ABC's Christian Growth
ABC's Christian Growth
ABC's Christian Growth
Christian Growth
an A to Z guide
Christian Discipleship
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It Is Workable:
The Program has been tried, and it works! It was first used at the Willetton
Bible Baptist Church in Western Australia in April 1986, then by the Bible
Baptist Church at Oak Harbor, Washington from 1989. Since that time,
numerous churches in the United States of America and around the world
have used this particular publication. It has provided new converts (and
older Christians) with a sound doctrinal basis for rapid Christian growth.
It Is Flexible:
You will find that this program can be used in a number of different ways:
It can be used in a “one-on-one” situation, where you or a mature,
loyal church member is assigned to meet with the new Christian for
one hour once a week.
It can be used in a group Bible study setting, where a suitable leader
can disciple several people on a regular basis. The checking of
answers will often provide further most helpful discussion.
It can be used in a New Members Class, or as a refresher course for
all church members in a Sunday School class or a midweek meeting
for prayer and Bible study. Every major doctrine is covered.
It can be used with teens, older students in a Christian School, and
in Jail Ministry Bible studies.
It also offers value to the preacher. The outline style structure will
provide you with many suggestions for sermon outlines and helps.
It Is Practical:
Each of the 28 lessons is self-contained, and may be used in any sequence.
However, experience has already shown a remarkable continuity with the
alphabetical plan. A lot of the stronger meat is found toward the end of the
We pray that these lessons will be used of the Lord through your shepherding to build
strong, Bible-believing, God-fearing Baptists. There is so much wind of doctrine
blowing through the corridors of Christendom — the need is so great!
Circumstances and the unethical actions of a few have made it necessary for us to
invoke copyright protection on this material. Your respect for the concept, content, and
dissemination of the material by not making copies without first obtaining written
permission is deeply appreciated.
Order from:
My Dear Friend,
You have made the most important decision of your life! You have received
the most wonderful Person — the Lord Jesus Christ! By trusting Him as your
Saviour you have become a CHRISTIAN in the true, Biblical sense of the word.
I rejoice with you in your salvation, and want you to know that there are many
people praying for you. All who by faith have received the Lord Jesus Christ as
Saviour belong to what the Bible calls the Family of God. (Look up Galatians
3:26 and Ephesians 3:15.) You now have many brothers and sisters in Christ.
The Bible teaches us that becoming a Christian is the beginning of a new life
in Christ. In order to help you be the kind of Christian GOD wants you to be, I
have made available to you these Bible lessons. By personally studying the
Bible, which is the Word of God, backed up by the prayer and encouragement of
other Christians, I know you will be helped and blessed of God.
It is my prayer for you that you will take these lessons and:
Much of what you will study in these lessons was used of the LORD to teach
me when I was a new Christian. I know from personal experience that if you will
be willing to believe and practice all that is taught by this material, you will
experience a wonderful life of peace, joy, and contentment whatever the
Help From a Big Brother.
The “ABC’s Of Christian Growth” program is a scriptural means of helping new
Christians get on their feet and begin walking with the Lord in the light of His Word.
With your consent, a member of our Church has been assigned the responsibility of
being available to help you as you proceed through these lessons.
Your older brother (or sister) will endeavor to meet with you at an acceptable time on a
regular basis for the purpose of helping you with these lessons, praying with you and for
you, and answering any questions you may have.
As a record for the future, you may wish to fill out the following:
NAME: ________________________________________
I received Jesus Christ as my personal Saviour –
on: ________________________
at: ____________________________________________
I was Scripturally baptized –
on: ____________________________
The man that God has placed over me to watch for my soul is:
1. Find a quiet place away from noise and distractions, so that you may be
able to think and concentrate on the lesson.
2. Pray — before you commence the lesson; ask the LORD to help you
understand His Word.
3. Determine in your heart that you will not allow Satan to hinder you from
completing these lessons. Make it a personal goal to finish the entire
4. Understand that you will grow spiritually as you study this material.
5. When you learn a new truth, immediately put it into practice in your life.
6. Write down any questions you may have to ask your “older brother” or the
7. Remember — the Bible has the answer, not always your “older brother!”
If your older brother cannot answer the question immediately, be assured
an answer will be forthcoming.
Look up the scripture references and answer the questions by filling in the actual words
from the Bible. (All the references in this lesson are found in the New Testament — use
the index in the front of the Bible if you have difficulty in locating them.)
A. I was spiritually __ __ __ __ in trespasses and sins — Ephesians 2:1.
F. S __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ me — I Corinthians 6:11.
Commence reading through the Gospel according to John (the fourth Book of the New
Testament). Read at your own comfortable pace, perhaps up to a chapter a day. Do
not stop until you have completely read this Book.
(All of these steps will be covered in greater detail in the lesson series)
A Assurance of Salvation
Lesson Commenced: _______________ Lesson Checked: _______________
Satan may try to get you to doubt your salvation. He may cause you to wonder if
you really are a Christian, and tell you that because you do not feel any different
than before, nothing really happened.
And then, you might sin. You might slip back into some of your old ways. Satan
is quick to sow the seeds of doubt by telling you that Christians don’t sin.
When doubts come, what will your answer be?
The purpose of this study is to teach you that by accepting the Lord Jesus Christ
as your Saviour, you are saved now and forever — and you can KNOW it for
1. On the basis of this verse of scripture, would you say God wants you to
have assurance of salvation? ________
2. What word in this verse indicates this? __ __ __ __
F. Assurance enables us to effectively serve the Lord by telling others about Jesus.
Read the following scriptures: John 1:40,41; John 4:28,29 and Acts 16:10.
3. According to Romans 10:13, those who call upon the Name of the Lord
__ __ __ __ __ be saved.
These are just a sampling of the positive statements — put in writing — by the
God Who cannot lie!
E. I KNOW I am saved because I desire to turn from the W __ __ __ __ and all its
sin — I John 2:15.
1. Have you told someone that you have trusted the Lord Jesus Christ? Look
at I John 4:15 and see the relationship between confessing Christ and
2. Read: Matthew 10:32 and Romans 10:9,10.
One way you can publicly confess Christ is to come forward at the “invitation” in
one of our church meetings. The pastor will gladly introduce you to the church
family, who will then pray for you and encourage you.
B. Look up: I John 2:1. Does God want a Christian to sin? ________
C. Look up: I John 1:9. If a Christian sins, what is the one thing we are to do about
it? C __ __ __ __ __ __ it to God.
D. Look back at: I John 2:1. When I sin, Who appears before God the Father in
heaven on my behalf? __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ the Righteous.
E. Look up: I John 1:6,7. In your own words, what does a Christian lose if he sins?
C. John 6:37 says God will in __ __ __ __ __ __ cast out those who come to Christ.
D. John 6:39 says the responsibility of keeping us saved is the Lord’s, not ours, and
that Christ can __ __ __ __ nothing.
I. Philippians 1:6 says that Christ will continue His good __ __ __ __ in us until the
__ __ __ of Jesus Christ.
K. Ephesians 2:8 says that our salvation is the __ __ __ __ of God. A gift taken back
by the giver is no gift.
L. Ephesians 2:9 says that we have done nothing to gain salvation. If we have done
nothing to gain it — we can do nothing to lose it!
M. According to Ephesians 2:2,3 and I John 3:10, before we were saved we were in
the control of Satan. Now that we are saved, we have a new relationship with
God is our heavenly __ __ __ __ __ __ — Romans 8:15.
Christians are the __ __ __ __ of God — I John 3:1.
In our earthly family, when a child does wrong his parents do not cast him out of the
family and disown him. They will correct and chasten their son — but he is still their son
and a member of that family.
When a Christian sins, he is not cast out of God’s family, thus losing his salvation.
However, like any loving father, God will __ __ __ __ __ __ __ the erring Christian to
restore him to fellowship — Hebrews 12:6.
If you have finished reading the Gospel of John, now read through the first
epistle of John (I John). This Book is found toward the end of the New
Try to memorize: I John 5:11,12.
B The Bible
Lesson Commenced: _______________ Lesson Checked: _______________
What is the “authority” in your life? Those who believe something must have a
reason for their beliefs. Just as there are standards in the business world, in
government, and in education — the Christian needs an absolute standard
for his beliefs, his duties — indeed, his whole conduct.
Many people have as their authority their inner CONSCIENCE. “Let your
conscience be your guide!” they say. This sounds good, but according to Titus
1:15, the conscience may be __ __ __ __ __ __ __ ; according to I Timothy
4:2, __ __ __ __ __ __ ; and according to I Corinthians 8:7, __ __ __ __ .
Other people, especially religious folk, have the ‘CHURCH’ or man-made
CREEDS as their authority. Again, such standards are unreliable — because
man is involved. Colossians 2:8 warns against P__ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __
and T __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ . (Look up and read: Matthew 15:3,6,9.)
This study will teach you what the Bible is, why you can take it as your authority,
and how to use it as a child of God.
C. The Books of the Bible are not arranged strict chronological order, but also
“topically.” Both the Testaments have their Books arranged in groups, as shown
on the next page.
(All new Christians experience difficulty at first in finding the Books of the Bible,
especially during a preaching service. Don’t be embarrassed to use the table of contents
LAW Genesis–Deuteronomy
HISTORY Joshua–Esther
MAJOR Isaiah–Daniel
MINOR Hosea–Malachi
From the close of the Old Testament (Malachi) to the birth of Jesus Christ
(Matthew), over 400 years transpired. These years are called the “Silent Years.”
PAULINE Romans–Philemon
(Letters) GENERAL Hebrews–Jude
1. God used about 40 different men from all walks of life to write down the
Bible. This was accomplished over a period of some 1,600 years, with
incredible unity of teaching and fact.
2. Most of the Old Testament was originally written in HEBREW. The New
Testament was originally written in GREEK.
1. The Holy Spirit moved the human writers of the Bible in such a way that
they recorded the very words and sense of God, though couched in their
own literary style.
2. The way in which God gave us the Bible is called INSPIRATION.
a. Because the Bible is the INSPIRED Word of God, we can take it
as the authority for all we believe and do.
· BEWARE of men who say,“The Bible BECOMES the Word
of God” when it speaks to you personally. Look up: Matthew
24:35 and I Corinthians 2:13. According to these passages,
God has inspired the very __ __ __ __ __ (not just the ideas &
· BEWARE of men who say, “The Bible CONTAINS the Word
of God,” meaning there are parts of it which are not God’s
Word. Look up: II Timothy 3:16. According to this verse,
how much of the Bible is inspired? __ __ __ .
1. Down through the centuries, the Lord has raised up men with a love for
His Word to keep it from harm.
· Zealous Jewish patriots, then simple Bible-loving Christians (in
particular, our Baptist forefathers), have kept the scriptures available to
all generations.
· Satan has on numerous occasions attempted to remove the Bible from
the face of the earth. Hellish decrees have seen the Bible banned,
burned, banished, and battered by scornful men.
2. The Hebrew text of the Old Testament has been faithfully preserved by
fastidious Jewish scribes — it is called the Masoretic Text. The Greek
text of the New Testament has been faithfully preserved in what is called
the Textus Receptus, or Received Text.
Over 5,000 ancient manuscripts of the New Testament, along with some 2,000
lectionaries (selected readings) still exist today — the vast majority of them
attesting to the Received Text.
1. When you hold a copy of the King James Version (KJV), you hold in your
hands the Word of God.
If you don’t already possess a Bible, your pastor recommends you purchase a
plain Authorized, King James Version, without added notes or comments. Make
sure the type is readable.
Bibles range in price from about $5 to $150 — the difference in cost is mainly
due to the type of cover and quality of the binding.
C. Look up: Psalm 119:11. This verse says the Bible keeps us from __ __ __ .
D. Look up: Psalm 119:105. According to this scripture, the Bible is life’s:
________________________________________________ . (Use your own words.)
You may wish to write the following statement in your Bible as a wise reminder:
Read through Psalm 119 (24 verses per day). This is called the “Word of God
Chapter,” and is the longest chapter in the Bible.
