In Search of The Truth - Revised

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The key takeaways are about the origins of different religions and how they relate to the Bible. It also discusses mankind's search for truth and guidance.

The main topics covered in the book include the birth of nations, Judaism, early Christianity, the rise of Islam and Mohammed, comparisons between religions like Buddhism and Christianity, the truth of God's word, judgement and promises.

According to the book, Satan attempted a coup in heaven to take God's place as the ruler. As punishment, he and one third of the angels were cast out of heaven.






This book is dedicated to all the missionaries, who through the ages have gone
out to spread God’s word in their local areas, in their own countries, or in
foreign lands, so that God's word can be revealed as the life blood by which we
can all be sustained and nourished, throughout this life and in preparation for
the more glorious one which is to come.


In travelling throughout the world, to many different countries during the last
eight years, I have been amazed at the many different church buildings,
temples, shrines and mosques, which man has built, as a means of showing
that he is acknowledging the existence of a superior force greater than
himself. Even in communist dominated countries, where the authorities have
closed the churches, (or used them for some other purpose) they have found
that even if they close the buildings, they cannot close peoples’
minds. The multitudes still search for the truth - what is God? Who is God?
And how do I get in touch with Him? This book is an attempt to identify man's
search for the truth and will show where the real truth is - and how other
books point to it.


In the Bible, in the early chapters of Genesis, we see how Moses describes the
creation of the world from nothing into existence, by the power of the Word of
Almighty God. This first nation of people were to live forever and be in
permanent communion with God, having authority over all birds of the air, fish
of the seas, and all walking and crawling beasts of the fields. Even plants were
to be obedient to this nation of God created beings. Into this paradise of
creation comes the evil one, referred to in olden times as the evil eye, but
today as Satan. Satan, the bible says, was an archangel who wanted to rule
heaven in the position where God Almighty is.
The bible indicates that Satan in heaven attempted a major coup d’état and it
was unsuccessful. As punishment for this, and as a constant warning to all
those who are disobedient to the will of God, Satan was cast out of heaven
and about one third of all the angels in heaven were sent with him, for they
were also involved in the coup attempt.
Satan did not succeed in taking over in heaven, so Satan planned to win
against God by becoming the king of God's creation that is, becoming king on
earth. At this time however man did not know there was such a thing as
In Gen. 2:17 it says; But of the tree of good and evil, thou shalt not eat
of it, for in the day that thou eatest thereof thou shalt surely die.

The Bible says in Gen. Chapter three that Satan was subtler than any beast of
the field that God had created. (I just say he was a sneaky creature, or as
they say today, a sneaky devil). He needed to have the authority that God had
given to man if he was to become the absolute ruler of the world, so that all
the beasts of the field, including man) were subservient to him.
So using persuasion and half-truths Satan convinced Eve to take and eat of
the forbidden fruit (of the knowledge of good and evil). Adam on the other
hand was not tricked into eating the fruit; in his case it was a pure case
of freedom of choice, no pressure, no trickery, no challenge or dare.
We also find here that God's word is true, for after they had eaten of the fruit
immediately they became SPIRITUALLY DEAD and they also commenced to die
They had become separated from God spiritually and a part of man became
empty, a part was missing and so the search began from both sides, from the
side of man to again become reconciled to God, and for God to allow man to
again become reconciled to Him. Of course throughout all this time Satan is to
have a marvellous time, as he says to his fallen angels, “see how I took the
power away from man and become the ruler of the world”?
But again you see Satan is using half-truths, he did not take the power and
authority away from mankind, mankind freely gave it to him, by being
disobedient to God's commandments.
In righteous anger God cast out his chosen people from the Garden of Eden
and sent them into a land where they had to fend for themselves.
This was something new, as everything was provided for them in the Garden
of Eden. Now they had to learn to hunt, till the soil and learn to live in a
hostile environment, where the animals no longer were obedient to them.
Throughout all these trials and tribulations mankind was still searching for
something to fill the emptiness inside of him. He still had a subconscious
desire to be complete, to be one.
Knowing this, Satan fed this desire with all sorts of evil thoughts and
knowledge and the progressive generations of mankind became more and
more evil until God could not stand to look at His creation any longer.
God decided that His creation must be destroyed and He would start afresh
with a new generation of beings.
But this caused a problem; God must be consistent throughout all time.
He must obey His own laws, otherwise the authority of the Word of God
would disappear. God had to search the world for a person, or group of
people, who were not evil in God’s sight, and who were still trying to live a just
and righteous life. This is recounted in Genesis chapter 6. God found a
righteous man whose name was Noah.
Noah found grace in the eyes of the Lord. ...Noah was a just man and
perfect and upright, in his generation and Noah walked the ways of the Lord.
God could not destroy them along with all the evil people; otherwise again
there would be inconsistency in God's word. It is interesting to notice that God

chose eight (8) people to start His new nation. If we look at the scripture there
is a very good reason why God chose “8” people.
God created the universe in 7 days. There are 7 days in each week. There are
7 notes in music. The number 7 is the PERFECT NUMBER. In each case the
number “8” is the new beginning. God was signifying that in choosing “8”
people God was beginning again, or a new beginning. But this time the people
were to be tested to see that they were worthy of salvation.
Throughout the bible, whenever a period of testing takes place, a period of 40
units is used: -
 It rained for 40 days and 40 nights.
 The Jewish nation walked in the desert for 40 years.
 Jesus fasted, was tested by Satan in the desert for 40 days.
But God wanted to absolutely sure of Noah and his family, so the task of
building the ark was to take 120 years, a period of 3 x 40 years. They were to
be tested 3 times as much as anybody else to ensure they were acceptable.
The test was also severe on Noah's three sons, for they had to be ready to
give up the seed flock, their inheritance of breeding stock so that only the
animals which God had instructed Noah to take on board could be
accommodated inside the ark, one pair of all unclean animals and seven pairs
of the clean animals. (Gen. 7: 2)
Try to imagine what it must have been like to build this boat at that time: -
God gave the dimensions and specifications to Noah so that there would be no
misunderstanding and to ensure that the boat, when completed, would be able
to suffer the rigours of the storm and tempest of 40 days and 40 nights of
continual rain and wind.
Gen. 6: 14-16: “Make an Ark of gopher wood (Cyprus wood), make it in
rooms, make it in stalls, pens coops, nests, cages, and compartments
and cover it inside and outside with pitch (bitumen). And this is the way you
are to make it. The length of the Ark shall be 300 cubits, its breadth 50 cubits
and its height 30 cubits.”
The cubit was the ancient measure of length and was the distance from the
end of one’s elbow to the tip of the index finger.
The Thompson Chain Reference Bible assumes a cubit to be 21 inches, giving
the boat the following dimensions: - 525 feet long, 87 feet wide and 52 feet
The amplified bible assumes a length of 18 inches as the standard length for a
cubit, giving the boat the following dimensions: - 450 feet long, 75 feet wide
and 45 feet high.
In measuring my own arm I find it is 18 inches long, so I go for the 18-inch
length. Irrespective of whichever unit you choose, it was not a small ship that
Noah was asked to build.
You of course realize that there was no chain saws to cut down the Cyprus
logs, nor any modern sawmills to make the logs, nor was there any electric
plains, sanders, drills, or other time saving tools that we have today. Even the

ore used to make pitch would have to be extracted by hand and then boiled
until the pitch was formed.
All of the manual tasks would have had to be performed by Noah and his three
sons as it is unlikely that any of the neighbours would help, because they all
thought that Noah had been out in the sun too long and was a “little crazy in
the head”. You see, at the time Noah was to build the boat it had never rained
before, so the local people did not believe it would rain, let alone flood the
whole earth, their attitudes and thought patterns were so limited by the
earthly things around them, put there by Satan, to cause division and doubt.
They found it impossible to believe God's word even as they saw the boat
taking shape over 3 generations of people. (The 120 years it took to build the
ark.) So far we have only looked at the boat, but now let us quickly centre our
attention on the four women referred to in the scriptures, Noah's wife and
three daughters’ in law. While the men were preparing the boat they had to
prepare enough food for the eight people to last a year, plus all the food for
the animals. Have you ever thought how much food 2 elephants would eat in 1
year and the storage space you would need for it??
How do you keep enough ants for a spiny anteater to eat during a year, or
worms for a platypus? How do you stop a lion from eating up all the other
animals and where do you put a giraffe when its neck gets too long??
All of these questions had to be asked of God and answers given and put
into practise. Their belief was not a theoretical belief, but a practical
day-to-day following of the Lord God Almighty.
They believed that if they were obedient to God then He would call them by
name and all who are called by name are saved from destruction.
With this faith in God’s word, they continued to build the ark and everything
that was prophesied to happen, do happen. After the ark was finished God told
Noah it would begin to rain in 7 days and to go into the ark and prepare for
Exactly on schedule, down came the rain, no union boycotts or black-bans
were allowed in those days, God is calling the shots.
The bible says it rained for 40 days and 40 nights and then it took a year
for the floodwaters to recede so that the boat could rest on dry soil again.
Living together in a confined space for a year must have been another one of
God's tests. This was to test their degree of patience with one another, as
God was moulding them into the types of people He wanted them to be.
So, we see Noah and his family and all the animals start a new life again in a
land, where man was chosen by God.
God again gave man the choice of free will to choose between good and evil.
We see Noah build an altar in praise and worship to God and the whole family
pray and worship there.
So we now have a people who have been chosen by God, tested by God and
found worthy to be the forefathers of a new nation of God-fearing people.
But Satan was not destroyed in the flood along with the people, so evil still

existed in the world, waiting to deceive mankind again.
We see Noah, a man who for 120 years built an ark for God now start to
grow grapes and proceeds to get “blind drunk”, so much so that he collapses
naked on the floor in view of members of his family causing them to sin by
seeing their father naked.
So once again Satan is there trying to lead God’s chosen people away from the
path that God has chosen for them.
We see many are tempted by Satan again and fall into temptation, and all
manner of evil things, and again the world becomes corrupt and turns away
from God.


As is the case today, not all of the people chose to do evil. Some still tried to
follow God and His ways. But this was very difficult, because of the constant
conflict with the local surroundings in which they lived, and the attitudes and
actions of the local peoples.
God searched throughout all of these peoples who were descendants of Noah
to find a person or group of people who were still loyal to Him, still obedient to
He found such a group in Abram, his wife Sarai, Lot his brother's son
(nephew). God spoke to Abram with the words found in the book of Genesis
chapter 12: “Go away from this your land, (leave it for your own advantage,
go away from your father’s house and your own people, go to a land that I
(the Lord thy God) shall show you.: “And I will make of you a great nation,
and I will bless you, and make your name famous and
distinguished and you shall be a blessing dispensing out good to others”.
God had chosen the man He wanted to lead the new nation He had saved &
created. But as has been shown in the past God had to try and test His chosen
First he allowed Abram to prosper and become rich, to see if he would turn
away from God, as he may now consider he did not need God, seeing now he
had all those flocks and wealth about him.
This was followed by several other tests of which I will only mention a few. (If
you wish to know more about the Prophet Abraham, you should read the Bible,
for there is accounted his life history.)
Because of his wealth, and that of his nephew Lot, there arose many
arguments and quarrels between the shepherds and herdsmen of both people,
until it became very clear to both parties that they would have to split up and
divide their flocks, and go their own separate ways.
Now Abraham gave Lot first choice, (he did not have to, he could have chosen
the best grazing lands for himself, and left the desert for his nephew), to
choose the lands which he would claim and where he would take his people.
The lands appeared very fertile on the plains towards Sodom and Gomorrah,
so Lot made his choice and moved his flocks and his family there, while Abram
continued on into the desert, to find enough grazing for his flocks, trusting in
the Lord to provide for his needs.
And so it was that Lot settled down, on the plains outside of Sodom and
Gomorrah and commenced to grow crops, build permanent shelters for his
people and commence to become “Town dwellers”, but he continued to pray
regularly to the Lord.
Things continued to look good for Lot and his people, until King Chedor-laomer
captured Lot, after he had attacked and plundered Sodom and Gomorrah.
At this time his household went into Sodom and Gomorrah and commenced
to be drawn away from the things of God, because Sodom and Gomorrah was
an evil city.
Abram was told of his nephew's plight and he took some of his servants and
attacked the camp where Lot was being held captive and was able to rescue
his nephew and bring back to Sodom and Gomorrah all of the treasures that
had been plundered from the two cities.
Upon hearing of the success of Abram's mission, King Melchisedec, king of
Salem, (later to be called Jerusalem), brought out food and wine as he came
to welcome Abram upon his return from battle.
Melchisedek was God’s high priest and he blessed Abram upon his return, as a
result Abram gave the high priest 10% of all the possessions he had captured.
The remainder, he gave to the king of Sodom, but the king
wanted to reward him for his deed.
Abram refused to receive any of the treasure as he had made a vow to the
Lord, not to receive any of the treasure, but give the glory of the victory to the
Lord. However, Abram did make one request that a portion be given to the
allies Aner, Eschol and Mamre, who went with him into battle.
Even in this situation, when in worldly terms, Abram was entitled to his share
of the spoils, he did not accept any gifts, but gave the glory of victory to the
These events occurred when Abram was 75 years old. To most people these
days, they consider their lives almost over at 75, but God did not consider that
Abram was of no use at this age.
The word of the Lord appeared to Abram in a vision as recounted in the
Bible in Gen. Chapter 15 and a mighty promise was given to him of things to
come to pass in the future.
Now maybe you don't believe in prophecy, i.e. the ability given by God to a
person to see a small portion of events that are to happen in the future.
Well I confess that I believe them and there are so many situations recorded
in the Bible, as prophecy, that did happen, and have been confirmed in other
literature, that it is impossible for a logically sane thinking person not to
accept that God has this power, and that He is able to bestow it upon a chosen
vessel, by His Holy Spirit, so that the future events can be foretold. This allows
any person who believes in them to be prepared for the event, before it

God promised that Abram would have a son. That is not a big deal you say,
but you must remember that both Abram and his wife are in there seventies.
God even promised Abram that his offspring, his descendants would be as
numerous as the stars in the heavens. God then told Abram that his
descendants would be like strangers living in a foreign land and that they
would be slaves there under very strict taskmasters.
God went on to tell Abram that his descendants would have to stay in captivity
for 400 years and in the fourth (4) generations after him, they would be freed
from slavery and again become a nation. These prophecies were literally
Sarai, Abram’s wife knew of the promise that God had given to Abram, to sire
him a son. She was old but she knew that she was barren and could not
“naturally” give Abram a son from her own loins, so she followed the ancient
“acceptable custom” of offering a maidservant to the husband so that a son
may be born. As was the custom the son would become the natural heir if the
real wife did not conceive a child of her own.
The maidservant’s name was Hagar, an Egyptian. Sarai gave her unto Abram
to become his “secondary” wife and she became pregnant.
This pregnancy caused much conflict between Sarai and Hagar, so much so
that Hagar fled into the desert to escape the persecution from Sarai, prior to
the birth of the child.
Whilst they’re in the desert, the Angel of the Lord visited her. The Angel of
the Lord told her to go back to her mistress and submit to her control and
authority. The Angel of the Lord also told her she would bear a son and this
would be the beginning of a great nation and she was to call her son’s name
ISHMAEL, which means “God hears”.
In recorded history up till this point of time, we see that the ANGEL of the
LORD is only referred to. In Gen. 48:16 we see that the ANGEL of the LORD
is identified as the Redeeming Angel, not created being but “The Christ”
We see in this early stage that Jesus Christ, in his “SPIRITUAL” form visited
the mother of what was to become the beginning of the Arabian nation and
proclaimed to her that she would bear a son and she was to call his name
Jesus Christ was watching over the Arabian nation even before its birth and
the prophecy was to go on to give a very clear picture of how the Arabian
nation was to dwell and act in times to come.
“And the Angel of the Lord (continued his message) See now, you are with
child, and shall bear a son and his name shall be Ishmael (which means “God
hears”) because the Lord has heard and paid attention to your afflictions.
And (Ishmael) shall be as a wild ass among men - his hand will be against
every man and every man’s hand shall be against him - and he shall live to
the east and on the borders of all his kinsmen. : So she (Hagar) called the
name of the Lord who spoke to her, “You are a God of seeing” for she
said, have I not even here in the wilderness looked after Him who sees me and
lived. Or have I seen the (future plans, designs or purposes) of Him who sees
So the well where the Angel appeared to Hagar was called Beer-lahai-roi
(which means, a well to the Living One Who sees me) -it is between Kadesh
and Bered.

