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NF ISO 26362

MARS 2009

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Afnor, Saga Web NF ISO 26362:2009-03

FE153588 ISSN 0335-3931

NF ISO 26362
French standard March 2009

Classification index: X 50-066

ICS: 03.020

Access panels in market,

opinion and social research
Vocabulary and service requirements

F: «Access panels» pour les études de marché, études sociales et d’opinion —

Vocabulaire et exigences de service
D : Access Panels in der Markt-, Meinungs- und Sozialforschung —
Begriffe und Dienstleistungsanforderungen
© AFNOR 2009 — All rights reserved

French standard approved

by decision of the Director General of AFNOR on February 4, 2009 taking effect on
March 4, 2009.

Correspondence This document reproduces in full the international standard ISO 26362:2009.

Analysis This document specifies the terms and definitions, as well as the service
requirements, for organizations and professionals who own and/or use access
panels for market, opinion and social research.

Descriptors Technical International Thesaurus: market research, sample surveys, information,

data, ports: openings, data bases, services, definitions, management, quality,
organizations, recruitment, inspection, maintenance, use, sampling, check-lists, user
supplier relations, protection of information.



Published and distributed by Association Française de Normalisation (AFNOR — French standard institute) — 11, rue Francis de Pressensé —
93571 La Plaine Saint-Denis Cedex — Tel.: + 33 (0)1 41 62 80 00 — Fax: + 33 (0)1 49 17 90 00 —

© AFNOR 2009 AFNOR 2009 1st issue 2009-03-P

Afnor, Saga Web NF ISO 26362:2009-03

NF ISO 26362:2009 —2—

National foreword

References to French standards

The correspondence between the standards figuring in the clause "Normative references" and the identical French
standards is as follows:
ISO 20252 : NF ISO 20252 (classification index: X 50-059)
Afnor, Saga Web NF ISO 26362:2009-03

ISO 26362:2009(E)

Contents Page

Foreword............................................................................................................................................................ iv
Introduction ........................................................................................................................................................ v
1 Scope ..................................................................................................................................................... 1
2 Normative references ........................................................................................................................... 1
3 Terms and definitions........................................................................................................................... 1
4 Requirements ........................................................................................................................................ 3
4.1 General requirement............................................................................................................................. 3
4.2 Organization and responsibility .......................................................................................................... 4
4.3 Recruitment of new panel members ................................................................................................... 4
4.4 Access panel structure and size ......................................................................................................... 6
4.5 Access panel management.................................................................................................................. 7
4.6 Access panel usage.............................................................................................................................. 9
4.7 Client reporting ................................................................................................................................... 11
4.8 Professional rules of conduct ........................................................................................................... 11
Annex A (informative) References to clauses of ISO 20252:2006 in this International Standard ............ 13

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ISO 26362:2009(E)

ISO (the International Organization for Standardization) is a worldwide federation of national standards bodies
(ISO member bodies). The work of preparing International Standards is normally carried out through ISO
technical committees. Each member body interested in a subject for which a technical committee has been
established has the right to be represented on that committee. International organizations, governmental and
non-governmental, in liaison with ISO, also take part in the work. ISO collaborates closely with the
International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) on all matters of electrotechnical standardization.

International Standards are drafted in accordance with the rules given in the ISO/IEC Directives, Part 2.

The main task of technical committees is to prepare International Standards. Draft International Standards
adopted by the technical committees are circulated to the member bodies for voting. Publication as an
International Standard requires approval by at least 75 % of the member bodies casting a vote.

Attention is drawn to the possibility that some of the elements of this document may be the subject of patent
rights. ISO shall not be held responsible for identifying any or all such patent rights.

ISO 26362 was prepared by Technical Committee ISO/TC 225, Market, opinion and social research.