Try to memorize: Psalm 119:9,11.
C The Church
Lesson Commenced: _______________ Lesson Checked: _______________
This study looks at one of the most confusing and misunderstood doctrines of the
Bible. People have all kinds of ideas as to what a church really is. Some people
think it is a building (a cathedral, or some place of worship). Others think of a
church as a denomination (a human organization) and speak of the “Catholic
Church,” the “Presbyterian Church,” the “Baptist Church,” etc. Many Christians
conceive the “Church” as consisting of all born-again believers in the world, a
kind of “invisible, universal” church.
Our task is to put aside these notions and determine what God says a church is in
His Word.
B. Look up: John 1:42. What is the meaning of Peter’s name? ______________
Note: Peter’s full name is Simon Peter bar Jona. He is also sometimes
called Simeon.
C. Look up: I Peter 2:3,4,6-8. Who did Peter identify as the “Rock” upon which the
Church would be built? _____________________________________________
1. People cannot “come together” and yet be all over the world! For
example, an automobile is an “assembly” of many and various parts:
How absurd to think of it as being everywhere — a “universal car”!!!
2. In all but about 15 instances, where it is used in a “generic” or
“institutional” sense (that is, any church in general, no church in
particular), the word “church” or “churches” is always used in
connection with definite, geographic localities.
3. Look up the following Bible references and write down the actual cities or
regions where some real churches were located:
Romans 16:1; I Corinthians 1:2; I Corinthians 16:1,19; II Corinthians
8:1; Colossians 4:16; I Thessalonians 1:1; I Peter 5:13; Revelation
2:1,8,12,18; Revelation 3:1,7.
1. People cannot “come together” and not be seen! Many like to talk about
the “invisible church” (which allows them to move around in Christian
circles) — but all the churches mentioned in the New Testament were
2. Look up: Philippians 1:27 and I Thessalonians 2:17 and 3:6. The Apostle
Paul, writing to the churches at Philippi and Thessalonica, desired to come
and __ __ __ these assemblies.
1. By this we mean that it must be made out of the right components. How
absurd to assemble a motor vehicle out of milk, leaves, and uranium!!
How foolish to build a house out of paper, bandages, and meat!!
2. So too, a New Testament Church is not to be made up of just anything —
or anyone! God specifies the components in the New Testament.
3. Write out: Acts 2:41.
(Circle the following words: RECEIVED, BAPTIZED, ADDED.)
A New Testament Baptist Church is
an organized assembly of
baptized believers.
C. Look up: Galatians 3:1 and 5:7. In what way is a church subject to its Head?
1. Look up: I Peter 2:25 and 5:4. Who is the Chief Pastor (Shepherd) of my
Church? ____________________________________________________
2. Look up: I Peter 5:2 and Acts 20:28. What does the Bible call a church in
relation to its pastors? The F __ __ __ __ .
A . Look up: Acts 6:1-5. Who chose the seven deacons? ______________________
B. Look up: Acts 1:15-26. What preceded the vote of the whole church in electing a
successor to Judas? P __ __ __ __ __ .
1. New Testament churches worked together to help each other and support
evangelism. See: I Corinthians 16:1-3; Acts 11:22-26; II Corinthians 8:19.
2. New Testament churches worked together to provide social relief — Acts
11:27-30; Romans 15:25,26. Such financial assistance was a gift, not a
3. New Testament churches were obviously involved in regional fellowship.
Galatians 1:2 — Churches [plural] of __ __ __ __ __ __ __
I Corinthians 16:19 — Churches [plural] of __ __ __ __
Galatians 1:22 — Churches [plural] of __ __ __ __ __ __
B. Look up: Matthew 28:19,20. List below the verbs (actions) in these verses:
1. __ __ ye.
2. __ __ __ __ __ all nations.
3. __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ them.
4. __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ them to observe.
C. This Great Commission is repeated in each of the Gospels and in the Book of
Acts. Read them and see exactly what the mission of a Baptist church is — Mark
16:15; Luke 24:47; John 20:21; Acts 1:8. See also: I Corinthians 15:58;
Revelation 22:17.
A Christian ought to love the things his Lord loves. Look up: Ephesians 5:25.
“Christ __ __ __ __ __ the __ __ __ __ __ __ and __ __ __ __ Himself for it.”
1. Your church is the place where you will grow, find comfort and fellowship,
and serve the Lord. Write out: Hebrews 10:25.
2. Plan now to attend as many of the services and meetings of your church as
you can. Decide in your heart never to miss a service unless providentially
Look up: Acts 2:42.
What did those who were added to the church (verse 41) continue in?
Read through: I Timothy Chapter 3.
Try to commit to memory: Hebrews 10:25.
D Daily Walk
Lesson Commenced: _______________ Lesson Checked: _______________
Bible Christianity is not a CREED (a set of beliefs), but a PERSON — the Lord
Jesus Christ. When we receive the Lord Jesus as our Saviour, we receive Him as
a real Person into our heart and life — and although there are many THINGS to
learn about the Lord and the Christian life, we must never forget there is a
personal relationship to be enjoyed and maintained.
Personal relationships are maintained by communication. Every Christian
needs a “daily walk” with his or her Lord to enjoy all that God has in store.
This is the battleground where victory or defeat in your Christian life will be
B. There are a number of essential requirements for physical growth, and there are
some essential requirements for spiritual growth. This study will deal with TWO
of the most vital things you will need for a daily walk with the Lord.
(God talks to me)
(I talk to God)
1. Look up: Daniel 6:10. How many times did Daniel pray each day?
2. Look up: Acts 17:11. How often did the Berean Christians read the Word
of God? ____________________________________________________
3. There is no prescribed time for your daily devotions — the important thing
is that you set a time aside.
B. Make Habakkuk 2:1 Your Motto! Write out this verse below.
C. Keep In Mind — while all of the Bible was written for you, it was not all written
to you, nor was it all written about you.
To help you understand a passage apply the GOLDEN KEY. Always ask these
four questions:
F. Mark Your Bible. Underline key verses. Write down other references in the
margins. (If you do not wish to do this in your best Bible, purchase a cheaper one
for study purposes.)
Note: Not all pens are suitable. Some have a tendency to bleed or
smudge. Very fine point drafting pens with pigmented ink are
G. Treat The Bible As A Personal Letter From God. Read it ardently and
expectantly, as a lover reads a love letter — Jeremiah 31:3.
I. You MUST Resolve To Obey The Word Of God As You Read It And
Study It — John 15:14.
A. What Is Prayer?
1. Look up: Matthew 6:5-7. In your own words, tell what prayer is not.
Prayer is not _____________________________________________ .
2. Look up: Matthew 7:7a. The word “pray” simply means “to __ __ __ . ”
Prayer is asking — it is the cry of a Christian unto God, the request of a
child to his or her Father.
B. To Whom Do We Pray?
Look up: John 15:16f; John 16:23c and Luke 11:2. To Whom should we address
our prayers? ______________________________________________________
There are many other things we can pray for; the above are just some examples.
As a general rule:
Begin your prayer by thanking God for blessings.
In the middle, pray for others and their needs.
At the end, pray for yourself and your needs.
1. Keep a prayer list with your Bible. On it, write down any definite requests
you have — special family needs, church needs, and the special requests
other Christians may share with you.
2. Don’t forget to write down the answers as they come.
Review all the memory verses to date :
John 1:12
I John 5:11,12
Psalm 119:9,11
Hebrews 10:25
Some people do not believe in the existence of a personal Devil, calling “him” a
medieval invention designed to scare people into the ‘Church.’
Others imagine the Devil to be dressed in a red suit complete with horns, cloven
feet, and a long dragon’s tail — standing in Hell, tormenting folk with his
Both these views of Satan are false!!
The Devil is NO JOKE! He’s real, and he is a danger. In this lesson we shall learn
what the BIBLE teaches concerning Satan.
B. Look up and read: Matthew 4:1-11. Satan was very real in the life of the Lord
Jesus Christ.
C. According to verse 15, what change took place that dramatically altered Satan’s
original status? ____________________________________________________
C. According to I Peter 5:8 and Job 1:7, Satan is also walking the __ __ __ __ __ .
From these Scriptures, we learn that Satan is alive and active in many areas. Read:
Matthew 25:41 and Revelation 20:10, where we learn that Satan will eventually end up
in the Lake of Fire! But he is not there yet! (By the way, when he is cast into Hell, he will
not be the “king of hell” — he’ll be tormented forever!)
B. Look up: II Corinthians 4:4. What is Satan’s major work among the lost?
It is essential for you to know this fact because Satan is a powerful being. The Bible
teaches that he works with a whole kingdom of darkness, made up of angels that sinned
with him at the beginning. The Bible refers to these as “devils” (demons) and evil spirits.
See: Jude 6; Matthew 12:26; Ephesians 6:12.
E. Sometimes, God will permit Satan to afflict Christians physically — but always for
His glorious purpose. See: Job 1:12; 2:4-7 and II Corinthians 12:7-10.
In addition to these, Satan has a counterfeit ministry — very similar to the Gospel
See: Matthew 13:24-30,36-43. Here:
· True Gospel preaching results in W__ __ __ __ .
· Satan sows T__ __ __ __ (a wheat “look-alike”).
Read through: Genesis Chapter 3.
Try to commit to memory: I Peter 5:8.
The Bible teaches that God has established two institutions — the HOME and
the CHURCH. Nothing should be more important to a Christian than these
two places, for they are sacred.
Contrary to what many think, the Home and the Church are
COMPLEMENTARY. The greatest home is one built around a church — and
the greatest church is one made up of families who attend faithfully and serve the
Lord together.
It is little wonder, then, that Satan’s arena of diabolic activity is in our homes and
in the churches. This is truly an age when many homes and marriages are “on
the rocks” — instead of being on THE Rock (Matthew 7:24-27), and when many
Baptist churches are departing from the Word of God.
The Bible is a very practical Book and has much to say about the Home. God has
a definite blueprint for your family, your home. Space will not permit an
exhaustive study, so this lesson will be concerned with establishing some godly
principles for you to follow.
C. In this passage, God says the woman is to be an H__ __ __ M__ __ __ for the
man. (This means that the woman compliments and completes the man.)
G. Look up: Matthew 19:4-6. What did the Lord Jesus Christ say concerning the
permanency of the marriage relationship? _____________________________
H. Look up: Romans 7:1-3. According to God’s plan for marriage, the bond of
marriage was to be broken only by ____________________________________.
I. Look up: Hebrews 13:4a. What two things does God say are honorable?
1. M __ __ __ __ __ __ __ .
2. The bed U__ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ (i.e. premarital chastity).
H. Ephesians 5:23 — the husband is to be the __ __ __ __ of the wife and the home.
(This has nothing to do with being a “dictator,” but means he is to be in the place of leadership.)
Note: The Bible does not teach it is absolutely wrong for a woman to get
a paying job, especially in a time of need, but her first priority is
to be a homemaker. When a job causes a wife and/or mother to
neglect her husband or to give second best to her children — she
ought to quit her job and trust the Lord! God never intended for
children to be left in the care of others while their mother worked.
D. If your husband is not a Christian, follow the teaching of I Peter 3:1. The word
“conversation” means a “godly manner of life.”
Note: Never set out to disobey your unsaved husband, even if it means
having to miss coming to a church meeting. Pray hard, and let
God deal with him! Never push the Bible down his throat.
Instead, seek to be a “living Gospel” to him by following the
scriptural pattern above. Earnestly pray for your husband and
love him. Ask the Lord to open opportunities for you to witness to
him or invite him to the church meetings.
B. Look Up: Proverbs 22:6. Parents(not school, not TV) are responsible to
__ __ __ __ __ up their children.
· Children should be taught to work. Within their first year they can be
taught to pick up clothes and toys.
