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ARTICLE IN PRESS [m5G;November 4, 2020;13:16]

Journal of the Taiwan Institute of Chemical Engineers 000 (2020) 19

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Pressure leaching of chalcopyrite with oxalic acid and hydrogen peroxide

M. Deniz Turana,*, Zeynel Abidin Sarıb, Hasan Nizamog
Fırat University, Department of Metallurgical and Materials Engineering, Elazıg 23119, Turkey
Department of Metallurgy Iskenderun Vocational School of Higher Education, Iskenderun Technical University, Hatay 31200, Turkey


Article History: This study investigated the dissolution behavior of metals from chalcopyrite concentrate in a pressure reactor
Received 27 July 2020 system in the presence of hydrogen peroxide by oxalic acid leaching. The fact that the compounds formed by cop-
Revised 2 October 2020 per and iron with oxalic acid had different dissolution coefficients showed that metals could be selectively
Accepted 21 October 2020
extracted based on the leaching temperature. The effects of various leaching parameters on metal extraction in
Available online xxx
the autoclave system were investigated at different H2O2 concentrations (15 M), H2C2O4 concentrations
(25125 g/L), leaching temperatures (318443 K) and leaching times (15180 min). While iron and copper
extraction as a result of 180 min of leaching with 5 M H2O2, 318 K and 100 g/L H2C2O4 was respectively 90.6%
Pressure leaching
and 1.73%, 88.5% of copper and 2.11% of iron could be extracted as a result of 180 min of leaching with 3 M H2O2,
Copper 443 K and 100 g/L H2C2O4. The reversal of the copper and iron extraction dissolution behavior started after the
Oxalic acid leaching temperature of 378 K. In the XRD analysis of leach residues obtained at low leaching temperatures,
Hydrogen peroxide CuC2O4 peaks were dominant, while at high temperature conditions, Fe2O3 peaks were dominant.
Autoclave © 2020 Taiwan Institute of Chemical Engineers. Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction pressure oxidative leaching, because it has high kinetic parameters and
high specific productivity [5]. During leaching of copper sulfide concen-
Chalcopyrite (CuFeS2) is the most important commercial copper trates, the most significant problems that are encountered are low
sulphide mineral and is the principal source of commercially pro- extraction yields and high iron contents of pregnant solutions. To reduce
duced copper. Metal extraction from chalcopyrite and its concentrate the iron concentration in leaching solutions, iron can be converted to
is carried out by pyrometallurgical and hydrometallurgical methods insoluble forms such as jarosite, hematite and goethite. All of these con-
[1]. Pyrometallurgical methods include melting-converting-refining- ditions may be supplied by the use of high temperature and the pres-
electrolyzing methods, which are classical and widely used methods. ence of oxidants in the leaching medium [6]. This oxidative leaching
Concentrate treatment using furnaces is characterized by a number medium is usually provided by addition of oxygen gas into a reactor sys-
of environmental and technogenic problems, such as large emission tem [7], but this route, feeding of gas into a pressurized system, may be
of SOx (SO2 and/or SO3) gases and as a consequence, overproduction difficult, unsafe and expensive [8].
of sulfuric acid, storage and transportation problems. These gas emis- Hydrogen peroxide is a strong and environmentally safe oxidizing
sions may also include toxic compounds of heavy metals [2]. agent. This fact, along with the high value of its oxidationreduction
Hydrometallurgical methods were developed as opposed to classic potential (1.77 V, vs SHE), has made this reagent extensively investi-
pyrometallurgical routes. To overcome these environmental problems gated in the oxidation processes of almost all sulphide minerals.
and obtain some economic advantages, the use of hydrometallurgical The oxidative action of hydrogen peroxide in acidic solutions is
processes for copper production seems appropriate as an alternative based on Eq. (1) [9]:
method because it has many advantages such as being eco-friendly and
H2 O2 þ 2H þ þ 2e ! 2H2 O’0 ¼ 1:77 VðvsSHEÞ ðEq:1Þ
having easy operation, low energy depletion and low cost [3].
Chalcopyrite is the most abundant copper mineral and the most
refractory and compact for aqueous extraction processing and difficult Furthermore, hydrogen peroxide can also behave as a reducing
to leach. In this sense, there are different options such as pressure leach- agent:
ing, strong various oxidants (hydrogen peroxide, ozone and Cr(VI) ions) H2 O2 $ O2 þ 2H þ þ 2e ðEq:2Þ
in acidic media and bioleaching to achieve high metal extraction effi-
ciency from chalcopyrite [4]. The most attractive one of these options is
On the other hand, hydrogen peroxide is a highly unstable com-
pound which decomposes in mineral dissolution processes. Its
* Corresponding author. decomposition can be accelerated by the presence of catalytic metals,
E-mail address: mdturan@firat.edu.tr (M.D. Turan).