And Hagar bore Abram a son - and Abram called the name of his son, whom
Hagar bore him “ISHMAEL”. Abram was 86 years old when Hagar bore
If we look at the history of the Arab nation we see that the prophecy about
them given by the Angel of the Lord is in fact true.

Clarke's Commentary has this to say about the Arabian nation:

“Nothing can be more descriptive of the wandering, lawless, freebooting life
of the Arabs than this. From the beginning (of their history)1 to the present
(age) they have kept their independence, and God preserves them as a lasting
monument of His providential care and incontestable argument of the
truth of divine revelation. Had the books of Moses no other proof of their
divine origin, the account of Ishmael and the prophecy concerning his
descendants during a period of nearly 4,000 years, would be
sufficient. To attempt to refute it would be a most ridiculous presumption
and folly”.
So, at this stage in history, we should now look at what has really happened
here. At this early stage, in the creation of the Arabian nation, it is Jesus
Christ that is starting to care for them (Not Mohammad).
I am sure that many Arabs today do not realize this very significant fact,
because when Jesus Christ became flesh, in accordance with the prophecy of
the Prophet Isaiah, and dwelt upon the earth, many Arabs did not accept
Him as their Messiah, just the same as the Jews in the nation of Israel at that
time also refused to accept Him as their Messiah.
In both cases their eyes were closed by Satan, just as it was stated by the
prophets, Isaiah, Jeremiah and Ezekiel about the Jewish nation.
After Jesus Christ was crucified and ascended into Heaven to again to take
up His place as the Lamb, (tortured, reviled, beaten and finally hung on
the cross) sacrificed for all mankind, we see both the Jews and the Arabs go
off on divergent paths, but let’s look at that later in the story as we continue
When Abram was 91 years old the Lord God appeared to him and said these
words :-“ I am God Almighty, walk before me and be blameless
in my sight. I will confirm my covenant between me & you & greatly
increase your numbers. As for me, this is my covenant with you. You

The comments in brackets in the above quotation from the Clarke's commentary is that of the author

will become the father of many nations. You will no longer be called
Abram (which means exalted father) your name will be Abraham
(which means father of many). For I have made you father of many
nations. I will make you very fruitful, I will make nations and kings
come from you, but you must follow my commandments and I will be
your God. As for Sarai your wife, you are no longer to call her Sarai,
but Sarah, I will bless her and surely give you a son by her so that she
will be the mother of many nations.”
At first Abraham did not believe that a man of 100 years could be a father
of anybody, especially seeing that throughout all this time his wife had
not conceived any children. God Almighty reconfirmed that this would happen.
God Almighty also told Abraham that his wife would bare him a son and he
was to call his name Isaac (which means laughter or he laughs). So now
Abraham is to be that father of two (2) sons.
One is Ishmael and the other Isaac. (The names mean: “God hears,
laughter”). It is interesting that the meaning of the 2 sons, the father of the
nations should have a name for joy.
God also told Abraham that Isaac would be the father of 12 nations and so it
was that after the destruction of Sodom & Gomorrah by the angels for its
wicked crimes God honoured His promise with Abraham and Sarah gave birth
to a son and he was called Isaac.
On the 8th day Isaac was circumcised in the temple as was the commandment
given to Abraham by God. So now we have the 2 sons, Ishmael the father of
the Arabian Nation, as promised by the angel to Hagar in the desert, and
Isaac, the father of the Jewish Nation, chosen by God Almighty to be His
people and for them to obey Him, to worship no other Gods, and to walk
in accordance with His words and commandments.
Everything was peaceful in the household of Abraham while Isaac was a
child at his mother's breast, but when the time came for Isaac to be
weaned Abraham decided to hold a great feast.
It was at this feast that Sarah noticed that Ishmael showed contempt for Isaac
and she remembered her mistake of allowing Hagar to be with her husband
and to bear a son by him. So she decided that Ishmael should not share in
the inheritance of her rightful son and heir Isaac.
Sarah went to Abraham and told him to send Hagar and her son away so they
would not share in the promise of Isaac. This request caused much distress to
Abraham because he greatly loved Ishmael his firstborn son.
But God Almighty appeared to Abraham and advised Abraham to listen to
and take heed to what his wife had told him. God reconfirmed to him that
it would be through his real heir Isaac that the promise of
many nations would be fulfilled, but in recognition of the fact that Abraham
truly loved Ishmael and he was of the flesh of Abraham God promised
Abraham that through Ishmael there would become a great nation of
people, the ARABS.

We, who live in this generation, have indeed seen the fulfilment of this
prophecy, with King Saud bringing all the tribes in Saudi Arabia under one
sovereign king, and commencing to rule as no other king in this area had
ruled before him, bringing his people into the 20th century and wisely using
the revenues from the oilfields to help develop his nation and bring
prosperity to God's people.
But unfortunately, by this time the Arab nations had turned away from
following the true God and were following the imitation of God, through the
teachings of Mohammed and following the Qur’an instead of God’s Holy Word,
the “Torah”, The “Zabbour” and the “Ingeel” of God’s Holy Word.
Many of you at this stage, if you are Muslim, may think that I am wrong in
making this statement. You believe that the Qur’an IS the Holy Word of God.
For this time, I the writer will respect your beliefs, but because I
respected your beliefs I now ask you to continue to read this book, as I
will refer to the Qur’an in it, and show you from your own book, who the
TRUE GOD really is, and as a practising Muslim, I will
then challenge you to follow the words which are clearly laid down in the
Qur’an about God.
Of course, if you refuse to follow the teachings, as identified to you from you
own Qur’an, you are also denying God himself, and refusing to follows Him.
God chose the Arabian people to be a witness to the world, just the same as
He chose the Jewish nation to be a witness to the world, but each was to go
towards God via a different path, be tried in different ways,
be caused to suffer many trials and hardships, but also to receive many
blessings in return to fulfil the promises that God did make personally to
All this is shown in many books of history, they can be confirmed in
many different books, universities and languages throughout the whole
world, so it is pointless for me to try to show it all here in this book, it is
enough to acknowledge that this was the beginning of the
two nations and let the history books fill in the gaps, as we continue ”IN
It is important to mention that Ishmael married an Egyptian maiden, as
arranged by his mother Hagar and they had several children, which are
listed here to show the accuracy of this record in accordance with God’s
Holy Word, as recorded by the Prophet Moses, who is recognised by both the
Arabs and the Jews, (as well as the Christians), as being a great man of
This is the account of Abraham's son Ishmael, whom Sarah's
maidservant, Hagar the Egyptian, bore to Abraham.
These are the names of the sons of Ishmael, listed in the order of their birth:-
Nebaioth the firstborn of Ishmael, Kedar, Adbeel, Mibsam, Mishma,
Dumah, Massa, Hadad, Tema, Jetur, Naphish and Kedemah.

These are the names of the sons of Ishmael and of the twelve Arabian tribes
that they were to rule. You will notice that Ishmael had 12 sons and there
were 12 tribes.
When you look at the sons of Isaac you see he was only the father of 2 sons,
one for good and one for evil.
Of the evil we see Esau who is to become trouble for the Jewish nation
because he does not keep his tribe pure, by marrying into different tribes and
causing much pain to his parents in the end. On the other hand, we see Jacob
who is loved by both his mother and his father and obedient to both of his
parents. He marries into his own tribe and keeps his tribe pure by marrying
the two daughters of Laban, who were the daughters of his own mother's
Jacob was also a man who walked with God and followed all of His ways. As a
result God blessed him with 12 sons to commence the 12 tribes of what was
to become the Nation of Israel.
Now God appeared to Jacob in a vision and identified himself as the Almighty
God and told Jacob to walk continually in the ways of his father and
grandfather, so that God could continue to protect and bless him. God
Almighty also told him that from that moment onwards he would no longer
be called Jacob, but his new name would be changed to ISRAEL.
Now of the descendants of Jacob, (Israel) one bears mentioning, that is
Joseph, because this can show how God can bless a man who is
prepared to follow God in everything, never putting evil before the
Joseph was born to Jacob in his old age and was much loved by his father.
When it came time for Jacob to choose the person to rule and administer his
household in his old age Jacob chose Joseph above all his older brothers to
perform this function.
This caused the older brothers to despise and envy their younger brother and
as a result they plotted ways to get rid of him.

We see in this account, which happened at least 6,000 years ago, the causes
of much of the world's problems today. People see others getting recognition
above them, they become jealous and try to bring that person down by any
means they can. In a final attempt either war on assassination is used to bring
people down.
And so the brothers decided to kill their younger brother Joseph, i.e. all
except one who still believed that to kill was against God's law.
So as a compromise they decided to sell off Joseph into slavery, hoping
never to see him again.
One of the mains reasons that they wanted to get rid of Joseph was because
he told them God had given him a dream and in that dream all the sheaves
of wheat held by the older brothers bowed down to the sheaf of wheat that
Joseph held in his hands.

The brothers did not want to believe that the dream came from God nor that
they would ever bow down to their younger brother.
And so they sold their brother into slavery and produced a lie to show to
their father. They killed a goat and smeared the blood onto the coat given
to Joseph by his father and told him they found it and that Joseph must
have been killed by a wild animal.
This lie was accepted by their father and much sorrow was in the house
while Jacob mourned the apparent loss of his son.
Meanwhile the sons started to realize the enormity of their crimes and also
came to realize that not only did they miss their younger brother but that
they in fact really loved him. But they realized this too late to correct the
wrong they had done, so they had to continue to live the lie they
had made to their father.
Many people today are also like this, they do something wrong, tell lies
to cover up for it and then because of a prideful heart they are too
ashamed to reveal the truth and accept the punishment for
their sins. This is not only limited to individual people, in some cases whole
groups, or even nations resort to this kind of action, not under the will of
God but under the influence and power of Satan.
To some degree or other this action has been taken by both the Jews and the
Arab nations since they came into existence and God is displeased with
both nations as a result of it.
Meanwhile poor young Joseph was taken off to Egypt to
commence his life as a slave in the house of Potiphar, an Egyptian and
an official of the Pharaoh of Egypt, the captain of the Royal Guards.
Now even though Joseph had been sold into slavery, he continued to walk
with God and to do what was right in the sight of God and as a result all
that he did worked out correctly and his master commenced to
realize that God was with his servant so he was made responsible for the
whole household everything in it was under the control, all that is except his
master’s wife.
Now from all accounts it appears that Potiphar was older than Joseph & may
be not as handsome because it was not long afterwards that the wife
decided to seduce the Master's trusted servant. She tried every
means she knew to get Joseph to go to bed with her - but he refused telling
her that he was trusted by the master and this would be a breach of that
trust. Also he said she was already married and that for him to do this would
be to sin against his God. Now in today's society if a man was given that
same opportunity, it would be a different story, in most
cases. Today, both males & females don't seem to care about the sanctity of
marriage anymore. We see many Muslims & Christians coming to Bangkok
for a holiday and becoming entwined in the romances of the local girls and
ending up in bed with them, irrespective of whether they are married back
home or not, it does not seem to matter to them.

So Potiphar's wife laid a trap for him. When the master was to go away
for several days he charged Joseph to take care of everything until his
return. The wife sent the servants away and then enticed Joseph to come
to her bedroom to make love to her. Joseph again refused and this so
angered the wife that she accused Joseph of attempted rape and
produced a piece of his clothing which she tore from his clothing when he
refused to touch her and claimed she had torn this from his clothing whilst
she was trying to protect herself from his advances.
The master was very angry, but deep down in his heart he knew that
Joseph was innocent of this accused crime, but he was put in a situation
whereby he had to decide if his wife, or the servant, was telling the truth.
If he said he believed his wife, then the servant must go to prison. If he
said that he believed the servant, then he must accept the fact that his
wife was not telling the truth and then find out from Joseph what the truth
really was. The thought of the humiliation of the truth was too much for
him, being a man in a high position, so he took the EASY WAY OUT, he
took the word of his wife and concealed the truth, thinking that the problem
would disappear, but it did not, Joseph had to be sentenced to gaol.
Even in gaol, Joseph continued to pray to God for His leading and guidance,
and in the 13 years that Joseph remained in prison, the Lord blessed him
and remembered his prayer and through the God given gift of interpretation
of dreams, Joseph was released from prison and elevated to the position of
2nd in command of all of Egypt, only answerable to His God and the
It was in this high position that the prophecy of the sheaves of wheat bowing
down to the sheaf controlled by Joseph came true and Joseph was again
united with his family. With the permission of the Pharaoh of Egypt Jacob
and his descendants lived in the land of Goshen as the 12 tribes of Israel for
400 years until God called Moses back to Egypt to deliver God's message
to the Pharaoh to :let my people go:
For 400 years, the tribes of Ishmael dwelt in the lands of Canaan and the
lands surrounding it, preying on the merchants and robbing the people of
their goods, just as was prophesied by God Almighty.
In the same 400 years, the 12 tribes of Israel lived in the land of Egypt and
became the slaves of the Egyptians, suffering hardship and punishment at the
hands of the Egyptians, but continually praying and crying out to God for
their deliverance.
So the tribes of Israel were awaiting for a deliverer
to free them from the terrible hands of their
Egyptian taskmasters and God needed a very special person to take the
responsibility of leading Israel into the freedom of the promised land. God
chose Moses, a Jew who was raised in the house of the Pharaoh as
the supposed son of the Pharaoh's daughter. He was raised and educated
as a prince of Egypt (and all along God was preparing him to become

the prince in the wilderness).
When Moses was about 40 years old he assaulted and killed an
Egyptian overseer who was administering
severe punishment to the Jewish slaves. For this action Moses was forced
to flee Egypt and to live in the desert. He met the priest of Midian who is
known in the bible by 3 names: Reuel, Jethro and Hobab, a God fearing
man of the descendants of Ishmael who was cast out of his
village because he continued to pray to and trust in the Almighty God.
So even among the Arab nation at that time, there were still people who
put all their trust in God and tried to set out their daily live on the pattern
given to them by Abraham.
Moses was :IN SEARCH OF THE TRUTH: and he wanted to confront this God
of Israel face to face and ask why He had allowed them to suffer for so long,
if He was a God of justice and mercy that Moses had been told God Almighty
For 40 years, married to Zipporah, the eldest daughter of Reuel, (Jethro)
the priest of Midian, Moses tended his father-in-law’s sheep and asked these
questions to God. Why do you close your spiritual ears to the cries of your
chosen people in Egypt and for 40 years he did not receive an answer.
The reason was that God had to test his chosen leader and mould him into
the shape that God had chosen him to be, to remove the pride that one
obtains when you are raised in a wealthy environment, to learn
as a shepherd does, that God is the provider, He is :El Shaddai: the
When the Pharaoh died who had issued the instruction which caused Moses to
flee from Egypt, God did speak to Moses and Moses was never the same
again. God revealed that He had in fact heard the cries of His people in
Egypt and that Moses was to go back to Egypt and tell Pharaoh to :LET God’s
PEOPLE GO:. History reveals that Moses, with mighty miracles from God, was
able to secure the release of the nation from slavery and bondage in the
land of Egypt and to bring them out into the desert, to commence their new
life as a free nation.
As was promised to Abraham, through the line of your natural seed, (that is
through Isaac) God was to choose His people. They were to be His people, to
walk with and follow His ways and He would be their God and
would bless them and protect them, if they were obedient to His laws.
Throughout the 14 generations from Abraham to the birth of King David
the Jewish nation were at one time obedient to God and at another time
disobedient to God. When they were obedient God blessed them and
peace reigned in their region. When they were disobedient, there was
war with their neighbours and their crops and animals become diseased, just
as God promised them. God had given them the LAW, as written in the 10
COMMANDMENTS to be obeyed by all. If the world today was able to follow
just these 10 laws in every land then there would not be any need for peace