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ISO 26362:2009(E)

The intention and objective of this International Standard is to apply the quality requirements as specified in
ISO 20252 to market, opinion and social research by the use of access panels and to harmonize already
available national standards on this issue. Requirements only apply where these services are provided. This
International Standard is intended to supplement and be used in conjunction with ISO 20252.

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Access panels in market, opinion and social research —

Vocabulary and service requirements

1 Scope
This International Standard specifies the terms and definitions, as well as the service requirements, for
organizations and professionals who own and/or use access panels for market, opinion and social research. It
develops the criteria against which access panel providers can be evaluated and against which the quality of
access panels can be assessed.

This International Standard is applicable to all types of access panels, whether recruited and used online (e.g.
via internet) or offline (e.g. via telephone, post or face-to-face interaction).

NOTE 1 Some individual access panel providers carry out only some processes relevant to the requirements of this
International Standard. Relevant processes could also be the responsibility of separate organizations, e.g. an access
panel owner and a research service provider carrying out a survey using the access panel.

NOTE 2 Access panels are actively managed and, in this way, differentiated from sampling frames, simple databases
and lists of addresses and names including respondents to previous surveys.

2 Normative references
The following referenced documents are indispensable for the application of this document. For dated
references, only the edition cited applies. For undated references, the latest edition of the referenced
document (including any amendments) applies.

ISO 20252:2006, Market, opinion and social research — Vocabulary and service requirements

3 Terms and definitions

For the purposes of this document, the terms and definitions given in ISO 20252 and the following apply.

access panel
sample database of potential respondents who declare that they will cooperate for future data collection if

NOTE 1 Continuously reporting panels, e.g. TV-rating panels, consumer panels and re-contact databases (asking for
permission for follow-ups) are not covered.

NOTE 2 Adapted from ISO 20252:2006, definition 2.1.

access panel provider
service provider that manages and is responsible for the access panel(s) to be used by researchers for
conducting surveys

NOTE For the purposes of applying requirements of ISO 20252 to this International Standard, “research service
provider” and “access panel provider” are regarded as having equivalent meaning.

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ISO 26362:2009(E)

active panel member
panel member who has participated in at least one survey if requested, has updated his/her profile data or has
registered to join the access panel, within the last 12 months

systematic deviation between the estimate and the true parameter value

[ISO 20252:2006, definition 2.7]

individual, organization, department or division, internal or external, which requests or commissions a
research project

[ISO 20252:2006, definition 2.8]

continuous panel
group of selected respondents who have agreed to provide information at specified intervals over an extended
period of time

NOTE 1 The term “continuous panel” does not cover “access panel”.

NOTE 2 Adapted from ISO 20252:2006, definition 2.37.

centrally held collection of data that is accessible to users

[ISO 20252:2006, definition 2.18]

process to remove individuals who are registered more than once on the same access panel, so that they are
entered only once

double opt-in
explicit consent at two separate points to become a panel member

fraudulent panel member
panel member who deliberately misrepresents his/her identity, profile data or responses

inattentive panel member
panel member who does not give an adequate level of thought to the responses he/she provides

NOTE A poor quality of response is not necessarily the panel member’s fault, and could reflect poor questionnaire

gift, payment or other concessions offered to potential respondents to increase response rates

[ISO 20252:2006, definition 2.28]

NOTE The term “response rate” cannot be used to describe respondent cooperation for access panels [see
participation rate (3.16)].

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ISO 26362:2009(E)

explicit consent to become a panel member

explicit request from a panel member to leave an access panel

panel member
individual recruited from a documented source who has provided profile data and appropriate information for
validation of identity, given explicit consent to participate in research surveys according to the terms and
conditions of panel membership, and not opted out

participation rate
number of panel members who have provided a usable response divided by the total number of initial
personal invitations requesting members to participate

NOTE A “usable response” is one where the respondent has provided answers to all the questions required by the
survey design. Where it is possible to determine undelivered invitations (e.g. returned to sender owing to a full email inbox,
incorrect postal or email address, or invalid phone number), it is recommended that these be taken into account when
calculating the participation rate. The number of panel members who did not receive an invitation would then be
subtracted from the total number of panel members invited to participate.