1876-1070/© 2020 Taiwan Institute of Chemical Engineers. Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

Please cite this article as: M.D. Turan et al., Pressure leaching of chalcopyrite with oxalic acid and hydrogen peroxide, Journal of the Taiwan
Institute of Chemical Engineers (2020), https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jtice.2020.10.021
ARTICLE IN PRESS [m5G;November 4, 2020;13:16]

2 M.D. Turan et al. / Journal of the Taiwan Institute of Chemical Engineers 00 (2020) 19

mineral particles, as well as impurities. In order to avoid rapid (Table 1), mineralogical composition assumption as 81.7% CuFeS₂,
decomposition of hydrogen peroxide, some stabilizers, such as phos- 0.43% PbS, 7.7% FeS2, 2.4% SiO2 and others.
phoric acid, acetic acid, citric acid, oxalic acid and polar organic sol- Mineralogical analyses of the concentrates and leach residues
vents, have been recently used in leaching processes [10,11]. To obtained under some conditions were carried out by XRD (Shimadzu
obtain the maximum benefit from the decomposition product of XRD-6000). The morphological structure of the final residue obtained
hydrogen peroxide, the leaching process can be put into practice in a as a result of the leaching experiments was characterized by a scan-
closed system. ning electron microscope (JEOL JSM 7001F FE-SEM). Before character-
Usage of hydrogen peroxide in enclosed containers leads to for- ization, the powder specimens were coated with gold. Electron
mation of active oxygen as a decomposition product in relation to microscope image of the residue that was obtained under the opti-
temperature increase. This formed oxygen provides an oxidizing mum leaching conditions was taken under 15000X magnification.
leaching environment, while also playing a significant role in provid- According to the particle size distribution results (Malvern Instru-
ing the pressure necessary for the reactor. ments MasterSizer X), it was determined that the particle sizes of the
Oxalic acid is a good leaching agent, because its decomposition mech- chalcopyrite concentrate were as d(0.10)=2.90 mm, d(0.50)
anism can be described as complex formation and reduction. Oxalic acid =15.65 mm, d(0.90)=56.03 mm, while the BET surface area (Micro-
and oxalate ions are reducing agents, and they are thermodynamically meritics ASAP 2020) value was 0.532 m2 g  1.
unstable in specific media. Oxalate ions (C2O4 2) have four oxygen The pressure leaching experiments were carried out in an auto-
atoms, these oxygen atoms have the ability to bond with metallic ions clave made out of titanium with a capacity of 0.1 L (Amar Equipment,
and form a ring. Oxalate ions have the ability to produce five-membered Model No: 3680). Temperature control was achieved with a thermo-
rings and complex ions in the presence of ferric (Fe3+) and ferrous (Fe2+) couple in the reactor. Stirring of the leaching solution was provided
iron [12]. Due to the chelating feature of oxalic acid, it hinders iron pre- by a four-blade fan made out of titanium. System parameters as tem-
cipitation by composing soluble complex anions in a wide range of pH. perature, stirring speed and pressure were controlled by a PID control
In the meantime, there are many studies on iron removal using oxalic system with a computer connected to the reactor (Fig. 1).
acid, and many experimental studies have been publishing on the basic The leaching experiments were carried out in the form of quickly
mechanisms that are involved [1319]. In these studies, iron is removed heating the prepared solutions and the solid placed into the reactor
from ores by using oxalate ions which have a tendency to compose in container and starting the stirring process when the desired temper-