keeping forces, for there would be no wars, for everyone would be at
peace with each other.
For those people who have never heard of these 10 Commandments, they
are written here for your knowledge and I pray to the God of our Fathers that
as you read them there will come a desire into your heart to try
to put them into practise as you continue :IN SEARCH OF THE TRUTH:
I AM the Lord your God, who brought you out of Egypt, out of the
land of slavery, you shall have no other gods but me.
1. You shall not make for yourselves any image of anything in the
heavens, on the earth, or below the earth for an idol.
2. You shall not bow down to any idol to worship them: for
I AM a jealous God, punishing the children for the sins of
their fathers to the third and fourth generation of those who hate
me, but showing love to the thousands who love me and keep my
3. You shall not take the Lord's name in vain. For the Lord God will
not hold anyone guiltless who misuses His name.
4. Remember the Sabbath day and keep it holy. Six days only
shall you work and on the 7th day you
shall rest and give thanks unto the Lord God Almighty. For in
6 days the Lord God made the heavens and the earth, the seas
and all that is in them, but He rested on the 7th day. Therefore
the Lord God blessed the 7th day and made it Holy.
5. Honour your father and your mother, so that you may live long
in the land the Lord your God has given you.
6. You shall not commit murder.
7. You shall not commit adultery.
8. You shall not steal. You shall not bear false witness against
your neighbour.
9. You shall not covet (envy, desire, hunger for)
your neighbour’s house.
10. You shall not covet (envy, desire, hunger for) your
neighbour’s wife, or his manservant, or his
maidservant, his oxen or his donkey, or anything (at all)
which belongs to your neighbour.
So as you quickly look through these 10 simple laws you think it is easy to
follow them, :its a piece of cake, you say.:
Well let me give you a little surprise. The bible says that ALL HAVE SINNED
history of mankind there was not one naturally born man or woman who has
been able to keep these 10 SIMPLE COMMANDMENTS.
The only person that was able to keep these 10 commandments was JESUS
CHRIST Himself!

As we said at the close of chapter 2, the only person to be perfect in all
respects associated with the law was Jesus Christ, a person who was
rejected by the Jewish nation, even though at his crucifixion there was
a nameplate above his head which clearly identified Him as King of the
But before we discuss this fact let us look at who Jesus was and how He was
born. All through the Old Testament of the Bible, the Torah of the Jewish
Nation, and later in the Qur’an it was recorded in the words of the
prophets that there would come a Messiah and he would be preceded by a
man appointed by God and anointed by the Holy Spirit from birth. This man
would come :as a man crying in the wilderness, turning the fathers to their
sons and turning all peoples back to God.:
It is clearly recorded that there did come a man called John the Baptist,
the son of Zechariah, who belonged to the priestly division of Abijah, who
was married to Elizabeth. It is recorded that both walked righteously before
the Lord and that the Lord was pleased with them.
But Elizabeth was barren and both of them were now well advanced in
An Angel of the Lord appeared to Zechariah whilst it was his
turn to minister in the Holy Temple in Jerusalem, (where now the AL-
ASKA mosque is constructed).
The Angel of the Lord told him that his wife was to bare him a son who
would be filled with the Holy Spirit from birth and that he was the one
referred to by the prophets: to prepare the way for the coming of the Lord.
Zechariah did not have faith enough to believe that God could perform a
miracle like this. As a sign that he had been in the presence of a divine
being and as punishment for his unbelief, the Angel Gabriel said he would
not speak another word until the boy child was born and he would name him
And so for 9 months, Zechariah was forced to write messages on tablets to
make his wishes known to all around him. I am sure he would never
forget the visit of Angel Gabriel and the revelation given to him and what
happens to people who do not believe the words given in prophecy by angels.
But on the 8th day after the birth of his son, they went to the
temple as commanded by God, for the circumcision and the naming of the
Knowing that Zechariah was not able to speak they asked Elizabeth for the
name of the child and was told JOHN. This surprised everyone present as
that name was not any of their immediate relatives, so
they asked Zechariah to name the child and immediately he was able to

speak and praise the Lord by naming the child John and telling all present
what had happened to him in the temple.
And John grew under the divine power of the Holy Spirit, he preached in
the wilderness and turned many back to God, baptizing them in the river
Jordan, as a sign of their changed attitude to God, and as a public
declaration and witness to their belief in the one and only living God.
But when asked by the scribes and Pharisees if he was the CHRIST, John
answered them in this way :- “I baptize you with water. But one who is
more powerful than I will come, the thongs of whose sandals I am not
worthy to untie. He will baptize you with fire and
the Holy Spirit. His winnowing fork is in His hand, to clear His threshing
floor (after the harvest) and to gather the wheat into his barn, but He will
burn up the chaff (the husk or what is left over after the fine grain has
been selected) with a fire which can never be extinguished”.
The news that a new child is to be born to a family is always cause for a
celebration and much talk and preparation by the prospective parents and
grandparents. Many things have to be purchased, or made by hand, little
booties, clothes, etc., all made with special care so that the baby will look its
best when taken to see other people.
But these preparations only take 9 months, from the time of conception,
till the time of the child's birth.
The preparations that God Almighty took, in the birth of Jesus Christ, took
just a little longer.
The prophetic utterances given by the prophets that a Messiah
was to be born span 42 generations of mankind, or about 3500 years.
In the book of Psalms King David records the promise given by God that of his
seed would be raised up a king who would reign forever, “of the seed of
Jesse and of the tribe of Judah there would come a king who is Christ to Lord.”
In the writings of the prophet Isaiah, it is clearly indicated how the Saviour
would be born. Then Isaiah said:- “Hear now oh house of David; Is it not
enough to try the patience of men? Will you try the patience of my God
EMMANUEL.” (which means God is with us)
God was going to perform a miraculous birth, to prove to mankind His power
over the elements and also His mercy and grace. Not only was it prophesied
how the Saviour would be born, but also where, in what town.
“But you BETHLEHEM, in the land of Judah, are by no means least among the
rulers of Judah, for out of you will come a ruler who will be the shepherd
(guide, counsellor, ruler) of my people Israel.”
So we have been foretold the following details:-
 How He will be born.
 Where He will be born.

 When He will be born.
But you say I have only told you 2 of the prophecies, but not the 3rd. But you
see, I have already told you the third - John the Baptist, the voice crying
in the wilderness, “Prepare Ye the way for the Lord”.
The family for John the Baptist had been chosen already, now it was the
time to find a woman, who was worthy in God's sight, to be the mother of
God's Son. God found such a person in Mary, who was soon to be betrothed
to Joseph of the tribe of Judah, a direct descendant of Jesse and King David.
A short time after Angel Gabriel visited Zechariah in the temple, the Angel also
visited Mary, as recounted in Luke's Gospel.
“In the sixth month, God sent the Angel Gabriel to Nazareth, a town in
Galilee, to a virgin pledged to be married to a man named Joseph, a
descendant of David. The virgin's name was Mary. The Angel went
to her and said:- “Greetings, you who are highly favoured, the Lord is with
you.” The Angel continued. “Do not be afraid Mary, you have found favour
with God. You will be with child and give birth to a son and you are to give
him the name JESUS. He will be great and will be called the Son of the Most
High. The Lord God will give Him the throne of his father David, and
He will reign over the house of Jacob forever - HIS KINGDOM WILL NEVER
Mary asked the Angel : “How this could possibly happen, as she was a virgin
and at that time, not married.” The Angel replied :- “The Holy Spirit will come
upon you, and the power of the Most High God will overshadow you. So
the Holy One to be born, will be called the SON OF GOD.”
The Angel went on to tell Mary the good news about Elizabeth and her
expected child.
Even Elizabeth your relative, is going to have a child in her old age, and
she who was said to be barren is in her sixth month. For nothing is
impossible with God.”2
Mary accepted the news, as startling as it was, from the angel with the words:
“I am the Lord's servant. May it be to me as you have said”. And so it
was that the preparations for God's son to be born were
almost complete. The only thing still not prepared was the place in which the
Son was to be born.
Now Joseph the betrothed of Mary came from Nazareth, not Bethlehem, so it
would be natural for them to settle in that town, seeing that they both
came from that place and that Joseph had been trained there to
be carpenter, and had established himself there as a trusted worker.
So for the World of God to be fulfilled, Joseph and Mary must travel to
Bethlehem, and be there at the time when the child is to be born.

Note that this statement is an answer to a question it is NOT a doctrine!

Now God could have taken the easy way out. He could have sent Angel
Gabriel back down to Joseph and Mary and told them to go to Bethlehem so
the child could be born there and the prophecy fulfilled. But no, God used an
unbeliever, in fact a Roman Emperor, to
set the wheels in motion to have the prophecy fulfilled.
If you do not know the history of the birth of Jesus Christ, you may be now
think that I have moved from writing a factual account of the events to
writing fiction, even a fairy tale. But the truth sometimes is more strange
and exciting than fiction, and this was the case at this special time.
The truth unravels like this, as recounted in the Gospel of St. Luke.
In those days the Emperor of Rome, Caesar Augustus issued an Imperial
Decree that a census should be taken of the entire Roman Empire. This was
the first census which took place while Quirius was governor of Syria.
Everyone went to their own town to register. Now for a Roman or for a Greek,
that was simple, you just went to the town where you were born and
But for a Jew, it meant going to the place which was given to them by
God, when the promised land was divided into each of the 12 tribes and
then to each family of the tribe, within that specific area.
So Joseph and Mary went from Nazareth, in the area of Galilee, to Judea and
the specific town of Bethlehem, the town of David, because Joseph
belonged to the house and tribal line of David.
Joseph went there together with Mary his betrothed bride, to register and
at that time she was expecting to give birth to a child, conceived in her by
the power of the Holy Spirit. The child was born there
in a manger (small barn for keeping the animals during the cold Israel
Winters), because there was no room for them to sleep at the inn in that small
So the prophecy of the place where Jesus, the Messiah was to be born
was fulfilled, in a way which can easily be established from the history books,
as to the exact date of his birth.
Now you may think that it is strange for the Son of God, the same God, who
created the heavens and the earth in six (6) days, to be born in a manger.
He could have been born in a special palace, because the prophecy went on to
say that his kingdom shall have no end.
But that was the stumbling block for the Jews, and a glory to the Gentiles.
The Jewish nation was looking for an earthly king, one who would be
mighty in battle, one who would overthrow the Romans and once again
allow the Jews to live in peace and freedom in their lands.
There were not looking for a spiritual king, one who would be a servant, for all
mankind, who accepted the gift he was, an offering for the whole world.

But God, (like any other father), was overjoyed at the birth of his first born
and only Son. He sent a heavenly messenger, an angel, to proclaim the
good news that Jesus Christ was born.
And so it was that an Angel appeared to some
shepherds who were in the fields outside of Bethlehem, tending their
flocks by night. The glory of the Lord shone all around them, and they were
afraid, in fact they were terrified.
But the angel calmed their fears with these words, words which have now
become famous the whole world over, words which have been repeated
down through the 2,000 years since the birth of Jesus Christ, by many
millions of people.
“Do not be afraid. I bring you tidings of great joy that will be for all the
nations. Today in the town of David, a Saviour has been born to you, he
is Christ the lord. This will be a sign to you (to recognise the child), you
will find the child wrapped up in cloths and lying in a manger.”
Suddenly a company of the heavenly host appeared with the angel, praising
God and singing :- “Glory to god in the highest, and on earth peace, to men
on whom his favour rests.”
And so the shepherds went to see this amazing site, as foretold by the
angels, and they found Mary, Joseph and the newly born child wrapped up
in cloths, lying in a manger just as it had been told to them by the angel.
The shepherds went about spreading the good news and all who heard it were
amazed at the news which the shepherds were telling.
And so Jesus grew up and the power of the Holy Ghost was upon Him and
even at the age of 12 he astounded the scribes and the Pharisees with His
knowledge and understanding of the scriptures.
And so Jesus continued to grow in strength and
knowledge, as the Holy Spirit opened his
understanding, but the time had not yet come for Jesus to commence His
ministry and to proclaim to the world at large who He really was.
And so at God's appointed time, John the Baptist, under the inspiration and
urging of the Holy Spirit, commenced to preach, proclaiming that the
Jewish nation had become a sinful nation, before God, and
encouraging each and every Jew, as an individual, to turn away from their
sins, repent and again turn to the God of Abraham, the God of their fathers.
The message was preached with such power, conviction and purpose, that
many of the people, both Jew and Gentile alike, asked John what they must
do to repent of their sins.
John advises them to be baptized in water, as a public sign that they are
changing their way of life, and that they want to follow the God of their
fathers, in their daily lives.
And so they came to the river Jordan, in their thousands, to be baptized
as a sign of their change of attitude, and as a public demonstration of their

decision to follow God once more.
As John had answered before, when asked if he was the Messiah, he had told
the enquirer, that there would be one who comes after John, whose
shoelaces he was not worthy to touch, or to tie up, because the man was
the Promised One from Heaven.
And as John was baptizing in the Jordan one morning, there came to him with
the others for baptism, Jesus the Promised One from Heaven. To the
casual onlooker, he did not look any different to the other people who
were coming to make their declaration before God. But the Holy Spirit in
John, quickened and caused John to look up, to find out what was the
reason for the Spirit's quickening. As John laid eyes upon Jesus, he knew
that he had just seen the Messiah, the promise which God had given to
the world, which had been prophesied throughout many generations, the very
reason he had been preaching, the very answer to each persons problems,
in their search for the peace in God.
Now when John recognised Jesus he did not want to baptize Jesus, because
he considered that he was in fact unworthy of this honour. He in fact felt
he should be the one to be baptized by Jesus instead. Jesus’ reply, as
recounted in Matthew's Gospel (NIV), indicates the humble
attitude in which Christ commenced his ministry. “Let it be so now - it is
proper for us to do this (now) to fulfil all righteousness”
And so John baptized Jesus Christ in the river Jordan.
As soon as Jesus was baptized he went up out of the water and at that
moment the Heaven was opened and he
saw the Spirit of God (the Holy Spirit) descending like a dove and
alighting upon him. And a voice from Heaven said these words :-
God Himself confirmed to the world that JESUS CHRIST was His Son, the SON
Many people try to change these words, or try to put other interpretation on
them, but they do not make any sense.
God has been true to His words ever since creation. If he wanted to say
anything else He would have said it. But no, what God Almighty was in
fact saying was:­ “Yes John, you have recognised correctly, this is He who
you have been proclaiming, this is He who will take away the sins of the
world. This is He, who you correctly prophesied would baptize with fire and
the Holy Spirit.
God Almighty was, with these words telling John that his job was almost
finished, that he was pleased with the work that he done and to prepare
himself to meet his master.
The life and ministry of Jesus Christ has been written about by many
authors, all more gifted than myself, so it does not need me to write on
this subject but only to identify who Jesus Christ really
was so that when Judgement comes and each reader faces the Judgement

throne they will not be able to say, “we did not know, nobody told us
that Jesus Christ was the Son of God.”
Jesus went about teaching, performing many miracles some of which are
listed below:-
 Healing a blind man,
 Healing 10 people with leprosy,
 Healing a lady with an issue of blood for many years,
 Casting evil spirits of a man with a legion of evil spirits.

