Seminar Report

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Nigeria is a rich country when it comes to tourism because, the country is endowed

with all it takes to be a tourists’ destination. The country’s tourism potentials range

from natural, man-made, and cultural attractions. However, they lack management,

enhancing and supporting infra-structure around the attractions for easy access and

development. These tourism potentials are still much in their raw form of nature

awaiting Tourists and investors. Tourism today, is a big selling point and it has

contributed greatly to the world economy. Unfortunately, it is disappointing that a

country like Nigeria has not ceased the opportunities in tourism development.

Nigeria has over the years, practiced mono-economy and her economy revenue

comes majorly from crude oil. A country of an ever-increasing census of over 170

million population, need to spread her pentacles in the area of income generation.

It is high time for the country to diversify her economy for more economic revenue

generation especially in Tourism as one of the glaring alternatives.

Tourism sector is probably the only services sector that provides concrete and

qualified trading opportunities for all nations, regardless of their level of

development. (David Diaz Benavides, 2001). The sector also provides an uneven

distribution of benefits, which is threatening the social, economic and

environmental sustainability of tourism in some developing countries (Benavides

2001). Many developing countries has chosen Tourism as a major source of

economic development and diversification. Tourism for Nigeria is yet to become a

channel of employment creation, income generation and revenue mobilization for a

country with over 170 million people. Although, the developed countries account

for a higher proportion of global tourism, and many developing countries are

beginning to take advantage of the huge opportunities offered by tourism. (Ayeni

& Ebohon 2012). Most developing countries like Nigeria for example practice

mono-economy, which means the country generate bulk of her foreign exchange

from a particular economic product “crude oil”. However, many of these countries

are beginning to see the importance of tourism and the needs for economic

diversification. Nigeria has always been known as a petroleum exporting country,

she is one of the largest producers of the liquid gold, and it has served as one of the

country’s biggest income generator. However, the country has decided to join the

trial to diversify her economy from the production of crude oil in other to create

more employment opportunities and to generate more foreign income. (Ayeni &

Ebohon 2012). The country’s tourism potentials range from natural, man-made,

and cultural attractions but they lack management, enhancing and supporting infra-

structure around the attractions for easy access and development. However, this

area is the business potential in the country now. Many benefits have been set out

for local and foreign investors that believe in the industry (Ayeni & Ebohon 2012).

Sustainable tourism concept is used to harmonize and reconcile issues of

intergenerational equity, the goals of economic growth, environmental protection,

and justice. It recognizes the need for fairness between local individuals and

groups, and between hosts and guests (Mbaiwa 2005).

1.1 Background of Tourism Development in Nigeria

In the year 1472, when Nigeria received the first set of Portuguese merchants. The

Portuguese arrived to Lagos with the motive of moneymaking. However, the

development of tourism began to multiply as planned. In the year 1962, a body was

set up by interested and committed Nigerians who has the love for the development

of tourism in the country to promote tourism, this body was call Nigerian Tourism

Association (NTA). The NTA was recognized by the government and some aids

were given to the body in support by the government and the body also received

the membership of the international union of official travel organization (IUOTO)

in the year 1964. (Research & Intelligence 2013). The IUOTO was later change to

World Tourism Organization (WTO). In the long run, the NTA went down and

ceased to continue her operation. The Federal government of Nigeria in 1971,

appointed the service of the African Development Bank (ADB) to carry out a

research on the potentials and viability of Tourism in the country. The research
was positive and it shows that the potentiality is in Nigeria, Nigeria has all it takes

to be a great tourist destination and for the development of tourism as an economic

sector. The result of the research prompted the government to replace the NTA

with the Nigerian Tourism Board (NTB). Nigerian Tourism Board was established

by a Decree No. 54 of 1976 and it comes into operation in the year 1978.

(Research & Intelligence 2013).

