Icsv 28 (2022) 178 - DSS KKV
Icsv 28 (2022) 178 - DSS KKV
Icsv 28 (2022) 178 - DSS KKV
K. K. Viswanathan*
Faculty of Mathematics, Department of Mathematical Modelling, Samarkand State University,
University Blvd., 15, Samarkand, 140104,Uzbekistan
*e-mail: visu20@yahoo.com, viswanathankk@samdu.uz
A. K. Nur Hafizah
Kolej Genius Insan, Universiti Sains Islam Malaysia, 71800, Nilai, Negeri Sembilan, Malaysia
School of Applied Sciences and Mathematics,Universiti Teknologi Brunei, Jalan Tungku Link,
Gadong,BE1410, Bandar Seri Begawan, Brunei Darussalam.
Free vibrational behavior of layered cylindrical shell filled with quiescent fluid is investigated.
Cylindrical shell with variable thickness, made up of isotropic or specially orthotropic materials is
studied using spline approximation. The thickness variations are assumed to be linear, exponential
and sinusoidal along the radial direction. The equations of motion are derived by extending Love’s
first approximation theory. Irrotational of an inviscid fluid are expressed as the wave equation.
These two equations are coupled. The solutions of the displacement functions are assumed in a sep-
arable form to obtain a system of coupled differential equations in terms of the displacement func-
tions. The displacement functions are approximated by Bickley-type splines. A generalized eigen-
value problem is obtained and solved numerically for the frequency parameter and an associated ei-
genvector of the spline coefficients. Two layered shells with different types of materials under
Clamped-Clamped (C-C) boundary conditions are considered. The effect of relative layer thickness,
length parameter, material properties, and coefficients of thickness variations on the frequency pa-
rameter is investigated.
Keywords: free vibration, variable thickness, love’s first approximation theory, spline approximation
1. Introduction
Composite materials offer high strength, high stiffness and lightweight. In addition, composite
materials also have the characteristics of corrosion resistance as well as better damping and shock ab-
sorbance. It can be designed to be far stronger than steel as it can be engineered to be strong in a specif-
ic direction. Composite materials can be found in automotive, construction and aircraft industries.
Meanwhile, laminated composite consists of layers that is combined together to form a laminate. Each
layer is called a ply or lamina. The lamina is the fundamental building block of laminated composite
materials [1,2].
Classical Shell Theory (CST) was first proposed by Love for approximation of bending analysis
of shells which also include a linear analysis of thin shells [3]. The theory was based on Kirchhoff-
Love assumption, which is then commonly referred to as Love’s first approximation theory. Later,
many thin shell theories were developed through different assumptions and simplifications, such as
Reissner, Naghdi, Sander and Flügge’s theories [4]. First Order Shear Deformation Theory (FSDT)
were then established by relaxing the normality condition [1]. Various researches in free vibration in
shell structures has been conducted to determine the frequencies of the shells. Free vibration of the
shell structures using different theory were studied. Research on free vibration of cylindrical shells
filled with fluid under Love’s theory was investigated using spline method [5-8]. Under FSDT, free
vibration of cylindrical shells with antisymmetric angle-ply [9-10], cross-ply [11], symmetric angle-ply
[12] were investigated. There are also studies on higher-order shear deformation theory [13]. Free vi-
bration of layered cylindrical shells of variable thickness were analysed [14-16].
In this study, free vibration of cylindrical shell filled with fluid with variable thickness is investi-
gated using spline method. Spline method is one of approximate method in solving boundary value
problem [17]. The thickness variations are assumed to be linear, exponential and sinusoidal along the
radial direction. The equations of motion are based on Love’s first approximation theory. Irrotational of
an inviscid fluid are expressed as the wave equation. These two equations are coupled. A generalized
eigenvalue problem is solved numerically for the frequency parameter and an associated eigenvector of
the spline coefficients. Two layered shells with different types of materials under Clamped-Clamped
(C-C) boundary conditions are considered. The frequencies analysis on length parameter, material
properties, and coefficients of thickness variations are studied.
2. Mathematical Formulation
2.1 Equations of shell
A thin layered circular cylindrical shell of having length ℓ, constant thickness h, radius r is con-
sidered. Each layer is assumed to be homogeneous, linearly elastic and isotropic or specially ortho-
tropic. The x coordinate of the shell is taken along the longitudinal direction, θ and z coordinate are in
the circumferential and radial direction respectively. Equations of motion for cylindrical shell coupled
with fluid is written as
N x 1 N x 2u N x 1 N 1 M x 1 M 2v
+ = h 2 , + + + 2 = h 2 ,
x r t x r r x r t
M x 2 M x 1 M N
2 2 w p
2 (2.1)
+ + 2 − = h 2 − ,
x 2
r x r 2
r t h
The 28th International Congress on Sound and Vibration (ICSV28), 24-28 July 2022 2
where N x , N and N x are the stress resultants, M x , M and M x are the moments resultants and p is
the pressure.
