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Background of the Study

The Philippine Education System has undergone series of

innovative geared towards the improvement of teaching and learning.

Too many seminars are conducted in order to ensure the learner would

understand by the end and no other than the learners themselves.

Reading is a perusal of written or printed matter. It is a matter

of decoding a series of written symbols as well as associating them

with their meanings. Learning to read follows a developmental

sequence. In the beginning stage, the child learns that symbols

(words) stand for spoken words. If a child is in a stage of readiness for

learning to read, skill in word recognition grows, and patterns of words

in phrases and sentences.

The DepEd issued policies/orders in support of “every child a

reader program” (ECARP) which is the DepEd flagship program in

reading. These policies are: a) DECS order #34 s 2011 “Two books a

year per student” and b.) DepEd order no. 45, s 2002 reading literacy

program in elementary schools”. The first policy requires all pupils to

read at least one book in the vernacular and one book in English. The

2nd enforces the policy that every child should be a reader of Grade 3

and that no pupil shall be promoted to the next higher education grade

unless he/she manifest mastery of the basic literacy skills. Read A

Thon reading contest are held nationwide to motivate the pupils to


create their own reading programs. Teachers are framed and directed

to use varied reading interventions and strategies as well as to

emphasize reading with comprehension to achieve the goals of


The experts generally agree that by the time boys and girls

reach 6 ½ of age, various characteristics had developed enough for

children to learn to read. Taglucop (2006) stated that reading is one of

the few academic areas in which teachers demand success from all

children. Unfortunately, success is not always possible.

In Esperanza District I, it is observed and experienced that

pupils in early age especially those belong to the lower sections have

difficulty in reading and teachers felt enormous problems and

dilemmas in order to give intervention. Several strategies had already

implemented but there are still many pupils who deemed to have a

problems in reading and comprehension. Considering the

aforementioned scenario, the researcher considered it necessary to

study the reading performance of the pupils at Esperanza District I.

The researcher is competent to conduct this action research

because of the experience and observation as a district head. The

researcher’s competence to conduct this action research will gear

towards the eradication of non- and slow readers and the proper

implementation of the district reading program.


Objectives of the Study

This study determined the reading performance of pupils in

Esperanza District I, school year 2012-2013. Findings served as bases

for the implementation of the reading program.

Specifically it answered the following questions:

1. What is the silent reading performance of the pupils in English

in terms of:

1.1 Speed level;

1.2 Comprehension Level; and

1.3 Reading Level?

2. What is the silent reading performance of the pupils in Filipino

in terms of:

2.1 Speed Level;

2.2 Comprehension Level; and

2.3 Reading Level?

3. What is the oral reading performance of the pupils in English?

4. What is the oral reading performance of the pupils in Filipino?

5. What implementation plan can be proposed based on the

findings of the study?

Significance of the Study

The result of the study could be of great help, value and

assistance. It helps facilitate improve teaching condition. It may arise


on the realization that every parent has distinct role and responsibility

to share for the education of their children. Furthermore, it inspires

them to design plan, program and intervention that answer the needs

of the children.

Pupils. This study will be great help to determine their reading

performance as basis for reading enhancement. Pupils will be given

emphasis and time to make them a reader.

Teachers. The teacher was given a clearer picture of reading

performance of the pupils. This may serve as their guide to come with

this plan in relation to this problem that may be identified in the study.

The findings of the study will also help the teachers in planning

teaching techniques and strategies.

Administrators. The findings would inform the school

administrators on the status of the pupils’ reading performance. This

will be the further guide to them in using interventions and strategies

through class supervision and to further strengthen the school reading

program in order to attain quality education.

Education and Planners. The findings can use to plan for

adapting the curriculum to the level of mental abilities and interests of

most of the pupils in the schools to provide more reading materials

especially English textbooks and to conduct more training for the


teachers to gain more knowledge on reading interventions and


Parents . The findings could benefits the parents by knowing

the status of their children in reading. Parents will enable them to

extend their help by giving follow up to their children at home. Parents

could realize more on their important is their role to improve the

reading abilities of their children and recognize their responsibility in

education as well.

