and arc.
GetFilletType(arc1: Arc2D, arc2: Arc2D) → eFilletType
Get fillet3d type for two arcs.
GetFilletType(geometry1: object, geometry2: object) → eFilletType
Get fillet3d type for two geometry objects
FilletCalculus2D.GetFillets() → Arc2DList
Get all possible fillets
FilletCalculus2D.GetLineHelpConstructions() → object
Get all line help constructions
FilletCalculus2D.GetNearest(point: Point2D) → Arc2D
Get the nearest fillet3d to the point
FilletCalculus2D.SplitPolylineBySegment(polyline: Polyline2D, segment: int) → tuple
Split polyline by given segment
Returns (first part of polyline, second part of polyline)
Multiple method signatures:
TrimByHelpConstruction(line: Line2D, hcLine: Line2D, intersections: Point3DList) → Line2D
Trim line by given help construction
TrimByHelpConstruction(polyline: Polyline2D, segment: Line2D, hcLine: Line2D, intersections:
Point3DList) → Polyline2D
Trim polyline by given help construction
TrimByHelpConstruction(arc: Arc2D, hcArc: Arc2D, intersections: Point3DList) → Arc2D
Trim arc by given help construction
Update line by selected help construction
Multiple method signatures:
UpdateBySelectedHelpConstruction(line: Line2D, trimHelpConstruction: object, intersec-
tion: Point2D) → Line2D
UpdateBySelectedHelpConstruction(polyline: Polyline2D, segment: Line2D, trimHelpCon-
struction: object, intersection: Point2D) → Polyline2D
Multiple method signatures:

152 Chapter 20. NemAll_Python_Geometry

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UpdateGeometry(geoLine: Line2D, fillet3d: Arc2D, selectedGeometry: object) → Line2D

UpdateGeometry(geoArc: Arc2D, fillet3d: Arc2D, selectedGeometry: object) → Arc2D
UpdateGeometry(geoPolyline: Polyline2D, fillet3d: Arc2D, selectedGeometry1: object, selectedGe-
ometry2: object) → Polyline2DList
UpdateGeometry(geoPolyline: Polyline2D, fillet3d: Arc2D, selectedGeometry: object) → Poly-
UpdateGeometry(geoPolyline: Polyline2D, fillet3d: Arc2D, selectedGeometry1: object, selectedGe-
ometry2: object, segmentCount: int) → Polyline2D
UpdateGeometry(geoPolygon: Polygon2D, fillet3d: Arc2D, segment1: Line2D, segment2: Line2D,
segmentCount: int) → Polygon2D
UpdateGeometry(geoSpline: Spline2D, fillet3d: Arc2D) → Spline2D


class NemAll_Python_Geometry.FilletCalculus3D(Boost.Python.instance)
Class for 3D fillet3d calculation. This class cannot be instantiated from Python.
FilletCalculus3D Methods
Multiple method signatures:
Calculate(line1: Line3D, line2: Line3D, radius: float) → tuple
Calculate fillet3d between two coplanar 3d lines
Returns (error code, resulting first Line3D, resulting second Line3D, calculated fillet3d)
Calculate(line1: Line3D, line2: Line3D) → tuple
Calculate fillet3d between two parallel non collinear 3d lines. The end point of the first line must lie on
the same plane as start point of the second line and plane is perpendicular to both lines.
Returns (error code, calculated fillet3d)
Calculate(line1: Line3D, endPoint: eLinePointIdentification, polyline: Polyline3D, startLineIndex:
int, endLineIndex: int, radius: float) → tuple
Calculate fillet3d between line1 and line2. Line2 is created as line between end point of line1 (by parameter
endPoint) and point from polyline (limited with startPointIndex and endPointIndex).
• line1 – Line 1 for fillet3d
• endPoint – Sign for line2 (from where point of line1 should be start line2)
• polyline – Polyline (buffer of end points for line2)
• startLineIndex – Start point index for polyline
• endLineIndex – End point index for polyline
• radius – radius of fillet3d
Returns (error code, Line 1 from fillet3d calculation, Line 2 from fillet3d calculation, Calculated
Calculate(polyhedron: Polyhedron3D, edges: VecSizeTList, radius: float, propagation: bool) →
Calculate fillet3d on selected edges of given Polyhedron3D.

20.6. Service Classes 153

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• polyhedron – polyhedron to fillet3d

• edges – edges to fillet3d
• radius – fillet3d sphere radius
• propagation – flag for propagation of neighboring edges
Returns (error code, resulting BRep3D)
Calculate(brep: BRep3D, radius: float) → tuple
Calculate fillet3d on all edges of given BRep3D.
Returns (error code, resulting brep)
Calculate(brep: BRep3D, edges: VecSizeTList, radius: float, propagation: bool) → tuple
Calculate fillet3d on selected edges of given BRep3D.
• brep – brep to fillet3d
• edges – edges to fillet3d
• radius – fillet3d sphere radius
• propagation – flag for propagation of neighboring edges
Returns (error code, resulting brep)


class NemAll_Python_Geometry.TransformCoord
Functions for point transformation between the local and global element coordinate system. This class cannot
be instantiated from Python.
Transforms a local 2D point p, or local x distance into a global 3D point. The local coordinate is defined by a
Line2D, Arc2D, Polygon2D, Line3D object.
PointGlobal(arg1: Polygon2D, xdist: float) → Point3D
Transform a local x distance to a global 3D point
PointGlobal(axis: Line3D, xdist: float) → Point3D
Transform a local x distance to a global 3D point. axis defines the x-axis of the local 2D coordinate system
in world coordinates.
PointGlobal(arg1: Arc2D, xdist: float) → Point3D
Transform a local x distance to a global 3D point.
PointGlobal(axis: Line2D, xdist: float) → Point3D
Transform a local x distance to a global 3D point. axis defines the x-axis of the local 2D coordinate system
in world coordinates.
PointGlobal(axis: Line2D, p: Point2D) → Point3D
Transform a local 2D point to a global 3D point. axis defines the x-axis of the local 2D coordinate system
in world coordinates.
Transforms a global point p (2D/3D) into a local 2D coordinate system. The local coordinate is defined by a
Line2D, Polyline2D, Arc2D, Polygon2D, Line3D object.
PointLocal(arg1: Polyline2D, p: Point2D) → Point2D
Transform a global 2D point to a local 2D point

154 Chapter 20. NemAll_Python_Geometry

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PointLocal(axis: Line2D, p: Point2D) → Point2D

Transform a global 2D point to a local 2D point. axis defines the x-axis of the local 2D coordinate system
in world coordinates.
PointLocal(arg1: Arc2D, p: Point2D) → Point2D
Transform a global 2D point to a local 2D point
PointLocal(arg1: Polygon2D, p: Point3D) → Point2D
Transform a global 3D point to a local 2D point
PointLocal(axis: Line3D, p: Point3D) → Point2D
Transform a global 3D point to a local 2D point. axis defines the x-axis of the local 2D coordinate system
in world coordinates.
PointLocal(axis: Line2D, p: Point3D) → Point2D
Transform a global 3D point to a local 2D point. axis defines the x-axis of the local 2D coordinate system
in world coordinates.

ENum Classes


class NemAll_Python_Geometry.PolyhedronType
Type of polyhedron visual representation


class NemAll_Python_Geometry.Offset3DPlane
Definition of plane on which offset of 3D elements will be calculated


class NemAll_Python_Geometry.eApproximationSettingsType
Type of Approximation setting. Used for identification of Approximation settings type.

20.7. ENum Classes 155

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class NemAll_Python_Geometry.eBoolOpResult
Used for an identification of boolean operation’s result.


class NemAll_Python_Geometry.eBoxPoint
Dedicated location of the box
4 8 3
9 5 7
1 6 2


class NemAll_Python_Geometry.eClothoidType
Clothoid type identification


class NemAll_Python_Geometry.eFilletErrorCode
Enumeration of error codes for Fillet

156 Chapter 20. NemAll_Python_Geometry

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class NemAll_Python_Geometry.eGeometryErrorCode(Boost.Python.enum)
Geometry error codes


class NemAll_Python_Geometry.eLinePointIdentification
Start and end point identification, used for better identification of start and end point.


class NemAll_Python_Geometry.ePolygonHealingSettings
Type of Healing settings for polygon, used for identification of Healing settings type for polygon.


class NemAll_Python_Geometry.ePolygonNormalizeType
Type of Polygon2D normalization.

20.7. ENum Classes 157

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class NemAll_Python_Geometry.ePolyhedronHealingSettings
Type of Healing settings for polyhedron, used for identification of Healing settings type for polyhedron.


class NemAll_Python_Geometry.eProjectionMatrixType
Type of projection in Matrix3D, used for an identification of what kind of projection is in Matrix3D.


class NemAll_Python_Geometry.eServiceResult
Service results


class NemAll_Python_Geometry.eSplitResult
Used for split operation’s result.


class NemAll_Python_Geometry.eSurfaceTrimParam
Trimming curve surface param for naturally trimmed surfaces.

158 Chapter 20. NemAll_Python_Geometry

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class NemAll_Python_Geometry.eValidationStatusPolygon3D
Validation status of 3D Polygon.



NemAll_Python_Geometry.CalcAngle(line: Line2D) → tuple

Compute angle of 2D line and x axis
Returns tuple(result angle (normalized 2pi), error code) with error codes: NO_ERR, IN-
VALID_LINE (lines is degenerated)
NemAll_Python_Geometry.CalcAngle(point1: Point2D, point2: Point2D) → Angle
Compute angle of 2D points


NemAll_Python_Geometry.CalcLength(line2d: Line2D) → float

NemAll_Python_Geometry.CalcLength(line3d: Line3D) → float
NemAll_Python_Geometry.CalcLength(arc2d: Arc2D) → float
NemAll_Python_Geometry.CalcLength(polyline2d: Polyline2D) → float


NemAll_Python_Geometry.CalcMass(elem: object) → tuple

Returns tuple(error code, calculated volume, calculated surface, calculated gravity point)
Multiple method signatures:
NemAll_Python_Geometry.CalcMass(elem: Polyhedron3D) → tuple

20.8. Functions 159

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NemAll_Python_Geometry.CalcMass(elem: Cuboid3D) → tuple

NemAll_Python_Geometry.CalcMass(elem: Cylinder3D) → tuple
NemAll_Python_Geometry.CalcMass(elem: Ellipsoid3D) → tuple
NemAll_Python_Geometry.CalcMass(elem: Cone3D) → tuple
NemAll_Python_Geometry.CalcMass(elem: ClippedSweptSolid3D) → tuple
NemAll_Python_Geometry.CalcMass(elem: ExtrudedAreaSolid3D) → tuple
NemAll_Python_Geometry.CalcMass(elem: BRep3D) → tuple


NemAll_Python_Geometry.CalcMinMax(arg1: Polyhedron3D) → tuple

Calculate the min/max values from a polyhedron.
NemAll_Python_Geometry.CalcMinMax(arg1: Polyline3D) → tuple
Calculate the min/max values from a 3D polyline.


NemAll_Python_Geometry.CalcSurface(elem: BRep3D) → tuple

Calculate surface of BRep3D
Return tuple(error code, result surface)


NemAll_Python_Geometry.CalcVolume(elem: BRep3D) → tuple

Calculate volume of BRep3D
Return tuple(error code, result volume)


NemAll_Python_Geometry.Convert3DRotation(axis: Axis3D, angle: Angle) → tuple

Convert a 3D Rotation to series of 2D operations: scale, rotation, scale, rotation.
Returns tuple(first scale in X axis, first scale in Y axis, angle of the first 2D rotation, second scale
in X axis (scale in Y axis is 1.0), angle of the second 2D rotation)


NemAll_Python_Geometry.CreateBRep3D(polyhedron: Polyhedron3D) → tuple

Create BRep3D by converting a polyhedron.
Returns tuple(error code, BRep3D to create)
NemAll_Python_Geometry.CreateBRep3D(brep: BRep3D, faceIndex: int) → tuple
Create brep from brep face.
Returns tuple(error code, result brep)

160 Chapter 20. NemAll_Python_Geometry

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NemAll_Python_Geometry.CreateFrustumOfPyramid(length: float, width: float, height: float,

offset: float, bottomPlane: Plane3D) →
Create a frustum of pyramid
• length – Length of the bottom
• width – Width of the bottom
• height – Height of the bottom
• offset – Offset of the top
• bottomPlane – Bottom plane
Returns tuple(error code, Polyhedron)


NemAll_Python_Geometry.CreateLoftedBRep3D(outerProfiles: list, innerProfiles: list, closecaps:

bool, createprofileedges: bool, linear: bool) →
Create BRep3D by means of lofting through a set of profiles (incl. hole)
• outerProfiles – outer profiles to loft
• innerProfiles – inner profiles to loft (represents hole in outer profile)
• closecaps – close brep if possible (all profiles are closed)
• createprofileedges – create profile edges and more surfaces or just create one sur-
• linear – linear or cubic interpolation
Returns tuple(error code, result BRep3D)


NemAll_Python_Geometry.CreatePlanarBRep3D(icurve: object) → tuple

Create brep as planar surface
Parameters icurve – border of planar surface (must be closed).
Returns tuple(error code, result BRep3D)
NemAll_Python_Geometry.CreatePlanarBRep3D(profiles: list) → tuple
Create brep as planar surface.
Parameters profiles – border of planar surface (must be closed).
Return tuple(error code, result BRep3D)

20.8. Functions 161

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NemAll_Python_Geometry.CreatePolygon3DFromIndex(arg1: Polygon3D, arg2: Polygon3D,

arg3: int, arg4: int) → Polygon3D
Create a 3D polygon from a start and end polygon, an index and a division count.


NemAll_Python_Geometry.CreatePolyhedron(*args) → tuple
Returns tuple(error code, 3D Polyhedron)
NemAll_Python_Geometry.CreatePolyhedron(polyhedronType: PolyhedronType, verticesCount:
int, edgeCount: int, faceCount: int, negativeOri-
entation: bool) → tuple
Create and initialize new Polyhedron3D
• polyhedronType – Polyhedron type - edges, faces or volume.
• verticesCount – Count of expected vertices.
• edgeCount – Count of expected edges.
• faceCount – Count of expected faces.
• negativeOrientation – True for negative orientation.
NemAll_Python_Geometry.CreatePolyhedron(solid: ClippedSweptSolid3D) → tuple
Create polyhedron from input parametric solid
NemAll_Python_Geometry.CreatePolyhedron(solid: ExtrudedAreaSolid3D) → tuple
Create polyhedron from input parametric solid
NemAll_Python_Geometry.CreatePolyhedron(cylinder: Cylinder3D, countOfSegments: int) →
Create polyhedron from input Cylinder
NemAll_Python_Geometry.CreatePolyhedron(brep: BRep3D, options: ApproximationSettings)
→ tuple
Create polyhedron as approximation of arbitrary BRep3D
• brep – arbitrary BRep3D
• options – approximation settings
NemAll_Python_Geometry.CreatePolyhedron(polygon: Polygon3D) → tuple
Create polyhedron from Polygon3D
NemAll_Python_Geometry.CreatePolyhedron(line: Line3D) → tuple
Create polyhedron from Line3D
NemAll_Python_Geometry.CreatePolyhedron(lines: Line3DList) → tuple
Create polyhedron from vector of 3D lines
NemAll_Python_Geometry.CreatePolyhedron(polyline: Polyline3D) → tuple
Create polyhedron from Polyline3D
NemAll_Python_Geometry.CreatePolyhedron(igeo: object, options: ApproximationSettings) →
Create polyhedron from arbitrary solid

162 Chapter 20. NemAll_Python_Geometry

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• igeo – Reference to IGeometry3D
• options – ApproximationSettings structure holding options for approximation
NemAll_Python_Geometry.CreatePolyhedron(base: Polygon3D, path: Polyline3D) → tuple
Create translation polyhedron from base polygon and path
• base – base polygon
• path – translation path
NemAll_Python_Geometry.CreatePolyhedron(base: Polygon2D, refPoint: Point2D, path: Poly-
line3D) → tuple
Create translation polyhedron from base polygon and path
• base – base polygon 2D
• refPoint – reference point used for transformation
• path – translation path
NemAll_Python_Geometry.CreatePolyhedron(polygon: Polygon2D, bottomPlane: Plane3D, top-
Plane: Plane3D) → tuple
Create translation polyhedron from 2D polygon, bottom and top plane.
• polygon – polygon 2D
• bottomPlane – the bottom plane
• topPlane – the top plane
NemAll_Python_Geometry.CreatePolyhedron(baseOutline: Polygon2D, leftOffset: float, rightOff-
set: float, frontOffset: float, backOffset: float, bot-
tomPlane: Plane3D, topPlane: Plane3D) → tuple
Create conical polyhedron from 2D polygon, given offsets, bottom and top plane
• baseOutline – base outline polygon 2D (rectangle of 4 points)
• leftOffset – offset from base outline on the left side
• rightOffset – offset from base outline on the right side
• frontOffset – offset from base outline on the front side
• backOffset – offset from base outline on the back side
• bottomPlane – element’s bottom plane
• topPlane – element’s top plane
NemAll_Python_Geometry.CreatePolyhedron(startPolygon: Polygon3D, endPolygon: Poly-
gon3D) → tuple
Create a polyhedron from a 3D start and end polygon
• startPolygon – Start polygon
• endPolygon – End polygon

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NemAll_Python_Geometry.CreatePolyline3DFromIndex(arg1: Polyline3D, arg2: Polyline3D,

arg3: int, arg4: int) → Polyline3D
Create a 3D polyline from a start and end polyline, an index and a division count


NemAll_Python_Geometry.CreateRailSweptBRep3D(profiles: list, rails: list, closecaps: bool,

uniformScaling: bool, railrotation: bool)
→ tuple
Create BRep3D by rail sweeping of profiles. Rails must start/ends on profiles start/end points.
• profiles – profiles to sweep
• rails – rails to control sweeping
• closecaps – if true, create closed solid if possible, if false just surface(s) will be created
• uniformScaling – use uniform scaling for profiles along the rails
• railrotation – use rotation the shape to maintain a constant angle with the rail
Returns tuple(error code, result BRep3D (1 swept face))


NemAll_Python_Geometry.CreateRevolvedBRep3D(profiles: list, axis: Axis3D, rotationAngle:

Angle, closecaps: bool, numprofiles: int) →
Create brep as revolved body.
• profiles – vector of profile curves
• axis – axis of rotation
• rotationAngle – angle of rotation
• closecaps – if true, create closed solid if possible, if false just surface(s) will be created
• numprofiles – number of control profiles created along the created surfaces (division of
surface parameter)
Returns tuple(error code, result BRep3D)


NemAll_Python_Geometry.CreateSweptBRep3D(profiles: object, path: object, railRotation: bool,

rotAxis: Vector3D) → tuple
Create BRep3D by means of a vector of profiles extrusion along a path
• profile – profiles to extrude, if closed solid will be created, otherwise a surface only
• path – path to extrude along

164 Chapter 20. NemAll_Python_Geometry

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• railRotation – if true, rotate profile along the path

• rotAxis – if set, profile will be rotated along this axis along the path
Returns tuple(error code, result BRep3D)
NemAll_Python_Geometry.CreateSweptBRep3D(profiles: list, path: object, closeCaps: bool, rail-
Rotation: bool, rotAxis: Vector3D, numProfiles:
int) → tuple
Create BRep3D by means of a vector of profiles extrusion along a path
• profiles – profiles to extrude, if closed solid will be created, otherwise a surface only
• path – path to extrude along
• closeCaps – if true, create closed solid if possible, if false just surface(s) will be created
• railRotation – if true, rotate profile along the path
• rotAxis – if set, profile will be rotated along this axis along the path
• numProfiles – number of control profiles created along the created surfaces (division of
surface parameter)
Returns tuple(error code, result BRep3D)


NemAll_Python_Geometry.CreateSweptPolyhedron3D(profiles: Polyline3DList, path: Poly-

line3D, closeCaps: bool, railRotation:
bool, rotAxis: Vector3D) → tuple
Create translation polyhedron from base polygon and path
• profiles – profiles to sweep
• path – translation path
• closeCaps – create closed volume (in case of closed profiles) or open shell only
• railRotation – rotate profiles along path - standard rotation = true (keep angle between
profile and a path), rotation along z-axis vector = false
• rotAxis – if set, profile will be rotated along this axis along the path
Returns tuples (error code, Polyhedron3D which will be created)


NemAll_Python_Geometry.DeletePolyhedronLastFace(polyhedron: Polyhedron3D) → object

Delete the last face of given polyhedron
Returns error code


NemAll_Python_Geometry.GetRotationMatrix(zeroPoint: Point2D, angle: Angle) → Matrix2D

Creates 2D rotation matrix

20.8. Functions 165

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• zeroPoint – Rotation point
• angle – Rotation angle
NemAll_Python_Geometry.GetRotationMatrix(axis: Axis3D, angle: Angle) → Matrix3D
Creates 3D rotation matrix
• axis – Rotation axis
• angle – Rotation angle
NemAll_Python_Geometry.GetRotationMatrix(line: Line3D, angle: Angle) → Matrix3D
Creates 3D rotation matrix
• line – Rotation line, extended to axis
• angle – Rotation angle


NemAll_Python_Geometry.IntersectionCalculus(axis1: Axis2D, axis2: Axis2D) → tuple

compute intersection of 2 2D axis.
Returns tuple(True if intersecting, intersection point if possible)
NemAll_Python_Geometry.IntersectionCalculus(axis: Axis2D, line: Line2D) → tuple
compute intersection between 2D axis and 2D line.
Returns tuple(True if intersecting, intersection point if possible)
NemAll_Python_Geometry.IntersectionCalculus(axis2D: Axis2D, axis3D: Axis3D) → tuple
Calculate the intersection between a 2D and a 3D axis.
return tuple(True if intersecting, intersection point if possible)
NemAll_Python_Geometry.IntersectionCalculus(axis2D: Axis2D, arc2D: Arc2D, epsilon:
float) → tuple
Calculate the intersection between a 2D axis and a 2D arc. Remark: There are known precision issues with the
background function lksplk.
Returns tuple(True if intersecting, Vector of intersection points)
NemAll_Python_Geometry.IntersectionCalculus(axis2D: Axis2D, polyline: Polyline2D) →
Calculate the intersection between a 2D axis and a 2D polyline.
Returns tuple(True if intersecting, Vector of intersection points)
NemAll_Python_Geometry.IntersectionCalculus(axis2D: Axis2D, polygon: Polygon2D) →
Calculate the intersection between a 2D axis and a 2D polygon.
Returns tuple(True if intersecting, Vector of intersection points)
NemAll_Python_Geometry.IntersectionCalculus(axis2D: Axis2D, spline: Spline2D, eps: float,
maxSolutions: int) → tuple
Calculate the intersection between a 2D axis and a 2D spline.
Returns tuple(True if intersecting, Vector of intersection points)

166 Chapter 20. NemAll_Python_Geometry

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NemAll_Python_Geometry.IntersectionCalculus(axis2D: Axis2D, bspline: BSpline2D, eps:

float, maxSolutions: int) → tuple
Calculate the intersection between a 2D axis and a 2D bspline.
Returns tuple(True if intersecting, Vector of intersection points)
NemAll_Python_Geometry.IntersectionCalculus(axis1: Axis3D, axis2: Axis3D) → tuple
Calculate the intersection between two 3D axis.
Returns tuple(True if intersecting, intersection point if possible)
NemAll_Python_Geometry.IntersectionCalculus(axis: Axis3D, line: Line2D) → tuple
Calculate the intersection between 3D axis and 2D line.
Returns tuple(True if intersecting, intersection point if possible)
NemAll_Python_Geometry.IntersectionCalculus(axis: Axis3D, arc: Arc2D, eps: float) → tu-
Calculate the intersection between a 3D axis and a 2D arc. Remark: There are known precision issues with the
background function lksplk.
Returns tuple(True if intersecting, Vector of intersection points)
NemAll_Python_Geometry.IntersectionCalculus(axis: Axis3D, polyline: Polyline2D) → tuple
Calculate the intersection between a 3D axis and a 2D polyline.
Returns tuple(True if intersecting, Vector of intersection points)
NemAll_Python_Geometry.IntersectionCalculus(axis: Axis3D, polygon: Polygon2D) → tuple
Calculate the intersection between a 3D axis and a 2D polygon.
Returns tuple(True if intersecting, Vector of intersection points)
NemAll_Python_Geometry.IntersectionCalculus(axis: Axis3D, spline: Spline2D, eps: float,
maxSolutions: int) → tuple
Calculate the intersection between a 3D axis and a 2D spline.
Returns tuple(True if intersecting, Vector of intersection points)
NemAll_Python_Geometry.IntersectionCalculus(axis: Axis3D, spline: Spline3D, eps: float,
maxSolutions: int) → tuple
Calculate the intersection between a 3D axis and a 3D spline.
Returns tuple(True if intersecting, Vector of intersection points)
NemAll_Python_Geometry.IntersectionCalculus(axis: Axis3D, spline: BSpline3D, eps: float,
maxSolutions: int) → tuple
Calculate the intersection between a 3D axis and a 3D B-spline.
Returns tuple(True if intersecting, Vector of intersection points)
NemAll_Python_Geometry.IntersectionCalculus(axis: Axis3D, plane: Plane3D, eps: float) →
Calculate the intersection between a 3D axis and a 3D plane.
Returns tuple(True if intersecting, intersection point if possible)
NemAll_Python_Geometry.IntersectionCalculus(line: Line3D, plane: Plane3D, eps: float) →
Calculate the intersection between a 3D axis and a 3D plane.
Returns tuple(True if intersecting, intersection point if possible)
NemAll_Python_Geometry.IntersectionCalculus(axis: Axis3D, arc: Arc3D, eps: float) → tu-
Calculate the intersection between a 3D axis and a 3D arc.

20.8. Functions 167

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Returns tuple(True if intersecting, Vector of intersection points)

NemAll_Python_Geometry.IntersectionCalculus(line: Line3D, arc: Arc3D, eps: float) → tu-
Calculate the intersection between a 3D line and a 3D arc.
Returns tuple(True if intersecting, Vector of intersection points)
NemAll_Python_Geometry.IntersectionCalculus(el1: Line2D, el2: Line2D) → tuple
Calculate the intersection of 2 2D line.
Returns tuple(True if intersecting, intersection point if possible)
NemAll_Python_Geometry.IntersectionCalculus(line2D: Line2D, line3D: Line3D) → tuple
Calculate the intersection between a 2D and a 3D line.
Returns tuple(True if intersecting, intersection point if possible)
NemAll_Python_Geometry.IntersectionCalculus(line2D: Line2D, arc2D: Arc2D, eps: float)
→ tuple
Calculate the intersection between a 2D line and a 2D arc. Remark: There are known precision issues with the
background function lksplk.
Returns tuple(True if intersecting, Vector of intersection points)
NemAll_Python_Geometry.IntersectionCalculus(line2D: Line2D, polyline: Polyline2D) →
Calculate the intersection between a 2D line and a 2D polyline.
Returns tuple(True if intersecting, Vector of intersection points)
NemAll_Python_Geometry.IntersectionCalculus(line2D: Line2D, polygon: Polygon2D) →
Calculate the intersection between a 2D line and a 2D polygon.
Returns tuple(True if intersecting, Vector of intersection points)
NemAll_Python_Geometry.IntersectionCalculus(line: Line2D, bspline: BSpline2D, eps: float,
maxSolutions: int) → tuple
Calculate the intersection between a 2D line and a 2D bspline.
Returns tuple(True if intersecting, Vector of intersection points)
NemAll_Python_Geometry.IntersectionCalculus(line2D: Line2D, spline: Spline2D, eps: float,
maxSolutions: int) → tuple
Calculate the intersection between a 2D line and a 2D spline.
Returns tuple(True if intersecting, Vector of intersection points)
NemAll_Python_Geometry.IntersectionCalculus(line1: Line3D, line2: Line3D) → tuple
Calculate the intersection between two 3D line.
Returns tuple(True if intersecting, intersection point if possible)
NemAll_Python_Geometry.IntersectionCalculus(line: Line3D, arc: Arc2D, eps: float) → tu-
Calculate the intersection between a 3D line and a 2D arc. Remark: There are known precision issues with the
background function lksplk.
Returns tuple(True if intersecting, Vector of intersection points)
NemAll_Python_Geometry.IntersectionCalculus(line: Line3D, polyline: Polyline2D) → tuple
Calculate the intersection between a 3D line and a 2D polyline.
Returns tuple(True if intersecting, Vector of intersection points)

168 Chapter 20. NemAll_Python_Geometry

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NemAll_Python_Geometry.IntersectionCalculus(line: Line3D, polygon: Polygon2D) → tuple

Calculate the intersection between a 3D line and a 2D polygon.
Returns tuple(True if intersecting, Vector of intersection points)
NemAll_Python_Geometry.IntersectionCalculus(line: Line3D, spline: Spline2D, eps: float,
maxSolutions: int) → tuple
Calculate the intersection between a 3D line and a 2D spline.
Returns tuple(True if intersecting, Vector of intersection points)
NemAll_Python_Geometry.IntersectionCalculus(line: Line3D, spline: Spline3D, eps: float,
maxSolutions: int) → tuple
Calculate the intersection between a 3D line and a 3D spline.
Returns tuple(True if intersecting, Vector of intersection points)
NemAll_Python_Geometry.IntersectionCalculus(line: Line3D, bspline: BSpline3D, eps: float,
maxSolutions: int) → tuple
Calculate the intersection between a 3D line and a 3D bspline.
Returns tuple(True if intersecting, Vector of intersection points)
NemAll_Python_Geometry.IntersectionCalculus(arc1: Arc2D, arc2: Arc2D) → tuple
Calculate the intersection between two arcs.
Returns tuple(True if intersecting, Vector of intersection points)
NemAll_Python_Geometry.IntersectionCalculus(arc: Arc2D, polyline: Polyline2D, eps: float)
→ tuple
Calculate the intersection between a 2D arc and a 2D polyline. Remark: There are known precision issues with
the background function lksplk.
Returns tuple(True if intersecting, Vector of intersection points)
NemAll_Python_Geometry.IntersectionCalculus(arc: Arc2D, polygon: Polygon2D, intersec-
tionPnts: float) → tuple
Calculate the intersection between a 2D arc and a 2D polygon. Remark: There are known precision issues with
the background function lksplk.
Returns tuple(True if intersecting, Vector of intersection points)
NemAll_Python_Geometry.IntersectionCalculus(arc: Arc2D, spline: Spline2D, eps: float,
maxSolutions: int) → tuple
Calculate the intersection between a 2D arc and a 2D spline.
Returns tuple(True if intersecting, Vector of intersection points)
NemAll_Python_Geometry.IntersectionCalculus(arc: Arc2D, bspline: BSpline2D, eps: float,
maxSolutions: int) → tuple
Calculate the intersection between a 2D arc and a 2D spline.
Returns tuple(True if intersecting, Vector of intersection points)
NemAll_Python_Geometry.IntersectionCalculus(arc: Arc3D, arc2: Arc3D, eps: float, maxSo-
lutions: int) → tuple
Calculate the intersection between a 3D arc and a 3D B-spline.
Returns tuple(True if intersecting, Vector of intersection points)
NemAll_Python_Geometry.IntersectionCalculus(arc: Arc3D, spline: Spline3D, eps: float,
maxSolutions: int) → tuple
Calculate the intersection between a 3D arc and a 3D spline.
Returns tuple(True if intersecting, Vector of intersection points)

20.8. Functions 169

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NemAll_Python_Geometry.IntersectionCalculus(arc: Arc3D, bspline: BSpline3D, eps: float,

maxSolutions: int) → tuple
Calculate the intersection between a 3D arc and a 3D B-spline.
Returns tuple(True if intersecting, Vector of intersection points)
NemAll_Python_Geometry.IntersectionCalculus(polyline1: Polyline2D, polyline2: Poly-
line2D) → tuple
Calculate the intersection between two polylines.
Returns tuple(True if intersecting, Vector of intersection points)
NemAll_Python_Geometry.IntersectionCalculus(polyline: Polyline2D, polygon: Polygon2D)
→ tuple
Calculate the intersection between polyline and polygon.
Returns tuple(True if intersecting, Vector of intersection points)
NemAll_Python_Geometry.IntersectionCalculus(polygon1: Polygon2D, polygon2: Poly-
gon2D) → tuple
Calculate the intersection between two polygons
Returns tuple(True if intersecting, Vector of intersection points)
NemAll_Python_Geometry.IntersectionCalculus(polyline: Polyline2D, spline: Spline2D, eps:
float, maxSolutions: int) → tuple
Calculate the intersection between a 2D polyline and a 2D spline
Returns tuple(True if intersecting, Vector of intersection points).
NemAll_Python_Geometry.IntersectionCalculus(polyline: Polyline2D, spline: BSpline2D,
eps: float, maxSolutions: int) → tuple
Calculate the intersection between a 2D polyline and a 2D bspline.
Returns tuple(True if intersecting, Vector of intersection points)
NemAll_Python_Geometry.IntersectionCalculus(polyline: Polyline3D, spline: BSpline3D,
eps: float, maxSolutions: int) → tuple
Calculate the intersection between a 3D polyline and a 3D bspline.
Returns tuple(True if intersecting, Vector of intersection points)
NemAll_Python_Geometry.IntersectionCalculus(polygon: Polygon2D, spline: Spline2D, eps:
float, maxSolutions: int) → tuple
Calculate the intersection between a 2D polygon and a 2D spline.
Returns tuple(True if intersecting, Vector of intersection points)
NemAll_Python_Geometry.IntersectionCalculus(plane: Plane3D, line: Line3D, eps: float) →
Calculate the intersection between 3D plane and 3D line.
Returns tuple(True if intersecting, Vector of intersection points)
NemAll_Python_Geometry.IntersectionCalculus(plane: Plane3D, line: Polyline3D, eps:
float) → tuple
Calculate the intersection between 3D plane and 3D polyline.
Returns tuple(True if intersecting, Vector of intersection points)
NemAll_Python_Geometry.IntersectionCalculus(plane: Plane3D, arc: Arc3D, eps: float) →
Calculate the intersection between 3D plane and 3D arc.
Returns tuple(True if intersecting, Vector of intersection points)

170 Chapter 20. NemAll_Python_Geometry

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NemAll_Python_Geometry.IntersectionCalculus(plane: Plane3D, spline: Spline3D, eps: float,

maxSolutions: int) → tuple
Calculate the intersection between 3D plane and 3D arc.
Returns tuple(True if intersecting, Vector of intersection points)
NemAll_Python_Geometry.IntersectionCalculus(spline1: Spline2D, spline2: Spline2D, eps:
float, maxSolutions: int) → tuple
Calculate the intersection between two 2D splines.
Returns tuple(True if intersecting, Vector of intersection points)
NemAll_Python_Geometry.IntersectionCalculus(spline1: Spline2D, spline2: Spline3D, eps:
float, maxSolutions: int) → tuple
Calculate the intersection between 2D spline and 3D spline. Note 2D spline is converted to 3D spline and
calculation between 3D splines is called.
Returns tuple(True if intersecting, Vector of intersection points)
NemAll_Python_Geometry.IntersectionCalculus(spline1: Spline3D, spline2: Spline3D, eps:
float, maxSolutions: int) → tuple
Calculate the intersection between a 3D Spline and a 3D Spline.
Returns tuple(True if intersecting, Vector of intersection points)
NemAll_Python_Geometry.IntersectionCalculus(spline1: Spline2D, spline2: BSpline2D, eps:
float, maxSolutions: int) → tuple
Calculate the intersection between a 2D Spline and a 2D BSpline.
Returns tuple(True if intersecting, Vector of intersection points)
NemAll_Python_Geometry.IntersectionCalculus(spline1: Spline3D, spline2: BSpline3D, eps:
float, maxSolutions: int) → tuple
Calculate the intersection between a 3D BSpline and a 3D Spline.
Returns tuple(True if intersecting, Vector of intersection points)
NemAll_Python_Geometry.IntersectionCalculus(spline1: BSpline2D, spline2: BSpline2D,
eps: float, maxSolutions: int) → tuple
Calculate the intersection between a 2D BSpline and a 2D BSpline.
Returns tuple(True if intersecting, Vector of intersection points)
NemAll_Python_Geometry.IntersectionCalculus(spline1: BSpline3D, spline2: BSpline3D,
eps: float, maxSolutions: int) → tuple
Calculate the intersection between a 3D BSpline and a 3D BSpline.
Returns tuple(True if intersecting, Vector of intersection points)


NemAll_Python_Geometry.IntersectionCalculusEx(arg1: Line2D, arg2: Line2D) → tuple

Calculate the intersection between two lines
NemAll_Python_Geometry.IntersectionCalculusEx(arg1: Line2D, arg2: Line3D) → tuple
Calculate the intersection between a 2D and a 3D line


NemAll_Python_Geometry.MakeIntersection(brep1: BRep3D, brep2: BRep3D) → tuple

Compute intersection of 2 breps:

20.8. Functions 171

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Returns tuple(error code (eOK), result brep)

NemAll_Python_Geometry.MakeIntersection(brep1: BRep3D, breps: BRep3DList) → tuple
Compute intersection of 2 breps.
Returns tuple(error code (eOK), result brep)
NemAll_Python_Geometry.MakeIntersection(el1: Polyhedron3D, el2: Polyhedron3D) → tuple
Compute intersection of 2 3D polyhedron.
Returns tuple(error code (eOK), result polyhedron)


NemAll_Python_Geometry.MakeSubtraction(polyhed1: Polyhedron3D, polyhed2: Polyhe-

dron3D) → tuple
Compute subtraction of polyhed1 - polyhed2
Returns tuple(error code, result polyhedron)
NemAll_Python_Geometry.MakeSubtraction(brep1: BRep3D, brep2: BRep3D) → tuple
Compute subtraction of 2 breps.
Returns tuple(error code, result brep)
NemAll_Python_Geometry.MakeSubtraction(brep1: BRep3D, breps: BRep3DList) → tuple
Compute subtraction of brep and vector of breps.
Returns tuple(error code, result brep)