The fluid is assumed to be incompressible. Irrotational flow of an inviscid fluid undergoing small oscil-
lations is expressed as wave equation. The equation of motion of the fluid can be written in the cylin-
drical coordinates system (x, θ, r) [18]
2 p 1 p 1 2 p 2 p 2 p (2.2)
+ + + =
r 2 r r r 2 2 x 2 c 2 t 2
where t is the time, p is the pressure and c is the sound of speed of the fluid. The x and θ -coordinates
are the same as those of the shell, where the r-coordinate is taken from the x-axis of the shell.
The thickness of the kth layer is assumed in the form hk ( x) = h0 k g ( x), where h0k is a constant thickness.
In general, the thickness variation of each layer is assumed in the form hk ( x) = h0 g ( x), and
x x x (2.3)
g ( x) = 1 + C + C exp + C sin
e . s
If g ( x) = 1 , then the thickness becomes uniform. Therefore, Aij , Bij and Dij corresponding to layers of
uniform thickness with superscript 'c ' can easily be obtained as Aij = Aijc g ( x), Bij = Bijc g ( x), Dij = Dijc g ( x),
1 1
in which Aijc = Qijk ( zk − zk −1 ), Bijc = Qijk ( zk2 − zk2−1 ), Dijc = 3 Qijk ( zk3 − zk3−1 ) with i, j = 1, 2, 6, where zk , zk −1 are
k =1 2 k =1 k =1
where 𝑥 is the longitudinal, 𝜃 is the rotational, 𝜔 is the angular frequency of vibration, n is the circum-
ferential node number and t is the time.
Here r is the radius of the cylinder and h is the total thickness of the shell. Since only two layers is con-
sidered in this study, therefore, 𝛿 = 𝛿1 and 𝛿2 = 1 − 𝛿1 . The thickness of the kth layer of the shell is
assumed in the form hk ( X ) = h0 k g ( X ). ℎ0𝑘 is a constant thickness. Therefore,
g ( X ) = 1 + C X + Ce exp ( X ) + Cs sin ( X ) . If (𝐶𝑒 = 𝐶𝑠 = 0), then the thickness variation becomes linear. It
1 ℎ (0)
can be written as 𝐶𝜄 = 𝜂 − 1, where 𝜂 is the taper ratio ℎ𝑘(1) . If (𝐶𝜄 = 𝐶𝑒 = 0), then the excess thick-
ness varies exponentially. If (𝐶𝜄 = 𝐶𝑒 = 0), then the excess thickness varies sinusoidally. The thickness
of the layer at X = 0 is ℎ0𝑘 for the first and third cases, but the thickness is ℎ0𝑘 (1 + 𝐶𝑒 ) for the second
The 28th International Congress on Sound and Vibration (ICSV28), 24-28 July 2022 3
2.2 Method of Solution
In obtaining equations of shell coupled with fluid, substituting Eq. (2.2) into stress and momentum
resultants, then substituting into Eq. (2.1). Next, applying Eq. (2.4-2.5), the equations in the matrix
form are obtained as follows
L11 L12 L13 U 0
L21 L22 L23 V = 0 , (2.6)
31 L32 L33 W 0
where Lij ( i = 1, 2,3; j = 1, 2,3) are the differential operators given as follows
d2 g d n2 n 1 g n 1 d
L11 = + − S + 2 , L12 = S 2 + S5 + S 2 + S10 + ( S5 + S11 ) + ,
R g R
dX 2
g dX R 2
R R dX
g d 2 n2 1 d g
( S5 + 2S11 ) + S2 + S2 + S5 + ,
d3 1
L13 = − S4 − S4 +
dX 3
g dX 2 R 2 R dX gR R
n 1 d n 1 g
L21 = − S 2 + 2S10 + ( S5 + 2S11 ) − S10 + S11 ,
R R dX R R g
2S S d2 2S11 S12 d n2 2S S
L22 = S10 + 11 + 122 + S10 + + 2
− S + 6 + 92 + 2 ,
2 3
R dX R dX R R
n S d n g n
2S d
(1 + n2 ) S6 + n 2 SR9 − nS
L23 = 2S11 + S5 + 12 + 8 + 2S11 + 12 − 3
R dX 2 R g R dX R 3
R R R 2
g d 2 g 2 n 2 g S2 n 2 d g n2
L31 = S4 + S + S − − ( S + 2 S ) − 2
S − 2 S ,
g dX 2 g 2 R2 g R R2 dX
4 10 5 11 4 11
g R2
n 1 1 d
n g S8 S12 S5 d
L32 = 2S11 + S5 + ( S8 + 2S12 ) − S4 S 2 + S10 + ( S5 + S11 ) + 2 S5 + S11 + + − S 4 S 2 + R dX
R R R dX
R g R R
n n2 S9 S3 S 6 g S8 g S5 g g 2
− 2 S6 + +
R R2 + − − + 4 2 + − ,
R g g 2
S 5 S S
RR R g R g
d4 g d 3 2 S5 g n 2 n2 g g 2 d 2
L33 = ( S42 − S7 ) ( ) S2
+ S 2
− 2 S + − S + ( 4 S + 2 S ) − S
R2 ( S + 2 S ) + − S − 2
g dX 3 R
4 7 7 12 8 4 5 11 4
dX 4 g R2 R g g dX
n 2 2 S6 g n 4 S S g
− S8 + 4 S9 + 32 − 5
g 2 S 2n 2 n2 S d R R
g R R R g 2
f J n ( R)
+ 5 + 2 ( S8 + 2S12 ) − S4 S5 2 + 2 − + 1 + .