profile data
descriptive characteristics of a panel member

initial questions in a questionnaire used to establish eligibility of respondent

[ISO 20252:2006, definition 2.55]

procedures to check that data have been collected according to specification

NOTE Adapted from ISO 20252, definition 2.61.

extent to which the results of a research process represent what was intended

[ISO 20252:2006, definition 2.62]

4 Requirements

4.1 General requirement

Access panels to which this International Standard applies shall be actively managed. Such management
shall include interface and ongoing communication between the access panel provider and the panel

NOTE 1 Access panels are, in this way, differentiated from simple sampling frames, simple databases and lists of
addresses and names, including those of respondents to previous or other surveys.

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ISO 26362:2009(E)

At the recruitment stage, the access panel provider shall obtain from panel members their agreement to
participate in research projects.

Access panels shall contain a set of profile data of panel members (see 4.4.3).

NOTE 2 Access panels as covered by this International Standard are on-going and can be used for a range of surveys
or other research purposes (e.g. qualitative research). They are distinguished from special purpose continuous panels,
such as those used for audience measurement, to which this International Standard does not apply.

Active panel members shall meet all the following criteria:

⎯ they are recruited from a documented source;

⎯ they have provided appropriate information for initial confirmation of identity;

⎯ they have provided profile data at recruitment;

⎯ they have given explicit consent to participate in research surveys according to the terms and conditions
of panel membership.

In order to remain an active panel member, at least one of the following criteria shall be met:

a) participation in at least one survey, if requested, within the last 12 months;

b) update of profile data within the last 12 months.

4.2 Organization and responsibility

The access panel provider shall apply a quality management system which covers all the requirements of this
International Standard and documents the provider’s organizational structure in accordance with
ISO 20252:2006, 3.1.

Records and documents shall be established and maintained to provide evidence of traceability in accordance
with ISO 20252:2006, 3.3.

Competence and training procedures shall be in place and documented in accordance with ISO 20252:2006,

The access panel provider shall be responsible for ensuring that any subcontracted processes covered by this
International Standard are controlled in accordance with ISO 20252:2006, 3.5.

4.3 Recruitment of new panel members

4.3.1 Confidentiality and transparency

Access panel providers shall ensure the confidentiality and security of all personal data relating to panel
members which are obtained as part of the recruitment process or otherwise.

Access panel providers shall not provide data in an identifiable form to any third party unless explicit consent
from the panel member is obtained in accordance with applicable laws and relevant codes of conduct. This
principle of confidentiality shall be communicated to potential panel members during the recruitment process.

The general purposes of the access panel, its mode of operation and the general nature of how data collected
from panel members at the recruitment stage or through panel research projects may be used shall be
communicated and transparent to potential panel members during the recruitment process.

The type of personal data to be collected from panel members, how long it will be retained and security of its
storage shall be communicated to potential panel members.

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ISO 26362:2009(E)

Where cookies or similar elements are used in the panel members’ interface, this shall be communicated to
panel members in at least general terms, including the differences between cookies used, for example, as
routing and those which capture data about panel members and their behaviour. At the recruitment stage,
panel members shall have the opportunity of refusing cookies, even though this may make them ineligible for
inclusion on the access panel.

The access panel provider shall prepare and make available a documented privacy statement.

Where incentives are to be offered to panel members, the incentive policy statement (see 4.5.2) shall be
summarized to potential panel members at the recruitment stage and the full statement shall be
communicated to active panel members.

Access panel providers shall add to the access panel only panel members who confirm in the recruitment
process their explicit consent to the terms and conditions of membership of the access panel and their future
participation in research projects to be carried out through the access panel.