In addition to this and many other miracles, Jesus Christ raised Lazarus from
the dead, after he had been dead for several days, just to prove that the
power of God was even greater that the power of death.
Now there are many so called “religions” in the world today, but none of
them, not Hindu, Sikh, Islam, Buddhist, none of them can claim that their
Gurus, or leaders, or prophets were able to heal people, or
raise people from the dead, as Jesus was able to do, (and still is able to
For all those readers who are really searching for the truth, this fact must be
examined and the fact realized.
If Jesus Christ had the power over life and death, while He walked on the
earth, and the other leaders did not, then He must be the TRUE GOD and
the others must be false.
And so Jesus went about doing good and teaching the people who wished to
hear how to come to God and how
to be saved by Him from eternal punishment and destruction.
When Moses was told by God Almighty to go back to Egypt and tell the
people that he had be been chosen by God to lead them out of Egypt,
Moses asked God “Who shall I say has sent me to them”?
God Almighty Answered in these words :- “I AM WHO I AM (or I WILL BE
WHAT I WILL BE ) Tell them I AM has sent me to you”.
Even though the Israeli nation had not seen God the instruction given by God
to Moses was enough for them to believe and for them to be prepared to
suffer until the Pharaoh let the people go.
Jesus Christ came IN PERSON as the Son of God Himself and proclaimed in His
own words :- “I AM the way, (I AM) the truth, (I AM) the life, no man
comes to the Father (God the Father) except through me (God the Son).
Instead of making the people accept His words, many of the Jews then
started to plot to kill him. They were saying he was committing a crime by
declaring that he was the SON OF GOD.
(They were in fact saying he was committing a crime by telling the truth and
his actions were the proof of his words.)
And so the scribes and the priests, the high priest Ciaphas included, agreed
to get rid of Jesus Christ. The reason was very clear to them. The things He
was saying were too close to the truth for their comfort, many people were

listening to him. If they continued to listen then the position of
the High priest and the Sanhedrin would be in jeopardy and that meant
their positions in the community and their wealth was threatened, so he must
be got rid of permanently.
But not all agreed that Jesus should be killed. They could see that what he
was saying was in fact true. Others who knew the scriptures of the Torah
could see that Jesus Christ was in fact the Messiah, come to earth to save
the chosen people Israel.
But the High priest had his way, just as was prophesied in the
writings of the prophet Isaiah, hundreds of years before.
Jesus was captured by the Jews, handed over to the Romans after a trial
which was prophesied would be not in accordance with the prescribed laws
in force in the land.
Pontius Pilate, the Roman Governor could not find any fault in him. In the
eyes of the Roman Governor he was innocent. The Jewish King could not
find any fault in him either, yet it was decided to crucify
him as per the wishes of the people, because the multitudes of the Jews
And so it was that a man innocent of any sin before God, let alone any crime
as defined by man, was taken to the cross to be crucified.
And with that the Jewish leaders thought that their problem would be
over and that peace would again descend on their people.
They had not read the scriptures, nor had they understood what in fact
they had done by crucifying Jesus Christ. They in fact had just fulfilled the
prophecy of the book of Isaiah Chapter 53 and so now the rest of the
prophecy must come to pass.
Jesus was the sacrificial Lamb, the offering without
blemish, which was given freely by God, as a
sacrifice so that all people, of all nations, who realised the wonderful
love that God has for His creation, may be again reconciled to God
through acceptance and belief on His Son Jesus Christ.
The belief that Jesus went to the cross to pay for the crimes and the sins of
the world as a whole, and that he went to the cross for the sins of the
individual people, like you and me.
The love of God was so great for his people, His creation, that He was
prepared to give up His only Son, (as a sacrifice), that whosoever accepts
the truth and believes on Him, will not perish (at the judgement of the whole
earth) but will have communion with God forever, will have everlasting life.
This was, and is a magnificent offer that God has given to us. He prepared
for the birth of His Son for many generations, but His love was so great that
He was prepared to give it all up for us.
People through their daily actions, bring shame and disgrace on
the God who created them with their sinful actions.

Nations plot against nations, people try to deceive each other and call it good
business. Husbands cheat on their wives and think it is clever. Wives cheat
on their husbands because they say their husbands are
too busy with their office work to give them the attention and love they
People rob and steal, people rape for pleasure. This is the people that God
was prepared to sacrifice for, definitely not because we deserve it.
God wanted to sacrifice His Son for us so that He could give us the
power through the Holy Spirit to change our lives so that we
would not continue to do these terrible things.
To show the world just how powerful the God of creation really was, Jesus
rose again from the dead on the third day. This was in spite of the fact that
the Romans had placed guards at the entrance of the tomb and they had
rolled an enormous stone across the entrance to the tomb to stop any person
from stealing the body.
Jesus appeared to many of his followers after he rose from the dead and
continued to teach and advise them on the things to come.
At the appointed time Jesus again ascended into Heaven to sit at the right
hand of God Almighty, to take His rightful place as our defender and
advocate until the day of His return.
As Jesus ascended in a cloud into Heaven, there appeared angels who
told the people gathered that Jesus would return to earth just as they had
seen Him ascend, at the appointed time, to take His chosen people to live
with Him forever.
Now the believers of Islam believe that Jesus was in fact born of a virgin, as
prophesied by the prophet Isaiah, that he did live on earth and that He did
perform miracles and wonderful healings.
They also acknowledge that it is not recorded in the Qur’an that Mohammed
their prophet was able to perform healings, or to perform miracles, or to raise
anybody from the dead. But they refuse to believe that Jesus Christ went to
the cross, that he suffered and died for our sins.
As I understand their belief, they say that Jesus was taken up to Heaven by
God BEFORE THE CROSS and that Judas Iscariot, the betrayer of Jesus was
made by God to look like Jesus and that in fact it was Judas who was
crucified, for he sin of betrayal, not Jesus who was crucified, for the sins
of the world.
This is a logical assumption, on the surface. But if you look deeper at
this assumption, you are faced with the obvious question:­ “Why did Jesus
come down to earth in the first place, if it was God's plan to take Him back,
again to Heaven and crucify somebody else, who was a sinner, a person who
was unworthy to be offered as a sacrifice for the sins of mankind? The
explanation of the events is illogical.
The believers of Islam also say that the bible, as recorded today, is
not the same as that recorded before the birth of Jesus Christ. They
say the Christians changed the words, and that it is no

longer a true account of God's words, and promise, and that is why the
Prophet Mohammed was raised up to again, put people back onto the right
This statement was able to be discussed by Jewish and Christian scholars, with
the scholars of Islam for many Generations, but no evidence was able to
be given, to prove the statement, one way or the other, until recently.
The statement could not be proven until the discovery of the Dead Sea Scrolls
in Wadi Qumran in Jordan. These scrolls are now a valuable treasure on
display in the Islamic Museum in Jordan.
But let us not examine these scrolls here, let us continue “In search of the
truth” and see how things evolved through the next few hundred years from
the time of the ascension of Jesus Christ, the giving of the Holy Spirit to His
church and the beginning of the spread of the GOOD NEWS throughout the
then known world.
Jesus, in His last commission to His disciples told them “to go to all the world
and preach the gospel, teaching them to do all the things that Jesus had
shown and taught them, and to baptize them in the name of the Father, the
Son and the Holy Spirit. And Jesus assured them that He would be with
them till the end of time.”
Now with a commission like this, one would have thought that the
disciples would have been overjoyed to commence their missionary efforts
outside of Jerusalem, in the surrounding provinces, cities and
countries, in an effort to commence to spread the Gospel, as commanded
by the Lord.
This was again emphasized in Acts of the Apostles chapter 1:8, which
stated that the believers would receive power, when the Holy Spirit came
upon them, and that they would be my (Jesus’) witnesses in
(firstly) Jerusalem, (secondly) Judea, (thirdly) Samaria and (finally) to all
the rest of the earth.
But the disciples were not quick enough to carry out the commission that was
given to them, and so God had to prepare another method in which the
people would move out from Jerusalem to spread the Gospel.
Some of the Sanhedrin became incensed that these people continued
to preach that Jesus Christ had risen from the dead, and that they had
been given power by the Holy Spirit, to continue to do the work that Jesus
had started - the followers of Jesus were even performing miracles
This was too much for the local authorities of the Sanhedrin, they had to stop
this new sect before it got out of hand. They decided to beat the people who
were spreading this new doctrine and they believed
that would stop them. But Gamaliel, a renowned teacher of the law, a
person respected by both the Pharisees and the Sadducees in the
Sanhedrin told them to be careful how they treated this new
phenomena. He said that if it was from man, i.e. a
man created sect, then it would disappear into nothing and as such they

should not worry about it. If it was from God however, then if
they opposed it they would in fact be opposing God's will, even though at
this stage, they did not understand the meaning of it. So the Sanhedrin
decided to whip the speakers and to forbid them from speaking “in the
name of Jesus anymore”.
To the surprise of the Jewish leaders, the beatings only made them more
determined than ever, to preach the new Gospel and to spread the word
among the Jews and the Gentiles.
This was something new, the word was being preached to the other nationals.
as well as the Jews. For centuries the word was only preached to the
Jews. They believed that they were God's chosen people, they were better
than anybody else, that was why God chose them to be His people.
Of course if someone had suggested to the Jews, at that stage, that they
were the worst nation on earth, that's why God chose them, to show that
with His power and guidance, even the worst nation can be made
perfect, then they would have been most upset. (The person making such a
suggestion may have escaped with his life, if he was lucky.)
But they continued to persecute the new sect and referred to them as the
'followers of the way'. Some of the people were prepared to stay in
Jerusalem and suffer the persecution, even up to death but others
fled, in fear of their lives to places outside the city.
In Acts 1:8 God said to be witnesses in Jerusalem, Judea, Samaria and to
the ends of the earth.
In Acts 8:1 we see the fulfilment of the commandment of God to go to these
places and preach the gospel, but not because they went willingly, but
because they failed to go willingly, God sent them there to escape the
persecution that had commenced in Jerusalem. God uses many ways His
works and wonders to perform.
God used the people to perform miracles and marvellous healings to
show His power and authority to the people in these cities and many
people saw with their own eyes and believed in the power of the
resurrected Christ and repented of their evil ways, their wrong doings and
accepted Jesus Christ as their personal saviour and commenced to learn
the new way as taught by the disciples and apostles of Jesus Christ.
Even though at this time many people were accepting Jesus Christ as their
saviour, there was only one organization, the people heard the
conversation from the people who were with Jesus, who walked with Him and
talked with Him on a one to one personal basis.
Because the Jews had been taught from birth almost to recall what people say,
and to recite the Torah by heart, the accuracy of the accounts of what
Jesus said when He taught or when He performed miracles of healing were
not in question. The same story account heard from several sources, all bore
the same account and the same points were emphasized, so that little or no
changes took place in the 1st century churches.

But with the advent of missionaries, like Peter and Paul, going out
to new lands and making converts
among the gentiles, certain inaccuracies began to creep into the
information. This was not because the missionaries were telling a different
account, to the people in Jerusalem, no, this was because the
people hearing the message were not trained like the Jews had been, to
remember the accounts with the same accuracy, so when they passed on
the message to a third and fourth party, it became slightly different.
This then caused a certain amount of dispute among the different groups, so
much so that Paul was forced to write in one of his epistles that they should
not consider themselves as followers of Paul or Apollos, but that they were
the chosen flock of Jesus Christ.
Paul tried to prevent the differences becoming a problem. Paul did not
want to see the church become divided into small groups, fighting against one
another over small points. Satan was out there in control of the earth taking
many to destruction with him. Paul wanted all the groups to fight a common
cause, the fight was not against flesh and blood, one
person against another, but the fight was against principalities and powers,
the evil forces under the control of satanic beings.
But in the end division occurred and groups split off
from the main body to form their own church, following particular
points of doctrine, or law, and causing
ill feeling and I imagine much pain in
Heaven, as the Lord observed his bride start to
develop spots, as pride and envy established themselves in the churches.
Unfortunately these problems have not been overcome even today,
pastors still count numbers in their churches, they count QUANTITY, but
Jesus does not - He counts QUALITY.
It is time for the pastors, the whole world over, to come back to the basics of
the doctrines of Christ, establish a firm foundation, in accordance to ALL the
doctrines of Christ and then, as indicated in the book of Hebrews, chapter
six (6) continue on to PERFECTION, in the UNITY OF THE FAITH.
When Jesus returns to earth to collect His bride, He wants only ONE bride.
He does not, and will not, marry 1000 eligible brides, each slightly
different in appearance and understanding.
The Bible says that the Lord gave us the Holy Spirit to lead us into
ALL truth. It is about time we started to make use of the Holy Spirit,
in this particular facet, of the overall development of the BODY OF CHRIST.
But enough about the church today, it just shows how far we have gone away
from the original church which was in the beginning called “the followers
of the way” and later to be called “CHRISTIAN”.
When people today find out that I am an evangelist, one of the first
questions they usually ask me is
“What denomination are you?” They are quite surprised when I answer
Some will even continue the conversation like this :-
“Yes I know that you are Christian, but which denomination do
you belong to ??” Again I will answer “CHRISTIAN. I follow the teachings
of Jesus Christ, as revealed to me by the Holy Spirit, as written in all the
words of the Holy Scriptures.”
Evidence has shown that whenever man tries to interfere in God's plans
by changing something, even just a minor detail, then the result is
always disaster. That is why I follow the divine revelations of the Word
of God, not a doctrine of any denomination, which is the “tampered
works of God” as changed by man, in many cases to suit themselves, to
build up small empires, of property and finances,
to build up organizations, with people in high positions, demanding
large salaries, houses, cars, etc.
Jesus said: If you follow me, you will have no place to put your head. He was
saying that it was not to build large palaces on earth He came, but to win
souls back from satan to Himself, that is the prime task of the churches
It is written : “If you want to be great in God's Kingdom, learn to be
a SERVANT of all. As I go around the world to various countries, I notice
that the SERVANTS’ quarters at the various houses are always below the
standard of the master's house. The
clothing that the SERVANT wears is always the leftovers, second hand
me downs from 2nd hand shops.
Maybe we need to examine again the role of the church and its pastors in
light of what is written above. If churches used some of their wealth to
set up widows funds, like in the 1st generation churches,
and to concentrate more on providing for and caring for their sheep, instead
of showing how great their congregations are, by competing with one
another, many more people would respond to the gospel which is
being preached.
As one Muslim said to me when I was telling him about Jesus Christ. He
said, “Why should I become a Christian? You cannot even agree
among yourselves on what is the correct path. How could I a new
person, who does not know anything
about the correct path, choose the right denomination.? I may
choose and follow that path, but at the Judgement be told by Jesus “sorry
I do not know you”. He said it would all be wasted, and my soul would be
lost forever.”
Unfortunately, there is some sense in what he says, to our combined sorrow
and shame.