NemAll_Python_Geometry.MakeUnion(poly1: Polygon2D, poly2: Polygon2D) → tuple

Compote union of 2D polygons.
Returns tuple(error code, result 2d polygon)
NemAll_Python_Geometry.MakeUnion(polyhed1: Polyhedron3D, polyhed2: Polyhedron3D) → tuple
Compute union of 3D polyhedrons.
Returns tuple(error code, result polyhedron)
NemAll_Python_Geometry.MakeUnion(brep1: BRep3D, brep2: BRep3D) → tuple
Compute union of 2 breps.
Returns tuple(error code, result brep)
NemAll_Python_Geometry.MakeUnion(brep1: BRep3D, breps: BRep3DList) → tuple
Compute union of brep and a list of breps.
Returns tuple(error code, result brep)


NemAll_Python_Geometry.Move(box: BoundingBox2D, translation: Vector2D) → BoundingBox2D

NemAll_Python_Geometry.Move(area: PolygonalArea2D, translation: Vector2D) → Polygo-
NemAll_Python_Geometry.Move(plane: Plane3D, translation: Vector3D) → Plane3D

172 Chapter 20. NemAll_Python_Geometry

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NemAll_Python_Geometry.Move(arc2D: Arc2D, moveVector: Vector2D) → Arc2D

NemAll_Python_Geometry.Move(arc3D: Arc3D, moveVector: Vector3D) → Arc3D
NemAll_Python_Geometry.Move(axis2D: Axis2D, moveVector: Vector2D) → Axis2D
NemAll_Python_Geometry.Move(axis3D: Axis3D, moveVector: Vector3D) → Axis3D
NemAll_Python_Geometry.Move(axisPlacement2D: AxisPlacement2D, moveVector: Vector2D) →
NemAll_Python_Geometry.Move(axisPlacement3D: AxisPlacement3D, moveVector: Vector3D) →
NemAll_Python_Geometry.Move(clippedSweptSolid3D: ClippedSweptSolid3D, vec: Vector3D) →
NemAll_Python_Geometry.Move(clothoid2D: Clothoid2D, moveVector: Vector2D) → Clothoid2D
NemAll_Python_Geometry.Move(cuboid3D: Cuboid3D, moveVector: Vector3D) → Cuboid3D
NemAll_Python_Geometry.Move(extrudedAreaSolid3D: ExtrudedAreaSolid3D, moveVector: Vec-
tor3D) → ExtrudedAreaSolid3D
NemAll_Python_Geometry.Move(line2D: Line2D, moveVector: Vector2D) → Line2D
NemAll_Python_Geometry.Move(line3D: Line3D, moveVector: Vector3D) → Line3D
NemAll_Python_Geometry.Move(path2D: Path2D, moveVector: Vector2D) → Path2D
NemAll_Python_Geometry.Move(path3D: Path3D, moveVector: Vector3D) → Path3D
NemAll_Python_Geometry.Move(point2D: Point2D, moveVector: Vector2D) → Point2D
NemAll_Python_Geometry.Move(point3D: Point3D, moveVector: Vector3D) → Point3D
NemAll_Python_Geometry.Move(polygon2D: Polygon2D, moveVector: Vector2D) → Polygon2D
NemAll_Python_Geometry.Move(polygon3D: Polygon3D, moveVector: Vector3D) → Polygon3D
NemAll_Python_Geometry.Move(polygonalArea3D: PolygonalArea3D, moveVector: Vector3D) →
NemAll_Python_Geometry.Move(polyhedron3D: Polyhedron3D, moveVector: Vector3D) → Polyhe-
NemAll_Python_Geometry.Move(polyline2D: Polyline2D, moveVector: Vector2D) → Polyline2D
NemAll_Python_Geometry.Move(polyline3D: Polyline3D, moveVector: Vector3D) → Polyline3D
NemAll_Python_Geometry.Move(area: ClosedArea2D, moveVector: Vector2D) → ClosedArea2D
NemAll_Python_Geometry.Move(area: ClosedAreaComposite2D, moveVector: Vector2D) →
NemAll_Python_Geometry.Move(cylinder3D: Cylinder3D, moveVector: Vector3D) → Cylinder3D
NemAll_Python_Geometry.Move(ellipsoid3D: Ellipsoid3D, moveVector: Vector3D) → Ellipsoid3D
NemAll_Python_Geometry.Move(cone3D: Cone3D, moveVector: Vector3D) → Cone3D
NemAll_Python_Geometry.Move(spline2D: Spline2D, moveVector: Vector2D) → Spline2D
NemAll_Python_Geometry.Move(spline3D: Spline3D, moveVector: Vector3D) → Spline3D
NemAll_Python_Geometry.Move(bspline3D: BSpline3D, moveVector: Vector3D) → BSpline3D

20.8. Functions 173

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NemAll_Python_Geometry.Offset(dist: float, lineSrc: Line2D) → tuple

Calculate parallel to 2D line at dist offset to source.
Returns tuple(error code, parallel element to the source)
NemAll_Python_Geometry.Offset(point: Point2D, lineSrc: Line2D) → tuple
Calculates parallel to 2D line trough point.
Returns tuple(error code, parallel element to the source)
NemAll_Python_Geometry.Offset(point: Point2D, pathSrc: Path2D) → tuple
Calculate parallel to Path2D trough point.
Returns tuple(error code, parallel element to the source)
NemAll_Python_Geometry.Offset(dist: float, pathSrc: Path2D, checkSegmentsOrientation: bool) →
Calculate parallel to Path2D, if checkSegmentsOrientation is True, new polyline must have same count of points
as original.
Returns tuple(error code, parallel element to the source)
NemAll_Python_Geometry.Offset(point: Point2D, arc2DSrc: Arc2D) → tuple
Calculate parallel to Arc2D trough point.
Returns tuple(error code, parallel element to the source)
NemAll_Python_Geometry.Offset(dist: float, arc2DSrc: Arc2D) → tuple
Calculate parallel to Arc2D at dist offset to source.
Returns tuple(error code, parallel element to the source)
NemAll_Python_Geometry.Offset(dist: float, spline2DSrc: Spline2D, checkSegmentsOrientation:
bool) → tuple
Calculate parallel to Spline2D, if checkSegmentsOrientation is True, new parallel must have same count of
points as original.
Returns tuple(error code, parallel element to the source)
NemAll_Python_Geometry.Offset(point: Point2D, spline2DSrc: Spline2D) → tuple
Calculate parallel to Spline2D.
Returns tuple(error code, parallel element to the source)
NemAll_Python_Geometry.Offset(rDistance: float, polyline2D: Polyline2D, checkSegmentsOrienta-
tion: bool) → tuple
Calculate parallel to Polyline2D, if checkSegmentsOrientation is True, new polyline must have same count of
points as original.
Returns tuple(error code, parallel element to the source)
NemAll_Python_Geometry.Offset(point: Point2D, polyline2DSrc: Polyline2D) → tuple
Calculate parallel to Polyline2D.
Returns tuple(error code, parallel element to the source)
NemAll_Python_Geometry.Offset(point: Point3D, dist: float, lineSrc: Line3D, offsetPlane: Off-
set3DPlane) → tuple
Calculate parallel to 3D line, if the ‘dist’ value is zero, the ‘point’ arg is used as a base to parallel. In other case,
the ‘dist’ would be the distance from the source and the point represents the orientation.
Returns tuple(error code, parallel element to the source)

174 Chapter 20. NemAll_Python_Geometry

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NemAll_Python_Geometry.Offset(point: Point3D, arc3DSrc: Arc3D) → tuple

Calculates parallel to Arc3D.
Returns tuple(error code, parallel element to the source)
NemAll_Python_Geometry.Offset(dist: float, arc3DSrc: Arc3D) → tuple
Calculates parallel to Arc3D.
Returns tuple(error code, parallel element to the source)
NemAll_Python_Geometry.Offset(dist: float, spline3DSrc: Spline3D, plane: Plane3D, checkSeg-
mentsOrientation: bool) → tuple
Calculates parallel to Spline3D - only for planar 3D splines !!! If checkSegmentsOrientation is True, new spline
must have same count of points as original.
Returns tuple(error code, parallel element to the source)
NemAll_Python_Geometry.Offset(point: Point3D, spline3DSrc: Spline3D, plane: Plane3D) → tuple
Calculates parallel to Spline3D - only for planar 3D splines !!!
Returns tuple(error code, parallel element to the source)
NemAll_Python_Geometry.Offset(inputPath: Path3D, normVector: Vector3D, offsetDistance: float)
→ tuple
Create offset of Path3D.
Returns tuple(error code, parallel element to the source)
NemAll_Python_Geometry.Offset(inputPath: Path3D, inputPoint: Point3D, rayVector: Vector3D,
plane: Plane3D) → tuple
Offset Path3D in distance given with cursor point.
Returns tuple(error code, parallel element to the source)


NemAll_Python_Geometry.Rotate(point: Point2D, angle: Angle) → Point2D

Rotate a point around zero point by an angle.
NemAll_Python_Geometry.Rotate(point: Point2D, zeroPoint: Point2D, angle: Angle) → Point2D
Rotate a point around given point by an angle.
NemAll_Python_Geometry.Rotate(line: Line2D, angle: Angle) → Line2D
Rotate a line around zero point by an angle.
NemAll_Python_Geometry.Rotate(line: Line2D, zeroPoint: Point2D, angle: Angle) → Line2D
Rotate a line around given point by an angle.
NemAll_Python_Geometry.Rotate(arc: Arc2D, angle: Angle) → Arc2D
Rotate a arc around zero point by an angle. This function rotate center point and start and end angles.
NemAll_Python_Geometry.Rotate(arc: Arc2D, zeroPoint: Point2D, angle: Angle) → Arc2D
Rotate a arc around given point by an angle. This function rotate center point start and end angles.
NemAll_Python_Geometry.Rotate(vec: Vector2D, angle: Angle) → Vector2D
Rotate a vector by an angle.
NemAll_Python_Geometry.Rotate(vec: Vector3D, axis: Axis3D, angle: Angle) → Vector3D
Rotate a vector by an angle.
NemAll_Python_Geometry.Rotate(polyline: Polyline2D, zeroPoint: Point2D, angle: Angle) → Poly-
Rotate a polyline around given point by an angle.

20.8. Functions 175

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NemAll_Python_Geometry.Rotate(polyline: Polyline2D, angle: Angle) → Polyline2D

Rotate a polyline around origin by an angle.
NemAll_Python_Geometry.Rotate(axis: Axis2D, angle: Angle) → Axis2D
Rotate a axis around origin by an angle.
NemAll_Python_Geometry.Rotate(axis: Axis2D, zeroPoint: Point2D, angle: Angle) → Axis2D
Rotate a axis around given point by an angle.
NemAll_Python_Geometry.Rotate(axis: AxisPlacement2D, angle: Angle) → AxisPlacement2D
Rotate a axis placement around origin by an angle.
NemAll_Python_Geometry.Rotate(axis: AxisPlacement2D, zeroPoint: Point2D, angle: Angle) →
Rotate a axis placement around given point by an angle.
NemAll_Python_Geometry.Rotate(placement: AxisPlacement3D, angle: Angle) → AxisPlace-
Rotate a axis placement3D around origin(z-axis) by an angle.
NemAll_Python_Geometry.Rotate(placement: AxisPlacement3D, rotAxis: Axis3D, angle: Angle) →
Rotate a axis placement 3D around origin(z-axis) by an angle.
NemAll_Python_Geometry.Rotate(placement: AxisPlacement3D, zeroPoint: Point2D, angle: Angle)
→ AxisPlacement3D
Rotate a axis placement around given point (z-axis) by an angle.
NemAll_Python_Geometry.Rotate(clothoid: Clothoid2D, angle: Angle) → Clothoid2D
Rotate a clothoid around origin by an angle.
NemAll_Python_Geometry.Rotate(clothoid: Clothoid2D, zeroPoint: Point2D, angle: Angle) →
Rotate a clothoid around given point by an angle.
NemAll_Python_Geometry.Rotate(polygon: Polygon2D, angle: Angle) → Polygon2D
Rotate a polygon around origin by an angle.
NemAll_Python_Geometry.Rotate(polygon: Polygon2D, zeroPoint: Point2D, angle: Angle) → Poly-
Rotate a polygon around given point by an angle.
NemAll_Python_Geometry.Rotate(area: PolygonalArea2D, angle: Angle) → PolygonalArea2D
Rotate a polygonal area around origin by an angle.
NemAll_Python_Geometry.Rotate(area: PolygonalArea2D, zeroPoint: Point2D, angle: Angle) →
Rotate a polygonal area around given point by an angle.
NemAll_Python_Geometry.Rotate(spline: Spline2D, angle: Angle) → Spline2D
Rotate a spline around origin by an angle.
NemAll_Python_Geometry.Rotate(spline: Spline2D, zeroPoint: Point2D, angle: Angle) → Spline2D
Rotate a spline around given point by an angle.
NemAll_Python_Geometry.Rotate(point: Point3D, angle: Angle) → Point3D
Rotate a 3D point around origin by an angle.
NemAll_Python_Geometry.Rotate(point: Point3D, zeroPoint: Point2D, angle: Angle) → Point3D
Rotate a 3D point around given 2D point by an angle.
NemAll_Python_Geometry.Rotate(point: Point3D, axis: Axis3D, angle: Angle) → Point3D
Rotate a 3D point around given 3D axis by an angle.

176 Chapter 20. NemAll_Python_Geometry

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NemAll_Python_Geometry.Rotate(line: Line3D, zeroPoint: Point2D, angle: Angle) → Line3D

Rotate a 3D line around given 2D point by an angle.
NemAll_Python_Geometry.Rotate(cylinder: Cylinder3D, angle: Angle) → Cylinder3D
Rotate a 3D Cylinder around origin by an angle.
NemAll_Python_Geometry.Rotate(cylinder: Cylinder3D, zeroPoint: Point2D, angle: Angle) →
Rotate a 3D Cylinder around given 2D point by an angle.
NemAll_Python_Geometry.Rotate(cylinder: Cylinder3D, axis: Axis3D, angle: Angle) → Cylin-
Rotate a 3D Cylinder around given 3D axis by an angle.
NemAll_Python_Geometry.Rotate(ellipsoid: Ellipsoid3D, angle: Angle) → Ellipsoid3D
Rotate a 3D Ellipsoid around origin by an angle.
NemAll_Python_Geometry.Rotate(ellipsoid: Ellipsoid3D, zeroPoint: Point2D, angle: Angle) → El-
Rotate a 3D Ellipsoid around given 2D point by an angle.
NemAll_Python_Geometry.Rotate(ellipsoid: Ellipsoid3D, axis: Axis3D, angle: Angle) → Ellip-
Rotate a 3D Ellipsoid around given 3D axis by an angle.
NemAll_Python_Geometry.Rotate(cone: Cone3D, angle: Angle) → Cone3D
Rotate a 3D Cone around origin by an angle.
NemAll_Python_Geometry.Rotate(cone: Cone3D, zeroPoint: Point2D, angle: Angle) → Cone3D
Rotate a 3D Cone around given 2D point by an angle.
NemAll_Python_Geometry.Rotate(cone: Cone3D, axis: Axis3D, angle: Angle) → Cone3D
Rotate a 3D Cone around given 3D axis by an angle.
NemAll_Python_Geometry.Rotate(minmax: MinMax2D, angle: Angle) → MinMax2D
Rotate a MinMax2D by an angle.


NemAll_Python_Geometry.Split(line2D: Line2D, splitPoints: Point3DList, posTol: float) → tuple

Split a Line2D into multiple Line2D geometries by given split points.
• line2D – The line to split
• splitPoints – The given split points (e.g. intersection points onto the line)
• posTol – Tolerance being used to determine the position of split points on the input curve
Returns tuple(eSplitResult, Vector of split lines)
NemAll_Python_Geometry.Split(line3D: Line3D, splitPoints: Point3DList, posTol: float) → tuple
Split a Line3D into multiple Line3D geometries by given split points.
Returns tuple(eSplitResult, Vector of split lines)
NemAll_Python_Geometry.Split(polyline2D: Polyline2D, splitPoints: Point3DList, posTol: float) →
Split a Polyline2D into multiple Polyline2D geometries by given split points.
Returns tuple(eSplitResult, Vector of split polylines)

20.8. Functions 177

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NemAll_Python_Geometry.Split(polyline3D: Polyline3D, splitPoints: Point3DList, posTol: float) →

Split a Polyline3D into multiple Polyline3D geometries by given split points.
Returns tuple(eSplitResult, Vector of split polylines)
NemAll_Python_Geometry.Split(arc2D: Arc2D, splitPoints: Point3DList, posTol: float) → tuple
Split a Arc2D into multiple Arc2D geometries by given split points.
Returns tuple(eSplitResult, Vector of split arcs)
NemAll_Python_Geometry.Split(arc3D: Arc3D, splitPoints: Point3DList, posTol: float) → tuple
Split a Arc3D into multiple Arc3D geometries by given split points.
Returns tuple(eSplitResult, Vector of split arcs)
NemAll_Python_Geometry.Split(spline2D: Spline2D, splitPoints: Point3DList, posTol: float) → tu-
Split a Spline2D into multiple Spline2D geometries by given split points.
Returns tuple(eSplitResult, Vector of split splines)
NemAll_Python_Geometry.Split(spline3D: Spline3D, splitPoints: Point3DList, posTol: float) → tu-
Split a Spline3D into multiple Spline3D geometries by given split points.
Returns tuple(eSplitResult, Vector of split splines)
NemAll_Python_Geometry.Split(bspline2D: BSpline2D, splitPoints: Point3DList, posTol: float) →
Split a BSpline2D into multiple BSpline2D geometries by given split points.
Returns tuple(eSplitResult, Vector of split splines)
NemAll_Python_Geometry.Split(bspline3D: BSpline3D, splitPoints: Point3DList, posTol: float) →
Split a BSpline3D into multiple BSpline3D geometries by given split points.
Returns tuple(eSplitResult, Vector of split splines)
NemAll_Python_Geometry.Split(polyline2D: Polyline2D, polygon2D: Polygon2D, posTol: float) →
Split a Polyline2D into multiple Polyline2D geometries by given split polygon.
Returns tuple(eSplitResult, Vector of split polylines inside polygon, Vector of split polylines outside
NemAll_Python_Geometry.Split(polygon: Polygon2D, polyline: Polyline2D, posTol: float, divide-
Components: bool) → tuple
Split Polygon2D into 3 polygons by given Polyline2D.
• polygon – The polygon to split
• polyline – The given polyline
• posTol – Tolerance being used to determine the position of split points on the input curve
• divideComponents – If True, polygon will be split by intersection points of polyline
and connection lines between components
Returns tuple(eSplitResult, Polygon (not split components), Polygon (components on left side),
Polygon (components on right side))

178 Chapter 20. NemAll_Python_Geometry

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NemAll_Python_Geometry.Split(polygon: Polygon2D, axis: Axis2D, posTol: float, divideCompo-

nents: bool) → tuple
Split Polygon2D into 3 polygons by given Axis2D
• polygon – The polygon to split
• axis – The given axis
• posTol – Tolerance being used to determine the position of split points on the input curve
• divideComponents – If True, polygon will be split by intersection points of polyline
and connection lines between components
Returns tuple(eSplitResult, Polygon (not split components), Polygon (components on left side),
Polygon (components on right side))


NemAll_Python_Geometry.Transform(point: Point2D, matrix: Matrix2D) → Point2D

NemAll_Python_Geometry.Transform(line: Line2D, matrix: Matrix2D) → Line2D
NemAll_Python_Geometry.Transform(vec: Vector2D, matrix: Matrix2D) → Vector2D
NemAll_Python_Geometry.Transform(arc: Arc2D, matrix: Matrix2D) → Arc2D
NemAll_Python_Geometry.Transform(clothoid: Clothoid2D, matrix: Matrix2D) → Clothoid2D
NemAll_Python_Geometry.Transform(spline: Spline2D, matrix: Matrix2D) → Spline2D
NemAll_Python_Geometry.Transform(axis: Axis2D, matrix: Matrix2D) → Axis2D
NemAll_Python_Geometry.Transform(polyline: Polyline2D, matrix: Matrix2D) → Polyline2D
NemAll_Python_Geometry.Transform(path: Path2D, matrix: Matrix2D) → Path2D
NemAll_Python_Geometry.Transform(area: PolygonalArea2D, matrix: Matrix2D) → Polygo-
NemAll_Python_Geometry.Transform(area: ClosedArea2D, matrix: Matrix2D) → ClosedArea2D
NemAll_Python_Geometry.Transform(area: ClosedAreaComposite2D, matrix: Matrix2D) →
NemAll_Python_Geometry.Transform(point: Point3D, matrix: Matrix3D) → Point3D
NemAll_Python_Geometry.Transform(point: Point3D, matrix: Matrix2D) → Point3D
NemAll_Python_Geometry.Transform(el: Line3D, matrix: Matrix3D) → Line3D
NemAll_Python_Geometry.Transform(el: Line3D, matrix: Matrix2D) → Line3D
NemAll_Python_Geometry.Transform(vec: Vector3D, matrix: Matrix3D) → Vector3D
NemAll_Python_Geometry.Transform(vec: Vector3D, matrix: Matrix2D) → Vector3D
NemAll_Python_Geometry.Transform(arc: Arc3D, matrix: Matrix3D) → Arc3D
NemAll_Python_Geometry.Transform(arc: Arc3D, matrix: Matrix2D) → Arc3D
NemAll_Python_Geometry.Transform(cuboid: Cuboid3D, matrix: Matrix3D) → Cuboid3D
NemAll_Python_Geometry.Transform(cuboid: Cuboid3D, matrix: Matrix2D) → Cuboid3D
NemAll_Python_Geometry.Transform(plane: Plane3D, matrix: Matrix3D) → Plane3D

20.8. Functions 179

allpy Documentation, Release 0.1.0

NemAll_Python_Geometry.Transform(plane: Plane3D, matrix: Matrix2D) → Plane3D

NemAll_Python_Geometry.Transform(polygon: Polygon2D, matrix: Matrix2D) → Polygon2D
NemAll_Python_Geometry.Transform(polygon: Polygon3D, matrix: Matrix2D) → Polygon3D
NemAll_Python_Geometry.Transform(polygon: Polygon3D, matrix: Matrix3D) → Polygon3D
NemAll_Python_Geometry.Transform(polyline: Polyline3D, matrix: Matrix2D) → Polyline3D
NemAll_Python_Geometry.Transform(polyline: Polyline3D, matrix: Matrix3D) → Polyline3D
NemAll_Python_Geometry.Transform(spline: Spline3D, matrix: Matrix3D) → Spline3D
NemAll_Python_Geometry.Transform(polyhedron: Polyhedron3D, matrix: Matrix3D) → Polyhe-
NemAll_Python_Geometry.Transform(polyhedron: Polyhedron3D, matrix: Matrix2D) → Polyhe-
NemAll_Python_Geometry.Transform(axis: Axis3D, matrix: Matrix2D) → Axis3D
NemAll_Python_Geometry.Transform(axis: Axis3D, matrix: Matrix3D) → Axis3D
NemAll_Python_Geometry.Transform(path: Path3D, matrix: Matrix3D) → Path3D
NemAll_Python_Geometry.Transform(path: Path3D, matrix: Matrix2D) → Path3D
NemAll_Python_Geometry.Transform(area: PolygonalArea3D, matrix: Matrix2D) → Polygo-
NemAll_Python_Geometry.Transform(area: PolygonalArea3D, matrix: Matrix3D) → Polygo-
NemAll_Python_Geometry.Transform(solid: ClippedSweptSolid3D, matrix: Matrix2D) →
NemAll_Python_Geometry.Transform(solid: ClippedSweptSolid3D, matrix: Matrix3D) →
NemAll_Python_Geometry.Transform(cylinder: Cylinder3D, matrix: Matrix2D) → Cylinder3D
NemAll_Python_Geometry.Transform(cylinder: Cylinder3D, matrix: Matrix3D) → Cylinder3D
NemAll_Python_Geometry.Transform(ellipsoid: Ellipsoid3D, matrix: Matrix2D) → Ellipsoid3D
NemAll_Python_Geometry.Transform(ellipsoid: Ellipsoid3D, matrix: Matrix3D) → Ellipsoid3D
NemAll_Python_Geometry.Transform(brep: BRep3D, matrix: Matrix3D) → BRep3D
NemAll_Python_Geometry.Transform(brep: BRep3D, matrix: Matrix2D) → BRep3D
NemAll_Python_Geometry.Transform(spline: BSpline3D, matrix: Matrix3D) → BSpline3D
NemAll_Python_Geometry.Transform(spline: BSpline3D, matrix: Matrix2D) → BSpline3D
NemAll_Python_Geometry.Transform(cone: Cone3D, matrix: Matrix3D) → Cone3D
NemAll_Python_Geometry.Transform(cone: Cone3D, matrix: Matrix2D) → Cone3D

Global Defined Variables

ASET_MAX_LENGTH = eApproximationSettingsType.ASET_MAX_LENGTH

180 Chapter 20. NemAll_Python_Geometry

allpy Documentation, Release 0.1.0

BOTTOM_2D = eProjectionMatrixType.BOTTOM_2D
END_POINT = eLinePointIdentification.END_POINT
FREE_3D = eProjectionMatrixType.FREE_3D
FRONT_2D = eProjectionMatrixType.FRONT_2D
HSET_NOMODIFY = ePolyhedronHealingSettings.HSET_NOMODIFY
HSET_TILT = ePolyhedronHealingSettings.HSET_TILT
HSET_UNKNOWN = ePolyhedronHealingSettings.HSET_UNKNOWN
LEFT_2D = eProjectionMatrixType.LEFT_2D
REAR_2D = eProjectionMatrixType.REAR_2D
RIGHT_2D = eProjectionMatrixType.RIGHT_2D
START_POINT = eLinePointIdentification.START_POINT
TOP_2D = eProjectionMatrixType.TOP_2D
VS_COLINEAR = eValidationStatusPolygon3D.VS_COLINEAR

20.9. Global Defined Variables 181

allpy Documentation, Release 0.1.0

VS_NOT_COPLANAR = eValidationStatusPolygon3D.VS_NOT_COPLANAR
eAllocError = eGeometryErrorCode.eAllocError
eCenter = eBoxPoint.eCenter
eClip = eBoolOpResult.eClip
eClothoid = eClothoidType.eClothoid
eError = eGeometryErrorCode.eError
eInside = eBoolOpResult.eInside
eInvalid3DLine = eGeometryErrorCode.eInvalid3DLine
eLeftBottom = eBoxPoint.eLeftBottom
eLeftTop = eBoxPoint.eLeftTop
eMiddleBottom = eBoxPoint.eMiddleBottom
eMiddleLeft = eBoxPoint.eMiddleLeft
eMiddleRight = eBoxPoint.eMiddleRight
eMiddleTop = eBoxPoint.eMiddleTop
eNO_ERROR = eFilletErrorCode.eNO_ERROR
eNoPlane = Offset3DPlane.eNoPlane
eOK = eGeometryErrorCode.eOK
eOutOfRange = eGeometryErrorCode.eOutOfRange
eOutside = eBoolOpResult.eOutside
eParabolaGeneral = eClothoidType.eParabolaGeneral
eParabolaQuadratic = eClothoidType.eParabolaQuadratic
eRightBottom = eBoxPoint.eRightBottom
eRightTop = eBoxPoint.eRightTop
eSplitInvalidArgs = eSplitResult.eSplitInvalidArgs
eSplitInvalidGeometry = eSplitResult.eSplitInvalidGeometry
eSplitNone = eSplitResult.eSplitNone
eSplitOk = eSplitResult.eSplitOk
eStructuralError = eGeometryErrorCode.eStructuralError
eTrimUMaxValue = eSurfaceTrimParam.eTrimUMaxValue
eTrimUMaxValueReverse = eSurfaceTrimParam.eTrimUMaxValueReverse

182 Chapter 20. NemAll_Python_Geometry

allpy Documentation, Release 0.1.0

eTrimUMinValue = eSurfaceTrimParam.eTrimUMinValue
eTrimUMinValueReverse = eSurfaceTrimParam.eTrimUMinValueReverse
eTrimUndefined = eSurfaceTrimParam.eTrimUndefined
eTrimVMaxValue = eSurfaceTrimParam.eTrimVMaxValue
eTrimVMaxValueReverse = eSurfaceTrimParam.eTrimVMaxValueReverse
eTrimVMinValue = eSurfaceTrimParam.eTrimVMinValue
eTrimVMinValueReverse = eSurfaceTrimParam.eTrimVMinValueReverse
eWarpedPolygonalFace = eGeometryErrorCode.eWarpedPolygonalFace
eWrongShape = eGeometryErrorCode.eWrongShape
eXY = Offset3DPlane.eXY
eXZ = Offset3DPlane.eXZ
eYZ = Offset3DPlane.eYZ
tEdges = PolyhedronType.tEdges
tFaces = PolyhedronType.tFaces
tInvalid = PolyhedronType.tInvalid
tVolume = PolyhedronType.tVolume

20.9. Global Defined Variables 183

allpy Documentation, Release 0.1.0

184 Chapter 20. NemAll_Python_Geometry



Link to the original Allplan 2017 online documentation.



class NemAll_Python_IFW_Input.AddMsgInfo
AddMsgInfo Methods


class NemAll_Python_IFW_Input.BaseElementAdapter
BaseElementAdapter Methods
BaseElementAdapter.__init__(arg1: object)


class NemAll_Python_IFW_Input.BuildingElementInputControls
BuildingElementInputControls Methods
Close the input controls.

allpy Documentation, Release 0.1.0

BuildingElementInputControls.CreateControls(handlePropList: list, insertMatrix: Ma-

trix3D, viewProj: ViewWorldProjection, con-
trolsUpdate: bool, assoRefObj: object)
Create the controls.


class NemAll_Python_IFW_Input.CNOI_DocumentWrapper
CNOI_DocumentWrapper Methods


class NemAll_Python_IFW_Input.CoordinateInput(InputViewDocumentData)
CoordinateInput Methods
Get and mark the current input point.
Returns Current input point
Multiple method signatures:
GetCurrentPoint() → CoordinateInputResult
GetCurrentPoint(startPnt: Point3D) → CoordinateInputResult
End point input is possible by a distance input to the input point of the last input step.
Parameters startPnt – Starting point
GetCurrentPoint(startPnt: Point3D, bStartPnt: bool) → CoordinateInputResult
End point input is possible by a distance input to the input point of the last input step.
• startPnt – Starting point
• bStartPnt – Starting point is active True/False.
GetCurrentPoint(bStartPnt: bool) → CoordinateInputResult
End point input is possible by a distance input to the input point of the last input step.
Parameters bStartPnt – Starting point is active True/False.
CoordinateInput.GetInputControlIntValue() → int
Get the integer value from the value input control.
CoordinateInput.GetInputControlValue(arg1: CoordinateInput) → float
Get the double value from the value input control.
Get the current input point
Returns Current input point result.
Multiple method signatures:

186 Chapter 21. NemAll_Python_IFW_Input

allpy Documentation, Release 0.1.0

GetInputPoint(mouseMsg: int, pnt: Point2D, pMsgInfo: AddMsgInfo) → CoordinateInputResult

Get the current input point
• mouseMsg – Mouse message WM_xxx
• pnt – Cursor point (view coordinate)
• pMsgInfo – Additional message info
GetInputPoint(mouseMsg: int, pnt: Point2D, pMsgInfo: AddMsgInfo, bStartPnt: bool) → Coordi-
End point input is possible by a distance input to the input point of the last input step.
• mouseMsg – Mouse message WM_xxx
• pnt – Cursor point (view coordinate)
• pMsgInfo – Additional message info
• bStartPnt – Starting point is active True/False
GetInputPoint(mouseMsg: int, pnt: Point2D, pMsgInfo: AddMsgInfo, startPnt: Point3D, bStartPnt:
bool) → CoordinateInputResult
End point input is possible by a distance input to the start point.
• mouseMsg – Mouse message WM_xxx
• pnt – Cursor point (view coordinate)
• pMsgInfo – Additional message info
• startPnt – Starting point
• bStartPnt – Starting point is active True/False
CoordinateInput.InitFirstElementInput(text: InputStringConvert, identMode: CoordinateIn-
Initialize the coordinate input for an element (point, line, ...) input as free point input. The coordinate input
toolbar shows only the request string.
The input is allowed in each document.
• text – Request string as resource ID, CAllstring, TCHAR or CString
• identMode – Identification mode
CoordinateInput.InitFirstElementValueInput(text: InputStringConvert, ctrlData: ValueIn-
putControlData, identMode: CoordinateInput-
Initialize the coordinate input for an element (point, line, ...) input as free point input. The coordinate input
toolbar shows only the request string and the value input controls.
The input is allowed only in the document from the last input.
• text – Request string as resource ID, CAllstring, TCHAR or CString
• ctrlData – Input control data as :class:eValueInputControlType or
:class:ValueInputControlData object

21.1. Classes 187

allpy Documentation, Release 0.1.0

• identMode – Identification mode

CoordinateInput.InitFirstPointInput(text: InputStringConvert, identMode: CoordinateInput-
Initialize the coordinate input for a first point input.
The input is allowed in each document.
• text – Request string as resource ID, CAllstring, TCHAR or CString
• identMode – Identification mode
CoordinateInput.InitFirstPointValueInput(text: InputStringConvert, ctrlData: ValueIn-
putControlData, identMode: CoordinateInput-
Initialize the coordinate input for a first point and value input.
The input is allowed in each document.
• text – Request string as resource ID, CAllstring, TCHAR or CString
• ctrlData – Input control data as :class:eValueInputControlType or
:class:ValueInputControlData object
• identMode – Identification mode
CoordinateInput.InitNextElementInput(text: InputStringConvert, identMode: CoordinateInput-
Initialize the coordinate input for an element (point, line, ...) input as free point input. The coordinate input
toolbar shows only the request string.
The input is allowed only in the document from the last input.
• text – Request string as resource ID, CAllstring, TCHAR or CString
• identMode – Identification mode
CoordinateInput.InitNextElementValueInput(text: InputStringConvert, ctrlData: ValueIn-
putControlData, identMode: CoordinateInput-
Initialize the coordinate input for an element (point, line, ...) input as free point input. The coordinate input
toolbar shows only the request string and the value input controls.
The input is allowed only in the document from the last input.
• text – Request string as resource ID, CAllstring, TCHAR or CString
• ctrlData – Input control data as :class:eValueInputControlType or
:class:ValueInputControlData object
• identMode – Identification mode
CoordinateInput.InitNextPointInput(text: InputStringConvert, identMode: CoordinateInput-
Initialize the coordinate input for a next point input.
The input is allowed only in the document from the last input.

188 Chapter 21. NemAll_Python_IFW_Input

allpy Documentation, Release 0.1.0

• text – Request string as resource ID, CAllstring, TCHAR or CString

• identMode – Identification mode
CoordinateInput.InitNextPointValueInput(text: InputStringConvert, ctrlData: ValueInput-
ControlData, identMode: CoordinateInputMode)
Initialize the coordinate input for a first point and value input.
The input is allowed only in the document from the last input.
• text – Request string as resource ID, CAllstring, TCHAR or CString
• ctrlData – Input control data as :class:eValueInputControlType or
:class:ValueInputControlData object
• identMode – Identification mode
CoordinateInput.InitValueInput(text: InputStringConvert, ctrlData: ValueInputControlData)
Initialize the value input.
• text – Request string as resource ID, CAllstring, TCHAR or CString
• ctrlData – Input control data as :class:eValueInputControlType or
:class:ValueInputControlData object
CoordinateInput.IsEmptyValueInputControl() → bool
Check, whether there is no input inside the input control.
Returns True/False if input control is empty
CoordinateInput.IsMouseMove(mouseMsg: int) → bool
Check on mouse move.
Parameters mouseMsg – Mouse message WM_xxx
Returns True/False if mouse moved
Multiple method signatures:
IsValueInputControl(id: int) → bool
Check, whether the ID belongs to the value input control (from the coordinate input dialog)
Parameters id – ID to check
Returns True/False if ID belongs to the value input control (from the coordinate input dialog)
IsValueInputControl(arg1: CoordinateInput) → bool
Check, whether a value input control exists.
Returns True/False if a value input control exists
CoordinateInput.IsValueInputControlInput(bIdentPoint: bool) → bool
Check, whether an input inside the value input control is done and the value should be used.
Parameters bIdentPoint – True/False if Identification point has higher priority
Returns True/False whether the input value inside the added control
CoordinateInput.SetAbscissaLine(line: Line3D)

21.1. Classes 189

allpy Documentation, Release 0.1.0

CoordinateInput.SetInputPlane(plane: Plane3D)
Set the input plane.
The input point will be transformed to the input plane: True/False ?????
Parameters plane – input plane


class NemAll_Python_IFW_Input.CoordinateInputMode
CoordinateInputMode Methods


class NemAll_Python_IFW_Input.CoordinateInputResult
CoordinateInputResult Methods
CoordinateInputResult.GetPoint() → Point3D


class NemAll_Python_IFW_Input.DocumentAdapter
DocumentAdapter Methods
DocumentAdapter.GetDocumentID() → int


class NemAll_Python_IFW_Input.ElementSelect
ElementSelect Methods
ElementSelect.InitSelection(arg2: InputStringConvert)
ElementSelect.IsMouseMove(mouseMsg: int) → bool
Parameters mouseMsg – Mouse message WM_xxx


class NemAll_Python_IFW_Input.HandleService
HandleService Methods

190 Chapter 21. NemAll_Python_IFW_Input

allpy Documentation, Release 0.1.0

HandleService.AddHandles(doc: DocumentAdapter, handlePropList: list, insertionMat: Matrix3D,

assoRefObj: object)
Add the handles.
• doc – Document
• handlePropList – Handle properties list
• insertionMat – Transformation matrix
• assoRefObj – Reference element for the drawing inside the associative views
Draw the handles.
Remove the handles.
HandleService.SelectHandle(pnt: Point2D, viewProj: ViewWorldProjection) → tuple
Select a handle.
• pnt – Cursor point
• viewProj – View world projection
Returns tuple(Handle index (-1=no selection) , world to associative view matrix)


class NemAll_Python_IFW_Input.InputStringConvert
InputStringConvert Methods
Multiple method signature:
__init__(arg2: int)
__init__(arg2: str) → object
Construct the InputStringConvert by a std::wstring


class NemAll_Python_IFW_Input.InputViewDocumentData
InputViewDocumentData Methods
InputViewDocumentData.GetInputViewDocument() → DocumentAdapter
Get the input view document.
InputViewDocumentData.GetViewWorldProjection() → ViewWorldProjection
Get the view-world projection object.