However, Nigerian Tourism Board was authorized by the decree to take charge of

the following mansion responsibilities;

 Grading and classifying hotels in the country in such a way as may be


 provide tourism information and advisory services,

 promoting and undertake researches in tourism sector,

 enhancing the provision and improvement of tourist amenities and facilities

in Nigeria, including ancillary facilities, and encourage people residing in

Nigeria to take their holidays therein and people in abroad to visit Nigeria.

(Research & Intelligence 2013).

In the year 1989, the Federal Government of Nigeria reviewed the country’s

tourism industry when the government started regarding tourism as an industry that

needs to be evolved as a result of the huge opportunity it possessed. In a bid to be a

partaker in huge opportunities possessed by tourism, several conferences were

organized and the barriers of tourism development in the country were brought to

book at the seventh National Conference on Tourism head on March 15, 1989, in

Maiduguri, Bornu State. In that conference, it was concluded that the operational

capacity of the NTB need to be supported and restructured, by commercializing the

operation of the Board. As a result of the conference, in 1989 the government gave

his approval and the Ministry of Trade was reframed to become Ministry of Trade

and Tourism and this led to the establishment of the department of Tourism in the

Ministry. (Research & Intelligence 2013)

Table 1.1.: showing the Tourism supply chain.

1.2. Problem statement: Nigeria of late is faced with series of political, economic

and social unrest and crises. Crises as a major factor have a negative implication on

tourism and its structuring in Nigeria. The unrest in the hospitality and tourism

sector of the economy which basically comes in form of industrial action is a

hindrance to the growth and development of tourism in Nigeria. The structure put

in place to manage industrial crises at this sector is still very poor. More so, the

Boko Haram crisis in Nigeria has taken a major dimension in the history of

Nigeria. The country has so far been described as one of the most terrorized Nation

and is no longer safe for visitors and interested tourist. Little success has recently

been achieved by government in the area of resolving the Boko Haram crises. This

is having a negative implication on the tourism sector. Other factors that may be

affecting tourism in Nigeria includes;

 poor planning and corruption,

 poor policies in tourism,

 means of transportation,

 technical know-how,

 and globalization.

This study seeks to highlight the limitations in the strategies that have been used

overtime in the country and find a lasting solution to these issues.

1.3. significance of the study: This study will help to provide necessary

information needed for the development and sustainability of tourism industry in

Nigeria. It will be of benefit to the investors, the organized private sector, public

sector and academic environment. Discussing strategies that has been used

overtime and how it affects the whole growth of tourism in the country is essential

for the improvement, diversification of this sector in the coming years.

1.4. OBJECTIVES OF THE STUDY: The objective of the report is stated


1. To examine the necessary factors needed for the development and sustenance of

tourism industry in Nigeria.

2. To identify the benefits of tourism to the development of Nigeria economy

3. To identify the problems and challenges of tourism in Nigeria

4. To suggest ways of improving tourism in Nigeria

1.5. SCOPE OF THE STUDY: This report will focus mainly on the primary

research question addressed in this report, which is: how has Nigeria’s tourism

industry survived over the years?

In order to answer the primary research question, the following sub-research

questions will be addressed;

1. What are the necessary factors that has catered for the development and

sustenance of tourism industry in Nigeria?

2. What are the benefits of tourism to the development of Nigeria economy?

3. What are the problems and challenges of tourism in Nigeria?

4. What are the ways of improving tourism in Nigeria?


1. Tourism: Tourism is the act and process of spending time away from

home in pursuit of recreation, relaxation, a pleasure, while making use of

the commercial provision of services. As such, tourism is a product of

modern social arrangements, beginning in western Europe in the 17 th


2. Strategy: A strategy is a general plan or set of plans intended to achieve

something, especially over a long period.

3. Development: a process that creates growth, progress, positive change or

the addition of physical, economic, environmental, social and

demographic components.

4. Tourism Industry: it is a comprehensive Industry involving many

Industries such as hospitality transportation, tourist destinations, travel

companies, and more, by focusing on tourism, which is defined as people

travelling and staying in places outside their usual environment for less

than one year in a row for leisure, business, health or other reasons.

(Satista, 2021b).