the form of aqueous ferric oxalate (Fe(C2O4)33) and ferrous oxalate (Fe ature was reached. Stirring was stopped at the end of the leaching
(C2O4)22). The reaction of aqueous oxalic acid with copper ion results in experiments, the autoclave was quickly cooled, and the undissolved
formation of copper oxalate (CuC2O4) precipitates. Many studies have solid was separated by filter paper. The loaded leaching solutions
been carried out by researchers related to formation of copper oxalate were analyzed in terms of copper and iron by AAS (Perkin Elmer,
precipitation [20,21]. The leaching process of copper-containing samples AAnalyst 400).
with an aqueous solution of oxalic acid results in low copper dissolution, The Eh-pH diagram for the Fe-H2O2H2C2O4 system was formed
because the complex is scarcely soluble in water [22]. by using the HSC diagram module. From the thermodynamic data of
In this study, leaching of chalcopyrite concentrate with oxalic acid in a the reactions that could be given by multiple metals in the aqueous
pressure reactor in the presence of hydrogen peroxide was investigated. medium, the Eh-pH diagram was formed by combining the dissolv-
By examining the effects of various parameters, it was aimed to explain ability values of oxides and hydroxides and the equilibrium constants
the dissolution mechanism of chalcopyrite under certain conditions. of the reactions.
There are some studies in the literature on autoclave leaching of In the leaching experiments, oxalic acid dihydrate salt (Merck No
chalcopyrite. It is seen that, in general, these studies have used 100,492) and hydrogen peroxide (35% Merck No 108,600) were used.
hydrogen peroxide, oxygen gas, ozone, various organic and inorganic All chemicals were used as received and without any further purifica-
acids. However, no finding has been encountered on leaching of chal- tion. Double-distilled water was used in all experiments.
copyrite with oxalic acid in an autoclave system. The effects of various parameters on extraction of metals from
chalcopyrite were investigated. The stirring speed of 400 rpm and
2. Material and methods solid/liquid ratio of 1:25 g/mL were kept as the constant parameters.
The variable leaching parameters were as leaching temperatures of
The chalcopyrite concentrate that was used in the leaching 318443 K, H2O2 concentrations of 15 M, leaching times of
experiments was obtained from a copper flotation facility (Elazıg - 15180 min and oxalic acid concentrations of 25125 g/L.
Turkey). This concentrate was classified by passing through a 200-
mesh sieve, and this grain size was used in all experiments. The 3. Results and discussion
specimens were dried in a stove at a temperature of 333 K for 12 h,
and then, kept in closed containers to be used later. Following taking 3.1. Dissolution in presence of oxalic acid and hydrogen peroxide
all specimens into the solution with the help of a microwave diges-
tion unit to conduct the chemical analyses of the dried specimens, It was described that dissolution of iron oxide compounds in oxalic
analysis in terms of metals was carried out by ICP-OES (Perkin-Elmer, acid solutions takes place via a reduction mechanism. In addition to
Optima 2000DV). The sulfur contents of the concentrate were deter- this, it was stated that oxalic acid has a reduction ability with its high
mined gravimetrically by the BaSO4 method [23] and the XRF acidity and complex-forming power [18]. It was reported that iron oxide
method. The results obtained from the chemical analysis are shown dissolves in a solution with oxalic acid by forming a complex by two
in Table 1. From the metallic composition for the mineral sample mechanisms as either Fe (III) oxalate or Fe (II) oxalate, and this situation
could occur as a result of the following reactions [24].

