Ansi C37.16-2000
Ansi C37.16-2000
Ansi C37.16-2000
Low-Voltage Power
Circuit Breakers and AC Power
Circuit Protectors—
Preferred Ratings, Related
Requirements, and Application
Approved 05/19/00
American National Standards Institute, Inc.
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ANSI C37.16-2000
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The American National Standards Institute does not develop standards and will
in no circumstances give an interpretation of any American National Standard.
Moreover, no person shall have the right or authority to issue an interpretation
of an American National Standard in the name of the American National
Standards Institute. Requests for interpretations should be addressed to the
secretariat or sponsor whose name appears on the title page of this standard.
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This standard has been revised to include a 5000 Ampere frame size in tables 1 through 5 and tables 22A
and 22B for low-voltage AC power circuit breakers. In addition, both 1000 volt and 1200 volt ratings for
DC breakers in tables 11, 11a, and 12 are now included, since both ratings of breakers are now available.
The titles of tables 11 and 12 have been clarified to differentiate between “heavy duty” and “light duty”
The 1997 version was revised to reflect industry trends such as deleting the 225 ampere frame size
throughout since it is not utilized any longer; adding a 2000 ampere frame size fused circuit breaker
(Tables 17 and 19, Line 4) which is now available; incorporating the C37.16a-1994 DC circuit breaker
Tables 8, 9, 10, 11, 11A and 12, which correlated with C37.14-1992; and incorporating the electronic trip
device ratings.
This standard was first published by the American Standards Association (now the American National
Standards Institute) in 1956, using material developed by the National Electrical Manufacturers
Association (NEMA).
Reference should be made to the appropriate American National Standards for service conditions,
definitions, ratings, temperature limitations, classes of insulating material, nameplate markings, dielectric-
withstand requirements, test requirements, and application standards.
American National Standards are subject to periodic review. Users are cautioned to secure the latest
edition. Suggestions for improvement of this standard will be welcome. They should be
sent to the National Electrical Manufacturers Association, 1300 North 17th Street, Suite 1847, Rosslyn, VA
This standard was processed and approved for submittal to ANSI by the Accredited Standards Committee
on Power Switchgear, C37. Committee approval of the standard does not necessarily imply that all
committee members voted for its approval. At the time this standard was approved, the C37 Committee
had the following members:
E. Byron, Chairman
A.K. McCabe, Executive Vice-Chairman, HV Standards
J. Scott, Executive Vice-Chairman, LV Standards
D.L. Swindler, Executive Vice-Chairman, IEC Activities
M. Calwise, Secretary
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The following members of NEMA Power Circuit Breaker Technical Committee and NEMA Power
Switchgear Assemblies Technical Committee worked on this Guide prior to its publication:
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ANSI C37.16-2000
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Clause Page
Foreword ..................................................................................................................................iii
1 Scope ....................................................................................................................................... 1
3 Requirements ........................................................................................................................... 1
Table 1 Preferred ratings for low-voltage AC power circuit breakers with instantaneous
direct-acting phase trip elements.............................................................................................. 2
Table 2 Preferred ratings for low-voltage AC power circuit breakers without instantaneous
direct-acting phase trip elements.............................................................................................. 3
Table 3 Overload switching requirements for low-voltage AC power circuit breakers .......................... 4
Table 5 Application limitations relating to repetitive duty and normal maintenance of low-voltage
AC power circuit breakers ........................................................................................................ 4
Table 6 Application of low-voltage AC power circuit breakers to full-voltage motor starting and
running duty of three-phase, 60-Hz, 40°C-rise motors ............................................................. 5
Table 8 Preferred ratings for general-purpose DC power circuit breakers with or without
instantaneous direct-acting trip elements ................................................................................. 7
Table 9 Test circuit values for general-purpose low-voltage DC power circuit breakers....................... 8
Table 11 Preferred ratings and test circuit values for “heavy duty” high-speed, semi-high-speed, and
rectifier low-voltage DC power circuit breakers ...................................................................... 10
Table 11A Preferred ratings and test circuit values for “heavy duty” high-speed, semi-high-speed, and
rectifier low-voltage DC power circuit breakers ...................................................................... 11
Table 12 Preferred ratings and test circuit values for “light duty” high-speed, semi-high-speed, and
rectifier low-voltage DC power circuit breakers ...................................................................... 12
Table 14 Endurance requirements for low-voltage DC power circuit breakers and field
discharge circuit breakers ...................................................................................................... 13
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ANSI C37.16-2000
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Table 17 Preferred ratings for integrally fused low-voltage AC power circuit breakers
with instantaneous direct-acting phase trip elements............................................................. 15
Table 22A Preferred trip-device current ratings or settings (in amperes) of low-voltage
power circuit breakers (electro-mechanical)........................................................................... 18
Table 22B Preferred trip-device current ratings or settings (in amperes) of low-voltage power
circuit breakers (electronic) .................................................................................................... 18
Annex........................................................................................................................................................ 21
1 Scope
This standard applies to all low-voltage power circuit breakers and AC power circuit protectors as covered
in the following American National Standards (see Section 4):
ANSI/IEEE C37.13-1990 (R1995), American National Standard for Low-Voltage AC Power Circuit
Breakers Used in Enclosures
ANSI/IEEE C37.14-1999, American National Standard for Low-Voltage DC Power Circuit Breakers Used
in Enclosures.