21.1. Classes 191

allpy Documentation, Release 0.1.0


class NemAll_Python_IFW_Input.ValueInputControlData
ValueInputControlData Methods
Multiple method signature:
__init__(ctrlType: eValueInputControlType, bSetFocus: bool, bDisableCoord: bool)
Constructor to create a control with standard behavior defined by the control type.
• ctrlType – Control type
• bSetFocus – True/False Set the input focus to the control
• bDisableCoord – True/False Input inside the external control disables the coordinate


class NemAll_Python_IFW_Input.ViewWorldProjection
ViewWorldProjection Methods
ViewWorldProjection.__init__(arg1: object)
ViewWorldProjection.GetDocumentID() → int
ViewWorldProjection.GetEyePoint() → Point3D
Get eye point of current projection. (eye point = camera location)
ViewWorldProjection.GetIsoProjection() → eProjectionType
Get the isometric projection of the view.
ViewWorldProjection.GetPixelFactor() → tuple
Get factor of pixel to world coordinates. Used when you need calculate how much millimeters are one pixel.
Returns tuple(pixel factor in x direction, pixel factor in y direction)
ViewWorldProjection.GetScreenScale() → float
Get the screen scale.
ViewWorldProjection.GetSearchRadiusByPixel(pixel: int) → float
Get search radius in millimeter(?) in view size(?).
Parameters pixel – search radius in screen pixels.
ViewWorldProjection.GetViewAngle() → float
Get the rotation angle of the view.
ViewWorldProjection.GetViewPoint() → Point3D
Get view point of current projection. View point is point where you are looking (focused) (view target point?).
View point lie in plain of drawn data.
ViewWorldProjection.GetViewSize() → Vector2D
Get the size of the view.
ViewWorldProjection.GetViewZAngle() → float
Get the rotation angle of the view in z-direction. (?)

192 Chapter 21. NemAll_Python_IFW_Input

allpy Documentation, Release 0.1.0

ViewWorldProjection.IsAssistWindow() → bool
ViewWorldProjection.IsCentralProjection() → bool
ViewWorldProjection.IsFreeProjection() → bool
ViewWorldProjection.IsGroundplanView() → bool
ViewWorldProjection.IsInView(pnt: Point2D) → bool
ViewWorldProjection.IsIsometricProjection() → bool
ViewWorldProjection.IsSideView() → bool
ViewWorldProjection.ProjectionToWorld(pnt: Point2D, refPnt: Point3D) → Point3D
Get the world 3D point from a projection 2D point and a reference point.
• pnt – View Point
• refPnt – Reference point with the additional coordinate
Returns World 3D point
ViewWorldProjection.ViewPerpendicularToWorld(line3D: Line3D, pnt: Point3D) → Point3D
Transform a view perpendicular point to a world perpendicular point.
• line3D – 3D perpendicular line
• pnt – Reference point for the perpendicular
Returns World perpendicular point
ViewWorldProjection.ViewToPixel(pnt: Point2D, bBottomTop: bool, considerZoomwindow: bool)
→ Point2D
Transform a view point to a pixel coordinate.
• pnt – View point
• bBottomTop – True/False if the y zero point is on the bottom of the screen
• considerZoomwindow – True/False if the position is in a zoom window, then the zoom
window will be used for the calculation
Returns Pixel view point
ViewWorldProjection.ViewToWorld(pnt: Point2D, z: float) → Point3D
Transform a view point to a world point.
• pnt – View point
• z – z-coordinate
Returns World point
ViewWorldProjection.ViewToWorldBaseZ(pnt: Point2D, zWorld: float) → Point3D
Transform a view point to a world point with resulting z-coordinate.
• pnt – View point
• zWorld – Z-coordinate

21.1. Classes 193

allpy Documentation, Release 0.1.0

Returns World point with resulting z-coordinate

ViewWorldProjection.ViewToWorldBaseZ0(pnt: Point2D) → Point3D
Transform a view point to a world point with resulting z-world = 0.
Parameters pnt – View point
Returns World point with z=0
ViewWorldProjection.ViewToWorldPlane(pnt: Point2D, plane: Plane3D) → Point3D
Transform the view point to a world plane.
• pnt – View point
• plane – Plane
Returns World point at the plane
ViewWorldProjection.ViewToWorldRay(pnt: Point2D) → tuple
Calculates a ray.
Calculates a ray (for non-vanishing-point-projections, rather a line) from the given view 2D point. Can be used
for pick-point calculations.
Note that we have a right-hand view coordinate system, so its Z axis points towards the eye.
Parameters pnt – View point
Returns tuple(World point of ray, Vector of calculated ray point)
ViewWorldProjection.WorldToPixel(pnt: Point3D, bBottomTop: bool) → Point2D
Transform the world point to a pixel point.
• pnt – World point
• bBottomTop – True/False if y zero point is on the bottom of the screen
Returns Pixel point
Multiple method signatures:
WorldToProjection(pnt: Point3D) → Point2D
Get the projection 2D point from a world 3D point.
Parameters pnt – World point
Returns 2D projection point
WorldToProjection(line: Line3D) → Line2D
Get the projection 2D line from a world 3D line.
Parameters line – World line
Returns 2D projection line
Multiple method signatures:
WorldToProjectionBase0(pnt: Point3D) → Point3D
Get the world projection point with the base 0.
Parameters pnt – World point

194 Chapter 21. NemAll_Python_IFW_Input

allpy Documentation, Release 0.1.0

Returns World projection point with the base 0

WorldToProjectionBase0(line: Line3D) → Line3D
Get the world projection line with the base 0.
Parameters line – World coordinate line
Returns World projection point with the base 0
Multiple method signatures:
WorldToView(pnt: Point3D) → Point2D
Transform a world point to a view point.
Parameters pnt – World point
Returns View point
WorldToView(pnt: Point2D) → Point2D
Transform a world point to a view point.
Parameters pnt – World point
Returns View point
WorldToView(x: float, y: float, z: float) → Point2D
Transform a world point to a view point.
• x – X-coordinate world
• y – Y-coordinate world
• z – Z-coordinate world
Returns View point
WorldToView(line: Line3D) → Line2D
Transform a 3D world line to a 2D view line.
Parameters line – World line
Returns View line
WorldToView(line: Line2D) → Line2D
Transform a 2D world line to a 2D view line.
Parameters line – World line
Returns View line
WorldToView(polyline3D: Polyline3D) → Polyline2D
Transform a 3D world polyline to a 2D view polyline.
Parameters polyline3D – World polyline
Returns View polyline
ViewWorldProjection.WorldToView3D(pnt: Point3D) → Point3D
Transform a world point to a view 3D point.
If Z coordinate of returned view point is positive, then world point is before eye (i.e. is visible).
Parameters pnt – World point
Returns View point

21.1. Classes 195

allpy Documentation, Release 0.1.0

Multiple method signatures:
WorldToWorldPlane(pnt: Point3D, plane: Plane3D) → Point3D
Transform a world point to a plane point.
• pnt – World point
• plane – Plane
Returns Plane point in world coordinates
WorldToWorldPlane(line: Line3D, plane: Plane3D) → Line3D
Transform a world line to a plane line.
• line – World line
• plane – Plane
Returns Plane line in world coordinates



class NemAll_Python_IFW_Input.eProjectionType
Projection type of the view


class NemAll_Python_IFW_Input.eValueInputControlType
Type of the value input control

196 Chapter 21. NemAll_Python_IFW_Input

allpy Documentation, Release 0.1.0


Global Defined Variables


21.3. Global Defined Variables 197

allpy Documentation, Release 0.1.0


198 Chapter 21. NemAll_Python_IFW_Input



Link to the original Allplan 2017 online documentation.



class NemAll_Python_Palette.PythonWpfPalette
PythonWpfPalette Methods
PythonWpfPalette.EnableControl(arg2: str, name: int, bEnabled: bool)
Enable/disable a control
• name – Name of the control
• bEnabled – Enabled True/False
PythonWpfPalette.GetPythonWpfPaletteBuilder() → PythonWpfPaletteBuilder
PythonWpfPalette.Open(title: str, partName: str)
Open the palette
• title – Title
• partName – Name of the PythonPart
PythonWpfPalette.Reset(clearOnlyPages: bool)
Reset the palette for a full refresh, if clearOnlyPages is True: reset only pages, keep other dialog data settings.

allpy Documentation, Release 0.1.0

PythonWpfPalette.UpdateDialogData(arg2: int)
Refresh palette with current dialog data


class NemAll_Python_Palette.PythonWpfPaletteBuilder
PythonWpfPaletteBuilder Methods
PythonWpfPaletteBuilder.AddAngleValue(description: str, name: str, value:str, page: int, ex-
panderName: str, rowName: str, bEnabled: bool)
Add a angle value to the palette.
• description – Description
• name – Value name
• value – Value
• page – Page index
• expanderName – Expander section name
• rowName – Name of the row
• bEnabled – Control is enabled: true/false
PythonWpfPaletteBuilder.AddBarDiameter(description: str, name: str, value:str, ctrl-
Type:PaletteCtrlType, page: int, expanderName: str,
rowName: str, bEnabled: bool)
Add an bar diameter value to the palette
• description – Description
• name – Value name
• value – Value
• ctrlType – PaletteCtrlType
• page – Page index
• expanderName – Expander section name
• rowName – Name of the row
• bEnabled – Control is enabled: true/false
PythonWpfPaletteBuilder.AddBendingRollerValue(description: str, name: str, value:str,
ctrlType:PaletteCtrlType, page: int, ex-
panderName: str, rowName: str, bEn-
abled: bool)
Add a bending roller value to the palette
• description – Description
• name – Value name

200 Chapter 22. NemAll_Python_Palette

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• value – Value
• ctrlType – PaletteCtrlType
• page – Page index
• expanderName – Expander section name
• rowName – Name of the row
• bEnabled – Control is enabled: true/false
PythonWpfPaletteBuilder.AddButton(description: str, name: str, eventId: int, page: int, expander-
Name: str, rowName: str, bEnabled: bool)
Add a picture button to the palette.
• description – Description
• name – Value name
• eventId – Value holds the event ID pressing the button
• page – Page index
• expanderName – Expander section name
• rowName – Name of the row
• bEnabled – Control is enabled: true/false
PythonWpfPaletteBuilder.AddCheckboxValue(description: str, name: str, value: int, page: int,
expanderName: str, rowName: str, bEnabled:
Add a checkbox value to the palette.
• description – Description
• name – Value name
• value – Value
• page – Page index
• expanderName – Expander section name
• rowName – Name of the row
• bEnabled – Control is enabled: true/false
PythonWpfPaletteBuilder.AddColorValue(description: str, name: str, value: int, page: int, ex-
panderName: str, rowName: str, bEnabled: bool)
Add a color value to the palette.
• description – Description
• name – Value name
• value – Value
• page – Page index
• expanderName – Expander section name
• rowName – Name of the row

22.1. Classes 201

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• bEnabled – Control is enabled: true/false

PythonWpfPaletteBuilder.AddComboBoxValue(description: str, name: str, value: str, listValues:
str, ctrlType: PaletteCtrlType, valueType: Palet-
teValueType, page: int, expanderName: str, row-
Name: str, bEnabled: bool)
Add a combo box value to the palette.
• description – Description
• name – Value name
• value – Value
• listValues – List of values
• ctrlType – PaletteCtrlType
• valueType – PaletteValueType
• page – Page index
• expanderName – Expander section name
• rowName – Name of the row
• bEnabled – Control is enabled: true/false
PythonWpfPaletteBuilder.AddConcreteCoverValue(description: str, name: str, value: str,
ctrlType: PaletteCtrlType, page: int, ex-
panderName: str, rowName: str, bEn-
abled: bool)
Add a concrete cover value to the palette
• description – Description
• name – Value name
• value – Value
• ctrlType – PaletteCtrlType
• page – Page index
• expanderName – Expander section name
• rowName – Name of the row
• bEnabled – Control is enabled: true/false
PythonWpfPaletteBuilder.AddConcreteGrade(description: str, name: str, value: str, ctrlType:
PaletteCtrlType, page: int, expanderName: str,
rowName: str, bEnabled: bool)
Add a concrete grade value to the palette.
• description – Description
• name – Value name
• value – Value
• ctrlType – PaletteCtrlType

202 Chapter 22. NemAll_Python_Palette

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• page – Page index

• expanderName – Expander section name
• rowName – Name of the row
• bEnabled – Control is enabled: true/false
PythonWpfPaletteBuilder.AddDoubleValue(description: str, name: str, value: float, ctrlType:
PaletteCtrlType, page: int, expanderName: str, row-
Name: str, bEnabled: bool)
Add a double value to the palette.
• description – Description
• name – Value name
• value – Value
• ctrlType – PaletteCtrlType
• page – Page index
• expanderName – Expander section name
• rowName – Name of the row
• bEnabled – Control is enabled: true/false
PythonWpfPaletteBuilder.AddFaceStyleValue(description: str, name: str, value: int, page: int,
expanderName: str, rowName: str, bEnabled:
Add a face style combobox to the palette.
• description – Description
• name – ID name
• value – Selected value
• page – Page index
• expanderName – Expander section name
• rowName – Name of the row
• bEnabled – Control is enabled: true/false
PythonWpfPaletteBuilder.AddHatchValue(description: str, name: str, value: int, page: int, ex-
panderName: str, rowName: str, bEnabled: bool)
Add a hatch combobox to the palette
• description – Description
• name – ID name
• value – Selected value
• page – Page index
• expanderName – Expander section name
• rowName – Name of the row

22.1. Classes 203

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• bEnabled – Control is enabled: true/false

PythonWpfPaletteBuilder.AddIntValue(description: str, name: int, value: int, ctrlType: Palet-
teCtrlType, page: int, expanderName: str, rowName: str,
bEnabled: bool)
Add an integer value to the palette
• description – Description
• name – Value name
• value – Value
• ctrlType – PaletteCtrlType
• page – Page index
• expanderName – Expander section name
• rowName – Name of the row
• bEnabled – Control is enabled: true/false
PythonWpfPaletteBuilder.AddLayer(description: str, name: str, value: str, ctrlType: PaletteCtrl-
Type, page: int, expanderName: str, rowName: str, bEnabled:
Add a layer value to the palette.
• description – Description
• name – Value name
• value – Value
• ctrlType – PaletteCtrlType
• page – Page index
• expanderName – Expander section name
• rowName – Name of the row
• bEnabled – Control is enabled: true/false
PythonWpfPaletteBuilder.AddLengthValue(description: str, name: str, value: float, ctrlType:
PaletteCtrlType, page: int, expanderName: str, row-
Name: str, bEnabled: bool)
Add a length value to the palette.
• description – Description
• name – Value name
• value – Value (always in millimeter)
• ctrlType – PaletteCtrlType
• page – Page index
• expanderName – Expander section name
• rowName – Name of the row
• bEnabled – Control is enabled: true/false

204 Chapter 22. NemAll_Python_Palette

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PythonWpfPaletteBuilder.AddMaterialButton(description: str, name: str, value: str, button-

Type: int, page: int, expanderName: str, row-
Name: str, bEnabled: bool)
Add a material button to the palette
• description – Description
• name – Value name
• value – String of material
• buttonType – Button type (0: simple material button, 1: mat button + switch off button)
• page – Page index
• expanderName – Expander section name
• rowName – Name of the row
• bEnabled – Control is enabled: true/false
PythonWpfPaletteBuilder.AddMeshGroup(description: str, name: str, value: str, ctrlType: Palet-
teCtrlType, page: int, expanderName: str, rowName:
str, bEnabled: bool)
Add a mesh group value to the palette.
• description – Description
• name – Value name
• value – Value
• ctrlType – PaletteCtrlType
• page – Page index
• expanderName – Expander section name
• rowName – Name of the row
• bEnabled – Control is enabled: true/false
PythonWpfPaletteBuilder.AddMeshType(description: str, name: str, value: str, ctrlType: Palet-
teCtrlType, page: int, expanderName: str, rowName: str,
bEnabled: bool)
Add a mesh type value to the palette.
• description – Description
• name – Value name
• value – Value
• ctrlType – PaletteCtrlType
• page – Page index
• expanderName – Expander section name
• rowName – Name of the row
• bEnabled – Control is enabled: true/false

22.1. Classes 205

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PythonWpfPaletteBuilder.AddPage(name: str, description: str)

Add a page to the palette.
Parameters name – ID name
Paran description Description text (localized)
PythonWpfPaletteBuilder.AddPatternValue(description: str, name: str, value: int, page: int, ex-
panderName: str, rowName: str, bEnabled: bool)
Add a pattern combobox to the palette.
• description – Description
• name – Value name
• value – Value
• page – Page index
• expanderName – Expander section name
• rowName – Name of the row
• bEnabled – Control is enabled: true/false
PythonWpfPaletteBuilder.AddPenValue(description: str, name: str, value: int, page: int, ex-
panderName: str, rowName: str, bEnabled: bool)
Add a pen value to the palette.
• description – Description
• name – Value name
• value – Value
• page – Page index
• expanderName – Expander section name
• rowName – Name of the row
• bEnabled – Control is enabled: true/false
PythonWpfPaletteBuilder.AddPicture(name: str, pictureName: str, libPath: str, orientation: int,
page: int, expanderName: str, rowName: str)
Add a picture to the palette.
• name – ID name
• pictureName – Name of the picture
• libPath – Library path
• orientation – Orientation (0:LEFT, 1:MIDDLE, 2:RIGHT)
• page – Page index
• expanderName – Expander section name
• rowName – Name of the row

206 Chapter 22. NemAll_Python_Palette

allpy Documentation, Release 0.1.0

PythonWpfPaletteBuilder.AddPictureButton(description: str, name: str, value: str, eventId:

int, page: int, expanderName: str, rowName: str,
bEnabled: bool)
Add a picture button to the palette.
• description – Description
• name – Value name
• value – Value
• eventId – Value holds the event ID pressing the button
• page – Page index
• expanderName – Expander section name
• rowName – Name of the row
• bEnabled – Control is enabled: true/false
PythonWpfPaletteBuilder.AddPictureButtonList(description: str, name: str, value: int, pic-
turePath: str, pictureList: str, valueList:
str, page: int, expanderName: str, row-
Name: str, bEnabled: bool)
Add a picture button list to the palette
• description – Description
• name – Value name
• value – Value holds the selected picture button in buttons
• picturePath – Path of pictures
• pictureList – Picture list holds the images for the buttons - example: a.png|b.
• valueList – Value list of possible values - example: 0|1|2
• page – Page index
• expanderName – Expander section name
• rowName – Name of the row
• bEnabled – Control is enabled: true/false
PythonWpfPaletteBuilder.AddPictureResourceButton(description: str, name: str, value:
int, eventId: int, page: int, expander-
Name: str, rowName: str, bEnabled:
Add a picture button to the palette
• description – Description
• name – Value name
• value – Value holds the resource ID
• eventId – Value holds the event ID pressing the button
• page – Page index

22.1. Classes 207

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• expanderName – Expander section name

• rowName – Name of the row
• bEnabled – Control is enabled: true/false
PythonWpfPaletteBuilder.AddPictureResourceButtonList(description: str, name: str,
value: int, pictureList: str, val-
ueList: str, page: int, expander-
Name: str, rowName: str, bEn-
abled: bool)
Add a picture resource button list to the palette
• description – Description
• name – Value name
• value – Value holds the selected picture button in buttons
• picturePath – Picture list holds the images for the buttons - example:
• pictureList – Picture list holds the images for the buttons - example: 0|1|2
• page – Page index
• expanderName – Expander section name
• rowName – Name of the row
• bEnabled – Control is enabled: true/false
PythonWpfPaletteBuilder.AddRadioButton(radioButtonGroupDescription: str, radioButton-
GroupName: str, radioButtonDescription: str, ra-
dioButtonName: str, value: float, selectedValueIn-
Group: float, page: int, expander_name: str, row-
Name: str, bEnabled: bool)
Add a radio button to the palette
• radioButtonGroupDescription – Radio button group description
• radioButtonGroupName – Radio button group ID name
• radioButtonDescription – Radio button description
• radioButtonName – Radio button ID name
• value – Double??? value of this radio button
• selectedValueInGroup – Selected value of radio button group
• page – Page index
• expanderName – Expander section name
• rowName – Name of the row
• bEnabled – Control is enabled: true/false
PythonWpfPaletteBuilder.AddSeparator(page: int, expanderName: str)
Add a separator to the palette

208 Chapter 22. NemAll_Python_Palette

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• page – Page index

• expanderName – Expander section name
PythonWpfPaletteBuilder.AddSteelGrade(description: str, name: str, value: str, ctrlType: Palet-
teCtrlType, page: int, expanderName: str, rowName:
str, bEnabled: bool)
Add a steel grade value to the palette.
• description – Description
• name – Value name
• value – Value
• ctrlType – PaletteCtrlType
• page – Page index
• expanderName – Expander section name
• rowName – Name of the row
• bEnabled – Control is enabled: true/false
PythonWpfPaletteBuilder.AddStringValue(description: str, name: str, str: str, ctrlType: Palet-
teCtrlType, page: int, expanderName: str, rowName:
str, bEnabled: bool)
Add a string value to the palette.
• description – Description
• name – Value name
• value – Value
• ctrlType – PaletteCtrlType
• page – Page index
• expanderName – Expander section name
• rowName – Name of the row
• bEnabled – Control is enabled: true/false
PythonWpfPaletteBuilder.AddStroke(description: str, name: str, value: str, ctrlType: PaletteC-
trlType, page: int, expanderName: str, rowName: str, bEn-
abled: bool)
Add a stroke value to the palette.
• description – Description
• name – Value name
• value – Value
• ctrlType – PaletteCtrlType
• page – Page index
• expanderName – Expander section name
• rowName – Name of the row

22.1. Classes 209

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• bEnabled – Control is enabled: true/false

PythonWpfPaletteBuilder.AddText(description: str, name: str, value: str, page: int, expander-
Name: str, rowName: str, bEnabled: bool)
Add a text.
• description – Description
• name – Value name
• value – Value
• page – Page index
• expanderName – Expander section name
• rowName – Name of the row
• bEnabled – Control is enabled: true/false
PythonWpfPaletteBuilder.IsConcreteCoverPaletteUpdate(cover: float) → bool
Check for a palette update due to a new concrete cover
Parameters cover – Concrete cover
Returns Palette update: true/false



class NemAll_Python_Palette.PaletteCtrlType
Types of the palette controls

210 Chapter 22. NemAll_Python_Palette

allpy Documentation, Release 0.1.0



class NemAll_Python_Palette.PaletteValueType
Types of the palette values

22.2. ENums 211

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212 Chapter 22. NemAll_Python_Palette



Link to the original Allplan 2017 online documentation.


Some classes just work inside an running Allplan instance, this means, to test function or classes which use this
services, you have to mock them in your development environment.


class NemAll_Python_Reinforcement.AllplanElement
AllplanElement Methods
AllplanElement.GetAttributes() → object
Returns Attributes object
AllplanElement.GetCommonProperties() → CommonProperties
AllplanElement.GetGeometryObject() → object
Returns Geometry object
AllplanElement.SetCommonProperties(commonProp: CommonProperties)


class NemAll_Python_Reinforcement.AnchorageLengthService
Service class for the anchorage length calculation. Works just inside an running Allplan instance.

allpy Documentation, Release 0.1.0

AnchorageLengthService Methods
AnchorageLengthService.Calculate(concreteGrade: int, steelGrade: int, diameter: float, asMesh:
float, bDoubleBar: bool, meshBarDistCross: float, bMesh:
bool, barDistance: float, roundLength: float)
AnchorageLengthService.CalculateBar(concreteGrade: int, steelGrade: int, diameter: float,
bDoubleBar: bool, barDistance: float, roundLength:
AnchorageLengthService.GetAnchorageLength() → float
AnchorageLengthService.GetAnchorageType() → AnchorageType
AnchorageLengthService.GetAsFactor() → float
Get the as factor required / available
Returns As mesh factor
AnchorageLengthService.GetCompositionZone() → int
AnchorageLengthService.GetHookAngle() → float
AnchorageLengthService.GetL1() → float
AnchorageLengthService.GetL2() → float
AnchorageLengthService.GetL3() → float
AnchorageLengthService.GetLongitudinalOffset() → float
AnchorageLengthService.GetOverlapLength() → float
AnchorageLengthService.IsCompressionBar() → bool
AnchorageLengthService.SetAnchorageType(anchorageType: AnchorageType)
AnchorageLengthService.SetAsFactor(asFactor: float)
Set the as factor required / available
Parameters asFactor – As factor required / available
AnchorageLengthService.SetCompositionZone(compositionZone: int)
AnchorageLengthService.SetCompressionBar(bCompressionBar: bool)
AnchorageLengthService.SetHookAngle(hookAngle: float)
AnchorageLengthService.SetLongitudinalOffset(longitudinalOffset: float)


class NemAll_Python_Reinforcement.BarPlacement(ReinfElement)
BarPlacement Methods
.. method:: BarPlacement.__init__(arg1: object)

__init__(positionNumber: int, barCount: int, distVec: Vector3D, startPnt: Point3D, endPnt: Point3D,
bendingShape: BendingShape)
Constructor for linear placement.

214 Chapter 23. NemAll_Python_Reinforcement

allpy Documentation, Release 0.1.0

• positionNumber – Position number

• barCount – Bar count
• distVec – Distance vector
• startPnt – Start point of the placement at the placement line
• endPnt – End point of the placement at the placement line
• bendingShape – Bending shape
__init__(positionNumber: int, barCount: int, startBendingShape: BendingShape, endBendingShape:
Constructor for polygonal placement.
• positionNumber – Position number
• barCount – Bar count
• startBendingShape – Start shape of the polygonal placement
• endBendingShape – End shape of the polygonal placement
__init__(positionNumber: int, barCount: int, rotationAxis: Line3D, rotationAngle: Angle, bending-
Shape: BendingShape)
Constructor for the rotational placement.
• positionNumber – Position number
• barCount – Bar count
• rotationAxis – Rotation point
• rotationAngle – Rotation angle
• bendingShape – Bending shape
BarPlacement.GetBarCount() → int
BarPlacement.GetBendingShape() → BendingShape
Returns Shape polyline
BarPlacement.GetDistanceVector() → Vector3D
BarPlacement.GetEndBendingShape() → BendingShape
Get the shape polyline at the end of a polygonal placement
Returns Shape polyline
BarPlacement.GetEndPoint() → Point3D
Get the end point of the placement at the placement line
BarPlacement.GetPositionNumber() → int
BarPlacement.GetRotationAngle() → Angle
BarPlacement.GetRotationAxis() → Line3D
BarPlacement.GetStartPoint() → Point3D
Get start point of the placement at the placement line
BarPlacement.IsPolygonalPlacement() → bool
BarPlacement.IsRotationalPlacement() → bool

23.1. Classes 215

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BarPlacement.Move(transVec: Vector3D)
Move the placement
BarPlacement.SetBendingShape(shape: BendingShape)
Set the reinforcement shape.
BarPlacement.SetDistanceVector(distVec: Vector3D)
BarPlacement.SetEndBendingShape(shape: BendingShape)
Set the reinforcement shape at the end.
BarPlacement.SetPositionNumber(positionNumber: int)
BarPlacement.SetRotationAxis(rotationAxis: Line3D)
BarPlacement.Transform(transMat: Matrix3D)
Transform the placement


class NemAll_Python_Reinforcement.BendingRollerList(NemAll_Python_Geometry.AbstractList)


class NemAll_Python_Reinforcement.BendingRollerService
Service class for the bending roller calculation. Works just inside an running Allplan instance.
BendingRollerService Methods
BendingRollerService.GetBendBendingRollerFactor(diameter: float, steelGrade: int, con-
creteGrade: int) → float
BendingRollerService.GetBendingRoller(diameter: float, steelGrade: int, concreteGrade: int,
bStirrup: bool) → float
BendingRollerService.GetBendingRollerFactor(diameter: float, steelGrade: int, concrete-
Grade: int, bStirrup: bool) → float
BendingRollerService.GetDefaultBendingRollers(norm: NormType) → VecDoubleList


class NemAll_Python_Reinforcement.BendingShape
BendingShape Methods
Multiple method signatures:
__init__(shapePol: Polyline3D, bendingRoller: VecDoubleList, diameter: float, steelGrade: int, con-
creteGrade: int, bendingShapeType: BendingShapeType)
Constructor for reinforcement bar.
• shapePol – Shape polyline
• bendingRoller – Bending roller
• diameter – Diameter

216 Chapter 23. NemAll_Python_Reinforcement

allpy Documentation, Release 0.1.0

• steelGrade – Steel grade

• concreteGrade – Concrete grade (index of the global list starting from 0, -1 = use
global value from the Allplan settings)
• bendingShapeType – Bending shape type
__init__(shapePol: Polyline3D, bendingRoller: VecDoubleList, meshType: str, meshBendingDi-
rection: MeshBendingDirection, steelGrade: int, concreteGrade: int, bendingShapeType:
Constructor for reinforcement mesh.
• shapePol – Shape polyline
• bendingRoller – Bending roller
• meshType – Mesh type
• meshBendingDirection – Mesh bending direction
• steelGrade – Steel grade
• concreteGrade – Concrete grade (index of the global list starting from 0, -1 = use
global value from the Allplan settings)
• bendingShapeType – Bending shape type
__init__(shapePol: Polyline3D, bendingRoller: VecDoubleList, diameter: float, steelGrade: int, con-
creteGrade: int, bendingShapeType: BendingShapeType, hookLengthStart: float, hookAn-
gleStart: float, hookTypeStart: HookType, hookLengthEnd: float, hookAngleEnd: float,
hookTypeEnd: HookType)
Constructor for reinforcement bar with hooks.
• shapePol – Shape polyline
• bendingRoller – Bending roller
• diameter – Diameter
• steelGrade – Steel grade
• concreteGrade – Concrete grade (index of the global list starting from 0, -1 = use
global value from the Allplan settings)
• bendingShapeType – Bending shape type
• hookLengthStart – Hook length at the start of the shape
• hookAngleStart – Hook angle at the start of the shape
• hookTypeStart – Hook type at the start of the shape
• hookLengthEnd – Hook length at the end of the shape
• hookAngleEnd – Hook angle at the end of the shape
• hookTypeEnd – Hook type at the end of the shape
__init__(shapePol: Polyline3D, bendingRoller: VecDoubleList, meshType: str, meshBendingDi-
rection: MeshBendingDirection, steelGrade: int, concreteGrade: int, bendingShapeType:
BendingShapeType, hookLengthStart: float, hookAngleStart: float, hookTypeStart: Hook-
Type, hookLengthEnd: float, hookAngleEnd: float, hookTypeEnd: HookType)
Constructor for reinforcement mesh with hooks.

23.1. Classes 217

allpy Documentation, Release 0.1.0

• shapePol – Shape polyline
• bendingRoller – Bending roller
• meshType – Mesh type
• meshBendingDirection – Mesh bending direction
• steelGrade – Steel grade
• concreteGrade – Concrete grade (index of the global list starting from 0, -1 = use
global value from the Allplan settings)
• bendingShapeType – Bending shape type
• hookLengthStart – Hook length at the start of the shape
• hookAngleStart – Hook angle at the start of the shape
• hookTypeStart – Hook type at the start of the shape
• hookLengthEnd – Hook length at the end of the shape
• hookAngleEnd – Hook angle at the end of the shape
• hookTypeEnd – Hook type at the end of the shape
BendingShape.__init__(other: BendingShape)
Copy constructor
BendingShape.GetBendingRoller() → VecDoubleList
BendingShape.GetDiameter() → float
BendingShape.GetHookAngleEnd() → float
BendingShape.GetHookAngleStart() → float
BendingShape.GetHookLengthEnd() → float
BendingShape.GetHookLengthStart() → float
BendingShape.GetMeshBendingDirection() → MeshBendingDirection
BendingShape.GetMeshType() → str
BendingShape.GetShapePolyline() → Polyline3D
BendingShape.GetSteelGrade() → int
BendingShape.IsValid() → bool
BendingShape.Move(tranVec: Vector3D)
Multiple method signatures:
Rotate(modelAngles: object)
Rotate the shape
Parameters modelAngles – Model angles
Rotate(modelAngles: object, refPnt: Point3D)
Rotate the shape
• modelAngles – Model angles

218 Chapter 23. NemAll_Python_Reinforcement

allpy Documentation, Release 0.1.0

• refPnt – Reference point of the rotation

BendingShape.SetBendingRoller(bendingRoller: VecDoubleList)
BendingShape.SetShapePolyline(shapePol: Polyline3D)
BendingShape.Transform(transMat: Matrix3D)
Transform the shape.


class NemAll_Python_Reinforcement.GeometryExpansionUtil
Works just inside an running Allplan instance.
GeometryExpansionUtil Methods
Multiple method signatures:
__init__(arg: AddMsgInfo)
GeometryExpansionUtil.GetLineAbove(ref_pnt: Point2D, base_line: Line2D, orientation: bool)
→ tuple
Get the line ‘above’ the base line and the placement point.
• ref_pnt – 2D reference point in WCS
• base_line – base line as Line2D object, start- and end point in WCS
• orientation – True/False, swaps start- and end point of result line
Returns a tuple(success, line)

•success is True/False
•line as Line2D object, start- and end point in WCS

GeometryExpansionUtil.GetLineAtPoint(ref_pnt: Point2D, ref_vec: Vector2D, orientation: bool,

value: float) → tuple
Get the line at the defined point of the reference line.
• ref_pnt – 2D reference point in WCS
• ref_vec – define reference line by Vector2D object, start at ref_pnt?
• orientation – True/False, swaps start- and end point of result line
• value – ???
Returns a tuple(success, line)

•success is True/False
•line as Line2D object, start- and end point in WCS

23.1. Classes 219

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GeometryExpansionUtil.GetLineFromPoint(doc: DocumentAdapter, ref_pnt: Point2D,

view_proj: ViewWorldProjection, orientation:
bool) → tuple
Get the line near to the input point.
• doc – document handle
• ref_pnt – 2D reference point in WCS
• view_proj – view projection matrix
• orientation – True/False, swaps start- and end point of result line
Returns a tuple(success, line, z_min, z_max, asso_ref_ele, model_matrix)

•success is True/False
•line as Line2D object, start- and end point in WCS
•z_min minimum z coordinate in WCS as float
•z_max maximum z coordinate in WCS as float
•asso_ref_ele associative reference element of type: NemAll_Python_IFW_Input.
•model_matrix model transformation matrix

GeometryExpansionUtil.GetLineLeft(ref_pnt: Point2D, base_line: Line2D, orientation: bool) →

Get the line ‘left’ from the base line and the placement point.
• ref_pnt – 2D reference point in WCS
• base_line – base line as Line2D object, start- and end point in WCS
• orientation – True/False, swaps start- and end point of result left line
Returns a tuple(success, line)

•success is True/False
•line as Line2D object, start- and end point in WCS


class NemAll_Python_Reinforcement.HookLengthService
Service class for the hook length calculation. Works just inside an running Allplan instance.
HookLengthService Methods
HookLengthService.__init__(norm: int, concreteGrade: int, steelGrade: int, bExactLength: bool)
HookLengthService.GetHookLength(hookAngle: float, hookType: HookType, diameter: float) →
HookLengthService.GetHookLengthPartFromBendingRoller(hookAngle: float, hookType:
HookType, diameter: float) →
Calculate the hook length part from the beginning of the bending roller.