Under this chapter of this study, an effort was put on the review of literature on

meaning of the subject background “Tourism”, tourism industry, tourism

development and sustainability. An emphasis was made on tourism industry and

sustainability. For the success of this study work, an extension was made to review

different journals, articles, research paper and books by different authors and

attentions was also paid on previous research carried out by different scholars on

same subject.

2.1. Literature Review:

Tourism According to Goeldner & Ritchie (2012), is primarily seen as when

people visit a particular place for sightseeing, visiting friends and relatives, taking

vacation, and having fun. Although, they might also enjoy their leisure time

participating in various activities like sport, talking, sunbathing, taking rides,

touring, reading, singing or relaxing and enjoying the environment. Considering

the subject further, people participating in a business conference, convention, or

any other professional activities will be included in the definition of tourism. If

tourism can be called activities, it means tourism is an activity that involved the

movement of people from their usual home to another place for leisure or for

business and stay there for at least twenty-four hours. It is obvious that this people

use one form of transportation or the other, it could be by air, water or land. It

could be by car, motor coach, train, taxi, bicycle, or motorbike, which ever means

implied, they are taking a trip which means they are engaging in tourism.

Achieving a comprehensive description of tourism, the various group that

participated to the tourism industry should be considered and mentioned because

their perspectives are important in deriving comprehensive definition. (Goeldner &

Ritchie 2012).

2.2. Tourism Industry: The tourism industry can be referred to as tourism sector,

which can simply be identified as the range of businesses and organizations which

are involved in the delivering of the tourism product. However, here are some of

the various industrial sectors;

 tour operator and the travel agents are involved in making of arrangement

for the travel to take place that is, traveler-generating region,

 hospitality and attractions represent the destination region,

 while the transportation industry represents the transit route region.

The various sectors in tourism are reticulated and connected. They are linked to

one another and they work together to produce one common goal. However,

tourism demand can be seen as a complementary demand which implies that the

lower the price in one of the services the higher the demand on the other services,

since their combination will result to tourism activities. The figure below is used to

further explain tourism demand, on the graph the Y axis represent Transportation

cost while the X axis represent the Rate of travelling. It is observed that the

decrease in Y from P to P1 lead to an increase in X from M to M1, which implies

that a decrease in the cost of transportation resulted to an increase in the rate at

which people travelled.

Figure 2.1.: a graph showing the curve between transportation cost (Y axis)

against rate of travelling (X axis)

2.3 Tourism Development: tourism is seen as the best possible and alternative

strategy which can be used for promoting many local areas (Murthy, 2008). It is

considered truthful that with tourism, there will be likelihood for environmental

sustainability, more job opportunity, growth in both public and private investment,

provision of infrastructural facilities and economic improvement. The development

of tourism in the rural areas is really a great achievement to the local people, in

terms of employment opportunity and avenue for earning additional income.

However, the use of local materials and labor in local production is a good

illustration of potential for small-scale development of sustainable tourism (Murthy

2008). “Tourism is an economic activity of immense global significance” (Pender

& Sharpley, 2005). The enormous improvement in the global contribution of

tourism to the world economy cannot be disregarded, no doubt that tourism,

sometimes referred to as the largest industry in the world. Based on record,

international tourism was annually generating over US$450 billion at the end of

20th century, considering domestic tourism, the global annual estimate worth

US$3.5 trillion. However, this tremendous growth in tourism figure has been

anticipated that this growth will continue till foreseeable future. The industry is a
growing one, and forecast has shown that there will be 4% increment in number of

international tourist arrival while by 2020 tourist spending is estimated to be US$2

trillion per annum. (Sharpley & Telfer 2002). There is no doubt that many nations

have turn out to exploit from the tremendous growth in tourism. Many nations

have taking steps to partaking in the sharing of the ever-increasing global tourism

market. More so, many developing countries have also joined the race. Foreign

exchange earnings, employment opportunity, economic diversification, economic

growth, broader economic and social development policy, and other factors are the

fundamental justification for the establishment and development of tourism.