ANSI C37.17-1997, American National Standard for Trip Devices for AC and General Purpose DC Low-
Voltage Power Circuit Breakers
ANSI/IEEE C37.18-1979 (R1997), American National Standard Requirements for Field Discharge Circuit
Breakers for Rotating Electric Machinery
ANSI/IEEE C37.29-1981 (R1990), American National Standard for Low-Voltage AC Power Circuit
Protectors Used in Enclosures
ANSI C37.50-1989 (R2000), American National Standard Test Procedures for Low-Voltage AC Power
Circuit Breakers Used in Enclosures
ANSI C37.52-1974 (R2000), American National Standard Test Procedures for Low-Voltage AC Power
Circuit Protectors Used in Enclosures
2 Referenced standards
In addition to the standards listed in Section 1, this standard is intended for use in conjunction with
American National Standard National Electrical Code, ANSI/NFPA 70-1999.
3 Requirements
Preferred ratings, related requirements, and application recommendations for low-voltage power circuit
breakers and AC power circuit protectors shall be as given in tables 1 through 23.
When the American National Standards referred to in this document are superseded by a revision
approved by the American National Standards Institute, Inc., the revision shall apply.
Table 1 – Preferred Ratings for low-voltage AC power circuit breakers with instantaneous
direct-acting phase trip elements (See ANSI/IEEE C37.13)
Rated Short-circuit Range of trip-device current ratings
maximum- Dielectric current rating, amperes2
voltage withstand symmetrical Frame-size Electro-
volts volts amperes1 amperes mechanical Electronic
Line No. Col 1 Col 2 Col 3 Col 4 Col 5 Col 6
1 635 2200 22000 600 40-600 60-600
2 635 2200 22000 800 100-800 150-800
3 635 2200 42000 1600 200-1600 300-1600
4 635 2200 42000 2000 200-2000 500-2000
5 635 2200 65000 3000 2000-3000 800-3000
6 635 2200 65000 3200 2000-3200 800-3200
7 635 2200 85000 4000 4000 1000-4000
8 635 2200 85000 5000 5000 2000-5000
1 Ratings in this column are rms symmetrical values for single-phase (2-pole) circuit breakers and three-phase average rms
symmetrical values of three-phase (3-pole) circuit breakers. When applied on systems where rated maximum voltage may
appear across a single pole, the short-circuit current ratings are 87% of these values. See 5.6 of ANSI/IEEE C37.13.
2 For preferred trip-device current ratings, see table 22. Note that the continuous-current-carrying capability of some circuit-
breaker-trip-device combinations may be higher than the trip-device current rating. See 10.1.3 of ANSI/IEEE C37.13.