220 Chapter 23. NemAll_Python_Reinforcement

allpy Documentation, Release 0.1.0

HookLengthService.GetHookLengthPartOfBendingRoller(hookAngle: float, hookType:

HookType, diameter: float) →
Calculate the hook length part of the bending roller.
HookLengthService.GetStandardAnchorageHookLength(diameter: float) → float
Calculate the standard anchorage hook length.


class NemAll_Python_Reinforcement.MeshData
MeshData Properties
Get the as in cross direction
Get the as in longitudinal direction
Get the diameter in cross direction
Get the diameter in longitudinal direction
Get the distance in cross direction
Get the distance in longitudinal direction
Get the double bar state in cross direction
Get the double bar state in longitudinal direction
Get the mesh label
Get the mesh length
Get the overlap in cross direction
Get the overlap in longitudinal direction
Get the mesh type
Get the mesh weight
Get the mesh width
MeshData Methods
Multiple method signatures:

23.1. Classes 221

allpy Documentation, Release 0.1.0

__init__(type: str, length: float, width: float, diameterLongitudinal: float, diameterCross: float,
asLongitudinal: float, asCross: float, distanceLongitudinal: float, distanceCross: float,
bDoubleBarLongitudinal: bool, bDoubleBarCross: bool, overlapLongitudinal: float, over-
lapCross: float, weight: float)
• type – Mesh type
• length – Mesh length
• width – Mesh width
• diameterLongitudinal – Diameter in longitudinal direction
• diameterCross – Diameter in cross direction
• asLongitudinal – As in longitudinal direction
• asCross – As in cross direction
• distanceLongitudinal – Distance in longitudinal direction
• distanceCross – Distance in cross direction
• bDoubleBarLongitudinal – Double bar in longitudinal direction
• bDoubleBarCross – Double bar in cross direction
• overlapLongitudinal – Overlap in longitudinal direction
• overlapCross – Overlap in cross direction
• weight – Mesh weight
Create the label
MeshData.Format(type: str, length: float, width: float) → str
Get the mesh text.
• type – Mesh type
• length – Mesh length
• width – Mesh width
Returns Mesh text
MeshData.GetAsBendingDirection(bendingDirection: MeshBendingDirection) → float
Get the as in bending direction.
MeshData.GetDiameterBendingDirection(bendingDirection: MeshBendingDirection) → tuple
Get the diameter in bending direction.
Returns tuple(diameter in bending direction, double bar state)
MeshData.GetDimensions() → tuple
Get the mesh dimensions
Returns tuple(mesh length, mesh width)
MeshData.GetDistanceBendingDirection(bendingDirection: MeshBendingDirection) → float

222 Chapter 23. NemAll_Python_Reinforcement

allpy Documentation, Release 0.1.0

MeshData.GetOverlapBendingDirection(bendingDirection: MeshBendingDirection) → float

MeshData.SetType(type: str)


class NemAll_Python_Reinforcement.MeshPlacement(ReinfElement)
MeshPlacement Methods
Multiple method signatures:
__init__(positionNumber: int, widthVec: Vector3D, bendingShape: BendingShape)
• positionNumber – Position number
• widthVec – Width vector of the mesh
• bendingShape – Mesh shape
MeshPlacement.GetBendingShape() → BendingShape
Get the shape polyline
MeshPlacement.GetPositionNumber() → int
MeshPlacement.GetWidthVector() → Vector3D
MeshPlacement.Move(transVec: Vector3D)
Move the placement.
MeshPlacement.SetBendingShape(shape: BendingShape)
Set the reinforcement shape.
MeshPlacement.SetPositionNumber(positionNumber: int)
MeshPlacement.SetWidthVector(widthVec: Vector3D)
MeshPlacement.Transform(transMat: Matrix3D)
Transform the placement


class NemAll_Python_Reinforcement.ReinfElement(AllplanElement)


class NemAll_Python_Reinforcement.ReinforcementSettings(Boost.Python.instance)
ReinforcementSettings Methods
ReinforcementSettings.__init__(arg1: object)
ReinforcementSettings.GetBarDiameter() → float
ReinforcementSettings.GetBendingRoller() → float

23.1. Classes 223

allpy Documentation, Release 0.1.0

ReinforcementSettings.GetConcreteGrade() → int
ReinforcementSettings.GetMeshGroup() → int
ReinforcementSettings.GetMeshType() → str
ReinforcementSettings.GetNorm() → int
ReinforcementSettings.GetSteelGrade() → int


class NemAll_Python_Reinforcement.ReinforcementShapeBuilder(Boost.Python.instance)
Helper class to create BendingShape objects. Works just inside an running Allplan instance.
Before adding points by AddPoint(), set as starting point by SetStartPoint(). AddPoints() does
this automatically.
ReinforcementShapeBuilder Methods
Multiple method signatures:
__init__(shapePlaneMatrix: Matrix3D)
Parameters shapePlaneMatrix – Matrix of the plane for the real shape calculation
Add an additional formwork point. Important: set a starting point by SetStartPoint().
Multiple method signatures:
AddPoint(pnt: Point2D, concreteCover: float, bendingRoller: float)
Add an end point of a geometry side. Create a local 2D bending shape in the XY-plane.
AddPoint(pnt: Point3D, concreteCover: float, bendingRoller: float)
Add an end point of a geometry side. Create a global 3D bending shape in WCS.
Add the shape geometry points as python list of tuples. Important: append the end cover value as single float
after the last point of the bending shape. [(p1, c1), (p2, c2), (p3, c3), end_cover]
Parameters pointList – a Python list of tuples (Point2D/3D, concrete_cover[, bend-
ing_roller_factor]), the bending roller factor is optional, if absent the default bending roller at
CreateShape() is used.
Add geometry side as line by two points, points as Point2D or Point3D objects.
Multiple method signatures:
AddSide(startPnt: Point2D, endPnt: Point2D, concreteCover: float, bendingRoller: float)
Add a geometry side of the shape.
• startPnt – Start point of the geometry side
• endPnt – End point of the geometry side
• concreteCover – Concrete cover

224 Chapter 23. NemAll_Python_Reinforcement

allpy Documentation, Release 0.1.0

• bendingRoller – Bending roller between the last and current side

AddSide(startPnt: Point3D, endPnt: Point3D, concreteCover: float, bendingRoller: float)
Add a geometry side of the shape.
Add the geometry sides of a shape
Parameters sideList – Side list
Multiple method signatures:
CreateShape(diameter: float, bendingRoller: float, steelGrade: int, concreteGrade: int, bending-
ShapeType: BendingShapeType) → BendingShape
• diameter – Diameter
• bendingRoller – Default bending roller
• steelGrade – Steel grade
• concreteGrade – Concrete grade
• bendingShapeType – Bending shape type
CreateShape(meshType: str, meshBendingDirection: MeshBendingDirection, bendingRoller: float,
steelGrade: int, concreteGrade: int, bendingShapeType: BendingShapeType) → Bend-
• meshType – Mesh type
• meshBendingDirection – Mesh bending direction
• bendingRoller – Default bending roller
• steelGrade – Steel grade
• concreteGrade – Concrete grade
• bendingShapeType – Bending shape type
CreateShape(shapeProps) → BendingShape
Create the stirrup shape.
Multiple method signatures:
CreateStirrup(diameter: float, bendingRoller: float, steelGrade: int, concreteGrade: int, stirrup-
Type: StirrupType) → BendingShape
• diameter – Diameter
• bendingRoller – Default bending roller
• steelGrade – Steel grade
• concreteGrade – Concrete grade
• stirrupType – Type of the stirrup

23.1. Classes 225

allpy Documentation, Release 0.1.0

CreateStirrup(meshType: str, meshBendingDirection: MeshBendingDirection, bendingRoller:

float, steelGrade: int, concreteGrade: int, stirrupType: StirrupType) → Bending-
• meshType – Mesh type
• meshBendingDirection – Mesh bending direction
• bendingRoller – Default bending roller
• steelGrade – Steel grade
• concreteGrade – Concrete grade
• stirrupType – Type of the stirrup
CreateStirrup(shapeProps, stirrupType: StirrupType) → BendingShape
ReinforcementShapeBuilder.GetMeshData(meshType: str) → MeshData
ReinforcementShapeBuilder.SetAnchorageHookEnd(angle: float)
Set an anchorage hook at the end of the shape, get the angle from the side.
ReinforcementShapeBuilder.SetAnchorageHookStart(angle: float)
ReinforcementShapeBuilder.SetAnchorageHookStartFromSide(arg1: Reinforce-
Set an anchorage hook at the start of the shape, get the angle from the side
ReinforcementShapeBuilder.SetAnchorageLengthEnd(anchorageLength: float)
Set the anchorage length at the end of the shape.
Parameters anchorageLength – Anchorage length at the end of the shape
ReinforcementShapeBuilder.SetAnchorageLengthStart(anchorageLength: float)
Set the anchorage length at the start of the shape.
Parameters anchorageLength – Anchorage length at the start of the shape
ReinforcementShapeBuilder.SetConcreteCoverEnd(concreteCover: float)
Set the concrete cover at the end of the shape.
Set the concrete cover line at the end of the shape.
Multiple method signatures:
SetConcreteCoverLineEnd(startPnt: Point2D, endPnt: Point2D, concreteCover: float)
• startPnt – Start point of the concrete cover line at the end of the shape
• endPnt – Endpoint of the concrete cover line at the end of the shape
• concreteCover – Concrete cover
SetConcreteCoverLineEnd(startPnt: Point3D, endPnt: Point3D, concreteCover: float)
Set the concrete cover line at the start of the shape
Multiple method signatures:
SetConcreteCoverLineStart(startPnt: Point2D, endPnt: Point2D, concreteCover: float)

226 Chapter 23. NemAll_Python_Reinforcement

allpy Documentation, Release 0.1.0

• startPnt – Start point of the concrete cover line at the start of the shape
• endPnt – Endpoint of the concrete cover line at the start of the shape
• concreteCover – Concrete cover
SetConcreteCoverLineStart(startPnt: Point3D, endPnt: Point3D, concreteCover: float)
ReinforcementShapeBuilder.SetConcreteCoverStart(concreteCover: float)
Set the concrete cover at the start of the shape
ReinforcementShapeBuilder.SetHookEnd(length: float, angle: float, type: HookType)
Set the hook at the end of the shape
param length Hook length (0 = calculate)
param angle Hook angle
param type Hook type
ReinforcementShapeBuilder.SetHookStart(length: float, angle: float, type: HookType)
Set the hook at the start of the shape
param length Hook length (0 = calculate)
param angle Hook angle
param type Hook type
ReinforcementShapeBuilder.SetOverlapLengthEnd(arg1: ReinforcementShapeBuilder)
Set an overlap length a the end of the shape.
ReinforcementShapeBuilder.SetOverlapLengthStart(arg1: ReinforcementShapeBuilder)
Set an overlap length a the start of the shape.
ReinforcementShapeBuilder.SetSideLengthEnd(sideLength: float)
Set the side length at the end of the shape.
ReinforcementShapeBuilder.SetSideLengthStart(sideLength: float)
Set the side length at the start of the shape.
Multiple method signatures:
SetStartPoint(startPnt: Point2D)
SetStartPoint(startPnt: Point3D)


class NemAll_Python_Reinforcement.ReinforcementUtil
ReinforcementUtil Methods
ReinforcementUtil.GetNextBarPositionNumber(doc: DocumentAdapter) → int
ReinforcementUtil.GetNextMeshPositionNumber(doc: DocumentAdapter) → int

23.1. Classes 227

allpy Documentation, Release 0.1.0



class NemAll_Python_Reinforcement.AnchorageType
Types of the anchorage


class NemAll_Python_Reinforcement.BendingShapeType(Boost.Python.enum)
Type of the bending shape


class NemAll_Python_Reinforcement.HookType
Types of the hooks

228 Chapter 23. NemAll_Python_Reinforcement

allpy Documentation, Release 0.1.0


class NemAll_Python_Reinforcement.MeshBendingDirection
Types of the mesh bending direction


class NemAll_Python_Reinforcement.NormType
Types of the norms


class NemAll_Python_Reinforcement.StirrupType
Types of the stirrups

23.2. ENums 229

allpy Documentation, Release 0.1.0

Global Defined Variables


230 Chapter 23. NemAll_Python_Reinforcement

allpy Documentation, Release 0.1.0


23.3. Global Defined Variables 231

allpy Documentation, Release 0.1.0

232 Chapter 23. NemAll_Python_Reinforcement



Link to the original Allplan 2017 online documentation.



class NemAll_Python_Utility.AbstractList
This type does not really exists, it is just a helper class for documentation.
AbstractList Methods
AbstractList.__contains__(item) → bool
AbstractList.__getitem__(item) → object
AbstractList.__iter__() → object
AbstractList.__len__() → int
AbstractList.__repr__() → str
AbstractList.__setitem__(item, value)
AbstractList.count(value) → int
AbstractList.index(value) → int
AbstractList.insert(index: int, item)
AbstractList.pop() → int

allpy Documentation, Release 0.1.0

AbstractList.pop(index: int) → object

Multiple method signatures
sort(cmp: callable)


class NemAll_Python_Utility.SizeTList(AbstractList)


class NemAll_Python_Utility.VecByteList(AbstractList)


class NemAll_Python_Utility.VecDoubleList(AbstractList)


class NemAll_Python_Utility.VecIntList(AbstractList)


class NemAll_Python_Utility.VecSizeTList(AbstractList)


class NemAll_Python_Utility.VecStringList(AbstractList)


class NemAll_Python_Utility.VecULongList(AbstractList)


class NemAll_Python_Utility.Timer
Time Methods
Time.PrintTime(flag: bool)
Multiple method signature:

234 Chapter 24. NemAll_Python_Utility

allpy Documentation, Release 0.1.0

__init__(timer: Timer)

NemAll_Python_Utility.ShowMessageBox(message: str, flags: int) → int

Global Defined Variables

IDNO = 7
IDOK = 1
MB_OK = 0

24.2. Functions 235

allpy Documentation, Release 0.1.0

236 Chapter 24. NemAll_Python_Utility


List of unsupported API features

Allplan 2017.1

class ChamferCalculus

CalculateChamferLine(line1: Line2D, line2: Line2D, inputPoint: Point2D) → Line2D

CalculateChamferLine(igeo1, igeo2, plane3D: Plane3D, intersectionPoint: Point3D, inputPoint:
Point3D) → Line3D :
CalculateChamferLine(line1: Line3D, line2: Line3D, plane3D: Plan3D, intersectionPoint:
Point3D, (Point3D)inputPoint) → Line3D
CalculateChamferLine(line: Line3D, arc: Arc3D, plane3D: Plane3D, intersectionPoint: Point3D,
inputPoint: Point3D, bFirstElementIsLine: bool) → Line3D
CalculateChamferLine(arc1: Arc3D, arc2: Arc3D, plane: Plane3D, intersectionPoint: Point3D,
inputPoint: Point3D) → Line3D
class Polyhedron3D

AppendVertex(vertex: Point3D)
Without this method it is not possible to create your own 3D objects by ‘hand’, using vertices, edges and faces.

allpy Documentation, Release 0.1.0

238 Chapter 25. List of unsupported API features



Version 0.0.1 - not released yet

• Initial Release
• moved repository to github:

allpy Documentation, Release 0.1.0

240 Chapter 26. News


Document License

Unless otherwise stated, the content of this document is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0

allpy Documentation, Release 0.1.0

242 Chapter 27. Document License


Indices and tables

• genindex
• modindex
• search

allpy Documentation, Release 0.1.0

244 Chapter 28. Indices and tables

Python Module Index

allpy, 15, 23
allpy.colors, 29
allpy.env, 17
allpy.geo, 21
allpy.pyp, 19
allpy.util, 27
allpy.workbench, 25

NemAll_Python_AllplanSettings, 39
NemAll_Python_ArchElements, 43
NemAll_Python_BaseElements, 45
NemAll_Python_BasisElements, 51
NemAll_Python_Geometry, 75
NemAll_Python_IFW_Input, 185
NemAll_Python_Palette, 199
NemAll_Python_Reinforcement, 213
NemAll_Python_Utility, 233

allpy Documentation, Release 0.1.0

246 Python Module Index


Symbols __eq__() (NemAll_Python_BaseElements.AttributeInteger

__add__() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.Angle method), method), 47
76 __eq__() (NemAll_Python_BaseElements.AttributeIntegerVec
__add__() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.BoundingBox2D method), 48
method), 105 __eq__() (NemAll_Python_BaseElements.AttributeSet
__add__() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.Matrix2D method), 48
method), 87 __eq__() (NemAll_Python_BaseElements.AttributeString
__add__() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.Matrix3D method), 48
method), 89 __eq__() (NemAll_Python_BaseElements.AttributeStringVec
__add__() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.MinMax2D method), 49
method), 111 __eq__() (NemAll_Python_BaseElements.Attributes
__add__() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.MinMax3D method), 49
method), 137 __eq__() (NemAll_Python_BaseElements.CommonProperties
__add__() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.Point2D method), method), 49
81 __eq__() (NemAll_Python_BasisElements.ARGB
__add__() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.Point3D method), method), 51
83 __eq__() (NemAll_Python_BasisElements.BitmapAreaProperties
__add__() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.Vector2D method), 53
method), 78 __eq__() (NemAll_Python_BasisElements.ElementGroupProperties
__add__() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.Vector3D method), 54
method), 80 __eq__() (NemAll_Python_BasisElements.EndSymbolsProperties
__contains__() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.AbstractList method), 54
method), 94 __eq__() (NemAll_Python_BasisElements.FaceStyleProperties
__contains__() (NemAll_Python_Utility.AbstractList method), 55
method), 233 __eq__() (NemAll_Python_BasisElements.FillingProperties
__delitem__() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.AbstractList method), 56
method), 94 __eq__() (NemAll_Python_BasisElements.HatchingProperties
__delitem__() (NemAll_Python_Utility.AbstractList method), 56
method), 233 __eq__() (NemAll_Python_BasisElements.MacroGroupProperties
__eq__() (NemAll_Python_BaseElements.AttributeByteVec method), 58
method), 45 __eq__() (NemAll_Python_BasisElements.MacroPlacementProperties
__eq__() (NemAll_Python_BaseElements.AttributeDate method), 59
method), 46 __eq__() (NemAll_Python_BasisElements.MacroProperties
__eq__() (NemAll_Python_BaseElements.AttributeDouble method), 60
method), 46 __eq__() (NemAll_Python_BasisElements.MacroSlideProperties
__eq__() (NemAll_Python_BaseElements.AttributeDoubleVec method), 61
method), 46 __eq__() (NemAll_Python_BasisElements.PatternCurveProperties
__eq__() (NemAll_Python_BaseElements.AttributeEnum method), 63
method), 47 __eq__() (NemAll_Python_BasisElements.PatternProperties
method), 64

allpy Documentation, Release 0.1.0

__eq__() (NemAll_Python_BasisElements.Symbol2DProperties method), 133

method), 64 __eq__() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.ExtrudedAreaSolid3D
__eq__() (NemAll_Python_BasisElements.Symbol3DProperties method), 134
method), 65 __eq__() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.GeometryEdge
__eq__() (NemAll_Python_BasisElements.TextProperties method), 84
method), 66 __eq__() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.Line2D method),
__eq__() (NemAll_Python_BasisElements.TextureDefinition 110
method), 67 __eq__() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.Line3D method),
__eq__() (NemAll_Python_BasisElements.TextureMapping 135
method), 68 __eq__() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.MinMax2D
__eq__() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.Angle method), 76 method), 111
__eq__() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.ApproximationSettings__eq__() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.MinMax3D
method), 90 method), 137
__eq__() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.Arc2D method), __eq__() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.OrientedEdge
102 method), 85
__eq__() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.Arc3D method), __eq__() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.Path2D method),
119 112
__eq__() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.Axis2D method), __eq__() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.Path3D method),
91 138
__eq__() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.Axis3D method), __eq__() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.Plane3D method),
93 139
__eq__() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.AxisPlacement2D __eq__() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.Point2D method),
method), 92 81
__eq__() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.AxisPlacement3D __eq__() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.Point3D method),
method), 94 83
__eq__() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.BRep3D method), __eq__() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.Polygon2D
122 method), 113
__eq__() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.BSpline2D __eq__() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.Polygon3D
method), 103 method), 140
__eq__() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.BSpline3D __eq__() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.PolygonalArea2D
method), 124 method), 114
__eq__() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.BSplineSurface3D __eq__() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.PolygonalArea3D
method), 125 method), 141
__eq__() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.BoundingBox2D __eq__() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.Polyhedron3D
method), 105 method), 145
__eq__() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.ClippedSweptSolid3D__eq__() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.Polyline2D
method), 126 method), 115
__eq__() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.ClosedArea2D __eq__() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.Polyline3D
method), 106 method), 146
__eq__() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.ClosedAreaComposite2D__eq__() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.Spline2D method),
method), 107 116
__eq__() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.ClosedAreaComposite3D__eq__() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.Spline3D method),
method), 127 147
__eq__() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.Clothoid2D __eq__() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.Vector2D method),
method), 108 78
__eq__() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.Cone3D method), __eq__() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.Vector3D method),
128 80
__eq__() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.ConicalSurface3D __float__() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.Angle method),
method), 129 75
__eq__() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.Cuboid3D __getitem__() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.AbstractList
method), 130 method), 94
__eq__() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.Cylinder3D __getitem__() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.BoundingBox2D
method), 132 method), 105
__eq__() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.Ellipsoid3D __getitem__() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.Matrix2D

248 Index
allpy Documentation, Release 0.1.0

method), 86 method), 116

__getitem__() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.Matrix3D __iadd__() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.Spline3D
method), 89 method), 147
__getitem__() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.PolyPoints2D __iadd__() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.Vector2D
method), 96 method), 78
__getitem__() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.PolyPoints3D __iadd__() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.Vector3D
method), 98 method), 80
__getitem__() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.PolygonalArea2D __idiv__() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.Point2D
method), 114 method), 82
__getitem__() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.PolygonalArea3D __idiv__() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.Point3D
method), 142 method), 84
__getitem__() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.Polyhedron3D __idiv__() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.Vector2D
method), 145 method), 78
__getitem__() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.PolyhedronFace __idiv__() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.Vector3D
method), 145 method), 80
__getitem__() (NemAll_Python_Utility.AbstractList __imul__() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.Matrix2D
method), 233 method), 87
__iadd__() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.Angle method), __imul__() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.Matrix3D
76 method), 89
__iadd__() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.BoundingBox2D __imul__() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.Vector2D
method), 105 method), 78
__iadd__() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.Matrix2D __imul__() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.Vector3D
method), 87 method), 80
__iadd__() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.Matrix3D __init__() (NemAll_Python_BaseElements.AttributeByteVec
method), 89 method), 45
__iadd__() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.MinMax2D __init__() (NemAll_Python_BaseElements.AttributeDate
method), 111 method), 46
__iadd__() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.MinMax3D __init__() (NemAll_Python_BaseElements.AttributeDouble
method), 137 method), 46
__iadd__() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.Path2D method), __init__() (NemAll_Python_BaseElements.AttributeDoubleVec
112 method), 46
__iadd__() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.Path3D method), __init__() (NemAll_Python_BaseElements.AttributeEnum
138 method), 47
__iadd__() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.Point2D __init__() (NemAll_Python_BaseElements.AttributeInteger
method), 82 method), 47
__iadd__() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.Point3D __init__() (NemAll_Python_BaseElements.AttributeIntegerVec
method), 83 method), 47, 48
__iadd__() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.PolyPoints2D __init__() (NemAll_Python_BaseElements.AttributeSet
method), 96 method), 48
__iadd__() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.PolyPoints3D __init__() (NemAll_Python_BaseElements.AttributeString
method), 98 method), 48
__iadd__() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.Polygon2D __init__() (NemAll_Python_BaseElements.AttributeStringVec
method), 113 method), 49
__iadd__() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.Polygon3D __init__() (NemAll_Python_BaseElements.Attributes
method), 140 method), 49
__iadd__() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.PolygonalArea2D __init__() (NemAll_Python_BaseElements.CommonProperties
method), 114 method), 49
__iadd__() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.PolygonalArea3D __init__() (NemAll_Python_BasisElements.ARGB
method), 142 method), 51
__iadd__() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.Polyline2D __init__() (NemAll_Python_BasisElements.AttributeContainer
method), 115 method), 52
__iadd__() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.Polyline3D __init__() (NemAll_Python_BasisElements.BitmapAreaElement
method), 146 method), 52
__iadd__() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.Spline2D __init__() (NemAll_Python_BasisElements.BitmapAreaProperties

Index 249
allpy Documentation, Release 0.1.0

method), 53 method), 65
__init__() (NemAll_Python_BasisElements.ElementGroupElement
__init__() (NemAll_Python_BasisElements.TextProperties
method), 53 method), 66
__init__() (NemAll_Python_BasisElements.ElementGroupProperties
__init__() (NemAll_Python_BasisElements.TextureDefinition
method), 54 method), 66, 67
__init__() (NemAll_Python_BasisElements.EndSymbolsProperties
__init__() (NemAll_Python_BasisElements.TextureMapping
method), 54 method), 67, 68
__init__() (NemAll_Python_BasisElements.FaceStyleElement__init__() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.AbstractList
method), 54 method), 94
__init__() (NemAll_Python_BasisElements.FaceStyleProperties
__init__() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.ApproximationSettings
method), 55 method), 89
__init__() (NemAll_Python_BasisElements.FillingElement __init__() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.Arc2D method),
method), 55 100
__init__() (NemAll_Python_BasisElements.FillingProperties__init__() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.Arc3D method),
method), 56 117
__init__() (NemAll_Python_BasisElements.HatchingElement __init__() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.Axis2D method),
method), 56 90
__init__() (NemAll_Python_BasisElements.HatchingProperties
__init__() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.Axis3D method),
method), 56 92
__init__() (NemAll_Python_BasisElements.MacroElement __init__() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.AxisPlacement2D
method), 57 method), 91
__init__() (NemAll_Python_BasisElements.MacroGroupElement
__init__() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.AxisPlacement3D
method), 57 method), 93
__init__() (NemAll_Python_BasisElements.MacroGroupProperties
__init__() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.BRep3D
method), 58 method), 119
__init__() (NemAll_Python_BasisElements.MacroPlacementElement
__init__() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.BSpline2D
method), 58 method), 102
__init__() (NemAll_Python_BasisElements.MacroPlacementProperties
__init__() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.BSpline3D
method), 59 method), 123
__init__() (NemAll_Python_BasisElements.MacroProperties__init__() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.BSplineSurface3D
method), 60 method), 124
__init__() (NemAll_Python_BasisElements.MacroSlideElement
__init__() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.BoundingBox2D
method), 60 method), 103
__init__() (NemAll_Python_BasisElements.MacroSlideProperties
__init__() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.ClippedSweptSolid3D
method), 61 method), 125, 126
__init__() (NemAll_Python_BasisElements.ModelElement2D __init__() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.ClosedArea2D
method), 61 method), 106
__init__() (NemAll_Python_BasisElements.ModelElement3D __init__() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.ClosedAreaComposite2D
method), 62 method), 106
__init__() (NemAll_Python_BasisElements.PatternCurveProperties
__init__() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.ClosedAreaComposite3D
method), 63 method), 127
__init__() (NemAll_Python_BasisElements.PatternElement __init__() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.Clothoid2D
method), 63 method), 107
__init__() (NemAll_Python_BasisElements.PatternProperties
__init__() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.Cone3D method),
method), 64 127
__init__() (NemAll_Python_BasisElements.Symbol2DElement __init__() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.ConicalSurface3D
method), 64 method), 128, 129
__init__() (NemAll_Python_BasisElements.Symbol2DProperties
__init__() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.Cuboid3D
method), 64 method), 129
__init__() (NemAll_Python_BasisElements.Symbol3DElement __init__() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.Cylinder3D
method), 64, 65 method), 131
__init__() (NemAll_Python_BasisElements.Symbol3DProperties
__init__() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.DivisionPoints
method), 65 method), 151
__init__() (NemAll_Python_BasisElements.TextElement __init__() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.Ellipsoid3D

250 Index
allpy Documentation, Release 0.1.0

method), 132 method), 77

__init__() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.ExtrudedAreaSolid3D__init__() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.Vector3D
method), 133 method), 79
__init__() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.FilletCalculus2D __init__() (NemAll_Python_IFW_Input.AddMsgInfo
method), 151 method), 185
__init__() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.GeometryEdge __init__() (NemAll_Python_IFW_Input.BaseElementAdapter
method), 84 method), 185
__init__() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.Kanten_t __init__() (NemAll_Python_IFW_Input.BuildingElementInputControls
method), 85 method), 185
__init__() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.Line2D method), __init__() (NemAll_Python_IFW_Input.CNOI_DocumentWrapper
109 method), 186
__init__() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.Line3D method), __init__() (NemAll_Python_IFW_Input.CoordinateInput
134 method), 186
__init__() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.Matrix2D __init__() (NemAll_Python_IFW_Input.CoordinateInputMode
method), 86 method), 190
__init__() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.Matrix3D __init__() (NemAll_Python_IFW_Input.CoordinateInputResult
method), 87 method), 190
__init__() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.MinMax2D __init__() (NemAll_Python_IFW_Input.DocumentAdapter
method), 110 method), 190
__init__() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.MinMax3D __init__() (NemAll_Python_IFW_Input.ElementSelect
method), 136 method), 190
__init__() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.OrientedEdge __init__() (NemAll_Python_IFW_Input.HandleService
method), 85 method), 190
__init__() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.Path2D method), __init__() (NemAll_Python_IFW_Input.InputStringConvert
111 method), 191
__init__() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.Path3D method), __init__() (NemAll_Python_IFW_Input.InputViewDocumentData
137 method), 191
__init__() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.Plane3D method), __init__() (NemAll_Python_IFW_Input.ValueInputControlData
139 method), 192
__init__() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.Point2D method), __init__() (NemAll_Python_IFW_Input.ViewWorldProjection
81 method), 192
__init__() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.Point3D method), __init__() (NemAll_Python_Palette.PythonWpfPalette
82, 83 method), 199
__init__() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.Polygon2D __init__() (NemAll_Python_Palette.PythonWpfPaletteBuilder
method), 113 method), 200
__init__() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.Polygon3D __init__() (NemAll_Python_Reinforcement.AnchorageLengthService
method), 140 method), 214
__init__() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.PolygonalArea2D __init__() (NemAll_Python_Reinforcement.BarPlacement
method), 113, 114 method), 214, 215
__init__() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.PolygonalArea3D __init__() (NemAll_Python_Reinforcement.BendingShape
method), 141 method), 216–218
__init__() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.Polyhedron3D __init__() (NemAll_Python_Reinforcement.GeometryExpansionUtil
method), 142 method), 219
__init__() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.PolyhedronFace __init__() (NemAll_Python_Reinforcement.HookLengthService
method), 145 method), 220
__init__() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.Polyline2D __init__() (NemAll_Python_Reinforcement.MeshData
method), 115 method), 221, 222
__init__() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.Polyline3D __init__() (NemAll_Python_Reinforcement.MeshPlacement
method), 146 method), 223
__init__() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.Spline2D __init__() (NemAll_Python_Reinforcement.ReinforcementSettings
method), 115, 116 method), 223
__init__() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.Spline3D __init__() (NemAll_Python_Reinforcement.ReinforcementShapeBuilder
method), 147 method), 224
__init__() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.Vector2D __init__() (NemAll_Python_Reinforcement.ReinforcementUtil

Index 251
allpy Documentation, Release 0.1.0

method), 227 method), 142

__init__() (NemAll_Python_Utility.AbstractList __mul__() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.Polyhedron3D
method), 233 method), 145
__init__() (NemAll_Python_Utility.Time method), 234, __mul__() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.Polyline3D
235 method), 146
__isub__() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.Angle method), __mul__() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.Spline2D
76 method), 116
__isub__() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.Matrix2D __mul__() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.Vector2D
method), 87 method), 78
__isub__() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.Matrix3D __mul__() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.Vector3D
method), 89 method), 80
__isub__() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.Point2D __ne__() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.Angle method), 76
method), 82 __ne__() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.ApproximationSettings
__isub__() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.Point3D method), 90
method), 84 __ne__() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.Point3D method),
__isub__() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.Vector2D 83
method), 78 __repr__() (NemAll_Python_Utility.AbstractList
__isub__() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.Vector3D method), 233
method), 80 __setitem__() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.AbstractList
__iter__() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.AbstractList method), 94
method), 94 __setitem__() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.PolyPoints2D
__iter__() (NemAll_Python_Utility.AbstractList method), 96
method), 233 __setitem__() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.PolyPoints3D
__len__() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.AbstractList method), 98
method), 94 __setitem__() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.Polygon2D
__len__() (NemAll_Python_Utility.AbstractList method), method), 113
233 __setitem__() (NemAll_Python_Utility.AbstractList
__mul__() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.Arc2D method), method), 233
102 __sub__() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.Matrix2D
__mul__() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.ClippedSweptSolid3D method), 87
method), 126 __sub__() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.Matrix3D
__mul__() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.Clothoid2D method), 89
method), 108 __sub__() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.Point2D method),
__mul__() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.ExtrudedAreaSolid3D 82
method), 134 __sub__() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.Point3D method),
__mul__() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.Line2D method), 83
110 __sub__() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.Vector3D
__mul__() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.Line3D method), method), 80
135 __truediv__() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.Point2D
__mul__() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.Matrix2D method), 82
method), 87 __truediv__() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.Point3D
__mul__() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.Matrix3D method), 84
method), 89 __truediv__() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.Vector2D
__mul__() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.Plane3D method), 78
method), 139 __truediv__() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.Vector3D
__mul__() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.Point2D method), 80
method), 82
__mul__() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.Point3D A
method), 84 AbstractList (class in NemAll_Python_Geometry), 94
__mul__() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.Polygon3D AbstractList (class in NemAll_Python_Utility), 233
method), 140 Add() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.ClosedAreaComposite2D
__mul__() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.PolygonalArea2D method), 106
method), 114 Add() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.ClosedAreaComposite3D
__mul__() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.PolygonalArea3D method), 127

252 Index
allpy Documentation, Release 0.1.0

Add() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.Path2D method), 112 method), 205

Add() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.Path3D method), 137, AddMsgInfo (class in NemAll_Python_IFW_Input), 185
138 AddPage() (NemAll_Python_Palette.PythonWpfPaletteBuilder
AddAngleValue() (NemAll_Python_Palette.PythonWpfPaletteBuildermethod), 205
method), 200 AddPatternValue() (Ne-
AddBarDiameter() (Ne- mAll_Python_Palette.PythonWpfPaletteBuilder
mAll_Python_Palette.PythonWpfPaletteBuilder method), 206
method), 200 AddPenValue() (NemAll_Python_Palette.PythonWpfPaletteBuilder
AddBendingRollerValue() (Ne- method), 206
mAll_Python_Palette.PythonWpfPaletteBuilder AddPicture() (NemAll_Python_Palette.PythonWpfPaletteBuilder
method), 200 method), 206
AddButton() (NemAll_Python_Palette.PythonWpfPaletteBuilder
AddPictureButton() (Ne-
method), 201 mAll_Python_Palette.PythonWpfPaletteBuilder
AddCheckboxValue() (Ne- method), 206
mAll_Python_Palette.PythonWpfPaletteBuilder AddPictureButtonList() (Ne-
method), 201 mAll_Python_Palette.PythonWpfPaletteBuilder
AddColorValue() (NemAll_Python_Palette.PythonWpfPaletteBuilder method), 207
method), 201 AddPictureResourceButton() (Ne-
AddComboBoxValue() (Ne- mAll_Python_Palette.PythonWpfPaletteBuilder
mAll_Python_Palette.PythonWpfPaletteBuilder method), 207
method), 202 AddPictureResourceButtonList() (Ne-
AddConcreteCoverValue() (Ne- mAll_Python_Palette.PythonWpfPaletteBuilder
mAll_Python_Palette.PythonWpfPaletteBuilder method), 208
method), 202 AddPoint() (NemAll_Python_Reinforcement.ReinforcementShapeBuilder
AddConcreteGrade() (Ne- method), 224
mAll_Python_Palette.PythonWpfPaletteBuilder AddPoints() (NemAll_Python_Reinforcement.ReinforcementShapeBuilder
method), 202 method), 224
AddDimension() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.Matrix2D AddRadioButton() (Ne-
method), 86 mAll_Python_Palette.PythonWpfPaletteBuilder
AddDoubleValue() (Ne- method), 208
mAll_Python_Palette.PythonWpfPaletteBuilder AddSeparator() (NemAll_Python_Palette.PythonWpfPaletteBuilder
method), 203 method), 208
AddFaceStyleValue() (Ne- AddSide() (NemAll_Python_Reinforcement.ReinforcementShapeBuilder
mAll_Python_Palette.PythonWpfPaletteBuilder method), 224, 225
method), 203 AddSides() (NemAll_Python_Reinforcement.ReinforcementShapeBuilder
AddHandles() (NemAll_Python_IFW_Input.HandleService method), 225
method), 190 AddSteelGrade() (NemAll_Python_Palette.PythonWpfPaletteBuilder
AddHatchValue() (NemAll_Python_Palette.PythonWpfPaletteBuilder method), 209
method), 203 AddStringValue() (NemAll_Python_Palette.PythonWpfPaletteBuilder
AddInnerCurve() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.ClosedArea2D method), 209
method), 106 AddStroke() (NemAll_Python_Palette.PythonWpfPaletteBuilder
AddIntValue() (NemAll_Python_Palette.PythonWpfPaletteBuilder method), 209
method), 204 AddText() (NemAll_Python_Palette.PythonWpfPaletteBuilder
AddLayer() (NemAll_Python_Palette.PythonWpfPaletteBuilder method), 210
method), 204 Alignment (NemAll_Python_BasisElements.TextProperties
AddLengthValue() (Ne- attribute), 66
mAll_Python_Palette.PythonWpfPaletteBuilder AlignmentType (NemAll_Python_BasisElements.PatternCurveProperties
method), 204 attribute), 62
AddMaterialButton() (Ne- AllplanElement (class in Ne-
mAll_Python_Palette.PythonWpfPaletteBuilder mAll_Python_ArchElements), 43
method), 204 AllplanElement (class in Ne-
AddMeshGroup() (NemAll_Python_Palette.PythonWpfPaletteBuildermAll_Python_BasisElements), 52
method), 205 AllplanElement (class in Ne-
AddMeshType() (NemAll_Python_Palette.PythonWpfPaletteBuilder mAll_Python_Reinforcement), 213

Index 253
allpy Documentation, Release 0.1.0

AllplanGlobalSettings (class in Ne- method), 114

mAll_Python_AllplanSettings), 39 AppendVertex() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.PolygonalArea3D
AllplanLanguage() (Ne- method), 141
AppendVertex() (Polyhedron3D method), 237
method), 39 ApproximationSettings (class in Ne-
AllplanLocalisationService (class in Ne- mAll_Python_Geometry), 89
mAll_Python_AllplanSettings), 39 Arc2D (class in NemAll_Python_Geometry), 99
AllplanPaths (class in NemAll_Python_AllplanSettings), Arc3D (class in NemAll_Python_Geometry), 116
41 ArchElement (class in NemAll_Python_ArchElements),
AllplanVersion (class in Ne- 43
mAll_Python_AllplanSettings), 41 AreFacesNaturallyTrimmed() (Ne-
allpy (module), 15 mAll_Python_Geometry.BRep3D method), (module), 23 119
allpy.colors (module), 29 ARGB (class in NemAll_Python_BasisElements), 51
allpy.env (module), 17 ARRAYBUTTON (Ne-
allpy.geo (module), 21 mAll_Python_Palette.PaletteCtrlType at-
allpy.pyp (module), 19 tribute), 210
allpy.util (module), 27 AsCross (NemAll_Python_Reinforcement.MeshData at-
allpy.workbench (module), 25 tribute), 221
Alpha (NemAll_Python_BasisElements.ARGB at- ASET_BREP_TESSELATION (Ne-
tribute), 51 mAll_Python_Geometry.eApproximationSettingsType
AnchorageLengthService (class in Ne- attribute), 155
mAll_Python_Reinforcement), 213 ASET_MAX_DISTANCE (Ne-
AnchorageType (class in Ne- mAll_Python_Geometry.eApproximationSettingsType
mAll_Python_Reinforcement), 228 attribute), 155
anf (NemAll_Python_Geometry.Kanten_t attribute), 85 ASET_MAX_LENGTH (Ne-
Angle (class in NemAll_Python_Geometry), 75 mAll_Python_Geometry.eApproximationSettingsType
Angle (NemAll_Python_Geometry.BoundingBox2D at- attribute), 155
tribute), 103 ASET_SEGMENTATION (Ne-
ANGLE (NemAll_Python_Palette.PaletteValueType at- mAll_Python_Geometry.eApproximationSettingsType
tribute), 211 attribute), 155
Apex (NemAll_Python_Geometry.Cone3D attribute), AsLongitudinal (NemAll_Python_Reinforcement.MeshData
127 attribute), 221
Apex (NemAll_Python_Geometry.Cylinder3D attribute), Attribute (class in NemAll_Python_BaseElements), 45
130 AttributeByteVec (class in Ne-
append() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.AbstractList mAll_Python_BaseElements), 45
method), 94 AttributeContainer (class in Ne-
append() (NemAll_Python_Utility.AbstractList method), mAll_Python_BasisElements), 52
233 AttributeDate (class in NemAll_Python_BaseElements),
AppendEdge() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.PolygonalArea 46
method), 98 AttributeDouble (class in Ne-
AppendEdge() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.Polyhedron3D mAll_Python_BaseElements), 46
method), 142 AttributeDoubleVec (class in Ne-
AppendEdge() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.PolyhedronFace mAll_Python_BaseElements), 46
method), 145 AttributeEnum (class in NemAll_Python_BaseElements),
AppendEdges() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.PolyhedronFace 47
method), 145 AttributeInteger (class in Ne-
AppendRelVertex() (Ne- mAll_Python_BaseElements), 47
mAll_Python_Geometry.PolygonalArea2D AttributeIntegerVec (class in Ne-
method), 114 mAll_Python_BaseElements), 47
AppendRelVertex() (Ne- Attributes (class in NemAll_Python_BaseElements), 49
mAll_Python_Geometry.PolygonalArea3D Attributes (NemAll_Python_BaseElements.AttributeSet
method), 141 attribute), 48
AppendVertex() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.PolygonalArea2D AttributeSet (class in NemAll_Python_BaseElements),

