Resume 1 - 08111840000028
Resume 1 - 08111840000028
Resume 1 - 08111840000028
NRP : 0811184000028
Group 1
A. Housing
House not only a building. But a place to find protection from the dangeror element else.
“One of man's basic concern is a house, a place to find protection from the rain and
elements. But a house can be much more than a building. It is the social context of his
family life, the place where he loves and shares with those who are closest to him. And in
the world where poorer people are striving for a higher standard of living, a house can be a
symbol of mass self‐ respect.” (Very Reverend Pedro Arrupe, S.J)
F. Ecological interdependance.
Define :All living things need space in which to live . That space provides the living
organism with life-giving substances such as air, water, and food.
Ecology & ecosystem. :A system can be broadly defined as any entity, conceptual, or
physical which consist of interdependance part. All living organism are open system.
Family as an ecosystem. : the human body is an open biological system where the
family itself is the system. Family as a life support system is dependent upon the
natural environment for physical sustenance and upon the social organization which are
related tp man humanes and give quality and meaning of life.
Honai (Houses then) Indonesia. From the past we can see that most of the houses
especially in Indonesia (exhibit :Honai Traditional House in Indonesia) a house usually
only consist of a room where we can fulfill our basic needs. As the time passed by, a
house started to develop into something bigger that also fulfill our lifestyles and want.
Group 2
A. Sense of Place.
Some people said it is a characteristic that some geographic places have and some don’t,
while to others it is a feeling or perception held by people. Appear in some fundamental way
to be tied to our basic need for security.
B. Teritoriality.
Territory as the space which a person, as an individual, or as a member of a close-knit group,
such as a family, in joint tenancy ( living together ) claims as his or their own and will
“defend”. Stanford Lyman and Marvin Scoot distinguish four categories of teritorries :
1. Body Territory
2. Home territory (Family)
3. Interactional territory (Formed based on agreement)
4. Public territory (share of same norm)
Each of us experience an invisible “space bubble” that act like an extension of our body
territory and expand depending on circumstances in the environment and our cultural
conditioning. For example defferent of Germani and American people pen-door culture.
Space bubble can be extend or shrink, on circumbancer in the environment our cultural
D. Shelter and Society
Shelter is more than a response to physical condition. Social, culture, ritual, and economic
factor influence both selection of the site andthe form of the shelter.
F. Primitive Housing
Early human appear to have prefer open campsites or used crude rock overhangs for
Anthropology: The Study of Man – E. Adamson Hoebel.
Man’s great inventive genius seems to have focused more on other arts and technologies than
on the amenities of his own housing. In fact, most humanity never enjoy shelter that provided
minimal protection.
J. Horticulturists
Food production based on hand labor, using a digging stick, hoe, or spade as an improvement
over random gathering of food stuff.
Michael Robbins examined housing pattern and found 2 type pattern, circular ground plan
and rectangular ground plan.
Material as the respond of climate. There are wide variety of matrial, like stone, wood, hides,
bark, thatch, felt, mud, bamboo, dung, ice.
O. Early Housing Technology
The village become an embryonic city. Social activities create a complex social organism -
The city- was born.
input output
B. Inputs
Household decision making directly affects the environment.
1. Land
Land is a resource in diminishing supply. Land within a reasonable distance of urban
centers available for housing, recreation, and waste disposal; land within the city
itself that can be used for mass transit, parks and open space,etc.
2. Population
The basic ecological concept is the relation of organisms to their habitat. Population
can be examined in terms of numbers, density of settlement, and the heterogeneity
versus the homogeneity of its habitants.
a. Population density: density is calculated (1) by the number of people per acre of
land, and (2) by the number of people occupying a housing unit.
b. Housing density: High-density (crowded) housing has often been criticized as
contributing to social pathology.
c. Concepts of crowding: J. B. Calhoun coined the term “behavioral sink” to
describe the gross deviation that takes place when animals are reared in extremely
crowded conditions.
d. Heterogeneity: The American population is characterized by an unusual degree of
heterogeneity with respect to age, income, ethnicity, race, religion, cultural
backround, life-style, and social status. diversity generates a pluralism of
outlooks on housing based on different values and priorities.
3. Social Class and Level of Housing
4. Housing and Energy Technology
All work involves the expenditure of energy. For most of humankind’s existence,
humans and animals have been the only available sources of energy.
a. Human power
b. Animal power
c. Wind power (wind has been an important power source in driving sailing ships
and turning mills)
d. Water power
e. Steam power (James Watt’s invention of the steam engine in 1769. His steam
engine was used to power railroads and steamboats).
f. Electrical power (It can be converted to many forms, is extremely flexible, and
can be transmitted over long distance)
g. Nuclear power (Nuclear power plants have been built, and nuclear power has
been used to power ships and submarines).
h. Solar power (Renewed interest in solar energy has been prompted by the energy
crisis and concern for the environment).
5. Public Opinion and Public Policy as inputs
Social concerns as formulated in public opinion and public policy influence the way
inputs are used. For this reason, it is important to note that the prevailing concept of a
desirable standard of living is a significant input to the macro-environment of the city
as ecosystem.
Jakarta is known as the most populous and polluted city in Indonesia, can make affects various
aspects of the city ecosystem.