Table 2 – Preferred ratings for low-voltage AC power circuit breakers without instantaneous direct-acting phase trip elements
(Short-time-delay element or remote relay) (See ANSI/IEEE C37.13)
Range of trip-device current ratings amperes2
Short-circuit current Setting of short-time-delay trip element
Rated maximum Dielectric rating / short-time Electro-mechanical
voltage withstand current rating Frame size Minimum Intermediate Maximum Electronic
volts volts symmetrical amperes1 amperes time band time band time band any time band
Line No. Col 1 Col 2 Col 3 Col 4 Col 5 Col 6 Col 7 Col 8
1 635 2200 22000 600 175-600 200-600 250-600 60-600
2 635 2200 22000 800 175-800 200-800 250-800 150-800
3 635 2200 42000 1600 350-1600 400-1600 500-1600 300-1600
4 635 2200 42000 2000 350-2000 400-2000 500-2000 500-2000
5 635 2200 65000 3000 2000-3000 2000-3000 2000-3000 800-3000
6 635 2200 65000 3200 2000-3200 2000-3200 2000-3200 800-3200
7 635 2200 85000 4000 4000 4000 4000 1000-4000
8 635 2200 85000 5000 5000 5000 5000 2000-5000
1 Ratings in this column are rms symmetrical values for single-phase (2-pole) circuit breakers and three-phase average rms symmetrical values of three-phase (3-pole)
circuit breakers. When applied on systems where rated maximum voltage may appear across a single pole, the short-circuit current ratings are 87% of these values.
See 5.6 of ANSI/IEEE C37.13.
2 For preferred trip-device current ratings, see table 22. Note that the continuous-current-carrying capability of some circuit-breaker-trip-device combinations may be
higher than the trip-device current rating. See 10.1.3 of ANSI/IEEE C37.13.
*Not applicable.
Table 4 – Endurance requirements for low-voltage AC power circuit breakers (See ANSI C37.50)
Circuit-breaker Number of make-break or close-open operations
frame size Between Electrical Mechanical
amperes servicing1 endurance endurance Total
Line No. Col 1 Col 2 Col 3 Col 4 Col 5
1 600 1750 2800 9700 12500
2 800 1750 2800 9700 12500
3 1600 500 800 3200 4000
4 2000 500 800 3200 4000
5 3000 250 400 1100 1500
6 3200 250 400 1100 1500
7 4000 250 400 1100 1500
8 5000 250 400 1100 1500
1 Servicing shall consist of adjusting, cleaning, lubricating, and tightening.
Table 5 – Application limitations relating to repetitive duty and normal maintenance of low-voltage
AC power circuit breakers (See ANSI/IEEE C37.13)
Circuit-breaker Number of make-break or close-open operations
frame size Between No-load Rated continuous- Inrush-current
amperes servicing1 mechanical2 current switching3 switching4
Line No. Col 1 Col 2 Col 3 Col 4 Col 5
1 600 1750 9700 2800 1400
2 800 1750 9700 2800 1400
3 1600 500 3200 800 400
4 2000 500 3200 800 400
5 3000 250 1100 400 -
6 3200 250 1100 400 -
7 4000 250 1100 400 -
8 5000 250 1100 400 -
1 See Annex A, item A.
2 See Annex A, items A through G.
3 See Annex A, items A, C, D, G, F, G, H, and J.
4 See Annex A, items C, D, E, F, G, I, and J.
Table 6 – Application of low-voltage AC power circuit breakers to full-voltage motor starting and
running duty of three-phase, 60-Hz, 40°C-rise motors (See ANSI/IEEE C37.13)
* Characteristics of motors of more than 200 hp vary widely, and the manufacturer of the motor should be consulted for specific
details in these cases.
* * Selection of trip-device current rating and circuit-breaker frame size. The trip device rating listed is a preferred rating from table
22. In accordance with ANSI/NFPA 70 National Electrical Code, section 430-110, this rating is at least 115% of the maximum
motor full-load current (column 12). With trip devices having the lowest calibration point at 80% of the trip-device rating, the
requirement of section 430-34 can be met for the minimum full-load current (column 11). Section 430-34 requires that the trip
device be set at a calibration point which does not exceed the following:
(1) 140% of motor full-load current for motors with a marked service factor not less than 1.15 and for motors with a marked
temperature rise not over 40°C.
Any value listed in Column 10 may also be a trip-device setting if this current can be carried continuously and if additional
adjustments allow compliance with section 430-34.
Trip devices having a higher current rating may be used provided that they have a suitable calibration point below 80% of the
trip-device rating. The circuit-breaker frame size should be selected based on the applicable trip-device rating as well as the
short-circuit current available. See Tables 1 and 2 for guidance.
1 Locked-rotor current and instantaneous trip setting—Circuit breakers selected from this table are suitable for all motors
having locked-rotor kilovolt-ampere per horsepower, indicated by code letters A through J, inclusive, as listed in ANSI/NFPA
70, section 430-7. For motors with higher locked-rotor currents, care must be taken to ensure that an instantaneous trip
setting high enough to permit motor starting is available. It may be necessary to choose the circuit breaker with the next
higher continuous current rating, provided that the calibration limitations given in the footnote to column 10 are not exceeded.