(Sharpley & Telfer 2002)

2.4. Sustainability: Reaching a specific definition for the term “Sustainability” has

been a long journey due to the broad nature of the analytical framework which

comprises of economics, environmental and socio-cultural issues (Cooper,

Fletcher, Fyall, Gilbert & Wanhill 2005). In 1987 at the world commission on

environment and development, Brundtland Commission releases their report which

was tagged with the concept “Sustainable development”. The concept was

successful and gains recognition as one of the most successful of its kind which

could be used for years.

The concept was helpful in international agenda and the international community’s

attitude with economic, social and environmental development (United Nations

Economic Commission for Europe 2004-05). According to Brundtland

Commission’s report sustainable development was identify as “development which

meets the needs of the current generations without compromising the ability of the

future generations to meet their own needs”. Explaining the concept, economic and

social development, and environment where strongly supported. The concept

makes it clear that environment should not be destroyed with policy designed for

improvement in economic and social well-being of the people. (UNECE 2004-05).

However, sustenance of environmental development in the community’s

immediate environment becomes undisputed and vital in the mind of the local

people. This interest was not only limited to the community but extended globally

by forming part of the wider alliances to preserve the environment globally “acting

local, thinking global”. The local communities and the economic systems practiced

determined the sustainability of the natural environment and perhaps, the

communities and the societies depend on the natural environment. Therefore, s,

sustainability encompasses three components namely; economic sustainability,

socio-cultural sustainability and environmental sustainability. It is illustrated in the

figure below. (Richards & Hall 2000).

2.4.1. Economic Sustainability: According to Beech & Chadwick (2006),

economic development is achieved when there is an increase in real output per

capita income of a country, generally measured by references to changes in gross

national product (GNP) over an economic period of time. Tourism been considered

as a major element of the service economy, is as a result of its sustained and rapid

growth in the world economy (Cooper et al 2005). However, economic

sustainability is referred to the maintenance and utilization of economic or

productive resources and keeping it intact for continuity. For sustained economic,

the economic resources should not be over used or used off without replacement

(Goodland 2014).

2.4.2. Socio-cultural Sustainability: The term “socio-cultural” entails two

different words, social and culture. The word social is simply referred to as rank

and status in a society. (Oxford Dictionaries 2014). Culture on the other hand,

according to Beech & Chadwick (2006) it “consists of behavioral patterns,

knowledge and values that have been acquired and transmitted through

generations” (Beech & Chadwick 2006). Socio-cultural sustainability is the act of

maintaining and protecting the rank and status of the society and their culture for

the present generation and the future generation. Under this aspect of

sustainability, all living soul are said to be equal and no difference irrespective of

the community they belong, the culture they practice, the language they speak, and

whatever they do. Socio-cultural sustainability can be attained and achieved

Sustainability, Economic Socio-cultural Environmental if there is mutual interest,

tolerance, patience, love, honesty, discipline and ethics, general acceptable rules

and regulation, law and information (Goodland 2014).

2.4.3. Environmental Sustainability: According to Beech & Chadwick (2006),

“environment is defined as a relative concept, encompassing different contexts

including the cultural, social, political and economic”. However, high-quality

natural environment is essential for tourism development which is subject to

the maintenance. It is noted that, the number of users of natural resources is partly

negative impacts of tourism which is also a reason for environmental

sustainability. Environmental sustainability, “carrying capacity analysis” this

technique was introduced and defined by the World Tourism Organization as being

“fundamental to environmental protection and sustainable development. It is

therefore, refers to the maximum utilization of any tourist destination or site

without establishing or causing any negative effects on; the resources, reducing

visitor satisfaction, or contributing inauspicious impact upon the society, economy

and culture of the area. Carrying capacity limits can sometimes be difficult to

quantify, but they are essential to planning for tourism and recreation” (Beech &

Chadwick 2006).