Table 1 H2 C2 O4 ! H þ þ HC2 O
4 ðpKa ¼ 1:23Þ ðEq:3Þ
The chemical composition of the chalcopyrite concentrate.
4 ! H
þ C2 O2
4 ðpKa ¼ 4:19Þ ðEq:4Þ
Component % mg/kg
Cu Fe S Pb SiO2 LOI* Co Zn Ni
Fe2þ þ 2C2 O2
4 ! FeðC2 O4 Þ2
2 ðEq:5Þ
Content 28.31 28.52 29.36 0.37 2.40 13.36 947 802 490
* LOI: Loss on ignition at 1073 K. Fe3þ þ 3C2 O2
4 ! FeðC2 O4 Þ3
3 ðEq:6Þ

Please cite this article as: M.D. Turan et al., Pressure leaching of chalcopyrite with oxalic acid and hydrogen peroxide, Journal of the Taiwan
Institute of Chemical Engineers (2020), https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jtice.2020.10.021
ARTICLE IN PRESS [m5G;November 4, 2020;13:16]

M.D. Turan et al. / Journal of the Taiwan Institute of Chemical Engineers 00 (2020) 19 3

Fig. 1. Autoclave leaching system.

The solution pH controls the distribution of various oxalate ions in

Cu2þ þ SO2
4 ! CuSO4 ðEq:10Þ
the leaching system. Moreover, the Fe (III) oxalate and Fe (II) oxalate
species vary by the pH and the total oxalate concentration. In the
Fe2þ þ SO2
4 ! FeSO4 ðEq:11Þ
presence of ferric (Fe3+) and ferrous (Fe2+) ions, oxalate ions have the
ability to generate five-membered rings and form complex ions. 12FeSO4 þ 3O2 ! 4Fe2 ðSO4 Þ3 þ 2Fe2 O3 ðEq:12Þ
“Panias et al. 1996, studied the effect of pH and oxalic acid concentra-
tion on the speciation of various Fe(III)-oxalate complexes. Assuming
High-temperature oxidizing pressure leaching has a similar chem-
that oxalic acid is in large excess in the solution, which is a valid
ical mechanism to that of chalcopyrite oxidation. However, specific
assumption for the systems under study, the speciation of oxalic acid
temperature conditions promote elemental sulfur formation and acid
is not affected by the presence of ferric ion. Thus, the concentration
consumption (Eq. (13)) [26].
of Fe(III)-oxalato complexes is negligible in proportion to the concen-
trations of oxalic acid dissociation products. 2CuFeS2 þ 5H2 O2 þ 10H þ ! 2Cu2þ þ 2Fe3þ þ 4S0
The reaction of aqueous oxalic acid with copper ions results in for-
mation of aqueous copper oxalate (Cu(C2O4)22). The aqueous copper þ 10H2 O ðEq:13Þ
oxalate structure with a very low dissolvability precipitates in the
form of the copper oxalate (CuC2O4) complex. This is expressed by
The chemical mechanism of chalcopyrite leaching is based on the
the following equation [25]:
oxidation of sulfur by oxygen. In addition to this, metal cations (Cu2+,
Cu2þ þ C2 O2
4 ! CuC2 O4 # ðEq:7Þ Fe2+) react with the oxalic acid in the solution and form copper and
iron oxalate complexes.
In systematic experiments involving leaching of chalcopyrite con- Various scientific articles have been proposed for leaching of chal-
centrate in a high-pressure reactor, for reactions among iron, copper copyrite in sulfate solution with dissolved oxygen as the oxidant.
and oxalate ions to occur, the concentrate needs to be decomposed in Yu et al. [27] studied the rate of chalcopyrite leaching in the sulfu-
the presence of an oxidizing agent such as hydrogen peroxide. ric acid solution at the temperature range of 125175 °C and the oxy-
Hydrogen peroxide and chalcopyrite dissolution in an acidic solu- gen pressure range of 0.52 to 2.76 MPa. They have noticed that
tion in the autoclave medium may be revealed by high- and low-tem- slightly elemental sulfur is produced under these conditions. Vizsolyi
perature process pressure leaching experiments. The total chemical et al. [28] dissolved chalcopyrite in a dilute sulfuric acid under condi-
reaction of the high-temperature process is expressed as follows: tions of 110 °C and 3.4 MPa. They found that the elemental sulfur and
hydrolyzed iron are produced during the leaching steps. Sanchez
2CuFeS2 þ 8:5O2 þ 2H2 O ! 2CuSO4 þ Fe2 O3 þ 2H2 SO4 ðEq:8Þ et al. [29] studied two-stage leaching of chalcopyrite using a fixed
H2O2, H2SO4, ethylene glycol in an autoclave environment. The pro-
The mineral iron that is oxidized is decomposed into copper and posed process consists of two consecutive stages, the first of which
sulfate ions Eq. (9)) In this case, copper, iron sulfate and sulfuric acid uses a H2SO4H2O2- EG-oxalic acid leaching solution for the selec-
form in the autoclave system (Eqs. (10)-(12) [26]. Iron (II) sulfate is tive dissolution of iron and the formation of solid copper oxalate; the
then oxidized into iron (III) sulfate, and the final component is hydro- second stage employs a H2SO4H2O2-EG-EDTA leach solution to dis-
lyzed at high temperature. As in Eq. 12, it precipitates in the form of solve the copper oxalate and react with the remaining chalcopyrite
hematite (Fe2O3). from the first stage. Antonijevic et al. [2] studied kinetics of chalcopy-
rite dissolution by hydrogen peroxide in sulphuric acid. The leaching
CuFeS2 þ 4O2 ! Cu2þ þ Fe2þ þ 2SO2
4 ðEq:9Þ with oxygen overpressures is another alternative to accelerate the

Please cite this article as: M.D. Turan et al., Pressure leaching of chalcopyrite with oxalic acid and hydrogen peroxide, Journal of the Taiwan
Institute of Chemical Engineers (2020), https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jtice.2020.10.021
ARTICLE IN PRESS [m5G;November 4, 2020;13:16]

4 M.D. Turan et al. / Journal of the Taiwan Institute of Chemical Engineers 00 (2020) 19

dissolution of metals from sulfides in sulfate media. Padilla et al.