If motor locked-rotor current exceeds 600% of the circuit-breaker frame size, a shorter service life than that shown in Table 5,
Column 5, can be expected.
2 Applications to motors other than those listed—For motors with horsepower ratings not listed in this table or for motors with
other than normal speed or torque characteristics, it will be necessary to determine the full-load current and locked-rotor
current as specified by the motor manufacturer. Find the current range in columns 11 and 12 which matches the full-load
current to determine the circuit breaker with the proper continuous rating. Check locked-rotor current according to Note 1.
Table 7 – Preferred ratings and related requirements of field-discharge circuit breakers(See ANSI/IEEE C37.18)
Main contacts Discharge contacts
Dielectric Rated interrupting Rated
test interrupting Rated current at rated interrupting
Rated voltage Rated Rated current at rated maximum maximum Rated 1/2-s Rated making Rated 15-s Rated 1/2-s current at
nominal rms 60 Hz continuous short-time short-time interrupting interrupting short-time current short-time short-time rated nominal
voltage for current voltage voltage voltage voltage current peak current current voltage
Line volts, DC 1 min1 amperes, DC volts, DC amperes, DC volts, DC amperes, DC amperes, DC amperes amperes, DC3 amperes, DC amperes, DC
No. Col 1 Col 2 Col 3 Col 4 Col 5 Col 6 Col 7 Col 8 Col 9 Col 10 Col 11 Col 12
1 250 2500 600 350 6000 1000 2700 3300 3300 1200 2700 600
2 375 3750 600 500 6000 1500 3000 3300 3300 1200 2700 600
3 375 3750 1600 500 16000 2200 7200 9600 9600 3200 7200 1600
4 500 5000 4000 700 24000 2000 14000 18600 18600 - 14000 4000
5 500 5000 6000 700 24000 2000 14000 18600 18600 - 14000 6000
6 700 5400 6000 700 48000 2450 21000 30000 21000 - 12000 6000
7 750 5500 8000 750 64000 2625 28000 40000 28000 - 16000 8000
8 1000 6000 10000 1000 80000 3500 35000 60000 35000 - 20000 10000
9 750 5500 12000 750 96000 2625 42000 60000 42000 - 24000 12000
1 The test voltage for field windings rated up to and including 500 volts shall be an AC voltage whose effective value is 10 times the rated excitation voltage but not less than 1500 volts.
2 It is suggested that the test voltage greater than 500 volts be an AC voltage whose effective value is 4000 volts plus twice the rated excitation voltage.
3 See of ANSI/IEEE C37.18.
Table 8 – Preferred ratings for general-purpose DC power circuit breakers with or without instantaneous direct-acting trip elements
(See ANSI/IEEE C37.14 for basis of ratings)
Circuit- Rated maximum inductance for Load circuit
breaker System Rated short-circuit current full interrupting stored-energy Range of trip-
frame size nominal maximum Rated peak or rated short-time rating factor W kilowatt device current
Line amperes voltage volts voltage volts current amperes1 current amperes2,3 microhenries4 seconds4 ratings amperes5
No. Col 1 Col 2 Col 3 Col 4 Col 5 Col 6 Col 7 Col 8
1 600/800 250 300 41000 25000 160 50 40-800
1 The peak current rating is only applicable for circuit breakers for use on solid-state rectifier applications.
2 A circuit breaker with coils that have a continuous-current rating lower than those listed for the breakers under a particular interrupting rating shall be given an interrupting rating
corresponding to the greatest interrupting rating under which the coil rating is listed.
3 Rated short-time current is applicable only to circuit breakers without instantaneous direct-acting trip elements (short-time-delay element or remote relay).
4 If the expected inductance to the point of fault exceeds the value given in column 6, obtain the reduced interrupting rating from the formula:
I = 10 4 20
5 For preferred trip-device current ratings, see table 22. Note that the continuous-current-carrying capability of some circuit-breaker-trip-device combinations may be higher than
the trip-device current rating. See 10.1.3 of ANSI/IEEE C37.13.
NOTE: The above values apply to one pole of the circuit breaker, except where specifically required for use on insulated systems, battery installations, etc., where the tests apply to
two poles.