All of the above spell TIME and WORK. That’s what it takes!! Many modern-day
parents are too lazy (selfish) to give the time and put in the consistent effort
necessary to raise godly children — they want instant results, but they’d almost
be happy to let others do it for them.
Determine here and now that you will follow God’s pattern, and dedicate
yourself to its consistent application while you have children in the home.
Much of today’s humanistic philosophy says it is wrong to spank children, but the
Bible says it is necessary and right — provided...
a. The rod is applied to the right place. Never strike your child
across the face, chest, back, etc. Apply the “board of education to
the seat of learning!”
b. The rod is applied in love — Proverbs 13:24b. Never spank your
children in anger or to take out your own frustrations. Send your
disobedient child to his or her room and wait for a few minutes to
think things through.
c. The rod is applied early in life — “...while there is yet hope...,”
Proverbs 19:18.
d. The rod is applied effectively — Proverbs 19:18. Children will
cry with a proper spanking. They will also do their best to make
you feel like an ogre — don’t spare it!
e. The rod is applied consistently. Don’t spank for wrongs the child
didn’t know about. Don’t spank for last week’s wrongs. DON’T
A . Look up: Ephesians 4:31,32. List the six things that need to be put out of your
family and home:
1. ____________________ 2. ____________________
3. ____________________ 4. ____________________
5. ____________________ 6. ____________________
B. Look up: Deuteronomy 6:5-7. What is it that should be a constant part of your
C. Look up: Joshua 24:15f. What was Joshua’s motto for his home?
D. There is a wonderful trilogy of the Christian home found in the Psalms. Take time
to read the following:
· The BUILDING of the Home — Psalm 127.
· The BLESSING of the Home — Psalm 128.
· The BEHAVIOR of the Home — Psalm 131.
1. Decide upon the most suitable time for your home. If appropriate, call a
family conference to make this decision.
2. Make a definite commitment to the Lord to the establishment of your
family altar. Plan to stick to it.
3. Work out a plan of Bible reading and devotional material. This will vary
depending upon the age of any children. Talk to your pastor if help is
needed in selecting some good material.
4. Do it!! Right away!! Then be ready to resist the Devil as he throws his fiery
darts of opposition.
Warning: Be careful that the atmosphere of your home at family altar time
is not different to other times. That is hypocrisy, and will harm
your children greatly.
Christian homes and marriages are NOT exempt from pressures and troubles. There
may be times when serious problems arise. Always feel that you can confidently (and
confidentially) speak to your pastor about such matters. He believes the Bible has the
answer, and is more than willing to counsel with you. But, be willing to accept Bible
answers and principles over worldly “solutions!”
Read: Proverbs Chapters 10 through 15.
Try to memorize: Joshua 24:15.
G God
Lesson Commenced: _______________ Lesson Checked: _______________
The Bible does not present any argument for the existence of God; it takes the
FACT of God for granted. God is the infinite and perfect Spirit in Whom all
things have their source, support, and end.
The Word of God reveals God to us. Because God is infinitely beyond our
human comprehension, the Bible often “couches” God in human language.
B. The Fact That Everything Must Have A Cause Proves There Is A God.
Man is an intelligent being — therefore his Cause must also be intelligent. Man
has personality — thus his Cause could not be impersonal.
This is known as the doctrine of the TRINITY — the Bible teaches there is one
God, but three Persons in the Godhead.
While we cannot comprehend this, we can explain it somewhat by using an
illustration of a glass of iced water:
As can be seen, there is but ONE essence (H20) existing in THREE distinct
phases. Each phase may exist separately, or with another, or all together.
A. There Are Four Statements In The Bible Telling Us What God Is.
B. The Bible Also Teaches That God Is A Person — i.e. He has personality.
1. Read: Psalm 139:1-4. List five things God knows about you.
___________ ___________ ___________ ___________
2. Read: I John 3:20. What does this verse say God knows? __ __ __
__ __ __ __ __ __ .
D. God Is Eternal.
G. God Is Love.
Look up: Romans 5:8. How did God commend (prove) His love toward you and
me? ______________________________________________________________
H. God Is Gracious.
R iches
A t
C hrist’s
E xpense
I. God Is Truth.
B. “Adonai” — which is translated “Lord” in our English Bible. This means that
God is the Owner and Master.
The word “Jesus” is the Greek form of the Hebrew “Joshua” (or Jehoshua), and
literally means “Jehovah-Saviour.” The New Testament clearly teaches that
Jesus IS Jehovah.
Write out: John 8:58.
Read: Psalms 19, 139, and 147.
Try to commit to memory: Hebrews 11:6.
There is a great deal of confusion about the Holy Spirit. Many cults deny He is a
Person and He is God, saying the Holy Spirit is just a “force” or an “influence.”
On the other hand, the Charismatic Movement, which has absolutely swept
today’s religious world, places extreme emphasis on the Holy Spirit — teaching
such things as “ecstatic utterances,” “healings,” and “exorcism.”
As with all these studies, our aim is to look beyond what men say and see what
the Bible teaches.
C. Look up: Matthew 28:19. Notice the word “Name” is singular, which again
shows the Holy Spirit to be God — the third Person of the Holy Trinity.
B. Read: John 16:8-11. The word “reprove” means to “convict.” Of what three
things does the Holy Spirit convict men?
1. __ __ __
2. __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __
3. __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __
C. Look up: Titus 3:5; John 3:5 and John 6:63. When we believe on the Lord Jesus
Christ, it is the Holy Spirit Who does the work of “regeneration” (i.e. we are “born
[The word “quicken” means to “make alive.”]
B. It is in the Person of the Holy Spirit that the Lord Jesus Christ lives within the heart
of every believer — John 14:23.
E. The Holy Spirit is our P __ __ __ __ to witness and serve God — Acts 1:8.
G. The work of the Holy Spirit in me is to produce the ___ __ __ __ __ of the Spirit
— Galatians 5:22,23. This fruit is what God expects to see come forth in your life.
List the nine-fold “fruit of the Spirit:”
_______________ _______________ _______________
_______________ _______________ _______________
_______________ _______________ _______________
The “secret” to allowing the Spirit to do this work in your life unhindered is found
in John 15:4-8:
· A __ __ __ __ in Christ, and let His W__ __ __ abide in me.
B. In the Bible, the miraculous gift of being able to speak in an unknown foreign
language was a sign to unbelieving Jews — I Corinthians 1:22; 14:21,22; Isaiah
28:11. In each recorded case in the New Testament where the miracle of tongues
occurred (only three) — Jews, and at least one apostle, were present. See: Acts
2:5; Acts 10:45,46; Acts 19:6.
C. The Bible says “tongues shall cease” (I Corinthians 13:8) and then goes on to say
when they would cease — verse 10.
Now the Charismatic will argue that “that which is perfect” refers to Christ, and
that tongues will continue until the Second Coming of Christ. But Joel 2:28-31
indicates an outpouring of the Holy Spirit with associated gifts after the Rapture!!
D. If the gift of tongues was still operative today, which it is not, the Bible would place
certain restrictions on its use:
F. The truly spiritual person will acknowledge the supremacy of the written Word of
God over any religious experience — I Corinthians 14:37.
G. Many Charismatic groups say, or imply, you are not saved unless you have
spoken in tongues. They claim to have the “Full” Gospel — but the real “Full
Gospel” is given in I Corinthians 15:1,3,4. Those who add something to this are
in fact preaching “another gospel” — Galatians 1:6-9.
Remember this glorious FACT stated in Colossians 2:10...
I am C__ __ __ __ __ __ __ in H __ __ .
G. By focusing so much on these alleged gifts, the Charismatic elevates the Holy
Spirit above the Son of God. The Spirit IS God. He is EQUAL with the Father
and the Son in EVERY way — but He is the “shy” Member of the Godhead. He
does not speak about Himself, but always of Christ — John 15:26; 16:13,14.
J. Healings were sometimes done on unsaved people (who had no faith at the
time!), yet Paul, a great Christian, wasn’t healed — II Corinthians 12:7-9.
Timothy was sickly (I Timothy 5:23) and Epaphroditus was sick and almost died
(Philippians 2:25-27). There was no instant miraculous healing for these choice
servants of the Lord.
K. Today, we are instructed to pray for God’s healing mercies, but not to seek — or
expect — a miraculous, instantaneous healing — James 5:14,15. Of course,
God can do either or both ... if He wills.
Read: Romans Chapter 8.
Try to memorize: Ephesians 5:18.
I Immersion (Baptism)
Lesson Commenced: _______________ Lesson Checked: _______________
The subject of “baptism” is without doubt one of the most confusing and
controversial of all Bible teachings. Many types of “churches” practice many
types of “baptism.” Some sprinkle, some pour, some immerse. Some do it to
infants, others to adults — some even “baptize” on behalf of those deceased.
Then others tell us it is not an important thing, so they practice no baptism at all.
History tells us that baptism has been the most divisive issue for the last 2,000
years. Our Baptist forefathers paid dearly for their stand on the Bible truth of
baptism. Millions were cruelly put to death just because they refused to have
their children “sprinkled,” or dared to cling to the teachings of God’s Word. We
may not have to face such persecution today — but we ought to be willing to take
the same stand for truth.
You can learn the truth by carefully studying the following scriptures. Set aside
any preconceived notions and see exactly what the Bible teaches. DON’T
A. According to Ephesians 4:5, how many baptisms are there? ______________
G. From John 3:23, what was John the Baptist’s reason for baptizing at a place
called Ænon? ______________________________________________________
I. In Mark 1:10, when Jesus was baptized, what did He come up out of?
J. Look up Acts 8:38,39. When Philip baptized the Ethiopian, what was the
relationship of both men to the water? ________________________________
K. From your honest study of these verses of scripture, what do you conclude to be
the proper mode of baptism? (Check one)
q Sprinkling
q Pouring
q Immersion
Having drawn your conclusion from the scriptures, the following information will
help reinforce the truth:
B. Look up: John 4:1. What does the relationship between the words “made” and
“baptized” show concerning who should be baptized?
C. In Acts 2:41, what had those who were baptized first done?
E. In Acts 8:37, what was the requirement for the Ethiopian’s baptism?
F. Look up: Acts 10:47. When does a person receive the Holy Spirit?
_____________________________________________ (Look back over Study #8.)
G. Look up: Acts 16:14,15. What had the Lord done with Lydia before she was
baptized? _________________________________________________________
H. Study: Acts 16:30-34. What happened to the keeper of the prison and his
household before they were baptized?_________________________________
I. List the three steps taken by the Corinthians as given in Acts 18:8.
H __ __ __ __ __ __ , B __ __ __ __ __ __ __ , and B __ __ __ __ __ __ __
J. From your honest study of these verses of scripture, who do you conclude to be
the proper candidates for baptism? (Check one)
q Babies
q Believers
q Jews
Having drawn your conclusion from the Bible, the following information will help
reinforce the truth:
C. Our sins are cleansed through the __ __ __ __ (Ephesians 5:26; John 17:17) and
by the __ __ __ __ __ (Revelation 1:5; 7:14).
See also: Titus 3:5. Baptism is certainly a “work of righteousness” — but it is the
righteousness of God imputed by faith!
D. Read: Luke 23:32,33,39-43. One thief was saved. Was he ever baptized? _____
E. From your honest study of these verses of scripture, what part does baptism play
in your salvation? (Check one)
q No part
q Some part
q Absolutely essential
D. From your study and consideration of these verses of scripture, what would you
say baptism is? (Check one)
q A symbol of the Gospel
q The washing away of sins
3. All the apostles received Baptist baptism. This was NEVER repudiated —
it was, in fact, a requirement for church office. See: Acts 1:22.
The name “Baptist” stands for:
· what we BELIEVE — I Corinthians 15:1-4.
· what we ARE — Romans 6:17,18.
· what we DO — Matthew 28:19,20.
According to John 3:3,5 the “new birth” is the ‘doorway’ to eternal life. According
to Acts 2:41 and I Corinthians 12:13, baptism (which follows salvation) is the
‘doorway’ into the membership of a church (a body of baptized believers).