At a time when the churches had spread to all the known world, at that
time around 600 AD, there was born a man, who was to introduce a
doctrine, which would have a great effect on the world. His name was
Little is known about his early childhood life, except that he lived and
was raised in and around Taif, on the escarpment of the mountains in
Saudi Arabia, (as it is known today).
Taif, is at present a city of 50-60,000 people, the summer residence of
the king of Saudi Arabia. A beautiful place, in which I spent many days, in
my engineering consulting work, building the new telephone exchanges
for the Saudi Post and Telegraph Administration.
It is a town approximately 5,500 feet above sea level, a place where one
can obtain peace, as you watch the birds continually sailing in the hot
up draughts that come up the side of the escarpment, from the
Mecca/Medina plains, some 5,000 feet below.
It was here that Mohammed heard of the messages about God as a child,
about Abraham and Moses, about God's laws, the
10 commandments, and all the teachings of the prophets. It was here
also that he heard from a group of Arabian Christians, about Jesus Christ,
His birth, His ministry, His miracles and His death on the cross, His
resurrection from the dead, and His ascension into Heaven.
It was here also that he heard about the writings of John, and the book
of Revelations, the book that told of the coming judgement, and what
would happen to all people, who did not
accept and believe in God and in Jesus Christ.
But as is told by the Muslim believers themselves, Mohammed was illiterate,
he could not read and he could not write, and unfortunately for millions of
people today, he did not have the training, from childhood,
like the Jews, to be able to remember a teaching, as accurately as it was
So when the Qur’an was dictated by Mohammed, there were certain
deviations from the original text, of both the original Torah and the original
writings of the early apostles of the Ingeel, (what the Muslims refer to as the
bible) (New Testament).
But for many Arabs of that, and future generations, the Qur’an filled a hole in
their souls, it filled the emptiness that was there, that the teachings, that
had been passed down to them from Abraham, through Ishmael and the
many generations, did not fulfil. It gave them an ordered way of life, it gave
them a set ideals, the 5 pillars, or goals to achieve, in their search for a
closer walk with God.
And so the new doctrine spread, not without its problems. Just like when
the people began to preach the teachings of Jesus Christ, there was
opposition from the established Jewish community of the
Synagogues, so it was with the established Arabs, of both the Arabs, following
the teachings passed down from Abraham through Ishmael, and also the
Arabs following the teachings of Jesus Christ.
But Mohammed found sanctuary in Mecca first, and then later in Medina,
where the green mosque now stands,
to identify where Mohammed used to teach his revelations, as
interpreted by him from God.
Because it was easy to follow with ordered prayer times (5 times a
day) and regular teachings about God, many people who had up until now
followed either the teachings of the God of Abraham, or the teachings of Jesus
Christ, changed and commenced to follow the teachings of Mohammed and the
sayings as defined in the Qur’an.
But the Qur’an did not deny the existence of God, it did not deny that the
prophets of God had come to the lands and given God's instructions to his
people. It did not deny that Jesus Christ was born, or that he was able to
perform miracles. In fact it encouraged a devout Muslim to read the Torah
and the bible, if they wanted to search and know more about God, His
power and his promises for his chosen people. But as people did read all three
books they commenced to find differences in the accounts of events, which
were hard to explain.
If when reading the bible one found something which did not agree with
the Qur’an, then the person was faced with a basic problem :- either the
bible was right and there was an error in the Qur’an, or vice versa.
To overcome this dilemma, the muftis commenced to explain that the
bible, as now being read, was not the same at the time of Jesus. The
Christians had changed the text in some places to cause confusion and to
cause conflict. This explanation was accepted by the vast majority of the
Muslim followers and the Muslim religion spread rapidly throughout the then
known world.
But even though the Qur’an recognised the 10 commandments, as being
the divine instruction from God himself, as given to Moses, they did not
follow them in their worship.
In their call to prayer the Muslim recognises there is no God but God. This is
the first (1st) of the 10 commandments.
But the second commandment, as given to Moses is ignored by the
“You shall not make for yourselves an idol in the form of anything in
the heaven above or on the earth beneath or in the waters below. You
shall not bow down to them or worship them : for I the Lord God am a
jealous God, punishing the children for the sins
of the fathers to the third and
fourth generations of those who hate me, but showing love to thousands
who love me and (who) keep my commandments.”

The second commandment is quite clear. No graven images shall
be made and the people are clearly instructed not to bow down to any
image, or their children shall be punished for up to ´ generations.
So with such a clear instruction from God, why did the Muslims look at the
Kabah as an idol, and why do thousands of Muslims each year, go around
and round the Kabah, in Mecca, in direct contradiction to
God's word? Why do they face towards Mecca and bow down, in direct
contradiction of God's words, as told in the 2nd commandment?
No, that is not the case, I think they disobey this commandment in ignorance
and that if their muftis explain this to them they would change their ways,
so as not to bring judgement and punishment upon their children. And so it
is with other things which are identified now, as contrary to the original WORD
But surprisingly enough, the rise of the Muslim religion, was
prophesied by Jesus Christ himself, when He was teaching on earth.
When giving a teaching on giving and on prayer, Jesus gave this instruction,
as recorded in the book of Matthew, Chapter 6.
“Be careful not to do your acts of righteousness, before men, to
be seen by them. If you do, you will have no reward from your Father
in Heaven. So when you give to the needy, do not announce
with trumpets, as the hypocrites do in the synagogues (the Jews) and on
the streets, to be honoured by men. I tell you the truth, they have their
reward in full. But when you give to the needy, do not let your left hand
know what your right hand is doing. Then your Father, who sees what is
done in secret, will reward you. But when you pray, DO NOT BE LIKE THE
HYPOCRITES, for they love to pray standing in the synagogues,
you the truth, they have received their reward in full. When you pray, go
into your room, close the door and pray to your Father who is in
secret. Then your Father, who sees what is done in secret, will reward you.
they think they will be heard by their many words. DO NOT BE
LIKE THEM, for your Father knows what you need before you ask Him.
This is how you should pray:-
To the people who were listening to Him at that time, some of the things He
was saying did not seem to make sense. People did not stand out in the
street, at that time and pray, they went into the synagogues to
pray. People did not babble long meaningless prayer chains, at that time

But if you recognise that Jesus was in fact giving a prophetic utterance, to
those people around Him, at that time, of some future time and events,
then things start to become clearer.
Jesus was in fact saying :- There will come a time, in the future, when there
will be raised up a people who will worship as the hypocrites do. They will
stand on street corners and pray, so they can be seen by men.
They will have prayer chains, and they will recite long meaningless prayers,
and expect to be heard in Heaven because of this.
But examine the words of Jesus closely. Even the Muslims believe that
Jesus ALWAYS SPOKE THE TRUTH. Jesus said that “they have their
reward already.” they will not be rewarded by God in heaven” (because of
their pride, they want the praises of men.)
Jesus was in fact saying. I can see into the future, and I can see people who
are praying to God in this manner, believing that this is the true way to
pray, but I tell you now, so that when it happens you will know that this is in
fact not the way the Father in Heaven wants you to pray. To God in Heaven
this form of prayer is not acceptable and will not be answered by Him at all.
Jesus was giving a warning to all those who were prepared to listen,
understanding and act upon the words of Jesus Christ.
But that warning has gone on unheeded and God has not answered the
prayers of the multitudes who pray to Him 5 times a day - which is a
shame. This had continued now for nearly 1400 years, and still the
veil is over the eyes of those who choose not to go “IN SEARCH OF THE
But you say that the muftis are right, the Christians have changed the writings
of the bible and it is not the same now as it was in the early days before
Christ was born, or at the time that Christ was on the earth.
So now I challenge every Muslim mufti in the world with the following
statements :- Go to the Islamic Museum in Jordan, examine the DEAD SEA
SCROLLS, which are kept, not in a Christian museum, but in an Islamic
Museum. Have the age of the scrolls verified to you, to determine their
authenticity, (over 1500 years before Christ). Examine the complete works
of the book of the prophet Isaiah and see how God through this prophet
foretold the birth, life and death of the Messiah, the one to be called
Immanuel, which means GOD IS WITH US.
The evidence is quite clear, these writings which are in three languages,
(written long before Christ was born) includes a translation in ARABIC.
Take a copy of the St. James Bible, as translated into ARABIC, and compare
the two writings. You will be in for a pleasant surprise. BOTH TRANSLATION
If you are an serious scholar, and you are “in search of the Truth” you will
have to realize, that in fact the bible has not been changed from the one
written over 400 hundred years before Christ. It is in fact the Qur’an that
is in error.

Irrespective of this, if you are a serious Muslim, wishing to follow the path to
God, then I can show you in the next chapter how the Qur’an itself,
points the way to Jesus and how the Qur’an tells you to follow Him
and to do the things that Jesus taught, to reach salvation and acceptance
before GOD in Heaven, not through Mohammed, (the Prophet) but through
the saving grace of Jesus Christ.
The above statements spoken by Jesus Christ are also applicable to the
serious Buddhist who is longing to receive the enlightenment of God’s word
also. Buddhists believe in the progression to the fully enlightened state by
the good deeds you do and the many prayers that are offered to their many
stone images of Buddha.
But you see here also the Buddhists also contradict the
2nd commandment of the God who created the universe. The Buddhists
build images in the likeness of Buddha, bow down to their priests
and they offer sacrifices of food to their unreal God.
In this age of the 1980's it is hard for me to imagine a person believing
that placing some lotus flowers in front of a carved piece of stone is going
to make their lives any different than before.
If this Buddha is so powerful, where is the evidence that he was able to raise
people from the dead or heal a man who was blind, could not hear or
had leprosy.
If as a Buddhist you fulfil all the requirements as laid down in your
religious writings is there any guarantee that you will be enlightened???
What historical proof is there??
These are the serious questions that all persons must ask themselves about
their respective religions as we go “in search of the truth”.


As is known by all seriously minded Muslims, the bible, or Ingeel

as you refer to it was written approximately 600 years before the birth
of the so called prophet Mohammed.
You may be upset because I say to you only a “so called prophet”, not a
real prophet, well read on and examine the facts for yourselves and let the
Almighty God, the God that you believe in, the God of Abraham, reveal the
whole truth to you. So that we both start this chapter together in the correct
attitude to our God, let us pray together.
“Our God in Heaven, who made the heavens and the earth, who choose
Abraham to be the father of many nations, because he was a righteous man
who walked with fear before you. Please open our spiritual eyes as we
examine your divine word together. Reveal to us the hidden truths which you
have placed there, waiting for those who love you and want to know more
about you, open our eyes so that we may see and accept
these truths, not because we have been told them by someone else, but
because you yourself has opened our eyes to these truths now as we examine
your divine words. Amen”.
As a Muslim you believe that the Qur’an was given to Mohammed as the
divine revelation from God Almighty himself and that it is your duty to
follow its teachings to obtain acceptance by God Almighty so that when the
judgement comes you will be able to be accepted into
Paradise, which the Christians call Heaven. Therefore, as a good Muslim,
you must try to obey the words of your Qur’an.
Let us examine some of the passages of the Qur’an and see where it points
us, and as a good Muslim, you must therefore obey this leading, or you are
saying you believe the words of the Qur’an did not come from God.
All Muslims believe that there will be a time of judgement, a time when
Jesus Christ (Jesus the son of Mary) will come back down to earth to make
ready for the day of judgement and all Muslims must be ready for it and
able to recognize the signs of its happening.
The Qur’an says this about these events :- And he (Jesus son of Mary) shall
be a knowing sign for the coming of the hour (the birth and
resurrection). Therefore have no doubt about it and follow me (Allah) [be
obedient to ALLAH and do what
HE orders you to do, oh mankind!] THIS IS THE STRAIGHT PATH. (Sura
#43 Zukhruf: 61)
And let not Satan hinder you from the right path. Verily he (Satan) is to
you a plain enemy. (Sura #43 Zukhruf: 62)
And when Jesus came with clear signs He said “I have come to you with
wisdom and in order to make clear to you some of the points in which
DIFFER, therefore, fear ALLAH (God) and OBEY ME”
(Sura #43 Zukhruf: 63) The Qur’an says to obey JESUS CHRIST.
In Hadith #42:6 and Hadith #65· Mohammed said these words (as told by
Abu Huraira) :- Allah’s Apostle said :- “By him in whose hand my soul
is, (Jesus son of Mary) will shortly descend amongst you Muslims as a
just ruler”
In this statement by Mohammed, he himself said that Jesus would descend
among the Muslims as a RULER, not an Apostle, not a Prophet, but a RULER.
You of course know that a ruler is a person in authority and must be
obeyed if you are to live a just and peaceful life. How much more must we
obey a ruler sent from the Almighty God Himself and prophesied by
Isaiah, Jeremiah, King David, and even Mohammed.
If Mohammed says that Jesus is a ruler, then you as a Muslim must obey
Him as a ruler, sent from ALLAH Himself.
If Jesus is a ruler sent down from God then, as a good Muslim, you must try to
find out the real truth about Him and what He said for you to do if you are to
be accepted into Paradise at the time of Judgement.
Many Mufti (Malwi) teachers tell their followers that Jesus did not die on
the cross, that someone else died in His place.
This is not true. Even the Qur’an itself does not say this. But let us look at
that important point later as we continue “in search of the truth”.

In Shahih-al-Bakhari, Vol. 3, Hadith #425 and Vol.4 Hadith #657 it refers to
Jesus coming back to earth to be a LEADER and RULER of the Muslims.
Now as a serious Muslim student I want you to ask God to answer the next
series of questions for you.
Why is God going to send JESUS again to be a RULER and LEADER of the
Muslim nation???
Why is God not going to send a Prophet who appeared on earth before Jesus,
or a person who claims to be a prophet, who appeared after Him?
The basic question is ---- Why send JESUS CHRIST???
The Qur’an says that Jesus is coming back to rule and to Judge. No other
person referred to in the Qur’an can claim or fulfil these two function
because no-one else in the Qur’an is given this authority.
The Qur’an says that Jesus Christ is the WORD OF ALLAH.
In Sura #3 A1-i-Imran : 45 it says :- Behold!, the angel said :
“Oh Mary; Allah giveth glad tidings of a WORD FROM HIM : His name will be
The angel from God told Mary that the child she was to bear, whose name
was to be called Christ Jesus was a WORD FROM GOD Himself.
Can any other man or prophet claim that he is THE WORD OF ALLAH???
No; Jesus Christ is the only person in all of the Qur’an identified as the WORD
The Qur’an also says that Jesus Christ is a SPIRIT from HIM.
In Sura # 4 Nisaa : 171 it says these words. “Christ Jesus, the son of Mary,
was an Apostle (which means a sent one) of ALLAH and HIS WORD which He
bestowed on Mary and a SPIRIT proceeding from HIM”.
The Qur’an in this text clearly says that Jesus Christ is a Spirit from God
Himself. A Spirit from Allah, A Spirit from Jehovah.
Can any other man or prophet claim that he is the WORD AND SPIRIT
OF GOD HIMSELF ??? No, the only person in all of creation who can
TRUTHFULLY claim this title is JESUS CHRIST.
There were several other things which were special about Jesus Christ
which we should also examine.
Firstly, there was the special way in which He was born. The Qur’an tells of
the virgin birth of Jesus Christ.
In Sura #3 A1-i-Imran 47 it says these special words:- She said :- “Oh my
Lord; How can I have a son when no man has hath touched me??”
I ask you to think upon this mighty revelation from ALLAH. Why did ALLAH
select this unique method for the birth of Jesus Christ?? Why did ALLAH
choose to interrupt nature and the natural method of childbirth
for the birth of His chosen RULER, LEADER and JUDGE???
If I say to you that it was for a very special purpose
that the Lord God Almighty, the God of Abraham, yes ALLAH Himself,
choose this special way for Jesus Christ to be born.
It was so that there would be no inherited sin is his life, passed down to him
from an earthly father.