Table 9 – Test circuit values for general-purpose low voltage DC power circuit breakers (See ANSI/IEEE C37.14 for basis of ratings)
Load circuit
Circuit- Rated maximum Rated peak Test circuit factor W
breaker frame voltage current Current Resistance Inductance kilowatt
Line size amperes Test volts amperes1 amperes ohms microhenries seconds
No. Col 1 Col 2 Col 3 Col 4 Col 5 Col 6 Col 7 Col 8
1 600/800 a 300 41000 25000 0.012 160 50
2 b 300 - 9000 0.033 1200 50
1 The peak current rating is only applicable for circuit breakers for use on solid-state rectifier applications.
Table 10 – Preferred ratings and test-circuit values for general-purpose low voltage DC power circuit breakers for mining applications
(See ANSI/IEEE C37.14 for basis of ratings)
Rated Load circuit
Circuit- System Rated maximum stored-energy
breaker nominal maximum Rated peak short-circuit Test circuit factor W
frame size voltage voltage current current Current Resistance Inductance kilowatt
Line amperes Test volts volts amperes4 amperes amperes ohms microhenries seconds
No. Col 1 Col 2 Col 3 Col 4 Col 5 Col 6 Col 7 Col 8 Col 9 Col 10
1 600-2000 a 275 325 41000 25000 25000 0.013 400 125
2 b 9000 0.036 3090 125
I = 10 4 20
4 The peak current rating is only applicable for circuit breakers for use on solid-state rectifier applications.
Table 11 – Preferred ratings and test circuit values for “heavy duty” (8) high-speed, semi-high-speed, and rectifier low-voltage DC
power circuit breakers (Based on transit systems with high frequency impedance bonds) (See ANSI/IEEE C37.14 for basis of ratings)
Semi-high-speed Sustained current Rectifier or other breaker-ratings with
breaker rated peak and semi-high- delayed trip or in non-trip direction
Rated or high-speed speed breaker Rated short- Add to load Approximate
Circuit- maximum breaker short- rated short-circuit Rated peak circuit or short- circuit load circuit
breaker frame voltage circuit current current current time current inductance time constant
Line size amperes Test volts amperes avg. amperes amperes amperes microhenries seconds
No. Col 1 Col 2 Col 3 Col 4 Col 5 Col 6 Col 7 Col 8 Col 9
1 1200-10000 a 300 125,000 85,000 70,000 42,500 Note 1 -
2 b 300 - 46,200 - - 500 0.053
3 c 300 - 13,300 - - 1000 0.053
4 d 300 - 7,300 - - 2000 0.053
Table 11A – Preferred ratings and test circuit values for “heavy duty” (8) high-speed, semi-high-speed, and rectifier low-voltage DC power circuit breakers (Based on
transit systems with low frequency impedance bonds) (See ANSI/IEEE C37.14 for basis of ratings)
Table 12 – Preferred ratings and test circuit values for “light duty” (8) high-speed, semi-high-speed, and rectifier low-voltage
DC power circuit breakers (Based on transit systems with high frequency impedance bonds)
(See ANSI/IEEE C37.14 for basis of ratings)
Semi-high- Rectifier or other breaker-ratings
speed breaker Sustained current with delayed trip or in non-trip
rated peak or and semi-high- direction
Circuit- Rated high-speed speed breaker Rated short- Add to load Approximate
breaker maximum breaker short- rated short-circuit Rated peak circuit or circuit load circuit
frame size voltage circuit current current current short-time inductance time constant
Line amperes Test volts amperes avg. amperes amperes current amperes microhenries seconds
No. Col 1 Col 2 Col 3 Col 4 Col 5 Col 6 Col 7 Col 8 Col 9
1 1200-6000 a 800 100000 60000 74000 45000 Note 1 -
2 b 800 - 35100 - - 600 0.066
3 c 800 - 24800 - - 1250 0.066
4 d 800 - 15700 - - 2500 0.066
1 Servicing shall consist of adjusting, cleaning, lubricating, tightening, etc.
1 See Annex A, item A.
2 See Annex A, items A through G.
3 See Annex A, items A, C, D, E, F, G, H, and J.
7 15 30 150 96 131
8 20 40 175 112 152
9 - - 200 128 174
10 25 50 225 144 196
11 - 60 250 160 218
12 30 - 300 192 261
1 Selection of trip-device current rating and circuit-breaker frame size. The trip device rating listed is a preferred rating from table 22.