254 Index
allpy Documentation, Release 0.1.0

48 BendingShape (class in Ne-

AttributeSets (NemAll_Python_BaseElements.Attributes mAll_Python_Reinforcement), 216
attribute), 49 BendingShapeType (class in Ne-
AttributeString (class in NemAll_Python_BaseElements), mAll_Python_Reinforcement), 228
48 BillingCategory (NemAll_Python_BasisElements.MacroPlacementPropertie
AttributeStringVec (class in Ne- attribute), 59
mAll_Python_BaseElements), 49 BitmapAreaElement (class in Ne-
Axis2D (class in NemAll_Python_Geometry), 90 mAll_Python_BasisElements), 52
Axis3D (class in NemAll_Python_Geometry), 92 BitmapAreaProperties (class in Ne-
AxisAngle (NemAll_Python_Geometry.Arc2D attribute), mAll_Python_BasisElements), 53
99 BitmapName (NemAll_Python_BasisElements.BitmapAreaProperties
AxisPlacement2D (class in NemAll_Python_Geometry), attribute), 53
91 Blue (NemAll_Python_BasisElements.ARGB attribute),
AxisPlacement3D (class in NemAll_Python_Geometry), 51
93 BOTTOM_2D (NemAll_Python_Geometry.eProjectionMatrixType
AxisPoint (NemAll_Python_Geometry.Axis2D attribute), attribute), 158
90 BottomPlane (NemAll_Python_Geometry.ClippedSweptSolid3D
AxisPoint (NemAll_Python_Geometry.Axis3D attribute), attribute), 125
92 BoundingBox2D (class in NemAll_Python_Geometry),
AxisRefPoint (NemAll_Python_Geometry.Axis2D 103
attribute), 90 BRep3D (class in NemAll_Python_Geometry), 119
AxisRefPoint (NemAll_Python_Geometry.Axis3D BSpline2D (class in NemAll_Python_Geometry), 102
attribute), 92 BSpline3D (class in NemAll_Python_Geometry), 122
AxisRelPoint (NemAll_Python_Geometry.Axis2D BSplineSurface3D (class in NemAll_Python_Geometry),
attribute), 90 124
AxisRelPoint (NemAll_Python_Geometry.Axis3D BuildingElementInputControls (class in Ne-
attribute), 92 mAll_Python_IFW_Input), 185
AxisVector (NemAll_Python_Geometry.Axis2D at- BUTTON (NemAll_Python_Palette.PaletteCtrlType at-
tribute), 90 tribute), 210
AxisVector (NemAll_Python_Geometry.Axis3D at-
tribute), 92 C
CalcAngle() (in module NemAll_Python_Geometry), 159
B CalcGlobalPoint() (Ne-
BackgroundColor (NemAll_Python_BasisElements.HatchingPropertiesmAll_Python_Geometry.AxisPlacement3D
attribute), 56 method), 93
BackgroundColor (NemAll_Python_BasisElements.PatternProperties
CalcLength() (in module NemAll_Python_Geometry),
attribute), 63 159
BackgroundColor (NemAll_Python_BasisElements.TextProperties
CalcLocalPoint() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.AxisPlacement3D
attribute), 66 method), 93
BarPlacement (class in NemAll_Python_Reinforcement), CalcMass() (in module NemAll_Python_Geometry), 159,
214 160
BarSpacer (in module NemAll_Python_Reinforcement), CalcMinMax() (in module NemAll_Python_Geometry),
230 160
BarSpacer (NemAll_Python_Reinforcement.BendingShapeType
CalcSurface() (in module NemAll_Python_Geometry),
attribute), 228 160
BaseElementAdapter (class in Ne- Calculate() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.ChamferCalculus
mAll_Python_IFW_Input), 185 method), 148
BasisElement (class in NemAll_Python_BasisElements), Calculate() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.FilletCalculus3D
52 method), 153, 154
BendingRollerList (class in Ne- Calculate() (NemAll_Python_Reinforcement.AnchorageLengthService
mAll_Python_Reinforcement), 216 method), 214
BendingRollerService (class in Ne- CalculateApplicableChamfers() (Ne-
mAll_Python_Reinforcement), 216 mAll_Python_Geometry.ChamferCalculus
method), 148, 149

Index 255
allpy Documentation, Release 0.1.0

CalculateBar() (NemAll_Python_Reinforcement.AnchorageLengthService method), 106

method), 214 Clear() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.ClosedAreaComposite3D
CalculateChamferedLine() (Ne- method), 127
mAll_Python_Geometry.ChamferCalculus Clear() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.Path method), 95
method), 149, 150 Clear() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.Polyhedron3D
CalculateChamferInsideOnePolyline() (Ne- method), 142, 143
mAll_Python_Geometry.ChamferCalculus Clear() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.PolyPoints2D
method), 149 method), 95
CalculateChamferLine() (ChamferCalculus method), 237 Clear() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.PolyPoints3D
CalculateChamferLine() (Ne- method), 97
mAll_Python_Geometry.ChamferCalculus ClickedOnObject() (Ne-
method), 149 mAll_Python_Geometry.FilletCalculus2D
CalculateEndVector() (Ne- method), 151, 152
mAll_Python_Geometry.Spline3D method), ClippedSweptSolid3D (class in Ne-
147 mAll_Python_Geometry), 125
CalculateHalvingAngle() (Ne- Close() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.Arc2D method), 100
mAll_Python_Geometry.ChamferCalculus Close() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.Arc3D method), 117
method), 150 Close() (NemAll_Python_Palette.PythonWpfPalette
CalculatePoint() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.Spline3D method), 199
method), 147 CloseControls() (NemAll_Python_IFW_Input.BuildingElementInputContro
CalculateStartVector() (Ne- method), 185
mAll_Python_Geometry.Spline3D method), ClosedArea2D (class in NemAll_Python_Geometry), 105
147 ClosedArea3D (class in NemAll_Python_Geometry), 126
CalcVolume() (in module NemAll_Python_Geometry), ClosedAreaComposite (Ne-
160 mAll_Python_Geometry.ClosedAreaComposite3D
CANVAS (NemAll_Python_Palette.PaletteCtrlType at- attribute), 126
tribute), 210 ClosedAreaComposite2D (class in Ne-
CatalogName (NemAll_Python_BasisElements.MacroProperties mAll_Python_Geometry), 106
attribute), 60 ClosedAreaComposite3D (class in Ne-
Center (NemAll_Python_Geometry.Arc2D attribute), 99 mAll_Python_Geometry), 126
Center (NemAll_Python_Geometry.Arc3D attribute), 116 Clothoid2D (class in NemAll_Python_Geometry), 107
CenterRel (NemAll_Python_Geometry.Arc2D attribute), CNOI_DocumentWrapper (class in Ne-
99 mAll_Python_IFW_Input), 186
CenterRel (NemAll_Python_Geometry.Arc3D attribute), Color (NemAll_Python_BaseElements.CommonProperties
116 attribute), 49
ChamferCalculus (built-in class), 237 ColorByLayer (NemAll_Python_BaseElements.CommonProperties
ChamferCalculus (class in NemAll_Python_Geometry), attribute), 50
148 Column (in module NemAll_Python_Reinforcement),
CHECK (NemAll_Python_Palette.PaletteCtrlType 230
attribute), 210 Column (NemAll_Python_Reinforcement.StirrupType
check_allplan_version() (built-in function), 31 attribute), 229
CircleStirrup (in module Ne- ColumnSlopeAngle (Ne-
mAll_Python_Reinforcement), 230 mAll_Python_BasisElements.TextProperties
CircleStirrup (NemAll_Python_Reinforcement.BendingShapeType attribute), 66
attribute), 228 ColumnStirrup (in module Ne-
Clear() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.BSpline2D method), mAll_Python_Reinforcement), 230
102 ColumnStirrup (NemAll_Python_Reinforcement.BendingShapeType
Clear() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.BSpline3D method), attribute), 228
123 CombinationType (class in Ne-
Clear() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.BSplineSurface3D mAll_Python_BasisElements), 68
method), 124 COMBO (NemAll_Python_Palette.PaletteCtrlType at-
Clear() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.ClosedArea2D tribute), 210
method), 106 COMBOCOLOR (NemAll_Python_Palette.PaletteCtrlType
Clear() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.ClosedAreaComposite2D attribute), 210

256 Index
allpy Documentation, Release 0.1.0

COMBODRAWINGTYPE (Ne- CoordinateInput (class in NemAll_Python_IFW_Input),

mAll_Python_Palette.PaletteCtrlType at- 186
tribute), 210 CoordinateInputMode (class in Ne-
COMBOFACESTYLE (Ne- mAll_Python_IFW_Input), 190
mAll_Python_Palette.PaletteCtrlType at- CoordinateInputResult (class in Ne-
tribute), 210 mAll_Python_IFW_Input), 190
COMBOHATCH (NemAll_Python_Palette.PaletteCtrlType Count() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.DivisionPoints
attribute), 210 method), 151
COMBOLAYER (NemAll_Python_Palette.PaletteCtrlType Count() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.Path method), 95
attribute), 210 Count() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.PolyPoints2D
COMBOMATNAME (Ne- method), 95
mAll_Python_Palette.PaletteCtrlType at- Count() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.PolyPoints3D
tribute), 210 method), 97
COMBOPATTERN (Ne- count() (NemAll_Python_Utility.AbstractList method),
mAll_Python_Palette.PaletteCtrlType at- 233
tribute), 210 CounterClockwise (NemAll_Python_Geometry.Arc2D
COMBOPEN (NemAll_Python_Palette.PaletteCtrlType attribute), 99
attribute), 210 CounterClockwise (NemAll_Python_Geometry.Arc3D
COMBOREINFBARDIAM (Ne- attribute), 116
mAll_Python_Palette.PaletteCtrlType at- Craft (NemAll_Python_BasisElements.MacroPlacementProperties
tribute), 210 attribute), 59
COMBOREINFBARGRADE (Ne- Create() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.BSpline3D
mAll_Python_Palette.PaletteCtrlType at- method), 123
tribute), 210 create_element() (built-in function), 31
COMBOREINFCONCRGRADE (Ne- CreateArc3D() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.BSpline3D
mAll_Python_Palette.PaletteCtrlType at- method), 123
tribute), 211 CreateBRep3D() (in module Ne-
COMBOREINFMESH (Ne- mAll_Python_Geometry), 160
mAll_Python_Palette.PaletteCtrlType at- CreateCone() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.BRep3D
tribute), 211 method), 119
COMBOREINFMESHGROUP (Ne- CreateControls() (NemAll_Python_IFW_Input.BuildingElementInputContr
mAll_Python_Palette.PaletteCtrlType at- method), 185
tribute), 211 CreateCuboid() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.BRep3D
COMBOREINFNORM (Ne- method), 119
mAll_Python_Palette.PaletteCtrlType at- CreateCuboid() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.Polyhedron3D
tribute), 211 method), 143
COMBOSTROKE (Ne- CreateCylinder() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.BRep3D
mAll_Python_Palette.PaletteCtrlType at- method), 119
tribute), 211 CreateElements() (in module Ne-
CommonProperties (class in Ne- mAll_Python_BaseElements), 50
mAll_Python_BaseElements), 49 CreateFace() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.Polyhedron3D
Comparison (class in NemAll_Python_Geometry), 150 method), 143
Cone3D (class in NemAll_Python_Geometry), 127 CreateFrustumOfPyramid() (in module Ne-
ConicalSurface3D (class in NemAll_Python_Geometry), mAll_Python_Geometry), 161
128 CreateLabel() (NemAll_Python_Reinforcement.MeshData
ConsiderType (class in NemAll_Python_BasisElements), method), 222
68 CreateLine2D() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.BSpline2D
ConsiderType (NemAll_Python_BasisElements.MacroPlacementProperties
method), 102
attribute), 59 CreateLine3D() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.BSpline3D
ControlPointOffset (Ne- method), 123
mAll_Python_BasisElements.Symbol3DPropertiesCreateLoftedBRep3D() (in module Ne-
attribute), 65 mAll_Python_Geometry), 161
Convert3DRotation() (in module Ne- CreatePlanarBRep3D() (in module Ne-
mAll_Python_Geometry), 160 mAll_Python_Geometry), 161

Index 257
allpy Documentation, Release 0.1.0

CreatePolygon3DFromIndex() (in module Ne- DegToRad() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.Angle method),

mAll_Python_Geometry), 162 76
CreatePolyhedron() (in module Ne- DeleteEdge() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.Polyhedron3D
mAll_Python_Geometry), 162, 163 method), 143
CreatePolyline3DFromIndex() (in module Ne- DeleteFace() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.BRep3D
mAll_Python_Geometry), 164 method), 119
CreateRailSweptBRep3D() (in module Ne- DeleteFace() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.Polyhedron3D
mAll_Python_Geometry), 164 method), 143
CreateRevolvedBRep3D() (in module Ne- DeleteFaces() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.BRep3D
mAll_Python_Geometry), 164 method), 119
CreateShape() (NemAll_Python_Reinforcement.ReinforcementShapeBuilder
DeletePolyhedronLastFace() (in module Ne-
method), 225 mAll_Python_Geometry), 165
CreateSphere() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.BRep3D DeltaAngle (NemAll_Python_Geometry.Arc2D at-
method), 119 tribute), 99
CreateSpline() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.BSpline3D DeltaAngle (NemAll_Python_Geometry.Arc3D at-
method), 123 tribute), 116
CreateStirrup() (NemAll_Python_Reinforcement.ReinforcementShapeBuilder
DescriptionText (NemAll_Python_BasisElements.Symbol3DProperties
method), 225, 226 attribute), 65
CreateSweptBRep3D() (in module Ne- Determinant() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.Matrix2D
mAll_Python_Geometry), 164, 165 method), 86
CreateSweptPolyhedron3D() (in module Ne- Determinant() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.Matrix3D
mAll_Python_Geometry), 165 method), 88
CreateWireBody() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.BRep3D DiameterCross (NemAll_Python_Reinforcement.MeshData
method), 119 attribute), 221
CrossBars (in module NemAll_Python_Reinforcement), DiameterLongitudinal (Ne-
230 mAll_Python_Reinforcement.MeshData
CrossBars (NemAll_Python_Reinforcement.MeshBendingDirection attribute), 221
attribute), 229 Diamond (in module NemAll_Python_Reinforcement),
CrossProduct() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.Vector2D 230
method), 78 Diamond (NemAll_Python_Reinforcement.StirrupType
CrossProduct() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.Vector3D attribute), 229
method), 80 Direction (NemAll_Python_Geometry.AxisPlacement2D
Cuboid3D (class in NemAll_Python_Geometry), 129 attribute), 91
Cylinder3D (class in NemAll_Python_Geometry), 130 Direction (NemAll_Python_Geometry.ExtrudedAreaSolid3D
attribute), 133
D DirectionToReferenceLine (Ne-
Day (NemAll_Python_BaseElements.AttributeDate at- mAll_Python_BasisElements.BitmapAreaProperties
tribute), 46 attribute), 53
DEFAULT_NORM_TYPE (Ne- DirectionToReferenceLine (Ne-
mAll_Python_Geometry.ePolygonNormalizeType mAll_Python_BasisElements.FaceStyleProperties
attribute), 157 attribute), 55
DefinitionPoints() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.Path3D DirectionToReferenceLine (Ne-
method), 138 mAll_Python_BasisElements.FillingProperties
Deflate() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.BoundingBox2D attribute), 55
method), 103 DirectionToReferenceLine (Ne-
Deflate() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.MinMax2D mAll_Python_BasisElements.HatchingProperties
method), 110 attribute), 56
Deflate() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.MinMax3D DistanceCross (NemAll_Python_Reinforcement.MeshData
method), 136 attribute), 221
Deg (NemAll_Python_Geometry.Angle attribute), 75 DistanceLongitudinal (Ne-
Degree (NemAll_Python_Geometry.BSpline2D at- mAll_Python_Reinforcement.MeshData
tribute), 102 attribute), 221
Degree (NemAll_Python_Geometry.BSpline3D at- DistortionState (NemAll_Python_BasisElements.MacroPlacementPropertie
tribute), 122 attribute), 59

258 Index
allpy Documentation, Release 0.1.0

DivisionPoints (class in NemAll_Python_Geometry), 151 eANGLE_COMBOBOX (Ne-

DocumentAdapter (class in Ne- mAll_Python_IFW_Input.eValueInputControlType
mAll_Python_IFW_Input), 190 attribute), 196
DomainType (NemAll_Python_BasisElements.MacroPlacementProperties
eApproximationSettingsType (class in Ne-
attribute), 59 mAll_Python_Geometry), 155
DomainType (NemAll_Python_BasisElements.MacroProperties EAST_VIEW (in module NemAll_Python_IFW_Input),
attribute), 60 197
DotProduct() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.Vector2D EAST_VIEW (NemAll_Python_IFW_Input.eProjectionType
method), 78 attribute), 196
DotProduct() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.Vector3D eAverage (in module NemAll_Python_BasisElements),
method), 80 72
DOUBLE (NemAll_Python_Palette.PaletteValueType at- eAverage (NemAll_Python_BasisElements.HeightDefinitionType
tribute), 211 attribute), 69
DrawElementPreview() (in module Ne- eBoolOpResult (class in NemAll_Python_Geometry),
mAll_Python_BaseElements), 50 156
DrawHandles() (NemAll_Python_IFW_Input.HandleServiceeBoxPoint (class in NemAll_Python_Geometry), 156
method), 191 eCenter (in module NemAll_Python_BasisElements), 72
eCenter (NemAll_Python_BasisElements.PatternCurveAlignment
E attribute), 69
eAllocError (NemAll_Python_Geometry.eGeometryErrorCode eCenter (NemAll_Python_Geometry.eBoxPoint at-
attribute), 157 tribute), 156
eAnchorage (in module Ne- eClip (NemAll_Python_Geometry.eBoolOpResult
mAll_Python_Reinforcement), 230 attribute), 156
eAnchorage (NemAll_Python_Reinforcement.HookType eClothoid (NemAll_Python_Geometry.eClothoidType at-
attribute), 228 tribute), 156
eAnchorageHook (in module Ne- eClothoidType (class in NemAll_Python_Geometry), 156
mAll_Python_Reinforcement), 230 eCode (in module NemAll_Python_BasisElements), 72
eCode (NemAll_Python_BasisElements.MacroSlideType
eAnchorageHook (NemAll_Python_Reinforcement.AnchorageType
attribute), 228 attribute), 69
eAnchorageHookOneCrossBar (in module Ne- eComponent (in module Ne-
mAll_Python_Reinforcement), 230 mAll_Python_BasisElements), 72
eAnchorageHookOneCrossBar (Ne- eComponent (NemAll_Python_BasisElements.HeightDefinitionType
mAll_Python_Reinforcement.AnchorageType attribute), 69
attribute), 228 eConsiderAutomatic (in module Ne-
eAnchorageStraight (in module Ne- mAll_Python_BasisElements), 72
mAll_Python_Reinforcement), 230 eConsiderAutomatic (Ne-
eAnchorageStraight (Ne- mAll_Python_BasisElements.ConsiderType
mAll_Python_Reinforcement.AnchorageType attribute), 68
attribute), 228 eConsiderCeilingOpening (in module Ne-
eAnchorageStraightOneCrossBar (in module Ne- mAll_Python_BasisElements), 72
mAll_Python_Reinforcement), 230 eConsiderCeilingOpening (Ne-
eAnchorageStraightOneCrossBar (Ne- mAll_Python_BasisElements.ConsiderType
mAll_Python_Reinforcement.AnchorageType attribute), 68
attribute), 228 eConsiderCeilingRecess (in module Ne-
eAnchorageStraightTwoCrossBars (in module Ne- mAll_Python_BasisElements), 72
mAll_Python_Reinforcement), 230 eConsiderCeilingRecess (Ne-
eAnchorageStraightTwoCrossBars (Ne- mAll_Python_BasisElements.ConsiderType
mAll_Python_Reinforcement.AnchorageType attribute), 68
attribute), 228 eConsiderCeilingSurface (in module Ne-
eAngle (in module NemAll_Python_Reinforcement), 230 mAll_Python_BasisElements), 72
eAngle (NemAll_Python_Reinforcement.HookType at- eConsiderCeilingSurface (Ne-
tribute), 228 mAll_Python_BasisElements.ConsiderType
eANGLE_COMBOBOX (in module Ne- attribute), 68
mAll_Python_IFW_Input), 197 eConsiderDoorOpening (in module Ne-

Index 259
allpy Documentation, Release 0.1.0

mAll_Python_BasisElements), 72 eCOORDINATE_EDIT_GT0 (Ne-

eConsiderDoorOpening (Ne- mAll_Python_IFW_Input.eValueInputControlType
mAll_Python_BasisElements.ConsiderType attribute), 197
attribute), 68 eCube (NemAll_Python_BasisElements.TextureMappingType
eConsiderFloorSurface (in module Ne- attribute), 71
mAll_Python_BasisElements), 72 eCylinder (NemAll_Python_BasisElements.TextureMappingType
eConsiderFloorSurface (Ne- attribute), 71
mAll_Python_BasisElements.ConsiderType EdgeHandle (NemAll_Python_Geometry.OrientedEdge
attribute), 68 attribute), 85
eConsiderNiche (in module Ne- eDIMENSION_EDIT (in module Ne-
mAll_Python_BasisElements), 72 mAll_Python_IFW_Input), 197
eConsiderNiche (NemAll_Python_BasisElements.ConsiderTypeeDIMENSION_EDIT (Ne-
attribute), 68 mAll_Python_IFW_Input.eValueInputControlType
eConsiderNothing (in module Ne- attribute), 197
mAll_Python_BasisElements), 72 eDisabled (in module NemAll_Python_BasisElements),
eConsiderNothing (Ne- 72
mAll_Python_BasisElements.ConsiderType eDisabled (NemAll_Python_BasisElements.PatternCurveIntersectionType
attribute), 69 attribute), 70
eConsiderRecess (in module Ne- EDIT (NemAll_Python_Palette.PaletteCtrlType at-
mAll_Python_BasisElements), 72 tribute), 211
eConsiderRecess (NemAll_Python_BasisElements.ConsiderType
eError (NemAll_Python_Geometry.eGeometryErrorCode
attribute), 69 attribute), 157
eConsiderWindowOpening (in module Ne- eERROR_LINES_ARE_COLLINEAR (Ne-
mAll_Python_BasisElements), 72 mAll_Python_Geometry.eFilletErrorCode
eConsiderWindowOpening (Ne- attribute), 156
mAll_Python_BasisElements.ConsiderType eERROR_LINES_ARE_NOT_PARALLEL (Ne-
attribute), 69 mAll_Python_Geometry.eFilletErrorCode
eCONTROL_EXTERNAL (in module Ne- attribute), 156
mAll_Python_IFW_Input), 197 eERROR_LINES_ARE_PARALLEL (Ne-
eCONTROL_EXTERNAL (Ne- mAll_Python_Geometry.eFilletErrorCode
mAll_Python_IFW_Input.eValueInputControlType attribute), 156
eCONTROL_NONE (in module Ne- mAll_Python_Geometry.eFilletErrorCode
mAll_Python_IFW_Input), 197 attribute), 156
mAll_Python_IFW_Input.eValueInputControlType mAll_Python_Geometry.eFilletErrorCode
attribute), 197 attribute), 156
mAll_Python_IFW_Input), 197 mAll_Python_Geometry.eFilletErrorCode
eCOORDINATE_EDIT (Ne- attribute), 157
mAll_Python_IFW_Input.eValueInputControlTypeeExtension (in module NemAll_Python_BasisElements),
attribute), 197 72
eCOORDINATE_EDIT_FIX (in module Ne- eExtension (NemAll_Python_BasisElements.MacroSlideType
mAll_Python_IFW_Input), 197 attribute), 69
eCOORDINATE_EDIT_FIX (Ne- eFilletErrorCode (class in NemAll_Python_Geometry),
mAll_Python_IFW_Input.eValueInputControlType 156
attribute), 197 eFitting (in module NemAll_Python_BasisElements), 72
eCOORDINATE_EDIT_GE0 (in module Ne- eFitting (NemAll_Python_BasisElements.PlacementType
mAll_Python_IFW_Input), 197 attribute), 70
eCOORDINATE_EDIT_GE0 (Ne- eFormularText (NemAll_Python_BasisElements.TextType
mAll_Python_IFW_Input.eValueInputControlType attribute), 71
attribute), 197 eFromCenter (in module Ne-
eCOORDINATE_EDIT_GT0 (in module Ne- mAll_Python_BasisElements), 72
mAll_Python_IFW_Input), 197 eFromCenter (NemAll_Python_BasisElements.ShadingType

260 Index
allpy Documentation, Release 0.1.0

attribute), 70 attribute), 70
eFromCorner (in module Ne- eLinePointIdentification (class in Ne-
mAll_Python_BasisElements), 73 mAll_Python_Geometry), 157
eFromCorner (NemAll_Python_BasisElements.ShadingTypeeLinkNothing (in module Ne-
attribute), 70 mAll_Python_BasisElements), 73
eGeometry (in module NemAll_Python_BasisElements), eLinkNothing (NemAll_Python_BasisElements.LinkType
73 attribute), 69
eGeometry (NemAll_Python_BasisElements.MacroSlideType eLinkToCeilingSurface (in module Ne-
attribute), 69 mAll_Python_BasisElements), 73
eGeometryErrorCode (class in Ne- eLinkToCeilingSurface (Ne-
mAll_Python_Geometry), 157 mAll_Python_BasisElements.LinkType at-
eGround (NemAll_Python_BasisElements.TextureMappingType tribute), 69
attribute), 71 eLinkToFloorSurface (in module Ne-
eInside (NemAll_Python_Geometry.eBoolOpResult at- mAll_Python_BasisElements), 73
tribute), 156 eLinkToFloorSurface (Ne-
eInsideFitting (in module Ne- mAll_Python_BasisElements.LinkType at-
mAll_Python_BasisElements), 73 tribute), 69
eInsideFitting (NemAll_Python_BasisElements.PlacementType
eLinkToRoofSlab (in module Ne-
attribute), 70 mAll_Python_BasisElements), 73
eINT_COMBOBOX (in module Ne- eLinkToRoofSlab (NemAll_Python_BasisElements.LinkType
mAll_Python_IFW_Input), 198 attribute), 69
eINT_COMBOBOX (Ne- eLinkToRoom (in module Ne-
mAll_Python_IFW_Input.eValueInputControlType mAll_Python_BasisElements), 73
attribute), 197 eLinkToRoom (NemAll_Python_BasisElements.LinkType
eINT_EDIT (in module NemAll_Python_IFW_Input), attribute), 69
198 ELLIPS (NemAll_Python_Palette.PaletteCtrlType
eINT_EDIT (NemAll_Python_IFW_Input.eValueInputControlType attribute), 211
attribute), 197 Ellipsoid3D (class in NemAll_Python_Geometry), 132
eInvalid3DLine (NemAll_Python_Geometry.eGeometryErrorCode
eMacro (in module NemAll_Python_BasisElements), 73
attribute), 157 eMacro (NemAll_Python_BasisElements.HeightDefinitionType
eJoint (in module NemAll_Python_BasisElements), 73 attribute), 69
eJoint (NemAll_Python_BasisElements.PatternCurveIntersectionType
eMiddleBottom (NemAll_Python_BasisElements.TextAlignment
attribute), 70 attribute), 71
eLeft (in module NemAll_Python_BasisElements), 73 eMiddleBottom (NemAll_Python_Geometry.eBoxPoint
eLeft (NemAll_Python_BasisElements.PatternCurveAlignment attribute), 156
attribute), 69 eMiddleLeft (NemAll_Python_Geometry.eBoxPoint at-
eLeftBottom (NemAll_Python_BasisElements.TextAlignment tribute), 156
attribute), 71 eMiddleMiddle (NemAll_Python_BasisElements.TextAlignment
eLeftBottom (NemAll_Python_Geometry.eBoxPoint at- attribute), 71
tribute), 156 eMiddleRight (NemAll_Python_Geometry.eBoxPoint at-
eLeftMiddle (NemAll_Python_BasisElements.TextAlignment tribute), 156
attribute), 71 eMiddleTop (NemAll_Python_BasisElements.TextAlignment
eLeftTop (NemAll_Python_BasisElements.TextAlignment attribute), 71
attribute), 71 eMiddleTop (NemAll_Python_Geometry.eBoxPoint at-
eLeftTop (NemAll_Python_Geometry.eBoxPoint at- tribute), 156
tribute), 156 eMiter (in module NemAll_Python_BasisElements), 73
ElementGroupElement (class in Ne- eMiter (NemAll_Python_BasisElements.PatternCurveIntersectionType
mAll_Python_BasisElements), 53 attribute), 70
ElementGroupProperties (class in Ne- Empty() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.PolyPoints2D
mAll_Python_BasisElements), 54 method), 95
ElementSelect (class in NemAll_Python_IFW_Input), Empty() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.PolyPoints3D
190 method), 97
eLinear (in module NemAll_Python_BasisElements), 73 eMultiLine3D (in module Ne-
eLinear (NemAll_Python_BasisElements.ShadingType mAll_Python_BasisElements), 73

Index 261
allpy Documentation, Release 0.1.0

eMultiLine3D (NemAll_Python_BasisElements.SubType EndSymbolsProperties (class in Ne-

attribute), 70 mAll_Python_BasisElements), 54
eMultiLine3D_Group (in module Ne- EndVector (NemAll_Python_Geometry.Spline2D at-
mAll_Python_BasisElements), 73 tribute), 115
eMultiLine3D_Group (Ne- EndVector (NemAll_Python_Geometry.Spline3D at-
mAll_Python_BasisElements.SubType at- tribute), 147
tribute), 70 eNO_ERROR (NemAll_Python_Geometry.eFilletErrorCode
EnableControl() (NemAll_Python_Palette.PythonWpfPalette attribute), 157
method), 199 eNone (in module NemAll_Python_BasisElements), 73
EnablePythonDebug() (in module Ne- eNone (NemAll_Python_BasisElements.HeightDefinitionType
mAll_Python_Utility), 235 attribute), 69
end (NemAll_Python_Geometry.Kanten_t attribute), 85 eNoPlane (NemAll_Python_Geometry.Offset3DPlane at-
END_POINT (NemAll_Python_Geometry.eLinePointIdentification tribute), 155
attribute), 157 eNORM_AS (in module Ne-
EndAngle (NemAll_Python_Geometry.Arc2D attribute), mAll_Python_Reinforcement), 230
100 eNORM_AS (NemAll_Python_Reinforcement.NormType
EndAngle (NemAll_Python_Geometry.Arc3D attribute), attribute), 229
116 eNORM_BS (in module Ne-
EndCurvature (NemAll_Python_Geometry.Clothoid2D mAll_Python_Reinforcement), 230
attribute), 107 eNORM_BS (NemAll_Python_Reinforcement.NormType
EndID (NemAll_Python_BasisElements.EndSymbolsProperties attribute), 229
attribute), 54 eNORM_DIN (in module Ne-
EndIndex (NemAll_Python_Geometry.GeometryEdge at- mAll_Python_Reinforcement), 230
tribute), 84 eNORM_DIN (NemAll_Python_Reinforcement.NormType
EndPoint (NemAll_Python_Geometry.Arc2D attribute), attribute), 229
100 eNORM_DIN_1 (in module Ne-
EndPoint (NemAll_Python_Geometry.Arc3D attribute), mAll_Python_Reinforcement), 230
116 eNORM_DIN_1 (NemAll_Python_Reinforcement.NormType
EndPoint (NemAll_Python_Geometry.Clothoid2D attribute), 229
attribute), 107 eNORM_DIN_H (in module Ne-
EndPoint (NemAll_Python_Geometry.Line2D attribute), mAll_Python_Reinforcement), 230
108 eNORM_DIN_H (NemAll_Python_Reinforcement.NormType
EndPoint (NemAll_Python_Geometry.Line3D attribute), attribute), 229
134 eNORM_EC2 (in module Ne-
EndPoint (NemAll_Python_Geometry.PolyPoints2D at- mAll_Python_Reinforcement), 230
tribute), 95 eNORM_EC2 (NemAll_Python_Reinforcement.NormType
EndPoint (NemAll_Python_Geometry.PolyPoints3D at- attribute), 229
tribute), 97 eNORM_EHE (in module Ne-
EndRelPoint (NemAll_Python_Geometry.Arc2D at- mAll_Python_Reinforcement), 230
tribute), 100 eNORM_EHE (NemAll_Python_Reinforcement.NormType
EndRelPoint (NemAll_Python_Geometry.Arc3D at- attribute), 229
tribute), 116 eNORM_NEN (in module Ne-
EndRelPoint (NemAll_Python_Geometry.Line2D at- mAll_Python_Reinforcement), 230
tribute), 108 eNORM_NEN (NemAll_Python_Reinforcement.NormType
EndRelPoint (NemAll_Python_Geometry.Line3D at- attribute), 229
tribute), 134 eNORM_NF (in module Ne-
EndRelPoint (NemAll_Python_Geometry.PolyPoints2D mAll_Python_Reinforcement), 231
attribute), 95 eNORM_NF (NemAll_Python_Reinforcement.NormType
EndRelPoint (NemAll_Python_Geometry.PolyPoints3D attribute), 229
attribute), 97 eNORM_OE (in module Ne-
EndScaleRange (NemAll_Python_BasisElements.MacroSlidePropertiesmAll_Python_Reinforcement), 231
attribute), 60 eNORM_OE (NemAll_Python_Reinforcement.NormType
EndSize (NemAll_Python_BasisElements.EndSymbolsProperties attribute), 229
attribute), 54 eNORM_SIA (in module Ne-

262 Index
allpy Documentation, Release 0.1.0

mAll_Python_Reinforcement), 231 ePolygonNormalizeType (class in Ne-

eNORM_SIA (NemAll_Python_Reinforcement.NormType mAll_Python_Geometry), 157
attribute), 229 ePolyhedronHealingSettings (class in Ne-
eNORM_SNIP (in module Ne- mAll_Python_Geometry), 158
mAll_Python_Reinforcement), 231 eProjectionMatrixType (class in Ne-
eNORM_SNIP (NemAll_Python_Reinforcement.NormType mAll_Python_Geometry), 158
attribute), 229 eProjectionType (class in NemAll_Python_IFW_Input),
eNORM_SNIP2003 (in module Ne- 196
mAll_Python_Reinforcement), 231 Equal() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.Comparison
eNORM_SNIP2003 (Ne- method), 150
mAll_Python_Reinforcement.NormType EqualRef() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.Line2D
attribute), 229 method), 109
eNormalText (NemAll_Python_BasisElements.TextType EqualRef() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.Line3D
attribute), 71 method), 134
eNormNo (in module NemAll_Python_Reinforcement), EqualRef() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.PolygonalArea2D
231 method), 114
eNormNo (NemAll_Python_Reinforcement.NormType EqualRef() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.PolygonalArea3D
attribute), 229 method), 141
eNoTransition (in module Ne- EqualRef() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.Polyhedron3D
mAll_Python_BasisElements), 73 method), 143
eNoTransition (NemAll_Python_BasisElements.TransitionType
EqualRef() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.PolyPoints2D
attribute), 72 method), 95
eNUMBER_EDIT_1 (in module Ne- EqualRef() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.PolyPoints3D
mAll_Python_IFW_Input), 198 method), 97
eNUMBER_EDIT_1 (Ne- eReinforcement (in module Ne-
mAll_Python_IFW_Input.eValueInputControlType mAll_Python_BasisElements), 73
attribute), 197 eReinforcement (NemAll_Python_BasisElements.MacroSlideType
eNUMBER_EDIT_1_GE0 (in module Ne- attribute), 69
mAll_Python_IFW_Input), 198 eReport (in module NemAll_Python_BasisElements), 73
eNUMBER_EDIT_1_GE0 (Ne- eReport (NemAll_Python_BasisElements.MacroSlideType
mAll_Python_IFW_Input.eValueInputControlType attribute), 69
attribute), 197 eRight (in module NemAll_Python_BasisElements), 73
eOK (NemAll_Python_Geometry.eGeometryErrorCode eRight (NemAll_Python_BasisElements.PatternCurveAlignment
attribute), 157 attribute), 70
eOneColorTransition (in module Ne- eRightBottom (NemAll_Python_BasisElements.TextAlignment
mAll_Python_BasisElements), 73 attribute), 71
eOneColorTransition (Ne- eRightBottom (NemAll_Python_Geometry.eBoxPoint at-
mAll_Python_BasisElements.TransitionType tribute), 156
attribute), 72 eRightMiddle (NemAll_Python_BasisElements.TextAlignment
eOutOfRange (NemAll_Python_Geometry.eGeometryErrorCode attribute), 71
attribute), 157 eRightTop (NemAll_Python_BasisElements.TextAlignment
eOutside (NemAll_Python_Geometry.eBoolOpResult at- attribute), 71
tribute), 156 eRightTop (NemAll_Python_Geometry.eBoxPoint
eOutsideFitting (in module Ne- attribute), 156
mAll_Python_BasisElements), 73 eRoof (NemAll_Python_BasisElements.TextureMappingType
eOutsideFitting (NemAll_Python_BasisElements.PlacementType attribute), 71
attribute), 70 eROTATION_ANGLE_STEP (in module Ne-
eParabolaGeneral (NemAll_Python_Geometry.eClothoidType mAll_Python_IFW_Input), 198
attribute), 156 eROTATION_ANGLE_STEP (Ne-
eParabolaQuadratic (Ne- mAll_Python_IFW_Input.eValueInputControlType
mAll_Python_Geometry.eClothoidType attribute), 197
attribute), 156 eRound (in module NemAll_Python_BasisElements), 73
ePolygonHealingSettings (class in Ne- eRound (NemAll_Python_BasisElements.ShadingType
mAll_Python_Geometry), 157 attribute), 70