[30] studied the leaching of sulfidized chalcopyrite also at ambient
pressures in H2SO4NaClO2. These investigators found that the cop-
per dissolution in that media was rapid and reported copper extrac-
tions over 90% in less than 90 min at about 100 °C. Padilla et al. [31]
studied of the pressure leaching of the sulfidized chalcopyrite con-
centrate in H2SO4O2 media. These investigators reported that selec-
tive copper dissolution from sulfidized chalcopyrite can be obtained
at 100 °C and oxygen overpressures of about 304 kPa in less than 3 h
of residence time. However, for longer times, iron extraction
increases rapidly and selectivity decreases. Turan and Altundog an.
[4] studied of leaching of chalcopyrite concentrate with hydrogen
peroxide in the presence of sulfuric acid in an autoclave system using
an experimental design method. They said that the decomposition
product of hydrogen peroxide, oxygen, is sufficient to provide either
oxidation or high pressure condition for leaching of chalcopyrite con-
Fig. 3. Effect of leaching time and temperature at 3 M H2O2 concentration (H2C2O4
concentration: 100 g/L; liquid-solid ratio: 25 mL/g; stirring speed: 400 rpm).
3.2. Leaching experiments
pressure constantly increased in connection to the decomposition
In the autoclave system, extraction of metals from the chalcopy-
of the leaching solution (hydrogen peroxide, water and oxalic acid)
rite concentrate was carried out by oxalic acid leaching in the pres-
(Fig 5). Iron and copper dissolved most by 61% and 1%, respectively.
ence of hydrogen peroxide. In the experiments carried out in the
On the other hand, with a further increase in the leaching tempera-
autoclave system, instead of a gas system fed from outside to the
ture, it was seen that copper still did not enter the solution, but the
pressure leaching medium conditions, the oxygen arising as a result
amount of dissolved iron was significantly reduced. This situation
of decomposition of hydrogen peroxide used as a leaching agent in
reveals that the iron oxalate structure that forms is affected by the
the medium and the pressure values provided by it were utilized.
increased pressure in the medium.
Hydrogen peroxide used in pressure leaching studies not only
Fig. 3 shows the effects of leaching time and leaching temperature
increases the pressure of the medium by providing oxygen especially
on metal extraction at the 3 M constant concentration of H2O2. As
as a result of decomposition by temperature increase, but it also pro-
seen in the Figure, with the leaching temperature increasing up to
vides the leaching environment that is required for oxidative leach-
398 K, it was seen that high iron dissolvability was achieved in a
ing conditions. Additionally, the presence of Cu-Fe in the leaching
shorter leaching time. At the lowest leaching temperature of 318 K
environment serves as a significant catalyst in the decomposition of
and in 180 min of leaching time, the dissolutions of iron and copper
hydrogen peroxide. Furthermore, it is understood that the gas prod-
were respectively 81% and 0.8%. At 318 K and under the conditions of
ucts and water vapor forming as a result of decomposition of oxalic
1 M and 3 M H2O2, the autoclave gauge pressure values were respec-
acid also contribute to the total pressure of the medium.
tively 3.6 and 11.3 bar. Here, it may be stated that the pressure value
First of all, the effects of leaching temperature and leaching time
is significantly effective on the iron passing into the solution based
on iron and copper dissolution in the autoclave conditions were
on the increasing peroxide concentration. However, despite the same
examined at a constant H2O2 concentration of 1 M. As seen in Fig. 2,
leaching conditions, it was determined that the dissolution behaviors
the dissolvability of iron increased by leaching temperatures increas-
of copper and iron interestingly changed with increased leaching
ing up to 423 K and increasing leaching times, while on the other
temperature. While almost no copper entered the solution up to
hand, copper almost did not dissolve at all. This situation suggests
then, with the increasing temperature, there was a fast increase in
that, under these conditions, copper precipitates in the form of its
the dissolvability of copper and a fast reduction in the dissolvability
oxalates. It was determined that, in the leaching process carried out
of iron. Especially after the leaching temperature of 378 K (28.9 bar),
in the autoclave, with the increasing leaching temperature, the

Fig. 4. Effect of leaching time and temperature at 5 M H2O2 concentration (H2C2O4

Fig. 2. Effect of leaching time and temperature at 1 M H2O2 concentration (H2C2O4
concentration: 100 g/L; liquid-solid ratio: 25 mL/g; stirring speed: 400 rpm).
concentration: 100 g/L; liquid-solid ratio: 25 mL/g; stirring speed: 400 rpm).

