UVO2 F2 KAETraffic Study Report
UVO2 F2 KAETraffic Study Report
UVO2 F2 KAETraffic Study Report
By :
Happy Niketan Kolkata Traffic Impact Study
Table of Contents
1 INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................................. 1
1.2 SCOPE................................................................................................................................ 1
1.3 ASSUMPTIONS................................................................................................................... 1
4 TRAFFIC ANALYSIS......................................................................................................... 15
Happy Niketan Kolkata Traffic Impact Study
Happy Niketan Kolkata Traffic Impact Study
List of Figures
Figure 1-1 Traffic Study Methodology .................................................................................................. 3
Figure 2-2 Surrounding Road Network and Traffic Survey Location within 5KM Radius ........................ 7
Figure 2-3 Surrounding Road Network Inventory within 5KM Radius ..................................................... 8
Figure 2-5 Hourly Traffic Distribution for Grand Trunk Road ................................................................ 10
Figure 2-6 Modal Split (vehicles) for Grand Trunk Road ...................................................................... 11
Figure 4-1 Existing LOS for the neighboring road network (2018) - 5KM Study Area .......................... 18
Figure 4-2 Projected LOS for the neighboring road network (2030) – Do Nothing Scenario for ............ 18
Figure 4-3 Projected LOS for the neighboring road network (2030) – Traffic Management Scenario for
5Km Study Area ................................................................................................................................. 19
Happy Niketan Kolkata Traffic Impact Study
List of Tables
Table 1-1 Roadway Capacities as per IRC 106: 1990 .......................................................................... 2
Happy Niketan Kolkata Traffic Impact Study
Project proponent has proposed to construct residential and commercial project. The project comprises
of 4891 residential units. On completion, the project will provide 3876 parking spaces within the
GMD Consultants has been commissioned by the project proponent to provide a Traffic Impact Study
for this project.
The scope of this study is listed below:
• Traffic Surveys: To conduct traffic surveys of area project site in order to capture base traffic:
o Capture traffic emanating from new developments and from adjacent properties
• Traffic Circulation: To review traffic circulation plan considering various types of vehicles users
(cars, 2W, fire tender)
• Traffic Surveys: To conduct traffic surveys of all roads within radius of 5 km of project area to
capture base traffic:
• Impact Analysis: Analyze the forecast project traffic in conjunction with base traffic. Conduct an
Impact Analysis of project traffic as well as study impacts and suggest mitigation measures.
• Swept Path Analysis: Review traffic circulation to ensure proper and efficient traffic movement.
Conduct swept path analysis at critical locations of project entry/exit to ensure safe and efficient
turning maneuvers.
• Junction Analysis: Junction analysis for present (2018) and future scenario (2030) using PTV
VISTRO Software
• Traffic Control: Address the provision of road signages, markings and traffic calming measures.
Also provide a traffic management plan to address issues of traffic control and safe dispersal.
GMD Consultants follows standard procedures and guidelines to determine the impact of added traffic
on proposed facilities. In the following sections, the assumptions considered as well as selected design
standards and parameters for the analysis have been discussed.
Happy Niketan Kolkata Traffic Impact Study
Design standards are generally followed bottom-up or part to whole. Local bylaws are given highest
priority to meet the requirements set by local development control agency. Other standards, although
explicitly not mentioned by local development control agency, are referred from national or international
design manuals that are accepted and widely referred by other professionals in the industry.
• Design recommendations for multi-story and underground car parks 3rd Edition, Instruct, UK.
The basic design parameters considered for the study has been illustrated below:
1) The social status as well as economic well-being of the residents plays an important role in
determining the parking demand for any residential project.
2) The visitors will expect a safe and efficient circulation with good levels of service, i.e. minimum
waiting time at security check, proper traffic control at entry / exits, minimum congestion delays
and pleasing aesthetics.
3) A design vehicle is a vehicle whose dimensions and operational characteristics are used to
establish layout geometry. Toyota Innova (Big Car) and Maruti Swift (Small Car) and Volvo 400
(Fire Tender) were chosen as the design vehicles.
c. On ramps - 10 kmph
5) The maximum number of traffic a road can carry is referred to as its Capacity or design Service
Volume. The service volumes considered for the project is given below.
Happy Niketan Kolkata Traffic Impact Study
6) Level of Service (LOS) can be defined as a letter designation that describes a range of operating
characteristics on a given facility. Six Levels of Service are defined for capacity analysis. They
are given letter designations from A to F, with LOS ‘A’ representing best level of operational
standards and LOS ‘F’ the worst.
Level of
Volume/Capacity Level of
Service Nature of flow
Ratio (V/C) Comfort
A <0.30 Highest Free Flow
Reasonably free
B 0.30 – 0.50
C 0.50 – 0.70 Stable flow
D 0.70 – 0.90 Threshold
unstable flow
E 1.00 Unstable flow
Figure 1-1.