Researcher. The researcher could be benefited from the

findings of this study and may serve as reference to improve the

knowledge in handling slow readers. It will provide deepen

understanding in designing effective strategies and techniques to

eradicate the non-readers and improve the reading performance of the


Finally, the findings of this study would serve as basis for future

researchers to conduct another related study to other locale. This will

serve as reference of the future researcher as basis for replication.

Those who wish to study on this setting will serve a s their guide to

ease their difficulty.


Scope and Limitation

The research work focused on the reading performance of the

pupils in English and Filipino both silent and oral reading. This was

covered the speed level, comprehension level and reading level test.

The reading performance considered during the post test evaluation of

pupils in reading performance using the PHIL-IRI tools school year

2012 to 2013. Moreover the assessment of the participants on the

procedure was statistically analyzed.

The research setting was in Esperanza District I Poblacion part

of Esperanza covering the schools of Esperanza Central, Paitan,

Sagasa, Saliao, Villamor, Doroteo Pastor, New Tarlac and Ugis. The

population considered was Two Thousand pupils from grades II to VI.

Due to the time constraints, the study was conducted June of 2013 to

August of 2013 and available data was utilized.

Problem Identification

This action research was conducted because of the prevalence of

the non readers and slow readers in some schools in the district. This

study would greatly help to eradicate the problem identified in the

district on the low reading performance of the pupils. The low reading

performance result to low academic achievement of the pupils.


Analysis of the Problem

This investigation was focused on the silent and oral reading

performance of the pupils in English and Filipino. The researcher make

used the documentary analysis in order to obtain the data on the silent

and oral reading of the pupils. The data obtained was the documents

filed in the archives of the district on Philippine Informal Reading

Inventory report school year 201-2013.

Document analysis is a social research method and is an

important research tool in its own right and is an invaluable part of

most schemes of triangulation. Documentary work involves reading

lots of written material. Documentary-methods are the techniques

used to categorize, investigate, interpret and identify the limitations of

physical sources, most commonly written documents, whether in the

private or public domain.

Experimentation and Action

After gathering and recording of the documents all data were

analyzed, coded and treated to obtain statistical result. The statistical

tool used was Simple Percentage.

Simple Percentage was used to determine the reading level of

the pupils in English and Filipino, silent and oral.


Evaluation of the Results and Findings

1. Silent Reading Performance of the Pupils in English

Table 1 presents the level of silent reading performance of the

pupils in English. It can be noted that in speed level there were one

thousand one hundred six (1, 106) or 44.09% of the pupils are slow

readers. Fast level receives the lowest number of pupils with five

hundred thirty-five (535) or 21.33%. This means that majority of the

pupils in Esperanza District I from grades II to VI are slow readers in

terms of their speed in reading. It also indicates that pupils who are

slow readers need so much attention, time, effort and intervention to

overcome such problem.

The result further revealed that in comprehension level there

were one thousand two hundred fifty-five (1, 255) or 50.03% of the

pupils are frustration. This means that most of them have difficulty in

reading comprehension which cannot understand what being read.

Pupils on this level have adequate understandings and comprehensions

skills to grasp being read in the text. Independent level receives the

lowest number with three hundred seventy three (373) or 14.87%.

This means that least number of pupils have independent

comprehension level. Pupils who are independent have the ability to

comprehend and understand the words being read.


In terms of reading level there were one thousand one hundred

eighty seven (1, 187) or 47.33% of pupils are frustration. This means

that most of the pupils belong to this level. Pupils who are frustration

level are those did not meet the cut off score during the inventory test.

Table 1
Silent Reading Performance of the Pupils in English

Areas Speed Comprehension Reading Level

Level Level

n % n % n %
Independent /Fast 535 21.33 373 14.87 429 17.10
Instructional 867 34.57 880 35.07 892 35.57
Frustration /Slow 1,106 44.09 1,255 50.03 1 187 47.33
Total 2, 100.0 2,508 100.0 2, 508 100.0
*N-2, 508

2. Silent Reading Performance of the Pupils in Filipino

Table 2 presents the silent reading performance of pupils in

Filipino. It can be noted that in speed level there were nine hundred

fifty-five (955) or 38.08% of the pupils are slow in reading. This

means that majority of the pupils have slow reading speed. In

comprehension level most pupils belong to instructional with nine

hundred twenty-six (926) or 36.92%. This means that the reading

comprehension of pupils in Filipino is bearable. Pupils in frustration

level can comprehend and understand the word being read. Pupils can

independently recall the phrases, words and answers.