Please cite this article as: M.D. Turan et al., Pressure leaching of chalcopyrite with oxalic acid and hydrogen peroxide, Journal of the Taiwan
Institute of Chemical Engineers (2020), https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jtice.2020.10.021
ARTICLE IN PRESS [m5G;November 4, 2020;13:16]

M.D. Turan et al. / Journal of the Taiwan Institute of Chemical Engineers 00 (2020) 19 5

The results of the experiments where 5 M H2O2 was used are

shown in Fig. 4. Here, it is also seen that the change in the dissolvabil-
ity of the metals started at 378 K. In the plot, it is seen that, at the
lowest temperature value (318 K and 22.3 bar), the highest amount
of iron entering the solution was by 90%, while the maximum copper
dissolution was by 3%. On the other hand, as a result of 180 min of
leaching at a temperature of 443 K (54.6 bar), the extraction of copper
and iron was respectively 88% and 2%. According to the dissolved iron
concentration calculations under leaching conditions at low tempera-
tures, it can be said that some of the pyrite in the concentrate did not
leached. In studies conducted with similar concentrates, the situation
that pyrite is not dissolved has been revealed by other researchers
Fig. 5. Average pressure values vs leaching temperature (H2C2O4 concentration: 100 g/L;
Leaching time: 180 min; liquid-solid ratio: 25 mL/g; stirring speed: 400 rpm).
According to the obtained results, the extraction behavior of the
metals from chalcopyrite significantly changed in connection to the
the amount of copper entering the solution increased by a highly sub-
increased temperature and hydrogen peroxide and the changing
stantial amount, and 88% Cu extraction was obtained at 443 K
pressure. Especially in low temperature and low hydrogen peroxide
(39 bar). It was observed that the iron entering the solution in these
concentration conditions, it was observed that iron dissolved at high
conditions was limited to 2%, and there was perhaps a selective
ratios from chalcopyrite, but as opposed to this, copper almost did
leaching under these conditions.

Fig. 6. Eh-pH diagram for Fe-H2O20.8 M H2C2O42H2O system at 318, 378, and 443 K.

Please cite this article as: M.D. Turan et al., Pressure leaching of chalcopyrite with oxalic acid and hydrogen peroxide, Journal of the Taiwan
Institute of Chemical Engineers (2020), https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jtice.2020.10.021
ARTICLE IN PRESS [m5G;November 4, 2020;13:16]

6 M.D. Turan et al. / Journal of the Taiwan Institute of Chemical Engineers 00 (2020) 19

Table 2
Calculation of the thermodynamic constants parameters at dif-
ferent temperatures for iron species in the iron dissolution

Species logK
318K 378K 443K

Fe2+ + 2C2O42 ! Fe(C2O4)22 12.73 10.71 9.14

Fe3+ + 3C2O42 ! Fe(C2O4)33 19.23 16.18 13.81

not enter the solution at all. On the other hand, with the increased
leaching temperature and hydrogen peroxide concentration, the dis-
solution behavior was completely reversed, and copper entered the
solution to a high degree. This showed that selective copper leaching
could be performed in the specified leaching conditions. Accordingly,
it may be stated that selective copper extraction could be obtained by
a single-step leaching process at high temperatures, while copper Fig. 7. Effect of C2H2O4 concentration (H2O2 concentration: 3 M; leaching
could be selectively gained from the solid residue obtained at low time:180 min; leaching temperature: 443 K; liquid-solid ratio: 25 mL/g; stirring speed:
400 rpm).
temperature with a second-stage leaching process, or copper oxalate
salt could be obtained. Fig. 5 demonstrates the autoclave gauge pres-
sure changes based on leaching temperature and hydrogen peroxide temperatures is mostly independent of oxalic acid. To confirm this
concentration. situation, experiments were designed to conduct leaching processes
Especially in experiments conducted at high temperatures where in solutions without oxalic acid. However, before the mixture was
iron did not enter the solution, it is believed that medium conditions fed into the reactor, excessive bubbling occurred, and it was observed
stated in iron removal processes from leaching solutions by the that the isothermal conditions were no longer present. It is also
hematite method were provided. In these conditions, it is considered
that the increase in the copper extraction values occurred as a result
of decomposition of the formed oxalated structure as a result of the
possibility of sulfur found in the structure of chalcopyrite to be oxi-
dized up to sulfate in high oxidative leaching conditions Eqs. (9), (14)
and/or in high temperature and pressure settings [32].
Moreover, considering the oxidative potential of the medium, the
fact that sulfur may be oxidized up to sulfate species.