2.4.4. Strategies that have been used until now:

Having the interest of tourism development in mind, the Federal Government of

Nigeria has made an institutional arrangement for the development of tourism in

the country. The institutional arrangements are classified into three groups which

are; Federal, State and Local level. Each of this group has their own

responsibilities, duties and contributions to the success of tourism development in

their various levels. (Nigeria High Commission 09-2014). For the purpose of this

study, the bodies responsible for the development of tourism in the various groups

mentioned earlier will be identified with their functions in turns;

The Federal level: At this level the federal Ministry of Culture and Tourism has

the full responsibilities for policies formation and monitoring and having a direct

backup for the state governments on all matters regarding tourism in their various

jurisdictions. Nevertheless, the domination of the tourism industry is still in full

possession of the state and the local governments of any tourist attractions

destination. (NHC 09-2014).

The State level: At this level the State ministries is charge with the responsibilities

of implementing policies and directories from the Federal Ministry of Culture and

Tourism, control of land allocation and initiating project and development of

tourism in their respective jurisdictions. The state ministry also takes charge of the

regulation of hotel and catering institutions in line with the policies lay down by

the federal government. (NHC 09-2014)

The local level: The local level is identified as Local Government Tourism Boards.

These Boards are charge with the responsibilities of locating and identifying

potential tourist attractions in their jurisdictions. They are responsible for providing

information and tourist guides and also to preserved and maintain museums as well

as monuments in their jurisdictions. (NHC 09-2014).

2.4.5. The Government plans for Developing Sustainable Tourism in Nigeria:

The Federal Government of Nigeria has accepted to figure out ways, out of his

office to see to the achievement of developing a sustainable tourism in the country.

The 2013 Economic Impact Report of the World Travel and Tourism Council

trigger the president to show more interest in designing way forward in achieving

sustainable tourism development in the country. The global record 2013 for the

year 2012 shows that the total contribution of Travel and Tourism to global GDP is

over six billion US dollars and provided over two hundred million number of

employment which represents 8.7% globally. It was also reveal by the federal

government that the tourism industry contributed 3% to the GDP, 2.6% of the total

employment and 5.4% of gross total investment in 2012. (Federal Ministry of

Information 2013).

However, the federal government determination in transforming the tourism sector

is said to be for the benefit of the living and unborn generations of the country.

According to the federal government, their determination will be achieved by

encouraging investment and supporting the provision of accessible infrastructure,

institutional support for project work and any activities that will support and

encourage the development of sustainable tourism in the country. For immediate

enhancement, the Ministry of Trade and Investment was directed to work with the

Ministry of Tourism, Culture and National Orientation in developing sector

specific mechanisms which will revive and sustain investments in the tourism

sector. (FMI 2013).

More so, the federal government has promise to develop the National Theatre in

Lagos as a duty-free entertainment center, also to support greater collaboration

with the private sector in promoting and upgrading the country cultural centers in

both short and medium-term basis. The government as also make it a mandatory to

complete the National Cultural Centre Abuja which is also known as “The

Millennium Towers”, the construction has been in process for quite some time.

Furthermore, the federal government has also decided to improve the budget

allocation to the Ministry of Culture and National Orientation and also to identify

100 heritage sites across Nigeria for renovation, restoration, activation and

promoting them. The reason behind this is also identify as creating employment

opportunities and promoting the image of the country by raising the country’s

profile internationally. In addition to this, the Ministry of Culture and National

Orientation has designed a brand for Nigerian Tourism which is called

“Fascinating Nigeria “the positive mind behind this idea was to rebrand Nigerian

tourism in order to place Nigeria on the global tourism stage. (FMI 2013).

Considering the contribution of trade and tourism to the global GDP, it is obvious

that tourism is a crucial tool needed for economic, social and cultural development

for a nation. With all observation, there is a reasonable reason for mapping out

beneficial strategies for the sustainability of tourism in the country. The following

policies are mapped out; provision of infrastructures, fiscal policy and intensives,

showcasing tourism potentials, concession of land, patrol and regulation of the

industry, and easy entries for the tourists, in other to generate foreign exchange,

encourage even development in the country, job opportunity, to promote tourism

based rural enterprises and cultural exchange. (Nigeria High Commission 09-2014)

Provision of Infrastructures: to encourage all classes of people irrespective of

their situation to participate in tourism, it is vital for the government to ensure the

provision of basic amenities such as electricity, good water, good communication

system, good roads and others closer to tourists’ attractions in other to boost their

development and for accessibility. In addition, all the means of transportation;

transportation by land, water and air must be made safer, cheaper and comfortable

for tourists.

