Chapter 2 Exercises
Chapter 2 Exercises
Chapter 2 Exercises
A. I and II
B. II and III
C. I, II and III
D. I, II, III and IV
10. Which of the following is a pervasive constraint on the information that can
be provided by financial reporting?
A. Timeliness
B. Neutrality
C. Cost
D. Materiality
13. Information about enterprise earnings and its components measured under
accrual basis provides a better measure of an enterprise’s performance than
information about cash receipts and payments because
A. Accrual basis recognizes that events affecting enterprise operations
during a period often do not coincide with cash receipts and payments.
B. Accrual basis relates accomplishments and efforts in measuring and
reporting enterprise’s earnings and its components.
C. Accrual basis provides estimates of future earnings.
D. Cash receipts and cash payments information cannot adequately indicate
whether or not an enterprise’s performance is successful.
14. Under a lease where the lessee acquires the benefits of ownership of an asset,
the lessee often recognizes the present value of future rental payments as an
asset even though legal title to the property is not acquired. This is an
example of the application of
A. Form over substance
B. Prudence
C. Substance over form
D. Consistency
17. Under the accrual basis of accounting, the effects of transactions and other
events are recorded in the accounting records.
A. When they occur but reported in the financial statements when cash is
received or paid.
B. When cash is received or paid but reported in the financial statements
when they occur.
C. And reported in the financial statements when cash is paid or received.
D. And reported in the financial statements when they occur.
19. The process of determining the monetary amounts at which the elements of
the financial statements are to be recognized and carried in the financial
statements is known as:
A. Measurement
B. Recognition
C. Presentation
D. Maintenance
20. Under the 2018 Conceptual Framework, this is defined as the present value
of the cash inflows or other economic benefits that an entity expects to
derive from the use and eventual disposal of an asset.
A. Present value
B. Realizable value
C. Current cost
D. Value in use
21. Under the Conceptual Framework, the qualitative characteristics that enables
the users to compare the financial statements of an enterprise through time
to identify trends in its financial position and performance is
A. Verifiability
B. Comparability
C. Completeness
D. Understandability
22. Which of the following are among the four (4) enhancing characteristics of
financial information?
A – Comparability
B – Timeliness
C – Relevance
D – Materiality
E – Neutrality
A. A and B
B. A and C
C. B and D
D. B and E
23. Under this concept, capital is regarded as the net assets or equity of an
A. Physical concept
B. All-inclusive concept
C. Financial concept
D. Physical capital maintenance concept
29. What is the underlying concept that supports the recognition of impairment
in value of non-monetary assets held by the enterprise?
A. Substance over form
B. Consistency
C. Prudence
D. Neutrality
31. Under this concept, a profit is earned when the amount of the capital at the
end of the period exceeds the amount of capital at the beginning of the
period, after excluding the effects of transactions with owners.
A. Transaction approach
B. Entity concept
C. Capital maintenance concept
D. Going concern concept
33. Which of the following is not a valid statement relating to the accrual basis of
A. Revenues are recorded in the period that they are earned rather than in
the period in which the cash is collected.
B. Expenses are recorded in the period that they are incurred rather than in
the period in which cash is paid.
C. Accrual basis results to more complete financial information compared to
the cash basis.
D. Accrual basis emphasizes the timing of cash receipts and cash
disbursements in the recognition of income and expenses.
34. For the information to be useful, there must be a linkage between the
information and the decisions that the users must take. This linkage is
A. Materiality
B. Relevance
C. Reliability
D. Understandability
35. The quality of information that makes it needed and worthy for the purpose
it was prepared is
A. Understandability
B. Relevance
C. Reliability
D. Completeness
42. Under the IASB’s Conceptual Framework, the process of reporting an item in
the financial statements of an enterprise is
A. Allocation
B. Matching
C. Measurement
D. Recognition
43. Which process is the assigning of peso amounts to the accountable economic
transactions and events?
A. Communication
B. Summarizing
C. Measurement
D. Identification
44. Which of the following are elements relating to the entity’s financial position?
I. Present economic resource controlled by the entity as a result of past
II. The residual interest in the assets of the entity after deducting all its
III. Outflow or using up of an economic resource or incurrence of an
obligation from delivering or producing goods or rendering services.
IV. Present obligation of an entity to transfer an economic resource as a
result of past events.
A. I only
B. II only
C. Either I or II
D. Neither I or II