S0 þ 3H2 O2 ! SO2
4 þ 2H2 O þ 2H þ ðEq:14Þ

Hematite precipitation is in fact a prevalent method that is used to

remove iron from loaded leaching solutions [33]. At temperatures of
423 K and higher and under oxygen pressures of 1518 bar, iron is
precipitated in the form of fine-grain Fe2O3 crystals in the autoclave
based on the following reaction:
Fe2 ðSO4 Þ3 þ 3H2 O ! Fe2 O3 þ 3H2 SO4 ðEq:15Þ

In this case, it is understood that the experimental conditions met

the required and sufficient conditions for hematite formation, and as
the gauge temperature read at the aforementioned leaching tempera-
ture was high, the precipitation process could be facilitated under the
temperature of hematite formation stated in the literature.
Moreover, to understand the dissolution behavior of iron from
chalcopyrite concentrate under autoclave conditions and different
temperatures with representative parameters, Eh-pH diagrams were
created (Fig. 6). As it could be understood from these diagrams, by
the increase in the temperature of the medium, the presence of iron
oxalate shifts to a narrow region and is replaced by hematite at high
Eh values and all pH values. This shows that the highly oxidative
property of the hydrogen peroxide used for the experimental studies
and increased temperature corresponded to the Eh-pH scale of the
medium in terms of hematite formation. At the same time, calcula-
tion of the thermodynamic constants parameters at different temper-
atures for iron species in the iron dissolution system is seen in table 2.
In leaching conditions at high temperatures, the effects of oxalic
acid concentration were investigated in the range of 25125 g/L
(Fig. 7). According to the obtained results, the extraction of copper
and iron was constant at all oxalic acid concentrations. This result
shows that, in fact, the control of copper extraction at high Fig. 8. XRD patterns of chalcopyrite concentrate and leach residues (C2H2O4 concen-
tration: 100 g/L; leaching time: 180 min).

Please cite this article as: M.D. Turan et al., Pressure leaching of chalcopyrite with oxalic acid and hydrogen peroxide, Journal of the Taiwan
Institute of Chemical Engineers (2020), https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jtice.2020.10.021
ARTICLE IN PRESS [m5G;November 4, 2020;13:16]

M.D. Turan et al. / Journal of the Taiwan Institute of Chemical Engineers 00 (2020) 19 7

Fig. 9. SEM (15000X) microphotograph and EDX analysis of leaching residues (a) at low temperature (318 K), (b) at high temperature (443 K).