Fiscal policy and Incentives: Fiscal policy is design by the government using is

revenue and expenditures to control the economy. To developed tourism sector, the

government need to encourage the private sectors’ investment by introducing some

kinds of incentives such as; tax rebate, tax holiday, soft loan and copy right to

potential investors in tourism, showcasing tourism potential. This is an avenue to

present what you have to people for them to be aware of it. The government should

empower the Ministry of culture and tourism to organize an annually festivals

where different state can showcase the tourism potential in them and in long run

attracting visitors and encourage the participation of the local.

Concession of Land: The state government should encourage ownership of land

for the purpose of contributing to the development of sustainable tourism in the

country. Land should be provided without any difficulties attached to it for tourism

elevation at a concessional rate with favorable conditions reasonable for investors.

The condition should also include the removal of annual ground rent within the

period of construction and development of tourism.

Patrol and regulation of the industry: The government should impose laws and

regulations that will guard the activities of the caliber of people that are involved in

the tourism industry such as; travel agency, hoteliers, tour-operators, car hire

service and others. This will ensure that their conducts are in line with the

objectives of the industry and for security control. To a great extent, their service

need to be monitored, improved and charges should be affordable for the tourism.

Easy Entries: for the Tourist to ensure fast growth and development in the tourism

industry to international standard, the government need to consider the following;

 massively and aggressively publicity should be conducted to showcase the

potential of tourism in the country.

 The country tourism also needs to be marketed worldwide, foreign media,

international trade fairs and others. Visas and permit issuance should be

made easy and flexible and tourists with return ticket should also be issued

with visas without any delay. (Nigeria High Commission 09-2014).

Tourism Business Opportunities in Nigeria: The tourism business opportunities

in Nigeria centered around her tourist attractions which ranges from beautiful river

and ocean beaches good for swimming and other water sports, very unique

wildlife, vast tracts of unspoiled nature such as tropical forests, waterfalls, and the

country also have some new rapidly growing cities with climatic conditions which

are particularly good and conducive for holidaying (Embassy of Nigeria 2014).

Among others are traditional way of life of the people which are preserved in local

customs; varied and rich, handicrafts and other colorful products depicting or

illustrative of native arts and lifestyle, and the authentic unsophisticated but

friendly characters of many in the Nigerian’s population. Nevertheless, many of

these attractions are still in their raw state. They are still being enjoyed by very few

numbers of persons either rich or poor. However, it has been noted that, 20

lack of required modern infrastructures, underdeveloped, and other important

infrastructures needed for the development of tourism are still not made available

in tourist attractions site, and these are seen to be the push factors affecting tourism

development in the country. However, the government has opened the door for

local and foreign investors to come and invest in the country’s numerous tourism

potentials. Also, the country has designed her policy in such a way that it will favor
the investors (Gbadebo & Adedeji 2014). The following are some of the areas of

business potentials in the tourism industry; Heritage/cultural tourism resources

development of slave trade relics, establishment of museums and preservation of

monuments, ecotourism, including wildlife tourism resources, development of

hiking trails and Jeep tracks in the national parks, development of picnic and

camping sites at strategic locations within the trail circuit system in the national

parks, building of tourist lodges, building of reception centers at natural/physical

attractions, provision of cable bus system to take tourist through the very rugged

but scenic terrain of the mountains especially in Kanyang, Obudu and Mambilla

Plateau construction of lodge cabins for expedition tourist and rangers,

establishment of hotels and resorts near waterfalls, springs, caves and temperate

climate areas such as Obudu, Jos and Mambilla Plateau, Beach tourism potentials

establishment of boating and sport fishing facilities, development of water

transportation, Provision of educational facilities for water skiing and swimming,

establishment of holiday resorts along the coasts, development of amusement

parks, entertainment facilities and shopping services, and development of arts and

crafts which constitute symbol of the people's cultural values and love for nature.