When you are baptized, you become a member of our Church. As such, you
enjoy the rights and privileges of membership which include:
1. All those desiring baptism are presented before the church membership,
and the church votes to receive them into membership upon their
2. The Church receives members from other Baptist churches of like faith
and order by way of a “Letter of Commendation” (II Corinthians 3:1).
3. The Church does not receive into membership those who have been
‘baptized’ into some man-made religion, ‘church’ or denomination. As
with our ancient Baptist forebears, we require scriptural baptism
(sometimes erroneously called “re-baptism”) in such cases.
1. Write out the question asked of Philip in the last part of Acts 8:36.
2. In your own words, and for your own situation, answer this question.
Read: Matthew chapter 3 and Acts chapter 8.
Try to memorize: Acts 2:41.
J Jesus Christ
Lesson Commenced: _______________ Lesson Checked: ________________
This is the study about the One Who is the sum and substance, the center and
essence of Bible Christianity.
If we take Buddha from Buddhism, if we take Mohammed from Islam, if we take
Smith from Mormonism — we still are left with systems of belief. But, if we take
Jesus Christ from Christianity — we have NOTHING!!
Christianity is not a system of beliefs, but a PERSON. We are not saved through
rules and rites, but through a PERSON.
In this study lesson we want to look at two things concerning Jesus:
B. Look up: Luke 2:5. Mary underwent a normal human pregnancy — she was
__ __ __ __ __ with child.
E. Read: Isaiah 53:2. This prophetic description of Jesus Christ tells us He had no
C ___ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ or attractive B __ __ __ __ __ .
According to Matthew 26:48,49, the Lord Jesus was so plain that Judas needed
to kiss His cheek to identify Him to the soldiers.
Incidentally: The “religious art” portraits of Christ depicting Him with blue eyes,
long straight golden hair, and fair complexion are far from reality. Our Lord no
doubt looked like a very average Jew — olive skin, brown eyes, and short black
hair. He did have a beard.
J. Look up: Hebrews 4:15. Jesus was T __ __ __ __ __ __ in all things, just like
you and I.
C. Look up: John 5:18 . Why did the Jews try to kill Jesus? ____________________
D. Look up: John 5:23. How does this verse relate the Father and the Son?
E. Look up: John 10:30. Jesus said He and the Father were __ __ __ .
F. Look up: John 10:31-33. How did the Jews interpret John 10:30? _________
G. Look up: John 14:9. When we see Jesus we see the __ __ __ __ __ __.
H. Look up: John 20:28. What did Thomas say concerning Jesus?
Did Jesus rebuke Thomas for saying this? ___________
I. Look up: Hebrews 1:8. To whom is the title,“O God” given? The __ __ __ .
J. Look up: I John 5:20. Who is the true God and eternal life? _______________
L. Look up and compare: Genesis 1:1 with John 1:3. What is the inescapable
conclusion concerning Jesus Christ? __________________________________
Although we cannot fully comprehend this truth, it is a fact clearly taught in the Bible.
A. Look up: I Timothy 3:16. This verse says that Jesus is __ __ __ manifested in the
F__ __ __ __ .
Remember back to Study #7 and the Bible teaching of ONE God manifested in
THREE Persons. In studying about the Lord Jesus Christ, we must appreciate the
fact of ONE Person with TWO natures — a divine nature and a human nature.
While we will never understand this truth, we can see how it was accomplished in
the miracle of the Virgin Birth of Christ.
B. Look up: Isaiah 7:14. This Old Testament prophecy of Christ declared that a
__ __ __ __ __ __ would conceive.
C. Look up: Matthew 1:18. When Jesus was conceived in the womb of Mary, she
was E __ __ __ __ __ __ __ (engaged) to Joseph; but they had not come
T __ __ __ __ __ __ __ as husband and wife in marriage.
C. Look up: Isaiah 53:6. What was laid upon Jesus when He died on the cross?
F. Look up: John 3:16. For whom was Christ given? The __ __ __ __ __ .
G. Look up: Romans 10:13. Who may avail themselves of the death of Christ to be
saved? __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __
H. Look up: John 19:30c and Hebrews 1:3d; 10:12. Does anything need to be
added to the death of Christ on the cross to complete our salvation?
B. Look up: Matthew 12:40. How long was Jesus in the tomb? _____________
D. Look up: Romans 4:25. Why was Jesus raised from the dead? ______________
B. Look up: Hebrews 10:12. Where is Jesus at this present time? ______________
D. Look up: John 14:2. Jesus is preparing a __ __ __ __ __ for each of us who are
B. Look up: Acts 1:11. Who promised the return of Christ here? ______________
C. Look up: Titus 2:13. The return of the Lord Jesus Christ is called the
B __ __ __ __ __ __ H __ __ __ .
E. Look up: I Corinthians 15:51,52. When Jesus Christ returns for His people, how
quickly will this event transpire? __________________________________
Read through: Colossians chapter 1.
Try to commit to memory: John 1:1.
Outside of the Word of God, one of the greatest areas of spiritual ignorance is
that concerning the history of New Testament churches over the past almost
2,000 years.
The Roman Catholic is led to believe his is the only true ‘Church,’ that began
with St. Peter and has continued intact down through the centuries. All
non-Catholic denominations are therefore referred to as “departed brethren.”
The average Protestant assumes true Christianity virtually disappeared during
the “Dark Ages” and was revived with the Protestant Reformation. A lot of
Baptists have been hoodwinked into believing they are Protestants who had
their beginnings in England in the early part of the 17TH century.
History is to be studied in the light of the Word of God. The scriptures promise —
and history confirms — the existence of true New Testament churches in every
period of the last 20 centuries.
A. Read: Matthew 28:18-20. This commission was given to His churches [See: Study
#3], and is for the churches to fulfill.
1. In it, the Lord promised to be with them A __ __ __ __ , even unto the end
of the world.
2. If God made such a promise, then we can expect churches to be around
until the end of the age to receive the promise.
B. Read: Matthew 16:18. Upon the Rock (Himself) the Lord established His
Church, and He said that the gates of Hell would not __ __ __ __ __ __ __
[withstand the onslaught] against it.
If true churches ever ceased to exist, the “gates of hell” would have no fear of
being pushed open!
D. Read: Ephesians 3:21. In a special way, God is glorified among His churches.
This glory is to continue throughout __ __ __ __ __ __ __ . If true churches
disappeared as a result of the apostasy that eventually developed into the
Catholic system, this scripture would be meaningless.
1. List three ways many of our Baptist forebears were harshly dealt
with. (page 2)
2. Write out the statement made by Cardinal Hosius concerning the Baptists.
(page 3)
3. How many “marks” or doctrines of true New Testament churches does Dr.
Carroll enumerate? _____________________ (pages 4,5)
7. What was formed in the year 313 A.D.? ___________________ (page 16)
What happened to Jesus Christ as a consequence of this?
8. In what year did the Dark Ages begin? ___________________ (page 19)
10. What action was taken by the Council of Toulouse in 1229 A.D.? (pages
11. List the five “churches backed up by civil governments” that were
established before the close of the sixteenth century. (page 34)
What was their general attitude toward the Anabaptists and Waldenses?
12. To what century can the name “Anabaptist” be traced? (page 39)
13. What book did John Bunyan write? (page 43) ______________________
16. Where was religious liberty first granted in the United States of America?
(page 51)
17. What offer was once made by the king of Holland? (page 53)
What was the response of the Baptists, and why?
18. According to the chart at the back of the booklet, from which ‘Church’ did
the Methodist denomination come?
19. From the book and the chart, fill in the list of names given at various times
to our Baptist forefathers.
C __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ (Acts 11:26)
M __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ (Phrygia)
D __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ (Africa)
N __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ (Italy)
P __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ (Armenia)
W __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ (Europe)
A __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ (France)
B __ __ __ __ __ __ __ (today)
Here is a subject which requires a careful study of the Word of God. Like
baptism, the ordinance of the Lord’s Supper is generally misunderstood; and the
religious world has many substitutes for the real thing.
The only references to the Lord’s Supper in the New Testament are the Gospels’
accounts in Matthew 26:17-30; Mark 14:12-26; Luke 22:7-20 and in Paul’s first
epistle to the Corinthians (in which he actually rebukes the church there for
serious disorders at the Lord’s table) — I Corinthians 10:14-22 and 11:17-34.
Prior to completing this study, carefully read each of these passages above.
(References often cited from the Book of Acts [2:46; 20:7,11] do not refer to the
Lord’s Supper because they do not mention “the cup” and because, in the
second instance, the breaking of bread was done twice in the same night. These
passages actually refer to a fellowship-type meal — “feasts of charity,” Jude 12a.
1. C __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ — I Corinthians 10:16.
2. The L __ __ __’ __ T __ __ __ __ — I Corinthians 10:21.
3. The L __ __ __’ __ S __ __ __ __ __ — I Corinthians 11:20.
The Bible does not mention such man-made ecclesiastical terms as “The Mass,”
“Holy Communion,” and “The Eucharist.”
1. Do it in R __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ of Christ — I Corinthians
C. Compare: Matthew 26:30 with Hebrews 2:12. The Lord’s Supper was instituted
in the C__ __ __ __ __ (“organized assembly of baptized believers”).
D. Read: I Corinthians 11:17-21. Here the Apostle Paul is rebuking the church at
Corinth for turning the simple memorial Supper into a drunken orgy-type feast.
However, note the following:
n verse 17 — “ye C __ __ __ T __ __ __ __ __ __ __ .”
n verse 18 — “ye C__ __ __ T __ __ __ __ __ __ __ in the C __ __ __ __ __ .”
n verse 20 — “ye C__ __ __ T __ __ __ __ __ __ __ into O__ __ P __ __ __ __.”
(Thus the command to keep the ordinance has been given to the Lord’s churches.)
When our Church comes together to observe the Lord’s Supper, only members of our
Church who are in good standing may properly partake. We do not open the Supper to
Christians in general, or even to members of other Baptist churches. Many people find
this a hard doctrine (in the light of the current ecumenical and interdenominational
trends), but remember, it is the LORD’s Supper, not man’s, and He issues the invitation.
Many ‘churches’ open the Lord’s Table “all who love the Lord in sincerity and truth.”
This sounds good, but it opens up the real possibility of allowing Christians holding all
manner of beliefs to join together. I Corinthians 11:18,19 forbids the observance of the
Supper by any church when:
D__ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ and H __ __ __ __ __ __ __ are present.
1. Some churches observe the Supper annually, around the time of the
Jewish Passover when the Lord was crucified.
2. Some churches choose to observe the Supper more frequently.
The pastors generally decide when the church should come together and a
special service is held.
C. When observing the Supper, the elements are distributed to the members, then all
eat (or drink) together.
This is because I Corinthians 11:33 gives the instruction to T __ __ __ __ one
for another.
1. That the “mass” is the sacrifice of Jesus Christ Who is really present on the
altar. That He is offered to God for the living and the dead by the priest.
2. That upon the words of consecration by the priest, “Hoc est corpus
meum,” the wafer and the alcoholic wine literally change into the real
flesh and blood of Christ. (This is called “transubstantiation.”)
3. That observance of the mass is a means of grace (part of “salvation”)
whereby the person actually eats the real flesh of Jesus. That it is a mortal
sin to not receive “Holy Communion” at Easter.
As given above.
Try to commit to memory: I Corinthians 11:26.
M Missions
Lesson Commenced: _______________ Lesson Checked: _______________
At the conclusion of His earthly ministry, the Lord Jesus Christ committed His
church to the continuance of His work of redemption. To the assembled body of
(baptized) believers He said: “As my Father hath sent me, even so send I you”
(John 20:21). The Lord’s churches, then, are to duplicate the things done by the
Lord — without change! While so much of what Jesus did could not be
contained in any number of books (John 21:25), there were some works He did
consistently throughout His earthly ministry:
Jesus __ __ __ __ and __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ disciples — John 4:1.