Where it is intended to recruit children as panel members, the access panel provider shall obtain the explicit
permission of each child’s parent or legal guardian or other responsible adult before initiating any contact with
the child. Where it becomes apparent during recruitment that a potential panel member is a child (and this was
not known beforehand), the informed permission of the child’s parent or legal guardian or other responsible
adult shall also be obtained before proceeding further with the recruitment process. A record shall be made of
such permissions.

NOTE The term “child” is defined in accordance with applicable legislation and relevant codes of conduct.

When obtaining permission to recruit, the type of research to be covered shall be explained to the responsible
adult. The permission to contact the child shall be renewed regularly (at least every 12 months or at the next
survey opportunity). In the case of sensitive topics, the responsible adult shall be asked for permission on
each occasion. The access panel provider shall check that each project conforms to the permission given.
Records of this check shall be kept.

During the recruitment process, potential panel members shall be informed that co-operation and membership
in the access panel is voluntary and that upon their request, at any time after recruitment, they will be
removed from the access panel.

4.3.2 Methods of recruitment

The access panel provider shall disclose to clients, upon request, the methods of recruitment used.

Where potential panel members are to be contacted from an existing database or contact list, the access
panel provider shall ensure that such contact conforms to applicable legal requirements and relevant codes of
conduct. Where such databases or contact lists are provided by a third party (e.g. the client), the access panel
provider shall request the third party to confirm that use of the source is in conformity with legal requirements.

4.3.3 Source of recruitment

The access panel provider shall disclose to the client, upon request, the types of sources used to recruit to the
access panel, including whether recruitment is from a representative sample of the target population. The
proportion of the total access panel represented by each type of source, including from a representative
sample, shall be quantified.

NOTE The client is then able to review this information in order to evaluate the appropriateness of the recruiting
sources and to determine whether they can cause any issues of bias or validity.

4.3.4 Validation of identity General

The access panel provider shall validate the claimed identity of new panel members.

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ISO 26362:2009(E)

Appropriate methods (e.g. de-duplication) shall be carried out to avoid individuals being included more than
once in the access panel.

The access panel provider shall document the process of validating panel members’ identity and record the
results and any actions taken. This documented process shall be available to the client upon request. Validation of identity at the recruitment stage

Identity shall be validated at the recruitment stage. The access panel provider shall devise and document the
techniques and variables used to do so. Techniques and variables can include, for example

⎯ telephone number;

⎯ name and postal address;

⎯ bank details;

⎯ official identity number.

NOTE 1 In specialist access panels, other techniques and variables can be more appropriate.

NOTE 2 In online access panels, an e-mail address alone is not sufficient to validate identity. Subsequent validation of identity

Subsequent validation of identity, using appropriate documented methods, shall be carried out every time a
panel member participates. Appropriate methods of subsequent validation of identity can include panel
member signature, password, panel identity number or similar method.

4.3.5 Request to unsubscribe or opt out of the access panel

Panel members shall be given a straightforward method for being removed from the access panel if they
choose. A request for removal shall be completed as soon as practicable and the panel member shall not be
selected for future research studies within the access panel unless a new acceptance is obtained from the
panel member in future recruitments or research.

4.4 Access panel structure and size

4.4.1 Access panel structure

The access panel provider shall describe the structure of the access panel and make this information
available to clients upon request and as far as is relevant for the specific research project. The structural
description should cover:

⎯ the population group included in and/or excluded from the access panel, e.g. domestic consumers,
professional practitioners, a business group;

⎯ any sub-groups within the access panel from which specific samples or sub-samples can be selected, as
well as their size relative to the total size of the access panel.

Where the process of recruitment of the access panel has the objective to mirror a population profile, e.g. by
age or socio-economic class, this should be demonstrated by relevant supporting data.

Terms such as “representative” shall be used only if tightly defined.