Table 2
Silent Reading Performance of the Pupils in Filipino

Areas Speed Comprehensio Reading Level

Level n Level
n % n % n %
Independent /Fast 685 27.31 703 28.03 628 25.03
Instructional 868 34.61 926 36.92 1, 075 42.86
Frustration /Slow 955 38.08 879 35.05 805 32.10
Total 2, 100.0 2,508 100.0 2, 508 100.0
*N-2, 508

3. Oral Reading Performance of the Pupils in English

Table 3 presents the level of oral reading performance of the

pupils in English. It can be noted that there were one thousand six

hundred sixty-eight (1, 668) or 66.29% of the pupils are frustration

level. This means that almost pupils are frustration which indicates a

very alarming result. Pupils who are in the frustration level cannot

comprehend nor understand and recall the words and phrases being

read. Reading intervention is important to this number of pupils.

Table 3
Oral Reading Performance of the Pupils in English

Reading Level Frequency Percentage

Frustration 1, 668 66.29%

Instructional 438 17.41%
Independent 410 16.30%
Total 2, 516 100%
*N-2, 516

4. Oral Reading Performance of the Pupils in Filipino

Table 4 presents the oral reading performance of the pupils in

Filipino. As shown on the table there were one thousand seventeen

(1017 pupils are instructional in terms of their reading level. This

indicates that majority of the pupils are instructional having a high

percentage of the capability to read well and comprehend. Pupils in

instructional reading level can manage their own while reading and

answering the questions.

Table 4
Oral Reading Performance of the Pupils in Filipino

Reading Level Frequency Percentage

Frustration 817 32.47%

Instructional 1, 017 40.42%
Independent 682 27.10
Total 2, 516 100%
*N-2, 516



Department of Education

Region XII

Division of Sultan Kudarat








District In-charge


District English Coordinator


The continuing decline in the quality of education in the

Philippines has alarmed educators publicly. If development were

anchored on education, the economic well being of our nation would be

facing a grim prospect if the current trend will continue. To deal with

this concern our educational system is urging the field to do some

innovations to resolve this condition with the initiative of our division.

Reading with comprehension is an important tool to reach one’s

dream in life. As PHIL. – IRI result, wherein more pupils fall on

frustration level, it is a DepEd mandatory to conduct a Reading Class


to eradicate non-readers and to develop comprehension ability of the

pupils in both in oral and silent reading.

To attain this goal in reading, it is believed that through ample

time and the positive values of every Filipino child in reading makes up

to high reading performance.


The Project STAR is an initiative of the District of Esperanza I,

which directly addresses its thrust to make every Filipino child a

reader. It is anchored on the flagship program of the Department of

Education “Every Child a Reader Program”, the goal of which is to

enable every Filipino child to communicate both in English and Filipino

through effective reading instruction.

The project aims to improve the reading skills of the pupils in

Esperanza District I.

Project STAR is a reading program that intensifies the reading

proficiency of pupils through the sustenance of time, attitude with

suitable and adequate reading materials, effective reading strategies

and systematic management, which are immediate needs for the

realization to the ideal.


Infusion of non-traditional materials, techniques and

management skills into the traditional system are indispensable to

facilitate implementation and for productive output.

Esperanza District I have conceptualized this Reading program to

give and provide adequate skills to non- and slow readers and

welcoming them to a real world of reading.


To conform to the Department of Education policy, the

curriculum as contained in the Revised Educational Program shall be

utilized, however greater emphasis shall be focused also in Reading.

The “Every Child a Reader Program” and the Philippine Informal

Reading Inventory (PHIL-IRI) shall serve as the guidelines in

implementing the essentials of this project STAR. Basic textbooks,

supplementary reading materials, visual aids provided by the USAID

under EQUALLS2 project will be utilized for effective learning outcome.

English mentors of Esperanza I, trained by USAID should lead

their school in implementing this reading program, for their expertise

as mentors is very important in reading. To identified the pupils who

will undergo to this reading class, result of the PHIL-IRI conducted

from grades I to VI were utilized.