Jesus T __ __ __ __ __ and trained His disciples — Matthew 5:1,2.
Jesus built His __ __ __ __ __ __ — Matthew 16:18.
2. How would you describe the caliber of these men God called? (See also:
Acts 12:25.) _________________________________________________
3. According to verse 3, who is to send missionaries? ___________________
The Bible plan is for evangelists (missionaries) to be financially
supported by New Testament Baptist churches, prayed for by New
Testament Baptist churches, and sent out by New Testament Baptist
churches. (The Word of God knows nothing of “mission boards” and
other para-church mission agencies.)
4. According to verse 4, when a church sends out evangelists, how are those
men to be led into their places of service? __________________________
5. According to verse 5, exactly what is the ministry of an evangelist? _____
C. Look up: I Thessalonians 2:4 and I Timothy 1:12. Who calls and equips men to
be preachers? _____________________________________________________
D. Read: Luke 10:1; Acts 10:23; 15:39,40; 16:1-3; 19:22; and Ecclesiastes 4:9,10.
From your study of these passages, how was New Testament evangelism
practiced in the first century?
q By one man working alone
q By several men working as a team
B. Look up: Matthew 9:37a. What is there a great need for today?
__ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __.
D. Look up: Acts 9:6. What question should we ask the Lord concerning missions?
Make a list of the missionaries our Church helps support, noting their fields of
Try to commit to memory: Mark 16:15.
There are some precious Bible words we almost hesitate to use these days
because they have been abused and misused throughout Christendom. Words
like “Christian” and “bishop” mean different things to different people, even
though their Bible meaning has never changed.
Another term subjected to such abuse is “born again.” It has been so
cheapened and downgraded by the world that now we must define terms. “What
do you mean that you are born again?” Today, you are supposed to be “born
again” if you have had some life-changing experience. It is used in popular songs
to mean “falling in love.” Hollywood superstars by the dozen profess to be “born
again” — and yet continue producing their wicked wares. Roman Catholics and
other cults are now using the term, “born again.”
Because the Lord Jesus Christ said we could not get to Heaven without being
“born again,” it becomes vitally important that we understand the Bible
meaning of the term.
1. Simon Magnus had an experience — but that wasn’t enough. See: Acts
2. Jesus warned about shallow, experience-oriented emotionalism in
Matthew 13:3,5,18,20,21.
Note: Emotions are evoked when we are born again, and many people
count their salvation as an experience. The important thing to
remember is that the experience is not what saves — it is
something which follows!
“The place of the “...he answered and said, I “...and he went on his way
__ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ .”
which he read was this...” that Jesus Christ is the Son
of God.”
Acts 8:32 Acts 8:37 Acts 8:39
While this miracle is entirely the work of God, it cannot take place until a man actually
receives Christ.
I John 5:1; John 1:12 James 1:18; John 3:8
Look at
John 1:12,13
O Obedience
Lesson Commenced: _______________ Lesson Checked: _______________
In his excellent book, Growing Up God’s Way,1 John A. Stormer has these
things to say: “‘Obey’ is the most important single word in the Bible. Being
obedient is the key to receiving all of God’s blessings. To be saved from sin and
Hell, a person must obey God’s command ... Acts 16:31. There are a multitude
of other material and spiritual blessings for those who obey God.”
This current age is characterized by rebellion. Rebellion and disobedience come
directly from man’s sinful nature (see: II Timothy 3:2 and Romans 5:19a). We see
rebellion in the home, rebellion in society, rebellion in our churches — all
stemming from a basic rebellious attitude toward God. Now, as never before, we
need to seriously concern ourselves with this subject of OBEDIENCE.
Stormer gives the following explanation of obedience:
“Obedience is doing what those in authority request or want. It is the opposite of
‘doing your own thing.’ True obedience involves doing what an authority wants
immediately, respectfully, joyfully, and completely. Obedience requires the
submission of the will of the individual to those in charge. True obedience
ultimately stems from submission to God.” 2
B. Look up: Acts 13:22. How did the Lord describe David, the son of Jesse?
“A __ __ __ after __ __ __ __ own __ __ __ __ __.”
1 Stormer, John A. Growing Up God’s Way: Florissant, Missouri: Liberty Bell Press, 1984:
pp.103,104 (This book is highly recommended — especially to those with young children, or those just
commencing family life.)
2 Ibid.
B. What was the penalty required for rebellion in sons under the Mosaic Law? See:
Deuteronomy 21:18-21.
C. Look up: Matthew 6:31-33. What three things does God promise to take care of
for us when we put Him first?
_______________ _______________ _______________
E. What is perfected in our lives when we keep God’s Word — I John 2:5?
F. If we hear the Word of God, yet do nothing about it, what is the result — James
1:22? ___________________________________________________________
What does James 4:17 call this? _____________________________________
G. According to Matthew 7:24-27, to what does the Lord Jesus compare the life of
an obedient person? _______________________________________________
E. According to Luke 5:4-7, what should our attitude be when God’s Word seems to
contradict our own judgment? _______________________________________
A wife who truly loves God will never “run” her husband, but lovingly submit to his
leadership as unto the Lord.
Note: This has nothing to do with equality or inequality, as the first example
below shows.
1. In Marriage.
The __ __ __ __ is to submit to her __ __ __ __ __ __ __.
Read: Ephesians 5:22; Colossians 3:18; I Peter 3:1-6.
2. In The Home.
__ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ are to obey their __ __ __ __ __ __ __.
Read: Ephesians 6:1; Colossians 3:20.
3. In The Workplace.
__ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ are to be obedient to their __ __ __ __ __ __ __ .
See: Ephesians 6:5-7; Colossians 3:22.
4. In Society.
Every citizen is to be __ __ __ __ __ __ __ to the higher powers.
See: Romans 13:1-7.
5. In Our Church.
Each member is to __ __ __ __ __ __ to those that have the rule over them
(i.e., the pastors) — Hebrews 13:7,17.
In each of these areas, God expects you to obey those in authority just as you
would (and with the same attitude) Him. Yet, it is in each of these areas we find the
most rebellion today — bossy, domineering wives (or weak, spineless husbands);
rampant, bratty children; militant unions; anarchists; and church members who
continually “buck” the pastor. Read: Isaiah 3:12.
Let not these things be named in our life — we have already read about God’s
opinion of rebellion.
If the one in authority is failing to give leadership or be responsible — God will
deal with him. Leave these things to God — don’t try to rectify the situation by
usurping the authority. That’s wrong too!
Read: I Peter 3:1-7 and see that a wife CAN win her husband. How?? Not by
taking over and running things, but by the ornament of subjection.
I only see this I now see this
authority as: authority as:
denying loving
requiring caring
restricting protecting
taking away very wise
Read: Genesis Chapter 22.
Try to commit to memory: II Corinthians 10:5.
P Prayer
Lesson Commenced: _______________ Lesson Checked: _______________
According to Acts 2:42, the young Christians, along with the older believers,
“continued stedfastly in the apostles’ doctrine and fellowship, and in breaking of
bread, AND IN PRAYERS.” These believers had developed from the very
beginning of their new life in Christ some definite habits — including prayer.
Through His Word, the Bible, God speaks to the Christian. In prayer, the
Christian talks to God. Yet, in this busy, bustling world, both Bible study and
prayer are neglected by so many.
Read over the previous study about prayer. [See: Lesson #4, Daily Walk]
In Luke 11:1, the disciples of the Lord Jesus Christ asked of Him a noble thing when
they said, “Lord, teach us to pray.” In response Jesus gave them the Model Prayer
(commonly mis-named the “Lord’s Prayer”). You can read this in Luke 11:2-4 and
Matthew 6:9-13.
Below are answers to common questions regarding some of the “essentials” of prayer:
From your study of these scriptures, what do you conclude about the posture we
should adopt when we pray? ______________________________________
Note: When we present a check to the bank, the most important thing
the teller looks at to verify its authenticity is the signature.
“Whose name is on the check?” “Does this signature authorize
the payment of funds?” If we signed the check with our own
name, it would be fraud and would undoubtedly “bounce!”
The riches of Christ are __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ —
Ephesians 3:8.
1. Reverence:
2. Boldness:
3. Faith:
4. Thanksgiving:
5. Persistence:
6. Dependence:
7. Earnestness:
8. Confidence:
9. Openness:
Read: Acts 4:24; Acts 12:5,12 and Ephesians 5:19,20.
Read: Matthew 18:19,20.
It will be a blessing in your life if you seek out another believer in the Church to
become “prayer partners.” Ask God to lead you to someone with whom you can
spend time in prayer together. Great things can happen through this kind of
praying — Acts 3:1&c.
1. ______________________________________________________________
2. ______________________________________________________________
3. ______________________________________________________________
C. What does the Lord want us to pray for, according to Matthew 9:37,38?
D. According to Ephesians 6:19,20, what should we pray for those who serve the
Lord in the Gospel ministry? _________________________________________
G. Look up the following scriptures and make a “prayer list” of things we might ask
for ourselves:
Matthew 6:11
James 1:5
Matthew 26:41
Psalm 19:14
Psalm 34:4
Psalm 37:5
Psalm 51:2,10
Psalm 119:18
Psalm 119:34
Psalm 119:133
Try to commit to memory: John 16:24.
This ABC’s of Christian Growth program is specifically designed to teach you the
basics of the Christian life. But as with most things in life, we never stop learning,
and you will most certainly find yourself asking questions such as, “What does
the Bible say about...?” or, “How may I...?”
Answers to many questions will be found in the studies you have already done,
or will be doing. It is strongly recommended that you review your past work from
time to time, and especially anytime you have a question.
In this particular study, you will find Bible answers to a number of
commonly-asked questions which are not covered in this series. This is one
study which will no doubt expand as different questions are asked — so don’t
hesitate to ask your Older Brother/Older Sister or the pastor about anything you
want to know from the Bible!
B. The Bible has the answer — sometimes it requires diligent and searching
study to find it, not because God wants to make things difficult, but because we
are sinful, weak, finite, or perhaps just spiritually immature. Read: Hebrews
C. There are some things we may never really understand, especially when it comes
to the Lord’s workings in our life and those around us. Most believers develop a
“list” of things they want to ask when they get to Heaven — yet they know God
already has the answer, and it’s the right one. See: Genesis 18:25e.
E. Be very careful you do not MAJOR ON THE MINORS and MINOR ON THE
MAJORS. One of Satan’s traps is to get a believer to run off on some incidental
hobby horse to the neglect of soul winning, real Bible study, sweet fellowship,
faithful Christian living, etc. Read: I Timothy 6:3-5a.
F. When you discover a Bible answer, put it into practice. Some answers you (your
old nature) will not like. Nevertheless, put it into practice. Read: James 1:22.
B. Read: I Kings 2:10 and Psalm 23:6. Where did David go when he died? ______
C. Read: II Samuel 12:23. When the child of David and Bathsheba died at just one
week old, David said, “I shall __ __ __ __ him.”
This amounts to Bible proof that little ones are safe in Jesus and will go into the
presence of the Lord should they die. How sad that so many people have their
babies sprinkled shortly after birth because they have been taught to fear dying
1. Read: Deuteronomy 1:39. Small children are “innocent” when they have
no K __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ between __ __ __ __ and __ __ __ __ .
2. Read: Ezekiel 12:2. People are accountable for their actions when they
have __ __ __ __ to __ __ __ and see __ __ __ , etc.
See also: Nehemiah 8:2.
3. Read: Genesis 8:21. The imagination of a man’s heart is said to be evil
from his __ __ __ __ __ .
5. Read: Matthew 19:16-20. The rich young man was able to understand
and keep the Ten Commandments from his __ __ __ __ __ on up (or so he
A. Pro-abortionists argue that an embryo is just a mass of cells and tissue — simply a
part of the mother’s body. To them, abortion is nothing different than a
1. Read: Psalm 139:13-16. When did God take a vital interest in David?
“Alternate lifestyles” are being openly promoted in today’s society. As nations
increasingly forget God and turn their ears from the Truth, we are seeing
behavior which was at one time never tolerated now being flaunted.