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ISO 26362:2009(E)

4.4.2 Access panel size

The size of the access panel shall be defined and transparent to clients. The following shall be taken into
account when defining access panel size and capacity:

⎯ only active panel members shall be included, as defined in 3.3;

⎯ the typical participation rate (and calculation method) of the surveys conducted within the last 12 months;

⎯ access panel size shall be of respondents recruited as panel members and shall not include other
members of panel members’ households, although estimates of total household numbers may also be

⎯ access panel size shall be given for a specific date (since panel members may leave and join

NOTE The number of panel members is not, in itself, an adequate quality criterion for an access panel. The quality of
an access panel, and hence also the quality of samples drawn from it, is mainly determined by the recruitment and
selection procedure for panel members, the structure of the access panel and the maintenance and usage of the access
panel, rather than by the number of panel members.

4.4.3 Profile data of panel members

NOTE The profile data is collected for two main purposes. The first is to provide information for use in the validation
and auditing of the panel members, and the second is to provide relevant stratification data for employment in the sample

When using profile data for analysis purposes, one should proceed with caution, since these data are not
always kept consistently up to date. Wherever possible, any variables to be used in analysis should be verified
as part of the main questionnaire.

During recruitment, profile data shall be collected from all new panel members and this shall be updated. The
profile data definitions shall be available to clients. Relevant panel member data definitions can include:

⎯ home address;

⎯ demographic and socio-economic variables, e.g. gender, age, marital status, educational level attained,
socio-economic group;

⎯ product and service usage or ownership, as well as other behavioural data.

For specialist access panels, other equivalent classifications may be appropriate.

4.5 Access panel management

4.5.1 General

The management of an access panel shall be performed by competent staff. The individual responsibilities
and duties shall be documented by the organizational structure within the access panel provider, in
accordance with ISO 20252:2006, 3.1.

Access panel management procedures shall be documented and a summary of these procedures shall be
available to the client upon request.

4.5.2 Incentives

Where incentives are given to respondents, the nature of these incentives shall be documented as part of
project records.

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ISO 26362:2009(E)

Incentives should be used as a token of appreciation and as a means to stimulate participation. As part of
quality control, the incentive for taking part should be as neutral as possible in terms of the research project
and the target group, so as to ensure that the type and scope of the incentives do not lead to response bias.

Where incentives are to be offered, access panel providers shall have a documented incentive statement for
each access panel operated or a common statement for all access panels, with any variations between
access panels identified. The incentive statement shall cover, as appropriate:

⎯ the nature of the incentives, e.g. cash, vouchers, points and redemption process;

⎯ the types of participation for which incentives are offered, including panel membership and/or participation
in surveys (with participation defined), loyalty, etc.;

⎯ how and when incentives are given or redeemed;

⎯ the fair and equitable treatment of all panel members;

⎯ methods of resolving queries or disputes about incentives.

The incentive statement (details of reward for panel members) shall be easily available to all panel members.

Where panel members include children, the child’s parent or legal guardian shall be made aware of the
incentive scheme and give their explicit permission (see 4.3.1).

Clients shall be informed, upon request, that incentives are offered to panel members, and the nature of the
incentives shall be specified.

Panel members shall be able to check the incentives owed to them.

4.5.3 Maintenance

The access panel provider shall interact with panel members at least once every 12 months, whether as part
of research project participation, updating of profile data, or otherwise. Such interaction shall entail two-way
communication between the access panel provider and panel members and shall be documented.

The access panel provider shall maintain data on the panel members' participation history. Relevant variables
of panel members' participation may include:

⎯ the length of time on the access panel;

⎯ the number and duration of research projects in which panel members have been invited to participate, as
well as the number of projects where responses have been provided;

⎯ the subjects of projects in which the panel member has responded;

⎯ when the profile data was last updated.

NOTE It can be necessary to exclude panel members from projects on the basis of prior participation in other

The access panel provider shall inform clients, upon request, of policies relating to access panel maintenance,
including the variables available for access panel participation analysis.

