EDC Board of Directors Oct. 7, 2021 Meeting
EDC Board of Directors Oct. 7, 2021 Meeting
EDC Board of Directors Oct. 7, 2021 Meeting
APPROVED 11/09/21
Thursday, October 7, 2021 @ 7:30 a.m. at the Grand Forks Region EDC
Directors Present: Jonathan Holth, John Oncken, Keith Lund, Mayor Brandon Bochenski, Karl
Bollingberg, Meghan Compton, David Engen, Shawn Gaddie, Korrie Wenzel
Also Present: Todd Feland, Hal Gershman, Bret Weber, Ryan Riesinger, President Andrew Armacost,
Dustin Hillebrand, Tom Ford, Dana Sande, Becca Cruger, Stephanie Flyger, Nathan Iseminger,
Brandon Baumbach, Bridget West
Call to Order
Board Chair Jonathan Holth called the meeting to order at 7:32 a.m.
Approval of Minutes
McLennan moved, Wenzel seconded the motion to approve the September 2, 2021 board meeting
City of Grand Forks Director of Financial Services and Administration, Maureen Storstad, provided a
semi-annual update on City of Grand Forks economic development funding. Storstad reported on the
City Council final budget approval related to the City’s economic development funds.
Chairman’s Report
Nominating Committee
The EDC board of directors appointed Jonathan Holth, Meghan Compton, Mayor Brandon Bochenski,
and Commissioner Dave Engen to serve as its 2022 nominating committee. The committee met on
September 20, 2021 to review EDC board of director, board officer, ex-officio, advisory board, and
Foundation board membership and make recommendations for 2022 appointments.
According to EDC bylaws, once the board as accepted the nominating committee’s recommendation(s),
board directors are elected by the EDC membership. All other appointments are to be approved by the
board of directors in January 2022. The candidates nominated for re-election to the board of directors
Board Policies
The board will review and act on a small number of policies at meetings throughout the year and
approve the full set of policies on or before the December 2021 board meeting. The policies introduced
for board member review at the August 5 board meeting and that are up for approval this month
include GV011: Adherence to Employer Obligations Under Law & Regulation, GV012: Selection of
Professional Services, and GV013: Board Relationships with the President & CEO.
Peterson moved, Oncken seconded the motion to approve board policies GV011, GV012, and GV013.
The policy introduced for board review this month include GV001: Policy on Board Policy. It is
expected that they board will act on these policies in November.
In regards to Corporate Center II, the committee considered the purchase bid submitted by Grimsley
Consulting, LLC, and authorizing execution of the purchase agreement and other documents
associated with completing the sale. Seven written bids were received with a $2,505,000, written by
Grimsley Consulting, LLC, being the highest and representing approximately 85% of the appraised
value. Although the bid was ultimately approved and forwarded to the JDA for consideration, there
was robust conversation concerning the city remaining in ownership of the building.
On October 5, 2020, City Council reviewed a TIF pre-application submitted by Mike Kuntz on behalf of
Block V Properties, LLC, and invited submission of a full application. The applicated requested a TIF
bond of $900,000 to fill an up-front financing gap to renovate St. John’s block and attached annex. This
project was presented as information only as a project status update and intends to be brought back for
approval to the Growth Fund committee and JDA on October 4, 2021.
Strategic Planning
Then EDC board of directors approved a process to revise the current EDC strategic plan at its March
2021 meeting. It was staff’s intention to develop specific goals and tactics to support the framework in
the near term. However, with the final push to secure Project Peony and the escalating effort to develop
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the Career Impact Academy, staff has not been able to fully participate in informing the revised plan as
it makes its way through the facilitated process back to the board. Therefore, the strategic planning
process will be paused and will resume in December, with anticipated adoption in early 2022.
President’s Report
Project Peony
Over the past month, the Grand Forks team has been working to close an identified financing gap
through three methods: lowering cost of natural gas, rail, and/or off-site water infrastructure. The
company has indicated an interest in making their site selection decision by October 15th. If successful,
they anticipate breaking ground in the spring and constructing over the next two years. The facility
could be commissioned as soon as Quarter 2 of 2024.
Airtonomy continues their success. After being named as one of five finalists in the 2021 GENIUS NY
competition (which will award them between $500,000 and $1 million), the company has been awarded
another $1 million through the ND LIFT fund.
UAS Development
EDC UAS Sector Developer, Nathan Iseminger, hosted a second site visit for an advanced
manufacturer seeking to move from Minnesota to a more business friendly client in Grand Forks to
make UAS sensors. The CEO committed to moving to Grand Forks and the new company will be
revealed at the UAS Summit Innovation Stage in October and a physical presence in Grand Forks will
follow shortly thereafter. Additionally, Iseminger traveled to Las Vegas for the annual Commercial
UAV Expo to follow up with multiple existing leads and discover new ones.
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Website Redesign
The EDC is undergoing a website redesign which was approved as part of the 2021 budget at the
December 2020 board meeting. Request for proposals closed at the end of March with ten proposals
submitted. At the May board meeting, Developer Counsellors International (DCI) was approved for the
website redesign. Since the kickoff call on June 10, there have been eight meetings with DCI to go over
their content analysis, initial wireframe, web copy process, and wireframe changes. The website is
currently in the official ‘website development’ phase and DCI will not communicate for a few months
until the website is completed and ready for a test run. The official website launch date has moved to
December 9.
As part of the application in response to the North Dakota Department of Career and Technical
Education’s $70MM grant funding opportunity, the steering committee has officially selected the
former Grand Forks Inn as the priority location. The programming subcommittee has narrowed down
programming tracks to include health sciences, precision agriculture, computer science/IT, welding,
engineering and robotics, culinary arts, building trades, automative services, aerospace and unmanned
systems, and advanced manufacturing. Depending on the level of funding received, programs may
need to be narrowed further.
Fundraising asks are being made throughout the month of October. $1.1MM has been secured to date
from private sector companies, with $1.050MM in asks pending board approval. Public engagement
efforts are ramping up with several input and awareness public sessions to be held during the month of
October. A student survey will be disseminated to 7 school districts to gauge enrollment interests.
Financial Contribution
The Career Impact Academy (CIA) is a community priority and significant opportunity for the Grand
Forks Region. It is staff recommendation that the EDC invest $250,000 in the CIA to demonstrate our
commitment to the project and to emphasize its importance to the business community who are also
being asked to financially support the project.
Oncken moved, Gaddie seconded the motion to approve the investment of $250,000 of EDC reserve
funding & $250,000 in Grand Forks Development Foundation funds to support the development of
the Career Impact Academy.
Upcoming Meetings
Holth announced the next board of directors meeting that will take place on November 4 in the Grand
Forks Community Room.
Holth distributed a memorandum summarizing scores and comments provided by board members
over the last month as part of Keith’s annual performance evaluation. There was strong consensus that
Keith is professionally representing the EDC among members and stakeholders and that he has
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assembled a talented, high-performing team. On a Needs Improvement-Satisfactory-Good-Excellent
scale, all scores in all categories were either good or excellent. Holth will meet with Keith in October to
review his performance evaluation in October.
Lund moved, Bollingberg seconded motion to adjourn. Holth adjourned the meeting at 9:26 am.
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