In accordance with ANSI/NFPA 70, Section 430-110, this rating is at least 115% of the maximum motor full-load current (column 5).
With trip devices having the lowest calibration point at 80% of the trip-device rating, the requirement of Section 430-34 can be met
for the minimum full-load current (column 4). Section 430-34 requires that the trip device be set at a calibration point which does
not exceed the following:
(1) 140% of motor full-load current for motors with a marked service factor not less than 1.15 and for motors with a marked
temperature rise not over 40°C.
Any value listed in column 3 may also be a trip-device setting if this current can be carried continuously and if additional
adjustments allow compliance with section 430-34.
Trip devices having a higher current rating may be used provided that they have suitable calibration points below 80% of the trip-
device rating. The circuit-breaker frame size should be selected based on the applicable trip-device rating as well as the short-
circuit current available. See table 8 for guidance.
2 Applications to motors other than those listed. For motors with horsepower ratings not listed in this table or for motors with other
than normal speed or torque characteristics, it will be necessary to determine the full-load current as specified by the motor
manufacturer. Find the current range in columns 4 and 5 which matches the full-load current to determine the circuit breaker with
the proper continuous-current rating.
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Table 17 – Preferred ratings for integrally fused low-voltage AC power circuit breakers
with instantaneous direct-acting phase trip elements (See ANSI/IEEE C37.13)
Circuit- Rated Short-circuit Range of continuous-current rating amperes
breaker maximum Dielectric current rating Range of trip-device
frame size voltage withstand symmetrical current ratings Maximum
amperes1 volts 2 volts amperes3 amperes4 fuse rating5
Line No. Col 1 Col 2 Col 3 Col 4 Col 5 Col 6
1 600 600 2200 200000 125-600 ††
2 800 600 2200 200000 125-800 ††
3 1600 600 2200 200000 200-1600 ††
4 2000 600 2200 200000 500-2000 ††
1 Two circuit-breaker frame ratings are used for integrally fused circuit breakers. The continuous-current rating of the integrally fused
circuit breaker is determined by the rating of either the direct-acting trip device or the current-limiting fuse applied to a particular
circuit-breaker frame rating, whichever is smaller.
2 Listed values are limited by the standard voltage rating of the fuse.
3 Ratings in this column are rms symmetrical values for single-phase (2-pole) circuit breakers and three-phase average rms
symmetrical values of three-phase (3-pole) circuit breakers. When applied on systems where rated maximum voltage may appear
across a single pole, the short circuit current ratings are 87% of these values. See 5.6 of ANSI/IEEE C37.13.
4 For preferred trip-device current ratings, see table 22. Note that the continuous-current-carrying capability of some circuit-breaker-
trip-device combinations may be higher than the trip-device current rating. See 10.1.3 of ANSI/IEEE C37.13. Lower rated trip-
device current ratings may be used when the fuse size is small or the available current is low, or both. Consult the manufacturer.
5 Fuse current ratings may be 300, 400, 600, 800, 1000, 1200, 1600, 2000, 2500, 3000, and 4000 amperes. Fuses are of the current-
limiting type.
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* Characteristics of motors rated at more than 200 hp vary widely, and the manufacturer of the motor should be consulted for specific details in these cases.
** Selection of trip-device current rating and circuit-breaker frame size. The trip device rating listed is a preferred rating from table 22. In accordance with ANSI/NFPA 70, section 430-110,
this rating is at least 115% of the maximum motor full-load current (column 13). With trip devices having the lowest calibration point at 80% of the trip-device rating, the requirement of
section 430-34 can be met for the minimum full-load current (column 12). Section 430-34 requires that the trip device be set at a calibration point which does not exceed the following:
(1) 140% of motor full-load current for motors with a marked service factor not less than 1.15 and for motors with a marked temperature rise not over 40°C.
(2) 130% of motor full-load current for all other motors.
Any value listed in column 10 may also be a trip-device setting if this current can be carried continuously and if additional adjustments allow compliance with section 430-34.
Trip devices having a higher current rating may be used provided that they have a suitable calibration point below 80% of the trip-device rating. The circuit-breaker frame size
should be selected based on the applicable trip-device rating as well as the short-circuit current available. See table 17 for guidance.