Panel members who no longer meet the requirements of an active panel member should be removed on a
periodic basis (at least once every 12 months) from the access panel, based on their co-operation history.
This history shall be retained for a minimum of two years.

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ISO 26362:2009(E)

4.5.4 Updating profile data of panel members

Panel members shall be asked to update their profile data information at least once every 12 months and shall
be able to update their information when they wish.

If no changes are needed to a profile, this can be considered as an update and confirmed by recording the
confirmation date.

4.5.5 System requirements

The access panel provider shall have available effective systems (computer-based or otherwise) to implement
all requirements of this International Standard and to provide all relevant data on access panel recruitment,
structure and size, panel members’ profile, access panel management and research participation (response
patterns and behaviour).

The systems shall also provide for regular back-up of all data and safeguards, in order to ensure the security
of data (including in respect of clients) and panel members’ confidentiality.

The requirements in ISO 20252 for back-up, retention and security of data apply.

Online surveys should be available for access at all times while they are ongoing, unless there are
unavoidable technical issues.

A technical support/helpdesk service shall be available to panel members by e-mail, web, mail, telephone or
other means. The access panel provider should acknowledge or respond to a request within a reasonable
period of time.

4.6 Access panel usage

4.6.1 Sampling

The access panel provider shall agree with clients on the design and methods to be used to draw samples
from access panels for surveys or other research purposes and shall document these in sufficient detail that
they can be repeated in other surveys (see 4.7). Any important facts or events in the sampling stage, such as
possible sampling biases that might reduce the projectability of the sample to the defined target
population/target universe, shall also be documented and reported to the client. The requirements of
ISO 20252:2006,, apply.

4.6.2 Frequency of participation

The frequency of participation of panel members can be an important design issue that affects the type and
magnitude of error in certain types of research. For this reason, access panel providers shall monitor the
frequency of participation of all panel members.

The access panel provider shall implement procedures by which fieldwork management is able to identify
which panel member has taken part in which survey, so that this information can be used to include/exclude
particular sets of panel members.

Detailed records (including the date) of survey participation shall be stored for each panel member, including:

⎯ surveys sampled for (e.g. including type of survey and/or product category);

⎯ response to the invitation.

4.6.3 Questionnaire

The requirements for questionnaires and online questionnaires (including screening questions) in
ISO 20252:2006, 4.4, apply.

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ISO 26362:2009(E)

4.6.4 Pre-testing and translation

The research documentation/questionnaire to be used shall be pre-tested in accordance with ISO 20252:2006,

Where language translations of research documentations/questionnaires are required, this process shall
conform to ISO 20252:2006, 4.4.2.

4.6.5 Invitations to participate in research projects

Each panel member invited to participate in a project (i.e. a member of the selected sample) shall be provided
with appropriate information, including:

⎯ a general description of the purpose of the project;

⎯ the estimated length of the interview;

⎯ a statement of the confidentiality and anonymity of each panel member’s responses;

⎯ the closing date for completed responses (if applicable);

⎯ full disclosure of incentive terms and conditions applying to the project;

⎯ information as to whether the invitation is sent out on behalf of another research service provider;

⎯ the opportunity to unsubscribe or opt out of the access panel.

NOTE 1 Disclosure of the target group or the product category or identity of the client can bias the results of the

NOTE 2 The requirements of 4.3.1 apply regarding the participation of children.

4.6.6 Validation of data

The access panel provider, working with the researcher, shall implement procedures to identify and remove
fraudulent and inattentive panel members, documenting these procedures and actions taken.

Responsibilities in this matter may be split between a panel service provider and a separate research service
provider, and neither alone may be able to cover this requirement in full.

Relevant validation data shall include:

a) questionnaire completion time, if applicable (e.g. in online, telephone, CAPI);

b) the number of questions unanswered and, if relevant, whether specific core questions are unanswered;

c) a comparison between at least one item of the profile data of the panel members and data from the
questionnaire (e.g. age).