Homosexuals and lesbians are demanding total acceptability by, and integration
into, the community, claiming they were born that way and as such are normal,
though different! What does God say?
A. Look up: I Kings 14:24; 15:12; 22:46 and II Kings 23:7. What does the Bible call
these so-called “Gays?”
__ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __
B. This Biblical designation of the homosexual comes from the name of the wicked
city of __ __ __ __ __ — Genesis 18:20.
C. According to Genesis 19:24, what was God’s judgment upon Sodom and
Gomorrah? _______________________________________________________
D. Read: Genesis 19:4,5. The crowd which gathered outside Lot’s home consisted
of both __ __ __ & __ __ __ __ __ , people from every __ __ __ __ __ __ __ .
This indicates that the sodomite corruption had extended to all ages and all
stratas of society.
G. Read: Leviticus 18:22-24. What is the effect upon a nation when sodomites are
tolerated? _________________________________________________________
H. Read: I Timothy 1:9,10. This passage is the basis for using the Mosaic code as
the foundation for righteous government of any society.
3. God’s Word says those who practice this “unseemly” behavior will receive
“in __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ that recompence of their error which was
meet [fitting]” (verse 27). AIDS is one grim example of this!
B. The Bible says the moment you receive Christ — as a Christian — you have a
great (pre-determined) destiny.
Note: The moment Charles Philip Arthur George Windsor was born
into this world — he was predestined to become the King of
England. No one would say he was predestined to be born!
B. Read: Matthew 26:48. He did not stand out from the crowd. See also: John 8:59
and Luke 24:15-18.
C. Read: I Corinthians 11:14. Could Jesus have had long hair? _______________
D. It is certain Jesus looked like an average Jew. An olive complexion, short, dark
hair, and a beard (Isaiah 50:6) is a more probable description.
The fact that no Biblical description is given of our Saviour is no doubt meant to
prevent the idolatrous worship of images and pictures. See: Romans 1:23 and I
John 5:21.
When you think about Christmas, keep in mind the following facts:
A. Jesus was NOT born on December 25. This would have been in the middle of
winter, and shepherds would not have their sheep out in the fields!
B. There were NOT three wise men! Three men riding on camels over such a long
distance through inhospitable country infested with thieves and wild animals
would have been fools!! The Bible says there was a company of Magi — they
brought three kinds of gifts.
C. The wise men did NOT meet with the shepherds in the stable around the manger.
2. Matthew 2:16 indicates the young child was almost __ __ __ years old at
this time.
D. Involving our children in the myth of Santa Claus is not wise, because we are in
fact telling them a lie! Moreover, the Santa Claus (named after the Roman
Catholic cardinal ‘Saint Nicholas’) most often portrayed is a substitute for our
Heavenly Father.
A. According to John 20:1, Jesus rose from the dead on the __ __ __ __ __ day of
the week.
B. According to Acts 20:7 and I Corinthians 16:2, the first-century churches began
meeting on the __ __ __ __ __ day of the week.
Baptists remember and celebrate the Lord’s resurrection every Sunday!
Please keep in mind that the Lord Jesus Christ was crucified on a WEDNESDAY,
and He rose from the dead on a SUNDAY. See: Matthew 12:40. (This is the
reason we do not observe “Good Friday.”)
B. The Lord reveals His will for our lives through the following means:
1. The BIBLE — Psalm 119:105. God will NEVER, EVER lead you contrary
to His Word.
2. The HOLY __ __ __ __ __ __ — Acts 8:29; 16:7; John 16:13.
This comes when the facts and truth of God’s Word is attested in our
3. The C __ __ __ __ __ __ of others — Proverbs 11:14. (This must always
be judged in the light of the Word of God.)
a. Your Parents — Ephesians 6:1; Proverbs 3:1-4; 4:1-4; 13:1. The
insight, wisdom, and advice of parents should always be sought
and considered.
When these four things all harmonize and point in the same direction, we may be
certain of God’s guidance.
A. According to Galatians 5:17, each believer experiences an inward battle between
the __ __ __ __ __ and the __ __ __ __ __ __ .
B. According to I John 1:8–2:1, anyone who says they no longer sin has ______
_________________________________________________________________ .
C. One of the most victorious Christians of all time (the apostle Paul) said that within
his old nature (the flesh) “dwelleth __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __” —
Romans 7:15-21.
D. The only time a Christian will be sinless and perfect is when delivered from the
“__ __ __ __ of this death” — Romans 7:24.
E. Nevertheless, according to Titus 2:12 and I John 3:3, what kind of life should a
Christian strive to lead by God’s grace? ________________________________
D. Study: I Corinthians 10:13 and II Peter 2:9. In your own words, explain the
promise God gives you when trials and temptations (testings) come.
E. Read: Hebrews 13:5,6. Why do we need not fear what men may do to us?
F. According to II Timothy 3:12, what is one reason we may suffer the trial of
persecution or ridicule? ____________________________________________
G. What did the apostles think when they were persecuted? — Acts 5:41.
I. According to John 14:27; John 16:33, what does Jesus give to the believer that
the world cannot know, understand, or have?
His __ __ __ __ __
One of the most interesting areas of Bible study deals with the subject of Bible
PROPHECY and “things to come.”
It is such a large subject and so detailed that this particular study can only be of an
introductory nature. As you grow in your Christian life, you will learn many
things from the Bible about the future. The aim of this lesson is to give you a basic
framework to build on.
The Return of our Lord Jesus Christ is one of the cardinal doctrines of the Word
of God. For each believer, the second coming of Christ is referred to in Titus 2:13
as the B __ __ __ __ __ __ H __ __ __ .
C. Read: Hebrews 9:28. This promise states that Christ shall appear the
“S __ __ __ __ __ T __ __ __ .”
D. Read: I John 2:28 and I John 3:2. Both these verses declare:
“He (Christ) S__ __ __ __ appear.”
E. The last promise given by the Lord Jesus Christ in the Bible is:
“Behold __ __ __ __ __ Q __ __ __ __ __ __ ” — Revelation 22:12.
ê ê
Christ coming Christ coming
His saints His saints
A. The term “rapture” is not found in the Bible, but its meaning (“caught up”) most
certainly is.
q I Thessalonians 4:13-18
q I Corinthians 15:51,52
q Philippians 3:20,21
1. The Rapture is an instantaneous event. q q
2. The Rapture concerns only deceased Christians,
that is, only those who “sleep” in Christ. q q
3. At the Rapture, the Lord will send His angels to
gather the saints and bring them to Heaven. q q
4. At the Rapture, believers (saints) will be caught up
into the air to meet Christ. q q
5. At the Rapture, all Christians, living and dead, will
receive a glorified resurrection body. q q
6. According to Matthew 24:42, the Rapture will be
announced to give us time to get ready. q q
7. According to II Peter 3:3-9, the only reason the
Rapture has not yet taken place is that the Lord
wants to save sinners. q q
B. According to Revelation 19:14 and Jude 14,15, the Lord Jesus Christ will return
with: ____________________________________________________________ .
B. The following diagram shows how the main events will occur during this time
Judgment Marriage
Seat Supper
Today Daniel’s 70TH Week Millennium
A. According to Romans 14:10, who will take part in this Judgment? ___________
C. According to II Corinthians 5:10, what aspect of our lives will come under scrutiny
at this Judgment? __________________________________________________
6. According to verse 14, what will the Christian who has acceptably served
the Lord receive? ____________________________________________
E. The Bible speaks of these rewards as “crowns.” There are five crowns we can
receive as a reward for our life as a Christian:
C. From John 3:29 and Revelation 22:17, one of the metaphors used of true New
Testament churches is “The B __ __ __ __ of Christ.”
D. The union of Bride and Bridegroom occurs at the Rapture and the wedding
celebration is referred to in Revelation 19:7-9 as the:
M __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ of the __ __ __ __ .
A. The Book of The Revelation gives the details of the events of this seven-year
period prophesied by Daniel — Chapters 6 through 18 in particular.
It is a horrifying prophecy of coming war, rebellion, catastrophe, and desolation.
It is called by several names, including:
B. Christians will not pass through any of this period. How do we know this?
4. According to Luke 21:34-36, Christians are to be ready at all times, for the
Rapture is (and always has been) imminent — i.e., it could happen at any
E. According to Daniel 12:1, there will then will come upon the earth a time “...such
as __ __ __ __ __ W __ __ since there was a nation.”
G. According to Matthew 24:29,30, the Second Coming of Christ to the earth occurs
at the...
q END (Check the correct answer)
... of the Great Tribulation.
A. Following the return of Christ in glory, He will judge the N __ __ __ __ __ __
(Matthew 25:31,32).
B. According to Joel 3:12-16, this great judgment will take place in the Valley of
__ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ .
D. According to Revelation 20:4, Christ will reign on the earth for _________ years.
For further studies in all these fascinating areas, please ask the pastor for
information. There are many books available today, but not all can be fully
Try to commit to memory: Titus 2:11-13.
S Separation
Lesson Commenced: _______________ Lesson Checked: _______________
1. When we say that God is holy, that means He is “set apart” from all His
creation in righteousness.
2. When we say the Bible is holy, we mean it is “set apart” from all other
3. When we are taught to sanctify the Lord in our hearts, this means we are to
set God apart from idols.
(Romans 12:1) (Romans 12:2)
C. When the Bible speaks of “the world” in this sense, it does NOT mean the
creation of God, His material provisions, etc. It refers to the “world system,”
which is the dominion of Satan.
I John 2:16 defines the world (in its bad sense) as:
1. The __ __ __ __ of the __ __ __ __ __ .
2. The __ __ __ __ of the __ __ __ __ .
3. The __ __ __ __ __ of __ __ __ __ .
D. I John 2:17 teaches that doing the __ __ __ __ of God is the most important and
most enduring thing we can do.
G. James 1:27 defines pure religion from a personal point of view as the Christian
keeping himself __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ from the world.
H. A worldly Christian is one given over to pleasing the “flesh,” the old sinful nature.
The works of the flesh are listed in Galatians 5:19-21. Make a note of them below:
_______________ _______________ _______________
_______________ _______________ _______________
C. II John 9,10 states that we are to have nothing to do with those who abide not in
the doctrine of __ __ __ __ __ __ .
Does the Word of God have anything directly to say on the matter? Read: Psalm
Try to commit to memory: I Thessalonians 5:22.
This lesson goes right to the heart of your relationship with God. Many Christians
are “found out” here because their lives are motivated by SELF rather than the
SPIRIT of God.
Salvation is a free gift from God! Eternal security is a sure promise of God! In
other words, we DO NOTHING to get saved or to remain saved. Praise God for
When we are born again, we are adopted into the family of God. We are His
children, and He is our Heavenly Father. In any family the children have
responsibilities, and in this study you are going to learn about one of your own
responsibilities as a member of God’s family.
Before you progress into this lesson, it is absolutely vital that you see and understand
these principles:
B. Read: Genesis:39:1-6.
Stewardship is a subject that is often misunderstood. Many think it relates only to
MONEY. Money is part of God’s plan for stewardship, and it is important enough to be
considered in some detail later — but it is only part of God’s overall plan for you in this
Before looking at some of the areas requiring our stewardship, write out the four
principles you have just studied:
Every good thing we have is called a __ __ __ __ which comes from God — James 1:17.
As stewards, you and I are responsible to God in the use of such things. Below are some
of the more obvious areas over which we have been made stewards:
A. Stewardship Of TIME:
a. I have been given at least one talent. q q
b. I am to use my talent(s) for Christ. q q
c. I will not have to give an account to the Lord
for my talents. q q
d. If I don’t use it, I’ll lose it. q q
e. My major concern should be to see how
many talents I have been given. q q
8. Many Christians throw up their hands and say, “I CAN’T do anything for
the Lord in my Church!” What does Philippians 4:13 have to say about
such an attitude?