*** These ratings are based on the use of a direct-acting phase trip device with instantaneous trip element. Where information is available, the fuse rating may be selected to suit the
particular application based on: (1) motor current, (2) overcurrent trip characteristics, (3) fuse melting time characteristics, and (4) system coordination requirements.
1 Locked-rotor current and instantaneous trip setting. Circuit breakers selected from this table are suitable for all motors having locked-rotor kilovolt-ampere per horsepower, indicated by
code letters A through J, inclusive, as listed in ANSI/NFPA 70, section 430-7. For motors with higher locked-rotor currents, care must be taken to ensure that an instantaneous trip
setting high enough to permit motor starting is available. It may be necessary to choose the circuit breaker with the next higher continuous-current rating, provided the calibration
limitations given in the footnote to column 10 are not exceeded.
If motor locked-rotor current exceeds 600% of the circuit-breaker frame size, a shorter service life than that shown in Table 19, column 5, can be expected.
2 Applications to motors other than those listed. For motors with horsepower ratings not listed in this table, or for motors with other than normal speed or torque characteristics, it will be
necessary to determine the full-load current and locked-rotor current as specified by the motor manufacturer. Find the current range in columns 12 and 13 that matches the full-load
current to determine the circuit breaker with the proper continuous rating. Check locked-rotor current according to Note 1.
Table 19 – Application limitations relating to repetitive duty and normal maintenance of integrally
fused low-voltage AC power circuit breakers (See ANSI/IEEE C37.13)
Circuit-breaker Number of make-break or close-open operations
frame size Between No-load Rated continuous- Inrush-current
amperes servicing mechanical2 current switching3 switching4
Line No. Col 1 Col 2 Col 3 Col 4 Col 5
1 600 1750 9700 2800 1400
2 800 1750 9700 2800 1400
3 1600 500 3200 800 400
4 2000 500 3200 800 400
1 See Annex A.
2 See Annex A, items A through G.
3 See Annex A, items A, C, D, E, F, G, H, and J.
4 See Annex A, items C, D, E, F, G, I, and J.
Table 20 – Preferred ratings for low-voltage AC power circuit protectors (See ANSI/IEEE C37.29)
Three-phase Rated
Rated System Rated Insulation short-circuit switching
continuous nominal maximum dielectric current rating current Rated fuse
current voltage voltage withstand symmetrical symmetrical size
Line amperes volts volts volts amperes1 amperes amperes2
No. Col 1 Col 2 Col 3 Col 4 Col 5 Col 6 Col 7
1 800 240 254 2200 200000 9600 800
480 508 2200 200000 9600 800
2 1200 240 254 2200 200000 14400 1200
480 508 2200 200000 14400 1200
3 1600 240 254 2200 200000 19200 1600
480 508 2200 200000 19200 1600
4 2000 240 254 2200 200000 24000 2000
480 508 2200 200000 24000 2000
5 3000 240 254 2200 200000 36000 3000
480 508 2200 200000 36000 3000
6 4000 240 254 2200 200000 48000 4000
480 508 2200 200000 48000 4000
1 Ratings in this column are rms symmetrical values for single-phase (2-pole) circuit breakers and three-phase average rms
symmetrical values of three-phase (3-pole) circuit breakers. When applied on systems where rated maximum voltage may appear
across a single pole, the short-circuit current ratings are 87% of these values. See 5.6 of ANSI/IEEE C37.13.
1 Servicing shall consist of adjusting, cleaning, lubricating, tightening, etc.
Table 22A – Preferred trip device Table 22B – Preferred trip device
current ratings or settings (in amperes) current ratings or settings (in amperes)
1 1
of low-voltage power circuit breakers of low voltage power circuit breakers
electro mechanical (AC & DC) electronic (AC only)
(see ANSI C37.17) (see ANSI C37.17)
Line Amperes Amperes Amperes Line Amperes Amperes
No. Col 1 Col 2 Col 3 No. Col 4 Col 5
1 40 200 800 1 150 1200
2 50 225 1000 2 200 1600
3 70 250 1200 3 400 2000
4 90 300 1600 4 600 3000
5 100 350 2000 5 800 3200
6 125 400 2500 6 - 4000
7 150 500 3000 7 - 5000
1 See tables 1, 2, 8, and 17 for ranges of trip-device current ratings by circuit-breaker frame size.
NOTE: Where these exact ratings or settings are not available in electronic devices, they may be closely approximated by the
pickup setting of the long-time-delay element.