(Gbadebo & Adedeji 2014)

3.1 CONCLUSION: From the study, it can be gathered that the country “Nigeria”

just like other developing countries have huge tourism potentials which are calling

for exploration. Nigeria tourism sector needs help and support to be a beneficial of

the huge opportunities surrounding the sector extensively. The analysis above has

shown that the country’s economy can be diversified and tourism is seen as the

best alternative. However, the sector needs serious attention and improvements for

these dreams to come through. Although, the government has realized the huge

benefits attached to development of tourism in a country and strategic plan has

been set aside for tourism development to become a reality in the country. Besides

this, the private individuals and organizations’ support are also very important in

this regard. And also, all tourism firm or organizations should endeavor to work

hand in hand for the development of tourism industry from their various areas in

the sector. The country’s natural and human resources should be combined and

used wisely in

transforming the tourism industry into employment creation and inflow of foreign

exchange. Despite the slowness in the country’s tourism industry, some bit of

progressive work can still be perceived in the industry in some part of the country.

It was revealed in the finding that some companies’ GDP has been boosted by

tourism through the influence of funds from abroad, that it also promotes foreign

investment and creates job opportunities for residents, and some states in the

country has been greatly influenced and transformed by tourism. There is future for

Nigeria tourism industry. Nigerian tourism industry is standing in its natural form

awaiting potential investors of any kinds. The country has in possession, lot of

tourist attractions which is more than enough for her to be one of the leading

tourist destinations in the world. Although, this sector has focus on as a source of

revenue generation. The sector has been so neglected and it is obvious that the

country tourism sector needs so much attention. Looking at the impacts of tourism

in the world development, you will not hesitate to ask yourself a question "when is

Nigeria going to benefit from tourism for development?" This study is carried out

with the so aim of finding way out on how Nigerian tourism industry could be

developed, promote and manage.


Nigeria is never left out of the trail. The country has all that is required to be one of

the best tourist destinations in the world. The country has natural, man-made and

cultural attractions which are still underutilized. However, from the result analysis

above, the researcher has been able to summarize some concrete measures that can

be used for achieving development and sustainability in the country’s tourism

industry. Security and safety are very important when it comes to tourism

operation and implementation in a country. Proper safety and security mechanism

should be put in place, the country’s security is too loose and lot need to be done to

correct this. However, the government should endeavor to put in place proper

safety and security mechanism in the country to over shadow all forms of

insecurity such as; kidnapping, killing, armed robbery, and bombing including

crises in both internal and external environment. The safety of the people should be

paramount in the mind of the government, when this is ensuring it will be a great

contributor to the success of development of tourism in the country. Also, the

government should inject funds into the tourism industry for upgrading facilities

needed in the industry. Facilities like good roads, bridges, electricity, internet, and

others should be developed and upgraded to world class standard. Apart from

these, the government should encourage private and foreign investors into the

industry by making available different forms of supports to boost their enthusiasm.

There are so many business opportunities in Nigeria tourism industry which are yet

to be tapped. Most of the Nigerian beautiful beaches locations are still lacking

accommodation facilities. Rail service and water recreation transportation services

are still very poor and there is large business potential in this area too. More so, the

country’s tourism potentials should be advertised worldwide through; CNN, BBC,

Al-Jazeera, social media and any other effective means. Publicity is very important

when it

comes to marketing and promotion. However, this should not be the function of the

government alone, but also private individuals and organizations. The image of the

country needs to be rebuilt internally and internationally, and the good news should

be spread out to the world in general. Besides all this, it will also be fine to have

tour companies in other continents like America and Europe to enable effective

marketing of the country’s tourism potentials. Furthermore, the government should

pay serious attentions to the various tourism sectors. Every sectors of the tourism

industry should be monitored by government designated bodies to ensure

accountabilities in the country’s tourism sector.


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