Traffic Modelling
Area Statement, Adjoining Road Traffic Model Validation, Future
Traffic Demand
Networ, Entry/Exit Access, Parking Traffic Forecast, Efficiency
Parking Demand
Peak hour mode wise traffic, Level of Service Check Check for congestion, waiting time,
Circulation Plan & Road Network Traffic Simulation delay at Entry/ exit and mitigation
Base Parameters: Area, Land Use, Sensitivity Analysis Impact on Traffic Circulation, Level
Traffic, Variation in horizon years Risk Assessment of Service, Risk Assessment
Overall circulation , Road Markings Safety and Sight Distance Checks, Pedestrian
and Signages Sustainability Safety
Conclusions and
Happy Niketan Kolkata Traffic Impact Study
Which mode of
MODAL SPLIT transport is used ?
Which route is
Happy Niketan Kolkata Traffic Impact Study
Chapter 2 Illustrates the existing road network and the present traffic scenario at the project site as well
as details on external road network considered and neighbouring region profile to give an overview of
the baseline (existing) traffic conditions.
Chapter 4 Describes the analysis of traffic survey and road network data for neighbouring roads and
gives a better picture of where they stand as far as level of service is concerned. Also, the likely number
of trips that would be generated by the project has been forecasted and its likely impact on road traffic
was studied.
Chapter 5 Describes the analysis studies conducted to study various other aspects of the project. This
includes swept path analysis.
Chapter 6 Describes the Traffic Management Plan including various traffic calming measures for the
project to ensure safe and secure circulation of pedestrians and vehicles.
Happy Niketan Kolkata Traffic Impact Study
Figure 2-1 Project Location
Happy Niketan Kolkata Traffic Impact Study
The location of the proposed development and surrounding road network as discussed above are
illustrated in Figure 2-2
Indira Gandhi Road
Road No 31
Barrackpore Trunk Road
Grand trunk Road
Barasat barrackpore Road
Balia uttarpara Road
N K Banerjee st
F D Road
Kalayni Exp
Survey Location
Figure 2-2 Surrounding Road Network and Traffic Survey Location within 5KM Radius
Happy Niketan Kolkata Traffic Impact Study
The site is well connected to major urban centers via road and rail. It is connected to all basic services
like hospital, police station, fire station, post office and others.
Happy Niketan Kolkata Traffic Impact Study
Indira Gandhi Road
Road No 31
Barrackpore Trunk Road
Grand trunk Road
Barasat barrackpore Road
Balia uttarpara Road
N K Banerjee st
F D Road
Kalayni Exp
Happy Niketan Kolkata Traffic Impact Study
3 Axle/ Total
Time Total
2W 3W Cars Buses Lcv 2 Axle Multi Vehicle
Period PCU
Axle s
8 to 9 518 403 161 12 29 25 3 1151 1167
9 to 10 546 444 149 19 43 22 2 1225 1250
10 to 11 806 697 161 20 36 17 2 1739 1742
11 to 12 855 717 168 17 47 11 2 1817 1805
12 to 13 651 604 173 17 40 15 2 1501 1518
13 to 14 557 516 148 14 34 13 1 1283 1298
14 to 15 525 487 139 13 32 12 1 1211 1224
15 to 16 527 564 171 16 46 15 3 1342 1388
16 to 17 554 608 170 13 36 10 0 1391 1416
17 to 18 633 612 191 15 34 7 0 1492 1496
18 to 19 587 617 163 17 38 8 0 1430 1452
19 to 20 683 633 181 18 42 16 2 1574 1591
20 to 21 546 507 145 14 34 12 1 1259 1273
21 to 22 488 453 130 13 30 11 1 1126 1138
22 to 23 368 341 98 9 23 8 1 848 857
23 to 24 221 205 59 6 14 5 1 509 514
24 to 1 137 127 36 4 8 3 0 315 318
1 to 2 95 88 25 2 6 2 0 218 220
2 to 3 74 68 20 2 5 2 0 170 171
3 to 4 116 107 31 3 7 3 0 266 269
4 to 5 126 117 33 3 8 3 0 291 294
5 to 6 158 146 42 4 10 4 0 363 367
6 to 7 263 244 70 7 16 6 1 605 612
7 to 8 473 438 125 12 29 11 1 1090 1102
Total 10504 9743 2788 270 646 240 25 24215 24483
Happy Niketan Kolkata Traffic Impact Study
Happy Niketan Kolkata Traffic Impact Study
The plot is being developed as a residential project comprising 3876 car parking spaces.
Provision of access points to drop off /pickup have been planned to facilitate efficient circulation and
dispersal of traffic. These access points shall provide entry / exit facility to parking and drop off locations
and are strategically located and designed in such a way that it not only adds efficacy to circulation and
accessibility but also helps in safety, security and traffic management. The access points provided for
the project and traffic circulation for the project is illustrated in below figure.
