NYSDEC Update 514 Union ST 3-2023
NYSDEC Update 514 Union ST 3-2023
NYSDEC Update 514 Union ST 3-2023
Community Update
514 Union Street, Brooklyn NY
March 10, 2023
New York State is committed to ensuring the protection of public health and the environment. The State
Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC) is actively overseeing the cleanup of 514 Union Street in
Brooklyn through the State’s Brownfield Cleanup Program. DEC experts have safely overseen the cleanup of
hundreds of former industrial sites since the program was established in 2003 and is using this experience,
and the best available science, to address contamination found at 514 Union Street.
When contamination with the potential to impact public health is identified as part of a cleanup – as is the case
at 514 Union Street – DEC works closely with partners at the State Department of Health (DOH) to ensure a
BCP applicant and/or property owner develops and implements a plan that prevents exposure to contamination
and ensures the public and the environment are protected. DEC will continue to keep the community informed
on this site, and others in the area as these cleanup efforts continue to progress.
Currently at 514 Union Street, there is no risk of exposure to on-site subsurface contaminants and the
cleanup actions will continue until state requirements that are protective of the environment are met.
Before entering the state’s Brownfield Cleanup Program in October 2021, the property owner (473 President
LLC) of 514 Union Street conducted an indoor air investigation and discovered contamination on the site. The
owner notified building tenants as required by the Tenant Notification Law and provided this data to DEC as
part of their application to the Brownfield Cleanup Program (BCP). Prior to the data given by the BCP applicant
in 2021, DEC was not aware of indoor air contamination at the site.
DEC notified the community the BCP application was received and under review in June 2021, accepted the
site into the program in October 2021, and worked closely with DOH to ensure the applicant responsibly
implemented a plan to prevent potential exposure to contamination.
A soil vapor intrusion mitigation system was designed and approved to prevent contaminants, primarily
trichloroethene (TCE) and tetrachloroethene (PERC) caused by earlier uses at the site, from impacting air
quality inside the building. Information about the mitigation system plans was emailed to the community in
March 2022 and the system installation was completed in September 2022.
DEC and DOH confirmed the effectiveness of the system in eliminating risks to public health by analyzing
indoor air samples. The analysis determined the system is successfully reducing levels of TCE and PERC to
well below State Department of Health guidance. Based on these facts, there are currently no public health
exposures to unacceptable levels of TCE and PERC in indoor air contamination at the site.
The investigation and expedited cleanup of this site is ongoing and DEC remains committed to advancing data-
driven, science-based solutions to address environmental contamination and protect the health of New
Levels of TCE, PERC, and other contamination that exist below the surface and exceed DEC’s groundwater
guidance are being addressed with comprehensive treatment actions underway.
Learn More:
DEC is committed to keeping the public informed throughout the cleanup process of individual BCP sites. To
review additional documents, public records, and other materials on the 514 Union Street site, visit DECinfo
Locator: https://www.dec.ny.gov/cfmx/extapps/derexternal/haz/details.cfm?ProgNo=C224318
Site Contacts:
For Cleanup Project-Related Questions: Richard P. Mustico, Project Manager NYSDEC 625 Broadway Albany,
NY 12233 (518) 402-9647 richard.mustico1@dec.ny.gov
For Project-Related Health Questions: Angela Martin NYSDOH Empire State Plaza, Corning Tower Room
1787 Albany, NY 12237 (518) 473-4671 beei@health.ny.gov
Site-related documents for 514 Union St. can be found at: https://www.dec.ny.gov/data/DecDocs/C224318/