Grade 10 Manu Facturing 11th - 15th Nov 18
Grade 10 Manu Facturing 11th - 15th Nov 18
Grade 10 Manu Facturing 11th - 15th Nov 18
Grade :10 Subject :Geography
1. The raw materials like iron ore, coking coal, limestone, manganese are needed in which
a. Petrochemical industry b. Sugar industry
Q15 (a) Name the basic raw-material needed for cement industry
(b) Name the countries to which Indian cement is imported?
(c) When and where was the first cement industry established?
Q16 What has led to the quantum jump in the automobile industry in recent years?
Q17 What is the impact software Technology Park on Indian economy?
Q18 (a) Give three causes each for air, water and noise pollution? Also give their effects?
(b) What do you understand by thermal pollution? What are its effects?
Q19 (a) Give three phases of treating industrial effluent?
(b) What do you understand by the term Environmental Degradation?
( c) Suggest various ways to control Environmental Degradation?
(d)Write short note on pro-active ways adopted by NTPC for conserving natural environment?
On the political map of India Locate and Label the following:
(i) Centers of cotton textile industry
(j) Centers of woolen textile industry
(k) Centers of silk textile industry
(l) Largest producer of Jute textile
(m) Two largest sugar producing states
(n) Major iron and steel plants in a) Chattisgarh b)West Bengal c)Jharkhand d)Tamil nadu
(o) Software technology parks in a)Odisha b)Madhya Pradesh c)Gujarat d)Uttar Pradesh
e)West Bengal f)Karnataka