g R R R R dX n 2 S2 g g 2 s h J n ( R )
+ S 4 S5 + − 2
R R g g
A12 A B B B D D
S2 = , S3 = 22 , S4 = 11 , S5 = 12 , S6 = 22 , S7 = 2 11 , S8 = 2 12 ,
A11 A11 A11 A11 A11 A11 A11
D22 A66 B66 D66 R0 2
S9 = 2
, S10 = , S11 = , S12 = 2
, 2
= , R0 = h.
A11 A11 A11 A11 A11
The 28th International Congress on Sound and Vibration (ICSV28), 24-28 July 2022 4
The spline approximation is a lower order approximation which yield a better accuracy than a global
higher order approximation [17]. The displacement functions U ( X ) , V ( X ) and W ( X ) are approximated
by cubic and quintic spline functions U ( X ) , V ( X ) and W ( X ) , respectively as follows
2 N −1 2 N −1
U ( X ) = ( ) ( )
bj X − X j H X − X j , V ( X ) = d ( X − X ) H ( X − X ),
3 3
ai X i + ci X i + j j
i =0 j =0 i =0 j =0
4 N −1
W (X ) = e X + f ( X − X ) H ( X − X ).
i 5
i j j j
i =0 j =0
Here, H ( X − X j ) is the Heaviside step function. N is the number of intervals in the range of X 0,1
is divided. The points of division X = X s = , ( s = 0,1, 2,...N ) are chosen as the knots of the splines as
well as the collocation points. Imposing the condition that the differential equations given by Eq. (2.7)
are satisfied by these splines at the knots, a set of ( 3 N + 3) homogeneous equations into ( 3N + 11) un-
known spline coefficients ai , b j , ci , d j , ei , f j (i = 0,1, 2,3, 4; j = 0,1, 2,..., N − 1) are obtained. The Clamped-
Clamped (C-C) boundary conditions are used to analyse the problem which is
U = 0, W = 0, = 0 at X = 0 and X = 1.
Thus, Eq. (2.7) reduces to a system which is called as a generalized eigenvalue problem of the form
where [M] and [P] are matrices of order ( 3N + 7 ) ( 3N + 7 ) ,{q} is a matrix of order ( 3N + 7 ) 1 . λ is the
eigenparameter and eigenvector is the spline coefficients.
Free vibration of layered circular cylindrical shells of variable thickness under clamped-clamped
boundary conditions are analysed. The shells are considered as two-layered shells and two combina-
tions of High Strength Graphite (HSG) and S-Glass Epoxy (SGE) materials are used. Convergence
study has been carried out for the frequency parameters of two layered shells with fluid under C-C
boundary conditions. It was found that the number of knots N could be taken as 14 since for the next
value of N the percent change in the values of λ is very low, the maximum being 0.3%.
Fig. 1 depicts the variation of frequency parameter 𝜆𝑚 (𝑚 = 1,2,3) with respect to the relative
thickness δ under linear variation in thickness (𝜂=0.75), exponential variation in thickness (𝐶𝑒 =0.2) and
sinusoidal variation in thickness (𝐶𝑠 =0.25) as shown in Fig.1(a), Fig.1(b), Fig.1(c), respectively. The
shells are clamped at both ends. The values of the circumferential number n, the ratio of the shell’s
constant thickness to radius H, and the ratio of the shell length to the radius L are fixed as 4, 0.02 and
1.5, respectively. The two layers of the shell are arranged in the order of HSG and SGE materials.