Direct current control voltage ranges1, 2, 3, 6, 9, 10 Alternating current control voltage ranges1, 2, 3, 9
(Min – Max) (Min – Max)
Rated control Functions Rated Closing opening &
voltage Closing and control voltage, auxiliary
Line (volts, DC) auxiliary4 Opening5 (volts 60 Hz) functions4, 5
No. Col 1 Col 2 Col 3 Col 4 Col 5
1 24 (7) 14-28 Single Phase Single Phase
1 Electrically operated motors, contactors, solenoids, valves, and the like, need not carry a nameplate voltage rating that
corresponds to the nominal voltage rating shown in the table as long as these components perform the intended duty cycle
(usually intermittent) in the voltage range specified.
2 Relays, motors, or other auxiliary equipment that function as a part of the control for a device shall be subject to the voltage
limits imposed by this standard, whether mounted at the device or at the remote location.
3 Device control components, in some applications, may be exposed to control voltages exceeding those specified here due
to abnormal conditions such as abrupt changes in line loading. Such applications require specific study, and the
manufacturer should be consulted. Also, application of switchgear control components containing solid-state control,
exposed continuously to control voltages approaching the upper limits of ranges specified herein, require specific attention
and the manufacturer should be consulted before application is made.
4 Closing functions include (a) the closing power mechanism and (b) the means (coils, contactors, seal-in relays, and the
like) to actuate the power mechanisms. Auxiliary functions include all functions except closing and opening.
5 Opening is the release of the holding means that permits stored energy to open the device.
6 It is recommended that the coils of closing, auxiliary, and opening components that are connected continually to one DC
potential should be connected to the negative control bus so as to minimize electrolytic deterioration.
7 24-volt or 48-volt control voltages are recommended only when both the control components and devices are located near
the battery or where special effort is made to ensure adequate control voltage at the control terminals. The 24-volt closing
function is not recommended.
9 The devices utilizing standard auxiliary relays for control may not function at lower extremes of voltage ranges when relay
coils are hot, as after repeated or continuous operation.
10 Direct current control voltage sources, such as those derived from rectified alternating current, may contain sufficient
inherent ripple to modify the operation of control devices to the extent that they may not function over the entire specified
voltage ranges.
Annex A
(This Annex is not part of American National Standard C37.16-2000, but is included for information only.)
Operating Conditions
The various operating conditions are outlined here and should be used with the appropriate tables in the
standard. This information is also contained in the basic standards, that is, American National Standard for
Low-Voltage AC Power Circuit Breakers Used in Enclosures, ANSI/IEEE C37.13, and American National
Standard for Low-Voltage DC Power Circuit Breakers Used in Enclosures, ANSI/IEEE C37.14.
(A) Servicing consists of adjusting, cleaning, lubricating, tightening, and the like, as recommended by
the manufacturer. When current is interrupted, dressing of contacts may be required as well. The
operations listed are on the basis of servicing at intervals of 6 months or less.
(D) Frequency of operation not to exceed 20 in 10 minutes or 30 in an hour. Rectifiers or other auxiliary
devices may further limit the frequency of operation.
(E) Servicing at no greater intervals than shown in column 2 of tables 5, 15, and 19.
(F) No functional parts should have been replaced during the listed operations.
(G) The circuit breaker should be in a condition to carry its rated continuous current at rated maximum
voltage and perform at least one opening operation at rated short-circuit current. After completion
of this series of operations, functional part replacement and general servicing may be necessary.
(H) When closing and opening current up to the continuous-current rating of the circuit breaker at
voltages up to the rated maximum voltage and at 85% power factor or higher for AC circuits, and
with L/R ratios between 0.02 and 0.06 seconds for DC circuits.
(I) When closing current up to 600% and opening currents up to 100% (80% power factor or higher)
of the continuous-current rating of the circuit breaker at voltages up to the rated maximum voltage.
(J) When closing currents up to 600% and opening currents up to 600% (50% power factor or less) of
the continuous-current rating of the circuit breaker at voltages up to rated maximum voltage, the
number of operations shown shall be as in Table 3.
(K) If a fault operation occurs before the completion of the listed operations, servicing is recommended
and possible functional part replacements may be necessary, depending on previous accumulated
duty, fault magnitude, and expected future operations.