Index 263
allpy Documentation, Release 0.1.0

eSeamless (in module NemAll_Python_BasisElements), mAll_Python_BasisElements), 73

73 eTwoColorTransition (Ne-
eSeamless (NemAll_Python_BasisElements.PatternCurveIntersectionType
attribute), 70 attribute), 72
eServiceResult (class in NemAll_Python_Geometry), 158 eUndergroundCadaste (in module Ne-
eSphere (NemAll_Python_BasisElements.TextureMappingType mAll_Python_BasisElements), 73
attribute), 71 eUndergroundCadaster (Ne-
eSplitInvalidArgs (NemAll_Python_Geometry.eSplitResult mAll_Python_BasisElements.MacroSlideType
attribute), 158 attribute), 69
eSplitInvalidGeometry (Ne- eUseNoSpecialSubType (in module Ne-
mAll_Python_Geometry.eSplitResult at- mAll_Python_BasisElements), 73
tribute), 158 eUseNoSpecialSubType (Ne-
eSplitNone (NemAll_Python_Geometry.eSplitResult at- mAll_Python_BasisElements.SubType at-
tribute), 158 tribute), 70
eSplitOk (NemAll_Python_Geometry.eSplitResult eUV (NemAll_Python_BasisElements.TextureMappingType
attribute), 158 attribute), 71
eSplitResult (class in NemAll_Python_Geometry), 158 eValidationStatusPolygon3D (class in Ne-
eStirrup (in module NemAll_Python_Reinforcement), mAll_Python_Geometry), 159
231 eValueInputControlType (class in Ne-
eStirrup (NemAll_Python_Reinforcement.HookType at- mAll_Python_IFW_Input), 196
tribute), 228 eVariableText (NemAll_Python_BasisElements.TextType
eStructuralError (NemAll_Python_Geometry.eGeometryErrorCode attribute), 71
attribute), 157 eVariant1 (in module NemAll_Python_BasisElements),
eSurfaceTrimParam (class in Ne- 73
mAll_Python_Geometry), 158 eVariant1 (NemAll_Python_BasisElements.VariantType
eTEXT_EDIT (in module NemAll_Python_IFW_Input), attribute), 72
198 eVariant2 (in module NemAll_Python_BasisElements),
eTEXT_EDIT (NemAll_Python_IFW_Input.eValueInputControlType 73
attribute), 197 eVariant2 (NemAll_Python_BasisElements.VariantType
eTrimUMaxValue (Ne- attribute), 72
mAll_Python_Geometry.eSurfaceTrimParam eVariant3 (in module NemAll_Python_BasisElements),
attribute), 158 73
eTrimUMaxValueReverse (Ne- eVariant3 (NemAll_Python_BasisElements.VariantType
mAll_Python_Geometry.eSurfaceTrimParam attribute), 72
attribute), 158 eVariant4 (in module NemAll_Python_BasisElements),
eTrimUMinValue (NemAll_Python_Geometry.eSurfaceTrimParam 73
attribute), 159 eVariant4 (NemAll_Python_BasisElements.VariantType
eTrimUMinValueReverse (Ne- attribute), 72
mAll_Python_Geometry.eSurfaceTrimParam eVx (in module NemAll_Python_BasisElements), 73
attribute), 159 eVx (NemAll_Python_BasisElements.CombinationType
eTrimUndefined (NemAll_Python_Geometry.eSurfaceTrimParam attribute), 68
attribute), 159 eVy (in module NemAll_Python_BasisElements), 73
eTrimVMaxValue (Ne- eVy (NemAll_Python_BasisElements.CombinationType
mAll_Python_Geometry.eSurfaceTrimParam attribute), 68
attribute), 159 eVz (in module NemAll_Python_BasisElements), 73
eTrimVMaxValueReverse (Ne- eVz (NemAll_Python_BasisElements.CombinationType
mAll_Python_Geometry.eSurfaceTrimParam attribute), 68
attribute), 159 eWall (NemAll_Python_BasisElements.TextureMappingType
eTrimVMinValue (NemAll_Python_Geometry.eSurfaceTrimParam attribute), 71
attribute), 159 eWALL_PLACEMENT (in module Ne-
eTrimVMinValueReverse (Ne- mAll_Python_IFW_Input), 198
mAll_Python_Geometry.eSurfaceTrimParam eWALL_PLACEMENT (Ne-
attribute), 159 mAll_Python_IFW_Input.eValueInputControlType
eTwoColorTransition (in module Ne- attribute), 197

264 Index
allpy Documentation, Release 0.1.0

eWarpedPolygonalFace (Ne- FREE_ONLY_3D (Ne-

mAll_Python_Geometry.eGeometryErrorCode mAll_Python_IFW_Input.eProjectionType
attribute), 157 attribute), 196
eWrongShape (NemAll_Python_Geometry.eGeometryErrorCode FREE_VIEW (in module NemAll_Python_IFW_Input),
attribute), 157 197
Expansion (NemAll_Python_BasisElements.TextProperties FREE_VIEW (NemAll_Python_IFW_Input.eProjectionType
attribute), 66 attribute), 196
extend() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.AbstractList Freeform (in module NemAll_Python_Reinforcement),
method), 94 230
Extend() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.Line2D method), Freeform (NemAll_Python_Reinforcement.BendingShapeType
109 attribute), 228
extend() (NemAll_Python_Utility.AbstractList method), FRONT_2D (NemAll_Python_Geometry.eProjectionMatrixType
233 attribute), 158
ExtrudedArea (NemAll_Python_Geometry.ExtrudedAreaSolid3D FullCircle (in module NemAll_Python_Reinforcement),
attribute), 133 230
ExtrudedAreaSolid3D (class in Ne- FullCircle (NemAll_Python_Reinforcement.StirrupType
mAll_Python_Geometry), 133 attribute), 229
eXY (NemAll_Python_Geometry.Offset3DPlane at-
tribute), 155 G
eXZ (NemAll_Python_Geometry.Offset3DPlane at- GaussInvert() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.Matrix3D
tribute), 155 method), 88
eYZ (NemAll_Python_Geometry.Offset3DPlane at- GeometryEdge (class in NemAll_Python_Geometry), 84
tribute), 155 GeometryExpansionUtil (class in Ne-
mAll_Python_Reinforcement), 219
F Get() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.Angle method), 76
FaceStyleElement (class in Ne- Get() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.BoundingBox2D
mAll_Python_BasisElements), 54 method), 103
FaceStyleID (NemAll_Python_BasisElements.FaceStyleProperties
Get() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.BSpline2D method),
attribute), 55 102
FaceStyleProperties (class in Ne- Get() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.BSpline3D method),
mAll_Python_BasisElements), 55 123
FilletCalculus2D (class in NemAll_Python_Geometry), Get() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.BSplineSurface3D
151 method), 124
FilletCalculus3D (class in NemAll_Python_Geometry), Get() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.ConicalSurface3D
153 method), 129
FillingElement (class in Ne- Get() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.MinMax2D method),
mAll_Python_BasisElements), 55 110
FillingProperties (class in Ne- Get() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.MinMax3D method),
mAll_Python_BasisElements), 55 136
FirstColor (NemAll_Python_BasisElements.FillingPropertiesGetAnchorageLength() (Ne-
attribute), 55 mAll_Python_Reinforcement.AnchorageLengthService
FirstDefinitionPoint() (Ne- method), 214
mAll_Python_Geometry.Path3D method), GetAnchorageType() (Ne-
138 mAll_Python_Reinforcement.AnchorageLengthService
Font (NemAll_Python_BasisElements.TextProperties at- method), 214
tribute), 66 GetAngle() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.BoundingBox2D
FontAngle (NemAll_Python_BasisElements.TextProperties method), 104
attribute), 66 GetAngle() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.Line2D
Format() (NemAll_Python_Reinforcement.MeshData method), 109
method), 222 GetAngle() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.Vector2D
FREE_3D (NemAll_Python_Geometry.eProjectionMatrixType method), 77
attribute), 158 GetAngleSigned() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.Vector2D
FREE_ONLY_3D (in module Ne- method), 77
mAll_Python_IFW_Input), 197

Index 265
allpy Documentation, Release 0.1.0

GetApex() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.Cone3D mAll_Python_Reinforcement.BendingRollerService

method), 127 method), 216
GetApex() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.Cylinder3D GetBendingRoller() (Ne-
method), 131 mAll_Python_Reinforcement.BendingShape
GetApexParent() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.Cone3D method), 218
method), 127 GetBendingRoller() (Ne-
GetApexParent() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.Cylinder3D mAll_Python_Reinforcement.ReinforcementSettings
method), 131 method), 223
GetArcHelpConstructions() (Ne- GetBendingRollerFactor() (Ne-
mAll_Python_Geometry.FilletCalculus2D mAll_Python_Reinforcement.BendingRollerService
method), 152 method), 216
GetAsBendingDirection() (Ne- GetBendingShape() (Ne-
mAll_Python_Reinforcement.MeshData mAll_Python_Reinforcement.BarPlacement
method), 222 method), 215
GetAsFactor() (NemAll_Python_Reinforcement.AnchorageLengthService
GetBendingShape() (Ne-
method), 214 mAll_Python_Reinforcement.MeshPlacement
GetAttributes() (NemAll_Python_ArchElements.AllplanElement method), 223
method), 43 GetBitmapAreaProperties() (Ne-
GetAttributes() (NemAll_Python_BaseElements.AttributeSet mAll_Python_BasisElements.BitmapAreaElement
method), 48 method), 52
GetAttributes() (NemAll_Python_BasisElements.AllplanElement
GetBottomCenter() (Ne-
method), 52 mAll_Python_Geometry.Cylinder3D method),
GetAttributes() (NemAll_Python_Reinforcement.AllplanElement 131
method), 213 GetBottomFacePolygon() (Ne-
GetAttributeSets() (Ne- mAll_Python_Geometry.Cuboid3D method),
mAll_Python_BaseElements.Attributes 130
method), 49 GetBottomPlane() (Ne-
GetAxisAngle() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.Arc2D mAll_Python_Geometry.ClippedSweptSolid3D
method), 100 method), 126
GetAxisPoint() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.Axis2D GetBoxPoint() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.BoundingBox2D
method), 91 method), 104
GetAxisPoint() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.Axis3D GetCenter() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.Arc2D
method), 92 method), 100
GetAxisPoint2() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.Axis2D GetCenter() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.Arc3D
method), 91 method), 117
GetAxisPoint2() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.Axis3D GetCenter() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.BoundingBox2D
method), 92 method), 104
GetAxisRelPoint() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.Axis2D GetCenter() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.Cone3D
method), 91 method), 128
GetAxisRelPoint() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.Axis3D GetCenter() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.Cylinder3D
method), 92 method), 131
GetAxisRelPoint2() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.Axis2D GetCenter() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.Ellipsoid3D
method), 91 method), 132
GetAxisRelPoint2() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.Axis3D GetCenter() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.MinMax2D
method), 92 method), 110
GetBarCount() (NemAll_Python_Reinforcement.BarPlacementGetCenter() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.MinMax3D
method), 215 method), 136
GetBarDiameter() (Ne- GetCenterPoint() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.BoundingBox2D
mAll_Python_Reinforcement.ReinforcementSettings method), 104
method), 223 GetCenterPoint() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.BSplineSurface3D
GetBendBendingRollerFactor() (Ne- method), 124
mAll_Python_Reinforcement.BendingRollerServiceGetCenterPoint() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.Line2D
method), 216 method), 109
GetBendingRoller() (Ne- GetCenterPoint() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.Line3D

266 Index
allpy Documentation, Release 0.1.0

method), 134 method), 39

GetCenterRel() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.Arc2D GetCurrentHatchId() (Ne-
method), 100 mAll_Python_AllplanSettings.AllplanGlobalSettings
GetCenterRel() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.Arc3D method), 39
method), 117 GetCurrentLayerId() (Ne-
GetClosedAreaComposite() (Ne- mAll_Python_AllplanSettings.AllplanGlobalSettings
mAll_Python_Geometry.ClosedAreaComposite3D method), 39
method), 127 GetCurrentPatternId() (Ne-
GetCommonProperties() (Ne- mAll_Python_AllplanSettings.AllplanGlobalSettings
mAll_Python_ArchElements.AllplanElement method), 39
method), 43 GetCurrentPenId() (Ne-
GetCommonProperties() (Ne- mAll_Python_AllplanSettings.AllplanGlobalSettings
mAll_Python_BasisElements.AllplanElement method), 39
method), 52 GetCurrentPoint() (Ne-
GetCommonProperties() (Ne- mAll_Python_IFW_Input.CoordinateInput
mAll_Python_Reinforcement.AllplanElement method), 186
method), 213 GetCurrentStrokeId() (Ne-
GetComponentsCount() (Ne- mAll_Python_AllplanSettings.AllplanGlobalSettings
mAll_Python_Geometry.PolygonalArea method), 39
method), 98 GetDefaultBendingRollers() (Ne-
GetCompositionZone() (Ne- mAll_Python_Reinforcement.BendingRollerService
mAll_Python_Reinforcement.AnchorageLengthService method), 216
method), 214 GetDeg() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.Angle method), 76
GetConcreteGrade() (Ne- GetDegree() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.BSpline2D
mAll_Python_Reinforcement.ReinforcementSettings method), 102
method), 223 GetDegree() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.BSpline3D
GetControlPoints() (Ne- method), 123
mAll_Python_Geometry.Spline3D method), GetDeltaAngle() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.Arc2D
147 method), 100
GetCoords() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.Line2D GetDeltaAngle() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.Arc3D
method), 109 method), 117
GetCoords() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.Line3D GetDensity() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.ApproximationSettings
method), 135 method), 89
GetCoords() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.Point2D GetDiameter() (NemAll_Python_Reinforcement.BendingShape
method), 81 method), 218
GetCoords() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.Point3D GetDiameterBendingDirection() (Ne-
method), 83 mAll_Python_Reinforcement.MeshData
GetCoords() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.Vector2D method), 222
method), 77 GetDimensions() (NemAll_Python_Reinforcement.MeshData
GetCoords() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.Vector3D method), 222
method), 79 GetDirection() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.AxisPlacement2D
GetCurPrjDesignPath() (Ne- method), 91
mAll_Python_AllplanSettings.AllplanPaths GetDirection() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.ExtrudedAreaSolid3D
method), 41 method), 133
GetCurPrjPath() (NemAll_Python_AllplanSettings.AllplanPaths
GetDistance() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.Point2D
method), 41 method), 81
GetCurrentColorId() (Ne- GetDistance() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.Point3D
mAll_Python_AllplanSettings.AllplanGlobalSettings method), 83
method), 39 GetDistanceBendingDirection() (Ne-
GetCurrentFaceStyleId() (Ne- mAll_Python_Reinforcement.MeshData
mAll_Python_AllplanSettings.AllplanGlobalSettings method), 222
method), 39 GetDistanceVector() (Ne-
GetCurrentFontId() (Ne- mAll_Python_Reinforcement.BarPlacement
mAll_Python_AllplanSettings.AllplanGlobalSettings method), 215

Index 267
allpy Documentation, Release 0.1.0

GetDocumentID() (Ne- mAll_Python_BasisElements.ElementGroupElement

mAll_Python_IFW_Input.DocumentAdapter method), 53
method), 190 GetEndAngle() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.Arc2D
GetDocumentID() (Ne- method), 100
mAll_Python_IFW_Input.ViewWorldProjection GetEndAngle() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.Arc3D
method), 192 method), 117
GetEdge() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.PolygonalArea GetEndBendingShape() (Ne-
method), 98 mAll_Python_Reinforcement.BarPlacement
GetEdge() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.Polyhedron3D method), 215
method), 143 GetEndCurvature() (Ne-
GetEdge() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.PolyhedronFace mAll_Python_Geometry.Clothoid2D method),
method), 145 107
GetEdgeCount() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.BRep3D GetEndIndex() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.GeometryEdge
method), 119 method), 84
GetEdgeCurves() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.BRep3D GetEndPoint() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.Arc2D
method), 120 method), 101
GetEdgeFaceIndices() (Ne- GetEndPoint() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.Arc3D
mAll_Python_Geometry.BRep3D method), method), 117
120 GetEndPoint() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.Clothoid2D
GetEdgeGeometry() (Ne- method), 107
mAll_Python_Geometry.BRep3D method), GetEndPoint() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.DivisionPoints
120 method), 151
GetEdgeHandle() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.OrientedEdgeGetEndPoint() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.Line2D
method), 85 method), 109
GetEdgeParametricCurves() (Ne- GetEndPoint() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.Line3D
mAll_Python_Geometry.BRep3D method), method), 135
120 GetEndPoint() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.Path2D
GetEdges() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.PolygonalArea method), 112
method), 98 GetEndPoint() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.Path3D
GetEdges() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.Polyhedron3D method), 138
method), 144 GetEndPoint() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.PolyPoints2D
GetEdges() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.PolyhedronFace method), 95
method), 145 GetEndPoint() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.PolyPoints3D
GetEdgesCount() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.PolygonalArea method), 97
method), 98 GetEndPoint() (NemAll_Python_Reinforcement.BarPlacement
GetEdgesCount() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.Polyhedron3D method), 215
method), 144 GetEndRelPoint() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.Arc2D
GetEdgesCount() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.PolyhedronFace method), 101
method), 145 GetEndRelPoint() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.Arc3D
GetEdgeVertexIndices() (Ne- method), 117
mAll_Python_Geometry.BRep3D method), GetEndRelPoint() (Ne-
120 mAll_Python_Geometry.Clothoid2D method),
GetEdgeVertices() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.BRep3D 107
method), 120 GetEndRelPoint() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.Line2D
GetEdgeVertices() (Ne- method), 109
mAll_Python_Geometry.PolygonalArea2D GetEndRelPoint() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.Line3D
method), 114 method), 135
GetEdgeVertices() (Ne- GetEndRelPoint() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.Path2D
mAll_Python_Geometry.PolygonalArea3D method), 112
method), 141 GetEndRelPoint() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.Path3D
GetEdgeVertices() (Ne- method), 138
mAll_Python_Geometry.Polyhedron3D GetEndRelPoint() (Ne-
method), 144 mAll_Python_Geometry.PolyPoints2D
GetElementGroupProperties() (Ne- method), 95

268 Index
allpy Documentation, Release 0.1.0

GetEndRelPoint() (Ne- GetFillingProperties() (Ne-

mAll_Python_Geometry.PolyPoints3D mAll_Python_BasisElements.FillingElement
method), 97 method), 55
GetEndSymbolsProperties() (Ne- GetFlags() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.PolyhedronFace
mAll_Python_BasisElements.ModelElement2D method), 145
method), 61 GetGeometryObject() (Ne-
GetEndTangent() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.Arc2D mAll_Python_ArchElements.AllplanElement
method), 101 method), 43
GetEndVector() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.Spline2D GetGeometryObject() (Ne-
method), 116 mAll_Python_BasisElements.AllplanElement
GetEndVector() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.Spline3D method), 52
method), 147 GetGeometryObject() (Ne-
GetEtcPath() (NemAll_Python_AllplanSettings.AllplanPaths mAll_Python_Reinforcement.AllplanElement
method), 41 method), 213
GetExtrudedArea() (Ne- GetGlobalProperties() (Ne-
mAll_Python_Geometry.ExtrudedAreaSolid3D mAll_Python_BaseElements.CommonProperties
method), 134 method), 49
GetEyePoint() (NemAll_Python_IFW_Input.ViewWorldProjection
GetGroundPlane() (Ne-
method), 192 mAll_Python_Geometry.Cuboid3D method),
GetFace() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.Polyhedron3D 130
method), 144 GetHash() (NemAll_Python_BasisElements.MacroElement
GetFaceBoundaryCurves() (Ne- method), 57
mAll_Python_Geometry.BRep3D method), GetHatchingProperties() (Ne-
120 mAll_Python_BasisElements.HatchingElement
GetFaceCount() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.BRep3D method), 56
method), 120 GetHeight() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.BoundingBox2D
GetFaceEdgeNaturalTrimming() (Ne- method), 104
mAll_Python_Geometry.BRep3D method), GetHeight() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.Cone3D
120 method), 128
GetFaceEdgeOrientation() (Ne- GetHeight() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.Cuboid3D
mAll_Python_Geometry.BRep3D method), method), 130
120 GetHeight() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.Cylinder3D
GetFaceEdges() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.BRep3D method), 131
method), 120 GetHookAngle() (NemAll_Python_Reinforcement.AnchorageLengthServic
GetFaceFlags() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.BRep3D method), 214
method), 120 GetHookAngleEnd() (Ne-
GetFaceGeometry() (Ne- mAll_Python_Reinforcement.BendingShape
mAll_Python_Geometry.BRep3D method), method), 218
120 GetHookAngleStart() (Ne-
GetFaceGeometryOrientation() (Ne- mAll_Python_Reinforcement.BendingShape
mAll_Python_Geometry.BRep3D method), method), 218
120 GetHookLength() (NemAll_Python_Reinforcement.HookLengthService
GetFaceLoopsCount() (Ne- method), 220
mAll_Python_Geometry.BRep3D method), GetHookLengthEnd() (Ne-
120 mAll_Python_Reinforcement.BendingShape
GetFacesCount() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.Polyhedron3D method), 218
method), 144 GetHookLengthPartFromBendingRoller() (Ne-
GetFaceStyleProperties() (Ne- mAll_Python_Reinforcement.HookLengthService
mAll_Python_BasisElements.FaceStyleElement method), 220
method), 54 GetHookLengthPartOfBendingRoller() (Ne-
GetFillets() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.FilletCalculus2D mAll_Python_Reinforcement.HookLengthService
method), 152 method), 220
GetFilletType() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.FilletCalculus2D
GetHookLengthStart() (Ne-
method), 152 mAll_Python_Reinforcement.BendingShape

Index 269
allpy Documentation, Release 0.1.0

method), 218 GetLine() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.Polyline3D

GetInnerCurve() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.ClosedArea2D method), 146
method), 106 GetLineAbove() (NemAll_Python_Reinforcement.GeometryExpansionUtil
GetInnerList() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.ClosedArea2D method), 219
method), 106 GetLineAtPoint() (NemAll_Python_Reinforcement.GeometryExpansionUti
GetInputControlIntValue() (Ne- method), 219
mAll_Python_IFW_Input.CoordinateInput GetLineFromPoint() (Ne-
method), 186 mAll_Python_Reinforcement.GeometryExpansionUtil
GetInputControlValue() (Ne- method), 219
mAll_Python_IFW_Input.CoordinateInput GetLineHelpConstructions() (Ne-
method), 186 mAll_Python_Geometry.FilletCalculus2D
GetInputPoint() (NemAll_Python_IFW_Input.CoordinateInput method), 152
method), 186, 187 GetLineLeft() (NemAll_Python_Reinforcement.GeometryExpansionUtil
GetInputViewDocument() (Ne- method), 220
mAll_Python_IFW_Input.InputViewDocumentData GetLines() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.Polyline2D
method), 191 method), 115
GetIsoCurves() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.BRep3D GetLines() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.Polyline3D
method), 120 method), 146
GetIsoLines() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.Ellipsoid3D GetLocalPlacement() (Ne-
method), 132 mAll_Python_Geometry.Cone3D method),
GetIsoProjection() (Ne- 128
mAll_Python_IFW_Input.ViewWorldProjection GetLocalPlacement() (Ne-
method), 192 mAll_Python_Geometry.Cylinder3D method),
GetIsPeriodic() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.BSpline3D 131
method), 123 GetLocalPlacement() (Ne-
GetIsReversed() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.Clothoid2D mAll_Python_Geometry.Ellipsoid3D method),
method), 107 132
GetKnots() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.BSpline2D GetLocalPoint() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.Arc3D
method), 102 method), 117
GetKnots() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.BSpline3D GetLongitudinalOffset() (Ne-
method), 123 mAll_Python_Reinforcement.AnchorageLengthService
GetL1() (NemAll_Python_Reinforcement.AnchorageLengthService method), 214
method), 214 GetLoopEndEdgeIndex() (Ne-
GetL2() (NemAll_Python_Reinforcement.AnchorageLengthService mAll_Python_Geometry.PolygonalArea
method), 214 method), 99
GetL3() (NemAll_Python_Reinforcement.AnchorageLengthService
GetLoopsCount() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.PolygonalArea
method), 214 method), 99
GetLastPoint() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.PolyPoints2D GetMacro() (NemAll_Python_BasisElements.MacroPlacementElement
method), 96 method), 58
GetLastPoint() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.PolyPoints3D GetMacroGroupProperties() (Ne-
method), 97 mAll_Python_BasisElements.MacroGroupElement
GetLength() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.Clothoid2D method), 58
method), 107 GetMacroPlacementProperties() (Ne-
GetLength() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.Cuboid3D mAll_Python_BasisElements.MacroPlacementElement
method), 130 method), 58
GetLength() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.Vector2D GetMacroProperties() (Ne-
method), 77 mAll_Python_BasisElements.MacroElement
GetLength() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.Vector3D method), 57
method), 79 GetMacroSlideProperties() (Ne-
GetLengthSquare() (Ne- mAll_Python_BasisElements.MacroSlideElement
mAll_Python_Geometry.Vector3D method), method), 60
79 GetMajorAxis() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.Arc3D
GetLine() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.Polyline2D method), 117
method), 115 GetMajorRadius() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.Arc2D

270 Index
allpy Documentation, Release 0.1.0

method), 101 GetMinorRadius() (Ne-

GetMajorRadius() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.Arc3D mAll_Python_Geometry.Cylinder3D method),
method), 117 131
GetMajorRadius() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.Cone3D GetMinPoint() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.BoundingBox2D
method), 128 method), 104
GetMajorRadius() (Ne- GetNearest() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.FilletCalculus2D
mAll_Python_Geometry.Cylinder3D method), method), 152
131 GetNeighborEdges() (Ne-
GetMax() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.BoundingBox2D mAll_Python_Geometry.PolygonalArea
method), 104 method), 99
GetMax() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.MinMax2D GetNextBarPositionNumber() (Ne-
method), 111 mAll_Python_Reinforcement.ReinforcementUtil
GetMax() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.MinMax3D method), 227
method), 136 GetNextEdge() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.PolygonalArea
GetMaxAngle() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.ApproximationSettings method), 99
method), 89 GetNextMeshPositionNumber() (Ne-
GetMaxDistance() (Ne- mAll_Python_Reinforcement.ReinforcementUtil
mAll_Python_Geometry.ApproximationSettings method), 227
method), 90 GetNorm() (NemAll_Python_Reinforcement.ReinforcementSettings
GetMaxLength() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.ApproximationSettings method), 224
method), 90 GetNormalVector() (Ne-
GetMaxPoint() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.BoundingBox2D mAll_Python_Geometry.BSplineSurface3D
method), 104 method), 124
GetMeshBendingDirection() (Ne- GetNormalVectorOfFace() (Ne-
mAll_Python_Reinforcement.BendingShape mAll_Python_Geometry.Polyhedron3D
method), 218 method), 144
GetMeshData() (NemAll_Python_Reinforcement.ReinforcementShapeBuilder
GetNormVector() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.Arc3D
method), 226 method), 117
GetMeshGroup() (NemAll_Python_Reinforcement.ReinforcementSettings
GetObjectList() (NemAll_Python_BasisElements.ElementGroupElement
method), 224 method), 53
GetMeshType() (NemAll_Python_Reinforcement.BendingShape
GetObjectList() (NemAll_Python_BasisElements.MacroSlideElement
method), 218 method), 60
GetMeshType() (NemAll_Python_Reinforcement.ReinforcementSettings
GetOrigin() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.Arc3D method),
method), 224 117
GetMin() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.BoundingBox2D GetOrigin() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.AxisPlacement3D
method), 104 method), 93
GetMin() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.MinMax2D GetOuterCurve() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.ClosedArea2D
method), 111 method), 106
GetMin() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.MinMax3D GetOverlapBendingDirection() (Ne-
method), 136 mAll_Python_Reinforcement.MeshData
GetMinLength() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.ApproximationSettings method), 222
method), 90 GetOverlapLength() (Ne-
GetMinMax() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.Cone3D mAll_Python_Reinforcement.AnchorageLengthService
method), 128 method), 214
GetMinMax() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.Cylinder3D GetParallel() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.Clothoid2D
method), 131 method), 107
GetMinorAxis() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.Arc3D GetParts() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.BRep3D
method), 117 method), 121
GetMinorRadius() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.Arc2D GetParts() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.Polyhedron3D
method), 101 method), 144
GetMinorRadius() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.Arc3D GetPartsCount() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.BRep3D
method), 117 method), 121
GetMinorRadius() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.Cone3D GetPartsCount() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.Polyhedron3D
method), 128 method), 144

Index 271
allpy Documentation, Release 0.1.0

GetPatternCurveProperties() (Ne- method), 114

mAll_Python_BasisElements.ModelElement2D GetPolygon() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.PolygonalArea3D
method), 61 method), 141
GetPatternProperties() (Ne- GetPositionNumber() (Ne-
mAll_Python_BasisElements.PatternElement mAll_Python_Reinforcement.BarPlacement
method), 63 method), 215
GetPixelFactor() (NemAll_Python_IFW_Input.ViewWorldProjection
GetPositionNumber() (Ne-
method), 192 mAll_Python_Reinforcement.MeshPlacement
GetPlacement() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.ConicalSurface3D method), 223
method), 129 GetPrevEdge() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.PolygonalArea
GetPlacementList() (Ne- method), 99
mAll_Python_BasisElements.MacroGroupElement GetProfile() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.ClosedAreaComposite2D
method), 58 method), 106
GetPlane() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.Polygon3D GetProfileCount() (Ne-
method), 140 mAll_Python_Geometry.ClosedAreaComposite2D
GetPlane() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.PolygonalArea method), 107
method), 99 GetPythonWpfPaletteBuilder() (Ne-
GetPoint() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.Arc2D method), mAll_Python_Palette.PythonWpfPalette
101 method), 199
GetPoint() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.Arc3D method), GetRadius() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.ConicalSurface3D
117 method), 129
GetPoint() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.DivisionPoints GetRefPlacement() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.Arc3D
method), 151 method), 117
GetPoint() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.Plane3D GetRefPlacement() (Ne-
method), 139 mAll_Python_Geometry.ClosedAreaComposite3D
GetPoint() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.PolyPoints2D method), 127
method), 96 GetRefPlacementRel() (Ne-
GetPoint() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.PolyPoints3D mAll_Python_Geometry.Arc3D method),
method), 97 117
GetPoint() (NemAll_Python_IFW_Input.CoordinateInputResult
GetRefPoint() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.Arc2D
method), 190 method), 101
GetPointAngle() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.Arc3D GetRefPoint() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.Arc3D
method), 117 method), 118
GetPointAngle() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.DivisionPointsGetRefPoint() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.Axis2D
method), 151 method), 91
GetPointAngles() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.DivisionPoints
GetRefPoint() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.Axis3D
method), 151 method), 92
GetPointIndex() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.PolyPoints2D GetRefPoint() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.AxisPlacement2D
method), 96 method), 92
GetPointIndex() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.PolyPoints3D GetRefPoint() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.BRep3D
method), 97 method), 121
GetPointIndexes() (Ne- GetRefPoint() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.ClippedSweptSolid3D
mAll_Python_Geometry.PolyPoints2D method), 126
method), 96 GetRefPoint() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.Clothoid2D
GetPointIndexes() (Ne- method), 107
mAll_Python_Geometry.PolyPoints3D GetRefPoint() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.Cuboid3D
method), 97 method), 130
GetPointRel() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.Arc3D GetRefPoint() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.ExtrudedAreaSolid3D
method), 117 method), 134
GetPoints() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.BSplineSurface3D GetRefPoint() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.Line2D
method), 124 method), 109
GetPoints() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.DivisionPoints GetRefPoint() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.Line3D
method), 151 method), 135
GetPolygon() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.PolygonalArea2DGetRefPoint() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.PolygonalArea2D

272 Index
allpy Documentation, Release 0.1.0

method), 114 mAll_Python_Reinforcement.BendingShape

GetRefPoint() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.PolygonalArea3D method), 218
method), 141 GetSilhouetteContour() (Ne-
GetRefPoint() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.Polyhedron3D mAll_Python_Geometry.Ellipsoid3D method),
method), 144 132
GetRefPoint() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.PolyPoints2D GetSilhouetteCurves() (Ne-
method), 96 mAll_Python_Geometry.BRep3D method),
GetRefPoint() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.PolyPoints3D 121
method), 97 GetSilhouetteLines() (Ne-
GetRelPoint() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.PolyPoints2D mAll_Python_Geometry.Cylinder3D method),
method), 96 131
GetRelPoint() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.PolyPoints3D GetSilhouetteVertices() (Ne-
method), 97 mAll_Python_Geometry.BRep3D method),
GetRelStartPoint() (Ne- 121
mAll_Python_Geometry.Cuboid3D method), GetSizeX() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.MinMax2D
130 method), 111
GetRelVertex() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.PolygonalArea2D
GetSizeX() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.MinMax3D
method), 114 method), 136
GetRelVertex() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.PolygonalArea3D
GetSizeY() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.MinMax2D
method), 141 method), 111
GetRelVertex() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.Polyhedron3D GetSizeY() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.MinMax3D
method), 144 method), 136
GetRotationAngle() (Ne- GetSizeZ() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.MinMax3D
mAll_Python_Reinforcement.BarPlacement method), 136
method), 215 GetSlideList() (NemAll_Python_BasisElements.MacroElement
GetRotationAxis() (Ne- method), 57
mAll_Python_Reinforcement.BarPlacement GetStandardAnchorageHookLength() (Ne-
method), 215 mAll_Python_Reinforcement.HookLengthService
GetRotationMatrix() (in module Ne- method), 221
mAll_Python_Geometry), 165, 166 GetStartAngle() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.Arc2D
GetRotationMatrix() (Ne- method), 101
mAll_Python_Geometry.AxisPlacement3D GetStartAngle() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.Arc3D
method), 93 method), 118
GetScaleX() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.Matrix3D GetStartCurvature() (Ne-
method), 88 mAll_Python_Geometry.Clothoid2D method),
GetScaleY() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.Matrix3D 107
method), 88 GetStartIndex() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.GeometryEdge
GetScaleZ() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.Matrix3D method), 84
method), 88 GetStartPoint() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.Arc2D
GetScaling() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.Matrix3D method), 101
method), 88 GetStartPoint() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.Arc3D
GetScreenScale() (NemAll_Python_IFW_Input.ViewWorldProjection method), 118
method), 192 GetStartPoint() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.Clothoid2D
GetSearchRadiusByPixel() (Ne- method), 108
mAll_Python_IFW_Input.ViewWorldProjection GetStartPoint() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.Cuboid3D
method), 192 method), 130
GetSegmentation() (Ne- GetStartPoint() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.DivisionPoints
mAll_Python_Geometry.ApproximationSettings method), 151
method), 90 GetStartPoint() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.Line2D
GetSegments() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.Polygon2D method), 109
method), 113 GetStartPoint() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.Line3D
GetSemiAngle() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.ConicalSurface3D method), 135
method), 129 GetStartPoint() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.Path2D
GetShapePolyline() (Ne- method), 112

Index 273
allpy Documentation, Release 0.1.0

GetStartPoint() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.Path3D GetSymbol3DProperties() (Ne-

method), 138 mAll_Python_BasisElements.Symbol3DElement
GetStartPoint() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.PolyPoints2D method), 65
method), 96 GetText() (NemAll_Python_BasisElements.TextElement
GetStartPoint() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.PolyPoints3D method), 65
method), 97 GetTextProperties() (Ne-
GetStartPoint() (NemAll_Python_Reinforcement.BarPlacement mAll_Python_BasisElements.TextElement
method), 215 method), 65
GetStartPointAngle() (Ne- GetTextureDefinition() (Ne-
mAll_Python_Geometry.DivisionPoints mAll_Python_BasisElements.ModelElement3D
method), 151 method), 62
GetStartRelPoint() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.Arc2D GetTextureMapping() (Ne-
method), 101 mAll_Python_BasisElements.ModelElement3D
GetStartRelPoint() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.Arc3D method), 62
method), 118 GetTopCenter() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.Cylinder3D
GetStartRelPoint() (Ne- method), 131
mAll_Python_Geometry.Clothoid2D method), GetTopFacePolygon() (Ne-
108 mAll_Python_Geometry.Cuboid3D method),
GetStartRelPoint() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.Line2D 130
method), 109 GetTopPlane() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.ClippedSweptSolid3D
GetStartRelPoint() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.Line3D method), 126
method), 135 GetTransformationList() (Ne-
GetStartRelPoint() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.Path2D mAll_Python_BasisElements.ModelElement2D
method), 112 method), 61
GetStartRelPoint() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.Path3D GetTransformationList() (Ne-
method), 138 mAll_Python_BasisElements.ModelElement3D
GetStartRelPoint() (Ne- method), 62
mAll_Python_Geometry.PolyPoints2D GetTransformationMatrix() (Ne-
method), 96 mAll_Python_Geometry.AxisPlacement3D
GetStartRelPoint() (Ne- method), 94
mAll_Python_Geometry.PolyPoints3D GetTransformationMatrix() (Ne-
method), 97 mAll_Python_Geometry.Plane3D method),
GetStartTangent() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.Arc2D 139
method), 101 GetTranslationVector() (Ne-
GetStartVector() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.Clothoid2D mAll_Python_Geometry.Matrix3D method),
method), 108 88
GetStartVector() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.Spline2D GetType() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.ApproximationSettings
method), 116 method), 90
GetStartVector() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.Spline3D GetType() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.Clothoid2D
method), 147 method), 108
GetStdDesignPath() (Ne- GetType() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.Polyhedron3D
mAll_Python_AllplanSettings.AllplanPaths method), 144
method), 41 GetUDegree() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.BSplineSurface3D
GetStdPath() (NemAll_Python_AllplanSettings.AllplanPaths method), 124
method), 41 GetUKnots() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.BSplineSurface3D
GetSteelGrade() (NemAll_Python_Reinforcement.BendingShape method), 125
method), 218 GetUPointsCount() (Ne-
GetSteelGrade() (NemAll_Python_Reinforcement.ReinforcementSettings
method), 224 method), 125
GetSweptArea() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.ClippedSweptSolid3D
GetUsrPath() (NemAll_Python_AllplanSettings.AllplanPaths
method), 126 method), 41
GetSymbol2DProperties() (Ne- GetVDegree() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.BSplineSurface3D
mAll_Python_BasisElements.Symbol2DElement method), 125
method), 64 GetVector() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.Axis2D