Happy Niketan Kolkata Traffic Impact Study
Happy Niketan Kolkata Traffic Impact Study
Happy Niketan Kolkata Traffic Impact Study
The traffic analysis comprises of:
• Traffic Forecast
• Traffic Impact Analysis
• Traffic Circulation
The project is expected to be commissioned by the year 2030. This would generate additional trips
during day and peak hours. The trips generated by the project are given in table below:
Happy Niketan Kolkata Traffic Impact Study
A traffic growth of 5% is considered per year for the surrounding network. Based on this, the traffic has
been forecasted and has been summarized in Table 4-4 and Table 4-5.
This project being of residential land use, once commissioned will be generating predominantly outgoing
and incoming traffic during morning and evening peak hours respectively. There will be various modes
of vehicles contributing to the traffic.
The project site is surrounded by a well-planned road network. Existing neighboring roads will carry
traffic from and towards the site. The impact of the project traffic would be predominantly on Grand
Trunk Road
Following has been assumed for assignment of trips on existing road network.
Roads %
Future traffic on adjoining roads shall comprise of following two major components:
Happy Niketan Kolkata Traffic Impact Study
The road traffic has been forecasted for year 2020 and 2030. This total traffic on the road is compared
with its capacity. This V/C ratio of peak traffic volume and capacity is used as an index to determine
level of congestion on link which is likely to occur when projected traffic is operative on link. Pedestrian
traffic is assumed to use footpaths and not affect the road capacity. The summary of results for future
traffic link flow conditions at different access roads is shown in Table 4-4 and Table 4-5.
Table 4-4 Traffic Capacity Analysis of Access Roads – 2020
The above results indicated that there are no concerns on account of project traffic and the traffic will
continue to run as usual even after commissioning of project.
Under present configuration the Grand Trunk Road will operate at V/C ratio of maximum 0.99 for the
year 2020 and 1.5 for the year 2030 respectively during the peak hour after completion of the proposed
development, which indicates the traffic will continue to run as usual with appropriate vigil during peak
hours after commissioning of project.
The existing Level of Service (2018) for the neighboring intersections has been illustrated below. Refer
Figure 4-1.
Happy Niketan Kolkata Traffic Impact Study
Figure 4-1 Existing LOS for the neighboring road network (2018) - 5KM Study Area
Figure 4-2 Projected LOS for the neighboring road network (2030) – Do Nothing Scenario for
5Km Study Area
The projected Level of Service of the year 2030 for the neighboring intersections has been illustrated
below. Considering a growth factor of 5 % per year, the road traffic would grow by 60%. Major Infra
Projects impact like widening Road and has been considered for Junction analysis 2030 scenario
refer Figure 4-3.
Happy Niketan Kolkata Traffic Impact Study
Figure 4-3 Projected LOS for the neighboring road network (2030) – Traffic Management Scenario for
5Km Study Area
As the LOS for 2030 scenario remains within acceptable level, below following traffic management
measures for study road network of 5km is proposed.
• Provide pedestrian crossings and dedicated footpath to cater to the walking population
• Assign traffic wardens to regulate flow of project traffic during peak hours
• Signalization of four and roundabout of one junction within 5km road network of project is
recommended in 2030
Happy Niketan Kolkata Traffic Impact Study
The objectives of performing swept path analysis are as follows:
• To check that the plan layout can accommodate the movement of the design vehicle expected
by the development.
• To provide solutions to possible geometric congestions on the site.
• To provide information of the proposed layout and see if it serves the purpose, especially at
turns where head room for vehicle maneuvers is limited.
• To provide to local authority and developers precise information and the swept path analysis of
vehicles overlaid on the proposed site layout to demonstrate that the vehicles can maneuver
safely and efficiently within the site layout.
• Fire Tender
Detailed design and dimensions of design vehicle has been illustrated in Figure 5-1.
Happy Niketan Kolkata Traffic Impact Study
Happy Niketan Kolkata Traffic Impact Study
• Road Markings and Signages: Proper road markings (edge, median, arrows, turning, Kerb) and
signages (direction, turning, speed, and pedestrian crossings) will be installed and maintained
on all roads in the vicinity of project premises.
• On-street parking will be prohibited on all external and internal streets.
• Pick and drop at designated places only.
• Preferably no U-Turn on roadway
• Traffic calming measures – speed tables, signage
Apart from internal signage – it will be requested to provide necessary signage and traffic control
measures, on neighboring roads, – such as Speed limit, Left hand curve, pedestrian crossing etc. (Refer
Table 6-1).
Happy Niketan Kolkata Traffic Impact Study
1 Speed Limit
2 Silence Zone
3 Pedestrian Crossing
Happy Niketan Kolkata Traffic Impact Study
Happy Niketan Kolkata Traffic Impact Study
Happy Niketan Kolkata Traffic Impact Study
1) The project traffic has been forecasted for year 2020 and 2030; this has been superimposed
along with existing projected traffic to arrive at future traffic for year 2020 and 2030.
2) The forecast traffic on the 5km road network will operate at acceptable level of service in
3) Swept Path analysis yielded that road geometry was adequate for vehicle turning
4) A Traffic Management Plan in terms of traffic calming measures and traffic control
measures has been devised and proposed to maintain adequate level of service and safety
of vehicles and pedestrian.