9. Read: I Corinthians 12:12-27. This passage likens our Church to a
“body,” calling it the “Body of Christ.” Each individual member is like a
part of the human body.
a. We cannot all be the same thing — verse 19.
b. God has put you into this church for a definite function — verse
c. Every member of our Church is N__ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ —
verse 22.
ALL the money you have and receive IS FROM GOD, and IS GOD’S.
Look up: Deuteronomy 8:18. Even though we may earn our money through the labor
we put forth, this verse tells us it is the “__ __ __ __ thy __ __ __” Who gives us power
(ability) to get it.
The stewardship of God’s money is usually referred to in the Bible as:
The following scriptures will teach you what the Bible says concerning tithes and
1. Some people (usually those who do not want to tithe) say tithing was an
Old Testament practice for Jews only. It was given under the Law; and the
Christian is not under the Law, but under Grace — Romans 6:14b.
However, look at the following scriptures:
1. Look up: II Corinthians 5:14. Under the Law tithing was commanded.
Under Grace, we do not tithe legalistically, but because we love the Lord.
“For the __ __ __ __ of Christ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ us...”
2. Do you think God would ask less love, less faith, and less cheerful giving
from a New Testament Christian than from a Jew under the Law? Tithing,
for the Christian, is not a matter of bondage.
2. According to Acts 4:35,37 and Acts 5:2, the Christians brought their tithes
and offerings to the A __ __ __ __ __ __ __’ F __ __ __ .
Many people would feel they have done God a great favor just by tithing! But we
do not GIVE the tithe — it’s not ours to give. Only after we have faithfully tithed
can we give an offering unto the Lord.
V. According to II Corinthians 9:7, what kind of giver does God love? _____
VI. If we tithe and also give an offering, will the Lord allow us to suffer and go
without the necessities of life — II Corinthians 9:8? _______________
Try to commit to memory: Luke 6:38.
U Unity
Lesson Commenced: _______________ Lesson Checked: _______________
A. According to Genesis 9:1, God’s command to Noah and his sons was to replenish
the __ __ __ __ __ .
D. According to Genesis 11:4, the inhabitants of the world decided to build two
E. According to Genesis 11:5-8, would you say the Lord God was pleased with
man’s attempt to bring about a “one-world” situation? _______________
A. According to Revelation 13:7, the “Beast” (the Antichrist) will exercise political
power over ALL kindreds and tongues and __ __ __ __ __ __ __ .
B. According to Revelation 14:8, the center of this political unity will be called
__ __ __ __ __ __ __ .
C. According to Revelation 17:1, the great “one-world” religious system of the last
days is referred to as the __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ .
(We identify this as a religious system because of Revelation 2:20-22 and because
by way of contrast the Lord’s true churches are likened to “pure, chaste virgins”
— II Corinthians 11:2; Ephesians 5:25-27; Revelation 19:7,8.)
E. According to Revelation 17:1,15, this religious system sits upon “peoples, and
multitudes, and __ __ __ __ __ __ __ , and tongues.” It is truly world-wide.
B. We hear so much in religious circles today about the need for a “spirit of unity.”
In marked contrast, Ephesians 4:3 commands us to keep the “__ __ __ __ __
__ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ .”
Before we look at this chapter in some detail, let’s re-establish some Bible
principles of separation that relate to unity.
C. Many ‘churches’ and religious groups are affiliated, or in some other way
associated with the World Council of Churches (W.C.C.), the National
Council of Churches (N.C.C.), other inter-faith groups, and/or local city-wide
unity groups.
The chart below contrasts the differences between true Bible-based unity and these
unscriptural associations:
Someone said, “There is a difference between church union and church unity.
You can tie a dog’s tail and a cat’s tail together, then toss them over a clothes line.
You may have union, but you certainly won’t have unity.”
1. Do you think God the Father would have answered this prayer of His Son
(or is it up to man to answer it for Him)? ___________________________
2. Read carefully: John 17:21-23 and check below the real desire of the
Lord’s prayer.
q Union of all Christians, no matter what their beliefs
or denomination.
q Unity between members within each particular
5. God’s will for the church at Corinth (and every other New Testament
Baptist church) is that there be:
NO __ __ __ __ __ __ in the body. — I Corinthians 12:25.
7. What is the Lord’s desire concerning all the members within our church?
See: Ephesians 4:13.
That we all come in the __ __ __ __ __ of the __ __ __ __ __ .
Read: John Chapter 17.
Try and commit to memory: Psalm 133:1.
V Victory
Lesson Commenced: _______________ Lesson Checked: _______________
The greatest single need in the personal lives of the majority of Christians is that
of VICTORY — not simply a victory here and there, but the experiencing of a
consistent, daily, victorious Christian life. Sadly, so many believers are living
defeated lives.
You have been saved for some time now. You have been working through these
lessons for many weeks. Ask yourself this question — “Am I living victoriously?”
Please be honest with yourself before God.
If you are defeated, or if your life consists of a roller coaster path of spiritual “ups
and downs,” this lesson will be of immense value to you. But studying it will not
be enough — it must be applied!
C. According to John 8:31,32, I see the Lord intends the truth (His Word) not only to
make me His disciple (salvation), but also to M __ __ __ me F __ __ __ .
This freedom from sin does not mean the absence of sin — but, as Romans 6:14
declares, freedom from the power of sin.
B. The Bible teaches there are THREE enemies that you will face as a child of God,
each seeking to rob you of the joy of the Lord.
These three enemies are the:
We will now take each one of these enemies and apply the four steps to victory.
5. In the light of these scriptures, do you think there is any common ground
between God and the world, upon which the believer may safely stand?
_______________ See: Matthew 6:24.
1. How does the “world” attack the Christian? Answer: It ENTICES the
Christian away from the Lord.
2. Look up: I John 2:15-17. According to verse 16, what are three ways the
world will attempt to entice you?
a. The __ __ __ __ of the __ __ __ __ __ .
b. The __ __ __ __ of the __ __ __ __ .
c. The __ __ __ __ __ of __ __ __ __ .
3. According to verse 15, what is it that the “world” seeks to gain from you?
My __ __ __ __ .
1. Look up: John 16:33. What did Jesus say to His disciples?
“Be of __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ , I have __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ the
2. The Lord Jesus Christ said He has won the victory for you!
List the eight things given in Philippians 4:8 that should be the focus of the
believer’s mind:
“Whatsoever things are...
__________________ __________________ __________________
__________________ __________________ of ________________
__________________ __________________ ...think on these things.”
1. When the Bible speaks of the “flesh” in the context of opposition to you, it
is not referring to your literal body — but to the old sin nature, the “old
man,” the corrupt Adamic nature which belongs to all men.
a. According to II Peter 1:4b, when you were saved, you were
made a __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ of the __ __ __ __ __ __ nature.
However, the old sin nature was NOT removed.
b. In the flesh (your old nature) dwelleth __ __ __ __ __ __
__ __ __ __ __ — Romans 7:18.
2. As a Christian, you have TWO NATURES — the flesh and the spirit —
the old and the new — the sinful and the divine.
3. The Lord Jesus Christ has won the victory for you!
1. Before going on, review Study #5 which deals in more detail with Satan.
2. According to I Peter 5:8, the Devil is your __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ .
1. According to I John 3:8b, what was the reason the Lord Jesus Christ
2. According to Hebrews 2:14, how did the Lord Jesus defeat Satan?
3. The Lord Jesus Christ has won the victory for you!
1. Remember you are on the winning side — I John 4:4. “Greater is he that is
__ __ __ __ __ , than he that is in the __ __ __ __ __ .”
5. What part of this armor of God is OFFENSIVE; i.e., that with which we
may fight? __________________________________________________
A. According to Psalm 119:9,11, what will hiding God’s Word in your heart do for
you? _____________________________________________________________
B. According to Matthew 26:41, what two things should we do to avoid falling into
__ __ __ __ __ and __ __ __ __ .
Try and commit to memory: I Corinthians 10:13.
W Witnessing
Lesson Commenced: _______________ Lesson Checked: _______________
Without any doubt, the greatest and most notable difference between apostolic,
New Testament Christianity and present-day New Testament Christianity is
witnessing! The early churches were most noted for their witnessing of Christ,
while many 20TH century Baptist churches are characterized by their lack of
In this lesson you will learn that it is God’s will for you to witness and be a soul
winner for Him. You will also learn how to be a soul winner; that is, how to lead
someone to Christ.
All the other lessons you have studied and learned through this series will have
been greatly diminished in value if your life does not bear fruit.
B. Read the story of how Jesus healed the blind man in John 9:1-38.
1. When questioned by others, do you think this man was able to give a
detailed explanation of what had happened? __________
C. Read the story of how Jesus won a woman to Himself in John 4:5-30.
What was the first thing this woman did when she realized she had actually met
Christ? (verses 28-30.) ______________________________________________
2. Proverbs 11:30 — “The fruit of the righteous is a tree of life; and he that
__ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ _ is __ __ __ __ .”
Look up: Acts 1:8 — “...and ye __ __ __ __ __ be witnesses...”
B. It Is A DUTY:
Look up: Matthew 4:19 — “F __ __ __ __ __ Me, and I will make you
__ __ __ __ __ __ __ of __ __ __ .”
C. It Is A DEBT:
Look up: Romans 1:14.
Look up: Ezekiel 3:17,18.
Look up: II Corinthians 5:20.
1. We are to be an __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ for __ __ __ __ __ __ .
F. There Is A NEED:
Look up: Mark 8:36. Why is soul winning so important? _______________
Read: II Corinthians 5:10,11a.
I. It Brings JOY:
3. Look at: Acts 8:1. Did this group of people referred to in verse 4 include
the apostles (pastors/preachers)? __________
STEP #1 — GO
No farmer ever reaps a harvest without a lot of preparation and hard work.
You will NEVER win a soul for Christ without this preliminary step!
· Psalm 126:6 — “He that __ __ __ __ __ forth...”
This lesson will be useless to you unless you determine in your heart to take this
first step in reaching a precious soul.
A. Our Church has set times of “visitation” when members go out into the
community to do either of two things — knock on doors to invite people to the
services (gain prospects), or visit in homes of prospects (to win them).
C. In addition, you need to sit down and make a list of people in your own circle of
influence who are lost — relatives, neighbors, friends, work mates, etc. They are
all going to spend eternity somewhere. Then begin a plan of action to witness to
them and try to win them to Christ.
You may need to go out of your way to help somebody. You may have to invite
someone into your home for a meal. You may have to win the confidence and
trust of a person first - but before they can be saved, the seed must be sown.
· Psalm 126:6 — “...bearing precious __ __ __ __ .”
· Luke 8:11 — “...the seed is the __ __ __ __ of __ __ __ .”
· I Peter 1:23-25 — This scripture says the incorruptible seed is ______
_________________________________________________________ .
It is absolutely imperative that you use the Bible when witnessing and leading a
soul to Christ. The salvation of a soul is the work of God (not you); thus you need
to use the “weapon” of God.
Warning!! You cannot expect fruit if you plant corrupted seed. (Be sure to
use only the pure, Authorized, King James Version of the Bible!)
A. Get into the habit of carrying sound Gospel tracts with you — in your pocket,
your purse (ladies), your car. Leave a tract with those you meet — shop
assistants, filling-station attendants, friends, etc. Leave a tract in the phone
booth, on the restaurant table, in the waiting room. Include a tract with every
letter you mail. Many have been saved through the silent witness of a tract.
Note: Always make sure our church name and a phone number are on
the tract.
Note: Be careful not to litter or violate reasonable ordinances by the
indiscriminate use of tracts.
B. Invite people to the preaching meetings of our Church. Don’t give up when
people at first decline or make excuses. Work at bringing someone with you each
C. Be “soul-conscious.” Ask God to help you become aware that everyone you
meet is a soul that will spend eternity somewhere. Cultivate the ability to insert
some witness into every conversation — share a blessing, a verse, a warning, etc.