Because of his miraculous birth, with God performing the miracle of his
conception, Jesus Christ was born without sin.
Can any other man or prophet claim to be born by a virgin birth or free from
inherited sin?? No, only Jesus Christ can truthfully claim these titles.
The Qur’an also told that Jesus Christ preached to the people from childhood.
In Sura #3 A1-i-Imran : 46 it says these words :- “He (Jesus) shall speak to
the people in CHILDHOOD and in MATURITY. And He (Jesus) shall be of the
company of the RIGHTEOUS”.
Why could Jesus be of the company of the righteous? Because he was
born without sin and did not sin during His lifetime.
Can any other man or prophet claim that He is righteous?? No, only
Jesus Christ can claim that He is the RIGHTEOUS ONE.
With all of the statements now laid before you from your OWN holy book the
Qur’an itself, can you still say that Jesus Christ was only a Prophet??? No,
I think you now may start to consider that maybe Jesus Christ is something
more than a Prophet, but at this stage you are not quite sure what
else Jesus Christ is.
The Qur’an tells us that JESUS CHRIST lived on earth to guide the people to
the TRUTH and to perform the greatest miracles.
It is recorded that as well as making crippled people walk, deaf
people to hear, blind people to see, healed people with demons and
who had leprosy, He even was to raise people from the dead.
Refer to Sura #3 A1-i-Imran : 49. Who among men can claim to be able to
TRUTHFULLY perform these miracles? No-one except Jesus Christ Himself.
With all of the revelations about Jesus Christ, who is Jesus Christ??
The Qur’an says : “FEAR ALLAH AND OBEY JESUS CHRIST”. Who is this
Jesus Christ that we must obey???
Sura #3 A1-i-Amran : 45. Says that Jesus Christ is the Word of God. This
means that Jesus Christ is God's revelation of Himself to us.
The dictionary defines “WORD” as a manifestation and expression of the
mind, and WILL of GOD.
The mind of God is what He is, His expression of Himself to us. The will of
God is what God desires and requires from us.
In order to get a better and fuller understanding of what and who Jesus Christ
really is, let us examine some passages from both the Qur’an and the
Ingeel (Bible).
The particular edition of the Qur’an used for these texts is published by Dar
A1-Kitab Al Masri and the particular edition of the Ingeel is the New
International Version (NIV) published by Zondervan. As you read these two
sets of scriptures I pray that the Lord God Himself will start to open your
spiritual eyes to the truth of these words and allow you to
understand the real purpose of why Jesus Christ came to earth


Sura #21 Anbiyaa: 91 Matthew 1:20b-21

“And [remember] her who guarded “Joseph, Son of David, do not be
her chastity: afraid to take Mary home as your
We breathed into her of Our Spirit, wife, because what is conceived in her
and We made her and her son as a is from the Holy Spirit. She will give
sign for all peoples”. birth to a son and you are to give him
the name Jesus because he will save
his people from their sins”.

Both documents confirm that it was Mary that gave birth and that birth was
to be special and the son born to her was to be called JESUS CHRIST a
name given to her by an angel from God even BEFORE the child was born.
Not many people can claim that there name was chosen by God Himself,
before their birth and told to their parents before the child is born.


Sura #19 Maryam :20, 21 Luke 1:30-32, 34

She said, “How shall I have a son, 30 But the angel said to her, "Do not
seeing that no man has touched me, be afraid, Mary, you have found favor
and I am not unchaste?” with God.
31 You will be with child and give
birth to a son, and you are to give him
the name Jesus.
32 He will be great and will be called
the Son of the Most High. The Lord
God will give him the throne of his
father David,
34 "How will this be," Mary asked the
angel, "since I am a virgin?"

Again we see that both books confirm that Mary was a virgin who was
especially chosen by God to be the Mother of Jesus Christ. Both
books confirm that God performed a miracle in the birth of Jesus Christ.


Sura # 19 Maryam : 30, 31 Matthew 21:9

“He said: “I am indeed a servant of 9 The crowds that went ahead of him
God: he hath given me Revelation and and those that followed shouted,
made me a Prophet: and He hath "Hosanna to the Son of David!"
blessed me where so ever I bee and "Blessed is he who comes in the name
hath enjoined on me prayer and of the Lord!" "Hosanna in the
charity as I live”. highest!"

In this series of scriptures we see that God blesses Jesus Christ, that He is
given Revelation (visions) about things which existed at that time and
visions about things which were to come in the future.
For us to obey Jesus Christ we must become aware of what those
visions say and what we as individual people,
who fear God (ALLAH) must do to be in the perfect will of God.


Sura # 2 Bakara : 253 Luke 4:1

“… To Jesus, the son of Mary, We 4:1 Jesus, full of the Holy Spirit,
give clear [Signs] and strengthened returned from the Jordan and was led
him with the Holy Spirit ….” by the Spirit in the desert,

Here we see that God gave to Jesus Christ power by giving Him the Holy
Spirit. The power of the Holy Spirit gives you the ability to stand firm
against Satan (your enemy) and defeat him, when he tempts you to do evil
things. The Bible says each individual person can receive the Holy Spirit from
God, if they believe also.


Sura # 19 Maryam : 17, 19 Hebrews 4:15: 7:28

“We sent unto her Our Spirit and it 15 For we do not have a high priest
assumed for her the likeness of a who is unable to sympathize with our
perfect man. I am the messenger of weaknesses, but we have one who
the Lord that I may bestow on you a has been tempted in every way, just
faultless son.” as we are--yet was without sin.

28 For the law appoints as high

priests men who are weak; but the
oath, which came after the law,
appointed the Son, who has been
made perfect forever.

As was said earlier Jesus was special in that He was born without sin, a perfect
man, faultless before the eyes of God forever.
Because Jesus was perfect in the eyes of God, charged with the power of the
Holy Spirit, He was able to perform many marvellous miracles, as shown in the
following passages of scripture.


Sura # 2 Bakara : 87 John 3:2

“We gave Jesus the son of Mary clear 2 He came to Jesus at night and said,
[signs] and strengthened Him with the "Rabbi, we know you are a teacher
Holy Spirit”. who has come from God. For no one
could perform the miraculous signs
you are doing if God were not with
Sura # 29 Ankabut : 50

“Yet they say: ‘Why are not signs sent

down to him from his Lord? Say: ‘The
Signs are indeed with God: and I am
indeed a clear warner”.

In this passage we also get an indication of the fact that Jesus

Christ KNOWS what will happen in the future. For this reason alone, we
need to study His teachings, so that we know what events are to happen
in the future and be able to identify them when they do happen and prepare
ourselves for your ruler, leader and Judge.
So we have to accept that Jesus Christ is the means by which we can be
brought closer to God because He can be our mediator, or intercessor,
through Him alone can you be granted access to the throne room of
God Almighty and be granted the answers to your prayers and petitions.
Why, you may ask? Well, remember that Jesus Christ is the WORD OF GOD,
made flesh. The word comes out of the mouth of a person. The WORD OF
GOD came out the God Himself.


Sura # 43 Zukhruf: 61, 63 Matthew 24:29-32

“And [Jesus] shall be a sign [for the 29 "Immediately after the distress of
coming of] the Hour of Judgement: those days "'the sun will be darkened,
therefore have no doubt about the and the moon will not give its light;
[Hour] but follow ye Me: this is the the stars will fall from the sky, and the
straight way.” When Jesus came with heavenly bodies will be shaken.'
Clear Signs, he said: ‘Now have I 30 "At that time the sign of the Son
come to you with wisdom, and in of Man will appear in the sky, and all
order to make clear to you some of the nations of the earth will mourn.
the [points] on which ye dispute: They will see the Son of Man coming
therefore fear Allah and obey me.’” on the clouds of the sky, with power
and great glory.
31 And he will send his angels with a
loud trumpet call, and they will gather
his elect from the four winds, from
one end of the heavens to the other.
32 "Now learn this lesson from the fig
tree: As soon as its twigs get tender
and its leaves come out, you know
that summer is near.


Sura # 39 Zumar: 44 1 Timothy 2:5-7

“Say: ‘To God belongs exclusively [the 5 For there is one God and one
right to grant] intercession: to Him mediator between God and men, the
belongs the dominion of the heavens man Christ Jesus,
and the earth: in the end, it is to Him 6 Who gave himself as a ransom for
that ye shall be brought back’.” all men--the testimony given in its
proper time.
7 And for this purpose I was
appointed a herald and an apostle--I
am telling the truth, I am not lying--
and a teacher of the true faith to the


Sura # 3 Al-I-Imran :45 John 1:1, 14

“Behold!” the angels said: “O Mary! John 1:1 In the beginning was the
Allah giveth thee glad tidings of a Word, and the Word was with God,
Word from Him: His name will be and the Word was God.
Jesus Christ.”
14 The Word became flesh and made
his dwelling among us. We have seen
his glory, the glory of the One and
Only, who came from the Father, full
of grace and truth.

As has been stated in the words previously, Jesus Christ is our only means
of gaining access to God Himself, and Jesus can act as our intercessor to God
Almighty, if we believe in Him and ask Him to do so.
But many people today are told this is not the case, but we can see from the
word itself what is really true.
Many people are told that Jesus Christ did not die, but was raised up to
Heaven before death. The QUR’AN DOES NOT SAY THIS!!!
The Qur’an clearly says that Jesus Christ shall die. The Qur’an then goes on
to say that God will exalt Him and raise Him up to Himself. This means that
Jesus Christ first has to die. THEN BE RAISED FROM THE DEAD, and then
BE RAISED UP TO HEAVEN, to be exalted above all other Gods.


Sura # 3 Ali-I-Imran: 55 Philippians 2:8-9

“When Allah said: ‘O Jesus I will cause 8 And being found in appearance as a
you to die and exalt you in My man, he humbled himself and became
presence and clear you of those who obedient to death-- even death on a
disbelieve and make those who follow cross!
you above those who disbelieve to the
day of resurrection .”


Sura # 3 Ali-I-Imran : 55 1. Corinthians 15:3-5

“When Allah said: ‘O Jesus, I will 3 For what I received I passed on to

cause you to die and to exalt you in you as of first importance : that Christ
My presence ….”. died for our sins according to the
4 that he was buried, that he was
raised on the third day according to
the Scriptures,
5 and that he appeared to Peter, and
then to the Twelve.


Sura # 3 Ali-I-Imran: 55 Ephesians 1:19-21

“…. O Jesus! I will take you and raise you 19 and his incomparably great
to Myself …..” power for us who believe. That
power is like the working of his
mighty strength,
20 which he exerted in Christ when
he raised him from the dead and
seated him at his right hand in the
heavenly realms,
21 far above all rule and authority,
power and dominion, and every
title that can be given, not only in
the present age but also in the one
to come.


Sura # 5 Maida: 113, 114 Colossians 1:16-17

“Then God will say, “O Jesus son of Mary! 16 For by him all things were
Recount my favour to thee and to they created: things in heaven and on
mother. Behold, I strengthened thee with earth, visible and invisible, whether
the Holy Spirit, so thou didst speak to the thrones or powers or rulers or
people in childhood and in maturity. authorities; all things were created
Behold, I taught the the Book of Wisdom, by him and for him.
the Law and the Gospel. And behold! 17 He is before all things, and in
Thou makes out of clay, as it were the him all things hold together.
figure of a bird, by My leave, and you
breathest into it, and it becometh a bird,
by My leave. And thou healest those born
blind, and the lepers, by My leave. And
behold! Thou bringest forth the dead, by
My leave,”
John 1:3-4
Through him all things were made;
without him nothing was made that
has been made.
4 In him was life, and that life was
the light of men.
We see that to Jesus is given the authority to be the giver of life. I am not
telling you something from the bible here that is not also included in the
Qur’an. The Qur’an clearly says that by the leave of
Allah, (God Himself), Jesus Christ is given power over death. Jesus Christ is
given the power to bring people back to spiritual and physical life after they
have died.
Can any other man or prophet mentioned in the Qur’an or the Bible make
this claim?? No, only Jesus Christ can truthfully claim these things because
God Himself has given to Him, and only Him this authority. So we see that
Jesus Christ was more than a Prophet.

Jesus is greater than the angels

Heb. 1:4 says :­ “Jesus became as much superior to the angels as the
name He has inherited is superior to theirs.”
Jesus is looked upon in Heaven with authority that is higher than that of the
angels. Why? Because He is greater than the angels. He sits at the right
hand of God Himself, continually acting as the intercessor of
those people who believe on His name and the sacrifice He made on the

cross for us.

Jesus was greater than Abraham.

John 8:58 says :- “I tell you the truth,” Jesus answered, “before Abraham
was born, I am”.

Jesus was greater than Moses.

Heb. 3:3 says :- “Jesus has been found worthy of greater honor than
Moses, just as the builder of a house has greater honor than the house
Jesus said to God, as recorded in the Gospel of John 8:23, these words :
“Glorify Me In Your Presence With The Glory I Had With You Before The
World Began.”
Jesus said to his followers, his disciplines :- “You are from below; I AM from
above. You are of this world; I am not of this world”. (John 8:23)
Jesus was saying I am not from this world, but from another place. Jesus
was telling all those who will accept the truth, that he was more then just
on ordinary human being, He is the Son of God Himself.
So you say, if Jesus is the Son of God, (I am not completely convinced yet,
but just say if He is) why did God send Him to earth in the first place and
what shall be the signs in the earth or the heavens, so we can be ready for His
Yes, both the Qur’an and the Bible both prophecy that Jesus Christ will appear
on this earth again.


Sura # 43 Zukhruf: 61 Acts 1:10-11

“And [Jesus] shall be a sign [for the 10 They were looking intently up
coming of] the Hour [of judgement]. into the sky as he was going, when
Therefore have no doubt about the suddenly two men dressed in white
[Hour], but follow ye Me: this is the stood beside them.
straight way.” 11 "Men of Galilee," they said,
"why do you stand here looking
into the sky? This same Jesus, who
has been taken from you into
heaven, will come back in the
same way you have seen him go
into heaven."

But the important point in this passage is that Jesus says that you follow Him.
To follow Him you must know why He came and what was the reason for
His coming, so that you can prepare yourself for His second coming.
So let us start to examine the scriptures and see if we can determine WHY
If we examine some of the early prophets of God you will see that they lived
long fruitful lives.
For example, we see that Noah lived 950 years (Gen. 9:29), Adam lived 930
years (Gen. 5:5), Abraham lived 175 years (Gen. 25:7) and Ishmael lived
135 years (Gen. 25:17).
All of these lives, as recorded in the bible, were long and fruitful and God
blessed them.
In today's society however, the average age is about 70 years. It is
now considered quite rare for a person to live more than 100 years old. If
a person does live to that age nowadays, they are usually
questioned by many people as to why they live so long.
Why is it that over the generations, man has had his life shortened down to
only 70 years??
God says that sin in a mans life will shorten it from its originally planned
length. “The fear of the Lord adds length to Life.” (Proverbs 10:27)
The proverbs were written by King Solomon, the wisest man ever to
live on the earth. If he says that, then may be we should listen to him.
What he was really saying is that to obey the laws of God and His
commandments will add effective length to your life.
In 1 Peter. 3:10-12¬ he says these words. “For whosoever loves life and
sees good days, must keep his tongue from evil and his lips from
deceitful speech. He must turn from evil and do good; he must
seek peace and pursue it. For the eyes of the Lord are on the righteous and
His ears are attentive to their prayer, but the face of the Lord is
against those who do evil.
So what is sin? What does God consider that sin is? (not what does man
consider sin is)???
Proverbs 5:21-023 says :- “A man's ways are in full view of the Lord and He
examines all his paths.”
“The evil deeds of a wicked man ensnare (trap, entangle) him; the cords
of his hold him fast. He will die for lack of discipline. Led astray by his
own folly”.
God defines sin in at least 4 different ways :-

1. A wilful act of commission: committing an important act, not

obeying or conforming to the law.
“Everyone who sins breaks the law» in fact sin IS lawlessness”. (1
John. 3:4)

“Therefore since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let
us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles,
and let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us”. (Hebrews

2. A willful improper act of ommission : Knowing that you SHOULD

DO SOMETHING and not doing it.
“Anyone who knows the good he ought to do and does not do it sins.”
(James 4:17)

3. Rebellious principle or an improper attitude of unbelief or doubt.

“Then after desire has conceived, it gives birth to sin; and sin when it is
full-grown gives birth to death” (James 1:15).
“Whatsoever is not of faith is sin”. (Romans 14:23)

4. Improper state of being unjust or being unrighteous.

“If we claim to be without sin, we deceive ourselves and the truth
(of God) is not in us”. (1 John 1:8).
“All unrighteousness is sin”. (1 John 5:17).

