Systems Model
Systems Model
Systems Model
d. Client system
b. Open system
"a composite of five variables
a system is open when "there is a (physiological, psychological,
continuous flow of input and process, sociocultural, developmental, and
output, and feedback." spiritual) in interaction with the
environment (Neuman 2011c, p.327).
"Stress and reaction to stress are basic
components" of an open system (Neum "The physiological variable refers to
2011c, p.328; see also Neuman, 1982, body structure and function.
1989, 1995, 2002b).
The psychological variable refers to
mental process in interaction with the
c. Environment
The sociocultural variable refers to the
Neuman (1995) defines environment as effects and influences of social and
all the internal and external factors or cultural conditions.
influences that surround the client or
client system. The developmental variable refers to
age-related processes and activities.
The influence of the client on the
environment and the environment on The spiritual variable refers to spiritual
the client may be positive or negative at beliefs and influences"
any time.
e. Normal Line of Defense h. Stressors
The flexible line of defense is dynamic - interventions are purposeful actions to help
rather than stable and can be altered client retain, attain or maintain system
over a relatively short period by factors stability.
such as inadequate nutrition or sleep. - occur before or after protective lines of
Either single or multiple stressors may defense and resistance are penetrated.
invade the flexible line of defense.
g. Health
o Physical/physiological
Tertiary prevention
o Psychological
occurs after the system has been
treated through secondary prevention o Socio-cultural
strategies. o Developmental
Its purpose : o Spiritual
to maintain wellness or protect the
client system reconstitution thru
supporting existing strength and
continuing to conserve energy
Health relation to possible reactions of the
client or client system to stressors.
Neuman sees health as being equated
with wellness. Nursing interventions are aimed at
helping the system adapt or adjust and
She defines health/wellness as "the
to retain, restore, or maintain some
condition in which all parts and
degree of stability between and among
subparts (variables) are in harmony
the client system variables and
with the whole of the client (Neuman
environmental stressors with a focus on
conserving energy.
As the person is in a constant
interaction with the environment the
state of wellness (and by implication
any other state) is in dynamic
equilibrium, rather than in any kind of
steady state.
o internal
o external
o created