274 Index
allpy Documentation, Release 0.1.0

method), 91 method), 192

GetVector() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.Axis3D GetVKnots() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.BSplineSurface3D
method), 92 method), 125
GetVector() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.Cuboid3D GetVPointsCount() (Ne-
method), 130 mAll_Python_Geometry.BSplineSurface3D
GetVector() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.Line2D method), 125
method), 109 GetWeights() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.BSpline2D
GetVector() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.Line3D method), 102
method), 135 GetWeights() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.BSpline3D
GetVector() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.Plane3D method), 123
method), 139 GetWeights() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.BSplineSurface3D
GetVector() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.PolygonalArea method), 125
method), 99 GetWidth() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.BoundingBox2D
GetVectorX() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.Matrix3D method), 104
method), 88 GetWidth() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.Cuboid3D
GetVectorY() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.Matrix3D method), 130
method), 88 GetWidthVector() (NemAll_Python_Reinforcement.MeshPlacement
GetVectorZ() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.Matrix3D method), 223
method), 88 GetXAxis() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.Arc3D method),
GetVertex() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.BRep3D 118
method), 121 GetXAxis() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.Cone3D
GetVertex() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.PolygonalArea2D method), 128
method), 114 GetXAxis() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.Cylinder3D
GetVertex() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.PolygonalArea3D method), 131
method), 141 GetXAxis() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.Ellipsoid3D
GetVertex() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.Polyhedron3D method), 132
method), 144 GetXDirection() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.AxisPlacement3D
GetVertexCount() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.BRep3D method), 94
method), 121 GetXRadius() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.Ellipsoid3D
GetVertexEdges() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.BRep3D method), 133
method), 121 GetYAxis() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.Cylinder3D
GetVertices() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.BRep3D method), 131
method), 121 GetYAxis() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.Ellipsoid3D
GetVertices() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.Polyhedron3D method), 133
method), 144 GetYDirection() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.AxisPlacement2D
GetVerticesCount() (Ne- method), 92
mAll_Python_Geometry.PolygonalArea GetYDirection() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.AxisPlacement3D
method), 99 method), 94
GetVerticesCount() (Ne- GetYRadius() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.Ellipsoid3D
mAll_Python_Geometry.Polyhedron3D method), 133
method), 144 GetZAxis() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.Arc3D method),
GetViewAngle() (NemAll_Python_IFW_Input.ViewWorldProjection 118
method), 192 GetZAxis() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.Cone3D
GetViewMatrices() (in module Ne- method), 128
mAll_Python_BaseElements), 50 GetZAxis() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.Cylinder3D
GetViewPoint() (NemAll_Python_IFW_Input.ViewWorldProjection method), 131
method), 192 GetZAxis() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.Ellipsoid3D
GetViewSize() (NemAll_Python_IFW_Input.ViewWorldProjection method), 133
method), 192 GetZDirection() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.AxisPlacement3D
GetViewWorldProjection() (Ne- method), 94
mAll_Python_IFW_Input.InputViewDocumentDataGetZRadius() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.Ellipsoid3D
method), 191 method), 133
GetViewZAngle() (Ne- Green (NemAll_Python_BasisElements.ARGB at-
mAll_Python_IFW_Input.ViewWorldProjection tribute), 51

Index 275
allpy Documentation, Release 0.1.0

GROUND_PLAN (in module Ne- HelpConstruction (NemAll_Python_BaseElements.CommonProperties

mAll_Python_IFW_Input), 197 attribute), 50
GROUND_PLAN (Ne- HookLengthService (class in Ne-
mAll_Python_IFW_Input.eProjectionType mAll_Python_Reinforcement), 220
attribute), 196 HookType (class in NemAll_Python_Reinforcement),
GROUPBOX (NemAll_Python_Palette.PaletteCtrlType 228
attribute), 211 HSET_NOMODIFY (Ne-
H attribute), 158
HandleService (class in NemAll_Python_IFW_Input), HSET_TILT (NemAll_Python_Geometry.ePolyhedronHealingSettings
190 attribute), 158
HasBackgroundColor (Ne- HSET_TRIANGULATE (Ne-
mAll_Python_BasisElements.TextProperties mAll_Python_Geometry.ePolyhedronHealingSettings
attribute), 66 attribute), 158
HasParentModificationBehaviour (Ne- HSET_UNKNOWN (Ne-
mAll_Python_BasisElements.MacroPlacementProperties mAll_Python_Geometry.ePolyhedronHealingSettings
attribute), 59 attribute), 158
HasPlanarFaces() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.BRep3D
method), 121 I
HasPositiveOrientation() (Ne- Id (NemAll_Python_BaseElements.AttributeByteVec at-
mAll_Python_Geometry.OrientedEdge tribute), 45
method), 85 Id (NemAll_Python_BaseElements.AttributeDate at-
HasTextFrame (NemAll_Python_BasisElements.TextProperties tribute), 46
attribute), 66 Id (NemAll_Python_BaseElements.AttributeDouble at-
HatchID (NemAll_Python_BasisElements.HatchingProperties tribute), 46
attribute), 56 Id (NemAll_Python_BaseElements.AttributeDoubleVec
mAll_Python_Geometry.ePolygonNormalizeTypeId (NemAll_Python_BaseElements.AttributeEnum
attribute), 157 attribute), 47
HATCHING_NORM_TYPE (Ne- Id (NemAll_Python_BaseElements.AttributeInteger at-
mAll_Python_Geometry.ePolygonNormalizeType tribute), 47
attribute), 157 Id (NemAll_Python_BaseElements.AttributeIntegerVec
HatchingElement (class in Ne- attribute), 48
mAll_Python_BasisElements), 56 Id (NemAll_Python_BaseElements.AttributeString at-
HatchingProperties (class in Ne- tribute), 48
mAll_Python_BasisElements), 56 Id (NemAll_Python_BaseElements.AttributeStringVec
Heal() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.Polyhedron3D attribute), 49
method), 144 index() (NemAll_Python_Utility.AbstractList method),
Height (NemAll_Python_BasisElements.PatternCurveProperties 233
attribute), 62 INFIELD (NemAll_Python_Palette.PaletteCtrlType at-
Height (NemAll_Python_BasisElements.Symbol2DProperties tribute), 211
attribute), 64 Inflate() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.BoundingBox2D
Height (NemAll_Python_BasisElements.Symbol3DProperties method), 104
attribute), 65 Inflate() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.MinMax2D
Height (NemAll_Python_BasisElements.TextProperties method), 111
attribute), 66 Inflate() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.MinMax3D
HeightDefinitionType (class in Ne- method), 136, 137
mAll_Python_BasisElements), 69 InitFirstElementInput() (Ne-
HeightDefinitionType (Ne- mAll_Python_IFW_Input.CoordinateInput
mAll_Python_BasisElements.MacroPlacementProperties method), 187
attribute), 59 InitFirstElementValueInput() (Ne-
HeightVector (NemAll_Python_Geometry.Cuboid3D at- mAll_Python_IFW_Input.CoordinateInput
tribute), 129 method), 187

276 Index
allpy Documentation, Release 0.1.0

InitFirstPointInput() (Ne- method), 101

mAll_Python_IFW_Input.CoordinateInput IsAngleOnArc() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.Arc3D
method), 188 method), 118
InitFirstPointValueInput() (Ne- IsAssistWindow() (NemAll_Python_IFW_Input.ViewWorldProjection
mAll_Python_IFW_Input.CoordinateInput method), 192
method), 188 IsBRepTesselation() (Ne-
InitNextElementInput() (Ne- mAll_Python_Geometry.ApproximationSettings
mAll_Python_IFW_Input.CoordinateInput method), 90
method), 188 IsCentralProjection() (Ne-
InitNextElementValueInput() (Ne- mAll_Python_IFW_Input.ViewWorldProjection
mAll_Python_IFW_Input.CoordinateInput method), 193
method), 188 IsCircle() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.Arc2D method),
InitNextPointInput() (Ne- 101
mAll_Python_IFW_Input.CoordinateInput IsCircle() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.Arc3D method),
method), 188 118
InitNextPointValueInput() (Ne- IsCircular() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.Cone3D
mAll_Python_IFW_Input.CoordinateInput method), 128
method), 189 IsCircular() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.Cylinder3D
InitSelection() (NemAll_Python_IFW_Input.ElementSelect method), 131
method), 190 IsClockwise() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.Arc3D
InitValueInput() (NemAll_Python_IFW_Input.CoordinateInput method), 118
method), 189 IsClosed() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.Arc2D method),
InnerCount() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.ClosedArea2D 101
method), 106 IsClosed() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.Arc3D method),
InnerList (NemAll_Python_Geometry.ClosedArea2D at- 118
tribute), 105 IsClosed() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.BRep3D
InOpeningState (NemAll_Python_BasisElements.MacroPlacementProperties
method), 121
attribute), 59 IsClosed() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.BSpline2D
InputStringConvert (class in Ne- method), 103
mAll_Python_IFW_Input), 191 IsClosed() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.BSpline3D
InputViewDocumentData (class in Ne- method), 123
mAll_Python_IFW_Input), 191 IsClosed() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.Path2D method),
Insert() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.PolyPoints2D 112
method), 96 IsClosed() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.Path3D method),
Insert() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.PolyPoints3D 138
method), 97 IsClosed() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.Spline2D
insert() (NemAll_Python_Utility.AbstractList method), method), 116
233 IsClosed() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.Spline3D
InsertionPoint (NemAll_Python_BasisElements.MacroProperties method), 147
attribute), 60 IsCollinear() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.Spline3D
INTEGER (NemAll_Python_Palette.PaletteValueType method), 147
attribute), 211 IsCompressionBar() (Ne-
IntersectionCalculus() (in module Ne- mAll_Python_Reinforcement.AnchorageLengthService
mAll_Python_Geometry), 166–171 method), 214
IntersectionCalculusEx() (in module Ne- IsConcreteCoverPaletteUpdate() (Ne-
mAll_Python_Geometry), 171 mAll_Python_Palette.PythonWpfPaletteBuilder
IntersectionType (NemAll_Python_BasisElements.PatternCurveProperties
method), 210
attribute), 62 IsCone() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.BRep3D method),
InvertAllFacesFlags() (Ne- 121
mAll_Python_Geometry.BRep3D method), IsContaining() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.BoundingBox2D
121 method), 104
Is2DLine() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.Line3D IsContaining() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.MinMax2D
method), 135 method), 111
IsAngleOnArc() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.Arc2D IsContaining() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.MinMax3D

Index 277
allpy Documentation, Release 0.1.0

method), 137 attribute), 63

IsCounterClockwise() (Ne- IsMaxDistance() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.ApproximationSettings
mAll_Python_Geometry.Arc2D method), method), 90
101 IsMaxLength() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.ApproximationSettings
IsCounterClockwise() (Ne- method), 90
mAll_Python_Geometry.Arc3D method), IsMirrorPattern (NemAll_Python_BasisElements.PatternCurveProperties
118 attribute), 63
IsDoubleBarCross (Ne- IsMouseMove() (NemAll_Python_IFW_Input.CoordinateInput
mAll_Python_Reinforcement.MeshData method), 189
attribute), 221 IsMouseMove() (NemAll_Python_IFW_Input.ElementSelect
IsDoubleBarLongitudinal (Ne- method), 190
mAll_Python_Reinforcement.MeshData IsNegative() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.Polyhedron3D
attribute), 221 method), 144
IsDrawReferenceCurve (Ne- IsOblique() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.Cone3D
mAll_Python_BasisElements.PatternCurveProperties method), 128
attribute), 62 IsOblique() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.Cylinder3D
IsEmpty() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.ClosedAreaComposite2D method), 131
method), 107 IsPeriodic (NemAll_Python_Geometry.BSpline3D
IsEmpty() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.ClosedAreaComposite3D attribute), 123
method), 127 IsPlanar() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.BSplineSurface3D
IsEmpty() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.Path method), 95 method), 125
IsEmptyValueInputControl() (Ne- IsPlanar() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.Polyline3D
mAll_Python_IFW_Input.CoordinateInput method), 146
method), 189 IsPlanar() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.Spline3D
IsEpsilonClosed() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.Arc3D method), 147
method), 118 IsPoint() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.Line2D method),
IsFaceNaturallyTrimmed() (Ne- 109
mAll_Python_Geometry.BRep3D method), IsPoint() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.Line3D method),
122 135
IsFreeProjection() (Ne- IsPolygonalPlacement() (Ne-
mAll_Python_IFW_Input.ViewWorldProjection mAll_Python_Reinforcement.BarPlacement
method), 193 method), 215
IsGroundplanView() (Ne- IsPolyhedron() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.BRep3D
mAll_Python_IFW_Input.ViewWorldProjection method), 122
method), 193 IsRational() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.BSpline2D
IsIdentity() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.Matrix2D method), 103
method), 86 IsRational() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.BSpline3D
IsIdentity() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.Matrix3D method), 123
method), 88 IsRational() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.BSplineSurface3D
IsInView() (NemAll_Python_IFW_Input.ViewWorldProjection method), 125
method), 193 IsReversed (NemAll_Python_Geometry.Clothoid2D at-
IsIsometricProjection() (Ne- tribute), 107
mAll_Python_IFW_Input.ViewWorldProjection IsRotationalPlacement() (Ne-
method), 193 mAll_Python_Reinforcement.BarPlacement
IsItPossibleToAddElement() (Ne- method), 215
mAll_Python_Geometry.Path2D method), IsScaleDependent (Ne-
112 mAll_Python_BasisElements.HatchingProperties
IsItPossibleToAddElement() (Ne- attribute), 56
mAll_Python_Geometry.Path3D method), IsScaleDependent (Ne-
138 mAll_Python_BasisElements.MacroProperties
IsLine() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.BSpline3D attribute), 60
method), 123 IsScaleDependent (Ne-
IsLockedToCorner (Ne- mAll_Python_BasisElements.PatternCurveProperties
mAll_Python_BasisElements.PatternCurveProperties attribute), 63

278 Index
allpy Documentation, Release 0.1.0

IsScaleDependent (Ne- IsValid() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.MinMax2D

mAll_Python_BasisElements.PatternProperties method), 111
attribute), 63 IsValid() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.MinMax3D
IsScaleDependent (Ne- method), 137
mAll_Python_BasisElements.Symbol2DPropertiesIsValid() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.Path2D method),
attribute), 64 112
IsScaleDependent (Ne- IsValid() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.Path3D method),
mAll_Python_BasisElements.Symbol3DProperties 138
attribute), 65 IsValid() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.Polygon2D
IsScaleDependent (Ne- method), 113
mAll_Python_BasisElements.TextProperties IsValid() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.Polygon3D
attribute), 66 method), 140
IsSegmentation() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.ApproximationSettings
IsValid() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.Polyhedron3D
method), 90 method), 144
IsSideView() (NemAll_Python_IFW_Input.ViewWorldProjection
IsValid() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.Polyline2D
method), 193 method), 115
IsSphere() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.BRep3D IsValid() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.Polyline3D
method), 122 method), 146
IsSphere() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.Ellipsoid3D IsValid() (NemAll_Python_Reinforcement.BendingShape
method), 133 method), 218
IsStation (NemAll_Python_BasisElements.Symbol3DProperties
IsValidCurveType() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.Path2D
attribute), 65 method), 112
IsSuccessful() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.DivisionPoints IsValidCurveType() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.Path3D
method), 151 method), 138
IsValid() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.Arc3D method), IsValidStatus() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.Polygon3D
118 method), 140
IsValid() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.AxisPlacement2D IsValueInputControl() (Ne-
method), 92 mAll_Python_IFW_Input.CoordinateInput
IsValid() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.AxisPlacement3D method), 189
method), 94 IsValueInputControlInput() (Ne-
IsValid() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.BoundingBox2D mAll_Python_IFW_Input.CoordinateInput
method), 104 method), 189
IsValid() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.BRep3D method), IsWire() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.BRep3D method),
122 122
IsValid() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.BSpline2D IsZero() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.Point2D method),
method), 103 81
IsValid() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.BSpline3D IsZero() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.Point3D method),
method), 123 83
IsValid() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.BSplineSurface3D IsZero() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.Vector2D method),
method), 125 78
IsValid() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.ClippedSweptSolid3DIsZero() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.Vector3D method),
method), 126 79
IsValid() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.ClosedArea2D
method), 106 K
IsValid() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.Cone3D method), Kanten_t (class in NemAll_Python_Geometry), 85
128 Knots (NemAll_Python_Geometry.BSpline2D attribute),
IsValid() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.ConicalSurface3D 102
method), 129 Knots (NemAll_Python_Geometry.BSpline3D attribute),
IsValid() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.Cylinder3D 122
method), 131
IsValid() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.Ellipsoid3D L
method), 133 Label (NemAll_Python_Reinforcement.MeshData
IsValid() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.ExtrudedAreaSolid3D attribute), 221
method), 134

Index 279
allpy Documentation, Release 0.1.0

Language() (NemAll_Python_AllplanSettings.AllplanLocalisationService
LongitudinalBarSingleBentOff (in module Ne-
method), 40 mAll_Python_Reinforcement), 230
LaplaceTransform() (Ne- LongitudinalBarSingleBentOff (Ne-
mAll_Python_Geometry.Matrix3D method), mAll_Python_Reinforcement.BendingShapeType
88 attribute), 228
Layer (NemAll_Python_BaseElements.CommonProperties LShapedBar (in module Ne-
attribute), 50 mAll_Python_Reinforcement), 230
LEFT_2D (NemAll_Python_Geometry.eProjectionMatrixType LShapedBar (NemAll_Python_Reinforcement.BendingShapeType
attribute), 158 attribute), 228
Length (NemAll_Python_Geometry.Clothoid2D at-
tribute), 107 M
LENGTH (NemAll_Python_Palette.PaletteValueType at- MacroElement (class in Ne-
tribute), 211 mAll_Python_BasisElements), 57
Length (NemAll_Python_Reinforcement.MeshData at- MacroGroupElement (class in Ne-
tribute), 221 mAll_Python_BasisElements), 57
LengthVector (NemAll_Python_Geometry.Cuboid3D at- MacroGroupProperties (class in Ne-
tribute), 129 mAll_Python_BasisElements), 58
LINE (NemAll_Python_Palette.PaletteCtrlType at- MacroPlacementElement (class in Ne-
tribute), 211 mAll_Python_BasisElements), 58
Line2D (class in NemAll_Python_Geometry), 108 MacroPlacementProperties (class in Ne-
Line3D (class in NemAll_Python_Geometry), 134 mAll_Python_BasisElements), 59
LineCount() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.Polyline2D MacroProperties (class in Ne-
method), 115 mAll_Python_BasisElements), 60
LineCount() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.Polyline3D MacroSlideElement (class in Ne-
method), 146 mAll_Python_BasisElements), 60
LineFeed (NemAll_Python_BasisElements.TextProperties MacroSlideProperties (class in Ne-
attribute), 66 mAll_Python_BasisElements), 60
LinkType (class in NemAll_Python_BasisElements), 69 MacroSlideType (class in Ne-
LinkType (NemAll_Python_BasisElements.MacroPlacementPropertiesmAll_Python_BasisElements), 69
attribute), 59 MainReleaseName() (Ne-
LocalPlacement (NemAll_Python_Geometry.Cone3D at- mAll_Python_AllplanSettings.AllplanVersion
tribute), 127 method), 41
LocalPlacement (NemAll_Python_Geometry.Cylinder3D MajorRadius (NemAll_Python_Geometry.Arc2D at-
attribute), 131 tribute), 100
LocalPlacement (NemAll_Python_Geometry.Ellipsoid3D MajorRadius (NemAll_Python_Geometry.Arc3D at-
attribute), 132 tribute), 116
LongitudinalBar (in module Ne- MajorRadius (NemAll_Python_Geometry.Cone3D
mAll_Python_Reinforcement), 230 attribute), 127
LongitudinalBar (NemAll_Python_Reinforcement.BendingShapeType
MajorRadius (NemAll_Python_Geometry.Cylinder3D at-
attribute), 228 tribute), 131
LongitudinalBarDoubleBentOf (Ne- MakeIntersection() (in module Ne-
mAll_Python_Reinforcement.BendingShapeType mAll_Python_Geometry), 171, 172
attribute), 228 MakeSubtraction() (in module Ne-
LongitudinalBarDoubleBentOff (in module Ne- mAll_Python_Geometry), 172
mAll_Python_Reinforcement), 230 MakeUnion() (in module NemAll_Python_Geometry),
LongitudinalBarFourTimesBentOff (in module Ne- 172
mAll_Python_Reinforcement), 230 MappingAngle (NemAll_Python_BasisElements.TextureMapping
LongitudinalBarFourTimesBentOff (Ne- attribute), 67
mAll_Python_Reinforcement.BendingShapeType MappingType (NemAll_Python_BasisElements.TextureMapping
attribute), 228 attribute), 67
LongitudinalBars (in module Ne- Mass_V6 (NemAll_Python_BasisElements.MacroPlacementProperties
mAll_Python_Reinforcement), 230 attribute), 59
LongitudinalBars (NemAll_Python_Reinforcement.MeshBendingDirection
Mass_V7 (NemAll_Python_BasisElements.MacroPlacementProperties
attribute), 229 attribute), 59

280 Index
allpy Documentation, Release 0.1.0

Mass_V8 (NemAll_Python_BasisElements.MacroPlacementProperties
Multiply() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.Matrix2D
attribute), 59 method), 86
Mass_V9 (NemAll_Python_BasisElements.MacroPlacementProperties
Multiply() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.Matrix3D
attribute), 59 method), 88
Matrix (NemAll_Python_BasisElements.MacroPlacementProperties
attribute), 59 N
Matrix2D (class in NemAll_Python_Geometry), 86 Name (NemAll_Python_BasisElements.ElementGroupProperties
Matrix3D (class in NemAll_Python_Geometry), 87 attribute), 54
Max (NemAll_Python_Geometry.BoundingBox2D at- Name (NemAll_Python_BasisElements.MacroGroupProperties
tribute), 103 attribute), 58
Max (NemAll_Python_Geometry.MinMax2D attribute), Name (NemAll_Python_BasisElements.MacroPlacementProperties
110 attribute), 59
Max (NemAll_Python_Geometry.MinMax3D attribute), Name (NemAll_Python_BasisElements.MacroProperties
136 attribute), 60
MeshBendingDirection (class in Ne- NemAll_Python_AllplanSettings (module), 39
mAll_Python_Reinforcement), 229 NemAll_Python_ArchElements (module), 43
MeshData (class in NemAll_Python_Reinforcement), NemAll_Python_BaseElements (module), 45
221 NemAll_Python_BasisElements (module), 51
MeshPlacement (class in Ne- NemAll_Python_Geometry (module), 75
mAll_Python_Reinforcement), 223 NemAll_Python_IFW_Input (module), 185
Min (NemAll_Python_Geometry.BoundingBox2D NemAll_Python_Palette (module), 199
attribute), 103 NemAll_Python_Reinforcement (module), 213
Min (NemAll_Python_Geometry.MinMax2D attribute), NemAll_Python_Utility (module), 233
110 NO_ERR (NemAll_Python_Geometry.eServiceResult at-
Min (NemAll_Python_Geometry.MinMax3D attribute), tribute), 158
136 Normal (in module NemAll_Python_Reinforcement),
MinMax2D (class in NemAll_Python_Geometry), 110 230
MinMax3D (class in NemAll_Python_Geometry), 136 Normal (NemAll_Python_Reinforcement.StirrupType at-
MinorRadius (NemAll_Python_Geometry.Arc2D at- tribute), 229
tribute), 100 Normal() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.Vector3D
MinorRadius (NemAll_Python_Geometry.Arc3D at- method), 79
tribute), 116 Normalize() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.Polygon2D
MinorRadius (NemAll_Python_Geometry.Cone3D at- method), 113
tribute), 127 Normalize() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.Polygon3D
MinorRadius (NemAll_Python_Geometry.Cylinder3D method), 140
attribute), 131 Normalize() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.Polyhedron3D
MirrorState (NemAll_Python_BasisElements.MacroPlacementProperties
method), 144
attribute), 59 Normalize() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.Vector2D
ModelElement2D (class in Ne- method), 78
mAll_Python_BasisElements), 61 Normalize() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.Vector3D
ModelElement3D (class in Ne- method), 79
mAll_Python_BasisElements), 62 Normalize2Pi() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.Angle
ModifiableFlag (NemAll_Python_BasisElements.ElementGroupProperties
method), 76
attribute), 54 NormalizeNoThrow() (Ne-
Month (NemAll_Python_BaseElements.AttributeDate at- mAll_Python_Geometry.Polygon2D method),
tribute), 46 113
Move() (in module NemAll_Python_Geometry), 172, 173 NormalizeNoThrow() (Ne-
Move() (NemAll_Python_Reinforcement.BarPlacement mAll_Python_Geometry.Polygon3D method),
method), 215 140
Move() (NemAll_Python_Reinforcement.BendingShape NormalizePi() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.Angle
method), 218 method), 76
Move() (NemAll_Python_Reinforcement.MeshPlacement NormType (class in NemAll_Python_Reinforcement),
method), 223 229
move_handle() (built-in function), 32

Index 281
allpy Documentation, Release 0.1.0

NORTH_EAST_VIEW (in module Ne- Parallel (NemAll_Python_Geometry.Clothoid2D at-

mAll_Python_IFW_Input), 197 tribute), 107
NORTH_EAST_VIEW (Ne- Path (class in NemAll_Python_Geometry), 95
mAll_Python_IFW_Input.eProjectionType Path2D (class in NemAll_Python_Geometry), 111
attribute), 196 Path3D (class in NemAll_Python_Geometry), 137
NORTH_VIEW (in module Ne- PatternCurveAlignment (class in Ne-
mAll_Python_IFW_Input), 197 mAll_Python_BasisElements), 69
NORTH_VIEW (NemAll_Python_IFW_Input.eProjectionType PatternCurveIntersectionType (class in Ne-
attribute), 196 mAll_Python_BasisElements), 70
NORTH_WEST_VIEW (in module Ne- PatternCurveProperties (class in Ne-
mAll_Python_IFW_Input), 197 mAll_Python_BasisElements), 62
NORTH_WEST_VIEW (Ne- PatternElement (class in Ne-
mAll_Python_IFW_Input.eProjectionType mAll_Python_BasisElements), 63
attribute), 196 PatternID (NemAll_Python_BasisElements.PatternCurveProperties
attribute), 63
O PatternID (NemAll_Python_BasisElements.PatternProperties
Offset() (in module NemAll_Python_Geometry), 174, attribute), 63
175 PatternProperties (class in Ne-
Offset3DPlane (class in NemAll_Python_Geometry), 155 mAll_Python_BasisElements), 63
OffsetOfReferencePoint1 (Ne- Pen (NemAll_Python_BaseElements.CommonProperties
mAll_Python_BasisElements.MacroSlideProperties attribute), 50
attribute), 60 PenByLayer (NemAll_Python_BaseElements.CommonProperties
OffsetOfReferencePoint2 (Ne- attribute), 50
mAll_Python_BasisElements.MacroSlidePropertiesPhongAngle (NemAll_Python_BasisElements.TextureMapping
attribute), 61 attribute), 67
on_control_event() (built-in function), 32 PHSET_NOMODIFY (Ne-
Open() (NemAll_Python_Palette.PythonWpfPalette mAll_Python_Geometry.ePolygonHealingSettings
method), 199 attribute), 157
OpenStirrup (in module Ne- PHSET_NORMALIZE (Ne-
mAll_Python_Reinforcement), 230 mAll_Python_Geometry.ePolygonHealingSettings
OpenStirrup (NemAll_Python_Reinforcement.BendingShapeType attribute), 157
attribute), 228 PickEdge() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.BRep3D
OrientedEdge (class in NemAll_Python_Geometry), 85 method), 122
Origin (NemAll_Python_Geometry.AxisPlacement3D at- PickFace() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.BRep3D
tribute), 93 method), 122
Orthogonal() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.Vector2D PickVertex() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.BRep3D
method), 78 method), 122
OuterCurve (NemAll_Python_Geometry.ClosedArea2D PICTURE (NemAll_Python_Palette.PaletteCtrlType at-
attribute), 105 tribute), 211
OverlapCross (NemAll_Python_Reinforcement.MeshData PICTUREBUTTON (Ne-
attribute), 221 mAll_Python_Palette.PaletteCtrlType at-
OverlapLongitudinal (Ne- tribute), 211
mAll_Python_Reinforcement.MeshData PICTURELIST (NemAll_Python_Palette.PaletteCtrlType
attribute), 221 attribute), 211
Overlaps() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.BoundingBox2D Placement (NemAll_Python_Geometry.ConicalSurface3D
method), 104 attribute), 128
Overlaps() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.MinMax2D PlacementType (class in Ne-
method), 111 mAll_Python_BasisElements), 70
Overlaps() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.MinMax3D PlacementType (NemAll_Python_BasisElements.PatternProperties
method), 137 attribute), 63
Plane3D (class in NemAll_Python_Geometry), 139
P Point (NemAll_Python_Geometry.Plane3D attribute),
PaletteCtrlType (class in NemAll_Python_Palette), 210 139
PaletteValueType (class in NemAll_Python_Palette), 211 Point2D (class in NemAll_Python_Geometry), 81

282 Index
allpy Documentation, Release 0.1.0

Point2DList (class in NemAll_Python_Geometry), 95 PythonWpfPaletteBuilder (class in Ne-

Point3D (class in NemAll_Python_Geometry), 82 mAll_Python_Palette), 200
Point3DGetEndPointAngle() (Ne-
mAll_Python_Geometry.DivisionPoints R
method), 151 Rad (NemAll_Python_Geometry.Angle attribute), 75
Point3DList (class in NemAll_Python_Geometry), 95 Radius (NemAll_Python_Geometry.ConicalSurface3D
PointGlobal() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.TransformCoord attribute), 128
method), 154 RadToDeg() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.Angle method),
PointLocal() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.TransformCoord 76
method), 154, 155 RadToGrad() (in module NemAll_Python_Geometry), 76
Points (NemAll_Python_Geometry.BSplineSurface3D REAR_2D (NemAll_Python_Geometry.eProjectionMatrixType
attribute), 124 attribute), 158
POLY (NemAll_Python_Palette.PaletteCtrlType at- RECT (NemAll_Python_Palette.PaletteCtrlType at-
tribute), 211 tribute), 211
Polygon2D (class in NemAll_Python_Geometry), 112 Red (NemAll_Python_BasisElements.ARGB attribute),
Polygon3D (class in NemAll_Python_Geometry), 140 51
PolygonalArea (class in NemAll_Python_Geometry), 98 ReduceZDimension() (Ne-
PolygonalArea2D (class in NemAll_Python_Geometry), mAll_Python_Geometry.Matrix3D method),
113 88
PolygonalArea3D (class in NemAll_Python_Geometry), ReferenceEdge (NemAll_Python_BasisElements.TextureMapping
141 attribute), 67
Polyhedron3D (built-in class), 237 ReferenceFace (NemAll_Python_BasisElements.TextureMapping
Polyhedron3D (class in NemAll_Python_Geometry), 142 attribute), 67
PolyhedronFace (class in NemAll_Python_Geometry), ReferencePoint (NemAll_Python_BasisElements.BitmapAreaProperties
145 attribute), 53
PolyhedronType (class in NemAll_Python_Geometry), ReferencePoint (NemAll_Python_BasisElements.FaceStyleProperties
155 attribute), 55
Polyline2D (class in NemAll_Python_Geometry), 115 ReferencePoint (NemAll_Python_BasisElements.HatchingProperties
Polyline3D (class in NemAll_Python_Geometry), 146 attribute), 56
PolyPoints2D (class in NemAll_Python_Geometry), 95 ReferencePoint (NemAll_Python_BasisElements.MacroSlideProperties
PolyPoints3D (class in NemAll_Python_Geometry), 97 attribute), 61
pop() (NemAll_Python_Utility.AbstractList method), 233 ReferencePoint (NemAll_Python_BasisElements.PatternProperties
PositionNr (NemAll_Python_BasisElements.MacroPlacementProperties attribute), 63
attribute), 59 Reflection() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.Matrix2D
PositionNr (NemAll_Python_BasisElements.MacroProperties method), 86
attribute), 60 Reflection() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.Matrix3D
Positive (NemAll_Python_Geometry.OrientedEdge at- method), 88
tribute), 85 RefPlacement (NemAll_Python_Geometry.ClosedArea3D
PrimaryPointNumber (Ne- attribute), 126
mAll_Python_BasisElements.Symbol2DPropertiesRefPlacement (NemAll_Python_Geometry.ClosedAreaComposite3D
attribute), 64 attribute), 126
PrimaryPointNumber (Ne- RefPoint (NemAll_Python_Geometry.Arc2D attribute),
mAll_Python_BasisElements.Symbol3DProperties 100
attribute), 65 RefPoint (NemAll_Python_Geometry.Arc3D attribute),
PrintTime() (NemAll_Python_Utility.Time method), 234 116
ProfileList (NemAll_Python_Geometry.ClosedAreaComposite2D
RefPoint (NemAll_Python_Geometry.AxisPlacement2D
attribute), 106 attribute), 91
Project() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.Vector3D method), RefPoint (NemAll_Python_Geometry.BRep3D attribute),
80 119
ProjectionToWorld() (Ne- RefPoint (NemAll_Python_Geometry.ClippedSweptSolid3D
mAll_Python_IFW_Input.ViewWorldProjection attribute), 125
method), 193 RefPoint (NemAll_Python_Geometry.Clothoid2D
PythonWpfPalette (class in NemAll_Python_Palette), attribute), 107

Index 283
allpy Documentation, Release 0.1.0

RefPoint (NemAll_Python_Geometry.Cuboid3D at- ResizeSettingVx (NemAll_Python_BasisElements.MacroSlideProperties

tribute), 129 attribute), 61
RefPoint (NemAll_Python_Geometry.ExtrudedAreaSolid3DResizeSettingVy (NemAll_Python_BasisElements.MacroSlideProperties
attribute), 133 attribute), 61
RefPoint (NemAll_Python_Geometry.Line2D attribute), ResizeSettingVz (NemAll_Python_BasisElements.MacroSlideProperties
108 attribute), 61
RefPoint (NemAll_Python_Geometry.Line3D attribute), Reverse() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.Arc2D method),
134 101
RefPoint (NemAll_Python_Geometry.PolygonalArea2D Reverse() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.Arc3D method),
attribute), 113 118
RefPoint (NemAll_Python_Geometry.PolygonalArea3D Reverse() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.BRep3D method),
attribute), 141 122
RefPoint (NemAll_Python_Geometry.PolyPoints2D at- Reverse() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.BSpline2D
tribute), 95 method), 103
RefPoint (NemAll_Python_Geometry.PolyPoints3D at- Reverse() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.BSpline3D
tribute), 97 method), 123
ReinfElement (class in NemAll_Python_Reinforcement), Reverse() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.Clothoid2D
223 method), 108
ReinforcementSettings (class in Ne- Reverse() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.Line2D method),
mAll_Python_Reinforcement), 223 109
ReinforcementShapeBuilder (class in Ne- Reverse() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.Line3D method),
mAll_Python_Reinforcement), 224 135
ReinforcementUtil (class in Ne- Reverse() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.Matrix2D
mAll_Python_Reinforcement), 227 method), 86
Remove() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.Path method), 95 Reverse() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.Matrix3D
Remove() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.PolyPoints2D method), 88
method), 96 Reverse() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.Path method), 95
Remove() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.PolyPoints3D Reverse() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.Polygon2D
method), 98 method), 113
remove() (NemAll_Python_Utility.AbstractList method), Reverse() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.Polygon3D
234 method), 140
RemoveHandles() (Ne- Reverse() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.PolygonalArea3D
mAll_Python_IFW_Input.HandleService method), 141
method), 191 Reverse() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.Polyline2D
RemoveLastPoint() (Ne- method), 115
mAll_Python_Geometry.PolyPoints2D Reverse() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.Polyline3D
method), 96 method), 146
RemoveLastPoint() (Ne- Reverse() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.PolyPoints2D
mAll_Python_Geometry.PolyPoints3D method), 96
method), 98 Reverse() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.PolyPoints3D
Reserve() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.PolyPoints2D method), 98
method), 96 Reverse() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.Spline2D
Reserve() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.PolyPoints3D method), 116
method), 98 Reverse() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.Spline3D
Reset() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.BoundingBox2D method), 147
method), 104 Reverse() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.Vector2D
Reset() (NemAll_Python_Palette.PythonWpfPalette method), 78
method), 199 Reverse() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.Vector3D
Reset() (NemAll_Python_Palette.PythonWpfPaletteBuilder method), 79
method), 210 reverse() (NemAll_Python_Utility.AbstractList method),
Resize() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.PolyPoints2D 234
method), 96 RIGHT_2D (NemAll_Python_Geometry.eProjectionMatrixType
Resize() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.PolyPoints3D attribute), 158
method), 98 Rotate() (in module NemAll_Python_Geometry), 175–