Don’t be pushy or over-bearing, but don’t keep silent either.
D. Learn the “Romans Road to Heaven.” This is the plan of salvation taken from
the Book of Romans in the New Testament. There are many other scriptures you
can use (and you will in time), but this is a good starting point. With these four
scripture references you can show a person how to be saved.
There must be water before the seed can come up.
· Psalm 126:5 — “They that sow in __ __ __ __ __ ...”
· Psalm 126:6 — “He that goeth forth, and __ __ __ __ __ __ __ ...”
· Acts 20:31 — “...night and day with __ __ __ __ __ .”
This step refers to the need for prayer. When you have sown seed in the heart of
someone, pray for them earnestly and fervently until they are saved.
One of the characteristics of a soul winning Christian is a broken and
compassionate heart. Many tears are often shed over a lost loved one.
The second greatest joy of the Christian life (after the joy of salvation itself) is the
joy of actually leading a precious soul to Christ — to be a kind of “spiritual
midwife,” and witness the miracle of the new birth. God promises you a harvest.
· Psalm 126:5 — “...shall __ __ __ __ in joy.”
· Psalm 126:6 — “...shall doubtless come again with rejoicing, bringing
his __ __ __ __ __ __ __ with him.”
Have you ever seen a “self-harvesting” plant? No! No crop will ever pick itself.
Harvesting requires labor and method.
A. Plan to! It’s amazing how many Christians fail to win those they witness to simply
because they don’t expect to. Act in faith — take God at His Word, and expect to
reap a harvest.
B. Make certain (by asking questions) that the one you are dealing with fully
understands the plan of salvation. Be careful not to ask “loaded” questions such
as “Do you want to go to Heaven?” Do not try to reap if there is no evident
conviction of sin, or if there is no real understanding about what Christ has done.
Remember, human nature expects to “work” for salvation. Don’t harvest an
D. The so-called “sinner’s prayer” has no set format, but needs to include two
important elements — ACKNOWLEDGMENT of the facts [I am a guilty sinner
destined for Hell], and REPENTANCE [turning from sin] & FAITH [receiving the
Lord Jesus Christ as personal Saviour].
E. After you lead a soul to receive the Lord — pray with him, rejoice with him,
encourage him to come to church at the next opportunity. Get others to pray for
the new “babe” in Christ, and talk to the pastor about getting him into this “ABC’s
of Christian Growth” program.
The opportunity my Church offers me to engage in visitation is on:
___________________________ (Day) at _______________ (Time) .
I have set aside copies of our Church brochure for ready use in the following
_____________ _____________ _____________ _____________
I have obtained the following Gospel tracts to use as a means of sowing the seed:
List two or three people the Lord would have you pray for and make opportunity
to witness to in the next four weeks. (Take time to pray before writing.)
__________________ __________________ __________________
I accept that the Bible teaches I am to both witness and seek to win others to
Christ. I now dedicate my life to involve myself in this Christian duty, first by
seeking to study and memorize the scriptures, and to pray for the lost; then
involve myself in the opportunities presented by the Church to train and visit.
B. The Bible has much to say concerning liquor, and is very clear in its teaching on
the subject.
C. Before studying the scriptures, it is vital to keep in mind the fact that the word
“wine” in the Bible is a generic word which applies to all products derived from
grapes — both natural grape juice and man-made alcoholic wine. The context of
the passage determines what is meant in each case.
F. Many try to argue for drink by citing the first miracle of the Lord Jesus Christ
where He turned the water into wine. But oriental weddings were religious
occasions, not festive — and God never contradicts His Word. This wine was
grape juice.
Gambling abrogates God’s natural law because the gambler seeks to reap
what others have sown.
One word that needs to disappear from the Christian’s vocabulary is “LUCK.”
Luck plays no part in our Heavenly Father’s loving and providential care for His
2. I Corinthians 9:27 — The Apostle Paul kept his physical body under
control by keeping “__ __ __ __ __ ” his body (i.e. ‘pinned down,’ a
wrestling term) and bringing it into __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ .
In other words, he was not going to allow his body or his flesh dictate what
he could do, or not do, for the Lord.
Remember — it is with your body that you serve the Lord. Harming it only
hinders effective service.
1. Read: Ephesians 5:19,20. The three forms of sacred music listed are:
a. P __ __ __ __ __ = scripture set to music.
b. H __ __ __ __ = songs based upon scripture.
c. S __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ S __ __ __ __ = music that is
Christ-exalting, speaking to the spiritual man, not the old nature.
2. Read: Colossians 3:16.
Christian songs should T __ __ __ __ and A __ __ __ __ I S H.
1. Think of how a stirring march picks us up — how soft organ music makes
many people feel “religious” — how a love ballad can make you feel
melancholy. Music can give a man courage in battle, or reduce him to
tears. Thus we see the importance of music — and, for the Christian, the
importance of the right kind of music.
The following diagram will explain the effect of music upon a man.
Three parts Three parts
ê ê
MELODY affects the SPIRIT
2. The difference between godly music and rock and roll is that godly music
emphasizes the melody and controls the harmony and rhythm — whereas
rock and roll is heavy on the beat, with little attention to the melody. In this
way, rock and roll appeals to and arouses the flesh.
1. Its emphasis is on the beat, and the kind of beat (throbbing, pulsating)
appeals to the flesh; and in conjunction with everything else about rock
and roll, it arouses impure thoughts and actions.
(By the way, putting “Christian” words to a rock beat — as does so-called
‘Christian Rock’ — or to other worldly forms of music (like much of the
Contemporary Christian Music [CCM], ‘Christian’ Rap, etc. do) is just as
wrong! Sacred music should always move the spirit, not the feet!)
2. The lyrics of rock and roll music are usually wicked, perverse, immoral,
and just plain ungodly. With so-called “heavy metal” rock, they are often
3. Some heavy metal rock recordings contain “back-masking” or subliminal
(unheard) sounds which the brain unscrambles. Experts say these
messages preach rebellion and occultism.
4. The “Rock Culture” is hardly a model for Christians to follow. The
majority of “performers” are living immoral lives, associated with drugs,
sex, sadism, etc. Many performers end up committing suicide, or dying at
a young age through drug overdoses..
Try to commit to memory: Philippians 4:8.
B. How would you answer the question, “Who is the head of this Church that you
belong to?”________________________________________________________
C. What are the three things you can do to receive many blessings from your
____________________ ____________________ ____________________
A. Who are the people voluntarily entering into this “Covenant”? _____________
F. What is your responsibility should you ever move from your current address to an
area some distance away? ___________________________________________
A. What limitations are placed on this Church’s joining together with other
G. What are some requirements for all officers and workers? _________________
H. At the date of this study, list the names of those in our Church performing the
following tasks:
Treasurer: ______________________________________________
Clerk: __________________________________________________
Try to commit to memory: I Corinthians 14:40.
Heaven!! The very word whispers peace to our soul. This old troubled world has
nothing for the child of God — it brings no peace, no lasting joy, no fellowship;
nothing but sorrow, heartache, disappointments ... and death.
Ah, but Heaven!!
A. We Often Use The Term “Heaven” Loosely.
The Bible actually refers to three heavens:
1. Look up and read: Genesis 1:8,20; Jeremiah 4:25 and Daniel 4:12.
In these scriptures, the Heaven referred to may be called the FIRST
HEAVEN. In your own words, what is the First Heaven?
2. Look up: Genesis 22:17; Nehemiah 9:23; and Psalm 19:1.
These scriptures refer to the SECOND HEAVEN. In your own words,
what is the Second Heaven?
3. Look up: I Kings 8:27,30 and II Corinthians 12:2.
These scriptures refer to a Heaven which is the ABODE OF GOD. What is
this Heaven called?
In this lesson, the Heaven to which we refer is the last of those above — the place
where God is.
B. What Is ZION?
Zion is another name for Jerusalem. It is also used in three ways:
C. In this lesson, the Zion to which we refer is the last of those above — the New
Jerusalem of Heaven.
D. Look up: Luke 16:22. How was the soul of Lazarus transported to Paradise?
Note: These scriptures give the lie to such common teachings as:
Should our blessed Lord’s return not occur in your lifetime, and you go the way of all
men, be assured — you will go home to be with the Lord! Death is but a graduation to
Glory! Along with millions of believers gone home before you, the words of Psalm 23:4
will be a sweet reality:
“Though I walk through the valley of the __ __ __ __ __ __ of __ __ __ __ __ , I will
fear no __ __ __ __ , for __ __ __ __ art __ __ __ __ me...”
C. According to Philippians 3:21, what will happen to our body at the moment of
the Rapture? _____________________________________________________
B. Read: II Corinthians 12:2-4. Evidently the apostle Paul was given a “sneak
preview” of Heaven.
Why didn’t Paul give us a detailed description of Heaven? ________________
1. ______________________________________________
2. ______________________________________________
3. ______________________________________________
4. ______________________________________________
5. ______________________________________________
6. ______________________________________________
7. ______________________________________________
F. The “centerpiece” of the Eternal Heaven is the Holy City of God, The __ __ __
__ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ — Revelation 21:2.
1. Length =
2. Breadth =
3. Height =
D. According to Revelation 21:21, the City Has __________ gates, and each gate is
one __ __ __ __ __ .
E. The same verse (as above) tells us the streets of this City are of __ __ __ __
__ __ __ __ .
A. No more D __ __ __ __ — 21:4.
B. No more S __ __ __ __ __ — 21:4.
C. No more C __ __ __ __ __ — 21:4.
D. No more P __ __ __ — 21:4.
E. No more T __ __ __ __ __ — 21:22.
F. No more S __ __ or M __ __ __ — 21:23.
H. No more C __ __ __ __ — 22:3.
q Your HOME.
q Your CHURCH.
q Your personal WALK with the Lord.
Read the last two chapters of the Book of The Revelation.
Try to commit to memory: John 14:2.
Having been led, as we believe, by the Holy Spirit of God to receive the
Lord Jesus Christ as our Saviour, and upon the profession of our faith
having been baptized in the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the
Holy Spirit; we do now, in the presence of God, angels, and this
congregation, most solemnly and joyfully enter into this covenant one with
another as the Body of Christ.
We engage, therefore, by the aid of the Holy Spirit, to give this Church a
sacred pre-eminence over all human institutions and organizations; to strive
for its advancement, in knowledge, holiness, and comfort; to promote its
prosperity and spirituality; to sustain its worship, ordinances, discipline, and
doctrines; to contribute cheerfully and regularly to the support of its ministry,
expenses, the relief of the poor, and the spread of the Gospel throughout all
nations; and to honor, esteem, and love our pastor, to pray for him fervently
and daily, to submit to him in the exercise of his office, to attend constantly
upon his ministrations, and to manifest a tender regard for his reputation.
We also engage to maintain secret and family devotions; to bring up our
children in the fear and admonition of the Lord; to seek the salvation of our
kindred and acquaintances; to walk circumspectly in the world; to be just in
our dealings, faithful in our engagements, and exemplary in our
deportment; to avoid all gossip, tattling, backbiting, and excessive anger; to
abstain from all worldly and harmful indulgences; to oppose all conduct
which compromises our Christian testimony and uphold high standards of
Christian morality; and to be zealous in our service for the Lord.
We further engage to walk together in Christian charity; to watch over
one another in brotherly love; to remember each other in prayer; to aid each
other in sickness and distress; to cultivate Christian sympathy in feeling, and
courtesy in speech; to be slow to take offense, but always ready for
reconciliation, and mindful of the command of our Saviour, to secure it
without delay.
We moreover engage that when we remove from this place, we will, as
soon as possible, unite with some other Baptist church of like faith and order,
where we can carry out the spirit of this covenant and the principles of God’s
After the “ABC’s of Christian Growth”…??
A two-volume set that follows the same format as the ABC’s of Christian
Growth — only with more in-depth and “meatier” studies. Ideal for use as a
follow on series.