In addition to this, relevant validation data may include:

⎯ a cross-reference and cross-validation to external data, e.g. usage and attitude data;

⎯ a consistency check within the dataset, or a consistency check on an individual dataset basis, with either
external data or certain scores of the overall data file;

⎯ responses given to open-ended questions.

The requirements of ISO 20252:2006, 5.6.3 and 6.4, apply.

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ISO 26362:2009(E)

4.7 Client reporting

Where output data is provided to the client before the cut-off date, appropriate notifications and warnings shall
be included on the limitations of data based on partial and non-validated responses.

Reporting to clients on completion of projects shall cover (or otherwise make available):

⎯ the participation invitation(s) and questionnaire(s) used;

⎯ sampling methods in accordance with 4.6.1 (if a quota sampling procedure is applied, quota plan versus
actually achieved quotas);

⎯ the research (fieldwork) period;

⎯ validation methods in accordance with 4.6.6, and how many cases have been excluded as a result of
data validation;

⎯ participation rates and methods of calculating them;

⎯ evidence that leads to limitations in the projectability to the defined target population/universe;

⎯ whether part or all of the project was sub-contracted and the suppliers involved;

⎯ that the project was carried out in accordance with this International Standard.

The term “response rate” can only be used in connection with probability samples and shall not be used to
describe respondent cooperation in an access panel.

Access panel providers shall not present research results with greater confidence than the data warrant.
Instead, the relevant limitations of the research shall be stated.

In addition to this, the requirements of ISO 20252:2006, 4.8 and Clause 7, apply with respect to reporting.

4.8 Professional rules of conduct

4.8.1 Compliance with codes of conduct and legal requirements

The management of the access panel provider shall ensure that all staff are familiar with the requirements of
relevant professional codes of conduct and applicable laws in relation to the tasks they undertake. This
responsibility shall be explicitly notified to all subcontractors.

The requirements of ISO 20252:2006,, apply.

4.8.2 Responsibilities with regard to panel members

Access panel providers shall ensure full transparency (including in relation to incentives) and confidentiality to
panel members and shall implement all necessary procedures required to achieve this.

Personal data held on panel members shall be available to them upon request and shall be corrected or
deleted if a panel member requests changes.

The access panel provider shall provide a means (e.g. help-desk, website, pages of frequently asked
questions) by which panel members can obtain assistance or resolution of queries.

The access panel provider shall inform panel members when material changes are made to their privacy or
incentive policies.

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ISO 26362:2009(E)

4.8.3 Responsibilities with regard to clients

Research projects carried out for clients shall be confidential to the client, and data shall not be passed to any
third party or published without the express permission of the client (see also 4.7).

Appropriate procedures shall be in place to ensure the security and confidentiality of client information and

The requirements of ISO 20252:2006, 4.7.2 and 4.9.2, apply.

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ISO 26362:2009(E)

Annex A

References to clauses of ISO 20252:2006 in this International Standard

Table A.1 specifies the clauses of ISO 20252:2006 to which reference is made in this International Standard.

Table A.1

Clauses in this International Standard References to clauses in ISO 20252:2006

3.1 access panel 2.1

3.4 bias 2.7
3.5 client 2.8
3.6 continuous panel 2.37
3.7 database 2.18
3.12 incentive 2.28
3.18 screening 2.55
3.19 validation 2.61
4.2 Organization and responsibility 3.1, 3.3, 3.4, 3.5
4.5 Access panel management (4.5.1 General) 3.1
4.6 Access panel usage (4.6.1 Sampling)
4.6.3 Questionnaire 4.4
4.6.4 Pre-testing and translation 4.4.2, 5.6.4
4.6.6 Validation of data 5.6.3, 6.4
4.7 Client reporting 7, 4.8
4.8.1 Compliance with codes of conduct and legal requirements
4.8.3 Responsibilities with regard to clients 4.7.2, 4.9.2

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