When 𝛿=0, the inner layer disappears, and the shell is homogeneous, which is made of SGE material.
When 𝛿 =1 the outer layer disappears, again the shell is homogeneous, made of HSG material. It is
clearly seen that as δ increase, 𝜆𝑚 decreases for (𝑚 = 1,2) for all values of δ and 𝜆𝑚 (𝑚 = 3) decrease
for 0 < δ < 0.8 and a small increase for 0.8 < δ < 1.
The 28th International Congress on Sound and Vibration (ICSV28), 24-28 July 2022 5
1 1 1
0.9 (a) C-C 0.9 (b) 0.9 (c)
0.8 HSG-SGE 𝐶𝑒 =0.2 0.8 𝐶𝑠 =0.25 m=3
n=4, L=1.5, H=0.02, m=3 m=2
0.7 𝜂=0.75 0.7 m=2 0.7 m=1
0.6 m=1 0.6
𝜆𝑚 0.5 m=1
m=2 𝜆𝑚 0.5 𝜆𝑚 0.5
0.4 m=3 0.4 0.4
0.3 0.3 0.3
0.2 0.2 0.2
0.1 0.1 0.1
0 0 0
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1
𝛿 𝛿 𝛿
Figure 1: Variation of frequency parameter with relative layer thickness under C–C boundary condi-
Fig. 2 shows the variation of the frequency parameter 𝜆𝑚 (𝑚 = 1,2,3) with the thickness parameters
𝜂 for two layered shells under C–C boundary conditions with H = 0.02, L = 1.5, 𝛿 = 0.4 and n = 4 are
fixed. The effect of linear (𝜂=0.75), exponential (𝐶𝑒 =0.2) and sinusoidal (𝐶𝑠 =0.25) variation in thick-
ness of layers on frequency parameters is shown in Fig. 2(a), Fig. 2(b) and Fig. 2 (c), respectively. The
thickness is constant when the taper ratio 𝜂=1. It is seen that the values of 𝜆𝑚 (𝑚 = 1,2,3) is almost
constant for all thickness variation.
0.0 0 0
0.5 0.7 0.9 1.1 1.3 1.5 1.7 1.9 2.1 0.5 0.7 0.9 1.1 1.3 1.5 1.7 1.9 2.1 0.5 0.7 0.9 1.1 1.3 1.5 1.7 1.9 2.1
𝜂 𝐶𝑒 𝐶𝑠
Figure 2: Effect of taper ratio, coefficient of exponential variation, and coefficient of sinusoidal varia-
tion on frequency parameter under C–C boundary conditions.
Fig. 3 illustrates the variation of angular frequencies on length parameter for two layered cylin-
drical shell with the materials arranged in the order HSG-SGE with = 0.4 , H = 0.02 and n = 4 under
C-C boundary conditions. All the three types of variation in thickness of layers with 𝜂=0.75, 𝐶𝑒 =0.2
and 𝐶𝑠 =0.25 as shown in Fig. 3(a), Fig. 3(b) and Fig. 3(c), respectively. When studying the influence of
the length of the cylinder for its vibrational behaviour, the angular frequency is considered instead
of . In general, as L increases, decreases. In the range of 0.5 L 0.75 , the frequencies decrease
fast. It can be observed that the angular frequencies decrease slowly in the range of 0.75 L 2 .
The 28th International Congress on Sound and Vibration (ICSV28), 24-28 July 2022 6
2.5 2.5 2.5
(a) (b) (c)
C-C 𝐶𝑒 =0.2 𝐶𝑠 =0.25
2 HSG-SGE 2 2
𝜔𝑚 (x103 𝐻𝑧)
𝜔𝑚 (x103 𝐻𝑧)
1.5 1.5
𝜔𝑚 (x103 𝐻𝑧)
0 0 0
0.5 0.75 1 1.25 1.5 1.75 2 0.5 0.75 1 1.25 1.5 1.75 2 0.5 0.75 1 1.25 1.5 1.75 2
Figure 3: Effect of length of the shell on frequency parameter for different types of variation in
thickness of layers under C–C boundary conditions.
4. Conclusion
Free vibration of two layered cylindrical shells of variable thickness is analysed using spline approx-
imation with combination of HSG and SGE materials. The variation of frequencies with respect to the
relative layer thickness, thickness coefficients, and length parameter are studied under C-C boundary
conditions. The frequencies of the shells are significantly affected by material properties, length pa-
rameter, and different coefficient of thickness variations. It can be concluded that the frequency de-
creases as the length of the cylinder increases and it decreases fast in the range of 0.5 L 0.75 .
Meanwhile, the frequency is almost constant for all coefficients of thickness variation.
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