known that oxalic acid actually has a stabilizing effect that delays oxalate is 293 K 0.008 g/100 g water, that of copper (II) oxalate is
decomposition of peroxide. While this behavior causes iron to pass 293 K 2.16 £ 1010 g/100 g water [34].
into the solution in the oxalate form and copper to stay solid in the Additionally, not encountering the chalcopyrite mineral phase in
same form at low temperatures, it is understood that, at high temper- the waste showed that the structure of the chalcopyrite was decom-
atures, it is an important leaching agent only for gradual decomposi- posed under these conditions. On the other hand, the sulfur-contain-
tion of peroxide. ing copper form was transformed into chalcosine, and this showed
itself in the form of small peaks. Moreover, as the iron in the form of
chalcopyrite (CuFeS2) and pyrite (FeS2) was taken into the solution in
3.3. Characterization of leaching residues the form of high-dissolvability iron oxalate complexes, dominant
peaks belonging to iron ions were not encountered in the leaching
The solid waste obtained after filtering the loaded solution in the residue. In addition to this, the wustite form was encountered in a
experiments carried out under the optimum conditions in the auto- few small peaks belonging to iron ions. Fig. 8 shows that, according
clave system was characterized based on its mineralogical and mor- to the X-ray analysis peaks of the leaching residue obtained in high-
phological properties (Figs. 8 and 9). Fig. 8 shows that the most temperature conditions, the iron mostly got enriched as a solid in the
dominant peak in the residue obtained as a result of the leaching pro- form of hematite.
cess conducted in low-temperature conditions was mostly in the Fig. 9(a) shows the SEM-EDX analyses of the leaching waste
form of copper oxalate and elemental sulfur. Accordingly, it is obtained in the conditions where the leaching temperature was
thought that, based on the temperature and concentration values of 318 K. Here, it is possible to state the presence of oxalate salts.
the leaching environment, copper precipitated in the form of the According to the EDX analysis, it is understood that the dominant
copper oxalate (CuC2O4#) complex which has a low dissolvability peaks belonged to copper and oxygen. Fig. 9(b) demonstrates that
coefficient. On the other hand, it may be stated that iron was dis- the hematite obtained in the optimum conditions where the leaching
solved in the form of the iron oxalate (Fe(C2O4)22) complex temperature was 443 K precipitated in the form of grains that were
which has a high dissolvability coefficient. This selective leaching partly fascicle-like. Moreover, the dominant one among the elements
behavior may be attributed to differences in dissolvability at low determined in the EDX analysis was the Fe peak.
temperatures. This is because, while the dissolvability of iron (II) The process flow schema projected for this study is seen in Fig. 10.
Please cite this article as: M.D. Turan et al., Pressure leaching of chalcopyrite with oxalic acid and hydrogen peroxide, Journal of the Taiwan
Institute of Chemical Engineers (2020), https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jtice.2020.10.021
ARTICLE IN PRESS [m5G;November 4, 2020;13:16]

8 M.D. Turan et al. / Journal of the Taiwan Institute of Chemical Engineers 00 (2020) 19

Fig. 10. Proposed flow sheet for pressure leaching of chalcopyrite.

Conclusions  The dissolvability behavior in favor of the copper started after the
leaching temperature of 378 K. Accordingly, at a leaching tem-
The important findings obtained in the study are listed below: perature of 443 K and under the conditions of 100 g/L oxalic acid,
3 M H2O2 and 180 min of leaching time, the extraction levels of
 It was determined that the necessary pressure values and copper and iron were respectively 88.5% and 2.11%.
required oxidizing environment could be provided in an auto-  Eh-pH diagrams of the copper and iron in the chalcopyrite con-
clave system without feeding gas from outside by using H2O2. centrate were created under the existing conditions, and the dis-
 It is possible to have selective leaching with increased tempera- solution mechanism was explained.
ture depending on the dissolvability differences of copper and  According to the results of the XRD analyses, the leaching residue
iron oxalate in the presence of oxalic acid. obtained under low-temperature conditions was in the form of cop-
 It was determined that the dissolution behaviors of copper and per oxalate (CuC2O4), while that obtained under high-temperature
iron changed in autoclave leaching of chalcopyrite concentrate in conditions was completely in the form of hematite (Fe2O3).
the presence of oxalic acid and hydrogen peroxide, and they  According to the results that were obtained, while copper oxalate
were reversed after a certain temperature. In the experiments at salt could be obtained at low temperatures in autoclave leaching
low temperatures, while the copper stayed a solid in the oxalate of chalcopyrite in the aforementioned conditions, it seems possi-
form, the iron passed into the solution as its oxalate. At high tem- ble for the copper to pass into the solution and to produce copper
peratures, while the iron stayed in the solid residue in the hema- from the loaded solution in processes carried out at high temper-
tite form, the copper passed into the solution as its sulfate. atures. In the aforementioned leaching conditions, at high tem-
 In the conditions of 5 M H2O2, 318 K, 100 g/L H2C2O4 and 180 min perature, the amount of hematite precipitate was determined as
of leaching time, the iron and copper extractions were obtained 15.72 g/L, while the copper concentration in the solution was
respectively as 90.6% and 1.73%. determined as 10.02 g Cu2+/L.

Please cite this article as: M.D. Turan et al., Pressure leaching of chalcopyrite with oxalic acid and hydrogen peroxide, Journal of the Taiwan
Institute of Chemical Engineers (2020), https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jtice.2020.10.021
ARTICLE IN PRESS [m5G;November 4, 2020;13:16]

M.D. Turan et al. / Journal of the Taiwan Institute of Chemical Engineers 00 (2020) 19 9

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Please cite this article as: M.D. Turan et al., Pressure leaching of chalcopyrite with oxalic acid and hydrogen peroxide, Journal of the Taiwan
Institute of Chemical Engineers (2020), https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jtice.2020.10.021

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