The Project STAR through Reading Carefully a Book Everyday

(STAR-RCBE), intends to support the Summer Reading program of the


Division and the Regular Reading time with in the regular classes.

Specific time allotment was utilized for the Reading program like

Reading Remediation time or in any vacant hours during regular

classes and 15 days summer reading during summer vacation as base

on the “Every Child a Reader Program”.

This Project STAR involves 2 levels of reading classes. For

summer reading classes (level1- take charge of intervention of letter

identification, letter sounding and beginning reading, Level 2 is for

pupils who can read, but cannot comprehend or understand what is

being read. While on the regular classes (June-March), this project

STAR will continue to support in improving the reading ability of the

pupils through intensive use of time and attitude in reading, reading

and reading. Each school in the district should adopt this project STAR

and shall be implemented in every school.


A. General Objectives:

To provide, intensify and improve the reading abilities of the

pupils in Esperanza District I.

B. Specific Objectives:

1. Develop phonemic awareness and knowledge of phonics

through a variety of models and demonstration.

2. Conduct intensive one-on one activity on phonemic

awareness and blending.

3. Begin to read at different age and grade levels

4. Develop the pupils’ basic reading skills which include

nothing details, getting the general significance of a

selection, predicting outcomes of given events and

making inferences and follow-up simple directions.

5. Use and learn successful reading strategies in the context

of real reading.

6. Need the opportunity to read, read and read.

C. Components of Project Activities

This project has the following components:

1. Staff Development – Training and retraining of


2. Materials Production/Utilization - Utilization of

EQUALLS2 reading materials and visual aids.

3. Research and Quality Control- Result of PHIL.-IRI

4. Project Management System


a. Project Management system

b. Instructional Management System

5. Specific Activities:

a. Phonemic Awareness

b. Syllabication

c. Blending of Sounds

d. Reading Simple Sentences and Paragraphs

e. Answering Specific Questions using KWL Pattern

f. Pagpakilala at Pagbigkas ng Wastong Tunog ng

Patinig at Katinig.

g. Read the Vowel Combination and Consonant


h. Reading CVC Pattern

i. Reading Short Story

j. Socialization through Playing

k. Film Viewing on Sounds

l. Reading for Pleasure/Fluency

m. Writing Upper and lower Case Letters

n. Segmenting: Compound Words

o. Pagbasa, Panitikan at Wika


6. Time Frame:

The implementation scheme will carried out as per

following schedules:

1. Every Summer Vacation(Summer Reading Class-

April to May)

2. Regular Classes (June to March)

7. Budgetary Requirements:

Funds for the project will be derived essentially from

the PTA funds, solicitations and MOOE of each school.



1. KAHAR H. MACASAYON, Ph. D., CEO VI- Schools Div.

2. GEORGE L. ESCARO- Asst. Schools Division Superintendent
3. ELVIRA A. BOLASA- Asst. Schools Division Superintendent
4. CONCEPCION F. BALAWAG- Asst. Schools Division
5. VILMA P. DASMARIñAS- ES 1-English
6. SHERYL L. LORIA- Division English Coordinator



District in-charge



District English Coordinator


The PROJECT STAR is expected to have an intensification of

reading abilities for the target date of implementation.


This Project STAR has great impact to eradicate the non- and

slow readers of Esperanza District I as one of the main goals of the

district. The impact of the project on the first semester of

implementation had trimmed down the percentage of the pupils

belonging to the frustration level.

As the result state, the Project STAR has a great help for the

school administrators, teachers and stakeholders, which their problem

is how to make their school a “non –reader school”.


From the basis of the findings it is conclude that most of the

pupils in Esperanza District are in the frustration level. Pupils

performed better in Filipino than in English in terms of their reading

performance. Intervention is important to lower the number of pupils

in frustration level.


From the basis of the findings and conclusions, the following

recommendations are strongly forwarded:

1. Review and implement the reading program in order to help

pupils who are struggling in their reading performance.

2. Teachers should encourage and motivate pupils to read books

and other interesting materials.

3. Parents should involve in the reading capability of their

children by helping them to read at home.

4. For the future researchers to used this study for repliacation.

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