It is clear from the scriptures above that the state of mankinds is in very bad
shape and needs a Saviour, just like a man who is out in the ocean in
difficulties, he raises up his hand hoping that someone on the shore will
see him and come out to save him from drowning. The world is like this man,
it is drowning in it’s own sin.
Man is in a state of ruin or destruction and under
condemnation, under the sentence of death, both physical and spiritual
“There is no one righteous, not even one; there is no-one who understands,
no-one who seeks God. All have turned away, they have together become
worthless; there is no-one who does good, not even one.” (Romans 3:10-12)
God's standard of goodness is perfection, so He must judge us as imperfect
etc. Man is totally depraved and morally perverted.
“Since they did not think it worthwhile to retain the knowledge of
God, He gave them over to a depraved mind, to do what ought not to be
done. They are full of envy, murder, strife, deceit and malice. They are
gossips, slanderers, God-haters, insolent, arrogant and boastful; they
invent ways to do evil; they disobey their parents; they are
senseless, faithless, heartless, ruthless. Although they know God's
righteous decrees, that those who do such things deserve death, they not
only continue to do these very things, but also approve
of those who practise them”. (Romans 1:28-32).
If as you were reading that last passage of scripture, you
recognised a particular item there which at one time or another applies to

you then you must also recognise that you are a sinner and that the penalty
for unforgiven sin is DEATH.
MAN is in a FALLEN state, cast down from the fellowship and favour of
God into the pit which is under the control and power of satan.
“But your iniquities have separated you from God; your sins have hidden His
face from you, so He will not hear.” (Isaiah 59:2).
It says that our sins have become like a curtain between us and God,
which prevents God from seeing us and hearing us. You notice God has not
gone away, we have put the barrier between God and us. But God in
His infinite mercy and compassion provided a means whereby the curtain of
our sin which separates us from God can be removed.
Romans 3:23 sums up God's analysis of man's condition. MAN IS
“For all have sinned and come short of the glory of god.”
This means ALL men. Because man is a sinner, he needs a saviour, to
prevent him from drowning in his sins. He needs a saviour which is more
powerful than satan, so that he can be released from the grips of his sin and
again be free to approach God's throne of grace and mercy. Only God Himself
could provide such a Saviour.
We have established that the penalty of sin is - DEATH.
“You (Adam & Eve) must not eat from the tree of knowledge of good and
evil, for when you eat of it, you will surely DIE.” (Ezekiel 18:20)
“For the wages of sin is DEATH.” (Romans 6:23)
Has God left us to DIE? Has God left us without an answer?? Has God left
us without any hope???
No!! God has provided an intelligent answer and the only possible answer to
this question of our sin and our salvation. God's Remedy - INNOCENT BLOOD
God said :­ “Without the shedding of blood, there is no foregiveness of sins”.
(Hebrews 9:22)
Let us examine two examples to show that this is true and I am not trying to
tell you something new which cannot be proven.
Adam sinned against God, and God provided, through the sacrifice of an
animal, a way to have renewed harmony between Holy God and sinful man.
Once a year, Muslims throughout the whole world, celebrate the feast
of Adha (Kabir). During this feast, every family slays an animal. They
recall that God sent a young animal (lamb) to the prophet Abraham, to be
killed in place of Abraham's son.
Here in this particular act God has presented us with a picture of His remedy
or solution for sin. God taught the principle of sacrifice by
substitution. In sacrifice we need the shedding of blood. We cannot escape
it, the penalty for sin must be paid.
The question that we must ask ourselves is whether we will pay that penalty
for sin ourselves by our own deaths, or will we accept substition. Will we
allow God to pay the penalty for sin for us through the sacrifice, as the
lamb supplied by God in the place of Abraham's son???

The lamb that God supplied as a sacrifice for Abraham's son was a lamb
without blemish. We need a sacrifice also from God which is without spot
for blemish.
God sent Jesus Christ, who had no sin, to be a sacrifice for our sins
and the sins of the whole world. Jesus came to earth to save us from
the penalty of death for our sins.
“God made Jesus, who no knew sin, to be a sin offering for us, so
that in him we might become the righteousness of God.” (2
Corinthians 5:21)
“Day after day every priest stands and performs his religious duties; again
and again he offers the same sacrifices, which can never take away sins.
But when this priest (Jesus Christ) had
offered for all time one sacrifice for sins, because
by one sacrifice He has made perfect forever those who are being made
holy.” (Hebrew 10:11, 12, 14)
So, we have established what God says about sin :-

1. All have sinned.

2. The wages of sin are death.
3. God has provided a remedy through sacrifice.
4. The sacrifice of Jesus Christ is the perfrect remedy.
We have the opportunity to have a new life, forgiveness of sins,
all as a free gift.
For by grace you have been saved through faith; and this is not your own
doing, it is a gift from God. Not because of works, least any man should
boast.” (Ephesians 2:8-9)
So all this time we have been trying to find out WHY JESUS CAME?? Now we
know. As was written in the Qur’an and in the bible,
Jesus came to earth through a miraculous
birth, with no earthly father, so he could not receive any inherited sin.
Jesus was born without sin in His life.
It was told in the book of Isaiah how Jesus would be born,
at least 14 generations BEFORE His birth. (Isaiah 7;14). The same
prophet in Chapter 53 told how He would
die and be abused for the sins of mankind.
The Qur’an we have seen also confirmed that God Himself said that Jesus
would have to die, and then be raised from the dead, and then be taken
up to Heaven, to be exalted to a position higher than the angels.
I have not introduced any new theology to you, I have only pointed out to you
what God has revealed to me, and to many others, what is written in God's
So in our search for the truth, I have brought you to a point of decision where
you must now decide if you believe the
words which are written in your own Qur’an. Jesus came to be your
leader, Jesus came to show you the path to take back to God. Jesus
said: Fear Allah and follow me.
Are you prepared to follow and be obedient to the words of your Qur’an,
which you believe are the divine words of God?
Are you prepared to accept Jesus Christ as the substitute sacrifice for
your sins, so that you won't have to pay the penalty of death for them?
You say Yes, but I don't know how to accept this wonderful gift that God
has given me.
This new life you are to receive is a gift from God. If it is a gift, you don't
have to work for it, you don't have to pay for it, there is nothing you can do
to be good enough to earn it. You just RECEIVE it.
Realizing we are not sufficient in ourselves, we receive the gift which God
offers of life in Christ. Romans 10:9-14 of God's Word tells us how to receive
this gift.
For it is with your heart that you believe and are justified, and it is with your
mouth that you confess and are saved. As the scripture says, 'Everyone who
trusts in Him will never be put to shame. 'For everyone who calls on the
name of the Lord will be saved.”
God says that you have to do 4 things in order to be saved.

 You need someone to tell you about Jesus.

 You must be willing to hear.
 It is imperative that you believe that God sent Jesus to take your place,
taking the death penalty for your sins.
 You must act upon this belief by calling upon Jesus to save you.
The scripture says in Romans 10:13 :- “EVERYONE WHO CALLS UPON

This verse is our guarantee from God that when we call upon Jesus to save
us, Jesus will do just that. This is a direct promise from God and we know
that GOD IS TRUTH. God cannot lie.
Remember, God knows all about you, but He also knows the intentions of
you heart.
The following prayer is a suggested way to call upon Jesus to save you from
you sins and death.
“Dear God in Heaven, I call upon you to save me. I want Jesus as my
life's Saviour and sacrifice for my sins, those sins which so offend you and
have caused a separation between us. I choose to believe in you, in your
death for me, and your gift of everlasting life, by the same
power that raised Jesus from death after the cross. On the basis of what
Christ has done for me, I offer this request to you.

If you have asked God to save you, or if you have any
questions about God, or if you want some more literature about God
and Jesus Christ, please write to the following address, we welcome your
letters and we will be glad to answer them.


15 Pottinger Street, Toowoomba Qld 4350


In the previous chapters we have examined, the birth of the nation of Israel,
some 5,000 years ago and how God manifested Himself to that nation of
people. We have seen how God blessed that nation with peace and prosperity
when they followed His commandments
and laws and how they were allowed to suffer
hardships when they were disobedient to His commandments.
We have seen also how the Arab and Israel nations both can be traced back
to the same Father Abraham,
whom God promised would be the father of many nations.
We have seen how both nations followed the laws of the same God until the
birth of Jesus Christ, who was prophesied in the Old Testament scrolls of the
Jews and the Arabs, which has been confirmed in the Dead Sea Scrolls now
kept in the Islamic University in Jordan, for all to see opened at the
scripture of the prophet Isaiah chapters 39 to 40 in the Hebrew
language and dated to 200BC or making it now same 2,100 years old.
We saw that when Jesus commenced His preaching many followed Him upon
seeing the miracles He performed. Many more followed Him after He rose
from the dead and ascended into Heaven.
This then saw three different groups of people following the God of
Abraham, but through different paths, one of these paths being the path
to the truth.
At a time about 500 years before the birth of Christ another man was born,
who was going to change, in fact revolutionize the present day thinking of
his time.
He was a thinker, a man who was searching for the truth, trying to find an
answer to why we are here on earth and for what purpose we are here.
In that he was asking these questions makes him no different from many
people today. What did make him
different was that he claimed to have received enlightenment whilst
sitting under a tree. This revelation he claims to have received was to form
the basis of the Buddhist religion. The religion, or ideology, has spread to

almost all corners of the the world. Many people believe in it and make many
physical and financial sacrifices in a hope of winning merit in the eyes of
“Lord Buddha”.
I do not wish to sound scornful to these people for they are very sincere in
their beliefs and try to follow the teachings of their monks each day.
It is to these sincere people who are also searching for the
truth that I would like to address the following questions :-
In the beliefs of Buddha, it is stated that if you do good deeds and earn merit,
when you die you will be re-incarnated into another life form. If you are
judged to be “good” your life form will be one step closer to perfection. If
you are judged to be “bad”, you will be in a more difficult situation, in your
next life as punishment.
I ask the Buddhist scholars the following questions:-

1. If any person ever reaches the point where he is deemed to have

reached perfection, where is the promise that he WILL be re-
incarnated in his next life, in the perfect state.

2. Show me in history any man that was born perfect which was a previous
believer in your religion, who in a previous life was less than perfect.

3. What happens when you are so bad you reach the lowest level in your
re-incarnation hierarchy, and then you continue to do bad things. Do
you go into negative creation? Do you take a negative value because
you have gone below zero?

4. If you reach this stage are you still worthy enough to be reborn as a
human being, or are you reborn as as ant, or some other slimy insect??

5. If Lord Buddha was so “enlightened” where are the super powers he

received which puts him in a place more superior than anybody
else and what miracles was he able to perform?

6. Was he able to restore the eyesight to the blind, or make people who
were crippled from birth able to walk?

7. Was he able to make a person who was dead for four days awake from
death, just by speaking his name and commanding him to come forth
from the tomb?

8. I contend that there is no power at all. I contend that you build

temples and statues out of stone in the image of man, and that is all it
is, a cold piece of stone. I contend that the Buddhist monks are like the
monks of Balaam which were referred to in the Old testament and

identified below:-

The prophet Elijah lived in the reign of king Ahab, whose wife was called
Queen Jezebel.
At that time the people were not following the commandments of the God of
Abraham, but had turned to an idol God with which to worship. (The
people who worship in the Buddhist temples have done the same thing
also and can expect the same ultimate punishment.)
Because the people had turned away from the commandments of God,
the prophet Elijah was sent to speak to the king and give him a message
direct from God Himself. This is as recorded in the Book of 1 Kings chapter
Elijah the Tishbite, of the temporary residents of Gilead, said to (king) Ahab.
“As the Lord, the God of Israel lives, before whom I stand, there shall not be
dew or rain these years, but according to My word”.
As a result of this commandment from God a great famine came upon the
land, greater than any famine that they could remember in the past.
Many people died from starvation, as did all types of animals and birds as the
water and the rivers and wells dried up.
After three years there had still been no rain, but God had provided food for
His prophet by miraculous means.
Elijah again appears before the king and tells him to assemble all the nation
before him at Mount Carmel.
In addition to all the nation of Israel, Elijah told the king to assemble 450
prophets of the idol god Baal and 400 prophets of the idol god Asherah
at Mount Carmel also. When all had assembled he issued a challenge to the
Then Elijah said to the people I, only I, remain a prophet of the Lord but
Baal's prophets are 450 men.
Let 2 bulls be given to us; let them choose 1 bull for themselves, and cut it
up into pieces and lay it on the wood, but put no fire to it. I will dress the
other bull, lay it on the wood, and put no fire to it.
Then you (the prophets of Baal) call on the name of your god, and I will call
upon the name of the Lord; and the ONE who answers by fire, let him be God.
And all the people answered, it is well spoken.
Now the prophets of Baal took their bull and dressed it and commenced to call
upon their god from morning till evening and nothing happened. No fire
came in answer to their prayers.
In the evening Elijah called all the people to gather near to him. Elijah
repaired the old altar which was originally to give sacrifices to God, cut up
the beast and laid it onto the wood.
He then instructed to pour 12 water jugs of water onto the top of the meat
offering and the wood, so it would not be easy to burn. He also
commanded a trench to be dug around the offering also and filled this with

At the time of the offering of the evening sacrifice, Elijah the prophet came
near and said. “O Lord, the God of Abraham, Isaac and Isreal let it be known
this day that you are God in Israel, and that I am your
servant, and that I have done all these things at Your Word. Hear me, O
Lord, hear me, that this people may know that You, the Lord, are God,
and have turned their hearts back to you.”
Then the fire of the Lord fell from Heaven and consumed the burnt
sacrifice, and the wood, and the dust, and the stones, and licked up the
water in the trench.
When all the people saw it, they felt on their faces; and they said:-
I recount this story here for a reason. There will come a time in the not to
distant future when there will be a great famine in the country of
Thailand. This famine will be caused by a terrible drought,
which will be the worst drought ever recorded in all the records.
People and animals will die of hunger, in their thousands, and your monks
will not be able to give you answers, to the problem, nor give any reason
why it should happen.
Just remember that in a time past, a long time ago,
God looked down on a country and showed His displeasure at their
disobedience to His laws.
He instructed His prophets to tell the king of that country
that there would be no rain until they believed in the real God and were
prepared to destroy their idols and their temples of their false gods and
worship only Him. The one and only true God, who created the Heavens
and the earth and all that lives and dwells in it.
When this time comes just remember that now you know who the REAL GOD
IS, and that you should follow Him.
If Lord Buddha is so powerful, let your monks call upon him to bring forth
fire from the sky to prove that he is real. Follow this by rain to break
the drought.
Try for a week, try for a month, but you will never succeed, because you
will realize that a lifeless piece of stone cannot hear you, let alone
produce fire from Heaven. Why? Because Lord Buddha does not abide in
If the things I have written cause you to think about what will happen in the
future, you have two choices.
1. Wait for it to happen and suffer.
2. Be prepared for it to happen.
In the story above, all the people who were obedient to God's Word were
given food and provisions during the period of famine. God is not only a just
God but also a God of mercy and compassion, to those who believe in His
name and put their complete trust in Him.

If you love your family and your children and you do not want them to suffer
from hunger and thirst you can prevent it by becoming a follower of
Jesus Christ.
There are many places throughout Thailand where you can receive news
about the one and only true God.
If you wish, I can arrange to send some literature to you, if you write to the
address below:

New Light Ministries & Consulting Services Pty. Ltd.

15 Pottinger Street, Toowoomba, Qld 4350
Email :

If you write, please also tell me what language you would like the literature to
be in.