284 Index
allpy Documentation, Release 0.1.0

177 Set() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.BSpline2D method),

Rotate() (NemAll_Python_Reinforcement.BendingShape 103
method), 218 Set() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.BSpline3D method),
RotateAroundLocalZAxis() (Ne- 123
mAll_Python_Geometry.Arc3D method), Set() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.BSplineSurface3D
118 method), 125
RotateAroundLocalZAxis() (Ne- Set() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.Clothoid2D method),
mAll_Python_Geometry.AxisPlacement3D 108
method), 94 Set() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.ConicalSurface3D
Rotation() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.Matrix2D method), 129
method), 86 Set() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.Cuboid3D method),
Rotation() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.Matrix3D 130
method), 89 Set() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.GeometryEdge
RotationAngle (NemAll_Python_BasisElements.BitmapAreaPropertiesmethod), 84
attribute), 53 Set() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.Line2D method), 109
RotationAngle (NemAll_Python_BasisElements.FaceStyleProperties
Set() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.Line3D method), 135
attribute), 55 Set() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.MinMax2D method),
RotationAngle (NemAll_Python_BasisElements.FillingProperties 111
attribute), 55 Set() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.MinMax3D method),
RotationAngle (NemAll_Python_BasisElements.HatchingProperties 137
attribute), 56 Set() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.OrientedEdge
RotationAngle (NemAll_Python_BasisElements.PatternProperties method), 85
attribute), 63 Set() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.Plane3D method), 139
RotationAngle (NemAll_Python_BasisElements.Symbol2DProperties
Set() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.Point2D method), 81
attribute), 64 Set() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.Point3D method), 83
RotationAngle (NemAll_Python_BasisElements.Symbol3DProperties
Set() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.Polyhedron3D
attribute), 65 method), 145
Set() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.Vector2D method), 77
S Set() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.Vector3D method), 79
Scaling() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.Matrix2D SetAbscissaLine() (Ne-
method), 87 mAll_Python_IFW_Input.CoordinateInput
Scaling() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.Matrix3D method), 189
method), 89 SetAllFacesFlags() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.BRep3D
SecondaryPointNumber (Ne- method), 122
mAll_Python_BasisElements.Symbol2DPropertiesSetAnchorageHookEnd() (Ne-
attribute), 64 mAll_Python_Reinforcement.ReinforcementShapeBuilder
SecondaryPointNumber (Ne- method), 226
mAll_Python_BasisElements.Symbol3DPropertiesSetAnchorageHookEndFromSide() (Ne-
attribute), 65 mAll_Python_Reinforcement.ReinforcementShapeBuilder
SecondColor (NemAll_Python_BasisElements.FillingProperties method), 226
attribute), 55 SetAnchorageHookStart() (Ne-
SelectHandle() (NemAll_Python_IFW_Input.HandleService mAll_Python_Reinforcement.ReinforcementShapeBuilder
method), 191 method), 226
SemiAngle (NemAll_Python_Geometry.ConicalSurface3D SetAnchorageHookStartFromSide() (Ne-
attribute), 128 mAll_Python_Reinforcement.ReinforcementShapeBuilder
Set() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.Angle method), 76 method), 226
Set() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.Axis2D method), 91 SetAnchorageLengthEnd() (Ne-
Set() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.Axis3D method), 92, mAll_Python_Reinforcement.ReinforcementShapeBuilder
93 method), 226
Set() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.AxisPlacement3D SetAnchorageLengthStart() (Ne-
method), 94 mAll_Python_Reinforcement.ReinforcementShapeBuilder
Set() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.BoundingBox2D method), 226
method), 105 SetAnchorageType() (Ne-

Index 285
allpy Documentation, Release 0.1.0

method), 214 SetCenter() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.Cone3D

SetAngle() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.BoundingBox2D method), 128
method), 105 SetCenter() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.Cylinder3D
SetApex() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.Cone3D method), method), 132
128 SetCenter() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.Ellipsoid3D
SetApex() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.Cylinder3D method), 133
method), 131 SetCenterRel() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.Arc2D
SetApexParent() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.Cone3D method), 101
method), 128 SetCenterRel() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.Arc3D
SetApexParent() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.Cylinder3D method), 118
method), 132 SetClockwise() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.Arc3D
SetAsFactor() (NemAll_Python_Reinforcement.AnchorageLengthService
method), 118
method), 214 SetCommonProperties() (Ne-
SetAttributes() (NemAll_Python_ArchElements.AllplanElement mAll_Python_ArchElements.AllplanElement
method), 43 method), 43
SetAttributes() (NemAll_Python_BaseElements.AttributeSetSetCommonProperties() (Ne-
method), 48 mAll_Python_BasisElements.AllplanElement
SetAttributes() (NemAll_Python_BasisElements.AllplanElement method), 52
method), 52 SetCommonProperties() (Ne-
SetAttributes() (NemAll_Python_Reinforcement.AllplanElement mAll_Python_Reinforcement.AllplanElement
method), 213 method), 213
SetAttributeSets() (NemAll_Python_BaseElements.Attributes
SetCompositionZone() (Ne-
method), 49 mAll_Python_Reinforcement.AnchorageLengthService
SetAxisAngle() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.Arc2D method), 214
method), 101 SetCompressionBar() (Ne-
SetAxisPoint() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.Axis2D mAll_Python_Reinforcement.AnchorageLengthService
method), 91 method), 214
SetAxisPoint() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.Axis3D SetConcreteCoverEnd() (Ne-
method), 93 mAll_Python_Reinforcement.ReinforcementShapeBuilder
SetAxisRelPoint() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.Axis2D method), 226
method), 91 SetConcreteCoverLineEnd() (Ne-
SetAxisRelPoint() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.Axis3D mAll_Python_Reinforcement.ReinforcementShapeBuilder
method), 93 method), 226
SetBendingRoller() (Ne- SetConcreteCoverLineStart() (Ne-
mAll_Python_Reinforcement.BendingShape mAll_Python_Reinforcement.ReinforcementShapeBuilder
method), 219 method), 226, 227
SetBendingShape() (Ne- SetConcreteCoverStart() (Ne-
mAll_Python_Reinforcement.BarPlacement mAll_Python_Reinforcement.ReinforcementShapeBuilder
method), 216 method), 227
SetBendingShape() (Ne- SetCounterClockwise() (Ne-
mAll_Python_Reinforcement.MeshPlacement mAll_Python_Geometry.Arc2D method),
method), 223 101
SetBitmapAreaProperties() (Ne- SetCounterClockwise() (Ne-
mAll_Python_BasisElements.BitmapAreaElement mAll_Python_Geometry.Arc3D method),
method), 52 118
SetBottomPlane() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.ClippedSweptSolid3D
SetDeg() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.Angle method), 76
method), 126 SetDegree() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.BSpline2D
SetBRepTesselation() (Ne- method), 103
mAll_Python_Geometry.ApproximationSettings SetDegree() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.BSpline3D
method), 90 method), 123
SetCenter() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.Arc2D method), SetDeltaAngle() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.Arc3D
101 method), 118
SetCenter() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.Arc3D method), SetDirection() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.AxisPlacement2D
118 method), 92

286 Index
allpy Documentation, Release 0.1.0

SetDirection() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.ExtrudedAreaSolid3D mAll_Python_Geometry.ExtrudedAreaSolid3D

method), 134 method), 134
SetDistanceVector() (Ne- SetFaceFlags() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.BRep3D
mAll_Python_Reinforcement.BarPlacement method), 122
method), 216 SetFaceStyleProperties() (Ne-
SetEdgeHandle() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.OrientedEdge mAll_Python_BasisElements.FaceStyleElement
method), 85 method), 54
SetElementGroupProperties() (Ne- SetFillingProperties() (Ne-
mAll_Python_BasisElements.ElementGroupElement mAll_Python_BasisElements.FillingElement
method), 53 method), 55
SetEndAngle() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.Arc2D SetFlags() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.PolyhedronFace
method), 101 method), 145
SetEndAngle() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.Arc3D SetGeometryObject() (Ne-
method), 118 mAll_Python_ArchElements.AllplanElement
SetEndBendingShape() (Ne- method), 43
mAll_Python_Reinforcement.BarPlacement SetGeometryObject() (Ne-
method), 216 mAll_Python_BasisElements.AllplanElement
SetEndCurvature() (Ne- method), 52
mAll_Python_Geometry.Clothoid2D method), SetGeometryObject() (Ne-
108 mAll_Python_Reinforcement.AllplanElement
SetEndIndex() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.GeometryEdge method), 213
method), 84 SetHash() (NemAll_Python_BasisElements.MacroElement
SetEndPoint() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.Arc2D method), 57
method), 101 SetHatchingProperties() (Ne-
SetEndPoint() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.Arc3D mAll_Python_BasisElements.HatchingElement
method), 118 method), 56
SetEndPoint() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.Clothoid2D SetHeight() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.BoundingBox2D
method), 108 method), 105
SetEndPoint() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.Line2D SetHeight() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.Cone3D
method), 109 method), 128
SetEndPoint() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.Line3D SetHeight() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.Cuboid3D
method), 135 method), 130
SetEndPoint() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.Path2D SetHeight() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.Cylinder3D
method), 112 method), 132
SetEndPoint() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.Path3D SetHookAngle() (NemAll_Python_Reinforcement.AnchorageLengthService
method), 138 method), 214
SetEndPoint() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.PolyPoints2D SetHookEnd() (NemAll_Python_Reinforcement.ReinforcementShapeBuilde
method), 96 method), 227
SetEndPoint() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.PolyPoints3D SetHookStart() (NemAll_Python_Reinforcement.ReinforcementShapeBuild
method), 98 method), 227
SetEndRelPoint() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.Clothoid2D SetIdentity() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.Matrix2D
method), 108 method), 86
SetEndRelPoint() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.Line2D SetIdentity() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.Matrix3D
method), 110 method), 88
SetEndRelPoint() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.Line3D SetInputPlane() (NemAll_Python_IFW_Input.CoordinateInput
method), 135 method), 189
SetEndSymbolsProperties() (Ne- SetKnots() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.BSpline2D
mAll_Python_BasisElements.ModelElement2D method), 103
method), 61 SetKnots() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.BSpline3D
SetEndVector() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.Spline2D method), 123
method), 116 SetLength() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.Clothoid2D
SetEndVector() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.Spline3D method), 108
method), 147 SetLength() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.Cuboid3D
SetExtrudedArea() (Ne- method), 130

Index 287
allpy Documentation, Release 0.1.0

SetLocalPlacement() (Ne- method), 128

mAll_Python_Geometry.Cone3D method), SetMinorRadius() (Ne-
128 mAll_Python_Geometry.Cylinder3D method),
SetLocalPlacement() (Ne- 132
mAll_Python_Geometry.Cylinder3D method), SetNormVector() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.Arc3D
132 method), 118
SetLocalPlacement() (Ne- SetOrientation() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.OrientedEdge
mAll_Python_Geometry.Ellipsoid3D method), method), 85
133 SetOrigin() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.Arc3D method),
SetLongitudinalOffset() (Ne- 118
SetOrigin() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.AxisPlacement3D
method), 214 method), 94
SetMacroGroupProperties() (Ne- SetOuterCurve() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.ClosedArea2D
mAll_Python_BasisElements.MacroGroupElement method), 106
method), 58 SetOverlapLengthEnd() (Ne-
SetMacroPlacementProperties() (Ne- mAll_Python_Reinforcement.ReinforcementShapeBuilder
mAll_Python_BasisElements.MacroPlacementElement method), 227
method), 58 SetOverlapLengthStart() (Ne-
SetMacroProperties() (Ne- mAll_Python_Reinforcement.ReinforcementShapeBuilder
mAll_Python_BasisElements.MacroElement method), 227
method), 57 SetParallel() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.Clothoid2D
SetMacroSlideProperties() (Ne- method), 108
mAll_Python_BasisElements.MacroSlideElementSetPatternCurveProperties() (Ne-
method), 60 mAll_Python_BasisElements.ModelElement2D
SetMajorRadius() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.Arc2D method), 62
method), 101 SetPatternProperties() (Ne-
SetMajorRadius() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.Arc3D mAll_Python_BasisElements.PatternElement
method), 118 method), 63
SetMajorRadius() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.Cone3D SetPeriodic() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.BSpline3D
method), 128 method), 124
SetMajorRadius() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.Cylinder3D SetPlacement() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.ConicalSurface3D
method), 132 method), 129
SetMax() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.BoundingBox2D SetPlane() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.PolygonalArea
method), 105 method), 99
SetMax() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.MinMax2D SetPoint() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.Plane3D
method), 111 method), 139
SetMax() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.MinMax3D SetPoint() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.PolyPoints2D
method), 137 method), 96
SetMaxDistance() (Ne- SetPoint() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.PolyPoints3D
mAll_Python_Geometry.ApproximationSettings method), 98
method), 90 SetPositionNumber() (Ne-
SetMaxLength() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.ApproximationSettings mAll_Python_Reinforcement.BarPlacement
method), 90 method), 216
SetMin() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.BoundingBox2D SetPositionNumber() (Ne-
method), 105 mAll_Python_Reinforcement.MeshPlacement
SetMin() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.MinMax2D method), 223
method), 111 SetProjection() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.Matrix3D
SetMin() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.MinMax3D method), 89
method), 137 SetRadius() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.ConicalSurface3D
SetMinorRadius() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.Arc2D method), 129
method), 101 SetReflection() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.Matrix2D
SetMinorRadius() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.Arc3D method), 86
method), 118 SetReflection() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.Matrix3D
SetMinorRadius() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.Cone3D method), 88

288 Index
allpy Documentation, Release 0.1.0

SetRefPlacement() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.Arc3D method), 216

method), 118, 119 SetScaling() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.Matrix2D
SetRefPlacement() (Ne- method), 86
mAll_Python_Geometry.ClosedAreaComposite3DSetScaling() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.Matrix3D
method), 127 method), 89
SetRefPlacementRel() (Ne- SetSegmentation() (Ne-
mAll_Python_Geometry.Arc3D method), mAll_Python_Geometry.ApproximationSettings
119 method), 90
SetRefPoint() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.Arc2D SetSemiAngle() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.ConicalSurface3D
method), 101 method), 129
SetRefPoint() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.Arc3D SetShapePolyline() (Ne-
method), 119 mAll_Python_Reinforcement.BendingShape
SetRefPoint() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.Axis2D method), 219
method), 91 SetSideLengthEnd() (Ne-
SetRefPoint() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.Axis3D mAll_Python_Reinforcement.ReinforcementShapeBuilder
method), 93 method), 227
SetRefPoint() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.AxisPlacement2DSetSideLengthStart() (Ne-
method), 92 mAll_Python_Reinforcement.ReinforcementShapeBuilder
SetRefPoint() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.BRep3D method), 227
method), 122 SetStartAngle() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.Arc2D
SetRefPoint() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.ClippedSweptSolid3D method), 102
method), 126 SetStartAngle() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.Arc3D
SetRefPoint() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.Clothoid2D method), 119
method), 108 SetStartCurvature() (Ne-
SetRefPoint() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.Cuboid3D mAll_Python_Geometry.Clothoid2D method),
method), 130 108
SetRefPoint() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.ExtrudedAreaSolid3D
SetStartIndex() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.GeometryEdge
method), 134 method), 84
SetRefPoint() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.Line2D SetStartPoint() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.Arc2D
method), 110 method), 102
SetRefPoint() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.Line3D SetStartPoint() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.Arc3D
method), 135 method), 119
SetRefPoint() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.PolygonalArea2DSetStartPoint() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.Clothoid2D
method), 114 method), 108
SetRefPoint() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.PolygonalArea3DSetStartPoint() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.Cuboid3D
method), 141 method), 130
SetRefPoint() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.Polyhedron3D SetStartPoint() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.Line2D
method), 145 method), 110
SetRefPoint() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.PolyPoints2D SetStartPoint() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.Line3D
method), 96 method), 135
SetRefPoint() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.PolyPoints3D SetStartPoint() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.Path2D
method), 98 method), 112
SetRelPoint() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.PolyPoints2D SetStartPoint() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.Path3D
method), 96 method), 138
SetRelPoint() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.PolyPoints3D SetStartPoint() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.PolyPoints2D
method), 98 method), 96
SetReversed() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.Clothoid2D SetStartPoint() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.PolyPoints3D
method), 108 method), 98
SetRotation() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.Matrix2D SetStartPoint() (NemAll_Python_Reinforcement.ReinforcementShapeBuild
method), 86 method), 227
SetRotation() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.Matrix3D SetStartRelPoint() (Ne-
method), 89 mAll_Python_Geometry.Clothoid2D method),
SetRotationAxis() (Ne- 108
mAll_Python_Reinforcement.BarPlacement SetStartRelPoint() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.Line2D

Index 289
allpy Documentation, Release 0.1.0

method), 110 SetValues() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.Matrix3D

SetStartRelPoint() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.Line3D method), 88
method), 135 SetVDegree() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.BSplineSurface3D
SetStartVector() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.Clothoid2D method), 125
method), 108 SetVector() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.Axis2D
SetStartVector() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.Spline2D method), 91
method), 116 SetVector() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.Axis3D
SetStartVector() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.Spline3D method), 93
method), 147 SetVector() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.Cuboid3D
SetSweptArea() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.ClippedSweptSolid3D method), 130
method), 126 SetVector() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.Plane3D
SetSymbol2DProperties() (Ne- method), 139
mAll_Python_BasisElements.Symbol2DElement SetVector() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.PolygonalArea
method), 64 method), 99
SetSymbol3DProperties() (Ne- SetVKnots() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.BSplineSurface3D
mAll_Python_BasisElements.Symbol3DElement method), 125
method), 65 SetWeights() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.BSpline2D
SetText() (NemAll_Python_BasisElements.TextElement method), 103
method), 66 SetWeights() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.BSpline3D
SetTextProperties() (Ne- method), 124
mAll_Python_BasisElements.TextElement SetWeights() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.BSplineSurface3D
method), 66 method), 125
SetTextureDefinition() (Ne- SetWidth() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.BoundingBox2D
mAll_Python_BasisElements.ModelElement3D method), 105
method), 62 SetWidth() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.Cuboid3D
SetTextureMapping() (Ne- method), 130
mAll_Python_BasisElements.ModelElement3D SetWidthVector() (NemAll_Python_Reinforcement.MeshPlacement
method), 62 method), 223
SetTopPlane() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.ClippedSweptSolid3D
SetXDirection() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.AxisPlacement3D
method), 126 method), 94
SetTransformationList() (Ne- SetXRadius() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.Ellipsoid3D
mAll_Python_BasisElements.ModelElement2D method), 133
method), 62 SetYRadius() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.Ellipsoid3D
SetTransformationList() (Ne- method), 133
mAll_Python_BasisElements.ModelElement3D SetZDirection() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.AxisPlacement3D
method), 62 method), 94
SetTranslate() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.Matrix3D SetZRadius() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.Ellipsoid3D
method), 89 method), 133
SetTranslation() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.Matrix2D ShadingType (class in NemAll_Python_BasisElements),
method), 87 70
SetType() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.Clothoid2D ShadingType (NemAll_Python_BasisElements.FillingProperties
method), 108 attribute), 55
SetType() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.Polyhedron3D SHook (in module NemAll_Python_Reinforcement), 230
method), 145 SHook (NemAll_Python_Reinforcement.BendingShapeType
SetType() (NemAll_Python_Reinforcement.MeshData attribute), 228
method), 223 ShowMessageBox() (in module Ne-
SetUDegree() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.BSplineSurface3D mAll_Python_Utility), 235
method), 125 SIDEFACE_NORM_TYPE (Ne-
SetUKnots() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.BSplineSurface3D mAll_Python_Geometry.ePolygonNormalizeType
method), 125 attribute), 157
SetValue() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.Matrix2D SizeTList (class in NemAll_Python_Utility), 234
method), 86 SizeX (NemAll_Python_Geometry.MinMax2D at-
SetValue() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.Matrix3D tribute), 110
method), 88 SizeX (NemAll_Python_Geometry.MinMax3D at-

290 Index
allpy Documentation, Release 0.1.0

tribute), 136 StartPoint (NemAll_Python_Geometry.PolyPoints3D at-

SizeY (NemAll_Python_Geometry.MinMax2D at- tribute), 97
tribute), 110 STARTPOINT_NORM_TYPE (Ne-
SizeY (NemAll_Python_Geometry.MinMax3D at- mAll_Python_Geometry.ePolygonNormalizeType
tribute), 136 attribute), 157
SizeZ (NemAll_Python_Geometry.MinMax3D attribute), StartRelPoint (NemAll_Python_Geometry.Arc2D at-
136 tribute), 100
sort() (NemAll_Python_Utility.AbstractList method), 234 StartRelPoint (NemAll_Python_Geometry.Arc3D at-
SOUTH_EAST_VIEW (in module Ne- tribute), 116
mAll_Python_IFW_Input), 197 StartRelPoint (NemAll_Python_Geometry.Line2D
SOUTH_EAST_VIEW (Ne- attribute), 108
mAll_Python_IFW_Input.eProjectionType StartRelPoint (NemAll_Python_Geometry.Line3D
attribute), 196 attribute), 134
SOUTH_VIEW (in module Ne- StartRelPoint (NemAll_Python_Geometry.PolyPoints2D
mAll_Python_IFW_Input), 197 attribute), 95
SOUTH_VIEW (NemAll_Python_IFW_Input.eProjectionType StartRelPoint (NemAll_Python_Geometry.PolyPoints3D
attribute), 196 attribute), 97
SOUTH_WEST_VIEW (in module Ne- StartScaleRange (NemAll_Python_BasisElements.MacroSlideProperties
mAll_Python_IFW_Input), 197 attribute), 61
SOUTH_WEST_VIEW (Ne- StartSize (NemAll_Python_BasisElements.EndSymbolsProperties
mAll_Python_IFW_Input.eProjectionType attribute), 54
attribute), 196 StartVector (NemAll_Python_Geometry.Clothoid2D at-
Spline2D (class in NemAll_Python_Geometry), 115 tribute), 107
Spline3D (class in NemAll_Python_Geometry), 147 StartVector (NemAll_Python_Geometry.Spline2D
Split() (in module NemAll_Python_Geometry), 177, 178 attribute), 115
SplitPolylineBySegment() (Ne- StartVector (NemAll_Python_Geometry.Spline3D
mAll_Python_Geometry.FilletCalculus2D attribute), 147
method), 152 STATIC (NemAll_Python_Palette.PaletteCtrlType
START_POINT (NemAll_Python_Geometry.eLinePointIdentification attribute), 211
attribute), 157 StationCode (NemAll_Python_BasisElements.Symbol3DProperties
StartAngle (NemAll_Python_Geometry.Arc2D attribute), attribute), 65
100 Stirrup (in module NemAll_Python_Reinforcement), 230
StartAngle (NemAll_Python_Geometry.Arc3D attribute), Stirrup (NemAll_Python_Reinforcement.BendingShapeType
116 attribute), 228
StartCurvature (NemAll_Python_Geometry.Clothoid2D StirrupType (class in NemAll_Python_Reinforcement),
attribute), 107 229
StartID (NemAll_Python_BasisElements.EndSymbolsPropertiesSTRING (NemAll_Python_Palette.PaletteValueType at-
attribute), 54 tribute), 211
StartIndex (NemAll_Python_Geometry.GeometryEdge Stroke (NemAll_Python_BaseElements.CommonProperties
attribute), 84 attribute), 50
StartPoint (NemAll_Python_Geometry.Arc2D attribute), StrokeByLayer (NemAll_Python_BaseElements.CommonProperties
100 attribute), 50
StartPoint (NemAll_Python_Geometry.Arc3D attribute), SubReleaseName() (Ne-
116 mAll_Python_AllplanSettings.AllplanVersion
StartPoint (NemAll_Python_Geometry.Clothoid2D at- method), 41
tribute), 107 SubType (class in NemAll_Python_BasisElements), 70
StartPoint (NemAll_Python_Geometry.Cuboid3D at- SubType (NemAll_Python_BasisElements.ElementGroupProperties
tribute), 129 attribute), 54
StartPoint (NemAll_Python_Geometry.Line2D attribute), SubType (NemAll_Python_BasisElements.MacroPlacementProperties
108 attribute), 59
StartPoint (NemAll_Python_Geometry.Line3D attribute), SubType (NemAll_Python_BasisElements.MacroProperties
134 attribute), 60
StartPoint (NemAll_Python_Geometry.PolyPoints2D at- Supplement() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.Arc2D
tribute), 95 method), 102

Index 291
allpy Documentation, Release 0.1.0

SurfacePath (NemAll_Python_BasisElements.TextureDefinition
TOP_2D (NemAll_Python_Geometry.eProjectionMatrixType
attribute), 66 attribute), 158
SwapLinePoints() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.ChamferCalculus
TopPlane (NemAll_Python_Geometry.ClippedSweptSolid3D
method), 150 attribute), 125
SweptArea (NemAll_Python_Geometry.ClippedSweptSolid3D Torsion (in module NemAll_Python_Reinforcement),
attribute), 125 230
Symbol2DElement (class in Ne- Torsion (NemAll_Python_Reinforcement.StirrupType at-
mAll_Python_BasisElements), 64 tribute), 229
Symbol2DProperties (class in Ne- TorsionStirrup (in module Ne-
mAll_Python_BasisElements), 64 mAll_Python_Reinforcement), 230
Symbol3DElement (class in Ne- TorsionStirrup (NemAll_Python_Reinforcement.BendingShapeType
mAll_Python_BasisElements), 64 attribute), 228
Symbol3DProperties (class in Ne- Transform() (in module NemAll_Python_Geometry),
mAll_Python_BasisElements), 65 179, 180
SymbolID (NemAll_Python_BasisElements.Symbol2DProperties
Transform() (NemAll_Python_Reinforcement.BarPlacement
attribute), 64 method), 216
SymbolID (NemAll_Python_BasisElements.Symbol3DProperties
Transform() (NemAll_Python_Reinforcement.BendingShape
attribute), 65 method), 219
Transform() (NemAll_Python_Reinforcement.MeshPlacement
T method), 223
tEdges (NemAll_Python_Geometry.PolyhedronType at- TransformCoord (class in NemAll_Python_Geometry),
tribute), 155 154
TEXT (NemAll_Python_Palette.PaletteCtrlType at- TransitionType (class in Ne-
tribute), 211 mAll_Python_BasisElements), 72
TextAlignment (class in Ne- Translate() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.Matrix2D
mAll_Python_BasisElements), 71 method), 87
TextAngle (NemAll_Python_BasisElements.TextProperties Translate() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.Matrix3D
attribute), 66 method), 89
TextElement (class in NemAll_Python_BasisElements), TranslationType (NemAll_Python_BasisElements.FillingProperties
65 attribute), 56
TransparentColor (NemAll_Python_BasisElements.BitmapAreaProperties
TextFrameColor (NemAll_Python_BasisElements.TextProperties
attribute), 66 attribute), 53
TextFramePen (NemAll_Python_BasisElements.TextProperties (Ne-
attribute), 66 mAll_Python_BasisElements.BitmapAreaProperties
TextFrameStroke (NemAll_Python_BasisElements.TextProperties attribute), 53
attribute), 66 Transpose() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.Matrix3D
TextProperties (class in NemAll_Python_BasisElements), method), 88
66 TrimByHelpConstruction() (Ne-
TextType (class in NemAll_Python_BasisElements), 71 mAll_Python_Geometry.FilletCalculus2D
TextureDefinition (class in Ne- method), 152
mAll_Python_BasisElements), 66 TrimEnd() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.Line2D method),
TextureMapping (class in Ne- 110
mAll_Python_BasisElements), 67 TrimEnd() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.Line3D method),
TextureMappingType (class in Ne- 135
mAll_Python_BasisElements), 71 TrimStart() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.Line2D
tFaces (NemAll_Python_Geometry.PolyhedronType at- method), 110
tribute), 155 TrimStart() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.Line3D
Timer (class in NemAll_Python_Utility), 234 method), 135
tInvalid (NemAll_Python_Geometry.PolyhedronType at- tVolume (NemAll_Python_Geometry.PolyhedronType at-
tribute), 155 tribute), 155
ToLineChain() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.PolyPoints2D Type (NemAll_Python_BasisElements.MacroPlacementProperties
method), 96 attribute), 59
ToLineChain() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.PolyPoints3D Type (NemAll_Python_BasisElements.MacroSlideProperties
method), 98 attribute), 61

292 Index
allpy Documentation, Release 0.1.0

Type (NemAll_Python_BasisElements.TextProperties at- UsePixelMask (NemAll_Python_BasisElements.BitmapAreaProperties

tribute), 66 attribute), 53
Type (NemAll_Python_Geometry.Clothoid2D attribute), UseReferencePoint (Ne-
107 mAll_Python_BasisElements.BitmapAreaProperties
Type (NemAll_Python_Reinforcement.MeshData at- attribute), 53
tribute), 221 UseReferencePoint (Ne-
U attribute), 55
UDegree (NemAll_Python_Geometry.BSplineSurface3D UseReferencePoint (Ne-
attribute), 124 mAll_Python_BasisElements.HatchingProperties
UKnots (NemAll_Python_Geometry.BSplineSurface3D attribute), 56
attribute), 124 UseReferencePoint (Ne-
UnitFactor (NemAll_Python_BasisElements.MacroPlacementPropertiesmAll_Python_BasisElements.PatternProperties
attribute), 59 attribute), 63
UseRepeatTile (NemAll_Python_BasisElements.BitmapAreaProperties
UnitFactor (NemAll_Python_BasisElements.MacroProperties
attribute), 60 attribute), 53
UpdateBySelectedHelpConstruction() (Ne- UVCoordinates (NemAll_Python_BasisElements.TextureMapping
mAll_Python_Geometry.FilletCalculus2D attribute), 67
method), 152
UpdateDialogData() (Ne- V
mAll_Python_Palette.PythonWpfPalette Value (NemAll_Python_BaseElements.AttributeByteVec
method), 199 attribute), 45
UpdateGeometry() (Ne- Value (NemAll_Python_BaseElements.AttributeDouble
mAll_Python_Geometry.FilletCalculus2D attribute), 46
method), 152, 153 Value (NemAll_Python_BaseElements.AttributeDoubleVec
UseAlways2DRepInGroundView (Ne- attribute), 47
Value (NemAll_Python_BaseElements.AttributeEnum
attribute), 59 attribute), 47
UseBackgroundColor (Ne- Value (NemAll_Python_BaseElements.AttributeInteger
mAll_Python_BasisElements.HatchingProperties attribute), 47
attribute), 56 Value (NemAll_Python_BaseElements.AttributeIntegerVec
UseBackgroundColor (Ne- attribute), 48
mAll_Python_BasisElements.PatternProperties Value (NemAll_Python_BaseElements.AttributeString
attribute), 63 attribute), 48
UseDirectionToReferenceLine (Ne- Value (NemAll_Python_BaseElements.AttributeStringVec
mAll_Python_BasisElements.BitmapAreaProperties attribute), 49
attribute), 53 ValueInputControlData (class in Ne-
UseDirectionToReferenceLine (Ne- mAll_Python_IFW_Input), 192
mAll_Python_BasisElements.FaceStylePropertiesValues() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.Point2D method),
attribute), 55 81
UseDirectionToReferenceLine (Ne- Values() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.Point3D method),
mAll_Python_BasisElements.FillingProperties 83
attribute), 56 Values() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.Vector2D method),
UseDrawOrder (NemAll_Python_BasisElements.MacroPlacementProperties
attribute), 59 Values() (NemAll_Python_Geometry.Vector3D method),
UseFormat (NemAll_Python_BasisElements.MacroPlacementProperties 79
attribute), 59 VariantType (class in NemAll_Python_BasisElements),
UseGradientFilling (Ne- 72
mAll_Python_BasisElements.FillingProperties VariantType (NemAll_Python_BasisElements.FillingProperties
attribute), 56 attribute), 56
UseMetricalValues (Ne- VDegree (NemAll_Python_Geometry.BSplineSurface3D
mAll_Python_BasisElements.BitmapAreaProperties attribute), 124
attribute), 53 VecByteList (class in NemAll_Python_Utility), 234
VecDoubleList (class in NemAll_Python_Utility), 234

Index 293
allpy Documentation, Release 0.1.0

VecIntList (class in NemAll_Python_Utility), 234 Weights (NemAll_Python_Geometry.BSpline2D at-

VecSizeTList (class in NemAll_Python_Utility), 234 tribute), 102
VecStringList (class in NemAll_Python_Utility), 234 Weights (NemAll_Python_Geometry.BSpline3D at-
Vector (NemAll_Python_Geometry.Plane3D attribute), tribute), 123
139 Weights (NemAll_Python_Geometry.BSplineSurface3D
Vector2D (class in NemAll_Python_Geometry), 77 attribute), 124
Vector2DList (class in NemAll_Python_Geometry), 95 WEST_VIEW (in module NemAll_Python_IFW_Input),
Vector3D (class in NemAll_Python_Geometry), 78 197
Vector3DList (class in NemAll_Python_Geometry), 95 WEST_VIEW (NemAll_Python_IFW_Input.eProjectionType
VecULongList (class in NemAll_Python_Utility), 234 attribute), 196
Version() (NemAll_Python_AllplanSettings.AllplanVersion Width (NemAll_Python_BasisElements.PatternCurveProperties
method), 41 attribute), 63
ViewPerpendicularToWorld() (Ne- Width (NemAll_Python_BasisElements.Symbol2DProperties
mAll_Python_IFW_Input.ViewWorldProjection attribute), 64
method), 193 Width (NemAll_Python_BasisElements.Symbol3DProperties
ViewToPixel() (NemAll_Python_IFW_Input.ViewWorldProjection attribute), 65
method), 193 Width (NemAll_Python_BasisElements.TextProperties
ViewToWorld() (NemAll_Python_IFW_Input.ViewWorldProjection attribute), 66
method), 193 Width (NemAll_Python_Reinforcement.MeshData at-
ViewToWorldBaseZ() (Ne- tribute), 221
mAll_Python_IFW_Input.ViewWorldProjection WidthVector (NemAll_Python_Geometry.Cuboid3D at-
method), 193 tribute), 129
ViewToWorldBaseZ0() (Ne- WindowsReleaseName() (Ne-
mAll_Python_IFW_Input.ViewWorldProjection mAll_Python_AllplanSettings.AllplanVersion
method), 194 method), 42
ViewToWorldPlane() (Ne- WORKING_PLANE_VIEW (in module Ne-
mAll_Python_IFW_Input.ViewWorldProjection mAll_Python_IFW_Input), 197
method), 194 WORKING_PLANE_VIEW (Ne-
ViewToWorldRay() (Ne- mAll_Python_IFW_Input.eProjectionType
mAll_Python_IFW_Input.ViewWorldProjection attribute), 196
method), 194 WorldToPixel() (NemAll_Python_IFW_Input.ViewWorldProjection
ViewWorldProjection (class in Ne- method), 194
mAll_Python_IFW_Input), 192 WorldToProjection() (Ne-
VisibilityGeo2D (NemAll_Python_BasisElements.MacroSlidePropertiesmAll_Python_IFW_Input.ViewWorldProjection
attribute), 61 method), 194
VisibilityGeo3D (NemAll_Python_BasisElements.MacroSlideProperties
WorldToProjectionBase0() (Ne-
attribute), 61 mAll_Python_IFW_Input.ViewWorldProjection
VisibilityLayerA (NemAll_Python_BasisElements.MacroSlideProperties
method), 194, 195
attribute), 61 WorldToView() (NemAll_Python_IFW_Input.ViewWorldProjection
VisibilityLayerB (NemAll_Python_BasisElements.MacroSlideProperties
method), 195
attribute), 61 WorldToView3D() (Ne-
VisibilityLayerC (NemAll_Python_BasisElements.MacroSlideProperties
attribute), 61 method), 195
VKnots (NemAll_Python_Geometry.BSplineSurface3D WorldToWorldPlane() (Ne-
attribute), 124 mAll_Python_IFW_Input.ViewWorldProjection
VS_COLINEAR (NemAll_Python_Geometry.eValidationStatusPolygon3D method), 195, 196
attribute), 159
X (NemAll_Python_Geometry.Point2D attribute), 81
attribute), 159 X (NemAll_Python_Geometry.Point3D attribute), 82
X (NemAll_Python_Geometry.Vector2D attribute), 77
W X (NemAll_Python_Geometry.Vector3D attribute), 79
Weight (NemAll_Python_Reinforcement.MeshData at- XDirection (NemAll_Python_Geometry.AxisPlacement3D
tribute), 221 attribute), 93

294 Index
allpy Documentation, Release 0.1.0

XOffset (NemAll_Python_BasisElements.BitmapAreaProperties
attribute), 53
XOffset (NemAll_Python_BasisElements.TextureMapping
attribute), 67
XRadius (NemAll_Python_Geometry.Ellipsoid3D
attribute), 132
XScale (NemAll_Python_BasisElements.TextureMapping
attribute), 67
XScalingFactor (NemAll_Python_BasisElements.BitmapAreaProperties
attribute), 53
XScalingFactor (NemAll_Python_BasisElements.PatternProperties
attribute), 63

Y (NemAll_Python_Geometry.Point2D attribute), 81
Y (NemAll_Python_Geometry.Point3D attribute), 82
Y (NemAll_Python_Geometry.Vector2D attribute), 77
Y (NemAll_Python_Geometry.Vector3D attribute), 79
Year (NemAll_Python_BaseElements.AttributeDate at-
tribute), 46
YOffset (NemAll_Python_BasisElements.BitmapAreaProperties
attribute), 53
YOffset (NemAll_Python_BasisElements.TextureMapping
attribute), 67
YRadius (NemAll_Python_Geometry.Ellipsoid3D
attribute), 132
YScale (NemAll_Python_BasisElements.TextureMapping
attribute), 67
YScalingFactor (NemAll_Python_BasisElements.BitmapAreaProperties
attribute), 53
YScalingFactor (NemAll_Python_BasisElements.PatternProperties
attribute), 63

Z (NemAll_Python_Geometry.Point3D attribute), 82
Z (NemAll_Python_Geometry.Vector3D attribute), 79
ZDirection (NemAll_Python_Geometry.AxisPlacement3D
attribute), 93
ZRadius (NemAll_Python_Geometry.Ellipsoid3D at-
tribute), 132

Index 295

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