In the beginning [before all time] was the WORD [Christ (His name is
called The Word of God...and the Lord of Lords)], and the WORD was with
God and the WORD was GOD Himself.
This is how the Gospel of John commences to explain about God and Jesus
Christ and how He became flesh and dwelt among us.
The Bible consists of 66 books, written over a period of many hundreds of
years and by approximately 40 different people. But in all these people
lived through the SAME Holy Spirit.
In fact, it is the SAME Holy Spirit who guides my thoughts as I write this
book also.
Because of this the truth of God's Word is so, the supreme beings was living
and dwelling in the hearts and minds of each person who was writing a book
for the Word of God.
In the Bible there are many truths about different circumstances and
situations that a person may find himself in, as he progresses through the
journey of life.
At sometime in a person's life it may become so difficult that a person
may consider taking their own lives, because they cannot cope with the
situation any longer. In a time like that the Word of God is
able to give you added strength to face up to the situation and OVERCOME
1 Corinthians 10:13 says these words :- “For no temptation ­ no trial
regarded as enticing to sin (no
matter how it comes or where it leads) - has overtaken you and laid

hold on you that is not common to man- that is, no temptation or trial that has
come to you is beyond human resistance and that is not
adjusted and adapted and belonging to human experience, and such as
man can bear. But God is faithful to His Word and to His compassionate
nature and He can be trusted not to let you be tempted and tried and
assayed beyond your ability and strength of
resistance and power to endure, but with the temptation He will always
also provide the way out - the means of escape to a landing place - that you
may be capable and strong and powerful patiently to bear up under it.”
This is a very important passage of truth, because it says that ALL your
problems are not something new in the universe. They are common to
man. It may be that this is the first time that you as an individual has had to
face this particular problem, but somebody has had to face it before and
God says that it is possible to bear this burden and even overcome it
with success, if you put your trust in Him.
If you try to solve the problem all by yourself, then you may fail. But if you
put your trust in God and give HIM the problem He has promised to
use all the wisdom and the power that He used to create the universe to
solve your problem and give you the correct path to follow - a way of
escape from the problem.
There are many such passages of scripture in the bible, but this book is
not big enough to include them all. The Gideon International has
prepared a bible with a small look up table in the front of it
which gives you guidance to particular passages of scripture
when you need guidance for a specific topic.
The following is an extract from the Gideon Bible, identifying the
topic and the scripture reference where you receive guidance and spiritual
strength and comfort from the WORD OF GOD.

Where to find help when :-

AFRAID Psalm 34:4, ANXIOUS Psalm 46

Matthew Mathew 6:19-34
10:28 Philipians 4:6
2 Timothy 1 Peter 5:6-7


1 John 1:4-9 2 Corinthians 1:3-4

BITTER or 1 Corinthians CONSCIOUS Proverbs 28:13




THREATENS Psalm Psalm 42:6-11
118:5-6 Matthew 5:11-12
Luke 8:22- 2 Corinthians 4:8-18
Philipians 4:4-7

DOUBTING Matthew FACING A Psalm 121

8:26 CRISIS Matthew 6:25-34
Hebrews 11

PROTECTED Psalm 18:1-3 SICK OR IN Psalm 38

Psalm 34:7 PAIN Matthew 26:39
Romans 5:3-5
2 Corinthians 12:9-10
1 Peter 4:12,13,19


Matthew 5:4 Psalm 139:23-24
John 14 Matthew 26:41
2 Corinthians 1:3-4 1 Corinthians 10:12-
1 Thessalonians 14
4:13-18 Philipians 4:8
There are times when you need to know if God considers a particular act or
situation is allowed according to His rules and laws or not. For this
purpose the following list of reference teachings about some of life's
problems will be of assistance to you.

ADULTERY Matthew 5:27- ADVERSITY Matthew 10:26-

32 39
ANGER Matthew 5:22- ANXIETY Matthew 6:19-34
CONCEIT Luke 18:9-14 CONFIDENCE, Matthew 7:24-27

COVETOUSNESS Mark 7:21-23 CRIME Matthew 15:17-
DEATH John 11:25-26 DECEIT Matthew 23:27-
DEPRAVITY John 3:19-21 DIVORCE Mark 10:2-12
DOUBT Matthew 14:28- DRUNKENNESS Luke 21:34-36
ENEMIES Matthew 5:43- EXCUSES Luke 14:15-24
EXTRAVAGANCE 1 Timothy 6:7- FALSEHOOD Revelations 21:8
FAULTFINDING Matthew 7:1-5 FEAR Luke 12:5
FLESH Romans 13:14 GREED Luke 12:15-31
HATRED Matthew 5:43- INTEMPERANCE Proverbs 20:1
JUDGING Matthew 7:1 LIP SERVICE Matthew 7:21
LUST Mark 4:18-19 PRIDE 1 John 2:15-17
REVENGE Matthew 5:43- SELF Luke 14:11
SELF Luke 18:11-12 SIN John 8:34-36
SUBMISSION 1 Peter 2:13-17 SWEARING Colossians 3:8
WORLDLINESS 1 John 2:15-17
The scripture tells us that there will come a time when the Lord of Lords will
descend down from Heaven and take His chosen people home to Paradise to
live and reign with Him.
The scripture says that those who call upon the name of the Lord shall be
saved. But in addition to the salvation there is to be a cleansing of all
our deeds, by Gods rules, not ours.
So that we know what God expects of us as individuals, what our
virtues and character should be like, the following is a guideline to those
topics. These were the characteristics of perfect man, before sin, and the
character we can achieve, if we put our complete trust in Him.
ABUNDANT LIFE John 10:10 CITIZENSHIP Romans 13:1-7
Titus 3:1
CLEANLINESS 2 Corinthians CONSECRATION Romans 12:1-2

CONTENTMENT 1 Timothy 6:6 COURAGE Psalm 27:14
DILIGENCE Romans 12:11 DUTY Luke 20:21-25
HAPPINESS Matthew 5:3-12 HOLINESS 1 Peter 1:13-16
HONESTY 2 Corinthians HONOR 1 Peter 2:17
HONOR TO Matthew 15:4 HOPE 1 Peter 1:13
HUMILITY Luke 18:9-14 JOY Luke 10:20
Philipians 2:3- John 15:11
KINDNESS Colossians LABOUR John 9:4
LOVE Luke 10:27 OBEDIENCE John 14:15-24
1 Corinthians 13 Acts 5:29
OVERCOMING John 16:33 PATIENCE Hebrews 10:36
Romans 12:18
PRAYER Luke 11:1-13 PURE THINKING Philipians 4:8
Ephesians 6:18
PURITY Matthew 5:27- READING THE John 5:39
32 BIBLE Psalm 1:2
2 Timothy 2:22 Psalm 119:97
RESOLUTION Ephesians 6:10- REVERENCE Psalm 89:7
RIGHTEOUSNESS Matthew 5:6 SINCERITY Philipians 1:9-10
Matthew 6:33
STEADFASTNESS 1 Corinthians STEWARDSHIP 1 Corinthians
15:58 4:2
2 Corinthians
TEMPERANCE 1 Thessalonians TRUST Psalm 37:3-5
TRUTH John 14:6 VICTORY 1 Corinthians
John 17:17 15:57
Ephesians 4:14- 1 John 5:4
WATCHFULNESS Mark 13:34-37 WORSHIP John 4:23-24

ZEAL John 2:13-17
John 6:27

The scripture says in Hebrews chapter 6 these words:

“Therefore, let us go on and get past the ELEMENTARY STAGE in the
teachings and doctrines of Christ, the Messiah, advancing steadily toward
the completeness and perfection that belongs to spiritual maturity.
Let us not again (repeatedly) be laying the foundations of
repentance and abandonment of dead
works (dead formalism) and of the faith (simple faith) by which you turned
to God.”
Once you have learned these fundamental truths the scriptures invite you to
proceed towards perfection by becoming a person who is continually “IN
SEARCH OF THE TRUTH”, a person who becomes disciplined to study AND PUT
INTO PRACTISE IN ONES LIFE what you have read and learned from the
As we now proceed to the last chapter let us go on earnestly
desiring the spiritual truth about the SECOND COMING of Jesus Christ
and the signs which will appear around us as a signal that He's just about
to return to claim His church of believers.


We have seen different attitudes of people to the SUPREME BEING down
through the ages, some followed the God of Creation without question,
others followed for a time, and then started to look at other things
in the world around them and commenced to worship THINGS, instead of
God Himself.
Other groups of people saw an opportunity to build little empires
for themselves, by preying on the vulnerability of human nature and
creating cults or occult groups, which filled the emptiness inside of
man for a time, but did not give him any promise of the future, in a glorious
Satan also was building his empire, creating groups which
used the desires of the flesh, like sex, cigarettes, narcotics, alcohol,
greed, the desire to rule and/or control others (power), all of these
things, to set people and groups against the people who worshipped and
followed the true God.
Satan was using the idols of several ideologies and cults to set up his
alternate kingdom, in an effort to rule and dominate the earth and all the
creatures who dwell therein.
God foresaw that this would happen, because He gave man the ability to
have the “freedom of choice”. God did not want people who would act like
robots to be His followers, He wanted people who, by their own choice,
elected to follow Him.

And so by the prophecy of the birth, teachings, trial, death
on the cross, resurrection from the dead, and the ascension into Heaven
of Jesus Christ, God outlined His plans, for what He intended to do, in
bringing about a reconciliation between God and man for ever.
History has shown that ALL the things that were prophesied about the
coming of the SON OF GOD, JESUS CHRIST, did in fact come to pass. We
can establish without any doubt that the WORD OF GOD IS TRUE.
If we can establish this, and we can understand that God, from time
universal, has to obey His own laws (Spiritual Laws), then we can
understand why certain things happen around us. God created the sun and
the moon and gave specific instructions about their functions in the universe.
These objects OBEY GOD'S SPIRITUAL LAWS. The suns was told to shine by
day and the moon by night. They have been doing these things in
obedience to God's divine laws for millions of years.
We, as people, take these things for granted, but there would be complete
chaos on the earth, fear and uncertainty, if we got up one morning and the
sun did not come up all day. Not because there were so many clouds in the
sky that we could not see the sun, but just that the sun failed to give out
its light to illuminate the earth. The earth would be in total darkness.
Because there is no sun, it would soon start to get very cold.
Because there is no sun, the photosynthesis process of all plant life would
stop, the trees would not take in the carbon dioxide and convert it into
oxygen. Very soon people on earth would start to die from lack of food or
lack of oxygen.
You say I have now started to write fiction. Well that is only partly
true, because God has already said that there will come a time in the
future when He will look down upon the peoples and nations of the
earth and the sin will be so bad that again He will want to destroy it.
But this time He will not send a flood to destroy all the
people who do not follow Him and obey His
commandments. No, this time He will send His Son down again to earth, as
is prophesied in the Torah, the Bible and the Qur’an. God will send the
Messiah down to earth to be the RULER and the JUDGE.
The Son of God will not only examine the hearts and minds of those people
that are alive at the instant that He comes back to earth, but He will also
examine the hearts and minds of all generations of mankind, both the
LIVING and the DEAD.
The people that the Son of God find acceptable to Him, (by God's rules not
by ours), will be raised up to meet Him in the sky and will not be subjected
to the terrible suffering and torment which is about to befall the remainder,
who still are on the earth at that time, who
were judged, by God's laws to be unacceptable.

You may ask, How do you know these things???
 How do you know for sure that these things will happen???
My answer to you is simple. God Almighty is an unchangeable God. His
ways are perfect and His WORD IS THE PERFECT TRUTH. He has shown
throughout the period from creation until now, (1987), a period of some
millions of years that His word is true and what HE SAYS, WILL IN FACT
In the book of Revelations of the bible, Jesus Christ gave a vision to His
disciple, Apostle John. The vision was given to John some 66 years after
Jesus Christ ascended into Heaven to sit at the right hand of God Almighty.
Jesus Christ reveals to John, details about the followers of Jesus
throughout the churches, at that time, and also gives him glimpses of the
future, (like looking into a time machine). John is instructed to write down
all that he sees and to send the book of these writings to all the churches so
that may know and prepare for what is to happen in the future.
Jesus identified that even among the Christian churches there would be
some which according to GOD'S LAWS would not be acceptable to Him,
because they had allowed the truth of God's word to be defiled to some degree
or other.
In fact only two types of churches would be acceptable to Him.
The first identified is the Church of Smyrna, a group of people who
throughout the ages have proclaimed the
name of Jesus Christ without fear in situations whereby their
lives could be forfeited for doing these things, or they could be thrown
into prison and beaten or receive torture for speaking and
practising the teaching of God and His Son Jesus Christ.
The second type of church identified as acceptable to the Lord is the
church of Philadelphia, a group of people whose knowledge of God's
laws may not have been as great as the scholars, but who trusted God
and put what they knew into practise in their individual lives,
despite the conditions of their surroundings.
This is a group of people, who throughout hundreds of years, have put GOD
first in everything they say or do.
But you may ask, what about the other churches?? What about the people
in them???
God is a merciful and gracious God. The love of God is so great that He will
give them a chance to become acceptable to Him, before He returns.
In each case Jesus Christ revealed to John the particular things these
types of churches were doing wrong, in God's eyes, (not mans), and gave
to them the instructions how they should change to become righteous
before Him, before His 2nd coming.
And so if you are a true disciple “IN SEARCH OF THE
TRUTH”, irrespective of what :religion” you are
following now, I challenge you to the following adventure :-

Buy a copy of the Bible, read the Books of Isaiah and Daniel in the Old
Testament, as they will tell you about the first and second coming of Jesus
Christ, written hundreds of years before the events actually took place.
The Gospel of Luke will give you an accurate account of the events preceeding
the birth of Jesus Christ and you will be able to see that what was
prophesied in the book of Isaiah actually took place.
Then turn to the New Testament and read the Gospel of John, which will give a
factual account of the life of Jesus Christ.
Next read the book called the “ACTS OF THE APOSTLES” which gives on
account of the activities of the early Christian church and the types of
problems they were to face in their lives.
You will see that apart from the differences in technology, we face very
similar problems today, as the people did 2,000 years ago
That is because the author of sin in the world is still the same satanic being.
It is still the same fallen angel, who is trying to take over the kingdoms of
the earth from the control of God, by manipulating man.
You have read through this book so far, which means that despite my
inadequate ability as an author, you
are still looking for the truth, you are still searching to find something to
fill that emptiness in your heart.
As a word of encouragement, I have been following Jesus Christ now for
over 60 years of my life. I have been blessed beyond expectations and I
know that my name has been recorded in heaven in the book with
the 7 seals on it, referred to in the book of revelations.
It is my earnest prayers, in Jesus name, that you will read the bible as I
have challenged you to and that the truth that is there will be revealed to
you as it has been already to me and millions of other people.
May the Lord God Almighty richly bless you, both here on earth and in the new
life which is yet to come.


The following story was related to the 6th Asian Convention of the Full Gospel
Businessmen International in Singapore in April 1987 by Rev. David Pawson.
A lady was on a flight from the USA to UK and the plane passed through a
severe storm. The people inside the plane became very afraid and the crew
had difficulty convincing the passengers that there was nothing to be afraid of,
everything would be OK. The lady noticed that one other person was not
afraid, but was sitting calmly reading a bible. She went to the other person
and identified herself as a Christian and the two people began to pray to the
Lord together. They remembered that in a similar situation, the disciples were
in a boat and a severe storm blew up on the Sea of Galilee and that the
disciples became very afraid, but the Lord stood up and spoke to the wind and
to the sea and it became calm.

They claimed the promises of the scriptures that the Lord could do today what
He had done in previous times and prayed that the Lord would come and calm
the storm. Immediately after they prayed a special calm came over the people
in the plane and they seemed to loose all their fears, but the storm outside the
plane continued. The lady found this to be quite strange so she took a picture
through the window of the plane of the lightning and the storm outside the
plane and upon arrival in UK put the film in for developing.
When the film was developed she received a request to come and pick up the
film personally as the owner of the store wanted to ask her some questions
about her pictures. The owner, who was not a Christian, asked her where she
had taken this particular picture. Up until the time she saw the picture
developed the lady did not know what she would see on the picture, except
the lightning.
When she saw the picture and realised that it was a picture of Jesus Christ,
she recounted the story of the storm and the events leading up to the taking
of the particular picture. The photographer realised that it was a genuine
picture and he believed in the miracle power of Jesus Christ and accepted Him
as his Lord and Saviour. In using this picture on the front of this book I want
you to think about what you have read throughout this book and how this
proves that Jesus Christ is real, He cares for all people who trust in Him, and
He wants you to put your trust in Him also.


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